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entitled 'Medicaid and CHIP: Most Physicians Serve Covered Children 
but Have Difficulty Referring Them for Specialty Care' which was 
released on June 30, 2011. 

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United States Government Accountability Office: 

Report to Congressional Committees: 

June 2011: 

Medicaid and CHIP: 

Most Physicians Serve Covered Children but Have Difficulty Referring 
Them for Specialty Care: 


GAO Highlights: 

Highlights of GAO-11-624, a report to congressional committees. 

Why GAO Did This Study: 

Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)-—two joint 
federal-state health care programs for certain low-income individuals—-
play a critical role in addressing the health care needs of children. 
The Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 
required GAO to study children’s access to care under Medicaid and 
CHIP, including information on physicians’ willingness to serve 
children covered by Medicaid and CHIP. 

GAO assessed (1) the extent to which physicians are enrolled and 
serving children in Medicaid and CHIP and accepting these and other 
children as new patients, and (2) the extent to which physicians 
experience difficulty referring children in Medicaid and CHIP for 
specialty care, as compared to privately insured children. GAO 
conducted a national survey of nonfederal primary and specialty care 
physicians who serve children, and asked about their enrollment in 
state Medicaid and CHIP programs, whether they served and accepted 
Medicaid and CHIP and privately insured children, and the extent to 
which they experienced difficulty referring children in Medicaid and 
CHIP and privately insured children to specialty care. GAO also 
interviewed officials with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid 
Services (CMS), an agency within the Department of Health and Human 
Services (HHS) that oversees Medicaid and CHIP. 

What GAO Found: 

Most physicians are enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP and serving children 
covered by these programs. On the basis of its 2010 national survey of 
physicians, GAO estimates that more than three-quarters of primary and 
specialty care physicians are enrolled as Medicaid and CHIP providers 
and serving children in those programs. A larger share of primary care 
physicians (83 percent) are participating in the programs—-enrolled as 
a provider and serving Medicaid and CHIP children-—than specialty 
physicians (71 percent). Further, a larger share of rural primary care 
physicians (94 percent) are participating in the programs than urban 
primary care physicians (81 percent). Nationwide, physicians 
participating in Medicaid and CHIP are generally more willing to 
accept privately insured children as new patients than Medicaid and 
CHIP children. For example, about 79 percent are accepting all 
privately insured children as new patients, compared to about 47 
percent for children in Medicaid and CHIP. Nonparticipating physicians—
those not enrolled or not serving Medicaid and CHIP children—most 
commonly cite administrative issues such as low and delayed 
reimbursement and provider enrollment requirements as limiting their 
willingness to serve children in these programs. 

Physicians experience much greater difficulty referring children in 
Medicaid and CHIP to specialty care, compared to privately insured 
children. On the basis of the physician survey, more than three times 
as many participating physicians—84 percent—experience difficulty 
referring Medicaid and CHIP children to specialty care as experience 
difficulty referring privately insured children—26 percent. For all 
children, physicians most frequently cited difficulty with specialty 
referrals for mental health, dermatology, and neurology. 

Figure: Acceptance of New Patients and Difficulty Referring Children 
for Specialty Consultations: 

[Refer to PDF for image: 4 pie-charts] 

Acceptance of new patients: 

Medicaid and CHIP: 
All: 47%; 
Some: 44%; 
None: 9%. 

Private Insurance: 
All: 79%; 
Some: 18%; 
None: 3%. 

Difficulties with specialty referrals: 

Medicaid and CHIP: 
Great difficulty: 34%; 
Some difficulty: 50%; 
No difficulty: 16%. 

Private Insurance: 
Great difficulty: 1%; 
Some difficulty: 25%; 
No difficulty: 75%. 

Source: GAO. 

Note: Numbers may not sum to 100 percent because of rounding. 

[End of figure] 

In its comments on a draft of this report, HHS stated that CMS is 
committed to improving physician participation and that this report 
will be of value as CMS works with the states to ensure beneficiary 
access to care. 

View [hyperlink,] or key 
components. For more information, contact Katherine Iritani, (202) 512-

[End of section] 




Most Physicians Are Enrolled and Serving Children in Medicaid and 
CHIP, but Are Generally More Willing to Accept Privately Insured 
Children as New Patients: 

More Than Three Times as Many Participating Physicians Have Difficulty 
Referring Children in Medicaid and CHIP to Specialty Care as Have 
Difficulty Referring Privately Insured Children: 

Concluding Observations: 

Agency Comments and Our Evaluation: 

Appendix I: Scope and Methodology for GAO Survey of Primary Care and 
Specialty Care Physicians: 

Appendix II: 2010 Physician Survey Results: 

Appendix III: Comments from the Department of Health and Human 

Appendix IV: GAO Contact and Staff Acknowledgments: 

Related GAO Products: 


Table 1: Physician Participation in Medicaid and CHIP, by Physician 

Table 2: Response Rates for GAO's Survey of Primary Care and Specialty 
Care Physicians: 

Table 3: Gender of Physicians Who Responded to the Survey: 

Table 4: Employment of Nurse Practitioners or Physician Assistants to 
Provide Direct Patient Care, among Physicians Who Responded to the 

Table 5: Percentage of All Physicians Participating in Medicaid and 
CHIP (Enrolled as a Medicaid and CHIP Provider and Serving Children), 

Table 6: Percentage of All Physicians Participating in Medicaid and 
CHIP (Enrolled as a Medicaid and CHIP Provider and Serving Children), 
by Physician Type: 

Table 7: Percentage of All Primary Care Physicians Participating in 
Medicaid and CHIP (Enrolled as a Medicaid and CHIP Provider and 
Serving Children), by Geographic Location: 

Table 8: Percentage of Participating Physicians Serving Children in 
Medicaid and CHIP by Fee-for-Service and Managed Care Delivery Models, 
in Areas Where Both Delivery Models Are Available: 

Table 9: Extent to Which Participating Physicians Are Accepting New 
Patients (Age 0-18), by Child's Insurance Type: 

Table 10: Extent to Which Participating Physicians Are Accepting New 
Patients (Age 0-18), by Child's Insurance Type, and by Physician Type: 

Table 11: Extent to Which Participating Primary Care Physicians Are 
Accepting New Patients (Age 0-18), by Child's Insurance Type, and by 
Geographic Location: 

Table 12: Percentage of Participating Physicians Accepting New 
Medicaid and CHIP Patients (Age 0-18), by Fee-for-Service and Managed 
Care Delivery Model in Areas Where Both Delivery Models Are Available: 

Table 13: Participating Physicians' Wait Times for Next Available 
Appointment for New Patients (Age 0-18), by Insurance Type: 

Table 14: Participating Physicians' Wait Times for Next Available 
Appointment for New Patients (Age 0-18), by Insurance Type and 
Physician Type: 

Table 15: Participating Primary Care Physicians' Wait Times for Next 
Available Appointment for New Patients (Age 0-18), by Insurance Type 
and Geographic Location: 

Table 16: Percentage of All Participating Physicians' Child Patients 
(Age 0-18) in Medicaid and CHIP: 

Table 17: Percentage of Participating Physicians' Child Patients (Age 
0-18) in Medicaid and CHIP, by Physician Type: 

Table 18: Percentage of Participating Primary Care Physicians' Child 
Patients (Age 0-18) in Medicaid and CHIP, by Geographic Location: 

Table 19: Percentage of Participating Physicians' Child Patients (Age 
0-18) in Medicaid and CHIP, by Acceptance of Medicaid and CHIP 
Patients (Age 0-18): 

Table 20: Extent to Which Certain Factors Limit Participating and 
Nonparticipating Physicians' Own Willingness to Serve Children (Age 0- 
18) in Medicaid and CHIP: 

Table 21: Extent to Which Certain Factors Limit Physicians' Own 
Willingness to Serve Children (Age 0-18) in Medicaid and CHIP, by 
Participating Physicians and Nonparticipating Physicians: 

Table 22: Level of Difficulty Referring Children for Specialty Care 
for Participating Physicians, by Child's Insurance Type: 

Table 23: Comparison of Participating Primary Care and Specialty Care 
Physicians' Level of Difficulty Referring Children for Specialty Care, 
by Child's Insurance Type: 

Table 24: Comparison of Participating Rural and Urban Primary Care 
Physicians' Level of Difficulty Referring Children for Specialty Care, 
by Child's Insurance Type: 


Figure 1: Primary Care Physicians per 1,000 Children 19 Years of Age 
and Younger, 2007: 

Figure 2: Acceptance of New Patients (Age 0-18) among Physicians 
Participating in Medicaid and CHIP, by Child's Insurance Type: 

Figure 3: Comparison of Participating Primary Care and Specialty Care 
Physicians' Acceptance of New Patients (Age 0-18), by Child's 
Insurance Type: 

Figure 4: Comparison of Participating Rural and Urban Primary Care 
Physicians' Acceptance of New Patients (Age 0-18), by Child's 
Insurance Type: 

Figure 5: Percentage of Child Patients Covered by Medicaid and CHIP, 
among Participating Physicians: 

Figure 6: Level of Difficulty Referring Children for Specialty Care 
among Physicians Participating in Medicaid and CHIP, by Child's 
Insurance Type: 

Figure 7: Comparison of Participating Primary Care and Specialty Care 
Physicians' Level of Difficulty Referring Children for Specialty Care, 
by Child's Insurance Type: 

Figure 8: Comparison of Participating Rural and Urban Primary Care 
Physicians' Level of Difficulty Referring Children for Specialty Care, 
by Child's Insurance Type: 

Figure 9: Workplace Setting of Physicians Who Responded to the Survey: 

Figure 10: Responding Physicians' Patients Who Are Children (Age 0-18): 

Figure 11: Number of Physicians Who Responded to the Survey, by Strata 
and Region: 


AMA: American Medical Association: 

CHIP: Children's Health Insurance Program: 

CHIPRA: Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 

CMS: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services: 

EPSDT: Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment: 

HHS: Department of Health and Human Services: 

MEPS: Medical Expenditure Panel Survey: 

PPACA: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: 

[End of section] 

June 30, 2011: 

United States Government Accountability Office: 
Washington, DC 20548: 

The Honorable Max Baucus: 
The Honorable Orrin Hatch: 
Ranking Member: 
Committee on Finance: 
United States Senate: 

The Honorable Fred Upton: 
The Honorable Henry A. Waxman: 
Ranking Member: 
Committee on Energy and Commerce: 
House of Representatives: 

Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)--two joint 
federal-state health care programs for certain low-income individuals--
play a critical role in addressing the health care needs of children. 
In 2010, more than 42 million children received health care coverage 
through Medicaid or CHIP, and this number is expected to increase. 
[Footnote 1] But simply having coverage does not ensure that a 
beneficiary can access physicians and needed services. Access to 
health care for children in Medicaid and CHIP is affected, in part, by 
the number of physicians who are participating--that is, who are not 
only enrolled in state Medicaid and CHIP programs, but also providing 
services to these children. 

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), an agency within 
the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), oversees state 
Medicaid and CHIP programs at the federal level, including monitoring 
children's access to primary care and specialty care. Under broad 
federal requirements, states administer the day-to-day operations of 
their programs, including enrolling physicians, establishing provider 
payment rates, and paying for services provided to program 
beneficiaries. States generally provide Medicaid and CHIP services 
through two service delivery and financing models--fee-for-service and 
managed care. While physicians and other providers must enroll with 
states as Medicaid and CHIP providers to receive payment for services 
provided under these programs, enrollment does not require physicians 
to serve a specific number of program beneficiaries or accept all 
program beneficiaries seeking care.[Footnote 2] 

The Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 
(CHIPRA) required that we study Medicaid-and CHIP-covered children's 
access to primary and specialty care, including information on 
providers' willingness to serve these children.[Footnote 3] In this 
report, we address: 

1. the extent to which physicians are enrolled as Medicaid and CHIP 
providers and serving children in these programs, and the extent to 
which physicians are accepting these and other children as new 
patients; and: 

2. the extent to which physicians experience difficulty referring 
children in Medicaid and CHIP for specialty care, as compared to 
privately insured children. 

To answer our two research objectives, we conducted a national survey 
of physicians who serve children. We surveyed a nationally 
representative sample of physicians from each of three groups-- 
specialty care physicians, primary care physicians in urban areas, and 
primary care physicians in rural areas--all of whom were practicing 
physicians in the United States who were office-or hospital-based and 
age 65 or younger, provided direct patient care to children (age 0-
18), and were not federal employees.[Footnote 4] We received responses 
from 932 eligible physicians, and had a response rate of 35 percent. 
We performed a nonresponse bias analysis to determine whether any bias 
was introduced in the results due to the absence of responses from 
some members of the sample. We also performed additional analysis of 
the survey data to determine whether certain characteristics, such as 
age, gender, and the percentage of children served, influenced 
responses to our survey questions. We found that physicians' 
willingness to serve and accept children in Medicaid and CHIP was not 
influenced by these factors. Our survey methodology allowed us to 
generalize our results to the total population of physicians who serve 
children in the United States, and to four groups of physicians who 
serve children: primary care physicians, specialty care physicians, 
rural primary care physicians, and urban primary care physicians. 
[Footnote 5] The survey was administered from August 5, 2010, to 
October 31, 2010. All estimates are based on self-reported information 
from the survey respondents and have a margin of error of plus or 
minus 5 percent or less at the 95 percent confidence level, unless 
otherwise noted. (For more information on the scope and methodology of 
our survey, see appendix I.) The survey included questions about 
physicians' enrollment in state Medicaid and CHIP programs, whether 
they serve and accept children (age 0-18) in Medicaid and CHIP as new 
patients, the share of their child patients that are covered by 
Medicaid and CHIP, whether they experience difficulty referring 
children to specialists, and factors that may affect their own 
willingness to participate in Medicaid and CHIP.[Footnote 6] We also 
reviewed related literature on physician supply and participation in 
public programs, including Medicaid. In addition, we reviewed certain 
provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) 
that may affect physicians' participation in the program, and 
interviewed officials from CMS and selected provider associations. 

