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Observations on Fraud-Prevention Controls' which was released on 
November 9, 2011. 

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United States Government Accountability Office: 

Statement for the Record to the Committee on Homeland Security and 
Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate: 

For Release on Delivery: 
Expected at 10:00 a.m. EST: 
Wednesday, November 9, 2011: 

Federal Employees' Compensation Act: 

Preliminary Observations on Fraud-Prevention Controls: 

Statement of Gregory D. Kutz, Director:
Forensic Audits and Investigative Service: 


Chairman Lieberman, Ranking Member Collins, and Members of the 

Thank you for the opportunity to provide information on fraud- 
prevention controls for the Federal Employees' Compensation Act (FECA) 
program. According to the Department of Labor (Labor), in fiscal year 
2010 about 251,000 federal and postal employees and their survivors 
received wage-loss compensation, medical and vocational rehabilitation 
services, and death benefits through FECA. Administered by Labor, the 
FECA program provides benefits to federal employees who sustained 
injuries or illnesses while performing their federal duties. Employees 
must submit claims to their employing agency, which are then reviewed 
by Labor. For those claims that are approved, employing agencies 
reimburse Labor for payments made to their employees, while Labor 
bears most of the program's administrative costs. Wage-loss benefits 
for eligible workers--including those who are at, or older than, 
retirement age--with total disabilities are generally 66.67 percent of 
the worker's salary (with no spouse or dependent) or 75 percent for a 
worker with a spouse or dependent. FECA wage loss compensation 
benefits are tax free and not subject to time or age limits. 

Labor's Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP) estimated that 
future actuarial liabilities for governmentwide FECA compensation 
payments to those receiving benefits as of fiscal year 2011 would 
total nearly $30 billion (this amount does not include any costs for 
workers added to the FECA rolls in future years). In 2010, the United 
States Postal Service (USPS) Office of Inspector General reported that 
USPS alone had more than $12 billion of the $30 billion in estimated 
actuarial FECA liabilities. In April 2011, the USPS Inspector General 
(IG) testified that USPS had removed 476 claimants from the program 
based on disability fraud since October 2008 and recovered more than 
$83 million in judgments. Given the significant projected outlays of 
the governmentwide FECA program and prior USPS IG findings of fraud, 
this statement provides preliminary observations on our ongoing work 
examining FECA fraud-prevention controls and discusses related prior 
work conducted by us and other federal agencies. We will continue to 
review the identified issues and report on our findings at a later 

To provide these preliminary observations on governmentwide FECA fraud-
prevention controls, we reviewed Labor's annual performance and 
accountability reports, the FECA procedures manual and internal 
controls, OWCP's accountability reviews, relevant agencies' Office of 
Inspector General reports, and applicable laws and regulations. We 
interviewed officials at OWCP headquarters and officials responsible 
for managing the FECA program at six federal agencies that employ FECA 
claimants: USPS, United States Navy (Navy), Department of Veterans 
Affairs (VA), United States Army (Army), Department of Homeland 
Security (DHS), and United States Air Force (Air Force). We selected 
these employing agencies because they had the highest total amount of 
FECA expenditures in fiscal year 2010 among federal agencies. 
Combined, these employing agencies represent 73 percent of total FECA 
program future liabilities as of September 30, 2011. Because these 
employing agencies are not representative of the entire FECA program, 
our findings cannot be generalized beyond these six agencies. This 
statement's findings are primarily based on document reviews and 
discussions with agency officials. As such, we have not validated 
whether controls discussed in this statement are actually being 
consistently followed or are effective. 

We conducted this portion of our ongoing performance audit from June 
2011 through November 2011, in accordance with generally accepted 
government auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan 
and perform the audit to obtain sufficient, appropriate evidence to 
provide a reasonable basis for our findings and conclusions based on 
our audit objectives. We believe that the evidence obtained provides a 
reasonable basis for our findings and conclusions based on our audit 


