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entitled 'Nursing Homes: Opportunities Exist to Facilitate the Use of 
the Temporary Management Sanction' which was released on December 22, 

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United States Government Accountability Office: 
Washington, DC 20548: 

November 20, 2009: 

Congressional Requesters: 

Subject: Nursing Homes: Opportunities Exist to Facilitate the Use of 
the Temporary Management Sanction: 

The nation's 1.4 million nursing home residents are a highly vulnerable 
population of elderly and disabled individuals for whom remaining at 
home is no longer feasible. The federal government plays a key role in 
ensuring that nursing home residents receive appropriate care by 
setting quality requirements that nursing homes must meet to 
participate in the Medicare and Medicaid programs and by contracting 
with states to conduct routine inspections--called standard surveys-- 
and complaint investigations.[Footnote 1] To encourage compliance with 
quality requirements, Congress has authorized certain enforcement 
actions, known as sanctions, such as civil money penalties or 
termination from participating in the Medicare and Medicaid programs. 
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is responsible for 
imposing federal sanctions, typically on the basis of states' 
recommendations.[Footnote 2] One sanction--temporarily replacing a 
home's management--has been used infrequently. According to CMS 
guidance, temporary management may be used instead of termination in 
cases where nursing homes place residents at risk of death or serious 
injury--referred to as immediate jeopardy--or place residents at 
widespread risk of actual harm. CMS requires that a nursing home remove 
any immediate jeopardy within a short time frame of 23 calendar days 
after the survey or complaint investigation in which it was cited, with 
or without the assistance of temporary management. Otherwise, CMS will 
terminate the home from Medicare and Medicaid. In some cases, the 
nursing home's owner may choose to sell the home to a new owner while 
the home is still under temporary management. 

You were interested in information on why the temporary management 
sanction has been used infrequently to address nursing home quality 
problems and asked us to study this issue. Specifically, we focused on 
(1) CMS and states' experience with the use of federal temporary 
management and its effectiveness in achieving compliance in the short 
and longer term; and (2) obstacles to the use of federal temporary 
management and how such obstacles could be addressed. You also asked us 
to examine whether changes in ownership occurred when nursing homes 
were under federal temporary management and to identify obstacles to 
such ownership changes. We provide this information in enclosure I. 

To examine CMS and states' experience with the use of federal temporary 
management and its effectiveness in achieving compliance in the short 
and longer term, we identified the states where the sanction was used 
from fiscal years 2003 through 2008 by analyzing data from CMS's 
Providing Data Quickly (PDQ) reporting system.[Footnote 3] We assessed 
the short-term effectiveness of temporary management by the sanction's 
ability to achieve its intended objective, which primarily was to 
return the home to compliance with federal quality requirements. We 
assessed the longer-term effectiveness of temporary management by the 
ability of a home to maintain substantial compliance after the 
conclusion of temporary management. From fiscal years 2003 through 
2008, the federal temporary management sanction was used in 14 nursing 
homes across 10 states; these 10 states were located in 7 of 10 CMS 
regions (see enclosure II).[Footnote 4] We interviewed officials from 1 
of the 10 state survey agencies and its corresponding CMS regional 
office and then sent a set of similar questions to the remaining state 
survey agencies and regional offices.[Footnote 5] Officials from all 10 
states confirmed the use of the sanction and together with the seven 
CMS regional offices provided information for our analysis on: (1) 
common characteristics of instances in which the sanction was used; (2) 
the sanction's ability to correct quality-of-care problems; and (3) 
instances of immediate jeopardy when federal temporary management was 
not used. In addition, we analyzed data from CMS's On-line Survey, 
Certification, and Reporting system (OSCAR) on the compliance history 
of the 14 homes subject to federal temporary management from fiscal 
years 2003 through 2008.[Footnote 6] To ensure the reliability of the 
OSCAR data we analyzed, we interviewed CMS officials, reviewed CMS 
documentation, conducted electronic testing to identify obvious errors, 
and traced a selection of records to another CMS reporting system. 
Based on these activities, we determined the data we analyzed were 
sufficiently reliable for our purposes. In addition, we used CMS data 
from PDQ and the Nursing Home Compare Web site to identify 
characteristics of the 14 homes, such as the number of certified beds 
and ownership type. To ensure the reliability of these data, we 
interviewed CMS regional officials, reviewed CMS documentation, and 
confirmed the accuracy of some data elements with state or CMS regional 
officials. Based on these activities, we determined the data were 
sufficiently reliable for our purposes. 

To examine obstacles to the use of federal temporary management and how 
they could be addressed, we received additional information from 9 of 
the 10 states and seven CMS regional offices where the sanction was 
used from fiscal years 2003 through 2008.[Footnote 7] We also sent a 
standardized set of questions to the remaining 41 states. Officials 
from 37 of the 41 states confirmed that the sanction had not been used 
from fiscal years 2003 through 2008 and responded to our 
questions.[Footnote 8] Overall, we received and analyzed responses from 
46 states and seven CMS regional offices on (1) obstacles to the 
effective use of the sanction; (2) existence and maintenance of state 
temporary manager lists; (3) use of state alternatives to federal 
temporary management; (4) obstacles to bringing about a change in 
ownership in cases where federal temporary management was used; and (5) 
suggestions for improving the federal temporary management sanction. 
Finally, GAO discussed state alternatives to temporary management, 
funding options for temporary management, and suggestions for improving 
the sanction at a membership meeting of the Association of Health 
Facility Survey Agencies (AHFSA), the organization that represents 
state survey agencies. 

We conducted this performance audit from February 2009 through November 
2009 in accordance with generally accepted government auditing 
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit 
to obtain sufficient, appropriate evidence to provide a reasonable 
basis for our findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives. 
We believe that the evidence obtained provides a reasonable basis for 
our findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives. 

Results in Brief: 

Based on responses from officials in the 10 states and seven CMS 
regional offices that used the federal temporary management sanction 
from fiscal years 2003 through 2008, the sanction was used with success 
in the short term in homes where there was some combination of 
immediate jeopardy, a history of noncompliance with CMS quality 
requirements, or the failure of other sanctions to bring about 
compliance. In 11 of the 14 homes, officials used the sanction with the 
objective of returning the home to compliance with federal quality 
requirements, and in 10 of those homes temporary management was 
successful in the short term at doing so. However, some homes continued 
to have compliance problems in the longer term, that is, since the 
conclusion of temporary management. For example, while 9 of these 10 
homes remained open as of August 2009, CMS data showed that 4 of them 
were cited for immediate jeopardy after temporary management. 

Officials from 46 states and seven CMS regional offices identified 
several obstacles to using federal temporary management, including time 
constraints, a lack of qualified temporary managers, and inadequate 
funding to pay for a temporary manager. Specifically, officials from 24 
states and five CMS regional offices characterized the 23 days as a 
short time frame in which to hire a temporary manager and remove 
immediate jeopardy before automatic termination from participation in 
Medicare and Medicaid, therefore making it difficult to use the 
sanction. Additionally, officials from 25 of the 46 states told us they 
did not maintain a list of potential temporary managers, which could 
impede their ability to identify qualified candidates on a timely 
basis. State and CMS regional officials also identified ways for CMS to 
address some of the obstacles to using the sanction, such as developing 
lists of qualified temporary managers and providing additional 
information that addresses best practices and when and how to use the 
sanction. In addition, several officials suggested the need for an 
approach to help ensure the longer-term success of temporary 

To improve the usefulness of the federal temporary management sanction, 
we are recommending that the Administrator of CMS take the following 
three actions: (1) create and maintain lists of qualified temporary 
managers; (2) develop information that identifies best practices such 
as when and how to use the sanction; and (3) develop guidance for 
states to help ensure the longer-term compliance of homes that have 
undergone temporary management. We provided a draft of this report to 
the Department of Health and Human Services and AHFSA for comment. In 
response, CMS said that our study added value to the important public 
policy discussions regarding the use of temporary management, an 
important tool that states can recommend and CMS can impose in 
situations of immediate jeopardy. CMS said that it endorsed the spirit 
of our recommendations but did not fully agree with all of them. 
Specifically, CMS agreed to develop additional information that 
identifies best practices for states and said that it would explore 
alternatives to the development of state guidance intended to help 
ensure the longer-term compliance of homes. However, the agency 
indicated that it did not plan to create lists of temporary managers. 
AHFSA agreed with the need for CMS to provide clearer information on 
the temporary manager process, but did not say whether it agreed with 
our other two recommendations. While we recognize that the development 
and maintenance of lists of temporary managers will require time and 
resources on the part of states and CMS, we maintain that the full 
potential of what CMS characterizes as an important tool will not be 
fully realized without such lists. 


Titles XVIII and XIX of the Social Security Act established minimum 
federal quality requirements that all nursing homes must meet to 
participate in the Medicare and Medicaid programs, 
respectively.[Footnote 9] With the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 
1987 (OBRA 87), Congress focused the requirements on the quality of 
care actually provided by a home.[Footnote 10] 

Ensuring Compliance with Federal Quality Requirements: 

CMS contracts with states to assess whether nursing homes meet federal 
quality requirements through standard surveys and complaint 
investigations.[Footnote 11] A standard survey involves a comprehensive 
assessment of quality requirements, while complaint investigations 
generally focus on a specific allegation regarding resident care or 
safety. States classify deficiencies identified during either standard 
surveys or complaint investigations in 1 of 12 categories, labeled A 
through L, according to their scope (i.e., the number of residents 
potentially or actually affected) and severity (i.e., the degree of 
relative harm involved). Homes with deficiencies at the A through C 
levels are considered to be in substantial compliance with federal 
quality requirements, while those with D-level or higher deficiencies 
are considered noncompliant (see table 1). Deficiencies at the J level 
or higher constitute immediate jeopardy, a situation in which the 
home's noncompliance with one or more requirements of participation has 
caused, or is likely to cause, serious injury, harm, impairment, or 
death to a resident. 

