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entitled 'Energy-Water Nexus: A Better and Coordinated Understanding 
of Water Resources Could Help Mitigate the Impacts of Potential Oil 
Shale Development' which was released on November 29, 2010. 

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Report to Congressional Requesters: 

United States Government Accountability Office:

October 2010: 

Energy-Water Nexus: 

A Better and Coordinated Understanding of Water Resources Could Help 
Mitigate the Impacts of Potential Oil Shale Development: 


GAO Highlights: 

Highlights of GAO-11-35, a report to congressional requesters. 

Why GAO Did This Study: 

Oil shale deposits in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming are estimated to 
contain up to 3 trillion barrels of oil—or an amount equal to the 
world’s proven oil reserves. About 72 percent of this oil shale is 
located beneath federal lands, making the federal government a key 
player in its potential development. Extracting this oil is expected 
to require substantial amounts of water and could impact groundwater 
and surface water. GAO was asked to report on (1) what is known about 
the potential impacts of oil shale development on surface water and 
groundwater, (2) what is known about the amount of water that may be 
needed for commercial oil shale development, (3) the extent to which 
water will likely be available for commercial oil shale development 
and its source, and (4) federal research efforts to address impacts to 
water resources from commercial oil shale development. GAO examined 
environmental impacts and water needs studies and talked to Department 
of Energy (DOE), Department of the Interior (Interior), and industry 

What GAO Found: 

Oil shale development could have significant impacts on the quality 
and quantity of water resources, but the magnitude of these impacts is 
unknown because technologies are years from being commercially proven, 
the size of a future oil shale industry is uncertain, and knowledge of 
current water conditions and groundwater flow is limited. In the 
absence of effective mitigation measures, water resources could be 
impacted from ground disturbances caused by the construction of roads 
and production facilities; withdrawing water from streams and aquifers 
for oil shale operations, underground mining and extraction; and 
discharging waters produced from or used in operations. 

Estimates vary widely for the amount of water needed to commercially 
produce oil shale primarily because of the unproven nature of some 
technologies and because the various ways of generating power for 
operations use differing quantities of water. GAO’s review of 
available studies indicated that the expected total water needs for 
the entire life cycle of oil shale production ranges from about 1 
barrel (or 42 gallons) to 12 barrels of water per barrel of oil 
produced from in-situ (underground heating) operations, with an 
average of about 5 barrels, and from about 2 to 4 barrels of water per 
barrel of oil produced from mining operations with surface heating. 

Water is likely to be available for the initial development of an oil 
shale industry, but the size of an industry in Colorado or Utah may 
eventually be limited by water availability. Water limitations may 
arise from increases in water demand from municipal and industrial 
users, the potential of reduced water supplies from a warming climate, 
fulfilling obligations under interstate water compacts, and the need 
to provide additional water to protect threatened and endangered 

The federal government sponsors research on the impacts of oil shale 
on water resources through DOE and Interior. DOE manages 13 projects 
whose water-related costs total about $4.3 million, and Interior 
sponsored two water-related projects, totaling about $500,000. Despite 
this research, nearly all of the officials and experts that GAO 
contacted said that there are insufficient data to understand baseline 
conditions of water resources in the oil shale regions of Colorado and 
Utah and that additional research is needed to understand the movement 
of groundwater and its interaction with surface water. Federal agency 
officials also said they seldom coordinate water-related oil shale 
research among themselves or with state agencies that regulate water. 
Most officials noted that agencies could benefit from such 

What GAO Recommends: 

GAO recommends that Interior establish comprehensive baseline 
conditions for water resources in oil shale regions of Colorado and 
Utah, model regional groundwater movement, and coordinate on water-
related research with DOE and state agencies involved in water 
regulation. Interior generally concurred with GAO’s recommendations. 

View [hyperlink,] or key 
components. For more information, contact Mark Gaffigan or Anu Mittal 
at (202) 512-3841 or or 

[End of section] 




Oil Shale Development Could Adversely Impact Water Resources, but the 
Magnitude of These Impacts Is Unknown: 

Estimates of Water Needs for Commercial Oil Shale Development Vary 

Water Is Likely to Be Available Initially from Local Sources, but the 
Size of an Oil Shale Industry May Eventually Be Limited by Water 

Federal Research Efforts on the Impacts of Oil Shale Development on 
Water Resources Do Not Provide Sufficient Data for Future Monitoring: 


Recommendations for Executive Action: 

Agency Comments: 

Appendix I: Scope and Methodology: 

Appendix II: Descriptions of Federally Funded Water-Related Oil Shale 

Appendix III: Comments from the Department of the Interior: 

Appendix IV: Comments from the Department of Energy: 

Appendix V: GAO Contacts and Staff Acknowledgments: 


Table 1: Estimated Barrels of Water Needed for Various Activities per 
Barrel of Shale Oil Produced by In-Situ Operations: 

Table 2: Estimated Barrels of Water Needed for Various Activities per 
Barrel of Shale Oil Produced by Mining and Surface Retorting: 

Table 3: Estimated Water Needs for Mining and Surface Retorting of Oil 
Shale by Industries of Various Sizes: 

Table 4: Estimated Water Needs for In-Situ Retorting of Oil Shale by 
Industries of Various Sizes: 

Table 5: Estimated Water That Will Be Physically and Legally Available 
in the White River at Meeker, Colorado, in 2030: 

Table 6: Federal Funding for Oil Shale Research Initiated Since June 

Table 7: Studies on Water Use for Oil Shale Development Initially 
Identified by GAO: 

Table 8: Studies GAO Examined That Contained Original Research on 
Water Requirements for Groups of Activities Representing the Complete 
Life Cycle for the In-Situ Production of Oil Shale: 

Table 9: Studies GAO Examined That Contained Original Research on 
Water Requirements for Groups of Activities Representing the Complete 
Life Cycle for an Oil Shale Mine with a Surface Retort: 

Table 10: Agencies Contacted by GAO for Opinions on Research Needs: 


Figure 1: Location of Oil Shale Resources in Colorado and Utah: 

Figure 2: Typical View in the Piceance Basin of Colorado: 

Figure 3: Shell's Experimental In-Situ Site in Colorado: 

Figure 4: Estimated Total Barrels of Water Needed per Barrel of Shale 
Oil Produced by In-Situ Extraction, According to Source of Power 

Figure 5: Surface Retort near Rifle, Colorado: 

Figure 6: Estimated Total Barrels of Water Needed per Barrel of Shale 
Oil Produced by Mining and Surface Retorting, According to Source of 
Power Generation: 

Figure 7: Location of Rivers near Oil Shale Resources: 

Figure 8: White River near Meeker, Colorado: 


BLM: Bureau of Land Management: 

BOR: Bureau of Reclamation: 

DOE: Department of Energy: 

EIS: environmental impact statement: 

EPA: Environmental Protection Agency: 

INL: Idaho National Laboratory: 

Interior: Department of the Interior: 

NEPA: National Environmental Policy Act: 

NETL: National Energy Technology Laboratory: 

OSEC: Oil Shale Exploration Company: 

OTA: Office of Technology Assessment: 

PEIS: programmatic environmental impact statement: 

RD&D: research, development, and demonstration: 

USGS: U.S. Geological Survey: 

[End of section] 

United States Government Accountability Office:
Washington, DC 20548: 

October 29, 2010: 

The Honorable Bart Gordon:
Committee on Science and Technology:
House of Representatives: 

The Honorable Brian N. Baird: 
Subcommittee on Energy and Environment: 
Committee on Science and Technology: 

House of Representatives: 

Being able to tap the vast amounts of oil locked within U.S. oil shale 
could go a long way toward satisfying the nation's future oil demands. 
Oil shale is a sedimentary rock containing solid organic material that 
converts into a type of crude oil when heated. The Green River 
Formation--an assemblage of over 1,000 feet of sedimentary rocks that 
lie beneath parts of Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming--contains the world's 
largest deposits of oil shale. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 
estimates that the Green River Formation contains about 3 trillion 
barrels of oil, and about half of this may be recoverable, depending 
on available technology and economic conditions.[Footnote 1] This is 
an amount about equal to the entire world's proven oil reserves. The 
thickest and richest oil shale within the Green River Formation exists 
in the Piceance Basin of northwest Colorado and the Uintah Basin of 
northeast Utah. 

The federal government is in a unique position to influence the 
development of oil shale because 72 percent of the oil shale within 
the Green River Formation is beneath federal lands managed by the 
Department of the Interior's (Interior) Bureau of Land Management 
(BLM). The Department of Energy (DOE) has provided technological and 
financial support for oil shale development, primarily through its 
research and development efforts, but oil shale development has been 
hampered by concerns over potential impacts on the environment, 
technological challenges, and average oil prices that have been too 
low to consistently justify investment. In particular, developing oil 
shale and providing power for oil shale operations and other 
activities will require large amounts of water--a resource that is 
already in scarce supply in the arid West where an expanding 
population is placing additional demands on water. Some analysts 
project that large scale oil shale development within Colorado could 
require more water than is currently supplied to over 1 million 
residents of the Denver metro area and that water diverted for oil 
shale operations would restrict agricultural and urban development. 
The potential demand for water is further complicated by the past 
decade of drought in the West and projections of a warming climate in 
the future. While there are also other concerns over the impacts from 
oil shale development, such as impacts to air quality, wildlife, and 
nearby communities, this report focuses on water impacts. 

In response to your request, and building on our two recent reports 
examining the relationship between other forms of energy production 
and water use,[Footnote 2] we examined (1) what is known about the 
potential impacts of oil shale development on surface water and 
groundwater, (2) what is known about the amount of water that may be 
needed for the commercial development of oil shale, (3) the extent to 
which water will likely be available for commercial oil shale 
development and its source, and (4) federal research efforts to 
address impacts on water resources from commercial oil shale 
development. Our report focuses on oil shale resources within the 
Green River Formation in the Piceance Basin of northwest Colorado and 
in the Uintah Basin of northeast Utah because these are the areas in 
the United States in which the industry is most interested in pursuing 
oil shale development due to the great thickness and richness of the 

To determine what is known about the potential impacts to surface 
water and groundwater from commercial oil shale development, we 
reviewed an environmental impact statement on oil shale development 
prepared by BLM and various studies from private and public groups. We 
discussed the completeness and accuracy of these studies in interviews 
with federal agency officials, state agency personnel involved in 
regulating water quality and quantity, oil shale industry 
representatives, and representatives of environmental groups. We also 
visited oil shale demonstration projects in Colorado. To determine 
what is known about the amount of water that may be needed for 
commercial oil shale development, we conducted a comprehensive 
literature search for studies on water needs, contacted the authors of 
these studies, and assessed the reasonableness of their estimates. Our 
review of the literature identified several groups of activities that 
comprise the life cycle of oil shale production. We then tabulated the 
water needs identified in each study for each group of activities and 
expressed the total water needs for the life cycle as a range based on 
these numbers. To determine the extent to which water is likely to be 
available for commercial oil shale development and its source, we 
compared the total needs reflected in this estimated range to the 
amount of surface water and groundwater that is physically and legally 
available in the immediate area and to the future demands of 
municipalities and other industries as projected by federal and state 
agencies.[Footnote 3] To review federal research efforts to address 
the impacts of commercial oil shale development on water resources, we 
interviewed officials at DOE, the USGS, BLM, and organizations 
performing the research, including universities and national 
laboratories, and collected and reviewed relevant documents describing 
their research. We also discussed areas for future water research as 
it relates to oil shale with 18 organizations--including the USGS, 
BLM, the DOE National Energy Technology Laboratory, the DOE Office of 
Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves, the U.S. Bureau of 
Reclamation, three DOE national laboratories, four state regulatory 
agencies in Colorado and Utah, three water experts, an industry 
representative, and two universities performing research--to identify 
gaps in current efforts. 

We conducted this performance audit from September 2009 through 
October 2010 in accordance with generally accepted government auditing 
standards. These standards require that we plan and perform the audit 
to obtain sufficient and appropriate evidence to provide a reasonable 
basis for our findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives. 
We believe that the evidence obtained provides such a reasonable basis 
for our findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives. 


Interest in oil shale as a domestic energy source has waxed and waned 
since the early 1900s. In 1912, President Taft established an Office 
of Naval and Petroleum Oil Shale Reserves, and between 1916 and 1924, 
executive orders set aside federal land in three separate naval oil 
shale reserves to ensure an emergency domestic supply of oil. The 
Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 made petroleum and oil shale resources on 
federal lands available for development under the terms of a mineral 
lease, but large domestic oil discoveries soon after passage of the 
act dampened interest in oil shale. Interest resumed at various points 
during times of generally increasing oil prices. For example, the U.S. 
Bureau of Mines developed an oil shale demonstration project beginning 
in 1949 in Colorado, where it attempted to develop a process to 
extract the oil. The 1970s' energy crises stimulated interest once 
again, and DOE partnered with a number of energy companies, spawning a 
host of demonstration projects. Private efforts to develop oil shale 
stalled after 1982 when crude oil prices fell significantly, and the 
federal government dropped financial support for ongoing demonstration 

More recently, the Energy Policy Act of 2005 directed BLM to lease its 
lands for oil shale research and development. In June 2005, BLM 
initiated a leasing program for research, development, and 
demonstration (RD&D) of oil shale recovery technologies. By early 
2007, it granted six small RD&D leases: five in the Piceance Basin of 
northwest Colorado and one in Uintah Basin of northeast Utah. The 
location of oil shale resources in these two basins is shown in figure 
1. The leases are for a 10-year period, and if the technologies are 
proven commercially viable, the lessees can significantly expand the 
size of the leases for commercial production into adjacent areas known 
as preference right lease areas. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 
directed BLM to develop a programmatic environmental impact statement 
(PEIS) for a commercial oil shale leasing program. During the drafting 
of the PEIS, however, BLM realized that, without proven commercial 
technologies, it could not adequately assess the environmental impacts 
of oil shale development and dropped from consideration the decision 
to offer additional specific parcels for lease. Instead, the PEIS 
analyzed making lands available for potential leasing and allowing 
industry to express interest in lands to be leased. Environmental 
groups then filed lawsuits, challenging various aspects of the PEIS 
and the RD&D program. Since then, BLM has initiated another round of 
oil shale RD&D leasing and is currently reviewing applications but has 
not made any awards. 

Figure 1: Location of Oil Shale Resources in Colorado and Utah: 

[Refer to PDF for image: map] 

The following is depicted on the map: 

Extent of Green River Formation; 
Most geologically prospective oil shale resource. 

Source: Adopted from BLM. 

[End of figure] 

Stakeholders in the future development of oil shale are numerous and 
include the federal government, state government agencies, the oil 
shale industry, academic institutions, environmental groups, and 
private citizens. Among federal agencies, BLM manages the land and the 
oil shale beneath it and develops regulations for its development. 
USGS describes the nature and extent of oil shale deposits and 
collects and disseminates information on the nation's water resources. 
DOE, through its various offices, national laboratories, and 
arrangements with universities, advances energy technologies, 
including oil shale technology. The Environmental Protection Agency 
(EPA) sets standards for pollutants that could be released by oil 
shale development and reviews environmental impact statements, such as 
the PEIS. The Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) manages federally built 
water projects that store and distribute water in 17 western states 
and provides this water to users. BOR monitors the amount of water in 
storage and the amount of water flowing in the major streams and 
rivers, including the Colorado River, which flows through oil shale 
country and feeds these projects. BOR provides its monitoring data to 
federal and state agencies that are parties to three major federal, 
state, and international agreements, that together with other federal 
laws, court decisions, and agreements, govern how water within the 
Colorado River and its tributaries is to be shared with Mexico and 
among the states in which the river or its tributaries are located. 
These three major agreements are the Colorado River Compact of 1922, 
the Upper Colorado River Basin Compact of 1948, and the Mexican Water 
Treaty of 1944. 

The states of Colorado and Utah have regulatory responsibilities over 
various activities that occur during oil shale development, including 
activities that impact water. Through authority delegated by EPA under 
the Clean Water Act, Colorado and Utah regulate discharges into 
surface waters. Colorado and Utah also have authority over the use of 
most water resources within their respective state boundaries. They 
have established extensive legal and administrative systems for the 
orderly use of water resources, granting water rights to individuals 
and groups. Water rights in these states are not automatically 
attached to the land upon which the water is located. Instead, 
companies or individuals must apply to the state for a water right and 
specify the amount of water to be used, its intended use, and the 
specific point from where the water will be diverted for use, such as 
a specific point on a river or stream. Utah approves the application 
for a water right through an administrative process, and Colorado 
approves the application for a water right through a court proceeding. 
The date of the application establishes its priority--earlier 
applicants have preferential entitlement to water over later 
applicants if water availability decreases during a drought. These 
earlier applicants are said to have senior water rights. When an 
applicant puts a water right to beneficial use, it is referred to as 
an absolute water right. Until the water is used, however, the 
applicant is said to have a conditional water right. Even if the 
applicant has not yet put the water to use, such as when the applicant 
is waiting on the construction of a reservoir, the date of the 
application still establishes priority. Water rights in both Colorado 
and Utah can be bought and sold, and strong demand for water in these 
western states facilitates their sale. 

Challenges to Oil Shale Development: 

A significant challenge to the development of oil shale lies in the 
current technology to economically extract oil from oil shale. To 
extract the oil, the rock needs to be heated to very high 
temperatures--ranging from about 650 to 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit--in a 
process known as retorting. Retorting can be accomplished primarily by 
two methods. One method involves mining the oil shale, bringing it to 
the surface, and heating it in a vessel known as a retort. Mining oil 
shale and retorting it has been demonstrated in the United States and 
is currently done to a limited extent in Estonia, China, and Brazil. 
However, a commercial mining operation with surface retorts has never 
been developed in the United States because the oil it produces 
competes directly with conventional crude oil, which historically has 
been less expensive to produce. The other method, known as an in-situ 
process, involves drilling holes into the oil shale, inserting heaters 
to heat the rock, and then collecting the oil as it is freed from the 
rock. Some in-situ technologies have been demonstrated on very small 
scales, but other technologies have yet to be proven, and none has 
been shown to be economically or environmentally viable. Nevertheless, 
according to some energy experts, the key to developing our country's 
oil shale is the development of an in-situ process because most of the 
richest oil shale is buried beneath hundreds to thousands of feet of 
rock, making mining difficult or impossible. Additional economic 
challenges include transporting the oil produced from oil shale to 
refineries because pipelines and major highways are not prolific in 
the remote areas where the oil shale is located and the large-scale 
infrastructure that would be needed to supply power to heat oil shale 
is lacking. In addition, average crude oil prices have been lower than 
the threshold necessary to make oil shale development profitable over 

Large-scale oil shale development also brings socioeconomic impacts. 
While there are obvious positive impacts such as the creation of jobs, 
increase in wealth, and tax and royalty payments to governments, there 
are also negative impacts to local communities. Oil shale development 
can bring a sizeable influx of workers, who along with their families, 
put additional stress on local infrastructure such as roads, housing, 
municipal water systems, and schools. Development from expansion of 
extractive industries, such as oil shale or oil and gas, has typically 
followed a "boom and bust" cycle in the West, making planning for 
growth difficult. Furthermore, traditional rural uses could be 
replaced by the industrial development of the landscape, and tourism 
that relies on natural resources, such as hunting, fishing, and 
wildlife viewing, could be negatively impacted. 

