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entitled 'Coal Combustion Residue: Status of EPA's Efforts to Regulate 
Disposal' which was released on October 30, 2009. 

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United States Government Accountability Office: 
Washington, DC 20548: 

October 30, 2009: 

The Honorable Barbara Boxer:
Committee on Environment and Public Works:
United States Senate: 

The Honorable Edolphus Towns:
Committee on Oversight and Government Reform:
House of Representatives: 

Subject: Coal Combustion Residue: Status of EPA's Efforts to Regulate 

On December 22, 2008, a breach in a surface impoundment (or storage 
pond) dike at the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Kingston Fossil 
Plant in Tennessee resulted in the release of 5.4 million cubic yards 
of coal ash--also referred to as coal combustion residue (CCR)--into 
the nearby Emory River. The spill covered more than 300 acres and made 
3 homes uninhabitable; it damaged 23 other homes, plus roads, rail 
lines, and utilities. TVA estimated the cleanup will cost between $933 
million and $1.2 billion and take 2 to 3 years to complete. In light of 
the spill in Kingston, you asked us to identify: (1) the number of 
surface impoundments for storing CCR in the United States and their 
location; (2) problems, if any, with the storage of coal ash, and how 
those problems are being addressed; and (3) the type of federal 
oversight that exists for CCR and what, if any, issues need to be 
resolved. We briefed your staffs on October 1, 2009, and September 28, 
2009, respectively, on the results of this work. This report summarizes 
and transmits that briefing. The full briefing is reprinted in the 

To respond to your request, we obtained and reviewed Environmental 
Protection Agency (EPA) policy and program documents. We also 
interviewed senior officials from EPA's Office of Solid Waste and 
Emergency Response and Office of Water and collected statistics 
compiled by the Department of Energy's Energy Information 
Administration. To obtain perspective on the oversight that exists for 
CCR, we gathered and analyzed documents and opinions from industry and 
state representatives and environmental groups. To understand coal 
power plant activities and surface impoundments, we obtained and 
analyzed documentation from TVA senior officials on TVA facilities, 
visited TVA's Bull Run facility to observe a coal-fired plant in 
operation, and observed the ongoing cleanup at its Kingston facility. 
We conducted our work from March to October 2009 in accordance with all 
sections of GAO's Quality Assurance Framework that are relevant to our 
objectives. The framework requires that we plan and perform the 
engagement to obtain sufficient and appropriate evidence to meet our 
stated objectives and to discuss any limitations in our work. We 
believe that the information and data obtained, and the analysis 
conducted, provide a reasonable basis for any findings and conclusions 
in this product. 


Our review found the following: 

* The exact number of surface impoundments at utility coal fired power 
plants is not known. However, EPA is currently undertaking an effort to 
identify the number and location of all surface impoundments in the 
United States and, as of September 14, 2009, had identified over 580 
surface impoundments nationwide. 

* Problems that have been identified with the storage of coal ash 
include potential structural defects and other risks of collapse of the 
surface impoundment, such as at TVA Kingston Facility; health and 
environmental risks from CCR storage due to potential leaching of 
contaminants into surface or groundwater from unlined or failed liners 
at surface impoundments, landfills, or sand and gravel pits; and 
potential risks from the discharge of wastewater containing CCR into 
surface waters from surface impoundments. EPA is currently analyzing 
the structural hazards and environmental risks associated with surface 

* EPA does not directly regulate CCR disposal in surface impoundments 
or landfills to prevent releases or a catastrophic spill, and states 
have a variety of regulatory controls on surface impoundments. EPA is 
developing proposed regulations but, as part of this effort, needs to 
address issues of federal and state roles for control and enforcement. 

Agency Comments: 

We provided a draft of this report and the attached briefing to EPA for 
review and comment. EPA provided technical comments that we 
incorporated into the briefing slides, as appropriate. 