Table 1: Scope and Severity of Deficiencies Identified during Standard 
Surveys and Complaint Investigations: 

Severity: Immediate jeopardy[A]; 
Scope: Isolated: J; 
Scope: Pattern: K; 
Scope: Widespread: L. 

Severity: Actual harm; 
Scope: Isolated: G; 
Scope: Pattern: H; 
Scope: Widespread: I. 

Severity: Potential for more than minimal harm; 
Scope: Isolated: D; 
Scope: Pattern: E; 
Scope: Widespread: F. 

Severity: Potential for minimal harm[B]; 
Scope: Isolated: A; 
Scope: Pattern: B; 
Scope: Widespread: C. 

Source: CMS. 

[A] Actual or potential for death/serious injury. 

[B] Nursing home is considered to be in "substantial compliance." 

[End of table] 

Federal and State Enforcement: 

Nursing homes that fail to meet federal quality requirements may be 
subject to statutory federal enforcement actions known as sanctions. 
CMS and the states share responsibility for federal enforcement 
actions. States are responsible for enforcing federal requirements in 
homes with Medicaid-only certification and may also impose enforcement 
actions under state licensure authority.[Footnote 12] 

In general, federal sanctions are (1) initially proposed by the state 
based on a cited deficiency, (2) reviewed and imposed by CMS regional 
offices, and (3) implemented--that is, put into effect--by the same 
regional office, usually after a required notice period.[Footnote 13] 
Sanctions are generally reserved for serious deficiencies--those at the 
G through L levels--and the severity of sanctions typically increases 
with the severity of the deficiency. Sanctions include fines known as 
civil money penalties (CMP), denial of payment for new Medicare or 
Medicaid admissions (DPNA), directed plan of correction, state 
monitoring, temporary management, and termination from the Medicare or 
Medicaid program, or both.[Footnote 14] 

When a nursing home is cited with one or more deficiencies that 
constitute immediate jeopardy to resident health or safety, the law 
requires immediate action to remove the deficiencies through the use of 
federal temporary management or termination from Medicare and Medicaid. 
[Footnote 15] In addition, other sanctions may be imposed. CMS 
interprets the law's requirement for "immediate" action to remove the 
jeopardy and correct the deficiencies by establishing the time frame of 
23 calendar days from the date of the standard survey or complaint 
investigation that cited the deficiency.[Footnote 16] In contrast, a 
nursing home has 6 months to return to substantial compliance for non- 
immediate-jeopardy level deficiencies. 

In lieu of a federal sanction, a state may (1) use an acceptable 
alternative that it has demonstrated to CMS is as effective in 
deterring noncompliance and correcting deficiencies and that CMS has 
approved, or (2) use its own sanctions under the state's licensure 
authority.[Footnote 17] Examples of approved state alternative 
sanctions to federal temporary management or similar sanctions that 
states may use under their licensure authority include state temporary 
management, receivership, and trusteeship; the latter two sanctions are 
similar to temporary management but require court involvement.[Footnote 

Federal Temporary Management: 

CMS regional offices use temporary management to achieve one of two 
objectives: (1) to correct deficiencies and return the home to 
substantial compliance with federal quality requirements, or (2) to 
oversee orderly closure of a nursing home and relocation of residents. 
[Footnote 19] The nursing home must voluntarily agree to relinquish 
control to the temporary manager and to pay his/her salary as well as 
pay for improvements to the home that the temporary manager deems 
necessary.[Footnote 20] However, if the home refuses to relinquish 
control to the temporary manager, the home will be terminated from 
Medicare and Medicaid within 23 calendar days if the immediate jeopardy 
is not removed. A temporary manager has full authority to hire, 
terminate, or reassign staff; spend nursing home funds; alter nursing 
home procedures; and otherwise manage a home to achieve the objective. 
[Footnote 21] The CMS regional office selects the temporary manager 
based on state recommendations.[Footnote 22] CMS guidance recommends 
that states maintain a list of eligible temporary managers who meet 
certain criteria set by CMS--such as not having worked for the home in 
the past 2 years--and whose past performance, work experience, and 
education indicate that they are qualified to serve as temporary 
managers.[Footnote 23] The state can request the temporary manager to 
periodically report on the actions taken to achieve compliance. 
Temporary management generally continues until a home is terminated 
from Medicare and Medicaid or achieves and demonstrates to the CMS 
regional office and the state the capability of maintaining substantial 
compliance--no deficiencies higher than C level. 

CMS Efforts to Identify Nursing Homes with Poor Compliance Histories: 

CMS makes information on the compliance history of nursing homes 
available to the public through its Nursing Home Compare Web site. For 
every nursing home that participates in Medicare and Medicaid, the Web 
site provides information on deficiencies cited during standard surveys 
and any intervening complaint investigations. It also identifies those 
homes with poor compliance histories that have been designated Special 
Focus Facilities (SFF). Through the SFF Program, CMS monitors a limited 
number of such nursing homes; states are required to survey SFFs twice 
as frequently as other nursing homes.[Footnote 24] 

In addition, the Nursing Home Compare Web site provides a rating for 
each nursing home from one (much below average) to five (much above 
average) stars, known as the Five-Star Quality Rating System.[Footnote 
25] CMS implemented this new rating system in December 2008. A nursing 
home's overall quality rating is based on individual ratings for three 
separate components: (1) compliance history; (2) staffing levels; and 
(3) quality-of-care measures.[Footnote 26] A home's compliance history--
results from the last 3 years of a home's standard surveys and 
complaint investigations--is the most important component in 
determining the overall quality rating.[Footnote 27] 

Federal Temporary Management Used for Homes with Histories of 
Noncompliance, and These Homes Generally Corrected Deficiencies in the 
Short Term, but Some Had Longer-Term Compliance Problems: 

Based on responses from officials in the 10 states and seven CMS 
regional offices that used federal temporary management from fiscal 
years 2003 thorough 2008, the sanction was primarily used for homes 
with some combination of immediate jeopardy level deficiencies, 
histories of noncompliance, or continuing noncompliance despite the use 
of other sanctions. Most homes under temporary management corrected 
deficiencies in the short term, but some homes continued to have 
compliance problems in the longer term. 

Federal Temporary Management Used for Homes with Immediate Jeopardy, 
Histories of Noncompliance, or When Other Sanctions Were Ineffective: 

State and CMS regional officials told us that for 13 of the 14 homes 
where the federal temporary management sanction was used from fiscal 
years 2003 through 2008 a combination of several factors such as 
immediate jeopardy level deficiencies, repeated noncompliance with 
federal quality requirements, or the failure of other sanctions to 
bring about compliance led them to use the sanction.[Footnote 28] In 
all but 3 of the 14 homes, immediate jeopardy as well as other 
deficiencies were identified on the survey or surveys that led 
officials to use the sanction.[Footnote 29] For example, a home in 
South Dakota had a history of noncompliance resulting in multiple 
federal sanctions, including a DPNA, which officials told us had been 
ineffective in deterring noncompliance. On one survey, the home was 
cited with two immediate jeopardy level deficiencies and placed under 
temporary management.[Footnote 30] Enclosure III summarizes the 
compliance history and the objectives and outcomes of the 14 homes in 
which federal temporary management was used during the period we 

CMS compliance data on standard surveys and complaint investigations 
confirm that most of the 14 homes had histories of noncompliance prior 
to the imposition of temporary management.[Footnote 31] In analyzing 
the compliance history of the 14 homes, we found that they averaged 37 
D-L level deficiencies in the year immediately prior to temporary 
management, far more than the nationwide average of about 8 D-L level 
deficiencies in fiscal year 2008.[Footnote 32] Furthermore, 12 of the 
13 homes where survey data were available had between 1 and 20 
deficiencies at the actual harm level (G-I) over the 3 years prior to 
the survey that resulted in temporary management. Four of those homes 
also had at least 1 immediate jeopardy level deficiency (J-L) in that 
same time period. Although the 13th home did not have a history of 
actual harm or immediate jeopardy level deficiencies, the survey that 
led to temporary management identified 9 actual harm and 44 immediate 
jeopardy deficiencies (see enclosure III). Four of the 14 homes were in 
CMS's SFF program at the time they were placed under federal temporary 
management, indicating that CMS had previously identified the homes as 
having histories of noncompliance. 

In addition to instances of immediate jeopardy and a poor compliance 
history, state and CMS regional officials gave several reasons for 
using federal temporary management to bring the homes into 
compliance.[Footnote 33] Officials in four states told us they 
recommended that CMS use temporary management when they considered the 
home's current administration to be incapable of improving conditions. 
For example, one home had significant staff turnover, including at the 
management level, which led the state and CMS officials to question the 
home's ability to correct deficiencies and maintain compliance without 
outside help. In another four homes, state officials told us they 
recommended temporary management in part because termination would have 
resulted in relocating residents a great distance due to the limited 
available nursing home space in the area or because specialized 
services were offered at only a limited number of homes in the state. 