In addition to the technological, economic, and social challenges to 
developing oil shale resources, there are a number of significant 
environmental challenges. For example, construction and mining 
activities can temporarily degrade air quality in local areas. There 
can also be long-term regional increases in air pollutants from oil 
shale processing, upgrading, pipelines, and the generation of 
additional electricity. Pollutants, such as dust, nitrogen oxides, and 
sulfur dioxide, can contribute to the formation of regional haze that 
can affect adjacent wilderness areas, national parks, and national 
monuments, which can have very strict air quality standards. Because 
oil shale operations clear large surface areas of topsoil and 
vegetation, some wildlife habitat will be lost. Important species 
likely to be negatively impacted from loss of wildlife habitat include 
mule deer, elk, sage grouse, and raptors. Noise from oil shale 
operations, access roads, transmission lines, and pipelines can 
further disturb wildlife and fragment their habitat. In addition, 
visual resources in the area will be negatively impacted as people 
generally consider large-scale industrial sites, pipelines, mines, and 
areas cleared of vegetation to be visually unpleasant (see figure 2 
for a typical view within the Piceance Basin). Environmental impacts 
from oil shale development could be compounded by additional impacts 
in the area resulting from coal mining, construction, and extensive 
oil and gas development. Air quality and wildlife habitat appear to be 
particularly susceptible to the cumulative affect of these impacts, 
and according to some environmental experts, air quality impacts may 
be the limiting factor for the development of a large oil shale 
industry in the future. Lastly, the withdrawal of large quantities of 
surface water for oil shale operations could negatively impact aquatic 
life downstream of the oil shale development. Impacts to water 
resources are discussed in detail in the next section of this report. 

Figure 2: Typical View in the Piceance Basin of Colorado: 

[Refer to PDF for image: photograph] 

Source: GAO. 

[End of figure] 

Oil Shale Development Could Adversely Impact Water Resources, but the 
Magnitude of These Impacts Is Unknown: 

Oil shale development could have significant impacts on the quality 
and quantity of surface and groundwater resources, but the magnitude 
of these impacts is unknown because some technologies have yet to be 
commercially proven, the size of a future oil shale industry is 
uncertain, and knowledge of current water conditions and groundwater 
flow is limited. Despite not being able to quantify the impacts from 
oil shale development, hydrologists and engineers have been able to 
determine the qualitative nature of impacts because other types of 
mining, construction, and oil and gas development cause disturbances 
similar to impacts expected from oil shale development. According to 
these experts, in the absence of effective mitigation measures, 
impacts from oil shale development to water resources could result 
from disturbing the ground surface during the construction of roads 
and production facilities, withdrawing water from streams and aquifers 
[Footnote 4] for oil shale operations, underground mining and 
extraction, and discharging waste waters from oil shale operations. 

Quantitative Impacts of Oil Shale Development Cannot Be Measured at 
This Time: 

The quantitative impacts of future oil shale development cannot be 
measured with reasonable certainty at this time primarily because of 
three unknowns: (1) the unproven nature of in-situ technologies, (2) 
the uncertain size of a future oil shale industry, and (3) 
insufficient knowledge of current groundwater conditions. First, 
geological maps suggest that most of the prospective oil shale in the 
Uintah and Piceance Basins is more amenable to in-situ production 
methods rather than mining because the oil shale lies buried beneath 
hundreds to thousands of feet of rock. Studies have concluded that 
much of this rock is generally too thick to be removed economically by 
surface mining, and deep subsurface mines are likely to be costly and 
may recover no more than 60 percent of the oil shale. Although several 
companies have been working on the in-situ development of oil shale, 
none of these processes has yet been shown to be commercially viable. 
Most importantly, the extent of the impacts of in-situ retorting on 
aquifers is unknown, and it is uncertain whether methods for 
reclamation of the zones that are heated will be effective.[Footnote 
5] Second, it is not possible to quantify impacts on water resources 
with reasonable certainty because it is not yet possible to predict 
how large an oil shale industry may develop. The size of the industry 
would have a direct relationship to water impacts. Within the PEIS, 
BLM has stated that the level and degree of the potential impacts of 
oil shale development cannot be quantified because this would require 
making many speculative assumptions regarding the potential of the oil 
shale, unproven technologies, project size, and production levels. 
Third, hydrologists at USGS and BLM state that not enough is known 
about current surface water and groundwater conditions in the Piceance 
and Uintah Basins. More specifically, comprehensive baseline 
conditions for surface water and groundwater do not exist. Therefore, 
without knowledge of current conditions, it is not possible to detect 
changes in groundwater conditions, much less attribute changes to oil 
shale development. 

A Number of Impacts to Water Quality and Quantity Could Be Expected 
from Oil Shale Development: 

Impacts to water resources from oil shale development would result 
primarily from disturbing the ground surface, withdrawing surface 
water and groundwater, underground mining, and discharging water from 

Ground Disturbances Could Degrade Surface Water Quality: 

In the absence of effective mitigation measures, ground disturbance 
activities associated with oil shale development could degrade surface 
water quality, according to the literature we reviewed and water 
experts to whom we spoke.[Footnote 6] Both mining and the in-situ 
production of oil shale are expected to involve clearing vegetation 
and grading the surface for access roads, pipelines, production 
facilities, buildings, and power lines. In addition, the surface that 
overlies the oil shale would need to be cleared and graded in 
preparation for mining or drilling boreholes for in-situ extraction. 
The freshly cleared and graded surfaces would then be exposed to 
precipitation, and subsequent runoff would drain downhill toward 
existing gullies and streams. If not properly contained or diverted 
away from these streams, this runoff could contribute sediment, salts, 
and possibly chemicals or oil shale products into the nearby streams, 
degrading their water quality. Surface mining would expose the entire 
area overlying the oil shale that is to be mined while subsurface 
mining would expose less surface area and thereby contribute less 
runoff. One in-situ operation proposed by Shell for its RD&D leases 
would require clearing of the entire surface overlying the oil shale 
because wells are planned to be drilled as close as 10 feet apart. 
Other in-situ operations, like those proposed by American Shale Oil 
Company and ExxonMobil, envision directionally drilling wells in rows 
that are far enough apart so that strips of undisturbed ground would 
remain.[Footnote 7] The adverse impacts from ground disturbances would 
remain until exposed surfaces were properly revegetated. 

If runoff containing excessive sediment, salts, or chemicals finds its 
way into streams, aquatic resources could be adversely impacted, 
according to the water experts to whom we spoke and the literature we 
reviewed. Although aquatic populations can handle short-term increases 
in sediment, long-term increases could severely impact plant and 
animal life. Sediment could suffocate aquatic plants and decrease the 
photosynthetic activity of these plants. Sediment could also suffocate 
invertebrates, fish, and incubating fish eggs and adversely affect the 
feeding efficiency and spawning success of fish. Sedimentation would 
be exacerbated if oil shale activities destroy riparian vegetation 
because these plants often trap sediment, preventing it from entering 
streams. In addition, toxic substances derived from spills, leaks from 
pipelines, or leaching of waste rock piles could increase mortality 
among invertebrates and fish. 

Surface and underground mining of oil shale will produce waste rock 
that, according to the literature we reviewed and water experts to 
whom we spoke, could contaminate surface waters. Mined rock that is 
retorted on site would produce large quantities of spent shale after 
the oil is extracted. Such spent shale is generally stored in large 
piles that would also be exposed to surface runoff that could possibly 
transport sediment, salts, selenium, metals, and residual hydrocarbons 
into receiving streams unless properly stabilized and reclaimed. EPA 
studies have shown that water percolating through such spent shale 
piles transports pollutants long after abandonment of operations if 
not properly mitigated. In addition to stabilizing and revegetating 
these piles, mitigation measures could involve diverting runoff into 
retention ponds, where it could be treated, and lining the surface 
below waste rock with impervious materials that could prevent water 
from percolating downward and transporting pollutants into shallow 
groundwater. However, if improperly constructed, retention ponds would 
not prevent the degradation of shallow groundwater, and some experts 
question whether the impervious materials would hold up over time. 

Withdrawing Water for Oil Shale Operations Could Adversely Impact 
Surface Water and Groundwater: 

Withdrawing water from streams and rivers for oil shale operations 
could have temporary adverse impacts on surface water, according to 
the experts to whom we spoke and the literature we reviewed. Oil shale 
operations need water for a number of activities, including mining, 
constructing facilities, drilling wells, generating electricity for 
operations, and reclamation of disturbed sites. Water for most of 
these activities is likely to come from nearby streams and rivers 
because it is more easily accessible and less costly to obtain than 
groundwater. Withdrawing water from streams and rivers would decrease 
flows downstream and could temporarily degrade downstream water 
quality by depositing sediment within the stream channels as flows 
decrease. The resulting decrease in water would also make the stream 
or river more susceptible to temperature changes--increases in the 
summer and decreases in the winter. Elevated temperatures could have 
adverse impacts on aquatic life, including fishes and invertebrates, 
which need specific temperatures for proper reproduction and 
development. Elevated water temperatures would also decrease dissolved 
oxygen, which is needed by aquatic animals. Decreased flows could also 
damage or destroy riparian vegetation. Removal of riparian vegetation 
could exacerbate negative impacts on water temperature and oxygen 
because such vegetation shades the water, keeping its temperature 

Similarly, withdrawing water from shallow aquifers--an alternative 
water source--would have temporary adverse impacts on groundwater 
resources. Withdrawals would lower water levels within these shallow 
aquifers and the nearby streams and springs to which they are 
connected. Extensive withdrawals could reduce groundwater discharge to 
connected streams and springs, which in turn could damage or remove 
riparian vegetation and aquatic life. Withdrawing water from deeper 
aquifers could have longer-term impacts on groundwater and connected 
streams and springs because replenishing these deeper aquifers with 
precipitation generally takes longer. 

Underground Mining and In-Situ Extraction Would Permanently Impact 

Underground mining would permanently alter the properties of the zones 
that are mined, thereby affecting groundwater flow through these 
zones, according to the literature we reviewed and the water experts 
to whom we spoke. The process of removing oil shale from underground 
mines would create large tunnels from which water would need to be 
removed during mining operations. The removal of this water through 
pumping would decrease water levels in shallow aquifers and decrease 
flows to streams and springs that are connected. When mining 
operations cease, the tunnels would most likely be filled with waste 
rock, which would have a higher degree of porosity and permeability 
than the original oil shale that was removed.[Footnote 8] Groundwater 
flow through this material would increase permanently, and the 
direction and pattern of flows could change permanently. Flows through 
the abandoned tunnels could decrease ground water quality by 
increasing concentrations of salts, metals, and hydrocarbons within 
the groundwater. 

In-situ extraction would also permanently alter aquifers because it 
would heat the rock to temperatures that transform the solid organic 
compounds within the rock into liquid hydrocarbons and gas that would 
fracture the rock upon escape. Water would be cooked off during the 
heating processes. Some in-situ operations envision using a barrier to 
isolate thick zones of oil shale with intervening aquifers from any 
adjacent aquifers and pumping out all the groundwater from this 
isolated area before retorting.[Footnote 9] Other processes, like 
those envisioned by ExxonMobil and AMSO, involve trying to target 
thinner oil shale zones that do not have intervening aquifers and, 
therefore, would theoretically not disturb the aquifers. However, 
these processes involve fracturing the oil shale, and it is unclear 
whether the fractures could connect the oil shale to adjacent 
aquifers, possibly contaminating the aquifer with hydrocarbons. After 
removal of hydrocarbons from retorted zones, the porosity and 
permeability of the zones are expected to increase, thereby allowing 
increased groundwater flow. Some companies propose rinsing retorted 
zones with water to remove residual hydrocarbons. However, the 
effectiveness of rinsing is unproven, and residual hydrocarbons, 
metals, salts, and selenium that were mobilized during retorting could 
contaminate the groundwater. Furthermore, the long-term effects of 
groundwater flowing through retorted zones are unknown. 

Discharge of Waste Waters from Operations Could Temporarily Impact 
Downstream Waters: 

The discharge of waste waters from operations would temporarily 
increase water flows in receiving streams. According to BLM's PEIS, 
waste waters from oil shale operations that could be discharged 
include waters used in extraction, cooling, the production of 
electricity, and sewage treatment, as well as drainage water collected 
from spent oil shale piles and waters pumped from underground mines or 
wells used to dewater the retorted zones. Discharges could decrease 
the quality of downstream water if the discharged water is of lower 
quality, has a higher temperature, or contains less oxygen. Lower-
quality water containing toxic substances could increase fish and 
invertebrate mortality. Also, increased flow into receiving streams 
could cause downstream erosion. However, at least one company is 
planning to recycle waste water and water produced during operations 
so that discharges and their impacts could be substantially reduced. 

Estimates of Water Needs for Commercial Oil Shale Development Vary 

While commercial oil shale development requires water for numerous 
activities throughout its life cycle, estimates vary widely for the 
amount of water needed to commercially produce oil shale. This 
variation in estimates stems primarily from the uncertainty associated 
with reclamation technologies for in-situ oil shale development and 
because of the various ways to generate power for oil shale 
operations, which use different amounts of water. Based on our review 
of available information for the life cycle of oil shale production, 
existing estimates suggest that from about 1 to 12 barrels of water 
could be needed for each barrel of oil produced from in-situ 
operations, with an average of about 5 barrels. About 2 to 4 barrels 
of water could be needed for each barrel of oil produced from mining 
operations with a surface retort.[Footnote 10] 

Oil Shale Development Requires Water throughout Its Life Cycle: 

Water is needed for five distinct groups of activities that occur 
during the life cycle of oil shale development: (1) extraction and 
retorting, (2) upgrading of shale oil, (3) reclamation, (4) power 
generation, and (5) population growth associated with oil shale 

* Extraction and retorting. During extraction and retorting, water is 
used for building roads, constructing facilities, controlling dust, 
mining and handling ore, drilling wells for in-situ extraction, 
cooling of equipment and shale oil, producing steam, in-situ 
fracturing of the retort zones, and preventing fire. Water is also 
needed for on-site sanitary and potable uses. 

* Upgrading of shale oil. Water is needed to upgrade, or improve, the 
quality of the produced shale oil so that it can be easily transported 
to a refinery. The degree to which the shale oil needs to be upgraded 
varies according to the retort process. Shale oil produced by surface 
retorting generally requires more upgrading, and therefore, more water 
than shale oil produced from in-situ operations that heat the rock at 
lower temperatures and for a longer time, producing higher-quality oil. 

* Reclamation. During reclamation of mine sites, water is needed to 
cool, compact, and stabilize the waste piles of retorted shale and to 
revegetate disturbed surfaces, including the surfaces of the waste 
piles. For in-situ operations, in addition to the typical revegetation 
of disturbed surfaces, as shown in figure 3, water also will be needed 
for reclamation of the subsurface retorted zones to remove residual 
hydrocarbons. The volume of water that would be needed to rinse the 
zones at present is uncertain and could be large, depending primarily 
on how many times the zones need to be rinsed. In addition, some 
companies envision reducing water demands for reclamation, as well as 
for extracting, retorting, and upgrading, by recycling water produced 
during oil shale operations or by treating and using water produced 
from nearby oil and gas fields. Recycling technology, however, has not 
been shown to be commercially viable for oil shale operations, and 
there could be legal restrictions on using water produced from oil and 
gas operations.[Footnote 11] 

* Power generation. Water is also needed throughout the life cycle of 
oil shale production for generating electricity from power plants 
needed in operations. The amount of water used to produce this 
electricity varies significantly according to generation and cooling 
technologies employed. For example, thermoelectric power plants use a 
heat source to make steam, which turns a turbine connected to a 
generator that makes the electricity. The steam is captured and 
cooled, often with additional water, and is condensed back into water 
that is then recirculated through the system to generate more steam. 
Plants that burn coal to produce steam use more water for cooling than 
combined cycle natural gas plants, which combust natural gas to turn a 
turbine and then capture the waste heat to produce steam that turns a 
second turbine, thereby producing more electricity per gallon of 
cooling water. Thermoelectric plants can also use air instead of water 
to condense the steam. These plants use fans to cool the steam and 
consume virtually no water, but are less efficient and more costly to 

* Population growth. Additional water would be needed to support an 
anticipated increase in population due to oil shale workers and their 
families who migrate into the area. This increase in population can 
increase the demand for water for domestic uses. In isolated rural 
areas where oil shale is located, sufficiently skilled workers may not 
be available. 

Figure 3: Shell's Experimental In-Situ Site in Colorado: 

[Refer to PDF for image: photograph] 

Source: GAO. 

[End of figure] 

Estimates of Water Needs for In-Situ Development Vary Significantly: 

Based on studies that we reviewed, the total amount of water needed 
for in-situ oil shale operations could vary widely, from about 1 to 12 
barrels of water per barrel of oil produced over the entire life cycle 
of oil shale operations. The average amount of water needed for in-
situ oil shale production as estimated by these studies is about 5 
barrels. This range is based on information contained primarily in 
studies published in 2008 and 2009 by ExxonMobil, Shell, the Center 
for Oil Shale Technology and Research at the Colorado School of Mines, 
the National Oil Shale Association, and contractors to the state of 
Colorado.[Footnote 12] Figure 3 shows Shell's in-situ experimental 
site in Colorado. Because only two studies examined all five groups of 
activities that comprise the life cycle of oil shale production, we 
reviewed water estimates for each group of activities that is 
described within each of the eight studies we reviewed.[Footnote 13] 
We calculated the minimum and the maximum amount of water that could 
be needed for in-situ oil shale development by summing the minimum 
estimates and the maximum estimates, respectively, for each group of 
activities. Differences in estimates are due primarily to the 
uncertainty in the amount of water needed for reclamation and to the 
method of generating power for operations. 

