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Insurance Regulation: Preliminary Views on States' Oversight of Insurers' Market Behavior

GAO-03-738T Published: May 06, 2003. Publicly Released: May 06, 2003.
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This testimony provides information on two important tools state insurance regulators use to oversee the market activities of insurance companies--market analysis and market conduct examinations. Market analysis is generallly done in the state insurance departments. It consists of gathering and integrating information about insurance companies' operations in order to monitor market behavior and identify potential problems at an early stage. Market conduct examinations, which are generally done on site, are a review of an insurer's marketplace practices. The examination is an opportunity to verify data provided to the department by the insurer and to confirm that companies' internal controls and operational processes result in compliance with state laws and regulations. Specifically, this testimony focuses on (1) the states' use of market analysis and examinations in market regulation, and (2) the effectiveness of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners' (NAIC) efforts to improve these oversight tools and encourage the states to use them.

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Sarah Kaczmarek
Managing Director
Office of Public Affairs

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state relationsInsurance regulationInsurance companiesCompliance oversightConsumer protectionInsurance industryState lawFinancial market regulationLaws and regulationsInternal controls