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United States Government Accountability Office: 

Report to the Republican Leader, U.S. Senate: 

May 2010: 

Recovery Act: 

Increasing the Public's Understanding of What Funds Are Being Spent on 
and What Outcomes Are Expected: 


GAO Highlights: 

Highlights of GAO-10-581, a report to the Republican Leader, U.S. 

Why GAO Did This Study: 

A hallmark of efforts to implement the $862 billion American Recovery 
and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) is to be transparent and 
accountable about what the money is being spent on and what is being 
achieved. To help achieve these goals, recipients are to report every 
3 months on their award activities and expected outcomes, among other 
things. This information is available on, the government’
s official Recovery Act Web site. 

As requested, this report covers 11 federal programs focused on 
broadband, energy, transportation, federal buildings, and civil works 
activities, representing $67 billion in Recovery Act funding. 
Primarily, the report (1) describes how the Office of Management and 
Budget (OMB) and federal agencies implemented the act to report funds’ 
uses and (2) assesses the extent to which descriptions of awards meet 
GAO’s transparency criteria. It also describes reported uses of funds 
for the 11 programs. 

GAO reviewed requirements for reporting in the act and OMB’s guidance. 
Based on these requirements, GAO developed a transparency assessment 
and applied it to a probability sample of descriptions from 14,089 
recipient reports. In addition, GAO reviewed 52 projects in detail in 
states that it had contacted as part of its bimonthly reviews and 
interviewed federal, state, and local officials about their 
experiences with reporting descriptions of awards. 

What GAO Found: 

This report focuses on one aspect of transparency and accountability: 
the extent to which descriptions of awards found on 
foster a basic understanding of award activities and expected outcomes. 

Requirements and Guidance Regarding Descriptions of Awards Section 
1512 of the act created broad requirements for recipient reporting. 
For example, it requires recipients to report the amount of funds 
received and to list projects or activities, including the project 
names and descriptions. The act does not further explain these 
requirements. To implement the act, OMB provided generic guidance 
instructing recipients to report narrative information, among other 
things, that captures the overall purpose of the award and expected 
results. OMB created guidance to require general information that 
could be applied broadly across a wide range of programs expecting, 
but not requiring, federal agencies to supplement it with program-
specific materials. However, this baseline guidance on narrative 
information, which OMB views as a work in progress, was sometimes 

Extent to Which Descriptions Met GAO’s Transparency Criteria GAO 
estimates that, for the nine programs with funds awarded by December 
31, 2009, 25 percent of the descriptions met its transparency 
criteria; that is, they had sufficiently clear and complete 
information on the award’s purpose, scope and nature of activities, 
location, cost, outcomes, and status of work. (See table on next 
page.) Another estimated 68 percent partially met the criteria because 
they had some or most of the information, but not all, and an 
estimated 7 percent provided little or none of this information. 
Recipient-reported narrative information varied widely in its 
completeness and clarity. For example, a description of a transit 
award clearly indicated that funds will be used to purchase four 
hybrid buses and construct a multimodal park-and-ride facility, and, 
as a result, the transit fleet will be modernized and the park-and-
ride facility will allow commuters to make more efficient, safe, and 
timely transit connections. In contrast, a description of a highway 
award for “chip sealing” did not explain what chip sealing is, why and 
on what it was being used, where the work was located, or how 
extensive the work would be. 

Two factors may have influenced what GAO found. First, GAO’s results 
were somewhat more positive for programs in which the federal agencies 
provided program-specific materials that supplemented OMB’s guidance 
with detailed information on what recipients should include in the 
narrative fields. The highway, transit, and geothermal programs that 
GAO reviewed—for which agencies supplied such materials—tended to have 
more transparent descriptions compared with programs that only 
supplied general guidance. OMB primarily reviewed agencies’ program-
specific formal guidance for consistency with its own general guidance 
and overall sufficiency, but not to specifically determine if agencies 
developed guidance on the narrative fields. In addition, while OMB 
reviews formal guidance, it does not monitor other forms of agency 
supplemental material or technical assistance provided to recipients. 
Second, officials in many programs told GAO that they did not 
typically include the narrative fields in their data quality reviews. 
(The act also established a Recovery Accountability and Transparency 
Board, which is working with the federal Inspectors General to review 
the quality of the data submitted by recipients.) While an estimated 
three-quarters of the recipient-reported information did not fully 
meet GAO’s transparency criteria—thus potentially hampering 
understanding of what is being achieved with Recovery Act funding—GAO 
found that federal and state Recovery Act Web sites, in some cases, 
provided additional information that could aid the public in 
understanding what its tax dollars are being spent on and what 
outcomes are expected. 

Table: Estimated Extent to Which Descriptions Met GAO’s Transparency 

Program: Department of Commerce: Broadband; 
Number of awards: 46; 
Met: 57%; 
Partially met: 43%; 
Did not meet: 0%. 

Program: Department of Energy: Weatherization; 
Number of awards: 57; 
Met: 12%; 
Partially met: 71%; 
Did not meet: 18%. 

Program: Department of Energy: Geothermal; 
Number of awards: 29; 
Met: 33%; 
Partially met: 62%; 
Did not meet: 5%. 

Program: Department of Transportation: Airports; 
Number of awards: 328; 
Met: 18%; 
Partially met: 82%; 
Did not meet: 0%. 

Program: Department of Transportation: Highway; 
Number of awards: 10,156; 
Met: 25%; 
Partially met: 69%; 
Did not meet: 6%. 

Program: Department of Transportation: Transit; 
Number of awards: 641; 
Met: 50%; 
Partially met: 50%; 
Did not meet: 0%. 

Program: Department of Transportation: Rail[A]; 
Number of awards: 5; 
Met: 20%; 
Partially met: 20%; 
Did not meet: 60%. 

Program: General Services Administration: Federal Buildings; 
Number of awards: 491; 
Met: 29%; 
Partially met: 64%; 
Did not meet: 7%. 

Program: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: Civil Works; 
Number of awards: 2,336; 
Met: 14%; 
Partially met: 70%; 
Did not meet: 16%. 

Program: Total; 
Number of awards: 14,089; 
Met: 25%; 
Partially met: 68%; 
Did not meet: 7%. 

Source: GAO.  

[A] Results are for all five awards. 

[End of table] 

Reported Uses of Recovery Act Funds: 

GAO collected information on the reported uses of funds from federal 
agencies for the 11 programs it reviewed. These uses ranged from 
improving infrastructure (such as widening roads) to improving 
Internet (broadband) access. Agencies have obligated program funds at 
different rates, which may be due, in part, to whether the programs 
were new, existing, or received sizable funding increases. For 
example, as of early May, the Department of Transportation had 
obligated all of its established highway program’s $26.7 billion in 
funding. In contrast, it had obligated a small portion of its $8 
billion in Recovery Act funding for a new high-speed rail program, 
which it has to develop before awarding funds. It obligated the funds 
for engineering and other services that can be performed while it 
negotiates the rail awards. The Department of Energy’s $5 billion 
Weatherization Assistance Program was extant, but it received a 
sizeable funding increase, requiring states to develop plans for using 
the funds. In addition, certain federal requirements, such as Davis-
Bacon wage requirements, affected the ability of some agencies to 
start work in programs, including the Weatherization Assistance 
Program. As of late March, about $4.7 billion (94 percent) of these 
funds had been obligated. (See appendices I-XI for individual program 

Federal and State Efforts to Make Information Available to the Public 
and Public Feedback Received: 

GAO also asked the federal agencies and selected state agencies in its 
review about how they make Recovery Act project information available 
to the public and what feedback they have received. Each agency has 
established a Recovery Act Web site, as have states, some state 
auditors and Inspectors General, and some recipients. These sites 
contain varying amounts of information, such as program objectives, 
lists of projects, and interactive maps. For example, the New York 
state site details how the state is spending funds through a map that 
provides information on each award, and links to over 40 other sites 
where more information can be found. Federal officials told GAO that 
there has been limited feedback from the public on awards and the 
award information made available to public. (See the report and 
appendices I-XI.) 

GAO Recommendations to Improve the Transparency of Descriptions of 

To further public understanding of what Recovery Act funds are being 
spent on and the expected results, GAO recommends that the Director, 
OMB, (1) revise the agency’s recipient reporting guidance to remedy 
the unclear examples and enhance instructions for completing narrative 
fields; (2) work with agencies to determine whether supplemental 
guidance is needed to meet the intent of the act and whether that 
supplemental guidance or other technical assistance proposed by 
agencies dealing with narrative descriptions of awards provides for 
transparent descriptions of funded activities; and (3) periodically 
review, in partnership with federal agencies, the recipients’ 
descriptions of awards to determine whether the information provides a 
basic understanding of the uses of the funds and expected outcomes, 
and, if not, encourage agencies to develop or improve program-specific 
guidance, as well as work with the Recovery Board as the board reviews 
the results of agencies’ data quality reviews to further reinforce 
actions to meet transparency goals. 

In commenting on a draft of this report, OMB agreed with GAO’s 
recommendations. OMB and the federal agencies provided a number of 
specific comments, many of which GAO incorporated. 

View [hyperlink,] or key 
components. For more information, contact Katherine Siggerud at (202) 
512-2834 or Patricia Dalton at (202) 512-3841. 

[End of section] 



OMB Created Baseline Guidance on Describing Awards Expecting but Not 
Requiring Agencies to Provide Supplemental Guidance: 

A Quarter of the Descriptions of Awards Provide Sufficient Information 
for Transparency; Some Additional Information Is Publicly Available 
for Those That Did Not: 


Recommendations for Executive Action: 

Agency Comments and Our Evaluation: 


Appendix I: Broadband Initiatives Program: 

Appendix II: Broadband Technology Opportunities Program: 

Appendix III: Weatherization Assistance Program: 

Appendix IV: Geothermal Technologies Program: 

Appendix V: High-Speed Intercity Passenger Rail Program: 

Appendix VI: Grants-in-Aid for Airports: 

Appendix VII: Highway Infrastructure Investment: 

Appendix VIII: Supplemental Discretionary Grants for a National 
Surface Transportation System: 

Appendix IX: Transit Capital Assistance: 

Appendix X: Federal Buildings Fund: 

Appendix XI: Civil Works Program: 

Appendix XII: Federal Agency Actions to Review for 

Appendix XIII: Additional Information on Methodology: 

Appendix XIV: Error Rates Associated with Estimates of the Extent to 
Which Awards Met Our Transparency Criteria: 

Appendix XV: Comments from the Department of Commerce: 

Appendix XVI: GAO Contacts and Staff Acknowledgments: 


Table 1: Programs Reviewed That Received Recovery Act Funding: 

Table 2: Estimated Extent to Which Descriptions of Awards Met Our 
Transparency Criteria: 

Table 3: Example of a Description of an Award That Met Our 
Transparency Criteria: 

Table 4: Example of a Description of an Award That Partially Met Our 
Transparency Criteria: 

Table 5: Example of a Description of an Award That Did Not Meet Our 
Transparency Criteria: 

Table 6: OMB Guidance and Department of Energy Technical Assistance 
for Completing the Quarterly Activities/Project Description Field: 

Table 7: Recovery Act Obligations for Transportation Enhancement 
Projects by Type, as of May 3, 2010: 

Table 8: Example of Information on a Selected TIGER Project Made 
Publicly Available: 

Table 9: Sample Guidance from FTA's Reporting Data Model: 

Table 10: GSA's Recovery Act Projects: 

Table 11: Corps Recovery Act Funding by Account as of April 23, 2010: 

Table 12: OMB Reporting Instructions for Data Fields Included in Our 
Transparency Assessment: 

Table 13: Estimated Percentage of Award Descriptions That Met Our 
Transparency Criteria, with Standard Errors: 


Figure 1: Reported Uses of Recovery Act Geothermal Funds, as of April 
23, 2010: 

Figure 2: Locations of High-Speed Rail Projects Selected for Funding: 

Figure 3: Reported Uses of Recovery Act Aviation Funds, as of April 
22, 2010: 

Figure 4: Reported Uses of Recovery Act Highway Funds, as of May 3, 

Figure 5: Categories of Projects Selected for TIGER Funds, on February 
17, 2010: 

Figure 6: Reported Uses of Recovery Act Transit Funds, as of April 5, 


Corps: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: 

FAA: Federal Aviation Administration: 

FHWA: Federal Highway Administration: 

FRA: Federal Railroad Administration: 

FTA: Federal Transit Administration: 

GSA: General Services Administration: 

NTIA: National Telecommunications and Information Administration: 

OMB: Office of Management and Budget: 

RADS: Recovery Act Data System: 

Recovery Act: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009: 

Recovery Board: Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board: 

TIGER: Transportation Investments Generating Economic Recovery: 

[End of section] 

United States Government Accountability Office: 
Washington, D.C. 20548: 

May 27, 2010: 

The Honorable Mitch McConnell: Republican Leader: 
United States Senate: 

Dear Senator McConnell: 

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) was 
enacted to (1) help preserve jobs and promote economic recovery from 
the current economic recession, (2) invest in technology to spur 
technological advances, and (3) invest in infrastructure to provide 
long-term economic benefits, among other things.[Footnote 1] The act 
was a massive response to the economic crisis; the cost of that 
response is now estimated at about $862 billion in funding and tax 
provisions.[Footnote 2] It is expected that the act will be carried 
out with an unprecedented level of transparency, so that the public 
can see how its money is being spent and what is being achieved. 

Both Members of Congress and the President have emphasized the need 
for accountability, efficiency, and transparency in the expenditure of 
Recovery Act funds and have made it a central principle of the act. As 
Congress finished work on the act, the House Appropriations Committee 
released a statement saying, "A historic level of transparency, 
oversight and accountability will help guarantee taxpayer dollars are 
spent wisely and Americans can see results for their investment." To 
do so, Congress built into the act numerous provisions to increase 
transparency and accountability over spending that require recipients 
of Recovery Act funding to report quarterly on a number of measures, 
as contained in section 1512 of the act.[Footnote 3] Nonfederal 
recipients of Recovery Act funded grants, contracts, or loans are 
required to submit reports with information on each project or 
activity, including descriptive information on the uses of Recovery 
Act awards. In addition, the act called for the establishment of a Web 
site through which the public could gain easy access to recipient--and 
agency--reported information on Recovery Act spending.[Footnote 4] 
Through, the government's official Web site, users can 
search the site a number of different ways for information about 
individual Recovery Act awards in their neighborhood and throughout 
the country, as well as for summary information. The Web site contains 
information on each reported award, such as cost, location, and 
description of activities to be carried out.[Footnote 5] 

In response to your request, the overall objective of our work was to 
assess the extent to which the descriptions of the uses of funds, 
published on, transparently describe how funds are being 
spent and what outcomes are expected. More specifically, we (1) 
determined how the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and federal 
agencies implemented Recovery Act requirements to describe the use of 
funds and (2) assessed the extent to which the descriptive information 
made available on meets established requirements and is 
transparent. We are also providing information on the reported nature 
and types of projects funded by the Recovery Act for the programs 
included in this review. This information is contained in appendixes I-

This report covers 11 telecommunications, energy, transportation, 
federal buildings, and civil works programs. These are : 

* the Department of Agriculture's Broadband Initiatives Program; 

* the Department of Commerce's Broadband Technology Opportunities 

* the Department of Energy's Weatherization Assistance and Geothermal 
Technologies Programs; 

* the Department of Transportation's High-Speed Intercity Passenger 
Rail, Grants-in-Aid for Airports, Highway Infrastructure Investment, 
Supplemental Discretionary Grants, and Transit Capital Assistance 

* the General Services Administration's Federal Buildings Fund 
Program; and; 

* the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Civil Works Program. 

Collectively, funding for these programs accounts for approximately 
$67 billion of the $275 billion in Recovery Act funding distributed 
through contracts, grants, and loans. We selected these programs 
because they represented large programs—$1 billion or more—or were of 
interest to you. 

To understand how OMB and other federal agencies are implementing 
Recovery Act requirements to describe the use of funds, we reviewed 
the act and its legislative history for reporting requirements and 
guidance on reporting established by (1) OMB, (2) the Recovery 
Accountability and Transparency Board[Footnote 6] (Recovery Board), 
and (3) any supplemental guidance and other technical assistance 
developed by the federal agencies for programs covered by our work. We 
met with officials from those agencies to gain an understanding of 
these requirements. 

To assess the extent to which descriptions of awards transparently 
described how funds were being used, we developed a transparency 
assessment (described later in this report) based on the Recovery Act; 
OMB's guidance, including OMB's Recipient Reporting Data Model; the 
Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act; and professional 
judgment.[Footnote 7] Based on these considerations, we considered 
descriptions of awards transparent if they conveyed, in a manner 
understandable to the general public, a basic understanding of the 
activities to be carried out and the expected outcomes. This effort 
was meant to be an assessment of transparency only with regard to the 
aspects we reviewed, not to as a whole or to the 
administration's efforts to make this information available frequently 
and in a timely manner. 

In assessing transparency, we took probability (random) samples of 467 
of the 14,089 prime recipient award records on as of 
February 10, 2010, from 9 of the 11 programs listed above.[Footnote 8] 
Prime recipients are nonfederal entities that receive Recovery Act 
funding as awards in the form of contracts, grants, or loans directly 
from the federal government.[Footnote 9] In order to determine which 
records to sample from, we used the definition of an 
"award"—the prime recipient's record for a contract, grant, or loan—as 
defined by OMB and the Recovery Board for the purposes of recipient 
reporting. We selected 12 key fields required for recipient reporting 
that describe the uses of Recovery Act funds, including 3 narrative 
fields.[Footnote 10] To apply this general definition to award 
information—hereafter referred to as descriptions of awards or 
descriptions—we used the following specific attributes that were 
either explicitly stated or inherent in the Recovery Act or OMB's 

* general purpose of the award (e.g., construction or fire protection); 

* nature of activities being conducted (e.g., dredging waterways or 
installing security cameras); 

* location (where award activities are being conducted); 

* cost (amount awarded); 

* status (percentage complete); and; 

* outcome (what is expected to be achieved; e.g., increased safety or 
reduced congestion as a result of a redesigned highway intersection or 
increased energy efficiency from the installation of a new heating, 
ventilation, and air conditioning system). 

To these six specific attributes, we used our professional judgment to 
add a seventh that in our view, was needed to provide a complete 
description: scope (i.e., information on the magnitude or 
extensiveness of an award). For example, scope could be the number of 
homes to be weatherized statewide or the number of miles (or lane 
miles) of a road to be repaved. Using these seven attributes and our 
professional judgment, we assessed information in the 12 data fields 
collectively, for understandability, clarity, and completeness. Two 
analysts independently reviewed information on each award from the 12 
fields and then compared results to reach a consensus on the overall 
score (e.g., met the transparency criteria). If they could not agree, 
a third analyst reviewed the award information without regard to the 
original determinations and made a deciding assessment. Those that 
were understandable, clear, and complete we considered to be 
"transparent." For those that were not fully transparent, we searched 
publicly available information from federal, state, and recipient Web 
sites, and reviewed publicly available documents to complete the 
descriptions.[Footnote 11] 

We also reviewed in-depth 52 judgmentally selected energy and 
infrastructure awards in five programs, primarily from programs that 
are already covered as part of our bimonthly reviews on Recovery Act 
spending: Broadband Technology Opportunities Program, Weatherization 
Assistance Program, Grants-in-Aid for Airports, Highway Infrastructure 
Investment, and Transit Capital Assistance. For these awards, we spoke 
with federal, state, and local officials responsible for developing or 
reviewing award information about federal transparency requirements 
and any feedback that they have received on these awards from the 
public, and assessed the accuracy of select information from source 
documents (such as award documents). 

In addition to the review described above, we discussed with federal 
and state officials how they make information on awards available to 
the public. We also gathered information on the nature and scope of 
awards (or potential awards) for the 11 programs by reviewing 
documentation supplied by the federal agencies and discussing the 
programs with agency officials. (See appendices I-XI for this 
information.) Finally, for the nine programs with recipient reports at 
the time of our review, we (1) performed a number of electronic edit 
checks on the awards for the prime recipients, including any 
associated subrecipients, in our probability sample to determine 
whether there were possible anomalies in the award information and (2) 
discussed with federal agencies and reviewed federal Inspectors 
General efforts to ensure the reliability of the data reported by 
recipients. (See appendix XII.) 

We did not assess how federal agencies or prime recipients selected 
the awards discussed in this report to ensure that the awards met the 
purposes of the act or whether the awards met the act's eligibility 
requirements. We conducted this performance audit from September 2009 
through May 2010 in accordance with generally accepted government 
auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform 
the audit to obtain sufficient, appropriate evidence to provide a 
reasonable basis for our findings and conclusions based on our audit 
objectives. We believe that the evidence obtained provides a 
reasonable basis for our findings and conclusions based on our audit 
objectives. As part of our work, we assessed the reliability of 
certain Recovery Act data that were pertinent to our effort. We 
determined that the data elements were sufficiently reliable for our 
purposes. See appendix XIII for additional information on our 


Congress built into the Recovery Act numerous provisions to increase 
transparency and accountability, including requiring recipients of 
funds to report quarterly on a number of measures.[Footnote 12] To 
implement these requirements, OMB worked with the Recovery Board to 
deploy a nationwide system at for collecting data 
submitted by the recipients of funds. OMB set the specific timeline 
for recipients to submit reports and for agencies to review the data. 
Recipients are required to submit the reports in the month after the 
close of a quarter, and, by the end of the month, the reports are to 
be reviewed by federal agencies for significant errors and missing 
information before being posted to For the programs 
discussed in this report, information was submitted by recipients for 
the quarter ending December 31, 2009 (second round reporting[Footnote 
13]) and posted on on January 30, 2010.[Footnote 14] 

While OMB's role was to provide governmentwide guidance, one of the 
functions of the Recovery Board was to establish the Web site and to 
publish a variety of data, including recipient data once it was 
reviewed by the federal agencies.[Footnote 15] These data, collected 
through, are made available to the public for 
viewing and downloading on The Recovery Act set a 
demanding schedule for implementing, requiring the 
Recovery Board to establish the Web site within 30 days. The Recovery 
Board's goals for this Web site were to promote accountability by 
providing a platform to analyze Recovery Act data and serving as a 
means of tracking fraud, waste, and abuse allegations by providing the 
public with accurate, user-friendly information. 

This was an extensive undertaking across the federal government. OMB, 
the Recovery Board, and federal agencies, among others, worked to 
design a Web site, develop the capability to handle tens of thousands 
of submissions, develop guidance on reporting, and assist recipients 
in meeting reporting requirements. More specifically, within a short 
period of time, OMB and the Recovery Board implemented a recipient 
reporting system that covered a wide-range of programs and provided 
detailed and up-to-date information on the use of Recovery Act funds. 
Our fieldwork and initial review and analysis of recipient data from indicated that there was a range of significant 
reporting and quality issues that needed to be addressed, including 
issues with interpretations of reporting guidance.[Footnote 16] OMB 
told us that achieving the promised degree of transparency will be an 
iterative process, during which the reporting process and submitted 
information will improve. 

The Recovery Act required recipients to report specific information, 
including descriptive information on each award, which we discuss 
further in the following section. In the accountability and 
transparency section of the act, transparency is not specifically 
defined. However, the act requires that the award information on be made available to enhance public awareness of the use 
of funds. Furthermore, both Members of Congress and the President have 
asserted the need for accountability, efficiency, and transparency in 
Recovery Act spending, with the administration pledging that the 
Recovery Act would "break from conventional Washington approaches to 
spending by ensuring that public dollars are invested effectively and 
that the economic recovery package is fully transparent and 
accountable to the American people." Thus, the transparency of award 
information on Recovery. gov, particularly in narrative fields (the 
focus of this review) is particularly important.[Footnote 17] 

For this report, we reviewed the 11 energy and infrastructure programs 
introduced previously. (See table 1.) No awards were made for two of 
the programs—the Broadband Initiatives Program and the Supplemental 
Discretionary Grant Program—by December 31, 2009. Awards were made for 
the other 9 programs by this date, requiring recipients to submit 
reports for the second round of reporting. 

Table 1: Programs Reviewed That Received Recovery Act Funding: 


Program (amount appropriated)[A]: Department of Agriculture: Broadband 
Initiatives Program ($2.5 billion); 
Purpose: Develop broadband (Internet) infrastructure in rural areas 
without sufficient access to high-speed broadband service. 

Program (amount appropriated)[A]: Department of Commerce: Broadband 
Technology Opportunities Program ($4.7 billion); 
Purpose: Increase broadband access and adoption in unserved and 
underserved areas of the United States, enhance and expand public 
computer centers, encourage sustainable adoption of broadband service, 
and fund initiatives to develop and maintain a nationwide broadband 
inventory map. 

Program (amount appropriated)[A]: Department of Energy: Weatherization 
Assistance Program ($5 billion); 
Purpose: Enable low-income families to reduce their utility bills by 
making long-term energy-efficiency improvements to their homes by, for 
example, installing insulation and modernizing heating equipment. 

Program (amount appropriated)[A]: Department of Energy: Geothermal 
Technologies Program ($400 million); 
Purpose: Develop innovative geothermal energy technologies to find, 
access, and use the nation's geothermal resources. 

Program (amount appropriated)[A]: Department of Transportation: High-
Speed Intercity Passenger Rail Program ($8 billion); 
Purpose: Support the development of intercity high-speed rail service, 
including high-speed rail corridor development, and upgrade the 
reliability and service of conventional intercity passenger rail. 

Program (amount appropriated)[A]: Department of Transportation: Grants-
in-Aid for Airports ($1.1 billion); 
Purpose: Plan and develop public-use airports to enhance safety, 
capacity and security, among other things. 

Program (amount appropriated)[A]: Department of Transportation: 
Highway Infrastructure Investment ($26.7 billion); 
Purpose: Restore, repair, and construct highways and bridges and for 
other eligible uses, such as transportation enhancements. 

Program (amount appropriated)[A]: Department of Transportation: 
Supplemental Discretionary Grants ($1.5 billion); 
Purpose: Develop highway, public transportation, rail, and port 
infrastructure that will provide long-term economic benefits. 

Program (amount appropriated)[A]: Department of Transportation: 
Transit Capital Assistance ($6.9 billion); 
Purpose: Purchase buses and rail cars; build and rehabilitate 
stations, track, and maintenance facilities; purchase security and 
maintenance equipment. 

Program (amount appropriated)[A]: General Services Administration: 
Federal Buildings Fund ($5.6 billion); 
Purpose: Construct new facilities and transform federal buildings into 
high-performance green buildings. 

Program (amount appropriated)[A]: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: Civil 
Works Program ($4.6 billion); 
Purpose: Provide safe and reliable waterways; reduce risks from 
flooding and coastal storms; restore and protect the environment; 
prepare for and respond to natural disasters; and address water 
resource challenges. 

Source: GAO, based on legislation creating cited programs and agency 

[A] For the 9 programs for which awards have been made, agencies have 
not obligated, and recipients have not spent, all amounts 
appropriated. As of early May 2010, obligations ranged from $26 
billion for the highway program to $0 for the Supplemental 
Discretionary Grants Program. See appendixes I through XI for 
information on each program's obligation and expenditure level. 

[End of table] 

OMB Created Baseline Guidance on Describing Awards Expecting but Not 
Requiring Agencies to Provide Supplemental Guidance: 

Both the Recovery Act and OMB require recipients to report on a wide 
range of items to track the uses of funds. These items include—but are 
not limited to—overall descriptions of the awards, projects and 
activities funded, funding amounts, numbers of jobs created or 
retained, compensation for certain executives, and awards to 
subrecipients. As discussed earlier, our focus is on the extent to 
which descriptions of awards reported by recipients and published on provide a basic understanding of what funds are being 
spent on and what outcomes are expected. As a result, we focused on 
certain reporting requirements and guidance that provide that basic 
understanding, such as the location of the project and the nature of 
the award activities.[Footnote 18] 

Recovery Act Created Broad Requirements for Reporting on Awards: 

The act created broad requirements for recipient reporting. 
Specifically, the act requires, among other types of information, that 
recipients report the total amount of Recovery Act funds received, 
associated obligations and expenditures, and a detailed list of those 
projects or activities.[Footnote 19] For each project or activity, the 
detailed list must include its name and a description, an evaluation 
of its completion status, and an estimate of the number of jobs 
created and the number of jobs retained through that project or 
activity. The act did not include any more specific interpretation or 
explanation of these requirements. 

OMB Created Generic Guidance That Applies Across a Wide Range of 
Agency Programs: 

To operationalize the act's requirements, OMB provided recipients with 
a range of guidance through memorandums, supplemental materials, and 
reporting instructions. Specifically, starting for the period ending 
September 30, 2009 (and repeated for the quarter ending December 31), 
OMB's reporting instructions for the Recipient Reporting Data Model 
[Footnote 20] specified that recipients would provide, among other 

* the information: 

* Recipient name; 

* the project name, which should be brief and descriptive; 

* a project description that captures the overall purpose of the award 
and expected outputs and outcomes or results; 

* an award description that describes the overall purpose, expected 
outputs, and outcomes or results of the award, including significant 
deliverables and, if appropriate, units of measure; 

* the project status, which was specified as not started, less than 50 
percent complete, completed 50 percent or more, or complete; 

* an activity description, which categorizes projects and activities; 
[Footnote 21] 

* the amount of the award; and; 

* the primary place of performance, which is the physical location of 
award activities.[Footnote 22] 

Three of these fields—project name, project description, and award 
description—are narrative fields. OMB's Recipient Reporting Data Model 
does not specifically address the clarity of such descriptions, 
although OMB, in its December 2009 guidance to heads of executive 
departments and agencies, has stated that the narrative information 
must be sufficiently clear to facilitate understanding by the general 

Several of these fields are defined in ways that are inconsistent with 
reporting award project and activity information as required by the 
Recovery Act. Where, for example, funds are awarded using a single 
award to cover multiple projects, requiring a project description that 
captures the overall purpose of the award is not consistent with the 
requirement in the act to report a detailed list of all projects and 
activities each having its own name, description, completion status, 
and potential outcomes. Requiring that status, outcomes, or other 
information covered be reported in single fields on an award-by-award 
rather than a project-by-project or activity-by-activity basis may 
convey an incomplete impression if multiple projects or activities are 
being included. Officials from OMB agreed with this assessment but 
said that the agency, in creating its guidance and reporting data 
model, weighed the level of reporting detail required against the 
potential reporting burden. 

OMB created the guidance to require general information that could be 
applied broadly across a wide range of recipients. OMB defined the 
three narrative fields to solicit high-level information that is not 
overly specific to a single program. In this regard, the guidance had 
to be applicable to awards that: 

* are for discrete activities at a single location and for a single 
purpose. For example, under the Federal Highway Administration's 
(FHWA) Highway Infrastructure Investment program, an award might be 
for a single project to widen a section of a road or to replace a 
substandard bridge. 

* bundle several discrete activities at different locations. For 
example, under the Federal Transit Administration's (FM) Transit 
Capital Assistance Program, a transit agency could receive an award 
that has different purposes at different locations. 

* are like block grants in which recipients (i.e., states, 
territories, and tribes) receive funds for a broad purpose and make 
subawards to local entities, which then decide the specific uses for 
which funds are to be spent. For example, under the Department of 
Energy's Weatherization Assistance Program, recipients receive funding 
to enable low-income families to reduce their energy bills by making 
energy-efficiency improvements to their homes. In turn, the recipients 
provide grant funds to a number of local agencies to actually carry 
out the purposes of the program, which might involve modernizing 
heating equipment in one home and installing insulation in another. 

* are components of a larger project, but are not linked to the larger 
project for reporting purposes. For example, under the Civil Works 
Program, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) may enter into a 
contract (the award) with one company to dredge a river channel and 
with another company to build a seawall, all for the purpose of 
improving navigable waters at a specific location. Each recipient 
reports on the activities conducted under the individual award but not 
the overall project being funded as each recipient works on only a 
piece of the larger project. 

OMB officials also told us the agency created generic reporting 
guidance because they expected the guidance to be a baseline, with 
agencies providing supplemental guidance that was more specific to 
unique program characteristics and situations that OMB's one-size-fits-
all guidance could not effectively address. According to OMB, the 
agencies would be better sources of program-specific individualized 
guidance, tailored to the awards made under their programs. As 
discussed in the next section of this report, most agencies included 
in our review did provide some type of technical assistance or 
supplemental materials to aid recipients in reporting. However, most 
did not develop formal, program-specific supplemental guidance that 
was approved by OMB, and OMB did not require agencies to do so. For 
agencies that do develop program-specific supplemental guidance, OMB 
officials told us that they primarily review this guidance for 
consistency with their agency's general guidance, and review the 
supplemental guidance to ensure its overall sufficiency. OMB officials 
did not indicate if their review includes whether agencies developed 
guidance on their narrative fields. Also, while OMB reviews formal 
guidance, it does not monitor other forms of agency supplemental 
material or technical assistance provided to recipients. (See 
appendices I-XI for additional information on the agencies' reporting 
assistance and its possible effects on the transparency of 

OMB continues to update its guidance based on lessons learned from 
early reporting experiences, recognizing that the reporting process is 
a work in progress. For example, OMB clarified its guidance on 
calculating jobs created or retained to address issues with the jobs 
data reported by recipients during the first reporting round. During 
the course of our review, OMB officials signaled that they are willing 
to revise their guidance should our assessment or other input suggest 
that changes are needed, but would need to balance any changes in 
guidance against additional reporting burdens. 

OMB's Guidance on Narrative Fields Was Not Clear: 

We found two instances in which OMB's guidance on narrative fields was 
unclear. First, for the award description field, the guidance provided 
that recipients of grants should describe the overall purpose of the 
award; recipients of contracts should provide a description of the 
overall purpose and expected outcomes including significant 
deliverables. OMB provided three examples of how to fill in the field, 
at least two of which do not conform to OMB's expectations: "community 
development" and "special education - part B/preschool." These 
examples provide only high-level titles but do not identify the 
purpose or outcomes. Furthermore, OMB allowed recipients to enter 
descriptions of up to 4,000 characters, providing space for more 
robust descriptions. As a result, based on our assessment of award 
descriptions, recipients are reporting widely varying types of 
information in this field—some of it very detailed, while other 
reporting is quite limited and uninformative. This issue is discussed 
more fully in the following section and can be seen in award 
information from that we reproduced in appendixes I 
through XI. 

Second, for the quarterly activities/project description field, OMB 
instructed grantees to provide a description of the overall purpose 
and expected outputs and outcomes or results of the award. As 
mentioned, project description, as that term is used in the act, 
refers to listed projects or activities, not awards. Instead, OMB's 
guidance anticipated that, for contracts, recipients were supposed to 
provide a description of all significant services or supplies 
delivered in the current calendar quarter. The example OMB provided in 
its Recipient Reporting Data Model, "Powers and Gold Beach Ranger 
Districts Curry County OR Has Fuels Item 1 Chetco Area and Item 3 - 
Powers Area" is, in our opinion, unclear, and it does not meet the 
general requirements that OMB laid out. 

As discussed in the next section, the inconsistency and lack of 
clarity in OMB's guidance may have contributed to the level of 
transparency in some of the award description information that we 

A Quarter of the Descriptions of Awards Provide Sufficient Information 
for Transparency; Some Additional Information Is Publicly Available 
for Those That Did Not: 

We estimate that about a quarter of the awards on for the 
nine programs we reviewed were transparent—that is, had sufficiently 
clear and understandable information on the award's purpose, scope, 
location, cost, nature of activities, outcomes, and status of work. 
[Footnote 23] Many others (an estimated 68 percent) had at least some 
or most of this information, and a small percentage (an estimated 7 
percent) had little of this information. A few factors may have 
contributed to the lack of transparency in the descriptions we 
assessed, including the type of guidance and technical assistance 
provided by OMB and federal agencies. In addition to the information 
published on, federal, state, and other public sources 
provide some additional information on the uses of Recovery Act funds. 

About a Quarter of the Descriptions of Awards Met the Transparency 
Criteria; Others Lacked at Least Some Important Information: 

Because the Recovery Act did not define transparency, we developed our 
own set of criteria by which to measure the transparency of the 
awards' descriptive fields. In order to assess the descriptions, we 
selected key fields required for recipient reporting from Recovery. 
gov that describe the uses of Recovery Act funds, including the three 
narrative fields. Using the Recovery Act, OMB's guidance, and our 
professional judgment, we determined that these fields should 
collectively contain information on the award's purpose, scope, 
location, cost, nature of activities, outcomes, and status of work—
information necessary to make the use of funds transparent to the 
public. We also considered the extent to which information in the 
fields was clear and understandable. We drew a probability (simple 
random) sample of prime recipient awards to review for each of the 
nine energy and infrastructure programs that had awards in Recovery. 
gov for the second round of recipient reporting and compared the 
descriptions of these awards to our transparency criteria. (See 
appendix XIII for more information about our transparency criteria and 
overall methodology.) 

We estimate that 25 percent of the awards for the nine programs we 
reviewed (out of a total of over 14,000 awards) were transparent—had 
sufficiently clear and understandable information on the award's 
purpose, scope, location, cost, nature of activities, outcomes, and 
status of work (See table 2.) We estimate that another 68 percent had 
some or most of this information, but not all. Importantly, the 
descriptions of awards that partially met our transparency criteria 
varied widely. Some of these award descriptions had much of the 
information needed to make them transparent, but might be missing one 
important aspect, such as the expected outcomes. Other descriptions 
contained much less information and provided sufficient detail to meet 
only a few attributes of our criteria, such as purpose and location. 
Finally, an estimated 7 percent of the descriptions provided little or 
no information on nature, scope, purpose, location, or outcomes of the 

Table 2: Estimated Extent to Which Descriptions of Awards Met Our 
Transparency Criteria: 

Program: Department of Commerce: Broadband Technology Opportunities 
Number of awards[A]: 46; 
Met: 57%; 
Partially met: 43%; 
Did not meet: 0%. 

Program: Department of Energy: Weatherization Assistance Program; 
Number of awards[A]: 57; 
Met: 12%; 
Partially met: 71%; 
Did not meet: 18%. 

Program: Department of Energy: Geothermal Technologies Program; 
Number of awards[A]: 29; 
Met: 33%; 
Partially met: 62%; 
Did not meet: 5%. 

Program: Department of Transportation: Grant-in-Aid for Airports; 
Number of awards[A]: 328; 
Met: 18%; 
Partially met: 82%; 
Did not meet: 0%. 

Program: Department of Transportation: Highway Infrastructure 
Number of awards[A]: 10,156; 
Met: 25%; 
Partially met: 69%; 
Did not meet: 6%. 

Program: Department of Transportation: Transit Capital Assistance; 
Number of awards[A]: 641; 
Met: 50%; 
Partially met: 50%; 
Did not meet: 0%. 

