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entitled 'Medicare Home Oxygen: Refining Payment Methodology Has 
Potential to Lower Program and Beneficiary Spending' which was 
released on February 14, 2011. 

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United States Government Accountability Office: 

Report to Congressional Requesters: 

January 2011: 

Medicare Home Oxygen: 

Refining Payment Methodology Has Potential to Lower Program and 
Beneficiary Spending: 


GAO Highlights: 

Highlights of GAO-11-56, a report to congressional requesters. 

Why GAO Did This Study: 

Studies have found that Medicare payment rates for home oxygen 
exceeded other payers’ rates. Congress has reduced home oxygen payment 
rates, capped rental payments after 36 months, and directed the 
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), which administers 
Medicare, to use competitive bidding. GAO was asked to examine 
Medicare home oxygen payment policy. GAO describes how Medicare pays 
for home oxygen; the effect on Medicare’s payments of using other 
methodologies and rates; and changes in beneficiary access. GAO 
reviewed federal laws and regulations, industry-reported costs, 
Medicare claims data and payment data from selected private insurers, 
the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and CMS’s competitive bidding 

What GAO Found: 

For beneficiaries who qualify for home oxygen benefits, Medicare pays 
suppliers a monthly rate that covers rental of a stationary, home-
based unit and all related services and supplies; these payments were 
substantially higher than estimated suppliers’ costs. Medicare pays a 
separate rate for rental of a portable unit if one is supplied. 
Medicare combines, or bundles, payment for stationary equipment with 
payment for oxygen refills, which are required only for certain 
equipment types. Thus, when a supplier furnishes oxygen equipment that 
does not require refills, it may still receive payment for them. As of 
January 1, 2006, Medicare capped suppliers’ rental payments for home 
oxygen equipment after 36 months of continuous use by a beneficiary. 
At that point, the supplier may experience diminished payments and 
more coverage requirements. In some cases, suppliers may have to 
subcontract with another supplier if a beneficiary moves out of the 
supplier’s service area. 

The eight private insurers GAO interviewed used payment methodologies 
similar to Medicare’s, but seven did not use a rental cap. If Medicare 
had used the methodologies and payment rates of the lowest-paying 
private insurer, it could have saved about $670 million of the 
estimated $2.15 billion it spent on home oxygen in 2009. Using the VA’
s payment methodology, savings could have been approximately $410 
million to $810 million. Basing Medicare’s national rates on data from 
CMS’s competitive bidding program 2011 rates could have saved $700 
million. Since beneficiaries pay 20 percent of the payment, lower 
rates could have reduced beneficiary spending. 

Utilization trends show overall beneficiary access to home oxygen has 
not diminished, despite reductions in payment rates and in the number 
of suppliers from 2001 through 2008. In that period, the proportion of 
Medicare Part B beneficiaries using home oxygen rose from less than 3 
percent to almost 5 percent. But the relative mix of equipment changed—
use of more service-intensive portable equipment decreased and use of 
only stationary oxygen concentrators increased. Medicare’s rental 
payment for stationary concentrators, which includes payment for 
portable oxygen refills although they are not provided to about one-
third of home oxygen beneficiaries, may discourage provision of 
portable equipment. The equipment might not always be accessible to 
beneficiaries who would benefit from using it as well as a stationary 
concentrator. Although the majority of home oxygen suppliers GAO spoke 
with said they were reluctant to or would not accept new beneficiaries 
who were approaching the 36-month cap, according to CMS, the agency 
has ensured that all beneficiaries who relocated found suppliers. 
Further, CMS stated that if in the future access to home oxygen 
becomes a problem after a beneficiary relocates; it may consider 
requiring the supplier that provides home oxygen for month 18 or later 
to provide oxygen for the remainder of the rental period or make 
arrangements with another supplier to do so. 

What GAO Recommends: 

Congress should consider reducing home oxygen payment rates. GAO 
recommends that CMS remove payment for portable oxygen refills from 
the payment for stationary equipment. 

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) commented that 
payments for home oxygen are “excessive,” but disagreed with the 
recommendation because HHS believed it would not yield immediate 
savings. GAO’s recommendation was not intended to generate savings but 
to help ensure beneficiary access to oxygen. 

View [hyperlink,] or key 
components. For more information, contact James C. Cosgrove at (202) 
512-7114 or 

[End of section] 



Scope and Methodology: 


Medicare's Payment for Home Oxygen Overcompensates Suppliers for Most 
Frequently Used Equipment Type: 

Using Other Payment Methodologies and Rates Could Lower Medicare Home 
Oxygen Spending: 

Utilization Trends Indicate That Overall Access to Medicare Home 
Oxygen Has Not Diminished, but Some Beneficiaries May Face Access 


Matter for Congressional Consideration: 

Recommendation for Executive Action: 

Agency and Industry Comments and Our Evaluation: 

Appendix I: Methodology: 

Appendix II: Adjustments to Data in Industry-Funded Report: 

Appendix III: Comments from the Department of Health and Human 

Appendix IV: GAO Contact and Staff Acknowledgments: 


Table 1: Home Oxygen Equipment Covered by Medicare, and Percentage of 
Beneficiaries Using Each Type of Equipment: 


Figure 1: Medicare Payment for Home Oxygen Equipment and Services 
before and after the 36-Month Rental Cap, 2009: 

Figure 2: Estimated Suppliers' Monthly Costs per Beneficiary for 
Equipment and Covered Services, and Medicare's Average Monthly Payment 
for Selected Combinations of Home Oxygen Equipment, 2009: 

Figure 3: Estimated 2009 Medicare Expenditures If Other Payment 
Methodologies Were Applied Nationwide: 

Figure 4: Percentage of Medicare Part B Beneficiaries Using Home 
Oxygen, 2001 through 2008: 

Figure 5: Percentage of Medicare Home Oxygen Beneficiaries Using 
Stationary Equipment Only and Portable Equipment: 


AAHomecare: American Association for Homecare: 

BBA: Balanced Budget Act of 1997: 

BLS: Bureau of Labor Statistics: 

CMS: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services: 

COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: 

CPI-U: Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers: 

CQRC: Council for Quality Respiratory Care: 

DME: durable medical equipment: 

DRA: Deficit Reduction Act of 2005: 

GPO: group purchasing organization: 

HCFA: Health Care Financing Administration: 

HCPCS: Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System: 

HHS: Department of Health and Human Services: 

IRS: Internal Revenue Service: 

MIPPA: Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008: 

MMA: Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 

NAIMES: National Association of Independent Medical Equipment 

OGPE: oxygen-generating portable equipment: 

OIG: Office of Inspector General: 

VA: Department of Veterans Affairs: 

[End of section] 

United States Government Accountability Office: 
Washington, DC 20548: 

January 21, 2011: 

Congressional Requesters: 

Questions about the appropriateness of Medicare payment rates for home 
oxygen date back for more than a decade.[Footnote 1] In 1997 we 
reported that Medicare home oxygen payment rates were significantly 
higher than another federal payer's rates.[Footnote 2] The Department 
of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Inspector General (OIG) 
echoed this message in 2005, and in 2006 it also reported that 
Medicare significantly overpaid for the cost of the most commonly 
supplied type of home oxygen equipment.[Footnote 3] For beneficiaries 
who qualify for home oxygen, Medicare pays suppliers a monthly rate 
that covers rental of a stationary, home-based unit and all related 
services and supplies, such as delivery of oxygen content refills and 
maintenance of equipment.[Footnote 4] Medicare also pays a separate 
rate for rental of a portable unit if one is supplied to the 
beneficiary. We estimated that Medicare expenditures for home oxygen 
totaled $2.15 billion in 2009.[Footnote 5] 

Payment rates that are too high not only affect federal government 
spending but also increase costs for beneficiaries, who are 
responsible for 20 percent of the payment.[Footnote 6] Congress has 
reduced or limited payment rates for home oxygen several times since 
1998 and in 2006 instituted a cap that eliminates rental payments to 
suppliers after 36 months of a beneficiary's continuous use of 
equipment for the duration of its reasonable useful lifetime. In 
addition, Congress directed the Secretary of Health and Human Services 
to begin implementing a competitive bidding program for suppliers of 
certain durable medical equipment (DME), including home oxygen. 

Industry groups claim that the OIG's 2006 analysis of the cost to 
supply home oxygen did not sufficiently account for the level of 
services suppliers deliver to beneficiaries. In addition, industry 
groups have raised objections to the 36-month rental cap because it 
both reduces suppliers' payments and requires them to provide services 
for as long as 24 months after the cap, even when a beneficiary 
relocates outside a supplier's service area.[Footnote 7] These groups 
have also urged Congress to repeal requirements for competitive 
bidding, contending that it would force some suppliers out of 
business.[Footnote 8] 

You asked us to examine how Medicare pays for home oxygen and make 
recommendations for improving home oxygen payment policies. In this 
report, we (1) describe Medicare's payment methodology and rates for 
home oxygen and compare payments with estimated suppliers' costs, (2) 
compare Medicare's payment methodology and rates with those of other 
payers and examine how Medicare's use of other payers' methodologies 
and rates could affect its overall home oxygen spending, and (3) 
examine changes in Medicare beneficiaries' access to home oxygen. 

Scope and Methodology: 

To obtain contextual information about the home oxygen industry, we 
interviewed representatives from two industry associations 
representing suppliers; one association for respiratory care 
therapists; and an official from the HHS OIG. We also interviewed 
samples of private insurers and home oxygen suppliers of varying sizes 
about payment rates and operating practices, respectively; these were 
not statistically representative samples and information cannot be 
generalized to all insurers or suppliers. 

To describe Medicare's payment methodology and rates for home oxygen, 
we reviewed relevant federal statutes, regulations, and guidance and 
discussed certain payment policies with Centers for Medicare & 
Medicaid Services (CMS) officials. To estimate suppliers' costs to 
provide home oxygen to Medicare beneficiaries--which generally include 
equipment acquisition; provision of required services such as 
equipment delivery and maintenance; and overhead--we obtained 
information from home oxygen equipment manufacturers, the Department 
of Veterans Affairs (VA), a group purchasing organization (GPO) in the 
DME industry, a 2006 HHS OIG report,[Footnote 9] and a 2006 industry-
funded report by Morrison Informatics, Inc.[Footnote 10] The Morrison 
report stated that its cost data came from a survey of 74 home oxygen 
suppliers representing over 600,000 Medicare beneficiaries. We 
adjusted suppliers' equipment acquisition costs from the Morrison 
report for certain equipment types on the basis of more current prices 
we obtained from manufacturers, the VA, and a GPO. Where we adjusted 
suppliers' equipment acquisition costs, we used a range to reflect 
differences in manufacturers' prices and varying levels of volume 
discounts offered to suppliers. Because we could not measure directly 
the cost to suppliers for services and overhead, we generally relied 
on the self-reported data in the Morrison report for these costs. 
[Footnote 11] We compared certain service costs from the Morrison 
report with information we collected during our review, such as 
manufacturers' recommended service intervals for home oxygen 
equipment, and adjusted the associated cost data when information was 
sufficient to warrant a change. We excluded costs associated with 
respiratory therapists' services as these costs are not covered under 
Medicare's DME benefit.[Footnote 12] These adjusted costs generally 
represent average costs as reported by suppliers and may overstate 
costs, particularly for the most efficient suppliers. We used a 
conservative approach to adjust cost data, making adjustments only in 
cases where we were able to collect sufficient information to justify 
an adjustment. For instance, in several cases we noted assumptions 
from the Morrison report that appeared to inappropriately increase 
suppliers' costs, but we were unable to collect sufficient information 
to justify an adjustment. We also adjusted Morrison report cost data 
subject to inflation, such as monthly overhead costs, to present them 
in 2009 dollars, despite the fact that suppliers may have become more 
efficient since 2006. Although we could not independently verify all 
components of reported costs, we determined these adjusted data were 
sufficiently reliable for our purposes.[Footnote 13] To calculate 
suppliers' overall average cost for each beneficiary, we weighted the 
adjusted costs for equipment and covered services by the proportion of 
beneficiaries who used each type of equipment in 2008: portable, 
stationary, and new portable equipment that does not require delivery 
of oxygen refills. Together, select combinations of these equipment 
types were used by approximately 94 percent of home oxygen 
beneficiaries.[Footnote 14] 

To compare home oxygen payment methodology and rates for Medicare with 
those of other payers, we collected information for private insurers, 
the VA, and the round 1 rebid of Medicare's competitive bidding 
program. We applied the methodologies and rates of these payers to 
estimated 2009 Medicare home oxygen utilization to estimate what 
Medicare might have spent using the methods and rates of these other 
payers. We judgmentally selected eight private insurers. To do so, we 
contacted six of the eight largest private health insurance plans as 
identified by the Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business & 
Government;[Footnote 15] four of the six were willing to share 
information about their home oxygen payment methodologies and rates. 
To ensure that our analysis was not limited to large national plans, 
we sought information from six regional insurers. We obtained 
information from four of the six regional insurers. We then applied 
all eight insurers' payment rates to estimated Medicare 2009 
utilization to estimate what Medicare expenditures would have been 
using the private insurers' methodologies and rates.[Footnote 16] To 
estimate 2009 Medicare home oxygen utilization, we first used 
available Medicare home oxygen claims for 2009, which we used to 
estimate total expenditures for the entire year. To account for the 
share of utilization associated with beneficiaries who were subject to 
the rental cap, for whom suppliers could not bill for equipment 
rental, we estimated the percentage of months that Medicare 
beneficiaries would be subject to the cap.[Footnote 17] 

We obtained information from the VA on its payment methodology and 
2009 rates; we applied the estimate of Medicare utilization for 2009 
to estimate what Medicare would have paid if it had used VA average 
payment amounts. A previous GAO comparison of Medicare and VA payment 
rates found that suppliers' administrative costs for billing Medicare 
were higher than those for billing the VA and that the more 
predictable volume of patients associated with the VA's contracts--
which frequently give winning bidders the right to be the sole 
supplier for home oxygen beneficiaries in a given region or for a 
medical center--enabled suppliers to take advantage of economies of 
scale in the provision of home oxygen.[Footnote 18] That report 
concluded that a 30 percent adjustment reflected the higher costs for 
suppliers of Medicare home oxygen beneficiaries, and for our current 
work we used this adjustment for the estimate of Medicare 
expenditures, adjusting VA rates upward by 30 percent.[Footnote 19] We 
then applied these adjusted VA payment rates to our estimate of 
Medicare's 2009 utilization to estimate what Medicare expenditures 
would have been if it had used the VA's rates, both with and without 
the 30 percent upward adjustment. We also estimated what Medicare 
would have spent for home oxygen services using the round 1 rebid 
payment rates from its competitive bidding program. 

