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Science And Technology: Air Force's Planning Process Meets Statutory Requirement

GAO-02-273 Published: Feb 14, 2002. Publicly Released: Feb 14, 2002.
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Congress and the scientific community are concerned that the Air Force's investment in science and technology may be too low to meet the challenges presented by new and emerging threats. The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2001 requires the Air Force to review its science and technology programs to assess the budgetary resources currently used and those needed to adequately address the challenges and objectives. GAO found that the Air Force complied with the requirements of section 252 of the act. The Air Force established an integrated product team to identify long-term science and technology challenges and a task force to identify short-term objectives. For each challenge or objective that was identified, the Air Force established teams to identify technological capabilities needed to achieve these goals. Each team chose research projects that addressed the criteria specified in the act. The Air Force also complied with the act's process provisions. The Deputy Assistant Director for Science, Technology and Engineering is required to review the teams' results and to identify any science and technology research not currently funded.

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Sarah Kaczmarek
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Office of Public Affairs

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Air Force procurementDefense capabilitiesMilitary operationsTactical air forcesWeapons systemsTechnologyMilitary forcesU.S. Air ForceScience and technologyBudgets