Program: Department of Transportation: High-Speed Intercity Passenger 
Rail Program[B]; 
Number of awards[A]: 5; 
Met: 20%; 
Partially met: 20%; 
Did not meet: 60%. 

Program: General Services Administration: Federal Buildings Fund; 
Number of awards: 491; 
Met: 29%; 
Partially met: 64%; 
Did not meet: 7%. 

Program: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: Civil Works Program; 
Number of awards: 2,336; 
Met: 14%; 
Partially met: 70%; 
Did not meet: 16%. 

Program: Total; 
Number of awards: 14,089; 
Met: 25%; 
Partially met: 68%; 
Did not meet: 7%. 

Source: GAO.  

Note: Percentages in this table may not add to 100 because of 
rounding. See appendix XIV for error rates associated with this table. 

[A] In as of February 10, 2010. 

[B] Results are for all five awards. 

[End of table] 

Recipient-reported information varied widely in its transparency. For 
example, a Napa, California, transit recipient provided clear 
information in Page 16  GA0-10-581 Recovery Act Transparency 
sufficient detail for the general public to understand the award's 
purpose, scope, location, cost, nature of activities, outcomes, and 
status of work. Specifically, the description of the award states that 
it will be used to purchase four hybrid buses and construct a 
multimodal park-and-ride facility and, as a result, the transit fleet 
will be modernized, and the park-and-ride facility will allow hundreds 
of commuters to make more efficient, safe, and timely transit 
connections. (See table 3.) Thus, we determined that this description 
met our transparency criteria. 

Table 3: Example of a Description of an Award That Met Our 
Transparency Criteria: 

Recipient name: Napa County Transportation & Planning Agency; 
Project name: Purchase 4 hybrid buses and construct multi-modal Park 
and Ride Facility; 
Award description: Invest in Public Transportation--Replace four 15+ 
yeal [sic] old diesel buses with new, clean air, gasoline/electirc 
[sic] hybrid buses. In addition, funds will be used to construct a 
multi-modal Park and Ride facility featuring: commuter parking, 
transit hub, bicycle accommodations [sic], and a potential future rail 
platform. Green building elements (such as solar power) will be 
incorporated into the design; 
Project description: This grant will allow for the modernization of 
the transit fleet with the purchase of 4 gasoline/electric hybrid 
vehicles. In addition, once the multi-modal Park and Ride lot is 
constructed, hundreds of residents/commuters a day will be able to 
make more efficient, safe and timely transit connections; 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants; 
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported); 
Place of performance — city, state, and postal code: 
Napa, CA: 
Award amount: $2,779,727.00; 
Project status: Not Started; 
Award number: CA-96-X069-00. 


[End of table] 

Other recipient-reported information was less transparent and 
partially met our transparency criteria. For example, a weatherization 
program description for the Commonwealth of Virginia partially met our 
transparency criteria because it contained some, but not all of the 
attributes needed to make the use of funds transparent to the public. 
(See table 4.) For example, the description did not provide 
information on the scope of the award because it did not indicate how 
many homes would be weatherized in the state. From publicly available 
information on other federal and state Web sites, we found information 
that would have made this description more complete. Specifically, we 
found that approximately 9,193 homes throughout the state of Virginia 
will undergo weatherization activities such as tests for carbon 
monoxide, heating/cooling equipment inspection and repair, domestic 
water heater insulation, and refrigerator and stove replacement. (The 
extent to which federal agency and state agency Recovery Act Web sites 
have material that supplement recipient-reported 
information is discussed later in this section.) 

Table 4: Example of a Description of an Award That Partially Met Our 
Transparency Criteria: 

Recipient name: Housing And Community Development, Virginia Dept Of; 
Project name: Weatherization Assistance Program for Low-Income Persons; 
Award description: To improve home energy efficiency for low-income 
families through the most cost-effective measures possible; 
Project description: Sub-awardees were expected to complete ramp-up 
activities. This includes the purchase of additional or upgraded 
vehicles and equipment, hiring of additional personnel, identifying 
additional new beneficiaries and limited production increases; 
Project activity description Weatherization Award type: Grants; 
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 
600 East Main Street, The Main Street Centre; 
Place of performance — city, state, and postal code: 
Richmond, VA 23219-2430; 
Award amount: $94,134,276.00
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed; 
Award number: DE-EE0000193. 


[End of table] 

Finally, some recipient-reported information contained little or no 
information on what funds are being spent on and what outcomes are 
expected. These did not meet our transparency criteria. For example 
information reported by the State of Michigan for a highway project 
did not describe the location of the roadway or the extent of the 
project, and used technical terminology to describe the nature of the 
project—-chip sealine—-[Footnote 24] that is not likely to be familiar 
to the general public. (See table 5.) As a result, this description 
did not meet our transparency criteria. From publicly available 
information on other federal and state Web sites, we found information 
that would have made this description more understandable and clearer. 
Specifically, we found that the award supports pavement improvement 
activities to resurface 7.8 miles of Featherstone Road from M-66 to 
Engle Road north of Sturgis. The award will result in improved driving 
quality by making the road smoother. 

Table 5: Example of a Description of an Award That Did Not Meet Our 
Transparency Criteria: 

Recipient name: Transportation, Michigan Department Of; 
Project name: Single Course Chip Seal; 
Award description: Single Course Chip Seal; 
Project description: To improve the transportation infrastructure and 
the economic development capacity of the State; 
Project activity description: Power and Communication Line and Related 
Structures Construction; 
Award type: Grants; 
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 
425 West Ottawa Street; 
Place of performance — city, state, and postal code: 
Lansing, MI 48933-1532; 
Award amount: $86,617.00; 
Project status: Not Started; 
Award number: 1078007. 


[End of table] 

For more information on the transparency results for each program, as 
well as our assessment of each of the 467 awards that we reviewed, see 
appendixes I-XI. 

Two key factors may have contributed—positively or negatively—to the 
transparency of the award descriptions we assessed from, 
although we cannot directly correlate our specific transparency 
results to these factors. 


Most notably, the guidance provided may have played a role in the 
degree to which recipients transparently described their awards. As 
noted in the previous section, OMB's guidance for reporting 
information on the uses of an award is unclear, which could have 
prevented some recipients from meeting some or all of our criteria in 
the transparency assessment. In addition, the type of assistance—
program-specific guidance or technical assistance—as well as the level 
of detail, which varied across agencies, may have played a role in the 
extent to which awards met our transparency criteria. 

* Some agencies supplemented OMB's high-level guidance with program-
specific technical assistance on how to meet OMB's reporting 
requirements, including specific instructions on what to write in the 
narrative fields. For example, FTA annotated OMB's guidance with 
program-specific instructions and examples for all the reporting 
fields in In the project description field, FTA 
suggested that recipients "describe the specific outputs and outcomes 
that will result from the grant. This entry should include 
quantitative information about the activities conducted and items 
purchased under the grant." For the most part, the programs in our 
review for which agencies provided program-specific guidance or 
technical assistance—Highway Infrastructure Investment, Transit 
Capital Assistance, and Geothermal Technologies Program—tended to have 
more transparent descriptions. However, other program-specific 
factors, such as grant applications that involved creating project 
descriptions for public dissemination in advance of award selection, 
may have also played a role in the degree to which such descriptions 
met our transparency criteria. For example, when some applications 
required recipients to create project descriptions for public 
dissemination in advance of award selection, such as in the Broadband 
Technology Opportunities Program, the recipients may have been more 
prepared to describe their awards in the narrative fields. For 
additional information by program, see appendixes I-XI. 

* Other agencies we reviewed only provided general reporting 
assistance to recipients, primarily by disseminating OMB's guidance to 
help Page 20 GA0-10-581 Recovery Act Transparency recipients navigate 
OMB's reporting requirements. However, this assistance did not 
necessarily include specific clarification or instructions for 
completing narrative fields. For example, the Department of Energy 
provides technical assistance to Weatherization Assistance Program 
recipients that, for the most part, summarizes OMB's guidance. The 
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) distributes OMB's guidance and 
provides recipient reporting assistance through each of its field 
offices, which in turn, determines how to disseminate guidance to 
recipients. In one FAA field office, a contractor hired to oversee 
Recovery Act efforts distributed information and guidance to every 
airport in the region by e-mail. For the most part, the programs in 
our review that only provided general reporting assistance to 
recipients, mostly through disseminating OMB's guidance—Weatherization 
Assistance Program, Grants-in-Aid for Airports, and the Federal 
Buildings Fund—tended to have less transparent descriptions. However, 
other factors, such as the level of experience of the recipients in 
reporting on government awards, may have also played a role in the 
degree to which such descriptions met our transparency criteria. For 
additional information by program, see appendixes I-XI. 

Data Quality Reviews: 

Federal agencies' data quality reviews may also have played a role in 
the extent to which some recipients met our transparency criteria. 
OMB's guidance requires that federal agencies conduct data quality 
reviews to address two key data problems—material omissions and 
significant reporting errors—but does not specify methodologies for 
such reviews.[Footnote 25] However, OMB does require federal agencies 
to develop data quality plans to articulate how they intend to detect 
and correct material omissions and significant reporting errors. 
[Footnote 26] OMB officials told us that given the limited amount of 
time federal agencies have to conduct these reviews, identifying 
misleading or erroneous information must take priority. Officials from 
almost all of the programs included in this review that had awarded 
funds for the second reporting round told us that they conduct 
automated checks of data, specifically of the numerical fields. For 
example, Department of Energy officials told us that they ensure the 
quality of recipient reported data for the Weatherization Assistance 
Program primarily through an automated analysis of key data fields, 
including the award number, recipient name, award amount, and jobs 
calculated. In a few cases, they also manually review the data for 
other anomalies. However, officials from some of the programs included 
in our review told us they did not typically review the information 
provided in narrative fields, and, of the three programs that do, none 
had a systematic process in place to evaluate the accuracy or 
transparency of the information. For example, FHWA officials told us 
that they "spot check" the information for significant errors because 
of the volume of awards—-over 10,000—-in their program. 

In light of the importance of the quality of the Recovery Act data, 
the Recovery Board has worked with federal Inspectors General to 
establish a multiphased review process to look at the quality of the 
data submitted by Recovery Act recipients. To date, this process has 
focused on (1) whether agencies developed data quality reviews in 
anticipation of the data to be submitted and (2) identified data 
errors and omissions in recipients' first cycle reports and factors 
that may have contributed to them and the actions taken by agencies, 
OMB, and the Recovery Board to improve the quality of the data that 
recipients will submit in future reporting cycles. The resulting 
report did not comment on the quality of the data in the narrative 
fields. According to the Recovery Board, future reports will focus on 
the effectiveness of the agency data quality review processes. For 
information on each agency's data quality reviews, see appendix XII. 

Federal and State Web Sites and Other Public Sources Provide Some 
Information to Supplement, but the Level of Detail Varies: includes award information on Recovery Act spending from 
both recipients and agencies, as well as various other required agency 
reports, including agency-specific Recovery Act plans and weekly 
financial and activity reports.[Footnote 27] Aside from the 
information on, descriptive information on the uses of 
awards is available through other resources. 

At the federal level, agency Web sites provide information on Recovery 
Act activities as required by OMB's guidance.[Footnote 28] The level 
and type of award information provided on agency Web sites varies 
across the programs we reviewed. For example, FHWA has a link to a 
spreadsheet on its Web site that provides information such as the 
location and obligation amount for each award, as well as a short 
description. The Geothermal Technologies Program Web site has detailed 
information on each project, including the technology type, recipient 
name, location, objectives, description, and targets/milestones. 

The Recovery Act did not require states to establish Web sites to 
provide Recovery Act information. However, all 50 states and the 
District of Columbia do post some information on their state-specific 
Recovery Act Web sites. As with the federal agency Web sites, however, 
the state Web sites provide varying levels of detail. For example, the 
New York State Recovery Act Web site, NYWorks (, 
details how the state of New York is spending its Recovery Act funds 
through a map that provides specific information on each project that 
has been announced. In addition, the Web site provides links to over 
40 other federal, state, and local entities that have additional 
information on Recovery Act spending. Mississippi's Recovery Act Web 
site ( provides links to federal guidance and the 
recipient reports for projects in the state, but it does not provide 
additional information on a project-by-project basis beyond what is 
published on In some cases, state auditors have also 
developed Web pages or sites to provide information to the public on 
the oversight and monitoring of Recovery Act spending. 

In addition to federal and state Web sites, information on the uses of 
Recovery Act funds can be found on some recipients' Web sites and in 
other publicly available documents. For example, the Ohio Department 
of Transportation has a one-page description and photo for most 
recovery projects that provides detail on the activities and outcomes 
of that project, as well the expected completion date. Likewise, 36 of 
the 58 states, territories, and tribes receiving Recovery Act funds 
through the Weatherization Assistance Program have their 
weatherization plans on their Web sites. The Department of Energy 
requires all states, territories, and tribes to create these plans to 
outline how they will use weatherization funds, including Recovery Act 

Program Officials and Recipients Reported Differing Degrees of Citizen 
Feedback on Publicly Available Information: 

For the most part, the officials we spoke with said they are not 
systematically tracking the citizen feedback that they have received 
on publicly available award information. The Recovery Board tracks the 
total number of comments received on—it receives about 
125 to 200 e-mails per week—but does not categorize the e-mails by 
type of comment. However, Recovery Board officials told us that they 
plan to begin linking e-mails to specific projects in the future. OMB 
officials told us that the information published from the first round 
of reporting received public scrutiny and commentary, which they 
viewed as evidence that the transparency and reporting processes for 
the Recovery Act are working effectively. In fact, based on the 
comments OMB received, the agency added an automated check to to ensure that certain numerical fields, such as 
zip codes or congressional districts, were correctly entered. 

In general, federal agency officials told us that they have received 
some feedback on Recovery Act awards and the award information made 
available to the public. Officials from the Weatherization Assistance 
Program and Grants-in-Aid for Airports Program told us that the public 
has provided little feedback on awards and the award information made 
available to the public, while Geothermal Technologies Program 
officials told us that the public and media have provided positive 
feedback on the program's Web site, which provides detailed 
information on each project. According to officials at a few agencies, 
many public inquiries on the Recovery Act addressed the availability 
of funding and jobs, not individual awards. According to FHWA 
officials, the agency has no baseline information for comparing the 
feedback on Recovery Act awards with comments on awards made before 
the Recovery Act, because they did not previously track feedback on 
project information they provided to the public. 


The administration faced a daunting task in simultaneously putting in 
place ways to spend large sums of Recovery Act funds that required, in 
some instances, developing new programs and, in others, significantly 
expanding the size of existing ones, while also seeking to make these 
efforts more transparent to the public than previous efforts had been. 
Although OMB initially focused on quickly designing a reporting system 
that covered a vast array of Recovery Act programs delivered in 
different ways, now that such requirements are largely in place, OMB 
can begin focusing on other important aspects of its transparency 
efforts. Specifically, ensuring that the narrative portions of award descriptions prepared by recipients are 
understandable is an important aspect of OMB's transparency effort. 
These descriptions provide a key mechanism through which the public 
can understand clearly how their tax dollars are being spent and what 
is likely to be achieved from these expenditures. 

Looking forward, OMB has an opportunity to improve the transparency of 
the recipient-reported narrative information on by 
revising its guidance to remedy the problems we found. Assuredly, the 
more difficult task is having tens of thousands of recipients follow 
this guidance and report on their awards in a way intended by the act 
and the administration. In our view, one promising approach is for OMB 
to work with the executive departments and agencies that seek to 
provide supplemental guidance on narrative description information. In 
doing so, OMB can use its central position to further mission 
agencies' efforts to tailor resulting guidance to their individual 
situations in a way that furthers the transparency goals discussed in 
this report. A second approach is for OMB, in partnership with federal 
agencies, to periodically review the descriptions of awards submitted 
by recipients and to work with the Recovery Board on the board's 
assessments of agencies' data quality reviews to gain a sense of 
whether the information reported is meeting the administration's 

We are not making recommendations to individual agencies at this time 
because we believe that there are actions that OMB can take which may 
lead to substantial improvements in recipient reporting of narrative 
information. However, as we continue to monitor OMB's efforts to 
achieve transparent Recovery Act spending, we will reassess, as 
needed, whether actions in these areas are needed. 

Recommendations for Executive Action: 

To further the goals of public understanding of what Recovery Act 
funds are being spent on and what results are expected, we recommend 
that the Director, Office of Management and Budget, take the following 
three actions: 

* Revise OMB's recipient reporting guidance, including the Recipient 
Reporting Data Model, to provide recipients with clearer general 
instructions and examples for narrative fields aimed at fostering more 
complete information on the uses of funds and expected outcomes. 

* Work with executive departments and agencies to determine (1) 
whether supplemental guidance is needed to meet, in a reasonable and 
cost-effective way, the intent of the Recovery Act for reporting on 
projects and activities and (2) whether that supplemental guidance or 
other agency-proposed technical assistance dealing with narrative 
descriptions of awards provides for transparent descriptions of funded 

* Periodically (1) review, in partnership with executive departments 
and agencies, the descriptions of awards—in particular, the narrative 
fields—submitted by recipients to determine whether the information 
provides a basic understanding of the uses of the funds and the 
expected outcomes, and, if not, determine what actions to take, 
including encouraging agencies to develop or improve program-specific 
guidance and (2) work with the Recovery Board on the board's 
assessments of departments' and agencies' data quality reviews to 
ensure the adequacy of these reviews and further reinforce actions to 
meet transparency goals. 

Agency Comments and Our Evaluation: 

We provided a draft of this report to the Office of Management and 
Budget; the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Energy, and 
Transportation; the Corps of Engineers; and the General Services 
Administration for their review and comment. OMB officials agreed with 
our recommendations. The officials stated that our report would be 
enhanced if it better communicated information in three areas. First, 
regarding our findings on transparency, the large "partially met" 
category contains awards that have a substantial amount of the 
information needed to understand what funds are being spent on and 
what outcomes are expected as well awards that contained sufficient 
information on only a few attributes. Second, OMB asked that we 
recognize the need to balance more extensive reporting with the effort 
needed to comply with that reporting. Third, OMB officials suggested 
that we state more clearly that we assessed the transparency of award 
information collectively—that is, from reviewing the 12 data fields as 
a whole rather than from looking at the information contained in each 
field individually—since some information that might not appear in one 
data field could show up in another field. We revised our report to 
better communicate these aspects. The officials also provided 
technical and clarifying comments, many of which we incorporated. 

For the most part, the other agencies' comments were limited to 
technical and clarifying comments, which we incorporated where 
appropriate. In its technical comments, the Department of 
Transportation provided a general comment from FM that the transit 
administration believed that many of the award descriptions for 
transit projects that we assessed as partially meeting our 
transparency criteria could have been assessed as meeting the 
criteria. Given the procedures that we used to make our assessment, we 
remain confident that these assessments were fair and accurate. We do 
note that providing narrative information is a learning experience, 
with recipients having opportunities in subsequent reporting rounds to 
improve their narrative material to be more transparent. Finally, the 
Department of Commerce provided a letter in which it detailed a number 
of ways that it undertook to achieve transparency for its Broadband 
Technology Opportunities Program. (See appendix XV.) 

As arranged with your office, unless you publicly announce its 
contents earlier, we plan no further distribution of this report until 
30 days after the date of this letter. At that time, we will send 
copies to congressional committees and subcommittees with 
responsibilities for the programs discussed in this report; the 
Director, Office of Management and Budget; and the Secretaries of the 
agencies discussed in this report. In addition, this report will be 
available at no charge on GAO's Web site at [hyperlink,]. 

If you or your staff have any questions about this report, please 
contact Katherine Siggerud at (202) 512-2834 or for 
buildings, telecommunications and transportation issues, Patricia 
Dalton at (202) 5123841 or for energy and Army Corps 
of Engineers issues. Contact points for our Offices of Congressional 
Relations and Public Affairs may be found on the last page of this 
report. Contributors to this report are listed in appendix XVI. 

Sincerely yours, 

Signed by: 

Gene L. Dodaro: 
Acting Comptroller General of the United States: 

[End of section] 

Appendix I: Broadband Initiatives Program: 

Within the Department of Agriculture, the Rural Utilities Service's 
Broadband Initiatives Program makes funding available for broadband 
infrastructure projects in rural areas that lack sufficient access to 
high-speed broadband service. The Recovery Act provides $2.5 billion 
of budget authority for the Rural Utilities Service to extend grants, 
loans, and loan/grant combinations to projects for the purpose of 
facilitating broadband deployment in rural communities. Through the 
use of loans, the Rural Utilities Service can support a principal 
amount exceeding the appropriation.[Footnote 29] 

On July 9, 2009, the Rural Utilities Service and the Department of 
Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration 
(NTIA) released a joint Notice of Funds Availability detailing the 
requirements, rules, and procedures for applying for broadband 
funding.[Footnote 30] Under this funding notice, the Rural Utilities 
Service received 401 applications requesting nearly $5 billion, and 
another 833 applications were joint applications to the Broadband 
Initiative Program and NTIA's Broadband Technology Opportunities 
Program totaling nearly $13 billion. 

Broadband grants and loans fall into several first round project 

* Last Mile projects. Up to $1.2 billion was available for last mile 
infrastructure projects in remote and non-remote areas. A "last-mile" 
project is defined as any broadband infrastructure project that 
provides service to end users or end user devices. A remote area is an 
unserved, rural area 50 miles from the limits of a nonrural area, and 
an unserved area is defined as a proposed service area composed of one 
or more contiguous census blocks, where at least 90 percent of 
households in the proposed funded service area lack access to 
facilities-based, terrestrial broadband service.[Footnote 31] 

* Middle Mile projects. Up to $800 million was available for Middle 
Mile projects. A Middle Mile project is defined as a broadband 
infrastructure project that does not predominantly provide broadband 
service to end users or to end user devices, and may include 
interoffice transport, backhaul, Internet connectivity, or special 

The Rural Utilities Service released a separate second funding round 
notice on January 22, 2010.[Footnote 32] Under this second funding 
notice, the Rural Utilities Service received a total of 776 
applications requesting nearly $11.2 billion. The second funding 
notice retained funding for Last Mile and Middle Mile projects, but 
eliminated the funding category for Last Mile Remote projects. Several 
new categories have been established for satellite, rural library 
broadband, and technical assistance, as described below: 

* Last Mile projects. Up to $1.7 billion is available for loans or 
loan/grant combinations. 

* Middle Mile. Up to $300 million is available for loans or loan/grant 

* Satellite, rural library broadband, and technical assistance 
projects. Up to $100 million is available in grants for satellite 
projects, as well as any and all funds not obligated for Last Mile and 
Middle Mile projects, and up to $5 million is available in grants for 
connecting rural libraries and developing regional broadband 
development strategies in rural areas. 

Second round awards are expected to be announced starting in June 2010. 

Nature and Type of Rural Utilities Service Broadband Projects: 

In the first round, the Rural Utilities Service announced over $1 
billion in grants and loans for 68 broadband projects in 31 states, 
one territory, and 17 tribal lands and Alaska Native regions. 
According to the Department of Agriculture, these projects will make 
high-speed Internet available to an estimated 529,000 households and 
96,000 rural businesses and public facilities. Of the 68 awarded 
projects, 49 are for Last Mile non-Remote areas, 13 are for Last Mile 
Remote areas, and 6 are for Middle Mile projects. As of May 3, 2010, 
the agency had obligated nearly $250 million for 26 of the 68 awards. 
There have been no program expenditures to date. 

The projects selected include a range of efforts to bring high-speed 
Internet to remote and rural communities that currently have little or 
no access to broadband technology. Funding has been awarded to a range 
of providers--small telecommunications companies, wireless providers, 
and rural electric and telephone providers--to build networks in rural 
areas. These projects feature a variety of Internet technologies, 
including wireline and wireless, and are expected to provide Internet 
connectivity to homes, business, and anchor institutions in rural 

No Basis to Judge Broadband Awards for Transparency: 

Since no grant or loan money had been obligated to recipients as of 
December 31, 2009, there were no awards reported on for 
the second reporting round. 

Prospective Agency Guidance and Other Factors That May Affect 
Transparency of Reported Information: 

The Rural Utilities Service did not issue supplemental technical 
assistance to recipients to augment the Office of Management and 
Budget's (OMB) guidance on recipient reporting. Because Broadband 
Initiatives Program funds have not yet been expended, recipient 
reporting for the program will not occur until July 2010. Therefore, 
the agency does not have experience with how well OMB's guidance 
ensures that the public has accurate information. Based on information 
that the Rural Utilities Service received in the first funding round, 
the agency developed enhanced application guide procedures and 
developed more comprehensive forms for the applicant's use that should 
enable an applicant to submit better data. 

The agency held a series of workshops together with NTIA in July 2009 
and January 2010 coinciding with the first and second funding round 
notices and agency officials said that they will be hosting upcoming 
workshops to discuss compliance and reporting requirements.[Footnote 

Other Ways Award Information Is Made Available to the Public: 

The Rural Utilities Service makes broadband stimulus project 
information available to the public in several forms, including the 

* Department of Agriculture Web site ( This Web 
site includes an overview of all Recovery Act funds provided to the 
Department of Agriculture and a Recovery Act project map that provides 
the award recipient, type, and amount, among other things, for all 
departmental awards. The agency also publishes a blog for each state 
(linked to the project map), with an entry that briefly describes each 
award and provides a venue for public feedback. 

* Broadband USA ( This joint Rural Utilities 
Service/NTIA broadband portal includes an information library on 
Recovery Act broadband programs and an application database. The 
database, which includes funded applications, provides information 
such as the project type, proposed project area, description, and in 
many cases, a project executive summary. 

* Press releases ( On its site, the Rural Utilities 
Service posts press releases announcing awards for the Broadband 
Initiatives Program. 

According to agency officials, there has been considerable interest 
from various groups about projects funded by the Broadband Initiatives 
Program. These comments range from full support for a project to 
questions about why the agency made an award to a community. Officials 
stated that, in most cases, the public is satisfied with the 
information that has been made to the general public, but some groups 
want more information than the Rural Utilities Service can make 
available, such as proprietary information about the award recipient. 
The agency plans to make all information available to the public in 
conformance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act. 

[End of section] 

Appendix II: Broadband Technology Opportunities Program: 

Within the Department of Commerce, the National Telecommunications and 
Information Administration's (NTIA) Broadband Technology Opportunities 
Program makes grant funding available to a variety of entities for 
broadband infrastructure, public computer centers, and innovative 
projects to stimulate demand for, and adoption of, broadband. Of the 
$4.7 billion appropriated for the program, up to $350 million was also 
available for the State Broadband Data and Development Program 
pursuant to the Broadband Data Improvement Act for the purpose of 
developing and maintaining a nationwide map featuring the availability 
of broadband data. 

On July 9, 2009, NTIA and the Department of Agriculture's Rural 
Utilities Service released a joint Notice of Funds Availability 
detailing the requirements, rules, and procedures for applying for 
broadband funding.[Footnote 34] Under this funding notice, NTIA 
received 260 applications requesting over $5.4 billion to fund 
broadband infrastructure projects in unserved and underserved areas. 
In addition, parties filed more than 320 applications with NTIA 
requesting nearly $2.5 billion in grants for projects that promote 
sustainable demand for broadband services and more than 360 
applications with NTIA requesting more than $1.9 billion in grants for 
public computer centers. Parties submitted another 833 joint 
applications to the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program and the 
Rural Utilities Service's Broadband Initiatives Program requesting 
nearly $13 billion for broadband infrastructure projects. 

Broadband Technology Opportunities Program funds were available 
through the following three categories of eligible projects during the 
first round: 

* Broadband Infrastructure. Up to $1.2 billion was available for 
Broadband Infrastructure projects. This category consists of two 
components--Last Mile and Middle Mile--and funds projects to deliver 
access to unserved and underserved areas. An "unserved" area is 
defined as one or more contiguous census blocks, where at least 90 
percent of households in the proposed funded service area lack access 
to facilities-based, terrestrial broadband service. An "underserved" 
area is defined as one or more contiguous census blocks where (1) no 
more than 50 percent of the households have access to facilities-
based, terrestrial broadband service; (2) the rate of broadband 
adoption is 40 percent of households or less; and (3) no service 
provider advertises broadband speeds of at least 3 megabits per second 

* Public Computer Centers. Up to $50 million was available for 
projects that expand public access to broadband service and enhance 
broadband capacity at entities such as community colleges and public 
libraries that permit the public to use these computing centers. 

* Sustainable Broadband Adoption. Up to $150 million was available for 
innovative projects that promote broadband demand, including projects 
focused on providing broadband education, awareness, training, access, 
equipment, or support, particularly among vulnerable population groups 
that traditionally have underutilized broadband technology. 

NTIA released a subsequent funding round notice on January 22, 
2010.[Footnote 35] Under this second funding notice, the agency 
received a total of 886 applications requesting a total of $11 billion 
in funding. For the second funding notice, NTIA is adopting a 
"comprehensive communities" approach as its top priority in awarding 
infrastructure grants, focusing on Middle Mile projects that connect 
community anchor institutions, such as libraries, hospitals, community 
colleges, universities, and public safety institutions. The following 
project categories are funded in the second funding round: 

* Comprehensive Community Infrastructure projects. Up to $2.35 billion 
is available for broadband infrastructure projects that emphasize 
Middle Mile broadband capabilities and new or substantially upgraded 
connections to community anchor institutions, especially community 
colleges. Under the second funding notice, a Middle Mile project is 
defined as any component of a comprehensive community infrastructure 
project that provides broadband service from one or more centralized 
facilities (i.e., the central office, the cable headend, the wireless 
switching station, or other equivalent centralized facility) to an 
Internet point of presence. 

* Public Computer Centers. At least $150 million is available to 
provide broadband access to the general public or a specific 
vulnerable population and must either create or expand a public 
computer center or improve broadband service or connections at a 
public computer center, including those at community colleges, that 
meets a specific public need for broadband service. 

* Sustainable Broadband Adoption. At least $100 million is available 
to fund innovative projects that promote broadband demand, including 
projects focused on providing broadband education, awareness, 
training, access, equipment, or support, particularly among vulnerable 
groups that traditionally have underutilized broadband technology. 

Second round awards are expected to be announced starting in July 2010. 

Nature and Type of Broadband Awards: 

In the first funding round, NTIA awarded and obligated 82 Broadband 
Technology Opportunities Program grants worth more than $1.2 billion. 
As of May 10, 2010, more than $8.6 million had been expended; however, 
NTIA officials said that more funds have been spent, but not yet drawn 
down. NTIA has funded 49 infrastructure projects, 20 public computing 
centers, and 13 sustainable broadband adoption projects in 45 states 
and territories. In addition, NTIA has initially funded 54 broadband 
mapping and planning grants in 50 states, three territories, and the 
District of Columbia, totaling more than $100 million. 

Over Half of Broadband Descriptions Met Our Transparency Criteria: 

We assessed the transparency of descriptive information for broadband 
awards available on We found that an estimated: 

* 57 percent met our transparency criteria, 

* 43 percent partially met our criteria, and: 

* zero percent did not meet our criteria.[Footnote 36] 

For broadband descriptions that partially met or did not meet our 
criteria, we collected information necessary to make the descriptions 
meet the transparency criteria. The descriptions of awards in our 
sample, whether they met our transparency criteria, and additional 
information that we found to complete the narrative descriptions are 
provided at the end of this appendix. 

Prospective Agency Guidance and Other Factors That May Affect 
Transparency of Reported Information: 

Since the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program is an entirely 
new program, NTIA focused on developing application processes to 
ensure the timely distribution of project funding. NTIA did not issue 
supplemental technical assistance to recipients to augment OMB's 
guidance on recipient reporting. 

The agency held a series of workshops in July 2009 and January 2010 
that coincided with the first and second funding round notices, and 
agency officials said that they will be hosting upcoming workshops to 
discuss compliance and oversight requirements. According to several 
grant recipients that we spoke with, agency officials have been very 
helpful in providing assistance throughout the application and 
reporting process. 

Other Ways Award Information Is Made Available to the Public: 

NTIA makes broadband stimulus project information available to the 
public in several forms. For example: 

* NTIA Web site ( On April 7, 2010, 
NTIA launched a new Web site for current information on the Broadband 
Technology Opportunities Program. The Web site includes sections on 
Recovery Act grants awarded and grants management, as well as an 
application database, and will make publicly available copies of 
reports on award recipients' progress that contain detailed 
descriptions of recipient activities. For each award, the agency posts 
an award summary that includes the name, location, and amount of the 
award, as well as a detailed description of the award activities and 

* Broadband USA ( This joint Rural Utilities 
Service/NTIA broadband portal includes an information library on 
Recovery Act broadband programs and an application database. The 
database, which includes funded applications, provides information 
such as the project type, proposed project area, description, and, in 
many cases, a project executive summary. 

* Press releases ( NTIA also posts press 
releases announcing awards for the Broadband Technology Opportunities 
Program, including the mapping grants. These press releases typically 
include short, narrative information on the awards. 

In addition, award recipients are using a variety of methods to inform 
the public about their projects, including company/institution Web 
sites, press releases, and local news media reports. Award recipients 
told us that they have received hundreds of phone calls or Web 
inquiries from individuals who were looking for employment or vendors 
who were attempting to sell goods or services to the award recipients. 
According to agency officials, there has been considerable interest 
from various groups about projects funded by the Broadband Technology 
Opportunities Program. These comments range from full support for a 
project to questions about why a project was funded in an area where 
there may already be an incumbent broadband service provider. 

Broadband Descriptions That Met Our Transparency Criteria: 

The following award descriptions contained sufficient information on 
general purpose, scope and nature of activities, location, and 
expected outcomes to meet our transparency criteria. The award 
description information is taken directly from We did 
not edit it in any way, such as to correct typographical or 
grammatical errors. 

