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Information Security: VA and Other Federal Agencies Need to Address Significant Challenges

GAO-20-256T Published: Nov 14, 2019. Publicly Released: Nov 14, 2019.
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Fast Facts

In providing health care and other benefits to veterans, the VA relies extensively on its IT systems and networks to maintain sensitive data—such as veterans’ medical records.

However, we testified that the VA (like many other federal agencies) continues to face several IT security challenges as it secures and modernizes its systems.

These challenges include:

Effectively safeguarding its sensitive information by implementing information security controls

Addressing known vulnerabilities

Accurately identifying critical cybersecurity staffing needs

Managing risks in its IT supply chain

Department of Veterans Affairs

Department of Veterans Affairs

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What GAO Found

Federal agencies, including the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), continue to have deficient information security programs. For example, in fiscal year 2018, inspectors general (IGs) used a five-level maturity model to rate agency information security policies, procedures, and practices related to the five core security functions— identify , protect , detect , respond , and recover —established by the National Institute of Standards and Technology's cybersecurity framework. VA's ratings were generally consistent with the ratings of other major agencies (see figure) and its information security program was one of 18 agency programs that IGs deemed ineffective.

Maturity Level Ratings for the Cybersecurity Framework Core Security Functions for 24 Major Agencies, including the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), for Fiscal Year 2018

Maturity Level Ratings for the Cybersecurity Framework Core Security Functions for 24 Major Agencies, including the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), for Fiscal Year 2018

Most major agencies, including VA, had significant security control deficiencies over their financial reporting. For example, for fiscal year 2018, VA's IG reported deficiencies in control areas, such as security management, access control, configuration management, segregation of duties, and contingency planning. Additionally, as of fiscal year 2018, VA reported meeting six of the 10 cybersecurity performance targets set by the administration.

VA faces several security challenges as it secures and modernizes its information systems. These challenges pertain to effectively implementing information security controls; mitigating known vulnerabilities; establishing elements of its cybersecurity risk management program; and identifying critical cybersecurity staffing needs. VA also faces the additional challenge of managing IT supply chain risks as the department takes steps to modernize its information systems.

Why GAO Did This Study

In providing health care and other benefits to veterans and their dependents, VA relies extensively on IT systems and networks to receive, process, and maintain sensitive data, including veterans' medical records and other personally identifiable information. Accordingly, effective security controls based on federal guidance and requirements are essential to ensure that VA's systems and information are adequately protected from loss, unauthorized disclosure, inadvertent or deliberate misuse, or improper modification, and are available when needed.

For this testimony, GAO summarized the status of information security across the federal government and particularly at VA. It also discusses the security challenges that VA faces as it modernizes and secures its information systems. To develop this statement, GAO reviewed its prior reports and relevant Office of Management and Budget, IG, and agency reports.


In 2016, GAO recommended 74 actions for VA to take to address deficiencies and improve its cybersecurity program. However, as of October 2019, VA had not demonstrated that it had addressed 42 of these recommendations. In 2019, GAO made four additional recommendations to improve the department's cybersecurity risk management program and one recommendation to accurately identify work roles of IT and cybersecurity workforce positions. VA concurred with these recommendations and planned to implement them.


Full Report

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Supply chain managementInspectors generalInformation securityCybersecurityInformation systemsVeterans affairsVeteransFederal agenciesRisk managementHuman capital management