State officials told us that they did not recommend temporary 
management in instances of immediate jeopardy when they determined that 
the nursing home could correct the immediate jeopardy on its own. 
[Footnote 34] For example, in many cases a home's management 
demonstrated that it could resolve the deficiencies and did so quickly. 
In some cases, states recommended the use of other federal sanctions 
such as CMPs to encourage the home to correct the deficiencies, or 
otherwise monitored the home.[Footnote 35] Thus, two states recommended 
a home for the SFF program and others used directed plans of correction 
requiring homes to hire independent consultants to address conditions 
that resulted in the citation of deficiencies.[Footnote 36] 

While Most Homes under Temporary Management Corrected Deficiencies in 
the Short Term, Some Were Unable to Maintain Compliance in the Longer 

According to CMS regional office and state officials, federal temporary 
management was successful in achieving its intended objective in the 
short term in 13 of the 14 homes.[Footnote 37] First, in 11 of the 14 
homes, federal temporary management was used with the objective of 
correcting deficiencies that caused the home to be noncompliant with 
federal quality requirements; in 10 of these 11 homes, temporary 
management was successful in achieving this objective. The home that 
failed to return to substantial compliance was terminated from Medicare 
and Medicaid, and closed. Second, in 2 of the 14 homes, the sanction 
was used to oversee the orderly closure of and relocation of residents 
from homes that the state and CMS had determined could not oversee 
orderly closure on their own; both homes were closed successfully. 
Finally, in the remaining home, the objective changed from bringing the 
home into substantial compliance to overseeing orderly closure of the 
home when the temporary manager determined that the home was not 
financially viable; the sanction was successful in achieving the latter 
objective (see enclosure III).[Footnote 38] 

In addition to assisting homes with returning to substantial 
compliance, state officials told us that the temporary managers also 
brought about changes to improve the quality of care in the nursing 
homes and to ensure the homes were capable of maintaining substantial 
compliance. For example, at four homes the temporary manager was 
required to conduct an initial assessment of the home and develop 
initiatives to maintain compliance with federal quality requirements. 
[Footnote 39] Other examples of actions taken by the temporary managers 
included instituting training for nursing home staff, filling staff 
positions, implementing resident care plans, updating the homes' 
policies and procedures, purchasing and implementing billing software 
updates, and identifying needed building improvements. Specifically, 
the temporary manager in one home identified that the cooling system 
needed to be replaced to ensure resident safety. Some CMS regional 
office and state officials told us that the temporary managers 
periodically reported on their activities and progress throughout the 
duration of temporary management. 

Based on responses from officials in the 10 states and seven CMS 
regional offices that used federal temporary management from fiscal 
years 2003 through 2008 to questions about the use of the sanction, we 
identified several factors that influenced the successful use of the 
sanction.[Footnote 40] 

* Coordination and communication. In part because the sanction's use 
required a considerable investment of time and resources, coordination 
and frequent communication between the temporary manager, state, and 
CMS regional office were important to the sanction's success. 

* Cooperation of nursing home owner. Lack of cooperation from the owner 
in providing the temporary manager complete control of expenditures, 
personnel, and policies at the home impeded the success of the 
temporary manager. At the one home that temporary management was unable 
to return to substantial compliance, officials told us that the owner 
did not grant the temporary manager enough control and was not 
committed to improving the quality of care. In this case, the home was 
terminated from Medicare and Medicaid and closed. 

* Available funding for temporary management. The home's ability to pay 
for temporary management or the availability of other funding sources 
was important to the successful use of the sanction. In all but two 
homes, the home funded temporary management; in one home, funding was 
provided by state CMP funds and, in the other, the home's creditor 
provided the home with funding to pay for the temporary manager. The 
temporary manager's monthly compensation ranged from less than $15,000 
to $60,000 for the six homes where officials were able to provide us 
with cost information. In addition, officials noted that changes 
implemented by the temporary manager, such as building improvements, 
advanced billing software, or hiring of staff, were costly for the 
home. For example, in one home, the objective of temporary management 
changed to overseeing closure of the home after the temporary manager 
determined that the home did not have enough funding to pay for changes 
required to return the home to compliance. 

Although most homes corrected deficiencies in the short term, some 
homes continued to have compliance problems in the longer term. Nine of 
the 10 homes that returned to substantial compliance while under 
temporary management were still participating in the Medicare and 
Medicaid programs as of August 2009.[Footnote 41] However, state and 
CMS regional officials told us that 5 homes continued to have problems 
after the conclusion of temporary management. For example, 1 of the 5 
homes was selected to participate in the SFF Program, and for another 
home the state used its own temporary management sanction within 2 
years after the conclusion of federal temporary management. 

Our analysis of CMS deficiency data found that four of the nine homes 
still participating in Medicare and Medicaid as of August 2009 had been 
cited with at least one immediate jeopardy level (J-L) deficiency since 
temporary management was used.[Footnote 42] In addition, four of the 
nine homes where temporary management concluded at least 2 years prior 
to August 2009 had one or two stars (much below or below average) in 
CMS's Five-Star Quality Rating System.[Footnote 43] Three homes had 
either three or four stars (about average or above average) (see 
enclosure III).[Footnote 44] 

Officials Identified Obstacles to the Sanction's Use and Suggested 
Lists of Qualified Temporary Managers and Additional Information to 
Address Them: 

Officials from the 46 states and seven CMS regional offices that 
provided us with information identified three key obstacles to the use 
of federal temporary management and suggested ways to address some of 
the obstacles. 

Officials Identified Three Key Obstacles to the Sanction--Time 
Constraints, Lack of Qualified Temporary Managers, and Inadequate 

The three obstacles most frequently identified by state and CMS 
regional officials to using federal temporary management were time 
constraints, lack of qualified temporary managers, and inadequate 
funding (see table 2). 

Table 2: Most Frequently Identified Obstacles to Using the Federal 
Temporary Management Sanction: 

Obstacle: Not enough time to find a temporary manager and remove 
immediate jeopardy within 23 days; 
Number of states that identified this obstacle: 24; 
Number of CMS regional offices that identified this obstacle: 5. 

Obstacle: Lack of qualified or experienced temporary managers; 
Number of states that identified this obstacle: 23; 
Number of CMS regional offices that identified this obstacle: 4. 

Obstacle: Home lacks adequate funding to pay for temporary manager; 
Number of states that identified this obstacle: 20; 
Number of CMS regional offices that identified this obstacle: 5. 

Obstacle: Use state alternative sanction; 
Number of states that identified this obstacle: 15; 
Number of CMS regional offices that identified this obstacle: 1. 

Obstacle: Prefer to allow home to come into compliance on its own; 
Number of states that identified this obstacle: 12; 
Number of CMS regional offices that identified this obstacle: 0. 

Obstacle: Uncertainty about when to use the sanction or what to expect 
from temporary manager; 
Number of states that identified this obstacle: 12; 
Number of CMS regional offices that identified this obstacle: 0. 

Source: GAO. 

Note: Data are responses to GAO questions from officials from 46 states 
and seven CMS regional offices. 

[End of table] 

* Time constraints: Within 23 days (1) officials must identify and 
place a temporary manager in a home and (2) the temporary manager must 
remove the immediate jeopardy or the home will be terminated from 
participation in Medicare and Medicaid. Officials from 24 states and 
five CMS regional offices indicated that this time frame is short and 
therefore makes it difficult to pursue temporary management. For 
example, officials from a regional office told us of a case where state 
officials recommended using federal temporary management, but it was 
already day 19 on the termination timeline and the state did not have a 
list of potential temporary managers, so the CMS officials determined 
the sanction was not feasible. 

* Lack of qualified temporary managers: Officials from 23 states and 
four CMS regional offices identified a lack of qualified or experienced 
temporary managers as an obstacle to the use of the sanction. Although 
CMS guidance recommends that states maintain a list of eligible 
temporary managers, officials from 25 states told us they do not, which 
could impede their ability to identify qualified temporary managers 
when use of the sanction may be appropriate. Officials from 21 states 
reported that they do maintain such a list, but only 11 had updated 
their list within the last 2 years. A few state officials also 
indicated that qualified candidates may not be willing to accept a 
temporary manager position because, for example, they are otherwise 
employed or do not want the liability associated with managing a poorly 
performing home. 

* Inadequate funding: Officials from 20 states and five CMS regional 
offices reported that homes' lack of adequate funding to pay for 
temporary management can be an obstacle to using the sanction. For one 
of the homes where federal temporary management was used from fiscal 
years 2003 through 2008, the temporary manager was paid from CMP funds 
because the home did not have sufficient funding; however, officials 
from this state noted there are not enough CMP funds to pay for more 
frequent use of temporary management.[Footnote 45] 

State and CMS regional officials also identified other obstacles to the 
use of federal temporary management such as employing other sanctions 
to achieve compliance instead of federal temporary management; having 
previously unsuccessful experiences with temporary management; and 
investing significant time and resources to use the sanction. 

As shown in table 2, officials from 15 states indicated that they used 
their state alternative sanctions--state authority to use temporary 
management, receivership, or trusteeship. Overall, however, state 
officials' responses indicated that the substitution of a state 
alternative for the federal sanction is limited. Specifically, 
officials from 17 of 32 states with state alternative sanctions to 
federal temporary management did not use their alternatives from fiscal 
years 2003 through 2008, and officials from 13 states reported not 
having such alternative sanctions.[Footnote 46] Officials from only 2 
states--California and Texas--reported using the alternatives an 
average of more than three times a year during the 6-year period. 
[Footnote 47] 

Officials from five states indicated that both the federal temporary 
management sanction and their state alternative sanctions were used 
from fiscal years 2003 through 2008, suggesting that the federal 
sanction might be appropriate in certain situations while the state 
alternatives might work better in others. For example, a Texas official 
told us that when using the alternative sanction the state can (1) act 
more quickly because it does not have to coordinate with the nursing 
home, and (2) use state funds to pay for the sanction. In contrast to 
the federal sanction, a nursing home may not refuse the Texas 
alternative sanction. In the one case in which Texas used the federal 
temporary management sanction during the period we studied, officials 
reported that they were unable to use the preferred state alternative 
because the home did not meet criteria required to obtain a court order 
to appoint a trustee to oversee the home. 

