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entitled 'B-2 Bomber: Review of the Air Force's Decision to Change 
Extremely High Frequency Satellite Communications Antennas' which was 
released on December 16, 2010. 

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United States Government Accountability Office: 
Washington, DC 20548: 

December 16, 2010: 

Congressional committees: 

Subject: B-2 Bomber: Review of the Air Force's Decision to Change 
Extremely High Frequency Satellite Communications Antennas: 

The B-2 bomber is a low-observable, long-range strike aircraft capable 
of entering heavily defended areas to deliver both conventional and 
nuclear weapons. The B-2 currently uses an ultra high frequency (UHF) 
satellite communications system, but because of aging military 
satellites, the Air Force determined a new communications system was 
needed. As a result, the Air Force began an incremental acquisition 
approach for replacing the B-2's existing UHF satellite communications 
system with an extremely high frequency (EHF) communications 
capability. The first increment, which is expected to begin production 
in late fiscal year 2011, is designed to upgrade computer system speed 
and storage capacity. The second increment is expected to provide 
secure, survivable strategic communications connectivity, thus 
allowing B-2 pilots to receive emergency action messages during 
strategic operations--an EHF capability that U.S. Strategic Command 
has stated it needs by fiscal year 2016. The third increment is 
intended to enable the EHF system to connect with the Global 
Information Grid. The focus of our review was the second increment, 
which is scheduled to enter the engineering and manufacturing 
development (EMD) phase in early fiscal year 2013[Footnote 1] and has 
an estimated total acquisition cost of $1.9 billion. 

In March 2008, the Air Force started a technology development and 
concept refinement phase for the second increment of the EHF system. 
[Footnote 2] In summer 2008, Air Force officials raised concerns 
during systems engineering activities about integration plans for a 
new EHF antenna subsystem, particularly as they related to the planned 
antenna location. As a result of these concerns, the Air Force decided 
to change the location of the antenna for the EHF system, and also 
changed the type of antenna it planned to use from a mechanically 
steered array to an active electronically scanned array (AESA). 
[Footnote 3] Because of concern over the change in antenna, the Senate 
Armed Services Committee directed us to review the decision process 
used by the Air Force to make a change in the antenna approach. 
[Footnote 4] This Senate direction was in addition to a request from 
the House of Representative's Armed Services Committee, Air and Land 
Forces Subcommittee for us to (1) review the decision-making process 
used to support the antenna changes, and (2) determine the extent to 
which the program is employing a knowledge-based acquisition approach 
to identify and resolve technical gaps prior to the start of EMD. On 
August 17, 2010, we briefed our findings to congressional staff. The 
August briefing--with non-substantive revisions made for clarification 
purposes--is enclosed with this report. 

In conducting our review, we obtained data from the Air Force that it 
used to support its decision to change antennas. We reviewed a 2009 
Air Force trade study assessment of antenna subsystem options, B-2 
program office antenna risk assessments and cost-benefit analysis 
data, an Air Force Aeronautical Systems Center (ASC) Structures Branch 
assessment of B-2 structural risks, contractors' antenna data and 
aircraft stress analysis, an ASC Acquisition Center of Excellence 
panel antenna assessment, and other relevant B-2 program management 
documents. We also interviewed B-2 program officials and ASC 
Structures Branch officials about the decision-making process, 
technical assessments, and basis for the decision. Additionally, in 
preparing our August 2010 briefing we provided a copy to the Air Force 
for review and their comments were incorporated where appropriate. We 
performed our review from May 2010 to December 2010 in accordance with 
generally accepted government auditing standards. Those standards 
require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain sufficient, 
appropriate evidence to provide a reasonable basis for our findings 
based on our audit objectives. We believe that the evidence obtained 
provides a reasonable basis for our findings based on our audit 


The Air Force's decision to change the antenna location to lower risks 
appears reasonable. However, the Air Force's decision process used to 
change antenna type was not supported by comprehensive, detailed 
analyses of cost, schedule, and technical risks for alternative 
antenna options. Without such analyses, it is difficult to determine 
whether the program is pursuing the most cost-effective and lowest 
risk antenna solution. An ASC Acquisition Center of Excellence expert 
panel that examined the antenna selection process found the decision 
to exclusively pursue an AESA antenna may have precluded lower risk, 
more mature, and more affordable options. Finally, while the program's 
acquisition strategy incorporates several knowledge-based practices, 
there are additional options, particularly the pursuit of more robust 
competitive prototyping and maturing technologies to higher readiness 
levels, that could help reduce risk and improve the program's chances 
of a successful outcome. 