We are sending copies of this report to the Administrator of EPA and 
interested congressional committees. This report also is available at 
no charge on the GAO Web site at [hyperlink,]. 

If you or your staffs have any questions concerning this report, please 
contact me at (202) 512-3841 or Contact points for our 
Offices of Congressional Relations and Public Affairs may be found on 
the last page of this report. Individuals making key contributions to 
this report included Ernie Hazera, Assistant Director; Greg Carroll; 
Julia Coulter; Elizabeth Beardsley; and Ben Shouse. 

Signed by: 

Frank Rusco:
Director, Natural Resources and Environment: 


[End of section] 


Coal Combustion Residue: Status of EPA’s Efforts to Regulate Disposal: 

Briefing to Congressional Committees: 

September 28 and October 1, 2009: 


On December 22, 2008, a breach in a dike at the Tennessee Valley 
Authority (TVA) Kingston Fossil Plant resulted in the release of 5.4 
million cubic yards of coal ash—also referred to as coal combustion 
residue (CCR)—into the nearby Emory River. The spill covered more than 
300 acres, made 3 homes uninhabitable and damaged 23 other homes, plus 
roads, rail lines, and utilities. 

TVA states it has made progress in the cleanup the last several months; 
however, it estimates the cleanup will cost between $933million and 
$1.2 billion and could take 2-3 years. TVA’s cost estimate does not 
include potential costs associated with regulatory actions, litigation, 
fines or penalties, and final remediation activities. 

The TVA spill has raised concerns about potential risks associated with 
other similar facilities nationwide. 


In light of the Kingston spill, you asked us to identify: 

1. the number of CCR surface impoundments and their locations; 

2. problems, if any, with the storage of coal ash and how those 
problems are being addressed; and; 

3. the type of federal oversight that exists for CCR, and what, if any, 
issues need to be resolved. 

Scope and Methodology: 

To conduct this review,we: 

* Analyzed Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) policy and program 
documents, reports, studies, and legal documents and interviewed senior 
officials from EPA’s Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response and 
Office of Water. 

* Collected statistics compiled by Department of Energy’s (DOE) Energy 
Information Administration (EIA). 

* Obtained and analyzed documents and opinions from industry, state 
representatives, and environmental groups. 

* Obtained and analyzed documentation from TVA senior officials on TVA 
facilities, interviewed TVA officials,visited TVA’s Bull Run facility 
to observe a coal-fired plant in operation,and observed the ongoing 
cleanup at its Kingston facility. 

We conducted our work from March to October 2009 in accordance with all 
sections of GAO’s Quality Assurance Framework that are relevant to our 
objectives. The framework requires that we plan and perform the 
engagement to obtain sufficient and appropriate evidence to meet our 
stated objectives and to discuss any limitations in our work. We 
believe that the information and data obtained, and the analysis 
conducted, provide a reasonable basis for any findings and conclusions 
in this product. 


The combustion of coal leaves behind various materials—the 
noncombustible portion of the coal itself and residues collected by air 
pollution control technologies which we refer to as CCR.[Footnote 1] 
See figure 1 for an illustration of a coal-fired power plant. 

Figure 1: Typical Coal-Fired Power Plant: 

[Refer to PDF for image: illustration] 

The following are depicted in the illustration: 

Boiler (furnace); 
Condenser cooling water; 
Transmission lines. 

Source: TVA. 

[End of figure] 

Coal-fired power plants accounted for almost half of U.S. electric 
power production in 2008 and generated an estimated 131 million tons of 
CCR in 2007. See figure 2 below. 

Figure 2: Net Generation by Fuel Source, 2008: 

[Refer to PDF for image: pie-chart] 

Coal: 48%; 
Natural gas and other gases: 22%; 
Nuclear: 20%; 
Hydroelectric: 6%; 
Other renewables and miscellaneous technologies: 3%; 
Petroleum liquids and petroleum coke: 1%. 

Source: Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration. 