Officials Identified Lists of Qualified Temporary Managers and 
Additional Information on the Sanction's Use as Ways to Address 

State and CMS regional officials identified ways to address some 
obstacles and facilitate the use of the federal temporary management 
sanction. First, to address the lack of qualified or experienced 
candidates to serve as temporary managers, officials from 9 states and 
three CMS regional offices suggested that CMS or states could develop a 
list of candidates that could be available when temporary management 
was an appropriate sanction. Second, officials from 12 states reported 
being uncertain about when to use the sanction or what to expect from a 
temporary manager, or both. To address this uncertainty, officials from 
7 states and two CMS regional offices suggested that CMS could provide 
more specific information regarding when or how to use it effectively. 
Officials from 1 state specifically noted that before considering the 
use of the sanction in their state they would find it helpful to have 
information from CMS on best practices so that they would know how the 
sanction has worked in other instances. 

In addition, officials from 4 states and two CMS regional offices 
suggested that alternative or additional funding sources for temporary 
management could facilitate the sanction's use. Officials from 2 states 
and one CMS regional office also suggested that CMS could establish an 
approach to help ensure the longer-term compliance of homes where 
temporary management was used, such as allowing the temporary manager 
to continue for some time after a home returns to substantial 
compliance or implementing an automatic reactivation of temporary 
management if the home does not maintain substantial compliance over 
the 2 years following the sanction. Although officials from 24 states 
and five CMS regional offices identified the short 23-day time frame to 
remove immediate jeopardy as an obstacle to the use of federal 
temporary management, officials from only 1 state and one CMS regional 
office recommended extending the time frame, which could lengthen the 
period of time residents are exposed to the risk of death or serious 


Infrequent use of federal temporary management appears to be the result 
of (1) the availability of other sanctions, such as CMPs, that states 
and regional offices deem more appropriate in certain situations, and 
(2) state and regional office determinations that many homes can 
address immediate jeopardy deficiencies without the assistance of a 
temporary manager. Nonetheless, officials identified several obstacles 
that may prevent the use of temporary management when appropriate or 
factors that influence the sanction's success when it is used. Although 
officials identified the short 23-day termination time frame as an 
obstacle to using federal temporary management, extending the time 
frame could result in nursing homes taking more time to abate immediate 
jeopardy deficiencies, thereby placing nursing home residents at risk 
for longer periods. 

Other obstacles that officials identified may be more easily addressed, 
such as a lack of qualified temporary managers and insufficient 
information illustrating best practices, including when or how to use 
temporary management. Though addressing these obstacles could increase 
use of the sanction when appropriate or its short-term effectiveness, 
the longer-term effectiveness of the sanction is difficult to assess 
because 5 of the 9 homes that underwent temporary management and 
remained open have not been able to consistently maintain compliance. 
Such longer-term compliance problems suggest the need for enhanced 

Recommendations for Executive Action: 

To address obstacles to the use of the federal temporary management 
sanction, we recommend that the Administrator of CMS work with states 
to implement the following two actions: 

* Create and maintain a list or lists of qualified temporary managers 
on either a regional or national basis. 

* Develop additional information that identifies best practices for 
states and regional offices, including when and how to use the 
sanction, the essential qualifications for temporary managers, and 
alternative funding sources available for temporary management, such as 
CMP funds. 

To help ensure the longer-term compliance of nursing homes that have 
successfully returned to substantial compliance under temporary 
management, we recommend that the Administrator of CMS develop guidance 
for states to enhance their oversight of such homes, such as 
implementing reactivation of temporary management if the home does not 
maintain substantial compliance over the 2 years following the 
conclusion of the sanction. 

Agency and Other External Comments and Our Evaluation: 

We provided a draft of this report to the Department of Health and 
Human Services and AHFSA for comment.[Footnote 48] In its written 
comments, CMS said that our study added value to the important public 
policy discussions regarding the use of temporary management, an 
important tool that states can recommend and CMS can impose in 
situations of immediate jeopardy. While CMS endorsed the spirit of our 
recommendations, the agency indicated that it did not plan to implement 
all of them. Specifically, CMS agreed with one recommendation, 
indicated that it would explore alternatives to a second 
recommendation, and noted that it did not plan to implement the third 
recommendation. CMS's comments are reproduced in enclosure IV. We also 
received written comments from AHFSA, which agreed with one 
recommendation but did not comment on whether it agreed with the other 
two. CMS and AHFSA also provided additional information, which we 
summarize below. 

CMS agreed with our recommendation to develop additional information 
that identifies best practices for states and regional offices to 
assist in their use of temporary management. AHFSA agreed that there 
was a need for CMS to provide clearer information to states regarding 
the process involved with using temporary management; additionally, 
AHFSA commented that one state suggested CMS should develop performance 
measures or benchmarks for nursing homes that, if not met, would 
require the use of a temporary manager. 

CMS indicated that it intended to broaden the scope of our 
recommendation to develop guidance for states to enhance the agency's 
longer-term oversight of nursing homes that have successfully returned 
to substantial compliance under temporary management. Specifically, CMS 
stated it would establish a state-federal workgroup to examine the full 
array of potential sanctions together, rather than just focusing on 
temporary management. While our recommendation was limited to the scope 
of our study--specifically, the use of temporary management--we believe 
that the agency's actions have the potential to fulfill the intent of 
our recommendation if they result in an enhanced focus on ensuring that 
nursing homes remain in compliance. 

CMS commented that it did not plan to implement our recommendation that 
it work with states to create and maintain a list or lists of qualified 
temporary managers on either a regional or national basis, but the 
agency stated that it would form a state-federal workgroup to explore 
this recommendation. Both CMS and AHFSA noted that maintaining such a 
list posed challenges for several reasons, including the resources 
required to develop and maintain such a list and differences in state 
professional licensure laws. Moreover, CMS commented that the creation 
of the infrastructure to maintain and administer a list of temporary 
managers presumed that this sanction was both superior to other 
sanctions and would be used extensively. Our draft report states that 
many state and regional officials told us that the lack of potential 
temporary managers was an obstacle to using the sanction. Because of 
the availability of other sanctions that states and regional offices 
deem more appropriate based on the circumstances and because of the 
short 23-day time frame to abate immediate jeopardy deficiencies, the 
availability of a list of temporary managers may not result in 
significantly greater use of the sanction. Lack of an up-to-date list, 
however, is clearly an obstacle to the sanction's use when it may be 
appropriate, an obstacle that is compounded by the short 23-day time 
frame. As a result, we maintain that the full potential of what CMS 
characterizes as an important tool will not be fully realized without 
the development and maintenance of such lists. 

AHFSA commented that state laws may vary regarding state authority and 
procedures involving temporary management. During the course of our 
study, we asked states whether they had an alternative sanction to 
federal temporary management and whether they used this alternative 
from fiscal years 2003 through 2008; we did not review specific state 
authorities or state procedures for implementing temporary management. 
AHFSA also noted that one state suggested that CMS conduct a study of 
the effectiveness of each available federal sanction in ensuring long- 
term compliance. As noted in our draft report and in CMS's comments, 
the states and regional offices often use other sanctions in addition 
to temporary management, such as CMPs and DPNAs. As a result, we 
believe that it would be difficult to isolate the effectiveness of 
individual sanctions in ensuring nursing homes' compliance with federal 
quality requirements. 

As agreed with your offices, unless you publicly announce the contents 
of this report earlier, we plan no further distribution until 30 days 
after its issue date. At that time, we will send copies to the 
Administrator of CMS and appropriate congressional committees. The 
report will also be available at no charge on GAO's Web site at 
[hyperlink,]. If you or your staff have any 
questions regarding this report, please contact me at (202) 512-7114 or Contact points for our Offices of Congressional 
Relations and Public Affairs may be found on the last page of this 
report. Walter Ochinko, Assistant Director; Rebecca Abela; Kaycee M. 
Glavich; and Elizabeth T. Morrison were major contributors to this 

Signed by: 

John E. Dicken: 
Director, Health Care: 

Enclosures - 4: 

List of Requesters: 

The Honorable Herb Kohl: 
Special Committee on Aging: 
United States Senate: 

The Honorable Charles E. Grassley: 
Ranking Member: 
Committee on Finance: 
United States Senate: 

The Honorable Henry A. Waxman: 
Committee on Energy and Commerce: 
House of Representatives: 

The Honorable Pete Stark: 
Subcommittee on Health: 
Committee on Ways and Means: 
House of Representatives: 

The Honorable Jan Schakowsky: 
House of Representatives: 

[End of section] 

Enclosure I: Six Nursing Homes Changed Ownership during or after 
Temporary Management, but Did Not Necessarily Improve; Obstacles to 
Such Changes May Be Difficult for CMS to Influence: 

State officials reported that 6 of the 14 nursing homes that underwent 
federal temporary management from fiscal years 2003 through 2008 
changed ownership either close to the time of or after the sanction's 
use.[Footnote 49] Specifically, a change in ownership occurred during 
or shortly after use of temporary management in 4 of the 6 homes (see 
enclosure III). In all 4 homes, the temporary manager returned the home 
to substantial compliance and oversaw transition of the change in 
ownership or remained in place after the change in ownership occurred. 
At the remaining 2 homes, state officials told us a change in ownership 
occurred several months or years after the conclusion of temporary 
management. In 1 of these 2 homes, state officials told us that the 
home sought a change in ownership during temporary management, but was 
unable to find a buyer due to an asking price that was higher than 
potential buyers were willing to pay. The owner sold the home after the 
state license was revoked and the home reopened under new ownership. 