Our work to this point has identified several promising practices that 
could help to reduce the risk of fraud within the FECA program. The 
promising practices link back to fraud-prevention concepts contained 
in GAO's Fraud Prevention Framework and Standards for Internal Control 
in the Federal Government,[Footnote 1] and include agencies' use of 
full-time staff dedicated to the FECA program, periodic reviews of 
claimants' continued eligibility, data analysis for potential fraud 
indicators, and effective use of investigative resources. These 
promising practices have already resulted in successful investigations 
and prosecutions of FECA-related fraud at some agencies, and could 
help to further enhance the program's fraud-prevention controls. 
However, our preliminary work has also identified several potential 
vulnerabilities in the program's design and controls that could 
increase the risk for fraud. Specifically, we found that limited 
access to necessary data is potentially reducing agencies' ability to 
effectively monitor claims and wage-loss information. In addition, 
agencies' reliance on self-reported data related to wages and 
dependent status, lack of a physician selected by the government 
throughout the process, and difficulties associated with successful 
investigations and prosecutions all potentially reduce the program's 
ability to prevent and detect fraudulent activity. Labor and employing 
agencies generally agreed with the preliminary findings presented in 
this statement and provided technical comments, which were 
incorporated into this statement. We plan to follow up on the 
promising practices and potential vulnerabilities as part of our 
ongoing work. 


The FECA program covers over 2.7 million civilian federal and postal 
employees in more than 70 agencies, providing wage-loss compensation 
and payments for medical treatment to employees injured while 
performing their federal duties.[Footnote 2] FECA claims are initially 
received at the employing agency, then forwarded to Labor's OWCP where 
eligibility and payment decisions are made. Every year, employing 
agencies reimburse OWCP for the amounts paid to their employees in 
FECA compensation during the previous year. Certain government 
corporations and USPS also make payments to Labor for program 
administrative fees.[Footnote 3] Figure 1 displays the standard 
process for FECA claims reviews and payments by OWCP. 

Figure 1: FECA Claims Process: 

[Refer to PDF for image: illustration] 

Injured federal employee files claim with OWCP: 
Claim accepted; or; 
Claim denied: 
- Claimant can appeal denial. 

Employee and agency file initial wage-loss claim (CA-7). 

OWCP calculates initial payment based on: 

1) Pay rate: 
* Date of injury; 
* Date disability began; 
* Date disability recurred; 
* Plus extra pay for working Sundays, holidays and nights; 
* Deductions for health and life insurance benefits. 

2) Dependency status: 
Married or at least one dependent: Receive 75% of wages; 
Single: Receive 66 2/3% of wages. 

3) Receipt of other federal retirement or disability benefits: 
* VA benefits; 
* OPM retirement benefits; 
* SSA retirement benefits for FERS covered employees. 

Determine potential return to work date: 

1) Manual Generated Payments: 
* Claimant will return to work within 3 months; 
* Claimant files new claim form to receive additional compensation. 

Return to work: 
Full-time: Compensation stops; 
Part-time: Compensation reduced accordingly. 

2) Automatic Payments: 
* Return to work date is over 3 months away; 
* Receives automatic payments every 28 days; 
* Claimant does not file additional claim forms; 
Annually verify eligibility: 
* Dependents; 
* Other earnings; 
* Other federal benefits. 

Return to work: 
Full-time: Compensation stops; 
Part-time: Compensation reduced accordingly. 
Source: GAO analysis; images: Art Explosion. 

[End of figure] 

OWCP is the central point where FECA claims are processed and 
eligibility and benefit decisions are made. Claims examiners at OWCP's 
12 FECA district offices determine applicants' eligibility for FECA 
benefits and process claims for wage-loss payments. FECA laws and 
regulations specify complex criteria for computing compensation 
payments. Using information provided by the employing agency and the 
claimant on a claims form, OWCP calculates compensation based on a 
number of factors, including the claimant's rate of pay, the 
claimant's marital status, and whether or not the claimant has 
dependents. In addition, claimants cannot receive FECA benefits at the 
same time they receive certain other federal disability or retirement 
benefits, or must have benefits reduced to eliminate duplicate 
payments. For example, Social Security Administration (SSA) disability 
benefits are reduced if an individual is also receiving FECA payments. 