To examine changes in Medicare beneficiaries' access to home oxygen, 
we used the change in share of Medicare Part B beneficiaries using 
home oxygen from 2001 through 2008 as a proxy for access; however, we 
did not examine the appropriateness of home oxygen for the patients 
who received it.[Footnote 20] We also examined the number of home 
oxygen suppliers to determine whether the number of suppliers changed 
over the period and also examined trends in the types of home oxygen 
equipment used by beneficiaries each year for 2001 through 2008. To 
assess the magnitude of the potential access problems faced by 
beneficiaries who move outside their supplier's service area in the 
months leading up to the 36-month rental cap, we examined the claims 
history for beneficiaries who began using oxygen in 2003. On the basis 
of our analysis of these data, we estimated the portion of home oxygen 
beneficiaries who move more than 30 miles after 24 months of 
continuous home oxygen use by measuring the distance from the center 
of their old and new zip codes. 

We ensured the reliability of the Medicare claims data used in this 
report by performing appropriate electronic data checks and by 
interviewing agency officials and Medicare contractors who were 
knowledgeable about the data. We found the claims data were 
sufficiently reliable for the purpose of our analyses. Appendix I 
contains a more complete description of our methodology and assessment 
of data reliability. 

We conducted this performance audit from July 2009 through January 
2011 in accordance with generally accepted government auditing 
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit 
to obtain sufficient, appropriate evidence to provide a reasonable 
basis for our findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives. 
We believe that the evidence obtained provides a reasonable basis for 
our findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives. 


Supplemental oxygen helps many individuals who have difficulty 
breathing as a result of conditions such as chronic obstructive 
pulmonary disease (COPD).[Footnote 21] Medicare covers equipment and 
supplies necessary to provide supplemental oxygen if the beneficiary 
meets all of the eligibility criteria. The beneficiary must have (1) 
an appropriate diagnosis, such as COPD; (2) clinical tests documenting 
reduced levels of oxygen in the blood; and (3) a certificate of 
medical necessity, signed by a physician, prescribing the volume of 
supplemental oxygen required in liters per minute and documenting 
whether the patient should receive a portable unit in addition to a 
home-based stationary unit. 

Home Oxygen Payment Legislation: 

Before 1989, Medicare paid for home oxygen using the customary, 
prevailing, and reasonable charge methodology that governed DME 
reimbursement at the time. A 1987 OIG report suggested this 
methodology may not accurately reflect the acquisition costs of oxygen 
equipment and thus may overpay suppliers.[Footnote 22] In 1989, the 
Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA)--later renamed CMS--
implemented a fee schedule for home oxygen based on the average 
payment that Medicare made in each state in 1986. 

After additional concerns were raised about Medicare home oxygen 
payment rates, Congress took action several times beginning in 1997 to 
reduce or limit these rates. 

* The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (BBA) reduced home oxygen rental 
payment rates by approximately 30 percent and eliminated annual 
payment rate updates through 2002.[Footnote 23] The BBA also required 
CMS to test competitive bidding for selected DME, including home 
oxygen equipment, through demonstration projects.[Footnote 24] The 
demonstrations were conducted from 1999 to 2002 and showed that 
competitive bidding would save Medicare money. 

* The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act 
of 2003 (MMA) based home oxygen payment rates on the median rate paid 
by private insurers participating in the Federal Employees Health 
Benefits Program, effectively reducing payments by 8 to 9 percent 
depending on the type of oxygen equipment. The MMA froze payment rates 
(from 2004 through 2008) and authorized competitive bidding for 
certain DME, including home oxygen equipment. The MMA also required 
that CMS establish and implement quality standards for DME 
suppliers.[Footnote 25] CMS was required to phase in the competitive 
bidding program in 2007 in 10 bidding areas.[Footnote 26] The program 
would be expanded in future rounds. Round 1 of the competitive bidding 
program began in May 2007.[Footnote 27] 

* Effective January 1, 2006, the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (DRA) 
limited rental payments to suppliers of home oxygen equipment to a 
period of 36 months of continuous use, after which ownership would be 
transferred to the beneficiary.[Footnote 28] 

* The Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008 
(MIPPA) repealed the transfer of ownership to beneficiaries but 
continued the 36-month rental cap.[Footnote 29] Under MIPPA, after the 
cap takes effect the supplier must continue to furnish home oxygen 
equipment during any period of medical need for the remainder of the 
reasonable useful lifetime of the equipment.[Footnote 30] Therefore, 
for up to 24 months after the rental cap, suppliers must continue to 
provide home oxygen equipment and services and to ensure equipment is 
in good working order, but they do not receive additional rental 
payments.[Footnote 31] Effective June 30, 2008, MIPPA delayed the 
competitive bidding program, terminated the contracts awarded by CMS 
to suppliers in round 1, and required CMS to repeat the competition in 
2009--referred to as the competitive bidding program round 1 rebid. 
[Footnote 32] Beginning January 1, 2009, MIPPA also required a 9.5 
percent cut in payment to home oxygen suppliers nationwide to offset 
the cost of delaying competitive bidding.[Footnote 33] 

Home Oxygen Equipment and Services: 

Patients can obtain supplemental oxygen through three methods, or 
modalities: (1) oxygen concentrators, which are electrically powered 
machines that extract oxygen from the air; (2) liquid oxygen systems, 
which store oxygen in large reservoirs at a very low temperature; and 
(3) compressed gaseous systems, which administer compressed oxygen 
directly from cylinders. If the modality is not specified by the 
physician, the supplier may choose the modality used to provide oxygen 
to the beneficiary. Each modality can provide oxygen with stationary 
equipment or portable equipment. Liquid oxygen and compressed gaseous 
systems (both stationary and portable) require ongoing delivery of 
oxygen refills by suppliers. 

Approximately 99 percent of all home oxygen beneficiaries have 
stationary units, and approximately two-thirds of beneficiaries have 
portable units as well. Over 90 percent of home oxygen beneficiaries 
use oxygen concentrators. However, liquid oxygen systems may be more 
appropriate for patients requiring a high-liter flow. Oxygen-
generating portable equipment (OGPE) is a new, alternative portable 
oxygen technology that consists of portable oxygen concentrators and 
transfilling equipment.[Footnote 34] Unlike traditional portable 
equipment, OGPE does not require ongoing delivery of oxygen 
refills.[Footnote 35] Effective January 1, 2007, CMS established a 
separate payment class for OGPE. (See table 1.) 

Table 1: Home Oxygen Equipment Covered by Medicare, and Percentage of 
Beneficiaries Using Each Type of Equipment: 

Equipment: Stationary; 
Modality: Equipment: Oxygen concentrator; 
Percentage of Medicare home oxygen beneficiaries, 2008[A]: 94%; 
Requires ongoing delivery of oxygen refills: No. 

Equipment: Stationary; 
Modality: Equipment: Liquid system; 
Percentage of Medicare home oxygen beneficiaries, 2008[A]: 4%; 
Requires ongoing delivery of oxygen refills: Yes. 

Equipment: Stationary; 
Modality: Gaseous system; 
Percentage of Medicare home oxygen beneficiaries, 2008[A]: less than 
Requires ongoing delivery of oxygen refills: Yes. 

Equipment: Portable, traditional; 
Modality: Liquid system; 
Percentage of Medicare home oxygen beneficiaries, 2008[A]: 7%; 
Requires ongoing delivery of oxygen refills: Yes. 

Equipment: Portable, traditional; 
Modality: Gaseous system; 
Percentage of Medicare home oxygen beneficiaries, 2008[A]: 56%; 
Requires ongoing delivery of oxygen refills: Yes. 

Equipment: Portable, OGPE; 
Modality: Portable oxygen concentrator; 
Percentage of Medicare home oxygen beneficiaries, 2008[A]: 1%; 
Requires ongoing delivery of oxygen refills: No. 

Equipment: Portable, OGPE; 
Modality: Transfilling equipment[B]; 
Percentage of Medicare home oxygen beneficiaries, 2008[A]: 4%; 
Requires ongoing delivery of oxygen refills: No. 

Source: GAO analysis of 2008 Medicare claims data and payment policies 
for home oxygen equipment. 

[A] We used 2008 utilization data because complete Medicare claims 
from 2009 were not available at the time of our review. The total does 
not add to 100 percent because many beneficiaries use both stationary 
and portable oxygen equipment. 

[B] Transfilling equipment is not technically a modality. It is a 
feature of a stationary oxygen concentrator that allows beneficiaries 
to fill their own portable gaseous cylinders in the home. This feature 
may be integrated into the stationary concentrator or it may be a 
separate component. 

[End of table] 

The size and type of businesses that supply home oxygen to Medicare 
beneficiaries vary. Suppliers range from small entities, with one or 
two employees, to large publicly traded corporations and may 
specialize in home oxygen and other respiratory services or supply 
other types of medical equipment, such as wheelchairs, walkers, and 
hospital beds. 

Medicare's Payment for Home Oxygen Overcompensates Suppliers for Most 
Frequently Used Equipment Type: 

Medicare's payment for home oxygen overcompensates suppliers for 
providing stationary oxygen concentrators--the most frequently used 
equipment type. Available data indicated that Medicare's payments for 
stationary concentrators were high relative to the estimated cost of 
this equipment and the minimal servicing it requires. Medicare's 
overall payments for home oxygen also exceeded estimated suppliers' 
costs, largely as a result of payment rates for stationary 

Medicare Bundles Payment for Refills with Rental Payment for 
Stationary Equipment and Caps Payment for Equipment after 36 Months: 

For beneficiaries who qualify for home oxygen, Medicare pays suppliers 
a monthly rate that covers rental of a stationary, home-based unit and 
all related services and supplies. Medicare also pays a separate rate 
for rental of a portable unit if one is supplied to the beneficiary. 
In 2009, Medicare's monthly payment rate to suppliers was $176 for 
stationary equipment. The payment rate for stationary equipment is 
combined, or bundled, to cover use of the equipment, supplies such as 
tubing, and services such as equipment delivery, setup, periodic 
maintenance, and patient education. This rate also covers oxygen 
refills for both stationary and portable equipment, although 
stationary concentrators--the most frequently used type of stationary 
equipment--do not require refills and approximately one-third of home 
oxygen beneficiaries do not use portable equipment. Medicare makes an 
additional monthly rental payment (referred to as an add-on payment) 
to suppliers that furnish medically necessary portable oxygen; this 
payment covers the cost of equipment only. In 2009, Medicare's add-on 
rate was $29 for traditional portable equipment and $52 for OGPE. 
[Footnote 36] 

Medicare began capping rental payments for home oxygen equipment after 
36 months of continuous use by a beneficiary as of January 1, 2009. 
[Footnote 37] For months 37 through 60 of continuous home oxygen use, 
suppliers are required to continue to furnish, maintain, and service 
oxygen and oxygen equipment, but they do not receive additional rental 
payments for equipment.[Footnote 38] For the 24 months after the cap 
is reached, Medicare pays suppliers separately for two services: (1) a 
routine maintenance payment of $30, on average, every 6 months for 
stationary oxygen concentrators and OPGE;[Footnote 39] and (2) a 
monthly payment of $77 for equipment requiring delivery of oxygen 
refills, namely liquid and gaseous equipment.[Footnote 40] Thus, for 
the beneficiaries who reached the 36-month rental cap in 2009, monthly 
payments to suppliers decreased from $176 for stationary concentrators 
and $52 for OGPE (neither of which needs oxygen refills) to 
approximately $5 for each, on average. Payments for traditional 
portable equipment (which requires refills) made in months 37 through 
60 increased from $29 to $77. (See figure 1.) Suppliers are required 
to continue providing home oxygen after the beneficiary has used 
oxygen rental equipment continuously for 36 months, even if the 
beneficiary relocates outside the supplier's service area. This may 
require suppliers to subcontract with another supplier in the 
beneficiary's new location. Small or regional suppliers may have more 
difficulty entering into such arrangements as they may lack the 
expertise or resources. However, if a beneficiary relocates prior to 
reaching the 36-month rental cap, it is the beneficiary's 
responsibility to find another supplier. 

Figure 1: Medicare Payment for Home Oxygen Equipment and Services 
before and after the 36-Month Rental Cap, 2009: 

[Refer to PDF for image: illustrated bar graph] 

Stationary equipment: 

Stationary oxygen concentrator (Maintenance): 
60-month reasonable useful lifetime of equipment: 
36-month rental period: $176; 
Rental cap in effect: $5[A]. 

Liquid system and gaseous system (Oxygen contents): 
60-month reasonable useful lifetime of equipment: 
36-month rental period: $176; 
Rental cap in effect: $77[B]. 

Portable equipment – traditional: 

Liquid system and gaseous system (Oxygen contents): 
60-month reasonable useful lifetime of equipment: 
36-month rental period: $29; 
Rental cap in effect: $77[B]. 

Portable equipment – OGPE: 

Portable oxygen concentrator and transfilling equipment[C] 
60-month reasonable useful lifetime of equipment: 
36-month rental period: $52; 
Rental cap in effect: $5[A]. 

Maintenance: Medicare continues to pay for maintenance when the rental 
cap is in effect. 

Oxygen contents: Medicare continues to pay for oxygen contents when 
the rental cap is in effect. 

Source: GAO analysis of CMS data. 

[A] The average monthly payment for maintenance after the 36-month 
rental cap was calculated by dividing the average maintenance payment 
in 2009 ($30) by 6, since Medicare allows payment for maintenance only 
once every 6 months after the rental cap. 