State officials told us that if a nursing home's owner is unwilling to 
correct or is incapable of correcting immediate jeopardy or other 
serious deficiencies, a change in ownership may help return a home to 
compliance and avoid termination. However, a new owner does not 
necessarily guarantee improvement in the home. Three of the six homes 
under temporary management from fiscal years 2003 through 2008 that 
underwent a change in ownership continued to have longer-term 
compliance problems. Specifically, one of the homes was selected to 
participate in the Special Focus Facility (SFF) program around the time 
of the change in ownership, and each of the three homes had one or two 
stars (much below or below average) in the Centers for Medicare & 
Medicaid's (CMS) Five-Star Quality Rating System as of August 2009. 
[Footnote 50] 

State officials primarily identified two obstacles to changing a 
nursing home's ownership once temporary management has been used, both 
of which would be difficult for CMS to influence. First, officials 
noted that when a home subject to temporary management is not 
financially viable, it is not attractive to potential purchasers. 
Although this obstacle may be difficult for CMS to address, officials 
from one state that used the federal temporary management sanction 
noted that they forced the owner of a home with a high asking price 
that was unable to find a purchaser to lower the price and ultimately a 
change in ownership occurred. The second obstacle identified--not 
enough time to find a new owner who can return the home to compliance 
before termination--is similar to an obstacle that officials cited to 
imposing federal temporary management. Extending the termination time 
frame to address this obstacle could lengthen the period of time 
residents are exposed to the risk of death or serious injury. 

[End of section] 

Enclosure II: Information on Nursing Homes in Which Federal Temporary 
Management Was Used, Fiscal Years 2003 through 2008: 

Nursing home: 1; 
State[A]: California; 
Number of certified beds[B]: 62; 
Ownership type: For-profit; 
Dates of temporary management: 9/2004-1/2005; 
Part of a nursing home chain[C]: Yes. 

Nursing home: 2; 
State[A]: Colorado; 
Number of certified beds[B]: 180; 
Ownership type: Government; 
Dates of temporary management: 12/2003-3/2004; 
Part of a nursing home chain[C]: No. 

Nursing home: 3; 
State[A]: Colorado; 
Number of certified beds[B]: 33; 
Ownership type: For-profit; 
Dates of temporary management: 9/2007-10/2007; 
Part of a nursing home chain[C]: No. 

Nursing home: 4; 
State[A]: Colorado; 
Number of certified beds[B]: 120; 
Ownership type: For-profit; 
Dates of temporary management: 3/2008-6/2008; 
Part of a nursing home chain[C]: No. 

Nursing home: 5; 
State[A]: Connecticut; 
Number of certified beds[B]: 130; 
Ownership type: For-profit; 
Dates of temporary management: 2/2004-12/2004; 
Part of a nursing home chain[C]: No. 

Nursing home: 6; 
State[A]: Connecticut; 
Number of certified beds[B]: 330; 
Ownership type: For-profit; 
Dates of temporary management: 5/2005-4/2006[D]; 
Part of a nursing home chain[C]: No. 

Nursing home: 7; 
State[A]: Maine; 
Number of certified beds[B]: 50; 
Ownership type: For-profit; 
Dates of temporary management: 8/2006-12/2007; 
Part of a nursing home chain[C]: No. 

Nursing home: 8[E]; 
State[A]: Michigan; 
Number of certified beds[B]: 62; 
Ownership type: For-profit; 
Dates of temporary management: 4/2005-4/2005; 
Part of a nursing home chain[C]: Yes[F]. 

Nursing home: 9; 
State[A]: Michigan; 
Number of certified beds[B]: 142; 
Ownership type: For-profit; 
Dates of temporary management: 6/2007-7/2007; 
Part of a nursing home chain[C]: Yes[F]. 

Nursing home: 10; 
State[A]: New Jersey; 
Number of certified beds[B]: 180; 
Ownership type: Nonprofit; 
Dates of temporary management: 10/2002-[G]; 
Part of a nursing home chain[C]: No. 

Nursing home: 11; 
State[A]: South Dakota; 
Number of certified beds[B]: 108; 
Ownership type: For-profit; 
Dates of temporary management: 10/2005-2/2006; 
Part of a nursing home chain[C]: No. 

Nursing home: 12; 
State[A]: Tennessee; 
Number of certified beds[B]: 122; 
Ownership type: For-profit; 
Dates of temporary management: 4/2008-1/2009; 
Part of a nursing home chain[C]: No. 

Nursing home: 13; 
State[A]: Texas; 
Number of certified beds[B]: 210; 
Ownership type: For-profit; 
Dates of temporary management: 2/2006-1/2007; 
Part of a nursing home chain[C]: Yes. 

Nursing home: 14; 
State[A]: Vermont; 
Number of certified beds[B]: 56; 
Ownership type: Nonprofit; 
Dates of temporary management: 4/2004-10/2004; 
Part of a nursing home chain[C]: No. 

Source: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' (CMS) On-line Survey, 
Certification, and Reporting and Providing Data Quickly systems, and 
state and CMS regional officials. 

[A] These states are located in the Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, 
Denver, New York, and San Francisco CMS regions. 

[B] As of most recent survey. For homes that have closed, this is the 
survey prior to closure. 

[C] Indicates whether home was part of a nursing home chain at the time 
temporary management was used. Nursing home chains have two or more 
homes under one owner. 

[D] Estimate of duration of temporary management based on responses 
from state officials. 

[E] The nursing home only participated in Medicaid, and the state 
Medicaid agency used the sanction. 

[F] These nursing homes had the same owner. 

[G] Data on duration of temporary management were not available. 

[End of table] 

[End of section] 

Enclosure III: Nursing Home Compliance History and the Objectives and 
Outcomes of the Use of Federal Temporary Management, Fiscal Years 2003 
through 2008: 

Nursing home: California; 
Prior to temporary management: Compliance history[B] (number of 
deficiencies cited): 
Potential Harm (D-F), 3-year survey history: 64; 
Potential Harm (D-F), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 0; 
Actual Harm (G-I), 3-year survey history: 2; 
Actual Harm (G-I), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 0; 
Immediate Jeopardy (J-L), 3-year survey history: 0; 
Immediate Jeopardy (J-L), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 
Other events: None; 
Temporary management[A]: Imposed Sept. 2004 for 5 months; home closed 
Jan. 2550; 
Objective: Objective changed; 
Outcome: Close home. 

Nursing home: Colorado; 
Prior to temporary management: Compliance history[B] (number of 
deficiencies cited): 
Potential Harm (D-F), 3-year survey history: N/A; 
Potential Harm (D-F), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 8; 
Actual Harm (G-I), 3-year survey history: N/A; 
Actual Harm (G-I), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 4; 
Immediate Jeopardy (J-L), 3-year survey history: N/A[D]; 
Immediate Jeopardy (J-L), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 
Other events: None; 
Temporary management[A]: Imposed Dec. 2003 for 2.5 months; 
Objective: Return home to compliance; 
Outcome: Return home to compliance; 
Post-temporary management: 
Other events: None; 
Five-star quality rating[C]: 4 stars. 

Nursing home: Colorado; 
Prior to temporary management: Compliance history[B] (number of 
deficiencies cited): 
Potential Harm (D-F), 3-year survey history: 32; 
Potential Harm (D-F), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 4; 
Actual Harm (G-I), 3-year survey history: 6; 
Actual Harm (G-I), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 0; 
Immediate Jeopardy (J-L), 3-year survey history: 1; 
Immediate Jeopardy (J-L), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 
Other events: None; 
Temporary management[A]: Imposed Sept. 2007 for 1 month; 
Objective: Return home to compliance; 
Outcome: Return home to compliance; 
Post-temporary management: 
Other events: Home closed Apr. 2009. 

Nursing home: Colorado; 
Prior to temporary management: Compliance history[B] (number of 
deficiencies cited): 
Potential Harm (D-F), 3-year survey history: 114; 
Potential Harm (D-F), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 0; 
Actual Harm (G-I), 3-year survey history: 18; 
Actual Harm (G-I), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 0; 
Immediate Jeopardy (J-L), 3-year survey history: 2; 
Immediate Jeopardy (J-L), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 
Other events: None; 
Temporary management[A]: Imposed Mar. 2008 for 3 months; home closed 
June 2008; 
Objective: Return home to compliance; 
Outcome: Close Home. 

Nursing home: Connecticut; 
Prior to temporary management: Compliance history[B] (number of 
deficiencies cited): 
Potential Harm (D-F), 3-year survey history: 36; 
Potential Harm (D-F), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 16; 
Actual Harm (G-I), 3-year survey history: 10; 
Actual Harm (G-I), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 18; 
Immediate Jeopardy (J-L), 3-year survey history: 0; 
Immediate Jeopardy (J-L), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 
Other events: None; 
Temporary management[A]: Imposed Feb. 2004 for 10.5 months; change in 
ownership occurred Dec. 2004; 
Objective: Return home to compliance; 
Outcome: Return home to compliance; 
Post-temporary management: 
Other events: None; 
Five-star quality rating[C]: 4 stars. 

Nursing home: Connecticut; 
Prior to temporary management: Compliance history[B] (number of 
deficiencies cited): 
Potential Harm (D-F), 3-year survey history: 76; 
Potential Harm (D-F), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 7; 
Actual Harm (G-I), 3-year survey history: 20; 
Actual Harm (G-I), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 4; 
Immediate Jeopardy (J-L), 3-year survey history: 0; 
Immediate Jeopardy (J-L), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 
Other events: In Special Focus Facility program (SFF); 
Temporary management[A]: Imposed May 2005 for 10.5 months; 
Objective: Return home to compliance; 
Outcome: Return home to compliance; 
Post-temporary management: 
Other events: None; 
Five-star quality rating[C]: 3 stars. 