Recipient name: State Library, Archives & Public Records, Arizona.
Project name: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act - PCC - Arizona 
Public Computer Centers.
Award description: The Arizona Public Computer Centers project plans 
to enhance existing facilities in more than 80 public libraries 
throughout Arizona. The project expects to deploy more than 1,000 
computers across the state to meet the growing demand for public 
computers and broadband access. The project intends for users to 
access valuable e-resources and enable libraries to provide training 
in 21st century skills. The Arizona State Library plans to partner 
with a variety of government, not-for-profit, and tribal 
organizations. The Arizona State Library expects 84 public computer 
centers to serve more than 75,000 users per week or more than 450,000 
residents throughout the term of the grant. 
Project description; The Arizona Public Computer Centers project plans 
to enhance existing facilities in more than 80 public libraries 
throughout Arizona. The project expects to deploy more than 1,000 
computers across the state to meet the growing demand for public 
computers and broadband access. The project intends for users to 
access valuable e-resources and enable libraries to provide training 
in 21st century skills. The Arizona State Library plans to partner 
with a variety of government, not-for-profit, and tribal 
organizations. The Arizona State Library expects 84 public computer 
centers to serve more than 75,000 users per week or more than 450,000 
residents throughout the term of the grant. 
Project activity description: Public, Society Benefit, General/Other.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Phoenix, AZ 85007-
Award amount: $1,278,528.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: 04-42-B10001. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Connect Arkansas Inc. 
Project name: Connect-Arkansas State Broadband Data and Delivery 
Award description: The Connect Arkansas State Broadband Data and 
Delivery Program is a two year broadband mapping and community 
strategic planning program funded by the American Recovery and 
Reinvestment Act. Connect Arkansas has proposed to supply a complete 
set of broadband mapping data according to specifications set by NTIA 
by March 1, 2010 while further developing state public access mapping 
tools, maintaining current broadband coverage maps and engaging in 
broadband community strategic planning within nine selected Arkansas 
counties. This five year grant program will result in a comprenhensive 
map that details the availability of broadband coverage in Arkansas as 
well as several unserved and underserved counties enacting strategic 
plans on building broadband usage/coverage.
Project description: Starting in September, Connect Arkansas began 
reviewing the list of service providers offering broadband access 
within the state and began contacting providers about the information 
Connect would be requesting for the mapping program. Additionally, 
Connect began reviewing and revising the NDA. Connect Arkansas also 
began gathering county data and organizing efforts to begin the 
planning process for the selected counties. In October, Connect 
Arkansas's legal council completed the revised NDA, so Connect re- 
issued the NDA to partnered providers. Connect also contacted all the 
broadband providers with detailed information regarding the data being 
requested by Connect Arkansas for the national and state maps. In 
regards to the county mapping efforts, Connect Arkansas engaged the 
Delta Center for Economic Development to organize planning committees 
within the selected counties as well as assist in the collection of 
data on how the internet is used within the counties. Upon the 
official grant award announcement by NTIA in early November, Connect 
Arkansas moved forward in hiring and additional GIS Specialist to 
assist in the data collection and data mapping responsibilities needed 
to complete the program deadlines. Additionally, Connect hired a 
Compliance Officer to maintain Connect Arkansas's financial and legal 
documentation for the duration of this program. During December, 
Connect Arkansas purchased and implemented their Fixed Wireless 
Propagation (EDX Signal) software and began mapping early submitted 
data. The contract with Gadberry Group was signed and the organization 
began their work with data analysis and manipulation. Connect Arkansas 
also heavily engaged with the service providers and received 50 
commitments from providers to submit data by January 4th. By December 
31st, Connect Arkansas received data from five providers. 
Project activity description: Engineering & Technology.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 200 South 
Commerce, Suite 400.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Little Rock, AR 
Award amount: $2,081,238.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 05-50-M09009. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Public Utilities Commission, California.
Project name: Broadband mapping and planning.
Award description: For Broadband Mapping, CPUC is gathering and 
verifying broadband data and creating a publicly available, 
interactive web-based map that will display information about the 
broadband services and providers available at each address throughout 
California. For Broadband Planning, CPUC is partnering with the 
California State University, Chico Research Foundation (CSU), to carry 
out activities intended to increase broadband subscribership. 
Project description: Broadband Mapping: collection of certain 
broadband data from all broadband providers in California, specified 
data verification tasks, GEO-coding, and creation and on-going 
maintenance of a state-level broadband availability map. Data must be 
collected, verified, geo-coded, and submitted to the NTIA twice yearly 
for the entire duration of the broadband mapping portion of this Grant 
Program. Broadband Planning: identify subscribership levels in order 
to develop a plan to identify barriers to broadband adoption, develop 
marketing and promotional material aimed at promoting broadband 
adoption and usage, and work with broadband providers to encourage 
high speed Internet services. 
Project activity description; Engineering & Technology.
Award type; Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 505 Van Ness 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: San Francisco, CA 
Award amount: $2,343,760.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 06-50-M09001. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Governor's Office Of Information Technology, The.
Project name: State Broadband Data and Development Grant Program.
Award description: The State of Colorado Governor's Office of 
Information Technology (OIT) is overseeing Colorado's State Broadband 
Data and Development Program which will map broadband availability 
across the state and provide the information regarding broadband 
service required by the NTIA. OIT will verify this broadband service 
data through a number of methods. The Broadband Data and Development 
Program grant also includes a planning effort, funded through five 
years. This planning program will start by working closely with local 
stakeholders in several regions of the state to develop local 
technology planning teams during the first two years of the grant 
period. The teams will assess broadband demand and barriers to 
adoption and will disseminate the broadband service information being 
mapped. Successful methods in developing these teams' work will then 
be generalized across the state over the last three years of the 
funded planning period.
Project description: 12/30/09: Finalizing award documents, selection 
and contract development of data contractor and defining positions to 
be hired. 
Project activity description: Engineering & Technology.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 601 East 18th 
Avenue, Suite 250.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Denver, CO 80203- 
Award amount: $2,108,975.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: 08-50-M09032. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Technology & Information, Delaware Dept Of.
Project name: State Broadband Data and Development Grant.
Award description: The Delaware Department of Technology and 
Information (DTI) was designated by Governor Markell as the Delaware 
entity eligible to receive a federal grant under the National 
Telecommunications and Information Administration's (NITA) State 
Broadband Data and Development Grant Program. DTI applied for 
$1,069,922 to cover broadband mapping activities for the first 2 
years, as well as $472,811 for broadband planning purposes. DTI will 
oversee the broadband mapping data collection and verification, 
including public anchor institution information, and the development 
of an interactive state broadband inventory mapping system. The 
resulting data will be presented to NITA per their specifications and 
also made available to the public from a user friendly website. DTI 
will leverage existing IT infrastructure, and will partner with the 
University of Delaware's Information for Public Administration (UD-
IPA) to achieve the overall NTIA goals. The longer term broadband 
planning activities will be carried out by DTI in partnership with UD-
IPA. Relationships will be built with Technology Planning Teams 
comprised of representativies from local governments, small 
businesses, and agricultural communities. These teams will be formed 
in parallel with mapping activities and will continue for the full 5 
years of the program. They will identify (1) broadband best practices 
for their community: (2) issues affecting the deployment and full use 
of broadband: and (3) potential projects to expand the use and 
deployment of broadband in these communities.
Project description: DTI signed the approved grant on December 
16,2009. Internal resources for the project have been assigned. 
Initial meetings have been conducted within DTI and the Delaware 
Office of Management and Budget to review reporting requirements. DTI 
is currently working on finalizing the Statement of Work with vendor 
to begin data collection.
Project activity description: Engineering & Technology.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 801 Silver 
Lake Blvd.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Dover, DE 19904- 
Award amount: $1,542,733.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: 10-50-M09029. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Partnership For A Connected Illinois, The.
Project name: Connect Illinois Mapping and Planning.
Award description: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act - SBDD - The 
Partnership for a Connected Illinois, Inc. This project, conducted on 
behalf of the State of Illinois, seeks to employ GIS toolsets and 
experienced personnel to deliver comprehensive broadband mapping data, 
develop state-level broadband maps, aid in the development and 
maintenance of a national broadband map, and fund statewide 
initiatives directed at broadband planning, in a manner compliant with 
the National Telecommunications and Information Administration?s 
(NTIA) Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the State Broadband 
Data and Development Grant Program. The ensuing deliverables will 
include datasets as required by the NTIA as well as web-based, 
interactive broadband maps to inform state and local government 
officials, consumers, broadband providers, community development 
organizations, researchers, and other stakeholders. This interactive 
web site ( will be critical to ensure 
accessibility of the broadband data, but it will also be key to 
increasing awareness of the mapping program and the benefit of 
broadband. It will also play an important role in ensuring local 
verification of the mapping data. Data will be compiled directly from 
network providers with protection to the proprietary aspects of that 
data provided by non-disclosure agreements. Connect Illinois partner 
Connected Nation will utilize the value of long-standing relationships 
with providers to negotiate the non-disclosure agreements, receive 
datasets from individual providers, develop comprehensive datasets of 
Illinois providers of all platforms excluding satellite, then 
incorporating those datasets into informative GIS mapping that will be 
the first of its kind in Illinois. The end product of the mapping 
activities will be that of a highly interactive and accessible mapping 
suite called BroadbandSTAT. This product will allow easily functional 
search activity at street levels and will be combined with U.S. Census 
and research data to provide users with the ability to drill down to 
neighborhoods, see which companies provide service in their areas, 
determine the density of households and populations, and county-level 
adoption rates. Also of great value will be the collection of datasets 
reflecting the presence of community anchor institutions throughout 
the state. Teams are already at work identifying the locations of 
various health care providers, K-12 schools, public and private 
colleges and universities, public safety answering points (PSAP?s), 
fire departments, police departments, and ambulance services, and, to 
the extent permissible, other local emergency services agencies. 
Community anchor institution data, including connectivity information, 
will be submitted as datasets to NTIA, but it will also be overlaid 
within a mapping context to create a remarkable graphic depiction of 
the locations of these critical connection points from a statewide to 
a local level. Community anchor institutions tend to be key junctures 
in the development of telecommunications systems nodes that provide 
greater access to households and businesses in unserved and 
underserved areas. Lastly, SBDD funding under this award will provide 
for five years of planning activities that relate to the consistent 
and steady communication of the ?messages? of the mapping products 
throughout the state, including instruction on the use of the mapping 
tools. Through strategic relationships with various organizations 
including the Illinois Resource Network, the Governor?s Broadband 
Deployment Council, the Illinois Library Association, the Illinois 
Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, and the Connect 
Illinois Broadband Resource Development Council, this project 
envisions a steady flow of communication and information that will 
ensure full statewide penetration of awareness of the mapping 
artifacts and how to employ them at their best and highest uses. Teams 
are already at work identifying the locations of various health care 
providers, K-12 schools, public and private colleges and universities, 
public safety answering points (PSAP?s), fire departments, police 
departments, and ambulance services, and, to the extent permissible, 
other local emergency services agencies. Community anchor institution 
data, including connectivity information, will be submitted as 
datasets to NTIA, but it will also be overlaid within a mapping 
context to create a remarkable graphic depiction of the locations of 
these critical connection points from a statewide to a local level. 
Community anchor institutions tend to be key junctures in the 
development of telecommunications systems nodes that provide greater 
access to households and businesses in unserved and underserved areas. 
Lastly, SBDD funding under this award will provide for five years of 
planning activities that relate to the consistent and steady 
communication of the 'messages' of the mapping products throughout the 
state, including instruction on the use of the mapping tools. Through 
strategic relationships with various organizations including the 
Illinois Resource Network, the Governor's Broadband Deployment 
Council, the Illinois Library Association, the Illinois Department of 
Commerce and Economic Opportunity, and the Connect Illinois Broadband 
Resource Development Council, this project envisions a steady flow of 
communication and information that will ensure full statewide 
penetration of awareness of the mapping artifacts and how to employ 
them at their best and highest uses.
Project description: The performing partners of The Partnership for a 
Connected Illinois, Inc. have been working diligently and proactively 
during the fourth quarter of 2009 to produce the requisite datasets of 
broadband availability in the state of Illinois. The federal award 
notification sent to The Partnership was dated December 29, 2009. As 
such, ASAP registration at this writing is incomplete. No funds have 
been received or invoiced as yet. Not withstanding, work continues. A 
total of 344 potential broadband providers in Illinois were 
identified. Through further research and direct contact, that number 
was pared to approximately 250. Non-disclosure agreements were 
developed, submitted, negotiated, and signed. Data from providers of 
various size and platform are now submitting data. Negotiations, 
contacts, and research continues to increase the flow of data. 
Foundational work has been accomplished in terms of identification and 
location of community anchor institutions. Recruitment has begun by 
one subcontractor to hire a researcher specifically assigned to 
community anchor institution data development. A hire in this regard 
is anticipated in the first two weeks of 2010. Demonstrations of the 
BroadbandSTAT product described in the proposal have been made to 
several state agencies. The combination of highly granular mapping and 
research will be crucial to the information and development of a 
statewide comprehensive broadband strategic plan. As described in the 
Planning Outcomes section, the Illinois Resource Network has agreed to 
prepare an online tutorial about the Illinois BroadbandSTAT product, 
increasing access and user-friendliness. Hard work lies ahead, and the 
performing partners of The Partnership for a Connected Illinois, Inc. 
remain focused on meeting federal deadlines and providing the citizens 
of Illinois with quality data, maps, research, education, and 
broadband advocacy. 
Project activity description: Engineering & Technology.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): Partnership 
for a Connected Illinois, Inc., 150 E. Pleasant Hill Rd, MC 6879.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Carbondale, IL 
Award amount: $1,845,511.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 17-50-M09033. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Connected Nation, Inc. 
Project name: State Broadband Data And Development Program. 
Award description: Recipient DBA Name: Kansas. The State Broadband 
Data Program is a competitive, merit-based matching grant program that 
effects the joint purposes of the Recovery Act and the Broadband Data 
Improvement Act (BDIA) by funding projects that collect comprehensive 
and accurate state-level broadband mapping data, develop state-level 
broadband maps, aid in the development and maintenance of a national 
broadband map, and fund statewide initiatives directed at broadband 
Project description: Connect Kansas Progress to Date: 
* Commenced with broadband planning efforts in late February 2009 and 
included working groups among the public sector and provider 
* Provided a number of staff hours in-kind to the planning effort; 
* State of Kansas contracted with professional facilitators to help 
with the initial organizing of the planning effort; 
* Developed budget/finance cost model for Connect Kansas; 
* Developed, distributed, reviewed and finalized project work plan and 
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS); 
* Assigned project team and distributed project organization chart; 
* Developed and launched a Connect Kansas website to explain the 
program and gather information from the consumer community; 
* Prepared Project Kick-off Plan, Roles & Responsibilities, and 
Outreach Plan; 
* Created and implemented a outreach strategy; 
* Scheduled periodic bi-weekly Connect Kansas project team meetings; 
* Produced bi-weekly status reports, data collection activity log and 
website statistics: and, distributed to the Connect Kansas project 
* Compiled and refined broadband provider list; 
* Developed a broadband data collection activity log; 
* Developed SBDD compliant Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA); 
* Distributed NDAs to provider community; 
* Executed NDAs with the provider community; 
* Securely stored executed NDAs; 
* Conducted webinars with provider community; 
* Conducted demonstrations of the BroadbandSTAT product; 
* Requested broadband coverage coordinate data sets from provider 
* Distributed broadband coverage data sets to GIS Mapping team for 
Project activity description: Engineering & Technology.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1020 College 
Street, P. O. Box 3448.
Place of performance-city, state, and postal code: Bowling Green, KY 
Award amount: $1,974,083.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 20-50-M09021. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Massachusetts Technology Park.
Project name: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 'SBDD' 
'Massachusetts Technology Park Corporation dba MTC ('Mass Broadband 
Award description: The goal of the Massachusetts Broadband Mapping 
Project is to develop detailed and accurate statewide broadband 
availability and infrastructure datasets to support the development 
and updating of a national broadband map that will be made available 
to the public. This goal will be accomplished by: developing 
collaborative relationships and data sharing agreements with broadband 
providers to develop a broadband availability database: validating and 
enhancing the provider database through the analysis of cable strand 
maps, DSL-equipped central office and remote terminal locations and 
wireless tower locations and various modeling methods based on the 
transport technology: verifying broadband availability in the field 
through a grassroots, civic engagement component using industry 
experts, partner organizations, and public participation and: making 
the data easily accessible and useable through an innovative web-based 
map library, data repository, and searchable broadband map. The MBI 
will collect, integrate, verify and submit five substantially complete 
datasets to NTIA in the first quarter of 2010 with subsequent semi-
annual updates. A wireline broadband availability dataset will include 
availability, technology and speed of wireline broadband services by 
census block or street segment. A wireless broadband availability 
dataset will include availability, technology, speed and spectrum of 
wireless broadband services by census block or street segment. A 
residential broadband speed dataset will include average nominal speed 
for residential broadband users for each broadband service by 
metropolitan and rural statistical areas. A middle-mile infrastructure 
dataset will include location, ownership, technology, capacity and 
typical speeds of interconnect points between broadband provider 
services and the Internet. A community anchor institution dataset will 
include address, current broadband subscribership, technology and 
typical speed for each community anchor institution in the state 
(e.g., public safety entities, medical and healthcare facilities, 
libraries, state and local government entities, schools, community 
colleges and other higher education buildings). The Massachusetts 
Broadband Planning Project will identify barriers and assets to the 
deployment of broadband infrastructure and broadband adoption and then 
develop and implement innovative solutions to overcome barriers and 
best utilize assets. These solutions include: developing and 
supporting Local Technology Planning Teams and organizing outreach 
efforts to engage, inform, and energize residents, businesses, and 
public officials: supporting municipalities in making educated 
decisions on broadband issues impacting their communities, including 
technology, siting locations, zoning, and permitting: improving access 
to broadband and increasing adoption rates by providing technical 
assistance, support and coordination to the public, community anchor 
institutions, municipalities, and providers and: facilitating the 
development of public computing centers, training programs, and other 
efforts to improve broadband access and adoption.
Project description: Quarterly activities for the Massachusetts 
Broadband Mapping Project included: hiring staff and selecting 
consultants: purchasing hardware and software: establishing 
information security policies and procedures: requesting data from and 
negotiating non-disclosure agreements with broadband service 
providers: acquiring publicly available cable and DSL data: performing 
cable and DSL availability modeling by census block: submitting 
initial statewide availability datasets to the NTIA: and establishing 
data verification and web site development plans. Quarterly activities 
for the Massachusetts Broadband Planning Project included: approving a 
sub-award to WesternMA Connect: developing a community contact 
database: planning sub-regional public forums: and coordinating with 
other broadband initiatives in western Massachusetts. 
Project activity description: Engineering & Technology.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 75 North Drive.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Westborough, MA 
Award amount: $2,069,078.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 25-50-M09017. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Connected Nation, Inc. 
Project name: State Broadband Data And Development Program.
Award description: Recipient DBA Name: Michigan. The State Broadband 
Data Program is a competitive, merit-based matching grant program that 
effects the joint purposes of the Recovery Act and the Broadband Data 
Improvement Act (BDIA) by funding projects that collect comprehensive 
and accurate state-level broadband mapping data, develop state-level 
broadband maps, aid in the development and maintenance of a national 
broadband map, and fund statewide initiatives directed at broadband 
Project description: Connect Michigan Progress to Date: 
* Developed budget/finance cost model for Connect Michigan: 
* Developed draft project work plan and Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): 
* Assigned project team and distributed project organization chart: 
* Developed and launched a Connect Michigan website to explain the 
program and gather information from the consumer community: 
* Prepared Project Kick-off Plan, Roles & Responsibilities, and 
Outreach Plan: 
* Conducted project kick-off meeting with public stakeholders: 
* Scheduled periodic bi-weekly Connect Michigan project team meetings 
* Compiled and refined broadband provider list: 
* Conducted introductory meeting with broadband provider community: 
* Developed a broadband data collection activity log: 
* Developed SBDD compliant Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA): 
* Distributed NDAs to provider community: 
* Started execution of NDAs with the provider community: 
* Securely stored executed NDAs: 
* Conducted webinars with provider community: 
* Conducted demonstrations of the BroadbandSTAT product: 
* Requested broadband coverage coordinate data sets from provider 
* Distributed broadband coverage data sets to GIS Mapping team for 
Project activity description: Engineering & Technology.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1020 College 
Street, P.O. Box 3448.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Bowling Green, KY 
Award amount: $1,765,754.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 26-50-M09035. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Connected Nation, Inc. 
Project name: State Broadband Data And Development Program.
Award description: Recipient DBA Name: Minnesota. The State Broadband 
Data Program is a competitive, merit-based matching grant program that 
effects the joint purposes of the Recovery Act and the Broadband Data 
Improvement Act (BDIA) by funding projects that collect comprehensive 
and accurate state-level broadband mapping data, develop state-level 
broadband maps, aid in the development and maintenance of a national 
broadband map, and fund statewide initiatives directed at broadband 
Project description: Connect Minnesota Progress to Date: 
* Developed budget/finance cost model for Connect Minnesota: 
* Developed draft project work plan and Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) 
* Assigned project team: 
* Developed and launched a Connect Minnesota website to explain the 
program and gather information from the consumer community: 
* Prepared Project Kick-off Plan, Roles & Responsibilities, and 
Outreach Plan: 
* Created draft communications strategy: 
* Compiled and refined broadband provider list: 
* Developed a broadband data collection activity log: 
* Developed SBDD compliant Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA): 
* Started distribution of NDAs to provider community: 
* Scheduled demonstrations of the BroadbandSTAT product: 
* Requested broadband coverage coordinate data sets from provider 
community (National Providers in Minnesota): 
* Distributed broadband coverage data sets to GIS Mapping team for 
Project activity description: Engineering & Technology.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1020 College 
Street, P. O. Box 3448.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Bowling Green, KY 
Award amount: $1,708,864.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 27-50-M09043. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Connected Nation, Inc. 
Project name: State Broadband Data And Development Program.
Award description: Recipient DBA Name: Nevada. The State Broadband 
Data Program is a competitive, merit-based matching grant program that 
effects the joint purposes of the Recovery Act and the Broadband Data 
Improvement Act (BDIA) by funding projects that collect comprehensive 
and accurate state-level broadband mapping data, develop state-level 
broadband maps, aid in the development and maintenance of a national 
broadband map, and fund statewide initiatives directed at broadband 
Project description: Connect Nevada Progress to Date: 
* Developed budget/finance cost model for Connect Nevada: 
* Developed draft of project work plan and Work Breakdown Structure 
* Assigned project team: 
* Developed and launched a Connect Nevada website to explain the 
program and gather information from the consumer community: 
* Prepared Project Kick-off Plan, Roles & Responsibilities, & Outreach 
* Scheduled and participated in monthly Connect Nevada project team 
meetings with the Nevada Broadband Task Force: 
* Presented to the broadband providers association meetings: 
* Compiled and refined broadband provider list: 
* Developed a broadband data collection activity log: 
* Developed SBDD compliant Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) 
* Started distribution of NDAs to provider community: 
* Executed NDAs with the provider community: 
* Securely stored executed NDAs: 
* Conducted webinars with provider community: 
* Conducted demonstrations of the BroadbandSTAT product: 
* Requested broadband coverage coordinate data sets from provider 
community (National Providers in Nevada): 
* Distributed broadband coverage data sets to GIS Mapping team for 
Project activity description: Engineering & Technology.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1020 College 
Street, P. O. Box 3448.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Bowling Green, KY 
Award amount: $1,428,326.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 32-50-M09056. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Cultural Affairs, New Mexico Department Of.
Project name: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act - SBA - Fast 
Forward New Mexico.
Award description: NM State Library, University of NM-Los Alamos, 
Global Center for Cultural Entrepreneurship, and 1st Mile Institute 
partner to sponsor 'Fast-Forward New Mexico, a broadband stimulus 
initiative that integrates a statewide broadband awareness campaign, a 
NM Broadband Conference, and a series of broadband training 
initiatives in public and tribal libraries across the state. Trainings 
are in computer literacy and e-commerce. A centralized website and on-
line catalog will support current and future trainings. 
Project description: No activities during this quarter. 
Project activity description: Public, Society Benefit, General/Other.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1209 Camino 
Carlos Rey.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: SANTA FE, NM 
Award amount: $1,457,488.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: 35-43-B10002. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Cyber Security & Critical Infrastructure Coordination, 
NYS Office Of.
Project name: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act - State Broadband 
Data and Development Grant Program - NY State Office of Cyber Security 
and Critical Infrastucture Coordination.
Award description: In keeping with the Recovery Act's direction that 
NTIA develop and maintain a comprehensive and interactive national 
broadband map, NTIA established a grant program where awardees will 
collect broadband-related data and conduct planning programs at the 
state level. In addition to supporting state level planning 
activities, these data will be used to construct the following 
deliverables: (1) Datasets detailing broadband availability, 
technology, speed, infrastructure and in the case of wireless 
broadband, the spectrum used, across New York State. (2) A dataset 
identifying community anchor institutions and associated broadband 
information. (3) Development of a statewide interactive broadband map 
identifying available broadband service levels, providers, unserved 
and underserved areas. Much of this data will be collected from 
broadband service providers. Other data sources, existing and to be 
created, will be used to validate the accuracy and completeness of 
these deliverables. 
Project description: The overall purpose and expected results of the 
award are stated above in the Award Description Section. The following 
is a summary of quarterly activities: (1) Reviewed grant documentation 
and identified reporting requirements and deadlines: (2) Worked with 
other NYS agencies to assemble a comprehensive list of companies that 
potentially provide end user broadband services or provide 
backbone/infrastructure related services. Contacted approximately 120 
of these companies thus far in order to execute non-disclosure 
agreements and begin the data collection process: (3) Began assembling 
community anchor institutions dataset from existing and available 
information: (4) Began procurement process to purchase required 
hardware and software to complete the project: (5) Began development 
of workflows to be used to standardize, cleanse, improve, geo-process 
and validate data received from providers: (6) Began hiring process to 
staff seven open project team positions. Three were hired in late 
December but will not be calculated as jobs created until next 
quarter: (7) Began mapping related planning activities in support of 
the NYS Broadband Development and Deployment Council.
Project activity description: All Other Information Services.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 30 South Pearl 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Albany, NY 12207-
Award amount: $2,548,101.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 36-50-M09010. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation.
Project name: State Broadband Data and Development Grant Program.
Award description: The purpose of the project is to develop geographic 
information system maps displaying levels of broadband service by 
connection speed and type of technology used to integrate the maps 
with demographic information to produce a comprehensive statewide 
inventory and mapping of existing broadband service and capability. 
Project will be compliant and consistent with requirements specified 
by the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications and 
Information Administration (NTIA) Notice of July 1, 2009 related to 
the ARRA and Broadband Mapping, specifically the State Broadband Data 
and Development Grant Program. 
Project description: No activities to report for Qtr 4 - 2009 as grant 
was awarded on 12/28/09.
Project activity description: Engineering & Technology.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 315 Iron Horse 
Way, Suite 101.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Providence, RI 
Award amount: $1,542,660.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: 44-50-M09052. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Connected Nation, Inc. 
Project name: State Broadband Data And Development Program.
Award description: Recipient DBA Name: South Carolina. The State 
Broadband Data Program is a competitive, merit-based matching grant 
program that effects the joint purposes of the Recovery Act and the 
Broadband Data Improvement Act (BDIA) by funding projects that collect 
comprehensive and accurate state-level broadband mapping data, develop 
state-level broadband maps, aid in the development and maintenance of 
a national broadband map, and fund statewide initiatives directed at 
broadband planning. 
Project description: Connect South Carolina Progress to Date: 
* Developed budget/finance cost model for Connect South Carolina: 
* Developed draft project work plan and Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): 
* Assigned project team: 
* Developed and launched a Connect South Carolina website to explain 
the program and gather information from the consumer community: 
* Prepared Project Kick-off Plan, Roles & Responsibilities, and 
Outreach Plan: 
* Created a outreach strategy: 
* Compiled and refined broadband provider list: 
* Developed a broadband data collection activity log: 
* Developed SBDD compliant Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA). 
* Distributed NDAs to provider community (National): 
* Executed NDAs with the provider community (National): 
* Securely stored executed NDAs: 
* Conducted webinars with provider community: 
* Conducted demonstrations of the BroadbandSTAT product: 
* Requested broadband coverage coordinate data sets from provider 
* Distributed broadband coverage data sets to GIS Mapping team for 
Project activity description: Engineering & Technology.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1020 College 
Street, P.O. Box 3448.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Bowling Green, KY 
Award amount: $1,686,403.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 45-50-M09044. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Connected Tennessee, LLC.
Project name: State Broadband Data And Development Grant Program.
Award description: Recipient DBA Name: Tennessee. The State Broadband 
Data Program is a competitive, merit-based matching grant program that 
effects the joint purposes of the Recovery Act and the Broadband Data 
Improvement Act (BDIA) by funding projects that collect comprehensive 
and accurate state-level broadband mapping data, develop state-level 
broadband maps, aid in the development and maintenance of a national 
broadband map, and fund statewide initiatives directed at broadband 
Project description: Connected Tennessee Progress to Date: 
* Developed budget/finance cost model for Connected Tennessee: 
* Developed draft project work plan and Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): 
* Assigned project team and distributed project organization chart: 
* Refined Connected Tennessee website to include Broadband Provider 
page to explain the program and gather information from the provider 
* Prepared Project Kick-off Plan, Roles & Responsibilities, and 
Communications Plan: 
* Conducted project kick-off meeting with stakeholders: 
* Scheduled periodic bi-weekly Connected Tennessee project team 
* Compiled and refined broadband provider list: 
* Conducted introductory meeting with broadband provider community: 
* Developed a broadband data collection activity log: 
* Developed SBDD compliant Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA): 
* Distributed NDAs to provider community: 
* Started execution of NDAs with the provider community: 
* Securely stored executed NDAs: 
* Conducted webinars with provider community: 
* Conducted demonstrations of the BroadbandSTAT product: 
* Requested broadband coverage coordinate data sets from provider 
* Distributed broadband coverage data sets to GIS Mapping team for 
Project activity description: Engineering & Technology.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 618 Church 
Street Suite 305.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Nashville, TN 
Award amount: $1,757,502.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 47-50-M09041. 

[End of table] information.
Recipient name: Vermont Center For Geographic Information, Incorporated.
Project name: VT Broadband Mapping Initiative.
Award description: The VT Broadband Mapping Initiative will initiate 
the development of a comprehensive and verified geographic inventory 
of broadband service availability in the State of VT. Landline and 
wireless services (fixed and mobile) will be mapped, including 
wireless voice and data with information from providers and other 
sources. The broadband mapping information collected and verified 
through this proposed effort will then support the broadband 
development objectives identified in the RUS Broadband Initiatives 
Program (BIP) and NTIA's Broadband Technology Opportunities Program 
(BTOP) in VT. Most importantly, the geographic inventory will further 
refine our understanding of the location of 'unserved' and 
'underserved' areas, supporting targeted investments in these areas. 
Project description: Comprehensive and verified geographic inventory 
of broadband service availability in the State of VT. 
Project activity description: Engineering & Technology.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 58 South Main 
Street, Suite 2.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Waterbury, VT 
Award amount: $1,197,496.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 50-50-M09004. 

[End of table] 

Broadband Descriptions That Partially Met Our Transparency Criteria: 

The following award descriptions did not contain sufficient details on 
one or more of the following pieces of information necessary to 
facilitate general understanding of the award, based on our criteria: 
general purpose, scope and nature of activities, location, or expected 
outcomes. In some cases, only a small amount of additional information 
was needed, while in other cases, many pieces of information were 
needed to make the description more transparent. The award description 
information is taken directly from We did not edit it in 
any way, such as to correct typographical or grammatical errors. 

Recipient name: Technology Authority, Georgia.
Project name: ARRA SBDD Georgia Technology Authority (GTA).
Award description: ARRA SBDD Georgia Technology Authority(GTA) The 
purpose of this project is to provide NTIA (Dept Commerce)and Georgia 
Public/Private sector stakeholders with broadband mapping and data 
collection, analysis, and broadband mapping display services for the 
State of Georgia residents, businesses, and community anchor 
institutions. The GTA Broadband office operations will utilize 
planning funds to promote sustainable adoption throughout the state as 
a part of this project's deliverable. 
Project description: The Georgia Technology Authority is in the 
process of selecting a vendor through a statement of need process with 
qualified vendors. We expected to select a mapping vendor by the end 
of January, 2010. 
Project activity description: Engineering & Technology.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 47 Trinity 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Atlanta, GA 30334-
Award amount: $2,193,700.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: 13-50-M09046.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: This award 
supports broadband data collection, mapping, and planning activities 
across Georgia over a 2-year period. Data on the availability, speed, 
and location of broadband across the state will be collected and 
verified on a semi-annual basis between 2009 and 2011. These data will 
be used to develop publicly available state-wide broadband maps and to 
inform the comprehensive, interactive, and searchable national 
broadband map that the National Telecommunications and Information 
Administration (NTIA) is required by the Recovery Act to create and 
make publicly available by February 17, 2011. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Indiana Office Of Technology.
Project name: SBDD-Indiana Office of Technology.
Award description: Mapping Indiana Broadband is a project that will 
collect, map, verify, and distribute data that will contribute to a 
publicly available national broadband map to inform policymaker's 
efforts and provide better information to consumers about the 
availability of broadband Internet services. 
Project description: State Broadbamd Data and Development Grant. Award 
letter received. 
Project activity description: Engineering & Technology.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 100 N Senate 
Avenue IGCN551.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Indianapolis, IN 
Award amount: $1,266,269.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: 18-50-M09003.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports collection of information from broadband providers across the 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Administration, Louisiana Division Of.
Project name: American Recovery & Reinvestment Act - SBDD - State of 
Louisiana Division of Administration.
Award description: Louisiana State Broadband Data & Development Program 
- Data Collection & Mapping: Louisiana State Broadband Data & 
Development Program - Planning.
Project description: The intent of the award is to allow the State of 
Louisiana to collect/verify statewide broadband availability and 
submit the findings to the NTIA, according to the requirements 
contained in the SBDD NOFA and its subsequent clarification. In this 
reporting period, we completed our project kickoff meeting and 
finalized our strategy for Service Provider Outreach. 
Project activity description: Engineering & Technology.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1201 North 3rd 
Street, Suite 2-130.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Baton Rouge, LA 
Award amount: $1,688,428.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: 22-50-M09030.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds 
mapping activities including broadband availability data collection, 
verification, mapping and analysis. These efforts are expected to 
raise awareness of the availability of broadband, identify barriers to 
adoption, and develop a plan for sustainable broadband adoption for 
currently "underserved" and "unserved" businesses and households. 
Further, these activities will increase coordination and collaboration 
between the state and regional economic development efforts. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Boston, City Of.
Project name: Broadband Technology Opportunities Program.
Award description: Overall Approach/How grant will increase Broadband 
Adoption: The city's 3 partners who operate the 66 centers are 
established community anchor organizations which provide multiple 
services to constituents including public computing. PCCs are embedded 
in multi-multiple services organizations providing ideal institutional 
setting for reaching a large audience of potential broadband adopters. 
These partners are: The Boston Pubic Library (BPL) and its 25 
neighborhood branches: Boston Centers for Youth and Families (BCYF), 
Boston's largest youth and human services agency serving over 90,000 
resident annually in 46 facilities including 29 PCCs: and the Boston 
Housing Authority (BHA) operating 62 pubic housing sites, serving 
11,500 household with 11 computers labs. 
Project description: No fund spent on infrastructure.
Project activity description: Computer & Information Science.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): City of 
Boston/Auditing Dept., One City Hall Sq. R-M-4.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Boston, MA 02201-
Award amount: $1,906,439.10.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: 25-42-B10006.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The city is using 
the award funds to wire 66 community centers and some public housing 
within the City of Boston for Internet use and purchase a few hundred 
computers for those centers. These activities will provide internet 
access to low-income individuals who may not otherwise have access to 
the Internet. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: North Dakota, State Of.
Project name: ARRA-SBDD-North Dakota Information Technology Department.
Award description: $1,305,354 is for efforts related to mapping 
broadband availability across the state and year two maintenance of 
that data. $308,400 is for efforts related to broadband planning 
activities to identify how the state could leverage current 
organizational structure and relationships, either directly or 
indirectly, to provide the broadband requirements for additional 
anchor institutions.
Project description: No project activities occurred during this period.
Project activity description: Engineering & Technology.
Award Type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Bismarck, ND 
Award amount: $1,613,754.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: 38-50-M09050.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports broadband planning activities, including drafting non-
disclosure agreements, a project plan, and a project schedule. The 
award covers personnel salaries, travel expenses, and equipment 
associated with this planning. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Executive Office State Of Ohio.
Project name: State Broadband Data and Development Grant Program.
Award description: State Broadband Data and Development program 
grant - supports state broadband mapping and related planning 
Project description: Award announced 12/28/09 - no activities to 
report for quarter ending 12/31/09.
Project activity description: Engineering & Technology.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 30 E. Broad 
Street, 39th Floor.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Columbus, OH 
Award amount: $1,772,739.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: 39-50-M09039.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the development of a statewide map that will pinpoint areas 
in Ohio that do not currently have access to broadband technology. The 
activities under this award include collecting broadband data, to be 
displayed in a national broadband map, and planning delivery of 
broadband services. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Public Utility Commission, State Of Oregon.
Project name: State Broadband Data and Development Grant Program.
Award description: Governor Theodore Kulongoski designated the Public 
Utility Commission of Oregon (PUC) as the single eligible entity to 
receive a grant under the National Telecommunications and Information 
Administration (NTIA) State Broadband Data and Development Grant 
Program. The PUC was granted a $1,609,692 million Broadband Data 
Collection and Mapping Grant and a $498,610 Broadband Planning Grant. 
The OPUC selected One Economy through the state's 'Request for 
Proposal' process to assist Oregon with fulfilling the requirements of 
these Grant Programs. 
Project description: None to date. 
Project activity description: Engineering & Technology.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 550 Capitol St 
NE, Suite 215.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Salem, OR 97308-
Award amount: $2,108,302.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 41-50-M09042.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the collection and mapping of specific data on broadband 
infrastructure and the availability of broadband services throughout 
Oregon, including on tribal lands. These data will identify unserved 
and underserved areas at the most granular level possible: identify 
community anchor points: be displayed on a publicly accessible and 
interactive state Web site in the form of a broadband map: be updated 
semi-annually through 2011: and be provided to the National 
Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). These data 
will inform Oregon about the affordability, availability, and adoption 
of broadband technology in all areas of the state. These data will 
also provide information for analyzing and reporting on Oregon's use 
of broadband technology in the telehealth industry and for energy 
management, education and government. In year 2, additional data 
collection efforts will provide fresh data that may show the effects 
of any actions taken by the State of Oregon to address broadband 
adoption or availability and allow for further development of state 
broadband strategies. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Tincan.
Project name: Spokane Broadband Technology Alliane: Public Computer 
Award description: This Public Computer Centers project will provide 
establish 17 public computer centers throughout the Spokane Washington 
Project description: This is a newly awarded grant. During the 8 days 
of the quarter the grant was active, we held a press conference, 
notified stakeholders and partners, had front page coverage in the 
local newspaper, and established a preliminary calendar. 
Project activity description: Public, Society Benefit, General/Other.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 827 West First 
Avenue, Suite 121.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Spokane, WA 99201-
Award amount: $1,283,641.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: 53-42-B10004.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
provides 3 new and expands 14 existing public computer centers in 
Spokane's poorest neighborhoods, and equips a vehicle to bring 
computers and training to other organizations and hard-to-reach 
populations. The training will cover basic Internet search training 
and links to needed services, video production, and using the Internet 
for small businesses. The award is anticipated to serve 298,906 
unduplicated users. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Tincan.
Project name: Spokane Broadband Technology Alliane: Sustainable 
Award description: This Sustainable Broadband Adoption project will 
provide training to individuals and organizations throughout the 
Spokane Washington Area. We estimate that we will train 12150 people 
over the three years of the project, and that about 1550 will become 
new broadband subscribers. 
Project description: This is a newly awarded grant. During the 8 days 
of the quarter the grant was active, we held a press conference, 
notified stakeholders and partners, had front page coverage in the 
local newspaper, and established a preliminary calendar. 
Project activity description: Public, Society Benefit, General/Other.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 827 West First 
Avenue, Suite 121.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Spokane, WA 99201-
Award amount: $980,591.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: 53-43-B10005.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports sustainable adoption of broadband services, which includes 
acquiring broadband-related equipment, developing and providing 
education and training programs, and conducting broadband-related 
public outreach. The Sustainable Broadband Adoption project in Spokane 
will provide training at 11 not-for-profit organizations and community 
centers on the benefits of broadband access to enhance work/life 
skills. Small businesses are being trained to create an online 
presence, sell on the Internet, and use social media and low-cost, 
targeted Web advertising. Additional training will be available at 6 
public libraries. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Geological & Economic Survey, West Virginia.
Project name: ARRA-SBDD-WV Geological and Economic Survey.
Award description: The purpose of this program is to develop a 
statewide broadband coverage map to provide a comprehensive picture of 
current infrastructure deployment and availability of broadband 
service in the State of West Virginia. Working with providers to 
encourage the provision of service in unserved and underserved areas, 
and engaging local entities to analyze current use of the technology 
and educate on service expansion opportunities. 
Project description: this quarter's activity was gathering data from 
broadband service providers By the way, this is the message I get when 
changing the number of jobs to 4, since we have not used federal funds 
yet. ?If Number of Jobs is greater than 0, it cannot equal or exceed 
Total Federal Amount ARRA Funds Received/Invoiced. ?If Number of Jobs 
is greater than 0, it cannot equal or exceed Total Federal Amount of 
ARRA Expenditure. ?If Number of Jobs is greater than 0, it cannot 
equal or exceed Total Federal ARRA Infrastructure Expenditure. 
Project activity description: Engineering & Technology.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1124 Smith St, 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Charleston, WV 
Award amount: $1,404,674.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 54-50M09012.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the collection and verification of the availability, speed, 
and location of broadband access across West Virginia. This 
information will be mapped on a semi-annual basis from 2009-2011, and 
the map will be used to increase broadband access and adoption through 
better data collection and broadband planning. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Puget Sound Center Foundation For Teaching, Learning 
And Technology, The.
Project name: Wyoming State Broadband Data and Development Grant.
Award description: Provide targeted, timely and useful information 
that will enable local solutions to address local broadband priorities 
for the State of Wyoming: Data Project Feasibility: Expedient Data 
Delivery: Process for Repeated Data: Updating, Planning and 
Project description: In November and December 2009 the project was 
initiated and the team assembled. Mapping project activities included 
the execution of NDAs with all relevant providers and the development 
and release of a broadband provider survey. This online survey was 
designed to collect coverage and speed information in the format 
requested by NTIA. Outbound e-mail and telephone calling efforts 
helped encourage provider responses to the survey. Initial data 
submissions were reviewed, normalized and stored in a master database. 
In addition, consumer website templates were developed for the 
ultimate delivery of statewide maps for Wyoming. Planning activities 
included the establishment of planning objectives and state oversight 
procedures. Initial interviews with stakeholders across the State of 
Wyoming will begin in Q1 2010. 
Project activity description: Engineering & Technology.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 19020 33rd 
Avenue West Suite 210.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Lynnwood, WA 
Award amount: $1,792,805.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 56-50-M09016. 

