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Child Insurance Status, New Expansions May Benefit Families' which was 
released on February 4, 2011. 

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United States Government Accountability Office: 

Report to Congressional Committees: 

February 2011: 

Medicaid and CHIP: 

Given the Association between Parent and Child Insurance Status, New 
Expansions May Benefit Families: 


GAO Highlights: 

Highlights of GAO-11-264, a report to congressional committees. 

Why GAO Did This Study: 

The 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) expands 
health insurance to millions of individuals, including many parents. 
New insurance options for parents raise a question about whether 
providing health insurance to parents benefits their children. The 
Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 
(CHIPRA) asked GAO to assess (1) the extent a parent’s health 
insurance status is associated with a child’s health insurance status, 
use of services, and parental satisfaction with their child’s care; 
and (2) how selected states’ parent coverage under Medicaid and CHIP 
may change given upcoming expansions. To examine the association 
between a parent’s and a child’s health insurance status, GAO analyzed 
data from 3 years of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (2005–2007), 
a nationally representative survey. GAO categorized parent and child 
health insurance status as private, public, or uninsured, and analyzed 
nine parent/child insurance combinations. GAO also analyzed relevant, 
peer-reviewed literature. To examine how states may change their 
Medicaid- and CHIP-funded parent coverage, GAO reviewed CHIPRA and 
PPACA, and interviewed officials from the Centers for Medicare & 
Medicaid Services (CMS) within the Department of Health and Human 
Services (HHS) and eight states with authority to cover parents in 
their Medicaid and CHIP programs as of CHIPRA’s enactment. HHS 
provided technical comments, which GAO incorporated as appropriate. 

What GAO Found: 

GAO’s analysis of Medical Expenditure Panel Survey results found that 
children were more likely to have insurance if their parents had 
insurance and were more likely to be uninsured if their parents were 
uninsured. GAO’s analyses further identified a strong association 
between a parent’s health insurance status, defined as privately 
insured, publicly insured, or uninsured, and a child’s health 
insurance status. Specifically, 84 percent of the children in GAO’s 
analysis had the same insurance status as their parents, while 
16 percent of children did not. (See figure below.) The association 
GAO identified remained despite variation in factors such as age and 
family income. However, a parent’s insurance status was not 
consistently associated with a child’s use of services or parental 
satisfaction with their child’s care. In most cases, a child was 
equally likely to have used services, or to have received satisfactory 
care, regardless of the parent’s insurance status. 

Figure: Distribution of Parent/Child Health Insurance Combinations: 

[Refer to PDF for image: pie-chart and subchart] 

84% of children had the same health insurance status as their parents: 
Private: 69%; 
Public: 10%; 
Uninsured: 5%. 

16% of children did not have the same health insurance status as their 

Parent/child health insurance status: 
Uninsured/Public: 9%; 
Private/Public: 4%; 
Private/Uninsured: 2% 
Uninsured/Private: 1% 
Public/Uninsured: <1%; 
Public/Private: <1%. 

Source: GAO analysis of 2005-2007 MEPS data. 

[End of figure] 

Health insurance coverage expansions required under PPACA will prompt 
states to change parental coverage in Medicaid- and CHIP-funded 
programs, but the extent of state changes will vary. By 2014, PPACA 
requires states to extend Medicaid eligibility to most adults under 
65, including parents, with incomes up to 133 percent of the federal 
poverty level (FPL); PPACA also requires the establishment of 
exchanges in each state through which parents and others who are not 
eligible for Medicaid can purchase health insurance. States’ 
implementation of PPACA will depend on their unique circumstances, 
including the extent of the expansion of coverage necessary. However, 
the association between parents’ and children’s health insurance 
status could result in newly eligible parents enrolling their children 
in Medicaid. Similar expansions of parental coverage through the 
exchanges could also increase the number of insured children. CMS 
guidance will be critical to facilitate states’ efforts to comply with 
these requirements. 

View GAO-11-264 or key components. For more information, contact 
Carolyn L.Yocom at (202) 512-7114 or 

[End of section] 




Parent Health Insurance Status Is Strongly Associated with a Child's 
Health Insurance Status, but Inconsistently Associated with Other 

New Expansions Will Prompt Changes to States' Coverage of Parents: 

Appendix I: Scope and Methodology of MEPS Analysis: 

Appendix II: Additional Results from Our Analysis of MEPS: 

Appendix III: Literature Review: 

Appendix IV: GAO Contact and Staff Acknowledgments: 


Table 1: Parent Enrollment in Medicaid and CHIP, as of February 2009: 

Table 2: Medicaid and CHIP Upper Income Eligibility for Parents in 
Eight States, as of 2010: 

Table 3: Percentage of Children in Each Parent/Child Insurance 
Combination in GAO's MEPS Analysis, before Controlling for Other 

Table 4: Percentage of Children That Had a Particular Health Insurance 
Status by Parent's Health Insurance Status, before Controlling for 
Other Factors: 

Table 5: Likelihood of a Child Having a Particular Health Insurance 
Status, after Controlling for Other Factors: 

Table 6: Percentage of Children That Used Specific Health Services in 
the Past Year by Parent's Health Insurance Status, before Controlling 
for Other Factors: 

Table 7: Likelihood of a Child Having an Office-Based Visit in the 
Past Year, after Controlling for Other Factors: 

Table 8: Likelihood of a Child Having Had an Outpatient Hospital Visit 
in the Past Year, after Controlling for Other Factors: 

Table 9: Likelihood of a Child Having Had an Emergency Room Visit in 
the Past Year, after Controlling for Other Factors: 

Table 10: Percentage of Children Whose Parents Reported They Received 
Satisfactory Care, before Controlling for Other Factors: 

Table 11: Likelihood That a Parent Reported His or Her Child's Care as 
Highly Family Centered, after Controlling for Other Factors: 

Table 12: Likelihood That a Parent Reported His or Her Child's Care as 
Timely, after Controlling for Other Factors: 

Table 13: Likelihood That a Parent Reported His or Her Child's Care as 
High for Realized Access, after Controlling for Other Factors: 


Figure 1: Distribution of Parent/Child Health Insurance Combinations: 


CAHPS: Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems: 

CHIP: state Children's Health Insurance Program: 

CHIPRA: Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 

CMS: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services: 

FPL: federal poverty level: 

HHS: Department of Health and Human Services: 

MEPS: Medical Expenditure Panel Survey: 

PPACA: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: 

[End of section] 

United States Government Accountability Office: 
Washington, DC 20548: 

February 4, 2011: 

The Honorable Max Baucus: 
The Honorable Orrin G. Hatch: 
Ranking Member: 
Committee on Finance: 
United States Senate: 

The Honorable Fred Upton: 
The Honorable Henry A. Waxman: 
Ranking Member: 
Committee on Energy and Commerce: 
House of Representatives: 

Medicaid and the state Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), 
joint federal-state programs that covered over 55 million enrollees in 
2009, have been important sources of health insurance for low income 
individuals, particularly children.[Footnote 1] Federal policies 
providing health insurance through these programs have focused largely 
on children, but not necessarily their parents. The 2010 Patient 
Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), however, includes 
provisions to expand health insurance coverage to an estimated 32 
million individuals, many of whom are parents.[Footnote 2] PPACA 
extends Medicaid eligibility to include most individuals with incomes 
at or below 133 percent of the federal poverty level (FPL) by 2014. 
[Footnote 3] Additionally, by 2014, PPACA requires the establishment 
of American Health Benefit Exchanges in each state, through which 
certain individuals can purchase health insurance--thus creating 
another avenue that could expand coverage of parents.[Footnote 4] 

The possibility of new health insurance options for parents raises a 
much-debated question about whether providing health insurance to 
parents offers any benefit for their children, particularly since 
research indicates that millions of children and parents remain 
uninsured.[Footnote 5] The Children's Health Insurance Program 
Reauthorization Act of 2009 (CHIPRA) directed us to examine parental 
health insurance in CHIP as it relates to children's enrollment and 
quality of care.[Footnote 6] Specifically, we assessed (1) the extent 
to which a parent's health insurance status is associated with a 
child's health insurance status, a child's use of services, and 
parental satisfaction with their child's care;[Footnote 7] and (2) how 
selected states' coverage of parents under Medicaid and CHIP may 
change given upcoming coverage expansions. 

To examine the association between a parent's health insurance status 
and a child's health insurance status, a child's use of services, and 
a parent's satisfaction with his or her child's care, we used national-
level data in our analysis and conducted a literature review. To 
assess whether a parent's insurance status was associated with a 
child's insurance status and use of health services, we conducted 
multivariate analyses using data from 3 years (2005-2007) of the 
Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS), a nationally representative 
survey that collects data from a sample of Americans on their health 
insurance status and service utilization, among other factors. 
[Footnote 8] Based on parents' health insurance status reported by 
survey respondents, we identified nine possible parent and child 
health insurance combinations--one being a parent with private 
insurance whose child had private insurance--and further analyzed each 
combination with respect to a child's insurance status and use of 
services.[Footnote 9],[Footnote 10] To measure parental satisfaction 
with their child's care, we used the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare 
Providers and Systems (CAHPS) measures included in the MEPS survey to 
create three index measures to identify a parent's perception of their 
child's quality of care: (1) family centeredness, which included 
whether the doctor spent enough time with the family and showed 
respect; (2) timeliness, which included how often a child received 
care when his or her parent requested it; and (3) realized access, 
which included problems with receiving routine care or referrals to 
specialists. For additional information about our MEPS analysis, see 
appendix I. Additionally, from over 270 peer-reviewed articles 
published between January 1998 and August 2010, we identified 19 
articles which examined the association between the parents' health 
insurance status and either their child's health insurance status or 
use of services for further review. However, we did not find any 
articles that specifically examined the association between the 
parents' insurance and quality of care. For additional information on 
our literature review, see appendix III. 

