Pesticides: Use, Effects, and Alternatives to Pesticides in Schools
Published: Nov 29, 1999. Publicly Released: Jan 03, 2000.
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Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO provided information on the use of pesticides in schools, focusing on: (1) what federal requirements govern the use of pesticides in schools; (2) what information exists on the use of pesticides in schools; (3) what data exist on the incidences of short- and long-term illnesses linked to the exposure to pesticides in schools, and to the extent data are available, what does this data show; and (4) what actions are the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the states taking, where appropriate, to reduce the use of pesticides in schools, and what are the results of their efforts.
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Public Inquiries
Data collectionstate relationsHealth hazardsLabeling lawPesticide regulationPesticidesPublic schoolsReporting requirementsSafety standardsState lawChemicals