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Lower Graded Military Personnel With Families Are Not Suitably Housed but Should Be

CED-79-92 Published: Sep 25, 1979. Publicly Released: Sep 25, 1979.
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The Department of Defense's (DOD) stated housing policy is to assure that members of the Armed Forces with dependents have suitable housing for their families. However, the current DOD policy as applied to lower graded enlisted personnel and the services' assignments of onbase housing is to rely on local communities near military installations for suitable housing. When there is a shortage of suitable offbase housing, the DOD policy is to construct housing at the installation as a last resort. However, the methods for determining the housing needs do not consider the needs of the lowest grades, E-1, E-2, E-3, and E-4 with less than 2 years of service, as they are not eligible for onbase housing. Furthermore, the eligible grades of E-5 and E-6 are not given the same opportunity to obtain onbase housing as higher grades. In a February 1978 report, it was recommended that the Navy give priority to lower graded eligible personnel in assigning onbase housing at one installation. Although disagreeing with the recommendation, DOD agreed that a review of the assignment policy may be useful and said that a task force was making such a review. However, it has been learned that as of July 1979, the task force has not made the review that DOD said it would.

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Sarah Kaczmarek
Managing Director
Office of Public Affairs

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Eligibility criteriaHousing constructionLow income housingMilitary housingMilitary personnelPolicy evaluationDependentsMilitary forcesHousingEnlisted personnel