Table 1 shows the minimum, maximum, and average amounts of water that 
could be needed for each of the five groups of activities that 
comprise the life cycle of in-situ oil shale development. The table 
shows that reclamation activities contribute the largest amount of 
uncertainty to the range of total water needed for in-situ oil shale 
operations. Reclamation activities, which have not yet been developed, 
contribute from 0 to 5.5 barrels of water for each barrel of oil 
produced, according to the studies we analyzed. This large range is 
due primarily to the uncertainty in how much rinsing of retorted zones 
would be necessary to remove residual hydrocarbons and return 
groundwater to its original quality. On one end of the range, 
scientists at ExxonMobil reported that retorted zones may be reclaimed 
by rinsing them several times and using 1 barrel of water or less per 
barrel of oil produced. However, another study suggests that many 
rinses and many barrels of water may be necessary. For example, 
modeling by the Center for Oil Shale Technology and Research suggests 
that if the retorted zones require 8 or 10 rinses, 5.5 barrels of 
water could be needed for each barrel of oil produced. Additional 
uncertainty lies in estimating how much additional porosity in 
retorted zones will be created and in need of rinsing. Some scientists 
believe that the removal of oil will double the amount of pore space, 
effectively doubling the amount of water needed for rinsing. Other 
scientists question whether the newly created porosity will have 
enough permeability so that it can be rinsed. Also, the efficiency of 
recycling waste water that could be used for additional rinses adds to 
the amount of uncertainty. For example, ExxonMobil scientists believe 
that almost no new fresh water would be needed for reclamation if it 
can recycle waste water produced from oil shale operations or treat 
and use saline water produced from nearby oil and gas wells. 

Table 1: Estimated Barrels of Water Needed for Various Activities per 
Barrel of Shale Oil Produced by In-Situ Operations: 

Activity: Extraction/retorting; 
Minimum estimate: 0; 
Average estimate: 0.7; 
Maximum estimate: 1.0. 

Activity: Upgrading liquids; 
Minimum estimate: 0.6; 
Average estimate: 0.9; 
Maximum estimate: 1.6. 

Activity: Power generation; 
Minimum estimate: 0.1; 
Average estimate: 1.5; 
Maximum estimate: 3.4. 

Activity: Reclamation; 
Minimum estimate: 0; 
Average estimate: 1.4; 
Maximum estimate: 5.5. 

Activity: Population growth; 
Minimum estimate: 0.1; 
Average estimate: 0.3; 
Maximum estimate: 0.3. 

Activity: Total; 
Minimum estimate: 0.8; 
Average estimate: 4.8; 
Maximum estimate: 11.8. 

Source: GAO analysis of selected studies. 

Notes: GAO used from four to six studies to obtain the numbers for 
each group of activities. See table 8 in appendix I to identify the 
specific studies. The average for reclamation may be less useful 
because estimates are either at the bottom or the top of this range. 

[End of table] 

Table 1 also shows that the water needs for generating power 
contribute significant uncertainty to the estimates of total water 
needed for in-situ extraction. Estimates of water needed to generate 
electricity range from near zero for thermoelectric plants that are 
cooled by air to about 3.4 barrels for coal-fired thermoelectric 
plants that are cooled by water, according to the studies that we 
analyzed. These studies suggested that from about 0.7 to about 1.2 
barrels of water would be needed if electricity is generated from 
combined cycle plants fueled by natural gas, depending on the power 
requirements of the individual oil shale operation. Overall power 
requirements are large for in-situ operations because of the many 
electric heaters used to heat the oil shale over long periods of time--
up to several years for one technology proposed by industry. However, 
ExxonMobil, Shell, and AMEC--a contractor to the state of Colorado--
believe that an oil shale industry of significant size will not use 
coal-fired electric power because of its greater water requirements 
and higher carbon dioxide emissions. In fact, according to an AMEC 
study, estimates for power requirements of a 1.5 million-barrel-per-
day oil shale industry would exceed the current coal-fired generating 
capacity of the nearest plant by about 12 times, and therefore would 
not be feasible.[Footnote 14] Industry representatives with whom we 
spoke said that it is more likely that a large oil shale industry 
would rely on natural gas-powered combined cycle thermoelectric 
plants, with the gas coming from gas fields within the Piceance and 
Uintah Basins or from gas produced during the retort process. 
ExxonMobil reports that it envisions cooling such plants with air, 
thereby using next to no water for generating electricity. However, 
cooling with air can be more costly and will ultimately require more 

In addition, table 1 shows that extracting and retorting activities 
and upgrading activities also contribute to the uncertainty in the 
estimates of water needed for in-situ operations, but this uncertainty 
is significantly less than that of reclamation activities or power 
generation. The range for extraction and retorting is from 0 to 1 
barrel of water. The range for upgrading the produced oil is from 0.6 
to 1.6 barrels of water, with both the minimum and maximum of this 
range cited in a National Oil Shale Association study.[Footnote 15] 
Hence, each of these two groups of activities contribute about 1 
barrel of water to the range of estimates for the total amount of 
water needed for the life cycle of in-situ oil shale production. Last, 
table 1 shows there is little variation in the likely estimates of 
water needed to support the anticipated population increase associated 
with in-situ oil shale development. Detailed analyses of water needs 
for population growth associated with an oil shale industry are 
present in the PEIS, a study by the URS Corporation, and a study 
completed by the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy at the 
University of Utah. These estimates often considered the number of 
workers expected to move into the area, the size of the families to 
which these workers belong, the ratio of single-family to multifamily 
housing that would accommodate these families, and per capita water 
consumption associated with occupants of different housing types. 

Figure 4 compares the total water needs over the life cycle of in-situ 
oil shale development according to the various sources of power 
generation, as suggested by the studies we reviewed. This is a 
convenient way to visualize the water needs according to power source. 
The minimum, average, and maximum values are the sum of the minimum, 
average, and maximum water needs, respectively, for all five groups of 
activities. Most of the difference between the minimum and the maximum 
of each power type is due to water needed for reclamation. 

Figure 4: Estimated Total Barrels of Water Needed per Barrel of Shale 
Oil Produced by In-Situ Extraction, According to Source of Power 

[Refer to PDF for image: vertical bar graph] 

Mining: Air cooled; 
Minimum: 0.9; 
Average: 3.3; 
Maximum: 8.5. 

Mining: Combined cycle, natural gas; 
Minimum: 1.5; 
Average: 4.2; 
Maximum: 9.6. 

Mining: Coal-fired; 
Minimum: 3.9; 
Average: 6.4; 
Maximum: 11.8. 

Source: GAO analysis of selected studies. 

[End of figure] 

Estimates of Water Needs for Mining and Surface Retorting Vary but Not 
as Much as the In-Situ Process: 

Estimates of water needed for mining oil shale and retorting it at the 
surface vary from about 2 to 4 barrels of water per barrel of oil 
produced over the entire life cycle of oil shale operations. The 
average is about 3 barrels of water. This range is based primarily on 
information obtained through a survey of active oil shale companies 
completed by the National Oil Shale Association in 2009 and 
information obtained from three different retorts, as published in a 
report by the Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) in 1980.[Footnote 
16] Figure 5 shows a surface retort that is operating today at a pilot 
plant. Because only two studies contained reliable information for all 
five groups of activities that comprise the life cycle of oil shale 
production, we reviewed water estimates for each group of activities 
that is described within each of the eight studies we reviewed. 
[Footnote 17] We calculated the minimum and the maximum amount of 
water that could be needed for mining oil shale by summing the minimum 
estimates and the maximum estimates, respectively, for each group of 
activities. The range of water estimates for mining oil shale is far 
narrower than that of in-situ oil shale production because, according 
to the studies we reviewed, there are no large differences in water 
estimates for any of the activities. 

Figure 5: Surface Retort near Rifle, Colorado: 

[Refer to PDF for image: photograph] 

Source: Shale Technologies, LLC. 

[End of figure] 

Table 2 shows the minimum, maximum, and average amounts of water that 
could be needed for each of the groups of activities that comprise the 
life cycle of oil shale development that relies upon mining and 
surface retorting. Unlike for in-situ production, we could not 
segregate extraction and retorting activities from upgrading 
activities because these activities were grouped together in some of 
the studies on mining and surface retorting. Nonetheless, as shown in 
table 2, the combination of these activities contributes 1 barrel of 
water to the total range of estimated water needed for the mining and 
surface retorting of oil shale. This 1 barrel of water results 
primarily from the degree to which the resulting shale oil would need 
upgrading. An oil shale company representative told us that estimates 
for upgrading shale oil vary due to the quality of the shale oil 
produced during the retort process, with higher grades of shale oil 
needing less processing. Studies in the OTA report did not indicate 
much variability in water needs for the mining of the oil shale and 
the handling of ore. Retorts also produce water--about half a barrel 
for each barrel of oil produced--by freeing water that is locked in 
organic compounds and minerals within the oil shale. Studies in the 
OTA report took this produced water into consideration and reported 
the net anticipated water use. 

Table 2: Estimated Barrels of Water Needed for Various Activities per 
Barrel of Shale Oil Produced by Mining and Surface Retorting: 

Activity: Extraction/retorting and upgrading liquids; 
Minimum estimate: 0.9; 
Average estimate: 1.5; 
Maximum estimate: 1.9. 

Activity: Power generation; 
Minimum estimate: 0; 
Average estimate: 0.3; 
Maximum estimate: 0.9. 

Activity: Reclamation; 
Minimum estimate: 0.6; 
Average estimate: 0.7; 
Maximum estimate: 0.8. 

Activity: Population growth; 
Minimum estimate: 0.3; 
Average estimate: 0.3; 
Maximum estimate: 0.4. 

Activity: Total; 
Minimum estimate: 1.8; 
Average estimate: 2.8; 
Maximum estimate: 4.0. 

Source: GAO analysis of selected studies. 

Note: GAO used from three to six studies to obtain the numbers for 
each group of activities. See table 9 in appendix I to identify the 
specific studies. 

[End of table] 

Table 2 also shows that differences in water estimates for generating 
power contributed about 1 barrel of water to the range of water needed 
for mining and surface retorting. We obtained water estimates for 
power generation either directly from the studies or from power 
requirements cited within the studies.[Footnote 18] Estimates of water 
needed range from zero barrels for electricity coming from 
thermoelectric plants that are cooled by air to about 0.9 barrels for 
coal-fired thermoelectric plants that are cooled with water. About 0.3 
barrels of water are needed to generate electricity from combined 
cycle plants fueled by natural gas. Startup oil shale mining 
operations, which have low overall power requirements, are more likely 
to use electricity from coal-fired power plants, according to data 
supplied by oil shale companies, because such generating capacity is 
available locally. However, a large-scale industry may generate 
electricity from the abundant natural gas in the area or from gas that 
is produced during the retorting of oil shale. Water needs for 
reclamation or for supporting an anticipated increase in population 
associated with mining oil shale show little variability in the 
studies that we reviewed. 

Figure 6 compares the total water needs over the life cycle of mining 
and surface retorting of oil shale according to the various sources of 
power generation. The minimum, average, and maximum values are the sum 
of the minimum, average, and maximum water needs, respectively, for 
all five groups of activities. 

Figure 6: Estimated Total Barrels of Water Needed per Barrel of Shale 
Oil Produced by Mining and Surface Retorting, According to Source of 
Power Generation: 

[Refer to PDF for image: vertical bar graph] 

Mining: Air cooled; 
Minimum: 1.8; 
Average: 2.6; 
Maximum: 3.1. 

Mining: Combined cycle, natural gas; 
Minimum: 2.0; 
Average: 2.8; 
Maximum: 3.4. 

Mining: Coal-fired; 
Minimum: 2.3; 
Average: 3.3; 
Maximum: 4.0. 

Source: GAO analysis of selected studies. 

[End of figure] 

Water Is Likely to Be Available Initially from Local Sources, but the 
Size of an Oil Shale Industry May Eventually Be Limited by Water 

Water is likely to be available for the initial development of an oil 
shale industry, but the eventual size of the industry may be limited 
by the availability of water and demands for water to meet other 
needs. Oil shale companies operating in Colorado and Utah will need to 
have water rights to develop oil shale, and representatives from all 
of the companies with which we spoke are confident that they hold at 
least enough water rights for their initial projects and will likely 
be able to purchase more rights in the future. Sources of water for 
oil shale will likely be surface water in the immediate area, such as 
the White River, but groundwater could also be used. Nonetheless, the 
possibility of competing municipal and industrial demands for future 
water, a warming climate, future needs under existing compacts, and 
additional water needs for the protection of threatened and endangered 
fishes, may eventually limit the size of a future oil shale industry. 

Oil Shale Companies Own Considerable Water Rights and Options Exist to 
Obtain More: 

Companies with interest in oil shale already hold significant water 
rights in the Piceance Basin of Colorado, and representatives from all 
of the companies with whom we spoke felt confident that they either 
had or could obtain sufficient water rights to supply at least their 
initial operations in the Piceance and Uintah Basins. Western Resource 
Advocates, a nonprofit environmental law and policy organization, 
conducted a study of water rights ownership in the Colorado and White 
River Basins of Colorado and concluded that companies have significant 
water rights in the area.[Footnote 19] For example, the study found 
that Shell owns three conditional water rights[Footnote 20] for a 
combined diversion of about 600 cubic feet per second from the White 
River and one of its tributaries and has conditional rights for the 
combined storage of about 145,000 acre-feet in two proposed nearby 
reservoirs.[Footnote 21] Similarly, the study found that ExxonMobil 
owns conditional storage capacities of over 161,000 acre-feet on 17 
proposed reservoirs in the area. In Utah, the Oil Shale Exploration 
Company (OSEC), which owns an RD&D lease, has obtained a water right 
on the White River that appears sufficient for reopening the White 
River Mine and has cited the possibility of renewing an expired 
agreement with the state of Utah for obtaining additional water from 
shallow aquifers connected to the White River. Similarly, Red Leaf 
Resources cites the possibility of drilling a water well on the state-
owned lands that it has leased for oil shale development. 

In addition to exercising existing water rights and agreements, there 
are other options for companies to obtain more water rights in the 
future, according to state officials in Colorado and Utah. In 
Colorado, companies can apply for additional water rights in the 
Piceance Basin on the Yampa and White Rivers. Shell recently applied--
but subsequently withdrew the application--for conditional rights to 
divert up to 375 cubic feet per second from the Yampa River for 
storage in a proposed reservoir that would hold up to 45,000 acre-feet 
for future oil shale development. In Utah, however, officials with the 
State Engineer's office said that additional water rights are not 
available, but that if companies want additional rights, they could 
purchase them from other owners. Many people who are knowledgeable on 
western water rights said that the owners of these rights in Utah and 
Colorado would most likely be agricultural users, based on a history 
of senior agricultural rights being sold to developers in Colorado. 
For example, the Western Resource Advocates study identified that in 
the area of the White River, ExxonMobil Corporation has acquired full 
or partial ownership in absolute water rights on 31 irrigation ditches 
from which the average amount of water diverted per year has exceeded 
9,000 acre-feet.[Footnote 22] These absolute water rights have 
appropriation dates ranging from 1883 through 1918 and are thus senior 
to holders of many other water rights, but their use would need to be 
changed from irrigation or agricultural to industrial in order to be 
used for oil shale. Also, additional rights may be available in Utah 
from other sources. According to state water officials in Utah, the 
settlement of an ongoing legal dispute between the state and the Ute 
Indian tribe could result in the tribe gaining rights to 105,000 acre-
feet per year in the Uintah Basin. These officials said that it is 
possible that the tribe could lease the water rights to oil shale 
companies. There are also two water conservancy districts that each 
hold rights to tens of thousands of acre-feet per year of water in the 
Uintah Basin that could be developed for any use as determined by the 
districts, including for oil shale development. 

Oil Shale Development Is Likely to Use Local Surface Water, but 
Groundwater Could Also Be Used: 

Most of the water needed for oil shale development is likely to come 
first from surface flows, as groundwater is more costly to extract and 
generally of poorer quality in the Piceance and Uintah Basins. 
However, companies may use groundwater in the future should they 
experience difficulties in obtaining rights to surface water. 
Furthermore, water is likely to come initially from surface sources 
immediately adjacent to development, such as the White River and its 
tributaries that flow through the heart of oil shale country in 
Colorado and Utah, because the cost of pumping water over long 
distances and rugged terrain would be high, according to water 
experts. Shell's attempt to obtain water from the more distant Yampa 
River shows the importance of first securing nearby sources. In 
relationship to the White River, the Yampa lies about 20 to 30 miles 
farther north and at a lower elevation than Shell's RD&D leases. 
Hence, additional costs would be necessary to transport and pump the 
Yampa's water to a reservoir for storage and eventual use. Shell 
withdrew its application citing the global economic downturn.[Footnote 

At least one company has considered obtaining surface water from the 
even more distant Colorado River, about 30 to 50 miles to the south of 
the RD&D leases where oil shale companies already hold considerable 
water rights, but again, the costs of transporting and pumping water 
would be greater. Although water for initial oil shale development in 
Utah is also likely to come from the White River as indicated by 
OSEC's interest, water experts have cited the Green River as a 
potential water source. However, the longer distance and rugged 
terrain is likely to be challenging. Figure 7 shows the locations of 
the oil shale resource areas and their proximity to local surface 
water sources. 

Figure 7: Location of Rivers near Oil Shale Resources: 

[Refer to PDF for image: map] 

The following is depicted on the map: 

Rivers near Oil Shale Resources: 
Green River; 
Yampa River: 
White River; 
Colorado River: 

Extent of Green River Formation; 
Most geologically prospective oil shale resource; 
BLM preference right lease area; 
BLM RD&D leases. 

Source: Adopted from BLM. 

[End of figure] 

In addition to surface water, oil shale companies could use 
groundwater for operations should more desirable surface water sources 
be unavailable. However, companies would need to acquire the rights to 
this groundwater. Shallow groundwater in the Piceance and Uintah 
Basins occurs primarily within alluvial aquifers, which are aquifers 
composed of unconsolidated sand and gravel associated with nearby 
streams and rivers. The states of Utah and Colorado refer to these 
aquifers legally as tributary waters, or waters that are connected to 
surface waters and hence are considered to be part of the surface 
water source when appropriating water rights. Any withdrawal of 
tributary water is considered to be a withdrawal from the adjacent or 
nearby stream or river. Less is known about deep groundwater in the 
Piceance and Uintah Basins, but hydrologists consider it to be of 
lesser quality, with the water generally becoming increasingly saline 
with depth. State officials in Utah said that they consider this 
deeper groundwater to be tributary water, and state officials in 
Colorado said that they generally consider this deeper water also to 
be tributary water but will allow water rights applicants to prove 
otherwise. In the Piceance and Uintah Basins, groundwater is not 
heavily used, illustrating the reluctance of water users to tap this 
source. Nevertheless, Shell is considering the use of groundwater, and 
ExxonMobil is considering using water co-produced with natural gas 
from nearby but deeper formations in the Piceance Basin. Also, BLM 
notes that there is considerable groundwater in the regional Bird's 
Nest Aquifer in the area surrounding OSEC's RD&D lease in the Uintah 
Basin. In addition, representatives of oil shale companies said they 
plan to use water that is released from the organic components of oil 
shale during the retort process. Since this water is chemically bound 
within the solid organic components rather than being in a liquid 
phase, it is not generally viewed as being groundwater, but it is 
unclear as to how it would be regulated. 