Nursing home: Maine; 
Prior to temporary management: Compliance history[B] (number of 
deficiencies cited): 
Potential Harm (D-F), 3-year survey history: 62; 
Potential Harm (D-F), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 18; 
Actual Harm (G-I), 3-year survey history: 10; 
Actual Harm (G-I), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 4; 
Immediate Jeopardy (J-L), 3-year survey history: 1; 
Immediate Jeopardy (J-L), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 
Other events: In Special Focus Facility program (SFF); 
Temporary management[A]: Imposed Aug. 2006 for 16 months; change in 
ownership occurred Dec. 2006; 
Objective: Return home to compliance; 
Outcome: Return home to compliance; 
Post-temporary management: 
Other events: None; 
Five-star quality rating[C]: Not included[E]. 

Nursing home: Michigan; 
Prior to temporary management: Compliance history[B] (number of 
deficiencies cited): 
Potential Harm (D-F), 3-year survey history: 41; 
Potential Harm (D-F), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 16; 
Actual Harm (G-I), 3-year survey history: 5; 
Actual Harm (G-I), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 4; 
Immediate Jeopardy (J-L), 3-year survey history: 4; 
Immediate Jeopardy (J-L), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 
Other events: In Special Focus Facility program (SFF); 
Temporary management[A]: Imposed Apr. 2005 for 0.5 months; home closed 
Apr. 2005; 
Objective: Close home; 
Outcome: Close home. 

Nursing home: Michigan; 
Prior to temporary management: Compliance history[B] (number of 
deficiencies cited): 
Potential Harm (D-F), 3-year survey history: 43; 
Potential Harm (D-F), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 19; 
Actual Harm (G-I), 3-year survey history: 4; 
Actual Harm (G-I), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 1; 
Immediate Jeopardy (J-L), 3-year survey history: 0; 
Immediate Jeopardy (J-L), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 
Other events: None; 
Temporary management[A]: Imposed June 2007 for 1 month; home closed 
June 2007; 
Objective: Close home; 
Outcome: Close home. 

Nursing home: New Jersey; 
Prior to temporary management: Compliance history[B] (number of 
deficiencies cited): 
Potential Harm (D-F), 3-year survey history: 25; 
Potential Harm (D-F), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 9; 
Actual Harm (G-I), 3-year survey history: 1; 
Actual Harm (G-I), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 0; 
Immediate Jeopardy (J-L), 3-year survey history: 0; 
Immediate Jeopardy (J-L), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 
Other events: None; 
Temporary management[A]: Imposed Oct. 2002[F]; 
Objective: Return home to compliance; 
Outcome: Return home to compliance; 
Post-temporary management: 
Other events: Change in ownership 2005; placed in SFF Jan. 2005; 
Five-star quality rating[C]: 2 stars. 

Nursing home: South Dakota; 
Prior to temporary management: Compliance history[B] (number of 
deficiencies cited): 
Potential Harm (D-F), 3-year survey history: 29; 
Potential Harm (D-F), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 30; 
Actual Harm (G-I), 3-year survey history: 10; 
Actual Harm (G-I), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 16; 
Immediate Jeopardy (J-L), 3-year survey history: 0; 
Immediate Jeopardy (J-L), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 
Other events: In Special Focus Facility program (SFF); 
Temporary management[A]: Imposed Oct. 2005 for 4.5 months; 
Objective: Return home to compliance; 
Outcome: Return home to compliance; 
Post-temporary management: 
Other events: Change in ownership Dec. 2006; 
Five-star quality rating[C]: 2 stars; 

Nursing home: Tennessee; 
Prior to temporary management: Compliance history[B] (number of 
deficiencies cited): 
Potential Harm (D-F), 3-year survey history: 29; 
Potential Harm (D-F), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 22; 
Actual Harm (G-I), 3-year survey history: 0; 
Actual Harm (G-I), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 9; 
Immediate Jeopardy (J-L), 3-year survey history: 0; 
Immediate Jeopardy (J-L), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 
Other events: None; 
Temporary management[A]: Imposed Apr. 2008 for 9 months; ended with 
change in ownership Jan. 2009; 
Objective: Return home to compliance; 
Outcome: Return home to compliance; 
Post-temporary management: 
Other events: None; 
Five-star quality rating[C]: Not included[E]. 

Nursing home: Texas; 
Prior to temporary management: Compliance history[B] (number of 
deficiencies cited): 
Potential Harm (D-F), 3-year survey history: 64; 
Potential Harm (D-F), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 3; 
Actual Harm (G-I), 3-year survey history: 9; 
Actual Harm (G-I), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 0; 
Immediate Jeopardy (J-L), 3-year survey history: 0; 
Immediate Jeopardy (J-L), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 
Other events: None; 
Temporary management[A]: Imposed Feb. 2006 for 10.5 months; ended with 
change in ownership Jan. 2007; 
Objective: Return home to compliance; 
Outcome: Return home to compliance; 
Post-temporary management: 
Other events: None; 
Five-star quality rating[C]: 1 star[H]. 

Nursing home: Vermont; 
Prior to temporary management: Compliance history[B] (number of 
deficiencies cited): 
Potential Harm (D-F), 3-year survey history: 21; 
Potential Harm (D-F), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 9; 
Actual Harm (G-I), 3-year survey history: 2; 
Actual Harm (G-I), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 5; 
Immediate Jeopardy (J-L), 3-year survey history: 0; 
Immediate Jeopardy (J-L), Survey(s) that led to temporary management: 
Other events: None; 
Temporary management[A]: Imposed Apr. 2004 for 6 months; 
Objective: Return home to compliance; 
Outcome: Return home to compliance; 
Post-temporary management: 
Other events: State temporary management imposed Jan. 2006; 
Five-star quality rating[C]: 2 stars. 

Sources: GAO analysis of CMS OSCAR system, PDQ, Nursing Home Compare, 
and CMS regional office and state officials. 

[A] Outcome of temporary management is in the short term. 

[B] Three-year compliance history does not include the survey or 
surveys that led to temporary management. 

[C] In December 2008, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services 
(CMS) began publishing the results from its Five-Star Quality Rating 
System to help consumers compare nursing homes. Every nursing home in 
the United States is rated--primarily based on the home's compliance 
history--with one (much below average), two (below average), three 
(about average), four (above average), or five (much above average) 
stars. Ratings presented in the figure are as of August 2009; if a 
nursing home closed prior to that date or the rating included at least 
two surveys that occurred during temporary management, it does not have 
a rating. 

[D] Compliance history data prior to imposition of temporary management 
are not available for 1 of the 14 homes--home number 2--because 
temporary management was used during the same year the home began 
participating in Medicare and Medicaid. 

[E] We did not report the rating for this home because the results from 
at least two surveys that occurred prior to temporary management or 
while temporary management was in place were included in the 
calculation of this rating. 

[F] Data on duration of temporary management were not available. 

[G] Includes two surveys conducted immediately prior to temporary 
management. State officials told us they used these surveys as the 
basis for recommending temporary management. 

[H] CMS's calculation of this home's rating included results from 
complaint investigations that occurred while temporary management was 
in place. 

[I] Includes two surveys conducted immediately prior to temporary 
management because they were conducted within 4 days of each other and 
both led to imposition of temporary management. 

[End of table] 

[End of section] 

Enclosure IV: Comments from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid 

Department Of Health & Human Services: 
Office Of The Secretary: 
Assistant Secretary for Legislation: 
Washington, DC 20201: 

November 5, 2009: 

John E. Dicken: 
Director, Health Care: 
Government Accountability Office: 
441 G Street NW: 
Washington, DC 20548: 

Dear Mr. Dicken: 

Enclosed are the Department's comments on the U.S. Government 
Accountability Office's (GAO) draft report entitled: "Nursing Homes: 
Opportunities Exist to Facilitate the Use of the Temporary Management 
Sanction" (GAO-10-37R). 

The Department appreciates the opportunity to review and comment on 
this report before its publication. 


Signed by: 

Andrea Palm: 
Acting Assistant Secretary for Legislation: 


[End of letter] 

Department Of Health & Human Services: 
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services: 
Washington, DC 20201: 

Date: November 5, 2009: 

To: Andrea Palm: 
Acting Assistant Secretary for Legislation: 

From: [Signed by] Charlene Frizzera: 
Acting Administrator: 

Subject: Government Accountability Office (GAO) Draft Report "Nursing 
Homes: Opportunities Exist to Facilitate the Use of the Temporary 
Management Sanction" (GAO-10-37R): 

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) appreciates the 
opportunity to review and comment on the above-mentioned draft report. 
The GAO was asked to gather information as to why the temporary 
management sanction has been used infrequently to address nursing home 
quality problems. The GAO focused primarily on two areas: 

1. CMS and States' experience with the use of temporary management and 
its effectiveness in achieving compliance in the short and longer term; 

2. Obstacles to the use of Federal temporary management and how such 
obstacles could be addressed. 

We believe that the GAO study adds value to the important public policy 
discussions regarding the use of temporary management, one of several 
remedies provided in the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 
(Pub. Law 100-203). We believe that temporary management is an 
important tool that States can recommend and CMS can impose in 
situations of immediate jeopardy (IJ). 

The IJ citations in nursing homes are relatively infrequent. For 
example, the percentage of nursing homes cited for IJ deficiencies 
ranged from 2.2 percent in 2003 to 2.4 percent in 2006, with a high of 
2.6 percent in 2005. Nonetheless, when we identify IJ we take the 
situation seriously and require that the IJ be remedied within 23 days. 
It is in this context that temporary managers are used. 

