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entitled 'Food and Drug Administration: Response to Heparin 
Contamination Helped Protect Public Health; Controls That Were Needed 
for Working With External Entities Were Recently Added' which was 
released on November 9, 2010. 

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Report to the Ranking Member, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House 
of Representatives: 

United States Government Accountability Office:

October 2010: 

Food and Drug Administration: 

Response to Heparin Contamination Helped Protect Public Health; 
Controls That Were Needed for Working With External Entities Were 
Recently Added: 


GAO Highlights: 

Highlights of GAO-11-95, a report to the Ranking Member, Committee on 
Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives. 

Why GAO Did This Study: 

In early 2008, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) responded to a 
crisis involving the contamination of heparin, a medication used to 
prevent and treat blood clots, when the agency received multiple 
reports of adverse events involving severe allergic reactions. The 
crisis took place from January 2008 through May 2008, during which 
time FDA took several actions in its response to the crisis. 

GAO was asked to review FDA’s management of the heparin crisis. This 
report examines (1) how FDA prevented additional contaminated heparin 
from reaching U.S. consumers, (2) how FDA coordinated its response to 
the contaminated heparin crisis, and (3) FDA’s monitoring and analysis 
of adverse events associated with heparin. 

To conduct this review, GAO reviewed relevant FDA documents, 
regulations, and guidance; analyzed FDA data; and interviewed FDA 
officials and other experts involved in the crisis and knowledgeable 
about drug quality standards. 

What GAO Found: 

In its response to the heparin crisis, FDA took several actions 
related to its responsibility to protect the public health by ensuring 
the safety and security of the nation’s drug and medical device 
supplies. FDA increased its activities related to oversight of heparin 
firms by conducting inspections and investigations and monitoring 
heparin imports, and worked with drug and device manufacturers to 
recall contaminated products while ensuring that an adequate supply of 
uncontaminated heparin was available. With the help of external 
entities, FDA identified the unknown contaminant and developed tests 
to screen all heparin products. Additionally, the agency reached out 
to its international regulatory partners during the crisis. However, 
FDA faced some limitations in its efforts to inspect heparin firms in 
China and collaborate internationally, and the agency was unable to 
determine the original source of contamination. 

FDA coordinated internal and external resources to respond to the 
contaminated heparin crisis, but did not address risks related to 
working with certain external entities with ties to heparin firms. The 
agency has issued standards of ethics regarding collaboration with 
external entities and governmentwide standards apply to the acceptance 
of services provided free of charge. Despite these existing standards, 
FDA did not have processes in place to ensure that it considered or 
applied them when it accepted assistance from external entities with 
ties to heparin firms on a voluntary basis during the heparin crisis. 
Not adequately addressing these risks could have affected the public’s 
confidence in FDA’s response efforts and in its other activities 
related to the regulation of heparin products and also left FDA open 
to claims for payment for services that these external entities 
provided to FDA. 

FDA monitored trends in the number of reports of adverse events 
associated with heparin drug products and heparin-containing medical 
devices that it received before, during, and after the crisis. FDA 
also conducted analyses of adverse events, including deaths, 
associated with heparin drug products and heparin-containing medical 
devices. However, FDA was unable to determine if any of the adverse 
events or deaths were linked to contaminated heparin because of data 
limitations and confounding factors regarding the individual patients, 
such as the natural course of the underlying disease or condition.
In the draft report we provided to the Department of Health and Human 
Services for comment, we recommended that FDA develop adequate 
controls to help avoid exposure to risks when working with external 
entities in future situations similar to the heparin crisis. In 
response, FDA issued guidance on October 15, 2010, for FDA staff to 
follow when working with external scientific and other experts in 
emergency situations when the services are provided on a gratuitous 
basis. FDA also stressed the unprecedented nature of the heparin 
crisis and noted various actions it took in response to the crisis. 

View [hyperlink,] or key 
components. For more information, contact Marcia Crosse at (202) 512-
7114 or 

[End of section] 




FDA Took Multiple Steps to Protect U.S. Consumers from Additional 
Contaminated Heparin, but Faced Limitations in Oversight and 

FDA Coordinated Resources to Respond to the Heparin Crisis, but Did 
Not Adequately Address Risks Related to Working with Certain External 

FDA Monitored and Analyzed Adverse Events Associated with Heparin, but 
It Was Unable to Link Them to Contaminated Heparin: 


Agency Comments and Our Evaluation: 

Appendix I: Technical Information about Contaminated Heparin: 

Appendix II: FDA Organizational Chart: 

Appendix III: FDA's Analyses of Adverse Events Associated with Heparin 
and Heparin-Containing Medical Devices: 

Appendix IV: Comments from the Department of Health and Human Services: 

Appendix V: GAO Contact and Staff Acknowledgments: 


Table 1: FDA's Standardized MedDRA Query Plus Search Term Criteria: 

Table 2: FDA's AERS Death Analysis Assessment Criteria: 


Figure 1: Timeline of Key Events in the Heparin Crisis: 

Figure 2: Average Monthly Domestic and Foreign Heparin-Related 
Inspections Conducted by FDA before, during, and after the 
Contaminated Heparin Crisis: 

Figure 3: Reports of Adverse Events in Patients Who Were Administered 
Heparin Drug Products, January 2007-June 2009: 

Figure 4: FDA Analysis of AERS Reports Associated with Heparin Drug 

Figure 5: FDA Analysis of MAUDE Reports Associated with Heparin- 
Containing Medical Devices: 


AEG: Agency Executive Group: 

AERS: Adverse Event Reporting System: 

AIC: Agency Incident Coordinator: 

API: active pharmaceutical ingredient: 

APP: APP Pharmaceuticals: 

CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: 

CDER: Center for Drug Evaluation and Research: 

CDRH: Center for Devices and Radiological Health: 

EOP: Emergency Operations Plan: 

ERP: Emergency Response Plan: 

FDA: Food and Drug Administration: 

GMP: good manufacturing practice: 

HHS: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: 

LMWH: low molecular weight heparin: 

MAUDE: Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience: 

MOA: memorandum of agreement: 

MPS: China's Ministry of Public Security: 

NAI: no action indicated: 

OAI: official action indicated: 

OCM: Office of Crisis Management: 

ORA: Office of Regulatory Affairs: 

OSCS: over-sulfated chondroitin sulfate: 

PT: preferred term: 

SFDA: State Food and Drug Administration of the People's Republic of 

SMQ: Standardized MedDRA Query: 

SMQ+: Standardized MedDRA Query Plus: 

UFH: unfractionated heparin: 

USP: United States Pharmacopeia: 

VAI: voluntary action indicated: 

[End of section] 

United States Government Accountability Office:
Washington, DC 20548: 

October 29, 2010: 

The Honorable Joe Barton: 
Ranking Member: 
Committee on Energy and Commerce: 
House of Representatives: 

Dear Mr. Barton: 

In 2008, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) responded to a crisis 
involving the contamination of heparin, a medication that is used to 
prevent and treat blood clots.[Footnote 1] Beginning in early January 
of that year, FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 
(CDC) received multiple reports of adverse events involving severe 
allergic reactions in dialysis patients. While the cause of these 
events was initially unknown, about 2 days after CDC received the 
reports of adverse events, CDC determined that these reactions were 
possibly associated with heparin manufactured by Baxter Healthcare 
Corporation (Baxter) and notified FDA of the association.[Footnote 2] 
CDC and FDA confirmed that Baxter heparin was involved about 3 weeks 
later, after both agencies gathered more information about the 
reactions. By late January, FDA determined that the active 
pharmaceutical ingredient (API) used to manufacture the contaminated 
Baxter heparin came from a facility in China.[Footnote 3] 

Heparin is a medically necessary drug that is used by millions of 
patients in the United States each year.[Footnote 4] It is commonly 
used before certain types of surgery, including coronary artery bypass 
graft surgery; in kidney patients before they undergo dialysis; and to 
prevent or treat other serious conditions, such as deep vein 
thrombosis and pulmonary emboli. Heparin is also used in medical 
devices--for example, some blood oxygenators and catheters contain or 
are coated with heparin, and some diagnostic testing products such as 
capillary tubes are manufactured using heparin. 

In January and February 2008, FDA worked to facilitate recalls of 
contaminated heparin and heparin-containing devices once the agency 
determined that a recall would not create a heparin shortage. In early 
February, FDA engaged external scientists to assist the agency in 
identifying the unknown contaminant and in developing tests to detect 
this contaminant. In late February, FDA formed an internal task force 
to manage its response to the crisis and engaged additional external 
scientists when more heparin expertise was needed to identify the 
specific contaminant in heparin. The tests to detect whether or not 
heparin contained a contaminant were made public in early March, and 
FDA identified the specific contaminant in mid-March. In April 2008, 
FDA held an international conference with regulators and other 
stakeholders throughout the world to discuss the heparin problem, its 
solution, and how to prevent similar future crises. Throughout the 
crisis, FDA held media briefings and monitored heparin-associated 
adverse events. FDA determined the crisis was over by the end of May 
2008, and its internal task force discontinued regular meetings. 

FDA officials believe that the contamination of heparin was an 
instance of economically motivated adulteration.[Footnote 5] Several 
instances of adulterated products have occurred in the past, including 
infant formula, pet food, and toothpaste, and FDA has stated that 
future instances of adulteration remain a public health threat. 
Therefore, it is likely that the agency will have to respond to 
similar large-scale public health crises involving FDA-regulated 
products in the future. 

Responding to public health crises is a part of FDA's mission to 
protect the public health, which includes ensuring the safety and 
efficacy of the nation's drug and medical device supplies. As part of 
its efforts to ensure the safety and efficacy of drugs and medical 
devices, FDA conducts oversight activities, collaborates with external 
entities, and communicates information to the public. FDA has 
recognized that to preserve the public trust, its actions should 
adhere to certain principles of integrity, and it has developed 
guidance to help ensure that the agency does not compromise the 
integrity or the appearance of integrity of its programs or the 
officials who manage them. In addition, FDA is to carry out its 
responsibilities in a manner consistent with other applicable laws and 
guidance, including those related to the use of public funds. 

You asked us to review FDA's management of the contaminated heparin 
crisis. In this report, we examine (1) how FDA prevented additional 
contaminated heparin from reaching U.S. consumers, (2) how FDA 
coordinated its response to the contaminated heparin crisis, and (3) 
FDA's monitoring and analysis of adverse events associated with 

To examine how FDA prevented additional contaminated heparin from 
reaching U.S. consumers, we reviewed actions FDA took during the 
crisis period, which FDA defined as January 2008 through May 2008. We 
also interviewed FDA officials and drug manufacturers and reviewed FDA 
documents including inspection reports, investigation memorandums, 
warning and untitled letters, testing records, meeting minutes, 
records of correspondence, conference documents, media briefing 
transcripts, public communications, database reports, and internally 
produced summaries (such as a timeline of events related to the 
crisis). Additionally, we reviewed laws, regulations, and guidance 
relevant to FDA's authorities regarding inspections and 
investigations, imports, enforcement, recalls, and drug shortages. In 
addition, we examined documents related to FDA's international 
cooperation with foreign regulatory agencies. We conducted analyses of 
FDA data on heparin-related inspections and investigations, testing of 
imported heparin, and heparin product recalls. We also reviewed other 
relevant documents, such as congressional testimonies and our previous 
reports. In addition, we used our interviews and document reviews to 
learn about any FDA efforts and initiatives that might help avoid 
similar crises in the future. 

To examine how FDA coordinated its response to the contaminated 
heparin crisis, we interviewed FDA and CDC officials, drug 
manufacturers, consumer advocacy groups, and academic researchers 
involved in or knowledgeable about the contaminated heparin crisis, as 
well as officials from the United States Pharmacopeia (USP), the 
entity that sets drug quality standards in the United States. We 
examined FDA's ability to work with external entities and related 
guidance to learn how FDA works with external entities that have a 
formal relationship with FDA, as well as federal statutes and 
administrative materials on the acceptance of uncompensated services. 
[Footnote 6] We also reviewed relevant FDA documents, including 
meeting minutes, records of correspondence, conference documents, and 
internally produced summaries. Additionally, we reviewed FDA's 
Emergency Response Plan (ERP) to examine the agency's framework for 
responding to emergencies, and reviewed FDA's draft guidance for 
responding to future emergencies. 

To examine FDA's monitoring and analysis of adverse events associated 
with heparin, including deaths, we interviewed FDA officials and 
reviewed relevant documents, including two FDA analyses of adverse 
event reports associated with heparin drug products, and we also 
reviewed an FDA analysis of adverse events associated with heparin- 
containing medical devices. To assess trends in heparin-associated 
adverse events that occurred before, during, and after the crisis, we 
also reviewed FDA data on heparin-associated adverse event reports-- 
from January 2007 through September 2009 for reports associated with 
heparin drug products, and from January 2005 through September 2009 
for reports associated with heparin-containing medical devices. In 
addition, to understand the limitations of the data FDA analyzed, we 
reviewed the 94 death reports associated with heparin drug products 
that FDA included in its analyses of heparin adverse event reports. 

To assess the reliability of the FDA data we used under each 
objective, we took several steps that included determining how FDA 
entered information into its databases, reviewing FDA's validation 
processes for its databases, discussing any limitations, and 
corroborating data with information from other sources where possible. 
We determined that all of the data we reviewed were sufficiently 
reliable for the purposes of this report. We conducted this 
performance audit from June 2009 through September 2010 in accordance 
with generally accepted government auditing standards. Those standards 
require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain sufficient, 
appropriate evidence to provide a reasonable basis for our findings 
and conclusions based on our audit objectives. We believe that the 
evidence obtained provides a reasonable basis for our findings and 
conclusions based on our audit objectives. 


FDA conducts a variety of activities pursuant to its mission to 
protect the public health. To carry out these functions, FDA is 
organized into product centers--which regulate products including 
human and veterinary drugs, vaccines and other biological products, 
medical devices, most food, and tobacco--a research center, which 
provides scientific technology, training, and technical expertise, and 
offices that carry out various functions of the agency. FDA's response 
to the contaminated heparin crisis involved a number of FDA centers 
and offices. 


FDA's activities related to its mission and relevant to the heparin 
crisis include the following: 

* Overseeing drug and device firms.[Footnote 7] FDA conducts oversight 
activities such as inspections and investigations of foreign and 
domestic manufacturing firms, including their suppliers, to determine 
compliance with good manufacturing practices (GMP), or sampling of 
imported products. FDA also takes regulatory actions against firms, 
when appropriate, by issuing warning letters, detaining imports, or 
recommending seizure of products.[Footnote 8] 

* Collaborating with USP.[Footnote 9] FDA collaborates with USP to 
help ensure the safety and quality of drug products. Under the Federal 
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, prescription and over-the-counter drugs 
sold in the United States generally must comply with quality standards 
published in the USP-National Formulary.[Footnote 10] USP sets 
standards for drug quality, purity, and strength, as well as the tests 
or methods used to assess quality, purity, and strength. Products that 
do not meet USP standards using the specified methods are considered 
adulterated by law. 

* Collaborating with foreign regulatory agencies. FDA has 
confidentiality commitments to facilitate information sharing with 
regulatory agencies in 19 countries, including Australia, Canada, 
France, Germany, and Japan.[Footnote 11] FDA does not have a 
confidentiality commitment with China; however, FDA negotiated two 
memorandums of agreement with China in 2007 aimed at improving the 
safety of Chinese drug products and medical devices, and food exported 
to the United States.[Footnote 12] In recent years, FDA has opened 
offices abroad, including in India, Europe, Latin America, and China. 
FDA opened its office in China in November 2008, with posts in 
Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. An FDA official said the primary 
mission of these offices is to help gather more information on the 
safety and quality of products that are being exported to the United 
States so that FDA can make better-informed decisions about which 
products to permit to enter the United States. 

