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Compilation of General Accounting Office Findings and Recommendations for Improving Government Operations, Fiscal Year 1965

B-138162 Published: May 26, 1966. Publicly Released: May 26, 1966.
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The purpose of this report is to provide the Congress with a convenient summary showing the nature, extent, and variety of matter examined by the General Accounting Office in carrying out its audit responsibilities. These responsibilities are derived from the Budget and Accounting Act, 1921, and other laws which require us to independently examine for the Congress the manner in which Government departments and agencies are discharging their financial responsibilities. In addition to findings and recommendations, the report also summarizes the actions taken by the departments and agencies on our recommendation. Certain of these actions involve changes in policies and procedures through the issuance of revised directives and instructions. Such actions, while desirable and necessary, do not in themselves ensure correction of the deficiencies. Their effectiveness is dependent on the manner in which they are implemented and on the adequacy of the supervision and internal review of the operations. For this reason, it is our policy to review and evaluate the effectiveness of corrective action taken by the departments and agencies to the extent deemed appropriate. The financial savings and benefits attributable to our work cannot always be fully measured. However, our records show that collections and other measurable financial benefits identified during the fiscal year 1965, which were directly attributable to the work of the General Accounting Office, amounted to $186,780,000. Of this amount, $24,949,000 consisted of collections and $161,831,000 represented other measurable benefits.

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