Information GAO gathered to improve the description; The award 
supports the development of a statewide interactive map showing (1) 
areas that do and do not have broadband access (or have limited 
access), (2) transmission speeds, and (3) the type of access (e.g., 
wireless, cable, etc.) available. This information will be used to 
help broadband providers apply for future infrastructure funding to 
build capacity across the state of Wyoming. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: South Dakota Network, LLC.
Project name: Project Connect South Dakota.
Award description: South Dakota Network,LLC, $20.6 million grant with 
an additional $5.1 million matching funds to add 140 miles of backbone 
network and 219 miles of middle mile spurs to existing network, 
enabling the delivery of at least 10Mbps service to more than 220 
existing anchor institution customers in rural and underserved areas 
of the state. 
Project description: Delivering 10 Megabit Connectivity for Community 
Anchor Institutions in areas currently not served. 
Project activity description: Power and Communication Line and Related 
Structures Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Sioux Falls, SD 
Award amount: $20,572,242.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: NT10BIX5570003.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award is 
being used throughout the state to add 140 miles of fiber optic cable 
to an existing 1,850-mile network and an additional 219 miles of fiber 
optic cable to connect anchor institutions (such as schools, 
hospitals, and libraries) to the expanded network. Funds will be used 
for fiber construction, equipment, and end-point electronics, plus 
permitting and engineering fees. 

[End of table] information:
Recipient name: Ion Holdco, LLC.
Project name: ION Upstate New York Rural Broadband Initiative.
Award description: ION will build 10 new segments for a total of 1308 
plant miles of 'Middle Mile' infrastructure, which will incorporate 
more than 70 additional rural communities into its current statewide 
fiber backbone. ION will enhance its reach throughout rural New York 
with its Open Network design: this will enable a host of last mile 
service providers to bring their products and services to numerous 
underserved and unserved areas of rural NY. 
Project description: No activities this quarter we are in the planning 
phase of the project. 
Project activity description: Power and Communication Line and Related 
Structures Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 80 State 
Street, 7th floor.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Albany, NY 12207- 
Award amount: $39,724,614.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: NT10BIX5570007.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
encompasses 10 projects to build Middle Mile infrastructure that will 
bring broadband service to 125 anchor institutions. The project will 
occur throughout the State of New York in a majority of the rural 
areas of New York and parts of Pennsylvania and Vermont. 

[End of table] 

[End of section] 

Appendix III: Weatherization Assistance Program: 

The Weatherization Assistance Program assists low-income families 
while improving their health and safety, by making such long-term 
energy-efficiency improvements to their homes as installing 
insulation, sealing leaks, and modernizing heating equipment, air 
circulation fans, and air-conditioning equipment. These improvements 
enable families to reduce energy bills, allowing these households to 
spend their money on more pressing needs, according to the Department 
of Energy. In 2009, the Recovery Act provided $5 billion for the 
program--increasing the department's portion for local weatherization 
efforts by more than 20 times over a 2-year period based on fiscal 
year 2008 funding levels--about $227.2 million per year. The 
department distributes 58 awards to each of the 50 states, the 
District of Columbia, and seven territories and American Indian tribes 
(recipients) and relies on the recipients to administer the programs. 

Nature and Type of Weatherization Assistance Program Awards: 

The department had obligated approximately $4.73 billion of the 
Recovery Act's weatherization funding to recipients for weatherization 
activities as of March 31, 2010, retaining about 5 percent of the 
funds to cover its expenses, such as those for training and technical 
assistance, management, and oversight for the expanded Weatherization 
Assistance Program. Funds are available for obligation until September 
30, 2010, and the department has indicated that the recipients are to 
spend the funds by March 31, 2012. As of March 31, 2010, recipients 
had spent about $659 million, or about 14 percent of the $4.73 billion 
obligated, to weatherize about 82,200 homes nationwide. Many 
recipients are just beginning to use Recovery Act funding, in part 
because certain federal requirements, such as Davis-Bacon wage 
requirements, affected the ability of some agencies to start work in 
programs, including the Weatherization Assistance Program,[Footnote 
37] and because they have needed time to develop the infrastructures 
required for managing the significant increase in weatherization 
assistance funding. 

About 12 percent of the Weatherization Assistance Program Descriptions 
Met Our Transparency Criteria: 

We assessed the transparency of descriptive information for 
Weatherization Assistance Program awards on, as described 
in the report. We found that an estimated: 

* about 12 percent met our transparency criteria, 

* 71 percent partially met our criteria, and: 

* 18 percent did not meet our criteria.[Footnote 38] 

For weatherization descriptions that partially met or did not meet our 
transparency criteria, we collected information necessary to make the 
descriptions meet our criteria. The descriptions of awards in our 
Weatherization Assistance Program sample, whether they met our 
criteria, and information that would complete the descriptions of 
award activities are provided at the end of this appendix. 

Agency Guidance and Other Factors That May Affect Transparency of 
Reported Information: 

The department provided additional documentation to assist recipients 
in fulfilling Recovery Act reporting requirements but did not assess 
the quality of the information reported by recipients in narrative 
reporting fields. The department issued supporting documentation on 
the grant application process for the Weatherization Assistance 
Program in March and December 2009.[Footnote 39] This documentation 
includes information about requirements for a public hearing, budget, 
and program oversight. The department also issued supporting 
documentation twice in March 2010, providing additional information 
about requirements for quarterly reporting and calculation of jobs 
created.[Footnote 40] The supporting documentation is available on the 
department's Web sites, as is a capability to search responses to 
frequently asked questions. 

The department also provided technical assistance restating the Office 
of Management and Budget (OMB) requirements in the form of reporting 
instructions and training for completing specific fields, including 
narrative description fields, to fulfill Recovery Act reporting 
requirements in December 2009.[Footnote 41] The department has made 
its technical assistance available on the Weatherization Assistance 
Program's technical assistance Web site, [hyperlink,], and has established a call center--the 
Recovery Act Clearinghouse--to answer specific reporting questions 
from recipients. This technical assistance includes some information 
specific to the weatherization program, such as the definition of a 
completed unit, but for the most part, restates OMB's guidance, as 
shown in table 6 for the project description field. 

Table 6: OMB Guidance and Department of Energy Technical Assistance 
for Completing the Quarterly Activities/Project Description Field: 

OMB guidance: "A description of the overall purpose and expected 
outputs and outcomes or results of the award and first-tier 
Subaward(s) (broadly stated) including significant deliverables and if 
appropriate, units of measure;" 
Department of Energy instructions: "A description of all significant 
activities delivered and billed for the reporting period;" 
Department of Energy training: "Just a brief description of the 
overall purpose and expected results of the award". 

Sources: OMB and the Department of Energy. 

[End of table] 

However, the department did not evaluate the quality of the 
information in narrative fields. OMB's guidance, issued December 2009, 
states that where a narrative description is required, as in the award 
description field, the "description must be sufficiently clear to 
facilitate understanding by the general public."[Footnote 42] 
Department of Energy officials told us that the agency ensures the 
quality of data primarily through an automated analysis of key data 
fields, including award number, recipient name, award amount, and jobs 
calculated, but not including narrative fields, such as award 
description or project description. Instead, department officials said 
every weatherization award has an assigned agency reviewer who may, at 
his or her discretion, review the accuracy of any and all data 
submitted by recipients. Department of Energy officials said that they 
do not have a robust process for evaluating the quality of information 
in descriptive fields because they do not consider the narrative 
description fields key to reporting and could not automate a review of 
narrative fields. Also, they noted that the limited scope of the 
Weatherization Assistance Program ensures that narrative descriptions--
such as the award description--are sufficiently clear to be understood 
by the general public. 

Award Information Is Made Available to the Public in Other Ways: 

Weatherization Assistance Program award information is made available 
to the public by the department, recipients, and some local agencies: 

* The Department of Energy maintains weatherization information and 
data on its Web site at [hyperlink,] and 
[hyperlink,]. It also maintains a Web 
site housing technical assistance for recipients at [hyperlink,]. 

* Many of the 58 recipients have some weatherization information 
available on their Web sites that, for example, describes the 
assistance program, summarizing activities performed, eligibility 
requirements, the application process, and contact information. In 
some cases, the Web sites also provide greater detail on the program, 
including the amount obligated to the recipient, the number of homes 
weatherized, and the number of jobs created. In addition, 
approximately 36 of 58 recipients post their weatherization plans on 
their Web sites. These plans are required for each recipient receiving 
weatherization assistance funds and outline how funds will be used. 
Information available in the weatherization plans includes a 
description of the types of weatherization activities that could be 
performed, the counties or regions in which weatherization activities 
will occur, the number of units to be weatherized, the budget for 
weatherization activities, the community action agencies performing 
weatherization activities, the energy savings expected, and monitoring 
activities to ensure the quality of the weatherization activities 
performed. In accordance with privacy guidance, the specific location 
for individual homes weatherized is not reported. Several state 
Offices of Inspector General have issued reports on the Weatherization 
Assistance Program in their states. Furthermore, recipients also 
provide weatherization award information through press releases, 
hearings, public forums, and community meetings. 

* Finally, many of the local agencies that provide weatherization 
services directly to residents also make information available to the 
public, through press releases, public service announcements, 
community events, or Web sites. 

Most of the feedback that the Department of Energy, recipients, or 
local community action agencies have received about the Weatherization 
Assistance Program has been about proposed regulations or 
weatherization activities performed, and few comments have been about 
the weatherization information available to the public. At the 
department, many of the comments received relate to proposed 
regulations on reporting frequency (and not to project description 
information). Recipients have received comments and inquiries from 
individuals wanting to apply for weatherization services or learn how 
to get a job and from vendors wishing to market products. Inquiries 
have also addressed how much money the recipient received, how many 
homes will be weatherized and the total amount of funding to be spent 
on each household---but not the accessibility of project description 

Weatherization Descriptions That Met Our Transparency Criteria: 

The following award descriptions contained sufficient information on 
general purpose, scope and nature of activities, location, and 
expected outcomes to meet our transparency criteria. The award 
description information is taken directly from We did 
not edit it in any way, such as to correct typographical or 
grammatical errors. 

Recipient name: Human Services, Michigan Department Of.
Project name: Recovery Act Weatherization Award for the state of 
Award description: Michigan Department of Human Services has been 
awarded stimulus funding from the U.S. Department of Energy 
Weatherization Assistance Program for Low-Income Persons in the amount 
of $243 million dollars over the next three years. The State plan 
includes changes in the Weatherization Program for year 2009: average 
cost per unit maximum of $6,500, increase in income eligibility limits 
to 200% of poverty or 60% of state median income, whichever is higher, 
and program training plan. Changes in the plan also include the new 
positions: 10 weatherization inspectors, report analyst, Davis Bacon 
specialist, grant manager/monitor, fiscal monitor, division manager 
and the secretary. Funding has been allocated to the 32 Community 
Action Agencies and Limited Purpose Agencies that serve as Local 
Weatherization Operators (LWOs) in Michigan under the existing 
weatherization program. The funding is exclusively for weatherization, 
which involves the installation of energy efficiency measures on low-
income homes. Applications are taken at Local Weatherization Operator 
offices. Approximately 33,000 homes will be weatherized in Michigan 
through March 2012 with the ARRA funding. Households generally realize 
a 25% reduction in their energy usage as a result of weatherization. 
Project description: We have hired 10 technical monitors and they have 
attended and passed the Level I & II Michigan Inspector training. They 
were all required to do field activities including 8 inspector 
shadowing events and 8 inspections where they took the lead. They had 
to prepare all required paperwork/audit materials for each of these 16 
inspections and have submitted to supervision for review and comment. 
They must next go through the final step in the inspector 
certification process-the over-the-shoulder Inspector Observation 
test. This will be scheduled in January. We have acquired two training 
houses-one in the Upper Peninsula and one in Lansing. These houses are 
being used to schedule over the shoulder inspection tests, as well as 
hands on contractor trainings and lead safe weatherization training. 
As of December 2009, we have trained 180 new program inspectors to 
ensure an adequate number of inspectors statewide. We have also 
conducted lead safe weatherization training for over 200 
contractor/crew members. We continue to work with local community 
colleges to adopt the DOE recommended curriculum for contractors/crews 
that will enable ongoing classroom and hands on weatherization worker 
training. In support of the program (and of the Jobs 
Created/Saved/Retained) a total of 703 persons/jobs were supported, in 
whole or in part, utilizing DOE ARRA funds generating 101,503 hours of 
work. During this reporting period we have seen an increase in the 
amount of ARRA funded work grow as new workers ramp up to start 
projects. There will continue to be a lag between actual Funds 
Received and actual Funds Disbursed due to the use of 'General Funds' 
dollars to support the sub-recipient activities until Federal Funds 
are drawn down to cover the actual expenditures reported. 
Project activity description: Weatherization.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 235 S. Grand 
Ave., Suite 1314.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Lansing, MI 48933-
Award amount: $243,398,975.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: DE-EE0000098. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Virgin Islands Energy Office.
Project name: Weatherization Assistance for Low-Income Persons.
Award description: ARRA Supplemental Funding for the Weatherization 
Assistance Program (WAP): To reduce energy costs for low-income 
families, particularly for the elderly, people with disabilities and 
children, by improving the energy efficiency of their homes while 
ensuring their health and safety. 
Project description: In October VI WAP was still in the program 
implementation stage. A 3 day electric base load audit training for 
staff was conducted on Oct. 7th, 8th, and 9th by Pure Energy Inc. Four 
members of VI WAP staff were trained and 3 Energy Office engineers who 
will serve as back up to the VI WAP auditors. VI WAP identified a home 
that would qualify to be weatherized and used it for a demonstration 
energy audit. The information obtained in this energy audit was very 
useful and provided very good information for DOE's technical 
assistance visit. Oct 19th thru Oct 23rd DOE officials conducted a 
Technical Assistance Visit and reviewed various VI WAP procedures on 
Client Intake. VI WAP has started purchasing tools, equipment, and 
supplies and has obligated funds for two vehicles for the program and 
funds to pay for the disposal of old refrigerator replaced in the 
program. November 2009 VI WAP Client Intake was finalized forms for 
the in-take application, and procedures for determining eligibility, 
proof of ownership, and ranking system. A web meeting was hosted with 
DOE on Nov. 17, 2009, regarding the Virgin Islands Priority List, for 
VI specific energy measures for the program. The major issue being the 
cost limitation on the refrigerators at $1000.00, which may cause a 
problem for the Virgin Islands because of the high price of 
refrigerators due to shipping cost. In December, Susan White a DOE 
consultant on Procurement and Financial Management trained staff and 
provided three days of technical assistance. Ms. White assisted VI WAP 
on finalizing VI WAP's procurement manual and developing RFP's for the 
certifying agency, final inspections, and two Requests for Bids. The 
approved Priority list for the program has still not been approved by 
DOE. VI WAP also completed the Production schedule average is 15 homes 
a month being weatherized in the Territory. The goal is 430 home by 
March 2012.
Project activity description: Weatherization.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 45 Mars Hill.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Frederiksted, VI 
Award amount: $1,415,429.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: DE-EE0000191. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Housing And Community Renewal, New York State Division 
Project name: Weatherization Assistance Program.
Award description: Weatherization formula grants allocated to the New 
York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR) under the 
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). Funds are provided to 
reduce the energy expenditures of low-income households by conducted 
instrumented energy audits and installing energy conservation 
materials such as insulation, weatherstripping and caulk, high-
efficiency heating and hot water systems, high-efficiency electrical 
fixtures and efficient building materials such as windows and doors. 
Award amount includes administrative funding (up to 5%) that will be 
retained by DHCR for administration. Funds are allocated to eligible 
subrecipients throughout the state who are responsible for proper 
installation, compliance with program rules and quality assurance. 
ARRA funds are expected to provide energy conservation assistance for 
more than 45,000 dwelling units. 
Project description: Preliminary activities such as training, 
conducting energy audits and health and safety tests, and installation 
weatherization materials in eligible units. 
Project activity description: Other Community Housing Services.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 38-40 State St.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Albany, NY 12207-
Award amount: $394,686,513.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: DE-EE0000206. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Executive Office Of The State Of New Hampshire.
Project name: ARRA Weatherization.
Award description: To audit and weatherize low-income residential 
single and multi-family units for the purpose of lowering residents' 
energy costs and increasing their health, safety, and comfort. The 
program is also designed to decrease greenhouse gas emissions, 
decrease our country's dependence on fossil fuels, and create jobs, 
especially in the hard-hit construction related trades. At least 2600 
units are slated to be weatherized, coordinated by six Community 
Action Agencies within New Hampshire. 
Project description: ARRA funding is expected to greatly increase the 
number of residential units to be weatherized, from a few hundred over 
two years to 2600 over three years. As of December 31st, all six 
Community Action Agencies in the state are weatherizing with ARRA 
funds. Completed units now stand at approximately 275, with at least 
100 in the process of being weatherized. Two energy auditing classroom 
trainings have been held, with over 27 new auditors receiving state 
energy auditing certification, seven new since the last quarterly 
report. Two combustion appliance training sessions are being planned 
for January '10. 
Project activity description: Administration of General Economic 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 4 Chenell Drive.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Concord, NH 03301-
Award amount: $23,218,594.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: EE0000161. 

[End of table] 

Weatherization Descriptions That Partially Met Our Transparency 

The following award descriptions did not contain sufficient details on 
one or more of the following pieces of information necessary to 
facilitate general understanding of the award, based on our criteria: 
general purpose, scope and nature of activities, location, and/or 
expected outcomes. In some cases only a small amount of additional 
information was needed, while in other cases, many pieces of 
information were needed to make the description more transparent. The 
award description information is taken directly from We 
did not edit it in any way, such as to correct typographical or 
grammatical errors. 

Recipient name: State, Louisiana Department Of.
Project name: Weatherization Assistance for Low-Income Persons.
Award description: ARRA Supplemental Funding for Weatherization 
Assistance to Low-Income Persons: To reduce energy costs for low-
income families, particularly for the elderly, people with 
disabilities, and children, by improving the energy efficiency of 
their homes while ensuring their health and safety. 
Project description: Most activities have continued to support the 
ramp up of workforce and infrastructure. 
Project activity description: Weatherization.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 2415 Quail 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Baton Rouge, LA 
Award amount: $50,657,478.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: DE-EE0000122.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: Through this 
award, approximately 5,646 homes throughout the state will undergo 
weatherization activities such as performing client education, 
weatherizing site-built and mobile homes, and making weatherization 
repairs, such as installing attic insulation and performing basic air 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Natural Resources, Missouri Department Of.
Project name: Weatherization Assistance For Low-Income Persons.
Award description: Funding to be used to increase the energy 
efficiency of dwellings owned or occupied by low-income persons, 
reduce their total residential expenditures and improve their health 
and safety.
Project description: A grand total of 1,093 homes have been 
weatherized by the subgrant agencies through December 31, 2009. A 
total of 839 homes have been weatherized by the subgrant agencies from 
October 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009. On October 13, 2009 the 
Missouri Department of Natural Resources Energy Center (MDNR/EC) staff 
conducted a one-day administrative and technical training for the 
subgrant agencies in Branson, Missouri. The training consisted of an 
update of the revised Weatherization Program Operational Manual and 
sessions concerning Davis-Bacon requirements, procurement, ARRA 
reporting, and technical monitoring. During December 2009 seven 
regional ARRA Energize Missouri Housing Initiative meetings were held 
throughout the state to provide information and networking 
opportunities to those interested in participating in the program. 
Also in December the Department of Labor issued a revised 
Weatherization wage rate determination for Missouri. The MDNR/EC has 
hired four weatherization employees to help with ARRA implementation. 
MDNR/EC has five technical staff that are BPI certified. 
Project activity description: Weatherization.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1101 Riverside 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Jefferson City, 
MO 65101-4272.
Award amount: $128,148,027.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: EE0000151.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: Over a period of 
3 years, 21,506 homes throughout the state will undergo weatherization 
activities and 221 of these will be reweatherized. Weatherization 
activities may include air leakage reduction, attic insulation, wall 
insulation, foundation and floor insulation, duct insulation, heating 
system clean and tunes, repairs, and replacements, lighting retrofits, 
and replacement of hot water heaters, refrigerators, and air 
conditioning units. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Health & Human Services, North Carolina Department Of.
Project name: Weatherization Assistance for Low Income Persons. 
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).
Award description: The Weatherization Assistance Program's mission is 
to enhance the well-being of low-income residents, particularly those 
persons who are most vulnerable such as the elderly, the handicapped, 
and children, through the installation of energy efficient and energy-
related health and safety measures, thus benefiting clients through 
reduced energy bills, enhanced comfort, and the mitigation of energy 
related health risks. Sub Recipients will be responsible for 
weatherizing over 20,000 homes. 
Project description: The Weatherization Assistance Program's mission 
is to enhance the well-being of low-income residents, particularly 
those persons who are most vulnerable such as the elderly, the 
handicapped, and children, through the installation of energy 
efficient and energy-related health and safety measures, thus 
benefiting clients through reduced energy bills, enhanced comfort, and 
the mitigation of energy related health risks. Sub Recipients will be 
responsible for weatherizing over 20,000 homes. 
Project activity description: Weatherization.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): Office of 
Economic Opportunity, 222 North Person Street.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Raleigh, NC 27601-
Award amount: $131,954,536.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: EE0000118.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: Through this 
award, approximately 22,000 homes throughout the state of North 
Carolina will undergo weatherization measures, including air sealing, 
attic insulation, dense-pack sidewalls, floor insulation, sealing and 
insulation of ducts, and general heat waste (weatherstripping, 
caulking, glass patching, water heater tank wrap, pipe insulation, 
faucet aerators, low-flow showerheads, furnace filters). 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Housing & Community Development, MD Dept Of.
Project name: Weatherization Assistance Program for low-income persons. 
Award description: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, 
Public Law 111-5, appropriates funding for the Department of Energy to 
issue/award formula-based grants under the Weatherization Assistance 
Program. The purpose of the program is to increase the energy 
efficiency of dwellings owned or occupied by low-income persons, 
reduce their total residential expenditures, and improve their health 
and safety. The priority population for the Weatherization Assistance 
Program is persons who are particularly vulnerable such as the 
elderly, persons with disabilities, families with children, high 
residential energy users, and households with high-energy burden. 
Project description: Maryland began in earnest ARRA production during 
the Quarter after working with the LWA's to implement the Davis-Bacon 
Act requirements for the prevailing wages and required reporting. 
Production has steadily increased during each month of the Quarter. 
Maryland completed training for the Hancock Energy Solutions software 
system for managing all program information and the system is now 
live. All 18 LWA's are entering client case information into the 
system and invoices are now being paid out. Maryland DHCD has 
purchased 4 vehicles (Ford Escape Hybrids) to be used by our quality 
control inspectors for their field work. Note that costs were two @ 
$29,300 and two @ $30,860, expenditures that do not show up elsewhere 
in this report. 
Project activity description: Weatherization.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 100 Community 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Crownsville, MD 
Award amount: $61,441,745.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: DE-EE0000110.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: Through this 
award, approximately 6,850 homes throughout the state of Maryland will 
undergo weatherization activities such as energy audits, incidental 
repairs, lighting retrofits, water system treatment, attic and floor 
insulation, furnace testing and service, blower door air sealing, and 
health and safety abatement. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: SC Governor's Office.
Project name: Weatherization Assistance for Low-Income Persons/ARRA.
Award description: ARRA Supplemental Funding for Weatherization 
Assistance to Low-Income Persons: To reduce energy costs for low-
income families, particularly for the elderly, people with 
disabilities, and children, by improving the energy efficiency of 
their homes while ensuring their health and safety. 
Project description: The State of South Carolina plans to weatherize 
5000 homes over the three year life of the grant. We anticipate 
completing 40% of our goal within the first year, and the remainder 
within the next two and half years. This will be accomplished through 
a collaborative partnership with both public and private entities. 
Project activity description: Weatherization.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1205 Pendleton 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Columbia, SC 
Award amount: $58,892,771.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: EE0000120.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: Weatherization 
activities include air sealing, attic insulation, dense-pack sidewall 
insulation, sealing and insulating ducts, floor insulation, and 
installation of a smart thermostat, compact fluorescent lamps, and 
refrigerator. Activities will be performed statewide. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Housing And Community Development, Virginia Dept Of.
Project name: Weatherization Assistance Program for Low-Income Persons.
Award description: To improve home energy efficiency for low-income 
families through the most cost-effective measures possible. 
Project description: Sub-awardees were expected to complete ramp-up 
activities. This includes the purchase of additional or upgraded 
vehicles and equipment, hiring of additional personnel, identifying 
additional new beneficiaries and limited production increases. 
Project activity description: Weatherization.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 600 East Main 
Street, The Main Street Centre.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Richmond, VA 
Award amount: $94,134,276.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: DE-EE0000193.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: Through this 
award, approximately 9,193 homes throughout the state of Virginia will 
undergo weatherization activities such as tests for carbon monoxide, 
pre-and post-blower door tests, pressure diagnostic tests, pre-and 
post-health and safety tests, heating/cooling equipment inspection and 
repair, floor insulation, domestic water heater insulation, and 
refrigerator and stove replacement. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: District Of Columbia, Government Of.
Project name: Weatherization Assistance Program.
Award description: The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) grant 
will provide assistance to reduce energy costs for low-income 
families, particularly for the elderly, people with disabilities, and 
children, by improving the energy efficiency of their homes while 
ensuring their health and safety. 
Project description: The stimulus Weatherization Assistance Program 
(WAP) will expand efforts to audit income-qualified homes and install 
energy efficiency measures to reduce energy use. DDOE has completed 
selection of community-based organizations and is preparing final 
grant agreements and awards to initiate partnerships with 7 
organizations. DDOE has posted 6 position descriptions to hire 
additional program staff: candidates have been identified and are 
being screened and interviewed by DDOE human resources. 
Project activity description: Weatherization.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 51 N St. NE 
6th FL.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Washington, DC 
Award amount: $8,089,022.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: DE-EE0000102.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: Through this 
award, approximately 785 units throughout the District will undergo 
weatherization activities, including conducting energy audits of 
single-family and multifamily homes/residences and performing 
weatherization improvements to these residences, such as installing 
energy-efficient lighting, insulation, and weather stripping, and 
replacing windows/doors; heat pump repair; hot water heater 
repair/replacement; faucet, showerhead replacement, and programmable 
thermometer installation. Under this award, inefficient air-
conditioners and refrigerators will be replaced in order to reduce 
electric bills in low-income households. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Labor And Industrial Relations, Hawaii Department Of.
Project name: Weatherization Assistance Program for Low-Income Persons.
Award description: Weatherization Formula Grants - American Recovery 
and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
Project description: The quarter ending 12/31/09 we processed a total 
of 14 units have been installed. Of these 9 units are hot water solar 
systems and 5 are compact fluorescent lights (CFL'S). Projected units 
installed for the coming quarter is 137. As of this date 107 families 
have been assessed, 17 are currently being considered for solar 
installations, and 22 are approved for solar and cfl installations. 
Applicants to HCAP's WAP-ARRA program are currently in receipt of 
energy conservation education. Applicants watch a video about general 
energy conservation practices and receive free copies of the 
publications 'Power to Save: An Energy Conservation Guide to Your 
Home' and '101 Ways to Save.' In addition to collateral materials, 
income eligible applicants received dwelling-specific tips and advice 
from the WAP-ARRA Technical Specialist during an initial home survey 
and assessment. During the post-installation phase, vendors will 
provide information on how to use and care for energy saving devices. 
HCAP continues to develop and refine its process for related 
weatherization programming with help from the State of Hawaii, Office 
of Community Services. In the later part of this quarter the WAP-ARRA 
Program Specialist and WAP-ARRA Technical Specialist traveled to the 
island of Kauai to discuss procedures with neighbor island CAPs and to 
receive technical training from Hawaii Energy. 
Project activity description: Electrical Contractors and Other Wiring 
Installation Contractors.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 830 Punchbowl 
Street, Room 420.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Honolulu, HI 
Award amount: $4,041,461.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: EE0000183.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: This award 
supports weatherization activities for 672 households in all four 
Hawaii counties. These activities include an energy audit service, 
installation of energy saving devices, and follow-up and energy 
monitoring of low-income homes, as well as technical assistance and 
training to subawardees. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Housing & Community Services, Oregon Department Of.
Project name: DOE ARRA Weatherization Assistance Program Statewide.
Award description: The purpose of the Weatherization Assistance 
Program is to increase the energy efficiency of dwellings owned or 
occupied by low-income persons, reduce their total residential 
expenditures, and improve their health and safety. The program 
promotes job creation, provides energy savings, and reduces carbon 
emissions. The priority population for the program is persons who are 
particularly vulnerable such as the elderly, persons with 
disabilities, families with children, high residential energy users, 
and households with high-energy burden. Income requirements for ARRA 
Weatherization funds are 200 percent of the national poverty level. A 
DOE-approved energy audit is performed on each home to determine the 
greatest cost saving measures for the client's dwelling. 
Weatherization contractors then install the most cost-effective, 
energy efficient measures, address health and safety concerns, and 
improve comfort. The use of ARRA funds on dwelling units may include, 
but are not limited to auditing, testing, and installation of energy 
saving materials. Energy-efficiency education is also provided for 
each household receiving weatherization. ARRA Weatherization funds may 
also be used for training and technical assistance. 
Project description: During the quarter OHCS continued formalizing 
program and legal agreements with subrecipients and conducted training 
necessary for proceeding with Weatherization operations throughout the 
state. Work activities during the period covered a wide range of 
activities. Through various webinars, tele-conferences, and prepared 
group training meetings, OHCS has worked with subrecipients developing 
monitoring and reporting procedures. OHCS continues to analyze 
subrecipient needs for equipment, vehicles, training and hiring, 
monitoring and reporting, and feasibility analysis for special 
projects. OHCS has evaluated at-risk and vulnerable agencies and 
continues to work with those subrecipients to develop action plans. 
OHCS continues its coordination with the Oregon Employment Department, 
Workforce Development, Oregon Energy Coordinators Association and 
Community Action Partnership of Oregon to develop training plans and 
the possibilities of leveraged ARRA funding sources. Davis Bacon 
certified wages were determined and provided to the agencies. Follow-
up training for the subrecipients regarding certified payroll issues 
has been provided. A payroll specialist joined the staff of OHCS 
during the quarter to facilitate the collection and retention of 
payroll the certified payroll and to provide guidance to the 
subrecipients. The monitoring staff has begun scheduled site visits to 
the subrecipient agencies across the state, evaluating completed jobs 
and providing weatherization technique training and guidance. 
Project activity description: Weatherization.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 725 Summer 
Street NE.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Salem, OR 97301-
Award amount: $38,512,236.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: DE-EE0000087.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: Through this 
award, approximately 4,635 homes throughout the state will undergo 
weatherization activities: the estimated energy savings is 141,368 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Commerce, North Dakota Dept Of.
Project name: Weatherization of Low income homes.
Award description: Weatherization of low income clients in the state 
of North Dakota. It is planned to weatherized approximately 3267 
homes. Weatherization will receive general heat waste measures, 
insulation measures, diagnostics, windows and doors, Health and Safety 
measures including furnace replacement and repair. Residential, multi-
family and mobile homes will be weatherized with all measures with a 
SIR of Greater than 1.5. 
Project description: 310 homes completed as weatherized. 330 homes in-
Project activity description: Weatherization.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1600 E. 
Century Ave, Suite 2.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Bismarck, ND 
Award amount: $25,266,330.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: DE-EE0000089.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: Each 
weatherization measure to be installed must have savings-to-investment 
ratio (SIR) equal to or greater than 1 in order to be included as a 
priority. The award will result in an estimated energy savings of 
85,917 MBtu. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Development, Ohio Department Of Communications.
Project name: Home Weatherization.
Award description: Recovery ACT Weatherization Award for State of Ohio.
Project description: Weatherization program provides services to low-
income households in Ohio to reduce energy costs. The Home 
Weatherization Assistance Program (HWAP) weatherized over 5,500 homes 
with ARRA funds in the state of Ohio since July 1st, 2009. Additional 
training courses have been added to the Corporation for Ohio 
Appalachian Development (COAD) training center to meet demand due to 
the considerable increase of crew and contractor based personnel 
Project activity description: Administration of General Economic 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 77 S. High 
St., Columbus.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: COLUMBUS, OH 
Award amount: $266,781,409.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: DE-EE0000099.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: Through this 
award, approximately 32,180 homes throughout the state will undergo 
weatherization activities, including water heater insulation, air 
leakage repair, furnace tune-up, duct insulation in nonconditioned 
areas, duct sealing, and the installation of low-flow showerheads. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Social Services, Connecticut Department Of.
Project name: Weatherization Assistance Program.
Award description: ARRA Supplemental Funding for the Weatherization 
Assistance Program (WAP): To reduce energy costs for low-income 
families, particularly for the elderly, people with disabilities, and 
children, by improving the energy efficiency of their homes while 
ensuring their health and safety. 
Project description: DSS has provided 2 Combustion Safety, 2 Lead 
Safe, and one OSHA 10 training for weatherization crews and 
subcontractors. DSS also sponsored 2 Davis Bacon trainings and hosted 
one statewide ARRA WAP meeting in early December. Through the CCTCs, 1 
Building Analyst course was provided to 14 students. Through two 
workforce investment boards, 2 Weatherization Installer courses were 
provided to 36 students. To date, more than 125 people have received 
training for the ARRA WAP program. All DSS ARRA WAP durational project 
positions have been filled. DSS holds monthly weatherization directors 
meetings. Through an agreement with the OWC and CT's workforce 
investment boards, regional workplans have been developed for 
weatherization training and job creation/retention programs. In 
addition, the CCTC system is in the process of developing a statewide 
weatherization training curriculum and building training labs at the 
vocational and technical high schools. DECD began its pilot project in 
which 500 state financed elderly housing units will be weatherized in 
Northwest CT. The sub recipients have finalized their procurement 
processes and 98 contracts for services and materials have been 
executed. Total FTEs for the reporting period are 34.33: however, 
approximately 79 persons have worked for ARRA WAP during this quarter. 
Project activity description: Weatherization.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 25 Sigourney 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Hartford, CT 
Award amount: $64,310,502.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: EE0000129.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: Through this 
award, approximately 7,500 homes throughout Connecticut will undergo 
weatherization activities, such as attic insulation, sidewall 
insulation, air-sealing/infiltration measures, basement/crawlspace 
ceiling insulation, pipe and duct insulation, and install storm 
windows/doors and primary windows/doors. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Health And Welfare, Idaho Department Of.
Project name: Department of Energy - Weatherization.
Award description: The Department of Energy ARRA Weatherization Award 
will be used to weatherize an additional 3,198 low and moderate income 
(at or under 200% federal poverty income guidelines) homes by March 
31, 2011. This will result in job creation, projected to at least 
double current staffing as well as increase the use of contractors, 
promoting retention. Projections indicate that the material purchased 
to weatherize homes will at least triple during the project period. 
Project description: Project description: The Community Action network 
will deliver consistent and high quality, standardized weatherization 
services, improving the energy efficiency of homes for low to moderate 
income Idahoans. Over the course of the ARRA contract, the agencies 
will develop and grow a high quality partnership between Idaho 
Department of Health and Welfare, Community Action Partnership 
Association of Idaho, and Weatherization Providers. Stimulus money 
will be used to promote economic development by effectively preserving 
and creating jobs. The IDHW and CAPAI will exercise strong stewardship 
through the timely and proper management of funds and other resources, 
recognizing and promoting the most cost effective method for achieving 
energy savings. Quarterly Activities: The Community Action Partnership 
Association of Idaho (CAPAI) is on course to exceed their 
Auditor/Inspector (A/I) field training goals by 94% through December. 
The new Intake, Weatherization & Inventory Tracking System project is 
on track with a release date planned for mid-January. Thirty-five 
vehicles and nine trailers have been purchased locally. To meet their 
ARRA production targets, the Idaho agencies have been increasing their 
weatherization production and this quarter doubled their baseline 
Project activity description: Weatherization.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 450 West State 
Street, 9th Floor.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Boise, ID 83720-
Award amount: $30,341,929.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: DEFG26EE0000144.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
includes weatherization activities such as attic, floor, and wall 
insulation, door/window replacement, furnace repair/replacement, 
refrigerator replacement, duct sealing and insulation, water pipe 
insulation, and water heater replacement. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Department Of Commerce.
Project name: Weatherization Assistance Program for Low Income Persons 
Under the Recovery Act.
Award description: ARRA Supplemental Funding for Weatherization 
Assistance to Low-Income Persons: To reduce energy costs for low-
income families, particularly for the elderly, people with 
disabilities, and children, by improving the energy efficiency of 
their homes while ensuring their health and safety. 
Project description: ARRA Supplemental Funding for Weatherization 
Assistance to Low-Income Persons: To reduce energy costs for low-
income families, particularly for the elderly, people with 
disabilities, and children, by improving the energy efficiency of 
their homes while ensuring their health and safety. 
Project activity description: Weatherization.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): Legislative 
Building 416 Sid Snyder Avenue S.W. 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Olympia, WA 98504-
Award amount: $59,545,074.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: DE - EE0000086.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: Through this 
award, approximately 7,170 homes throughout the state will undergo 
weatherization services such as an energy audit, a complete visual 
assessment, assessment of electric base load measures, diagnostic 
tests, energy-related health and safety assessments, client education, 
appropriate low-cost measures, applicable weatherization-related 
repairs, and a thorough consideration of the client and residence. 
There is an estimated energy savings of 701,927 MBtu. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Business And Industry, Nevada Department Of.
Project name: Weatherization Assistance for Low-Income Persons.
Award description: ARRA Supplemental Funding for Weatherization 
Assistance to Low-Income Persons: To reduce energy costs for low-
income families, particularly for the elderly, people with 
disabilities, and children, by improving the energy efficiency of 
their homes while ensuring their health and safety. 
Project description: With $11,572,667.00 of grants awarded in the 
first cycle, NHD anticipates providing weatherization assistance to 
approximately 2,000 homes. Production began the first week of November 
due to state stipulations that had to be met, and work is now moving 
forward. Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation (DETR) 
is contracting with nonprofit collaboratives to provide weatherization 
worker training to approximately 300 individuals who we anticipate 
will be absorbed into the workforce by our current contractors. NHD 
has hired a compliance auditor/inspector, project specialist, and a 
Davis Bacon compliance specialist with additional staff to be added as 
Project activity description: Weatherization.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1535 Old Hot 
Springs Road, Suite 50.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Carson City, NV 
Award amount: $37,281,937.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: DE-EE0000081.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports weatherization activities by five service providers 
throughout Nevada. The activities include minor home repairs, floor 
and duct insulation, refrigerator replacement, and shell infiltration 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Legislative Office Of The State Of West Virginia.
Project name: Weatherization Assistance Program.
Award description: To increase the energy efficiency of dwellings 
owned or occupied by low-income persons, reduce their total 
residential expenditures, and improve their health and safety, 
especially low-income persons who are particularly vulnerable such as 
the elderly, persons with disabilities, families with children, high 
residential energy users, and households with a high energy burden. 
Project description: To weatherize low-income persons homes throughout 
the State of West Virginia according to the Department of Energy and 
West Virginia Weatherization Field Standards. 
Project activity description: Weatherization.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 950 Kanawha 
Blvd. E., 3rd Floor.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Charleston, WV 
Award amount: $37,583,874.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: DE-EE0000101.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award will 
support weatherization activities for 3,574 homes throughout West 
Virginia. These activities include cleaning and tuning heating 
systems: air sealing: duct, attic and floor insulation: and 
replacement of heating systems, doors, and windows. The award is 
expected to result in an energy savings of 57,269 MBtu. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Department Of Commerce Minnesota.
Project name: Weatherization Assistance Program.
Award description: Recovery Act - Weatherization Formula Grants - Low-
Income Households.
Project description: Second qtr activities included ramping up by 
increasing the number of state monitors, issuing grants to 
subrecipients, and providing training on American Recovery and 
Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) rules, the Davis Bacon Act, and other 
related regulations. Weatherization-related training opportunities 
have been provided to new State and Service Provider Weatherization 
Assistance Program staff. The MN Department of Commerce (DOC) hired 
additional weatherization field and fiscal monitoring staff. 1,392 
homes have been weatherized using ARRA funds. 101 of these homes were 
monitored by ARRA DOC weatherization staff. These monitoring visits 
were also used to train new DOC weatherization staff. 
Project activity description: Weatherization.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 85 Seventh 
Place East, Suite 500.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Saint Paul, MN 
Award amount: $131,937,411.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: DE-EE0000103.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports weatherization activities for about 16,850 homes in all 
Minnesota counties and 6 of the state's 11 Native American 
reservations. Weatherization activities include air leakage and 
infiltration reduction, attic insulation, wall insulation, health and 
safety repairs/replacement, duct sealing and room-by-room pressure 
balancing, cleaning and tuning heating systems, efficiency-based 
heating system replacements, and belly and duct repairs/sealing. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Kentucky Housing Corporation.
Project name: ARRA Weatherization Assistance for Low Income Persons.
Award description: ARRA Weatherization Assistance Program for Low 
Income Persons provides funding for improving the energy efficiency of 
low-income dwellings to decrease energy consumption and thereby 
decrease the cost of energy for low-income families. 
Project description: ARRA Weatherization Assistance Program for Low 
Income Persons provides funding for the improvement of energy 
efficiency of dwellings to decrease energy consumption and thereby 
decrease the cost of energy for low-income families. This is 
accomplished through the state's network of Community Action Agencies 
and is headed by Community Action of Kentucky, the subrecipient of 
grant funds. 
Project activity description: Weatherization.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1231 
Louisville Road.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Frankfort, KY 
Award amount: $70,913,750.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: DE-EE0000152.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: This award 
supports weatherization activities for 9,907 homes throughout 
Kentucky. These activities include attic, wall, and floor insulation: 
incidental repairs: infiltration reduction: and health and safety 
measures. The award is expected to result in an energy savings of 
268,644 MBtu. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Community Affairs, Florida Department Of.
Project name: Weatherization Assistance Program.
Award description: The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) awarded 
$175,984,474 to Florida for the Weatherization Assistance Program 
(WAP) through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). These 
funds are to help reduce the monthly energy burden of Florida's low-
income population households by making those dwellings more energy 
efficient. To date, DOE has released 50% of the total award amount to 
the state. The funding, administered by the Florida Department of 
Community Affairs, will be passed through to the existing 27 provider 
agencies (community action agencies, non-profit entities and county 
governments) covering the 67 counties statewide. Each of these 
providers, along with the contractors and vendors participating in the 
program, have an integral role in job creation and retention by 
providing energy efficiency improvements on low-income dwellings. 
Weatherization activities may include: addressing air infiltration 
with weather stripping, caulking, thresholds, minor repairs to walls, 
ceiling and floors and window or door replacement: applying solar 
reflective coating to manufactured homes: adding ceiling and floor 
insulation: evaluating efficiency of heating and cooling systems, 
refrigerators, water heaters: and installing solar screens, low flow 
shower heads, compact fluorescent light bulbs, water heater and water 
line insulation. One hundred percent of the beneficiaries of the WAP 
are below the 200% federal income guidelines. 
Project description: During the first quarter, primary activities were 
focused on capacity-building and training at the local provider level. 
Local providers were required to complete specific benchmarks, prior 
to receipt of ARRA working weatherization grants. Benchmarks included: 
completion of one-week weatherization inspector training for existing 
and new employees with follow-up field testing, purchasing of 
additional equipment, and validation and eligibility verification of 
client waiting lists. During the second quarter, all but one of the 27 
local providers completed the required benchmarks. Weatherization 
grant awards were executed with 26 agencies and those agencies began 
weatherizing dwellings. A new oversight measure of field monitoring 
was also implemented within the second quarter. Field monitors were 
trained by state Weatherization staff and in November the monitors 
began their ongoing responsibility of reviewing 100% of client files 
and inspecting 50% of the weatherized homes. Training on Davis Bacon 
requirements was also provided statewide by a representative of the 
U.S. Department of Labor. Statewide contractor training curriculum was 
developed and implementation begins in the third quarter. 
Project activity description: Weatherization.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Tallahassee, FL 
Award amount: $175,984,474.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: DEEE0000209.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports weatherization activities for approximately 19,090 homes. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Housing & Community Affairs, Texas Department Of.
Project name: Recovery Act-Weatherization Assistance Program for the 
State of Texas.
Award description: The Weatherization Assistance Program assists low-
income households control energy costs to ensure an healthy and safe 
living environment. Qualified households may receive weatherization 
materials installed in their residences and/or energy conservation 
Project description: Continued administrative activities at the prime 
recipient level and weatherization work at the subrecipient level. 
Project activity description: Home Improvement & Repairs.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 221 East 11th 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Austin, TX 78701-
Award amount: $326,975,732.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: EE0000094.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports weatherization activities for 33,908 homes across the state. 
Weatherization activities include measures to reduce air infiltration, 
such as replacement of doors and windows, repairing of holes and 
caulking: installation of ceiling, wall and floor insulation: 
replacement of energy inefficient appliances and heating and cooling 
units: and energy education to help families reduce their energy 
consumption. Subawardees will receive training that will include basic 
and advanced weatherization, weatherization program management, NEAT 
software, and Davis-Bacon administration. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: The Executive Office Of The Commonwealth Of Puerto Rico.
Project name: ARRA-Weatherization Formula Grant.
Award description: The Weatherization Assistance Program helps low-
income families to attain a reduction of household energy 
expenditures, while securing and enhancing the health and safety of 
the home. Of particular concern to the program is to provide 
assistance to the elderly, families with children, persons with 
disabilities, and those with a high energy burden in their household. 
Due to the warm climate of the island, weatherization efforts will be 
directed at improving the efficiency of cooling systems, reduction in 
electrical energy demand of light fixtures and selected household 
appliances, and mitigate energy-related health and safety concerns. To 
maximize the benefits of the program, work will be performed by 
trained personnel, and the process will be monitored from initial 
client application to certification of completed weatherization work. 
The period of performance is estimated from 4-1-2009 to 3-31-2012. 
Project description: The Evaluation Committee for the Call Center 
studied the proposals received and made their recommendations to 
subgrantee's, PRIFA, Board of Awards. The pre-bid meeting for the 
Refrigerator Replacement Services Bid was held. Refrigerator 
Replacement Services Bid Documents were prepared, and the newspaper 
bid announcement was published. The Evaluation Committee for the 
compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) bid began evaluating the proposals 
received. Water Heater Replacement Services Bid Documents were 
prepared, and the newspaper bid announcement was published. Trainers 
(ECA) contract was signed and their first visit occurred on December 
29 and 30. The Evaluation Committee for the qualification of auditors 
and inspectors met and selected the inspectors to be invited for the 
training. Evaluation of auditors started this period. Probable intake 
locations were visited to evaluate the physical conditions and 
necessities to adjust the locations to the intake process. Evaluation 
of probable training facilities was finished and sent to PRIFA for 
their comments and final decision on which facility to use. Draft 
report on the Energy Audit Tool to be used by auditors in Puerto Rico 
WAP was prepared. After grantee's, EAA, revision, the agency will 
submit the document to the DOE. The document includes a brief 
description of the Puerto Rico housing stock, photos, climate 
description, explanation of audit tool for all the weatherization 
measures for which the Savings to Investment Ratio (SIR) needs to be 
calculated, samples of SIR calculations for each of the measures, and 
a priority list which describes SIR tendencies for the different 
weatherization measures. 
Project activity description: Weatherization.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): Environmental 
Agencies Building Floor 8 Street 8868, PO BOX 41314.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: San Juan, PR 
Award amount: $48,865,588.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: DE-EE0000189.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: Through this 
award, approximately 5,500 homes throughout Puerto Rico will undergo 
weatherization activities such as installing reflective films: 
addressing air leakage in air-conditioned areas: installing solar 
water heaters: replacing refrigerators, water heaters, and air 
conditioners with Energy Star rated units: replacing incandescent 
lamps with compact fluorescent lamps (CFL): replacing shower heads: 
installing smart power strips to avoid phantom loads: and other work 
to mitigate energy-related health and safety concerns. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Governor's Office Of Economics Development.
Project name: Weatherization Assistance Program.
Award description: Provide home weatherization services to eligible 
low-income households, including furnace replacement, insulation, 
etc., with the goal of reducing energy usage, energy production and 
greenhouse gas output, as well as reducing utility bills. 
Project description: Weatherization staff has been hired at 9 local 
area agencies responsible for implementing the Weatherization 
Assistance Program. 558 homes have been completed and another 842 are 
in progress. 
Project activity description: Residential Remodelers.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 324 South 
State Street, Ste. 500, N/A.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Salt Lake City, 
UT 84111-2388.
Award amount: $37,897,203.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: DE-EE0000080.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: Through the 
award, approximately 4,466 homes will undergo weatherization 
throughout the state. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Office Of The Governor.
Project name: Weatherization Assistance Program.
Award description: Weatherization of homes ultimately completes the 
plan to upgrade State Energy Infrastructure. As the primary focus 
being on lowering energy liabilities electricity providers are 
charging onto the costumers. Through education, training and 
audits/assessments the consumers can learn the benefits of using 
Energy Efficiency and Conservation measures in their homes. However, 
the State Plan wishes to initiate this program for the first time by 
focusing on replacing electricity appliances and other electricity 
devices with certified Energy Star units. Several deliverables 
applicable in the State plan include Solar Water Heater, Electric 
Stove, Refrigerator, Air Con, Microwave, Cloth Washers, and etc. 
Project description: Home assessments are continued and an 
environmental regulatory issue needs be resolved prior to initiating 
any production to measures guided under the State Plan. This issue 
perhaps should be finalized before this quarter expires. 
Project activity description: Weatherization.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): American Samoa 
Government, Territorial Energy Office.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Pago Pago, AS 
Award amount: $719,511.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: DE-EE0000177.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports weatherization activities for approximately 225 homes 
throughout American Samoa. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Public Health And Human Services, Montana Department Of.
Project name: Recovery Act - Weatherization Assistance Program for Low 
Income Persons.
Award description: ARRA - Supplemental Funding for Weatherization 
Assistance to Low-Income Persons: To reduce energy costs for low-
income families, particularly for the elderly, people with 
disabilities and children, by improving the energy efficiency of their 
homes while ensuring their health and safety. 
Project description: These funds will provide grants for local Human 
Resource Development Councils that apply to pay to weatherize homes 
with the original created and retained remaining active. As with all 
weatherization projects, the applicants will be asked to provide 
planning and accountability documentation. The Weatherization 
Program's mission is to increase the energy efficiency of homes 
occupied by low-income individuals, thereby reducing their energy 
costs. The program has reduced the annual heating costs of recipient 
households by an average of approximately 32 percent. It serves 
approximately 2,000 high energy burden households each year. ARRA 
funding will allow the Weatherization Program to serve at least 2,500 
more families and to double the average labor and materials 
expenditure per dwelling for cost-effective energy conservation 
measures. As of November, 2009, 253 homes have been weatherized and 
audited in Montana with an additional 411 that are in the process of 
being weatherized. 
Project activity description: Weatherization.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Helena, MT 59620-
Award amount: $26,543,777.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: EE0000143.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports weatherization activities for approximately 2,477 homes 
throughout Montana. These activities include stoppage of air 
infiltration: heating systems tune-ups: water heater, attic, floor, 
perimeter, and wall insulation: installation of storm windows, 
replacement doors, moisture controls, ventilation materials, pipes, 
and duct wrap. 