We conducted this performance audit from September 2009 through June 
2011 in accordance with generally accepted government auditing 
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit 
to obtain sufficient, appropriate evidence to provide a reasonable 
basis for our findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives. 
We believe that the evidence obtained provides a reasonable basis for 
our findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives. 


Medicaid and CHIP are the nation's largest health care financing 
programs for low-income children, accounting for about $79 billion in 
shared federal and state expenditures in 2009, the most recent year 
for which data are available.[Footnote 7] Medicaid is a federal-state 
program for certain categories of low-income children, families, and 
individuals. In fiscal year 2010, 34.4 million children had health 
coverage through Medicaid. CHIP is also a federal-state program and 
provides health care coverage to children 18 years of age and younger 
living in low-income families whose incomes exceed the eligibility 
requirements for Medicaid. In fiscal year 2010, 7.7 million children 
had health care coverage through CHIP.[Footnote 8] 

State Medicaid and CHIP programs are required to cover certain groups 
of individuals and offer a minimum set of services, including services 
provided by primary care and specialty care physicians, and services 
provided in hospitals, clinics, and other settings. States are also 
responsible for enrolling physicians as Medicaid and CHIP providers. 
For Medicaid programs, federal law establishes that state Medicaid 
payments to providers must be sufficient to enroll enough providers so 
that care and services are available to beneficiaries at least to the 
extent that they are available to the general population in the same 
geographic area.[Footnote 9] On May 6, 2011, CMS issued a proposed 
regulation regarding this requirement.[Footnote 10] The proposed 
regulation is intended to promote standardized and transparent methods 
for states to review and monitor Medicaid beneficiaries' access to 
covered services delivered under a fee-for-service delivery model. 
Under the proposed regulation, state monitoring of Medicaid 
beneficiaries' access is anticipated to be an ongoing and evolving 
process. The proposed regulation describes different approaches states 
may use to assess Medicaid beneficiaries' access to care, and 
identifies different actions states may take to address access 
problems. In addition, the proposed regulation includes a requirement 
for states to annually assess Medicaid beneficiaries' access to a 
different subset of covered services and then make the results of 
these assessments available to the public.[Footnote 11] Figure 1 
illustrates how the supply of primary care physicians varies among 
states and within states. 

Figure 1: Primary Care Physicians per 1,000 Children 19 Years of Age 
and Younger, 2007: 

[Refer to PDF for image: illustrated U.S. map] 

Map depicts the following geographical areas: 

Physicians per 1,000 children: 
Over 3.50; 
2.75 to 3.50; 
2.00 to 2.74; 
1.25 to 1.99; 
Less than 1.25. 

Sources: Health Resources and Services Administration and Census 

Note: The county-level ratios presented in this figure are based on 
the number of U.S. physicians age 65 and younger with a primary 
specialty in general practice, family medicine, internal medicine, 
pediatrics, obstetrics-gynecology, general preventive medicine, or 
public health, and the number of children age 19 and under. For this 
analysis, we used 0-19 years as the age range for children because 
this is the range included in Census Bureau data. Data from 2007 were 
the most recent available. 

[End of figure] 

Like all children, children in Medicaid and CHIP depend on physicians 
and other health care providers for regular health screenings to 
monitor their health, development, and growth. In addition to primary 
health care needs, these screenings are important in identifying 
conditions that may warrant specialty care and services. Medicaid 
programs are required to provide regular health screenings, under the 
benefit known as Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and 
Treatment (EPSDT) services, for eligible children.[Footnote 12] We and 
others have reported, however, that many children in Medicaid and CHIP 
are not receiving well-child checkups, all required health screening 
services, or needed specialty services. For example: 

* In August 2009, we reported that, on the basis of parents' reports 
in the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS), about 40 percent of 
children in Medicaid and CHIP had not had a well-child checkup over a 
2-year period.[Footnote 13] 

* In May 2010, HHS's Office of Inspector General reported that in nine 
states, three of four children in Medicaid did not receive all 
required covered health screening services.[Footnote 14] 

* In April 2011, on the basis of MEPS, we reported that for 12 percent 
of children in Medicaid and CHIP 17 years of age and younger who 
needed health care services, such as tests or treatments, their 
families had difficulties accessing those services. In addition, an 
estimated 24 percent of children in Medicaid and CHIP 17 years of age 
and younger who needed specialists had problems accessing specialty 
services.[Footnote 15] 

We also reported, in April 2011, that monitoring access to specialty 
care for children in Medicaid and CHIP was important because the 
National Survey of Children's Health--which is based on responses from 
parents or guardians--showed that these children had problems 
accessing needed services. We also found that the required state 
reports submitted to CMS regarding services provided to children in 
Medicaid lacked detail. For example, the reports do not indicate 
whether children referred to providers for treatment actually receive 
the services they need. We recommended that the Administrator of CMS 
work with states to identify additional improvements that could be 
made to the annual reports that states are required to submit to CMS, 
including options for capturing information on children's receipt of 
the services for which they are referred. CMS agreed with our 

Most Physicians Are Enrolled and Serving Children in Medicaid and 
CHIP, but Are Generally More Willing to Accept Privately Insured 
Children as New Patients: 

On the basis of our survey of physicians, we estimate that nationally 
more than three-quarters of primary and specialty care physicians are 
enrolled as Medicaid and CHIP providers and serving children covered 
by these programs. These participating physicians are generally more 
willing to accept privately insured children as new patients than 
children in Medicaid and CHIP. In addition, the percentage of 
physicians accepting children in Medicaid and CHIP is similar to the 
percentage of physicians accepting uninsured children. Participating 
physicians do not appear to show a preference when scheduling 
appointments for new patients, as the reported wait times for new 
appointments are generally the same for privately insured children and 
children in Medicaid and CHIP. We also found that for most 
participating physicians, children in Medicaid and CHIP represent less 
than 20 percent of the children they serve. Physicians not enrolled or 
not serving children in these programs often cited administrative 
issues related to reimbursement and provider enrollment requirements 
as factors limiting their willingness to serve these children. 

More Than Three-quarters of Physicians Are Enrolled and Serving 
Children in Medicaid and CHIP: 

On the basis of physicians' responses to our survey, we estimate that 
nationally 78 percent of physicians are enrolled as Medicaid and CHIP 
providers and serving children in these programs. A larger share of 
primary care physicians than specialty care physicians are 
participating in Medicaid and CHIP--that is, enrolled and serving 
children in Medicaid and CHIP. Among primary care physicians, 
participation in Medicaid and CHIP is higher in rural areas than in 
urban areas. Overall, the proportion of physicians participating in 
Medicaid and CHIP ranged from a low of 71 percent for specialty care 
physicians to a high of 94 percent for primary care physicians in 
rural areas. (See table 1.) 

Table 1: Physician Participation in Medicaid and CHIP, by Physician 

Physician type: Primary care physician (nationally); 
Percentage participating in Medicaid and CHIP: 83%; 
Percentage not participating in Medicaid and CHIP: 17%; 
Total: 100%. 

Physician type: Urban primary care physician; 
Percentage participating in Medicaid and CHIP: 81%; 
Percentage not participating in Medicaid and CHIP: 19%; 
Total: 100%. 

Physician type: Rural primary care physician; 
Percentage participating in Medicaid and CHIP: 94%; 
Percentage not participating in Medicaid and CHIP: 6%; 
Total: 100%. 

Physician type: Specialty care physician (nationally); 
Percentage participating in Medicaid and CHIP: 71%; 
Percentage not participating in Medicaid and CHIP: 29%; 
Total: 100%. 

Physician type: All physicians; 
Percentage participating in Medicaid and CHIP: 78%; 
Percentage not participating in Medicaid and CHIP: 22%; 
Total: 100%. 

Source: GAO. 

Note: Participating physicians are those enrolled as Medicaid and CHIP 
providers and serving children in one or both of these programs. The 
sampling frame for our survey included all practicing physicians in 
the United States who were office-or hospital-based and age 65 or 
younger, who were not federal employees, who provided direct patient 
care to children (age 0-18), and who were primary care or specialty 
care physicians. 

[End of table] 

Physicians who participate in Medicaid and CHIP do not appear to show 
a preference for a particular delivery model. In areas where both 
managed care and fee-for-service delivery models exist for these 
programs, 78 percent of participating physicians serve Medicaid and 
CHIP children in both delivery models.[Footnote 16] Among 
participating physicians, 10 percent only serve children under the fee-
for-service model, and 8 percent only serve children in the managed 
care model. (For additional data on physicians' participation in 
Medicaid and CHIP, including estimates of the percentage of 
participating physicians serving children in Medicaid and CHIP by 
delivery model, and the lower and upper bounds of all estimates on 
physician participation, see appendix II, tables 5-8.) 

Physicians Participating in Medicaid and CHIP Are Generally More 
Willing to Accept Privately Insured Children as New Patients Than 
Children in Medicaid and CHIP: 

Although most participating physicians are accepting children in 
Medicaid and CHIP as new patients, they are generally more willing to 
accept privately insured children as new patients. For example, about 
8 of 10 participating physicians are accepting all privately insured 
children, compared to less than 5 of 10 accepting all children 
enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP. About 1 of 10 participating physicians 
are not accepting any children in Medicaid and CHIP as new patients, 
compared to about 1 of 30 who are not accepting any privately insured 
children as new patients. (See figure 2.) Participating physicians 
were generally more willing to accept privately insured children than 
Medicaid and CHIP children in each of the physician types we analyzed: 
primary care physicians, specialty care physicians, and primary care 
physicians in urban and rural areas. 

Figure 2: Acceptance of New Patients (Age 0-18) among Physicians 
Participating in Medicaid and CHIP, by Child's Insurance Type: 

[Refer to PDF for image: 2 pie-charts] 

Medicaid and CHIP: 
All: 47%; 
Some: 44%; 
None: 9%. 

Private Insurance: 
All: 79%; 
Some: 18%; 
None: 3%. 

Source: GAO. 

Notes: Participating physicians are those enrolled as Medicaid and 
CHIP providers and serving children in one or both of these programs. 
The sampling frame for our survey included all practicing physicians 
in the United States who were office-or hospital-based and age 65 or 
younger, who were not federal employees, who provided direct patient 
care to children (age 0-18), and who were primary care or specialty 
care physicians. 

Numbers may not sum to 100 percent because of rounding. 

The differences between physician responses for children covered by 
Medicaid and CHIP and for privately insured children are statistically 

[End of figure] 

Primary and Specialty Care Physicians: 

Both primary care physicians and specialty care physicians are more 
willing to accept privately insured children as new patients than 
children in Medicaid and CHIP. (See figure 3.) For example, for both 
primary care physicians and specialty care physicians the percentage 
of participating physicians who accept all privately insured children 
as new patients is about 30 percent higher than the percentage who 
accept all children in Medicaid and CHIP.[Footnote 17] (For additional 
data on acceptance of new patients by child's insurance and physician 
type, including estimates of physicians' acceptance of uninsured 
children, and the lower and upper bounds of all estimates, see 
appendix II, tables 9 and 10.) 

Figure 3: Comparison of Participating Primary Care and Specialty Care 
Physicians' Acceptance of New Patients (Age 0-18), by Child's 
Insurance Type: 

[Refer to PDF for image: 4 pie-charts] 

Primary care physicians: 

Medicaid- and CHIP-covered children: 
All: 45%; 
Some: 43%; 
None: 12%. 

Privately insured children: 
All: 77%; 
Some: 19%; 
None: 4%. 

Specialty care physicians: 

Medicaid- and CHIP-covered children: 
All: 51%[A]; 
Some: 45%[A]; 
None: 4%. 

Privately insured children: 
All: 84%; 
Some: 16%; 
None: 1%. 

Source: GAO. 

[End of figure] 

Notes: Participating physicians are those enrolled as Medicaid and 
CHIP providers and serving children in one or both of these programs. 
The sampling frame for our survey included all practicing physicians 
in the United States who were office-or hospital-based and age 65 or 
younger, who were not federal employees, who provided direct patient 
care to children (age 0-18), and who were primary care or specialty 
care physicians. 

Numbers may not sum to 100 percent because of rounding. 

[A] The confidence interval for the estimate is plus or minus 7 
percent at the 95 percent confidence level. 

[End of figure] 

Similarly, a March 2011 report found that the percentage of primary 
care physicians who were accepting all or most Medicaid patients--
adults and children--was considerably lower than the percentage 
accepting all or most privately insured patients.[Footnote 18] This 
study also found that the relative supply of primary care physicians 
did not affect physician willingness to accept new Medicaid patients. 
Specifically, primary care physicians in states with fewer primary 
care physicians per capita were as willing to accept new Medicaid 
patients as primary care physicians in states with more primary care 
physicians per capita.[Footnote 19] 

Physicians in Rural and Urban Areas: 

As illustrated in figure 4, primary care physicians in urban and rural 
areas are more willing to accept privately insured children as new 
patients than children in Medicaid and CHIP; however, rural primary 
care physicians are more willing than urban primary care physicians to 
accept children in Medicaid and CHIP as new patients. In rural areas, 
the percentage of participating primary care physicians who will 
accept all privately insured children as new patients is about 20 
percent higher than the share willing to accept all children in 
Medicaid and CHIP. In urban areas, the difference is about 30 
percent.[Footnote 20] Further, the percentage of primary care 
physicians in rural areas who are willing to accept all children in 
Medicaid and CHIP as new patients (62 percent) is much higher than the 
percentage in urban areas (43 percent).[Footnote 21] (For additional 
data on acceptance of new patients by child's insurance and primary 
care physician's geographic location, including estimates of physician 
acceptance of uninsured children, the lower and upper bounds of all 
estimates, and information on statistically significant differences, 
see appendix II, table 11.) 

