Reports & Testimonies
GAO’s reports and testimonies give Congress, federal agencies, and the public timely, fact-based, non-partisan information that can improve government operations and save taxpayers billions of dollars.
Most Recent Reports
1 - 20 of 58506 Reports
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Science and Technology: GAO's Support for Congress
Technologies like artificial intelligence, gene editing, and space travel all made headlines in 2024. What will be next, and how will Congress respond to the promises and the risks? This report details our growing support for Congress on science and technology. GAO has focused on this area for decades, and in 2019 we stood up a new team devoted to science and tech. That team...
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Coast Guard Shore Infrastructure: Project Backlogs Reportedly Exceed $7 Billion
We testified about the growing cost of backlogged projects needed to address the Coast Guard's deteriorating shore infrastructure. In 2019, shore assets, such as piers and runways, needed at least $2.6 billion of work. About 45% of the facilities were past their expected service life. Since then, the backlog has grown to an estimated $7 billion. Budgets haven't included the funding the Coast Guard says...
Federal Real Property: Congress and Agencies Have Acted to Address Key High-Risk Issues but Challenges Remain
The federal government struggles to manage a vast real estate portfolio. Problems identifying and removing unneeded property, keeping up maintenance and security, and more has put this issue on our High Risk List since 2003. We testified before the House T&I's Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings and Emergency Management on findings from our recent work. For example: Maintenance and repair backlogs have more than...
Coast Guard Shore Infrastructure: More Than $7 Billion Reportedly Needed to Address Deteriorating Assets
In 2019, we reported that the Coast Guard faced a backlog of at least $2.6 billion worth of shore infrastructure projects. About 45% of the facilities, such as piers and runways, were past their expected service life. We made 6 recommendations. This Q&A provides an update on that report. The project backlogs have grown to $7 billion. Budgets haven't included the funding the Coast Guard...
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DOD Satellite Communications: Reporting on Progress Needed to Provide Insight on New Approach
DOD is embarking on a new approach to its satellite communications systems, which it depends on to transmit information over long distances. Historically, its satellite communications systems have involved user equipment (i.e., radios) that connects to a single kind of satellite. Now, DOD is shifting to an enterprise approach, in which user equipment can quickly connect to different kinds of satellites to form new networks...
Air Traffic Control: FAA Actions Urgently Needed to Modernize Systems
Air traffic controllers rely on numerous complex systems to manage 45,000 flights per day in the national airspace. These systems allow air traffic controllers to track and sequence flights, communicate with pilots, and more. We testified on the Federal Aviation Administration's reliance on numerous aging and unsustainable air traffic control systems. We also discussed the mixed progress FAA has made with implementing its multi-decade modernization...
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DOD Real Property: Actions Needed to Improve Oversight of Underutilized and Excess Facilities
The Department of Defense manages one of the largest property portfolios within the federal government. DOD has long struggled to optimize the use of its real property and manage it well. Maintaining, renovating, or tearing down old facilities can be very expensive. DOD collects some data to identify unneeded or underused spaces. But it doesn't have accurate data on facility utilization rates (e.g., the amount...
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Shipbuilding and Repair: Navy Needs a Strategic Approach for Private Sector Industrial Base Investments
The Navy relies on contracts with private companies—the "industrial base"—to build and, in many cases, repair ships. These companies are critical to the Navy's plans to increase its fleet size and improve the fleet's readiness for missions. But ships are often ready much later than expected and at a much higher cost. DOD has invested billions to support the shipbuilding industrial base—with plans for investments...
Defense Innovation Unit: Actions Needed to Assess Progress and Further Enhance Collaboration
The Department of Defense created the Defense Innovation Unit in 2015 to more rapidly adopt cutting-edge commercial tech for the military. The unit got off the ground with a new process to speed up acquisitions that is more in line with commercial practices. It also awarded agreements to build 450 prototypes, such as an uncrewed submarine. Now, it's focused on deploying technologies at greater scale...