Oil Shale Development Will Likely Have to Compete with Increased 
Demands for Water for Other Needs and a Decreased Water Supply: 

Developing a sizable oil shale industry may take many years--perhaps 
15 or 20 years by some industry and government estimates--and such an 
industry may have to contend with increased demands for water to meet 
other needs. Substantial population growth and its correlative demand 
for water are expected in the oil shale regions of Colorado and Utah. 
This region in Colorado is a fast-growing area. State officials expect 
that the population within the region surrounding the Yampa, White, 
and Green Rivers in Colorado will triple between 2005 and 2050. These 
officials expect that this added population and corresponding economic 
growth by 2030 will increase municipal and industrial demands for 
water, exclusive of oil shale development, by about 22,000 acre-feet 
per year, or a 76 percent increase from 2000. Similarly in Utah, state 
officials expect the population of the Uintah Basin to more than 
double its 1998 size by 2050 and that correlative municipal and 
industrial water demands will increase by 7,000 acre-feet per year, or 
an increase of about 30 percent since the mid-1990s. Municipal 
officials in two communities adjacent to proposed oil shale 
development in Colorado said that they were confident of meeting their 
future municipal and industrial demands from their existing senior 
water rights, and as such will probably not be affected by the water 
needs of a future oil shale industry. However, large withdrawals could 
impact agricultural interests and other downstream water users in both 
states, as oil shale companies may purchase existing irrigation and 
agricultural rights for their oil shale operations. State water 
officials in Colorado told us that some holders of senior agricultural 
rights have already sold their rights to oil shale companies. 

Figure 8: White River near Meeker, Colorado: 

[Refer to PDF for image: photograph] 

Source: GAO. 

[End of figure] 

A future oil shale industry may also need to contend with a decreased 
physical supply of water regionwide due to climate change. A 
contractor to the state of Colorado ran five projections through a 
number of climate models and found that their average result suggested 
that by 2040, a warming climate may reduce the amount of water in the 
White River in Colorado by about 13 percent, or 42,000 acre-feet. 
However, there was much variability among the five results, ranging 
from a 40 percent decrease to a 16 percent increase in today's flow 
and demonstrating the uncertainty associated with climate predictions. 
Nevertheless, any decrease would mean that less water would be 
available downstream in Utah. Because of a warmer climate, the 
contractor also found that water needed to irrigate crops could 
increase significantly in the White River Basin, but it is uncertain 
whether the holders of the water rights used to irrigate the crops 
would be able to secure this additional water. Simultaneously, the 
model shows that summer precipitation is expected to decrease, thus 
putting pressure on farmers to withdraw even more water from local 
waterways. In addition, the contractor predicted that more 
precipitation is likely to fall as rain rather than snow in the early 
winter and late spring. Because snow functions as a natural storage 
reservoir by releasing water into streams and aquifers as temperatures 
rise, less snow means that storage and runoff schedules will be 
altered and less water may be available at different times of the 
year. Although the model shows that the White River is expected to 
have reduced flows due to climate change, the same model shows that 
the Yampa is more likely to experience an increased flow because more 
precipitation is expected to fall in the mountains, which are its 
headwaters. Hence, oil shale companies may look to the Yampa for 
additional water if restrictions on the White are too great, 
regardless of increased costs to transport the water. While there is 
not a similar study on climate change impacts for Utah, it is likely 
that some of the impacts will be similar, considering the close 
proximity and similar climates in the Uintah and Piceance Basins. 

Colorado's and Utah's obligations under interstate compacts could 
further reduce the amount of water available for development. The 
Colorado River Compact of 1922, which prescribes how the states 
through which the Colorado River and its tributaries flow share the 
river's water, is based on uncharacteristically high flows, as cited 
in a study contracted by the state of Colorado. Water regulators have 
since shown that the flow rates used to allocate water under the 
compact may be 21 percent higher than average historical flow rates, 
thereby overestimating the amount of water that may be available to 
share. As a result, the upstream states of Colorado and Utah may not 
have as much water to use as they had originally planned and may be 
forced to curtail water consumption so that they can deliver the 
amount of water that was agreed on in the compact to the downstream 
states of Arizona, Nevada, and California. Another possible limitation 
on withdrawals from the Colorado River system is the requirement to 
protect certain fish species under the Endangered Species Act. Federal 
officials stated that withdrawals from the Colorado River system, 
including its tributaries the White and Green Rivers, could be limited 
by the amount of flow that is necessary to sustain populations of 
threatened or endangered fishes. Although there are currently no 
federally mandated minimum flow requirements on the White River in 
either Utah or Colorado, the river is home to populations of the 
federally endangered Colorado Pikeminnow, and the Upper Colorado 
Recovery Program is currently working on a biological opinion which 
may prescribe minimum flow requirements. In addition, the Green River 
in Utah is home to populations of four threatened or endangered 
fishes: the Colorado Pikeminnow, the Razorback Sucker, the Humpback 
Chub, and the Bonytail Chub. For this reason, agency officials are 
recommending minimum flow requirements on the Green, which could 
further restrict the upstream supply of available water. 

The Size of an Oil Shale Industry May Be Limited by Water Availability: 

Although oil shale companies own rights to a large amount of water in 
the oil shale regions of Colorado and Utah, there are physical and 
legal limits on how much water they can ultimately withdraw from the 
region's waterways, and thus limits on the eventual size of the 
overall industry. Physical limits are set by the amount of water that 
is present in the river, and the legal limit is the sum of the water 
that can be legally withdrawn from the river as specified in the water 
rights held by downstream users. Examining physical limits can 
demonstrate how much water may be available to all water users. 
Subtracting the legal limit can demonstrate how much water is 
available for additional development, providing that current water 
rights and uses do not change in the future. The state of Colorado 
refers to this remaining amount of water in the river as that which is 
physically and legally available. 

To put the water needs of a potential oil shale industry in Colorado 
into perspective, we compared the needs of oil shale industries of 
various sizes to what currently is physically available in the White 
River at Meeker, Colorado--a small town immediately east of high- 
quality oil shale deposits in the Piceance Basin. We also compared the 
water needs of an oil shale industry to what may be physically and 
legally available from the White River in 2030. Table 3 shows 
scenarios depicting the amounts of water that would be needed to 
develop an oil shale industry of various sizes that relies on mining 
and surface retorting, based on the studies we examined. Table 4 shows 
similar scenarios for an oil shale industry that uses in-situ 
extraction, based on the studies that we examined. The sizes are based 
on industry and expert opinion and are not meant to be predictions. 
Both tables assume water demands for peak oil shale production rates, 
but water use may not follow such a pattern. For example, water use 
for reclamation activities may not fully overlap with water use for 
extraction. Also, an industry composed of multiple operations is 
likely to have some operations at different stages of development. 
Furthermore, because of the natural variability of stream flows, both 
on an annual basis and from year-to-year, reservoirs would need to be 
built to provide storage, which could be used to release a consistent 
amount of water on a daily basis. 

Table 3: Estimated Water Needs for Mining and Surface Retorting of Oil 
Shale by Industries of Various Sizes: 

Size of industry (barrels of oil per day): 25,000[D]; 
Minimum water needs (acre-feet per year)[A]: 2,400; 
Average water needs (acre-feet per year)[B]: 3,500; 
Maximum water needs (acre-feet per year)[C]: 4,700. 

Size of industry (barrels of oil per day): 50,000[E]; 
Minimum water needs (acre-feet per year)[A]: 4,700; 
Average water needs (acre-feet per year)[B]: 7,100; 
Maximum water needs (acre-feet per year)[C]: 9,400. 

Size of industry (barrels of oil per day): 75,000; 
Minimum water needs (acre-feet per year)[A]: 7,100; 
Average water needs (acre-feet per year)[B]: 10,600; 
Maximum water needs (acre-feet per year)[C]: 14,100. 

Size of industry (barrels of oil per day): 100,000; 
Minimum water needs (acre-feet per year)[A]: 9,400; 
Average water needs (acre-feet per year)[B]: 14,100; 
Maximum water needs (acre-feet per year)[C]: 18,800. 

Size of industry (barrels of oil per day): 150,000[F]; 
Minimum water needs (acre-feet per year)[A]: 14,100; 
Average water needs (acre-feet per year)[B]: 21,200; 
Maximum water needs (acre-feet per year)[C]: 28,200. 

Source: GAO analysis of selected studies on water needs. 

[A] This scenario assumes 2 barrels of water are needed to produce 1 
barrel of shale oil. All figures are rounded to the nearest 100 acre- 

[B] This scenario assumes 3 barrels of water are needed to produce 1 
barrel of shale oil. 

[C] This scenario assumes 4 barrels of water are needed to produce 1 
barrel of shale oil. 

[D] URS, the contractor to the state of Colorado, used this level as 
the minimum size for a mining operation with a surface retort. 

[E] Several literature sources and oil shale companies cite this level 
as a reasonable commercial operation. 

[F] GAO estimated industry size based on three operations of 50,000 
barrels per day each. 

[End of table] 

Table 4: Estimated Water Needs for In-Situ Retorting of Oil Shale by 
Industries of Various Sizes: 

Size of industry (barrels of oil per day): 500,000[D]; 
Minimum water needs (acre-feet per year)[A]: 24,000; 
Average water needs (acre-feet per year)[B]: 118,000; 
Maximum water needs (acre-feet per year)[C]: 282,000. 

Size of industry (barrels of oil per day): 1,000,000; 
Minimum water needs (acre-feet per year)[A]: 47,000; 
Average water needs (acre-feet per year)[B]: 235,000; 
Maximum water needs (acre-feet per year)[C]: 565,000. 

Size of industry (barrels of oil per day): 1,500,000; 
Minimum water needs (acre-feet per year)[A]: 71,000; 
Average water needs (acre-feet per year)[B]: 353,000; 
Maximum water needs (acre-feet per year)[C]: 847,000. 

Size of industry (barrels of oil per day): 2,000,000; 
Minimum water needs (acre-feet per year)[A]: 94,000; 
Average water needs (acre-feet per year)[B]: 470,000; 
Maximum water needs (acre-feet per year)[C]: 1,129,000. 

Size of industry (barrels of oil per day): 2,500,000[E]; 
Minimum water needs (acre-feet per year)[A]: 118,000; 
Average water needs (acre-feet per year)[B]: 588,000; 
Maximum water needs (acre-feet per year)[C]: 1,411,000. 

Source: GAO analysis of selected studies on water needs. 

[A] This scenario assumes 1 barrel of water is needed to produce 1 
barrel of shale oil. All figures are rounded to the nearest 100 acre- 

[B] This scenario assumes 5 barrels of water are needed to produce 1 
barrel of shale oil. 

[C] This scenario assumes 12 barrels of water are needed to produce 1 
barrel of shale oil. 

[D] One oil shale company with whom we spoke estimated that an oil 
shale industry could grow to this level, based on analogy to oil sands 
being developed in Alberta, Canada. 

[E] DOE uses this level as the high end for its size estimates of an 
oil shale industry. 

[End of table] 

Data maintained by the state of Colorado indicate the amount of water 
that is physically available in the Whiter River at Meeker, Colorado, 
averages about 472,000 acre-feet per year.[Footnote 24] Table 3 
suggests that this is much more water than is needed to support the 
water needs for all the sizes of an industry relying on mining and 
surface retorting that we considered. Table 4, however, shows that an 
industry that uses in-situ extraction could be limited just by the 
amount of water physically available in the White River at Meeker, 
Colorado. For example, based on an oil shale industry that uses about 
12 barrels of water for each barrel of shale oil it produces, such an 
industry could not reach 1 million barrels per day if it relied solely 
on physically available water from the White River. 

Comparing an oil shale industry's needs to what is physically and 
legally available considers the needs of current users and the 
anticipated needs of future users, rather than assuming all water in 
the river is available to an oil shale industry. The amount of water 
that is physically and legally available in the White River at Meeker 
is depicted in table 5. According to the state of Colorado's computer 
models, holders of water rights downstream use on average about 
153,000 acre-feet per year, resulting in an average of about 319,000 
acre-feet per year that is currently physically and legally available 
for development near Meeker. By 2030, however, the amount of water 
that is physically and legally available is expected to change because 
of increased demand and decreased supply. After taking into account an 
anticipated future decrease of 22,000 acre-feet per year of water due 
to a growing population, about 297,000 acre-feet per year may be 
available for future development if current water rights and uses do 
not change by 2030. However, there may be additional decreases in the 
amount of physically and legally available water in the White River 
due to climate change, demands under interstate agreements, and water 
requirements for threatened or endangered fishes, but we did not 
include these changes in table 5 because of the large uncertainty 
associated with estimates. 

Table 5: Estimated Water That Will Be Physically and Legally Available 
in the White River at Meeker, Colorado, in 2030: 

Average historic flow, or water that is physically available today: 
Acre-feet per year: 472,000. 

Average water use by holders of downstream water rights: 
Acre-feet per year: -153,000. 

Average physically and legally available water today: 
Acre-feet per year: 319,000. 

Estimated increase in municipal and industrial use by 2030: 
Acre-feet per year: -22,000. 

Estimated physically and legally available supply in 2030: 
Acre-feet per year: 297,000. 

Source: GAO analysis of state of Colorado data. 

[End of table] 

Comparing the scenarios in table 4 to the amount of water that is 
physically and legally available in table 5 shows the sizes that an in-
situ oil shale industry may reach relying solely on obtaining new 
rights on the White River. The scenarios in table 4 suggest that if an 
in-situ oil shale industry develops to where it produces 500,000 
barrels of oil per day--an amount that some experts believe is 
reasonable--an industry of this size could possibly develop in 
Colorado even if it uses about 12 barrels of water per barrel of shale 
oil it produces. Similarly, the scenarios suggest that an in-situ 
industry that uses about 5 barrels of water per barrel of oil 
produced--almost the average from the studies in which power comes 
from combined cycle natural gas plants--could grow to 1 million 
barrels of oil per day using only the water that appears to be 
physically and legally available in 2030 in the White River. Table 4 
also shows that an industry that uses just 1 barrel of water per 
barrel of shale oil produced could grow to over 2.5 million barrels of 
oil per day. 

Regardless of these comparisons, more water or less water could be 
available in the future because it is unlikely that water rights will 
remain unchanged until 2030. For example, officials with the state of 
Colorado reported that conditional water rights--those rights held but 
not used--are not accounted for in the 297,000 acre-feet per year of 
water that is physically and legally available because holders of 
these rights are not currently withdrawing water. These officials also 
said that the amount of conditional water rights greatly exceeds the 
flow in the White River near Meeker, and if any of these conditional 
rights are converted to absolute rights and additional water is then 
withdrawn downstream, even less water will be available for future 
development. However, officials with the state of Colorado said that 
some of these conditional water rights are already owned by oil shale 
companies, making it unnecessary for some companies to apply for new 
water rights. In addition, they said, some of the absolute water 
rights that are accounted for in the estimated 153,000 acre-feet per 
year of water currently being withdrawn are already owned by oil shale 
companies. These are agricultural rights that were purchased by oil 
shale interests who leased them back to the original owners to 
continue using them for agricultural purposes. Should water not be 
available from the White River, companies would need to look to 
groundwater or surface water outside of the immediate area. 

There are less data available to predict future water supplies in 
Utah's oil shale resource area. The state of Utah did not provide us 
summary information on existing water rights held by oil shale 
companies. According to the state of Colorado, the average annual 
physical flow of the White River near the Colorado-Utah border is 
about 510,000 acre-feet per year. Any amount withdrawn from the White 
River in Colorado would be that much less water that would be 
available for development downstream in Utah. The state of Utah 
estimates that the total water supply of the Uintah Basin, less 
downstream obligations under interstate compacts, is 688,000 acre-feet 
per year.[Footnote 25] Much of the surface water contained in this 
amount is currently being withdrawn, and water rights have already 
been filed for much of the remaining available surface water. 

Federal Research Efforts on the Impacts of Oil Shale Development on 
Water Resources Do Not Provide Sufficient Data for Future Monitoring: 

Although the federal government sponsors research on the nexus between 
oil shale development and water, a lack of comprehensive data on the 
condition of surface water and groundwater and their interaction limit 
efforts to monitor the future impacts of oil shale development. 
Currently DOE funds some research related to oil shale and water 
resources, including research on water rights, water needs, and the 
impacts of oil shale development on water quality. Interior also 
performs limited research on characterizing surface and groundwater 
resources in oil shale areas and is planning some limited monitoring 
of water resources. However, there is general agreement among those we 
contacted--including state personnel who regulate water resources, 
federal agency officials responsible for studying water, water 
researchers, and water experts--that this ongoing research is 
insufficient to monitor and then subsequently mitigate the potential 
impacts of oil shale development on water resources. In addition, DOE 
and Interior officials noted that they seldom formally share the 
information on their water-related research with each other. 

DOE Funds Research on Water Rights, Water Needs, and the Impacts of 
Oil Shale Development on Water Resources: 

DOE has sponsored most of the oil shale research that involves water- 
related issues. This research consists of projects managed by the 
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), the Office of Naval 
Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves, and the Idaho National Laboratory. 
As shown in table 6, DOE has sponsored 13 of 15 projects initiated by 
the federal government since June 2006. DOE's projects account for 
almost 90 percent of the estimated $5 million[Footnote 26] that is to 
be spent by the federal government on water-related oil shale research 
through 2013.[Footnote 27] Appendix II contains a list and description 
of these projects. 

Table 6: Federal Funding for Oil Shale Research Initiated Since June 

Sponsoring office: DOE National Energy Technology Lab; 
Number of oil shale research projects: 13; 
Federal share of funding for all oil shale research projects: 
Number of water-related projects: 7; 
Federal share of funding for water-related projects: $2,433,097. 

Sponsoring office: DOE Office of Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale 
Number of oil shale research projects: 2; 
Federal share of funding for all oil shale research projects: 
Number of water-related projects: 2; 
Federal share of funding for water-related projects: $920,000. 

Sponsoring office: DOE Idaho National Lab; 
Number of oil shale research projects: 5; 
Federal share of funding for all oil shale research projects: 
Number of water-related projects: 4; 
Federal share of funding for water-related projects: $965,000[A]. 