To examine how selected states may change their Medicaid and CHIP 
coverage for parents in light of upcoming coverage expansions, we 
interviewed Medicaid and CHIP officials from eight states that had 
authority to cover parents in both their Medicaid-and CHIP-funded 
programs on the date CHIPRA was enacted.[Footnote 11] In these 
interviews, we collected information on approaches for covering 
parents, including the income eligibility levels and the type of 
coverage offered, and reviewed relevant state documents.[Footnote 12] 
We also collected Medicaid and CHIP enrollment data from state 
officials and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the 
federal agency within the Department of Health and Human Services 
(HHS) that oversees states' Medicaid and CHIP programs. Additionally, 
we reviewed relevant federal legislation, including CHIPRA and PPACA, 
and interviewed CMS officials regarding their priorities in terms of 
issuing clarifying guidance to the states. We conducted our work from 
August 2009 to December 2010 in accordance with generally accepted 
government auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan 
and perform the audit to obtain sufficient, appropriate evidence to 
provide a reasonable basis for our findings and conclusions based on 
our audit objectives. We believe that the evidence obtained provides a 
reasonable basis for our findings and conclusions based on our audit 


Low income parents of dependent children may have access to health 
insurance through their states' Medicaid-and CHIP-funded programs. 
Parents are eligible for Medicaid primarily through sections 
1902(a)(10) and 1931 of the Social Security Act. Under these sections, 
states must, at a minimum, cover parents who meet the state's 1996 Aid 
to Families with Dependent Children eligibility criteria.[Footnote 13] 
To varying degrees, states have expanded eligibility to cover 
additional parents, either through a state plan amendment or an 
approved section 1115 waiver.[Footnote 14] In addition, CHIP was 
established to reduce the number of uninsured, low income children who 
are not eligible for Medicaid and provided states with considerable 
flexibility in designing their CHIP programs.[Footnote 15] While the 
CHIP programs targeted children, states also could seek approval to 
cover certain parents of children eligible for CHIP. In addition, as 
with Medicaid, states could cover parents using CHIP funding through 
an approved section 1115 waiver; such waivers are the primary method 
states use to cover parents through CHIP. 

In the eight states that covered parents in Medicaid and also had 
approval to cover them in CHIP as of February 2009, the total number 
of parents enrolled in states' Medicaid and CHIP programs ranged from 
around 12,000 parents in Idaho to over 200,000 parents in Arizona and 
Wisconsin. Additionally, in these eight states, parents comprised 
approximately 2 to 20 percent of the combined program populations. 
(See table 1.) 

Table 1: Parent Enrollment in Medicaid and CHIP, as of February 2009: 

State: Arizona; 
Parent enrollment in Medicaid: 228,673; 
Parent enrollment in CHIP: 8,640[A]; 
Parents as a percentage of states' total Medicaid and CHIP enrollment: 

State: Arkansas; 
Parent enrollment in Medicaid: 11,936; 
Parent enrollment in CHIP: 2,500; 
Parents as a percentage of states' total Medicaid and CHIP enrollment: 

State: Idaho; 
Parent enrollment in Medicaid: 11,481; 
Parent enrollment in CHIP: 270; 
Parents as a percentage of states' total Medicaid and CHIP enrollment: 

State: Minnesota; 
Parent enrollment in Medicaid: 117,502; 
Parent enrollment in CHIP: 0[B]; 
Parents as a percentage of states' total Medicaid and CHIP enrollment: 

State: Nevada; 
Parent enrollment in Medicaid: 18,677; 
Parent enrollment in CHIP: 3; 
Parents as a percentage of states' total Medicaid and CHIP enrollment: 

State: New Jersey; 
Parent enrollment in Medicaid: 60,696; 
Parent enrollment in CHIP: 124,307; 
Parents as a percentage of states' total Medicaid and CHIP enrollment: 

State: New Mexico; 
Parent enrollment in Medicaid: 35,836; 
Parent enrollment in CHIP: 11,054; 
Parents as a percentage of states' total Medicaid and CHIP enrollment: 

State: Wisconsin; 
Parent enrollment in Medicaid: 204,705; 
Parent enrollment in CHIP: 0[B]; 
Parents as a percentage of states' total Medicaid and CHIP enrollment: 

Source: State-reported Medicaid and CHIP enrollment data. 

Note: Percentages are rounded to the nearest whole number. 

[A] Arizona eliminated its CHIP-funded parent coverage as of October 
2009; these parents were not transferred to the Medicaid program. 

[B] CHIP-funded parents in Minnesota and Wisconsin were transitioned 
to Medicaid funding as of February 2009 and April 2008, respectively. 
Prior to the transition, the states' CHIP eligibility levels were 100 
to 200 percent of the FPL in Minnesota and 130 to 200 percent of the 
FPL in Wisconsin. 

[End of table] 

Both PPACA and CHIPRA include provisions that affect parent coverage 
funded through states' Medicaid and CHIP programs. For example, PPACA, 
which was enacted in March 2010, included a provision that requires 
state Medicaid programs to expand eligibility to include most 
individuals under 65 with incomes at or below 133 percent of the FPL 
by 2014.[Footnote 16] Individuals--including parents--who are not 
eligible for Medicaid may be able to purchase coverage through the 
exchanges that must be established by 2014.[Footnote 17] Individuals 
and families who purchase coverage through these exchanges may be 
eligible for premium tax credits and cost-sharing reductions if their 
income is between 100 and 400 percent of the FPL.[Footnote 18] PPACA 
also includes a provision that prohibits states from applying Medicaid 
eligibility standards that are more restrictive for adults than those 
in effect on the date of the law's enactment until the date the 
Secretary determines that an exchange in that state is fully 
operational.[Footnote 19] In contrast, CHIPRA included provisions that 
introduced new limits to parent coverage. For instance, although 
CHIPRA authorized CHIP funding for parents through 2013, it also 
specified that HHS will not approve new waivers to cover parents, and 
that states with existing waivers that expire before October 1, 2011 
may apply for an extension to continue coverage of parents through 
September 30, 2011.[Footnote 20] Also, states are not permitted to 
increase their eligibility levels for parents covered under existing 
waivers and beginning in fiscal year 2012, the funding mechanism for 
these waivers will change.[Footnote 21] While PPACA also prohibits 
states from applying more restrictive eligibility standards for CHIP 
children, CMS has not yet issued guidance on the applicability of this 
prohibition to parent coverage under CHIP.[Footnote 22] 

Parent Health Insurance Status Is Strongly Associated with a Child's 
Health Insurance Status, but Inconsistently Associated with Other 

Our analysis of MEPS data found that a parent's health insurance 
status is strongly associated with a child's health insurance status. 
However, a parent's insurance status is not consistently associated to 
a child's use of services or parental satisfaction with a child's 
care. Our review of relevant literature supports these findings. 

We determined that children were more likely to have insurance if 
their parents had insurance and were more likely to be uninsured if 
their parents were uninsured. Further, our analyses indicated that 
among insured children, a parent's health insurance status was 
strongly associated with a child's health insurance status. 
Specifically, the vast majority of children in the sample (over 84 
percent) had the same health insurance status as their parents. The 
most common insurance combination--about 69 percent of the sample--was 
privately insured parents with privately insured children, while 10 
percent of the sample consisted of publicly insured parents with 
publicly insured children. Those without coverage--uninsured parents 
with uninsured children--made up another 5 percent of the sample. 
Parents and children who did not have the same health insurance status 
represented the remaining 16 percent of the sample and were divided 
among the other 6 insurance combinations. While most of the other 6 
combinations each represented less than 2 percent of the sample, the 
combination of uninsured parents/publicly insured children and 
privately insured parents/publicly insured children represented about 
9 and 4 percent of the sample, respectively.[Footnote 23] (See figure 
1.) See Appendix I for more information on our analyses. 

Figure 1: Distribution of Parent/Child Health Insurance Combinations: 

[Refer to PDF for image: pie-chart and subchart] 

84% of children had the same health insurance status as their parents: 
Private: 69%; 
Public: 10%; 
Uninsured: 5%. 

16% of children did not have the same health insurance status as their 

Parent/child health insurance status: 
Uninsured/Public: 9%; 
Private/Public: 4%; 
Private/Uninsured: 2% 
Uninsured/Private: 1% 
Public/Uninsured: <1%; 
Public/Private: <1%. 

Source: GAO analysis of 2005-2007 MEPS data. 

Note: Analysis did not control for other relevant factors, such as 
child's age or family income. 