Figure 4: Comparison of Participating Rural and Urban Primary Care 
Physicians' Acceptance of New Patients (Age 0-18), by Child's 
Insurance Type: 

[Refer to PDF for image: 4 pie-charts] 

Rural primary care physicians: 

Medicaid- and CHIP-covered children: 
All: 62%[A]; 
Some: 29%[A]; 
None: 9%[A]. 

Privately insured children: 
All: 83%[A]; 
Some: 13%[A]; 
None: 5%. 

Urban primary care physicians: 

Medicaid- and CHIP-covered children: 
All: 43%[A]; 
Some: 45%[A]; 
None: 12%. 

Privately insured children: 
All: 76%; 
Some: 20%; 
None: 4%. 

Source: GAO. 

Notes: Participating physicians are those enrolled as Medicaid and 
CHIP providers and serving children in one or both of these programs. 
The sampling frame for our survey included all practicing physicians 
in the United States who were office-or hospital-based and age 65 or 
younger, who were not federal employees, who provided direct patient 
care to children (age 0-18), and who were primary care or specialty 
care physicians. 

Numbers may not sum to 100 percent because of rounding. 

[A] The confidence interval for the estimate is between plus or minus 
6 and plus or minus 10 percent at the 95 percent confidence level. 

[End of figure] 

The percentage of physicians accepting uninsured children as new 
patients is similar to the percentage accepting children in Medicaid 
and CHIP. For example, 55 percent of all participating physicians 
accept all uninsured children as new patients, and 9 percent do not 
accept children without insurance, compared to 47 percent and 9 
percent, respectively, for children in Medicaid and CHIP. (See 
appendix II, tables 9-11.) Other research has found that physicians' 
willingness to accept patients enrolled in Medicaid and uninsured 
patients is lower than willingness to accept privately insured 
patients.[Footnote 22] 

When accepting new Medicaid and CHIP patients, physicians who 
participate in Medicaid and CHIP do not appear to show a preference 
for children in a fee-for-service or managed care delivery model. In 
areas where both delivery models exist for these programs, 69 percent 
of participating physicians accept children in Medicaid and CHIP under 
both fee-for-service and managed care. The percentage of physicians 
who only accept these children under one type of delivery model is 
about the same for each delivery model--7 percent only accept Medicaid 
and CHIP children in a managed care delivery model, and 10 percent 
only accept these children in a program with a fee-for-service 
delivery model. (See appendix II, table 12, for additional information 
regarding physician acceptance of children in Medicaid and CHIP by 
delivery model.) 

Participating physicians do not appear to have a preference for, or to 
give priority to, privately insured children when scheduling 
appointments for new patients. Nationally, physicians cited wait times 
for new patient appointments as largely the same for children in 
Medicaid and CHIP and privately insured children. For example, the 
most common wait time for a new appointment cited was less than 48 
hours for both children in Medicaid and CHIP and privately insured 
children. Further, for both groups of children, more than half of the 
participating physicians could schedule a nonurgent visit in 6 days or 

Wait times for children in Medicaid and CHIP and privately insured 
children were similar for primary care physicians (national, urban, 
and rural) and specialty care physicians. For primary care physicians 
overall and those in urban and rural locations, more than half of 
participating physicians indicated that wait times are less than 1 
week for children seeking new appointments, regardless of insurance 
coverage of the child. For specialty care physicians, more than half 
of physicians indicated that wait times for new appointments are 1 
week or more for children with private insurance, as well as for 
children covered by Medicaid and CHIP. (See appendix II, tables 13 
through 15, for data on wait times by physician type and geographic 
location of primary care physicians.) A June 2011 report on children's 
access to specialty services found that wait times in one large urban 
county differed for children in Medicaid and CHIP as compared to 
privately insured children. Using a methodology that entailed 
researchers calling clinics in Cook County, Illinois, and posing as 
mothers of children with Medicaid or CHIP coverage, and, in separate 
calls, as mothers of children with private insurance, the study found 
that among the clinics that accepted both Medicaid and CHIP and 
private insurance, the average wait time for children covered by 
Medicaid and CHIP was 22 days longer than that for children with 
private insurance.[Footnote 23] 

Children in Medicaid and CHIP represent a relatively small share of 
most participating physicians' child patients. Although the percentage 
of children in Medicaid and CHIP served by participating physicians 
varies, for more than half (55 percent) of all participating 
physicians, children in Medicaid and CHIP represent less than 20 
percent of the children they serve. The most common physician response 
was that children in Medicaid and CHIP represent less than 10 percent 
of the children they serve. The second most common response was that 
children in Medicaid and CHIP represent 60 percent or more of the 
children they serve. (See figure 5.) 

Figure 5: Percentage of Child Patients Covered by Medicaid and CHIP, 
among Participating Physicians: 

[Refer to PDF for image: vertical bar graph] 

Participating physicians’ child patients covered: 1 to 9 percent; 
Percentage of participating physicians: 38%. 

Participating physicians’ child patients covered: 10 to 19 percent; 
Percentage of participating physicians: 17%. 

First two categories total 55%. 

Participating physicians’ child patients covered: 20 to 39 percent; 
Percentage of participating physicians: 16%. 

Participating physicians’ child patients covered: 40 to 59 percent; 
Percentage of participating physicians: 12%. 

Participating physicians’ child patients covered: 60 percent or more; 
Percentage of participating physicians: 18%. 

Source: GAO. 

Notes: Participating physicians are those enrolled as Medicaid and 
CHIP providers and serving children in one or both of these programs. 
The sampling frame for our survey included all practicing physicians 
in the United States who were office-or hospital-based and age 65 or 
younger, who were not federal employees, who provided direct patient 
care to children (age 0-18), and who were a primary care or specialty 
care physician. 

Numbers may not sum to 100 percent because of rounding. 

[End of figure] 

The share of participating physicians' child patients that are in 
Medicaid and CHIP was similar for primary care physicians, specialty 
care physicians, and urban primary care physicians. For the majority 
of participating physicians in each of these groups, children in 
Medicaid and CHIP accounted for less than 20 percent of the children 
they served. In contrast, for the majority of rural primary care 
physicians, these children accounted for 20 percent or more of all the 
children they served. (See appendix II, tables 16 through 19, for data 
on the patient mix of participating physicians.) Our findings are 
similar to those from recent research in California, which found that 
for the majority of the physicians participating in the state's 
Medicaid program--primary care, specialty care, and urban as well as 
rural physicians--adults and children enrolled in Medicaid accounted 
for 20 percent or less of their patients.[Footnote 24] 

Nonparticipating Physicians Largely Cited Administrative Issues as 
Limiting Their Own Willingness to Serve Children in Medicaid and CHIP: 

Physicians not participating in the programs--that is, those not 
enrolled or not serving children in Medicaid and CHIP--often cited 
certain administrative issues related to reimbursement and enrolling 
as a provider as factors that limit their own willingness to serve 
children enrolled in these programs. Specifically, of 13 factors that 
physicians could identify on our survey as limiting their own 
willingness to serve children in Medicaid and CHIP, nonparticipating 
physicians most frequently identified 5 factors.[Footnote 25] For 
physicians not participating in Medicaid and CHIP, we estimate that 

1. 95 percent are influenced by low reimbursement, 

2. 87 percent are influenced by burdens associated with billing, 

3. 85 percent are influenced by delayed reimbursement,[Footnote 26] 

4. 85 percent are influenced by burdens associated with enrolling and 
participating.[Footnote 27] 

5. 78 percent are influenced by difficulty referring patients to other 
providers.[Footnote 28] 

In contrast, two factors were frequently cited as not limiting 
physicians' own willingness to participate in Medicaid and CHIP: 
practice capacity and other patients' perceptions of Medicaid and CHIP 
patients. Specifically, 64 percent of nonparticipating physicians said 
that practice capacity does not limit their own willingness to serve 
Medicaid and CHIP children,[Footnote 29] and 71 percent said other 
patients' perceptions of Medicaid and CHIP patients does not limit 
their own willingness to serve these children.[Footnote 30] (For 
additional information on the degree to which certain factors 
influence participation for participating and nonparticipating 
physicians, see appendix II, tables 20 and 21.) 

Other research has suggested that although physicians often cite 
administrative issues as limiting their own willingness to participate 
in Medicaid and CHIP, raising reimbursement rates may not increase 
their participation in these programs. For example, one study found 
that physicians' negative perceptions of the program or its 
beneficiaries may cause them to be reluctant to participate.[Footnote 
31] Other studies have shown that a number of factors unrelated to 
reimbursement can affect physician participation in these programs, 
including gender, the type of practice, whether the physician owns or 
is an employee in a practice, and the geographic area in which the 
physician practices.[Footnote 32] 

Recent provisions have been implemented to increase Medicaid 
reimbursement rates. Under PPACA, states are required to increase 
Medicaid payment rates for primary care services for 2013 and 2014. 
For these 2 years, states will be required to pay certain primary care 
physicians an amount equal to the amount Medicare pays for primary 
care services,[Footnote 33] and the federal government will pay 100 
percent of the additional costs.[Footnote 34] However, one researcher 
noted that for states with the lowest levels of physician supply the 
increase in reimbursement rates may not increase the supply of 
Medicaid primary care providers to the levels necessary for the likely 
growth in the Medicaid population.[Footnote 35] 

More Than Three Times as Many Participating Physicians Have Difficulty 
Referring Children in Medicaid and CHIP to Specialty Care as Have 
Difficulty Referring Privately Insured Children: 

On the basis of our national survey, most physicians participating in 
Medicaid and CHIP experience difficulty referring children in these 
programs to specialty care, but relatively few have difficulty 
referring privately insured children to specialty care. This 
difference is consistent for primary and specialty care physicians at 
the national level, as well as for primary care urban and primary care 
rural physicians. Physicians who responded to our survey told us that 
they experience difficulty referring children in Medicaid and CHIP to 
specialty care for a number of reasons, including specialty physician 
supply and long waiting lists for specialists willing to accept 
children covered by Medicaid and CHIP. The most frequently cited 
specialty types that are difficult referrals for children in Medicaid 
and CHIP were nearly identical to the types most frequently cited as 
difficult for privately insured children. 

About 84 Percent of Participating Physicians Experience Difficulty 
Referring Children in Medicaid and CHIP to Specialty Care, a Rate More 
Than Three Times That for Privately Insured Children: 

On the basis of the results of our survey, more than three times as 
many physicians experience difficulty referring children in Medicaid 
and CHIP to specialty care as experience difficulty referring 
privately insured children. We estimate that nationally, 84 percent of 
participating physicians experience some or great difficulty referring 
children in Medicaid and CHIP, compared to 26 percent for privately 
insured children. Of further note, 34 percent of the physicians 
experience great difficulty for children in Medicaid and CHIP, 
compared to 1 percent for privately insured. At the same time, 75 
percent experience no difficulty referring privately insured children 
to specialty care, compared to 16 percent for children in Medicaid and 
CHIP. (See figure 6.) 

Figure 6: Level of Difficulty Referring Children for Specialty Care 
among Physicians Participating in Medicaid and CHIP, by Child's 
Insurance Type: 

[Refer to PDF for image: 2 pie-charts] 

Medicaid and CHIP: 
Great difficulty: 34%; 
Some difficulty: 50%; 
No difficulty: 16%. 

Private insurance: 
Great difficulty: 1%; 
Some difficulty: 25%; 
No difficulty: 75%. 

Source: GAO. 

Notes: Participating physicians are those enrolled as Medicaid and 
CHIP providers and serving children in one or both of these programs. 
The sampling frame for our survey included all practicing physicians 
in the United States who were office-or hospital-based and age 65 or 
younger, who were not federal employees, who provided direct patient 
care to children (age 0-18), and who were primary care or specialty 
care physicians. 

Numbers may not sum to 100 percent because of rounding. 

The differences between physician responses for children covered by 
Medicaid and CHIP and for privately insured children are statistically 

[End of figure] 

Physicians generally have more difficulty referring children in 
Medicaid and CHIP to specialty care than privately insured children 
regardless of physician type and geographic location. For each 
physician group--primary care physicians, specialty care physicians, 
and primary care urban and primary care rural physicians--a greater 
percentage of physicians experience difficulty referring children 
enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP to specialty care than experience 
difficulty referring privately insured children. (See figures 7 and 8.) 
(For additional data on referrals to specialty care by child's 
insurance and physician specialty type and geographic location, 
including estimates for uninsured children, the lower and upper bounds 
of all estimates, and information on statistically significant 
differences, see appendix II, tables 22 through 24.) The June 2011 
report examining children's access to specialty services in one large 
urban county found disparities in provider acceptance of children in 
Medicaid and CHIP as compared to privately insured children. The study 
found that 66 percent of the calls for children covered by Medicaid 
and CHIP were denied an appointment compared to 11 percent for 
children with private insurance.[Footnote 36] 

Figure 7: Comparison of Participating Primary Care and Specialty Care 
Physicians' Level of Difficulty Referring Children for Specialty Care, 
by Child's Insurance Type: 

[Refer to PDF for image: 4 pie-charts] 

Primary care physicians: 

Medicaid- and CHIP-covered children: 
Great difficulty: 33%; 
Some difficulty: 53%; 
No difficulty: 15%. 

