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B-105551 September 25, 1951

B-105551 Sep 25, 1951
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Winfield: Reference is made to your undated letter. It was reported by the Veterans Administration that you were granted a loan (LHG-12445-Alabama) on August 2. Following which the matter was referred to this office for collection of the balance administratively determined due the United States. In your letter you indicated that it was your understanding that the proceeds of the resale of the real estate in question were sufficient to permit complete adjustment of your outstanding loan balance. You are advised that under the applicable law the determination made by the Administrator of Veterans Affairs respecting the amount of your unliquidated indebtedness is final and conclusive upon all officers of the Government and that any adjustment authorized in connection therewith would appear to be a matter solely within the jurisdiction of that official.

View Decision

B-105551 September 25, 1951

Mr. Edward Winfield 1225 West 11th Street Anniston, Alabama

Dear Mr. Winfield:

Reference is made to your undated letter, received in this office July 13, 1951, in effect, requesting review of the matter of your indebtedness to the United States in the amount of $996.32 as certified in General Accounting Office settlement No. US-59976 dated March 14, 1951.

It was reported by the Veterans Administration that you were granted a loan (LHG-12445-Alabama) on August 2, 1947, in the amount of $4,400 for the purpose of purchasing real estate and for which you executed a promissory note to the order of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation , 2300 Comer Building, Birmingham 3, Alabama, payable in twenty years in monthly installments at four percent interest. Upon your default in the scheduled payments the Veterans Administration pursuant to the provisions of the Serviceman's Readjustment Act of 1944, 58 Stat. 284, 291, as amended (59 Stat. 623), purchased the guaranteed portion of the outstanding loan and there after instituted recovery action against you. The administrative findings show that you failed to reply to demands for payment on two occasions and upon receipt of letter dated November 20, 1950, you advised the administrative office of your inability to make any refund, following which the matter was referred to this office for collection of the balance administratively determined due the United States, said amount being reflected in the settlement dated March 14, 1951.

In your letter you indicated that it was your understanding that the proceeds of the resale of the real estate in question were sufficient to permit complete adjustment of your outstanding loan balance. In this respect, you are advised that under the applicable law the determination made by the Administrator of Veterans Affairs respecting the amount of your unliquidated indebtedness is final and conclusive upon all officers of the Government and that any adjustment authorized in connection therewith would appear to be a matter solely within the jurisdiction of that official.

Accordingly, the action taken by the General Accounting Office on March 14, 1951, in certifying you to be indebted to the United States in the amount of $996.32, is sustained.

Very truly yours,

Lindecy C. Wanen

Comptroller General of the United States

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