[End of figure] 

To determine whether the association we identified between a parent's 
and a child's health insurance status remained despite variation in 
factors, such as age and family income, we also used multivariate 
analysis. After controlling for a number of relevant factors,[Footnote 
24] we determined that a parent's insurance status was almost always 
associated with a child's insurance status. Specifically, a child was 
about 8 times more likely to have public insurance if his or her 
parent had public insurance, and about 87 times more likely to have 
private insurance if his or her parent had private insurance, compared 
to a child whose parent was uninsured.[Footnote 25] 

These results--which show that a parent's insurance status was 
strongly associated with his or her child's insurance status--are 
consistent with the findings of our literature review. All 13 articles 
we reviewed that examined a parent's and a child's insurance status 
identified significant associations. In particular, among the articles 
that focused on states' coverage policies: 

* Two articles found that children in states that offered CHIP-funded 
insurance to parents were approximately 10 percent more likely to 
enroll in CHIP.[Footnote 26] 

* Using data from the Current Population Survey, one article found 
that the availability of family insurance in a state's CHIP program 
was associated with a 7 percentage point increase in the likelihood 
that eligible children would enroll in the program.[Footnote 27] 

* One article found that states that had expanded Medicaid coverage to 
parents beyond federal minimum requirements had higher Medicaid 
participation among children. This particular study also examined data 
from both before and after Massachusetts' expansion of public 
insurance for parents and found an association between offering public 
insurance to parents and a subsequent increase of child enrollment in 
public insurance.[Footnote 28] 

Beyond states' coverage policies, other articles we reviewed also 
identified associations between parental insurance status and child 
insurance status. For example, one article used Current Population 
Survey data to conclude that having a parent with public insurance 
reduced the number of children losing their public insurance coverage 
by nearly 76 percent.[Footnote 29] Using different variables from the 
MEPS data, another article concluded that insured children with 
uninsured parents were more likely to experience a gap in coverage 
when compared to insured children with insured parents.[Footnote 30] 
(See appendix III for an additional discussion of our literature 

We also used MEPS data to examine whether a parent's health insurance 
status was associated with (1) a child's use of services and (2) 
parent satisfaction with care, and found that a parent's insurance 
status was generally not associated with either circumstance.[Footnote 
31] For most of our sample, a child was equally likely to have used 
services, or to have received satisfactory care, regardless of the 
parent's insurance status.[Footnote 32] (See appendix II for 
additional results.) While our review of the literature did not 
identify any studies that explored the association between parents' 
insurance status and satisfaction with their child's care, it did 
identify several studies that were consistent with our finding that a 
parent's insurance status was not consistently associated with a 
child's use of health care services. For example, one study that also 
used MEPS data found that a child's emergency room use was not 
significantly associated with a mother's insurance status.[Footnote 
33] Another study found that insured children with insured parents in 
California were equally likely to have had a physician visit, compared 
to insured children with uninsured parents.[Footnote 34] In contrast, 
two studies did identify an association between a parent's insurance 
status and a child's use of certain services; however, those studies 
were not directly comparable because they examined services, such as 
well-child visits, that we did not include in our analysis.[Footnote 

New Expansions Will Prompt Changes to States' Coverage of Parents: 

The expansion of health insurance coverage required under PPACA will 
prompt states to change parental coverage in Medicaid-and CHIP-funded 
programs, but the extent of state changes will vary. PPACA, as 
amended, requires states to extend Medicaid eligibility to most adults 
under age 65, including parents, with incomes up to 133 percent of the 
FPL by 2014.[Footnote 36] Parents and families not eligible for 
Medicaid may be able to purchase coverage through exchanges, which 
must be established in each state by 2014, and may be eligible for 
premium tax credits and cost-sharing reductions.[Footnote 37] Because 
of the association between parents' and children's health insurance 
status, expanded coverage to parents could have positive implications 
for their families. With regard to the Medicaid expansion under PPACA, 
one study estimated that in 2008, there were 3 million uninsured 
children who were in families with incomes below 133 percent of the 
FPL.[Footnote 38] To the extent that parents in these families become 
newly eligible for Medicaid, their children could benefit, based on 
the association between parent and child health insurance status. 
Similar expansions of parental coverage through the exchanges could 
also increase the number of children who are insured. 

States' implementation of PPACA will depend on their unique 
circumstances, including the extent of the expansion of coverage 
necessary. For example, five of the eight states we reviewed must 
expand Medicaid coverage to additional parents to varying degrees. 
While Arkansas will need to expand its Medicaid eligibility for 
parents from 17 percent of the FPL to 133 percent of the FPL, Arizona 
will need to expand by a lesser degree, from 100 percent of the FPL to 
133 percent of the FPL. Three states--Minnesota, New Jersey, and 
Wisconsin--have already expanded parental coverage to 133 percent FPL 
or higher. (See table 2.) 

Table 2: Medicaid and CHIP Upper Income Eligibility for Parents in 
Eight States, as of 2010: 

State: Arizona; 
Upper income eligibility as a percentage of the federal poverty level: 
Medicaid: 100%; 
CHIP: 0[A]. 

State: Arkansas; 
Upper income eligibility as a percentage of the federal poverty level: 
Medicaid: 17%; 
CHIP: 200%. 

State: Idaho; 
Upper income eligibility as a percentage of the federal poverty level: 
Medicaid: 27%; 
CHIP: 185%. 

State: Minnesota; 
Upper income eligibility as a percentage of the federal poverty level: 
Medicaid: 275%; 
CHIP: 0[B]. 

State: Nevada; 
Upper income eligibility as a percentage of the federal poverty level: 
Medicaid: 75%; 
CHIP: 200%. 

State: New Jersey; 
Upper income eligibility as a percentage of the federal poverty level: 
Medicaid: 133%; 
CHIP: 200%. 

State: New Mexico; 
Upper income eligibility as a percentage of the federal poverty level: 
Medicaid: 30%; 
CHIP: 200%. 

State: Wisconsin; 
Upper income eligibility as a percentage of the federal poverty level: 
Medicaid: 200%; 
CHIP: 0[B]. 

Source: State-reported data. 

Notes: Upper eligibility levels were reported by state officials in 
March and April 2010 and pertain to either the Medicaid or CHIP state 
plan or the level for the state's Section 1115 demonstration waiver. 

The scope of Medicaid and CHIP funded coverage for parents varied 
among states--thus, states that provided such coverage to parents did 
not necessarily offer them the full benefit package provided under the 
Medicaid or CHIP state plan. 

[A] Arizona eliminated its CHIP-funded parent coverage as of October 
2009. Prior to the transition, the state's CHIP eligibility level was 
100 to 200 percent of the FPL. 

[B] CHIP-funded parents in Minnesota and Wisconsin were transitioned 
to Medicaid funding as of February 2009 and April 2008, respectively. 
Prior to the transition, the states' CHIP eligibility levels were 100 
to 200 percent of the FPL in Minnesota and 130 to 200 percent of the 
FPL in Wisconsin. 

[End of table] 

In addition to expansions of coverage, states will need to ensure the 
proper placement of parents in CHIP, Medicaid, or an exchange, as 
PPACA also includes enrollment simplification and coordination 
requirements, which require states to coordinate placement of parents 
in CHIP, Medicaid, or an exchange.[Footnote 39] Although coordination 
with exchanges will be new, previous coordination experiences in two 
states we reviewed suggest that states with closely aligned Medicaid 
and CHIP programs for parents were able to avoid any disruptions in 
their coverage despite changes in funding. For example, Minnesota 
transferred its CHIP-funded parents to Medicaid funding in February 
2009 due to concerns that the state could not temporarily transfer 
parents to Medicaid if CHIP funding for children ran low. Because the 
state's Medicaid and CHIP-funded programs for parents had the same 
benefit and cost-sharing structure, state officials explained that 
this shift from CHIP to Medicaid was a "behind-the-scenes" funding 
change that did not affect the continuity of coverage for parents. 
Similarly, Wisconsin shifted parents from its CHIP program to its 
Medicaid program in April 2008 due, in part, to concerns that CHIP 
would not be reauthorized. As with Minnesota, Wisconsin officials 
indicated that the shift from CHIP to Medicaid was seamless for 
parents because the benefit structure was the same for both programs. 

To facilitate state efforts to comply with PPACA requirements, CMS 
guidance will be critical. The agency has issued guidance related to 
the new Medicaid eligibility group, which says that beginning April 1, 
2010, states may phase-in coverage for the new eligibility group; 
Connecticut and the District of Columbia have already received 
approval to do so.[Footnote 40] More recently, CMS issued guidance to 
assist states with developing information technology systems that will 
support their efforts to expand Medicaid coverage and operate the 
exchanges and issued a proposed rule relating to federal funding for 
state Medicaid eligibility determination and enrollment activities. 
[Footnote 41],[Footnote 42] Recently, HHS also issued initial guidance 
to assist states with the establishment of their exchanges.[Footnote 
43] CMS is in the process of developing further guidance for states, 
and agency officials said that their highest priority is to provide 
states with guidance on how to enact the mandated coverage expansions, 
including additional guidance regarding the establishment of exchanges 
and the development of program eligibility requirements. 

We provided a draft of this report to HHS for its review and comment. 
HHS provided technical comments, which we incorporated as appropriate. 
We are sending copies of this report to the Administrator of CMS and 
other interested parties. In addition, the report is available at no 
charge on the GAO Web site at [hyperlink,]. 

If you or your staff have any questions about this report, please 
contact me at (202) 512-7114 or Contact points for our 
Offices of Congressional Relations and Public Affairs may be found on 
the last page of this report. GAO staff who made major contributions 
to this report are listed in appendix IV. 

Signed by: 

Carolyn L. Yocom: 
Acting Director, Health Care: 

[End of section] 

Appendix I: Scope and Methodology of MEPS Analysis: 

Our first objective was to assess the extent to which a parent's 
health insurance status was associated with a child's health insurance 
status, a child's use of services, and parental satisfaction with his 
or her child's care. We identified the Medical Expenditure Panel 
Survey (MEPS), a nationally representative survey, as the most useful 
for our purposes because it (1) differentiated health insurance status 
among survey participants, (2) included information about relevant 
demographic and economic factors needed for our analyses, (3) had a 
large sample size, and (4) had been used in comparable analyses in 
previous studies.[Footnote 44] We analyzed data from three MEPS 
surveys (2005, 2006, and 2007), choosing to use 3 years of data in 
order to improve the precision of our analyses. To determine the 
reliability of the MEPS data, we reviewed related documentation, 
conducted electronic testing for missing data, outliers, and obvious 
errors, and identified other studies that used MEPS to address similar 
research questions. We determined that the MEPS data were sufficiently 
reliable for the purposes of our engagement. 