According to OWCP officials, initial claims received from employing 
agencies are reviewed to assess the existence of key elements. The 
elements include evidence that the claim was filed within FECA's 
statutory time requirements, that the employee was, at the time of 
injury disease, or death, an employee of the United States, and that 
the employee was injured while on duty, and that the condition 
resulted from the work-related injury. If the key elements are in 
place, OWCP will approve a claim and begin processing reimbursements 
for medical costs. After initial claim approval, additional reviews 
are done while a claim remains active if the claim exceeds certain 
dollar thresholds. Once a claim is approved, payments are sent 
directly to the claimant or provider. An employee can continue to 
receive compensation for as long as medical evidence shows that the 
employee is totally or partially disabled and that the disability is 
related to the accepted injury or condition. OWCP considers claimants 
who are not expected to return to work within 3 months to be on its 
periodic rolls for payment purposes.[Footnote 4] OWCP officials review 
medical evidence annually for claimants on total disability receiving 
long-term compensation who are on the program's periodic rolls, and 
every 3 years for claimants on the periodic rolls who have been 
determined to not have any wage-earning capacity. Claimants are also 
required to submit an annual form (CA-1032) stating whether their 
income or dependent status has changed. The form must be signed to 
acknowledge evidence of benefit eligibility and to acknowledge that 
criminal prosecution may result if deliberate falsehood is provided. 
If questions arise about medical evidence submitted by the claimant, 
OWCP can request a second medical examination be performed by a 
physician of its choosing. 

Observations from Preliminary Work Identify Promising Practices and 
Potential Vulnerabilities: 

Our preliminary observations indicate that employing agencies and 
Labor have instituted some promising practices that may help reduce 
fraudulent FECA claims, yet potential vulnerabilities continue to 
exist. We plan to determine the effect of these practices in our 
future work. GAO's Framework for Fraud Prevention, Detection, and 
Prosecution, developed during previous program audits, emphasizes that 
comprehensive controls are necessary to minimize fraud, waste, and 
abuse within any federal program, including FECA.[Footnote 5] GAO's 
Standards for Internal Control in the Federal Government[Footnote 6] 
also outlines key control practices that are integral parts of an 
effective control environment. The promising practices and potential 
vulnerabilities below relate to issues raised in these guidelines. 

Promising Practices: 

We have identified several promising practices that employing agencies 
and Labor have implemented that may help to reduce fraudulent FECA 
claims. We are planning to look further into these practices as part 
of our ongoing work. 

Dedicated Full-Time Staff: 

Three employing agencies informed us that they employed dedicated, 
full-time FECA program staff including injury compensation specialists 
and other staff, which, according to officials, helps staff gain 
program knowledge and expertise. It also allows program staff to 
specialize in FECA claims and reviews without having to perform 
additional duties. Agencies with full time staff may be able to 
dedicate resources to training them in fraud prevention, which is a 
positive practice noted in GAO's fraud-prevention framework. GAO's 
Standards for Internal Control in the Federal Government[Footnote 7] 
also specifically mentions that appropriate, competent personnel are a 
key element to an effective control environment. Officials from one 
employing agency with this structure stated that having dedicated and 
experienced FECA staff allows them to conduct more aggressive 
monitoring of long-term workers' compensation cases. Labor officials 
agreed that agencies that can devote dedicated full time resources are 
positioned better to manage the program. Examples include the 

* FECA staff in one Navy region reported having an average of 15 years 
of program experience, which they said helps them to identify specific 
indicators of potential fraud. 

* According to the Air Force, it has specific teams that specialize in 
reviewing FECA claims at different phases of the claims process. 

* USPS officials also stated they assign staff full time to manage 
FECA cases. 

In addition, in 2008, we recommended that the Secretary of Labor 
direct OWCP to take steps to focus attention on the recovery of FECA 
overpayments, such as determining whether having fiscal staff 
dedicated to recovering overpayments would increase its recovery. 
[Footnote 8] Labor stated that it carefully evaluated having fiscal 
staff dedicated to recovering overpayments. However, given the 
integral involvement of claims examiners in overpayment processing, 
the unavailability of fiscal staff to undertake this specialized 
activity, and expected continued budget constraints, Labor believes 
that keeping this function with claims examiners is the most cost-
effective debt-collection strategy. 

Periodic Reviews: 

Officials at five employing agencies and Labor have instituted 
periodic reviews of active FECA claims, which may improve overall 
program controls. Specifically, several agencies reported that annual 
reviews of FECA case files were used to help increase program 
officials' awareness of potential fraudulent activities. These 
controls fall within the detection and monitoring component of GAO's 
fraud-prevention framework and could help to validate claimants' 
stated medical conditions, income information, and dependent 
information. GAO's Standards for Internal Control in the Federal 
Government also states that monitoring activities, such as comparisons 
of different data sets to one another, can help to encourage continued 
compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Agency officials 
stated that these types of reviews assist with identifying claimants 
who are not eligible to continue to receive FECA benefits. According 
to agency staff: 

* Labor requires long-term claimants to submit updated claim 
documentation about wages earned and dependent status for annual 
reviews. While much of the information provided on the CA-1032 is self-
reported, the requirement for annual submissions can help identify 
necessary changes to benefits. In addition, Labor officials stated 
they also perform regular medical-claim reviews depending on the 
status of a case. 