Sponsoring office: BLM; 
Number of oil shale research projects: 3; 
Federal share of funding for all oil shale research projects: $535,000; 
Number of water-related projects: 2; 
Federal share of funding for water-related projects: $520,000. 

Sponsoring office: USGS; 
Number of oil shale research projects: 1; 
Federal share of funding for all oil shale research projects: 
Number of water-related projects: 0; 
Federal share of funding for water-related projects: 0. 

Sponsoring office: Total; 
Number of oil shale research projects: 24; 
Federal share of funding for all oil shale research projects: 
Number of water-related projects: 15; 
Federal share of funding for water-related projects: $4,838,097. 

Source: GAO analysis of DOE and Interior data. 

[A] Numbers may contain some nonfederal funds. 

[End of table] 

NETL sponsors the majority of the water-related oil shale research 
currently funded by DOE. Through workshops, NETL gathers information 
to prioritize research. For example, in October 2007, NETL sponsored 
the Oil Shale Environmental Issues and Needs Workshop that was 
attended by a cross-section of stakeholders, including officials from 
BLM and state water regulatory agencies, as well as representatives 
from the oil shale industry. One of the top priorities that emerged 
from the workshop was to develop an integrated regional baseline for 
surface water and groundwater quality and quantity. As we have 
previously reported, after the identification of research priorities, 
NETL solicits proposals and engages in a project selection process. 
[Footnote 28] We identified seven projects involving oil shale and 
water that NETL awarded since June 2006. The University of Utah, 
Colorado School of Mines, the Utah Geological Survey, and the Idaho 
National Laboratory (INL) are performing the work on these projects. 
These projects cover topics such as water rights, water needs for oil 
shale development, impacts of retorting on water quality, and some 
limited groundwater modeling. One project conducted by the Colorado 
School of Mines involves developing a geographic information system 
for storing, managing, analyzing, visualizing, and disseminating oil 
shale data from the Piceance Basin. Although this project will provide 
some baseline data on surface water and groundwater and involves some 
theoretical groundwater modeling, the project's researchers told us 
that these data will neither be comprehensive nor complete. In 
addition, NETL-sponsored research conducted at the University of Utah 
involves examining the effects of oil shale processing on water 
quality, new approaches to treat water produced from oil shale 
operations, and water that can be recycled and reused in operations. 

INL is sponsoring and performing research on four water-related oil 
shale projects while conducting research for NETL and the Office of 
Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves. The four projects that INL is 
sponsoring were self-initiated and funded internally through DOE's 
Laboratory Directed Research and Development program. Under this 
program, the national laboratories have the discretion to self-
initiate independent research and development, but it must focus on 
the advanced study of scientific or technical problems, experiments 
directed toward proving a scientific principle, or the early analysis 
of experimental facilities or devices. Generally, the researchers 
propose projects that are judged by peer panels and managers for their 
scientific merits. An INL official told us they selected oil shale and 
water projects because unconventional fossil fuels, which include oil 
shale, are a priority in which they have significant expertise. 

According to DOE officials, one of the projects managed by the Office 
of Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves is directed at research on 
the environmental impacts of unconventional fuels. The Los Alamos 
National Laboratory is conducting the work for DOE, which involves 
examining water and carbon-related issues arising from the development 
of oil shale and other unconventional fossil fuels in the western 
United States. Key water aspects of the study include the use of an 
integrated modeling process on a regional basis to assess the amounts 
and availability of water needed to produce unconventional fuels, 
water storage and withdrawal requirements, possible impacts of climate 
change on water availability, and water treatment and recycling 
options. Although a key aspect of the study is to assess water 
availability, researchers on the project told us that little effort 
will be directed at assessing groundwater, and the information 
developed will not result in a comprehensive understanding of the 
baseline conditions for water quality and quantity. 

Interior Funds Limited Oil Shale-Related Research on Groundwater and 
Surface Water Resources and Monitoring: 

Within Interior, BLM is sponsoring two oil shale projects related to 
water resources with federal funding totaling about $500,000.[Footnote 
29] The USGS is conducting the research for both projects. For one of 
the projects, which is funded jointly by BLM and a number of Colorado 
cities and counties plus various oil shale companies, the research 
involves the development of a common repository for water data 
collected from the Piceance Basin. More specifically, the USGS has 
developed a Web-based repository of water quality and quantity data 
obtained by identifying 80 public and private databases and by 
analyzing and standardizing data from about half of them. According to 
USGS officials, many data elements are missing, and the current 
repository is not comprehensive. The second project, which is entirely 
funded by BLM, will monitor groundwater quality and quantity within 
the Piceance Basin in 5 existing wells and 10 more to be determined at 
a future date. Although USGS scientists said that this is a good start 
to understanding groundwater resources, it will not be enough to 
provide a regional understanding of groundwater resources. 

Gaps in Groundwater and Surface Water Data Have Been Identified by 
Federal and State Officials: 

Federal law and regulations require the monitoring of major federal 
actions, such as oil shale development. Regulations developed under 
the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)[Footnote 30] for 
preparing an environmental impact statement (EIS), such as the EIS 
that will be needed to determine the impacts of future oil shale 
development, require the preparing agency to adopt a monitoring and 
enforcement program if measures are necessary to mitigate anticipated 
environmental impacts.[Footnote 31] Furthermore, the NEPA Task Force 
Report to the Council on Environmental Quality noted that monitoring 
must occur for long enough to determine if the predicted mitigation 
effects are achieved.[Footnote 32] The council noted that monitoring 
and consideration of potential adaptive measures to allow for 
midcourse corrections, without requiring new or supplemental NEPA 
review, will assist in accounting for unanticipated changes in 
environmental conditions, inaccurate predictions, or subsequent 
information that might affect the original environmental conditions. 
In September 2007, the Task Force on Strategic Unconventional Fuels--
an 11-member group that included the Secretaries of DOE and Interior 
and the Governors of Colorado and Utah--issued a report with 
recommendations on promoting the development of fuels from domestic 
unconventional fuel resources as mandated by the Energy Policy Act of 
2005. This report included recommendations and strategies for 
developing baseline conditions for water resources and monitoring the 
impacts from oil shale development. It recommended that a monitoring 
plan be developed and implemented to fill data gaps at large scales 
and over long periods of time and to also develop, model, test, and 
evaluate short-and long-term monitoring strategies. The report noted 
that systems to monitor water quality would be evaluated; additional 
needs would be identified; and relevant research, development, and 
demonstration needs would be recommended. 

Also in September 2007, the USGS prepared for BLM a report to improve 
the efficiency and effectiveness of BLM's monitoring efforts.[Footnote 
33] The report noted that regional water-resources monitoring should 
identify gaps in data, define baseline conditions, develop regional 
conceptual models, identify impacts, assess the linkage of impacts to 
energy development, and understand how impacts propagate. The report 
also noted that in the Piceance Basin, there is no local, state-level, 
or national comprehensive database for surface water and groundwater 
data. Furthermore, for purposes of developing a robust and cost- 
effective monitoring plan, the report stated that a compilation and 
analysis of available data are necessary. One of the report's authors 
told us that the two BLM oil shale projects that the USGS is 
performing are the initial steps in implementing such a regional 
framework for water resource monitoring. However, the author said that 
much more work is needed because so much water data are missing. He 
noted the current data repository is not comprehensive and much more 
data would be needed to determine whether oil shale development will 
create adverse effects on water resources. 

Nearly all the federal agency officials, state water regulators, oil 
shale researchers, and water experts with whom we spoke said that more 
data are needed to understand the baseline condition of groundwater 
and surface water, so that the potential impacts of oil shale 
development can be monitored (see appendix I for a list of the 
agencies we contacted). Several officials and experts to whom we spoke 
stressed the need to model the movement of groundwater and its 
interaction with surface water to understand the possible transport of 
contaminants from oil shale development. They suggested that 
additional research would help to overcome these shortcomings. 
Specifically, they identified the following issues: 

* Insufficient data for establishing comprehensive baseline conditions 
for surface water and groundwater quality and quantity. Of the 18 
officials and experts we contacted, 17 noted that there are 
insufficient data to understand the current baseline conditions of 
water resources in the Piceance and Uintah Basins. Such baseline 
conditions include the existing quantity and quality of both 
groundwater and surface water. Hydrologists among those we interviewed 
explained that more data are needed on the chemistry of surface water 
and groundwater, properties of aquifers, age of groundwater, flow 
rates and patterns of groundwater, and groundwater levels in wells. 
Although some current research projects have and are collecting some 
water data, officials from the USGS, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 
and the universities doing this research agreed their data are not 
comprehensive enough to support future monitoring efforts. 
Furthermore, Colorado state officials told us that even though much 
water data were generated over time, including during the last oil 
shale boom, little of these data have been assimilated, gaps exist, 
and data need to be updated in order to support future monitoring. 

* Insufficient research on groundwater movement and its interaction 
with surface water for modeling possible transport of contaminants. 
Sixteen of 18 officials and experts to whom we spoke noted that 
additional research is needed to develop a better understanding of the 
interactions between groundwater and surface water and of groundwater 
movement. Officials from NETL explained that this is necessary in 
order to monitor the rate and pattern of flow of possible contaminants 
resulting from the in-situ retorting of oil shale. They noted that 
none of the groundwater research currently under way is comprehensive 
enough to build the necessary models to understand the interaction and 
movement. NETL officials noted more subsurface imaging and 
visualization are needed to build geologic and hydrologic models and 
to study how quickly groundwater migrates. These tools will aid in 
monitoring and providing data that does not currently exist. 

Interior and DOE Officials Generally Have Not Shared Information on 
Oil Shale Research: 

Interior and DOE officials generally have not shared current research 
on water and oil shale issues. USGS officials who conduct water-
related research at Interior and DOE officials at NETL, which sponsors 
the majority of the water and oil shale research at DOE, stated they 
have not talked with each other about such research in almost 3 years. 
USGS staff noted that although DOE is currently sponsoring most of the 
water-related research, USGS researchers were unaware of most of these 
projects. In addition, staff at Los Alamos National Laboratory who are 
conducting some water-related research for DOE noted that various 
researchers are not always aware of studies conducted by others and 
stated that there needs to be a better mechanism for sharing this 
research. Based on our review, we found there does not appear to be 
any formal mechanism for sharing water-related research activities and 
results among Interior, DOE, and state regulatory agencies in Colorado 
and Utah. The last general meeting to discuss oil shale research among 
these agencies was in October 2007, although there have been 
opportunities to informally share research at the annual Oil Shale 
Symposium, the last one of which was conducted at the Colorado School 
of Mines in October 2010. Of the various officials with the federal 
and state agencies, representatives from research organizations, and 
water experts we contacted, 15 of 18 noted that federal and state 
agencies could benefit from collaboration with each other on water-
related research involving oil shale. Representatives from NETL, who 
are sponsoring much of the current research, stated that collaboration 
should occur at least every 6 months. 

We and others have reported that collaboration among government 
agencies can produce more public value than one agency acting alone. 
[Footnote 34] Specifically concerning water resources, we previously 
reported that coordination is needed to enable monitoring programs to 
make better use of available resources in light of organizations often 
being unaware of data collected by other groups.[Footnote 35] 
Similarly in 2004, the National Research Council concluded that 
coordination of water research is needed to make deliberative 
judgments about the allocation of funds, to minimize duplication, to 
present to Congress and the public a coherent strategy for federal 
investment, and to facilitate large-scale multiagency research 
efforts.[Footnote 36] In 2007, the Subcommittee on Water Availability 
and Quality within the Office of Science and Technology Policy, an 
office that advises the President and leads interagency efforts 
related to science and technology stated, "Given the importance of 
sound water management to the Nation's well-being it is appropriate 
for the Federal government to play a significant role in providing 
information to all on the status of water resources and to provide the 
needed research and technology that can be used by all to make 
informed water management decisions."[Footnote 37] In addition, H.R. 
1145--the National Water Research and Development Initiative Act of 
2009--which has passed the House of Representatives and is currently 
in a Senate committee, would establish a federal interagency committee 
to coordinate all federal water research, which totals about $700 
million annually. This bill focuses on improving coordination among 
agency research agendas, increasing the transparency of water research 
budgeting, and reporting on progress toward research outcomes. 


The unproven nature of oil shale technologies and choices in how to 
generate the power necessary to develop this resource cast a shadow of 
uncertainty over how much water is needed to sustain a commercially 
viable oil shale industry. Additional uncertainty about the size of 
such an industry clouds the degree to which surface and groundwater 
resources could be impacted in the future. Furthermore, these 
uncertainties are compounded by a lack of knowledge of the current 
baseline conditions of groundwater and surface water, including their 
chemistry and interaction, properties of aquifers, and the age and 
rate of movement of groundwater, in the arid Piceance and Uintah 
Basins of Colorado and Utah, where water is considered one of the most 
precious resources. All of these uncertainties pose difficulties for 
oil shale developers, federal land managers, state water regulators, 
and current water users in their efforts to protect water resources. 

Attempts to commercially develop oil shale in the United States have 
spanned nearly a century. During this time, the industry has focused 
primarily on overcoming technological challenges and trying to develop 
a commercially viable operation. More recently, the federal government 
has begun to focus on studying the potential impacts of oil shale 
development on surface water and groundwater resources. However, these 
efforts are in their infancy when compared to the length of time that 
the industry has spent on attempting to overcome technological 
challenges. These nascent efforts do not adequately define current 
baseline conditions for water resources in the Piceance and Uintah 
Basins, nor have they begun to model the important interaction of 
groundwater and surface water in the region. Thus they currently fall 
short of preparing federal and state governments for monitoring the 
impacts of any future oil shale development. In addition, there is a 
lack of coordination among federal agencies on water-related research 
and a lack of communicating results among themselves and to the state 
regulatory agencies. Without such coordination and communication, 
federal and state agencies cannot begin to develop an understanding of 
the potential impacts of oil shale development on water resources and 
monitor progress toward shared water goals. By taking steps now, the 
federal government, working in concert with the states of Colorado and 
Utah, can position itself to help monitor western water resources 
should a viable oil shale industry develop in the future. 

Recommendations for Executive Action: 

To prepare for possible impacts from the future development of oil 
shale, we are making three recommendations to the Secretary of the 
Interior. Specifically, the Secretary should direct the appropriate 
managers in the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Geological 
Survey to: 

1. establish comprehensive baseline conditions for groundwater and 
surface water quality, including their chemistry, and quantity in the 
Piceance and Uintah Basins to aid in the future monitoring of impacts 
from oil shale development in the Green River Formation; 

2. model regional groundwater movement and the interaction between 
groundwater and surface water, in light of aquifer properties and the 
age of groundwater, so as to help in understanding the transport of 
possible contaminants derived from the development of oil shale; and: 

3. coordinate with the Department of Energy and state agencies with 
regulatory authority over water resources in implementing these 
recommendations, and to provide a mechanism for water-related research 
collaboration and sharing of results. 

Agency Comments: 

We provided a copy of our draft report to Interior and DOE for their 
review and comment. Interior provided written comments and generally 
concurred with our findings and recommendations. Interior highlighted 
several actions it has under way to begin to implement our 
recommendations. Specifically, Interior stated that with regard to our 
first recommendation to establish comprehensive baseline conditions 
for surface water and groundwater in the Piceance and Uintah Basins, 
implementation of this recommendation includes ongoing USGS efforts to 
analyze existing water quality data in the Piceance Basin and ongoing 
USGS efforts to monitor surface water quality and quantity in both 
basins. Interior stated that it plans to conduct more comprehensive 
assessments in the future. With regard to our second recommendation to 
model regional groundwater movement and the interaction between 
groundwater and surface water, Interior said BLM and USGS are working 
on identifying shared needs for modeling. Interior underscored the 
importance of modeling prior to the approval of large-scale oil shale 
development and cites the importance of the industry's testing of 
various technologies on federal RD&D leases to determine if production 
can occur in commercial quantities and to develop an accurate 
determination of potential water uses for each technology. In support 
of our third recommendation to coordinate with DOE and state agencies 
with regulatory authority over water resources, Interior stated that 
BLM and USGS are working to improve such coordination and noted 
current efforts with state and local authorities. Interior's comments 
are reproduced in appendix III. 

DOE also provided written comments, but did not specifically address 
our recommendations. Nonetheless, DOE indicated that it recognizes the 
need for a more comprehensive and integrated cross-industry/government 
approach for addressing impacts from oil shale development. However, 
DOE raised four areas where it suggested additional information be 
added to the report or took issue with our findings. First, DOE 
suggested that we include in our report appropriate aspects of a 
strategic plan drafted by an ad hoc group of industry, national 
laboratory, university, and government representatives organized by 
the DOE Office of Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves. We believe 
aspects of this strategic plan are already incorporated into our 
report. For example, the strategic plan of this ad hoc group calls for 
implementing recommendations of the Task Force on Strategic 
Unconventional Fuels, which was convened by the Secretary of Energy in 
response to a directive within the Energy Policy Act of 2005. The Task 
Force on Strategic and Unconventional fuels recommended developing 
baseline conditions for water resources and monitoring the impacts 
from oil shale development, which is consistent with our first 
recommendation. The ad hoc group's report recognized the need to share 
information and collaborate with state and other federal agencies, 
which is consistent with our third recommendation. As such, we made no 
changes to this report in response to this comment. 

Second, DOE stated that we overestimated the amount of water needed 
for in-situ oil shale development and production. We disagree with 
DOE's statement because the estimates presented in our report respond 
to our objective, which was to describe what is known about the amount 
of water that may be needed for commercial oil shale development, and 
they are based on existing publicly available data. We reported the 
entire range of reputable studies without bias to illustrate the wide 
range of uncertainty in water needed to commercially develop oil 
shale, given the current experimental nature of the process. We 
reported only publicly available estimates based on original research 
that were substantiated with a reasonable degree of documentation so 
that we could verify that the estimates covered the entire life cycle 
of oil shale development and that these estimates did not pertain 
solely to field demonstration projects, but were instead scalable to 
commercial operations. We reviewed and considered estimates from all 
of the companies that DOE identified in its letter. The range of water 
needed for commercial in-situ development of oil shale that we report 
ranges from 1 to 12 barrels of water per barrel of oil. These lower 
and upper bounds represent the sum of the most optimistic and most 
pessimistic estimates of water needed for all five groups of 
activities that we identified as comprising the life cycle of in-situ 
oil shale development. However, the lower estimate is based largely on 
estimates by ExxonMobil and incorporates the use of produced water, 
water treatment, and recycling, contrary to DOE's statement that we 
dismissed the significance of these activities. The upper range is 
influenced heavily by the assumption that electricity used in 
retorting will come from coal-fired plants and that a maximum amount 
of water will be used for rinsing the retorted zones, based on 
modeling done at the Center for Oil Shale Technology and Research. 
[Footnote 38] The studies supporting these estimates were presented at 
the 29th Annual Oil Shale Symposium at the Colorado School of Mines. 
Such a range overcomes the illusion of precision that is conveyed by a 
single point estimate, such as the manner in which DOE cites the 1.59 
barrels of water from the AMEC study, or the bias associated with 
reporting a narrow range based on the assumption that certain 
technologies will prevail before they are proven to be commercially 
viable for oil shale development. Consequently, we made no changes to 
the report in response to this comment. 