Analysis Variables: 

From the MEPS data, we identified variables for our analysis. Our key 
independent variable was a parent's health insurance status, while our 
key dependent variables were a child's health insurance status, a 
child's use of services, and parental satisfaction with his or her 
child's care. For the health insurance status analysis, we classified 
individuals who reported no change in their health insurance status 
for 12 consecutive months into one of three categories: publicly 
insured, privately insured, or uninsured. This led to nine possible 
parent and child insurance combinations--one being a parent with 
private insurance whose child also had private insurance.[Footnote 45] 
Individuals were considered as having public insurance if they were 
enrolled in Medicaid, Medicare, TRICARE, or the state Children's 
Health Insurance Program (CHIP). For the use of services analysis, we 
focused on three services--office-based visits, outpatient hospital 
visits, and emergency room visits--and categorized children in one of 
two ways: (1) children who had not used a service in the past 12 
months and (2) children who used a service at least once in the past 
12 months. For the parental satisfaction analysis, we used eight 
questions from the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and 
Systems within MEPS to develop three composite measures of parent 
satisfaction--family centeredness, timeliness, and realized access. 
[Footnote 46] We averaged the scores for each of the three composite 
measures and then classified parents as either indicating that their 
child received satisfactory or unsatisfactory care. For the family-
centeredness measure we used responses to the following four 
questions:[Footnote 47] 

* In the last 12 months, how often did (CHILD's) doctors or other 
health care providers listen carefully to you? 

* In the last 12 months, how often did (CHILD's) doctors or other 
health providers explain things in a way you could understand? 

* In the last 12 months, how often did (CHILD's) doctors or other 
health providers show respect for what you had to say? 

* In the last 12 months, how often did doctors or other health 
providers spend enough time with (CHILD)? 

For the timeliness measure, we used responses to the following two 
questions:[Footnote 48] 

* In the last 12 months, when (CHILD) needed care right away for an 
illness, injury, or condition, how often did (CHILD) get care as soon 
as you wanted? 

* In the last 12 months, not counting times (CHILD) needed health care 
right away, how often did (CHILD) get an appointment for health care 
as soon as you wanted? 

For the realized access measure, we used responses to the following 
two questions:[Footnote 49] 

* In the last 12 months, how much of a problem, if any, was it to get 
the care, tests, or treatments you or a doctor believed necessary? 

* In the last 12 months, how much of a problem, if any, was it to see 
a specialist that (CHILD) needed to see? 

Through our literature review and stakeholder discussions, we also 
identified other independent variables within the MEPS data for 
further analysis of our dependent variables. For example, in analyzing 
a child's health insurance status, we included family income level, 
parental employment status, highest family education level, family 
status (single parent or dual parent), number of children in the 
household, child's age, child's health status, and parent's health 
insurance status as independent variables. For the use of services and 
parental satisfaction with care analyses, we included family income 
level, highest family education level, family status (single parent, 
dual parent, or guardian), number of children in the household, 
child's age, child's health status, parent's health insurance status, 
and region of residence as independent variables. For the parental 
satisfaction with care analysis, we also included a parent's 
employment status variable. Incorporating these independent variables, 
we used logistic regression models to estimate the likelihood of a 
child having a particular health insurance status, use of three health 
services, and parental satisfaction with his or her child's care. 
Logistic regression is a widely accepted method for analyzing 
dichotomous outcomes (for example, analyzing the likelihood of a 
person being either publicly insured or not publicly insured, or 
having had one or more physician visits, versus no physician visits) 
when the interest is in determining the effects of multiple factors 
that may be related to one another. 


We used multivariate analysis to estimate the likelihood that a 
parent's health insurance status was associated with a child's health 
insurance status, a child's use of services, and parental satisfaction 
with his or her child's care. There were three steps to each of these 

* For the first step, we used univariate analysis to explore the 
distributions of the various independent and dependent variables. This 
allowed us to identify necessary recoding of variables and overall 
demographics of our data. For example, it allowed us to identify the 
number of children with public insurance in the sample. 

* For the second step, we used bivariate cross-tabulations to 
determine the association between our various independent and 
dependent variables. In this step, each cross-tabulation included only 
a single independent variable, rather than controlling for multiple 
independent variables at the same time. For example, one cross-
tabulation allowed us to identify how many children with public 
coverage also had a parent with public coverage. We used chi-square 
analyses in order to test for any statistically significant 
associations at this level. 

* For the third step, we used logistic regression to explore the 
association between our independent variables and each of our 
dependent variables. In this analysis, our independent variables were 
analyzed together (to control for multiple independent variables 
simultaneously) in separate models for each of our dependent 
variables.[Footnote 50] For the use of services and parent 
satisfaction analyses, we analyzed sub-populations of children, based 
on their health insurance status (public, private, uninsured) to 
differentiate a child's health insurance status from a parent's health 
insurance status.[Footnote 51] We then used statistical tests for 
goodness of fit, multicollinearity, and interaction effects to 
identify whether our models were valid.[Footnote 52] Based on the 
results of these tests, we removed some independent variables from the 
models, such as urban/rural status and child's race/ethnicity. Lastly, 
we ran the finalized models, excluding variables that did not 
contribute to our model.[Footnote 53] We also re-ran the tests for 
goodness of fit, multicollinearity, and interaction effects, to ensure 
the soundness of the models. All models were calculated using sampling 
weights to account for the sampling methodology used in MEPS. 

In our analyses, we expressed differences in likelihood using odds 
ratios.[Footnote 54] An odds ratio conveys the odds of an event 
occurring in one group compared to the odds of the event occurring in 
another group--the reference or comparison group. In our analysis, we 
explored nine events of interest.[Footnote 55] An odds ratio greater 
than 1.0 signifies that the dependent variable is more likely to 
occur. For example, an odds ratio of 1.74 would be interpreted as the 
dependent variable being 1.74 times more likely to occur in a certain 
group, compared to the comparison group. Odds ratios less than 1.0 
signify that the dependent variable is less likely to occur. For 
example, an odds ratio of 0.74 would be interpreted as the dependent 
variable being 0.74 times as likely to occur in a certain group, 
compared to the comparison group. This can also be phrased as being 26 
percent less likely to occur in a certain group, compared to the 
comparison group. An odds ratio equal to 1 signifies that the 
dependent variable is equally likely to occur in a certain group, 
compared to the comparison group.[Footnote 56] 

[End of section] 

Appendix II: Additional Results from Our Analysis of MEPS: 

This appendix presents an in-depth look at the bivariate and 
multivariate results we describe in the report for health insurance 
status, use of services, and parent satisfaction with his or her 
child's care.[Footnote 57] (Details on our scope, methodology, and 
MEPS analysis are presented in appendix I.) 

Health Insurance Status: 

In the health insurance status analysis we present the likelihood of a 
child having a particular health insurance status (public, private, or 
uninsured), our dependent variable, by various independent variables, 
the key one being a parent's health insurance status. 

Table 3 lists the distribution of parent and child health insurance 
status before controlling for other factors and indicates that a 
child's health insurance status is closely associated with his or her 
parent's health insurance status. 

Table 3: Percentage of Children in Each Parent/Child Insurance 
Combination in GAO's MEPS Analysis, before Controlling for Other 

Child's health insurance status: Public; 
Parent's health insurance status: 
Public: 10.2%; 
Private: 4.1%; 
Uninsured: 8.8%; 
Total: 23.1%. 

Child's health insurance status: Private; 
Parent's health insurance status: 
Public: 0.1%; 
Private: 68.7%; 
Uninsured: 0.9%; 
Total: 69.7%. 

Child's health insurance status: Uninsured; 
Parent's health insurance status: 
Public: 0.3%; 
Private: 1.7%; 
Uninsured: 5.2%; 
Total: 7.2%. 

Child's health insurance status: Total for all Percentages; 
Parent's health insurance status: 
Public: 10.6%; 
Private: 74.5%; 
Uninsured: 14.9%; 
Total: 100.0%. 

Source: GAO analysis of 2005-2007 MEPS data. 

Notes: Chi-square was used to measure statistical significance. 
Results are statistically significant at the .05 level. 

Sample size for the analysis was 23,794. 

[End of table] 

Table 4 presents the cross-tabulation of children's health insurance 
status by parent's health insurance status, before controlling for 
other factors and indicates a close association between parent health 
insurance status and children's health insurance status. 

Table 4: Percentage of Children That Had a Particular Health Insurance 
Status by Parent's Health Insurance Status, before Controlling for 
Other Factors: 

Child's health insurance status: Public; 
Parent's health insurance status: 
Public: 96.3%; 
Private: 5.5%; 
Uninsured: 59.1%. 

Child's health insurance status: Private; 
Parent's health insurance status: 
Public: 1.4%; 
Private: 92.2%; 
Uninsured: 5.7%. 

Child's health insurance status: Uninsured; 
Parent's health insurance status: 
Public: 2.4%; 
Private: 2.3%; 
Uninsured: 35.1%. 

Child's health insurance status: Total[A]; 
Parent's health insurance status: 
Public: 100.0%; 
Private: 100.0%; 
Uninsured: 100.0%. 

Source: GAO analysis of 2005-2007 MEPS data. 

Notes: Chi-square was used to measure statistical significance. 
Results are statistically significant at the .05 level. 

Sample size for the analysis was 23,794. 

[A] Total percentages may not add up to 100 percent due to rounding. 

[End of table] 

Table 5 summarizes the results from the three logistic regression 
models that examined the association between a child's health 
insurance status and a parent's health insurance status. After 
controlling for other factors, we determined that a child is 
significantly more likely to have the same health insurance status as 
his or her parent, when compared to an uninsured parent. For example, 
a child was 8.12 times more likely to have public insurance if their 
parent had public insurance, when compared to child whose parent was 

Table 5: Likelihood of a Child Having a Particular Health Insurance 
Status, after Controlling for Other Factors: 

Parent's health insurance status: Uninsured[A]; 
Child's health insurance status: 
Public: 1.00; 
Private: 1.00; 
Uninsured: 1.00. 

Parent's health insurance status: Public; 
Public: 8.12 (5.87-11.24) [bolded]; 
Private: 0.58 (0.30-1.13); 
Uninsured: 0.08 (0.05-0.12) [bolded]. 

