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Tactical Aircraft: Impact of F-22 Production Cost Reduction Plans on Cost Estimates

GAO-01-636T Published: Aug 02, 2001. Publicly Released: Aug 02, 2001.
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The Air Force started developing the F-22 aircraft in 1991, and plans to complete development in September 2003. The Air Force plans to procure 333 production aircraft at a cost now capped at $37.6 billion. The law does not specify the total number of aircraft to be procured. This testimony discusses (1) potential cost reduction plans, (2) production cost estimates by the Air Force and the Office of the Secretary of Defense, and (3) the Department of Defense's (DOD) efforts to implement GAO's earlier recommendations (see GAO/NSIAD-00-178, August 2000). GAO found that the F-22 contractors' estimated amount of cost reduction plans total about $26.5 billion. Both the Air Force and the Office of the Secretary of Defense cost estimators projected in late 2000 that F-22 production costs would still exceed the $37.6 billion congressional cost limitation if the Air Force were to procure 333 F-22s. DOD plans to reconcile the number of F-22s needed with the amount of the congressional cost limitation on F-22 production as part of the next Quadrennial Defense Review.

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Sarah Kaczmarek
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Office of Public Affairs

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Air Force procurementDefense budgetsFighter aircraftFuture budget projectionsMilitary cost controlAircraft acquisition programMilitary forcesCost controlCost estimatesAircraft acquisition programs