* Monitoring adverse events. FDA monitors drug and device safety 
through its postmarketing surveillance program. FDA's Adverse Event 
Reporting System (AERS) is a database that supports the agency's 
postmarketing safety surveillance program for all approved drug and 
therapeutic biologic products. FDA uses AERS to record adverse event 
reports and to monitor for new adverse events and medication errors 
associated with drug products marketed in the United States. FDA uses 
its Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience (MAUDE) database 
to record and monitor reports of adverse events related to medical 
devices.[Footnote 13] 

* Communicating with the public. FDA communicates information to the 
public through a variety of means, including press releases, media 
briefings, public health advisories, and news interviews. FDA also 
disseminates information on the agency's Web site, including 
regulatory information, scientific research, and educational materials. 

* Responding to emergencies. To respond to emergencies or crises, FDA 
uses a plan to assist the agency in organizing a coordinated response 
to events involving FDA-regulated products as well as other identified 
public health emergencies. At the time of the heparin crisis, FDA had 
its ERP in place, which was issued in February 2005. 

* Working with external entities. When necessary, FDA enters into 
working relationships with external entities, such as scientists from 
universities or drug firms, to assist the agency with matters such as 
the review of research and product applications. For example, 
scientists serving on advisory committees review and make 
recommendations on drug applications, and scientists from universities 
provide expertise in specific scientific disciplines and enhance the 
science base of the agency through FDA's Science Advisor Program. FDA 
has guidance in place for working with external entities in certain 
situations, including a guide called The Leveraging Handbook.[Footnote 
14] This handbook references statutes and regulations that apply to 
the behavior of individual FDA employees. It also contains guidance 
applicable to FDA as an agency to prevent public perception concerns 
and demonstrate that the agency is worthy of public trust in carrying 
out its activities. In addition, other laws, regulations, and policies 
may apply to FDA's work with external entities, depending on the 
nature of the arrangements. FDA, like other federal agencies, 
generally may not accept voluntary services, which may give rise to 
claims for payment for which funds are not available. However, with a 
written agreement that services are provided with no expectation of 
payment, FDA may accept uncompensated services from external entities. 

Heparin and the Contaminated Heparin Crisis: 

Heparin is a medically necessary drug that acts as an anticoagulant; 
that is, it prevents the formation of blood clots in the veins, 
arteries, and lungs (see appendix I for technical information on 
heparin and research related to contaminated heparin). The heparin 
supply chain starts with a raw source material, primarily derived from 
the intestines of pigs, that is processed into crude heparin. China is 
the primary source of crude heparin for U.S. manufacturers because of 
its abundant pig supply. Thousands of small pig farms in Chinese 
villages extract and process pig intestines in small workshops called 
casing facilities. Consolidators collect different batches of heparin, 
typically called heparin lots, from various workshops and combine them 
into single heparin lots. The consolidators sell the crude heparin 
lots to manufacturers, who further refine the crude heparin into 
heparin API, the active ingredient used in heparin drug products and 
devices. More than half of the finished heparin products in the United 
States and globally are made from Chinese-sourced materials. 

There are seven pharmaceutical companies that manufacture and 
distribute heparin products in the United States. At the time of the 
crisis, Baxter and APP Pharmaceuticals (APP) were the two largest 
manufacturers of heparin in the United States, with each company 
accounting for about half of the total U.S. heparin supply. Both 
companies received the majority of their crude heparin from Chinese 

Several FDA centers and offices were involved in the response to the 
contaminated heparin crisis. Some of these centers and offices and 
their relevant functions are described below (see appendix II for a 
complete list of FDA centers, offices, and divisions that were 
involved in the heparin crisis): 

* Office of the Commissioner--leads FDA and implements FDA's mission. 

* Office of Crisis Management (OCM)--develops crisis management 
policies, leads and coordinates the agency's development and updating 
of emergency preparedness and response plans, including FDA's ERP, and 
coordinates the agency's emergency response. 

* Office of International Programs--works with agencies and 
governments to advance public health worldwide. 

* Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA)--leads inspections of regulated 
domestic and imported products and domestic and foreign manufacturing 
facilities, and develops enforcement policies. 

* Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)--regulates over-the- 
counter and prescription drugs, including biological therapeutics and 
generic drugs sold in the United States. 

* Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH)--regulates medical 
and radiological devices sold in the United States. 

FDA Took Multiple Steps to Protect U.S. Consumers from Additional 
Contaminated Heparin, but Faced Limitations in Oversight and 

FDA took several actions during the first half of 2008 to protect the 
public health in response to the heparin crisis. During that time and 
afterwards, FDA increased oversight of heparin firms, but sometimes 
faced limitations in oversight and collaborating with others. FDA also 
worked with heparin manufacturers to recall contaminated heparin 
products while ensuring an adequate supply for U.S. consumers. In 
addition, FDA collaborated with its international regulatory partners 
to exchange information. Because of limitations related to conducting 
inspections and investigations of heparin firms in China, FDA could 
not determine the original source of the heparin contamination. 

FDA Took Action through the First Half of 2008 to Protect the Public 
Health in Response to the Heparin Crisis: 

To respond to the heparin crisis, FDA took action related to its 
responsibility to protect the public health by ensuring the safety and 
security of the nation's drug and medical device supplies by taking 
various actions from January through May 2008. On January 7, 2008, 
after FDA learned about the severe allergic reactions taking place, 
the agency initiated an investigation at the dialysis facility where 
the first observed allergic reactions took place and shared 
information with CDC. At the same time, FDA contacted a medical device 
manufacturer since it was initially thought the allergic reactions 
were in response to a medical device. After FDA learned that the 
problem possibly was associated with Baxter heparin, on January 9, 
2008, the agency began investigations and inspections of heparin drug 
and device firms. 

FDA received notification of the first recall of nine lots of Baxter 
heparin products, which took place on January 17, 2008, and began work 
with this drug firm to learn more about the problem with its heparin. 
By January 23, FDA learned that Baxter received its heparin API from 
Scientific Protein Laboratories' (SPL) establishments in Wisconsin and 
China. In early February 2008, the agency worked to postpone an 
expanded recall of Baxter's heparin products so it could consult with 
APP to ensure that APP could supply the U.S. heparin market and 
mitigate a potential heparin shortage. The second recall, which 
included all lots of Baxter's single and multidose vial heparin 
products, took place on February 29, 2008. FDA also facilitated 
recalls of heparin-containing medical devices with heparin device 

As the crisis progressed, FDA took additional actions in February and 
March 2008. By late February, FDA could distinguish contaminated 
heparin from uncontaminated heparin using preliminary testing methods 
and continued working to develop these methods. During that month, FDA 
also formed an internal task force to coordinate the agency's response 
to the heparin crisis and reached out to external scientists to assist 
the agency in identifying the unknown contaminant and to develop tests 
to detect this contaminant. On March 5, 2008, FDA identified the type 
of contaminant in suspect heparin lots and by March 6, it shared newly 
developed testing methods that could differentiate contaminated 
heparin from uncontaminated heparin. Some other countries also found 
contamination in their heparin supplies. Later that month, on March 
17, FDA identified oversulfated chondroitin sulfate (OSCS) as a 
contaminant in the heparin associated with adverse events in the 
United States. 

Additionally, because the majority of finished heparin products in the 
United States and globally are made with ingredients from China, FDA 
worked to ensure the safety of heparin imports. Throughout the crisis, 
FDA also provided information about the crisis to a variety of 
audiences, including the press, physicians, and medical facilities. By 
April 2008, the agency determined that the number of adverse events 
involving heparin had returned to precrisis levels. FDA held an 
international heparin conference on April 17, and 18, 2008 to exchange 
information with its foreign regulatory counterparts. FDA's task force 
continued to meet until May 27, 2008, when it was determined that the 
crisis was over. Figure 1 shows the timeline of key events in the 
heparin crisis. 

Figure 1: Timeline of Key Events in the Heparin Crisis: 

[Refer to PDF for image: timeline] 

January 4, 2008: 
FDA received first notification of adverse events in dialysis patients. 

January 7, 2008: 
CDC received first notification of adverse events in dialysis patients. 

January 9, 2008: 
CDC notified FDA of a possible association between Baxter heparin and 
adverse events. 

January 17, 2008: 
Baxter recalled 9 lots of heparin that it produced and were implicated 
in adverse events. 

February 8, 2008: 
FDA worked with Baxter to postpone an expanded recall to mitigate a 
potential heparin shortage. 

February 22, 2008: 
FDA formed its Heparin Task Force. 

February 29, 2008: 
Baxter expanded its recall once FDA determined that a recall would not 
create a heparin shortage. 

March 5, 2008: 
FDA identified the type of contaminant in suspect lots of heparin. 

March 6, 2008: 
FDA posted to its Web site laboratory screening methods to detect 
whether heparin was contaminated. 

March 17, 2008: 
FDA identified the specific contaminant. 

April 17-18, 2008: 
FDA held an International Heparin Conference to exchange information 
with its foreign regulatory counterparts. 

May 27, 2008: 
Heparin Task Force discontinued regular meetings. 

Key entities in the heparin crisis: 
Food and Drug Administration; 
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 
Baxter Healthcare Corporation. 

Source: GAO analysis of FDA information. 

[End of figure] 

FDA Increased Its Oversight of Heparin Firms, but Faced Limitations in 
Its Actions Regarding Some Firms in China: 

In response to the heparin crisis, FDA increased its oversight 
activities of heparin firms by increasing its inspections, 
investigations, and monitoring efforts. 

* Inspections. During and after the crisis, FDA conducted an increased 
number of domestic and foreign heparin-related inspections of drug and 
device firms compared with the number of inspections prior to the 
crisis (see figure 2).[Footnote 15] In particular, FDA increased its 
frequency of inspections of Chinese firms associated with OSCS 
contamination in the United States. In the 20-month period prior to 
the crisis, FDA did not conduct any inspections of Chinese heparin 
firms. In contrast, 11 Chinese firms constituted 14 of the 21 heparin-
related foreign inspections conducted by FDA during and after the 
crisis.[Footnote 16] Of the Chinese firms that FDA inspected, only 2 
had been inspected prior to the contaminated heparin crisis.[Footnote 

Figure 2: Average Monthly Domestic and Foreign Heparin-Related 
Inspections Conducted by FDA before, during, and after the 
Contaminated Heparin Crisis: 

[Refer to PDF for image: stacked vertical bar graph] 

Heparin-related inspections per month, on average: 

20 months before the crisis (May 2006-Dec. 2007): 
Domestic inspections: 0.65; 
Foreign inspections: 0.25 (None of FDA’s foreign heparin-related 
inspections in this time period took place at Chinese establishments). 

5 months during the crisis (Jan.-May 2008): 
Domestic inspections: 3.2; 
Foreign inspections: 1.2 (Two-thirds of FDA’s foreign heparin-related 
inspections in this time period took place at Chinese establishments). 

20 months after the crisis (June 2008-Jan. 2010): 
Domestic inspections: 1.6; 
Foreign inspections: 0.75 (Two-thirds of FDA’s foreign heparin-related 
inspections in this time period took place at Chinese establishments). 

Source: GAO analysis of FDA data. 

Notes: The inspections in this figure include preapproval inspections, 
GMP inspections, and inspections that include both preapproval and GMP 
components. FDA may conduct preapproval inspections of domestic and 
foreign establishments before approving a new drug or device to be 
marketed in the United States. The agency conducts GMP inspections to 
ensure that manufacturers of drugs and devices already marketed in the 
United States are meeting specifications and producing safe and 
effective products, in accordance with FDA GMP regulations. See 21 
C.F.R. pts. 210, 211, 820 (2010). 

Inspections are classified as occurring before, during, or after the 
crisis based on the month in which they were initiated by FDA. 

[End of figure] 

FDA officials said that there were and continue to be significant 
legal and practical challenges to conducting inspections of crude 
heparin manufacturers and the casing facilities that supply them, 
[Footnote 18] such as the limits on FDA's ability to require foreign 
establishments to allow the agency to inspect their facilities, the 
large number of and incompleteness of FDA's information on the casing 
facilities, and the expenses associated with conducting foreign 
inspections. For these reasons, according to FDA officials, FDA 
focused on firms' responsibilities to ensure that they could trace 
their crude heparin back to qualified suppliers that produce an 
uncontaminated product. Furthermore, according to officials, during 
these inspections FDA inspectors requested that firms conduct their 
own investigations of any heparin products for which they received 
complaints or that did not meet specifications. 

* Investigations. In addition to inspections, FDA conducted 
investigations at U.S. health care facilities and device firms, 
domestic drug firms, and a foreign drug firm. FDA data show that the 
agency conducted at least 37 domestic and 1 foreign investigations 
related to heparin between January 2008 and June 2009, with individual 
investigations sometimes consisting of FDA visits to multiple 
facilities, such as a drug firm and a health care provider. The 
reasons for these investigations included, for example, obtaining 
heparin samples, collecting information on firms' crude and heparin 
API suppliers, following up on patient adverse event reports and the 
status of product recalls, and witnessing the destruction of 
contaminated heparin. 

* Monitoring imports. Beginning in February 2008, FDA began monitoring 
heparin products offered for import by physically examining and 
detaining products to help ensure that additional contaminated heparin 
did not reach U.S. consumers. The agency initially issued an import 
bulletin in late February 2008 instructing FDA staff to assess the 
admissibility of heparin products offered for import,[Footnote 19] and 
then replaced it with a plan in mid-March 2008 to physically sample 
and test these products for OSCS contamination. This testing plan, 
which provided more detailed instructions than the import bulletin, 
required that FDA test all imported heparin API, and other imported 
heparin products, on a case-by-case basis, for contamination upon 
arrival at the U.S. border unless U.S. firms had already committed to 
testing their imported heparin products using FDA's newly developed 
testing methods.[Footnote 20] According to FDA data, by the end of 
June 2010, FDA had collected 141 heparin samples. Three of these 
samples were contaminated with OSCS, including 1 detected after the 
crisis period ended in May 2008.[Footnote 21] 

During and after the crisis, FDA also added a total of seven heparin- 
related establishments associated with OSCS contamination to an 
existing import alert for drug manufacturers found to be in violation 
of GMPs, which enabled the agency to detain heparin imports from these 
establishments without physically examining them.[Footnote 22] FDA 
officials said that these heparin establishments appeared to stop 
shipping heparin to the United States after being added to this import 

In some instances, FDA took further action as a result of its 
inspections and import testing. Between April 2008 and April 2009, the 
agency issued three warning letters and two untitled letters related 
to the heparin crisis to drug firms.[Footnote 23] The agency also 
added the seven heparin establishments to the import alert described 
previously as a direct result of various factors, including 
deficiencies observed during inspections, detection of contaminated 
heparin during import testing, and FDA's determination that 
establishments were not adequately safeguarding their heparin supply 
chains. Additionally, FDA initiated a seizure of heparin products from 
one firm after the agency determined that the firm's efforts to 
voluntarily recall contaminated heparin products identified during an 
inspection were inadequate.[Footnote 24] 

However, FDA officials believed that they had limited authority to 
take action when they encountered refusals, either by the firm or by 
the Chinese government, to permit a full inspection of some Chinese 
firms. In two instances, Chinese crude heparin consolidators refused 
to provide FDA full access during limited inspections--in particular, 
one consolidator refused to let FDA inspectors walk through its 
laboratory and refused FDA access to its records.[Footnote 25] FDA 
classified both limited inspections as "no action indicated" (NAI) and 
did not attempt to reinspect the facilities, document any 
objectionable conditions, or place the firms on import alert.[Footnote 
26] FDA officials provided us with various reasons why FDA classified 
these limited inspections as NAI and did not pursue these firms 
further despite encountering refusals. FDA officials told us that the 
agency focused its efforts on the API manufacturers that these firms 
supplied. Officials also told us that at least one of these firms was 
not shipping crude heparin directly to the United States; however, 
FDA's import data show that both firms shipped crude heparin directly 
to the United States in 2006, which, according to retrospective 
testing conducted in 2008 by SPL, Baxter's API manufacturer, is when 
OSCS contamination of SPL's heparin supply was first detected. 
[Footnote 27] Additionally, officials told us that no GMP violations 
were observed during these limited inspections, but acknowledged in 
congressional testimony that inspectors were not able to observe the 
laboratory of one of the firms. Overall, FDA officials told us that in 
both instances the agency did not have sufficient evidence to put the 
two consolidators on import alert and that, with some exceptions, a 
firm's refusal to allow for a complete inspection is not itself one of 
the bases for product detention at the U.S. border. 