Parent's health insurance status: Private; 
Child's health insurance status: 
Public: 0.14 (0.11-0.17) [bolded]; 
Private: 87.04 (58.2-130.2) [bolded]; 
Uninsured: 0.03 (0.02-0.04) [bolded]. 

Source: GAO logistic regression of 2005-2007 MEPS data. 

Notes: Bolded results are statistically significant at the .05 level. 

Table represents a summary of results from three models. Sample size 
for each of the three models was 23,183 respondents. 

The models control for family income level, parental employment 
status, highest family education level, whether families were single 
or dual parent, number of children in the household, child's age, and 
child's health status. We expressed differences in likelihood using 
odds ratios, which convey the odds of an event occurring in one group 
compared to the odds of the event occurring in another group--the 
reference or comparison group. The numeric range next to each odds 
ratio is the confidence interval, within which the odds ratio falls. 
When both numbers in this confidence interval are either above or 
below 1, the odds ratio is considered statistically significant. 

[A] Denotes the reference (or comparison) group. 

[End of table] 

Use of Services: 

In the use of services analysis, we present the likelihood of a child 
using a particular service (physician visits, emergency room visits, 
and outpatient hospital visits), our dependent variable, by various 
independent variables, the key one being a parent's health insurance 

Table 6 lists the percentage of children who used specific health care 
services in the past year, by a parent's health insurance status, 
before controlling for other factors. These data indicate that when 
compared to children with uninsured or publicly insured parents, 
children with privately insured parents were the most likely to have 
had office-based or outpatient hospital visits and were the least 
likely to have had emergency room visits in the past year. 

Table 6: Percentage of Children That Used Specific Health Services in 
the Past Year by Parent's Health Insurance Status, before Controlling 
for Other Factors: 

Parent's health insurance status: Public; 
Office-based visit: 68.8%; 
Outpatient hospital visit: 6.4%; 
Emergency room visit: 15.5%. 

Parent's health insurance status: Private; 
Office-based visit: 77.1%; 
Outpatient hospital visit: 7.3%; 
Emergency room visit: 10.7%. 

Parent's health insurance status: Uninsured; 
Office-based visit: 59.4%; 
Outpatient hospital visit: 4.8%; 
Emergency room visit: 12.7%. 

Source: GAO analysis of 2005-2007 MEPS data. 

Notes: Chi-square was used to measure statistical significance. 
Results are statistically significant at the .05 level. 

Sample size for each of the three analyses was 24,652. 

[End of table] 

Tables 7 through 9 summarize the results of models examining the 
relationship between a parent's insurance status and a child's use of 
three health care services--office-based visits, outpatient hospital 
visits, and emergency room visits. After controlling for other 
factors, a parent's health insurance status was generally not an 
indicator of whether a child used these health services. In most 
cases, a child was equally likely to have used these services, 
regardless of a parent's health insurance status. We did, however, 
identify two significant associations within one parent/child 
insurance combination. Specifically, an uninsured child with a 
privately insured parent--although a small portion of the sample--was 
65 percent more likely to have had an office-based visit and 69 
percent (or 0.31 times) less likely to have had an emergency room 
visit, compared to an uninsured child whose parent was uninsured (See 
tables 7 and 9, respectively). 

Table 7: Likelihood of a Child Having an Office-Based Visit in the 
Past Year, after Controlling for Other Factors: 

Parent's health insurance status: Uninsured[A]; 
Child's health insurance status: 
Public: 1.00; 
Private: 1.00; 
Uninsured: 1.00. 

Parent's health insurance status: Public; 
Child's health insurance status: 
Public: 1.10 (0.93-1.31); 
Private: 0.52 (0.24-1.14); 
Uninsured: 0.98 (0.53-1.81). 

Parent's health insurance status: Private; 
Child's health insurance status: 
Public: 1.09 (0.84-1.41); 
Private: 1.40 (0.86-2.27); 
Uninsured: 1.65 (1.17-2.32) [bolded]. 

Source: GAO logistic regression of 2005-2007 MEPS data. 

Notes: Bolded result is statistically significant at the .05 level. 

Table represents a summary of results from three models. Sample size 
for the publicly insured child model was 9,063 respondents. Sample 
size for the privately insurance child model was 10,037 respondents. 
Sample size for the uninsured child model was 1,986. 

The models control for family income level, region of residence, 
highest family education level, whether families were single parent, 
dual parent, or guardian, number of children in the household, child's 
age, and child's health status. We expressed differences in likelihood 
using odds ratios, which convey the odds of an event occurring in one 
group compared to the odds of the event occurring in another group--
the reference or comparison group. The numeric range next to each odds 
ratio is the confidence interval, within which the odds ratio falls. 
When both numbers in this confidence interval are either above or 
below 1, the odds ratio is considered statistically significant. 

[A] Denotes the reference (or comparison) group. 

[End of table] 

Table 8: Likelihood of a Child Having Had an Outpatient Hospital Visit 
in the Past Year, after Controlling for Other Factors: 

Parent's health insurance status: Uninsured[A]; 
Child's health insurance status: 
Public: 1.00; 
Private: 1.00; 
Uninsured: 1.00. 

Parent's health insurance status: Public; 
Child's health insurance status: 
Public: 1.08 (0.77-1.20); 
Private: 0.55 (0.07-4.65); 
Uninsured: 1.90 (0.34-10.62). 

Parent's health insurance status: Private; 
Child's health insurance status: 
Public: 1.08 (0.72-1.61); 
Private: 1.12 (0.46-2.70); 
Uninsured: 1.87 (0.90-3.89). 

Source: GAO logistic regression of 2005-2007 MEPS data. 

Notes: Table represents a summary of results from three models. Sample 
size for the publicly insured child model was 9,063 respondents. 
Sample size for the privately insurance child model was 10,037 
respondents. Sample size for the uninsured child model was 1,986. 

The models control for family income level, region of residence, 
highest family education level, whether families were single parent, 
dual parent, or guardian, number of children in the household, child's 
age, and child's health status. We expressed differences in likelihood 
using odds ratios, which convey the odds of an event occurring in one 
group compared to the odds of the event occurring in another group--
the reference or comparison group. The numeric range next to each odds 
ratio is the confidence interval, within which the odds ratio falls. 
When both numbers in this confidence interval are either above or 
below 1, the odds ratio is considered statistically significant. 

[A] Denotes the reference (or comparison) group. 

[End of table] 

Table 9: Likelihood of a Child Having Had an Emergency Room Visit in 
the Past Year, after Controlling for Other Factors: 

Parent's health insurance status: Uninsured[A]; 
Child's health insurance status: 
Public: 1.00; 
Private: 1.00; 
Uninsured: 1.00. 

Parent's health insurance status: Public; 
Child's health insurance status: 
Public: 1.06 (0.86-1.29); 
Private: 1.68 (0.40-7.07); 
Uninsured: 0.50 (0.18-1.39). 

Parent's health insurance status: Private; 
Child's health insurance status: 
Public: 0.76 (0.58-1.01); 
Private: 1.26 (0.58-2.75); 
Uninsured: 0.31 (0.16-0.62) [bolded]. 

Source: GAO logistic regression of 2005-2007 MEPS data. 

Notes: Bolded result is statistically significant at the .05 level. 

Table represents a summary of results from three models. Sample size 
for the publicly insured child model was 9,063 respondents. Sample 
size for the privately insurance child model was 10,037 respondents. 
Sample size for the uninsured child model was 1,986. 

The models control for family income level, region of residence, 
highest family education level, whether families were single parent, 
dual parent, or guardian, number of children in the household, child's 
age, and child's health status. We expressed differences in likelihood 
using odds ratios, which convey the odds of an event occurring in one 
group compared to the odds of the event occurring in another group--
the reference or comparison group. The numeric range next to each odds 
ratio is the confidence interval, within which the odds ratio falls. 
When both numbers in this confidence interval are either above or 
below 1, the odds ratio is considered statistically significant. 

[A] Denotes the reference (or comparison) group. 

[End of table] 

Parent Satisfaction with Care: 

In the parent satisfaction analysis, we present the likelihood of a 
parent reporting his or her child's care as satisfactory, using 
composite measures based on prior research that illustrate three 
aspects of satisfaction: family-centeredness, timeliness, and realized 
access. Parent satisfaction is our dependent variable, which is 
analyzed in conjunction with various independent variables, the key 
one being a parent's health insurance status. 

Table 10 lists the percentage of children whose parents reported that 
they had received satisfactory care for the three composite measures, 
by parent health insurance status, before controlling for other 
factors. These results indicate that when compared to children with 
uninsured or publicly insured parents, more privately insured parents 
rated their child's care as satisfactory. 

Table 10: Percentage of Children Whose Parents Reported They Received 
Satisfactory Care, before Controlling for Other Factors: 

Parent's health insurance status: Public; 
Highly family-centered care: 69.2%; 
Timely care: 66.3%; 
Easier realized access to care: 79.5%. 

Parent's health insurance status: Private; 
Highly family-centered care: 75.0%; 
Timely care: 71.6%; 
Easier realized access to care: 88.2%. 

Parent's health insurance status: Uninsured; 
Highly family-centered care: 67.5%; 
Timely care: 64.4%; 
Easier realized access to care: 80.3%. 

Source: GAO analysis of 2005-2007 MEPS data. 

Notes: Chi-square was used to measure statistical significance. 
Results are statistically significant at the .05 level. 

Sample size for the family-centeredness analysis was 17,729. Sample 
size for the timeliness analysis was 16,207. Sample size for the 
realized access analysis was 9,311. 