Privately insured children: 
Great difficulty: 0%[A]; 
Some difficulty: 28%; 
No difficulty: 72%. 

Specialty care physicians: 

Medicaid- and CHIP-covered children: 
Great difficulty: 35%[B]; 
Some difficulty: 44%[B]; 
No difficulty: 20%[B]. 

Privately insured children: 
Great difficulty: 2%; 
Some difficulty: 19%[B]; 
No difficulty: 79%[B]. 

Source: GAO. 

Notes: Participating physicians are those enrolled as Medicaid and 
CHIP providers and serving children in one or both of these programs. 
The sampling frame for our survey included all practicing physicians 
in the United States who were office-or hospital-based and age 65 or 
younger, who were not federal employees, who provided direct patient 
care to children (age 0-18), and who were primary care or specialty 
care physicians. 

Numbers may not sum to 100 percent because of rounding. 

The differences between physician responses for children covered by 
Medicaid and CHIP and for privately insured children are statistically 

[A] No physicians in this group reported "great difficulty" serving 
privately insured children. 

[B] The confidence interval for the estimate is between plus or minus 
6 and plus or minus 7 percent at the 95 percent confidence level. 

[End of figure] 

Figure 8: Comparison of Participating Rural and Urban Primary Care 
Physicians' Level of Difficulty Referring Children for Specialty Care, 
by Child's Insurance Type: 

[Refer to PDF for image: 4 pie-charts] 

Rural primary care physicians: 

Medicaid- and CHIP-covered children: 
Great difficulty: 26%[A]; 
Some difficulty: 50%[A]; 
No difficulty: 24%[A]. 

Privately insured children: 
Great difficulty: 0%[B]; 
Some difficulty: 23%[A]; 
No difficulty: 78%[A]. 

Urban primary care physicians: 

Medicaid- and CHIP-covered children: 
Great difficulty: 34%; 
Some difficulty: 53%; 
No difficulty: 13%. 

Privately insured children: 
Great difficulty: 0%[B]; 
Some difficulty: 29%; 
No difficulty: 71%. 

Source: GAO. 

Notes: Participating physicians are those enrolled as Medicaid and 
CHIP providers and serving children in one or both of these programs. 
The sampling frame for our survey included all practicing physicians 
in the United States who were office-or hospital-based and age 65 or 
younger, who were not federal employees, who provided direct patient 
care to children (age 0-18), and who were a primary care or specialty 
care physician. 

Numbers may not sum to 100 percent because of rounding. 

The differences between physician responses for children covered by 
Medicaid and CHIP and for privately insured children are statistically 

[A] The confidence interval for the estimate is between plus or minus 
9 and plus or minus 11 percent at the 95 percent confidence level. 

[B] No physicians in this group reported "great difficulty" serving 
privately insured children. 

[End of figure] 

The level of difficulty physicians experience in referring children in 
Medicaid and CHIP to specialty care is similar to the level of 
difficulty they experience in referring uninsured children. 
Specifically, the percentage of participating physicians that 
experience some or great difficulty referring uninsured children to 
specialty care (84 percent) was the same as the percentage that 
experience some or great difficulty referring Medicaid and CHIP to 
specialty care. These findings are consistent with the findings of our 
April 2011 report that children in Medicaid and CHIP and uninsured 
children were more likely to experience problems receiving needed 
specialty care than privately insured children.[Footnote 37] 

Physicians who responded to our open-ended survey question requesting 
information on whether they experience difficulty referring children 
in Medicaid and CHIP to specialty care cited a variety of reasons, 
including the short supply of specialists in the area, long waiting 
lists for specialists, specialists not accepting or limiting the 
number of children covered by Medicaid and CHIP that they will accept, 
and low reimbursement rates and other administrative issues associated 
with the programs. 

[Text box: Selected Statements from Physicians on Difficulties 
Referring Children in Medicaid and CHIP to Specialty Care: 

“Lack of pediatric specialists” 

“It has nothing to do with type of insurance; some specialists are in 
very short supply” 

“Specialists have separate waiting lists for Medicaid versus private” 

“Many of the specialists we have to use for Medicaid and CHIP patients 
have long waiting times” 

“Fewer physicians accept these programs because of paperwork, poor 

“Few specialists in this small geographical area will see children in 
the first place; if the risk is high and the reimbursement low, it gets

“There are no specialists within a 75 mile radius who participate in 
Medicaid and CHIP” 
End of text box] 

The Specialties Cited as Difficult Referrals Were Largely the Same for 
Children in Medicaid and CHIP and for Privately Insured Children: 

The specialties cited by physicians as difficult to refer children to 
for specialty care were largely the same for children in Medicaid and 
CHIP and privately insured children. In our survey, we asked 
physicians who indicated that they face difficulty referring children 
to specialists to list the particular specialties for which making a 
referral is difficult. The most frequently cited specialties for 
children enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP and privately insured children 
were mental health specialties (such as psychiatry and psychology), 
dermatology, and neurology.[Footnote 38] Shortages in these specialty 
types are not unknown. For example, a 2010 survey of physicians in 
Michigan found that dermatology, neurology, and pediatric psychiatry 
were among the most difficult specialties for referrals. Similarly, a 
2010 study of the physician workforce in Massachusetts classified the 
shortages of physicians in dermatology, neurology, and psychiatry as 
severe.[Footnote 39] HHS projects that, as for many specialties, the 
supply of psychiatrists, dermatologists, and neurologists will 
continue to grow for the next decade or so. However, HHS noted that 
demand for physician services--both primary and specialty care--is 
growing faster than supply, and that the resulting shortfall could 
impede national health care goals.[Footnote 40] 

Concluding Observations: 

Medicaid and CHIP have a significant role in addressing the preventive 
and specialty health care needs of tens of millions of children in the 
United States. In April 2011, we reported that children's access to 
needed specialty care is an issue warranting closer monitoring. We 
recommended to CMS--a recommendation to which CMS agreed--that the 
agency work with states to identify ways to improve annual Medicaid 
and CHIP reports that states submit to CMS, including ways to capture 
information on children's receipt of specialty care services for which 
they have been referred by a physician or other provider. Findings of 
our current review, capturing perspectives of physicians working to 
serve the medical needs of Medicaid and CHIP children, further suggest 
the need for monitoring of children's receipt of needed specialty care 
in Medicaid and CHIP. In particular, our finding that more than three 
times as many physicians experience difficulty referring children in 
Medicaid and CHIP to specialty care as experience difficulty referring 
privately insured children lends importance to our April 2011 
recommendation in that it gives the clearest indication to date of the 
extent of the referral problem for children in Medicaid and CHIP. 

Agency Comments and Our Evaluation: 

We provided a draft of this report to HHS for its review and comment. 
HHS's letter and general comments are reprinted in appendix III. HHS 
commented that CMS is committed to improving physician participation 
rates and that our report will be of significant value to CMS as it 
works with states and providers to ensure that beneficiaries have 
access to covered health care services. HHS also raised concerns about 
the report's portrayal of the percentage of physicians accepting all 
Medicaid and CHIP children separately from the percentage accepting 
some, saying that when the report describes half of physicians as 
accepting all new children, the reader may assume the other half does 
not accept any new children. HHS suggested that we combine the 
percentages of physicians accepting some and all. We do not agree with 
HHS's suggestion. The report consistently depicts the extent of 
physicians' willingness to serve by providing the share accepting all, 
some, or no children in Medicaid and CHIP as new patients, and 
combining all and some would mask the important differences in 
physicians' willingness to accept Medicaid and CHIP children. HHS also 
commented that we should provide qualifying statements about our 
sample of physicians, because the majority of physicians who responded 
to our survey do not serve a large percentage of children. We 
conducted statistical testing of the survey data to determine whether 
physician characteristics--including the percentage of the physician's 
practice that is made up of children--influenced physicians' 
responses. We found that the percentage of children in physicians' 
practices did not affect physician responses to key questions in our 
survey. We revised our report to provide information about this 
additional statistical testing. HHS also provided technical comments, 
which we incorporated as appropriate. 

We are sending copies of this report to the Administrator of CMS and 
other interested parties. In addition, the report is available at no 
charge on GAO's Web site at [hyperlink,]. 

If you or your staffs have any questions or need additional 
information, please contact me at (202) 512-7114 or 
Contact points for our Offices of Congressional Relations and Public 
Affairs may be found on the last page of this report. GAO staff 
members who made key contributions to this report are listed in 
appendix IV. 

Signed by: 

Katherine Iritani: 
Director, Health Care: 

[End of section] 

Appendix I: Scope and Methodology for GAO Survey of Primary Care and 
Specialty Care Physicians: 

We conducted a mixed-mode survey (mail and Web-based) of primary care 
and specialty care physicians to determine the extent to which 
nonfederal primary care and specialty care physicians are enrolled as 
Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) providers and 
serve children in these programs; the extent to which they are 
accepting new Medicaid and CHIP patients; factors that may affect 
physicians' own willingness to participate in Medicaid and CHIP; and 
the extent to which participating physicians experience difficulty 
referring children in Medicaid and CHIP for specialty care. 

Development of Survey Questionnaire: 

We developed a questionnaire for surveying primary care and specialty 
care physicians. We pretested the questionnaire with a convenience 
sample of primary care and specialty care physicians in four states: 
Georgia, Illinois, Oregon, and Washington. On the basis of the pretest 
results, we revised the questionnaire for clarity. Most questions were 
closed-ended, in which physicians selected from a list of possible 
responses, answered yes or no questions, or selected responses on a 
three-point scale, such as none, some, or all. The questionnaire also 
included some open-ended questions to allow respondents to identify 
specific types of specialty care physicians that were difficult to get 
referrals to or other comments respondents had regarding serving 
children in Medicaid and CHIP. 

Survey of Primary Care and Specialty Care Physicians: 

Using the questionnaire, we surveyed a nationally representative 
sample of primary care and specialty care physicians, including a 
representative sample of primary care physicians in rural and urban 
areas. We used the American Medical Association's Physician Masterfile 
to select a random sample. We fielded the questionnaire from August 
2010 through October 2010. Our random sample included 2,642 primary 
care and specialty care physicians who were eligible to participate. 
Eligible physicians were those who: 

1. work in an office-or hospital-based setting; 

2. provide direct patient care to children (age 0-18); 

3. have a primary specialty in one of our two groups of 
physicians;[Footnote 41] 

4. are age 65 or younger; and: 

5. are not an employee of a federal agency. 

We received complete responses from 932 eligible physicians, for an 
overall response rate of 35 percent. Based on the sampling frame and 
the results of our nonresponse bias analyses, we were able to 
generalize results nationally to primary care and specialty care 
physicians who serve children. Table 2 illustrates the response rates 
for each physician group surveyed. 

Table 2: Response Rates for GAO's Survey of Primary Care and Specialty 
Care Physicians: 

Physician group: Urban Primary Care Physicians; 
Eligible physicians surveyed: 1,490; 
Eligible physicians who responded: 505; 
Response rate: 34%. 

Physician group: Rural Primary Care Physicians; 
Eligible physicians surveyed: 232; 
Eligible physicians who responded: 108; 
Response rate: 47%. 

Physician group: Specialty Care Physicians; 
Eligible physicians surveyed: 920; 
Eligible physicians who responded: 319; 
Response rate: 35%. 

Physician group: Total; 
Eligible physicians surveyed: 2,642; 
Eligible physicians who responded: 932; 
Response rate: 35%. 

Source: GAO. 

[End of table] 

Analysis of Physician Responses: 

We analyzed survey results for four groups of physicians: primary care 
physicians, specialty care physicians, primary care physicians in 
urban areas, and primary care physicians in rural areas. We analyzed 
physician responses using standard descriptive statistics. In our 
analysis, we project results to the national level, and to areas where 
both managed care and fee-for-service delivery systems are available. 
All estimates are based on self-reported information provided by the 
survey respondents and have a margin of error of plus or minus 5 
percent or less at the 95 percent confidence level, unless otherwise 

For the open-ended questions related to difficulties making referrals 
to specialty care,[Footnote 42] we used a standard content review 
method to identify the types of specialists that physicians have 
difficulty referring children to for specialty care. Our coding 
process for these qualitative responses involved one independent coder 
and an independent reviewer who verified the coded comments. 

Characteristics of Survey Respondents: 

Of the 932 eligible physicians responding to our survey, two-thirds 
were male; over two-thirds worked in an office-based setting; and, for 
most, child patients represented less than 20 percent of the patients 
they served (see table 3 and figs. 9 and 10). On average, respondents 
were 50 years old, and had graduated from medical school 23 years 
earlier. Ninety-three percent provided at least 20 hours of patient 
care per week. 

Table 3: Gender of Physicians Who Responded to the Survey: 

Primary care urban: 210; 
Primary care rural: 28; 
Specialty care: 64; 
Total: 302. 

Primary care urban: 295; 
Primary care rural: 80; 
Specialty care: 255; 
Total: 630. 

Primary care urban: 505; 
Primary care rural: 108; 
Specialty care: 319; 
Total: 932. 

Source: GAO. 

[End of table] 

Figure 9: Workplace Setting of Physicians Who Responded to the Survey: 

[Refer to PDF for image: vertical bar graph] 

Workplace setting: Group practice with 3 or more physicians; 
Number of responding physicians: 435. 

Workplace setting: Solo or two physician practice; 
Number of responding physicians: 308. 

Workplace setting: Non-profit organization hospital; 
Number of responding physicians: 62. 

Workplace setting: Other[A]; 
Number of responding physicians: 40. 