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Laser Communications: Space Development Agency Should Create Links Between Development Phases
DOD is developing technology for satellites to communicate via lasers. Laser communications could transmit data faster and more securely than traditional radio frequency communications. DOD has made progress in developing this technology, but it also faced delays and other issues—and hasn't fully demonstrated that it works in space. Despite these challenges, DOD plans to continue to develop and launch hundreds of satellites worth billions of...
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DHS Annual Assessment: Improved Guidance on Revised Acquisition Goals Would Enhance Transparency
The Department of Homeland Security spends billions on major acquisition programs—those costing at least $300 million—that develop and deliver technology to protect the United States. These include tools like the biometric facial recognition used at U.S. entry points. To help stay on budget and on time, program officials set cost and schedule goals. But when those goals change, the reasons why aren't always included in...
High-Risk Series: Heightened Attention Could Save Billions More and Improve Government Efficiency and Effectiveness
We testified before the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on our updated High-Risk List issued in Feb. 2025. The List highlights 38 areas across the federal government that are seriously vulnerable to waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement or need transformation. We added a new area on federal disaster assistance due to the need for efficient and effective federal relief as natural disasters...
High-Risk Series: Heightened Attention Could Save Billions More and Improve Government Efficiency and Effectiveness
We issued our updated " High Risk List" in February 2025. The List highlights 38 areas across the federal government that are seriously vulnerable to waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement or that are in need of transformation. We added a new area on federal disaster assistance due to the recent increase in natural disasters and the need for efficient and effective federal relief. Over time...
Persistent Chemicals: DOD Needs to Provide Congress More Information on Costs Associated with Addressing PFAS [Reissued with revisions on Feb. 25, 2025]
PFAS—known as "forever chemicals"—are found in many everyday objects. They can persist in water, soil, and air for decades and can cause health problems. The Department of Defense has used firefighting foams that contained PFAS, on some of its installations, potentially exposing service members, their families, and nearby communities. It estimates investigation and cleanup costs could total over $9.3 billion in FY25 and beyond—tripling prior...
Oversight of EPA and DOE Spending: Implementing Remaining GAO Recommendations Could Help Address Identified Challenges
EPA and DOE received billions through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 for clean energy, climate resilience, infrastructure programs, and more. We testified that these agencies face challenges effectively managing such programs and projects. For example, DOE's Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations needs more staff to meet its organizational needs. The office agreed with our 2024 recommendation to develop...
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Disaster Resilience: FEMA Should Improve Guidance and Assessment of Its Revolving Loan Fund Program
The increasing number of natural disasters across the U.S. has driven interest in hazard mitigation projects to reduce damage to communities. The Federal Emergency Management Agency awards grants to give eligible states, DC, territories, and tribes the funding they need to establish revolving loan funds for mitigation projects. In this Q&A, we found FEMA's guidance for this grant program to be incomplete, unclear, and inconsistent...
Financial Management Systems: VA Should Improve Its Requirements Development, Cost Estimate, and Schedule
The IT system that the Department of Veterans Affairs uses for financial management is over 30 years old. Two prior attempts to replace the system failed after years of development and hundreds of millions of dollars in costs. The current replacement program has spent $1.9 billion since 2016, completed 6 incremental deployments, and is scheduled to be completed in 2031. But we found that the...
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families: HHS Could Facilitate Information Sharing to Improve States' Use of Data on Job Training and Other Services
States get about $16.5 billion a year for Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, a program for people and families with low incomes. States use these funds and their own to provide cash and various "non-assistance" services such as job training and child care, depending on state priorities. In the 7 states we examined, state and local service providers use data to monitor performance, adjust services...
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Electronic Health Record Modernization: VA is Making Incremental Improvements, but Much More Remains to Be Done
The Department of Veterans Affairs uses an electronic health record system to manage patient care. VA began to deploy its modernized system in 2020, but user concerns led to a pause in 2023. We testified about our work on VA's system modernization. VA has made progress but more is needed, including: Addressing over 1,800 requested configuration changes to the system Updating the cost estimate and...