[End of table] 

Tables 11 through 13 summarize the results of models examining the 
relationship between a parent's insurance status and a parent's 
satisfaction with his or her child's care, defined by three aspects of 
satisfaction: family-centeredness, timeliness, and realized access. 
After controlling for other factors, a parent's health insurance 
status was generally not an indicator of whether a parent reported 
satisfaction with the care a child received. In most cases, parents 
were equally likely to have rated their child's care as satisfactory, 
regardless of their health insurance status. We did, however, identify 
significant associations among four parent/child insurance 
combinations, which in each case represented less than 2 percent of 
the sample. Specifically, an uninsured child was 2.33 and 1.76 times 
more likely to have been rated as receiving timely care if his or her 
parent was either publicly or privately insured, respectively, 
compared to an uninsured child whose parent was uninsured. (See table 
12.) In addition, compared to an uninsured parent, a publicly insured 
parent with a privately insured child was 5.36 times more likely to 
have rated his or her child's care as timely. (See table 12.) Further, 
a publicly insured parent with an uninsured child was 56 percent less 
likely to have rated his or her child's realized access as highly 
satisfactory, compared to an uninsured parent with an uninsured child. 
(See table 13.) 

Table 11: Likelihood That a Parent Reported His or Her Child's Care as 
Highly Family Centered, after Controlling for Other Factors: 

Parent's health insurance status: Uninsured[A]; 
Child's health insurance status: 
Public: 1.00; 
Private: 1.00; 
Uninsured: 1.00. 

Parent's health insurance status: Public; 
Child's health insurance status: 
Public: 0.85 (0.67-1.07); 
Private: 2.62 (0.75-9.11); 
Uninsured: 0.93 (0.48-1.83). 

Parent's health insurance status: Private; 
Child's health insurance status: 
Public: 1.07 (0.78-1.47); 
Private: 1.46 (0.75-2.82); 
Uninsured: 1.00 (0.65-1.53). 

Source: GAO logistic regression of 2005-2007 MEPS data. 

Note: Table represents a summary of results from three models. Sample 
size for the publicly insured child model was 6,600 respondents. 
Sample size for the privately insurance child model was 7,824 
respondents. Sample size for the uninsured child model was 933. 

The models control for family income level, parental employment 
status, highest family education level, whether families were single 
parent, dual parent, or guardian, number of children in the household, 
child's age, region of residence, and child's health status. We 
expressed differences in likelihood using odds ratios, which convey 
the odds of an event occurring in one group compared to the odds of 
the event occurring in another group--the reference or comparison 
group. The numeric range next to each odds ratio is the confidence 
interval, within which the odds ratio falls. When both numbers in this 
confidence interval are either above or below 1, the odds ratio is 
considered statistically significant. 

[A] Denotes the reference (or comparison) group. 

[End of table] 

Table 12: Likelihood That a Parent Reported His or Her Child's Care as 
Timely, after Controlling for Other Factors: 

Parent's health insurance status: Uninsured[A]; 
Child health insurance status: 
Public: 1.00; 
Private: 1.00; 
Uninsured: 1.00. 

Parent's health insurance status: Public; 
Child health insurance status: 
Public: 0.89 (0.70-1.14); 
Private: 5.36 (1.29-22.34) [bolded]; 
Uninsured: 2.33 (1.23-4.42) [bolded]. 

Parent's health insurance status: Private; 
Child health insurance status: 
Public: 1.09 (0.79-1.50); 
Private: 0.88 (0.46-1.71); 
Uninsured: 1.76 (1.08-2.87) [bolded]. 

Source: GAO logistic regression of 2005-2007 MEPS data. 

Notes: Bolded results are statistically significant at the .05 level. 

Table represents a summary of results from three models. Sample size 
for the publicly insured child model was 5,886 respondents. Sample 
size for the privately insurance child model was 7,368 respondents. 
Sample size for the uninsured child model was 810. 

The models control for family income level, parental employment 
status, highest family education level, whether families were single 
parent, dual parent, or guardian, number of children in the household, 
child's age, region of residence, and child's health status. We 
expressed differences in likelihood using odds ratios, which convey 
the odds of an event occurring in one group compared to the odds of 
the event occurring in another group--the reference or comparison 
group. The numeric range next to each odds ratio is the confidence 
interval, within which the odds ratio falls. When both numbers in this 
confidence interval are either above or below 1, the odds ratio is 
considered statistically significant. 

[A] Denotes the reference (or comparison) group. 

[End of table] 

Table 13: Likelihood That a Parent Reported His or Her Child's Care as 
High for Realized Access, after Controlling for Other Factors: 

Parent's health insurance status: Uninsured[A]; 
Child's health insurance status: 
Public: 1.00; 
Private: 1.00; 
Uninsured: 1.00. 

Parent's health insurance status: Public; 
Child's health insurance status: 
Public: 1.01 (0.75-1.35); 
Private: 0.42 (0.50-3.46); 
Uninsured: 0.44 (0.26-0.77) [bolded]. 

Parent's health insurance status: Private; 
Child's health insurance status: 
Public: 1.35 (0.87-2.09); 
Private: 0.71 (0.26-1.92); 
Uninsured: 1.26 (0.78-2.02). 

Source: GAO logistic regression of 2005-2007 MEPS data. 

Notes: Bolded result is statistically significant at the .05 level. 
Table represents a summary of results from three models. Sample size 
for the publicly insured child model was 3,152 respondents. Sample 
size for the privately insurance child model was 4,565 respondents. 
Sample size for the uninsured child model was 411. 

The models control for family income level, parental employment 
status, highest family education level, whether families were single 
parent, dual parent, or guardian, number of children in the household, 
child's age, region of residence, and child's health status. We 
expressed differences in likelihood using odds ratios, which convey 
the odds of an event occurring in one group compared to the odds of 
the event occurring in another group--the reference or comparison 
group. The numeric range next to each odds ratio is the confidence 
interval, within which the odds ratio falls. When both numbers in this 
confidence interval are either above or below 1, the odds ratio is 
considered statistically significant. 

[A] Denotes the reference (or comparison) group. 

[End of table] 

[End of section] 

Appendix III: Literature Review: 

Our literature review included articles published between January 1, 
1998, and August 31, 2010. We conducted a structured search of various 
databases for relevant peer reviewed articles, including PubMed, 
Sociological Abstracts, ProQuest Health and Medical Complete, ABI/ 
INFORM, and MEDLINE. Key terms used to search for articles included 
various combinations of "health," "parent," "child," "coverage," 
"insurance," "enrollment," "utilization," "access," and "quality." The 
bibliographies of articles found to be relevant were examined for 
additional articles. Articles were then coded by their data sources, 
type of analysis, overall findings, and whether they found that 
parental coverage had a statistically significant effect on child 
coverage, use of services, or quality of care. 

From all sources, we identified over 270 articles. We then identified 
articles that were published outside of the United States, reported on 
subject or data outside of the United States, or were unrelated to the 
relationship between parent coverage and children's coverage, use of 
services, or quality of care, and excluded them from our review. After 
excluding these articles, 19 articles remained: 10 examined the 
association between parents' coverage and children's coverage, 6 
examined the association between parents' coverage and children's use 
of services, and 3 examined both of these issues. Our review did not 
find any articles that specifically examined the association between 
parents' coverage and quality of care, or parent satisfaction with the 
care their child received. 

Articles Relating to Coverage: 

Despite methodological differences, all 13 articles we reviewed that 
examined the association between a parent's and a child's insurance 
coverage identified significant associations: 

Bansak, Cynthia, and Christopher McLaren. "Parental Eligibility for 
Public Health Insurance: A Study of the State Children's Health 
Insurance Program and Child Coverage Rates" Applied Economics Letters, 
vol. 16 (2009): 359-363. 

Bansak, Cynthia, and Steven Raphael. "The Effects of State Policy 
Design Features on Take-up and Crowd-out Rates for the State 
Children's Health Insurance Program" Journal of Policy Analysis and 
Management, vol. 26 (2006): 149-175. 

DeVoe, Jennifer E., Lisa Krois, Tina Edlund, Jeanene Smith, and 
Nichole E. Carlson. "Uninsurance Among Children Whose Parents are 
Losing Medicaid Coverage: Results from a Statewide Survey of Oregon 
Families" HSR: Health Services Research, vol. 43 (2008): 401-418. 

DeVoe, Jennifer E., Lisa Krois, Christine Edlund, Jeanene Smith, and 
Nichole E. Carlson. "Uninsured but Eligible Children - Are Their 
Parents Insured? Recent Findings from Oregon" Medical Care, vol. 48 
(2008): 3-8. 

DeVoe, Jennifer E., Carrie J. Tillotson, and Lorraine S. Wallace. 
"Children's Receipt of Health Care Services and Family Health 
Insurance Patterns" Annals of Family Medicine, vol. 7 (2009): 406-413. 

DeVoe, Jennifer E., Carrie Tillotson, and Lorraine S. Wallace. 
"Uninsured Children and Adolescents with Insured Parents" JAMA, vol. 
16 (2008): 1904-1913. 

Dubay, Lisa, and Genevieve Kenney. "Expanding Public Health Insurance 
to Parents: Effects on Children's Coverage under Medicaid" HSR: Health 
Services Research, vol. 38 (2003): 1283-1302. 

Guendelman, Sylvia, and Michelle Pearl. "Children's Ability to Access 
and Use Health Care" Health Affairs, vol. 23 (2004): 235-244. 

Hanson, Karla L., "Is Insurance for Children Enough? The Link Between 
Parents' and Children's Health Care Use Revisited" Inquiry, vol. 35 
(1998): 294-302. 

Kenney, Genevieve, Jamie Rubenstein, Anna Sommers, Stephen Zuckerman, 
and Frederic Blavin. "Medicaid and SCHIP Coverage: Findings from 
California and North Carolina" Health Care Financing Review, vol. 29 
(2007): 71-85. 