Third, DOE stated that using the amount of water in the White River at 
Meeker, Colorado, to illustrate the availability of water for 
commercial oil shale development understates water availability. We 
disagree with DOE's characterization of our illustration. The 
illustration we use in the report is not meant to imply that an entire 
three-state industry would be limited by water availability at Meeker. 
Rather, the illustration explores the limitations of an in-situ oil 
shale industry only in the Piceance Basin. More than enough water 
appears available for a reasonably sized industry that depends on 
mining and surface retorting in the Piceance basin. Our illustration 
also suggests that there may be more than enough water to supply a 2.5 
million barrel-per-day in-situ industry at minimum water needs, even 
considering the needs of current water users and the anticipated needs 
of future water users. In addition, the illustration suggests that 
there may be enough water to supply an in-situ industry in the 
Piceance Basin of between 1 and 2 million barrels per day at average 
water needs, depending upon whether all the water in the White River 
at Meeker is used or only water that is expected to be physically and 
legally available in the future. However, the illustration does point 
out limitations. It suggests that at maximum water needs, an in-situ 
industry in the Piceance Basin may not reach 1 million barrels per day 
if it relied solely on water in the White River at Meeker. Other 
sources of water may be needed, and our report notes that these other 
sources could include water in the Yampa or Colorado Rivers, as well 
as groundwater. Use of produced water and recycling could also reduce 
water needs as noted in the draft report. Consequently, we made no 
changes to the report in response to this comment. 

Fourth, DOE stated that the report gives the impression that all oil 
shale technologies are speculative and proving them to be commercially 
viable will be difficult, requiring a long period of time with 
uncertain outcomes. We disagree with this characterization of our 
report. Our report clearly states that there is uncertainty regarding 
the commercial viability of in-situ technologies. Based on our 
discussions with companies and review of available studies, Shell is 
the only active oil shale company to have successfully produced shale 
oil from a true in-situ process. Considering the uncertainty 
associated with impacts on groundwater resources and reclamation of 
the retorted zone, commercialization of an in-situ process is likely 
to be a number of years away. To this end, Shell has leased federal 
lands from BLM to test its technologies, and more will be known once 
this testing is completed. With regard to mining oil shale and 
retorting it at the surface, we agree that it is a relatively mature 
process. Nonetheless, competition from conventional crude oil has 
inhibited commercial oil shale development in the United States for 
almost 100 years. Should some of the companies that DOE mentions in 
its letter prove to be able to produce oil shale profitably and in an 
environmentally sensitive manner, they will be among the first to 
overcome such long-standing challenges. We are neither dismissing 
these companies, as DOE suggests, nor touting their progress. In 
addition, it was beyond the scope of our report to portray the timing 
of commercial oil shale production or describe a more exhaustive 
history of oil shale research, as DOE had recommended, because much 
research currently is privately funded and proprietary. Therefore, we 
made no changes to the report in response to this comment. DOE's 
comments are reproduced in appendix IV. 

As agreed with your office, unless you publicly announce the contents 
of this report earlier, we plan no further distribution until 30 days 
from the report date. At that time, we will send copies of this report 
to the appropriate congressional committees, Secretaries of the 
Interior and Energy, Directors of the Bureau of Land Management and 
U.S. Geological Survey, and other interested parties. In addition, the 
report will be available at no charge on GAO's Web site at [hyperlink,]. 

If you or your staff have any questions about this report, please 
contact one of us at (202) 512-3841 or or Contact points for our Offices of Congressional 
Relations and Public Affairs may be found on the last page of this 
report. Key contributors to this report are listed in appendix V. 

Signed by: 

Mark Gaffigan: 
Director, Natural Resources and Environment: 

Signed by: 

Anu Mittal: 
Director, Natural Resources and Environment: 

[End of section] 

Appendix I: Scope and Methodology: 

To determine what is known about the potential impacts to groundwater 
and surface water from commercial oil shale development, we reviewed 
the Proposed Oil Shale and Tar Sands Resource Management Plan 
Amendments to Address Land Use Allocations in Colorado, Utah, and 
Wyoming and Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) 
prepared by the Bureau of Land Management in September 2008. We also 
reviewed environmental assessments prepared on Shell Oil's plans for 
in-situ development of its research, demonstration, and development 
(RD&D) tracts in Colorado and on the Oil Shale Exploration Company's 
(OSEC) plan to mine oil shale on its RD&D tract in Utah because these 
two companies have made the most progress toward developing in-situ 
and mining technologies, respectively. In addition, we reviewed the 
Office of Technology Assessment's (OTA) 1980 report, An Assessment of 
Oil Shale Technologies; the Rand Corporation's 2005 report, Oil Shale 
Development in the United States; and the Argonne National 
Laboratory's 2005 report, Potential Ground Water and Surface Water 
Impacts from Oil Shale and Tar Sands Energy-Production Operations. 
Because the PEIS was the most comprehensive of these documents, we 
summarized impacts to groundwater and surface water quantity and 
quality described within this document and noted that these impacts 
were entirely qualitative in nature and that the magnitude of impacts 
was indeterminate because the in-situ technologies have yet to be 
developed. To confirm these observations and the completeness of 
impacts within the PEIS, we contacted the Environmental Protection 
Agency, the Colorado Division of Water Resources, the Colorado Water 
Conservation Board, the Division of Water Quality within the Colorado 
Department of Public Health and Environment, the Utah Division of 
Water Resources, the Utah Division of Water Quality, and the Utah 
Division of Water Rights--all of which have regulatory authority over 
some aspect of water resources. To ensure that we identified the range 
of views on the potential impacts of oil shale development on 
groundwater and surface water, we also contacted the U.S. Geological 
Survey (USGS), the Colorado Geological Survey, the Utah Geological 
Survey, industry representatives, water experts, and numerous 
environmental groups for their views on the impacts of oil shale on 
water resources. To assess the impacts of oil shale development on 
aquatic resources, we reviewed the PEIS and contacted the Colorado 
Division of Wildlife and the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. 

To determine what is known about the amount of water that may be 
needed for commercial oil shale development, we searched the Internet 
and relevant databases of periodicals using the words "oil shale" 
together with "water use." We also searched Web sites maintained by 
the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), USGS, and the Department of 
Energy (DOE) for information on oil shale and water use and 
interviewed officials at these agencies to determine if there were 
additional studies that we had not identified. We also checked 
references cited within the studies for other studies. We limited the 
studies to those published in 1980 or after because experts with whom 
we consulted either considered the studies published before then to be 
adequately summarized in OTA's 1980 report or to be too old to be 
relevant. We included certain data within the OTA report because some 
of the surface retort technologies are similar to technologies being 
tested today. We did not consider verbal estimates of water needs 
unless companies could provide more detailed information. The 17 
studies that we identified appear in table 7. 

Table 7: Studies on Water Use for Oil Shale Development Initially 
Identified by GAO: 

Bartis, et al. Oil Shale Development in the United States: Prospects 
and Policy Issues. Rand Corporation, 2005. 

Boak, Jeremy and Earl Mattson. Water Use for In-Situ Production of 
Shale Oil from the Green River Formation. Presented at the 29th Oil 
Shale Symposium, Colorado School of Mines, October 20, 2009. 

Bureau of Land Management. Oil Shale Research, Development, and 
Demonstration Project. Environmental Assessment CO-110-2006-117-EA. 
Prepared to analyze a proposal by Shell Frontier Oil and Gas, Inc., 

Bureau of Land Management. Oil Shale Research, Development and 
Demonstration Project, White River Mine, Uintah County, Utah. 
Environmental Assessment UT-080-06-280. Prepared to analyze a proposal 
by the Oil Shale Exploration Company, April 2007. 

Bureau of Land Management. Proposed Oil Shale and Tar Sands Resource 
Management Plan Amendments to Address Land Use Allocations in 
Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming and Final Programmatic Environmental 
Impact Statement (PEIS). September 2008. 

Dudley-Murphy, Beth, et al. Meeting Data Needs to Perform a Water 
Impact Assessment for Oil Shale Development in the Uinta and Piceance 
Basins, Appendix D in Utah Heavy Oil Program: Final 
Scientific/Technical Report. Institute for Clean and Secure Energy, 
October 2009. 

Harding, Benjamin. AMEC Earth and Environmental. Energy Development 
Water Needs Assessment and Water Supply Alternatives Analysis. 
Presented at the Promise and Perils of Oil Shale Symposium sponsored 
by the Natural Resources Law Center at the University of Colorado at 
Boulder, February 5, 2010. 

Mangmeechai, Aweewan. Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Consumptive 
Water Use and Levelized Costs of Unconventional Oil in North America. 
Ph.D. dissertation, Carnegie Mellon University, August 2009. 

Mangmeechai, Aweewan et al. Life Cycle Consumptive Water Use of U.S. 
Oil Shale. Presented at the International Society for Industrial 
Ecology, Boston, Massachusetts, September 29-October 2, 2009. 

National Oil Shale Association. "NOSA Evaluates Oil Shale Water 
Usage." Oil Shale Update, vol. II, issue I (September 2009). 

Office of Technology Assessment. An Assessment of Oil Shale 
Technologies. June 1980. 

Shell Frontier Oil and Gas, Inc. Plan of Operations, Oil Shale Test 
Project. February 15, 2006. 

Thomas, Michele Mosio, et al. ExxonMobil Upstream Research. 
Responsible Development of Oil Shale. Presented at the 29th Oil Shale 
Symposium, Colorado School of Mines, October 2009. 

URS Corporation. Energy Development Water Needs Assessment (Phase I 
Report). Glenwood Springs, Colorado, September 2008. 

Veil, J. A. and M.G. Puder. Potential Ground Water and Surface Water 
Impacts from Oil Shale and Tar Sands Energy-Production Operations, 
Argonne National Lab. October 2006. 

Western Resource Advocates. Water on the Rocks: Oil Shale Water Rights 
in Colorado. Boulder, Colorado, 2009. 

Wilson, C, et al. Los Alamos National Laboratory. Assessment of 
Climate Variability on Water Resource Availability for Oil Shale 
Development. Presented at the First Western Forum on Energy and Water 
Sustainability, School of Environmental Science and Management, 
University of California, Santa Barbara, March 22-23, 2007. 

Source: GAO. 

Note: While this table includes all the studies we initially 
identified, we describe further in this section of the report how we 
identified data within these studies that sufficiently met our quality 
criteria to be included in the range of water estimates. 

[End of table] 

For further analysis, we divided the studies into two major groups--in-
situ extraction and mining with a surface retort. We dismissed a 
combination of mining and in-situ extraction because most of these 
technologies are more than 30 years old and generally considered to be 
infeasible today. The single company that is pursuing such a 
combination of technologies today--Red Leaf Resources--has not 
published detailed data on water needs. After reviewing these studies, 
we found that most of the studies did not examine water needs for the 
entire life cycle of oil shale development. As such, we identified 
logical groups of activities based on descriptions within the studies. 
We identified the following five groups of activities: (1) extraction 
and retorting, (2) generating power, (3) upgrading shale oil, (4) 
reclamation, and (5) population growth associated with oil shale 
development. We did not include refining because we believe it is 
unlikely that oil shale production will reach levels in the near-or 
midterm to justify building a new refinery. 

To characterize the water needs for the entire life cycle of oil shale 
development, we identified within each study the water needs for each 
of the five groups of activities. Except for OTA's 1980 report, which 
is now 30 years old, we contacted the authors of each study and 
discussed the estimates with them. If estimates within these studies 
were given for more than one group of activities, we asked them to 
break down this estimate into the individual groups when possible. We 
only considered further analyzing water needs for groups of activities 
that were based on original research so as not to count these 
estimates multiple times. For example, original research on water 
needs for extraction and retorting may have analyzed mine plans, 
estimated water needs for drilling wells, estimated water needs for 
dust control, and discussed recycling of produced water. Original 
research on water needs for population growth may have discussed the 
number of workers immigrating to a region, their family size, per 
capita water consumption, and the nature of housing required by 
workers. On the other hand, estimates of water needs that were not 
based on original research generally reported water needs for multiple 
groups of activities in barrels of water per barrel of oil produced 
and cited someone else's work as the source for this number. We 
excluded several estimates that seemed unlikely. For example, we 
eliminated a water estimate for power generation that included 
building a nuclear power plant and water estimates for population 
growth where it was assumed that people would decrease their water 
consumption by over 50 percent. We also excluded technologies 
developed prior to 1980 that are dissimilar to technologies being 
considered by oil shale companies today. We checked mathematical 
calculations and reviewed power requirements and the reasonableness of 
associated water needs. For power estimates that did not include 
associated water needs, we converted power needs into water needs 
using 480 gallons per megawatt hour of electricity produced by coal-
fired, wet recirculating thermoelectric plants and 180 gallons per 
megawatt hour of electricity produced by gas-powered, combined cycle, 
wet recirculating thermoelectric plants. Air-cooled systems consume 
almost no water for cooling. Where appropriate, we also estimated 
shale oil recoveries based the company's estimated oil shale resources 
and estimated water needs for rinsing retorted zones based on 
anticipated changes to the reservoir. 

We converted water requirements to barrels of water needed per barrel 
of oil produced. For those studies with water needs that met our 
criteria, we tabulated water needs for each group of activities for 
both in-situ production and mining with a surface retort. The results 
appear in tables 8 and 9. We estimated the total range of water needs 
for in-situ development by summing the minimum estimates for each 
group of activities and by summing the maximum estimates for the 
various groups of activities. We did the same for mining with a 
surface retort. We also calculated the average water needs for each 
group of activities. 

Table 8: Studies GAO Examined That Contained Original Research on 
Water Requirements for Groups of Activities Representing the Complete 
Life Cycle for the In-Situ Production of Oil Shale[A]: 

Study: BLM, PEIS; 
Extraction and retorting: [Empty]; 
Power: [Empty]; 
Reclamation: [Empty]; 
Upgrading liquids: [Empty]; 
Population growth: [Check]. 

Study: Dudley-Murphy et al., table 6, scenarios 2 and 6[B]; 
Extraction and retorting: [Empty]; 
Power: [Empty]; 
Reclamation: [Empty]; 
Upgrading liquids: [Empty]; 
Population growth: [Check]. 

Study: NOSA, report and personal communication[C]; 
Extraction and retorting: [Check]; 
Power: [Check]; 
Reclamation: [Check]; 
Upgrading liquids: [Check]; 
Population growth: [Empty]. 

Study: Boak and Mattson, report and personal communication[D]; 
Extraction and retorting: [Check]; 
Power: [Check]; 
Reclamation: [Check]; 
Upgrading liquids: [Empty]; 
Population growth: [Empty]. 

Study: ExxonMobil; 
Extraction and retorting: [Check]; 
Power: [Check]; 
Reclamation: [Check]; 
Upgrading liquids: [Check]; 
Population growth: [Empty]. 

Study: URS[E]; 
Extraction and retorting: [Check]; 
Power: [Check]; 
Reclamation: [Check]; 
Upgrading liquids: [Check]; 
Population growth: [Check]. 

Study: AMEC[F]; 
Extraction and retorting: [Empty]; 
Power: [Check]; 
Reclamation: [Empty]; 
Upgrading liquids: [Empty]; 
Population growth: [Empty]. 

Study: Shell EA, plan of operation and personal communication[G]; 
Extraction and retorting: [Check]; 
Power: [Check]; 
Reclamation: [Check]; 
Upgrading liquids: [Check]; 
Population growth: [Check]. 

Source: GAO analysis of selected studies. 

[A] A [Check] in the column indicates that we analyzed the water 
estimate in this study for this group of activities. We do not list 
quantitative water estimates for these groups of activities because 
some of these data are confidential. 

[B] This study did not differentiate estimates for in-situ extraction 
from estimates for mining with a surface retort. 

[C] This study was a confidential survey of multiple companies. Since 
we did not have access to the identities of the respondents or their 
individual answers, we could not exclude their estimates if they 
appear elsewhere in this table. The National Oil Shale Association 
published the survey results as total water needs being 1.7 barrels of 
water plus 0.6 to 1.6 barrels of water for upgrading liquids per 
barrel of oil produced. The upgrading estimate is for both in-situ and 
mining with a surface retort. Water for power generation and 
population growth is not included. We estimated water needs for power 
based on the average of the survey responses to power requirements. We 
estimated water needs for extraction and retorting and for reclamation 
based on the average of the survey responses. "Personal communication" 
indicates that we supplemented information in the study by contacting 
the author for more information. 

[D] We included estimates for site water (water for extraction and 
retorting and reclamation) between the 25 percent and 75 percent 
cumulative probability levels. According to the author, about 90 
percent of the site water is needed for reclamation. "Personal 
communication" indicates that we supplemented information in the study 
by contacting the author for more information. 

[E] We could not separate water needs for upgrading liquids from 
extraction and retorting. The water needs for power are based on coal- 
fired plants. 

[F] The purpose of this study is to update water requirements in the 
URS report. Preliminary data were presented by Benjamin Harding at the 
Promise and Perils of Oil Shale Symposium on February 5, 2010. Water 
needs for power are based on combined-cycle natural gas plants. The 
final study, which is expected to examine water needs for all groups 
of activities, will not be publicly available until October 2010. 

[G] Shell cites a total of 3 barrels of water for each barrel of oil 
produced as appropriate for planning purposes. We estimated individual 
water needs for each of the five groups of activities by examining 
parameters discussed in Shell's EA and Plan of Operations in light of 
revised data provided verbally by Shell. Our estimates for individual 
groups of activities, based on Shell's revised data, add up to about 3 
barrels of water. "Personal communication" indicates that we 
supplemented information in the study by contacting the author for 
more information. 

[End of table] 

Table 9: Studies GAO Examined That Contained Original Research on 
Water Requirements for Groups of Activities Representing the Complete 
Life Cycle for an Oil Shale Mine with a Surface Retort[A]: 

Study: BLM, PEIS; 
Extraction and retorting and upgrading liquids[B]: [Empty]; 
Power: [Empty]; 
Reclamation: [Empty]; 
Population growth: [Check]. 