[End of table] 

Weatherization Descriptions That Did Not Meet Our Transparency 

The following award descriptions did not contain sufficient details on 
one or more of the following pieces of information necessary to 
facilitate general understanding of the award, based on our criteria: 
general purpose, scope and nature of activities, location, and/or 
expected outcomes. In some cases only a small amount of additional 
information was needed, while in other cases, many pieces of 
information were needed to make the description more transparent. The 
award description information is taken directly from We 
did not edit it in any way, such as to correct typographical or 
grammatical errors. 

Recipient name: Community Services & Development, California 
Department Of.
Project name: Recovery Act - Weatherization Assistance Program.
Award description: Recovery Act - Weatherization Assistance Program.
Project description: Formula Block Grant - DOE WAP. The initial 
allocation is dedicated for CSD & Agency ramp up, this included 
training, new hires & vehicle purchases. The training also included 
creating a web based WX training curriculum web site. 
Project activity description: Other General Government Support.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 700 N 10th St 
Rm 258.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Sacramento, CA 
Award amount: $185,811,061.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: DE-EE0000180.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award allows 
42 subawardees to weatherize 43,400 eligible low-income dwellings in 
all California counties. In addition to start-up activities such as 
training, hiring, and vehicle purchases, this award supports 
weatherization activities, including the installation of ceiling 
insulation and carbon monoxide alarms. The award will result in an 
estimated energy savings of 1,742,370 MBtu. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Oklahoma Department Of Commerce.
Project name: Weatherization Assistance for Low-Income Persons.
Award description: ARRA supplemental funding for Weatherization 
Assistance to Low-Income Persons: To reduce energy costs for low-
income families, particularly for the elderly, people with 
disabilities, and children, by improving the energy efficiency of 
their homes while ensuring their health and safety. 
Project description: As this is the first report for WAP ARRA funds, 
most activity has supported ramp up of workforce and infrastructure. 
Project activity description: Other Community Housing Services.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 900 N. Stiles.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Oklahoma City, OK 
Award amount: $60,903,196.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: DE-EE0000153.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports weatherization activities for about 7,000 homes in all 
Oklahoma counties. These activities include cost-effective energy 
efficiency measures, including attic insulation, caulking, weather 
stripping, and air sealing. The award is expected to result in an 
estimated energy savings of 310,640 MBtu. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Human Services, Vermont Department Of.
Project name: ARRA Weatherization Assistance Program.
Award description: The ARRA Weatherization Assistance Program mission 
in to reduce the energy burden of low income persons while ensuring 
their health & safety. 
Project description: Grants have been written to the 5 sub-awardees 
and training has begun. 
Project activity description: Weatherization.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 103 South Main 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Waterbury, VT 
Award amount: $16,842,576.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: DE-EE0000171.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: This award 
supports weatherization activities for approximately 1,612 homes in 15 
counties in Vermont. Weatherization activities include heating system 
modifications: installation of cost-effective levels of attic, wall, 
floor, duct, and foundation insulation: and water heater and water 
pipe insulation and modifications. The award is expected to result in 
an energy savings of 60,588 MBtu. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Family Services, Wyoming Department Of.
Project name: Weatherization of Homes.
Award description: Recovery Act Weatherization Award for State of 
Project description: N/A.
Project activity description: Weatherization.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance -street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Cheyenne, WY 
Award amount: $10,239,261.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: DE-EE0000188.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: Through this 
award, approximately 900 units throughout the state will undergo 
weatherization activities such as installing insulation, sealing and 
balancing ducts, and mitigating heating loss through windows and door. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Human Services, Tennessee Department Of.
Project name: Weatherization Assistance for Low-Income Persons.
Award description: Weatherization Assistance Program, Recovery Act.
Project description: Reduce energy costs for low-income families 
through increased energy efficiency. 
Project activity description: Weatherization.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Nashville, TN 
Award amount: $99,112,101.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: DE-EE0000114.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: This award 
supports weatherization activities for 10,524 homes throughout 
Tennessee. These activities include attic, wall, floor, and duct 
insulation: air sealing: heat waste reduction measures: refrigerator 
replacement: and window and door repairs. The award is expected to 
result in an energy savings of 320,952 MBtu. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Government Of Guam - Department Of Administration.
Project name: Weatherization Assistance Program ARRA.
Award description: Recovery Act-Weatherization Assistance Program.
Project description: MOU being established with Guam Energy Office and 
Guam Housing and Urban Renewal Authority, an agency which works 
closely with HUD and has the qualifications and the knowledge to 
assist in determining which dwelling qualifies and falls under the WAP 
guidelines as stipulated in the grant activity. 
Project activity description: Communications & Public Education.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 548 N Marine 
Corps Dr.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Tamuning, GU 
Award amount: $1,119,297.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: EE0000187.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports weatherization activities for 204 homes throughout the 
territory of Guam. Weatherization activities include the replacement 
or repair of refrigerators, air conditioners, low-flow shower heads, 
and faucets, compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) fixtures, and water 
heaters. The award will result in an estimated energy savings of 3,060 

[End of table] 

[End of section] 

Appendix IV: Geothermal Technologies Program: 

Within the Department of Energy, the Geothermal Technologies Program 
(geothermal program) provides grants, cooperative agreements, and 
contracts to support scientific research to find, access, and use 
geothermal energy in the United States.[Footnote 43] In fiscal year 
2009, the geothermal program received $43.3 million in annual 
appropriations; the Department of Energy provided an additional $400 
million in Recovery Act funds for geothermal activities and projects 
that should be completed within 3 years. 

According to program officials, the geothermal program received a 
tremendous and unprecedented response to its solicitations announcing 
Recovery Act funding opportunities. Specifically, the program office 
received 529 applications in response to the grant solicitations and 
over 50 applications in response to a solicitation for the 
department's national laboratories.[Footnote 44] Out of these 
applications, the program office selected 151 projects--124 projects 
were submitted by private industry, academic institutions, tribal 
entities, and local governments, and 26 projects were submitted by 10 
national labs.[Footnote 45] The program office also established an 
interagency agreement with the U.S. Geological Survey to work on 1 
project.[Footnote 46] 

In terms of awarding grants and contracts for projects, program 
officials told us that a grant is equivalent to a project because the 
grant is awarded to one recipient and funds are provided directly to 
the recipient. However, this concept does not hold true for all 
contracts awarded to the national labs for a project. This is because 
a national lab can be involved in a collaborative project that 
includes one or more partner labs. In this case, individual 
"activities" from each national lab would be completed and contribute 
to the completion of the overall project. Unlike grants, funding from 
the program office is provided directly to the lab performing the 
work. Consequently, a national lab project can be equivalent to one 
contract or multiple contracts. 

Nature and Type of Geothermal Projects: 

The department selected the projects to receive grants under the 
Recovery Act in October 2009, but according to program officials, it 
had not finished awarding the grants until February 2010.[Footnote 47] 
The program officials told us that some lag time (e.g., 5 to 6 months) 
between project selection and award is typical. As of April 23, 2010, 
the program office had obligated almost $343 million of the $393 
million in appropriations (about 87 percent); however, only 28 
recipients had spent any funds, and they had only spent 2.6 percent 
(almost $9 million). Program officials told us that the expenditure 
rate was low because many projects were recently awarded and had not 

Almost 60 percent of the geothermal program obligations under the 
Recovery Act were split evenly between enhanced geothermal systems 
research and development projects and innovative exploration 
technologies projects. Specifically, over $101 million (30 percent) 
was obligated to 50 enhanced geothermal systems research and 
development projects,[Footnote 48] while about $98 million (29 
percent) was obligated to 22 validation of innovative exploration 
technologies projects. (See figure 1.) The rest of the obligations 
funded the following three project areas: 

* almost $62 million (about 18 percent) was obligated to 37 ground 
source heat pump projects, 

* about $50 million (about 15 percent) was obligated to 14 geothermal 
demonstration projects, and: 

* about $31 million (about 9 percent) was obligated to 5 national 
geothermal data system projects. 

Figure 1: Reported Uses of Recovery Act Geothermal Funds, as of April 
23, 2010: 

[Refer to PDF for image: pie-chart] 

Enhanced geothermal systems technology research and development ($101 
million): 30%; 
Validation of innovative exploration technologies ($98 million): 29%; 
Ground source heat pumps ($62 million): 18%; 
Geothermal demonstrations ($50 million): 15%; 
National geothermal database, resource assessment, and classification 
system ($31 million): 9%. 

Source: GAO analysis of Department of Energy data. 

Note: Percentages do not add to 100 because of rounding. 

[End of figure] 

About One-Third of the Geothermal Descriptions Met Our Transparency 

We assessed the transparency of the descriptive information for 
geothermal awards available on[Footnote 49] We found 
that an estimated: 

* 33 percent met our transparency criteria, 

* 62 percent partially met our criteria, and: 

* 5 percent did not meet our criteria.[Footnote 50] 

For geothermal descriptions that partially met or did not meet our 
criteria, we collected information necessary to make the descriptions 
meet our criteria. The geothermal descriptions of awards in our 
sample, whether they met our criteria, and information that we found 
to provide a fuller understanding of the award are provided at the end 
of this appendix. 

Agency Guidance and Other Factors That May Affect Transparency of 
Reported Information: 

Although supplemental materials were available to assist with 
recipient reporting, recipients did not always follow the directions 
in these materials. Additionally, geothermal program officials did not 
review narrative description fields in, which may have 
led to some reporting errors. Both the Department of Energy and the 
Office of Science[Footnote 51] provided supplemental materials that 
directed recipients to a source document (e.g., the award letter) 
where information can be found to complete a required field. In 
addition, the department provided training on the reporting 
requirements through webinars, while the geothermal program office 
held a video conference with recipients (i.e., the national labs). 
Furthermore, the department has a Recovery Act Clearinghouse available 
to answer questions from recipients, and it posts responses to 
frequently asked questions on its Recovery Act Web site. Moreover, 
geothermal program officials told us that they do not review these 
narrative description fields because information in these fields is 
available on the geothermal Web site. Likewise, department officials 
told us that they do not review these fields because the information 
is fully described in the award documents. However, we identified two 
issues with the fields that may have affected the transparency of some 
information reported by the national labs. 

First, information on the overall status of four national lab projects 
that involve multiple labs may not come across clearly in the 
narrative description fields. This is because was set up 
to track Recovery Act spending at the recipient level and not at the 
project level. According to geothermal program officials, Recovery Act 
funds are provided directly to a lab to complete its activities on a 
project. Consequently, multiple labs working on the same project would 
report their individual activities in multiple records in For example, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory was 
the prime recipient for a project on enhanced geothermal systems using 
carbon dioxide as a heat transmission fluid, and the Idaho National 
Laboratory was identified as a partner lab. As required, both national 
labs reported their activities on this project in two separate records 
in Unless narrative information disclosed that this 
project involved more than one lab, the expectation might be that 
these were two different projects. 

Second, six national labs did not submit a separate report for each 
activity as specified in the supplemental materials provided by the 
department. The six labs combined two to four different activities 
into a single report. As a result, 18 separate activities were 
reported in just six records. When we spoke with program officials, 
they were unaware of the requirement that recipients report on 
projects separately. They told us that their preference for national 
labs reporting on multiple activities is explained in the annual 
program guidance letter. However, based on our review of a few program 
guidance letters, we believe that the preference of the program office 
is for the labs to report each activity separately because this is how 
the activities are presented in the letters. 

Other Ways Award Information Is Made Available to the Public: 

According to geothermal program officials, information on the 
geothermal projects funded by the Recovery Act is made available to 
the public using other means besides For example: 

* The Geothermal Technologies Program Web site [hyperlink,] This Web site 
provides detailed information on each project, including the 
technology type, recipient name, location, objectives, description, 
and targets/milestones. It provides a database that allows the public 
to search for a project by, among other things, funding source, 
location, and technology type. 

* The Department of Energy Recovery Act Web site [hyperlink,]. It provides weekly updates on 
departmental projects and programs funded by the Recovery Act, 
including data on appropriations, obligations, and outlays. 

* Press releases. These provide information on major announcements, 
such as announcements on the availability of Recovery Act funding. 

* Geothermal Technologies Blog [hyperlink,]. This 
provides the public with the opportunity to learn about and discuss 
geothermal activities. 

* Weekly Recovery Act success stories. These highlight the results of 
Recovery Act funding on recipients. If the department selects a 
geothermal story, then it appears on the department's Recovery Act Web 

Program officials told us that the geothermal program has become more 
visible to the public during the past two years. Although the program 
office has not conducted any surveys to determine how consumers are 
becoming aware of the program, they believe that new articles and the Web site could be contributing to the increased 
awareness. Program officials also told us that the public, the 
community, and reporters have provided positive feedback on the 
geothermal Web site, noting that the Web site is easy to navigate. 

Geothermal Descriptions That Met Our Transparency Criteria: 

The following award descriptions contained sufficient information on 
general purpose, scope and nature of activities, location, and 
expected outcomes to meet our transparency criteria. The award 
description information is taken directly from We did 
not edit it in any way, such as to correct typographical or 
grammatical errors. 

Recipient name: Sandia Corporation.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Geothermal Technologies Program Enhanced Geo 
Science R&D Task 1) Design, develop, and field test highly integrated, 
high temperature data loggers using silicon on insulator and silicon 
carbide technologies. Task 2) Develop a drilling system based upon 
pneumatic down the hole hammer bits and polycrystalline diamond 
compact bits. Task 3) Test supercritical fluids in a pilot-scale 
Brayton Cycle and evaluate the performance of the working fluids. 
Requirements: Task 1 Milestones: Field Dewarless 240C PTC Tool-
9/30/10: Evaluate existing Dewar Technology-9/30/10: Design analog MCM-
01/31//11: Status report-03/31/11. Deliverables: 1) Dewarless 240C PTC 
Tool: 2) Report evaluating existing Dewar technology: 3) Design of 
analog MCM: 4) Status report. Task 2 Milestones: Year 1: Complete 
Initial Field Trials-9/30/10: Year 2: Implement Design Changes from 
Initial Field Trials-9/30/11. Deliverables: Report evaluating existing 
Dewar technology. Task 3 Milestones: 1) Prediction of thermodynamic 
properties for a single component fluid through the critical point-
10/1/10. 2) Obtain full vapor-liquid equilibrium envelopes & critical 
points for one set of mixtures-4/1/11. 2) Milestones 1: Verification 
complete mixing & thermodynamic equilibrium between components can be 
obtained so appearance of new phase can be reliably detected (Go/no-
Go).: Deliverables 1) thermodynamic properties for several candidate 
working fluids: 2) computational toolbox for analysis of mixtures of 
fluids, turbine design & cooling needs: 3) experimental results from 
Brayton cycle rests: & 4) recommendations for new working fluids. (For 
Performance outcomes & measures see Work Authorization Plan).
Project description: The original project has been separated into 
three separate projects: 1) ARRA Drilling Technology (145316) with 
$588,600, 2) ARRA Geo Thermal Turbines (146694) with $150,000: and 3) 
Base Technologies ARRA (144299) with $885,600. The budget total has 
remained the same. The scope, deliverables and milestones are being 
Project activity description: Other Electric Power Generation.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1515 Eubank NE.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Albuquerque, NM 
Award amount: $1,624,200.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: AL85000. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Battelle Memorial Institute.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Develop a new type of biphasic working fluid for 
subcritical geothermal systems that utilizes microporous 
nanostructured metal-organic solids as the primary heat carrier and 
heat transfer medium to support an organic Rankine cycle. Provide 
information on temperature distribution, fracture spacing, and 
fracture surface area in EGS (Enhanced Geothermal Systems). Develop 
suites of tracers with different properties that can be injected into 
geothermal systems, extracting the desired information by interpreting 
the differences in transport behavior of these compounds in the 
Project description: SA 56595 - Project team members from PNNL, LANL, 
and BNL participated in a meeting at the Energy and Geoscience 
Institute (EGI) at the University of Utah on December 8, 2009. The 
purpose of the meeting was to share information on the geothermal 
tracer programs at EGI and the four national labs the project team 
plus INL) and to explore ways that the programs can interact. 
Following this meeting, the project team discussed the next steps for 
2004190-EGS R&D and agreed to begin laboratory testing of PFT 
compounds early next calendar year. A tentative schedule was developed 
that included a meeting in late winter at Los Alamos to further plan 
laboratory testing. In parallel with the laboratory effort, PNNL and 
LANL will develop a modeling approach, conduct predictive simulations 
to identify optimal thermal and surface adsorption properties for 
geothermal tracers, and examine the sensitivity of the model to a 
range of tracer properties. Results from this sensitivity analysis 
will be used to guide subsequent laboratory-scale testing of candidate 
Project activity description: Research and Development in the 
Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Biotechnology).
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 902 Battelle 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Richland, WA 
Award amount: $696,000.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: DE-AC05-76RL01830. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) Technology R&D 
($1.953M). This scope of work includes four scopes of work. 1) Air-
Cooled Condensers in Next-Generation Conversion Systems. The Idaho 
National Laboratory (INL) will identify and resolve issues that are 
associated with using air-cooled condensers in next-generation energy 
conversion systems, achieve the full benefits of using mixed working 
fluids in air cooled binary cycles, evaluate the benefits of using air-
cooled condensers with flash steam cycles, and establish criteria for 
designing air-cooled binary plant turbines. 2) Enhanced Geothermal 
Systems with CO2 as Heat Transmission Fluid. The INL will conduct 
experiments for evaluating the effect of supercritical carbon dioxide, 
at elevated temperatures, on precipitation and dissolution of mineral 
phases that are typical of geomedia found in geothermal reservoirs. 3) 
Physics-Based Fracture Stimulation, Reservoir Flow and Heat Transport 
Simulator. The INL will develop a physics-based rock deformation and 
fracture propagation simulator by coupling a discrete element model 
for fracture generation with a continuum-based multiphase fluid flow 
and heat transport model. 4) Advancing Reactive Tracer Methods for 
Measuring Thermal Evolution in CO2 and Water-based Geothermal 
Reservoirs. The INL will develop a set of tracer test planning and 
analysis tools to define the parameters necessary for successful 
testing, identify new tracers suitable to a wide range of potential 
reservoir volumes and permeabilities, and demonstrate the utility of 
newly developed tracers in a system representative of Enhanced 
Geothermal Systems.
Project description: Quarterly activities are listed below for the 
four scopes of work as mentioned above. 1) Personnel have been 
developing power plant (conversion system) models that will be used to 
assess the benefits of applying different equipment concepts having 
the potential to increase performance from air-cooled binary plants. 
Emphasis has been on plants to be used with EGS resources. Model 
development has been largely been completed. The reasonability of 
model performance estimates are being assessed by comparing estimates 
to operating data from existing plants. 2) Experimental design for 
batch experiments involving supercritical CO¨2/water/mineral reactions 
was planned. Reactor components were ordered and/or under 
construction. Initiated laboratory safety review and approval process. 
3) Over the past quarter, significant progress was made in the 
development of advanced computer models for predicting the behavior of 
enhanced geothermal systems. 4) A high-performance liquid 
chromatograph was purchased and has been installed in the laboratory 
to perform tracer analyses. A computer program was developed to model 
the migration of thermally reactive tracers through a fractured 
geothermal system. This code was used to evaluate testing strategies 
for tracer experiments. Experiments were conducted to encapsulate 
reactive tracers. The experiments showed that encapsulsted tracers 
could be made and are stable at room temperature. 
Project activity description: All Other Professional, Scientific, and 
Technical Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 2525 Fremont 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Idaho Falls, ID 
Award amount: $1,953,000.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: DE-AC07-05-ID14517. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name; Los Alamos National Security, LLC.
Project name; Federal Contract.
Award description; LANL?s project will develop a multipurpose 
(simultaneous multiple physical parameter determination) acoustic 
sensor for downhole fluid monitoring in EGS reservoirs over typical 
ranges of pressures and temperatures and then demonstrate the 
capabilities and performance of this sensor for conditions in 
different EGS systems (with a wide range of temp/pressure and 
geophysical/geological conditions). Specific technical challenges are 
finding the right material for the sensor that can withstand working 
temperatures of up to 374×C and pressures up to 22 MPa; developing the 
most efficient design/geometry for the sensor to sustain the high 
temperature/high pressure conditions specific for a typical EGS 
system; and the fluid flow determination requires either high flow 
rates or turbulent flow (vortices or disturbances) and/or impurities/ 
gas bubbles present in the fluid. The multipurpose sensor that LANL 
proposes is capable of accurately measuring temperature, pressure, and 
fluid composition at in situ conditions expected in geothermal 
environments and is needed in nearly every phase of an EGS project, 
including testing of injection and production wells, reservoir 
validation, inter-well connectivity, reservoir scale-up, and reservoir 
sustainability. The Swept Frequency Acoustic Interferometry (SFAI) 
technique was originally developed at LANL for noninvasive 
identification of chemical warfare compounds in a multitude of weapons 
and a wide range of containers for international treaty verification 
and counterterrorism purposes. Since then, the technique has been 
significantly refined and expanded, and LANL will adapt SFAI and 
combine new approaches to extract multiple fluid parameters from a 
single sensor. Although the underlying basis of the SFAI technique is 
proven, it has never been applied to geothermal exploration primarily 
because the requirements of high temperature and pressure were not 
needed in earlier applications; this application will require some 
novel adaptation and sensor development and associated physics. 
Project description; A thorough literature search was performed in 
order to identify the best choice of piezoelectric materials to be 
used. Curie temperature (TC) is an important factor in high-
temperature applications, as the transducers lose their piezoelectric 
property completely at temperatures close to TC. Typically, it is best 
not to exceed half of Tc. Piezoelectric materials and their TC, in ½C: 
PZT (195-300), AlN (600), LiNbO3 (1150), Langasite (1000), Langatate 
(>1500). The langasites and langatates are piezoelectric materials 
discovered recently and are still under investigation by the 
scientific community. We are planning to investigate the material 
properties at high-temperatures and determine if there are advantages 
in using these new piezoelectric materials in the development of the 
multipurpose acoustic sensor. Several PZT and Lithium Niobate 
transducers with different center frequencies, ranging from 1 MHz to 6 
MHz, were investigated above room temperature. Langasite and/or 
langatate piezoelectric material has to be acquired and machined into 
transducers. Milestone Status As planned. Significant Procurements 
Investigated and identified the equipment necessary: Parr Instrument 
Pressure Vessel, Model 4681; Air Pressure Amplifier, Haskel AAD-30; 
Thermocoax cables (high temperature coaxial cables); Bode 100 Vector 
Network Analyzer; Tektronix Arbitrary Function Generator; Tektronix 
Oscilloscope; Materials for transducers (Lithium Niobate, Langatate 
and or/Langasite). Hiring A postdoctoral job was posted on several web-
sites targeting recently graduated PhD?s. From a pool of 30+ 
applicants, we narrowed the list to 2 potential postdocs, which we 
interviewed on site. Dr. Blake Sturtevant graduated in Dec 2009 form 
University of Maine, and is very experienced in the field of 
Acoustics, with extensive experience related to high-temperature 
piezoelectric materials. Dr. Sturtevant has accepted the job offer, 
and he is planning to start in middle of January 2010. 
Project activity description; Research and Development in the 
Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Biotechnology).
Award type; Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field); Bikini Atoll 
Rd SM30.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code; Los Alamos, NM 
Award amount; $536,400.00.
Project status; Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number; DE-AC52-06NA25396. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: University Of Utah, The.
Project name: Economic Impact Analysis For EGS.
Award description: The proposed project is aimed at studying the 
economic development and impacts associated with electric power 
production resulting from Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS), 
conventional hydrothermal, low temperature geothermal, and coproduced 
fluid technologies. The project also involves analysis of these 
results to develop an impact assessment model that could be used 
across the Nation for impact assessments with an ability to quantify 
the potential employment, energy and other environmental impacts 
associated. Further to developing such a tool, we will also be 
carrying out a Utah region study to validate the GEC tool developed 
and will publish a detailed report on the economic impacts associated 
with Geothermal technologies considered for this study in the Utah 
State. The 24-month project is divided into three discrete phases: 
Phase 1: Data gathering: collect the associated cost data for each of 
the different technologies Phase 2: Economic Impact Analysis ? design 
studies to understand all the impacts associated, and Phase 3: 
Outreach activities ? Communicate the findings to the industry and the 
research community to validate the studies used to roll out an impact 
assessment tool, the GEC tool.
Project description: See Award Description.
Project activity description: Research & Public Policy Analysis.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 75 S 2000 E RM 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: SALT LAKE CITY, 
UT 84112-8930.
Award amount: $603,230.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: DE-EE0002744. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Los Alamos National Security, LLC.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Field tests (Fenton Hill, USA: Hijiori, Japan) 
strongly suggest that our ability to image fluid flow and temperature 
distribution in enhanced (engineered) geothermal reservoirs (EGS) 
needs to be dramatically improved to optimize the operation of 
injection and production wells and the placement of new wells. The 
objectives of this project are to (1) improve image resolution for 
fracture detection, (2) image the flow in the fractures with super-
resolution imaging, and (3) quantify fluid flow and temperature 
changes during and after stimulation. This research will provide 
vastly improved, high-resolution images of pre-existing and created 
fractures and fluid flow in EGS reservoirs. Focusing on the data 
available from short term-stimulation treatments, while developing 
imaging and modeling technology of importance to the long-term 
operation of an EGS system, we will integrate LANL's and NETL's unique 
capabilities in seismic imaging, fluid flow modeling, and laboratory 
measurements. Develop a super-resolution, seismic imaging method for 
imaging fractures and fluid flow using time-lapse microearthquake 
(MEQ) and vertical seismic profiling data. Improve fracture and flow 
imaging using MEQ and double-difference tomography. Utilize imaging 
results, time-lapse seismic data and modified Gassmann equations to 
quantify fluid flow and temperature changes in EGS. Develop a 
reservoir-scale fully coupled thermal-hydrologic-mechanical (THM) 
model. Use NETL's discrete fracture network modeling to scale up 
constitutive relationships for porosity and permeability needed for 
THM. This project is innovative in that the development of super- 
resolution seismic imaging for mapping features and imaging fluid flow 
is a novel extension of a ground-breaking technique recently developed 
in medical imaging, and offers great potential to break through 
seismic imaging resolution. Typically, the use of microseismic data 
has been restricted to mapping gross flow paths affected by 
stimulation. Our proposed high-resolution mapping will provide 
additional information about fracture network geometry and induced 
deformation. Combining this information with the active seismic images 
will enable a more complete conceptual model of the fracture networks 
and fluid flow/temperature distribution in the EGS, which is vitally 
needed for successful EGS operations. 
Project description: The ability to include stress-dependent fracture 
permeability in reservoir simulation models allows for (more) 
accurately predicting future reservoir performance and offers the 
possibility of help in managing thermal short-circuiting. Reservoir 
simulation software has evolved in the past decades to a point where 
complete reservoirs can be efficiently simulated with a single model. 
Thermal hydrologic mechanical (THM) software has also progressed to 
the point where large scale simulations including fluid flow, heat 
transfer, and stress changes can be made. This capability allows 
ground displacement measurements and micro earthquake (MEQ) analysis 
to be used to calibrate and constrain reservoir models and thereby 
help predict future field behavior. In the THM modeling of geothermal 
reservoirs, relating the fracture permeability to fracture aperture 
and fracture aperture to changes in stress or displacement is the key 
to realistic and efficient computations. We surveyed the literature 
and found several conceptualizations of permeability-aperture-stress 
relationships. We like a paper by Bai et. al. (Rock. Mech. Rock 
Engng., 32, 195-219, 1999) because it can represent compressive, 
tensile, and shear stresses. We converted this to a displacement 
formulation and added a thermal stress term. We are testing the model 
on grids we developed for this purpose. In addition, we met and 
discussed with our collaborators at Berkeley Lab, GeothermEx, and 
Ormat: one meeting at LBNL and another at San Francisco during the AGU 
meeting. We have obtained some geophysical well log data from 
GeothermEx/Ormat for building a reservoir model. Milestone Status: 
Programmed Initial Permeability-Aperture-Stress (PAS) models in FEHM 
Created 2D and 3D numerical grids to test the PAS models. 
Project activity description: Research and Development in the 
Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Biotechnology).
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): Bikini Atoll 
Rd SM30.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Los Alamos, NM 
Award amount: $300,600.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: DE-AC52-06NA25396. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: United Technologies Corporation.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: The United Technologies Research Center (UTRC) 
proposes to improve the utilization of available energy in geothermal 
resources and increase the energy conversion efficiency of systems 
employed by: a) tailoring the subcritical and/or supercritical glide 
of enhanced working fluids to best match thermal resources, and b) 
identifying appropriate thermal system and component designs for the 
down-selected working fluids. By implementing these technologies, the 
overall energy conversion of binary geothermal power plants is 
projected to increase by at least 40%. The technical approach is: 1. 
Screen, evaluate, and down-select working fluids and mixtures that 
efficiently match source and sink conditions, meet environmental and 
safety requirements (flammability, global warming potential, ozone 
depletion potential, toxicity, etc), and increase thermodynamic cycle 
performance. 2. Develop necessary models to identify and evaluate 
opportunities for energy conversion technology advancements in 
subcritical, supercritical and trilateral cycles. UTRC shall identify 
optimal cycle configurations and component designs to take full 
advantage of the attributes of down-selected working fluids. UTRC 
shall also define a two-phase expander to best match chosen fluids and 
cycles and conduct a proof-of-concept demonstration. 3. Conduct 
property measurements and develop validated thermophysical models for 
down-selected working fluids. 4. Characterize the heat transfer and 
pressure drop performance of down-selected working fluids and perform 
experiments to quantify and mitigate the impact of heat transfer 
degradation characteristic of supercritical fluids and non-azeotropic 
mixtures. The deliverables of the program are: 1. A comprehensive 
analytical study detailing the screening, evaluation, and down- 
selection of working fluids and identifying the appropriate technology 
advancements in subcritical, supercritical, and trilateral cycles 2. 
Improved heat exchanger and turbine designs for down-selected working 
fluids 3. Validated thermophysical models and experimental data for 
down-selected working fluids 4. Heat transfer and pressure drop data 
and validated correlations for down-selected working fluids over a 
representative operational envelope, plus an analytical study of and 
recommendations for the mitigation of heat transfer degradation 5. 
Definition and proof-of-concept demonstration of a two-phase expander.
Project description: NA.
Project activity description: Research and Development in the 
Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Biotechnology).
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 411 Silver Lane.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: East Hartford, CT 
Award amount: $1,816,306.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: DE-EE0002770. 

