The Council on Environmental Quality: A Tool in Shaping National Policy
Published: Mar 19, 1981. Publicly Released: Mar 19, 1981.
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Since its inception, the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) has been influential in shaping the nation's approach to protecting and preserving the environment. CEQ serves as an environmental adviser to the President and to Congress and has broached such issues as solar energy, land use, toxic substances, and endangered species. It has been instrumental in effecting the passage of major environmental legislation. An in-depth look at its responsibilities and how they have been carried out was presented. Questions concerning whether another agency could effectively fill the role of CEQ and whether there is a continued need for the role were addressed.
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Public Inquiries
Environmental monitoringEnvironmental policiesInteragency relationsNational policiesFederal agenciesPublicationsInteragency agreementsEnvironmental impactsEnvironmental qualitySolar energy