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Federal Grants: Improvements Needed in Oversight and Accountability Processes

GAO-11-773T Published: Jun 23, 2011. Publicly Released: Jun 23, 2011.
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While federal grant funding has been increasing, long-standing concerns remain about the federal government's grants management and the lack of effective oversight tools to reasonably assure that grants are used for their intended purposes and that risks of fraud, waste, and abuse are minimized. GAO has issued a range of reports raising concerns about the risks and vulnerabilities related to grants management and oversight. The Administration recognizes these concerns. It included improving grants management as a part of its initiative to eliminate waste in the U.S. government and has various efforts underway to improve grants oversight and accountability. This testimony addresses the (1) significance of federal grant funding, (2) risks and vulnerabilities in key controls in the federal grant life cycle, and (3) improvements needed to make the single audit process an effective accountability mechanism. This testimony is primarily based on prior GAO work that reviewed grant accountability and the single audit process.

Full Report


AccountabilityAudit oversightAuditing proceduresFederal fundsFederal grantsFund auditsGrant administrationGrant award proceduresGrant monitoringInternal controlsRisk assessmentRisk managementWaste, fraud, and abuse