[End of table] 

Geothermal Descriptions That Partially Met Our Transparency Criteria: 

The following award descriptions did not contain sufficient details on 
one or more of the following pieces of information necessary to 
facilitate general understanding of the award, based on our criteria: 
general purpose, scope and nature of activities, location, and/or 
expected outcomes. In some cases, only a small amount of additional 
information was needed, while in other cases, many pieces of 
information were needed to make the description more transparent. The 
award description information is taken directly from We 
did not edit it in any way, such as to correct typographical or 
grammatical errors. 

Recipient name: Regents Of The University Of California, The.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: We propose mathematical modeling work, using both 
analytical and numerical methods, to design and analyze laboratory and 
field experiments that would (a) identify tracers with sorption 
properties favorable for enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) 
applications, (b) apply reversibly sorbing tracers to determine the 
fracture-matrix interface area available for heat transfer, and (c) 
explore the feasibility of obtaining fracture-matrix interface area 
from non-isothermal, single-well injection-backflow tests. 
Project description: 1. We performed a first series of design 
calculations for the laboratory heat extraction experiments with CO2 
as heat transmission fluid. 2. An improved model for the specific 
enthalpy of the CO2-rich phase was implemented in the evolving ECO2H 
fluid property module for TOUGH2. 3. We started a literature survey of 
rock-fluid interactions in geologic systems that may serve as 
(partial) analogues of EGS with CO2. Reactive transport modeling 
studies have also been initiated. 
Project activity description: Research and Development in the 
Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Biotechnology).
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1 CYCLOTRON 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: BERKELEY, CA 
Award amount: $373,200.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: DE-AC02-05CH11231.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds 
experiments on fluid flow, heat transfer, and rock-fluid chemical 
interactions conducted by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 
in partnership with Idaho National Laboratory. The award supports an 
Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) development project that seeks to 
achieve a rational, science-based design that tests and interrogates 
critical process elements of EGS with carbon dioxide. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Regents Of The University Of California, The.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: 1) develop a novel model and high performance code 
for analysis of coupled THMC processes in EGS, 2) determine 
quantitatively the permeability of sheared fractures and its long term 
changes through THMC processes, 3) refine and validate the models and 
codes to laboratory experiments. and 4) model couple THMC processes in 
near wellbore hydrofracture systems. 
Project description: Thermal-Hydrological-Mechanical-Chemical Code 
Development: An initial coupling of TOUGHREACT V2.0 to FLAC, based on 
the TOUGH-FLAC code has been done. This code will be used to benchmark 
problems handled by the fully coupled THMC code under development. 
Improvements in TOUGHREACT V2.0 have been made to increase efficiency 
and speed for strongly coupled problems encountered in EGS. 
Combinations of improved code and compiler capabilities have resulted 
in over 30% speed increases on test problems. Initial evaluation of 
thermal-hydrological-mechanical processes in ROCMAS was begun, that 
will form the basis of the fully coupled THMC code. Background 
investigation into chemical-mechanical processes in fractures under 
EGS conditions is continuing. Experimental Design and Setup: The 
experimental design for the rock shearing test inside a triaxial cell 
was updated. The new design is based upon double shearing of two axis-
parallel fractures. These fractures will be induced by sequential 
Brasilian loading in two perpendicular directions along the core 
diameter A procurement request was placed for the test vessel, with 
the requisite operating requirements, to be used in the THMC 
experiments. Evaluation of potential EGS rock samples and their 
suitability for experimental studies was begun. 
Project activity description: Research and Development in the 
Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Biotechnology).
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1 Cyclotron 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Berkeley, CA 
Award amount: $511,200.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: DE-AC02-05CH11231.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports experiments at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 
related to Thermal-Hydrological-Mechanical-Chemical (THMC) processes 
with the outcome of model and code development for THMC processes, as 
well as optimization of enhanced geothermal system development and 
production. The experiments will cover four different purposes: (1) 
develop a novel model and high performance code for analysis of 
coupled THMC processes in Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS), (2) 
determine quantitatively the permeability of sheared fractures and its 
long-term changes through THMC processes, (3) refine and validate the 
models and codes to lab experiments, and (4) model couple THMC 
processes in near wellbore hydrofracture systems. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Regents Of The University Of California, The.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory will 
determine the feasibility of jointly using data from microseismic and 
electrical surveys to image the fluid distribution with Enhanced 
Geothermal Systems. 
Project description: (1) We conducted feasibility studies on using 
electromagnetic methods to monitor enhanced geothermal processes. The 
preferred approach is to use time lapse measurements to image fluids 
associated with the geophysical attribute of electrical conductivity. 
The modeling experiments were based upon the Desert Peak Geothermal 
field. Findings show that it is critical to isolate the fluid imaging 
volume for successful outcome. This volume can be provided by micro 
earthquake hypocenter locations, obtained through standard and double 
difference earthquake location algorithms. (2) We initiated evaluation 
of standard and double difference earthquake location and 
corresponding tomographic algorithms to reconstruct P and S wave 
seismic velocities. The double difference seismic tomography looks 
favorable in reconstructing velocity images of greatest resolution in 
the earthquake stimulated region. Our future plans will include 
coupling of these velocities to electrical conductivity to better 
image fluid stimulation. This is to be done using a common structural 
constraint between velocities and conductivity. (3)We have 
successfully implemented and tested a cross-gradient constraint in our 
electromagnetic imaging codes. We can now image subsurface electrical 
conductivity, which is associated with fluids, that is constrained by 
seismic velocity structural information obtained from seismic 
tomography. We have now just started this implementation in our 
seismic tomographic codes, where velocity will be constrained by 
electrical conductivity structural information. (4)The desert peak EGS 
experiment will not go forward as planned. We are now investigating 
two new field test sites to make measurements. Bardys Nevada or Raft 
River Idaho. Plans call for an earthquake monitoring networks to be 
installed at both sites, and we are evaluating logistics for making 
time lapses electromagnetic measurements. A contractor has been found 
that will make these measurements, pending final selection.
Project activity description: Research and Development in the 
Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Biotechnology).
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1 Cyclotron 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Berkeley, CA 
Award amount: $615,000.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: DE-AC02-05CH11231.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds 
collection of data at an Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) site to 
provide a baseline study and a large EGS injection to map fluid 
attributes. The project will determine the feasibility of jointly 
using data from micro earthquake and electrical surveys to image the 
fluid distribution within EGSs. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Regents Of The University Of California, The.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Laboratory will conduct a series of laboratory 
experiments to quantify the reactivity of a suite of natural chemical 
and isotopic tracers as a function of fluid chemistry, temperature, 
surface area, and time: and incorporate the measured solute 
reactivities into a tracer analysis model. 
Project description: 1. Quantification of Bulk Reactivity and Surface 
Area: In collaboration with, EGI, University of Utah and PI on the 
Raft River EGS demonstration project, core samples from the Raft River 
site were examined and arrangements have been made for shipping core 
samples to LBNL. Preliminary assessment of potential core samples from 
the Desert Peak EGS demonstration site has been completed. Sample 
selection is underway. The core samples will be used in the surface 
area reactivity experiments. Arrangements have been made with rock 
prep lab at UC Berkeley's Department of Earth and Planetary Science 
for preparing the core samples for the surface reactivity tests. 2. 
Tracer Transport Simulation In this quarter, we have focused on Task 
2.1 Tracer Transport Simulation for the modeling part of the project. 
Specifically, we have incorporated the analytical solution of 
Neretnieks (2002) into the framework of the channelized flow that is 
expected to occur in an EGS system. The work of Neretnieks (2002) 
deals with both conservative and reactive (simple kd-approach) tracers 
for one-dimensional flow conditions. We are also extending the 
analytical solution for steady-state isotopic compositions of fluids 
flowing through fractured rock (DePaolo, 2006) to transient conditions 
that are important for new fractures created in an EGS system. In 
addition, we are evaluating whether or not the TOUHREACT code (Xu et 
al., 2006) needs to be modified when bulk-reactivities for species, 
determined as part of the experimental phase of the project, are used 
in place of assumed reaction rates for specific species. 
Project activity description: Research and Development in the 
Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Biotechnology).
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1 Cyclotron 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Berkeley, CA 
Award amount: $564,600.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: DE-AC02-05CH11231.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports activities that will quantify the mineralogy of reservoir 
rocks and the chemical composition of fluids needed for an Enhanced 
Geothermal System (EGS) to incorporate into numerical models and 
evaluate the reactivity of different solutes as a function of surface 
area, temperature, fluid chemistry and time to develop the tracer-
interpretation technique. The activities will develop an innovative 
approach for estimating the change in fracture surface area induced by 
well stimulation. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Uchicago Argonne, LLC.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: EGS Technology R&D (Project code 2004190) consists 
of the following 3 subprojects: Enhanced Geothermal--EGS R&D for 
Synchrotron X-Ray Studies In accordance with the approved EERE 
Geothermal Technologies Program, these funds are for synchrotron X-ray 
studies of supercritical carbon dioxide/reservoir rock interfaces. 
Argonne will use synchrotron x-ray measurements to monitor all aspects 
of atomic to nanoscale structural changes resulting from chemical 
interactions of scCO2-H2O binary fluids with rocks under enhanced 
geothermal systems conditions. EGS R&D for Utilization of Geothermal 
Energy In accordance with the approved EERE Geothermal Technologies 
Program, these funds are for the Utilization of Geothermal Energy. 
Argonne will develop chemical energy carrier processes to recover heat 
from enhanced geothermal systems as chemical energy. EGS R&D for 
Waveguide-based Ultrasonic and Far-Field Electromagnetic Sensors In 
accordance with the approved EERE Geothermal Technologies Program, 
these funds are for Waveguide based ultrasonic and far-field 
electromagnetic sensors for downhold reservoir characterization. 
Argonne National Laboratory will develop waveguide-based ultrasonic 
and far-field electromagnetic sensors to measure Enhanced Geothermal 
Systems reservoir parameters. Two sensor technologies to be examined 
are (1) microwave (MW) radiometer and (2) ultrasonic waveguide (UW) 
sensor. Major activities in FY2010 include: (1) Establish a laboratory 
hot-rock test facility, (2) Evaluate MW antenna performance under high 
temperature and humidity, and (3) Evaluate UW sensor performance under 
high temperature and humidity. 
Project description: Synchrotron X-Ray Studies: Silica surfaces were 
prepared for synchrotron x-ray reflectivity. The roughness of the 
surface was found less than 1 nm. X-ray reflectivity measurements of 
the silica surfaces under static scCO2-scH2O fluids showed no 
measurable dissolution and roughening as expected. The X-ray/pressure 
cell was modified to accommodate thinner windows (0.5~1 mm) of 
synthetic diamond, boron carbides, or silicon carbides. The boron 
carbide windows were ordered and tested. The synthetic diamond windows 
were ordered and yet to be delivered. Utilization of Geothermal 
Energy: Potential reversible reactions have been identified. 
Preliminary thermodynamic analyses were performed to match the 
temperature conditions of some of these reactions to temperatures 
potentially available from EGS. Aspen Plus analysis of the methane 
reforming/methanantion reaction cycle was conducted. Because the 
reforming reaction generally occurs at higher temperatures than what 
may be available from EGS reservoirs, a search was conducted to 
identify new catalysts that may enhance the performance of this 
reaction system at lower temperature. Waveguide-based Ultrasonic and 
Far-Field Electromagnetic Sensors: Completed the literature and 
commercial sensor/instrumentation search and a brief knowledge capture 
report was documented. Both literature search and commercial 
instrument survey show lack of high-temperature instruments and 
sensing techniques and development in this area is needed. 
Project activity description: Research and Development in the 
Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Biotechnology).
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 9700 S. Cass 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Argonne, IL 60439-
Award amount: $1,620,000.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: DE-AC02-06CH11357.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The first project 
on synchrotron X-Ray measurements will consist of two phases: one 
studies rock and superconcentrated CO2 interface and the other 
performs measurements under variable component binary fluids with a 
new flow cell. The second project on chemical energy carriers (CEC) 
consists of six tasks for conducting tests, analysis, and development 
for the CEC systems. The third project on waveguide based ultrasonic 
includes three phases for developing and building the ultrawave sensor 
and microwave radiometer. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: The Recovery Act funds received by Brookhaven 
National Laboratory for the Geothermal Technologies program will be 
used to fund (3) separate projects: $200.4k will be used for 
FWP#EST436NEDA and will enable BNL to elucidate the carbonation 
reaction mechanisms between the supercritical carbon dioxide and 
reservoir rocks in aqueous and non-aqueous environments, and to 
develop chemical modeling of CO2-reservoir rock interactions. $347.4k 
will be used to fund FWP#BCH139 and will allow BNL to develop and 
characterize field-applicable geopolymer sealing materials. $225k will 
fund FWP#EE632EEDA and will be used to fund the development and 
implementation of suites of tracers consisting of compounds with 
different chemicals and physical properties. 
Project description: Geothermal Technologies - On FWP#EST436NEDA, we 
are working with Alta Rock Energy for assistance in developing core 
samples and analysis for EGS sites. The key technical leader on this 
project will start at BNL the first week of January 2010. ON 
FWP#BCH139, work is continuing on lab setup and equipment 
requirements. On FWP#EE632EEDA, a specification has been written for a 
subcontract to develop methods of encapsulating PFTs in temperature 
sensitive microbeads. We expect the process to be completed in January. 
Project activity description: All Other Professional, Scientific, and 
Technical Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): P.O. Box 5000.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Upton, NY 11973-
Award amount: $772,800.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: DE-AC02-98CH10886.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports three geothermal technologies projects at Brookhaven National 
Laboratory. Brookhaven will collaborate with four other labs on the 
projects. (1) The project on elucidating a carbonation reaction 
mechanism of reservoir rock will result in, among other things, a 
report on chemical analysis. (2) The project on developing and 
characterizing geopolymer sealing materials will, among other things, 
result in field demonstrations and validations. (3) The project on 
determining the temperature distribution and fracture/heat transfer 
surface area in geothermal reservoirs will result in tracer and model 
development, including field test design and execution. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: UT-BATTELLE, LLC.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: EGS Technology R&D: Geothermal Technologies Program 
Enhanced Geo: This award provides funding to four subprojects in 
support of Enhanced Geothermal Systems technology: 1) Feasibility and 
Design Studies for a High Temperature Downhole Tool--ORNL will perform 
feasibility and design studies for a high temperature downhole tool 
that can measure the porosity, lithology, and density profile of 
geothermal wells: 2) Wear-Resistant NanoComposite Stainless Steel 
Coatings and Bits for Geothermal Drilling--ORNL will develop ultra 
hard, wear resistant nanocomposite stainless steel coatings and bulk 
components to increase the lifetime of drill tooling in harsh 
geothermal environments: 3) Working Fluids and their Effects on 
Geothermal Turbines--ORNL will evaluate working fluids for a 
geothermal turbine cycle based on property measurements, molecular 
dynamics modeling, and thermodynamic modeling to increase the turbine 
cycle efficiency in binary power plants: and 4) Properties of CO2 Rich 
Pore Fluids and their Effect on Porosity Evolution in EGS Rocks--ORNL 
will characterize CO2 and water bulk and pore fluids by vibrating tube 
densimetry, determine changing pore and fluid structures using neutron 
scattering, and conduct real time imaging of the dissolution front and 
evolution of porosity using x-ray and neutron computed tomography. 
Project description: 1) High Temperature Downhole Tool--A furnace for 
detector testing has been ordered but not received. Several 
scintillator materials for testing purposes have been ordered. Design 
for test apparatus for temperature and vibrations tests is in 
progress. Preliminary modeling studies have been performed to 
determine the change in tool response with the change in temperature 
and surrounding formation environment. 2) NanoComposite Stainless 
Steel Coatings and Bits--ORNL is working with Carpenter Powder 
Products to gas atomize a 500 pound melt of an alloy specifically 
designed to devitrify from an amorphous state into a corrosion 
resistant alloy with increased hardness for use as coating materials 
in geothermal applications. Carpenter has scheduled this run for late 
January 2010 and ORNL should receive powder in early February. ORNL is 
currently processing the same alloy using conventional casting 
techniques. A parametric study was developed to analyze the effect of 
various processing parameters on the laser/metal interaction. A 
preliminary conceptual design for an impact-abrasion testing apparatus 
has been developed. 3) Working Fluids--A review has been conducted on 
the properties of supercritical fluids to identify where there are 
needs for additional or corroborative data and where models need to be 
developed for physical properties. Work carried out during this 
quarter will allow us to focus both experimental and computation 
efforts to address gaps and deficiencies in the thermodynamic database 
for the heat transfer fluids selected for binary geothermal power 
plant operation. 4) Properties of CO2 Rich Pore Fluids--The high 
temperature vibrating tube flow densimeter (VTD) was tested and 
disassembled to make repairs and improvements needed to restore 
reliable operation. Proof of principle experiment was successfully 
conducted to synthesize low density silica mesoporous solid inside the 
vibrating tubes of different geometries. 
Project activity description: Facilities Support Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1 Bethel 
Valley Road.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Oak Ridge, TN 
Award amount: $1,920,000.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: DE-AC05-00OR22725.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award to the 
Oak Ridge National Laboratory consists of four projects. (1) The high 
temperature down-hole tool project will investigate the feasibility of 
developing components for enabling operation at higher temperatures, 
up to 400 degrees Celsius for use in geothermal wells. (2) The project 
on carbon dioxide fluids will use four complementary approaches to 
improve geochemical modeling. (3) The project on stainless steel 
coatings and bits will have two stages for analyzing a specific type 
of metal and then showing the possibility of using complex metal-boron 
carbides into stainless steel matrix for a type of alloy. (4) The 
project for working fluids will take advantage of expertise in 
prediction and measurement of thermodynamic properties, and accurate 
modeling of complex turbine cycles based on those properties. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Los Alamos National Security, LLC.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: This ARRA-funded project addresses the research 
topic area: Tracers and Tracer Interpretation ? to adapt or develop 
reservoir tracers and/or tracer interpretation techniques that provide 
information beyond well-to-well connectivity such as fracture surface 
area or fracture spacing. Commercial development of geothermal energy 
requires quantitative characterization of temperature distributions 
and surface area available for heat transfer in engineered (enhanced) 
geothermal systems (EGS). This project will provide integrated tracer 
and tracer interpretation tools to facilitate this characterization by 
developing and implementing 1. Suites of tracers consisting of 
compounds with different chemical and physical properties that can be 
injected into wells and will interact in different and measurable ways 
with the fractured rock matrix. 2. Single-and inter-well test designs 
and corresponding interpretation methods to extract the temperature 
distribution and surface area information from differences in the 
tracer concentration-versus-time histories (breakthrough curves). We 
anticipate significantly advancing tracer-based methods available to 
geothermal operators by developing (1) tracers that can be reliably 
applied to provide quantitative information on temperature 
distribution and fracture surface area, (2) tracer test designs (both 
single well and interwell) to exploit the use of these tracers, and 
(3) interpretive methods to allow this information to be used to 
provide practical guidance to operators to improve heat extraction. 
Project description: The members of the research team participated in 
a meeting at the Energy and Geoscience Institute (EGI) at the 
University of Utah on December 8, 2009. The purpose of the meeting was 
to share information on the geothermal tracer programs at EGI and the 
four national labs and to explore ways that the programs can interact 
and share information. Pete Rose opened the meeting with introductions 
and an overview of the geothermal tracer programs at EGI. He described 
laboratory programs investigating the properties of different tracer 
candidates under geothermal conditions and field programs where 
fluorescent dies have been used in actual wells. Kevin Leecaster, also 
of EGI, described laboratory equipment and experiments used to 
characterize potential tracer compounds, discussed results, and 
presented plans for flow through reactor experiments. Paul Reimus of 
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) discussed methods for modeling 
tracer behavior in geothermal applications and described the 
laboratory capabilities at LANL. Contact Paul Reimus or the LANL SPO 
office for additional details related to the meeting. The meeting 
finished with a discussion of how the three programs, EGI, INL, and 
the combined program of BNL, LANL, and PNNL, could establish working 
collaborations. We agreed to share information on field programs and 
to work towards incorporating tracers from all three programs in 
future field tests as well as share in design, operation, and results 
of laboratory experiments. On Dec. 9th, The LANL, PNNL, BNL team 
discussed the next steps for 2004190-EGS R&D and agreed to begin 
laboratory testing of PFT compounds early next year. We developed a 
tentative schedule and will have a meeting in late winter at Los 
Alamos to plan laboratory testing. 
Project activity description: Research and Development in the 
Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Biotechnology).
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): Bikini Atoll 
Rd SM30.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Los Alamos, NM 
Award amount: $180,000.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: DE-AC52-06NA25396.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award has 
seven milestones, including identifying materials operable at high 
temperatures, developing a sensor model, and determining the optimum 
approach for flow measurements. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Massachusetts Institute Of Technology.
Project name: Recovery Act: Decision Analysis for Enhanced Geothermal 
Systems, Project 2004190.
Award description: Recovery Act: Decision Analysis For Enhanced 
Geothermal Systems Project 2004190. 
Project description: Not started yet. Start date is Feb 1 2010.
Project activity description: Research & Public Policy Analysis.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 77 
Massachusetts Ave., E19-750.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Cambridge, MA 
Award amount: $549,148.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: DE-EE0002743.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the development of a decision analysis procedure to assess 
development of an Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS). Activities will 
include the development of several models: a cost/time estimation 
model, a simple circulation/heat transfer model, and a subsurface 
cost/time model. The models will be integrated to assess EGS 
development and made accessible to EGS stakeholders to provide 
feedback for improvements. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: General Electric Company.
Project name: Pressure Sensor and Telemetry Methods for Measurement 
While Drilling in Geothermal Wells.
Award description: The scope of the proposed project is to develop a 
pressure sensor system consisting of silicon on sapphire based sensor 
transducer and SiC-based electronics to operate at 300C in Measurement 
While Drilling (MWD) conditions that are expected to be found in a 
geothermal well. 
Project description: Performance and deliverables in accordance with 
the Grant Statement of Project Objectives. 
Project activity description: Research and Development in the 
Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Biotechnology).
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1 Research 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Niskayuna, NY 
Award amount: $3,408,485.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: DE-EE0002755.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award will 
develop a pressure sensor system operating at 300 degrees Celsius and 
capable of surviving shock and vibration conditions similar to 
measurement while drilling (MWD) environments. Activities include 
integrating and testing a pressure sensor system and developing and 
testing a telemetry module and pressure system at 300 degrees Celsius. 
Both systems will be tested for shock and vibration conditions 
typically found in measurement while drilling environments. The 
technology can aid in the economic completion of (Enhanced Geothermal 
Systems) EGS wells. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name; Altarock Energy, INC.
Project name; Newberry Volcano EGS Demonstration.
Award description; This project will demonstrate the development and 
operation of an Engineered Geothermal System, including site and 
resource investigation, well drilling and completion, stimulation of 
wells to create a geothermal reservoir, testing of well productivity 
and assessment of reservoir characteristics, construction of a well 
field and power plant, and extended operation and monitoring of the 
constructed facility with continuous power generation. 
Project description; AltaRock Energy has not commenced the project 
activities as described in Section 2.0 (Task Schedule) of the Project 
Management Plan submitted as part of its application. AltaRock is 
currently negotiating the award agreement with DOE and revising budget 
and project activities in relation to these negotiations. 
Project activity description; Power and Communication Line and Related 
Structures Construction.
Award type; Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field); Newberry 
Volcano, McKay Butte Road/NF-600.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code; La Pine, OR 97739-
Award amount; $7,623,432.00.
Project status; Not Started.
Award number; DE-EE0002777.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description; The award funds 
the building of a power plant and production facility that will be 
capable of generating no less than 15 MWe and operating for 30 years. 
This will provide long-term power generation through Engineered 
Geothermal System (EGS) and the first source of indigenous geothermal 
power in Oregon. The award will allow geothermal experts to enhance 
geoscience and engineering techniques that are essential to the 
expansion of EGS throughout the country. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Baker Hughes Oilfield Operations, Inc. 
Project name: RECOVERY ACT: high Temperature 300C Directional Drilling 
Award description: The scope of work will be to develop a reliable 
drilling and steering system for the creation of Enhanced Geothermal 
Systems. The drilling and steering system will provide optimum 
performance in temperatures of up to 300×C (572×F) in hard rock 
formations, and under the high pressures encountered in boreholes at 
depths of up to 10,000 meters (33,000 feet). The drilling and steering 
system will be comprised of the following components: a drill bit to 
break up the rock formation, a downhole drive to rotate the bit, some 
steering means associated with the drive unit to steer the well in a 
pre-determined way, and a dedicated drilling fluid (mud) to serve 
several purposes including carrying the rock cuttings out of the 
Project description: Project not started since award made very late in 
quarter: 12/29/2009.
Project activity description: Unknown.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 2001 Rankin 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Houston, TX 77073-
Award amount: $5,000,000.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: DE-EE0002782.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award has 
four phases and 26 tasks with activities including a concept review, 
designing equipment like drill bits and waste management equipment, 
conducting design reviews, manufacturing and assembling prototype 
equipment, and conducting integrated testing of the prototype drilling 
system under geothermal conditions. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Colorado Museum Of Natural History, The.
Project name: Recovery Act: Education and Collection Facility Ground 
Source Heat Pumps Demonstration Project.
Award description: Recovery Act: Education and Collection Facility 
Ground Source Heat Pumps Demonstration Project.
Project description: No activity: start date was 12/29/09.
Project activity description: Museums.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 2001 Colorado 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Denver, CO 80205-
Award amount: $2,611,832.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: DE-EE0002815.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds 
installation of a commercial scale (100 ton) ground source heat pump 
(GSHP) heating/cooling system that will be operated and maintained for 
2 to 3 years. The project is expected to significantly reduce 
traditional GSHP installation costs while boosting the efficiency of 
the GSHP system. Activities will include, among other things, 
developing a detailed engineering design, procuring and installing the 
proposed GSHP system, operating and maintaining the system for 2 to 3 
years, and developing a national awareness campaign for GSHP systems. 
The successful design and installation of the system can drastically 
reduce building energy consumption, require less area and capital to 
install, and be economically implemented wherever access to recycled 
water is available. 

[End of table] 

Geothermal Description That Did Not Meet Our Transparency Criteria: 

The following award description contained little or no information 
that allowed readers to understand the general purpose, scope and 
nature of activities, location, and expected outcomes. The award 
description information is taken directly from We did 
not edit it in any way, such as to correct typographical or 
grammatical errors. 

Recipient name: Alliance For Sustainable Energy, LLC.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Geothermal Demonstrations: Geothermal Analysis.
Project description: Literature search was conducted on the status of 
dry/wet cooling options for power plants. Interviews with candidates 
are scheduled. 
Project activity description: Research and Development in the 
Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Biotechnology).
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1617 Cole Blvd.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Golden, CO 80401-
Award amount: $1,200,000.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: DE-08GO28308.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) research and development in 
air cooling. The award will identify and analyze advanced cooling 
strategies that allow air-cooled geothermal power plants to maintain a 
high electric power output during periods of high air dry bulb 
temperatures while minimizing any water consumption. The research will 
include activities such as an hour-by-hour cost/performance simulation 
of a cost-optimized 50 MW binary-cycle geothermal power plant at 
resource temperatures of 125 and 175 degrees Celsius for three 
different heat rejection systems. 

[End of section] 

Appendix V: High-Speed Intercity Passenger Rail Program: 

Within the Department of Transportation, the Federal Railroad 
Administration's (FRA) High-Speed Intercity Passenger Rail Program is 
working to build an efficient, high-speed passenger rail network of 
between 100-and 600-mile intercity corridors, as one element of a 
modernized transportation system. This relatively new program is based 
on two pieces of legislation: the Passenger Rail Investment and 
Improvement Act of 2008 and the Recovery Act. The 2008 investment act 
established new competitive grant programs for high-speed and 
intercity passenger rail capital improvements, and the Recovery Act 
provided $8 billion for these grant programs.[Footnote 52] In order to 
meet the goals of the Recovery Act, FRA proposed to advance the 
following funding tracks:[Footnote 53] 

* Projects. Provide grants to complete individual projects that are 
"ready to go" with preliminary engineering and environmental work 

* Corridor Program. Enter into cooperative agreements to develop 
entire phases or geographic sections of corridor programs that not 
only have completed corridor plans and environmental documentation but 
also have a prioritized list of projects to meet the corridor 
objectives; this approach would involve additional federal oversight 
and support. 

Nature and Type of High-Speed Rail Projects: 

On January 28, 2010, the administration announced the first recipients 
of grant funding for the high-speed rail program. In total, 70 
projects were selected for funding, but no awards have been made. 
[Footnote 54] (See figure 2.) FRA is working with the selected 
recipients to refine the projects' scope and descriptions. The 
selected projects are focused on the following three key areas that 
may provide transportation, economic recovery, and other public 

* Build new high-speed rail corridors that will fundamentally expand 
and improve passenger transportation in the geographic regions they 

* Upgrade existing intercity passenger rail services. 

* Lay the groundwork for future high-speed passenger rail services 
through smaller projects and planning efforts. 

Figure 2: Locations of High-Speed Rail Projects Selected for Funding: 

[Refer to PDF for image: U.S. map] 

Source: Federal Railroad Administration (map). 

[End of figure] 

Results of Transparency Assessment for High-Speed Rail Descriptions: 

Although FRA has not made any awards for rail projects, it has entered 
into five contracts to assist the agency with program administration 
and architectural and engineering issues related to the evaluation of 
proposals and feasibility studies. For example, FRA can use the 
architectural and engineering contractors for site visits to specific 
locations to confirm engineering assessments in proposals and check 
calculations of various loads and capacities. We assessed the 
transparency of descriptive information for these five contracts: 

* One met our transparency criteria. 

* One partially met our criteria. 

* Three did not meet our criteria. 

For the four descriptions that partially or did not meet our criteria, 
we collected information necessary to make the description meet our 
criteria. The descriptions of awards in our sample, whether they met 
our transparency criteria, and additional information that we found to 
complete the narrative descriptions are provided at the end of this 

Since the program is relatively new, FRA focused on selecting projects 
and getting awards out and did not issue any supplemental reporting 
guidance to eligible applicants. FRA officials considered the Office 
of Management and Budget's (OMB) guidance sufficient to outline 
reporting requirements. While FRA has not yet issued supplemental 
guidance, it may in the future. 

Other Ways Award Information Is Made Available to the Public: 

The Department of Transportation and FRA make high-speed rail project 
information available to the public in several forms: 

* The department's recovery Web site ( This 
agencywide map provides the location, cost, and a brief description 
for each award. 

* FRA Web site and high-speed rail interactive project map 
( This provides information by 

* Press releases. Also on its Web site, FRA provides press releases 
detailing the goals and plan for the high-speed rail program. 

FRA is also developing a more interactive recovery Web site for the 
general public. 

FRA officials told us they have not received much public feedback 
about the high-speed rail awards to date. However, FRA has received 
questions on its Web site from the public about job opportunities, and 
when it was soliciting grant applications, it received questions from 
industry officials about the application process. 

High-Speed Rail Descriptions That Met Our Transparency Criteria: 

The following award description contained sufficient information on 
general purpose, scope and nature of activities, location, and 
expected outcomes to meet our transparency criteria. The award 
description information is taken directly from We did 
not edit it in any way, such as to correct typographical or 
grammatical errors. information: 
Recipient name: Deloitte Consulting LLP.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Provide assistance consisting of mission-oriented 
business consulting services in support of FRA's Office of Passenger 
and Freight Programs, with a specific focus on advising FRA in the 
establishment of a grants management program that is commensurate with 
the significant increase in discretionary grant activity resulting 
from ARRA. 
Project description: Program Support - Coordinate information and 
develop processes to administer ARRA grant program. Activities 
include: development of tools and databases to drive workflow and 
assist FRA in meeting statutory objectives and deadlines: support FRA 
in the capture, sorting and organization of all relevant grant and 
stakeholder information and utilize tools and processes to provide 
information to program leadership for analysis and presentation to 
relevant stakeholder audiences. Policy/Process - Assist with tasks 
such as project planning, grant administration process design and 
execution across the grants management lifecycle (Application and 
Approval, Award and Disbursement, Management and Monitoring, 
Closeout), stakeholder policy issues tracking, risk identification and 
mitigation. Communications and Resourcing - Assist program and FRA 
leadership in managing communications planning by monitoring, 
cataloging and coordinating responses to stakeholder inquiries 
submitted via program email account and docket: work with program and 
FRA leadership to conduct workforce analysis to identify core 
capabilities, organizational structure and resourcing requirements 
necessary to successfully administer agency programs at current stage 
and into the future. 
Project activity description: Administrative Management and General 
Management Consulting Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1200 New 
Jersey Avenue SE.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Washington, DC 
Award amount: $4,136,375.44.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS10F0083L/DTFR53-0. 

[End of table] 

High-Speed Rail Descriptions That Partially Met Our Transparency 

The following award description did not contain sufficient details on 
one or more of the following pieces of information necessary to 
facilitate general understanding of the award, based on our criteria: 
general purpose, scope and nature of activities, location, and/or 
expected outcomes. The award description information is taken directly 
from We did not edit it in any way, such as to correct 
typographical or grammatical errors. information: 
Recipient name: Booz Allen Hamilton Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Booz Allen Hamilton will provide general technical 
support in environmental engineering, historic documentation, and 
financial analysis and organizational planning to assist RDV in 
reviewing ARRA high speed rail grant applications. 
Project description: There were no invoices submitted for this 
reporting period. 
Project activity description: Administrative Management and General 
Management Consulting Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 8283 
Greensboro Drive.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: McLean, VA 22102-
Award amount: $99,000.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: DTFR53-09-D-00006.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports a contract for activities such as conducting site visits to 
specific locations to confirm engineering assessments in applications 
and conducting calculations of various loads and capacities. The 
activities that will occur under this contract will allow senior 
engineers from the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) to do higher 
level assessment work on the various applications and interface with 
the prospective grantees. 