Study: Dudley-Murphy, table 6, scenarios 2 and 6[C]; 
Extraction and retorting and upgrading liquids[B]: [Empty]; 
Power: [Empty]; 
Reclamation: [Empty]; 
Population growth: [Check]. 

Study: NOSA, report and personal communication[D]; 
Extraction and retorting and upgrading liquids[B]: [Check]; 
Power: [Check]; 
Reclamation: [Check]; 
Population growth: [Empty]. 

Study: URS; 
Extraction and retorting and upgrading liquids[B]: [Empty]; 
Power: [Check]; 
Reclamation: [Empty]; 
Population growth: [Check]. 

Study: OTA, Paraho-Direct process developed by WPA/DRI; 
Extraction and retorting and upgrading liquids[B]: [Check]; 
Power: [Check]; 
Reclamation: [Check]; 
Population growth: [Check]. 

Study: OTA, Paraho-Direct process developed by McGee-Kunchal; 
Extraction and retorting and upgrading liquids[B]: [Check]; 
Power: [Check]; 
Reclamation: [Check]; 
Population growth: [Check]. 

Study: OTA, Paraho-Indirect process developed by McGee-Kunchal; 
Extraction and retorting and upgrading liquids[B]: [Check]; 
Power: [Check]; 
Reclamation: [Empty]; 
Population growth: [Check]. 

Study: Oil Shale Exploration Company; 
Extraction and retorting and upgrading liquids[B]: [Check][E]; 
Power: [Check][E]; 
Reclamation: [Empty]; 
Population growth: [Empty]. 

Source: GAO analysis of selected studies. 

[A] A [Check] in the column indicates that we analyzed the water 
estimate in this study for this group of activities. We do not list 
quantitative water estimates for these groups of activities because 
some of these data are confidential. 

[B] We could not differentiate extraction and retorting from upgrading 
liquids in many of these studies. 

[C] This study did not differentiate estimates for in-situ extraction 
from estimates for mining with a surface retort. 

[D] This study was a confidential survey of multiple companies. Since 
we did not have access to the identities of the respondents or their 
individual answers, we could not exclude their estimates if they 
appear elsewhere in this table. The National Oil Shale Association 
published survey results as total water needs being 2 barrels of water 
plus 0.6 to 1.6 barrels of water for upgrading liquids per barrel of 
oil produced. The upgrading estimate is for both in-situ and mining 
with a surface retort. Water for population growth is not included. We 
estimated water needs for extraction and retorting and for reclamation 
based on the average of the survey responses. We estimated water needs 
for power based on the average of the survey responses to power needs. 
"Personal communication" indicates that we supplemented information in 
the study by contacting the author for more information. 

[E] Although we reviewed these estimates, we excluded them from our 
analysis because we do not believe they are scalable to a commercial 
operation. They were moderately higher than the other estimates but 
not unreasonable, and they serve as a check on the upper limit for 
these two groups of activities. 

[End of table] 

To determine the extent to which water is likely to be available for 
commercial oil shale development and its source, we compared the total 
needs of an oil shale industry of various sizes to the amount of 
surface water and groundwater that the states of Colorado and Utah 
estimate to be physically and legally available, in light of future 
municipal and industrial demand. We selected the sizes of an oil shale 
industry based on input from industry and DOE. These are hypothetical 
sizes, and we do not imply that an oil shale industry will grow to 
these sizes. The smallest size we selected for an in-situ industry, 
500,000 barrels of oil per day, is a likely size identified by an oil 
shale company based on experience with the development of the Canadian 
tar sands. The largest size of 2,500,000 barrels of oil per day is 
based on DOE projections. We based our smallest size of a mining 
industry, 25,000 barrels of oil per day, on one-half of the smallest 
scenario identified by URS in their work on water needs contracted by 
the state of Colorado. We based our largest size of a mining industry, 
150,000 barrels of oil per day, on three projects each of 50,000 
barrels of oil per day, which is a commonly cited size for a 
commercial oil shale mining operation. We reviewed and analyzed two 
detailed water studies commissioned by the state of Colorado to 
determine how much water is available in Colorado, where it was 
available, and to what extent demands will be placed on this water in 
the future.[Footnote 39] We also reviewed a report prepared for the 
Colorado Water Conservation Board on future water availability in the 
Colorado River.[Footnote 40] These studies were identified by water 
experts at various Colorado state water agencies as the most updated 
information on Colorado's water supply and demand. To determine the 
available water supply and the potential future demand in the Uintah 
Basin, we reviewed and analyzed data in documents prepared by the Utah 
Division of Water Resources.[Footnote 41] We also examined data on 
water rights provided by the Utah Division of Water Rights and 
examined data collected by Western Resource Advocates on oil shale 
water rights in Colorado. In addition to reviewing these documents, we 
interviewed water experts at the Bureau of Reclamation, USGS, Utah 
Division of Water Rights, Utah Division of Water Resources, Utah 
Division of Water Quality, Colorado Division of Natural Resources, 
Colorado Division of Water Resources, Colorado River Water 
Conservation District, the Utah and Colorado State Demographers, and 
municipal officials in the oil shale resource area. 

To identify federally funded research efforts to address the impacts 
of commercial oil shale development on water resources, we interviewed 
officials and reviewed information from offices or agencies within DOE 
and the Department of the Interior (Interior). Within DOE, these 
offices were the Office of Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves, the 
National Energy Technology Laboratory, and other DOE offices with 
jurisdiction over various national laboratories. Officials at these 
offices identified the Idaho National Laboratory and the Los Alamos 
National Laboratory as sponsoring or performing water-related oil 
shale research. In addition, they identified experts at Argonne 
National Laboratory who worked on the PEIS for BLM or who wrote 
reports on water and oil shale issues. Within Interior, we contacted 
officials with BLM and the USGS. We asked officials at all of the 
federal agencies and offices that were sponsoring federal research to 
provide details on research that was water-related and to provide 
costs for the water-related portions of these research projects. For 
some projects, based on the nature of the research, we counted the 
entire award as water-related. We identified 15 water-related oil 
shale research projects. A detailed description of these projects is 
in appendix II. To obtain additional details on the work performed 
under these research projects, we interviewed officials with all the 
sponsoring organizations and the performing organizations, including 
the Colorado School of Mines, University of Utah, Utah Geological 
Survey, Idaho National Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 
Argonne National Laboratory, and the USGS. 

To assess additional needs for research and to evaluate any gaps 
between research needs and the current research projects, we 
interviewed officials with 14 organizations and four experts that are 
authors of studies or reports we used in our analyses and that are 
recognized as having extensive knowledge of oil shale and water 
issues. The names of the 14 organizations appear in table 10. These 
discussions involved officials with all the federal offices either 
sponsoring or performing water-related oil shale research and state 
agencies involved in regulating water resources. 

Table 10: Agencies Contacted by GAO for Opinions on Research Needs: 

DOE Office of Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves (DOE NPOSR); 
DOE National Energy Technology Laboratory (DOE NETL); 
Bureau of Reclamation; 
Idaho National Laboratory; 
Los Alamos National Laboratory; 
Argonne National Laboratory; 
University of Utah; 
Colorado School of Mines; 
Colorado River Water Conservation District; 
Colorado Division of Water Resources; 
Utah Division of Water Quality; 
Colorado Geological Survey. 

Source: GAO. 

[End of table] 

[End of section] 

Appendix II: Descriptions of Federally Funded Water-Related Oil Shale 

Research title: Water Related Issues Affecting Conventional Oil & Gas 
Recovery and Oil Shale Development; 
Sponsoring organization: DOE NETL; 
Performing organization: Utah Geological Survey; 
Total federal cost: $688,223; 
Federal cost related to water: $688,223[A]. 

Research title: GIS Water Resource Infrastructure for Oil Shale; 
Sponsoring organization: DOE NETL; 
Performing organization: Colorado School of Mines; 
Total federal cost: $883,972; 
Federal cost related to water: $883,972[A]. 

Research title: Support for GIS Water Resource Infrastructure for Oil 
Sponsoring organization: DOE NETL; 
Performing organization: Idaho National Laboratory; 
Total federal cost: $261,769; 
Federal cost related to water: $261,769[A]. 

Research title: Utah Center for Heavy Oil Research FY06[B]; 
Sponsoring organization: DOE NETL; 
Performing organization: University of Utah; 
Total federal cost: $1,442,376; 
Federal cost related to water: $122,809[C]. 

Research title: Institute for Clean and Secure Energy FY08[B]; 
Sponsoring organization: DOE NETL; 
Performing organization: University of Utah; 
Total federal cost: $873,340; 
Federal cost related to water: $154,937[C]. 

Research title: Institute for Clean and Secure Energy FY09[B]; 
Sponsoring organization: DOE NETL; 
Performing organization: University of Utah; 
Total federal cost: $2,585,715; 
Federal cost related to water: $161,227[C]. 

Research title: Institute for Clean and Secure Energy FY10[B]; 
Sponsoring organization: DOE NETL; 
Performing organization: University of Utah; 
Total federal cost: $3,044,800; 
Federal cost related to water: $160,160[C]. 

Research title: Carbon and Water Resources Impacts from Unconventional 
Fuel Development in the Western Energy Corridor; 
Sponsoring organization: DOE NPOSR; 
Performing organization: Los Alamos National Lab; 
Total federal cost: $1,968,000; 
Federal cost related to water: $820,000[D]. 

Research title: Western Energy Corridor Initiative (support for Los 
Sponsoring organization: DOE NPOSR; 
Performing organization: Idaho National Laboratory; 
Total federal cost: $500,000; 
Federal cost related to water: $100,000[E]. 

Research title: Dynamic Impact Model and Information System to Support 
Unconventional Fuels Development; 
Sponsoring organization: Idaho National Laboratory; 
Performing organization: Idaho National Laboratory; 
Total federal cost: $600,000[F]; 
Federal cost related to water: $250,000[E,F]. 

Research title: Generation and Expulsion of Hydrocarbons from Oil 
Sponsoring organization: Idaho National Laboratory; 
Performing organization: Idaho National Laboratory; 
Total federal cost: $1,050,000[F]; 
Federal cost related to water: $90,000[E,F]. 

Research title: Near Field Impacts of In-Situ Oil Shale Development on 
Water Quality; 
Sponsoring organization: Idaho National Laboratory; 
Performing organization: Idaho National Laboratory; 
Total federal cost: $612,500[F]; 
Federal cost related to water: $612,500[E,F]. 

Research title: Nuclear Pathways to Energy Security; 
Sponsoring organization: Idaho National Laboratory; 
Performing organization: Idaho National Laboratory; 
Total federal cost: $75,000[F]; 
Federal cost related to water: $12,500[E,F]. 

Research title: Common Data Repository and Water Resource Assessment 
for the Piceance Basin, Western Colorado; 
Sponsoring organization: BLM; 
Performing organization: USGS; 
Total federal cost: $110,000; 
Federal cost related to water: $110,000[A]. 

Research title: Water: Groundwater Monitoring in Piceance Basin and 
Yellow Creek Basin; 
Sponsoring organization: BLM; 
Performing organization: USGS; 
Total federal cost: $410,000; 
Federal cost related to water: $410,000[A]. 

Research title: Total; 
Sponsoring organization: 15 projects; 
Performing organization: [Empty]; 
Total federal cost: $15,105,695; 
Federal cost related to water: $4,838,097. 

Source: DOE and Interior agencies and offices. 

[A] Entire award is considered water-related due to the nature of the 

[B] The University of Utah received four separate awards, each 
covering a broad array of oil shale research over multiple years. The 
awards included some water-related work. Examples of projects include 
(1) Meeting Data Needs to Perform a Water Impact Assessment for Oil 
Shale Development in the Uintah and Piceance Basins, (2) Effect of Oil 
Shale Processing on Water Compositions, and (3) New Approaches to 
Treat Produced Water and Perform Water Availability Impact Assessments 
for Oil Shale Development. 

[C] DOE NETL provided this estimate of the water-related portion of 
the award. 

[D] Los Alamos National Laboratory provided this estimate of the water-
related portion of the award. 

[E] Idaho National Laboratory provided this estimate of the water- 
related portion of the award. 

[F] According to Idaho National Laboratory, some funding may be 
nonfederal, but it provided no details. 

[End of table] 

[End of section] 

Appendix III: Comments from the Department of the Interior: 

United States Department of the Interior: 
Office Of The Secretary: 
Washington, DC 20240: 
October 15, 2010: 
Mr. Mark Gaffigan: 
Director, Natural Resources and Environment: 
Government Accountability Office: 
441 G Street, N.W. 
Washington, D.C. 20548: 

Dear Mr. Gaffigan: 

Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on the Government 
Accountability Office (GAO) draft report entitled, ENERGY-WATER NEXUS: 
A Better and Coordinated Understanding of Water Resources Could Help 
Mitigate the Impacts of Potential Oil Shale Development (GAO-11-35). 
The Department of the Interior (DOI) generally concurs with GAO's 
findings and recommendations. The report focused on the research and 
coordination efforts of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the 
United States Geological Survey (USGS) related to oil shale 

The BLM and USGS continue to collaborate and collect baseline data in 
the Piceance Basin and to design and implement a groundwater and 
surface water monitoring network. Within the Piceance Basin, natural 
gas and oil development is occurring along with oil shale research and 
development activities. The USGS has compiled water quality data and 
continues to analyze groundwater and surface water to provide a 
baseline water quality assessment and identify data gaps and 
redundancies. This information can be used to understand current 
conditions, inform future monitoring in the basin, and as part of the 
evaluation performed under regulatory processes involved in the 
approval of large-scale commercial oil shale development. 

The report recommends that the USGS and BLM "establish comprehensive 
baseline conditions for groundwater and surface water quality, 
including their chemistry, and quantity in the Piceance and Uintah 
Basins to aid in the future monitoring impacts from oil shale 
development in the Green River Formation." Implementation of this 
recommendation is underway. The USGS efforts for surface-water 
monitoring provide surface water quantity and quality monitoring at 
sites within these basins. A more comprehensive effort would include a 
work plan for gathering additional surface-water quantity data, 
groundwater monitoring, aquifer testing, and water-quality monitoring. 
In addition, the USGS Data Repository project, referred to in the 
report, will be used to better define data gaps in the baseline 
groundwater and surface water quality and quantity data currently 
existing for the Piceance and Uintah Basins. 

The GAO next recommends that the BLM and USGS "model regional 
groundwater movement and the interaction between groundwater and 
surface water, in light of aquifer properties and the age of 
groundwater, so as to help in understanding the transport of possible 
contaminants derived from the development of oil shale." The BUM and 
USGS are working on shared needs for regional groundwater modeling. 
The Department agrees that data compilation and regional modeling 
should be performed prior to the approval of large-scale oil shale 
development. Modeling of the impact to regional groundwater and 
groundwater/surface water interaction requires accurate estimation of 
potential water use from the various oil shale development 
technologies as well as accurate baseline hydrologic information. The 
six new Research, Development and Demonstration (R, D&D) leases on 
Federal land in Colorado and Utah will allow industry to test various 
technologies to determine if production can occur in commercial 
quantities, and to develop an accurate determination of potential 
water use for each technology. Interior will then assess the economic 
and technological challenges involved with the R. D&D projects. 

The third recommendation is for the BLM and USGS to "coordinate with 
the Department of Energy and state agencies with regulatory authority 
over water resources in implementing these recommendations, and to 
provide a mechanism for water-related research collaboration and 
sharing of results." Both bureaus are also working to improve such 
coordination. Currently, the bureaus are coordinating with state and 
local regulatory authorities in the many arenas of oil shale 
development and will build greater collaboration. As the results or 
the R, D&D leases become known, non-proprietary information will be 
shared within the Department and with Department of Energy. 

If you have any questions, please contact LaVanna Stevenson-Harris, 
KAI Audit Liaison Officer, at 202-912-7088, or Rebecca Bageant, USGS 
Audit Liaison Officer, at 703-648-4328. 


Signed by: 

Rhea S. Suh: 
Assistant Secretary: 
Policy, Management and Budget: 

[End of section] 

Appendix IV: Comments from the Department of Energy: 

Department of Energy: 
Washington, DC 20585: 

October 19, 2010: 

Mr. Mark E. Gaffigan: 
Natural Resources and Environment Team: 
U.S. Government Accountability Office: 
441 G Street, NW, Mail 2T23A: 
Washington, DC 20548: 

Dear Mr. Gaffigan: 

Thank you for the opportunity to review the Government Accountability 
Office (GAO) draft report entitled, "Energy-water Nexus: A Better and 
Coordinated Understanding of Water Resources Could Help Mitigate the 
Impacts of Potential Oil Shale Development." Enclosed pleased find the 
U.S. Department of Energy's comments on the draft report. 

If you have any questions or comments please contact Mr. David F. 
Johnson, Deputy Assistant Director. Office of Petroleum Reserves, of 
my staff at (202) 586-4733. 


Signed by: 

James J. Markowsky: 
Assistant Secretary: 
Office of Fossil Energy: 

Enclosure: DOE Comments on Draft GAO Report: 

[End of letter] 

Department of Energy Comments On GAO Draft Report: 

"Energy-Water Nexus: A Better and Coordinated Understanding of Water 
Resources Could Help Mitigate the Impacts of Oil Shale Development 

The following comments are based on comments received from Idaho 
National Laboratory (INL), Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), and 
the Office of Petroleum Reserves (OPR): 

1. The Department of Energy (DOE) recognizes the need discussed in the 
Report for a more comprehensive and integrated cross-
industry/government approach for determining water requirements, 
availability, and impacts associated with oil shale development (see 
for example Report Highlights). Recognition of this need, as well as a 
potential solution, are discussed in the Strategic Plan described by 
Citation 25, a document that was prepared by representatives from 
industry, national laboratories, universities, and Federal, state, and 
local governments. Consideration should be given to including 
appropriate aspects of the Strategic Plan in the Report. 

2. Water requirements for oil shale in-situ technologies are 
overstated, and water available for an oil shale industry and all 
other uses is understated (see pages 17-21 and 25-36, and Tables 1, 3, 
4, and 5, and Figure 4). 

Water Requirements: The two primary in-situ processes are by Exxon 
Mobil Exploration Company (Exxon) and Shell Exploration and Production 
Company (Shell). 