[B] Suppliers are responsible for providing all oxygen refills the 
patient needs in 1 month, so, if necessary, the supplier must make 
multiple deliveries in 1 month to provide oxygen, but can only bill 
monthly. A maximum of 3 months of oxygen refills can be delivered at 
one time; however, suppliers should have proof for each actual 
delivery of refills. In all cases, separate payment for oxygen refills 
(stationary and portable) ends in the event that a beneficiary 
receives replacement stationary oxygen equipment, and a new 36-month 
stationary oxygen equipment payment period begins. 

[C] Transfilling equipment describes a feature of a stationary oxygen 
concentrator that allows beneficiaries to fill their own portable 
gaseous cylinders in the home. This feature may be integrated into the 
stationary concentrator or it may be a separate component. 

[End of figure] 

Because Medicare's home oxygen payment cycle and application of the 
rental cap are determined by the length of time a single beneficiary 
uses a piece of equipment rather than by the equipment's chronological 
age, if one beneficiary uses a stationary concentrator for 36 months 
and then no longer needs home oxygen, the supplier can transfer the 
equipment to another beneficiary, and Medicare's count of months for 
the equipment's reasonable useful life restarts. Based on our analysis 
of historical claims, less than 25 percent of beneficiaries reach the 
36-month rental cap.[Footnote 41] Thus, in the majority of cases, home 
oxygen equipment is returned to suppliers before the end of the 36- 
month rental period, enabling suppliers to furnish the equipment to 
other beneficiaries and restart the payment cycle.[Footnote 42] After 
60 months of home oxygen use, if the supplier exchanges the equipment, 
a new 36-month rental period begins. 

Medicare's Payment Rates Are Not Aligned with the Costs of Providing 
Most Frequently Used Types of Equipment: 

Based on analysis of available data, Medicare's payment rates for the 
most frequently used types of home oxygen equipment--namely, 
stationary oxygen concentrators and traditional portable equipment--
are not aligned with the distinct costs of providing each type of 
equipment. We found that Medicare's rates for stationary concentrators 
substantially exceeded estimated suppliers' costs, while the add-on 
rate for traditional portable equipment, in isolation, was below 
estimated costs. Similarly, Medicare's add-on rate for OGPE, a less 
frequently used type of portable equipment, was generally low compared 
to estimated suppliers' costs. Although Medicare's add-on rates were 
not designed to cover the entire cost of providing portable equipment, 
we compared costs and these rates in isolation for illustration 
purposes. Cost estimates for these equipment types were based on 
adjusted data from a 2006 industry-funded report. (Appendix II 
describes this analysis.)[Footnote 43] 

It is difficult to estimate with certainty the costs of providing home 
oxygen since these costs may vary depending on suppliers' size and the 
range of services provided. According to one major manufacturer, 
suppliers that purchase large quantities of equipment receive 
discounts of up to 40 percent off the price offered to companies 
making smaller purchases. Some suppliers may also provide more 
services than Medicare covers, in part as a means of competing for 
home oxygen beneficiaries, which in turn increases their costs. 
[Footnote 44] For example, Medicare does not pay for respiratory care 
therapist services under its DME benefit.[Footnote 45] However, one 
large supplier reported using a service-focused business model, 
providing periodic clinical assessments by respiratory care 
therapists,[Footnote 46] while a small supplier we contacted did not 
provide such additional services. 

Following are Medicare's payment rates for three equipment types, 
compared with the range of estimated suppliers' costs. These estimates 
were generally based on average costs as reported by suppliers in an 
industry-funded report and may overstate costs, particularly for the 
most efficient suppliers. We used a conservative approach to adjust 
cost data, making adjustments only in cases where we were able to 
collect information precise enough to justify a specific adjustment. 

Costs Associated with Stationary Oxygen Concentrators. Medicare's 
average monthly payment of $159 for providing a stationary oxygen 
concentrator--the most frequently used type of equipment--was 
substantially higher than estimated monthly suppliers' costs of $99 to 
$108.[Footnote 47] This adjusted cost estimate covers equipment 
acquisition (stationary oxygen concentrator and backup unit);[Footnote 
48] provision of covered services such as equipment delivery, patient 
education, scheduled and unscheduled maintenance; and overhead costs. 
[Footnote 49] Based on interviews with major manufacturers of home 
oxygen equipment, recommended service intervals for scheduled 
maintenance of stationary concentrators range from once every 6 months 
to once every 3 years or between patients, depending on the model. 
[Footnote 50] 

Costs Associated with Traditional Portable Equipment. On the basis of 
industry-supplied data, we estimated that suppliers incur an 
additional $42 to $83 per month to provide traditional portable 
equipment in conjunction with a stationary concentrator. In 2009, 
Medicare's average monthly payment for traditional portable equipment 
was approximately $33.[Footnote 51] The adjusted estimate covers the 
acquisition cost of portable equipment as well as the additional cost 
of delivering oxygen refills, including technician salaries, 
transportation costs, and the cost of the oxygen.[Footnote 52] The 
cost of providing traditional portable equipment in part depends on 
how often a supplier delivers oxygen refills. Suppliers can reduce 
these costs by providing more refills each visit, which reduces the 
number of deliveries that are necessary.[Footnote 53] 

Costs Associated with OGPE. On the basis of industry-supplied data, we 
estimated that suppliers incur an additional $45 to $67 per month to 
provide OGPE in conjunction with a stationary concentrator.[Footnote 
54] In 2009, Medicare's average monthly payment for OGPE was 
approximately $47. Although OGPE is significantly more expensive than 
traditional portable equipment, one major manufacturer reported that 
the increased costs could be offset in as few as 9 to 10 months due to 
decreased servicing costs, since OGPE does not require delivery of 
oxygen refills. While the share of beneficiaries using OGPE is 
growing, the majority continue to use traditional portable equipment. 
In 2008, approximately 5 percent of home oxygen beneficiaries used 
OGPE in addition to their stationary concentrators. Home oxygen 
suppliers we interviewed told us that they do not provide OGPE or 
provide it on a limited basis because of the cost; Medicare's payment 
rates; home oxygen patients' reports that they are comfortable with 
their current equipment; and suppliers' preference for traditional 
portable equipment because ongoing deliveries support a service-based 
business model. On the basis of our cost estimates, OGPE--which does 
not require oxygen refills--could be a cost-effective alternative to 
traditional portable equipment for suppliers that make frequent 
deliveries to provide oxygen refills for liquid or gaseous systems. 

Overall Medicare Payments for Home Oxygen Exceeded Estimated 
Suppliers' Costs: 

On the basis of industry-supplied data, we estimated that suppliers' 
average monthly costs to provide home oxygen equipment and covered 
services in 2009 ranged from $126 to $161 per beneficiary.[Footnote 
55] Medicare's average monthly payment per beneficiary in 2009 was 
approximately $181--up to 44 percent higher than suppliers' overall 
costs.[Footnote 56] Although some of the misalignment between 
Medicare's payment and estimated suppliers' costs for individual 
equipment types was corrected when comparing costs and payments for 
combinations of home oxygen equipment used by beneficiaries--such as a 
stationary concentrator with traditional portable equipment-- 
Medicare's overall average payments remained high compared to 
suppliers' overall costs. This largely results from Medicare's payment 
rates for stationary concentrators. In 2008, nearly one-third of home 
oxygen beneficiaries used only stationary concentrators without an 
accompanying portable unit (see figure 2). For these beneficiaries, 
suppliers received a bundled payment that included an amount for 
oxygen refills, even though suppliers did not provide refills. 
Bundling payment for refills with payment for stationary concentrators 
also burdens the home oxygen beneficiaries who use only stationary 
concentrators, as they pay 20 percent coinsurance on the bundled rate. 
For instance, beneficiaries who use only a stationary concentrator for 
36 months will pay over $1,200 in coinsurance, based on Medicare's 
2009 payment rate. If Medicare reduced payment for stationary 
concentrators to $110 per month, these beneficiaries would pay nearly 
$500 less in coinsurance over the 36-month period. 

Figure 2: Estimated Suppliers' Monthly Costs per Beneficiary for 
Equipment and Covered Services, and Medicare's Average Monthly Payment 
for Selected Combinations of Home Oxygen Equipment, 2009: 

[Refer to PDF for image: vertical bar graph] 

Stationary concentrator only (33 percent)[A]: 
Adjusted cost estimate range: $99-$108; 
Average Medicare payment[C]: $159. 

Stationary concentrator with traditional portable equipment (57 
Adjusted cost estimate range: $141-$191; 
Average Medicare payment[C]: $192. 

Stationary concentrator with OGPE (5 percent)[A]: 
Adjusted cost estimate range: $144-$176; 
Average Medicare payment[C]: $206. 

Overall monthly average(94 percent)[A,B]: 
Adjusted cost estimate range: $126-$161; 
Average Medicare payment[C]: $181. 

Source: GAO analysis of industry and CMS data. 

Notes: Cost estimates are based on GAO analysis of Morrison 
Informatics, Inc., A Comprehensive Cost Analysis of Medicare Home 
Oxygen Therapy for the American Association for Homecare and Medicare 
claims data. Estimates were generally based on average costs as 
presented by suppliers in the Morrison report and may overstate costs, 
particularly for the most efficient suppliers. 

[A] The percentage in parentheses indicates the share of Medicare home 
oxygen beneficiaries who used the selected combination of home oxygen 
equipment in 2008. We used 2008 utilization data because complete 
Medicare claims from 2009 were not available at the time of our review. 

[B] We weighted overall monthly costs and payments by the percentage 
of beneficiaries who used each equipment type in 2008. The overall 
percentage does not equal 95 percent due to rounding. In 2008, 
approximately 4.4 percent of home oxygen beneficiaries used stationary 
liquid equipment, and approximately 1.4 percent used only portable 
equipment. We did not generate cost estimates for beneficiaries using 
these equipment types. 

[C] The average 2009 Medicare payment accounts for the approximate 
proportion of Medicare beneficiaries affected by the rental cap for 
each equipment type, and adjusts payment amounts accordingly. These 
payment amounts are projected based on analysis of available Medicare 
claims data. 

[End of figure] 

Using Other Payment Methodologies and Rates Could Lower Medicare Home 
Oxygen Spending: 

Most payers we interviewed did not cap rental payments for home oxygen 
equipment, and some national payers paid less than Medicare, 
suggesting that Medicare could spend less, even without a rental cap. 
The experience of the VA and round 1 of Medicare's competitive bidding 
program suggest that setting rates through competitive bidding could 
also lower spending. 

Private Insurers' Payment Methodologies Were Generally Similar to 

The eight private insurers we spoke with--four national and four 
regional--used payment methodologies for home oxygen similar to 
Medicare's, except that seven of the eight did not use a rental cap. 
Like Medicare, they generally rented equipment and bundled payments 
for maintenance and oxygen refills with equipment rentals. Four of the 
eight insurers paid home oxygen suppliers using only a fee schedule-- 
meaning payment rates did not vary by supplier--and three of these did 
not vary the payment by modality. For the four private insurers that 
did not use a fee schedule, payment rates varied depending on the 
supplier contract. 

Competitive Bidding in the VA and Medicare Has Produced Lower Payment 

The VA's home oxygen payment methodology differs from Medicare's in 
important ways--its use of decentralized competitive bidding and the 
fact that it does not use a rental cap. VA's use of decentralized 
competitive bidding means that each VA region or medical center 
conducts competitive bidding for its specific geographic area. The 
VA's competitive bidding process frequently awards exclusive 
contracts, which give suppliers a guaranteed pool of beneficiaries, 
which makes volume more predictable. With decentralized competitive 
bidding, VA contracts vary in both covered services and payment rates; 
however, the VA's average rates are considerably lower than 
Medicare's, even after accounting for additional services, services 
that are paid separately under the VA system, and Medicare's rental 
cap, which the VA does not use.[Footnote 57] 

In contrast with the VA's frequently exclusive contracts, Medicare's 
new competitive bidding program must award several contracts in the 
same geographic area. Medicare's approach provides beneficiaries with 
a choice of suppliers and still produces rates considerably lower than 
Medicare's current rates. 

Some Other Methodologies and Payment Rates Could Have Lowered Medicare 
Spending in 2009: 

In 2009, the first year payments were capped, we estimated that 
Medicare's Part B spending for home oxygen was about $2.15 billion-- 
down from $2.96 billion in 2008.[Footnote 58] (For a more detailed 
discussion of our estimate for 2009 expenditures, see appendix I.) 
Using private insurers' methodologies and payment rates, we estimated 
that Medicare home oxygen spending for 2009 would have ranged from 
$1.48 billion to $2.90 billion. The lower end of the range represents 
the methodologies and rates of two of the four national insurers--
those that are most similar to Medicare in size and volume of 
business. If Medicare used the methodology and rates of the lowest-
paying insurer, it could have saved up to $670 million, or about 31 
percent, annually. 

Further, applying average VA payment rates (obtained through 
competitive bidding) to estimated Medicare utilization rates, 
Medicare's spending could have been lower--approximately $1.34 
billion, which is a savings of approximately $810 million, or about 38 
percent. Previous comparisons of VA and Medicare home oxygen 
expenditures by HCFA and us assumed that suppliers' administrative 
costs were generally lower when providing home oxygen to VA patients 
than to Medicare beneficiaries.[Footnote 59] The VA's frequently 
exclusive contracts make volume more predictable as well as allow 
suppliers economies of scale in the provision of home oxygen. As a 
result of higher administrative costs and the lack of exclusive 
contracts, the HCFA and GAO analyses increased VA payments by 30 
percent to account for the differences and found Medicare's payment 
rates in the mid-1990s were still well above those of the VA. Although 
this assumption is more than a decade old, industry representatives 
told us that the costs of serving VA patients are still below those of 
Medicare due to differences in administrative costs. Using this same 
assumption of a 30 percent differential, our estimate of Medicare 
spending for 2009 using VA payment methods was just under $1.74 
billion, which is below estimated Medicare expenditures and could have 
resulted in savings of approximately $410 million. 

If the round 1 rebid rates were applied to Medicare's 2009 nationwide 
billed utilization, Medicare spending for home oxygen would have been 
$1.45 billion, which could have resulted in savings of approximately 
$700 million, or about 33 percent.[Footnote 60] The actual effect of 
competitive bidding may vary from these estimates since rates for 
other areas may be different and competitive bidding may not be 
implemented in all areas. 