[End of table] 

High-Speed Rail Descriptions That Did Not Meet Our Transparency 

The following award descriptions contained little or no information 
that allowed readers to understand the general purpose, scope and 
nature of activities, location, and expected outcomes. The award 
description information is taken directly from We did 
not edit it in any way, such as to correct typographical or 
grammatical errors. information: 
Recipient name: Aecom Technology Corporation.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Architect and Engineering Support Services for 
Passenger Rail Programs.
Project description: Architect and Engineering Support Services for 
Passenger Rail Programs.
Project activity description: Engineering Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 3101 Wilson 
Boulevard, 4th Floor.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Arlington, VA 
Award amount: $99,000.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: DTFR53-09-D-00010.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports a contract for assistance to the Federal Railroad 
Administration (FRA) as it evaluates and considers the feasibility of 
high-speed rail proposals. Activities under the contract include 
conducting site visits to specific locations to confirm engineering 
assessments in proposals and conducting calculations of various loads 
and capacities. These activities will allow senior engineers from the 
FRA to do higher level assessment work on the various proposals and 
interface with the prospective grantees. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: PB Americas, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: A/E contract for support services in areas of 
intercity passenger rail programs and high speed rail programs. 
Project description: none.
Project activity description: Engineering Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 465 Spring 
Park Technology Center.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Herndon, VA 20170-
Award amount: $99,000.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: DTFR53-09-D-00007.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports a contract for assistance to the Federal Railroad 
Administration (FRA) as it evaluates proposals and considers 
feasibility of high-speed rail proposals. Activities that can occur 
under the contract include conducting site visits to specific 
locations to confirm engineering assessments in proposals and 
conducting calculations of various loads and capacities. These 
activities will allow senior engineers from the FRA to do higher level 
assessment work on the various proposals and interface with the 
prospective grantees. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: STV Incorporated.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Provide environmental engineering and historic 
documentation support and financial/organizational planning support 
for analysis of high speed rail systems. 
Project description: Project not yet started.
Project activity description: Engineering Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Philadelphia, PA 
Award amount: $99,000.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: DTFR53-09-D-00009/0.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports a contract for assistance to the Federal Railroad 
Administration (FRA) as it evaluates and considers the feasibility of 
high-speed rail proposals. Activities under the contract include 
conducting site visits to specific locations to confirm engineering 
assessments in proposals and calculations of various loads and 
capacities. These activities will allow senior engineers from the FRA 
to do higher level assessment work on the various proposals and 
interface with the prospective grantees. 

[End of table] 

[End of section] 

Appendix VI: Grants-in-Aid for Airports: 

Within the Department of Transportation, the Federal Aviation 
Administration's (FAA) Grants-in-Aid for Airports Program (airport 
improvement program) provides grants for the planning and development 
of public-use airports. The Recovery Act provides $1.1 billion for 
discretionary airport improvement program grants, with priority given 
to projects that can be completed within two years. 

Nature and Type of Awards: 

FAA had obligated nearly $1.1 billion in recovery funds by April 22, 
2010. As of April 22, 2010, about $650 million had been disbursed by 
FAA to airports. About two-thirds of obligations have been for runway 
and taxiway projects. Approximately $481 million (44 percent) is being 
used on runway construction and rehabilitation projects, while nearly 
$220 million (20 percent) is being used for taxiway construction and 
rehabilitation projects. (See fig. 3.) For example, the Denver 
International Airport's taxiway project rehabilitated portions of 
Taxiway P by removing and replacing identified distressed concrete 
pavement panels. 

Figure 3: Reported Uses of Recovery Act Aviation Funds, as of April 
22, 2010: 

[Refer to PDF for image: pie-chart] 

Runway ($481 million): 44%; 
Taxiway ($220 million): 20%; 
Apron ($187 million): 17%; 
Terminal building ($85 million): 8%; 
Construct new airport ($33 million): 3%; 
Aircraft rescue and firefighting building ($31 million): 3%; 
Other ($19 million): 2%; 
Runway safety area ($17 million): 2%; 
Equipment ($13 million): 1%; 
Noise mitigation measures for the public ($5 million): less than 1%; 
Security enhancements ($4 million): less than 1%. 

Source: GAO analysis of FAA data. 

Note: Apron includes apron construction and rehabilitation; taxiway 
includes taxiway construction, rehabilitation, and lighting 
installation; and runway includes runway construction, rehabilitation, 
and lighting rehabilitation. 

[End of figure] 

About 18 Percent of Descriptions Met Our Transparency Criteria: 

We assessed the transparency of descriptive information for aviation 
awards available on, as described earlier in this report. 
An estimated: 

* 18 percent met our transparency criteria, 

* 82 percent partially met our criteria, and: 

* zero percent did not meet our criteria.[Footnote 55] 

For descriptions that partially met or did not meet our criteria, we 
collected information necessary to make the descriptions meet our 
criteria. The descriptions of awards in our sample, whether they met 
our criteria, and additional information that we found to complete the 
narrative descriptions are provided at the end of this appendix. 

Agency Guidance and Other Factors That May Affect Transparency of 
Reported Information: 

For recipient reporting, FAA provided technical assistance and other 
support to recipients but did not issue supplemental guidance. FAA 
officials told us they considered the Office of Management and 
Budget's (OMB) guidance sufficient to outline reporting requirements, 
so the agency did not issue its own supplemental guidance. However, 
FAA distributed guidance and provided technical assistance to 
recipients through each airport's division office. FAA officials said 
field offices have discretion in how to distribute OMB's guidance. One 
field official, for example, said the division office hired a 
contractor to oversee Recovery Act efforts who distributed information 
and guidance to every airport in the division by e-mail. In addition, 
FAA annotated, for a few fields, the template that recipients used to 
enter information into These annotations direct 
recipients to use information on their grant agreement as entered into 
FAA's internal grants database. Many of the recipients we spoke with 
indicated that they populated the award description field with the 
description that was on the original grant. For example, officials we 
spoke with for the Quad City International Airport located in Moline, 
Illinois, stated that they used the amount of the award, execution 
date, and award description from the grant award to populate fields on 

In addition, a number of recipients we spoke with stated that they 
received help from FAA division office officials to complete their 
reporting. According to FAA officials, only a small portion of airport 
improvement program grantees--10 percent, or about 300--received 
Recovery Act funds. Specifically, according to officials at the 
Midland-Bay City-Saginaw International Airport in Michigan, they 
received a tremendous amount of support from FAA's division office 
with regard to identifying and explaining reporting requirements. 
However, several recipients we spoke with reported problems with or OMB's guidance. For example, officials at the 
John Murtha Johnstown-Cambria County Airport had difficulty 
determining the correct zip code to use to accurately identify the 
location of the project receiving Recovery Act funds. The FAA district 
official was able to identify the correct zip code to enter into 

Other Ways Award Information Is Made Available to the Public: 

Beyond, the Department of Transportation and FAA make 
award information available to the public through various means, 
including the following: 

* Department of Transportation interactive map of awards 
( This agencywide map, which includes aviation 
awards, provides the location, cost, and a brief description for each 

* FAA web site ( The Web site contains a 
spreadsheet that outlines each award's location, cost, and name, among 
other things. In addition, the Web site provides a pie chart to 
display awards by category (i.e., runway, taxiway). 

In addition, airport improvement program recipients use Web sites and 
other tools to provide award information to the public. Several 
airport improvement program recipients we interviewed disseminate 
award information to the public on their Web sites. For example, the 
Web site for the Washington Metropolitan Airport Authority, recipient 
of the Dulles International Airport award includes, among other 
things, a narrative description of the project and the estimated cost 
of the investment. Another Web site, for the Midland-Bay City-Saginaw 
International Airport Authority, describes the ongoing construction 
project but does not mention that Recovery Act funds are being used. 
Dulles International Airport also erected a sign to alert the public 
that its runway project was funded by the Recovery Act. 

According to FAA headquarters officials, the public has provided 
little feedback on airport improvement program Recovery Act awards, 
but they were unsure if the regions had received any feedback. The 
airport improvement program recipients we interviewed generally 
reported the same experience. Officials from Los Angeles World 
Airports told us that they had not received many calls, but those 
calls were typically from construction companies or individuals 
looking for work. The Williamson-Sodus Airport in New York and the 
John Murtha Johnstown-Cambria County Airport in Pennsylvania received 
negative media attention because the media considered them smaller 
airports and maintained their funds could have been better spent at 
larger airports.[Footnote 56] However, recipients at both airports 
told us they received support from FAA and the local communities that 
they service. 

Airport Improvement Program Descriptions That Met Our Transparency 

The following award descriptions contained sufficient information on 
general purpose, scope and nature of activities, location, and 
expected outcomes to meet our transparency criteria. The award 
description information is taken directly from We did 
not edit it in any way, such as to correct typographical or 
grammatical errors. information: 
Recipient name: Bartow City Of.
Project name: Rehabilitate Taxiway D (+/-3,000 feet by 50 feet) and 
Award description: This project consisted of the design, bid and 
award, and construction phases for the rehabilitation of Taxiway 'D' 
at the Bartow Municipal Airport. Taxiway 'D' and associated taxiway 
connectors are approximately 3000' in length and 50' wide and had 
severe cracking and spalling. The cracks were sealed and covered with 
a self-adhesive engineering fabric prior to the P-401 overlay. The 
project improved the quality of the pavement of our primary taxiway at 
the Bartow Airport. This project now provides a safer environment for 
aircraft by placement of the asphalt overlay on a poor pavement 
surface which was oxidized and raveling, creating a FOD situation.
Project description: The overall purpose and expected results of this 
project is the project improved the quality of pavement of a primary 
taxiway at the Bartow Municipal Airport. The project provided a safer 
environment for aircraft by the placement of the asphalt overlay on a 
poor pavement surface which had oxidized and raveled, creating a FOD 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): Bartow 
Municipal Airport.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Bartow, FL 33831-
Award amount: $499,398.00.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: 3-12-0005-024-2009. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Houma Terrebonne Airport Commission.
Project name: Rehabilitate Runway 12/30 Lighting.
Award description: Airport Improvement project to replace and 
rehabilitate runway and taxiway lighting and associated NAVAIDs. This 
project will bring the current airfield lighting system into 
compliance standards, prevent further failures and increase safety, 
and reduce associated maintenance and operational costs. Current 
system tests show that the megohm readings are out of acceptable range 
to by an excessive amount. The new system is designed to prevent pre-
mature deterioration and reduce maintenance and operational costs 
while providing a more reliable and visable lighting system. An 
overall cost savings will be realized over the life of the new system. 
Project description: Contractor has run 1,137 ft of homerun conduits 
from the regulator station. Contractor has installed one pull box at 
the end of the 512 ft run. Contractor has completed 7 runs of homerun 
conduits to the junction box where the conduits split to the various 
runways and taxiways. Contractor trenched and ran conduits to Taxiways 
Alpha and Fox Trot. Contractor has completed the conduit runs to 
Taxiways Alpha and Fox Trot. Contractor started installation of the 
threshold lights on the north end of 12/30 and installed conduit for 
Taxiways Alpha and Fox Trot through the threshold. Contractor 
completed installation of the threshold cans on the north end of 
12/30, ran 1800 feet of conduit along the north side of 12/30, and set 
runway light cans. Contractor completed installation of the conduit 
and cans on the northwest side of 12/30. Contractor installed ground 
rods in homerun junction boxes back to the regulator station. 
Contractor installed pull strings from the regulator station through 
the homerun conduits in preparation for pulling wire. Contractor 
completed the work at the intersection of 12/30 and 18/36 and has 
cleared the runway safety area of 18/36. Contractor completed the 
installation of the cans and conduit on the west side of Runway 12/30 
and is currently working on the REILs. Contractor pulled conductors on 
the west side of Runway 12/30 and completed the installation of the 
REILs on the north end. Contractor pulled the home run wiring on five 
active circuits. Contractor began installing lights on the northwest 
end of Runway 12/30. Contractor began installation of the lights and 
transformers on the northwest end of Runway 12/30. Contractor 
backfilled and grated around the newly installed cans. Contractor 
completed installation of the cans and lights on the west end of the 
runway. Contractor tied in the existing lights on the east end of the 
runway and tested the runway lighting. The runway was opened for air 
Project activity description: Other Airport Operations.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 10264 East 
Main Street.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Houma, LA 70363-
Award amount: $960,927.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-22-0020-023-2009. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Sierra Vista, City Of.
Project name: Runway 12-30 Reconstruction and Taxiway J Realignment.
Award description: Design and reconstruct Runway 12-30 and construct 
Taxiway J realignment at the Sierra Vista Municipal Airport-Libby Army 
Project description: The existing Taxiway J pavement was removed. All 
excavation and subgrade compaction was completed on Taxiway J. The 
pavement at the intersection of Runway 12-30 and Taxiway J was milled 
off and the existing base course was removed to finish grade. 
Approximately 17,042 square yards of subgrade at the intersection was 
repaired to eliminate unstable spots. Base Course materials have been 
placed and compacted on Taxiway J and Runway 12-30. Approximately 
23,576 sy of concrete pavement was placed on Taxiway J and 14,445 sy 
concrete on Runway 12-30 that intersects with Taxiway J and D. Asphalt 
pavement was placed on the Taxiway J shoulders and a test strip has 
been placed for the P-401 asphalt on Runway 12-30. Electrical conduit 
crossings and extensions have been installed, guidance signs were 
installed and the shoulder pavement has been cored for the new taxiway 
edge lights. The existing concrete storm drain pipe was extended 80 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1011 N. 
Coronado Drive.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Sierra Vista, AZ 
Award amount: $4,474,546.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-04-0060-023-2009. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Pangborn Memorial Airport.
Project name: 373715-Rehabilitate Taxiway AND 377259-Runway Incursion 
Award description: Airport Development - This project included the 
rehabilitation of T/W B and its adjacent apron, as well as 
constructing holding position markings for Runway 12-30. This project 
included rotomilling approximately 20,000SY of pavement, excavating 
and backfilling 13,000 CY of material, installing 2,300 LF of edge 
drain, 5000 Tons of bituminous surface course, 45,000SF of airfiled 
markings (including enhanced and surface painted holding position 
markings), and other miscellaneous airfield improvements to Taxiway 
Project description: Construct new taxiway, apron, and safety markings 
on airport to maintain safe taxiway and airfield for commercial, jet, 
and general aviation fleet. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): One Pangborn 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: East Wenatchee, 
WA 98802-9233.
Award amount: $1,317,000.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-53-0084-030-2009. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name; Redwood Falls, City Of.
Project name; Rehabilitate Runway 12/30 and Taxiway.
Award description; Airport Development to include Runway 12/30 and 
adjacent taxiway pavement rehabilitation project at the Redwood Falls 
Municipal Airport (RWF). Project scope includes bituminous mill & 
overlay of the pavement, incidental grading, and pavement markings per 
FAA pavement management program requirements. Project will extend the 
useful life of the runway and taxiway pavement complying with the 
overall airport pavement management program at the Redwood Falls 
Municipal Airport. Project includes construction and engineering costs. 
Project description; Activities on this project include engineering 
and construction activities. Total project engineering includes 
preparation of engineering plans and specifications on the project, 
construction observation and administration, and grant assistance 
activities. Project construction tasks include completing a bituminous 
mill & pavement overlay, incidental grading, and pavement markings on 
Runway 12/30 and adjacent taxiway at the Redwood Falls Municipal 
Airport. Project plans and specifications were completed in April 
2009. Construction and construction observation was completed 
September 25th, 2009 in the first reporting period. On-going grant 
administration was also completed. For this reporting period (October 
1 ? December 31), construction administration, documentation, as-built 
plans were completed. Grant administration, reporting, and closeout 
procedures were also completed. 
Project activity description; Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type; Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field); 500 Airport 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code; Redwood Falls, MN 
Award amount; $732,346.00.
Project status; Completed.
Award number; 3-27-0083-008-2009. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Wood County Airport Authority (Inc).
Project name: Acquire Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting Vehicle.
Award description: Replace old worn out ARFF vehicle with new more 
capable and lower maintenance vehicle.
Project description: for this quarter all payments have been made to 
the engineering firm for developing bid specs and awarding the bid for 
construction of the new ARFF vehicle. This vehicle will be paid for in 
a lump sum upon delivery. The truck has been delivered, we are 
awaiting maintenance/operations training. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): Airport Road.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Williamstown, WV 
Award amount: $676,922.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-54-0018-032-2009. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Clark, County Of.
Project name: Economic Recovery Program Construction to Remove 
Obstructions-Relocate Powerlines in the Runaway 30 Approach Zone at 
the North Las Vegas Airport.
Award description: This grant is for removal and relocation of a high 
tension power line located beneath the final approach to runways 30L 
and 30R of the North Las Vegas Airport. The power line is located 
approximately 1,200 feet from the threshold of Runway 30L and 1,500 
feet from the threshold of Runway30R. The lines are 45 feet tall (AGL) 
and are listed as an obstruction in the Airport Facilities Directory.
Project description: The transmission and distribution ductbanks are 
now approximately 95% complete. Four of the six transmission vaults 
are in place. The next phase of construction involves the construction 
of the foundations for the six new towers, which will allow the 
transmission and distribution ductbanks to be completed. Cable 
installation is not expected to take place until the local power 
company can arrange for an outage on the existing lines. 
Project activity description: Electric Bulk Power Transmission and 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 2730 Airport 
Drive, Suite #101.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: North Las Vegas, 
NV 89032-0000.
Award amount: $2,695,604.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-32-0010-028-2009. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Spokane International Airport.
Project name: Rehabilitate Runway.
Award description: Airport Development: Rehabilitate runway 3/21.
Project description: Survey, excavation, compacting, grinding existing 
asphalt, re-laying new asphalt, replace electrical lighting to insure 
safety of National Air Transportation System. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 9000 W Airport 
Dr, #204.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Spokane, WA 99224-
Award amount: $6,394,000.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-53-0072-041-2009. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: City Of Colorado Springs.
Project name: Rehabilitate Taxiway E 4 from Sta.9-46.86 to Sta. 16-
20.65, rehabilitate Taxiway E5 from Sta 9+46.29 to Sta 15+97.53.
Award description: The objective of this grant is the rehabilitation 
of a portion Taxiway E-4 from the edge of the Runway 17L-35R pavement 
to just west of the runway hold-lines including the shoulders and 
electrical replacement, and rehabilitation of a portion of Taxiway E-5 
from the edge of the Runway 17L-35R pavement to just west of the 
runway hold-line including shoulder and electrical replacement at the 
Colorado Springs Airport. This taxiway system supports the primary 
runway for passenger carriers and Peterson Air Force Base. The project 
includes the reconstruction of existing concrete, replacement of 
airfield lighting, and an upgrade of all associated drainage systems. 
The existing airfield pavements are deteriorating due to the existence 
of Alkali-Silca Reactivity (ASR) and will experience failure if the 
pavement is not replaced. 
Project description: Project physically completed: final inspection 
completed in November.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 7770 Milton E 
Proby Parkway.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Colorado Springs, 
CO 80916-4961.
Award amount: $6,740,778.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-08-0010-046-2009. 

[End of table] info
Recipient name: Metropolitan Knoxville Airport Authority (The). 
Project name: Taxiway B Reconstruction.
Award description: McGhee Tyson Airport (TYS) is the sole commercial 
service airport for the greater Knoxville and East Tennessee Areas. 
The airport has two parallel 9000 ft. runways with RWY 5L/23R being 
the primary instrument approach runway equipped with an Instrument 
Landing System (ILS). Funds provided by the ARRA are being executed on 
TWY Bravo to reconstruct sections B1 to B6: TWY Bravo is the taxiway 
network that services our primary instrument approach runway (RWY 
5L/23R) that is used by both commercial and military aircraft. In 
essence, TWY Bravo is our second highest priority paved aircraft 
movement area with RWY 5L/23R being the first priority. TWY Bravo from 
B1 to B2 was constructed in 1976 and received a Portland Cement 
Concrete (PCC) maintenance overlay in 1986. This section of taxiway 
had received numerous spall repairs, crack repairs and full-depth slab 
repairs over the past 20 years and was becoming a revolving 
maintenance and FOD issue. As part of this project, an aggregate 
surfaced access roadway to the airfields Automated Weather Observation 
Station (AWOS) will be improved with a durable solid surface course 
(asphalt). The Runway Safety Action Team (RSAT) recommended paving 
this section of roadway thus greatly reducing the potential for FOD on 
the aircraft movement areas. The ARRA funds being spent on this TWY 
Bravo project have a direct impact on the safety and level of service 
to the traveling public at McGhee Tyson Airport. Significant 
deliverables will be concrete measured in square yards and asphalt 
measured in tons. 
Project description: Funds provided by the ARRA are being executed on 
TWY Bravo to reconstruct sections B1 to B6. As part of this project, 
an aggregate surfaced access roadway to the airfields Automated 
Weather Observation Station (AWOS) will be improved with a durable 
solid surface course (asphalt). 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 2055 Alcoa Hwy.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Alcoa, TN 37701-
Award amount: $5,555,054.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-47-0037-057-2009. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Moses Lake, Port Of.
Project name: Rehabilitate T-Hangar Taxilanes: Install Enhanced 
Taxiway Centerline Markings.
Award description: Taxiway Rehabilitation and Runway Incursion 
Markings. This project will replace the failed pavements of that T-
Hangar areas, including the Taxiway leading into the area, and the 
taxilanes within. The project will also complete the enhanced Runway 
Project description: This project is designed to replace the failing 
asphalt and concrete in the T-Hangar area of the airport, and also 
includes the installation of enhanced markings for protection of 
Runway Incursions. The completion of this project will do two things: 
1) opens up an area of T-Hangars that have not been previously usable 
and 2) create a safer environment for pilots. The use of the T-Hangars 
will increase the need for other airport employees to handle aircraft 
maintenance, fueling, tower operations, etc. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): Grant County 
International Airport, 7810 Andrews Street, NE, Suite 200.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Moses Lake, WA 
Award amount: $1,178,144.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-53-0039-034-2009. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name; Office Of The Governor.
Project name; Construct Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) 
Building - Phase IV.
Award description; Fitiuta Airport does not have an ARFF facility to 
comply with FAA Regulations Part 139 for this airport. Therefore to 
comply and satisfy this requirement, a certified complying ARFF 
facility is required to be built. 
Project description; This project is 18% complete. Preliminary items 
to start the project moving as in mobilization of equipment and 
personnel to Fitiuta Island is completed. Excavation of project site 
is currently in progress. 
Project activity description; Commercial and Institutional Building 
Award type; Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field); American Samoa 
Department of Port Administration, Pago Pago International Airport.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code; Pago Pago, AS 
Award amount; $1,500,000.00.
Project status; Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number; 3-60-0003-023-2009. 

[End of table] 

Airport Improvement Program Descriptions That Partially Met Our 
Transparency Criteria: 

The following award descriptions did not contain sufficient details on 
one or more of the following pieces of information necessary to 
facilitate general understanding of the award, based on our criteria: 
general purpose, scope and nature of activities, location, and/or 
expected outcomes. In some cases, only a small amount of additional 
information was needed, while in other cases, many pieces of 
information were needed to make the description more transparent. The 
award description information is taken directly from We 
did not edit it in any way, such as to correct typographical or 
grammatical errors. information: 
Recipient name: Upshur, County Of.
Project name: Rehabilitate Apron.
Award description: Rehabilitate Apron.
Project description: Final project checkout and reporting, Developing 
grant closeout papers. 
Project activity description: Other Airport Operations.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): Airport Road.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Buckhannon, WV 
Award amount: $806,118.00.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: 03-54-0039-21-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds 
rehabilitation of the existing general aviation apron, which is the 
extensive paved part of an airport immediately adjacent to the 
terminal area or hangers, at the Upshur County Regional Airport. The 
rehabilitation activities will consist of removing the existing 
pavement section, lowering the profile grade of the existing subgrade, 
installing a new pavement section, apron markings, tie-downs, and 
lowering of the existing taxiway lights to accommodate the change in 
grade. Also the taxiway hold-short markings and the replacement of the 
runway light globes inside the "caution zone" will be enhanced to 
bring the airport into compliance with current Federal Aviation 
Administration (FAA) standards. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Port Of Oakland.
Project name: Rehabilitation of Apron, South Field, OIA.
Award description: Airport Development.
Project description: Quarterly activities include: project surveying 
and marking of project limit: installation of temporary pavement 
striping and marking: demolition of taxiway centerline line light and 
edge light fixtures. Procurement and installation of new centerline 
and edge light fixtures, demolition of existing jet blast fence, 
utilities, and storm drains: installation of water line and fire 
hydrant: installation of miscellaneous asphalt pavement patches. 
Vendors: Manufacture and furnish electrical and general co.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 530 Water 
Street, PO Box 2064.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Oakland, CA 94604-
Award amount: $9,700,000.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-06-0170-048-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the rehabilitation of the apron--a surface where aircraft 
park and are serviced--adjacent to the port maintenance shop, Terminal 
1 luggage area, and Terminal 2 tug ramp area at Oakland International 
Airport. The award will provide long-term pavement reliability to 
maintain airport air cargo, flight, and baggage operations. 

[End of table] information:
Recipient name: Allegheny County Airport Authority.
Project name: Rehabilitate Runway 14-32 Phase 3.
Award description: Airport Development - Rehabilitate Runway 14-32 - 
Pittsburgh International Airport - Allegheny County Airport Authority.
Project description: Winter weather activities only.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): Pittsburgh 
International Airport, Findlay and Moon Township P.O. Box 12370.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Pittsburgh, PA 
Award amount: $9,770,201.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-42-0081-104-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the rehabilitation of Runway 14-32 at Pittsburgh 
International Airport, including activities such as improving pavement 
and grading, and updating pavement markings, airfield signage and 
lighting systems. The rehabilitation is expected to maintain the 
airport's primary runway for night time arrivals and noise abatement 
procedures, thus enabling continued environmentally friendly and 
efficient operations for military and civilian aircraft. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Allegheny County Airport Authority.
Project name: Rehabilitate Taxiways D,E,F & G.
Award description: Airport Development - Rehabilitate Taxiways D,E,F & 
G - Allegheny County Airport - Allegheny County Airport Authority.
Project description: Project 35% complete. Winter weather activities. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): Allegheny 
County Airport, Lebanon Church Road.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: West Mifflin, PA 
Award amount: $1,454,231.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-42-0082-022-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
rehabilitates 75,000 square feet of new airfield asphalt pavement. 
Rehabilitation activities include the removal of deteriorated pavement 
and base materials, the rebuilding of the base and repaving of the 
taxiways, the rebuilding of any necessary storm water drainage 
infrastructure, and the remarking and relighting of the taxiways in 
accordance with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) specifications. 
The rehabilitation will help maintain airfield safety and usefulness, 
preventing extensive maintenance costs, correcting an antiquated 
physical layout, and allowing for airport economic development. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Laredo, City Of.
Project name: Rehabilitate Runway 17R/35L.
Award description: Rehabilitate Runway 17R/35L.
Project description: Airport Development rehabilitate Runway 17R/35L.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 5210 Bob 
Bullock Loop.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Laredo, TX 78041- 
Award amount: $2,565,744.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-48-0136-059-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: This award 
completes a total rehabilitation project of Runway 17R/35L at Laredo 
International Airport that began roughly 7 to 10 years earlier. The 
rehabilitation work encompasses an area of approximately 5,900 feet 
long by 150 feet wide. Specific activities include engineering, 
surveying, and demolition of existing pavement: replacing underground 
drainage: compaction of the sub base, adding a 6-inch asphalt base and 
a 16-inch concrete pavement: and testing, grooving, cleaning, and 
repainting the new surface. The rehabilitation will provide a safer 
runway that is less costly to maintain by using a rigid Portland 
concrete that does not create foreign object debris (FOD) and does not 
require frequent sweeping. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Salinas, City Of.
Project name: Rehabilitate Runway, Rehabilitate Taxiway.
Award description: The project is for Airport Development, 
specifically, the reconstruction/realignment of the taxiway and 
rehabilitation of the runway. The project will enhance safety, protect 
the federal investment and increase the life of the pavements. 
Project description: Mix designs and test strips are complete. Paving 
is underway. Project is 60% complete. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 30 Mortensen 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Salinas, CA 93905-
Award amount: $2,565,000.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-06-0206-018-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports airport development activities at Salinas Municipal Airport. 
These activities include rehabilitating runway 08/26, taxiway B, 
taxiway D, and converting runway 14/32 to a taxiway. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Delaware River & Bay Authority.
Project name: Construct Runway (design, Phase VI)-09/27.
Award description: Airport Development.
Project description: Airport Development.
Project activity description: Other Airport Operations.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Dover/Cheswold, 
DE 19936-0000.
Award amount: $909,806.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-10-0001-012-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the design of a new runway and taxiway system at Delaware 
Airpark. The project will include a new Runway 9-27 (4,200 feet by 75 
feet) and a parallel taxiway. The taxiway will incorporate the old 
runway pavement (3,582 feet by 60 feet) plus new pavement (1,300 feet 
by 35 feet). It also will include connector taxiways, a wetland 
mitigation site, lighting, signage and drainage. The award will result 
in a design for a new runway in accordance with the 2003 Airport 
Master Plan, which recommended a new runway to accommodate projected 
regional general aviation growth. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Palm Beach, County Of.
Project name: Rehabilitate Runway 05/23.
Award description: Airport development - The award purpose is to 
rehabilitate Runway 05/23. 
Project description: The overall purpose of this award is to 
rehabilitate runway 05/23. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 3700 Airport 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Boca Raton, FL 
Award amount: $2,834,501.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-12-0006-014-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
rehabilitates a runway in Boca Raton Airport in order to improve its 
quality. Rehabilitation activities include removing the asphalt, 
relaying it, and marking up the two ends of the runway. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Morristown, Town Of.
Project name: Rehabilitate Taxiways 'C'& 'L': Rehabilitate Taxiways 
'D' & 'M'.
Award description: This project can be described as the rehabilitation 
of pavements on Taxiways 'C' and 'L' and Taxilane 'K', including the 
replacement of existing taxiway edge lights with LED lights, the 
replacement of failed drainage pipes beneath affected airfield 
pavement areas, and re-shaping of taxiway shoulders. The project also 
includes the rehabilitation of pavements on Taxiways 'D' and 'M' 
(approximately 1,200 ft. x 50 ft.) and the adjacent Customs Apron 
(approximately 5,800 sf.) to include full depth pavement 
reconstruction, replacement of failed drainage pipes beneath affected 
airfield pavement areas, re-shaping of taxiway shoulders, and 
adjustment of existing edge lights. 
Project description: This project can be described as the 
rehabilitation of pavements on Taxiways 'C' and 'L' and Taxilane 'K', 
including the replacement of existing taxiway edge lights with LED 
lights, the replacement of failed drainage pipes beneath affected 
airfield pavement areas, and re-shaping of taxiway shoulders. The 
project also includes the rehabilitation of pavements on Taxiways 'D' 
and 'M' (approximately 1,200 ft. x 50 ft.) and the adjacent Customs 
Apron (approximately 5,800 sf.) to include full depth pavement 
reconstruction, replacement of failed drainage pipes beneath affected 
airfield pavement areas, re-shaping of taxiway shoulders, and 
adjustment of existing edge lights. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance -street address (optional field): 8 Airport Rd. 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Morristown, NJ 
Award amount: $5,707,871.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-34-0023-041-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award is for 
rehabilitation at Morristown Municipal Airport. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Oklahoma City Airport Trust.
Project name: Upgrade Edge Lights, Taxiways A, B, C, D, and H: Upgrade 
Edge Light Base Housings Runway 17L/35R and Taxiway H. 
Award description: Airport Development.
Project description: Upgrade airfield lighting and lighting equipment 
on select runway and taxiways. 
Project activity description: Electrical Contractors and Other Wiring 
Installation Contractors.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): Will Rogers 
World Airport, 7100 Terminal Drive.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Oklahoma City, OK 
Award amount: $2,051,600.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-40-0072-056-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
upgrades the 20-year-old lighting and lighting fixtures at Will Rogers 
Airport in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, which will increase energy 
efficiency, improve safety, and make it easier to obtain replacement 
parts in the future. 

[End of table] information.
Recipient name: Stillwater, City Of.
Project name: Rehabilitate runway.
Award description: Saw cut groove (7400' X100'). Mark (7400'X100') & 
transition the connecting TWYS to overlay on RW 17-35 Stillwater 
Regional Airport.
Project description: Rehabilitate runway to increase safety and 
decrease delays. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 2020 Airport 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Stillwater, OK 
Award amount: $5,283,348.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-40-0090-018-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
rehabilitates the south 4,800 feet of existing Runway 17-35 to bring 
it to a level or quality equivalent to that of the north 2,600 feet of 
runway. Rehabilitation activities include a geotechnical investigation 
of soils analyses to determine optimum stabilization methods and 
parameters, as well as a field survey to determine appropriate grades 
and profiles for new pavement. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: County Of Richland.
Project name: Airport Improvement Program.
Award description: Airport Development. Columbia Owens Downtown 
Airport Airfield Pavement Rehabilitation Project - Phase III 
(Taxiways, taxilanes, & partial apron).
Project description: During the quarter ending December 31, 2009, the 
paving operation and pavement markings were completed. Crews began 
seal coating, but stopped due to weather issues. There were no hours 
completed during the month of December due to weather. The purpose of 
this project is to rehabilitate and resurface major portions of the 
aircraft parking ramp and active taxiway at the Jim Hamilton - L.B. 
Owens Airport. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1400 Jim 
Hamilton Boulevard.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Columbia, SC 
Award amount: $1,148,800.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-45-0017-014-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
includes specific activities such as milling of old asphalt: 
application of asphalt overlay, pavement rejuvenator and temporary 
markings: quality control material testing: and application of 
permanent markings. The construction will improve safety, reliability, 
and general aviation service to the airport and surrounding area by 
improving the condition of the taxiway, taxi lanes, and apron 
pavements. (An apron is a surface where aircraft park and are 
serviced.) The airport provides facilities for general aviation 
traffic and flight training activities and serves as the reliever 
airport to Columbia Metropolitan Airport. The existing pavements were 
constructed in 1985 and were exhibiting signs of deterioration, 
including lane separation, block cracking, and loss of asphalt content 
due to aging and oxidation from sunlight exposure. This condition has 
the potential to contribute to Foreign Object Damage (FOD) to aircraft. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Columbus, Civil City Of.
Project name: RW RE LI Rehabilitate Runway LIghting.
Award description: Airport Development.
Project description: Completed design & bid phases for project 
required to receive grant, substantially complete with site work. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 4770 Ray Boll 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Columbus, IN 
Award amount: $1,320,740.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-18-0012-021-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the design, construction, inspection and testing of a new 
electrical vault at Columbus Municipal Airport. The award will ensure 
the safety of aircraft in the event of a power failure affecting 
airport lighting and communication systems. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Boulder City, City Of.
Project name: Rehabilitate Runway.
Award description: The project is for Airport Development, 
specifically, the rehabilitation of the primary runway. The project 
will enhance safety, protect the federal investment and increase the 
life of the pavements. 
Project description: Completed pavement mix designs , test strips and 
pavement preparation taking the runway project over 50% complete. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1201 Airport 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Boulder City, NV 
Award amount: $1,137,760.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-32-0003-015-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports rehabilitation activities for Runway 9R-27L at Boulder City 
Municipal Airport. Rehabilitation activities include leveling and 
covering the safety area around the runway in aggregate to provide a 
stable surface, sealing cracks, constructing a 2-inch overlay, 
grooving and repainting. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Airport Authority For The City Of Greenville & County 
Of Pitt.
Project name: Improve Terminal Building.
Award description: Terminal Building Addition (Lobby/Circulation-3500 
sq ft and New Departure Lounge-10,400 sf).
Project description: Terminal building improvement: footings poured, 
commencement of steel erection.
Project activity description: Commercial and Institutional Building 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 400 Airport 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Greenville, NC 
Award amount: $7,616,822.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-37-0028-032-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the expansion of a terminal and improvement of the facade by 
incorporating green technologies such as solar panels and ground 
source (geothermal heat pumps). The expansion will allow the Pitt-
Greenville Airport's capacity to better meet the community's air 
service needs due to increased air traffic. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Virginia Department Of Aviation.
Project name: Acquire Mobile Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting 
Training Facility.
Award description: Acquire Mobile Aircraft Rescue & Fire Fighting 
Training Facility.
Project description: Approval of Configuration Drawings and Start of 
Fabrication for the acquisition of a Mobile Aircraft Rescue and Fire 
Fighting Training Facility.
Project activity description: Regulation and Administration of 
Transportation Programs.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 5702 
Gulfstream Road.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Richmond, VA 
Award amount: $2,500,000.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-51-0000-006-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: This award will 
support preparations for the facility, including installing electrical 
components, running propane lines to and from the facility, as well as 
fabrication (bending steel to specification) and engineering. The 
award will result in improved aviation safety, as this facility will 
provide training to firefighting departments throughout the entire 
state of Virginia for the next 15 years. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Mobile, County Of.
Project name: Rehabilitate Runway.
Award description: Airport Development.
Project description: Asphalt overlay and pavement markings.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Dauphin Island, 
AL 36528-0000.
Award amount: $719,130.00.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: 3-01-0023-006-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports activities to fix damaged pavement on Dauphin Island 
Airport's runway 12/30, the only runway at this airport. The 
activities included reconstruction of the pavement on the entire 
runway, which measures 3,000 feet long and 80 feet wide. The result of 
the award was to improve the quality of the runway. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation And Public Facilities, Alaska 
Department Of.
Project name: Akiachak Airport Relocation-Stage 1.
Award description: Akiachak Airport Relocation-Stage 1. 
Project description: This project will construct a new airport 
facility approximately 1.5 miles northwest of the community, 
consisting of a new 60 ft by 3300 ft runway, 120ft by 3900ft runway 
safety area, a 35ft by 400ft taxiway with a 79ft wide safety area and 
a 200ft by 400ft apron. The project is approximately 6% complete. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Akiachak, AK 
Award amount: $13,953,325.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-02-0461-001-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
replaces the current airport with a new airport that meets current 
design standards. The result of this award will be an airport that 
improves safety and operational efficiency by reducing injuries, 
fatalities, and property damage, and by improving the mobility of 
people and goods. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Illinois Department Of Transportation.
Project name: Decatur Airport - DEC-3911-ARRA.
Award description: Rehabilitation of the center portion of Runway 6/24 
- 960 feet long by 150 feet wide - bring the entire runway up to the 
same length, at Decatur Airport. Decatur, Illinois.
Project description: Engineering & Construction Services for Decatur 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 910 Airport 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Decatur, IL 62521-
Award amount: $791,853.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-17-0033-034-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports reconstruction activities for 960 feet of Runway 6-24. These 
activities include pavement milling, paving, grooving, and marking. 
The award will result in a preserved runway with strengthened pavement 
that meets Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requirements. 

[End of table] information:
Recipient name: Mcallen Miller International Airport.
Project name: Rehabilitate Runway.
Award description: Airport Development. The rehabilitation of the 
primary air carrier runway and the construction of runway shoulders 
and blast pads. 
Project description: Project has been beset with weather delays. No 
invoices received for reporting quarter.
Project activity description: Other Support Activities for Air 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 2500 S. 
Bicentennial Blvd.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: McAllen, TX 78503-
Award amount: $5,400,000.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-48-0144-039-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
rehabilitates the entire length of runway 13/31 in order to increase 
safety features and create a better landing surface. Additionally, two 
shoulders and blast pads will be added to the runway. Activities 
include milling, or stripping, the top layer of runway, putting down a 
new overlay, and repainting/restriping the runway. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Houston, City Of.
Project name: Reconstruct EFD Taxiways A, D, & F.
Award description: Airport Development --Reconstruction of Taxiways A, 
D and F.
Project description: Taxiways A and D are complete The existing 
concrete on Taxiway F has been removed. The base is being laid. 
Anticipated completion is before March 31, 2010.
Project activity description: Other Airport Operations.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 16930 JFK Blvd.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Houston, TX 77032-
Award amount: $4,785,226.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-48-0290-022-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the reconstruction of around 42,000 square yards of pavement 
for taxiways A, F, and two portions of D at Ellington Airport. 
Reconstruction includes removing pavement that had been in place for 
over 20 years and replacing it with concrete pavement. Activities 
included construction phasing, sodding and seeding, pavement markings, 
and preservation of the existing electrical facilities along the 
taxiways, in order to meet new industry standards. 

