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Response to Questions Raised Concerning Three Mile Island-2 Cleanup Schedule and Cost

EMD-82-90 Published: Jul 20, 1982. Publicly Released: Aug 23, 1982.
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Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO was asked to update a prior report on the Three Mile Island (TMI) cleanup costs and answer questions raised in response to events that have transpired since then. The questions include: (1) whether the TMI-2 cleanup schedule has slipped beyond 1987; (2) the current cost estimate for repairing TMI-1 steam generators and the funds that are available to the General Public Utilities Corporation (GPU) for this purpose; (3) the extent to which funds originally intended for TMI-2 have been allocated to TMI-1 steam generator work; (4) the amount of the GPU long-term debt that is due between November 1982 and May 1983 and the difficulty GPU will encounter in meeting these obligations; and (5) the current GAO assessment of the $760-million TMI-2 cleanup cost estimate.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Cost analysisFederal fundsNuclear powerplant safetyNuclear powerplant securityNuclear waste managementExpenditure of fundsSteam generatorsCost estimatesPublic utilitiesBudget estimates