[End of figure] 

The coal combustion process results in different types of CCR produced, 
including fly ash, bottom ash, boiler slag and flue gas 
desulfurization(FGD) material. 

* Fly ash—a product of burning finely ground coal in a boiler. Fly ash 
is a gray or tan powder. 

* Bottom ash—the heavier mineral residue from a pulverized coal unit, 
which falls to the bottom of the boiler as small particles. 

* Boiler slag—molten ash that collects at the base of certain furnaces 
which is then quenched in water and crushed resulting in shiny black, 
opaque particles. 

* FGD material—wet sludge or dry powder (such as FGD gypsum) that 
results from the chemical process used to meet sulfur dioxide emission 

In 2007, according to industry survey data,[Footnote 2] the amount of 
estimated CCR produced by type was as follows: 
* Fly ash: 55%; 
* Bottom ash: 14%; 
* Boiler slag: 2%; 
* FGD material: 25%; 
* Other: 5%. 

CCR includes toxics such as arsenic, lead, chromium, and selenium,which 
can present health and environmental risks. 

Several factors help determine CCR’s potential uses and the risk it 
poses to human health and the environment. 

* Chemical and physical characteristics of the source coal. 
* Presence of co-fired materials. 
* Processes used to burn coal and handle the residue. 
* Site characteristics. 

Utilities dispose of CCRs by placing them in surface impoundments, 
landfills, or mines or by finding alternative, or beneficial, uses for 
them. Additional details on these options: 

* Surface impoundment—A depression, excavation, or diked area primarily 
formed from earthen materials to store liquid, sludge, or other waste. 
Examples include storage ponds and sludge pits. Impoundments may be 
buried after final deposition. 
- Waste is generally sluiced directly from a power plant to the 
impoundment unit, where solids settle out, leaving relatively clear 
water at the surface. 
- Solids may accumulate in the impoundment, or they may be dredged 
periodically and taken to another disposal unit, such as a landfill. 

* Landfilling—involves the long-term disposal of generally dry waste 
that is placed on land or in an excavation. 

* Minefill—CCR can be used as minefill in mine reclamation. For 
example, CCR is alkaline, so it can abate acid mine drainage and 
improve already disturbed mine lands. Minefill can also be used to 
avoid construction of landfills and storage ponds. 

* Beneficial use—CCR can be used as a component in products, such as 
cement and gypsum wallboard, or as structural or embankment fill for 

According to EPA, the estimated 131 million tons of CCR generated by 
utilities in 2007 were disposed of in the following manner: 

* Surface impoundments/ponds; 21%; 
* Landfills; 36%; 
* Mines; 5% (Minefill is considered by some as a beneficial use or 
* Beneficial uses; 38%. 

Between 2000 and 2006, the power industry reported depositing into 
surface impoundments and landfills CCR containing more than 124 million 
pounds of six toxic pollutants (arsenic, chromium, lead, nickel, 
selenium, and thallium). 

[End of section] 

Objective 1: Information on CCR Surface Impoundments: 

The exact number of CCR surface impoundments at utility coal fired 
power plants is not known: 

* No industry organization or government agency tracks this 

* However, industry groups and federal agencies have obtained estimates 
through surveying coal-fired power plants as part of efforts to collect 
and analyze data on CCR disposal practices and state regulatory 

In March 2009, in response to the Kingston incident, EPA sent out 
information request letters to 162 facilities and 61 corporate offices. 
These companies identified 48 additional plants that operated CCR 
impoundments, and EPA sent a second round of letters to these 
facilities. EPA has received responses from all companies and power 
plants that were sent letters. 

* EPA’s purpose was to determine the number of CCR surface impoundments 
and similar units and specific information about them.[Footnote 3] 

* Ultimately, EPA aims to assess the structural stability of these 
impoundments and determine if and where corrective measures are needed. 