Figure 3 shows what Medicare could have spent using other payers' 

Figure 3: Estimated 2009 Medicare Expenditures If Other Payment 
Methodologies Were Applied Nationwide: 

[Refer to PDF for image: combined vertical bar and line graph] 

2009 Medicare expenditures: $2.15 billion. 

Estimated Expenditures: 

Regional private insurers: $2.90 billion; 
Regional private insurers: $2.30 billion; 
National private insurers: $2.17 billion; 
Regional private insurers: $2.08 billion; 
Regional private insurers: $2.05 billion; 
National private insurers: $2.03 billion; 
National private insurers: $1.74 billion; 
National private insurers: $1.48 billion; 
VA: $1.34 billion; 
VA 30 percent adjustment: $401 million; 
VA total: $1.75 billion; 
Medicare competitive bidding program: $1.45 billion. 	 

Sources: GAO analysis of data provided by private insurers, the VA, 
and CMS. 							 

Note: 2009 Medicare expenditures were estimated from partial-year 
data. The bars depict estimates of what Medicare would have spent in 
2009 if it had adopted the alternative payment rates and 
methodologies. Expenditure estimates are based on estimated 2009 
Medicare utilization and payment methodology and rate information 
provided by private insurers, the VA, and CMS. Estimates for the 
competitive bidding program are based on average rates across the 
round 1 competitive bidding areas and assume these rates were 
implemented nationwide. 

[End of figure] 

Utilization Trends Indicate That Overall Access to Medicare Home 
Oxygen Has Not Diminished, but Some Beneficiaries May Face Access 

The increase in utilization of Medicare home oxygen for 2001 through 
2008 suggests that overall beneficiary access has not diminished, 
although some beneficiaries may face access challenges. A decrease in 
the use of portable equipment and liquid oxygen systems, and a 
corresponding increase in the use of only stationary oxygen 
concentrators during the period, may indicate that Medicare's payment 
system encourages the provision of stationary concentrators, and 
discourages provision of other types of equipment. Additionally, CMS 
may consider future changes if beneficiaries who relocate before 
reaching the cap have problems accessing oxygen. 

Home Oxygen Utilization Grew Even as Payment Rates Decreased: 

The proportion of Medicare Part B beneficiaries receiving home oxygen 
increased steadily from nearly 3 percent to 4.8 percent from 2001 
through 2008. During the same period, Medicare payment rates for home 
oxygen were cut twice as a result of the MMA and the DRA. The increase 
in utilization despite two payment reductions suggests that overall 
access to home oxygen has not diminished.[Footnote 61] (figure 4 shows 
the percentage of Part B beneficiaries using home oxygen during the 
2001 through 2008 period, and the effective dates of the payment 
decreases resulting from the MMA and DRA.) 

Figure 4: Percentage of Medicare Part B Beneficiaries Using Home 
Oxygen, 2001 through 2008: 

[Refer to PDF for image: line graph] 

Year: 2001: 2.99%. 

Year: 2002: 3.24%. 

Year: 2003: 3.51%. 

Year: 2004: 3.71%. 

Year: 2005: 3.96%; 
April 2005: MMA payment reductions implemented. 

Year: 2006: 4.19%; 
January 2006: DRA rental cap implemented. 

Year: 2007: 4.57%. 

Year: 2008: 4.8%. 

Source: GAO analysis of CMS data. 

Note: The MMA, enacted in 2003, resulted in the reduction of home 
oxygen payment rates by approximately 8.6 percent for stationary 
equipment and 8.1 percent for portable equipment effective April 2005, 
and authorized competitive bidding for certain DME, including home 
oxygen. The DRA, enacted in 2005, capped rental payments for home 
oxygen equipment and granted beneficiary ownership of the equipment 
after 36 months of continuous use, effective January 1, 2006. The 
transfer of ownership requirement was repealed effective January 1, 
2009, but the rental cap remained. Payments for beneficiaries with 36 
months of continuous use were capped beginning January 1, 2009. 

[End of figure] 

While the share of Medicare beneficiaries utilizing home oxygen 
increased during the 2001 through 2008 period, the number of home 
oxygen suppliers increased nearly 9 percent between 2001 and 2005, and 
then decreased approximately the same percentage between 2005 and 
2008, resulting in an overall decrease between 2001 and 2008.[Footnote 
62] It is not clear whether the overall decrease in the number of 
suppliers during this period was due to consolidation in the industry, 
reductions in Medicare payment rates, or other factors. 

Decreased Utilization of Portable Equipment and Liquid Oxygen Systems 
during 2001 through 2008 May Indicate Access Issues for Certain 

The relative mix of equipment used by home oxygen beneficiaries 
changed from 2001 through 2008. The percentage of home oxygen 
beneficiaries using portable equipment decreased from approximately 80 
percent to approximately 66 percent during that period, which may 
indicate access issues for beneficiaries who require portable 
equipment.[Footnote 63] Beneficiaries who only used stationary 
equipment experienced a corresponding increase, approximately 14 
percentage points, from nearly 20 percent to nearly 34 percent from 
2001 through 2008.[Footnote 64] (See figure 5.) The vast majority of 
the beneficiaries who only used stationary equipment used a stationary 
oxygen concentrator. 

Figure 5: Percentage of Medicare Home Oxygen Beneficiaries Using 
Stationary Equipment Only and Portable Equipment: 

[Refer to PDF for image: multiple line graph] 

Year: 2001; 
Portable[A]: 80%; 
Stationary only: 20%. 

Year: 2002; 
Portable[A]: 79.2%; 
Stationary only: 20.8%. 

Year: 2003; 
Portable[A]: 77.5%; 
Stationary only: 22.5%. 

Year: 2004; 
Portable[A]: 76%; 
Stationary only: 24%. 

Year: 2005; 
Portable[A]: 73.7%; 
Stationary only: 26.3%. 

Year: 2006; 
Portable[A]: 70.4%; %. 

Year: 2007; 
Portable[A]: 67.8%; 
Stationary only: 32.2%. 

Year: 2008; 
Portable[A]: 66.4%; 
Stationary only: 33.6%. 

Source: GAO analysis of CMS data. 

[A] The percentage of beneficiaries using portable equipment includes 
beneficiaries using portable equipment only and beneficiaries using 
portable equipment in addition to stationary equipment. 

[End of figure] 

Certain components of Medicare's payment structure could have affected 
the relative mix of equipment used. Medicare's bundled payment for 
stationary equipment and portable oxygen refills acts as a 
disincentive for suppliers to provide portable equipment because 
portable refills are paid for whether portable equipment is provided 
or not. Therefore, suppliers' returns are higher when they provide 
only a stationary concentrator. 

In addition, Medicare's payment structure may have contributed to an 
overall decline in the percentage of home oxygen beneficiaries using 
liquid oxygen systems, both portable and stationary, during the period 
2001 through 2008. Medicare's stationary equipment and portable 
equipment payment rates are the same regardless of modality.[Footnote 
65] According to a major manufacturer of home oxygen equipment, liquid 
oxygen evaporates at a high rate, which requires suppliers to make 
more frequent deliveries, and suppliers need to use specially equipped 
trucks for these deliveries. Medicare payment changes became effective 
in 2005 and 2006 in response to the MMA and DRA, respectively. 
Medicare's modality-neutral payment rates may encourage suppliers to 
provide more cost-effective modalities--concentrators or gaseous 
systems--which may affect access to liquid oxygen. 

CMS May Consider Future Changes if Beneficiaries Who Relocate Have 
Problems Accessing Oxygen: 

The majority of the suppliers we spoke with told us they were 
reluctant to or would not accept new beneficiaries who were 
approaching the 36-month rental cap, when the beneficiary is 
responsible for finding a new supplier if they relocate.[Footnote 66] 
According to one supplier association, suppliers do not want to accept 
these beneficiaries because they will not be able to bill Medicare for 
their services for many more months. One large national supplier told 
us that it had established a threshold, based on the number of 
continuous home oxygen rental months Medicare had already paid, to 
determine whether it would accept a new home oxygen beneficiary. 

Our analysis of Medicare claims suggests that only a small percentage 
of beneficiaries relocate outside their supplier's service area in the 
months leading up to the cap. According to several suppliers, the 
maximum distance they travel to service an oxygen patient ranges from 
35 to 150 miles. Based on our analysis of Medicare claims from 2003 
through 2008, less than 2 percent of beneficiaries relocated 30 or 
more miles away after 24 months of continuous service.[Footnote 67] 

CMS received 354 inquiries to its 1-800-MEDICARE service center in 
2009 about home oxygen, including 36 inquiries from beneficiaries who 
relocated and 20 inquiries from beneficiaries who had trouble locating 
a supplier.[Footnote 68] According to CMS, caseworkers were able to 
locate suppliers within a matter of days to serve every beneficiary 
who indicated having trouble finding a supplier.[Footnote 69] CMS 
stated that if in the future access to home oxygen becomes a problem 
after a beneficiary relocates, it may consider taking action such as 
requiring the supplier that provides home oxygen for month 18 or later 
to provide oxygen for the remainder of the rental period or make 
arrangements with another supplier to do so. 


Congress has reduced or limited Medicare payment rates for home oxygen 
several times since 1998, but rates remain higher than those of some 
other national payers we reviewed and were not aligned with the costs 
of providing the most frequently used types of home oxygen equipment. 
Rates for stationary concentrators in particular were substantially 
higher than estimated suppliers' costs for this equipment and the 
minimal servicing it requires. A contributor to the misalignment 
between suppliers' costs and Medicare's payments is the bundling of 
the payment for oxygen refills in the stationary equipment rate. 
Including payment for oxygen refills in the stationary equipment rate 
discourages suppliers from providing portable equipment because their 
returns are higher when they provide only a stationary concentrator. 
From 2001 through 2008, suppliers realized a financial benefit by 
providing only stationary concentrators, as beneficiaries who used 
only stationary concentrators increased and those using portable 
equipment decreased by approximately the same amount--14 percent--over 
the period. If Medicare continues to pay for oxygen refills as part of 
the stationary oxygen payment, beneficiaries who would benefit from 
using portable equipment in addition to a stationary concentrator may 
not have access to it. Furthermore, paying for oxygen refills when 
they are not needed increases both Medicare and beneficiary payments 

Based on the experiences of the VA and CMS, the use of competitive 
bidding holds promise as a way to contain costs for Medicare home 
oxygen. Payment rates from the competitive bidding program would have 
resulted in significant savings if they were implemented nationwide. 
However, Medicare's current payment structure--covering oxygen refills 
in the stationary equipment rate--could distort the benefits of a 
nationwide competitive bidding program because it would continue to 
overcompensate suppliers providing certain stationary equipment and 
give them less incentive to provide portable equipment. 

Matter for Congressional Consideration: 

Congress should consider reducing home oxygen payment rates to better 
align them with home oxygen suppliers' costs. 

Recommendation for Executive Action: 

To establish rates that more accurately reflect the distinct costs of 
providing each type of home oxygen equipment, we recommend that the 
Administrator of CMS restructure Medicare's home oxygen payment 
methodology. This should include removing the payment for portable 
oxygen refills from that for stationary equipment and paying for 
refills only for the equipment types that require them. 

Agency and Industry Comments and Our Evaluation: 

We received comments on a draft of this report from HHS, on behalf of 
CMS, and from representatives of three industry organizations. We also 
received a technical comment from the VA, which we incorporated in the 
report. HHS's comments are included as appendix III. 

Comments from HHS: 

In its comments, HHS concurred with GAO's general view with respect to 
improving the accuracy of Medicare's oxygen payments, and stated that 
Medicare payments for home oxygen "are excessive." However, HHS 
disagreed with our recommendation that the payment for portable oxygen 
refills should be removed from the stationary equipment payment rate. 
HHS pointed out that because a change in payment methodology would 
need to be budget neutral, overall expenditures for home oxygen would 
not change and the new methodology would likely delay savings from 
competitive bidding. 

We recognize that this recommendation would only change relative 
payment rates for stationary and portable equipment; the 
recommendation was not intended to generate savings but to manage 
resources to help ensure that beneficiaries who need oxygen have 
access to it. It is also consistent with HHS's view that payments 
should more accurately reflect the items and services provided. 
Consequently, there is a compelling reason for CMS to implement the 
recommendation: the current methodology--including payment for 
portable oxygen refills in the stationary rate whether or not the 
beneficiary uses portable oxygen--enables suppliers to gain 
financially when they only provide stationary equipment and thus 
beneficiaries' access to portable oxygen can be limited. We do not 
believe, and HHS did not provide evidence, that our recommendation 
would delay savings from competitive bidding. 

HHS also expressed concern about using self-reported industry data to 
estimate suppliers' costs for providing home oxygen. As noted in the 
report's methodology section, we adjusted the costs reported in the 
Morrison report where we had sufficient information from other sources 
to warrant a change. Although we could not independently verify all 
components of the costs reported in the Morrison report, we determined 
these adjusted data were sufficiently reliable for our purposes. In 
addition, we noted in the report the limitations of these data, 
including the fact that they are self-reported, represent averages, 
and efficient suppliers might have lower costs. 

In addition, HHS stated that it was concerned about the assumptions 
made in comparing the Medicare payment methodology and rates with 
those of other payers such as the VA and private insurers. HHS's 
comments were not specific enough to permit a direct response; 
however, we have expanded the description of our methodology to help 
better explain the use of these data. 

Comments from Industry Representatives: 

Representatives of three industry organizations reviewed and provided 
comments on the draft report: the American Association for Homecare 
(AAHomecare), the National Association of Independent Medical 
Equipment Suppliers (NAIMES), and the Council for Quality Respiratory 
Care (CQRC). Their comments focused on four areas: our use of the 
Morrison report to estimate home oxygen suppliers' costs; the 
methodologies and rates used by other payers, such as the VA and 
private insurers; changes in beneficiary access to home oxygen; and 
Medicare's payment rates for home oxygen. 