* Staff at one Navy regional office send annual questionnaires to 
claimants to determine if information, including income and dependent 
status, is consistent with annual documentation submitted to Labor. 

* A DHS component agency sends periodic letters to claimants asking 
about their current status. If DHS determines that action should be 
taken, DHS then sends a letter to Labor requesting the claim be closed. 

* Under DOD policies, Air Force, Army, and Navy staff are required to 
conduct an annual review of selected long-term claim files and medical 
documentation to determine whether claimants are receiving 
compensation benefits they are entitled to and identify claimants who 
are fit to return to work. 

* The Air Force has developed quarterly working groups to review all 
paid compensation benefits. 

* USPS performs periodic reviews of claimant data. USPS IG officials 
identified a claimant who fraudulently claimed $190,000 in mileage 
reimbursements for travel to therapy almost every day for 5 years, 
including weekends and holidays.[Footnote 9] 

Data Analysis: 

Officials from employing agencies and Labor stated that their program 
staff conducted data analysis, such as comparisons of mileage claims 
to medical bills, to verify information submitted by claimants. 
Agencies also reported using available data sources to verify whether 
claimants should continue to receive FECA benefits. Similar to the 
periodic reviews previously discussed, these controls fall within the 
monitoring component of GAO's fraud-prevention framework and could 
help to validate claimants' self-reported income and medical-condition 
information. Data sources reviewed ranged from federal-agency data to 
other publicly available information. Agencies also conduct reviews of 
claimant physician and prescription-drug payments to identify fraud. 
Specifically, according to agency officials: 

* Labor gives each employing agency access to its Agency Query System 
(AQS), which allows agencies to electronically review information on 
FECA claims, including current claims status, wage-compensation 
payment details, and medical-reimbursement details. 

* Labor officials also stated they provide at least quarterly, and for 
some employing agencies weekly, extracts from their data system that 
give employing agencies information on wage compensation payments, 
medical-billing payments, and case-management data. 

* The Navy reviews pharmacy bills, medical-diagnosis codes, and 
mileage-reimbursement details from the AQS system on a case-by-case 
basis to determine whether physician claims are related to the injury 
sustained by the claimant and to identify whether mileage for 
physician visits was reimbursed on days when the claimant did not 
visit a physician. 

* Navy officials use publicly available state-government information 
to identify claimants who owned and received income from their own 
businesses. For example, one public-records search found that a FECA 
claimant was an active owner of a gentleman's club while he was 
fraudulently receiving FECA wage-loss benefits. 

* Officials from employing agencies and Labor stated that they 
reviewed SSA's Death Master File periodically to identify benefits 
erroneously dispersed to deceased individuals' survivors. 
Specifically, Labor said it conducts monthly data matches with SSA's 
Death Master File records and plans to revise the forms used in 
survivors' claims to gather Social Security numbers for survivors and 
beneficiaries, enabling Labor to match all FECA payees with SSA death 

* VA has developed a process that allows the agency to track 
prescription-drug usage claims and identify anomalies. 

Agency Utilization of Investigative Resources and Prosecutions: 

Four employing agencies reported that using investigative resources by 
investigating potential fraud cases helped to increase program 
controls. The Navy FECA component has assigned responsibilities to 
staff that investigate and help prosecute fraudulent FECA claims, 
while the Air Force has designated staff that refers allegations to 
its Office of Special Investigations. USPS program officials reported 
that they refer potential fraud cases internally to USPS IG officials 
for investigation and prosecution. The investigation and effective 
prosecution of claimants fraudulently receiving benefits is a key 
element in GAO's fraud-prevention framework. While these activities 
are often the most-costly and least-effective means of reducing fraud 
in a program, the deterrent value of prosecuting those who commit 
fraud sends the message that fraudulent claims will not be tolerated. 
Examples of the effective integration of investigative resources 
provided by these employing agencies include the following: 

* The Air Force discussed its plan to hire staff in early fiscal year 
2012 to conduct background investigations and surveillance of 
claimants to determine whether they are entitled to receive FECA 

* The USPS IG reported that since October 2008 it identified and 
facilitated terminating benefits for 476 claimants who were committing 
workers' compensation fraud, and recovered over $83 million in medical 
and disability judgments. 