Workplace setting: Federally qualified health center, community health 
center, or rural health center[B]; 
Number of responding physicians: 37. 

Workplace setting: Group or staff model HMO; 
Number of responding physicians: 31. 

Workplace setting: State, county, or city government hospital; 
Number of responding physicians: 13. 

Workplace setting: Private for-profit hospital; 
Number of responding physicians: 6. 

Source: GAO. 

[A] "Other" includes those who work in another setting and those who 
did not respond to this question. 

[B] The eligible physicians included in our sample who worked at 
federally qualified health centers, community health centers, or rural 
health clinics were not federal employees. 

[End of figure] 

Figure 10: Responding Physicians' Patients Who Are Children (Age 0-18): 

[Refer to PDF for image: vertical bar graph] 

Responding physicians’ child patients: 1 to 9 percent; 
Number of responding physicians: 352. 

Responding physicians’ child patients: 10 to 19 percent; 
Number of responding physicians: 183. 

Responding physicians’ child patients: 20 to 39 percent; 
Number of responding physicians: 112. 

Responding physicians’ child patients: 40 to 59 percent; 
Number of responding physicians: 34. 

Responding physicians’ child patients: 60 percent or more; 
Number of responding physicians: 237. 

Responding physicians’ child patients: Other; 
Number of responding physicians: 14. 

Source: GAO. 

Note: "Other" are those that did not respond to the question. 

[End of figure] 

The number of physicians who employ nurse practitioners or physician 
assistants was about evenly split among physicians responding to our 
survey. About two-thirds of primary care rural physicians in our 
sample said they employ nurse practitioners or physician assistants 
(see table 4). 

Table 4: Employment of Nurse Practitioners or Physician Assistants to 
Provide Direct Patient Care, among Physicians Who Responded to the 

Primary care urban: 270; 
Primary care rural: 70; 
Specialty care: 129; 
Total: 469. 

Primary care urban: 228; 
Primary care rural: 35; 
Specialty care: 189; 
Total: 452. 

No response; 
Primary care urban: 7; 
Primary care rural: 3; 
Specialty care: 1; 
Total: 11. 

Primary care urban: 505; 
Primary care rural: 108; 
Specialty care: 319; 
Total: 932. 

[End of table] 

Source: GAO. 

The number of physicians who responded to our survey varied by region, 
with the highest numbers of physicians responding from the South, and 
the lowest from the Northeast (see figure 11). 

Figure 11: Number of Physicians Who Responded to the Survey, by Strata 
and Region: 

[Refer to PDF for image: stacked vertical bar graph] 

Region: Midwest; 
Primary urban: 104; 
Specialty care: 73; 
Primary rural: 40. 

Region: Northeast; 
Primary urban: 104; 
Specialty care: 59; 
Primary rural: 9. 

Region: South; 
Primary urban: 178; 
Specialty care: 121; 
Primary rural: 42. 

Region: West; 
Primary urban: 119; 
Specialty care: 66; 
Primary rural: 17. 

Source: GAO. 

[End of figure] 

Nonresponse and Internal Consistency of Survey Data: 

We performed checks on survey responses to identify inconsistent 
answers. We also reviewed survey data for missing or ambiguous 
responses, and performed statistical testing to determine whether 
physician characteristics (such as age, gender, or percentage of 
children physicians reported serving) influenced physicians' responses 
to key survey questions. We found that physician characteristics did 
not influence responses. We also conducted a nonresponse bias analysis 
to determine whether any bias was introduced in the results due to the 
absence of responses from some members of the sample. For the 
nonresponse bias analysis, we utilized data from our survey, the 
American Medical Association Physician Masterfile, and follow-up 
telephone interviews with physicians who did not respond to our paper 
or Web-based survey. Based on the results of our nonresponse bias 
analysis, we adjusted our survey analysis weights to ensure that 
physicians were appropriately represented in our study. 

Based on our systematic survey processes, follow-up procedures, and 
nonresponse bias analysis, we determined that the questionnaire 
responses were representative of the experience and perceptions of 
primary care and specialty care physicians nationally, and of primary 
care physicians in urban and rural areas. We determined that the data 
were sufficiently reliable for our purposes. 

[End of section] 

Appendix II: 2010 Physician Survey Results: 

This appendix contains additional data we collected from our 2010 
national survey of physicians who serve children. It includes the 
results from the closed-ended survey questions on our questionnaire, 
but does not include narrative responses that we received to the open- 
ended questions. Results are generally provided for physicians 
participating in state Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance 
Program (CHIP) programs--that is, physicians who are enrolled in these 
programs and also providing services to these children in these 

We report statistically significant differences only when comparing 
responses by (1) the child's type of insurance (Medicaid and CHIP 
coverage and private insurance coverage); (2) physician type (all 
physicians, primary care physicians, and specialty care physicians); 
(3) geographic location (rural and urban) of primary care physicians; 
and (4) child's type of insurance for each type of physician. We 
provide national estimates regarding the following:[Footnote 43] 

* physician participation--the extent to which physicians are 
participating, that is, enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP and serving 
children in these programs (tables 5 through 8); 

* acceptance of new patients--participating physicians' acceptance of 
new child patients by insurance type, physician type, delivery model, 
and Medicaid and CHIP (tables 9 through 12), and the length of time 
patients must wait for a new appointment, by insurance type (tables 13 
through 15); 

* patient composition--children in Medicaid and CHIP as a share of all 
children served by participating physicians (tables 16 through 19); 

* factors limiting Medicaid and CHIP participation--factors cited by 
nonparticipating and participating physicians as limiting their own 
participation in these programs (tables 20 through 21);[Footnote 44] 

* level of difficulty referring children for specialty care--the 
extent to which participating physicians experience difficulties 
referring to specialty care (tables 22 through 24). 

Physician Participation: 

Table 5: Percentage of All Physicians Participating in Medicaid and 
CHIP (Enrolled as a Medicaid and CHIP Provider and Serving Children), 

Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 78 (76, 81)[A]. 

Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 22 (19, 24)[A]. 

Source: GAO. 

Notes: The sampling frame for our survey included all practicing 
physicians in the United States who were office-or hospital-based and 
age 65 or younger, who were not federal employees, who provided direct 
patient care to children (age 0-18), and who were primary care or 
specialty care physicians. 

[A] The difference between the percentage of physicians who responded 
yes and the percentage of physicians who responded no is statistically 
significant at the 95 percent confidence level. 

[End of table] 

Table 6: Percentage of All Physicians Participating in Medicaid and 
CHIP (Enrolled as a Medicaid and CHIP Provider and Serving Children), 
by Physician Type: 

Primary Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 83 (80, 86)[A,B]; 
Specialty Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 71 (66, 77)[A,B]. 

Primary Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 17 (14, 20)[A,B]; 
Specialty Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 29 (23, 34) 

Source: GAO. 

Notes: The sampling frame for our survey included all practicing 
physicians in the United States who were office-or hospital-based and 
age 65 or younger, who were not federal employees, who provided direct 
patient care to children (age 0-18), and who were primary care or 
specialty care physicians. 

[A] The difference between the percentage of physicians who responded 
yes and the percentage of physicians who responded no is statistically 
significant at the 95 percent confidence level. 

[B] The difference between the percentage of primary care physicians 
and the percentage of specialty care physicians is statistically 
significant at the 95 percent confidence level. 

[End of table] 

Table 7: Percentage of All Primary Care Physicians Participating in 
Medicaid and CHIP (Enrolled as a Medicaid and CHIP Provider and 
Serving Children), by Geographic Location: 

Rural Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 94 (88, 99)[A,B]; Urban 
Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 81 (78, 85)[A,B]. 

Rural Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 6 (1, 12)[A,B]; Urban 
Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 19 (15, 22)[A,B]. 

Source: GAO. 

Notes: The sampling frame for our survey included all practicing 
physicians in the United States who were office-or hospital-based and 
age 65 or younger, who were not federal employees, who provided direct 
patient care to children (age 0-18), and who were primary care or 
specialty care physicians. 

[A] The difference between the percentage of physicians who responded 
yes and the percentage of physicians who responded no is statistically 
significant at the 95 percent confidence level. 

[B] The difference between the percentage of primary care rural 
physicians and the percentage of primary care urban physicians is 
statistically significant at the 95 percent confidence level. 

[End of table] 

Table 8: Percentage of Participating Physicians Serving Children in 
Medicaid and CHIP by Fee-for-Service and Managed Care Delivery Models, 
in Areas Where Both Delivery Models Are Available: 

Both fee-for-service and managed care Percentage (lower bound, upper 
bound): 78 (73, 83); 
Fee-for-service only Percentage (lower bound, upper bound only): 10 
(7, 14); 
Managed care only Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 8 (5, 11); 
Not serving or other response[A] Percentage (lower bound, upper 
bound): 4 (2, 7); 
Total: 100. 

Source: GAO. 

Notes: Participating physicians are those enrolled as Medicaid and 
CHIP providers and serving children in one or both of these programs. 
The sampling frame for our survey included all practicing physicians 
in the United States who were office-or hospital-based and age 65 or 
younger, who were not federal employees, who provided direct patient 
care to children (age 0-18), and who were primary care or specialty 
care physicians. These data are projected to areas where both managed 
care and fee-for-service delivery models are available. 

[A] For example, no response or do not know. 

[End of table] 

Acceptance of New Patients: 

Table 9: Extent to Which Participating Physicians Are Accepting New 
Patients (Age 0-18), by Child's Insurance Type: 

Medicaid and CHIP: 

Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 9 (7, 11)[A]. 

Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 44 (40, 48)[A]. 

Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 47(43, 51)[A]. 

Private insurance: 

Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 3 (2, 4)[A]. 

Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 18 (15, 21)[A]. 

Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 79 (76, 82)[A]. 


Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 9 (7, 11). 

Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 36 (32, 40). 

Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 55 (51, 59). 

Source: GAO. 

Notes: Participating physicians are those enrolled as Medicaid and 
CHIP providers and serving children in one or both of these programs. 
The sampling frame for our survey included all practicing physicians 
in the United States who were office-or hospital-based and age 65 or 
younger, who were not federal employees, who provided direct patient 
care to children (age 0-18), and who were primary care or specialty 
care physicians. 

[A] The difference between the percentage of children covered by 
Medicaid and CHIP and the percentage of children covered by private 
insurance is statistically significant at the 95 percent confidence 

[End of table] 

Table 10: Extent to Which Participating Physicians Are Accepting New 
Patients (Age 0-18), by Child's Insurance Type, and by Physician Type: 

Medicaid and CHIP: 

Primary Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 12 (9, 15 )[A,B]; 
Specialty Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 4 (1, 7)[A]. 

Primary Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 43 (38, 48)[B]; 
Specialty Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 45 (38, 52)[B]. 

Primary Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 45 (41, 50)[B]; 
Specialty Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 51 (44, 58)[B]. 

Private insurance: 

Primary Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 4 (2, 6)[A,B]; 
Specialty Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 1 (0, 2)[A]. 

Primary Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 19 (15, 23)[B]; 
Specialty Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 16 (10, 21)[B]. 

Primary Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 77 (73, 81)[B]; 
Specialty Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 84 (79, 89)[B]. 


Primary Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 11 (8, 14); 
Specialty Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 6 (2, 9). 

Primary Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 34 (29, 38); 
Specialty Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 41 (34, 48). 

Primary Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 56 (51, 61); 
Specialty Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 53 (46, 60). 

Source: GAO. 

Notes: Participating physicians are those enrolled as Medicaid and 
CHIP providers and serving children in one or both of these programs. 
The sampling frame for our survey included all practicing physicians 
in the United States who were office-or hospital-based and age 65 or 
younger, who were not federal employees, who provided direct patient 
care to children (age 0-18), and who were primary care or specialty 
care physicians. 

[A] The difference between the percentage of primary care physicians 
and the percentage of specialty care physicians is statistically 
significant at the 95 percent confidence level. 

[B] The difference between the percentage of children covered by 
Medicaid and CHIP and the percentage of children covered by private 
insurance is statistically significant at the 95 percent confidence 

[End of table] 

Table 11: Extent to Which Participating Primary Care Physicians Are 
Accepting New Patients (Age 0-18), by Child's Insurance Type, and by 
Geographic Location: 

Medicaid and CHIP: 

Rural Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 9 (3, 16); 
Urban Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 12 (9, 15)[A]. 

Rural Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 29 (19, 39)[B]; 
Urban Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 45 (40, 50)[A,B]. 

Rural Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 62 (51, 72)[A,B]; 
Urban Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 43 (38, 48)[A,B]. 

Private insurance: 

Rural Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 5 (0, 10); 
Urban Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 4 (2 , 6)[A]. 

Rural Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 13 (6, 20); 
Urban Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 20 (16, 24)[A]. 

Rural Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): [83 (74, 91)A]; 
Urban Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): [76 (71, 80)A]. 


Rural Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 6 (1, 11); 
Urban Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 11 (8, 15). 

Rural Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 29 (20, 39); 
Urban Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 34 (29, 39). 

Rural Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 65 (54, 75); 
Urban Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 54 (49, 60). 

Source: GAO. 

Notes: Participating physicians are those enrolled as Medicaid and 
CHIP providers and serving children in one or both of these programs. 
The sampling frame for our survey included all practicing physicians 
in the United States who were office-or hospital-based and age 65 or 
younger, who were not federal employees, who provided direct patient 
care to children (age 0-18), and who were primary care or specialty 
care physicians. 

[A] The difference between the percentage of children covered by 
Medicaid and CHIP and the percentage of children covered by private 
insurance is statistically significant at the 95 percent confidence 

[B] The difference between the percentage of rural primary care 
physicians and the percentage of urban primary care physicians is 
statistically significant at the 95 percent confidence level. 