The Air Force's Decision to Change Antenna Locations Appears 

In 2009, the Air Force completed a trade study that served as the 
catalyst and primary support for the decision to pursue an alternative 
antenna location. Because of concerns raised about aircraft 
modifications that would be required to install the antenna in the 
originally planned antenna location, the B-2 program office examined 
the feasibility of alternative locations and antennas. Structural 
analysis supporting the trade study found that installation risk to 
the aircraft could be substantially lowered by changing the antenna 
location on B-2 aircraft. The trade study also found that antenna 
concepts are available that could support a location change. The study 
focused on two locations for aircraft integration--the originally 
planned saddlebag (near aircraft center) and the elevon cove (aft part 
of aircraft)--and three technology options--mechanically steered 
array, AESA, and hybrid technology that would utilize a combination of 
the two technologies. Because of size constraints, the mechanically 
steered array was not considered a viable option for the elevon cove 
location on the aircraft. The locations and antenna technology options 
assessed by the trade study are shown in figure 1. 

Figure 1: Antenna Options Assessed in Air Force Trade Study: 

[Refer to PDF for image: illustration] 

The following are depicted on the illustration: 

Saddlebag Location: 
Mechanically steered array, AESA, and Hybrid assessed. 

Elevon Cove Location: 
AESA and Hybrid assessed. 

Source: B-2 Program Office. 

Note: According to B-2 program officials, two antennas were expected 
to be needed for the saddlebag location; the elevon cove location 
requires only one antenna. 

[End of figure] 

Air Force assessments by the ASC Structures Branch and an ASC 
Acquisition Center of Excellence panel also supported changing the 
antenna location on the aircraft. The Structures Branch assessment, 
led by a former B-2 structural engineer, found that integrating an 
antenna system into the saddlebag location would be more complex and 
higher risk primarily because of the engineering required and aircraft 
modification challenges. The ASC Acquisition Center of Excellence 
panel, comprised of subject matter experts from the Air Force 
acquisition, manufacturing, and technology development communities, 
concurred with changing antenna locations from the saddlebag to the 
elevon cove and noted the rigor of the process used by the program to 
make this decision. 

The Decision Process Used to Change Antenna Type Was Not Supported by 
Comprehensive Cost, Schedule, and Technical Risks Analyses: 

The Air Force's decision to pursue an AESA antenna was not supported 
by a process that provided comprehensive analyses of cost, schedule, 
and technical risks for alternative antenna options. The Air Force 
trade study evaluated technical feasibility of different antenna 
options, but did not assess cost and schedule effects or fully 
evaluate technical risks. 

However, in light of the trade study results, the Air Force requested 
that the prime contractor reevaluate antenna options and submit its 
best concept to meet EHF requirements. The Air Force informed the 
prime contractor that an AESA antenna installed in the elevon cove 
location was its preferred antenna concept based on trade study 
findings, but provided the prime contractor with an opportunity to 
make its own decision on what antenna location and type to pursue. The 
prime contractor ultimately chose to pursue an AESA antenna for the 
elevon cove location and submitted a request for information to eight 
potential suppliers asking for AESA system options. The prime 
contractor did not request information for any alternative antenna 
solutions, such as a hybrid antenna. The prime contractor selected one 
of its other business divisions as the supplier for the AESA antenna 
subsystem, and the Air Force approved the selection. 

Without more comprehensive analyses of cost, schedule, and technical 
risks for different antenna options, it is difficult to determine 
whether the program is pursuing the most cost-effective and lowest 
risk antenna solution. For example, the selected AESA antenna approach 
relies on development of technologies that are not mature and are thus 
considered high risk at this point[Footnote 5], which makes it 
difficult to estimate the resources that will be needed to develop and 
produce the system. While the ASC Acquisition Center of Excellence 
panel concurred with the prime contractor's decision to change the 
antenna location and found selection of an AESA antenna defensible, 
the panel also found that the decision to exclusively pursue an AESA 
antenna may have precluded use of other lower risk, more affordable 
antenna options. Specifically, the panel stated that while AESA 
technology is needed to meet at least part of the antenna subsystem 
requirements, meeting all EHF requirements with an AESA antenna 
subsystem will be a significant technical challenge. In particular, 
the panel noted that several different types of antenna elements or 
hybrid arrays with lower risk or lower cost, or both, may be available 
as an alternative to using AESA technology to meet EHF transmit 

Acquisition Approach Employs Several Knowledge-Based Practices, but 
Additional Options Could Be Considered: 