Additionally, FDA learned that China's State Food and Drug 
Administration had sealed some firms' heparin and had instructed the 
firms not to open these seals. This prevented at least one firm from 
conclusively determining which of its crude suppliers were associated 
with OSCS contamination, which FDA learned of during a preapproval 
inspection of this particular firm. According to FDA officials, FDA 
was concerned that this firm was unable to complete its investigation 
of suppliers and requested a reinspection of the firm. From the 
reinspection, which took place approximately 1 year later, the agency 
determined that the firm had implemented testing methods to detect 
OSCS contamination, communicated its expectations and requirements to 
its suppliers, and increased the frequency of its supplier audits. FDA 
also learned during the reinspection that the firm had completed its 
testing, which resulted in the permanent disqualification of two of 
its suppliers. 

FDA officials said that they are continuing to take steps to improve 
the quality of drugs manufactured outside of the United States. In 
addition to creating and staffing FDA posts overseas, FDA officials 
told us that the agency has established a cadre of FDA's U.S.-based 
investigators to conduct foreign drug inspections throughout the world 
as needed. FDA is also increasing the size of its cadre of the highest-
certified drug inspectors to assist with foreign inspections, and 
increasing the number of translators it brings on foreign inspections, 
especially to China. FDA officials told us that the agency continues 
to emphasize the responsibility of industry to ensure the safety and 
security of its supply chain, including placing emphasis on supply 
chain traceability during foreign drug inspections. In addition, 
according to officials, FDA also continues to revise its inspection 
and surveillance programs to focus on higher-risk facilities and 
products. For example, officials told us that in fiscal year 2010 the 
agency developed and used a risk-based model and other information to 
focus its annual surveillance sampling program--a long-standing FDA 
program to sample drug components offered for import, which changes 
focus annually--on APIs potentially susceptible to economically 
motivated adulteration. 

FDA Worked with Heparin Manufacturers on Recalls of Contaminated 
Heparin Products while Ensuring an Adequate Heparin Supply for U.S. 

Beginning in January 2008 when the first recalls of contaminated 
products occurred, FDA worked with manufacturers to ensure an adequate 
supply of uncontaminated heparin for the U.S. market. Weeks after 
Baxter initiated a recall of specific heparin lots associated with 
adverse reactions in patients, the company told FDA it wanted to 
recall almost all of its heparin products because the number of 
adverse reactions associated with its heparin continued to increase. 
FDA officials said they recognized that a large-scale recall could 
pose risks to U.S. patients if the remaining supply was not adequate 
to meet facilities' and providers' needs for heparin. Consequently, 
FDA engaged in discussions with APP, the other main U.S. heparin 
manufacturer, to determine the amount of heparin it had available and 
to determine if and when it could increase its heparin production to 
supply almost the entire U.S. market.[Footnote 28] FDA and APP 
officials told us that APP's ability to increase production was 
initially limited and that FDA and APP worked together to increase 
APP's production capacity; for example, in July 2008, APP obtained 
permission from FDA to apply for an additional manufacturing facility--
which FDA approved in October 2008--using a process that, according to 
APP officials, decreased FDA's approval time by months and allowed APP 
to begin releasing heparin manufactured at the alternate site and 
subsequently list it as an approved facility with the agency. 

During this time, FDA worked with Baxter to manage the risks of the 
contaminated heparin that remained on the U.S. market and postpone the 
expanded recall of almost all Baxter heparin products until the agency 
was sure that APP could increase its heparin production to meet the 
needs of U.S. patients, thus avoiding a shortage of a medically 
necessary drug. According to FDA officials, FDA and Baxter worked 
together to develop a risk management plan, and FDA issued a public 
health advisory to inform the public of serious adverse events and 
recommend measures--such as using the lowest necessary dose, 
administering the heparin as slowly as acceptable, and monitoring 
patients closely for adverse events--to help minimize these risks in 
instances where Baxter heparin was the only product available. 

FDA continued monitoring for the possibility of a heparin shortage 
even after APP told FDA it could increase production. FDA continued to 
be concerned about the adequacy of the U.S. heparin supply in the 
summer of 2008 due to a shortage of raw materials in China and issues 
APP faced with its supply chain.[Footnote 29] The agency also 
continued to work with manufacturers on product recalls. Overall, FDA 
worked with 15 other drug and device firms to recall at least 11 drug 
products and 72 medical device products as a result of the heparin 

FDA Collaborated with Its International Regulatory Partners to 
Exchange Information and Help Prevent Future Crises, but Could Not 
Determine the Original Source of OSCS Contamination: 

FDA reached out to its international regulatory partners during the 
crisis to exchange information about contaminated heparin, but was 
ultimately unable to identify the original source of contamination. In 
early February 2008, prior to FDA's public announcement about the 
adverse events seen in the United States, FDA told its partners--which 
included regulatory agencies in 17 countries, the European Commission, 
and the European pharmaceutical regulatory agency--about these adverse 
events and asked them to share information on any similar events 
related to heparin.[Footnote 30] By March 2008, FDA was aware of at 
least 10 countries, including the United States, that had found OSCS 
contamination in their heparin supply. However, only 1 other country, 
Germany, also observed an increase in heparin-associated adverse 
events.[Footnote 31] Through its communications with other countries, 
FDA learned that some Chinese manufacturers associated with 
contamination in these countries also supplied heparin to the U.S. 
market. Notably, one of these manufacturers was the primary supplier 
for APP, the U.S. firm that supplied almost the entire U.S. heparin 
market after Baxter recalled its products. In this instance, FDA 
responded to this information by conducting an investigation of the 
manufacturer and as a result concluded that the heparin distributed by 
APP in the United States was not contaminated. 

FDA also collaborated with the Chinese government during the crisis, 
though FDA was ultimately unable to determine the original source of 
contamination. According to FDA officials, FDA's preliminary 
investigation concluded that contamination did not take place in the 
United States. As a result, FDA requested jurisdiction from the 
Chinese government in order to conduct a criminal investigation in 
China to determine the source of contamination. However, Chinese 
officials would not grant this request and denied that contamination 
took place in China.[Footnote 32] Through retrospective testing of 
retained heparin samples conducted by firms in 2008, FDA learned that 
OSCS-contaminated crude heparin had been introduced into the global 
heparin supply as early as May 2006. FDA investigators believe that 
OSCS was increasingly added to heparin by Chinese establishments that 
manufacture crude heparin so that the establishments could cut costs. 

Although unable to collaborate with the Chinese government in a formal 
criminal investigation, FDA has continued to collaborate with its 
international partners to avoid similar crises in the future. For 
example, FDA organized an international conference in April 2008 
during which regulators and academics from 10 additional countries 
around the world, including China, along with the standard-setting 
entities for pharmaceuticals in the United States and Europe, shared 
information on their experiences with contaminated heparin during the 
crisis and discussed potential steps to prevent future contamination 
incidents. The agency also participates in the API Pilot Program with 
the regulatory bodies of Europe and Australia. According to FDA 
officials, drug regulatory agencies in this program--which began after 
the heparin crisis--share and obtain information about API inspections 
they conduct around the world to better leverage their inspection 
resources. Officials said that FDA's establishment of overseas offices 
will also help facilitate collaboration between FDA and foreign 
regulatory agencies. 

FDA Coordinated Resources to Respond to the Heparin Crisis, but Did 
Not Adequately Address Risks Related to Working with Certain External 

FDA coordinated internal and external resources to respond to the 
contaminated heparin crisis, but did not adequately address risks 
related to working with certain external entities with ties to heparin 
firms. Not adequately addressing these risks could have affected the 
public's confidence in FDA's response efforts and in its other 
activities related to the regulation of heparin products and also left 
FDA open to claims for payment for services that these external 
entities provided to FDA on a voluntary basis. 

FDA Coordinated Internal Resources to Respond to the Heparin Crisis 
and Plan for Future Crises: 

In responding to the heparin crisis, FDA coordinated response efforts 
in accordance with its ERP and developed a new Emergency Operations 
Plan (EOP) to guide its response to future crises. According to FDA 
officials, OCM initially coordinated the agency's response efforts, 
which included many of FDA's offices and centers. FDA officials said 
the total number of centers, offices, and divisions within the agency 
that were involved in responding to the contaminated heparin crisis 
was over 40 (see appendix II for a complete list of FDA centers, 
offices, and divisions that were involved in the heparin crisis). On 
February 8, 2008, CDC reported that the problem was with the heparin 
drug product and not with medical devices as was originally thought. 
[Footnote 33] Once this link was made, FDA officials determined that 
CDER would be best equipped to lead scientific efforts to identify the 

According to FDA officials, there was no formal transition of 
leadership from OCM to CDER, but once the situation was discovered to 
be largely a drug issue, CDER increased its involvement and took over 
the role of lead coordinator from OCM. Once CDER assumed this 
responsibility, FDA no longer had an agency-level entity responsible 
for coordinating response efforts, and CDER coordinated the multiple 
centers and offices within the agency that continued to be involved in 
the crisis. CDER officials created a task force to coordinate the 
agency's response efforts across multiple centers, offices, and 
divisions. CDER's Heparin Task Force was initially composed of mostly 
CDER officials but expanded to involve some other FDA offices. The 
task force initially met daily and then weekly from February 25, 2008, 
through May 27, 2008. An FDA official said that information from the 
task force's meetings was dispersed to relevant staff throughout FDA 
through CDER's e-mail distribution list, which included over 200 FDA 
officials. OCM continued to be involved with CDER's task force by 
participating in task force meetings, but it did not have a role in 
the ongoing coordination of the agency's efforts to respond to the 
heparin crisis. 

After the crisis, FDA conducted some lessons-learned meetings to focus 
on difficulties that occurred during the agency's response. 
Documentation from these meetings shows that agency officials believed 
that FDA staff showed remarkable dedication during the crisis and that 
the agency was successful in removing contaminated products from and 
preventing the introduction of further contaminated product into the 
market place. However, these documents also show that there were some 
areas in which the agency's response could have been improved. 
Specifically, these documents indicate that the lack of details in the 
ERP and the absence of coordination at the agency level for the 
duration of the crisis may have led to some process delays and 
difficulty with internal and external communication. For example, CDER 
officials stated in a lessons-learned document that the agency's 
response to future crises could benefit from guidance that clearly 
delineates who should lead the agency's efforts during a crisis. 
According to this document, CDER officials said that it was not clear 
who, OCM or CDER, should lead the agency's efforts, since the ERP was 
not specific about who should coordinate the agency's response during 
a crisis. Additionally, when leadership transitioned to CDER, center 
officials had to spend time determining leadership roles within the 
center. In another lessons-learned document, CDRH officials said that 
external communication was sometimes complicated by CDER being the 
lead office. Specifically, issues related to heparin-containing 
medical devices were not always included in CDER-led task force 
discussions and were consequently often not addressed in CDER's 
communications with the public, other countries, or industry. 

FDA officials told us that the agency has been working since October 
2008 on the development of the new EOP, which is intended to address 
some of the difficulties encountered during previous crises, including 
lack of specific details on agency coordination. According to FDA 
officials, the new EOP was finalized in September 2010 and replaces 
the agency's existing ERP. FDA officials also told us that the new EOP 
is based on guidance from the National Response Framework and will 
incorporate principles of emergency operation--including the National 
Incident Management System and the Incident Command Structure--that 
are designed to help agencies better coordinate efforts in the event 
of an emergency.[Footnote 34] According to these officials, the EOP 
will be more detailed in terms of coordination within the agency and 
clearer about roles and responsibilities of centers and offices in any 
emergency, large or small, that the agency may face.[Footnote 35] For 
example, the new EOP is to contain a section devoted to coordination 
at the agency level within FDA's headquarters. This section will offer 
guidance and a specific coordination structure that agency officials 
can use during an incident to help ensure that response resources and 
capabilities from multiple centers and offices within the agency are 
well organized. The EOP is to also include two new coordinator 
positions--the Agency Incident Coordinator (AIC) and the Agency 
Executive Group (AEG)--to facilitate agency-level coordination of an 
incident. According to this official, the role of the AIC will be to 
manage an incident at the agency level and to serve as a communication 
bridge between the Commissioner's Office and staff in the agency's 
centers and offices responding to an emergency. The AEG will be a 
group of senior-level executives at FDA who will provide strategic 
policy direction and guidance for major emergency response activities. 
The AEG is expected to approve important policy decisions in 
consultation with the AIC and the Commissioner of FDA. 

FDA Coordinated External Resources to Respond to the Crisis, but Did 
Not Adequately Address the Risks of Working with Certain External 

FDA worked with several external scientists during the heparin crisis, 
but did not address certain risks that engaging two of these 
scientists, and additional external entities engaged by one of these 
scientists, posed to the agency. In February 2008, FDA officials 
contacted five external scientists, including one who was employed by 
the agency as a special consultant, for assistance with the heparin 
crisis, and FDA worked with these scientists for varying time periods. 
[Footnote 36] Agency officials told us that they sought the advice of 
these external scientists because the agency lacked the necessary 
instrumentation and expertise to identify and develop new testing 
methods to detect the specific contaminant. According to FDA 
officials, these external scientists were engaged to provide the 
agency with technical and factual scientific advice related to the 
identity of the unknown contaminant and tests to identify this 
contaminant, and all policy judgments and decisions related to this 
advice were made by CDER officials. FDA communicated with external 
scientists frequently during the height of the crisis period and told 
us that some of these scientists were brought together for at least 
two in-person meetings to share and discuss their individual findings. 

All five scientists worked directly with FDA, but they did not all 
have the same working arrangements with the agency. One of the 
scientists was a participant in FDA's Science Advisor Program and was 
considered an FDA employee.[Footnote 37] Two of the scientists were 
employees of a university with which FDA contracted for testing of 
heparin samples; the university was selected in part because of its 
close proximity to FDA's Division of Pharmaceutical Analysis and the 
availability of advanced instrumentation and staff expertise necessary 
for testing. The two remaining scientists that FDA contacted in late 
February were not employees of FDA or FDA contractors. The agency 
characterized these scientists as volunteers and told us that they had 
been informally identified by CDER staff as experts in heparin 
analysis. FDA officials said that these two scientists provided 
services on an uncompensated basis in response to the oral requests of 
CDER staff. With FDA's knowledge, one of these two scientists obtained 
assistance in his work for FDA from external entities, including a 
drug development firm and an Italian research institute, also on an 
uncompensated basis. 

The two scientists characterized by FDA as volunteers had professional 
and financial ties to heparin firms. Both served as paid consultants 
to two of the primary firms associated with contaminated heparin. In 
addition, one of the scientists was a cofounder and member of the 
board of directors, as well as an equity interest holder, in a third 
firm, which, at the time of the crisis, had a pending application for 
a heparin product before FDA. The agency allowed this scientist to 
obtain assistance in conducting analytical work to identify the 
contaminant in heparin from this firm despite its pending application 
for a heparin product.[Footnote 38] This drug manufacturer dedicated 
approximately 30 staff members from its analytical and biology groups 
for periods ranging from a few weeks to 3 months to assist in the 
effort to identify the contaminant in heparin. 