[End of table] 

Table 12: Percentage of Participating Physicians Accepting New 
Medicaid and CHIP Patients (Age 0-18), by Fee-for-Service and Managed 
Care Delivery Model in Areas Where Both Delivery Models Are Available: 

Both fee-for-service and managed care Percentage (lower bound, upper 
bound): 69% (64, 74); 
Fee-for-service only Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 10% (7, 
Managed care only Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 7% (4, 10); 
Not accepting or other response[A] Percentage (lower bound, upper 
bound): 13% (9, 17); 
Total: 100%. 

Source: GAO. 

Notes: The sampling frame for our survey included all practicing 
physicians in the United States who were office-or hospital-based and 
age 65 or younger, who were not federal employees, who provided direct 
patient care to children (age 0-18), and who were primary care or 
specialty care physicians. These data are projected to areas where 
both managed care and fee-for-service delivery models are available. 

Numbers do not sum to 100 percent because of rounding. 

[A] For example, no response or do not know. 

[End of table] 

Table 13: Participating Physicians' Wait Times for Next Available 
Appointment for New Patients (Age 0-18), by Insurance Type: 

Medicaid and CHIP: 

Within 48 hours; 
Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 29% (25, 32). 

2 to 6 days; 
Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 25% (22, 29). 

1 to 2 weeks; 
Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 21% (18, 24). 

15 days to 4 weeks; 
Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 16% (13, 19). 

More than 4 weeks; 
Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 9% (6, 11). 

Private insurance: 

Within 48 hours; 
Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 32% (29, 36). 

2 to 6 days; 
Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 26% (23, 29). 

1 to 2 weeks; 
Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 21% (18, 24). 

15 days to 4 weeks; 
Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 14% (12, 17). 

More than 4 weeks; 
Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 7% (5, 9). 

Source: GAO. 

Note: Participating physicians are those enrolled as Medicaid and CHIP 
providers and serving children in one or both of these programs. The 
sampling frame for our survey included all practicing physicians in 
the United States who were office-or hospital-based and age 65 or 
younger, who were not federal employees, who provided direct patient 
care to children (age 0-18), and who were primary care or specialty 
care physicians. 

[End of table] 

Table 14: Participating Physicians' Wait Times for Next Available 
Appointment for New Patients (Age 0-18), by Insurance Type and 
Physician Type: 

Medicaid and CHIP: 

Within 48 hours; 
Primary Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 39% (34, 44)[A]; 
Specialty Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 12% (7, 16)[A]. 

2 to 6 days; 
Primary Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 26% (22, 30); 
Specialty Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 24% (18, 30). 

1 to 2 weeks; 
Primary Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 17% (14, 21); 
Specialty Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 27% (21, 33). 

15 days to 4 weeks; 
Primary Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 13% (10, 17); 
Specialty Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 22% (16, 27). 

More than 4 weeks; 
Primary Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 5% (3, 7)[A]; 
Specialty Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 15% (10, 20)[A]. 

Private Insurance: 

Within 48 hours; 
Primary Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 42% (37, 46)[A]; 
Specialty Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 19% (14, 23)[A]. 

2 to 6 days; 
Primary Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 24% (20, 28); 
Specialty Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 28% (23, 33). 

1 to 2 weeks; 
Primary Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 17% (14, 21)[A]; 
Specialty Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 2% (21, 31)[A]. 

15 days to 4 weeks; 
Primary Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 12% (9, 15); 
Specialty Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 17% (12, 21). 

More than 4 weeks; 
Primary Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 5% (3, 6)[A]; 
Specialty Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 11% (7, 14)[A]. 

Source: GAO. 

Notes: Participating physicians are those enrolled as Medicaid and 
CHIP providers and serving children in one or both of these programs. 
The sampling frame for our survey included all practicing physicians 
in the United States who were office-or hospital-based and age 65 or 
younger, who were not federal employees, who provided direct patient 
care to children (age 0-18), and who were primary care or specialty 
care physicians. 

[A] The difference between the percentage of primary care physicians 
and the percentage of specialty care physicians is statistically 
significant at the 95 percent confidence level. 

[End of table] 

Table 15: Participating Primary Care Physicians' Wait Times for Next 
Available Appointment for New Patients (Age 0-18), by Insurance Type 
and Geographic Location: 

Medicaid and CHIP: 

Within 48 hours; 
Rural Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 48% (36, 59); 
Urban Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 38% (32, 43). 

2 to 6 days; 
Rural Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 23% (13, 32); 
Urban Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 26% (22, 31). 

1 to 2 weeks; 
Rural Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 19% (10, 27); 
Urban Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 17% (13, 21). 

15 days to 4 weeks; 
Rural Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 9% (2, 15); 
Urban Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 14% (10, 18). 

More than 4 weeks; 
Rural Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 3% (0, 6); 
Urban Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 5% (3, 8). 

Private insurance: 

Within 48 hours; 
Rural Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 47% (37, 58); 
Urban Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 41% (36, 45). 

2 to 6 days; 
Rural Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 23% (14, 32); 
Urban Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 24% (20, 28). 

1 to 2 weeks; 
Rural Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 19% (11, 27); 
Urban Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 17% (14, 21). 

15 days to 4 weeks; 
Rural Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 9% (3, 15); 
Urban Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 13% (10, 16). 

More than 4 weeks; 
Rural Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 2% (0, 5); 
Urban Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 5% (3, 7). 

Source: GAO. 

Note: Participating physicians are those enrolled as Medicaid and CHIP 
providers and serving children in one or both of these programs. The 
sampling frame for our survey included all practicing physicians in 
the United States who were office-or hospital-based and age 65 or 
younger, who were not federal employees, who provided direct patient 
care to children (age 0-18), and who were primary care or specialty 
care physicians. 

[End of table] 

Patient Composition: 

Table 16: Percentage of All Participating Physicians' Child Patients 
(Age 0-18) in Medicaid and CHIP: 

Below 10 percent; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 38% (34, 42). 

10 to 19 percent; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 17% (14, 20). 

20 to 39 percent; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 16% (13, 19). 

40 to 59 percent; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 12% (9, 14). 

60 percent or more; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 18% (15, 22). 

Source: GAO. 

Note: Participating physicians are those enrolled as Medicaid and CHIP 
providers and serving children in one or both of these programs. The 
sampling frame for our survey included all practicing physicians in 
the United States who were office-or hospital-based and age 65 or 
younger, who were not federal employees, who provided direct patient 
care to children (age 0-18), and who were primary care or specialty 
care physicians. 

[End of table] 

Table 17: Percentage of Participating Physicians' Child Patients (Age 
0-18) in Medicaid and CHIP, by Physician Type: 

Below 10 percent; 
Primary Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 35% (30, 40); 
Specialty Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 43% (35, 50). 

10 to 19 percent; 
Primary Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 17% (13, 20); 
Specialty Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 17% (11, 23). 

20 to 39 percent; 
Primary Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 16% (12, 19); 
Specialty Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 15% (10, 21). 

40 to 59 percent; 
Primary Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 12% (9, 15); 
Specialty Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 11% (6, 15). 

60 percent or more; 
Primary Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 20% (16, 24); 
Specialty Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 14% (9, 20). 

Source: GAO. 

Note: Participating physicians are those enrolled as Medicaid and CHIP 
providers and serving children in one or both of these programs. The 
sampling frame for our survey included all practicing physicians in 
the United States who were office-or hospital-based and age 65 or 
younger, who were not federal employees, who provided direct patient 
care to children (age 0-18), and who were primary care or specialty 
care physicians. 

[End of table] 

Table 18: Percentage of Participating Primary Care Physicians' Child 
Patients (Age 0-18) in Medicaid and CHIP, by Geographic Location: 

Below 10 percent; 
Rural Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 22% (13, 32); 
Urban Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 37% (32, 42). 

10 to 19 percent; 
Rural Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 17% (8, 26); 
Urban Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 17% (13, 21). 

20 to 39 percent; 
Rural Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 18% (10, 27); 
Urban Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 15% (11, 19). 

40 to 59 percent; 
Rural Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 24% (14, 33); 
Urban Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 11% (7, 14). 

60 percent or more; 
Rural Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 18% (10, 27); 
Urban Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 21% (16, 25). 

Source: GAO. 

Note: Participating physicians are those enrolled as Medicaid and CHIP 
providers and serving children in one or both of these programs. The 
sampling frame for our survey included all practicing physicians in 
the United States who were office-or hospital-based and age 65 or 
younger, who were not federal employees, who provided direct patient 
care to children (age 0-18), and who were primary care or specialty 
care physicians. 

[End of table] 

Table 19: Percentage of Participating Physicians' Child Patients (Age 
0-18) in Medicaid and CHIP, by Acceptance of Medicaid and CHIP 
Patients (Age 0-18): 

Below 10 percent; 
Accepting new Medicaid and CHIP patients (age 0-18) Percentage (lower 
bound, upper bound): 34% (29, 38)[A]; 
Not accepting new Medicaid and CHIP patients (age 0-18) Percentage 
(lower bound, upper bound): 74% (63, 86)[A]. 

10 to 19 percent; 
Accepting new Medicaid and CHIP patients (age 0-18) Percentage (lower 
bound, upper bound): 18% (14, 21); 
Not accepting new Medicaid and CHIP patients (age 0-18) Percentage 
(lower bound, upper bound): 10% (2, 18). 

20 to 39 percent; 
Accepting new Medicaid and CHIP patients (age 0-18) Percentage (lower 
bound, upper bound): 16% (13, 20); 
Not accepting new Medicaid and CHIP patients (age 0-18) Percentage 
(lower bound, upper bound): 8% (1, 15). 

40 to 59 percent; 
Accepting new Medicaid and CHIP patients (age 0-18) Percentage (lower 
bound, upper bound): 13% (10, 15)[A]; 
Not accepting new Medicaid and CHIP patients (age 0-18) Percentage 
(lower bound, upper bound): 4% (0, 9)[A]. 

60 percent or more; 
Accepting new Medicaid and CHIP patients (age 0-18) Percentage (lower 
bound, upper bound): 20% (16, 23)[A]; 
Not accepting new Medicaid and CHIP patients (age 0-18) Percentage 
(lower bound, upper bound): 4% (0, 9)[A]. 

Source: GAO. 

Notes: Participating physicians are those enrolled as Medicaid and 
CHIP providers and serving children in one or both of these programs. 
The sampling frame for our survey included all practicing physicians 
in the United States who were office-or hospital-based and age 65 or 
younger, who were not federal employees, who provided direct patient 
care to children (age 0-18), and who were primary care or specialty 
care physicians. 

[A] The difference between the percentage of physicians accepting new 
Medicaid and CHIP patients (age 0-18) and the percentage of physicians 
not accepting new Medicaid and CHIP patients (age 0-18) is 
statistically significant at the 95 percent confidence level. 

[End of table] 

Factors Limiting Medicaid and CHIP Participation: 

Table 20: Extent to Which Certain Factors Limit Participating and 
Nonparticipating Physicians' Own Willingness to Serve Children (Age 0- 
18) in Medicaid and CHIP: 

Factor: (a) Billing requirements and/or billing paperwork burdens; 
Extent: Does not limit; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 38% (34, 41).
Extent: Somewhat limits; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 38% (35, 41).
Extent: Greatly limits; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 24% (21,27). 

Factor: (b) Burdensome provider enrollment or participation 
Extent: Does not limit; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 43% (39, 46).
Extent: Somewhat limits; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 38% (35, 41).
Extent: Greatly limits; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 19% (17, 22). 

Factor: (c) Low reimbursements; 
Extent: Does not limit; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 22% (20, 25).
Extent: Factor: Somewhat limits; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 30% (27, 33).
Extent: Greatly limits; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 48% (44, 51). 

Factor: (d) Delayed reimbursements; 
Extent: Does not limit; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 33% (29, 36).
Extent: Factor: Somewhat limits; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 35% (31, 38).
Extent: Greatly limits; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 33% (30, 36). 

Factor: (e) Practice does not have the capacity to accept new patients; 
Extent: Does not limit; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 71% (68, 74).
Extent: Somewhat limits; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 23% (20, 26).
Extent: Greatly limits; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 6% (4, 8). 

Factor: (f) Complex medical or psychosocial needs of patients; 
Extent: Does not limit; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 58% (54, 61).
Extent: Somewhat limits; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 35% (31, 38).
Extent: Greatly limits; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 8% (6, 9). 

Factor: (g) Limited patient compliance with scheduling; 
Extent: Does not limit; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 42% (39, 46).
Extent: Somewhat limits; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 42% (39, 46).
Extent: Greatly limits; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 15% (13,18). 

Factor: (h) Limited patient compliance with treatment; 
Extent: Does not limit; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 47% (44, 50).
Extent: Somewhat limits; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 41% (38, 44).
Extent: Greatly limits; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 12% (10, 14). 

Factor: (i) Frequent changes in patient eligibility; 
Extent: Does not limit; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 37% (34, 40).
Extent: Somewhat limits; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 45% (42, 49).
Extent: Greatly limits; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 17% (15, 20). 

Factor: (j) Difficulty referring patients to other providers; 
Extent: Does not limit; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 35% (32, 38).
Extent: Somewhat limits; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 38% (35, 41).
Extent: Greatly limits; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 27% (24, 30). 

Factor: (k) Other patients have a negative perception of Medicaid and 
CHIP patients; 
Extent: Does not limit; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 80% (77, 82).
Extent: Somewhat limits; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 17% (15, 20).
Extent: Greatly limits; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 3% (2, 4). 

Factor: (l) Increased risk of medical liability issues; 
Extent: Does not limit; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 60% (57, 63).
Extent: Somewhat limits; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 30% (26, 33).
Extent: Greatly limits; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 11% (9, 13). 

Factor: (m) Inadequate range of covered benefits; 
Extent: Does not limit; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 43% (40, 47).
Extent: Somewhat limits; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 39% (36, 43).
Extent: Greatly limits; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 17% (15, 20). 