Consistent with DOD policy and knowledge-based acquisitions, the Air 
Force is pursuing several practices that should help position the 
program for success prior to entering: 

EMD. First, the B-2 EHF system has been broken into three separate 
increments, each expected to be its own major defense acquisition 
program. This approach allows for a better matching of requirements 
and resources, which provides an opportunity to defer challenging 
requirements until technologies are ready. Second, the B-2 EHF 
Increment 2 program plans to conduct early systems engineering and 
design activities, including a preliminary design review, before 
starting EMD. Finally, the program's preliminary plans indicate 
efforts to minimize concurrency among development, flight testing, and 

However, there are additional knowledge-based practices that could be 
worth considering for the B-2 EHF Increment 2 program. While the Air 
Force plans to competitively prototype a few selected AESA components 
that have lower technology maturity levels and higher risk,[Footnote 
6] a more comprehensive effort that includes competitive prototyping 
of full antenna subsystems using different technologies and different 
contractors could reduce risk, validate designs, and lead to better 
cost estimates, as well as provide a fallback option if the AESA 
antenna does not mature as planned. A fallback antenna option may be 
particularly worthwhile given that initial operational capability for 
the second EHF increment is currently expected about 3-½ years later 
than U.S. Strategic Command's stated fiscal year 2016 need date, and 
additional schedule slips would further delay its availability to the 
warfighter. Also, while the program plans to demonstrate critical 
technologies in a relevant environment prior to the start of EMD, 
[Footnote 7] demonstrating critical technologies in a realistic 
environment before EMD could further reduce risks and provide greater 
assurances that the technologies will work as intended before 
finalizing the design.[Footnote 8] This is especially true given that 
the B-2 EHF system must meet very stringent nuclear-hardening 
requirements and any later design changes could require significant 
additional time and money. 

Agency Comments: 

The Office of the Secretary of Defense was presented with a copy of a 
draft version of this report and given an opportunity to provide 
comments. However, the Office of the Secretary of Defense did not 
provide comments on the draft report to GAO. For the August 2010 
briefing that is enclosed with this report, the Air Force was provided 
a copy for review and their comments were incorporated where 

We are sending copies of this report to interested congressional 
committees, the Secretary of Defense, and the Secretary of the Air 
Force. In addition, this report will be available at no charge on 
GAO's Web site at [hyperlink,]. 

Should you or your staff have any questions on the matters covered in 
this report, please contact me at (202) 512-4841 or 
Contact points for our Offices of Congressional Relations and Public 
Affairs may be found on the last page of this report. Other major 
contributors to this letter were Marie P. Ahearn, Bruce Fairbairn, 
Matt Lea, and Sean Merrill. 

Signed by: 

Michael J. Sullivan, Director: 
Acquisition and Sourcing Management: 


List of Committees: 

The Honorable Carl Levin:
The Honorable John McCain:
Ranking Member:
Committee on Armed Services:
United States Senate: 

The Honorable Daniel Inouye:
The Honorable Thad Cochran:
Ranking Member:
Subcommittee on Defense:
Committee on Appropriations:
United States Senate: 

The Honorable Ike Skelton:
The Honorable Howard P. McKeon:
Ranking Member:
Committee on Armed Services:
House of Representatives: 

The Honorable Norman D. Dicks:
The Honorable C.W. Bill Young:
Ranking Member:
Subcommittee on Defense:
Committee on Appropriations:
House of Representatives: 

[End of section] 

Enclosure I: 

B-2 Extremely High Frequency (EHF) Satellite Communications (SATCOM) 
Increment 2 Program Acquisition Approach: 

Briefing for the Committees on Armed Services: 
U.S. Senate and House of Representatives: 


* Slide 3: Objectives and Scope; 
* Slide 4: Summary of Findings; 
* Slides 5-7: Program Description and Status; 
* Slides 8-14: Decision-Making Process and Actions Taken on B-2 EHF 
Increment 2 Antenna; 
* Slides 15-16: GAO Observations; 
* Slide 17: Knowledge-Based Practices Being Used and Additional 

GAO Objectives and Scope: 

The House Armed Services Committee asked us to review the decision-
making process used by the B-2 program office to change antenna 
subsystem solutions, and determine the extent to which the program is 
employing a knowledge-based acquisition approach and systems 
engineering practices to identify and resolve technical gaps prior to 
the start of system development. Subsequent Senate direction[Footnote 
9] asked us to review the decision-making process used by the Air 
Force to select a new antenna solution. 

