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Department of the Interior—Activities at National Parks during the Fiscal Year 2019 Lapse in Appropriations

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The Department of the Interior violated the purpose statute when, during a partial government shutdown, it obligated Federal  Lands Recreation Enhancement Act fees for expenses that it would normally charge to Operation of the National Park System (ONPS) appropriations.  Because National Park Service did not have an ONPS appropriation at the time that it incurred the obligations at issue, the Department of the Interior also violated the Antideficiency Act and should report its violation as required by 31 U.S.C. § 1351.  While the Department of the Interior should correct its Antideficiency Act violation, it must report the violation to Congress and enumerate actions it has taken to prevent recurring violations in the event of future funding lapses.  With this decision, we will consider such violations in the future to be knowing and willful violations of the Act.

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