Sommers, Benjamin D. "Insuring Children or Insuring Families: Do 
Parental and Sibling Coverage Lead to Improved Retention of Children 
in Medicaid and CHIP?" Journal of Health Economics, vol. 25 (2006): 

Thorpe, Kenneth E., and Curtis S. Florence. "Health Insurance Among 
Children: The Role of Expanded Medicaid Coverage" Inquiry, vol. 35 
(1998): 369-379. 

Wolfe, Barbara, and Scott Scrivner. "The Devil May be in the Details: 
How the Characteristics of SCHIP Programs Affect Take-up" Journal of 
Policy Analysis and Management, vol. 24 (2005): 499-522. 

Articles Relating to Use of Services: 

The 9 articles we identified that examined the association between a 
parent's health insurance status and a child's use of services had 
mixed results. Two articles identified consistent, significant 
associations between a parent's health insurance status and a child's 
use of health care services: 

Davidoff, Amy, Lisa Dubay, Genevieve Kenney, and Alshadye Yemane. "The 
Effect of Parents' Insurance Coverage on Access to Care for Low-income 
Children" Inquiry, vol. 40 (2003): 254-268. 

Gifford, Elizabeth J., Robert Weech-Maldonado, and Pamela Farley 
Short. "Low-income Children's Preventive Services Use: Implications of 
Parents' Medicaid Status" Health Care Financing Review, vol. 26 
(2005): 81-94. 

Two articles identified some significant associations between a 
parent's source of coverage and a child's use of health care services: 

DeVoe, Jennifer E., Carrie J. Tillotson, and Lorraine S. Wallace. 
"Children's Receipt of Health Care Services and Family Health 
Insurance Patterns" Annals of Family Medicine, vol. 7 (2009): 406-413. 

Zimmerman, Frederick J. "Social and Economic Determinants of 
Disparities in Professional Help-seeking for Child Mental Health 
Problems: Evidence from a National Sample" HSR: Health Services 
Research, vol. 40 (2005): 1514-1533. 

Five articles found no significant associations between a parent's 
health insurance status and a child's use of health care services: 

DeVoe, Jennifer E., Alia Baez, Heather Angier, Lisa Krois, Christine 
Edlund, Patricia A. Carney. "Insurance+Access¼Health care: Typology of 
Barriers to Health Care Access for Low-Income Families" Annals of 
Family Medicine, vol. 5 (2007): 511-518. 

Guendelman, Sylvia and Michelle Pearl. "Children's Ability to Access 
and Use Health Care" Health Affairs, vol. 23 (2004): 235-244. 

Guendelman, Sylvia, Megan Wier, Veronica Angulo, and Doug Oman. "The 
Effects of Child-only Insurance Coverage and Family Coverage on Health 
Care Access and Use: Recent Findings among Low-income Children in 
California" HSR: Health Services Research, vol. 41 (2006): 125-147. 

Hanson, Karla L. "Is Insurance for Children Enough? The Link Between 
Parents' and Children's Health Care Use Revisited" Inquiry, vol. 35 
(1998): 294-302. 

Mistry, Rakesh D., Raymond G. Hoffman, Jennifer S. Yauck, and David C. 
Brousseau. "Association between Parental and Childhood Emergency 
Department Utilization" Pediatrics, vol. 115 (2005): e147-e151. 

Articles Relating to Quality of Care: 

We did not identify any articles that specifically addressed the 
association between a parent's health insurance status and any quality 
of care measures, including parent satisfaction with the care his or 
her child received. 

[End of section] 

Appendix IV: GAO Contact and Staff Acknowledgments: 

GAO Contact: 

Carolyn L. Yocom, (202) 512-7114 or 


In addition to the contact named above, Susan T. Anthony, Assistant 
Director; Suzanne Worth, Assistant Director; Eagan Kemp; Drew Long; 
JoAnn Martinez-Shriver; Kevin Milne; Daniel Ries; and Priyanka Sethi 
made key contributions to this report. 

[End of section] 


[1] In addition to parents and children, the over 55 million 
enrollment figure includes all populations covered in both programs, 
including aged and disabled Medicaid enrollees. 

[2] See Pub. L. No. 111-148, 124 Stat. 119. PPACA was signed into law 
on March 23, 2010, and was amended by the Health Care and Education 
Reconciliation Act of 2010, Pub. L. No. 111-152, 124 Stat. 1029. The 
Congressional Budget Office and staff on the Joint Committee on 
Taxation estimate that these pieces of legislation will reduce the 
number of non-elderly people who are uninsured by about 32 million. 
See [hyperlink,] accessed 
November 19, 2010. 

[3] See Pub. L. No. 111-148, § 2001, as modified § 10201; Pub. L. No. 
111-152, §1004 and §1201. However, PPACA does not alter existing 
Medicaid rules regarding coverage for non-citizens. 

[4] In this report, we refer to an American Health Benefit Exchange as 
an "exchange." Through each state's exchange, individuals can compare 
and select insurance coverage from among participating health 
insurance plans. Premium tax credits and cost sharing reductions for 
these plans will be available for eligible individuals or families 
with income from 100 to 400 percent of the FPL. In addition, if a 
state does not elect to operate an exchange, the Secretary of the 
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), either directly or 
through an agreement with a non-profit entity, will establish and 
operate an exchange within that state. See Pub. L. No.111-148, §§1311, 
1321, 1401, 1402, as amended. 

[5] A recent study estimated that of the 7.3 million uninsured 
children in 2008, 4.7 million or 65 percent were eligible for Medicaid 
or CHIP, but were not enrolled. See Kenney, Genevieve, Victoria Lynch, 
Allison Cook, and Samantha Phong. "Who and Where Are the Children Yet 
to Enroll In Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program?" 
Health Affairs, vol. 29 (2010): 1920-1929. Another study estimated 
that of the 43.9 million individuals who were uninsured in the United 
States in 2007, 11.0 million were parents. See Allison Cook, Lisa 
Dubay, Bowen Garrett, "How Will the Uninsured Be Affected by Health 
Reform? Parents, Timely Analysis of Immediate Health Policy Issues" 
Urban Institute (August 2009). 

[6] See Pub. L. No. 111-3, §112. The mandated study refers to both 
parents and caretakers of children; in this report we generally refer 
to both groups as "parents" unless otherwise noted. 

[7] By health insurance status, we mean whether an individual is 
insured or uninsured and if insured, the source through which the 
individual obtains health insurance. We categorized parent and child 
health insurance status in one of three ways: (1) having private 
insurance, which includes employer-sponsored insurance; (2) having 
public insurance, which includes Medicaid and CHIP-funded health 
insurance; or (3) being uninsured. 

[8] MEPS is a set of large-scale surveys of families and individuals, 
their medical providers and their employers across the United States. 
MEPS collects data on the specific health services that Americans use, 
how frequently they use them, their experiences in accessing care, and 
other factors. We examined data from the surveys conducted from 2005 
through 2007, the 3 years for which results were most recently 
available in March 2010 and focused on survey responses that related 
to demographic and health coverage information. Our analysis of MEPS 
data was cross-sectional, and therefore, our results do not imply 

[9] The nine parent/child health insurance combinations we identified 
were: (1) private parent/private child; (2) private parent/public 
child; (3) private parent/uninsured child; (4) public parent/private 
child; (5) public parent/public child; (6) public parent/uninsured 
child; (7) uninsured parent/private child; (8) uninsured parent/public 
child; and (9) uninsured parent/uninsured child. Survey participants 
that reported a change to their health insurance status in a given 
year were not assigned to any of the nine combinations. 

[10] Using MEPS insurance coverage indicators, GAO defined public 
coverage as having CHIP, Medicaid, Medicare, or TRICARE. 

[11] CHIPRA was enacted on February 4, 2009. The eight states are 
Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, 
and Wisconsin. Additional states had obtained approval to cover 
parents using CHIP funds prior to this point, but no longer had 
authority to do so as of the effective date of CHIPRA. 

[12] We collected information on whether the state Medicaid or CHIP 
program offered direct coverage (where the state provides coverage 
through contract or agreements with managed care organizations or 
providers), or premium assistance (where the state pays for a portion 
of premium costs of employer-sponsored or privately purchased 

[13] Aid to Families with Dependent Children eligibility criteria vary 
among states and include both financial and categorical components. 

[14] A state that wants to make significant changes to its Medicaid 
program generally must submit those changes to CMS for review and 
approval in the form of a proposed state plan amendment. States may 
also seek approval to alter their programs through the use of Section 
1115 waivers. Section 1115 of the Social Security Act allows the 
Secretary of HHS to waive certain statutory requirements or approve 
expenditures that would not otherwise be allowable, for demonstrations 
that are likely to assist in promoting program objectives. 

[15] States have the choice of three design approaches for their CHIP 
programs: (1) a Medicaid expansion program, (2) a separate child 
health program with more flexible rules, or (3) a combination program, 
which has both a Medicaid expansion program and a separate child 
health program. 

[16] See Pub. L. No. 111-148, §2001(a), 124 Stat. 119, 271 (2010), as 
amended by Pub. L. No. 111-152. 

[17] See Pub. L. No. 111-148, §1311. 

[18] Exchanges may be state-based government or non-profit entities 
that will have additional responsibilities as well, such as certifying 
plans and identifying individuals eligible for Medicaid, CHIP, and 
premium tax credits and cost sharing reductions. An exchange may not 
be an insurer, but will provide eligible individuals with access to 
insurers' plans in a comparable way. For additional information on 
exchanges, see Congressional Research Service, Private Health 
Insurance Provisions in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act 
(PPACA) Washington, D.C. (Sept. 21, 2010). 

[19] This prohibition applies to children from the date of PPACA's 
enactment until October 1, 2019. In addition, from January 1, 2011, 
through December 31, 2013, the prohibition on changing eligibility for 
adults may have limited applicability if a state certifies to the 
Secretary that it has a budget deficit or projects to have a budget 
deficit in the following year. See. Pub. L. No. 111-148, § 2001(b)(2). 