We interviewed B-2 program and other Air Force officials and reviewed 
a 2009 trade study assessment of antenna subsystem options, program 
office risk assessment and cost-benefit analysis data, contractors' 
aircraft stress analysis and make-buy decision materials, and other 
related programmatic documents. 

Summary of Findings: 

The decision to change antenna locations appears reasonable from an 
integration standpoint, but concerns remain over technology risk and 
the strategy for acquiring the active electronically scanned array 
(AESA) antenna. 

A 2009 Air Force trade study found the B-2 EHF Increment 2 program's 
key performance parameters (KPP) were not achievable and there was 
substantial risk with integrating an antenna subsystem in the 
saddlebag region. 

The subsequent decision to change antenna location to the elevon cove 
effectively eliminated the mechanically steered array (MSA) antenna 
option due to its size. 

An Air Force panel agreed with antenna location change, but said there 
may be lower risk/more affordable technologies options than the AESA 
technologies being pursued. 

Although technical characteristics were assessed and a new antenna 
location in the elevon cove was selected, the program office did not 
analyze cost and schedule factors to support selection of AESA over 
MSA and hybrid options. 

AESA antenna critical technologies are assessed at low readiness 
levels (TRLs 3-4) and thus high risk; the programs development 
approach does not provide a fallback antenna technology option should 
the AESA technology not mature as expected. 

The program's acquisition strategy incorporates several knowledge-
based practices, but we identified additional opportunities to reduce 
future risks, such as pursuing more comprehensive competitive 

B-2 EHF Program Description: 

The B-2 EHF system is expected to provide secure, survivable 
communications and will replace the existing ultra high frequency 
system that uses aging MILSTAR satellites. The new system will use an 
Advanced EHF satellite system with first satellite launch expected in 

The Air Force is developing and procuring the B-2 EHF system in three 
separate increments, each expected to be its own major defense 
acquisition program: 

* Increment 1 upgrades computer system speed and storage capacity, 
provides new integrated processing units and disk drives, and enables 
a growth path for future B-2 upgrades. 

* Increment 2 provides secure, survivable strategic communications 
connectivity by adding low observable antennas and radomes, and 
includes the family of advanced beyond line-of-sight terminals (FAB-T) 
and related hardware. 

* Increment 3 improves tactical/conventional communications that 
migrates to current/future EHF communication architecture and enables 
net-ready capability for improved situational awareness. 

Our review was limited to the B-2 EHF Increment 2 program. 

B-2 EHF Increment 2 Top-Level Schedule and Cost: 

B-2 EHF's three-increment approach was established in January 2006, 
with Increment 2 beginning pre—Milestone B activities in March 2008. 
Ongoing component advanced development work includes systems 
engineering, software preliminary design, technology maturation, 
antenna prototyping, and structural analysis for antenna integration 
prior to Milestone B program start, which is now expected in fiscal 
year 2013. 

Increment 2, which is expected to be the most expensive of the three 
EHF increments ($1.9 billion), is largely an antenna development and 
FAB-T integration effort. 

Figure 1: 2010 Program Schedule: 

[Refer to PDF for image: program schedule] 

FY 08 through FY 13: 
Component Advanced Development (Technology Development and System 

FY 12: 
Preliminary design review. 

FY 12 through FY 17: 
Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) (Milestone B). 

FY 14: 
Critical design review. 

FY 16: 
USSTRATCOM need date. 

FY 17: Initial operational test and evaluation complete. 

FY 17 through FY 21: 
Production (Milestone C). 

Source: B-2 Program Office. 

Note: Data are from April 2010 brief to Secretary of the Air Force 
(Acquisition), and June 2009 Program Management Review brief. 

USSTRATCOM = United States Strategic Command. 

[End of figure] 

B-2 EHF Increment 2 Status: 

Milestone B has been delayed over 3 years from the original 
acquisition strategy schedule. 

* Development delays in the FAB-T program, key to Increment 2, have 
significantly affected the EHF schedule. 

* Acquisition strategy changes (i.e., moving preliminary design review 
(PDR) before Milestone B) also resulted in schedule revisions. 

Changing the antenna subsystem approach and location has further 
affected the program schedule and acquisition strategy. 

Under the current schedule, the program will not begin production by 
the current U.S. Strategic Command need date in fiscal year 2016. 
Accelerating the schedule in an effort to meet the need date would 
likely involve accepting more risk. 