Source: GAO. 

Note: Participating physicians are those enrolled as Medicaid and CHIP 
providers and serving children in one or both of these programs. The 
sampling frame for our survey included all practicing physicians in 
the United States who were office-or hospital-based and age 65 or 
younger, who were not federal employees, who provided direct patient 
care to children (age 0-18), and who were primary care or specialty 
care physicians. 

[End of table] 

Table 21: Extent to Which Certain Factors Limit Physicians' Own 
Willingness to Serve Children (Age 0-18) in Medicaid and CHIP, by 
Participating Physicians and Nonparticipating Physicians: 

Factor: (a) Billing requirements and/or billing paperwork burdens; 
Extent: Does not limit; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 43% 
(39, 47)[A]; 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 13% 
(7, 18)[A].
Extent: Somewhat limits; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 41% 
(37, 45)[A]; 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 28% 
(21, 36)[A].
Extent: Greatly limits; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 16% 
(13, 19)[A]; 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 59% 
(51, 67)[A]. 

Factor: (b) Burdensome provider enrollment or participation 
Extent: Does not limit; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 49% 
(45, 53)[A]; 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 15% 
(10, 21)[A].
Extent: Somewhat limits; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 38% 
(34, 42); 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 36% 
(28, 43).
Extent: Greatly limits; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 13% 
(10, 15)[A]; 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 49% 
(41, 57)[A]. 

Factor: (c) Low reimbursements; 
Extent: Does not limit; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 25% 
(22, 29)[A]; 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 5% 
(2, 9)[A].
Extent: Somewhat limits; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 35% 
(31, 38)[A]; 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 15% 
(9, 21)[A].
Extent: Greatly limits; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 40% 
(36, 44)[A]; 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 79% 
(73, 86)[A]. 

Factor: (d) Delayed reimbursements; 
Extent: Does not limit; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 35% 
(32, 39)[A]; 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 15% 
(9, 21)[A].
Extent: Somewhat limits; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 36% 
(33, 40); 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 27% 
(19, 34).
Extent: Greatly limits; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 28% 
(25, 32)[A]; 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 58% 
(50, 66)[A]. 

Factor: (e) Practice does not have the capacity to accept new patients; 
Extent: Does not limit; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 73% 
(70, 77); 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 64% 
(56, 71).
Extent: Somewhat limits; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 21% 
(18, 24); 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 29% 
(22, 37).
Extent: Greatly limits; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 6% (4, 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 7% 
(3, 11). 

Factor: (f) Complex medical or psychosocial needs of patients; 
Extent: Does not limit; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 61% 
(58, 65)[A]; 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 44% 
(36, 52)[A].
Extent: Somewhat limits; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 32% 
(28, 35)[A]; 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 46% 
(38, 54)[A].
Extent: Greatly limits; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 7% (5, 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 10% 
(5, 15). 

Factor: (g) Limited patient compliance with scheduling; 
Extent: Does not limit; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 43% 
(39, 47); 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 38% 
(30, 45).
Extent: Somewhat limits; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 42% 
(38, 46); 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 44% 
(36, 52).
Extent: Greatly limits; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 15% 
(12, 18); 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 18% 
(12, 24). 

Factor: (h) Limited patient compliance with treatment; 
Extent: Does not limit; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 48% 
(44, 52); 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 39% 
(31, 47).
Extent: Somewhat limits; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 41% 
(37, 45); 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 44% 
(36, 52).
Extent: Greatly limits; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 11% 
(9, 14); 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 17% 
(11, 23). 

Factor: (i) Frequent changes in patient eligibility; 
Extent: Does not limit; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 37% 
(33, 41); 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 30% 
(23, 37).
Extent: Somewhat limits; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 47% 
(43, 51); 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 45% 
(37, 53).
Extent: Greatly limits; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 16% 
(13, 19); 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 25% 
(18, 32). 

Factor: (j) Difficulty referring patients to other providers; 
Extent: Does not limit; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 36% 
(32, 40)[A]; 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 22% 
(15, 29)[A].
Extent: Somewhat limits; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 40% 
(36, 44); 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 34% 
(26, 41).
Extent: Greatly limits; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 24% 
(20, 27)[A]; 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 44% 
(36, 52)[A]. 

Factor: (k) Other patients have a negative perception of Medicaid and 
CHIP patients; 
Extent: Does not limit; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 82% 
(79, 85); 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 71% 
(64, 79).
Extent: Somewhat limits; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 16% 
(13, 19); 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 23% 
(16, 30).
Extent: Greatly limits; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 2% (1, 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 5% 
(2, 9). 

Factor: (l) Increased risk of medical liability issues; 
Extent: Does not limit; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 65% 
(61, 69)[A]; 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 38% 
(30, 46)[A].
Extent: Somewhat limits; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 27% 
(24, 31)[A]; 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 42% 
(34, 50)[A].
Extent: Greatly limits; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 8% (6, 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 20% 
(14, 27)[A]. 

Factor: (m) Inadequate range of covered benefits; 
Extent: Does not limit; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 47% 
(43, 51)[A]; 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 26% 
(19, 33)[A].
Extent: Somewhat limits; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 38% 
(35, 42); 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 45% 
(37, 53).
Extent: Greatly limits; 
Participating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 14% 
(11, 17)[A]; 
Nonparticipating Physicians Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 29% 
(22, 37)[A]. 

Source: GAO. 

Notes: Participating physicians are those enrolled as Medicaid and 
CHIP providers and serving children in one or both of these programs. 
The sampling frame for our survey included all practicing physicians 
in the United States who were office-or hospital-based and age 65 or 
younger, who were not federal employees, who provided direct patient 
care to children (age 0-18), and who were primary care or specialty 
care physicians. 

[A] The difference between the percentage of participating physicians 
and the percentage of nonparticipating physicians is statistically 
significant at the 95 percent confidence level. 

[End of table] 

Level of Difficulty Referring Children for Specialty Care: 

Table 22: Level of Difficulty Referring Children for Specialty Care 
for Participating Physicians, by Child's Insurance Type: 

Medicaid and CHIP: 

No Difficulty; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 16% (13, 19)[A]. 

Some Difficulty; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 50% (46, 54)[A]. 

Great Difficulty; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 34% (30, 38)[A]. 

Private insurance: 

No Difficulty; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 75% (71, 78)[A]. 

Some Difficulty; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 25% (21, 28)[A]. 

Great Difficulty; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 1% (0, 1)[A]. 


No Difficulty; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 16% (13, 19). 

Some Difficulty; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 33% (29, 37). 

Great Difficulty; 
Percentage (upper bound, lower bound): 51% (47, 55). 

Source: GAO. 

Notes: Participating physicians are those enrolled as Medicaid and 
CHIP providers and serving children in one or both of these programs. 
The sampling frame for our survey included all practicing physicians 
in the United States who were office-or hospital-based and age 65 or 
younger, who were not federal employees, who provided direct patient 
care to children (age 0-18), and who were primary care or specialty 
care physicians. 

[A] The difference between the percentage of children covered by 
Medicaid and CHIP and the percentage of children covered by private 
insurance is statistically significant at the 95 percent confidence 

[End of table] 

Table 23: Comparison of Participating Primary Care and Specialty Care 
Physicians' Level of Difficulty Referring Children for Specialty Care, 
by Child's Insurance Type: 

Medicaid or CHIP: 

No Difficulty; 
Primary Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 15% (11, 18)[A]; 
Specialty Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 20% (14, 25)[A]. 

Some Difficulty; 
Primary Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 53% (48, 57)[A]; 
Specialty Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 44% (37, 52)[A]. 

Great Difficulty; 
Primary Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 33% (28, 37)[A]; 
Specialty Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 36% (29, 43)[A]. 

Private insurance: 

No Difficulty; 
Primary Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 72% (68, 76)[A]; 
Specialty Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 79% (73, 85)[A]. 

Some Difficulty; 
Primary Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 28% (24, 32)[A]; 
Specialty Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 19% (13, 25)[A]. 

Great Difficulty; 
Primary Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 0%[A]; 
Specialty Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 2% (0, 4)[A]. 


No Difficulty; 
Primary Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 14% (11, 18); 
Specialty Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 18% (12, 24). 

Some Difficulty; 
Primary Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 37% (32, 42); 
Specialty Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 26% (19, 33). 

Great Difficulty; 
Primary Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 49% (44, 54); 
Specialty Care Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 56% (48, 64). 

Source: GAO. 

Notes: Participating physicians are those enrolled as Medicaid and 
CHIP providers and serving children in one or both of these programs. 
The sampling frame for our survey included all practicing physicians 
in the United States who were office-or hospital-based and age 65 or 
younger, who were not federal employees, who provided direct patient 
care to children (age 0-18), and who were primary care or specialty 
care physicians. 

[A] The difference between the percentage of children covered by 
Medicaid and CHIP and the percentage of children covered by private 
insurance is statistically significant at the 95 percent confidence 

[End of table] 

Table 24: Comparison of Participating Rural and Urban Primary Care 
Physicians' Level of Difficulty Referring Children for Specialty Care, 
by Child's Insurance Type: 

Medicaid or CHIP: 

No Difficulty; 
Rural Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 24% (15, 33)[A]; 
Urban Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 13% (10, 17)[A]. 

Some Difficulty; 
Rural Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 50% (39, 61)[A]; 
Urban Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 53% (48, 58)[A]. 

Great Difficulty; 
Rural Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 26% (17, 36)[A]; 
Urban Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 34% (29, 39)[A]. 

Private insurance: 

No Difficulty; 
Rural Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 76% (68, 87)[A]; 
Urban Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 71% (67, 76)[A]. 

Some Difficulty; 
Rural Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 23% (13, 32)[A]; 
Urban Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 29% (24, 33)[A]. 

Great Difficulty; 
Rural Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 0%[A]; 
Urban Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 0%[A]. 


No Difficulty; 
Rural Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 20% (11, 29); 
Urban Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 14% (10, 17). 

Some Difficulty; 
Rural Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 35% (24, 45); 
Urban Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 37% (32, 43). 

Great Difficulty; 
Rural Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 46% (35, 57); 
Urban Percentage (lower bound, upper bound): 49% (44, 55). 

Source: GAO. 

Notes: Participating physicians are those enrolled as Medicaid and 
CHIP providers and serving children in one or both of these programs. 
The sampling frame for our survey included all practicing physicians 
in the United States who were office-or hospital-based and age 65 or 
younger, who were not federal employees, who provided direct patient 
care to children (age 0-18), and who were primary care or specialty 
care physicians. 

[A] The difference between the percentage of children covered by 
Medicaid and CHIP and percentage of children covered by private 
insurance is statistically significant at the 95 percent confidence 

[End of table] 

[End of section] 

Appendix III: Comments from the Department of Health and Human 

[End of section] 

Appendix IV: GAO Contact and Staff Acknowledgments: 

Department Of Health and Human Services: 
Office Of The Secretary: 
Assistant Secretary for Legislation: 
Washington, DC 20201: 

June 21, 2011: 

Katherine Iritani: 
Acting Director, Health Care: 
U.S. Government Accountability Office: 
441 G Street N.W. 
Washington, DC 20548: 

Dear Ms. Iritani: 

Attached are comments on the U.S. Government Accountability Office's 
(GAO) draft report entitled, "Medicaid And Chip: Most Physicians Serve 
Covered Children, but Experience Difficulty with Specialty Care 
Referrals" (GA0-11-624). 

The Department appreciates the opportunity to review this report 
before its publication. 


Signed by: 

Jim R. Esquea: 
Assistant Secretary for Legislation: 


[End of letter] 

General Comments Of The Department Of Health And Human Services (HHS) 
On The Government Accountability Office's (GAO) Draft Report Entitled, 
"Medicaid And Chip: Most Physicians Serve Covered Children, But 
Experience Difficulty With Specialty Care Referrals" (GA0-11-624): 

The Department appreciates the opportunity to review and comment on 
this draft report. 

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is committed and 
taking steps to improve physician participation rates. As noted in 
your report, on May 6, 2011, CMS issued a Notice of Proposed Rule 
Making regarding Access to Covered Medicaid Services to create a 
standardized process for States to follow, in the fee-for-service 
context, as part of their broader efforts to assure that beneficiaries 
have access to covered health care services. We believe the 
information provided in this report will be of significant value to 
CMS as it continues its work with States and providers on these very 
important issues. 

Although this report does not include formal recommendations for CMS, 
we do have the following comments: 

* We question the way this report describes the willingness of 
physicians to serve children in Medicaid and CHIP. We are especially 
concerned about the portrayal of the finding that only about half of 
physicians accept all children newly enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP. It 
seems misleading to emphasize that only 47 percent of physicians are 
accepting all new Medicaid and CHIP patients, without also clarifying 
that 44 percent of physicians say they will accept some new Medicaid 
/CHIP patients; this leaves only 9 percent who say they will not 
accept any new Medicaid patients. In total, 91 percent of physicians 
say they will accept all or some new Medicaid/CHIP patients. When the 
report describes half accepting all new children, the reader 
automatically assumes the other half does not accept. The graphic does 
give the full picture, but the public and policy makers are likely to 
focus on the text, so we encourage GAO to explain the information in 
the text as well as the graphic. 

* Only 30 percent of the responding physicians have a patient load 
that is over 40 percent children, while almost 60 percent have a 
patient load that is less than 20 percent children (and 38 percent of 
responding physicians have a patient load that is less than 10 percent 
children). (see Figure 10). It is important to qualify properly the 
sample of physicians, if the majority does not primarily work with 

[End of section] 

GAO Contact: 

Katherine Iritani, (202) 512-7114 or 

Staff Acknowledgments: 

In addition to the contact named above, Catina Bradley, Assistant 
Director; Martha Kelly, Assistant Director; Suzanne Worth, Assistant 
Director; Zhi Boon; Tim Bushfield; Sean DeBlieck; Laura Henry; 
Roseanne Price; Dan Ries; Hemi Tewarson; and Jennifer Whitworth. 