As of July 2009, EPA had collected data from all the power plants to 
which it originally sent out information request letters. It has 
created a database that contains information on 584 surface 
impoundments or similar units in 35 states that were identified by 
utilities. According to EPA, some of these units may contain negligible 
amounts of CCRs. 

According to EPA officials, this total is subject to change as EPA 
obtains more information through actual site visits. 

Table: Total number of surface impoundments (or similar units) and 
power plants by state as of September 14, 2009[Footnote 4]: 

State: Indiana; 
Surface impoundments: 53; 
Power plants: 16. 

State: Kentucky; 
Surface impoundments: 44; 
Power plants: 17. 

State: Iowa; 
Surface impoundments: 43; 
Power plants: 13. 

State: Colorado; 
Surface impoundments: 40; 
Power plants: 10. 

State: Missouri; 
Surface impoundments: 32; 
Power plants: 14. 

State: Ohio; 
Surface impoundments: 28; 
Power plants: 11. 

State: North Carolina; 
Surface impoundments: 26; 
Power plants: 14. 

State: Texas; 
Surface impoundments: 26; 
Power plants: 7. 

State: South Carolina; 
Surface impoundments: 22; 
Power plants: 9. 

State: Illinois; 
Surface impoundments: 21; 
Power plants: 12. 

State: Tennessee; 
Surface impoundments: 18; 
Power plants: 8. 

State: Minnesota; 
Surface impoundments: 18; 
Power plants: 7. 

State: Wisconsin; 
Surface impoundments: 18; 
Power plants: 5. 

State: Wyoming; 
Surface impoundments: 17; 
Power plants: 5. 

State: Pennsylvania; 
Surface impoundments: 16; 
Power plants: 6. 

State: Arizona; 
Surface impoundments: 15; 
Power plants: 3. 

State: Alabama; 
Surface impoundments: 14; 
Power plants: 8. 

State: Kansas; 
Surface impoundments: 13; 
Power plants: 6. 

State: Virginia; 
Surface impoundments: 12; 
Power plants: 7. 

State: Michigan; 
Surface impoundments: 11; 
Power plants: 5. 

State: Louisiana; 
Surface impoundments: 11; 
Power plants: 3. 

State: West Virginia; 
Surface impoundments: 10; 
Power plants: 7. 

State: Georgia; 
Surface impoundments: 10; 
Power plants: 6. 

State: Florida; 
Surface impoundments: 9; 
Power plants: 2. 

State: New Mexico; 
Surface impoundments: 9; 
Power plants: 2. 

State: Montana; 
Surface impoundments: 9; 
Power plants: 1. 

State: North Dakota; 
Surface impoundments: 8; 
Power plants: 3. 

State: Massachusetts; 
Surface impoundments: 7; 
Power plants: 2. 

State: New York; 
Surface impoundments: 6; 
Power plants: 2. 

State: Utah; 
Surface impoundments: 6; 
Power plants: 1. 

State: Oklahoma; 
Surface impoundments: 5; 
Power plants: 2. 

State: Delaware; 
Surface impoundments: 3; 
Power plants: 2. 

State: Maryland; 
Surface impoundments: 2; 
Power plants: 1. 

State: Arkansas; 
Surface impoundments: 1; 
Power plants: 1. 

State: Mississippi; 
Surface impoundments: 1; 
Power plants: 1. 

State: Total; 
Surface impoundments: 584; 
Power plants: 219. 

Source: EPA. 

[End of table] 

[End of section] 

Objective 2: Problems with CCR Storage and How EPA Is Addressing Them: 

Problems identified with CCR storage: 

* Potential structural defects and other risks of collapse of the 
surface impoundment, such as at TVA Kingston facility. 

* Health and environmental risks from CCR storage due to potential 
leaching of contaminants into surface or groundwater from unlined or 
failed liners at surface impoundments, landfills, or sand and gravel 

* Potential risks from the discharge of wastewater containing CCR into 
surface waters from surface impoundments. 