FDA's internal guidance, The Leveraging Handbook, addresses risks that 
may be presented in collaborative arrangements with external entities. 
The handbook cautions FDA employees to weigh certain legal and ethical 
considerations when entering into partnerships and references rules 
applicable to the behavior of individual employees, but also 
identifies other principles, which it characterizes as "institutional 
ethics."[Footnote 39] These prudential considerations are designed to 
prevent public perception concerns and to demonstrate that the agency 
has established procedures designed to display that it is worthy of 
public trust. Among other things, the guidance cautions staff to 
consider the ethical implications of accepting gifts for the agency 
from external entities, stating that the agency should be judicious in 
accepting gifts to avoid the appearance that its programs or 
operations may be compromised.[Footnote 40] Specifically, staff are to 
balance the importance of a potential gift to the agency against the 
potential appearance problems that may be caused by acceptance of the 
gift. Steps to be considered in the balancing test include determining 
if accepting the gift would reflect unfavorably on the agency's 
ability to carry out its responsibilities in a fair and objective 
manner and whether the acceptance of a gift would compromise the 
integrity of, or the appearance of the integrity of, a program or 
official. Staff are also asked to determine the value to the agency of 
accepting the gift and the extent to which it will enable the agency 
to accomplish its mission. Further, The Leveraging Handbook instructs 
staff to consider the nature and sensitivity of matters pending before 
the agency that would affect the interests of the gift donor and to 
weigh the agency's interest in accepting the gift against any actual 
or apparent conflict of interest. Finally, the guidance provides for 
consideration of whether the gift would be from a prohibited source if 
the gift were made to an individual employee and calls for gifts from 
prohibited sources to be subject to higher scrutiny.[Footnote 41] 

FDA officials were aware of the scientists' ties to heparin 
manufacturers, but did not take adequate steps to consider whether 
these relationships exposed the agency to the risks described in its 
guidance or to address these risks before engaging them. FDA officials 
told us that they believed that there was insufficient time to address 
these ties in the midst of the heparin crisis and that the CDER staff 
who identified these scientists were confident that they could 
independently assess the input from these scientists through robust, 
detailed, and transparent discussions; they said that this would 
address any appearance problems related to the scientists' input. FDA 
officials also emphasized that the agency made all policy judgments 
and said that they disclosed the work of these scientists to the 
public through peer-reviewed journal articles in late April, after the 
specific contaminant in heparin was identified.[Footnote 42] However, 
FDA officials told us that they did not take steps before accepting 
voluntary services of these scientists to assess whether their ties to 
firms associated with contaminated heparin would compromise the 
integrity of FDA's activities, or the appearance of integrity, so as 
to undermine the public perception of FDA's management of the heparin 
crisis.[Footnote 43] Nor is there evidence that they considered 
whether the agency's acceptance of voluntary services from a scientist 
with an interest in a firm with an application pending before FDA, 
along with employees of that firm, would compromise, or appear to 
compromise, the agency's activities, including its activities related 
to the approval of heparin products. Moreover, FDA did not fully 
disclose the existence or extent of these scientists' interests while 
they were providing assistance or afterwards.[Footnote 44] CDER staff 
did not consult with the Office of Chief Counsel or agency ethics 
officials about their working arrangements with these two scientists 
or seek advice as to whether the arrangements were consistent with the 
agency's ethics standards. 

FDA's acceptance of voluntary services in connection with the heparin 
crisis also exposed the agency to the risk of claims for payment for 
the services provided. Federal agencies are generally prohibited from 
accepting voluntary services because of the risk of claims associated 
with them.[Footnote 45] The statutory provision barring the acceptance 
of these services is best understood in the context of the preceding 
statutory provision, which prohibits agencies from incurring 
obligations in excess of their appropriations or before such 
appropriations are made.[Footnote 46] The fundamental purpose of the 
voluntary services prohibition is to preserve the integrity of the 
appropriations process by preventing agencies from effectively 
incurring obligations in excess of or in advance of appropriations by 
accepting voluntary services with the expectation that Congress will 
recognize a "moral obligation" to pay for the services rendered. 
[Footnote 47] Consistent with this underlying purpose, voluntary 
services have been defined as those that are not rendered under a 
prior contract or advance agreement that they will be gratuitous and 
are, therefore, likely to form the basis of future claims against the 
government.[Footnote 48] However, the acceptance of services that are 
offered as gratuitous--that is, with no expectation of payment--with a 
record made of that fact, does not violate the voluntary services 
prohibition.[Footnote 49] Such services do not give rise to any 
obligation or financial liability and therefore do not expose an 
agency to the risk of claims for payment. 

FDA officials told us that the agency was authorized to accept 
voluntary services during the heparin crisis under an emergency 
exception and therefore was not required to obtain a written agreement 
that the services were offered with no expectation of payment. The 
statute provides an exception for emergencies involving the safety of 
human life or the protection of property, which the statute defines as 
circumstances involving an imminent threat to the safety of human life 
or the protection of property.[Footnote 50] FDA officials explained 
that the sharp increase in reports of severe allergic reactions to 
heparin in late January 2008 signaled a public health emergency 
requiring the agency to quickly identify and assemble the scientific 
expertise of those who could help identify the source of the crisis in 
order to protect patients and ensure the safety of a medically 
necessary drug. By late February 2008, FDA had developed a screening 
method to distinguish contaminated heparin from uncontaminated 
heparin, but had not identified the precise contaminant or developed 
specific methods of testing for this specific contaminant, and 
obtained the voluntary services of additional scientists for this 
purpose.[Footnote 51] 

While the existence of an emergency would provide a legal basis for 
agencies to accept voluntary services, it would not protect them from 
subsequent claims for payment. To the contrary, the acceptance of 
services under the emergency exception would give rise to obligations--
that is, financial liabilities--for which claims for payment could be 
made.[Footnote 52] As noted above, however, agencies accepting 
services in an emergency or otherwise may guard against claims for 
compensation by establishing that the services are gratuitous and, as 
such, do not give rise to any obligation or financial liability on the 
part of the government. This is accomplished by obtaining a written 
agreement from those providing services that they will receive no 
compensation and waive any future claims against the government for 
their services.[Footnote 53] 

FDA did not take steps to establish that the services provided by two 
of the external scientists, as well as the services obtained by one of 
those scientists from two other entities, imposed no obligation or 
financial liability and, in this respect, exposed the agency to the 
risk that claims for compensation would be made for which funds were 
not available. Regardless of whether the circumstances that existed 
when FDA contacted these scientists constituted an emergency, they did 
not preclude the agency from addressing this risk.[Footnote 54] To the 
extent that time was of the essence, a letter from those providing 
services to the agency would have been sufficient; there is no 
detailed or prescribed form for the provision of gratuitous services. 
In addition, the provision of services was not unexpected--the agency 
requested and discussed the services provided by the selected 
scientists as part of the ongoing process of resolving the heparin 
crisis. By late February 2008, the agency had overseen a recall of 
heparin products and determined how to distinguish contaminated 
heparin from uncontaminated heparin using a preliminary screening 
method. FDA requested the services of the two scientists to help it 
identify the specific contaminant and develop appropriate testing 
methodologies for its detection, and these scientists provided 
analyses and opinions to FDA over a period of several weeks. FDA 
officials told us that determining the precise identity of the 
contaminant and developing appropriate testing methodologies were 
necessary to resolve the crisis and that the services provided and 
arranged for by the two scientists were critical for doing so. 
However, those facts do not explain why FDA did not take appropriate 
steps to protect the agency from the financial exposure arising from 
services that it had both requested and accepted. 

Voluntary services may be accepted where otherwise authorized by law, 
and FDA also cited the agency's authority to accept gifts as the basis 
for its acceptance of voluntary services without a written agreement 
in connection with the heparin crisis.[Footnote 55] A gift is 
generally understood to be a gratuitous conveyance without any 
consideration, the essential elements of which are acceptance, 
delivery, and the intent to make a gift.[Footnote 56] By definition, a 
gift does not give rise to any obligation or liability and poses no 
risk of subsequent claims for compensation. We do not address the 
scope of the provision cited by FDA, but note that it does not 
expressly authorize gifts of services and contemplates that gifts be 
made by means of some instrument. As discussed above, however, there 
is no evidence to establish that the external scientists intended to 
provide their services on a gratuitous basis--that is, to donate their 
services and the services of others to the agency--that would protect 
the agency from such claims. 

FDA Monitored and Analyzed Adverse Events Associated with Heparin, but 
It Was Unable to Link Them to Contaminated Heparin: 

FDA increased its monitoring of adverse events, including deaths, 
associated with heparin and conducted analyses. FDA was unable to link 
any of the adverse events to contaminated heparin because it was 
unable to establish a causal relationship due to data limitations and 
confounding factors involving the individual patients. 

FDA Increased Its Monitoring of Adverse Event Reports Associated with 
Heparin by Working with Manufacturers and Dedicating Staff Resources: 

FDA increased its monitoring of adverse event reports by working with 
heparin drug and device manufacturers to expedite submission of these 
reports to FDA. According to FDA officials, FDA contacted Baxter in 
February 2008 to request early submission of its adverse event reports 
associated with heparin and requested reports from two other heparin 
manufacturers, APP and Hospira, later in March 2008. FDA officials 
said that these reports would otherwise have been due later in the 
year. A few weeks later, in April 2008, FDA sent a letter to almost 
100 manufacturers and distributors of medical devices that contained 
or were coated with heparin. In this letter, FDA required these firms 
to submit all reports of heparin-related adverse events within 5 work 
days of the firm becoming aware of these events, in accordance with 
federal regulations.[Footnote 57] This requirement remained in effect 
for 120 days of the date of the letter from FDA. 

FDA also monitored trends in the number of reports of adverse events 
associated with heparin drug products and heparin-containing medical 
devices that FDA received before, during, and after the crisis. FDA 
dedicated staff to manage the increased number of heparin-specific 
reports that the agency received during the crisis and to conduct 
searches of its AERS and MAUDE databases to retrieve additional 
related reports that had already been submitted to FDA prior to the 
crisis. FDA officials said that retrieving and entering information 
from AERS and MAUDE reports was extremely time and resource intensive 
in that information had to be entered manually into spreadsheets and 
duplicate reports[Footnote 58] had to be removed before the data could 
be analyzed.[Footnote 59] FDA officials said that there was a certain 
baseline number of adverse event reports associated with heparin in 
2007 prior to the heparin crisis and that the number of reports of 
adverse events associated with both heparin drug products and heparin- 
containing medical devices that FDA received decreased after the 
heparin crisis, returning to levels typically seen prior to the 
crisis.[Footnote 60] For example, FDA received reports of 176 adverse 
events associated with heparin drug products that took place in 
February 2008, compared with 13 events that took place in February 
2007 and 7 events that took place in February 2009. Figure 3 shows a 
breakdown of AERS reports of adverse events that resulted in death and 
reports that did not have a fatal outcome (nondeaths) from January 
2007 through June 2009. 

Figure 3: Reports of Adverse Events in Patients Who Were Administered 
Heparin Drug Products, January 2007-June 2009: 

[Refer to PDF for image: vertical bar graph] 

Date: January 2007; 	
Death reports: 12; 
Nondeath reports: 65. 

Date: February 2007; 	
Death reports: 9; 
Nondeath reports: 4. 

Date: March 2007; 	
Death reports: 8; 
Nondeath reports: 5. 

Date: April 2007; 	
Death reports: 8; 
Nondeath reports: 9. 

Date: May 2007; 	
Death reports: 11; 
Nondeath reports: 7. 

Date: June 2007; 	
Death reports: 7; 
Nondeath reports: 13. 

Date: July 2007; 	
Death reports: 16; 
Nondeath reports: 10. 

Date: August 2007; 	
Death reports: 16; 
Nondeath reports: 15. 

Date: September 2007; 	
Death reports: 9; 
Nondeath reports: 19. 

Date: October 2007; 	
Death reports: 15; 
Nondeath reports: 29. 

Date: November 2007; 	
Death reports: 23; 
Nondeath reports: 45. 

Date: December 2007; 	
Death reports: 42; 
Nondeath reports: 140. 

Date: January 2008; 	
Death reports: 50; 
Nondeath reports: 353. 

Date: February 2008; 	
Death reports: 54; 
Nondeath reports: 122. 

Date: March 2008; 	
Death reports: 28; 
Nondeath reports: 84. 

Date: April 2008; 	
Death reports: 11; 
Nondeath reports: 48. 

Date: May 2008; 	
Death reports: 3; 
Nondeath reports: 20. 

Date: June 008; 	
Death reports: 1; 
Nondeath reports: 6. 

Date: July 2008; 	
Death reports: 10; 
Nondeath reports: 11. 

Date: August 2008; 	
Death reports: 1; 
Nondeath reports: 12. 

Date: September 2008; 	
Death reports: 0; 
Nondeath reports: 4. 

Date: October 2008; 	
Death reports: 3; 
Nondeath reports: 9. 

Date: November 2008; 	
Death reports: 2; 
Nondeath reports: 10. 

Date: December 2008; 	
Death reports: 2; 
Nondeath reports: 12. 

Date: January 2009; 	
Death reports: 3; 
Nondeath reports: 2. 

Date: February 2009; 	
Death reports: 2; 
Nondeath reports: 5. 

Date: March 2009; 	
Death reports: 0; 
Nondeath reports: 2. 

Date: April 2009; 	
Death reports: 1; 
Nondeath reports: 5. 

Date: May 2009; 
Death reports: 3; 
Nondeath reports: 3. 

Date: June 2009; 
Death reports: 5; 
Nondeath reports: 2. 

Source: FDA. 

Notes: The death and nondeath reports in the figure are from AERS 
reports, which were submitted to FDA by consumers, health care 
professionals, and product manufacturers. According to FDA, the 
numbers of reports are crude counts; duplicate reports have not been 
identified and removed. A formal causality analysis was not performed 
on all of these cases. 

The numbers of death and nondeath reports in the figure reflect the 
date the adverse event occurred. However, when only the year of an 
event is known, AERS assigns a default event date of January 1 of that 
year. Reports that provide no information at all related to when the 
event occurred are not assigned any event date and the AERS event date 
field is left blank. According to FDA, for January 2007, 57 of the 65 
nondeath reports and 2 of the 12 death reports defaulted to January 1, 
2007, and for January 2008,106 of the 353 nondeath reports and none of 
the death reports defaulted to January 1, 2008. No reports in 2009 
defaulted to January 1, 2009. 

[End of figure] 

Regarding trends in adverse events in heparin-containing medical 
devices, during the crisis in March 2008, FDA conducted a search of 
the MAUDE database back to January 2005 through December 31, 2007. 
This search included all medical device products known to contain 
heparin using a search of terms in the report texts consistent with 
symptoms or signs with what was known about the contaminant, such as 
acute respiratory failure and nausea, and FDA identified 23 reports 
for that 3-year period. Using the same search term criteria, FDA 
identified 91 MAUDE reports from January 1, 2008, through August 31, 
2008, and 16 reports from September 1, 2008, through September 1, 
2009, indicating that the number of reports associated with heparin-
containing medical devices had decreased since the crisis. 

FDA Analyzed Adverse Events Associated with Heparin and Heparin- 
Containing Medical Devices, but Was Unable to Link Them with 
Contaminated Heparin Due to Data Limitations and Confounding Factors 
Involving Patients: 

FDA conducted analyses of adverse events, including deaths, associated 
with heparin drug products and heparin-containing medical devices. To 
analyze adverse events associated with heparin drugs, FDA reviewed a 
total of 701 AERS reports associated with heparin that the agency 
received from January 1, 2008, through March 31, 2008.[Footnote 61] Of 
the 701 reports, 675 were identified by searching AERS for allergic- 
type adverse events associated with heparin, such as a drop in blood 
pressure or acute respiratory failure, for both death and nondeath 
events. In its analysis of allergic-type adverse events associated 
with heparin, after excluding 101 allergic-type cases from this 
analysis, FDA included a total of 526 nondeath AERS reports and 48 
death reports.[Footnote 62] FDA reported descriptive characteristics 
about this group of reports--for example, the average age of the 
patients; the manufacturer of the heparin drug product administered to 
the patients; if known, and the clinical setting where the heparin was 
administered. FDA also analyzed a total of 94 AERS reports of deaths 
associated with heparin, which included 68 allergic-type adverse 
events and an additional 26 death reports that were not identified as 
allergic-type adverse events.[Footnote 63] FDA conducted further 
analyses of these reports using specific assessment criteria to 
determine whether they were caused by heparin, and concluded that 
three of the deaths were "probable or likely" linked with heparin. 
However, FDA did not know whether or not the heparin these patients 
received was contaminated because the lot numbers of the heparin that 
these patients received were not reported in the AERS reports. 

