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[Claim for Transportation of Household Goods]

B-208861 Nov 10, 1982
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GAO was asked to decide whether Joint Travel Regulations could be amended to allow the transportation of a uniformed service member's household goods and dependents from one permanent residence to another when a member is reassigned from a contemplated duty tour of short duration to one of extended duration at the same permanent station. The allowance was requested for such infrequent occurrences as when, because of demonstrated special abilities or outstanding performance of duties, a member is invited to join the faculty of a training facility which he has been attending. GAO was asked whether this could be considered an unusual situation as contemplated in the governing regulation so as to authorize payment of the expenses of relocation of household goods and dependents. After a review of the record, GAO concluded that the concept of unusual circumstances is broad enough to include the situation described in this case. Thus Joint Travel Regulations may be amended to take into account the situation described by the requester.


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