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Illegal Disposal of Hazardous Waste: Difficult To Detect or Deter

RCED-85-2 Published: Feb 22, 1985. Publicly Released: Apr 05, 1985.
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Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO studied issues related to illegal hazardous waste disposal to determine whether: (1) information regarding illegal disposal is available; (2) the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and states can identify hazardous waste generators and the types and quantities of waste that they produce; (3) the hazardous waste transportation manifest system effectively detects illegal waste disposal; (4) inspections of waste generators and transporters effectively detect illegal disposal; (5) enforcement actions are taken against hazardous waste disposal violators; and (6) other methods not covered in federal regulations could detect illegal disposals.

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Sarah Kaczmarek
Managing Director
Office of Public Affairs

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CrimesEnvironmental case lawEnvironmental legislationEnvironmental monitoringHazardous substancesIndustrial wastesLaw enforcementPollution controlToxic substancesWaste disposalHazardous waste disposal