To analyze adverse events associated with heparin-containing medical 
devices, FDA reviewed a total of 143 MAUDE reports that the agency 
received from January 1, 2008, through August 31, 2008. FDA reviewed 
all of the MAUDE reports that FDA received associated with heparin- 
containing medical devices with an event date occurring during that 
time period.[Footnote 64] Of the 143 reports, 128 were nondeath 
adverse events associated with heparin-containing medical devices, and 
the remaining 15 MAUDE reports had a death outcome. Three of these 
deaths were associated with medical devices known to contain 
contaminated heparin. FDA determined that these MAUDE reports of 
deaths were unlikely to have been caused by exposure to contaminated 
heparin, based on similar assessment criteria that FDA used with its 
analysis of the AERS death reports. (See appendix III for FDA's death 
assessment criteria, and details of its AERS and MAUDE analyses.) 

FDA's analyses of adverse events associated with both heparin and 
heparin-containing medical devices were constrained by data 
limitations. For example, FDA officials told us that the agency does 
not necessarily receive a report for every adverse event that occurs. 
For drug-related adverse event reports submitted to AERS, 
manufacturers are required to submit adverse event reports to FDA, but 
health providers and consumers are not required to do so but may 
submit such reports on a voluntary basis. For device-related adverse 
event reports submitted to MAUDE, importers, manufacturers, and user 
facilities (such as hospitals and nursing homes) are required to 
report certain device-related adverse events to FDA; others, including 
health professionals and consumers, may submit such reports on a 
voluntary basis.[Footnote 65] In addition, many submitted reports do 
not include sufficient information to allow FDA to determine if a 
given report was associated with a contaminated product. FDA officials 
told us that they followed up on some of the reports of deaths 
included in the agency's AERS and MAUDE analyses by contacting the 
facility or individual that had submitted the report in an attempt to 
obtain additional information. Further, in our review of the 94 AERS 
death reports that FDA had analyzed, we found that only 13 reports 
included information on heparin lot numbers and 28 of the 46 voluntary 
reports did not list the heparin manufacturer. Consequently, it was 
not possible for FDA to determine the heparin contamination status in 
the majority of these deaths. 

Further, even with complete information, it was difficult for FDA to 
link patient deaths to contaminated heparin because it was unable to 
establish a causal relationship due to the confounding factors of 
individual patients. For example, the FDA official who conducted FDA's 
analyses on adverse events associated with heparin-containing medical 
devices told us that it was hard to separate problems caused by the 
heparin contained within the medical device from symptoms or events 
related to the natural course of the underlying disease or condition, 
concurrently administered medications, or concurrent procedures. In 
addition, according to FDA officials, many of the patients that died 
were very sick and had complicated conditions that could themselves 
have caused the reported events, making it difficult to conclusively 
link their deaths to contaminated heparin.[Footnote 66] 


FDA took various actions in response to the contaminated heparin 
crisis to help protect the public health. To help minimize the impact 
on U.S. consumers of heparin, the agency increased its oversight 
activities and monitoring of adverse events, worked with heparin 
manufacturers, and collaborated with its international partners. The 
agency increased its activities related to oversight of heparin firms 
by increasing the number of inspections and investigations and 
monitoring heparin imports, and worked with drug and device 
manufacturers to recall contaminated products while ensuring that an 
adequate supply of heparin was available. With the help of external 
entities, FDA identified the unknown contaminant and developed tests 
to screen heparin products. Agency officials also reached out to 
international regulatory partners during the crisis to exchange 
information about contaminated heparin and to help prevent future 
crises. Within a few months of the agency's increased efforts and 
cooperation with other entities, adverse events returned to precrisis 

While FDA took steps to protect the U.S. public from contaminated 
heparin, it did not take steps to consider and address risks 
associated with the way in which it engaged two external scientists 
and additional external entities engaged by one of these scientists. 
Although FDA has issued standards on collaboration with external 
entities in other contexts and governmentwide standards govern the 
acceptance of services free of charge, FDA did not take steps to 
ensure that these standards were considered and applied in connection 
with the heparin crisis. We believe that these standards can be 
applied in all situations in which the agency collaborates with 
external entities, including those situations in which time pressures 
exist. In accepting voluntary services from individuals with ties to 
heparin firms, including one that was affiliated with a company with a 
heparin drug product application before FDA for approval, agency 
officials ran the risk of undermining public confidence in the 
integrity of FDA's operations and of subjecting the agency to future 
claims for payment. 

FDA is charged with protecting the health of the public from problems 
related to products that it regulates, and the agency works with 
external entities when necessary to ensure that it meets this goal. 
Because adulteration of FDA-regulated products could likely happen 
again, it is critical that the agency have clear and useful controls 
in place that it can apply in circumstances similar to those presented 
by the heparin crisis to help ensure that officials take appropriate 
steps to consider and address risks posed when engaging external 

Agency Comments and Our Evaluation: 

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) received a draft of 
this report and provided comments, which are reprinted in appendix IV. 
HHS also provided technical comments, which we incorporated as 
appropriate. In its comments, HHS described the challenges FDA faced 
when it first learned of severe allergic reactions suffered by 
dialysis patients during treatment. HHS described how FDA worked to 
protect the public from contaminated heparin while still ensuring that 
patients had access to a medically necessary drug. HHS said that FDA 
needed to identify and enlist the help of leading heparin experts to 
identify the contaminant in heparin. We agree that FDA faced numerous 
challenges in responding to the heparin crisis, including the need to 
obtain expert assistance. However, we also note the potential risks 
FDA faced in working with external scientists on a voluntary basis in 
the absence of appropriate controls--the risks of undermining public 
confidence in its efforts and of future claims for payment. Therefore, 
in our draft report, we recommended that FDA develop adequate controls 
to help avoid exposure to these risks when working with external 
entities in future situations similar to the heparin crisis. 
Specifically, we recommended that FDA develop a process for 
considering risks, including consulting with appropriate offices 
within the agency; develop a process for documenting the steps taken 
to address risks; and disseminate guidance on these processes for its 
employees. FDA addressed the draft recommendation by issuing guidance 
on October 15, 2010, for FDA staff to follow when working with 
external scientific and other experts in emergency situations when the 
services are provided on a gratuitous basis.[Footnote 67] The guidance 
includes a policy that is responsive to our recommendation, providing 
broadly for due consideration of risks that may be presented in 
collaborative arrangements with external entities, including conflicts 
of interest, as well as for documentation of decisions about 
addressing such risks. The guidance also includes specific procedures 
for the provision of gratuitous services, screening for conflicts of 
interest, and public disclosure. 

In its comments, HHS also noted that FDA has learned from the heparin 
crisis to improve its processes for responding to emergencies. 
Specifically, FDA finalized its new Emergency Operations Plan to 
respond to future crises. HHS described various actions FDA took to 
protect the public health during the crisis and steps the agency has 
taken to safeguard the nation's heparin supply, including an increased 
number of inspections of heparin manufacturing and testing facilities 
related to the U.S. heparin supply. We had previously described these 
actions in the report. HHS also mentioned legislation currently under 
consideration by Congress that it believes will, if enacted, provide 
FDA with helpful tools to further secure the nation's drug supply 
chain, and ensure that the agency can hold industry accountable for 
the security and integrity of its supply chains and the quality 
control systems it uses to produce drugs for the American people. 

As agreed with your office, unless you publicly announce the contents 
of this report earlier, we plan no further distribution until 30 days 
from the report date. At that time, we will send copies of this report 
to the Commissioner of FDA and appropriate congressional committees. 
The report is also available at no charge on the GAO Web site at 

If you or your staff have any questions about this report, please 
contact me at (202) 512-7114 or Contact points for 
our Offices of Congressional Relations and Public Affairs may be found 
on the last page of this report. GAO staff who made major 
contributions to this report are listed in appendix V. 

Sincerely yours, 

Signed by: 

Marcia Crosse: 
Director, Health Care: 

[End of section] 

Appendix I: Technical Information about Contaminated Heparin: 

This appendix provides a brief review of the scientific research 
related to heparin contamination, focusing on peer-reviewed research 
articles published in January 2008 through January 2010. 

What is heparin? 

Heparin is an anticoagulant drug; that is, it prevents the formation 
of blood clots in the veins, arteries, and lungs. It is used before 
certain types of surgery, including coronary artery bypass graft 
surgery; in kidney patients before they undergo dialysis; and to 
prevent or treat other serious conditions, such as deep vein 
thrombosis and pulmonary emboli. Heparin is also used in medical 
devices--for example, blood oxygenators or catheters contain or are 
coated with heparin, and some diagnostic testing products, such as 
some capillary tubes, are manufactured using heparin. 

Heparin is a natural product derived from animal tissue. Specifically, 
most heparin used in the United States is derived from the intestines 
of pigs. Pig intestines are processed into crude heparin, which is 
further refined into heparin active pharmaceutical ingredient (API), 
the active ingredient used in heparin drug products and devices. More 
than half of the finished heparin products in the United States and 
globally are made from Chinese-sourced materials. 

The chemical makeup of heparin is complex. Because heparin is a drug 
derived from animal tissue, it is not a single chemical, but a mixture 
of many similar chemical chains of different sizes. 

Two types of heparin are used in clinical practice: unfractionated 
heparin (UFH) and low molecular weight heparin (LMWH). The two forms 
of heparin differ in their molecular size and the route of 
administration: UFH is comprised of larger molecules than LMWH and is 
usually administered intravenously, while LMWH is usually administered 
subcutaneously (that is, injected under the skin). UFH is used often 
in the United States, whereas in Europe the predominant heparin is 
LMWH. Researchers and officials we interviewed said that the number of 
adverse events related to contaminated heparin may have varied by 
country because of these differences in the type of heparin 
administered and methods of administration, as well as because of 
differences in countries' adverse event reporting systems. In 
particular, one researcher explained that in the United States, 
physicians tend to administer a bolus dose of heparin, which is a 
faster method of administration but places patients at greater risk 
for a fatal drop in blood pressure. 

What was the contaminant in contaminated heparin? 

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officials and their collaborators 
agreed that oversulfated chondroitin sulfate (OSCS) was a contaminant 
in the heparin that caused adverse events during the heparin crisis. 
FDA researchers and their collaborators showed that batches of heparin 
that had been associated with adverse events contained a contaminant. 
[Footnote 68] They identified that substance as OSCS. Chemically, OSCS 
is similar to heparin, but OSCS is probably not a naturally occurring 
chemical. The researchers confirmed their identification by matching 
the contaminant to synthetic OSCS created by chemical modification of 
chondroitin sulfate, an inexpensive natural product used for the self-
treatment of arthritis. 

Other research articles have provided additional evidence that OSCS 
was present in contaminated heparin. For example, Clark et al. 
performed analysis on some contaminated heparin batches and concluded 
that the properties of the contaminant were consistent with those of 
OSCS.[Footnote 69] Viskov et al. showed that the chemical properties 
of OSCS isolated from a batch of contaminated heparin were similar to 
those of synthetic OSCS.[Footnote 70] Finally, Zhang et al. examined 
samples of heparin from as far back as 1941 and identified the 
presence of OSCS in a sample from the U.S. market that was produced in 
2008.[Footnote 71] 

LMWH heparin was also affected by OSCS contamination.[Footnote 72] 
Zhang et al. evaluated the sensitivity of OSCS to five different 
processes similar to ones used in preparing LMWH, and found that these 
processes varied in the extent to which they affected OSCS.[Footnote 

The source of the OSCS contamination is still unknown, and researchers 
have proposed various hypotheses about the source of the OSCS 
contamination. For example, Fareed et al. suggested that the 
contamination of heparin with OSCS was not accidental, but was based 
on a rational design and prior knowledge of the chemical's molecular 
and anticoagulant profiles.[Footnote 74] Pan et al. conducted an 
analysis that detected additional under-and oversulfated contaminants 
in contaminated heparin and proposed that the OSCS present in the 
contaminated heparin batches could have come from an oversulfated form 
of a byproduct of the heparin production process, rather than derived 
from animal cartilage.[Footnote 75] Another study considered this 
hypothesis but concluded, based on analysis of oversulfated byproducts 
provided by Baxter (a major heparin manufacturer), that production 
byproducts were likely not the source of the OSCS found in 
contaminated heparin.[Footnote 76] 

How is the contaminant related to the adverse events? 

CDC researchers found a link between adverse events and contaminated 
heparin.[Footnote 77] These researchers collected data related to the 
period November 2007 through January 2008 from 21 dialysis facilities 
that reported adverse events and 23 facilities that reported no 
adverse events. With these data, the researchers conducted a case-
control study to test whether facility-level risk factors--such as the 
size of the facility, the type of heparin used at the facility, and 
the type of dialysis equipment used at the facility--were related to 
adverse events. They found a significant association between the 
number of adverse events reported by facilities and their use of 
Baxter heparin. They reported that the type of adverse reactions 
experienced by patients who received contaminated heparin varied, but 
often included low blood pressure and nausea. The researchers could 
not estimate the percentage of patients who experienced adverse 
reactions after receiving contaminated heparin because the total 
number of patients in the United States who received heparin during 
this period is unknown. 

In other articles, researchers have proposed possible biological 
mechanisms by which OSCS could have caused the observed adverse 
events.[Footnote 78] Researchers have also suggested that exposure to 
OSCS could have effects beyond the acute allergic reactions reported 
during the heparin crisis. For example, one article showed that 
patients who received dialysis at a university in the United States in 
2008 had more of a specific type of antiheparin antibody in their 
blood than patients who received dialysis in 2006 and 2007, indicating 
that OSCS may cause an immune response not seen with uncontaminated 
heparin.[Footnote 79] Similarly, other researchers have presented data 
showing that the incidence of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, a type 
of immune reaction to heparin, increased in Germany during the 
contaminated heparin crisis.[Footnote 80] 

How is the contaminant detected? 

The standard for heparin testing now includes two tests for OSCS. In 
October 2009, the United States Pharmacopoeia heparin monograph--the 
testing standard applied to all heparin reaching the U.S. market--was 
revised to specify that nuclear magnetic resonance 
spectroscopy[Footnote 81] and chromatography[Footnote 82] be used both 
to positively identify heparin and to ensure the absence of OSCS in a 

During and after the contaminated heparin crisis, researchers 
investigated other methods to detect contaminated heparin. For 
example, FDA researchers have studied a screening method that is 
capable of detecting oversulfated contaminants like OSCS and could be 
used to test heparin-coated devices as well as heparin drug products. 
[Footnote 83] In addition, researchers have proposed that it might be 
possible to screen or check heparin using a blood test.[Footnote 84] 
Other researchers have investigated the use of more advanced 
approaches capable of detecting OSCS and other potential 
contaminants.[Footnote 85] 

[End of section] 

Appendix II: FDA Organizational Chart: 

FDA Centers and Offices Involved in the Heparin Crisis: 

Office of the Commissioner: 
* Office of the Chief Counsel; 
* Office of Legislation; 
* Office of External Affairs; 
* Office of Public Affairs; 
* Office of International Programs; 
* Office of the Counselor to the Commissioner[A]: 
- Office of Crisis Management; 
- Office of Emergency Operations. 