Estimated Suppliers' Costs: 

Representatives from all three organizations commented that suppliers' 
costs have changed since the Morrison report was published in 2006. 
For example, AAHomecare representatives pointed out that Medicare now 
requires suppliers to be accredited and maintain surety bonds, and 
that some suppliers have incurred additional costs to comply with 
Medicare's quality standards.[Footnote 70] The estimate of suppliers' 
overhead costs in the Morrison report included an accreditation 
component, but because overhead costs were collected by Morrison 
Informatics on an aggregate basis, we could not independently verify 
or update costs associated with accreditation without additional 
information. While it is possible that some suppliers may have 
incurred additional costs to meet new accreditation and surety bond 
requirements, AAHomecare representatives had previously told us that 
the majority of suppliers were already meeting quality standards for 
Medicare accreditation before the requirements took effect. Although 
suppliers were not required to have a surety bond at the time of the 
Morrison report, we determined that the average annual bond cost was 
not large enough to warrant a separate increase in overhead costs 
beyond the inflation adjustment. Furthermore, as we noted in response 
to HHS's comments, the averages in the Morrison report may not 
represent the costs of the most efficient suppliers. 

Representatives of AAHomecare and CQRC said that several states 
require that home oxygen be provided by a licensed respiratory 
therapist. We did not include costs associated with respiratory 
therapists because CMS does not include a professional component in 
its home oxygen benefit. We note that other health care providers, 
such as nursing homes, also must meet specific state requirements 
without the expectation of additional Medicare reimbursement. 

Methodologies and Rates Used by Other Payers: 

Representatives of all three organizations commented on our comparison 
of Medicare expenditures with those methodologies and rates used by 
other payers. Representatives of AAHomecare and NAIMES said they 
believed the 30 percent differential used to adjust VA payment rates, 
which was based on a 1997 GAO report, should be higher. AAHomecare 
representatives attributed this to Medicare's additional 
administrative requirements, such as increased audit activity. 
However, the evidence they provided was anecdotal and thus not 
amenable to a quantitative adjustment to our estimate. 

CQRC representatives took issue with our focus on the lowest-paying 
private insurers and suggested the midpoint of the range of insurer 
payments was very close to Medicare's estimated 2009 home oxygen 
expenditures. One representative also stated that some private 
insurers were able to pay low rates because Medicare--as a dominant 
payer in the home oxygen market--covers the fixed costs incurred by 
suppliers, enabling private insurers to cover only the incremental 
cost of adding an additional home oxygen patient. In the draft report 
we focused on rates paid by the two lowest-paying insurers of the four 
national insurers we reviewed because they are most similar to 
Medicare in size and volume. Further, since Medicare is a large payer 
in the home oxygen market, it would be expected to pay rates similar 
to other large payers in the industry. 

Changes in Beneficiary Access to Home Oxygen: 

In response to our finding that portable equipment use has declined, 
representatives from the three organizations noted that suppliers 
cannot influence the provision of portable equipment because a 
physician must prescribe portable equipment in order for it to be 
covered by Medicare. During the course of our research, members of the 
industry told us that suppliers can influence the physician's decision 
to prescribe portable equipment. For example, if a supplier has 
evidence that a patient is not using the portable equipment, the 
supplier can ask the physician to revise the prescription. 

Representatives of NAIMES and CQRC commented that the decrease in use 
of portable equipment might instead be due to earlier diagnosis of 
respiratory conditions, because beneficiaries who are diagnosed 
earlier may be less likely to need portable equipment. In addition, 
representatives from AAHomecare noted that the 36-month rental cap 
creates a burden for beneficiaries nearing the cap who would like to 
relocate or are unhappy with their current supplier. 

The draft report we sent to HHS for comment contained a matter for 
congressional consideration that the Congress consider eliminating the 
rental cap to reduce potential access problems. The matter was 
predicated on information we received from CMS and from suppliers at 
the time we did our audit work that some beneficiaries who relocate 
outside their service area may experience an access issue in those 
cases where a willing supplier cannot be found. However, subsequent to 
our sending the draft to HHS for comment, CMS reported that it 
analyzed complaint data from beneficiaries from January 2009 to 
September 2010 and found that in the limited situations where 
beneficiaries receiving oxygen equipment for less than 36 months 
relocated during that time and initially had trouble locating an 
oxygen supplier in their new location, CMS was able to locate 
suppliers to serve each and every beneficiary, usually within a matter 
of days. CMS now reports that beneficiaries who relocated had access 
to oxygen and if, in the future, beneficiaries' access to oxygen 
becomes a problem as a result of relocation, it may consider requiring 
the supplier that provides home oxygen for month 18 or later to 
provide oxygen for the remainder of the rental period or make 
arrangements with another supplier to do so. In light of CMS's 
analysis and statements regarding future action, we removed the matter 
for congressional consideration from the report. 

Medicare's Payment Rates for Home Oxygen: 

Representatives from all three organizations stated that Medicare's 
higher payment rate for stationary equipment subsidizes suppliers' 
costs for providing portable equipment. In addition, CQRC 
representatives believed the estimate of the average Medicare payment 
for home oxygen is too high. They suggested we reexamine this estimate 
and the share of beneficiaries subject to the rental cap, which we 
used to calculate Medicare's average payment rate. Our estimate of 
this share is based on an analysis of the claims history from a cohort 
of beneficiaries. We reviewed the estimate and determined it should 
not be changed but we have expanded the description of our method in 
the text. In the report we recommend that the Administrator of CMS 
restructure Medicare's home oxygen payment methodology to establish 
rates that more accurately reflect the distinct costs of providing 
each type of home oxygen equipment. 

As agreed with your offices, unless you publicly announce the contents 
of this report earlier, we plan no further distribution until 30 days 
from the report date. At that time, we will send copies of this report 
to the Secretary of Health and Human Services, the Secretary of 
Veterans Affairs, and interested congressional committees. The report 
also will be available at no charge on GAO's Web site at [hyperlink,]. 

If you or your staffs have any questions about this report, please 
contact me at (202) 512-7114 or Contact points for 
our Offices of Congressional Relations and Public Affairs may be found 
on the last page of this report. GAO staff members who made major 
contributions to this report are listed in appendix IV. 

Signed by: 

James C. Cosgrove: 
Director, Health Care: 

List of Requesters: 

The Honorable Henry A. Waxman: 
Ranking Member: 
Committee on Energy and Commerce: 
House of Representatives: 

The Honorable Frank Pallone, Jr. 
Ranking Member: 
Subcommittee on Health: 
Committee on Energy and Commerce: 
House of Representatives: 

The Honorable Pete Stark: 
Ranking Member: 
Subcommittee on Health: 
Committee on Ways and Means: 
House of Representatives: 

The Honorable John D. Dingell: 
The Honorable Charles B. Rangel: 
House of Representatives: 

[End of section] 

Appendix I: Methodology: 

This appendix describes our methodology for addressing the three 
objectives: (1) describe Medicare's payment methodology and rates for 
home oxygen and compare payments with estimated suppliers' costs, (2) 
compare Medicare's payment methodology and rates with other payers' 
methodologies and rates and examine how Medicare's use of these 
methodologies and rates could affect its overall home oxygen spending, 
and (3) examine changes in Medicare beneficiaries' access to home 
oxygen. We obtained contextual information about the home oxygen 
industry by interviewing representatives from the American Association 
for Homecare (AAHomecare), the National Association of Independent 
Medical Equipment Suppliers, the American Association for Respiratory 
Care, and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of 
Inspector General (OIG). We also interviewed five home oxygen 
suppliers of varying sizes to gain additional information on the types 
of equipment and services provided to Medicare beneficiaries, and how 
operations vary for different suppliers of different sizes. Because 
this was not a statistically representative sample of suppliers, 
information cannot be generalized to all home oxygen suppliers. 

Medicare Payment Methodology and Rates, and Payments Compared with 
Estimated Suppliers' Costs: 

To describe Medicare's payment methodology and rates for home oxygen, 
we reviewed relevant federal statutes, regulations and guidance, and 
discussed certain payment policies with Centers for Medicare & 
Medicaid Services (CMS) officials. 

To estimate suppliers' costs--which generally include equipment 
acquisition; provision of required services, such as equipment 
delivery and maintenance; and overhead--to provide home oxygen to 
Medicare beneficiaries, we obtained information from a 2006 industry-
funded report by Morrison Informatics, Inc. This report offered the 
most recent information available on suppliers' costs at the time of 
our analysis. We supplemented this information and adjusted it, as 
needed, with information from other sources to provide more current 
and reliable data.[Footnote 71] (See appendix II for detailed 
information about these sources and the adjustments made to the 
Morrison report data.) 

Medicare's Home Oxygen Payments Compared with Other Payers' 
Methodologies and Rates: 

To compare Medicare's home oxygen payment methodology and rates with 
those of other payers, we estimated Medicare home oxygen utilization 
and expenditures for 2009 and applied the rates and methodologies of 
private insurers, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and round 1 
of Medicare's competitive bidding program to Medicare's utilization to 
estimate what Medicare's expenditures would have been using the 
methodologies and rates of other payers. 

Estimate of Medicare's 2009 Expenditures: 

We used available Medicare home oxygen claims for 2009 to estimate 
total Medicare expenditures for that year. Because complete home 
oxygen-related claims for 2009 were not available at the time we did 
our work, we used claims for January through September that were 
approved for payment by Medicare no later than December 31 of that 
year. We also obtained home oxygen-related claims for January through 
September 2008 that were approved for payment by December 31 of that 
year. For these claims, we compared the total number of home oxygen 
Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) codes billed with 
the number of these codes billed for all of 2008 and determined the 
year-end total was approximately 37 percent higher than the partial-
year total. We then increased the number of home oxygen HCPCS codes 
for January through September 2009 by approximately 37 percent to 
estimate the 2009 total. Because monthly rental payments were not 
capped until January 2009, the first maintenance codes could not be 
billed until the second half of 2009, and because our data covered 
only the first 9 months of 2009, we doubled the quantity of 
maintenance codes in the available claims to estimate a full year of 
2009 maintenance codes billed. We then estimated expenditures for each 
HCPCS code by multiplying the number of codes by the average payment 

To compare payments under alternative methodologies, we also needed an 
estimate of Medicare's home oxygen utilization rates in 2009. Even 
after adjusting partial year 2009 data to estimate full-year data, we 
did not have complete information on utilization in 2009 because 
Medicare does not make payments for equipment after the rental cap is 
reached. We used claims for 2003 through 2008 to estimate the 
percentage of months for which beneficiaries had used the equipment 
more than 36 months but less than 61 months.[Footnote 72] This 
estimate was 9.3 percent for portable equipment and 10.1 percent for 
stationary equipment. We used these estimates to simulate the share of 
utilization that was subject to the rental cap. The supplier is under 
no obligation to continue furnishing the same equipment after 60 
months and thus our simulation assumes that beneficiaries received new 
equipment after 60 months and payments to suppliers resume. 

Using the utilization data, we also estimated average Medicare 
payments for each month suppliers provided oxygen rental equipment to 
beneficiaries in 2009. We determined an average payment amount by 
using our estimates of the number of billed rental months, the payment 
amounts for billed rental months, the estimated number of rental 
months subject to the cap, and the payment amounts--for oxygen content 
refills or maintenance services--for capped months. The estimates 
assumed suppliers billed for every oxygen content refill delivery or 
service for which they were eligible during months of capped rental. 
We computed an average payment per beneficiary per month by taking a 
weighted average payment amount of various equipment combinations 
(e.g., a stationary concentrator plus a portable gaseous system, or a 
stationary concentrator by itself) used by beneficiaries. Although 
these equipment combinations excluded liquid oxygen equipment and some 
rarely used equipment combinations for stationary and portable 
equipment, they still accounted for 94 percent of beneficiaries. 

Comparison of Medicare Methodology and Rates with Those of Other 

We judgmentally selected eight private insurers. We contacted six of 
the eight largest national private health insurance plans as 
identified by the Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business & Government. 
[Footnote 73] Four of the six were willing to share information about 
their home oxygen payment methodologies and rates. To ensure that our 
analysis was not limited to national plans, we sought information from 
six regional insurers and obtained information from four of these. 
[Footnote 74] We applied the eight insurers' payment rates to our 
estimate of Medicare's 2009 utilization to estimate what Medicare's 
expenditures would have been using private insurers' methodologies and 
rates and then compared these estimates with estimated Medicare 2009 
expenditures for home oxygen. Seven of the eight private insurers did 
not use a rental cap; the private insurer that used a rental cap told 
us that the cap (combined with maintenance payments after the cap) 
reduced its expenditures by approximately 4 percent, so we reduced our 
estimate of Medicare expenditures using payment rates and 
methodologies of that insurer by 4 percent. 

We also obtained information from the VA on its payment methodology 
and its 2009 average payment rates. We used this information to 
estimate what Medicare payment rates would have been if it used VA 
average payment amounts. We adjusted VA's rates to account for 
differences in methodology, such as when the VA paid separately for 
certain services that Medicare bundled with payments for equipment 
purchases. Additionally, a previous GAO comparison of Medicare and VA 
payment rates found that suppliers' administrative costs for billing 
Medicare were higher than those for billing the VA and that the more 
predictable volume of patients associated with the VA's contracts, 
which are frequently exclusive, allowed suppliers to take advantage of 
economies of scale in the provision of home oxygen and save on 
expenses, since they did not need to market themselves to individual 
veterans.[Footnote 75] In the earlier report, GAO increased its 
estimate of VA payment rates by 30 percent, and our analysis of VA and 
Medicare payment policies suggested the justification for the earlier 
adjustment still held. Our estimates of what Medicare expenditures 
would have been using VA payment rates and methodologies were made 
both with and without the additional 30 percent upward adjustment. 

To estimate what Medicare would have spent for home oxygen services 
using payment rates from its competitive bidding program for DME, we 
used the rates that resulted from the round 1 rebid process. The 
rates, which will take effect January 1, 2011, are for nine areas of 
the country. In our analysis, we assumed that the rental cap would 
apply with competitive bidding rates and we applied those rates to our 
2009 nationwide estimate of billed utilization. 