In addition to temporary management, CMS makes extensive use of civil 
monetary penalties (CMPs), denial of payment for new admissions, and 
termination from Medicare when serious problems persist unremedied. In 
recent years, we have also taken additional steps to identify those 
nursing homes most in need of concentrated attention from CMS. Examples 
include CMS' Special Focus Facility initiative, and the Nursing Home 
Five-Star Quality Rating System that is featured on CMS' Nursing Home 
Compare Website. In 2008, CMS also began to require each Quality 
Improvement Organization to work with at least one special focus 
facility nursing home in each State. 

The GAO found that infrequent use of temporary management appears to be 
the result of (1) the availability of other sanctions such as CMPs that 
States and regional offices deem more appropriate in certain 
situations; and (2) their determination that many homes can address IJ 
deficiencies without assistance of a temporary manager. Nonetheless, 
the GAO made a number of suggestions that might result in greater use 
of temporary management. We endorse the spirit of the GAO 
recommendations, but do not fully agree with all of the specific 
recommendations. We offer the following more detailed responses to the 
GAO recommendations. 

GAO Recommendation 1: Federal List of Temporary Managers: 

To address obstacles to the use of the Federal temporary Management 
sanction, create and maintain a list or lists of qualified temporary 
managers on either a regional or national basis. 

CMS Response: 

We do not plan to implement this recommendation, but will form a State-
Federal workgroup to explore the recommendations in this report more 
fully. It is not simply the creation of such a list that is at issue, 
but (a) the constant updating of a list of "at-the-ready" potential 
temporary managers (b) matched to particular geographical areas with 
(c) particular skill sets that may be needed for (d) a very diverse 
array of nursing facilities for a (e) sanction (temporary management) 
that may remain infrequently used even with such a national list. 
Further, such a system presumes the presence of a Federal 
infrastructure to maintain and administer a national temporary 
management program that may be of lower value than alternative uses of 
staff resources devoted to nursing home oversight and enforcement. 

It is also unclear from the GAO analysis whether the use of temporary 
management is superior or inferior to other forms of enforcement, such 
as denial of payment for new admissions or CMPs. In fact, it is 
probable that this question cannot be answered in the abstract, but 
must be determined based on the specific facts pertinent to each 
nursing home's situation. We therefore do not consider it prudent at 
this time to develop a national temporary management infrastructure 
based on the presumption that the temporary management remedy is both 
superior to other remedies and will be extensively used. 

Finally, we continue to believe that the most effective venue for 
maintenance of potential temporary manager lists is at the State level. 
States generally have licensure and other sanction authority beyond-
Federal requirements, maintain sanction system's for State licensure 
violations, and typically have additional oversight responsibilities 
for providers beyond nursing homes for which temporary managers might 
be used (e.g., oversight of assisted living facilities). Such State 
authorities and responsibilities create economies of scale and 
synergies that make maintenance of lists of local experts at the State 
level more feasible. 

GAO Recommendation 2: Bet Practices for Use of Temporary Management
To address obstacles to the use of the Federal temporary management 
sanction, develop additional information that identifies best practices 
for States and regional offices, including when and how to use the 
sanction, the essential qualifications for temporary managers, and 
alternative funding sources available for temporary management, such as 
CMP funds. 

CMS Response: 

We agree with the recommendation. CMS will seek State best practices, 
evaluate, and develop additional information to assist States• and 
regional offices in using temporary management. However, the timeline 
for this activity would need to be determined based on current and 
anticipated workloads. 

GAO Recommendation 3: Develop Guidance for States to Enhance Oversight
To help ensure the longer-term compliance of nursing homes that have 
successfully returned to substantial compliance under temporary 
management, we recommend that the Administrator of CMS develop guidance 
for States to enhance their oversight of such homes, such as 
implementing reactivation of temporary management if the home does not 
maintain substantial compliance over the 2 years following the 
conclusion of the sanction. 

CMS Response: 

We will explore alternatives to this recommendation in which we 
consider the full array of potential remedies together, rather than 
temporary management per se. As the GAO report indicates, the
choice of using a temporary management sanction in lieu of other 
remedies is typically occasioned by very specific circumstances in the 
nursing home. In some cases; for example, it is used to effect an
orderly transition of residents to alternate arrangements prior to 
closure of the nursing home. In other cases; the decision to use 
temporary management depends on the facility's finances, or an 
assessment of the capabilities of the current management team, or other 
factors: While the unique circumstances on the ground are likely to be 
more important than any general guidance from CMS, we will explore this 
topic with a State-Federal workgroup. 

We appreciate the GAO's interest in ensuring that nursing homes remain 
in compliance with CMS quality of care and safety expectations once the 
period of temporary management is ended. This same concern applies to 
all situations in which serious violations are found, regardless of 
whether temporary management has been applied. We will therefore 
explore this issue as well with the State-Federal workgroup. 

Other factors not addressed in the GAO recommendations may be important 
in helping States make more effective use of temporary management. For 
example, the GAO, report found that lack of resources to pay temporary 
managers was the third most frequently cited barrier to the use of 
temporary managers.[Footnote 51] While CMP resources can be an 
important source of such funding, the GAO report correctly observes 
that the Medicare portion of CMP revenue is not available for such a 

Finally, the quality of care in a nursing home depends in part on the 
actions of the governing body and owner, as well as management team and 
staff. Whenever the actions of owners or operators represent a 
significant part of the problem, the use of temporary management has a 
significant drawback: temporary management can restore the asset value 
of a nursing home only to have the improved asset placed back in the 
hands of the same owner or operator that has been party to the decline 
in quality. The owner may subsequently sell the business (benefiting 
from the restored value) or continue the pattern of action (or non-
action) that gave rise to the problems in the beginning. 

These observations suggest that the issue of temporary management is 
more appropriately viewed in the larger context of creating the best 
fit between CMS enforcement actions and the root causes of poor quality 
in a particular nursing home. The best fit will be one that not only 
restores compliance in the short term, but improves quality in the long 
term. It is conceivable that such a best fit may involve the use of 
tools that are not currently in use to any significant extent. These 
issues require further study. We believe that CMS' Special Focus Radnor 
initiative provides a structured program environment within which we 
can gather additional information about the range of situations and 
enforcement remedies that should be considered. 

[End of section] 

Related GAO Products: 

Nursing Homes: CMS's Special Focus Facility Methodology Should Better 
Target the Most Poorly Performing Homes, Which Tended to Be Chain 
Affiliated and For-Profit. [hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: August 28, 

Medicare and Medicaid Participating Facilities: CMS Needs to Reexamine 
Its Approach for Funding State Oversight of Health Care Facilities. 
[hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: 
February 13, 2009. 

Nursing Homes: Federal Monitoring Surveys Demonstrate Continued 
Understatement of Serious Care Problems and CMS Oversight Weaknesses. 
[hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: 
May 9, 2008. 

Nursing Home Reform: Continued Attention Is Needed to Improve Quality 
of Care in Small but Significant Share of Homes. [hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: May 2, 

Nursing Homes: Efforts to Strengthen Federal Enforcement Have Not 
Deterred Some Homes from Repeatedly Harming Residents. [hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: March 26, 

Nursing Homes: Despite Increased Oversight, Challenges Remain in 
Ensuring High-Quality Care and Resident Safety. [hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: December 28, 

Nursing Home Quality: Prevalence of Serious Problems, While Declining, 
Reinforces Importance of Enhanced Oversight. [hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: July 15, 

Nursing Homes: Quality of Care More Related to Staffing than Spending. 
[hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: 
June 13, 2002. 

Nursing Homes: Sustained Efforts Are Essential to Realize Potential of 
the Quality Initiatives. [hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: 
September 28, 2000. 

Nursing Home Care: Enhanced HCFA Oversight of State Programs Would 
Better Ensure Quality. [hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: November 
4, 1999. 

Nursing Homes: Proposal to Enhance Oversight of Poorly Performing Homes 
Has Merit. [hyperlink,]. 
Washington, D.C.: June 30, 1999. 

Nursing Homes: Additional Steps Needed to Strengthen Enforcement of 
Federal Quality Standards. [hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: March 
18, 1999. 

California Nursing Homes: Care Problems Persist Despite Federal and 
State Oversight. [hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: July 
27, 1998. 

[End of section] 


[1] Medicare is the federal health care program for elderly and 
disabled people. Medicaid is the joint federal-state health care 
financing program for certain categories of low-income individuals. 
Medicare covers up to 100 days of skilled nursing home care following a 
hospital stay; Medicaid also pays for long-term care services, 
including nursing home care. 

[2] CMS is an agency within the Department of Health and Human 

[3] PDQ is an online reporting system that provides a variety of 
reports using CMS survey data. From fiscal year 1995--the first year 
the federal temporary management sanction was available--through fiscal 
year 2002, the sanction was used in 11 homes. Because of the likelihood 
that information on sanctions used so long ago would be limited, we 
focused on those instances in which the sanction was used from fiscal 
years 2003 through 2008. 

[4] The 10 states that used federal temporary management were 
California, Colorado, Connecticut, Maine, Michigan, New Jersey, South 
Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, and Vermont. These states are located in the 
Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, New York, and San Francisco 
CMS regions. 

[5] Throughout this report, we refer to state survey agencies, 
including the District of Columbia agency, as "states." 

[6] One of the 14 homes began participating in Medicare and Medicaid 
the same year that temporary management was used, and therefore 
compliance history data prior to temporary management were not 
available for this home. 

