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Financial Audit Guide: Auditing the Statement of Budgetary Resources

GAO-02-126G Published: Dec 01, 2001. Publicly Released: Dec 01, 2001.
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A statement of budgetary resources (SBR) and related disclosures can provide useful information on the budgetary resources provided to a federal agency as well as the status of those resources at the end of a fiscal year. The audit of an SBR and other disclosures can help assess the reliability of a reported budget execution data and the amounts reported as "actual" in the President's budget. The audit also tests provisions of relevant laws and regulations that significantly affect the financial statements, including budget restrictions. An earlier GAO review found that the SBR was not always properly audited and that explanations of material differences between the SBR and the President's Budget were not always disclosed as required. These deficiencies break the linkage between the documents and make it difficult to assess the reliability of budget execution data.

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Sarah Kaczmarek
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Office of Public Affairs

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Audit reportsAuditing standardsFinancial managementFinancial statement auditsPresidential budgetsReporting requirementsBudgetary resourcesBudget executionPresident's budgetChief financial officers