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Results-Oriented Cultures: Using Balanced Expectations to Manage Senior Executive Performance

GAO-02-966 Published: Sep 27, 2002. Publicly Released: Sep 27, 2002.
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Effective performance management systems link individual performance to organizational goals. In October 2000, the Office of Personnel Management amended regulations to require agencies to link senior executive performance with organizational goals; to appraise executive performance by balancing organizational results with customer satisfaction, employee perspective, and other areas; and to use performance results as a basis for pay, awards, and other personnel decisions. Agencies were to establish these performance management systems by their 2001 senior executive performance appraisal cycles. Because they implemented a set of balanced expectations prior to the Office of Personnel Management requirement, GAO studied the Bureau of Land Management's, Federal Highway Administration's, Internal Revenue Service's, and Veterans Benefits Administration's use of balanced expectations to manage senior executive performance in order to identify initial approaches that may be helpful to other agencies in holding senior executives accountable for results.

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AccountabilityBest practicesPerformance managementBest practices reviewsPerformance appraisalPerformance measuresPersonnel managementPerformance plansPerformance management systemsCustomer satisfaction