This is the accessible text file for GAO report number GAO-03-791R 
entitled 'Department of Health and Human Services: Amounts Charged to 
the Department for Events Attended by the President' which was released 
on July 11, 2003.

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June 9, 2003:

The Honorable Charles B. Rangel:

Ranking Minority Member:

Committee on Ways and Means:

House of Representatives:

Subject: Department of Health and Human Services: Amounts Charged to 
the Department for Events Attended by the President:

Dear Mr. Rangel:

You requested information concerning amounts charged to the Department 
of Health and Human Services (HHS) by the White House for events 
attended by President George W. Bush. Specifically, you asked that we 
provide the following information:

* total number of events attended by the President and charged to any 
department within HHS;

* total amount charged for the events;

* specific offices within HHS that were billed for the events;

* relevant subject matter of each event; and:

* number of events that coincided with campaign-related events.

In addition, you asked that we inform you, to the extent information is 
available, about how many such events have been billed to HHS under the 
current administration as compared to the previous one.

To address your inquiry, we requested, obtained, and reviewed financial 
records and other documentation from HHS, interviewed HHS management 
and staff, and conducted Internet and literature searches. We also 
compared HHS's procedures for documenting events attended by the 
President with our Standards for Internal Control in the Federal 
Government.[Footnote 1] Additionally, we verified the mathematical 
accuracy of all schedules of events provided by HHS. We did not request 
information from the White House because our review focused on the 
proper use of HHS funds. We conducted our work in Washington, D.C. from 
January 16, 2003, through May 29, 2003, in accordance with generally 
accepted government auditing standards.

Based on information obtained from HHS, we determined that the White 
House entered into agreements to charge HHS for 15 events attended by 

George W. Bush from January 2001 through January 2003.[Footnote 2] A 
memorandum of agreement (MOA) between the White House and HHS was 
prepared to support each of the 15 events. Each MOA specifies the date 
of the event and the city where the event occurred. The MOAs also 
specify the maximum amount that the White House was allowed to charge 
HHS for each event.

According to the MOAs, the White House was allowed to charge HHS a 
maximum of about $523,000 in total for the 15 events attended by the 
President. Through May 2003, the White House had charged HHS about 
$252,000 for 8 of the 15 events.[Footnote 3]

HHS could not provide a detailed description of what the White House 
charges were for because, according to HHS officials, the White House 
does not provide them with copies of invoices or other records that 
describe the charges in detail. Our Standards for Internal Control in 
the Federal Government require that all transactions be clearly 
documented and that documentation be properly maintained and managed 
and readily available for examination. Further, an agency's management 
directives, administrative policies, or operating manuals should 
specify the internal controls and documentation requirements for these 
transactions. HHS is currently developing written operating procedures 
that require specific information with each request from the White 
House for funding an event. However, we noted that these procedures do 
not currently require HHS to obtain copies of invoices or other 
itemized statements that provide detailed support for the final charges 
billed to HHS.

The limited billing documentation provided by HHS included actual 
amounts charged by the White House to HHS for the events, the specific 
offices to be billed, and generally brief descriptions of the subject 
matter covered during the events. For the 8 events billed by the White 
House, several offices within HHS were charged including the 
Administration for Children and Families, the Centers for Medicare and 
Medicaid Services, and the Office of Public Health and Science. The 
events covered issues such as welfare reform, genetics, and 

We determined and confirmed with HHS officials that the Secretary of 
Health and Human Services or another HHS official accompanied the 
President at 12 of the 15 events. We also determined from public 
records of the President's schedule and other literature searches that 
the President was involved in what appeared to be campaign-related 
events that coincided with at least 9 of the15 HHS events. These 
campaign-related events were separate from the official HHS events but 
occurred on the same day in the same city or close by. The enclosure to 
this report summarizes the information we obtained on events attended 
by President Bush.

Regarding amounts billed to HHS for events attended by President 
William J. Clinton, HHS provided a schedule that included events 
attended by the former President from April 21, 1997, to September 29, 
2000. This schedule showed that President Clinton attended 37 events 
and that HHS was charged about $101,000[Footnote 4] for these events. 
HHS also provided other information that made reference to 20 potential 
events attended by President Clinton. However, HHS could not determine 
if these events occurred. We had planned, as requested, to use the data 
regarding President Clinton's attendance at events to draw certain 
comparisons between the current and prior administrations. However, 
HHS's uncertainty about the potential events discussed above, as well 
as the fact that HHS was not able to provide us with assurances that it 
has records for all events attended by President Clinton, led us to 
conclude that making such comparisons would not be appropriate.

Conclusion and Recommendations:

While HHS maintains summary information on events billed by the White 
House, such as the total amount charged for events, the offices billed 
for the events, and the relevant subject matter of each event, records 
that adequately describe the charges to ensure proper accountability 
were not maintained. Agreements between the White House and HHS do not 
currently require that HHS receive copies of invoices or other itemized 
statements as support for the final charges billed to HHS nor do the 
draft operating procedures that HHS is developing to direct its staff 
in managing information related to events charged by the White House.

We are therefore recommending that the Secretary of Health and Human 
Services direct the Assistant Secretary for Administration and 
Management to:

* establish and institute procedures to ensure that HHS obtains 
adequate documentation from the White House, including itemized 
statements that explain and support the propriety of charges made by 
the White House against HHS appropriations, and:

* issue a policy on how such documentation will be maintained and 
managed to ensure that it is readily available for examination.

Agency Comments and Our Evaluation:

We requested comments on a draft of this report from the Secretary of 
Health and Human Services or his designee. On June 5, 2003, the 
Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management provided us with 
oral comments on the draft. In his comments, the Assistant Secretary 
agreed with our recommendations and indicated that when finalized, 
HHS's processing procedures for the White House events discussed in 
this report will provide directives on processing requests from the 
first contact with the department through final payment and closeout of 
the event, including requesting itemized invoices from the White House. 
The Assistant Secretary also noted that under prior administrations 
there was no centralized process similar to what HHS currently has 
implemented to handle the processing of the Presidential events. The 
Assistant Secretary stated that HHS's current centralized process 
allows for closer review and follow-up of each event in order to ensure 
proper closeout of the events. We did not verify how prior 
administrations processed these events as this was outside the scope of 
our review.

- - - - -:

As agreed with your office, unless you publicly announce the contents 
of this report earlier, we plan no further distribution until 30 days 
from its date. At that time we will send copies to the Secretary of 
Health and Human Services and interested congressional committees. We 
will also provide copies to others on request. This report will also be 
available at no charge on the GAO Web site at

If you have any questions about this report, please contact me on (202) 
512-9508. Key contributors to this assignment were Kimberly Brooks, 
Phil McIntyre, and Gina Ross.

Sincerely yours,

Linda M. Calbom:

Director, Financial Management and Assurance:

Signed by Linda M. Calbom:


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[1] GAO/AIMD-00-21.3.1, November 1999.

[2] HHS officials reported that no additional agreements were 
established from January 31, 2003, through May 29, 2003, for the White 
House to charge HHS for events attended by the President.

[3] According to HHS officials, there is often a significant time lag 
between the occurrence of the event and the billing from the White 

[4] HHS also provided information for 13 events attended by either Vice 
President Gore or Mrs. Gore from April 1997 through September 2000. The 
costs billed to HHS for those events were reported as $142,900. 
However, because the scope of our review focused on events attended by 
Presidents Bush and Clinton, we did not request detailed information 
concerning these events. HHS officials stated that they are not aware 
of any charges to the department for events attended by Vice President 
Cheney, Mrs. Bush, or Mrs. Cheney.