Program Office Raised Concerns with Requirements and Antenna Subsystem: 

In 2005, the Air Force directed the prime contractor to conduct an 
antenna trade study. The study found an MSA antenna subsystem 
installed in the B-2's saddlebag area was the preferred approach for 
Increment 2. While installation risk was reviewed in the trade study, 
an in-depth analysis of structural integration risk was not completed. 

During summer 2008, B-2 program officials began raising concerns about 
the planned antenna subsystem location, and these concerns were 
considered at the System Requirements Review in December 2008. 

In February 2009, the Assistant Secretary for the Air Force 
(Acquisition)—-responding to requirements issues and the inability of 
the program to meet U.S. Strategic Command's need date-—directed a 
trade study be performed to investigate alternative technical and 
material solutions for B-2 EHF SATCOM development and integration as 
well as opportunities to support future growth capability. 

2009 Air Force Trade Study Focused on Technical Viability: 

The 2009 trade study was limited to a review of the technical 
viability of program requirements (KPP objectives) and antenna 
subsystem options. 

KPPs were evaluated to determine whether objectives as defined in the 
capabilities development document (identifies the system's expected 
capabilities) could be accomplished with available technologies. 

Study assessed technical feasibility and structural risk of two 
installation locations—the saddlebag and elevon cove—and three 
technology options (MSA, AESA, and a hybrid combination of both). 

According to program officials, the antenna study was not intended to, 
nor did it prioritize key subsystem characteristics or assess cost and 
schedule factors for each option. 

Trade Study Assessed Antenna Options: 

The 2009 study focused on two locations, with different technology 
options assessed at each location as appropriate. 

Figure 2: Trade Study Antenna Options: 

[Refer to PDF for image: illustration] 

Saddlebag (SB): 
- Mechanically steered array (MSA); 
- Active electronically scanned array (AESA); 
- Hybrid (MSA/AESA mixed technology). 

Elevon cove[A] (EC): 
— AESA; 
— Hybrid. 

Saddlebag location requires two antennas—-one on each side—-to provide 
sufficient coverage. 

Elevon cove location requires one antenna to provide sufficient 

Source: B-2 Program Office. 

[A] MSA antenna technology was not assessed in the elevon cove 
location because it was determined by the program office to be too 
large for the location. 

[End of figure] 

What the 2009 Trade Study Found: 

The trade study determined that requirements needed revision because 
no antenna subsystem concept could meet all four KPPs as drafted in 
the capabilities development document. 

Its assessment of B-2 EH F antenna locations and technologies 

* All antenna location and technology options assessed were viable but 
carry different risks and technology maturity timelines. 

* Antenna location for integration much more of a determinant than 
expected. Elevon cove location reduced integration risk compared to 
the saddlebag. 

* Radar cross section did not dictate a specific antenna location or 
technology change, but a move to the elevon cove could reduce the 
effect on aircraft low observable qualities. Low-probability of 
intercept/detection options of AESA matched or exceeded MSA results. 

Although the study assessed all options as viable, from the program's 
perspective it provided evidence that an alternate location and 
technology exists that has lower integration risk than the MSA in the 
saddlebag option. 

Actions Taken since the 2009 Trade Study: 

KPPs were revised to reflect achievable objectives based on what is 
technically feasible. 

Program office requested the prime contractor reevaluate antenna 
solution options and submit its best concept to meet Increment 2 
requirements. Specific antenna location or technology were not 
prescribed, but the contractor was aware that an AESA antenna in the 
elevon cove was the preferred system concept based on trade study 

The prime contractor chose to pursue an AESA antenna subsystem in the 
elevon cove and submitted a request for information to eight 
subcontractors asking for potential AESA system options as part of its 
"make-buy" decision. The prime contractor selected one of its sister 
divisions to develop the AESA antenna subsystem. 

In December 2009, an Air Force panel of Aeronautical Systems Center 
(ASC) engineers assessed and concurred with the prime contractor's 
make-buy decision for an AESA antenna in the elevon cove location. The 
panel agreed that AESA technology was needed to provide downlink 
capability, but found insufficient data to support the need for an 
AESA-specific uplink capability. 

Program office completed a cost-benefit analysis in February 2010, 
concluding that estimated cost for competitively prototyping two full 
AESA antenna subsystems exceeded potential estimated benefits. 

Air Force decided to competitively prototype key AESA subcomponents 
that had low TRLs and higher risk.[Footnote 10] 

EHF Increment 2 System Planned Competitive Prototyping Approach: 

Figure 3: B-2 EHF Increment 2 Planned Competitive Prototyping: 

[Refer to PDF for image: chart] 

Top level: 
B-2 EHF Increment 2 system: 

Second level, connected to B-2 EHF Increment 2 system: 
FAB-T subsystem. 
AESA antenna subsystem. 