Beneficiary Access to Home Oxygen: 

To examine changes in Medicare beneficiaries' access to home oxygen, 
we used the change in the share of Medicare Part B beneficiaries using 
home oxygen from 2001 through 2008 as a proxy for access. We did not 
examine the appropriateness of home oxygen for the patients who 
received it.[Footnote 76] Using complete Medicare claims data from 
2001 through 2008, we determined the number of beneficiaries with home 
oxygen-related HCPCS codes and divided it by the total number of Part 
B beneficiaries--from the CMS Denominator File--to determine the share 
of home oxygen beneficiaries for each year.[Footnote 77] We also 
determined this share by state for 2008. To examine access to 
different types of home oxygen equipment for 2001 through 2008, we 
examined oxygen-related HCPCS codes to determine the types of 
equipment used by unique beneficiaries for each year. To determine 
whether the change in access to equipment type varied by age, we 
matched claims data with Medicare enrollment information and compared 
utilization by beneficiaries under 65 years and beneficiaries 65 years 
and older. 

To determine the number of suppliers of home oxygen equipment and 
services, we counted the unique supplier numbers on approved Medicare 
claims containing home oxygen-related HCPCS codes from 2001 through 
2008 and determined the change in the number of suppliers over the 
period. We also determined the number of suppliers by state for 2008. 
To determine the change in the number of suppliers billing Medicare 
from 2008 to 2009, we compared, by month, the number of unique 
suppliers who billed Medicare each month. For this comparison, we used 
data through September of each year for claims processed through 
December 31. 

To assess the magnitude of the potential access problems faced by 
beneficiaries who move outside their supplier's service area in the 
months leading up to the 36-month rental cap, we examined the claims 
history for beneficiaries who began using oxygen in 2003. On the basis 
of our analysis of these data, we estimated the portion of home oxygen 
beneficiaries who move more than 30 miles after 24 months of 
continuous home oxygen use by measuring the distance from the center 
of both their old and new zip codes. The data related to beneficiary 
inquiries about home oxygen was provided by CMS. 

We ensured the reliability of the Medicare claims data used in this 
report by performing appropriate electronic data checks and by 
interviewing agency officials and Medicare contractors who were 
knowledgeable about the data. The utilization and cost information in 
the claims data we used are generally considered to be reliable, as 
they are used by the Medicare program as a record of payments to 
health care providers and are monitored by both CMS and the Medicare 
Administrative Contractors--contractors that process, review, and pay 
claims for Medicare-covered services. We found the claims data were 
sufficiently reliable for the purpose of our analyses. 

We conducted this performance audit from July 2009 through January 
2011 in accordance with generally accepted government auditing 
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit 
to obtain sufficient, appropriate evidence to provide a reasonable 
basis for our findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives. 
We believe that the evidence obtained provides a reasonable basis for 
our findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives. 

[End of section] 

Appendix II: Adjustments to Data in Industry-Funded Report: 

To estimate suppliers' costs to provide home oxygen to Medicare 
beneficiaries, we used information from a 2006 industry-funded report 
by Morrison Informatics, Inc., A Comprehensive Cost Analysis of 
Medicare Home Oxygen Therapy,[Footnote 78] and adjusted certain cost 
components in the report based on information we obtained from other 
sources, including selected manufacturers of home oxygen equipment, 
the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), a group purchasing 
organization (GPO)[Footnote 79] in the durable medical equipment (DME) 
industry, and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office 
of Inspector General (OIG). We adjusted the data in the Morrison 
report for several reasons. 

* The report presented costs that were for services Medicare does not 
cover under its DME benefit or for services that were in addition to 
those required by Medicare's quality standards. 

* The report presented suppliers' overall costs of providing home 
oxygen, but we were asked to estimate costs associated with different 
types of home oxygen equipment. 

* The data were collected in 2006, and the mix of equipment used by 
Medicare beneficiaries has changed since that time. The number of 
beneficiaries using stationary oxygen concentrators and oxygen 
generating portable equipment (OGPE) increased from 2006 to 2008, 
while the number of beneficiaries using traditional portable equipment 
decreased during this time period. 

* The Morrison data were self-reported by suppliers and may not have 
been reported consistently. 

Adjustments by Cost Category: 

The Morrison report was commissioned by the American Association for 
Homecare to assess suppliers' costs in the following seven categories: 
(1) home oxygen equipment acquisition; (2) customer service and 
patient intake; (3) equipment preparation, delivery, and return; (4) 
routine delivery of disposable supplies, oxygen refills, and scheduled 
maintenance; (5) unscheduled maintenance and repairs; (6) cost of 
patient assessment; and (7) overhead costs. Morrison collected 
detailed information on over 50 cost components associated with these 
major categories, with the exception of overhead costs, which were 
collected on an aggregate basis.[Footnote 80] The report stated that 
these costs came from a survey of 74 home oxygen suppliers 
representing over 600,000 Medicare beneficiaries. We adjusted cost 
components reported by Morrison to estimate suppliers' 2009 monthly 
costs for (1) stationary oxygen concentrators, (2) traditional 
portable equipment, and (3) OGPE. Together, select combinations of 
these equipment types were used by approximately 94 percent of 
Medicare home oxygen beneficiaries. The following describes the 
adjustments we made within the seven major cost categories presented 
in the Morrison report. 

Home Oxygen Equipment Acquisition. To estimate suppliers' 2009 
equipment acquisition costs for stationary concentrators, we collected 
acquisition prices through interviews with three of the five major 
U.S. home oxygen equipment manufacturers and one smaller manufacturer. 
[Footnote 81] We also obtained prices paid by the VA for stationary 
concentrators through contracts between a VA medical center and two 
major manufacturers. Using these prices as a proxy for suppliers' 
acquisition costs, we estimated that stationary concentrators 
generally cost suppliers from $400 to $625, depending on the model and 
quantity purchased.[Footnote 82] We adjusted the average acquisition 
cost of a stationary system from the Morrison report, using the range 
we developed, to present a figure that is more current and represents 
stationary concentrators only.[Footnote 83] To estimate suppliers' 
average acquisition costs for the backup units that may be provided 
with stationary concentrators,[Footnote 84] we updated the cost 
presented in the Morrison report from $152 to $164 based on the 
percentage change in the Consumer Price Index for all Urban Consumers 
(CPI-U) from December 2006 to December 2009. 

We were unable to collect sufficient information from other sources to 
generate a cost estimate for traditional portable equipment. 
Therefore, we updated the average cost of a portable system as 
presented in the Morrison report from $471 to $508 based on the CPI-U. 
[Footnote 85] We also used the Morrison report's average monthly cost 
estimate for oxygen refills for liquid and gaseous systems, and 
increased this amount from $18 to $19 based on the CPI-U. 

For OGPE, we collected 2009 acquisition prices through interviews with 
four of the five major U.S. home oxygen equipment manufacturers and 
one smaller manufacturer. We also obtained prices negotiated by a GPO 
for one major manufacturer's OGPE. Using these prices as a proxy for 
suppliers' acquisition costs, we estimated that OGPE generally costs 
suppliers from $2,000 to $3,000, depending on the model and the 
quantity purchased by the supplier. The Morrison report did not 
collect cost information specifically related to OGPE, as this new 
technology was rarely used by Medicare's home oxygen beneficiaries at 
the time of its survey.[Footnote 86] 

Customer Service and Patient Intake. To present intake and customer 
service costs in 2009 dollars we adjusted the average hourly wage rate 
for a customer service representative from $14 to $15 using the Bureau 
of Labor Statistics's (BLS) Employment Cost Index. We made no other 
adjustments in this cost category. 

Equipment Preparation, Delivery, and Return. To present equipment 
preparation, delivery, and return costs in 2009 dollars, we adjusted 
the average hourly wage rates for equipment and service technicians 
from $14 to $15 using BLS's Employment Cost Index. To account for 
changes in transportation costs, we compared the average vehicle cost 
per mile from the Morrison report to the Internal Revenue Service's 
(IRS) 2009 standard mileage rate for business miles driven.[Footnote 
87] We made no other adjustments in this cost category. 

Routine Delivery of Disposable Supplies, Oxygen Refills, and Scheduled 
Maintenance. To estimate suppliers' costs related to scheduled 
maintenance of equipment, we adjusted Morrison report data for the 
annual number of supplier visits to beneficiaries for scheduled 
preventive equipment maintenance visits. We based our adjustment on 
manufacturers' recommendations for servicing equipment, which ranged 
from every 6 months to every 36 months; Medicare's quality standards, 
which recommend that oxygen equipment be serviced in accordance with 
the manufacturer's recommendations or at least once per year;[Footnote 
88] and a 2006 HHS OIG report, which found that suppliers performed 
excessive preventive maintenance for stationary oxygen concentrators. 
[Footnote 89] In its November 2008 final rule, CMS stated that 
suppliers providing older equipment may need to service it more often, 
but Medicare should not be responsible for any additional servicing or 
repair required for used equipment. On the basis of the information we 
obtained, we adjusted the average number of annual scheduled visits 
for preventive maintenance as presented in the Morrison report from 
4.9 to a range of 1 to 2 times per year. In addition, we updated the 
Morrison report's average monthly cost of disposable and maintenance 
supplies from $10 to $12 using the CPI-U.[Footnote 90] 

To estimate suppliers' service costs associated with ongoing 
deliveries of oxygen refills, we used a range of visits per year to 
account for variation in suppliers' delivery practices. We based the 
low estimate of annual visits on the HHS OIG report, which found that 
suppliers deliver portable refills once every 3 months.[Footnote 91] 
Medicare's billing policy also states that suppliers may deliver up to 
3 months of oxygen refills at one time. For the high estimate we used 
the Morrison report figure of 19 visits per year. For labor and 
transportation costs associated with routine delivery and scheduled 
maintenance, we used the adjusted 2009 average wage rate for service 
technicians as described above. 

Unscheduled Maintenance and Repairs. For labor and transportation 
costs associated with unscheduled maintenance and repairs, we used the 
adjusted 2009 average wage rate for service technicians as described 
above. We made no other adjustments in this cost category. 

Patient Assessment. We excluded Morrison report data associated with 
patient assessment because Medicare does not cover respiratory 
therapists' services under its DME benefit.[Footnote 92] 

Overhead costs. To estimate home oxygen suppliers' 2009 overhead 
costs, we adjusted the estimated average monthly cost presented in the 
Morrison report from $42 to $45 using the CPI-U. We made no other 
adjustments in this cost category. 

Estimating Suppliers' Unique Costs by Equipment Type: 

We recategorized the adjusted Morrison costs to estimate the distinct 
costs incurred by suppliers to provide stationary oxygen 
concentrators, traditional portable equipment, and OGPE. To do this, 
we allocated equipment-specific service costs to the appropriate 
equipment type. For example, since traditional portable equipment 
requires delivery of oxygen refills, we allocated such delivery costs 
to this equipment type, and we excluded costs associated with delivery 
of refills from the adjusted estimates for stationary concentrators 
and OGPE, since these equipment types do not require refills. We 
attributed costs that were not easily split between equipment types, 
such as patient intake, delivery and return of equipment, unscheduled 
maintenance and repairs, and overhead, to the cost of providing a 
stationary concentrator, since nearly all Medicare home oxygen 
beneficiaries use stationary equipment. Therefore, the adjusted cost 
estimates for traditional portable equipment and OGPE represent the 
additional costs incurred by suppliers to provide these equipment 
types in conjunction with a stationary concentrator, not the total 
cost of providing these equipment types in isolation. 

Estimating Suppliers' 2009 Overall Monthly Costs for Home Oxygen: 

To estimate suppliers' overall average monthly costs to provide home 
oxygen, we used the adjusted 2009 monthly cost estimates for 
stationary oxygen concentrators, traditional portable equipment, and 
OGPE and weighted them by the proportion of beneficiaries who used a 
combination of these equipment types in 2008.[Footnote 93] More 
specifically, we examined costs for beneficiaries using the following 
combinations of home oxygen equipment: (1) stationary concentrators 
only; (2) stationary concentrators with traditional portable 
equipment; and (3) stationary concentrators with OGPE. Together, these 
equipment combinations were used by approximately 94 percent of home 
oxygen beneficiaries. We did not generate separate cost estimates for 
the remaining 6 percent of home oxygen beneficiaries--approximately 
4.4 percent of these used stationary liquid equipment and 1.4 percent 
used only portable equipment. Liquid oxygen is considered an expensive 
modality to provide because the equipment is expensive; and specially 
equipped delivery trucks must be used, various regulatory requirements 
must be met, and a patient's supply must be replenished regularly. As 
a result, incorporating suppliers' cost estimates for the 4.4 percent 
of beneficiaries using stationary liquid equipment could have slightly 
increased the overall cost estimate. However, other adjustments to the 
Morrison report that could have lowered costs may have been warranted 
but were not made, and we therefore believe our overall approach 
resulted in a reliable cost estimate. 

Adjustments Not Made: 

We adjusted Morrison report costs only in cases where we were able to 
collect information precise enough to justify a specific adjustment. 
In certain cases, we noted assumptions that did not appear appropriate 
or found other shortcomings, but we did not have the information 
necessary to make an adjustment. The following are examples of such 

* Unlike other major cost categories, overhead costs were collected by 
Morrison on an aggregate basis. The Morrison report stated that 
overhead costs contributed to a large proportion of overall costs and 
that further analysis of the components would be necessary to better 
understand the nature of these expenses. We could not independently 
verify these costs without additional information on the individual 
components of overhead costs. 

* The Morrison report calculated round-trip mileage for each visit to 
a beneficiary's home for delivery of supplies and oxygen refills and 
scheduled preventive maintenance, allowing 23 miles, or 46 minutes, of 
travel for visits to beneficiaries' homes. However, most suppliers we 
interviewed told us that suppliers conduct these activities on a 
scheduled route, meaning that multiple beneficiaries receive services 
during each round-trip visit. In addition, several suppliers we 
interviewed reported taking steps to become more efficient in their 
deliveries due to factors such as rising fuel costs and decreasing 
reimbursements. Despite our concerns about using round-trip mileage to 
calculate costs associated with such visits, we determined that we did 
not have sufficient information to make an adjustment. 

