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Railroad Safety: Engineer Work Shift Length and Schedule Variability

RCED-92-133 Published: Apr 20, 1992. Publicly Released: Jun 10, 1992.
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Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO reviewed the Railroad Hours of Service Act, focusing on whether: (1) railroads comply with the requirement that employees work no more than 12 continuous hours without a minimum of 10 consecutive hours off duty, and spend at least 8 consecutive hours off duty in a 24-hour period; (2) safety could be improved by amending the act to reduce from 12 to 10 the number of hours that an engineer is allowed to work; and (3) work schedule factors other than the maximum number of hours allowed affect safety.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Railroad accidentsRailroad employeesRailroad industryRailroad safetyRailroad transportation operationsSafety regulationSafety standardsTransportation workersWorking conditionsEngineers