Third level, connected to FAB-T subsystem: 
Operator Panel, Op Station S/W; 
Modem Processor Group A & B. 

Third level, connected to AESA antenna subsystem: 
* Power supply; 
* Receive AESA/Radome: 
- Radomes and array components supporting LPI performance competed; 
prototype competition will be limited to the component level two 
subsystems of the antenna subsystem; 
* Transmit AESA/Radome; 
* Array	control unit/IMU; 
* System interconnect; 	
* Cooling system loop. 
Source: GAO analysis of data. 

Note: Data are from December 2009 B-2 EHF Increment 2 brief and May 
2010 B-2 EHF SATCOM Increment 2 Competitive Prototyping Acquisition 
Strategy Update. Op = operator; S/W = software; IMU = inertial 
measurement unit. 

[End of figure] 

* Program's stated competitive prototyping strategy is to compete AESA 
components that contribute to optimal radio frequency, radar cross 
section, and low probability of intercept (LPI) design performance and 
risk reduction. 

GAO Observations about Decision Process Leading to Antenna Subsystem 

Program office has attempted to make decisions that balance 
requirements with technology solutions prior to Milestone B, 
consistent with DOD acquisition policy and GAO best practices. 

Trade study technical assessment was the catalyst and primary support 
for the program's decision to pursue an alternate antenna location. 
The location change decision appears reasonable from a technical 
standpoint based on trade study results and other supporting internal 
Air Force assessments. 

Change to the elevon cove location may lower antenna integration risk, 
but it does not necessarily reduce technology risk. AESA technologies 
have low technology readiness levels (primarily TRL 3-4 based on 
program office self-assessment). 

Characteristics of the different antenna options assessed were not 
prioritized, and life-cycle cost and schedule analyses for the 
different antenna options were not completed to support selection of 
the antenna technology approach. 

Air Force ASC panel found the decision to exclusively pursue AESA 
solutions may have precluded use of lower risk, more affordable 
technologies, particularly as they relate to several different 
transmit uplink antenna elements or hybrid arrays that may be viable 

Given the stated time-critical nature (2016 need date) for the 
availability of this EHF capability, a technology development approach 
that pursues more than one antenna technology solution (e.g. AESA and 
hybrid) could provide flexibility if one of the antenna technologies 
cannot be matured as expected. 

Competitive prototyping of different antenna technologies by different 
contractors has the potential to increase contractor performance and 
could provide a fallback technology option. 

Some Knowledge-Based Acquisition Practices Being Used, but Additional 
Opportunities Remain: 

The B-2 EHF Increment 2 program's overall acquisition strategy 
includes several sound knowledge-based practices: 

* Developing system in three defined increments, each its own program. 

* Early systems engineering and design efforts, including a PDR before 

* Minimized concurrency among development, flight testing, and 

Additional opportunities to further reduce overall risk of future 
problems include: 

* Completing Milestone A review to support a sound business case. 

* Demonstrating technologies to TRL 7 before Milestone B.[Footnote 11] 

* Ensuring that PDR includes fully functional and capable FAB-T. 

* Pursuing additional competitive prototyping opportunities. 

[End of section] 

Additional Materials: 

Timeline of Key B-2 EHF Increment 2 Events: 

Figure 4: B-2 EHF Increment 2 Timeline: 

[Refer to PDF for image: timeline] 

Summer 2008: 
Program office informally voices concerns over KPPs and antenna 

December 2008: 
System Requirements Review highlights emerging KPP, antenna, and 
integration risks. 

February 2009: 
Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Acquisition) directs KPP & 
antenna trade study. 

Trade study identities KPP shortfalls and that alternative antenna 
solution is viable. 

July 2009: 
Program office issues draft request for proposal to prime contractor 
for antenna—-no antenna type specified by program office. 

August 2009: 
Trade study complete — outbrief USSTRATCOM/Air Combat Command. 

August 2009: 
Prime contractor request for information specific to AESA antenna 

October 2009: 
Air Force Configuration Steering Board briefing — AESA preferred 
system concept approved. 

December 2009: 
Air Force ASC completes assessment of prime contractor make-buy 
decision on AESA antenna. 

February 2010: 
Program office completes cost-benefit analysis on competitive 
prototyping AESA antennas only. 

March 2010: 
Program office issues final request for proposal to prime contractor 
for AESA antenna solution. 

May 2010: 
Prime contractor submits AESA antenna proposal. 