EPA is analyzing the structural hazards associated with surface 

* Twenty-six reporting facilities cited spills or unpermitted releases 
from a total of 35 surface impoundments within the last 10 years. 

* EPA has identified 49 units with a high hazard potential rating based 
on criteria developed by the National Dam Safety Program (NDSP) for the 
National Inventory of Dams (NID).[Footnote 5] 
- A high rating indicates that a failure would probably cause loss of 
human life, not that structural integrity is compromised. 
- EPA has committed to assess all of these 49 units. 

As of October 1, 2009, EPA had visited 38 facilities to conduct 
structural assessments of their surface impoundments. EPA has made the 
reports on the first 22 facilities available to the public. 

In a separate effort initiated in 2009, EPA is looking at whether to 
regulate the structural integrity of CCR surface impoundments through 
wastewater discharge permits. In addition, because an evaluation found 
that state wastewater permits vary widely in their structural 
requirements for impoundments, EPA plans to draft best management 
practices for state wastewater permits. 

EPA is also analyzing the environmental risk of CCR storage: 

* Over the last several years, EPA has analyzed the environmental risk 
of CCR storage by reviewing cases suggested by environmental groups and 

* 2007 Damage Case Assessment Report: From 1999 to 2005, EPA gathered 
or received information on 135 sites where alleged danger to human 
health and the environment had been caused by CCR deposits. According 
to EPA, approximately 65 cases were not evaluated because they lacked 
adequate supporting information. Of the remaining cases, EPA found that 
24 cases in 13 states were proven cases of damage to groundwater and 
surface water, and an additional 39 were potential damage cases. 
[Footnote 6] EPA followed up on 16 cases of proven damage to 
groundwater and, as of July 2009, corrective actions have been 
completed at seven sites and are ongoing at nine sites. 

As part of another study, begun in 2005, EPA examined the toxins 
present in CCR wastewater discharges to surface water from coal ash 
ponds. In September 2009, EPA completed its study. EPA told us it found 
that current effluent guidelines should be revised because of the high 
level of toxic-weighted pollutant discharges from coal-fired power 
plants and the expectation that these discharges will increase 
significantly in the next few years as new air pollution controls are 
installed (e.g., scrubbers used to meet air quality regulations). 

[End of section] 

Objective 3: Federal Oversight Role and Issues to Be Resolved: 

EPA does not directly regulate CCR disposal in surface impoundments or 
landfills to prevent releases or a catastrophic spill but is developing 
proposed regulations: 

* The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976, as 
amended, is the key federal law generally regulating solid and 
hazardous wastes. 

* RCRA established a framework for regulation of wastes, including: 
- Subtitle C: Federal “cradle-to-grave” regulation of hazardous wastes, 
including a tracking system and federally enforceable permits. 
- Subtitle D: Inducements for state solid waste programs and 
implementation of federal minimum regulations for landfills. 

The 1980 Bevill Amendment to RCRA: 

* Exempted “special study” wastes, including CCR, from RCRA Subtitle C 
until EPA conducted study and, if EPA determined them warranted, 
promulgated regulations. 

* Required EPA to submit a report to Congress by October 1982 
evaluating the adverse effects on human health and the environment, if 
any, from the storage and utilization of these special wastes. 

* Required EPA to make a regulatory determination (within 6 months of 
the report to Congress) as to whether these wastes warrant regulation 
under RCRA Subtitle C. 

EPA did not meet some requirements of the Bevill Amendment until years 
later but has recently taken steps toward regulatory oversight of CCR: 

* June 1992—EPA entered a consent decree to settle a citizen suit to 
enforce Bevill Amendment requirements. Pursuant to this, EPA divided 
CCR into two categories:(1) certain large-volume CCR from electric 
utilities and independent power producers that is not co-managed and 
(2) the “remaining wastes” originally identified by Congress. 

