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Alternatives To Consider in Planning Integrated Logistics Support for the Trident Submarine

LCD-79-415 Published: Sep 28, 1979. Publicly Released: Sep 28, 1979.
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The Trident submarine's Integrated Logistics Support plan was developed to sustain the Trident by having submarines on patrol 70 days and being able to deliver 24 missiles to their assigned targets. Trident's operational cycle renders it more available than the present fleet ballistic missile submarines. The Trident cycle consists of a 70-day patrol followed by a 25-day refit and test period and is to continue for 9 years. The Integrated Logistics Support plan includes collecting and retaining information on equipment, maintenance tasks, repair parts, and critical Trident components. This process is known as Logistics Support Analysis (LSA). It is essential to defining support requirements, predicting logistics costs, and evaluating logistics alternatives.

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Defense contingency planningDefense cost controlLogisticsMilitary inventoriesMilitary vesselsNuclear powered submarinesWeapons systemsMilitary forcesSubmarinesDredging