GAO 2022-2027 Strategic Plan: Goals and Objectives for Serving Congress and the Nation
Published: Mar 15, 2022. Publicly Released: Mar 15, 2022.
Fast Facts
We publish a strategic plan every 4 years to guide our work as we help lawmakers oversee federal operations and address the most important issues facing government and society.
Our strategic goals are intended to help:
- Ensure the well-being and financial security of Americans
- Identify and address national security threats and challenges
- Transform the federal government
- Maximize GAO's value as a leading practices federal agency
The strategic plan includes 12 trend papers (factors affecting the future domestic and global context), and key efforts (our near-term priorities for informing Congress on important issues).
GAO's Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives form the foundation of the agency's strategic plan and lay out our long-term strategies to accomplish our goals.
For more information, contact Stephen Sanford at (202) 512-4707 or
Full Report
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Compliance oversightFederal agenciesGAO strategic planInternal controlspandemicsPerformance goalsStrategic planStrategic planningFederal assistance programsAccess to health care