* August 1993—EPA found that wastes from the first category do not 
warrant regulation as hazardous waste under Subtitle C, and retained 
their exclusion from the regulatory definition of hazardous waste. 

* May 2000—EPA issued a Regulatory Determination concluding that the 
remaining CCR wastes do not warrant regulation as hazardous waste and 
retaining the exclusion from the regulatory definition of hazardous 
waste. However: 
- For CCR wastes disposed of in landfills or impoundments, EPA 
determined that federal regulations under Subtitle D are warranted to 
provide incentive for states to provide minimum regulatory coverage and 
that improvement is likely to be slower without them. EPA intended that 
the regulations would apply to all CCR (e.g., including category 1). 
- EPA left open the possibility that it could revise the determination 
and decide to regulate under Subtitle C based on additional information 
in the future. 

* In the 2000 Regulatory Determination, EPA also determined for 
beneficial uses of CCR wastes: 
- For minefilling, federal regulations under Subtitle D (or possibly 
the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act) are warranted to reduce 
potential risks. 
- Other beneficial uses (e.g., use in cement, concrete, and wallboard 
products, and roadbeds and structural fill) were not considered a 
concern at that time. EPA now notes that indiscriminate use of 
unencapsulated CCRs in large fill operations has been shown to be 
problematic in several instances. 

After 2000, EPA conducted studies to obtain more information on CCR 
disposal, including: 

* EPA Damage Case Assessment (report published in 2007) (discussed 
earlier—see slide 21); 

* Draft EPA Human and Ecological Risk Assessment of Coal Combustion 
Wastes(2007) identified potential risk associated with CCR practices. 
Results suggested that landfills and surface impoundments may present 
risks to human health and the environment. 

* EPA/DOE joint report Coal Combustion Waste Management at Landfills 
and Surface Impoundments 1994-2004(published in 2006) identified recent 
and current CCR disposal practices (excluding minefill), state 
regulatory requirements, and the extent to which states waive or vary 
regulatory requirements. The study found that most new units have 
liners and groundwater monitoring. New units, however, are a small 
subset of the total number of existing units. 

* February 2003—While not specific to coal ash facilities, EPA worked 
with state solid waste programs, industries, and citizens groups to 
issue a set of voluntary guidelines in the “Guide of Industrial Waste 

* August 2007—EPA issued a Notice of Data Availability (NODA), 
informing the public of the additional information about CCR available 
since the 2000 Regulatory Determination (the three studies above) and 
requested comments. The NODA did not affirm EPA commitment to issuing 
Subtitle D regulations for CCR. 

* March 2009—EPA announced plans to issue proposed regulations for CCR 
by the end of the year. EPA will consider results of the above studies 
and comments received as well as results of its assessment of the 
structural stability of surface impoundments in developing its 

Current Issues To Be Resolved: 

* Despite the 1993 and 2000 Regulatory Determinations, which concluded 
that EPA would regulate CCR using Subtitle D, EPA has stated it is 
reconsidering options for regulation including: 
- RCRA Subtitle C; 
- RCRA Subtitle D; 
- a hybrid approach, by which CCR would be considered a solid waste if 
certain conditions are met, but a hazardous waste if they are not; and; 
- EPA has more recently stated it is also considering another hybrid 
approach whereby wet CCRs (in surface impoundments) would be regulated 
as hazardous wastes and dry CCRs(in landfills) would be regulated as 
non-hazardous wastes. 

* Current debate by interested groups focuses on these options, which 
implicate issues of federal versus state control and enforcement. 

Table: Stakeholders have taken positions on RCRA C and RCRA D options 
being considered by EPA in upcoming regulation: 

Option: Regulation under Subtitle C; 
Industry and state agency associations: Oppose: 
* Cost and complexity (e.g., lack of hazardous waste storage). 
* Beneficial use could be hindered by hazardous waste stigma. 
* Beneficial use would be automatically prohibited by some states’ 
Environmental groups: Support: 
* Would provide minimum safeguards in every state and be enforceable by 
* Would not hinder beneficial use because EPA could regulate CCR 
differently when disposed of in a landfill versus safely recycled. 

