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Use of Appropriated Funds for Ethnic Foods

B-199387 Mar 23, 1982
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A decision was requested as to whether the Army may expend appropriated funds for preparing and serving ethnic dishes at an annual heritage festival. Payment for the festival's entertainment expenses, but not for food and utensils, was authorized. A Deputy Comptroller of the Army argued that appropriated funds should be used to pay for food samples and utensils for serving because: (1) providing personnel with samples of cuisine of different cultures and ethnic groups should be considered a legitimate part of the base's Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) program; and (2) the food samples served an educational function and were not intended as meals or refreshments. GAO held that, where food is served as part of a formal ethnic awareness program intended to increase employee awareness of and appreciation for a cultural heritage, samples may be an authorized part of the agency's EEO program. Portion size and other circumstances showed that serving the food samples was aimed at promoting EEO objectives and that the food was not meant to be a meal or snack. Accordingly, GAO did not object to the use of appropriated funds for food and cutlery.


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