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Air Pollution: Actions to Promote Radon Testing

RCED-93-20 Published: Dec 24, 1992. Publicly Released: Jan 25, 1993.
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Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO reviewed programs and activities promoting radon testing, focusing on: (1) the Environmental Protection Agengy's (EPA) public information/education programs promoting radon testing; (2) federal grant-supported state programs; (3) voluntary radon testing during real estate transactions; and (4) radon testing requirements for federally housing program-financed real estate transfers and in federally subsidized housing.


Recommendations for Executive Action

Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Environmental Protection Agency To further the goal of reducing the radon risk, the Administrator, EPA, should adopt the changes recommended in the EPA May 1992 radon program review draft report that call for targeting public information and other resources to areas with high levels of radon and for supporting projects that promote testing and mitigation at the time of real estate transactions.
Closed – Implemented
EPA has adopted the recommendations contained in the May 1992 radon program review report in targeting its public information and other resources to areas with high levels of radon and promoting testing and mitigation at the time of real estate transactions.

Full Report

Media Inquiries

Sarah Kaczmarek
Managing Director
Office of Public Affairs

Public Inquiries


CarcinogensFederal aid for housingFederal aid to statesHealth hazardsHousing programsInformation disclosureRadioactive pollutionReal estate transfersReporting requirementsTestingRadon