[7] One state provided information about its experience using federal 
temporary management, but did not provide information about obstacles 
to the use of the sanction and how they could be addressed. 

[8] Delaware, the District of Columbia, Nevada, and New York did not 

[9] By law, obtaining a state license to operate--by meeting specific 
state requirements--is one prerequisite for a home to participate in 
Medicare and Medicaid. 42 U.S.C. §§ 1395i-3(d)(2)(A), 1396r(d)(2)(A). 

[10] Pub. L. No. 100-203, §§ 4201, 4211, 101 Stat. 1330, 1330-160, 1330-
182 (codified in pertinent part at 42 U.S.C. § 1395i-3 and 42 U.S.C. § 

[11] Every nursing home receiving Medicare or Medicaid payment must 
undergo a standard survey not less than once every 15 months, and the 
statewide average interval for these surveys must not exceed 12 months. 

[12] As of December 31, 2008, almost 91 percent of nursing homes were 
certified to participate in Medicare and Medicaid, about 5 percent were 
only certified to participate in Medicare, and about 4 percent were 
only certified to participate in Medicaid. 

[13] CMS can also impose federal sanctions that the state has not 
recommended. Throughout this report, we refer to the imposition and 
implementation of a sanction as "use" of the sanction. 

[14] Overall, CMPs and DPNAs accounted for about 76 percent of federal 
sanctions imposed from fiscal years 2003 through 2008. Terminating a 
nursing home eliminates its eligibility to receive Medicare and 
Medicaid payments and can result in a home's closure; termination 
accounted for less than 1 percent of federal sanctions imposed from 
fiscal years 2003 through 2008. 

[15] 42 U.S.C. §§ 1395i-3(h), 1396r(h); see 42 C.F.R. § 488.408 (2008). 
In the absence of immediate jeopardy, temporary management, another 
sanction, or termination may also be used. 

[16] See 42 U.S.C. §§ 1395i-3(h)(2)(A), 1396r(h)(3); 42 C.F.R. § 
488.410 (2008). 

[17] See 42 U.S.C. § 1396r(h)(2)(B)(ii); 42 C.F.R. § 488.406 (c). Homes 
must meet certain state-determined criteria for the state to impose a 
state alternative sanction. 

[18] Throughout this report, we refer to CMS-approved alternative 
sanctions or state licensure sanctions as state alternative sanctions. 

[19] See 42 U.S.C. §§ 1395i-3(h)(2)(B)(iii), 1396r(h)(3)(C)(iii). 
Through the State Operations Manual, CMS provides guidance based on the 
statutes to regional offices and states on the use of the federal 
temporary management sanction. 

[20] The temporary manager's salary must be at least equivalent to the 
prevailing annual salary of nursing home administrators in the home's 
area including the cost of benefits, prorated for the amount of time 
the temporary manager spends in the home. 

[21] When CMS appoints a state-recommended temporary manager and a home 
agrees, the temporary manager and the home negotiate the terms of 
temporary management--such as the temporary manager's authorities, 
duties, and compensation. 

[22] In the case of a Medicaid-only nursing home, the state Medicaid 
agency selects the temporary manager. 

[23] CMS decided not to require that temporary managers be licensed 
nursing home administrators in order to expand the number of eligible 

[24] The SFF Program focuses on 136 nursing homes in every state except 
Alaska; the number of SFFs per state ranges from 1 to 6 based on the 
number of homes in the state. See GAO, Nursing Homes: CMS's Special 
Focus Facility Methodology Should Better Target the Most Poorly 
Performing Homes, Which Tended to Be Chain Affiliated and For Profit, 
[hyperlink,] (Washington, D.C.: 
Aug. 28, 2009). 

[25] A two-star rating means a home ranks "below average;" a three-star 
rating means "about average;" and a four-star rating means "above 

[26] The second component of the five-star quality rating--staffing 
levels--is based on nursing homes' reported total nursing hours per 
resident day and registered nurse hours per resident day. The third 
component is based on nursing home performance on 10 quality-of-care 
measures, such as the percentage of high-risk residents who have 
pressure sores. 

[27] In calculating the compliance history rating, the most recent 
survey findings are weighted more than the prior two surveys. The 
overall quality rating is capped in two circumstances. First, if a 
nursing home's compliance history is one star, then the overall quality 
rating cannot exceed two stars. Second, nursing homes currently in the 
SFF program have their overall quality rating capped at three stars 
even if they have high ratings in individual components. 

[28] For the remaining home, officials told us that they used temporary 
management solely because of multiple immediate jeopardy deficiencies. 
CMS typically uses other federal sanctions before turning to temporary 

[29] The three homes where immediate jeopardy was not identified in the 
survey that led to temporary management were not subject to the 23-day 
termination time frame. 

[30] We previously reported that many homes frequently cycle in and out 
of compliance; see GAO, Nursing Homes: Efforts to Strengthen Federal 
Enforcement Have Not Deterred Some Homes from Repeatedly Harming 
Residents, [hyperlink,] 
(Washington, D.C.: Mar. 26, 2007). 

[31] The 14 nursing homes in which the sanction was used were located 
throughout the United States, mostly for-profit, and generally not part 
of a nursing home chain (see enclosure II). 

[32] The average includes two homes with a high number of D-L 
deficiencies in comparison to the other homes. Excluding these two 
homes results in an average of 30 D-L deficiencies during the year 
prior to temporary management. 

[33] In 6 of the 14 homes, CMS or state officials told us they used 
other sanctions, such as a CMP, in addition to federal temporary 

[34] States cited about 3,900 nursing homes with immediate jeopardy 
level deficiencies from fiscal years 2003 through 2008; temporary 
management was used 14 times and termination 163 times in those years. 

[35] States also have the option of using a state alternative to 
temporary management or other state sanctions if the home has not met 
state licensing requirements. 

[36] According to PDQ, directed plans of correction were used 1,429 
times in fiscal years 2003 through 2008. 

[37] In most homes for which information was available, the temporary 
manager was an individual employed by a management company. In one 
case, a company hired as the temporary manager installed a team that 
included a licensed nursing home administrator, a medical director, and 
a director of nursing, among others, to manage the home. 

[38] The duration of temporary management ranged from less than a month 
to about 16 months and averaged about 6 months, with generally shorter 
durations for homes where temporary management oversaw closure of the 
home. Generally, temporary management ended when either the home was 
determined to be in substantial compliance or the home closed. 

[39] CMS regional office or state officials were only able to provide 
the agreement between the home and the temporary manager for these four 

[40] Officials from three states did not provide us with information 
regarding factors that influenced the ability of temporary management 
to achieve its objective in part because of the amount of time that had 
passed since the sanction was used. 

[41] The 10th home closed less than 2 years after the conclusion of 
temporary management. 

[42] This includes three of the five homes that state and CMS regional 
officials identified as having continued problems after the conclusion 
of temporary management. 

[43] For one of the homes with a one-star rating, the results from 
complaint investigations that occurred while temporary management was 
in place were included in CMS's calculation of the rating. 

[44] We did not report the rating for two of the nine homes because the 
results from at least two surveys that occurred prior to temporary 
management or while temporary management was in place were included in 
CMS's calculations of these ratings. 

[45] By law, states receive funds from CMPs collected from Medicaid- 
only nursing homes, as well as the Medicaid portion of homes that 
participate in both Medicare and Medicaid. These funds must be applied 
to the protection of the health or property of residents of homes that 
the state or CMS finds deficient, such as payment for the costs of 
relocation of residents to other homes or operation of a home pending 
correction of deficiencies or closure. See 42 U.S.C § 
1396r(h)(2)(A)(ii). There is no requirement in the Social Security Act 
that the Medicare portion of CMP funds be used for a specific purpose; 
the funds are deposited as miscellaneous receipts into the U.S. 

[46] An official from one state did not indicate whether the state had 
an alternative sanction to federal temporary management. According to 
the state's administrative code, the state had the authority to impose 
temporary management in nursing homes that participate in Medicaid; 
however, we do not know if the state used this sanction from fiscal 
years 2003 through 2008. 

[47] In addition, officials from Connecticut reported using the state 
alternative sanction several times a year. 

[48] AHFSA represents survey agencies from all 51 states. During the 
course of our work, we collected information from 47 states. AHFSA 
agreed to provide us with consolidated comments on our draft report on 
behalf of all states. 

[49] A change in a nursing home's ownership can occur at any time, 
including when federal temporary management is in place or when a 
nursing home is on track to being terminated. When a change in 
ownership occurs, the new owner has two alternatives. The new owner can 
take over the existing provider agreement and be subject to all the 
terms and conditions under which the existing agreement was issued, 
including (1) meeting the time frames for correcting deficiencies; (2) 
assuming responsibility for any sanctions associated with those 
deficiencies, with two exceptions--the new owner is not (a) subject to 
the loss of the right to train nurses aides if the nursing home was 
under a 2-year restriction from the Nurse Aide Training and Competency 
Evaluation Programs, and (b) responsible for money owed to the federal 
government due to a determination that the previous owner is personally 
guilty of fraud; and (3) complying with applicable health and safety 
requirements. Alternatively, the new owner can apply to participate in 
Medicare as a new provider and enter into a new provider agreement, 
which requires enrolling as any other new applicant and undergoing an 
initial certification survey. 

[50] A fourth home had four stars (above average) in the Five-Star 
Quality Rating System as of August 2009. For the two remaining homes 
that underwent changes in ownership, we did not report the five-star 
ratings because the results from at least two surveys that occurred 
prior to temporary management or while temporary management was in 
place were included in the calculations of these ratings. 

[51] Table 2, GAO report, questionnaire responses from State survey 

[End of section] 

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