* Exxon -- Exxon reports that life cycle water requirements are 1-2 
barrels of water per barrel of oil produced, taking into account 
aggressive water conservation technologies (like utilizing produced 
water/process waste water, via water treating and recycling; using air 
cooled power generation; using natural gas instead of water for 
upgrading; and using natural gas instead of coal for power 
generation.)[Footnotes 1, 4, 7, 9] 

* Shell -- Shell representatives have stated publicly that life cycle 
water requirements have been studied, and that for planning purposes 
they are using 3 barrels per barrel, based on using aggressive water 
conservation technologies. They have also stated that ultimately they 
should be able to improve on this number.[Footnotes 2, 4, 20] 

* The Report dismisses water treating and recycling because the 
technologies have not been shown to be commercially viable (see page 
16 of the Report). Challenges for oil shale are well within the bounds 
of commercially viable water treating/recycling technologies currently 
in operation in other industries in the U.S.; and, as such, the 
private sector is clearly planning to use them.[Footnotes 1, 3, 4, 7, 

* The Report dismisses the use of produced water due to State-imposed 
legal limitations (see page 16 of the Report). Utilizing produced 
water for oil shale production is well within the bounds of how 
produced water is currently being used under these same limitations in 
the oil and gas and other industries in the U.S.; as such, the private 
sector is clearly planning to utilize produced water (within imposed 
legal limitations).[Footnotes 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 20] 

* Thus, the water requirements range should be 1-3 barrels per barrel, 
not 0.8-12, as shown. The 12 barrel per barrel figure is based on a 
controversial report that was completed without sufficient industry 
input. 6 The primary complaint was that the URS report did not 
properly take into account aggressive utilization of water 
conservation technologies. The report has been reworked by AMEC Earth 
& Environmental Corporation (AMEC) with private industry input, and a 
draft of the AMEC report has been publicly released showing a life 
cycle high number of 1.59 barrels per barrel. The AMEC report 
addressed comments received from National Oil Shale Association 
(NOSA), which incorporated comments from Exxon and Shell.[Footnotes 4, 
5, 6, 7, 9, 20] 

* On the basis of the foregoing, the Report should be revised to more 
fully describe water conservation technologies, with associated 
adjustments for in-situ water requirements. 

Water Availability — The Report provides an analysis showing how using 
just the water available on the White River at Meeker would limit the 
size of an oil shale industry (see pages 32-36, and Tables 3, 4, and 
5). This implies that the size of an industry for the entire
3-State Green River Formation is limited by water available at Meeker. 
In actuality, water to support the entire industry would be drawn from 
many locations within the Upper Colorado River Basin. The Report 
should be revised to show how water available from the entire basin 
might limit a 3-State oil shale industry. Numerous data sources on 
Upper Colorado water flows are publicly available. See Citations 8, 9, 
10, and 21. 

3. The Report gives the impression that all oil shale technologies are 
speculative, and that proving them to be commercially viable will be 
difficult, requiring a very long period of time, with uncertain 
outcomes (see pages 7 and 10). This is not an accurate represent-
action of the state of the technologies, or of the expected timing of 
first commercial production. The Report should be revised to address 
these issues. 

* Advanced oil shale technologies have been under research for many 
years at a cost of billions of dollars. Much has been accomplished -- 
for some technologies; all, or almost all, technical questions 
impeding commercialization have been answered.[Footnotes 11, 12, 13, 

* The great majority of the components of the various oil shale 
technologies are not new; most have been in use in the oil and gas and 
other industries in the U.S. and elsewhere for many years -- e.g., 
mining, heating formations, fracturing formations, oil and gas 
production, environmental mitigation, upgrading, transporting, 
refining, etc. Much of the oil shale challenge is to integrate these 
components for oil shale in a manner that is economically and 
environmentally sustainable. This has been the primary focus of all of 
the research undertaken to date. Although this endeavor is very 
capital intensive, it is not technically difficult, and expectations 
have been generally optimistic, evidence of which is the billions of 
private research and development (R&D) dollars committed to date. The 
biggest obstacles to investment in the development of a viable oil 
shale industry in the U.S. have not been the state of the technology, 
but rather the regulatory uncertainty, and lack of access to resources 
on Federal lands in the western U.S.[Footnotes 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 

* Red Leaf Resources Inc (Red Leaf): The Report dismisses Red Leaf 
because it has not formally published detailed data on water needs 
(see page 50). 

- Red Leaf is a small start-up company that is funded with private 
capital. As such, it is not focused on publishing. In 2009, Red Leaf 
successfully completed a large field pilot/semi-works demonstration 
project. Based on this success Red Leaf has been funded to design and 
construct a 30,000 barrels per day commercial project that is
due to begin operation within 2-3 years. Engineering is in progress. 
In order to permit its demonstration and commercial projects, detailed 
water studies were completed. Results have been presented at 
conferences and symposia.[Footnotes 15, 16, 18] 

- Red Leaf's extraction process requires almost no water, and it is 
potentially applicable to any near-surface deposits, an enormous 
resource target.[Footnotes 15, 16, 18] 

* Oil Shale Exploration Company's (OSEC) surface retort technology has 
been in commercial operation in Brazil since 1992, and is proven 
there. Production capacity is about 4,600 barrels per day.[Footnotes 
10, 17] 

- All that remains for OSEC to do is adapt the technology as needed to 
make it economic to operate in the U.S. regulatory environment. 

- OSEC completed a feasibility study in 2009 which found no need for a 
demonstration project and estimated operating costs to be $29-35 per 
barrel.[Footnotes 10, 17] 

- OSEC is designing a 12,500 barrel per day commercial plant that is 
funded and expects to begin operation in 2016, expanding to 50,000 
barrels/day by 2027.[Footnotes 10, 17] 

- The OSEC technology is potentially applicable to any near-surface or 
mineable deposits, an enormous resource target.[Footnotes 10, 17] 

* There are several other technologies that are also promising, 
especially the technology by Enshale Inc.{Footnote 19] 

* The Report should be revised to more fully address Red Leaf, OSEC, 
and other technologies. 

* The Report should also more fully reflect the extensive history of 
oil shale research in the U.S., including ongoing public and private 
efforts. [Footnotes 11, 24, 25] 


1. Thomas, Michele M., et al. (Exxon Mobil Exploration Company): 
"Responsible Development of Oil Shale" Presented to 29" Oil Shale 
Symposium, October 19-21, 2009. 

2. US General Accountability Office: "Energy-Water Nexus: A Better and 
Coordinated Understanding of Water Resources Could Help Mitigate the 
Impacts of Oil Shale Development (GAO-11-35) pg. 52, footnote "g". 

3. Shell Exploration and Production Company "Plan of Operations - Oil 
Shale Test Project" Prepared for US Bureau of Land Management, 
February 15, 2006. 

4. Harding, Ben (AMEC Earth & Environmental Corporation) "Energy 
Development Water Needs Assessment and Water Supply Alternative 
Analysis" presentation to Yampa River Basin Roundtable Meeting, July 
21, 2010. 

5. National Oil Shale Association "Position Paper: Studies 
Misrepresent Future Oil Shale Impacts" April 2009. 

6. United Research Services (DRS) Corp. "Energy Development Water 
Needs Assessment (Phase I Report)", prepared for Colorado, Yampa, and 
White River Basin Roundtables Energy Subcommittee. September 2008. 

7. Harding, Benjamin (AMEC): "Oil Shale Direct Water Use Estimates - 
Draft" Memorandum to Joint Energy Water Needs Subcommittee, April 13, 

8. Wood, Thomas, et al. "Environmental Aspects of CO2 and Water 
Management" Presentation to 27' Oil Shale Symposium, Colorado School 
of Mines. October 15-17, 2007. Slides 7-9. 

9. Harding, Benjamin (AMEC) "Energy Development Water Needs Assessment 
and Water Supply Alternative Analysis: The Promise and Peril of Oil 
Shale" February 5, 2010. Slides 9-13. 

10. Aho, Gary (Oil Shale Exploration Company) "White River Oil Shale 
Project 2009 Update" Presentation to 29" Oil Shale Symposium, October 
19-21, 2009. 

11. "Secure Fuels from Domestic Resources: The Continuing Evolution of 
America's Oil Shale and Tar Sands Industries" prepared by INTEK, Inc. 
for US Department of Energy, September 2010. 

12. Strategic Significance of America's Oil Shale Resource; Volume I 
Assessment of Strategic Issues and Volume II Oil Shale Resources, 
Technology and Economics. Prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy 
Office of Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves, March 2004. 

13. US Department of Energy "Joint USA -Estonia Oil Shale Research and 
Utilization program: Phase I, Phase II, and Phase III Reports and 
Executive Summary" Compilation of Reports, 2009. 

14. US Congress, Office of Technology Assessment "An Assessment of Oil 
Shale Technology" June 1980. 

15. Patten, James, et al (Red Leaf Resources Inc) "The EcoShale 
Process: Field Pilot Construction, Operation, and Results" 
Presentation to 29" Oil Shale Symposium, October 19-21, 2009. 

16. "Secure Fuels from Domestic Resources: The Continuing Evolution of 
America's Oil Shale and Tar Sands Industries" prepared by INTEK, Inc 
for US Department of Energy September 2010. - Red Leaf company profile. 

17. "Secure Fuels from Domestic Resources: The Continuing Evolution of 
America's Oil Shale and Tar Sands Industries" prepared by INTEK, Inc 
for US Department of Energy September 2010. - OSEC company profile. 

18. Demmer, Anton (Red Leaf Resources Inc) "The EcoShale In-Capsule 
Retorting Technology" Presentation to International Oil Shale 
Symposium, Tallinn, Estonia June 2009. 

19. "Secure Fuels from Domestic Resources: The Continuing Evolution of 
America's Oil Shale and Tar Sands Industries" prepared by INTEK, Inc. 
for US Department of Energy, September 2010. - Enshale Inc profile. 

20. "Energy Water Use Scenarios" Memorandum to Joint Energy Water 
Needs Subcommittee, June 29, 2010. 

21. US Bureau of Land Management: "Final Programmatic Environmental 
Impact Statement (PETS)", September 2008. 

22. Task Force on Strategic Unconventional Fuels, Initial Report of 
Findings and Recommendations: Development of America's Strategic 
Unconventional Fuels Resources, September 2006. 

23. Task Force on Strategic Unconventional Fuels, Development of 
America's Strategic Unconventional Fuels; Volumes I-III, September 

24. "Oil Shale Research In the United States: Profiles of Oil Shale 
Research and Development Activates in Universities, National 
Laboratories, and Public Agencies" prepared by INTEK, Inc. for US 
Department of Energy, September 2010. 

25. Ad Hoc Unconventional Fuels Working Group: "Strategic Plan: 
Unconventional Fuels Development in the Western Energy Corridor" 
November 2008. 

[End of section] 

Appendix V: GAO Contacts and Staff Acknowledgments: 

GAO Contacts: 

Mark Gaffigan, (202) 512-3841 or Anu Mittal, (202) 
512-3841 or 

Staff Acknowledgments: 

In addition to the individuals named above, Dan Haas (Assistant 
Director), Ron Belak, Laura Hook, and Randy Jones made major 
contributions to this report. Other individuals who made significant 
contributions were Charles Bausell, Virginia Chanley, Alison O'Neill, 
Madhav Panwar, and Barbara Timmerman. 

[End of section] 


[1] The Rand Corporation, a nonprofit research organization, estimates 
that between 30 and 60 percent of the oil shale in the Green River 
Formation can be recovered. At the midpoint of this estimate, almost 
half of the 3 trillion barrels of oil would be recoverable. 

[2] GAO, Energy-Water Nexus: Improvements to Federal Water Use Data 
Would Increase Understanding of Trends in Power Plant Water Use, 
[hyperlink,] (Washington, D.C.: 
Oct. 16, 2009) and Energy-Water Nexus: Many Uncertainties Remain about 
National and Regional Effects of Increased Biofuel Production on Water 
Resources, [hyperlink,] 
(Washington, D.C.: Nov. 30, 2009). 

[3] Physically available, according to the state of Colorado, is the 
actual or observed amount of water flowing in a stream. This amount 
can vary from year to year, based on the amount of precipitation and 
snow pack. Legally available, according to the state of Colorado, is 
the portion of physically available flow that could be developed 
without injury to other water rights or compacts. 

[4] An aquifer is an underground layer of rock or unconsolidated sand, 
gravel, or silt that will yield groundwater to a well or spring. 

[5] Reclamation is an attempt to mitigate the adverse impacts of 
heating the subsurface zone, such as repeated rinsing with water to 
remove any residual hydrocarbons that were not economically extracted. 

[6] For a detailed discussion of the literature we reviewed and the 
experts to whom we spoke, see appendix I. 

[7] In directional drilling, the company starts drilling a borehole on 
the disturbed ground surface and angles the well so that the bottom of 
the hole occurs below the undisturbed surface. 

[8] Porosity is the amount of space within an aquifer that can be 
filled with groundwater. Permeability is the ability of a material, 
such as an aquifer or rock formation, to transmit liquids like water. 

[9] In Shell's original process, a ring of bore holes is drilled 
around the zone to be isolated. Liquid ammonia is circulated down the 
boreholes, which freezes the groundwater in the immediate vicinity, 
creating a ring of ice around the isolated zone. 

[10] One barrel contains 42 gallons. 

[11] The state of Colorado has promulgated extensive regulations 
regarding the nature of water produced from oil and gas operations. 
According to Colorado state officials, the transport and use of this 
water offsite to oil shale operations may be restricted. 

[12] For a complete list of the studies we reviewed and a detailed 
description of our methodology, see appendix I. 

[13] Shell and the URS Corporation--a contractor to the state of 
Colorado--conducted the two studies that examine water needs for all 
five groups of activities comprising the life cycle of in-situ oil 
shale development. For planning purposes, Shell cites 3 barrels of 
water needed per barrel of oil. URS estimates that 5.2 barrels of 
water would be needed per barrel of oil. 

[14] We calculated that AMEC's estimated power requirements exceeded 
by over seven times the coal-fired generating capacity of northwest 
Colorado, which consists of this nearest plant and one other smaller 

[15] The National Oil Shale Association provided this estimate for 
upgrading shale oil. This range also contains data for upgrading oil 
from surface retorts, which we could not segregate. Conversations with 
an oil shale industry representative suggest that water estimates for 
upgrading oil derived from in-situ operations may lie toward the 
bottom of this range. 

[16] More information on studies we examined appears in appendix I. 
Experts consider some of the data within the OTA study to still be 
relevant because certain surface retort technologies are similar to 
those being tested today. 

[17] The two studies that examined water needs for all five groups of 
activities that comprise the life cycle of oil shale development by 
mining and surface retorting are included in the OTA report. Both 
studies involve the Paraho-Direct Process. These estimates are 2.3 and 
2.8 barrels of water per barrel of oil. 

[18] We multiplied these power requirements by the amounts of water 
needed to generate power as the amounts appear in GAO, Energy-Water 
Nexus: Improvements to Federal Water Use Data Would Increase 
Understanding of Trends in Power Plant Water Use, [hyperlink,] (Washington, D.C.: Oct. 16, 
2009), p. 20. 

[19] Western Resource Advocates, Water on the Rocks: Oil Shale Water 
Rights in Colorado (Boulder, Colo., 2009). 

[20] A conditional water right is a water right that has not yet been 
put to beneficial use. Its date of application establishes its 
priority among other water rights. 

[21] An acre-foot is the amount of water that would fill an area of 
one acre to a depth of one foot. An acre-foot contains 325,851 
gallons, or 7,758 barrels, and is roughly equal to the amount of water 
that a family of four will use in a year. 

[22] An absolute water right is a water right that has been put to 
beneficial use. 

[23] Shell also experienced considerable formal opposition to its 
proposal from 25 groups, some of which was for environmental reasons. 

[24] Year-to-year flows on rivers can vary significantly with annual 
precipitation. However, officials with the state of Colorado said that 
they are comfortable using average annual flows. 

[25] This estimate represents all of the groundwater and surface water 
that can be used in the Uintah Basin, but does not take into account 
any current withdrawals from streams and rivers. 

[26] Many research projects involve water and nonwater issues. For 
projects that include nonwater-related segments, we obtained estimates 
of the amount of the project spent on water related tasks. 

[27] Most projects run for 2 to 3 years. Some have been completed, 
while others are still ongoing. 

[28] A general description of the process DOE uses to select research 
proposals can be found in GAO, Research and Development: DOE Could 
Enhance the Project Selection Process for Government Oil and Natural 
Gas Research, [hyperlink,] 
(Washington, D.C.: Dec. 29, 2008). 

[29] In January 2010, BOR initiated the Colorado River Basin Water 
Supply and Demand Study at a federal cost of $1 million. Although not 
directed at oil shale, this 2-year study's objective is to define and 
resolve current and future imbalances between the supply and demand 
for water within the Colorado River Basin over the next 50 years. 

[30] NEPA requires all federal agencies to consider the environmental 
impacts of their actions and decisions. It requires an analysis and a 
detailed statement of the environmental impact of any proposed major 
federal action which significantly affects the environment. 

[31] 40 C.F.R. §1505.2 (c). 

[32] The NEPA Task Force Report to the Council on Environmental 
Quality: Modernizing NEPA Implementation (September 2003). 

[33] USGS, Colorado Water Science Center, Regional Framework for Water-
Resources Monitoring Related to Energy Exploration and Development 
(Sept. 30, 2007). 

[34] GAO, Results-Oriented Government: Practices that Can Help Enhance 
and Sustain Collaboration among Federal Agencies, [hyperlink,] (Washington, D.C.: Oct 21, 

[35] GAO, Watershed Management: Better Coordination of Data Collection 
Efforts Needed to Support Key Decisions, [hyperlink,] (Washington, D.C.: June 7, 

[36] National Research Council of the National Academies, Confronting 
the Nation's Water Problems: The Role of Research (2004). 

[37] Subcommittee on Water Availability and Quality, National Science 
and Technology Council, A Strategy for Federal Science and Technology 
to Support Water Availability and Quality in the United States 
(Washington, D.C., September 2007). 

[38] This research was funded by ExxonMobil, Shell, and Total 
Exploration and Production. 

[39] CDM, Statewide Water Supply Initiative, a report contracted by 
the Colorado Water Conservation Board, November 2004; and CDM 
Colorado's Water Supply Future: State of Colorado 2050 Municipal and 
Industrial Water Use Projections, a report contracted by the Colorado 
Water Conservation Board, June 2009. 

[40] AECOM Colorado River Water Availability Study (Draft Report), a 
report contracted by the Colorado Water Conservation Board, March 2010. 

[41] Utah Division of Water Resources, Utah's Water Resources: 
Planning for the Future (May 2001); Municipal and Industrial Water 
Supply and Uses in the Uintah Basin (Data Collected for Calendar-Year 
2005) (December 2007); and Utah State Water Plan, Uintah Basin 
(December 1999). 

[End of section] 

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