* Navy officials stated that their internal investigators' work at one 
region led to 10 convictions from 2007 to 2011 and an $8.6 million 
cost-avoidance to the agency. 

- One individual received monthly workers' compensation payments after 
falsely denying that he had outside employment and outside income 
while claiming total disability that prevented him from working. 
Interviews with former employers uncovered that this claimant had been 
employed and been paid over $100,000 per year while he was receiving 
benefits. This individual was sentenced to 18 months in prison, 3 
years supervised probation, and $302,380 in restitution for making a 
false statement to obtain FECA benefits. 

- Another individual collected FECA benefits made out to his father 
for 4 years after his father was deceased. This individual was 
sentenced to 5 years of probation and full restitution in the amount 
of $53,410. 

* DHS officials within the Transportation Security Administration 
stated they have successfully used an internal affairs unit consisting 
of seven staff members to examine and respond to fraud, waste, and 
abuse cases and make referrals to investigators. The investigators 
then conduct video surveillance and examine data to find potential 

* A recent Labor IG testimony cited numerous Labor IG investigations 
that have been conducted over the years focusing on FECA claimants who 
work while continuing to receive benefits, and on medical or other 
service providers who bill the program for services not rendered. 

Potential Vulnerabilities: 

Our preliminary observations also identified potential vulnerabilities 
in the FECA program fraud-prevention controls that could increase the 
risk of claimants receiving benefits they are not entitled to. Again, 
we plan to examine these potential vulnerabilities as part of our 
ongoing work. 

Limited Access to Data: 

We found that management of the FECA program could be affected by 
limited access to necessary data. Specifically, agency officials 
stated the program lacked proper coordination among federal agencies 
and that there was limited or no access to data sources that could 
help reduce duplicate payments. For example, Labor does not have 
authority to compare private or public wage data with FECA wage-loss 
compensation information to identify potential fraud. This prevents 
agencies from verifying key eligibility criteria submitted by 
claimants, such as income. GAO's fraud-prevention framework emphasizes 
effective monitoring of continued compliance with program guidelines, 
and outlines how validating information with external data can assist 
with this process. Specific potential vulnerabilities identified in 
the area included the following: 

* Program officials at Labor and the employing agencies do not have 
access to payroll information included in the National Directory of 
New Hires (NDNH) and federal employee payroll data, which could help 
reduce duplicate payments by identifying unreported income.[Footnote 
10] In a previous report, we recommended that Labor develop a proposal 
seeking legislative authority to enter into a data-matching agreement 
with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to identify 
FECA claimants who have earnings reported in the NDNH.[Footnote 11] 
However, Labor officials stated that they investigated using NDNH and 
communicated with HHS, but determined that this would not be an 
effective solution due to cost issues, limited participation by 
employers in the NDNH, and the likelihood that illegitimate earnings 
would not be listed. As an alternative, Labor recently provided 
testimony proposing legislative reforms to FECA that would enhance its 
ability to assist FECA beneficiaries. As part of this reform, OWCP 
sought authority to match Social Security wage data with FECA files. 
OWCP currently is required to ask each individual recipient to sign a 
voluntary release to obtain such wage information. According to Labor, 
direct authority would allow automated screening to assess whether 
claimants are receiving salary, pay, or remuneration prohibited by the 
statute or receiving an inappropriately high level of benefits. It 
would be important to assess whether access to Social Security wage 
data is an effective alternative to access to NDNH data, and we plan 
to assess this as part of our ongoing work. 

* Navy and Air Force officials cited difficulty coordinating with VA 
to determine whether individuals are receiving disability benefits for 
the same conditions related to FECA claims. This information is key 
for employing agencies to assess whether claimants received duplicate 
benefits for the same injuries under both VA disability benefits and 
FECA benefits. VA commented that privacy concerns related to providing 
beneficiary data to external agencies has affected coordination. 