Option: Regulation under Subtitle D; 
Industry and state agency associations: Support: 
* Allows for variability and flexibility of rules in states with 
different geography or topography. 
* Could require regulation similar to solid waste (e.g., bottom liners, 
groundwater monitoring, post-closure monitoring). 
* Would not inhibit beneficial use.
Environmental groups: Oppose: 
* EPA could not routinely inspect CCR disposal sites or require permits 
for CCR disposal; opportunity for public involvement in permits may be 
* States may not be able to regulate as well as EPA (e.g., lack of 

[End of table] 

Most states have RCRA Subtitle D solid waste programs; however, 
regulatory controls for CCR vary among states: 

* According to a 2009 Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste 
Management Officials survey, to which 44 states responded, 42 had CCR 
landfills, and 36 had CCR surface impoundments:
- Of the 42 states with landfills, 36 had a permit program for 
landfills, 3 did not, and 3 did not respond. Of the 36 states with 
surface impoundments, 25 had permit programs for surface impoundments, 
3 did not, and 8 did not respond. 27 of 42 states required liners for 
landfills, while 12 of 36 states required liners for surface 
impoundments.[Footnote 7] 
- 29 of 42 states had minimum regulatory requirements for structural 
stability of CCR landfills, while 13 of 36 had such requirements for 
surface impoundments. 

[End of section] 

Outlook for CCR Regulation: 

EPA projections of near term actions: 

* September 2009—EPA began releasing the reports of the assessment of 
the high hazard coal ash impoundments. 

* October 2009—EPA plans to forward draft proposed CCR disposal rule to 
the Office of Management and Budget. 

* December 2009—EPA plans to issue proposed rule. The proposal will be 
out for public notice and comment. EPA could choose to hold public 
hearings as well. 

In September 2009, EPA announced its decision to initiate a rulemaking 
effort to revise the effluent guidelines, including those related to 
CCR wastewater discharges. Proposed regulations are expected in 2012. 
EPA has not set target dates for wastewater related efforts such as 
issuance of best management practices for state wastewater permits and 
structural requirements to be included in permits. 

[End of section] 


[1] Other terms used include: coal combustion waste, coal combustion 
product, coal combustion material, coal combustion ash, and coal 
combustion by-product. We chose to use “coal combustion residue” to 
avoid implying that these materials are destined for particular fates. 
The National Research Council of the National Academies used this term 
in its 2006 report “Managing Coal Combustion Residues in Mines” for the 
same reason. 

[2] Data are based on information submitted by 161 coal-fired power 
plants to the American Coal Ash Association in 2007. 

[3] EPA included in this request similar diked or bermed units or 
management units designated as landfills that receive liquid-borne 
material for storage or disposal of CCR because of the different 
definitions of impoundments used by facilities. EPA did not request 
information on or access to minefilling or dry landfills. 

[4] Data are based on responses to EPA’s data request, and are subject 
to change. 

[5] The NDSP, led by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, is a 
partnership of the states, federal agencies, and other stakeholders to 
encourage individual and community responsibility for dam safety. It 
provides grant assistance to state dam programs, and funding for dam 
safety research and training. Hazard potential ratings are generally 
assigned by state dam safety officials. NID is maintained and published 
by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and contains information on dams 
throughout the United States that are more than 25 feet high, hold more 
than 50 acre-feet of water, or are considered a significant hazard if 
they fail. 

[6] Since the report was issued, EPA has identified 3 additional cases 
of proven damage and one additional case of potential damage. 

[7] EPA has emphasized that states that do not have a liner requirement 
may still require liners under some general performance based standard, 
while states with a liner requirement may have other provisions which 
allow for variances. 

[End of section] 

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