Reporting to the Office of the Commissioner: 

Center for Drug Evaluation and Research: 
Office of the Center Director: 
* Office of Compliance: 
- Division of Compliance Risk Management and Surveillance; 
- Division of Manufacturing and Product Quality; 
* Office of Surveillance and Epidemiology: 
- Division of Pharmacovigilance II; 
* Office of Counter Terrorism and Emergency Coordination; 
* Office of Pharmaceutical Science: 
- Office of New Drug Quality Assessment; 
- Office of Generic Drugs; 
- Office of Biotechnology Products; 
- Office of Testing and Research[A]: Division of Pharmaceutical 
Analysis (St. Louis lab); 
* Office of New Drugs: 
- Office of Oncology Drug Products[A]: Division of Medical Imaging and 
Hematology Products; 
- Office of Antimicrobial Products[A]: Drug Shortages Program. 

Center for Devices and Radiological Health: 
Office of the Center Director: 
* Office of Compliance; 
* Office of Surveillance and Biometrics: 
- Division of Post-Marketing Surveillance; 
* Office of Science and Engineering Laboratories. 

Office of Regulatory Affairs: 
Associate Commissioner for Regulatory Affairs: 
* Office of Regional Operations: 
- Division of Import Operations and Policy; 
- Division of Field Investigations; 
* Office of Criminal Investigations; 
* Regional Field Office–Central Region: 
- Forensic Chemistry Center; 
* District Offices: 
- Kansas City District Office; 
- Denver District Office; 
- New Jersey District Office; 
- New York District Office; 
- Chicago District Office; 
- Minneapolis District Office; 
- Los Angeles District Office; 
- Cincinnati District Office. 

Source: GAO analysis of FDA information. 

[A] Office was not directly involved in crisis. 

[End of figure] 

[End of section] 

Appendix III: FDA's Analyses of Adverse Events Associated with Heparin 
and Heparin-Containing Medical Devices: 

FDA reviewed its Adverse Event Reporting System (AERS) for adverse 
event reports associated with heparin drug products that the agency 
received from January 1, 2008, through March 31, 2008. FDA conducted 
two AERS analyses, including an analysis of allergic-type adverse 
events, including deaths, associated with heparin drug products, and 
an analysis of reports of deaths associated with heparin drug products 
that included allergic-type adverse events and reports that were not 
identified as allergic-type adverse events. 

To identify reports for its AERS analysis of allergic-type adverse 
events, including deaths, associated with heparin drug products, FDA 
used an expanded case definition from the Centers for Disease Control 
and Prevention's (CDC) investigation of allergic-type events in 
hemodialysis patients. The CDC working case definition included 
confirmed and probable cases. A confirmed case, per the CDC case 
definition, was defined as an episode of anaphylactic or anaphylactoid 
reaction (severe hypersensitivity reactions) with angioedema 
(swelling) or urticaria (hives). A probable case was defined as an 
episode that included at least two of the following signs and 
symptoms: (1) generalized or localized sensations of warmth; (2) 
numbness or tingling of the extremities; (3) difficulty swallowing; 
(4) shortness of breath, wheezing, or chest tightness; (5) low blood 
pressure/tachycardia; or (6) nausea or vomiting. 

Each report in FDA's AERS analyses of allergic-type adverse events 
also included at least one Medical Dictionary for Regulatory 
Activities (MedDRA) preferred term (PT) found under the Standardized 
MedDRA Query Plus (SMQ+) "anaphylactic reaction" as well as additional 
non-SMQ preferred terms of interest. MedDRA is clinically validated 
international medical terminology used by regulatory authorities (see 
table 1 for a list of FDA's search term criteria). 

Table 1: FDA's Standardized MedDRA Query Plus Search Term Criteria: 

Anaphylactic reaction SMQ+ and non-SMQ preferred terms: 

Scope/category: SMQ narrow; 
Anaphylactic reaction SMQ+ and non-SMQ preferred terms: Preferred 
term: Anaphylactic reaction, anaphylactic shock, anaphylactoid 
reaction, anaphylactoid shock, circulatory collapse, shock, type I 

Scope/category: SMQ Broad Oral/Respiratory PTs; 
Anaphylactic reaction SMQ+ and non-SMQ preferred terms: Preferred 
term: Acute respiratory failure, asthma, bronchial oedema, 
bronchospasm, cardio-respiratory distress, chest discomfort, choking, 
choking sensation, cough, dyspnoea, hyperventilation, laryngeal 
dyspnoea, laryngeal oedema, laryngospasm, laryngotracheal oedema, 
oedema mouth, oropharyngeal spasm, oropharyngeal swelling, respiratory 
arrest, respiratory distress, respiratory failure, reversible airways 
obstruction, sensation of foreign body, sneezing, stridor, swollen 
tongue, throat tightness, tongue oedema, tracheal obstruction, 
tracheal oedema, wheezing. 

Scope/category: SMQ Broad Skin PTs; 
Anaphylactic reaction SMQ+ and non-SMQ preferred terms: Preferred 
term: Allergic oedema, angioedema, erythema, eye oedema, eye swelling, 
eyelid oedema, face oedema, fixed eruption, flushing, generalised 
erythema, lip oedema, lip swelling, oedema, periorbital oedema, 
pruritus, pruritus allergic, pruritus generalised, rash, rash 
erythematous, rash generalised, rash pruritic, skin swelling, 
swelling, swelling face, urticaria, urticaria papular. 

Scope/category: SMQ Broad; 
Cardiovascular PTs; 
Anaphylactic reaction SMQ+ and non-SMQ preferred terms: Preferred 
term: Blood pressure decreased, blood pressure diastolic decreased, 
blood pressure systolic decreased, cardiac arrest, cardio-respiratory 
arrest, cardiovascular insufficiency, diastolic hypotension, 

Scope/category: Non-SMQ PTs of interest; 
Anaphylactic reaction SMQ+ and non-SMQ preferred terms: Preferred 
term: Diarrhoea, drug hypersensitivity, hyperhidrosis, 
hypersensitivity, loss of consciousness, nausea, vomiting. 

Source: FDA. 

[End of table] 

In addition, AERS cases meeting at least one of the following seven 
criteria were excluded from further analysis of allergic-types adverse 
events associated with heparin drug products: 

1. cases judged to have a clearly identifiable alternative clinical 
explanation for the events, 

2. cases in which the event reportedly occurred prior to the year 2007, 

3. cases that could not be clinically interpreted, 

4. cases of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia with or without 

5. cases where it was uncertain if the patient was treated with 

6. cases from literature reports that described unrelated issues, and: 

7. cases reported in error and retracted by the reporter. 

In its analysis of AERS reports of deaths associated with heparin drug 
products, FDA included reports of both allergic-type adverse events as 
well as reports that were not identified as allergic-type adverse 
events since these cases had a fatal outcome. Table 2 shows the 
specific assessment criteria that FDA used in its analyses of AERS 
reports of deaths associated with heparin drug products to determine 
whether or not there was an association between the event of death and 
heparin. FDA did not apply these criteria to its analysis of allergic- 
types adverse events associated with heparin drug products. See figure 
4 for details of FDA's AERS analyses. 

Table 2: FDA's AERS Death Analysis Assessment Criteria: 

Association: Probable/likely; 
Assessment criteria: Adverse event had reasonable time relationship to 
heparin administration (minutes to less than or equal to 1 hour), and; 
Death unlikely related to disease or other drug products, and; Death 
occurred during adverse event or within hours of heparin 

Association: Possible; 
Assessment criteria: Adverse event had reasonable time relationship to 
heparin administration (minutes to less than or equal to 1 hour), and; 
Possible contributory role of disease or other drug products (i.e., 
another possible explanation for the event). 

Association: Unlikely; 
Assessment criteria: Event had an improbable time relationship greater 
than 1 hour) to heparin administration, or; Disease or other drug 
products provide plausible explanations (i.e., more likely explanation 
for the event than heparin administration). 

Association: Unable to assess; 
Assessment criteria: Cannot be assessed due to insufficient or 
contradictory information. 

Source: FDA. 

[End of table] 

Figure 5: FDA Analysis of AERS Reports Associated with Heparin Drug 

[Refer to PDF for image: illustration] 

1,216 total events reported between 1/1/08 and 3/31/08; 
701 events reviewed for FDA’s AERS analysis; 
FDA removed duplicate data and chose to analyze all death reports and 
only the allergic-type adverse nondeath events associated with heparin. 

675 cases with allergic-type adverse event symptoms; 

26 death cases associated with nonallergic-type symptoms included in 
death analysis; 

574 allergic-type cases included in adverse events analysis; FDA 
reported descriptive characteristics for these 574 cases. FDA also 
used the 10 heparin lot numbers most frequently included in these 
reports to determine there was no clear association between the level 
of concentration of the contaminant and types of adverse events 
experienced by patients. 

101 allergic-type cases excluded from adverse events analysis; 

526 nondeath allergic-type adverse event cases included in adverse 
events analysis; FDA did not undertake additional analysis of 
causality for these adverse event reports. 

48 allergic-type death cases included in both adverse events and death 

20 allergic-type death cases included in death analysis; 

94 total death cases analyzed: 

Of the 94 cases, 68 met FDA’s search term criteria: 

7 had a known contamination status: 
* 4 were associated with contaminated heparin; 
- 2 “possible”; 2 “unassessable;” [FDA classification] 
* 3 were associated with uncontaminated heparin: 
- 3 “unassessable. [FDA classification] 

61 had an unknown contamination status: 
- ”3 “probable/likely;” 
- 4 “possible;” 
- 24 “unlikely;” 
- 30 “unassessable;” [FDA classification] FDA did not know the 
contamination status of the heparin associated with the three deaths 
that it categorized as 

Of the 94 cases, 26 did not meet FDA’s search term criteria: 

5 had a known contamination status: 
* 1 was associated with contaminated heparin; 
* 4 were associated with uncontaminated heparin. 

21 had an unknown contamination status: 
* 26 “unlikely” or“unassessable.” [FDA classification] 

Source: GAO analysis of FDA data. 

[End of figure] 

In its Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience (MAUDE) 
analysis of adverse events, including deaths, associated with heparin- 
containing medical devices, FDA included all MAUDE reports that it 
received with an event date from January 1, 2008, through August 31, 
2008. However, if a MAUDE report did not specifically have an event 
date listed, but was received by FDA during the specified time period, 
it was conservatively assumed to have occurred during that time frame 
and included in its MAUDE analysis. For each MAUDE report of death, 
FDA considered the patient's underlying condition, including the 
severity of the patient's condition, medications the patient was 
taking, and concomitant procedures or surgeries being undertaken to 
determine if there was a plausible explanation for the death. The 
presence of symptoms using the SMQ+ search terms as noted in table 1 
were also taken into account as well as the timing of the event 
relative to the use of the heparin-containing medical device. In this 
analysis, FDA used assessment criteria similar to those in table 2 to 
classify the deaths associated with heparin-containing medical devices 
that were known to contain contaminated heparin as unlikely. FDA used 
a time criterion of 3 hours for the occurrence of the event for its 
MAUDE analysis compared with 1 hour for the AERS analyses because, 
according to an FDA official, adverse reactions to a heparin-
containing medical device could potentially take longer to occur than 
when a patient receives a heparin drug product intravenously (see 
figure 5 for details of FDA's MAUDE analysis). 

Figure 6: FDA Analysis of MAUDE Reports Associated with Heparin- 
Containing Medical Devices: 

[Refer to PDF for image: illustration] 

143 total events reported between 1/1/08 and 8/31/08; 
143 total events included in FDA’s MAUDE analysis; FDA analyzed all 
reports of adverse events and deaths associated with heparin-
containing medical devices. 

128 adverse events: 

47 did not meet FDA’s search term criteria; of these: 
26 were associated with uncontaminated heparin, and the rest had an 
unknown contamination status. 

81 met FDA’s search term criteria; of these: 
42 did not meet time of event criteria; 
28 were associated with contaminated heparin, 6 were associated with 
uncontaminated heparin, and 8 had an unknown contamination status. 

39 met FDA’s search term criteria and time of event criteria; FDA did 
not undertake additional analysis of causality for these adverse event 

15 deaths: 

5 did not meet FDA’s search term criteria; of these: 
2 were associated with uncontaminated heparin, and the rest had an 
unknown contamination status. 

10 met FDA’s search term criteria; of these: 
8 did not meet time of event criteria: 
- 5 had an unknown contamination status; 
- 3 were associated with contaminated heparin; FDA classified these 3 
deaths as unlikely to be caused by contaminated heparin. 

2 met FDA’s search term criteria and time of event criteria; Both of 
these reports were associated with uncontaminated heparin. 

Source: GAO analysis of FDA data. 

[End of figure] 

[End of section] 

Appendix IV: Comments from the Department of Health and Human Services: 

Department Of Health & Human Services: 
Office Of The Secretary: 
Assistant Secretary for Legislation: 
Washington, DC 20201: 

October 15 2010: 

Marcia Crosse: 
Director, Health Care: 
U.S. Government Accountability Office: 
441 G Street N.W. 
Washington, DC 20548: 

Dear Ms. Crosse: 

Attached are comments on the U.S. Government Accountability Office's 
(GAO) correspondence entitled: "Food And Drug Administration: Response 
to Heparin Contamination Helped Protect Public Health but More 
Controls are Needed for Working with External Entities" (GAO 11-95). 

The Department appreciates the opportunity to review this 
correspondence before its publication. 


Signed by: 

Jim R. Esquea: 
Assistant Secretary for Legislation: 


[End of letter] 

General Comments Of The Department Of Health And Human Services (HHS) 
To The Government Accountability Office's Draft Report Entitled, "Food 
And Drug Administration: Response To Heparin Contamination Helped 
Protect Public Health But More Controls Are Needed For Working With 
External Entities" (GAO-11-95): 

The Department appreciates the opportunity to review and comment on 
this draft report. 

For the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the heparin story began in 
January 2008, when the agency was confronted with an escalating public 
health emergency in which clusters of dialysis patients were 
experiencing severe allergic reactions during treatment. Although the 
initial cause of the reactions was unknown, a common link was the use 
of the blood thinner, heparin, a medically necessary drug. The 
complicating factor was that the available screening methods were not 
able to detect the contaminant or contaminants causing the problems. 
Because of this undetectable adulterant, FDA was not able to 
distinguish good lots of heparin from bad lots. Agency officials could 
not withdraw all heparin from the market to avoid the risk of 
contaminated heparin because a complete market withdrawal would have 
caused the shortage of a drug that is necessary for the safe, daily 
treatment of hundreds of thousands of American patients. 

To minimize the risk to patients of both contaminated heparin and a 
shortage of heparin, the agency mounted an immediate effort to 
identify the contaminant that was causing the adverse reactions. 

By the end of February 2008, FDA scientists had developed new 
qualitative methods that helped distinguish good from bad heparin 
lots. These qualitative screening methods were essential to the 
agency's initial efforts to implement a step-wise process for 
recalling the lots of heparin most likely to be contaminated. However, 
these tests were not sufficient to safeguard the heparin supply and 
reduce risks to patients because they were imprecise, likely 
classified some good heparin lots as suspect, and were not capable of 
identifying and quantifying the contaminant, oversulfated chondroitin 
sulfate (OSCS), and establishing OSCS's linkage to the observed 
adverse events. Removal of all suspect batches from the U.S. market, 
including some good heparin (non-contaminated) lots, could have 
created a heparin shortage that would have severely harmed patients. 
To avoid this harm, it was critically important to single out the 
adulterant that was actually causing the adverse events and to 
establish—through a robust method of scientific validation—the 
biological link between the suspected culprit, OSCS, and the adverse 

To accomplish this task, FDA needed to quickly identify and enlist the 
help of the world's leading experts in the field of the molecular 
characterization of heparin, a complex polysaccharide. 