* The Morrison report presents an estimated length of time for 
suppliers to perform tasks associated with different services, such as 
average times to clean and load equipment for delivery; refill gaseous 
and liquid systems; and perform scheduled maintenance. We did not 
independently verify the length of time it took to perform such tasks. 
For instance, the report presented an average of nearly 30 minutes to 
perform scheduled maintenance, not including travel time to the 
beneficiary's home. Although an HHS OIG report found that routine 
maintenance tasks for concentrators, such as checking filters and 
oxygen concentration, can be performed in less than 5 minutes, we did 
not adjust this estimate since Medicare pays for 30 minutes of labor 
for maintenance and service visits after the 36-month rental cap. 

[End of section] 

Appendix III: Comments from the Department of Health and Human 

Department Of Health & Human Services: 
Office Of The Secretary: 
Assistant Secretary for Legislation: 
Washington, DC 20201: 

October 1, 2010: 

James C. Cosgrove: 
Director, Health Care: 
U.S. Government Accountability Office: 
441 G Street N.W. 
Washington, DC 20548: 

Dear Mr. Cosgrove: 

Attached are comments on the U.S. Government Accountability Office's 
(GAO) report entitled: "Medicare Home Oxygen: Refining Payment 
Methodology Has Potential to Lower Program and Beneficiary Spending" 

The Department appreciates the opportunity to review this report 
before its publication. 


Signed by: 

Jim R. Esquea: 
Assistant Secretary for Legislation: 


[End of letter] 

General Comments Of The Department Of Health And Human Services (HHS) 
On The Government Accountability Office'S (GAO) Draft Report Entitled, 
"Medicare Home Oxygen: Refining Payment Methodology Has Potential To 
Lower Program And Beneficiary Spending" (GA0-10-882): 

The Department appreciates the opportunity to review and comment on 
this draft report. The report examines Medicare payment policies for 
oxygen and oxygen equipment by--(1) Comparing Medicare's payments with 
estimated supplier costs; (2) Comparing Medicare's payment methodology 
and rates with other payers' methodologies and rates and examining how 
Medicare's use of these methodologies and rates could affect its 
overall home oxygen spending; and (3) Examining changes in Medicare 
beneficiary access to home oxygen as a result of the 36-month cap on 
payments for oxygen equipment mandated by section 1834(a)(5)(F) of the 
Social Security Act (the Act). 

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is committed to 
ensuring access to oxygen and oxygen equipment under the Medicare 
program and remains concerned with the accuracy of payment for these 
items. CMS appreciates the efforts of the GAO to examine these issues 
in its report. While we concur with the GAO's general view with 
respect to improving the accuracy of Medicare's oxygen payments, the 
report's specific recommendation for executive action does not advance 
that goal within the current statutory framework as discussed below.
We also have concerns with certain aspects of the report that are 
based on self reported supplier data and an industry funded study that 
reflects serious design flaws. 

GAO Recommendation: 

To establish rates that more accurately reflect the distinct cost of 
providing each type of home oxygen equipment, we recommend that the 
Administrator of CMS restructure Medicare's home oxygen payment 
methodology. This should include removing the payment for oxygen 
refills from that for stationary equipment and paying for refills only 
for the equipment types that require them. 

CMS Response: 

Medicare currently makes payments for oxygen under a modality neutral 
payment method. For stationary oxygen, the cost of refills is captured 
within that payment. While some patients may require more refills and 
others require fewer, on average this payment method is intended to 
provide an appropriate monthly payment amount to suppliers for 
furnishing services to their patients. 

While CMS concurs with the GAO's more general finding that current 
payments for oxygen are excessive and should more accurately reflect 
the items and services provided, we do not concur with this specific 
recommendation because it does not advance, and may actually run 
counter to, this goal. Use of our authority at section 1834(a)(9)(D) 
of the Act to create separate classes for different oxygen equipment 
modalities (i.e., those that require refills and those that do not)
would need to be done in a way that ensures annual budget neutrality. 
Therefore, overall expenditures for oxygen and oxygen equipment would 
be no different under the new classes as they would be under the 
current modality neutral classes. This change would therefore result 
in no immediate savings and would likely delay savings that would be 
achieved in the near future through implementation of competitive 
bidding. Competitive bidding programs for oxygen and oxygen equipment 
are currently being phased in for the current classes of oxygen and 
oxygen equipment and savings under these programs will be achieved for 
the combination of oxygen and oxygen equipment furnished to Medicare 

Although CMS agrees with the general conclusion of the report that 
Medicare rates for oxygen are excessive, CMS is concerned with the 
self reported industry data that is relied on in estimating suppliers' 
costs of furnishing oxygen and oxygen equipment in this report and the
assumptions made in comparing the Medicare payment methodology and 
rates with that of other payers such as the Veterans Administration 
and private payers. 

The CMS would like to thank the GAO for its efforts and insight on 
this report. This report provides valuable information regarding the 
cost of oxygen equipment and helps verify that payment reforms such as 
competitive bidding are needed to address excessive Medicare
payments for oxygen and oxygen equipment. We look forward to working 
with the GAO further on these issues. 

[End of section] 

Appendix IV: GAO Contact and Staff Acknowledgments: 

GAO Contact: 

James C. Cosgrove, (202) 512-7114 or 

Staff Acknowledgments: 

In addition to the contact named above, Phyllis Thorburn, Assistant 
Director; Todd Anderson; Ba Lin; Richard Lipinski; Elizabeth T. 
Morrison; Aubrey Winterbottom; and Rachael Wojnowicz made key 
contributions to this report. 

[End of section] 


[1] Unless otherwise indicated, when we refer to home oxygen we are 
referring to the provision of home oxygen, including equipment, 
supplies, and covered services. 

[2] GAO, Medicare: Comparison of Medicare and VA Payment Rates for 
Home Oxygen, [hyperlink,] 
(Washington, D.C.: May 15, 1997). 

[3] HHS OIG, Medicare and FEHB Payment Rates for Home Oxygen 
Equipment, OEI-09-03-00160 (Revised) (San Francisco, Calif.: March 
2005); and HHS OIG, Medicare Home Oxygen Equipment: Cost and 
Servicing, OEI-09-04-00420 (San Francisco, Calif.: September 2006). 

[4] Medicare Part B covers a broad range of medical services, 
including physician, laboratory, hospital outpatient, and durable 
medical equipment (DME). Home oxygen equipment is covered under the 
Part B DME benefit. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services 
(CMS)--the agency within HHS that administers the Medicare program--
defines DME as equipment that (1) can withstand repeated use, (2) is 
primarily and customarily used to serve a medical purpose, (3) 
generally is not useful to an individual in the absence of an illness 
or injury, and (4) is appropriate for use in the home. See 42 CFR § 

[5] Expenditures are the sum of total allowed charges for home oxygen. 

[6] Beneficiaries are also responsible for an annual deductible for 
Part B services, which include home oxygen equipment and services. The 
deductible was $135 per year in 2008 and 2009. 

[7] If a beneficiary relocates outside his or her current supplier's 
service area after reaching the 36-month rental cap, the existing 
supplier must arrange for the beneficiary to continue receiving home 
oxygen in the new location. This requirement does not apply if a 
beneficiary relocates prior reaching to the rental cap. 

[8] H.R. 3790, introduced in the House of Representatives in the 111th 
Congress, would have repealed Medicare's DME competitive bidding 
program, however, the bill did not pass. A previous GAO report 
examined whether beneficiary access to certain types of home oxygen 
equipment was affected by the home oxygen payment rate reductions 
mandated by the Balanced Budget Act of 1997. Although GAO did not 
discover access problems, GAO recommended that CMS continue to monitor 
potential access issues. See GAO, Medicare: Access to Home Oxygen 
Largely Unchanged; Closer HCFA Monitoring Needed, [hyperlink,] (Washington, D.C.: Apr. 5, 

[9] HHS OIG, Medicare Home Oxygen Equipment: Cost and Servicing. 

[10] Morrison Informatics, Inc., A Comprehensive Cost Analysis of 
Medicare Home Oxygen Therapy (Mechanicsburg, Pa.: June 27, 2006). 

[11] When we were unable to collect more current information, we used 
the cost data presented in the Morrison report and adjusted these 
figures to present them in 2009 dollars. 

[12] These exclusions were based on Section 240.2 of the Medicare 
National Coverage Determinations Manual. 

[13] The Morrison report offered the most recent information available 
on suppliers' costs at the time of our analysis. The authors of this 
report did not respond to our attempts to contact them. 

[14] In 2008, approximately 4.4 percent of home oxygen beneficiaries 
used stationary liquid equipment and approximately 1.4 percent used 
only portable equipment. We did not generate separate cost estimates 
for beneficiaries using these types of equipment. 

[15] Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business & Government, John F. 
Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Health Care Delivery 
Covered Lives--Summary of Findings (Cambridge, Mass.: Mar. 11, 2007). 
Two insurers on the Kennedy School list had merged and another is 
divided among many entities that operate at the local level. 

[16] We used this method for seven of the eight insurers. For the 
method used for the eighth insurer, see appendix I. 

[17] The Medicare rental cap prohibited payment to suppliers for 
equipment rentals after the 36TH month for the duration of the 
reasonable life of the equipment, which can not be less than 60 
months. If the beneficiary still requires oxygen in month 61, payments 
resume if the supplier replaces the equipment (replacement equipment 
need not be new). On the basis of an examination of the claims history 
of beneficiaries who began using home oxygen in 2003, we estimated 
that 9.3 percent of portable equipment users and 10.1 percent of 
stationary equipment users in 2009 would have rented equipment for 
more than 36 months and less than 61 months and thus be subject to the 

[18] In many cases, the VA employs a competitive bidding process that 
awards exclusive contracts in specific VA regions or medical centers. 
In some cases, the VA awards contracts to multiple suppliers and each 
contractor is guaranteed a minimum amount. 

[19] GAO, Medicare: Home Oxygen Program Warrants Continued HCFA 
Attention, [hyperlink,] 
(Washington, D.C.: Nov. 7, 1997). 

[20] Medicare beneficiaries must be reevaluated and recertified within 
3 months or 1 year of continuous home oxygen use, depending on the 
level of oxygen in the blood at the time of the initial certification. 
Once recertification establishes a continued need for supplemental 
oxygen, subsequent recertifications are not routinely required. 
However, some evidence suggests that home oxygen patients, 
particularly those who receive supplemental oxygen to treat an acute 
illness, such as pneumonia, should be evaluated more frequently to 
avoid payment for oxygen that is not medically necessary 
("Implementation of an Oxygen Therapy Clinic to Manage Users of Long-
term Oxygen Therapy," CHEST Journal [November 2002], pp. 1661-67). For 
example, the VA reevaluates its beneficiaries after 6 months of home 
oxygen use, and then annually. 

[21] COPD refers to a group of lung diseases that block airflow and 
make it increasingly difficult to breathe. Emphysema and chronic 
bronchitis are the two main conditions that make up COPD. 

[22] HHS OIG, Medicare Reimbursement for At-Home Oxygen Care, OAI-04- 
87-00017 (December 1987). 

[23] Pub. L. No. 105-33, §§ 4551, 4552, 111 Stat. 251, 457, 459. The 
BBA reduced home oxygen payment rates to 75 percent of the 1997 rate 
for 1998, and 70 percent of the 1997 rate for each subsequent year. 

[24] Pub. L. No. 105-33, § 4319, 111 Stat. 392. 

[25] Pub. L. No. 108-173, § 302, 117 Stat. 2066, 2223. CMS authorized 
independent accreditation organizations to certify that suppliers 
adhere to the quality standards. Home oxygen suppliers were required 
to become accredited by October 1, 2009, in order to receive payment 
from Medicare. 

[26] The 10 competitive bidding areas, selected from the largest 
metropolitan statistical areas, were Charlotte (Charlotte-Gastonia- 
Concord, North Carolina and South Carolina); Cincinnati (Cincinnati- 
Middletown, Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana); Cleveland (Cleveland-Elyria- 
Mentor, Ohio); Dallas (Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, Texas); Kansas 
City (Kansas City, Missouri and Kansas); Miami (Miami-Fort Lauderdale-
Miami Beach, Florida); Orlando (Orlando-Kissimmee, Florida); 
Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania); Riverside (Riverside-San 
Bernardino-Ontario, California); and San Juan (San Juan-Caguas-
Guaynabo, Puerto Rico). 

[27] In May 2008, CMS announced the final winning suppliers. Contracts 
with winning suppliers were to take effect July 1, 2008. 

[28] Pub. L. No. 109-171, § 5101, 120 Stat. 4, 37. 

[29] Pub. L. No. 110-275, § 144, 122 Stat. 2494, 2544. 

[30] The reasonable useful lifetime of home oxygen equipment--at least 
60 months--is not based on the chronological age of the equipment. It 
begins when the supplier first delivers equipment to the beneficiary, 
meaning suppliers can provide beneficiaries with used equipment. 

[31] While equipment is subject to the rental cap, Medicare pays 
suppliers separately for two services: (1) routine maintenance and (2) 
delivery of oxygen refills. 

[32] The nine competitive bidding areas selected for the round 1 rebid 
were the same areas selected for the initial round 1 bid in 2007, 
except that Puerto Rico was excluded from the rebid. The rebid 
occurred from October through December 2009 and the new payment rates 
were released in July 2010. CMS projects the new rates, effective in 
the nine competitive bidding areas January 1, 2011, will result in 
average savings of 32 percent compared to the 2010 payment rates for 
the DME included in the program. 

[33] Pub. L. No. 110-275, § 154, 122 Stat. 2560. 

[34] Transfilling equipment describes a feature of a stationary oxygen 
concentrator that allows beneficiaries to fill their own portable 
gaseous cylinders in the home. This feature may be integrated into the 
stationary concentrator or it may be a separate component. 

[35] We refer to portable liquid and gaseous systems throughout the 
report as "traditional portable equipment" in order to differentiate 
them from OGPE. 

[36] OGPE is a type of portable equipment. 

[37] Effective January 1, 2006, the DRA limited rental payments for 
home oxygen equipment to a period of 36 months of continuous use. 
Therefore, beneficiaries using home oxygen on a continuous basis since 
January 1, 2006, reached the 36-month rental cap on January 1, 2009. 

[38] The reasonable useful life of home oxygen equipment is at least 
60 months. 

[39] In 2009, Medicare's maintenance payment for oxygen equipment 
after the 36-month rental cap was reached varied by state, ranging 
from $27 to $51 every 6 months. The average amount for all states 
based on claims completed before December 31, 2009, was $30 every 6 
months. For equipment furnished on or after July 1, 2010, Medicare 
established a single maintenance payment amount of $66. 