May 2010: 
Air Force approves competitive prototyping of AESA antenna components. 

December 2010: 
Program office planned AESA antenna contract award. 

Source: GAO analysis of B-2 Program Office data. 

[End of figure] 

Evolving Acquisition Plans and Costs: 

Figure 5: B-2 EHF Increment 2 Schedule and Total Cost Estimates over 

[Refer to PDF for image: timeline] 

FY 16: USSTRATCOM need data. 

2007 ($1.2 billion): 
FY 08-FY 10: Concept Advanced Development (Milestone B in FY 09); 
FY 09-FY 12: Engineering & Manufacturing Development (Milestone C in 
FY 12); 
FY 12-FY 16: Production. 

2008 ($1.5 billion): 
FY 08-FY 11: Concept Advanced Development (Milestone B in FY 10); 
FY 11-FY 14: Engineering & Manufacturing Development (Milestone C in 
FY 13); 
FY 13-FY 17: Production. 

2009 ($1.5 billion)[A]: 
FY 08-FY 12: Concept Advanced Development (Milestone B in FY 12); 
FY 12-FY 16: Engineering & Manufacturing Development (Milestone C in 
FY 15); 
FY 15-FY 19: Production. 

2010 ($1.9 billion): 
FY 08-FY 14: Concept Advanced Development (Milestone B in FY 13); 
FY 13-FY 17: Engineering & Manufacturing Development (Milestone C in 
FY 15); 
FY 17-FY 21: Production. 

Source: GAO analysis of B-2 Program Office data. 

[A] The B-2 EHF Increment 2 program cost estimate was not revised by 
the program office to reflect changes that occurred in fiscal year 
(FY) 2009 until FY2010.	 

[End of figure] 

B-2 EHF Increment 2 Development Cost Estimate Evolution: 

Figure 6: Development Funding and Estimated Costs for Different 

Annual development funding by different plan: 

Fiscal year: 2007; 
2007 plan: $0; 
2008 plan: $0.5 million; 
2009 plan: $0.5 million; 
2010 plan: $0.5 million. 

Fiscal year: 2008; 
2007 plan: $66.4 million; 
2008 plan: $55.7 million; 
2009 plan: $55.7 million; 
2010 plan: $52.8 million. 

Fiscal year: 2009; 
2007 plan: $165.5 million; 
2008 plan: $173 million; 
2009 plan: $173 million; 
2010 plan: $154.2 million. 

Fiscal year: 2010; 
2007 plan: $408.6 million; 
2008 plan: $349.4 million; 
2009 plan: $349.4 million; 
2010 plan: $277.3 million. 

Fiscal year: 2011; 
2007 plan: $650.9 million; 
2008 plan: $557.3 million; 
2009 plan: $557.3 million; 
2010 plan: $518.6 million. 

Fiscal year: 2012; 
2007 plan: $762.8 million; 
2008 plan: $765 million; 
2009 plan: $765 million; 
2010 plan: $691.5 million. 

Fiscal year: 2013; 
2007 plan: $764 million; 
2008 plan: $897.8 million; 
2009 plan: $897.8 million; 
2010 plan: $939.3 million. 

Fiscal year: 2014; 
2008 plan: $985.9 million; 
2009 plan: $985.9 million; 
2010 plan: $1.202 billion. 

Fiscal year: 2015; 
2010 plan: $1.33 billion. 

Fiscal year: 2016				
2010 plan: $1.37 billion. 

Estimated development costs under different plans: 

Fiscal year 2007: 
Component advanced development: $165.5 million; 
Engineering and manufacturing development: $598.5 million; 
Total: $764 million. 

Fiscal year 2008: 
Component advanced development: $173 million; 
Engineering and manufacturing development: $812.9 million; 
Total: $986 million. 

Fiscal year 2009: 
Component advanced development: $173 million; 
Engineering and manufacturing development: $812.9 million; 
Total: $986 million. 

Fiscal year 2010: 
Component advanced development: $682.1
Engineering and manufacturing development: $691.5
Total: $1.37 billion. 

Source: GAO analysis of B-2 Program Office data. 

* Total estimated development cost has increased $610 million since 
2007. Delay to FAB-T delivery and increased understanding of the 
complexity and cost of integration contributed to the cost increase 
and additional development time reflected in the 2010 plan. 

* Additional resources were required before Milestone B to resolve 
requirements and technology gaps that were identified during systems 
engineering activities. 

* About half of the program's development cost is now expected for pre—
Milestone B activities. 