Two peer reviewed scientific articles (Nature Biotechnology[Footnote 
1] and New England Journal of Medicine[Footnote 2]) were published to 
describe these validation methods and to communicate the findings to 
the global scientific and regulatory communities. The New England 
Journal of Medicine article in particular documents the painstaking 
process of scientific validation that these experts and FDA scientists 
pursued to link definitively OSCS to the adverse reactions. This 
process included, among other things, nuclear magnetic resonance 
imaging, chemical testing, and animal studies to replicate the 
allergic response experienced by the patients who suffered ill effects. 

Because of this work, higher standards are now applied to a drug that 
continues to be essential for patients every day, in this country and 
throughout the world. In addition, the scientific work establishing 
the biological link between OSCS and the allergic reactions has given 
companies throughout the world the ability to screen for it in their 
supplies of crude heparin, the component from which they make the 
finished product. Today, this testing of crude heparin supplies is 
central to current regulatory efforts to safeguard the global supply 
of heparin. 

This successful effort to protect public health would not have been 
possible without the unique expertise and extraordinary efforts of the 
outside scientists with whom FDA engaged. 

The heparin story, however, is bigger than a crisis that threatened 
the health and lives of people around the world. It is a story of the 
increasing globalization of the supply chains of medically necessary 
drugs, medical devices, and other products. It is a story of the 
increasing opportunities those extended and fractured supply chains 
present to those who, for economic gain or to intentionally harm 
people, are willing to adulterate foods and drugs. It is a story of 
how FDA, working within the constraints it faces in both capacity and 
authority, has worked diligently to prevent such assaults on the 
public health. It is not the first such story, and it may not be the 
last. It is a clarion call to the agency, and anyone with an interest 
in promoting the public health, to improve the assays for testing drug 
and other products' ingredients, to improve controls on quality in, 
and to collect better information about, the supply chains of 
products, and to develop tools for anticipating, preventing, and 
prosecuting such crimes and acts of terrorism. 

Since the heparin contamination crisis, FDA has taken a number of 
significant steps to safeguard the U.S. supply of this medically 
necessary drug. The agency has increased inspections of heparin 
manufacturing and testing facilities related to the U.S. heparin 
supply. The U.S. Pharmacopoeia standard now requires all heparin 
manufacturers to test for the presence of OSCS. The agency has adopted 
a risk-model designed to identify other drugs that may be at increased 
risk for economically motivated adulteration. It has improved the 
databases that it maintains with information about drug supply chains. 
It has enhanced its efforts to work with and build the capacity of 
other regulators across the globe. 

The Congress also has begun work that affects these efforts. New 
legislation currently is under consideration by Congress that would 
provide the agency helpful tools to further secure our nation's drug 
supply chain and ensure that the agency can hold industry accountable 
for the security and integrity of their supply chains and the quality 
control systems they use to produce drugs for the American people. In 
particular, the bill provides for the following new authorities: 

* Drug supply quality and safety — to require foreign and domestic 
drug manufacturers to implement quality systems and adopt plans to 
identify and mitigate hazards. 

* Documentation for imports — to provide FDA with explicit authority 
to refuse admission of drugs to the United States if all required 
information about the import is not submitted to FDA. 

* Subpoena authority — to grant FDA authority to issue subpoenas to 
compel production of documents and witnesses related to possible 

* Prohibition against delaying, limiting or refusing inspection — to 
grant FDA explicit authority to refuse admission of drugs to the 
United States if inspection is delayed, limited or refused. 

* Criminal and civil penalties — to modernize penalties for criminal 
violations of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to include 
higher maximum prison sentences; and to grant authority to impose 
civil money penalties for violations relating to drugs and improper 
import entry filings. 

* Administrative detention and destruction — to grant FDA the 
authority to administratively detain violative drug products, an 
authority the agency already has for food and devices; and to 
streamline the process for the destruction of drugs offered for import 
that are valued at $2,000 or less or that pose a reasonable 
probability of causing a significant adverse health effect. 

* Extraterritorial jurisdiction — to provide FDA with explicit legal 
authority to pursue prosecutions for conduct that occurs outside of 
the United States. 

FDA has learned from the heparin crisis to improve its processes for 
responding to emergencies. For example, the agency has recently 
updated its Emergency Operations Plan, and it has also implemented a 
policy to address risks in using outside experts who provide services 
gratuitously in such emergencies, a policy that is responsive to GAO's 
single recommendation in the report. The policy provides that in an 
emergency, FDA will consider and obtain, as appropriate, external 
scientific experts as the agency responds to, and resolves, the 
crisis. It will obtain these resources expeditiously, while giving due 
consideration to risks that may be presented in collaborative 
arrangements with external entities, including conflicts of interest. 
Responsible FDA staff will consult internally with the appropriate FDA 
offices as the agency addresses such risks and will document its 
decisions about such issues. The agency will also disclose information 
about its use of external experts and any relevant conflicts of 

Appendix IV Footnotes: 

[1] Nature Biotechnology, Oversulfated Chondroitin Sulfate is a 
Contaminant in Heparin Associated with Adverse Clinical Events, April 
23, 2008. 

[2] The New England Journal of Medicine, Contaminated Heparin 
Associated with Adverse Clinical Events and Activation of the Contact 
System, June 5, 2008. This article (10.1056/NEJMoa0803200) was 
published at on April 23, 2008. 

[End of section] 

Appendix V: GAO Contact and Staff Acknowledgments: 

GAO Contact: 

Marcia Crosse, (202) 512-7114 or 


In addition to the contact named above, key contributors to this 
report were Tom Conahan, Assistant Director; Susannah Bloch; Helen 
Desaulniers; Linda Galib; Julian Klazkin; Lisa A. Lusk; and Samantha 

[End of section] 


[1] The drug heparin is typically administered to patients 
intravenously. However, patients may also receive heparin through the 
use of medical devices that contain or are coated with heparin, such 
as catheters, vascular stents, and tubing. 

[2] Following this preliminary work, CDC conducted an epidemiological 
review of 152 adverse events associated with heparin in patients in 
dialysis centers from November 19, 2007, through January 31, 2008. D. 
B. Blossom, et al., "Outbreak of Adverse Reactions Associated with 
Contaminated Heparin," New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 359, no. 
25 (2008). 

[3] An active pharmaceutical ingredient is any substance or mixture of 
substances intended to be used in the manufacture of a drug 
(medicinal) product and that, when used in the production of a drug, 
becomes an active ingredient of the drug product. Such substances are 
intended to furnish pharmacological activity or other direct effect in 
the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease 
or to affect the structure and function of the body. 

[4] FDA considers a product to be medically necessary, or a medical 
necessity, if it is used to treat or prevent a serious disease or 
medical condition, and there is no other available source of that 
product or alternative drug or therapy that is judged by medical staff 
to be an adequate substitute. According to FDA, patient 
"inconvenience" alone is an insufficient basis to classify a product 
as a medical necessity. 

[5] FDA's working definition of "economically motivated adulteration" 
is the fraudulent, intentional substitution or addition of a substance 
in a product for the purpose of increasing the apparent value of the 
product or reducing the cost of its production, i.e., for economic 
gain. 74 Fed. Reg. 15497 (Apr. 6, 2009). 

[6] We use the term "external entities" to refer to nongovernmental 
organizations and experts who offer expertise to the agency but who 
are not permanent employees of the agency. For example research 
institutes, drug firms, and individual scientists from universities 
could be considered external entities. 

[7] We use the term "firm" to refer to entities that are involved in 
manufacturing, testing, or shipping of products. Drug and device firms 
may be comprised of more than one establishment; that is, 
establishments under the same firm may include, for example, 
manufacturing facilities and storage warehouses. 

[8] An inspection is an examination of a manufacturing facility to 
determine compliance with applicable law and FDA regulations, and an 
Establishment Inspection Report is written to document it. An 
investigation is information gathering conducted with the purpose of 
determining and documenting facts concerning a particular issue, such 
as a disaster, product tampering, or complaint follow-up. A memorandum 
is almost always prepared based on the information gathered in an 
investigation. FDA regulations on good manufacturing practices require 
manufacturers to meet certain specifications in the manufacturing 
process to ensure that their products are safe and have the identity, 
strength, quality, and purity that their products purport to have. GMP 
requirements apply to finished drug products and active pharmaceutical 
ingredients, as well as devices. See 21 U.S.C. § 351(a)(2)(B), 21 
C.F.R. pts. 210, 211, 820 (2010). 

[9] USP is a nongovernmental, public standards-setting authority for 
prescription and over-the-counter drugs that are manufactured or sold 
in the United States. 

[10] See 21 U.S.C. §§ 321(j), 351(b). 

[11] FDA also has commitments with the European Commission and the 
World Health Organization. A list of entities with confidentiality 
commitments with FDA and links to the commitments can be found at 
tments/default.htm] (accessed July 8, 2010). 

[12] A copy of FDA's agreement with China regarding drugs and medical 
devices can be found at [hyperlink,
ding/ucm107512.htm] (accessed July 12, 2010). 

[13] Generally, if a manufacturer receives drug-or certain device- 
related adverse event reports, it must send them to FDA. Health care 
professionals and consumers can voluntarily file adverse event reports 
with FDA and may also report these events to the products' 
manufacturers. User facilities (e.g., hospitals and nursing homes) 
must report certain device-related--but not drug-related--adverse 
events to FDA as well. 21 C.F.R. §§ 314.80(c), 803.30, 803.50 (2010). 

[14] See U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug 
Administration, The Leveraging Handbook-An Agency Resource for 
Effective Collaborations, Final Guidance, February 2003, Corrected 
June 2003 (Rockville, Md., 2003), [hyperlink,
1662.pdf] (accessed July 28, 2010). 

[15] These numbers of foreign and domestic heparin-related inspections 
represent all heparin-related inspections of which we are aware and 
for which we were able to obtain documentation from FDA. 

[16] In this analysis we defined the 20-month period before the crisis 
as May 2006-December 2007, the 5-month period during the crisis as 
January-May 2008, and the 20-month period after the crisis as June 
2008-January 2010. 

[17] FDA officials told us that prior to the contaminated heparin 
crisis, the agency did not usually inspect crude heparin manufacturers 
and instead focused on API manufacturing facilities. According to 
FDA's heparin-related inspection reports, there were both crude and 
API Chinese heparin firms that had never been previously inspected. 
However, the classification was not always clear: In one inspection 
report, for example, FDA considered a manufacturer of crude heparin to 
be an API manufacturer, while in another the inspectors described the 
manufactured material as "crude heparin sodium API." FDA officials 
told us that their classification of crude heparin and heparin API 
depends on various processing steps and the unique circumstances in 
which the products are used. Officials also told us that some firms 
have challenged the agency in its attempt to regulate crude heparin. 

[18] Casing facilities are the workshops where the process of 
extracting and processing pig intestines to make crude heparin takes 

[19] According to FDA, import bulletins are generally intended for 
informational purposes only and might not provide policy or coverage 
guidance. For example, FDA's heparin import bulletin, issued February 
27, 2008, instructed FDA's district offices to contact headquarters 
when imported heparin shipments arrived at the U.S. border, but did 
not provide more specific instructions for what to do with the heparin 

[20] FDA initially had to request this commitment from manufacturers 
because the agency's newly developed testing methods were not 
validated and incorporated into USP's heparin monograph. FDA worked 
with USP to update its heparin monograph with these methods, which 
were officially incorporated on June 18, 2008, and during this time 
FDA requested monthly testing results from firms that had committed to 
testing. Beginning in March 2009, the monthly updates on heparin test 
results were no longer required; however, FDA requested that firms 
notify the agency of any positive results within 3 days of the 
testing. FDA and USP officials told us that they worked together on a 
second revision, which included a more precise testing method and was 
issued in October 2009. In addition, a USP official told us that both 
agencies are currently working together on a third revision of the 
heparin monograph that will focus in part on further increasing test 
sensitivity and detection of impurities. 

[21] FDA collected an OSCS-contaminated sample of crude heparin sodium 
in December 2008 from a shipment manufactured and shipped by a Chinese 

[22] FDA added these seven establishments to its existing Import Alert 
66-40, "Detention without Physical Examination of Drugs from Firms 
Which Have Not Met Drug GMPs," which was issued prior to the 
contaminated heparin crisis to detain products from specific drug 
establishments that FDA determined through inspections to be in 
violation of GMPs. Unlike import bulletins, import alerts provide 
guidance for import coverage. FDA is authorized to detain or refuse 
products when offered at the U.S. border for import if the products 
appear to be adulterated "from the examination of such samples or 
otherwise..." 21 U.S.C. § 381(a)(3), (b). 

[23] FDA issues warning letters to regulated manufacturers to notify 
them of violations of regulatory significance. In contrast, FDA issues 
untitled letters to manufacturers to notify them of violations that do 
not meet the threshold of regulatory significance for a warning letter. 

[24] Seizure is a civil action against specific violative goods. FDA 
initiates a seizure by forwarding a seizure action to the U.S. 
attorney in whose judicial district the violative goods are located. 
The U.S. attorney files a Complaint for Forfeiture with the U.S. 
district court, which then issues a motion and warrant directing 
seizure of the goods. In this instance, U.S. marshals, accompanied by 
FDA investigators, seized adulterated heparin sodium and heparin 
lithium in November 2008 that was being held under quarantine at the 
firm. According to FDA, the U.S. Marshals found that the inventory of 
this quarantined product was consistent with inventories conducted 
during previous inspections by FDA in May and September 2008, and the 
seized heparin remained in quarantine at the firm until it was removed 
and destroyed by a contracted waste management company in March 2009. 

[25] According to FDA officials, limited inspections are narrow in 
scope and do not include a full assessment of all GMP provisions. 
Officials said that most GMP problems are likely to be cited at 
downstream manufacturing facilities, such as the production site of 
APIs or finished drug products, due to more stringent GMP 
expectations, including increased testing, manufacturing, and overall 
quality assurance requirements. 

[26] FDA classifies inspections as NAI if no objectionable conditions 
or practices were found during the inspection (i.e., conditions or 
practices that violate current good manufacturing practices), or if 
the significance of the documented objectionable conditions found does 
not justify further FDA action. Other FDA inspection classifications 
include voluntary action indicated (VAI) and official action indicated 
(OAI). A classification of VAI means that objectionable conditions 
were identified but any corrective actions are left to the 
establishment to take voluntarily. A classification of OAI means that 
objectionable conditions were found that warrant regulatory action by 

[27] More recently, FDA conducted a pre-approval inspection of SPL, 
which was completed in September 2010, and cited the firm for its 
failure to fully investigate a complaint the firm received after the 
heparin crisis regarding contaminated heparin. FDA officials told us 
that the heparin involved in this case was initially manufactured and 
distributed in late 2006 and 2007. 

[28] FDA also encouraged another manufacturer at this time to submit 
an application for a generic heparin product to further mitigate a 
potential shortage, and granted expedited review to this additional 
manufacturer's application. FDA officials told us that other generic 
drugs granted expedited review, such as drugs for the President's 
Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, typically take about 6 months to 
approve. However, despite the expedited designation, the approval 
process for this particular application took 18 months, so this 
product was not available until well after the crisis period ended. 
FDA officials explained that the decision on this approval took longer 
than usual to ensure that the agency's approach to approval criteria 
for generic heparin products was scientifically appropriate. 

[29] According to information compiled by FDA investigators, the 
number of pig farmers in China had decreased by 40 percent over the 5 
years prior to the crisis because of economic and agricultural trends. 
The availability of raw materials for heparin was further limited 
after the crisis because many crude manufacturers were found to have 
OSCS contamination. Additionally, investigators reported that a major 
earthquake--which killed an estimated 3.1 million pigs in Sichuan 
Province--and blue ear pig disease contributed to the potential 
shortage of materials. FDA continued to monitor the adequacy of the 
U.S. heparin supply because of these issues and because APP reduced 
its number of qualified API suppliers after it agreed to increase 
production to meet the demand of the entire U.S. market. 