[40] Because Medicare bundles payment for oxygen refills and 
maintenance into the monthly rental fee for stationary equipment, 
separate payment for oxygen refills and maintenance is made only after 
a beneficiary reaches the 36-month rental cap, when equipment rental 
payments stop. Furthermore, separate payments for oxygen refills and 
maintenance end in the event that a beneficiary receives replacement 
stationary oxygen equipment, and a new 36-month payment period begins. 

[41] This figure is based on a 5-year analysis of Medicare claims for 
home oxygen beneficiaries who began using stationary equipment in 
2003. Nearly all Medicare home oxygen beneficiaries used stationary 

[42] A 2006 HHS OIG study reported that suppliers provided used 
equipment to 73 percent of sampled beneficiaries (OEI-09-04-00420). 

[43] Morrison Informatics, Inc., A Comprehensive Cost Analysis of 
Medicare Home Oxygen Therapy. 

[44] Industry group representatives told us that some suppliers 
compete on the basis of services, not costs, because Medicare 
generally pays fixed rates for home oxygen equipment. We excluded 
costs for services not required by Medicare in the adjusted cost 

[45] According to the Medicare National Coverage Determinations 
Manual, the DME benefit provides coverage of home use of oxygen and 
oxygen equipment, but does not include a professional component in the 
delivery of such services. 

[46] This company's quarterly report to the U.S. Securities and 
Exchange Commission for the period ending September 30, 2009, noted 
that the company's respiratory therapists generally provide 
nonreimbursable and discretionary clinical follow-up with the 
customer. This report also stated that respiratory therapists enhance 
the company's business relative to its competitors that do not employ 
these personnel. 

[47] In 2009, Medicare paid a monthly rate of $176 through the first 
36 months and approximately $5 per month after the 36-month rental 
cap. The average payment amount accounts for the 36-month rental cap 
by adjusting payment amounts according to the approximate number of 
beneficiaries affected by the cap at a given point in time. 

[48] Since oxygen concentrators are electrically operated, suppliers 
may provide backup tanks for use in the event of a power failure. 

[49] On average, approximately 17 percent of adjusted costs were 
equipment-related; 40 percent were service-related; and 43 percent 
were for overhead. Since nearly all beneficiaries use stationary 
equipment, we attributed costs that were not easily split between 
different equipment types, such as equipment delivery, scheduled and 
unscheduled maintenance, and overhead, to the cost of providing a 
stationary concentrator. 

[50] Medicare's quality standards incorporate guidelines of the 
American Association of Respiratory Care, recommending that oxygen 
equipment be serviced in accordance with manufacturer's 
recommendations or at least once per year. 

[51] This payment rate was not designed to cover the entire cost of 
providing portable equipment, since delivery of oxygen refills is 
covered under the stationary rate for the first 36 months of 
continuous use. 

[52] On average, approximately 49 percent of costs were equipment- 
related and 51 percent were service-related. Since certain services 
and overhead costs are included in the cost of providing a stationary 
concentrator, this estimate does not represent the total monthly cost 
of providing traditional portable equipment in isolation. According to 
Medicare claims data, less than 2 percent of home oxygen beneficiaries 
used traditional portable equipment without an accompanying home-based 
stationary unit in 2008. 

[53] Suppliers may deliver up to 3 months' worth of oxygen refills at 
one time. 

[54] Since certain services and overhead costs are included in the 
cost of providing a stationary concentrator, this estimate does not 
represent the total monthly cost of providing OGPE in isolation. 
According to Medicare claims data, less than 0.1 percent of home 
oxygen beneficiaries used OGPE without an accompanying home-based 
stationary unit in 2008. 

[55] This cost estimate is weighted based on the number of home oxygen 
beneficiaries who used each equipment type--stationary concentrator; 
traditional portable; and OGPE--in 2008. We used 2008 Medicare claims 
data to estimate utilization for each equipment type because complete 
Medicare claims from 2009 were not available at the time of our review. 

[56] This payment estimate is weighted based on the number of home 
oxygen beneficiaries who used each equipment type in 2008. It also 
accounts for the approximate proportion of Medicare beneficiaries 
affected by the rental cap for each equipment type, and adjusts 
payment amounts accordingly. 

[57] For example, some VA contracts include the services of a 
respiratory therapist, which Medicare does not cover. 

[58] In addition to the rental cap, payment rates were reduced 9.5 
percent as a result of the postponement in competitive bidding, and 
rates for stationary equipment were reduced an additional 2.53 percent 
as a result of a budget-neutrality adjustment in 2009. See 42 U.S.C. § 

[59] Medicare Program; Special Payment Limits for Home Oxygen, 62 Fed. 
Reg. 38100 (July 16, 1997); [hyperlink,]. 

[60] This is in addition to the 9.5 percent reduction in payments to 
offset the postponed implementation of competitive bidding. Consistent 
with law, the rates for round 1 of Medicare's competitive bidding 
program could not exceed the Medicare fee schedule rates. 

[61] The share of Part B beneficiaries receiving home oxygen in 2008 
ranged from 1.6 percent of beneficiaries in Puerto Rico to nearly 14 
percent in Wyoming. The states with the largest share of Part B 
beneficiaries receiving home oxygen in 2008 were Colorado, Nevada, New 
Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming. These five states have the highest average 
elevations in the United States, which can affect an individual's 
oxygen needs. 

[62] Data from the first 9 months of 2009 suggest that the number of 
suppliers continued to decline. The average number of beneficiaries 
per supplier by state in 2008 ranged from 15 beneficiaries per 
supplier in Puerto Rico to 1,175 beneficiaries per supplier in the 
District of Columbia. There was one home oxygen supplier in the 
District of Columbia in 2008. New Hampshire had the second largest 
ratio of beneficiaries to supplier in 2008 at 328 beneficiaries per 

[63] The percentage of home oxygen beneficiaries using portable 
equipment includes beneficiaries using portable equipment only and 
beneficiaries using portable equipment in addition to stationary 

[64] The age distribution of Medicare home oxygen beneficiaries 
between 2001 and 2008 was relatively stable, and equipment utilization 
trends--that is, an increase or decrease in utilization--were similar 
for beneficiaries under 65 years and 65 years and over. However, a 
change in the mobility of this population could have affected the type 
of equipment they used. Around 2004, increased numbers of 
beneficiaries began enrolling in Part C--Medicare Advantage--
Medicare's private health plan option. Sicker, and therefore 
potentially less mobile, beneficiaries may have been less likely to 
elect Medicare Advantage, thereby raising the proportion of Part B 
beneficiaries using stationary equipment only. CMS estimates that Part 
C enrollees are healthier than those in the traditional fee-for-
service program. 

[65] OGPE is an exception. Medicare's payment rate for OGPE is higher 
than the rate for traditional portable equipment. 

[66] Suppliers are required to continue providing home oxygen after 
the beneficiary reaches 36 months' use of rental equipment, even if 
the beneficiary relocates outside the supplier's service area. This 
may require suppliers to subcontract with another supplier in the 
beneficiary's new location. 

[67] We used 30 miles for our analysis to provide a liberal estimate 
of the number of beneficiaries who relocate outside their supplier's 
service area. Our analysis does not include beneficiaries who 
temporarily relocate, since these beneficiaries are generally unlikely 
to change their address on record with CMS. 

[68] CMS categorized the other inquiries as follows: Medicare oxygen 
coverage (93), supplier going out of business (17), supplier 
uncooperative (137), billing issues (45), beneficiary/supplier 
switching equipment (4), and miscellaneous (2). 

[69] Medicare Program Payment Policies Under the Physician Fee 
Schedule and Other Revisions to Part B for CY 2011; Final Rule With 
Comment Period, 75 Fed. Reg. 73170, 73580-73581 (Nov. 29, 2010). 

[70] See 71 Fed. Reg. 48354 (Aug. 18, 2006) (accreditation requirement 
codified at 42 C.F.R. § 424.57(c)(22) and effective Oct. 2, 2006); 74 
Fed. Reg. 166 (Jan. 2, 2009) (surety bond requirement codified at 42 
C.F.R. § 424.57(c)(26) and effective May 4, 2009). 

[71] Morrison Informatics, Inc., A Comprehensive Cost Analysis of 
Medicare Home Oxygen Therapy (Mechanicsburg, Pa.: June 27, 2006). The 
Morrison report was commissioned by AAHomecare to determine suppliers' 
costs to provide home oxygen to Medicare beneficiaries. The report 
stated that these costs came from a survey of 74 home oxygen suppliers 
representing over 600,000 Medicare beneficiaries. 

[72] The cap applies to beneficiaries who have had 36 months of 
continuous use of home oxygen. We used CMS's method for determining a 
period of continuous use: For beneficiaries with rental use up to 36 
months (i.e., before the cap), utilization is continuous if any 
interruptions lasted no more than 60 consecutive days plus the days 
remaining in the rental month in which the interruption began. For 
beneficiaries with rental use of more than 36 months (i.e., after the 
cap), utilization is continuous regardless of the length of any 

[73] Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business & Government, John F. 
Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Health Care Delivery 
Covered Lives--Summary of Findings (Cambridge, Mass.: Mar. 11, 2007). 
Two insurers on the Kennedy School list had merged and another is 
divided among many entities that operate at the local level. 

[74] An insurer was considered regional if all or nearly all of its 
2008 premiums were associated with one state. 

[75] GAO, Medicare: Home Oxygen Program Warrants Continued HCFA 
Attention, [hyperlink,] 
(Washington, D.C.: Nov. 7, 1997). 

[76] Medicare beneficiaries must be reevaluated and recertified within 
3 months or 1 year of continuous home oxygen use, depending on the 
level of oxygen in the blood at the time of the initial certification. 
Once recertification establishes a continued need for supplemental 
oxygen, subsequent recertifications are not routinely required. 
However, some evidence suggests that home oxygen patients, 
particularly those who receive supplemental oxygen to treat an acute 
illness, such as pneumonia, should be evaluated more frequently to 
avoid payment for oxygen that is not medically necessary 
("Implementation of an Oxygen Therapy Clinic to Manage Users of Long-
term Oxygen Therapy," CHEST Journal [November 2002], pp. 1661-67). For 
example, the VA reevaluates its beneficiaries after 6 months of home 
oxygen use, and then annually. 

[77] The Denominator File contains data on all Medicare beneficiaries 
enrolled, or entitled, or both, in a given year. 

[78] Morrison Informatics, Inc., A Comprehensive Cost Analysis of 
Medicare Home Oxygen Therapy (Mechanicsburg, Pa.: June 27, 2006). We 
attempted to contact Morrison Informatics, Inc., to ask follow-up 
questions about the report and the associated survey instrument, both 
through information from the company's Web site [hyperlink,] and contact information provided by 
AAHomecare. The authors of the report did not respond to our attempts 
to contact them. 

[79] A GPO is an entity that helps health care providers realize 
savings and efficiencies by aggregating purchasing volume and using 
that leverage to negotiate discounts with manufacturers, distributors, 
and other vendors. 

[80] The Morrison report noted that overhead costs contributed to a 
large proportion of overall costs and that further analysis of the 
components would be necessary to better understand the nature of these 

[81] On the basis of information provided by representatives of four 
manufacturers of home oxygen equipment, we determined that there were 
five major manufacturers of this equipment in the U.S. market at the 
time of our study. We interviewed four of the five major U.S. home 
oxygen equipment manufacturers and two smaller manufacturers. 

[82] Higher-capacity units, such as 8-and 10-liter stationary oxygen 
concentrators, are more expensive than the standard 5-liter units. 
However, based on our analysis of Medicare claims data from 2008, less 
than 0.5 percent of beneficiaries had a prescribed oxygen flow of more 
than 4 liters per minute. 

[83] The Morrison report combined suppliers' acquisition costs for 
stationary oxygen concentrators and stationary liquid systems. 

[84] Since stationary oxygen concentrators are electrically operated, 
suppliers may provide backup units for use in the event of a power 

[85] According to the survey instrument distributed to suppliers by 
Morrison Informatics, Inc., this estimate includes the average cost of 
gaseous cylinders and liquid portable units, weighted by the number of 
portable customers on each system. Suppliers were asked to provide 
costs for multiple cylinders if used. This estimate also includes the 
cost of ancillary supplies such as stands, regulators, and oxygen- 
conserving devices. 

[86] OGPE was used by less than 1 percent of beneficiaries in 2006. 

[87] The IRS's 2009 standard mileage rate of 55 cents per mile for 
business miles driven was comparable to the average vehicle cost 
presented in the Morrison report. Therefore, we did not adjust this 
cost component. 

[88] Medicare's DME Quality Standards indicate that suppliers should 
comply with the current version of the American Association for 
Respiratory Care Practice Guidelines for Oxygen Therapy in the Home or 
Extended Care Facility. Section 11.2 of these guidelines indicates 
that oxygen equipment should be serviced and maintained in accordance 
with the manufacturer specifications or no less than once per year. 

[89] HHS OIG, Medicare Home Oxygen Equipment: Cost and Servicing, OEI- 
09-04-00420 (San Francisco, Calif.: September 2006). 

[90] Disposable supplies include accessories such as tubing, which 
attaches to the oxygen equipment and is available in different lengths 
to enable mobility within the home, and nasal cannulas, which connect 
to the tubing to deliver oxygen through the nostrils. Maintenance 
supplies include different types of filters that should be cleaned or 
replaced as part of preventive maintenance for oxygen concentrators. 

[91] HHS OIG, Medicare Home Oxygen Equipment: Cost and Servicing. The 
OIG report also found that 65 percent of beneficiaries received two or 
fewer cylinders from their suppliers in the first year of rental. 

[92] Medicare National Coverage Determinations Manual, § 240.2 F. The 
DME benefit provides coverage of home use of oxygen and oxygen 
equipment, but does not include a professional component, namely, 
those of respiratory therapists, in the delivery of such services. 

[93] We used 2008 Medicare claims data to estimate utilization for 
each equipment type because complete Medicare claims from 2009 were 
not available at the time of our review. 

[End of section] 

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