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Amphibious Combat Vehicle: Program Should Take Steps to Ensure Manufacturing Readiness

GAO-18-364 Published: Apr 17, 2018. Publicly Released: Apr 17, 2018.
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Fast Facts

The Marine Corps is developing the Amphibious Combat Vehicle to upgrade its ability to move Marines from ship to shore under hostile conditions.

Two contractors have produced prototypes; only one contractor will be selected to produce the vehicle.

The program is on track to meet cost and schedule targets. However, it may start the first phase of production in 2018 before having reached a best-practices level of readiness to begin manufacturing. This could increase risk of schedule slips and cost increases.

We recommended that the program achieve a higher level of manufacturing readiness before entering the second year of initial production.

Amphibious Combat Vehicle Prototypes

Two photos show the Amphibious Combat Vehicle prototypes developed by competing manufacturers.

Two photos show the Amphibious Combat Vehicle prototypes developed by competing manufacturers.

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What GAO Found

The first version of the Amphibious Combat Vehicle (ACV 1.1) is on track to meet development cost goals with no additional anticipated delays for major acquisition milestones. With regard to costs, the development phase of ACV 1.1 is on pace to not exceed cost goals that were established at the start of development, based on a recent Navy estimate, the ACV program office, and reporting from the contractors. For example, a September 2017 program progress review reported a Navy estimate of the cost of development at $750.7 million, less than the $810.5 million baseline established at the beginning of development. With regard to schedule, the ACV program has made no major changes to the acquisition schedule since GAO previously reported on the program in April 2017. ACV 1.1 program officials are in the process of preparing to down-select to a single contactor and enter low-rate production in June 2018, start a second round of low rate production the following year, and begin full-rate production in 2020. ACV 1.1 may be followed by the acquisition of other versions (ACV 1.2 and ACV 2.0) with advanced capabilities such as higher water speeds.

Amphibious Combat Vehicle Prototypes Amphibious Combat Vehicle Prototypes

The ACV program is preparing to start production of ACV 1.1, which includes determining that the contractors' manufacturing capabilities are sufficiently mature. However, program officials are considering entering production with a lower level of manufacturing maturity than called for in Department of Defense (DOD) guidance or GAO identified best practices. The ACV program measures manufacturing maturity with manufacturing readiness levels (MRL) for risk areas such as design, materials, process capability and control, and quality management. DOD guidance for weapons acquisition production recommends that programs achieve an MRL of 8 across all risk areas before entering low-rate production and that a program achieve an MRL of 9 at the start of full-rate production. GAO's previous reviews about manufacturing best practices found that achieving manufacturing maturity and identifying production risks early in the acquisition cycle and assessing those risks prior to key decision points, such as the decision to enter production, reduces the likelihood of quality issues, cost growth, and delays. The Marine Corps contract option for producing the first round of low-rate production for ACV 1.1 will be exercised after June 2018; the contract also contains additional options for production vehicles. Making the decisions to proceed with the second round of low-rate production and for the start of full-rate production before meeting called-for levels of manufacturing readiness criteria increases the risk that ACV 1.1 will witness delays and increased costs.

Why GAO Did This Study

In June 2018, the United States Marine Corps plans to select a contractor and begin low-rate production for the ACV, a vehicle used to transport Marines from ship to shore under hostile conditions. The ACV will replace all or part of the current Assault Amphibious Vehicle fleet.

The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2014 included a provision for GAO to annually review and report on the ACV program until 2018. This report, GAO's last under that provision, assesses the extent to which the Marine Corps is making progress toward (1) meeting cost and schedule goals for the ACV program and (2) demonstrating manufacturing readiness.

GAO reviewed program cost estimates, updated schedules, and program assessments of test results and production readiness, as well as compared ACV acquisition efforts to DOD guidance and GAO-identified best practices. GAO also interviewed program and testing officials, and visited both ACV primary assembly locations.


GAO recommends the Marine Corps (1) not enter the second year of low-rate production for ACV 1.1 until after the contractor has achieved an overall MRL of 8 and (2) not enter full-rate production until achieving an overall MRL of 9. DOD partially concurred with both recommendations, but noted that it is reasonable to proceed at lower MRL levels if steps are taken to mitigate risk. GAO made no changes to its recommendations in response to these comments.

Recommendations for Executive Action

Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of Defense The Secretary of the Navy should take steps to ensure that the Marine Corps not enter the second year of low-rate production until after the Marine Corps has determined that the contractor has achieved an MRL of at least an 8 for all risk areas. (Recommendation 1)
Closed – Not Implemented
DOD partially concurred with this recommendation, stating that it agreed that manufacturing readiness levels (MRL) for the Amphibious Combat Vehicle 1.1 should be assessed prior to the decision to award the option for the second lot of low-rate production, but disagreed that an MRL assessment of any individual risk area, in itself, should delay the contract award. We maintained that achieving an overall MRL-8 by the second year of low-rate production represented a best practice to minimize production risk. The Marine Corps indicated that it exercised the option for the second year of low-rate production in December 2018. However, they also noted that an MRL assessment completed in November 2018 determined that the program had achieved only an overall MRL of 7 prior to exercising the option for low-rate production.
Department of Defense The Secretary of the Navy should take steps to ensure that the Marine Corps not enter full-rate production until the Marine Corps has determined that the contractor has achieved an MRL of at least 9 for all risk areas. (Recommendation 2)
Closed – Not Implemented
DOD partially concurred with this recommendation, stating that it agreed that manufacturing readiness levels (MRL) for the Amphibious Combat Vehicle 1.1 (ACV) should be assessed prior to the decision to award the option for the second lot of low-rate production, but disagreed that an MRL assessment of any individual risk area, in itself, should delay the contract award. We maintained that achieving an overall MRL-9 by the by the start of full-rate production represents best practice to minimize production risk. The ACV program entered full-rate production in December 2020, which would represent the fourth production lot. The Marine Corps indicated that the program started full-rate production at an MRL-8.

Full Report

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Best practicesContractor performanceCost and scheduleCost estimatesDefense acquisition programsDevelopmental testingFixed price contractsManufacturingMilitary readinessNational defenseOperational testingRisk management