* An employing agency official stated that Labor does not provide them 
with remote access to the claimant's annual certification form CA-
1032, which would be useful for their periodic review efforts. 
However, Labor does allow employing agency officials to view the CA-
1032 forms if the officials come to a Labor district office. The CA-
1032 form contains information on a claimant's income and dependent 
status, which is useful when employing agencies review claims files 
for continued eligibility. We raise this issue because, as stated 
above, the Navy utilizes information submitted to Labor as part of its 
periodic review efforts. 

* A 2010 SSA IG audit found individuals receiving duplicate benefits 
for SSA and FECA. According to the SSA IG, development of a computer- 
matching agreement with Labor and its FECA payments database would 
allow SSA to reduce the number of duplicate SSA payments by verifying 
the accuracy of payment eligibility. According to the SSA IG report, 
the agreement has not been finalized with Labor due to changes in 
personnel at SSA. 

Reliance on Self-Reported Data: 

Our preliminary observations identified program processes that relied 
heavily on data self-reported by claimants that is not always verified 
by agency officials. Not verifying information concerning wages earned 
and dependent status reported by claimants creates potential 
vulnerabilities within the program. For example, individuals who are 
working can self-certify that they have no other income, and continue 
to remain on the program while their statements are not verified. 
Prior reports by GAO and Labor's IG have shown that relying on 
claimant-reported data could lead to overpayments. For example: 

* A 2008 GAO report found that Labor relied on unverified, self- 
reported information from claimants that was not always timely or 
correct.[Footnote 12] Specifically, the annual CA-1032 forms submitted 
to Labor to determine whether a beneficiary is entitled to continue 
receiving benefits relies on statements made by the claimant that are 
not verified. 

* A 2007 Labor IG report also found that an OWCP district office did 
not consistently ensure that claimants returned their annual form CA- 
1032 or adjust benefits when the information reported by claimants 
indicated a change in their eligibility.[Footnote 13] Labor agreed 
with the findings of this report. 

* During fiscal year 2004, claimants and beneficiaries continued to 
receive compensation payments even though they had not provided 
required timely evidence of continuing eligibility. 

* In one case, the claimant's augmented payment rate was not reduced 
even though the claimant reported that his spouse was no longer a 

According to Labor officials, a new case-management system was 
deployed after the Labor IG audit field work was conducted, which 
addresses some of the issues raised in the Labor IG report. 

Physicians Selected by the Government Not Present at Key Control 

Our preliminary observations found that FECA program regulations allow 
claimants to select their own physician, and also requires examination 
by a physician employed or selected by the government only when a 
second opinion is deemed necessary by the government. We found this 
could result in essential processes within the FECA program operating 
without reviews by physicians selected by the government. This 
potential vulnerability affects key control processes outlined in 
GAO's fraud-prevention framework in two areas: first, the lack of 
reviews when assessing validity of initial claims and second, the lack 
of the same when monitoring the duration of the injury. However, the 
addition of a government physician into the process does not 
necessarily mitigate all risks and costs associated with additional 
medical reviews would need to be considered. For example, there may be 
difficulties in successfully obtaining information from physicians 
representing the government's interest. Specifically, a prior GAO 
report found challenges in obtaining sound or thorough evidence from 
physicians approved by Labor in Black Lung Benefits Program claims for 
miners.[Footnote 14] Our report also noted that physicians stated that 
guidance provided by Labor for effectively and completely documenting 
their medical opinions was not clear, which resulted in the challenges 
in providing useful information to Labor concerning Black Lung claims. 
Details of this potential vulnerability include the following: 

* Labor, not the claimant's employing agency, determines if a second 
opinion is necessary. Employing-agency officials, including officials 
from DHS and USPS stated that there have been instances where Labor 
failed to respond to their requests to have a second-opinion 
examination performed at the employing agencies' request even though 
the costs would be borne by their agencies. We did not verify these 
claims. Labor officials stated that its claims examiners are trained 
to review files and make the appropriate case-management decision on 
the need for a second opinion. In addition, they stated that resources 
associated with second opinions include significant time and effort 
for a claims examiner to review a file, document the need for a second 
opinion, and determine the specific issues to be reviewed by the 
physician. Finally, Labor officials noted that numerous requests by 
employing agencies for second opinions can put a strain on the limited 
number of physician staff it uses for these examinations. 