[30] An FDA official told us that existing agreements with other 
countries stated that FDA could notify regulatory agencies in these 
countries of the adverse events associated with heparin in the United 
States before the agency made this information public. Of the 17 
countries with which FDA communicated, the agency had confidentiality 
commitments with all except China; however, the official said that the 
agency notified China of these adverse events as well because of the 
terms of an existing memorandum of agreement. 

[31] Experts believe that an increase in heparin-associated adverse 
events was seen only in some countries for various reasons, such as 
differences in the type of heparin used and the way in which heparin 
is administered. For more information, see appendix I. 

[32] In December 2007, prior to FDA's knowledge of increased adverse 
events associated with heparin, the U.S. Department of Health and 
Human Services and China's State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA) 
entered into a memorandum of agreement (MOA) in which both countries 
agreed to engage in regulatory cooperation regarding improving the 
authenticity, quality, safety, and effectiveness of drugs. The MOA, 
however, only includes API and not crude material in its definition of 
a drug. FDA investigators told us they were denied access to some of 
the Chinese workshops that supplied crude heparin manufacturers. FDA 
officials also told us that FDA and other U.S. government officials 
contacted China's Ministry of Public Security (MPS) in June 2008 to 
request consideration of a joint criminal investigation. MPS told the 
U.S. officials that FDA would need to first request a referral from 
China's SFDA to receive jurisdiction to investigate in China. However, 
FDA's request for a referral was declined by SFDA. According to FDA 
officials, SFDA told FDA that it did not have jurisdiction over 
Chinese exports and did not have any law enforcement capabilities. 
Chinese officials told FDA officials that contamination did not happen 
in China. FDA officials told us that they are aware of domestic 
heparin recalls in China that took place after SFDA ordered that all 
Chinese heparin undergo testing to detect OSCS. 

[33] See CDC, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Acute Allergic- 
Type Reactions Among Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis-Multiple States, 
2007-2008 (Feb. 8, 2008). 

[34] The National Response Framework is a guide developed by the U.S. 
Department of Homeland Security that details how the first-response 
entities across the country conduct all-hazards response--from the 
smallest incident to the largest catastrophe. It is built upon 
scalable, flexible, and adaptable coordinating structures to align key 
roles and responsibilities across the nation, linking all levels of 
government, nongovernmental organizations, and the private sector. 

[35] The new plan provides guidance for three operational levels of 
agency response: routine, increased, and escalated. For example, a 
report of a single person's illness, injury, or consumer complaint 
with no or very few similar complaints in FDA systems would typically 
call for a routine response from the agency with normal staffing and 
regular work hours. Whereas an event such as Hurricane Katrina or the 
heparin crisis would lead to an escalated response in which additional 
support personnel and subject-matter experts might be needed and would 
be working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

[36] FDA contacted these five scientists at different times throughout 
the month. The agency began heparin-related work with three of the 
scientists in early February and engaged the other two scientists in 
late February. The agency also continued to work with these five 
scientists for varying time periods. For example, one scientist told 
us that his work with the agency ended in April 2008, two of these 
scientists told us that their work with the agency continued through 
May 2008, and one scientist told us that his work with the agency 
continued until at least September 2008. 

[37] This scientist was appointed under section 209(f) of title 42, 
United States Code, which provides for the appointment of special 
consultants without regard to the civil service laws. 

[38] The application, which was pending at the time that this firm 
provided uncompensated services in support of FDA's effort to identify 
the contaminant, was approved in July 2010. FDA officials stated that 
its collaboration with this scientist had no impact on the agency's 
decision regarding the application. 

[39] In response to our inquiries, FDA identified The Leveraging 
Handbook as a source of guidance with respect to consultants and 
experts. Although the working arrangements addressed in the handbook 
are more formal arrangements than those used with the external 
scientists with ties to heparin firms, the ethical principles included 
in this guidance would be applicable to the informal arrangements with 
these scientists during the heparin crisis. 

[40] FDA officials told us that the agency exercised its authority to 
accept gifts in accepting the services of these scientists in this 

[41] Prohibited sources include a person or organization that conducts 
activities regulated by the agency or seeking official action by the 
agency. See 5 C.F.R. § 2635.203(d) (2010). 

[42] See T. K. Kishimoto, et al. "Contaminated Heparin Associated with 
Adverse Clinical Events and Activation of the Contact System," New 
England Journal of Medicine, vol. 358, no. 23 (2008) and M. Guerrini, 
et al. "Oversulfated Chondroitin Sulfate Is a Contaminant in Heparin 
Associated with Adverse Clinical Events," Nature Biotechnology, vol. 
26, no. 6 (2008). 

[43] According to FDA, the agency's main concern about engaging these 
experts was that their relationship with the pharmaceutical firms 
might limit their ability to participate in a free exchange of 
information with the agency. The agency reported that CDER officials 
took steps to ensure that the manufacturers agreed that their 
consultants could engage in free and open discussions with CDER staff. 

[44] For example, the published articles after the contaminant was 
identified did not fully disclose the assistance provided by the other 
entities or that the drug firm had a pending application for a heparin 
product before FDA. Further, no public disclosures were made while the 
scientists were providing assistance in identifying the specific 

[45] 31 U.S.C. § 1342 (2006). 

[46] 31 U.S.C. § 1341 (2006). 

[47] See Principles of Federal Appropriations Law, vol. 2, 3rd ed., 
[hyperlink,] (Washington, 
D.C.: February 2006), at 6-93-6-95. 

[48] B-204326, July 26, 1982. 

[49] 27 Comp. Dec. 131, 132-133 (1920) (The voluntary services 
prohibition was intended to guard against claims for compensation, and 
a service offered clearly and distinctly as gratuitous with a proper 
record made of that fact does not violate the statute.) More recently, 
the Department of Justice explained that the voluntary services 
prohibition was intended to eliminate subsequent claims against the 
United States for compensation of the "volunteer," rather than to 
deprive the government of truly gratuitous services. 6 Op. Off. Legal 
Counsel 160, 162 (1982). 

[50] Prior to 1990, the statutory provision referred only to 
"emergencies involving the safety of human life or the protection of 
property." In response to an opinion of the Attorney General regarding 
agencies' authority to incur obligations during a temporary lapse in 
appropriations, 43 Op. Att'y Gen. 293 (1981), Congress amended the 
voluntary services prohibition to limit agency activities and related 
obligations to extreme circumstances: "[A]s used in this section the 
term 'emergencies involving the safety of human life or the protection 
of property' does not include ongoing, regular functions of government 
the suspension of which would not imminently threaten the safety of 
human life or the protection of property." Pub. L. No. 101-508, § 
13213(b), 104 Stat. 1388, 1388-621 (1990); H.R. Conf. Rep. No. 101-
964, at 1170 (1990) (the statutory change was intended to "guard 
against what the conferees believe might be an overly broad 
interpretation of [the Attorney General's opinion] regarding the 
authority for the continuance of Government functions during the 
temporary lapse of appropriations, and affirm that the constitutional 
power of the purse resides with Congress."). 

[51] In describing its use of external entities during the heparin 
crisis, FDA did not disclose why these scientists were engaged as 
volunteers and others, engaged earlier, were not, or why services of a 
voluntary nature were necessary in late February 2008 to protect 
heparin users from an imminent threat given the steps that the agency 
had already taken, including the development of a preliminary 
screening method to distinguish contaminated heparin from 
uncontaminated heparin and recalls of contaminated heparin. 

[52] Cf. OMB Circular No. A-11, Preparation, Submission, and Execution 
of the Budget, § 124.3 (agencies may incur obligations for essential 
activities necessary to protect life and property during a lapse in 
appropriations); Memorandum for the Director of the Office of 
Management and Budget, Government Operations in the Event of a Lapse 
in Appropriations, August 16, 1995 (the emergency exception authorizes 
agencies to enter into obligations, but does not by itself authorize 
paying employees in emergencies); 43 Op. Att'y Gen. 293, 306 
("Congress has contemplated expressly ... that emergencies will exist 
that will justify incurring obligations for employee compensation in 
advance of appropriations ..."). 

[53] See, e.g., B-302811, July 12, 2004. In that decision, we 
addressed a contract under which real estate brokers agreed to provide 
services at no cost to the General Services Administration (GSA) with 
the understanding that they would be compensated by commissions from 
landlords. We noted that the acceptance of services without payment 
pursuant to a valid, binding "no-cost contract" did not augment GSA's 
appropriation or violate the voluntary services prohibition because 
the agency had no financial liability to the brokers and the brokers 
would have no expectation of a payment from GSA; if a landlord were to 
fail to pay a broker, the broker would have no claim against GSA. 

[54] Cf. B-310108, Feb. 6, 2008 (dire circumstances did not preclude 
the Forest Service from using expedited reapportionment procedures to 
avoid the overobligation of its apportionment for wildland fire 

[55] FDA stated that the agency has express authority to accept gifts 
of services and cited section 238 of title 42, United States Code. 
Section 238 authorizes the Secretary of Health and Human Services to 
accept on behalf of the United States "gifts made unconditionally by 
will or otherwise for the benefit of the [Public Health] Service or 
for the carrying out of any of its functions." 

[56] B-274855, Jan. 23, 1997. 

[57] See 21 C.F.R. § 803.53(b) (2010). 

[58] FDA officials explained that they sometimes received adverse 
event reports from consumers or health care professionals as well as 
manufacturers regarding the same event. 

[59] FDA officials told us that the agency continues work to replace 
AERS with the new FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS). FAERS is 
intended to make retrieval and analysis of adverse event and death 
data more efficient and will contain software that would make analysis 
of safety signals closer to real time. 

[60] FDA also posted and updated the number of adverse events, which 
resulted in death, associated with heparin drug products, submitted to 
AERS from January 1, 2007, through May 31, 2008, on its Web site to 
respond to media requests. These numbers showed that reports of deaths 
had decreased since contaminated heparin was recalled from the U.S. 
market; however, FDA was unable to determine the contamination status 
of the heparin associated with most of these reports. 

[61] FDA identified the 701 reports, from which duplicate reports had 
been removed, based on an expanded case definition from the CDC 
investigation of allergic-type events in hemodialysis patients in 
January 2008 and specific search term criteria (see appendix III for 
CDC's case definition and FDA's search term criteria). 

[62] The 101 allergic-type event cases were excluded based on specific 
criteria, including events that took place prior to January 1, 2007, 
and if the case had a clear alternative clinical explanation for the 
adverse event. 

[63] Of the 68 allergic-type death cases, 48 were also included in 
FDA's analysis of allergic-type adverse events and 20 were part of the 
101 allergic-type event cases that were excluded from the analysis of 
allergic-type events. FDA officials said that almost all of the death 
cases were reviewed regardless of their inclusion status in the 
allergic-type adverse events analysis. Seven death cases that occurred 
prior to January 1, 2007, and 1 death case that was a duplicate report 
were not included in FDA's analysis of AERS death reports. 

[64] If a MAUDE report did not specifically have an event date listed, 
but was received by FDA between January 1, 2008, and August 31, 2008, 
it was conservatively assumed to have occurred during that time frame 
and included in the MAUDE analysis. 

[65] See generally 21 C.F.R. §§ 314.80, 314.98, 803.1, 803.30, 803.40, 
803.50 (2010). 

[66] In our analysis of the 94 AERS death reports, we found that of 
the 78 reports that listed at least one condition for each patient, 63 
of these reports listed multiple conditions. 

[67] See FDA Staff Manual Guides, Volume III--General Administration, 
External Relations, External Expert Gratuitous Services in an 
Emergency, October 2010, [hyperlink,
673.htm] (accessed October 19, 2010). 

[68] Marco Guerrini et al., "Oversulfated Chondroitin Sulfate is a 
Contaminant in Heparin Associated with Adverse Clinical Events," 
Nature Biotechnology vol. 26, no. 6 (June 2008): 669-675. 

[69] M. Clark et al., "Molecular Profiling of Heparinase-I Resistant 
Glycosaminoglycans in Contaminated Heparins. Comparative Studies with 
Uncontaminated Heparin and Porcine Oversulfated Chondroitin Sulfate," 
International Angiology vol. 27, no. 5 (October 2008): 370-376. 

[70] Christian Viskov et al., "Isolation and Characterization of 
Contaminants in Recalled Unfractionated Heparin and Low-Molecular- 
Weight Heparin," Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis, vol. 15, 
no. 4 (August 2009): 395-401. 

[71] Zhenqing Zhang et al., "Analysis of Pharmaceutical Heparins and 
Potential Contaminants Using 1H-NMR and PAGE," Journal of 
Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 98, no. 11 (November 2009): 4017-4026. 

[72] According to German researchers we interviewed, in Germany, one 
brand of LMWH was found to be contaminated, and a second brand was 
recalled in Europe. 

[73] Zhenqing Zhang et al., "Oversulfated Chondroitin Sulfate: Impact 
of a Heparin Impurity, Associated with Adverse Clinical Events, on Low-
Molecular-Weight Heparin Preparation," Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 
vol. 51, no. 18 (2008): 5498-5501. 

[74] Jawed Fareed et al., "Biological Profile of the 
Hyper/Oversulfated Chondroitin Sulfate Contaminant Isolated from 
Recalled Heparin," Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis, vol. 34, no. 
supplement 1 (2008): 119-127. 

[75] Jing Pan et al., "Oversulfated Chondroitin Sulfate Is Not the 
Sole Contaminant in Heparin," Nature Biotechnology, vol. 28, no. 3 
(March 2010): 203-207. 

[76] Marco Guerrini et al., "Orthogonal Analytical Approaches to 
Detect Potential Contaminants in Heparin," PNAS, vol. 106, no. 40 
(October 6, 2009): 16956-16961. 

[77] David B. Blossom et al., "Outbreak of Adverse Reactions 
Associated with Contaminated Heparin," New England Journal of 
Medicine, vol. 359, no. 25 (December 18, 2008): 2674-2684. 

[78] Takashi Kei Kishimoto et al., "Contaminated Heparin Associated 
with Adverse Clinical Events and Activation of the Contact System," 
New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 358, no. 23 (June 5, 2008): 2457-
2467 and Boyangzi Li et al., "Oversulfated Chondroitin Sulfate 
Interaction with Heparin-Binding Proteins: New Insights into Adverse 
Reactions from Contaminated Heparins," Biochemical Pharmacology, vol. 
78, no. 3 (August 2009): 292-300. 

[79] Cafer Adiguzel et al., "Increased Prevalence of Antiheparin 
Platelet Factor 4 Antibodies in Patients May Be Due to Contaminated 
Heparin," Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis, vol. 15, no. 2 
(April 2009): 145-151. 

[80] Andreas Greinacher and Theodore E. Warkentin, "Contaminated 
Heparin," New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 359, no. 12 (September 
18, 2008): 1291-1292. 

[81] Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy measures the 
behavior of certain atomic nuclei, such as hydrogen nuclei, placed in 
a strong magnetic field. The molecular and chemical environment around 
the nuclei--that is, the chemical makeup and structure of a sample-- 
produces characteristics shifts in the sample's NMR spectrum. 

[82] Chromatography is an analytical method based on separation of the 
components of a mixture by selective adsorption. 

[83] Cecilia Tami et al., "Inhibition of Taq Polymerase as a Method 
for Screening Heparin for Oversulfated Contaminants," Biomaterials, 
vol. 29, no. 36 (2008): 4808-4814. 

[84] Susanne Alban and Susanne Lühn, "Prothrombin Time for Detection 
of Contaminated Heparins," New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 359, 
no. 25 (December 18, 2008): 2732-2734. 

[85] A number of research articles have been published in this area. 
For example, see Marco Guerrini et al., "The Tainted Heparin Story: An 
Update," Thrombosis and Haemostasis, vol. 102, no. 5 (November 2009): 

[End of section] 

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