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Request for Reimbursement of Relocation Expenses

B-201732 Jun 30, 1981
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GAO was requested to determine the propriety of paying the travel and relocation expenses incurred by an employee incident to his transfer from the Small Business Administration in Washington, D.C., to the General Services Administration (GSA) in Philadelphia. The employee was competitively selected for the GSA Merit Promotion Program position. He reported for duty and then sought relocation expenses. The GSA submission stated that payment of relocation expenses was neither promised nor discussed with the employee. GSA believed that reimbursement of the expenses was not authorized because no travel orders were issued to support the expenses claimed. The employee contended that he is entitled to transfer-related expenses because he was selected and transferred in the interest of the Government. GSA regulations governing merit promotions do not contain limitations on reimbursement of relocation expenses occasioned by selection under the Merit Promotion Program, and GSA does not have a policy requiring that merit promotion transfers be treated as accomplished for the convenience of the employee. In the absence of such a policy, GAO held that merit promotion transfers are considered to be in the Government's interest, and relocation expenses are payable even though GSA failed to issue travel orders at the time of the employee's selection. Accordingly, settlement may be issued on the voucher, if otherwise correct.


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