Difficulties Associated with Investigations and Prosecutions: 

Officials at multiple employing agencies covered in our work to date 
stated that they faced difficulties successfully investigating and 
prosecuting fraud. GAO's fraud-prevention framework states that 
targeted investigations and prosecutions, though costly and resource- 
intensive, can help deter future fraud and ultimately save money. We 
plan to follow up with agency IG and United States Attorney officials 
to gain their perspective on FECA fraud cases as part of our ongoing 
work. Details offered by employing-agency program officials included 
the following: 

* Officials at DOD stated that their investigative units do not 
normally invest resources in FECA fraud cases because national 
defense, antiterrorism, and violent-crimes cases are higher priorities. 

* USPS officials also stated that, in their experience, limited 
resources at United States Attorneys offices means that those 
attorneys will often not prosecute cases with an alleged fraud of less 
than $100,000. According to these officials, many of their strong 
allegations of fraud and abuse fall below this amount when estimating 
the cost of fraud that has already occurred. 

* In addition to the challenges noted above related to fraud 
investigations, in 2008, we recommended that OWCP take steps to focus 
attention on recovering FECA overpayments. Specifically, we 
recommended considering reducing the dollar threshold for waiving 
overpayments as OWCP's overpayment processing data system develops 
additional capabilities. With respect to reducing the waiver 
threshold, Labor disagreed to consider reducing the dollar threshold 
while their current processing data system was developing additional 
capabilities to recover overpayments. 

GAO's Plans to Further Assess Controls and Perform Data Analysis as 
Part of Ongoing Work: 

We plan to follow up on these promising practices and potential 
weaknesses as part of our ongoing review of FECA fraud-prevention 
controls. We will also attempt to develop case studies of specific 
examples of duplication of benefits and other problems within the FECA 
program to determine whether these and other potential program 
vulnerabilities may have contributed to specific cases of fraud and 
abuse. In addition to our fraud-prevention work in the FECA program, 
we are conducting two other program-related engagements. Those 
engagements focus largely on issues related to retirement-age FECA 
beneficiaries. The results of that work will also be reported at a 
later date. 

Chairman Lieberman, Ranking Member Collins, and Members of the 
Committee, this concludes my statement for the record. 

For additional information regarding this statement, please contact 
Gregory D. Kutz at (202) 512-6722 or Contact points for 
our Offices of Congressional Relations and Public Affairs may be found 
on the last page of this statement. 

[End of section] 


[1] GAO, Hurricanes Katrina and Rita Disaster Relief: Prevention Is 
Key to Minimizing Fraud, Waste, and Abuse in Recovery Efforts, 
[hyperlink,] (Washington, 
D.C.: Jan. 29, 2007); and Internal Control: Standards for Internal 
Control in the Federal Government, [hyperlink,] (Washington, D.C.: 
November 1999). 

[2] 5 U.S.C. §8101, et seq. 

[3] Mixed-ownership government corporations such as the Federal 
Deposit Insurance Corporation are required to provide additional funds 
to cover their share of the costs of administering the program for 
their employees. See 5 U.S.C. §8147(c). 

[4] Employees on the periodic rolls have total disabilities or 
injuries that have lasted or are expected to last for prolonged 

[5] [hyperlink,]. 

[6] [hyperlink,]. 

[7] [hyperlink,]. 

[8] GAO, Federal Workers' Compensation: Better Data and Management 
Strategies Would Strengthen Efforts to Prevent and Address Improper 
Payments, [hyperlink,] 
(Washington, D.C.: Feb. 26, 2008). 

[9] United States Postal Service, Office of the Inspector General, 
Postal Service Workers' Compensation Program Audit Report, HR-AR-11-
007 (Washington, D.C.: Sept 30, 2011) 

[10] NDNH is a national directory of employment information that 
contains, among other data, quarterly wage data on individual 
employees and is maintained by the Department of Health and Human 
Services (HHS). 

[11] [hyperlink,]. 

[12] [hyperlink,]. 

[13] U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Inspector General--Office of 
Audit, Mechanisms Used to Identify Changes in Eligibility Are 
Inadequate at the FECA District Office in Jacksonville, Florida, 04-07-
004-04-431 (Washington, D.C.: Sept. 28, 2007). 

[14] GAO, Black Lung Benefits Program: Administrative and Structural 
Changes Could Improve Miners' Ability to Pursue Claims, [hyperlink,] (Washington, D.C.: October 30, 

[End of section] 

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