[20] See 42 U.S.C. §1397kk(b)(1)(B). 

[21] For fiscal years 2012 and 2013, CHIP-funded parent coverage will 
be financed through separate capped allotments that are based on 110 
percent of a state's projected expenditures under its waiver, and 
states will only receive an enhanced federal matching rate if they 
meet certain outreach and enrollment targets for children in CHIP. 

[22] Under PPACA, as amended, states are essentially required to 
maintain at least the same level of CHIP eligibility for children from 
the date of the law's enactment until October 1, 2019. 

[23] Private parent/uninsured child comprised 1.7 percent of the 
sample, and the remaining three insurance combinations each 
represented less than 1 percent of the sample. 

[24] We used multivariate analysis to take into account family income 
level, parental employment status, highest family education level, 
whether families were single or dual parent, number of children in the 
household, child's age, child's health status, and parent's health 
insurance status. 

[25] These results are statistically significant at the .05 level. 

[26] See Cynthia Bansak and Christopher McLaren, "Parental Eligibility 
for Public Health Insurance: A Study of the State Children's Health 
Insurance Program and Child Coverage Rates," Applied Economics 
Letters, vol. 16 (2009): 359-363; and Cynthia Bansak and Steven 
Raphael, "The Effects of State Policy Design Features on Take-up and 
Crowd-out Rates for the State Children's Health Insurance Program," 
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, vol. 26 (2006): 149-175. 

[27] Barbara Wolfe and Scott Scrivner, "The Devil May be in the 
Details: How the Characteristics of SCHIP Programs Affect Take-up," 
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, vol. 24 (2005): 499-522. 

[28] Lisa Dubay and Genevieve Kenney, "Expanding Public Health 
Insurance to Parents: Effects on Children's Coverage under Medicaid," 
HSR: Health Services Research, vol. 38 (2003): 1283-1302. 

[29] Benjamin D. Sommers, "Insuring Children or Insuring Families: Do 
Parental and Sibling Coverage Lead to Improved Retention of Children 
in Medicaid and CHIP?" Journal of Health Economics, vol. 25 (2006): 

[30] Jennifer E. DeVoe, Carrie J. Tillotson and Lorraine S. Wallace, 
"Children's Receipt of Health Care Services and Family Health 
Insurance Patterns," Annals of Family Medicine, vol. 7 (2009): 406-413. 

[31] For the use of services analysis, the three services we explored 
were office-based visits, outpatient hospital visits, and emergency 
room visits. For the parent satisfaction analysis, the three measures 
we explored were family-centeredness, realized access, and timeliness. 
For both analyses, we used multivariate analysis to control for 
relevant factors that can be associated with use of services or parent 
satisfaction with child health care. See appendix I for additional 
information on the methods of analysis we used. 

[32] We did identify significant associations for use of services and 
parent satisfaction of care among various parent/child insurance 
combinations that represented a very small percentage of the sample. 
For example, when compared to an uninsured child with an uninsured 
parent, an uninsured child with a privately insured parent--an 
combination that represented less than 1 percent of the sample--was 
more likely to have an office-based visit and less likely to have an 
emergency room visit. Regarding a parent's satisfaction with his or 
her child's health care, we also identified significant associations 
among four parent/child insurance combinations, which in each case 
represented less than 2 percent of the sample. For the details of 
these exceptions, see appendix II. 

[33] Rakesh D. Mistry, Raymond G. Hoffmann, Jennifer S. Yauck, and 
David C. Brousseau, "Association Between Parental and Childhood 
Emergency Department Utilization," Pediatrics, vol. 115 (2005): e147-

[34] Sylvia Guendelman, Megan Wier, Veronica Angulo, and Doug Oman, 
"The Effects of Child-Only Insurance Coverage and Family Coverage on 
Health Care Access and Use: Recent Findings among Low-Income Children 
in California," Health Services Research, vol. 41 (2006): 125-147. 

[35] Amy Davidoff, Lisa Dubay, Genevieve Kenney, and Alshadye Yemane, 
"The Effect of Parents' Insurance Coverage on Access to Care for Low- 
income Children," Inquiry 40 (2003): 254-268 and Elizabeth J. Gifford, 
Robert Weech-Maldonado, and Pamela Farley Short, "Low-income 
Children's Preventive Services Use: Implications of Parents' Medicaid 
Status," Health Care Financing Review, vol. 26 (2005): 81-94. 

[36] See Pub. L. No. 111-148, §2001(a)(1) as modified by §10201; Pub. 
L. No. 111-152, §1004 and §1201. PPACA, as amended, creates a new 
mandatory Medicaid eligibility category for all non-elderly, non- 
disabled, and non-pregnant individuals, including parents up to 133 
percent of the FPL, which was about $29,000 annual income for a family 
of four in 2010. 

[37] PPACA requires the establishment of exchanges through which 
eligible individuals and families can purchase coverage, with premium 
tax credits and cost sharing reductions available for eligible 
individuals and families between 100 and 400 percent of the FPL. Pub. 
L. No. 111-148 §§ 1311, 1321, 1401, 1402, as amended. 

[38] See Kenney, Genevieve, Victoria Lynch, Allison Cook, and Samantha 
Phong. "Who and Where Are the Children Yet to Enroll In Medicaid and 
the Children's Health Insurance Program?" Health Affairs, vol. 29 
(2010): 1920-1929. 

[39] See Pub. L. No. 111-148, §2201. PPACA requires that, after 
January 1, 2014, states that receive Medicaid funding must establish 
procedures for simplifying enrollment and coordinating with the 
exchanges. For example, states must ensure that individuals who apply 
for Medicaid or CHIP, but are determined ineligible for either 
program, are screened for eligibility for plans offered through the 
exchanges, and if applicable, obtain premium tax credits or cost 
sharing reductions without having to submit an additional application. 

[40] See [hyperlink,
Connecticut received approval in April 2010 and the District of 
Columbia received approval in May 2010. 

[41] See [hyperlink,]. 

[42] See [hyperlink,]. 

[43] See [hyperlink,

[44] MEPS is a set of large-scale surveys of families and individuals, 
their medical providers and their employers across the United States. 
MEPS collects data on the specific health services that Americans use, 
how frequently they use them, their experiences in accessing care, and 
other factors. We examined data from the surveys conducted from 2005 
through 2007, and focused on survey responses that related to 
demographic and health coverage information. 

[45] The nine parent/child insurance combinations we identified were: 
(1) private parent/private child; (2) private parent/public child; (3) 
private parent/uninsured child; (4) public parent/private child; (5) 
public parent/public child; (6) public parent/uninsured child; (7) 
uninsured parent/private child; (8) uninsured parent/public child; and 
(9) uninsured parent/uninsured child. Survey participants that 
reported a change in their health insurance status in a given year 
were not assigned to any of the nine combinations. 

[46] This approach was based on methods used in prior research. See 
David C. Brousseau, Raymond G. Hoffmann, Ann B. Nattinger, Glenn 
Flores, Yinghua Zhang, and Marc Gorelick, "Quality Of Primary Care and 
Subsequent Pediatric Emergency Department Utilization," Pediatrics, 
vol. 119 (2007): 1131-1138. 

[47] Possible answers to these four questions were never, sometimes, 
usually, or always. 

[48] Possible answers to these two questions were never, sometimes, 
usually, or always. 

[49] Possible answers to these two questions were "a big problem," "a 
small problem," or "not a problem." 

[50] Thus, the number of models developed varied, depending on the 
number of dependent variables analyzed. Our analysis of health 
insurance status resulted in three models, while our analysis of the 
use of services and parent satisfaction with care each used nine 

[51] Other studies have used subpopulation analyses to highlight 
differences among categories of key independent variables. For our 
analyses of a child's use of services and parent satisfaction with a 
child's care, our subpopulations were by child's health insurance 
status (public, private, and uninsured). 

[52] To test for goodness of fit, we used the Hosmer and Lemeshow 
goodness of fit statistic. To test for multicollinearity, we assessed 
the correlations of our independent variables to make sure they were 
not too closely related, along with looking closely at the standard 
errors of our models to make sure they were not atypical. We also ran 
interaction terms to test for possible interactions in potentially 
related variables (for example, between child's age and perceived 
health status). We reviewed the results of the interaction terms but 
did not find consistent patterns that indicated a need to run any 
independent variables together as opposed to separately. 

[53] For child health insurance status, urban or rural residence, 
region of residence, and child's race/ethnicity were removed from the 
optimized model. For use of services and parent satisfaction with 
care, child's race/ethnicity, urban or rural residence, child's 
gender, and a measure for co-payments/deductibles for services were 
removed from the optimized models. In addition, for use of services, 
parental employment status was also removed, whereas it was retained 
in the parent satisfaction analysis. 

[54] We used odds ratios rather than percentages because they are more 
appropriate for statistical modeling and multivariate analysis. 

[55] The nine events are: (1) public coverage or not, (2) private 
coverage or not, (3) uninsured or not, (4) use of an office-based 
visit or not, (5) use of an outpatient hospital visit or not, (6) use 
of an emergency room visit or not, (7) child perceived as receiving 
family-centered care or not, (8) child perceived as receiving timely 
care or not, and (9) child perceived as being able to realize access 
to care or not. 

[56] A confidence interval, which is expressed as a numeric range, 
indicates the statistical significance of an odds ratio. Specifically, 
when both numbers in the confidence interval are either above or below 
1, the odds ratio, which falls within the range, is considered 
statistically significant. 

[57] For this report, we analyzed Medical Expenditure Panel Survey 
(MEPS) data from the three most recently available surveys in March 
2010 (2005, 2006, and 2007). Using univariate, bivariate, and 
multivariate logistic regression models, we estimated the likelihood 
that a parent's health insurance status was associated with a child's 
health insurance status, child's use of services, and parental 
satisfaction with his or her child's care. 

[End of section] 

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