[A] The B-2 EHF Increment 2 program cost estimate was not revised by 
the program office to reflect changes that occurred in FY2009 until 

[End of figure] 

Attributes of the Program Office's Assessment of Antenna Subsystem 

Table 1: Attributes of Antenna Options Assessed: 

Attribute: Technical characteristics; 
Attribute consideration in decision process? Yes; 
Description of process and activities: For each antenna 
location/technology option, the 2009 trade study evaluated capacity, 
coverage, radar signature, power management, integration risk, and 
probability of detection/intercept. A structural analysis was 
completed by ASC Structures Branch on integration risks for the 
saddlebag and elevon cove locations.	 

Attribute: Cost; 
Attribute consideration in decision process? No; 
Description of process and activities: We found no evidence of a cost-
benefit analysis for each different antenna technology solution option 
from the 2009 trade study. According to program officials, the only 
related cost analysis performed was the February 2010 cost-benefit 
analysis of competitively prototyping two AESA antenna subsystems. 
This analysis was performed after the decision to change antennas. 

Attribute: Schedule; 
Attribute consideration in decision process? Limited; 
Description of process and activities: Program office self-assessed 
achievability of TRL 6 for antenna technology by Milestone B to 
identify risk of each option based on the expected schedule. Program 
officials stated no full schedule assessment was completed for the 
different antenna technology options and their ability to meet the 
USSTRATCOM need date. 

Source: GAO analysis of B-2 Program Office data. 

[End of table] 

[End of briefing slides] 


[1] EMD begins at Milestone B, which is normally formal program 
initiation for Department of Defense (DOD) weapon system acquisition 
programs. This phase is intended for completion of the development of 
a system or increment of capability. 

[2] The technology development and concept refinement phase for 
Increment 2 includes systems engineering, software preliminary design, 
technology maturation, antenna prototyping and structural analysis for 
antenna integration. 

[3] A mechanically steered array has a circular or elliptical antenna 
plate that requires moving parts to steer a beam across an airspace or 
ground area; an active electronically scanned array can steer its 
beams electronically--without moving parts--and redirect them from one 
location to another. 

[4] S. Rep. No. 111-201, at 81 (2010). 

[5] Because AESA critical technologies for the B-2 EHF system have not 
yet been demonstrated as a system prototype in a realistic 
environment, such as in a test-bed aircraft, we consider them high 
risk based on GAO's best practices work on technology development. 

[6] DOD Directive-Type Memorandum (DTM) 09-027, Implementation of the 
Weapon Systems Acquisition Reform Act of 2009 (WSARA) (Dec. 4, 2009), 
implements WSARA, including competitive prototyping requirements. 
WSARA requires that DOD policy ensure acquisition strategies for major 
defense acquisition programs provide for competitive prototypes before 
Milestone B approval unless a waiver is properly granted. Pub. L. No. 
111-23 § 203. 

[7] The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006 
included a provision requiring all major defense acquisition programs 
seeking Milestone B approval--entry into EMD--to obtain certification 
that program technologies have been demonstrated in a relevant 
environment, which is technology readiness level (TRL) 6. Pub. L. No. 
109-163 § 801, codified at 10 U.S.C. § 2366b. TRL 6 is achieved by 
testing a representative model or prototype system that is very close 
to form, fit, and function in a relevant environment, like in a high- 
fidelity lab or simulated operational environment. 

[8] GAO best practice work supports technology demonstration in a 
realistic environment--TRL 7--before the start of EMD. TRL 7 
represents a major step up from TRL 6, requiring the demonstration of 
an actual system prototype in a realistic environment, such as in a 
test-bed aircraft. 

[9] S. Rep. No. 11-201, at 81 (2010). 

[10] D0D Directive-Type Memorandum (DTM) 09-027, Implementation of the 
Weapon Systems Acquisition Reform Act of 2009 (WSARA) (Dec. 4, 2009), 
implements WSARA, including competitive prototyping requirements. 
WSARA requires that DOD policy ensure acquisition strategies for major 
defense acquisition programs provide for competitive prototypes before 
Milestone B approval unless a waiver is properly granted. Pub. L. No. 
111-23 § 203. 

[11] The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006 
included a provision requiring all major defense acquisition programs 
seeking Milestone B approval-—entry into EMD-—to obtain certification 
that program technologies have been demonstrated in a relevant 
environment, which is TRL 6. Pub. L. No. 109-163 § 801, codified at 10 
U.S.C. § 2366b. GAO best practices support technology demonstration in 
a realistic environment—-TRL 7—-before EMD. 

[End of section] 

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