[End of section] 

Related GAO Products: 

Medicaid and CHIP: Reports for Monitoring Children's Health Care 
Services Need Improvement. [hyperlink,]. Washington D.C.: April 5, 

Oral Health: Efforts Under Way to Improve Children's Access to Dental 
Services, but Sustained Attention Needed to Address Ongoing Concerns. 
[hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: 
November 30, 2010. 

Health Care Delivery: Features of Integrated Systems Support Patient 
Care Strategies and Access to Care, but Systems Face Challenges. 
[hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: 
November 16, 2010. 

Medicaid Managed Care: CMS's Oversight of States' Rate Setting Needs 
Improvement. [hyperlink,]. 
Washington, D.C.: August 4, 2010. 

Medicaid Preventive Services: Concerted Efforts Needed to Ensure 
Beneficiaries Receive Services. [hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: August 14, 

Medicaid: Concerns Remain about Sufficiency of Data for Oversight of 
Children's Dental Services. [hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: May 2, 

Medicaid Managed Care: Access and Quality Requirements Specific to Low-
Income and Other Special Needs Enrollees. [hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: December 8, 

Medicaid and SCHIP: States Use Varying Approaches to Monitor 
Children's Access to Care. [hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: January 14, 

Medicaid: Stronger Efforts Needed to Ensure Children's Access to 
Health Screening Services. [hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: July 13, 

[End of section] 


[1] For example, the Congressional Budget Office reported that 
provisions to improve state outreach and enrollment of eligible 
children contained in the Children's Health Insurance Program 
Reauthorization Act of 2009 may result in an increase in Medicaid and 
CHIP of about 6 million children in 2013. 

[2] Physicians who practice in certain settings, such as Federally 
Qualified Health Centers, may be required to serve uninsured patients 
and patients covered under Medicaid and CHIP. In addition, physicians 
practicing in a hospital subject to the Emergency Medical Treatment 
and Active Labor Act requirements may be required to serve patients 
regardless of insurance coverage. See generally 42 U.S.C. § 1395dd. 

[3] Pub. L. No. 111-3, §402(d), 123 Stat. 8, 84. 

[4] The representative sample was taken from the American Medical 
Association's (AMA) Physician Masterfile, a comprehensive list of 
physicians and their characteristics widely used in physician 
research. For primary care physicians, we selected physicians with a 
primary specialty in adolescent medicine, family medicine, general 
medicine, internal medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, or pediatrics. 
Specialty care physicians included in our random sample were those 
with a primary specialty in allergy and immunology; dermatology; 
endocrinology; gastroenterology; general surgery or pediatric surgery; 
neurology; orthopedic surgery or sports medicine; ophthalmology; 
otolaryngology; otology; hematology or oncology; psychiatry; thoracic 
surgery; or urology. We designated primary care physicians as urban or 
rural using the most recently available rural-urban continuum codes 
provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. See appendix I for 
more detail on our survey methodology. 

[5] Throughout this report, references to Medicaid and CHIP apply to 
physician responses for one or both programs. Although some questions 
in our survey questionnaire asked physicians to respond for Medicaid 
and CHIP separately, or to respond based on delivery model (managed 
care and fee-for-service), in our analysis we aggregated responses to 
project results to the national level. 

[6] We asked about children 18 years of age and younger because both 
Medicaid and CHIP cover children in this age range. 

[7] CMS estimates that Medicaid expenditures on children were $68.4 
million in fiscal year 2009. See 2010 Actuarial Report on the 
Financial Outlook for Medicaid, downloaded from the CMS Web site at 
on May 3, 2010. CMS estimates that CHIP expenditures were $10.6 
billion in fiscal year 2009. The CHIP expenditures include 
expenditures for some adults, because 11 states' programs covered 
certain adults in their CHIP programs. 

[8] Data on the number of children enrolled in each program are from 
summary reports prepared by CMS from its Statistical Enrollment Data 
System. A summary of these reports was downloaded from the CMS Web 
site at [hyperlink,
umPerPage=2000] on April 28, 2011. 

[9] This federal Medicaid requirement applies to fee-for-service 
delivery models. For managed care delivery models, state Medicaid 
programs and managed care organizations with whom they contract are 
subject to various requirements intended to ensure beneficiary access. 
See generally 42 U.S.C. § 1396u-2. 

[10] Medicaid Program: Methods for Assuring Access to Covered Medicaid 
Services, 76 Fed. Reg. 26,342 (proposed May 6, 2011). 

[11] The proposed rule would permit states to determine the services 
that they will review each year, provided that each service is 
reviewed at least once every 5 years. 

[12] See 42 U.S.C. §§ 1396a(a)(10), 1396d(a)(4)(B), 1396d(r). Under 
federal law, the EPSDT benefit generally entitles children in Medicaid 
to receive coverage of periodic screening services--often termed well- 
child checkups--that include a comprehensive health and developmental 
history, a comprehensive physical examination, appropriate 
immunizations, laboratory tests, and health education. Under the EPSDT 
benefit, children also must receive coverage of treatment and other 
services necessary to correct or ameliorate health conditions 
discovered through well-child checkups. Certain CHIP programs must 
also provide EPSDT services. 

[13] For our 2009 report, we examined national surveys--MEPS and the 
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey--conducted by HHS 
from 2003 through 2006. The surveys included information from parents, 
or other adults in the household about the receipt of well-child 
checkups for children in Medicaid and CHIP. GAO, Medicaid Preventive 
Services: Concerted Efforts Needed to Ensure Beneficiaries Receive 
Services, [hyperlink,] 
(Washington, D.C.: Aug. 14, 2009). See Related GAO Products at the end 
of this report. 

[14] HHS, Most Medicaid Children in Nine States Are Not Receiving All 
Required Preventive Screening Services, HHS OEI-5-08-00520 
(Washington, D.C.: May 2010). 

[15] For our April 2011 report, we analyzed and reported on available 
data from the 2007 MEPS, administered by HHS's Agency for Healthcare 
Research and Quality. For children in Medicaid and CHIP 17 years of 
age and younger, we analyzed MEPS survey questions about whether the 
family reported having a problem accessing services or specialists. 
GAO, Medicaid and CHIP: Reports for Monitoring Children's Health Care 
Services Need Improvement, [hyperlink,] (Washington D.C.: Apr. 5, 

[16] Under a fee-for-service model, states pay providers for each 
covered service for which the providers bill the state. Under a 
managed care model, states contract with managed care plans, such as 
health maintenance organizations, to provide or arrange for medical 
services, and prospectively pay the plans a fixed monthly fee per 

[17] Differences by child's insurance type (i.e., those enrolled in 
Medicaid and CHIP, and those with private insurance) are statistically 
significant within each physician group (primary care physicians and 
specialty care physicians), with one exception: the difference between 
the percentage of specialty care physicians accepting no children in 
Medicaid and CHIP (4 percent) and the percentage accepting no 
privately insured children (1 percent) is not statistically 

[18] Peter Cunningham, State Variation in Primary Care Physician 
Supply: Implications for Health Reform Medicaid Expansions, 
(Washington, D.C.: Center for Studying Health System Change, March 
2011). Primary care physicians were those that specialized in general 
internal medicine, family practice, or general pediatrics. 

[19] The study compared Medicaid acceptance rates among states after 
classifying states into three groups based on the ratio of primary 
care physicians to the nonelderly U.S. population in 2008. States with 
primary care physician ratios of less than 11.5 physicians per 10,000 
nonelderly people were classified as having a low number of primary 
care physicians; states with a ratio of 11.5 to 15 per 10,000 were 
classified as having a medium number; and states with a ratio of more 
than 15 per 10,000 were classified as having a high number. 

[20] This difference is statistically significant. 

[21] This difference is statistically significant. 

[22] For example, 57 percent of physicians in California reported 
accepting new Medicaid patients and 46 percent reporting accepting new 
uninsured patients. In contrast, 90 percent reported accepting 
privately insured patients. A. B. Bindman, P. W. Chu, and K. Grumbach, 
Physician Participation in Medi-Cal, 2008 (Oakland: California 
HealthCare Foundation, July 2010). 

[23] Between January and May 2010, researchers called a random sample 
of clinics representing eight specialties in Cook County, Illinois, 
which has a high proportion of specialists. Researchers called 273 
clinics posing as mothers of children with common health conditions 
requiring outpatient specialty care. Two calls, separated by 1 month, 
were placed to each clinic by the same person using a standardized 
clinical script that differed by insurance status of the patient. See 
J. Bisgaier, K. V. Rhodes, "Auditing Access to Specialty Care for 
Children with Public Insurance," The New England Journal of Medicine, 
vol. 364, no. 24 (June 16, 2011), 2324-2333, [hyperlink,] (accessed on June 16, 

[24] That study found differences between the different types of 
primary care physicians. For example, Medicaid beneficiaries make up 
at least 30 percent of child patients for one-half of pediatricians 
but for only one-fifth of family medicine physicians. Bindman et al., 
Physician Participation in Medi-Cal, 2008. 

[25] For our survey, we developed a list of 13 specific factors that 
could influence physician willingness to serve Medicaid and CHIP 
children. We developed this list based on a review of other research 
and pretesting with researchers, physician groups, and physicians. 

[26] The confidence interval for this estimate is plus or minus 6 
percent at the 95 percent confidence level. 

[27] The confidence interval for this estimate is plus or minus 6 
percent at the 95 percent confidence level. 

[28] The confidence interval for this estimate is plus or minus 7 
percent at the 95 percent confidence level. 

[29] The confidence interval for this estimate is plus or minus 7 
percent at the 95 percent confidence level. 

[30] The confidence interval for this estimate is plus or minus 8 
percent at the 95 percent confidence level. 

[31] B. A. Mulvihill, F. A. Obuseh, and C. Caldwell, "Healthcare 
Providers: Satisfaction with a State Children's Health Insurance 
Program (SCHIP)," Maternal and Child Health Journal, vol. 12, no. 2 

[32] Peter Cunningham, "Physician Reimbursement and Participation in 
Medicaid" (paper presented to the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access 
Commission, Washington, D.C., Sept. 23, 2010), and Cunningham, State 
Variation in Primary Care Physician Supply: Implications for Health 
Reform Medicaid Expansions. 

[33] The higher Medicaid reimbursement rates are limited to physicians 
with a primary specialty designation of family medicine, general 
internal medicine, or pediatric medicine. Increased payments are 
required where state Medicaid payment rates are lower than Medicare 
rates for these services. 42 U.S.C. § 1396a(a)(13)(C). 

[34] 42 U.S.C. § 1396d(dd). 

[35] The study estimated the additional number of primary care 
providers that would participate in Medicaid as a result of the 2-year 
increase in Medicaid reimbursement rates, the growth in Medicaid 
enrollment expected under PPACA, and the supply of primary care 
providers that are participating in Medicaid. See Cunningham, State 
Variation in Primary Care Physician Supply: Implications for Health 
Reform Medicaid Expansions. 

[36] J. Bisgaier, K. V. Rhodes, "Auditing Access to Specialty Care for 
Children with Public Insurance." 

[37] Our examination of 2007 HHS national survey data, MEPS, suggested 
that 15 percent of children in Medicaid and CHIP age 17 and younger 
needed to see a specialist, and 24 percent of those children had 
problems seeing specialists; and that 16 percent of uninsured children 
age 17 and younger needed to see a specialist, and 29 percent of those 
children had problems seeing a specialist. GAO-11-293R. 

[38] Mental health specialists cited by physicians included 
psychiatrists, psychologists, drug counselors, and other therapists. 

[39] Michigan Department of Community Health, Survey of Physicians 
(Lansing, Mich.: 2011); and Massachusetts Medical Society, 2010 
Physician Workforce Study (Waltham, Mass.: October 2010). 

[40] HHS, The Physician Workforce: Projections and Research into 
Current Issues Affecting Supply and Demand (December 2008). 

[41] For primary care physicians, specialties included adolescent 
medicine, family medicine, general medicine, internal medicine, 
obstetrics and gynecology, and pediatrics. For specialty care 
physicians, specialties included allergy and immunology, dermatology, 
endocrinology, gastroenterology, general surgery or pediatric surgery, 
neurology, orthopedic surgery or sports medicine, ophthalmology, 
otolaryngology, otology, hematology or oncology, psychiatry, thoracic 
surgery, and urology. When applicable, we also included the pediatric 
subspecialties associated with these specialty types. 

[42] Specifically, we asked physicians to describe why they experience 
difficulty referring Medicaid or CHIP patients to specialty referrals; 
list the top specialties for which making a referral for a 
consultation is difficult for Medicaid or CHIP children, or both; and 
list the top specialties for which making a referral for a 
consultation is difficult for privately insured children. 

[43] We calculated a lower and upper bound at the 95 percent 
confidence level for each national estimate using raw data and the 
appropriate sampling weights and survey design variables. There is a 
95 percent probability that the actual percentage falls within the 
lower and upper bounds. We indicated where a statistically significant 
difference exists when comparing responses of physician groups 
(primary care physicians and specialty care physicians) and by child's 
type of insurance (Medicaid and CHIP coverage and private insurance 

[44] For our survey, we developed a list of 13 specific factors that 
could influence physician willingness to serve Medicaid and CHIP 
children. We developed this list based on a review of other research 
and pretesting with researchers, physician groups, and physicians. 

[End of section] 

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