[End of table] information:
Recipient name: A B Won Pat International Airport Authority.
Project name: Rehabilitate Runway 06L/24R.
Award description: Rehabilitate Runway 06L/24R.
Project description: Rehabilitate 1000 feet of Runway 06L/24R to 
maintain and improve safety for aircraft operations.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 355 Chalan 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Tamuning, GU 
Award amount: $4,807,180.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-66-0001-68.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports rehabilitation activities for Runway 06L-24R at A B Won Pat 
International Airport. These activities include removal of the 
existing blast pad, localizer concrete pads and steel posts, 
electrical conduits, wiring and signs: and construction of the runway 
extension subgrade and subbase, and base course. The activities also 
will include milling the existing asphalt pavement and construction of 
pavement surface pending resolution of Voids in Mineral Aggregate 
(VMA), a hot mix asphalt mixture property: restoration of Taxiway 
Julia: installation of runway lighting: runway grooving: and painting 
the runway and taxiway. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Baton Rouge Metropolitan Airport.
Project name: Modify Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) Building.
Award description: Airport Development.
Project description: Site work, drainage, foundation, structural 
steel, decking, finish exterior brick, electrical & plumbing rough-in.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 9430 Jackie 
Cochran Blvd., Suite 300.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Baton Rouge, LA 
Award amount: $2,518,000.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-22-0006-087-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the renovation and expansion of the existing Aircraft Rescue 
and Fire Fighting building. The award will result in a building that 
will accommodate airportwide training activities and facilitate the 
use of an emergency command center. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: St. Mary, Parish Of.
Project name: Runway Rehabilitation.
Award description: Runway Rehabilitation.
Project description: Project completed/runway asphalt patched, 
rejuvenated, and restriped. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): Harry P. 
Williams Memorial Airport.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Patterson, LA 
Award amount: $583,009.00.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: 3-22-0044-012-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds 
rehabilitation of a deteriorating runway, runway 06/24, which is 
approximately 5,400 feet long. The rehabilitation covers the entire 
surface of the runway, patching places where the concrete joints have 
come through the asphalt, and where lightning has taken out chunks. 
Additionally, the runway will be coated and restriped and the new 
runway will meet general aviation standards. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name; Windom, City Of (Inc).
Project name: Windom Municipal Airport Runway Project.
Award description: Rehabilitate Runway 17/35 (approximately 75'x3,599').
Project description: Rehabilitated runway - Concrete overlay of 
existing runway by placing 3 inches of gravel and 5 inches of concrete 
to replace runway asphalt surface. The shoulders were re-graded due to 
the raised concrete surface. Shoulders were filled with black dirt and 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 48572 County 
Road 28, PO Box 38.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Windom, MN 56101- 
Award amount: $1,149,062.00.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: 3-27-0113-006-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: This award 
replaces Runway 17-35, which was originally constructed in the late 
1960s and is the only hard-surfaced runway available in Cottonwood 
County. The runway's condition was recently classified as "fair poor" 
in the Minnesota Department of Transportation annual survey of airport 
pavement. This award ensures continued access to aviation for 
business, medical, agricultural, and private use by re-constructing 
this runway and its taxiways. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Philadelphia, City Of.
Project name: Rehabilitate Runway (Phase III)-09R/27L.
Award description: Airport Development.
Project description: Survey and layout were performed, permits were 
obtained and contractor mobilization costs were incurred. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Philadelphia, PA 
Award amount: $5,724,694.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-42-0076-090-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports rehabilitation activities for runway 9R-27L, Philadelphia 
International Airport's longest runway. These activities include 
replacing the runway's pavement and lighting system. The award will 
result in extended life for this runway. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport.
Project name: Install Guidance Signs (Phase II).
Award description: Airport Development.
Project description: Install airfield signs. Demobilization. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 100 Terminal 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Avoca, PA 18641- 
Award amount: $388,600.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-42-0105-050-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
encompasses the signage for all of the airfield runways and taxiways. 
The award will update wiring for runway and taxiway edge lights 
installed prior to 1970 and signage last updated in 1991. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Palm Beach, County Of.
Project name: Rehabilitate Runway 05/23.
Award description: Airport development - The award purpose is to 
rehabilitate Runway 05/23. 
Project description: The overall purpose of this award is to 
rehabilitate runway 05/23. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 3700 Airport 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Boca Raton, FL 
Award amount: $1,250,000.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-12-0006-016-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports rehabilitation activities for runway 5/23, Boca Raton 
Airport's only asphalt runway. These activities included removing the 
existing asphalt, overlaying the runway with new asphalt, and marking 
it up. The award improved the quality of the runway. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name; Sanford Airport Authority.
Project name; Rehabilitate Runway 18-36.
Award description; Rehabilitate RWY 18-36.
Project description; The milling and asphalt pavement are 100% 
complete. The striping is 95% complete. The project is 98% complete. 
Project activity description; Other Airport Operations.
Award type; Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field); 1200 Red 
Cleveland Blvd.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code; Sanford, FL 32773-
Award amount; $1,540,016.00.
Project status; More than 50% Completed.
Award number; 3-12-0069-058-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description; The award 
supports a rehabilitation project for Runway 18-36 (75 feet by 5,002 
feet) at Orlando Sanford International Airport. A Pavement Management 
Program evaluation conducted by the Florida Department of 
Transportation in 2008 determined that Runway 18-36 was past due for 
routine maintenance, and therefore in poor condition, requiring total 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: County Of Shoshone.
Project name: Reconstruct Parallel Taxiway A, Station 9+20 to 22+50, 
including two connecting taxiways.
Award description: Airport Development - Reconstruct Parallel Taxiway 
A, Station 9+20 to 22+50, including two connecting taxiways. The 
existing taxiways have numerous large cracks and failures throughout 
the surface. A site investigation has shown that organic debris (tree 
stumps) was used as a fill material under the existing taxiways and 
apron. This organic debris is causing failures in the asphalt in 
several locations. Full depth reconstruction is required. 
Project description: Reconstruct Parallel Taxiway A, Station 9+20 to 
22+50, including two connecting taxiways.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 926 AIRPORT RD.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Kellogg, ID 83873-
Award amount: $801,917.00.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: 3-16-0021-004-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
reconstructs approximately 1,330 lineal feet of parallel taxiway, 
including two connecting taxiways at Shoshone County Airport. 
Activities include removing existing pavement: constructing the 
parallel taxiway, including transitional pavement, shoulders, grading 
and reflectors: constructing connector taxiways: and relocating 
aircraft tie-downs. Reconstruction of the taxiway will help maintain a 
safe aircraft operational surface 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Illinois Department Of Transportation.
Project name: Peoria International Airport - PIA-3912-ARRA.
Award description: Construction of a New Terminal Building (Phase 5 - 
Electrical, Doors & Windows & Site Preparation Divisions) at the 
Peoria International Airport, Peoria, Illinois. 
Project description: Architectural and Building Construction Services 
for an airport terminal expansion. 
Project activity description: Commercial and Institutional Building 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 6100 W. 
Everett McKinley Dirksen Parkway.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Peoria, IL 61607- 
Award amount: $6,363,000.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-17-0080-050-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description.: The award 
supports work which will facilitate completion of the new terminal 
building at the Peoria International Airport, which replaces the 
original terminal building built in 1959. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name; Muskegon, County Of.
Project name; Acquire ARFF Vehicle.
Award description; Acquire Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) 
Project description; Construction of the vehicle began in December 
2009, currently 19% complete.
Project activity description; Fire Protection.
Award type; Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field); 99 Sinclair 
Drive, c/o Muskegon County Airport.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code; Muskegon, MI 
Award amount; $668,000.00.
Project status; Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number; 3-26-0071-031-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description; This vehicle will 
provide necessary fire fighting capabilities as required by the 
Federal Aviation Regulation Part 139. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Mankato, City Of.
Project name: Rehabilitate Runway.
Award description: Airport Development.
Project description: Crack route and seal, 2' asphalt overlay on 
Runway 4/22.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Mankato, MN 56001-
Award amount: $1,185,682.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-27-0055-017-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the rehabilitation of all of runway 4/22, which is 75 feet 
wide by 4,000 feet long, at Mankato Regional Airport. Rehabilitation 
activities include obtaining materials and services to prepare the 
area, removing old runway pavement, laying new pavement, and 
repainting the runway. The rehabilitation will improve the pavement 
condition and extend the useful life of the runway by sealing the 
surface to prevent water damage. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient Name: Illinois Department Of Transportation.
Project name: Dixon Municipal Airport C73-3914-ARRA: Waukegan Regional 
Airport UGN-3908-ARRA.
Award description: Airport Development under the State Block Grant 
Program, including: Dixon Municipal Airport (C73) - Rehabilitate 
Apron: Waukegan Regional Airport (UGN) - Rehabilitate Runway 14/32. 
Project description: Engineering Services for Waukegan Regional 
Airport and Dixon Municipal Airport.
Project activity description: Power and Communication Line and Related 
Structures Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 3580 N. 
McAcree Rd.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Waukegan, IL 
Award amount: $2,155,560.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-17-SBGP-083-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
rehabilitates the apron--a surface where aircraft park and are 
serviced--at Dixon Municipal Airport: specific activities include 
11,000 linear feet of cleaning and sealing cracks and 3,450 square 
feet of pavement marking. The award also rehabilitates a runway at 
Waukegan Regional Airport: specific activities include approximately 
14,000 square feet of pavement marking, 8,200 square yards of pavement 
milling, and 4,100 feet of cleaning and sealing cracks. The 
rehabilitation at both airports will strengthen the pavement to 
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requirements and preserve the 
existing investments. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Albert Lea, City Of.
Project name: Construct Runway.
Award description: Airport Development: Construct new Runway 16/34.
Project description: Work this quarter involved site grading, 
draintile, and subbase. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 400 Airport 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Albert Lea, MN 
Award amount: $2,853,619.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-27-0003-010-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds 
construction of a new, asphalt runway that is 5,000 feet long, 
reconstruction of the existing runway (as a 35-foot wide parallel 
taxiway), and rehabilitation of the crosswind runway that is 2,899 
feet long at Albert Lea Municipal Airport. The activities will include 
grading, drainage and paving work for the relocated runway: new edge 
lighting for the runway and taxiway: new navigational aides for the 
runway: new airfield signage: and rehabilitation of a runway involving 
milling, asphalt overlay, and painting. These activities will assist 
in accommodation of the airport's current and projected aircraft fleet. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Somerset Air Service Inc.
Project name: Rehabilitation of South Apron.
Award description: Airport Development.
Project description: Rehabilitate Apron to extend life.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 150 Airport 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Bedminster, NJ 
Award amount: $519,686.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-34-0061-008-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports rehabilitation activities for the existing south paved 
asphalt apron--a surface where aircraft park and are serviced--and 
taxiways leading to this apron at the Somerset Airport in Bedminster, 
New Jersey. These activities include an excavation to remove 
deteriorated asphalt surface and sub-base soils for placement of a 
geotextile stabilization fabric, new sub-base course, and asphalt 
pavement and pavement markings. The award is expected to result in 
improved surface drainage. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Findlay, City Of.
Project name: TW ST CO Construct Taxiway.
Award description: Relocate Taxiway A (Construction Phase 3 - 5000' x 
Project description: Construction substantially completed in 4th 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1615 Gray 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Findlay, OH 45840-
Award amount: $4,810,000.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-39-0034-019-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award will 
improve the safety of the airfield geometry and correct the pavement 
condition of Runway 18-36 at Findlay Airport to be within the 
recommended Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) standards. The 
runway will be relocated to 400 feet from the runway centerline north 
of Runway 7-25. Along with relocating the runway, activities include 
construction of connector taxiways as appropriate, and the completion 
of construction of a second taxiway to access the apron (a surface 
where aircraft park and are serviced) from the south. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Wisconsin Department Of.
Project name: Construct Runway Safety Area-01L/19R.
Award description: Airport Development.
Project description: The grant to General Mitchell International 
Airport improves the airport's infrastructure by constructing Phase II 
of Runway Safety Area Improvements to runway 01L/19R. The outcome of 
this project will be to enhance the safety and efficiency of the 
Project activity description: Power and Communication Line and Related 
Structures Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Milwaukee, WI 
Award amount: $9,460,285.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-55-0045-058-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the second phase of a project that will construct a tunnel to 
provide a clear runway safety area. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Clay, County Of.
Project name: Rehabilitate Runway - 09/27.
Award description: Airport Development. Rehabilitate Runway - 09/27. 
Project description: Paving, Pavement Marking Applications and Grading.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 41771 Highway 
77, P.O. Box 187.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Ashland, AL 36251-
Award amount: $813,000.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-01-0105-006-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the rehabilitation of a runway at Ashland/Lineville Airport. 
Rehabilitation activities will preserve airport infrastructure by 
removing old runway pavement, preparing the area, laying new pavement, 
and repainting the runway. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: San Diego County Regional Airport Authority.
Project name: Install airfield guidance signs and elevated runway 
guard lights.
Award description: Airport Development. 
Project description: Project mobilization including construction 
trailer: review of product submittals: beginning of construction of 
electrical duct bank, laying conduit and surveying for location of 
trenches, pull boxes, and new lights and signs. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 3225 N. Harbor 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: San Diego, CA 
Award amount: $4,875,537.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-06-0214-058-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award will 
replace aging lights and signs throughout the San Diego International 
Airport with new LED lights and directional signs that meet Federal 
Aviation Administration (FAA) standards and improve safety. The new 
LED lights also will be more energy efficient, thereby reducing the 
cost of their operation. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name; San Francisco, City & County Of.
Project name; Reconstruction of a Runway (28R-10L).
Award description; Airport Development. This project will overlay and 
reconstruct Runway 28R-10L to repair deteriorating pavement, improve 
the surrounding drainage system, upgrade the electrical runway and 
taxiway lighting system, and repaint runway markings to increase 
visibility and improve safety for aircraft on the airfield. 
Additionally, this project consists of pavement grinding, excavating, 
paving, runway marking, and installing of runway and taxiway lights. 
Project description; Activities included pavement grinding, asphalt 
paving, shoulders grading and watering; demolition of existing steel 
conduits; and installation of runway centerline light extensions, edge 
lights installation, wiring, transformers, and steel conduits on 
runway 28R-10L. 
Project activity description; Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type; Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field); (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code; San Francisco, CA 
Award amount; $5,500,000.00.
Project status; More than 50% Completed.
Award number; 3-06-0221-046-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description; The award 
supports work at San Francisco International Airport. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Gary/Chicago International Airport.
Project name: Perimeter Fence Modifications.
Award description: 'Airport Development'.
Project description: This overall program consists of increasing the 
height of the existing perimeter fence to 10' in height and the 
installation of underground wildlife deterrent. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 6001-C W. 
Industrial Highway.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Gary, IN 46406- 
Award amount: $845,698.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-18-0028-024-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports increasing the height of the perimeter fence to 10 feet and 
installing wildlife deterrent measures. The award will result in 
securing the airport property from wildlife. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Iowa City, City Of.
Project name: Rehabilitate Runway 12/30 (Phase 2).
Award description: Airport Development.
Project description: Construction, Engineering Design and Construction 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): Iowa City 
Municipal Airport, 1801 South Riverside Drive.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Iowa City, IA 
Award amount: $1,835,771.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-19-0047-019-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports rehabilitation activities for approximately 2,500 feet of 
runway 12/30 at Iowa Municipal Airport. This runway is 60 years old 
and the award will result in improved safety. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Madisonville, City Of (Inc).
Project name: Rehabilitate Apron.
Award description: Airport Development.
Project description: Pave Apron.
Project activity description: Other Heavy and Civil Engineering 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 162 Airport 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Madisonville, KY 
Award amount: $1,200,000.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-21-0033-019-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the rehabilitation of the ramp and apron--a surface where 
aircraft park and are serviced--at Madisonville Municipal Airport. The 
apron is 272 feet wide and 385 feet long. This award will allow the 
airport to continue its mission of catering to military, corporate, 
private, and recreational flyers. In addition, the award will provide 
more space to aircraft when they are parked and tied down overnight. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Wisconsin Department Of.
Project name: Rehabilitate Taxiway.
Award description: Airport Development.
Project description: The grant to Rhinelander-Oneida County Airport 
improves the airport's infrastructure by rehabilitating taxiways A, B, 
and D. The outcome of this project will be to enhance the safety and 
efficiency of the airport. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): Post Office 
Box 233.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Rhinelander, WI 
Award amount: $2,251,876.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-55-0070-028-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports taxiway rehabilitation activities, including removing old 
taxiway pavement, laying new pavement, and preparing the new taxiways 
for use. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation And Public Facilities, Alaska 
Department Of.
Project name: Allakaket Airport Improvements.
Award description: Allakaket Airport Improvements.
Project description: Repair and stabilize the runway embankment, 
taxiway and apron to correct areas that have experienced serious 
differential settlement, side slope failures and erosion. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Allakaket, AK 
Award amount: $10,000,000.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-02-0009-005-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports activities to improve taxiways A-E and aprons--surfaces where 
aircraft park and are serviced--including resurfacing and installing 
new lighting. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Burbank Glendale Pasadena Airport Authority.
Project name: Rehabilitation of Taxiways C, D & G.
Award description: Airport Development.
Project description: Rehabilitation of Taxiways C, D & G to improve 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 2627 Hollywood 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Burbank, CA 91505-
Award amount: $3,985,000.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-06-0031-049-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: Taxiways C, D, 
and G at Bob Hope Airport are deteriorating and reaching the end of 
their life spans. This award funds the rehabilitation of these runways 
to bring them up to Federal Aviation Administration requirements and 
give them life spans of approximately 10 years. Activities include 
removing the existing pavement by milling and replacing with new 
asphalt pavement, installing new striping, and applying creak seal and 
seal coat. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Denver, City & County Of.
Project name: Rehabilitate a portion of Runway 17L/35R from Station 
494+57 to Station 583+62.
Award description: Rehabilitate a portion of Runway 17L/35R from 
Station 494 + 57 to Station 583 + 62. Pavement rehabilitation of 
portions runway 17L/35R complex including runway 17L/35R by removing 
and replacing identified distressed PCCP pavement panels and portions 
of asphalt shoulders. Benefits include replacement of distressed 
aircraft pavement to improve safety, increase overall runway and 
taxiway pavement life, and reduce FOD and possible aircraft damage FOD 
can cause. 
Project description: All work was completed September 3, 2009. 
Pavement Rehabilitation of portions Runway 17L/35R by removing and 
replacing identified distressed PCCP pavement panels and portions of 
asphalt shoulders. Benefits include replacement of distressed aircraft 
pavement to improve safety, increase overall runway and taxiway 
pavement life, and reduce FOD and possible aircraft damage FOD can 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 8500 Pena Blvs.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Denver, CO 80249- 
Award amount: $7,000,000.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-08-0086-055-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds 
the removal and replacement of deteriorated concrete panels on 
portions of the east runway at Denver International Airport to, among 
other things, reduce foreign object debris (FOD). 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Gulfport Biloxi Regional Airport Authority (Inc).
Project name: Mill and Overlay Runway 18/36.
Award description: Overlay and groove Runway 18/36 (4,93'5 +-x 150').
Project description: Completed and closed out related contract on time 
and under budget. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 14035 L 
Airport Road.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Gulfport, MS 
Award amount: $1,828,988.00.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: 3-28-0030-069-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The overlay 
covers holes that develop in the runway concrete. The grooving reduces 
the slick nature of the runway to meet Federal Aviation Administration 
(FAA) friction requirements. The result of the award enhances the 
safety of landing aircraft and will help attract more general aviation 
aircrafts to use the airport. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Wahpeton Airport Authority.
Project name: Runway 15-33 Reconstruction.
Award description: Airport Development - Runway 15-33 is in need of 
improvement to reconstruct pavement to reconstruct pavement, upgrade 
the lighting system, and provide better airfield drainage. 
Project description: Purchase construction materials & project 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1251 Pegasus 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Wahpeton, ND 
Award amount: $4,173,796.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-38-0054-014-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the reconstruction of Runway 15-33 at Harry Stern Airport. 
Reconstruction of this runway is a state priority because the North 
Dakota Aeronautics Commission determined that the runway was in poor 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Texas Department Of.
Project name: Rehabilitate and mark Runway 17/35 and reconstruct 17/35 
end in PCC.
Award description: Runway improvements to increase and sustain 
economic activity for the airport and its local community.
Project description: Primary runway reconstruction at the Curtis 
Field/Brady Municipal Airport.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 3821 N US Hwy 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Brady, TX 76825-
Award amount: $914,840.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-48-SBGP-060-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The 
reconstruction of 500 feet of runway 17/35 involves pouring Portland 
Cement Concrete (PCC) to fix the failures in the pavement. The 
rehabilitation of 4,104 feet of the runway includes resurfacing with 
asphalt and remarking of the runway. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Port Of Bellingham.
Project name: Rehabilitate Taxiway D.
Award description: Rehabilitate Taxiway D.
Project description: Demo of existing asphalt apron, add de-icing 
catchment and pave the area with concrete. 
Project activity description: Site Preparation Contractors.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): PO Box 1677, 
1801 Roeder Avenue.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Bellingham, WA 
Award amount: $780,746.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-53-0005-041-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
reconstructs the portion of Taxiway D at the intersection of Taxiway E 
and A at Bellingham International Airport. Since the runway is 
currently experiencing rapid pavement failures, the reconstruction 
will improve the pavement and add drainage to ensure the runway has a 
longer life. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Benedum Airport Authority.
Project name: Rehabilitate Emergency Generator and Acquire Index B Air 
Rescue and Fire Fighting Vehicle.
Award description: The project involves the construction of a new 
backup generator that will serve the airport terminal, airfield 
lights,FBO and ARFF building. The project also involves the purchase 
of a new ARFF vehicle. 
Project description: The generator is installed. The punchlist will be 
completed next week. The ARFF vehicle has been delivered. Waiting on 
the training which should be later this month.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 2000 Aviation 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Bridgeport, WV 
Award amount: $1,581,952.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-54-0005-032-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds a 
backup generator at North Central West Virginia Airport, including 
construction of two different facilities to house the generator and 
installation of the generator. The award also funds the acquisition of 
the new Air Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) vehicle including 
designing the specification of the ARFF and the purchase itself. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Georgia Department Of.
Project name: Federal Aviation Administration-Grants-in-aid for 
Airports, Recovery Act.
Award description: FAA Airport Improvement Program Grant for Non-
primary development projects in the State Block Grant Program. This 
grant provides 100% federal funding for five general aviation airport 
construction projects in Georgia. 
Project description: This grant provides 100% federal funding for five 
general aviation airport construction projects in Georgia. All five of 
Georgia's aviation projects received notice to proceed with 
construction in June 2009. All projects to be funded with this grant 
are under construction: Adel-Cook County Airport: Construct Parallel 
Taxiway for $656,000; Alma-Bacon County Airport: Construct Parallel 
Taxiway for $734,000; Brunswick-McKinnon-St. Simons Airport: 
Rehabilitation of Terminal Area Apron for $5,864,000; McRae-Telfair- 
Wheeler County Airport: Rehabilitate Runway 3/21 for $890,000; 
Peachtree City-Falcon Field Airport: Construct Area 'C' Aircraft 
Parking Apron-Phase II for $2,000,000.
Project activity description: Other Heavy and Civil Engineering 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 600 West 
Peachtree Street, NW.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Atlanta, GA 30308-
Award amount: $9,984,000.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-13-SBGP-002-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: This award funds 
projects at five Airports that not only were (1) previously delayed 
due to lack of funds and (2) part of the state's respective Airport 
Layout Plan and Airport Improvement Programs, but which (3) could 
begin construction within 45 days. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Hancock, County Of.
Project name: Construct ARFF Facility.
Award description: Airport Development - design and construction of a 
building to house fire fighting equipment.
Project description: site work, framing, roofing, siding, plumbing, 
electrical installation.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 143 Caruso 
Drive, Suite 1.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Trenton, ME 04605-
Award amount: $1,278,123.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 3-23-0006-027-2009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
provides adequate space at the Hancock County- Bar Harbor Airport for 
fire fighting personnel, vehicle, equipment and their related 

[End of table] 

[End of section] 

Appendix VII: Highway Infrastructure Investment: 

The Recovery Act provides funding to states for restoration, repair, 
and construction of highways and other eligible surface transportation 
activities under the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) Federal- 
Aid Highway Surface Transportation Program and for other eligible 
surface transportation projects. FHWA apportioned $26.7 billion in 
highway funds to states and the District of Columbia through existing 
federal-aid highway program mechanisms, and states must follow 
existing program requirements and Recovery Act requirements in the use 
of funds. 

Nature and Type of Highway Projects: 

FHWA has obligated $26 billion[Footnote 57] in Recovery Act Highway 
Infrastructure Investment funding.[Footnote 58] (See figure 4.) As of 
May 3, 2010, FHWA had reimbursed states for about $7.6 billion (29 
percent).[Footnote 59] 

Figure 4: Reported Uses of Recovery Act Highway Funds, as of May 3, 

[Refer to PDF for image: pie-chart] 

Pavement improvement-reconstruction/rehabilitation ($6,429 million): 
Pavement improvement-resurface ($5,755 million): 22%; 
Pavement widening ($4,038 million): 16%; 
Other ($2,387 million): 9%; 
New construction ($1,629 million): 6%; 
Bridge replacement ($1,343 million): 5%; 
Bridge improvement ($1,188 million): 5%; 
Safety/traffic management ($1,311 million): 5%; 
Transportation enhancements ($1,046 million): 4%; 
New bridge construction ($735 million): 3%. 

Source: GAO analysis of FHWA data. 

Note: “Other” includes engineering, right-of-way purchases, and 
research, among other types of projects. 

[End of figure] 

Almost two-thirds of Recovery Act highway obligations nationally have 
been for pavement projects, including reconstruction, resurfacing, and 
widening projects. In addition, $1.6 billion (6 percent) is being used 
on new roadway construction projects. Transportation enhancements 
account for about $1 billion (4 percent) of highway obligations. 
[Footnote 60] Of this $1 billion for transportation enhancements, the 
largest portion-- 71 percent--went to facilities for pedestrians and 
bicycles, while an additional 18 percent went for landscaping and 
other scenic beautification projects. (See table 7.) 

Table 7: Recovery Act Obligations for Transportation Enhancement 
Projects by Type, as of May 3, 2010: 

Transportation enhancements improvement category: Facilities for 
pedestrians and bicycles; 
Obligations: $738,227,211; 
Percent of all transportation enhancements: 71%. 

Transportation enhancements improvement category: Acquisition of 
scenic easements and scenic or historic sites; 
Obligations: $71,467; 
Percent of all transportation enhancements: <1%. 

Transportation enhancements improvement category: Scenic or historic 
highway programs; 
Obligations: $50,727,974; 
Percent of all transportation enhancements: 5%. 

Transportation enhancements improvement category: Landscaping or other 
scenic beautification; 
Obligations: $190,223,760; 
Percent of all transportation enhancements: 18%. 

Transportation enhancements improvement category: Historic 
Obligations: $7,686,197; 
Percent of all transportation enhancements: 1%. 

Transportation enhancements improvement category: Rehabilitation and 
operation of historic transportation buildings, structures, or 
Obligations: $34,080,453; 
Percent of all transportation enhancements: 3%. 

Transportation enhancements improvement category: Preservation of 
abandoned railway corridors; 
Obligations: $3,326,490; 
Percent of all transportation enhancements: <1%. 

Transportation enhancements improvement category: Safety and education 
for pedestrians/bicyclists; 
Obligations: $16,695,278; 
Percent of all transportation enhancements: 2%. 

Transportation enhancements improvement category: Establishment of 
transportation museums; 
Obligations: $4,617,575; 
Percent of all transportation enhancements: <1%. 

Transportation enhancements improvement category: Total; 
Obligations: $1,045,656,405; 
Percent of all transportation enhancements: [Empty]. 

Source: FHWA data. 

[End of table] 

About One-Quarter of Highway Descriptions Met Our Transparency 

We assessed the transparency of descriptive information for highway 
awards available on, as described earlier in this report. 
We found that an estimated: 

* 25 percent met our transparency criteria, 

* 69 percent partially met our criteria, and: 

* 6 percent did not meet our criteria.[Footnote 61] 

For highway descriptions that partially met or did not meet our 
criteria, we collected information necessary to make the descriptions 
meet our transparency criteria. The descriptions of awards in our 
sample, whether they met our transparency criteria, and additional 
information that we found to complete the narrative descriptions are 
provided at the end of this appendix. 

Agency Guidance and Other Factors That May Affect Transparency of 
Reported Information: 

FHWA established a new data system and guidance to support recipient 
reporting, which may have affected the transparency of reported 
information. For the Recovery Act, FHWA created a new database called 
the Recovery Act Data System (RADS) to help fulfill Recovery Act 
reporting requirements.[Footnote 62] In addition to oversight and 
agency reporting requirements, highway recipients--state highway 
departments--can use RADS to complete their recipient reports. RADS 
information, including descriptive information, can be uploaded by 
recipients into FHWA officials told us that 
highway recipients can also use RADS information to check the accuracy 
of their own state highway award data before submitting the data as 
part of their recipient reports. Several highway recipients we 
interviewed said they relied heavily on FWHA guidance, specifically 
RADS guidance, to fulfill their recipient reporting requirements. 

RADS includes several data fields to describe highway awards, 
including one specifically designed to provide descriptions more 
understandable to the public. After a state certifies a highway 
project, the highway recipient submits descriptive information to the 
database.[Footnote 63] FHWA's guidance for RADS provides specific 
instructions on this information; for example, the project name data 
field in RADS should be consistent with the name used in state 
planning documents. In fall 2009, FHWA added a narrative field to RADS 
to describe awards in plain terms to facilitate public understanding. 
FHWA division offices in each state were tasked with submitting this 
information to RADS. In several cases, state highway department 
officials we spoke to helped division offices generate this 
information. Colorado and Ohio state highway officials, for example, 
told us they generated the information from various sources, such as 
state databases and project managers. 

In some cases, the addition of this plain-language description field 
in RADS may have improved the narrative information in recipient 
reports to make it more understandable for the second reporting round. 
For state highway recipients that used RADS data to complete recipient 
reports, the new RADS description field was reported on 
[Footnote 64] The Ohio highway department submits RADS data to fulfill 
its reporting requirement, and for one pavement improvement project in 
Ohio, the narrative information changed between reporting rounds as 

* First round project description: "It is proposed to widen SR104 from 
US35 to the new relocated SR207 by adding additional thru traffic 
lanes and a center turn lane. PE Only-100% LPA Funds. 

* Second round project description: "State Route 104 is currently a 
two-lane highway between U.S. Route 35 and the new state Route 207 
extension to U.S. Route 23, and it serves as the northwest bypass of 
Chillicothe. The project consists of widening approximately three 
miles of roadway from two to four lanes. It also provides for adding 
traffic signals at two intersections, the rerouting of Pleasant Valley 
Road and the upgrading of entrances to the two state prisons located 
on the route. One of the signals will serve Moundsville Road, a main 
artery for Union Scioto Schools and one of the largest districts in 
the county; the other signal will serve Gateway Industrial Park. 

As state highway recipients can choose whether to use RADS data for 
recipient reporting, the addition of this plain-language description 
field will not affect all highway recipient reports. Moreover, FHWA is 
still working to gather plain-language descriptions in all states. 
FHWA officials told us they regularly check that the new field in RADS 
contains information for each award and subsequently work with FHWA 
division officials in each state to get the necessary information when 
it is missing. 

Because of the fluid nature of the Office of Management and Budget's 
(OMB) guidance, FHWA officials told us that aligning their agency's 
supplemental guidance with OMB's has been a challenging process. 
However, FHWA officials said communication with OMB has improved over 
time. During the first two reporting rounds, FHWA worked with OMB to 
revise its guidance in response to concerns over the agency's 
definitions for the award amount fields, including amounts received 
and expended. However, OMB did not provide formal approval of this 
guidance. For the third reporting round, FHWA officials told us they 
did receive written approval for FHWA's supplemental guidance, after 
again working with OMB to address problems with the award amount 
fields, though it took 2 to 3 months to finalize and gain approval of 
this guidance. 

In addition to the RADS database and guidance, FHWA provided other 
reporting assistance to recipients. First, FHWA held webconferences 
for recipients prior to the second reporting round. FHWA also provided 
targeted assistance to state highway recipients to discuss specific 
problems or concerns with recipient reporting. 

Some state-specific factors may also have affected the transparency of 
recipient-reported information. For the state's transparency Web site, 
the Massachusetts Recovery and Reinvestment Office required the state 
highway department to write detailed descriptions understandable to 
the public. Massachusetts highway officials told us that creating 
these descriptions was time-consuming for the first round of reporting 
but that descriptions did not change for second round of reporting. In 
Georgia, the state highway department typically develops both a short 
and an extended description for a highway project. According to 
Georgia highway officials, the extended descriptions are written in 
nontechnical terms and include details beyond the project's name and 
location. Georgia officials told us they used these extended 
descriptions in FHWA's RADS database and used them to fulfill 
recipient reporting requirements. 

Regarding award location, several recipients we interviewed said they 
experienced problems entering information into 
[Footnote 65] Recipients faced difficulty entering zip code and 
congressional district information for awards. While highway projects 
can occur in more than one locality or congressional district, allows only one zip code and congressional 
district per award. In these cases, highway officials in Colorado and 
Pennsylvania told us that multiple entries for location would be 
useful. In Pennsylvania, for example, a project to construct curb 
ramps compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act in Chester 
County spanned two congressional districts, forcing the state 
department of transportation to select a single zip code--the 
geocenter of the county--and one congressional district--the lowest 
number--to report for the award. 

Other Ways Award Information Is Made Available to the Public: 

The Department of Transportation and FHWA make highway award 
information available to the public in several forms. For example: 

* Department of Transportation interactive map of awards 
( This agencywide map, which includes highway 
awards, provides the location, cost, and a brief description for each 

* FHWA online map ( The map provides, 
among other things, the cost, type (e.g., bridge improvement), and a 
brief description of each award. 

* FHWA weekly summary of projects [hyperlink,]. On its Recovery 
Act Web site, FHWA publishes location, cost, and descriptive 
information on awards in three stages--awarded, in construction, and 
completed. FHWA also provides a weekly summary of obligation and 
status information by state. 

At the state and local level, recipients provide various types and 
amounts of award information to the public. The six state highway 
departments we interviewed posted descriptive information on Recovery 
Act awards on their Web sites. Several state Web sites provided a list 
of awards, while some state highway departments provided award 
information in alternative formats. In Massachusetts, for example, the 
state highway Web site made award information available through an 
interactive map. Other state highway departments provided more 
extensive award information. For most Recovery Act awards to the 
state, the Ohio highway department provides cost, location, and status 
information, as well as a description and photos. For highway awards 
administered at the local level, some localities also used Web sites 
and other tools to promote award information. The City of Olmsted 
Falls in Ohio used the city Web site and newsletter to share 
information on the construction of a new bridge on State Road 252 to 
improve safety by eliminating a railroad crossing. 

FHWA officials and recipients we interviewed said they had not 
received much feedback from citizens on Recovery Act highway awards. 
As they have no data for comparison, FHWA officials told us that they 
could not determine whether Recovery Act awards received more public 
feedback than regular awards. Based on their experience, public 
feedback on the Recovery Act often involves requests for a definition 
of a transportation enhancement and an explanation for why it is 
included in a highway program. At the recipient level, state highway 
departments experienced varying levels of feedback from the public and 
the media. Massachusetts highway officials told us they were surprised 
at the level of inquiry received on the Recovery Act. By contrast, New 
Jersey and Colorado highway officials said they had received little 
public feedback on Recovery Act awards. According to Colorado 
officials, the state highway department has not had to respond to many 
inquiries, since award information is available on the department's 
Web site. At the local level, officials from the City of Olmsted Falls 
in Ohio told us that they had received both positive and negative 
comments on the bridge project. In addition, officials told us that 
the availability of award information has kept public interest alive 
and created an outlet to publicize volunteer opportunities to 
landscape the project area after the new bridge is completed. 

Highway Descriptions That Met Our Transparency Criteria: 

The following award descriptions contained sufficient information on 
general purpose, scope and nature of activities, location, and 
expected outcomes to meet our transparency criteria. The award 
description information is taken directly from We did 
not edit it in any way, such as to correct typographical or 
grammatical errors. information: 
Recipient name: Illinois Department Of Transportation.
Project name: US 6 Channahon Rd Railroad St.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Available 
for Use in Any Area (flexible).
Project description: This project will extend the pavement life by 
resurfacing 3.0 miles on US Route 6 in Channahon and Rockdale 
(Northeast Illinois). 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: JOLIET, IL 60436-
Award amount: $1,727,000.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: 000S685. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Maryland Department Of.
Project name: Resurfacing Pegg Road from Forest Run Drive to Westbury 
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Available 
for Use in Any Area (Flexible).
Project description: To have projects underway that will preserve our 
existing highway infrastructure and thereby prevent further decay, 
improve conditions, extend the overall life of roadways and bridges, 
and further other associated highway improvements. In some cases, the 
projects will improve safety and environmental conditions for the 
motoring public and/or pedestrians. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: California, MD 
Award amount: $250,000.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number; 0003129. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Massachusetts, Commonwealth Of.
Project name: Resurfacing And Related Work On Route 2.
Award description: Harvard Littleton - Resurfacing & Related Work On 
Route 2 Resurface Route 2 from the vicinity of the Littleton Road 
Bridge to the Boxborough town line, a distance of approximately 4.4 
miles. Work includes minor box widening to extend existing sub-
standard acceleration and deceleration lanes. 
Project description: Contract has been awarded and project advanced to 
91% of scheduled construction before winter weather forced paving work 
to shut down. The project will resume in the Spring. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 10 Main St. 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: SHIRLEY, MA 01464-
Award amount: $5,175,866.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 001S952. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, North Carolina Department Of.
Project name: B-4276.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Areas with 
Population equal to or less than 200K.
Project description: Replace deficient bridge carrying NC 73 over Long 
Creek in Stanly County. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Albemarle, NC 
Award amount: $3,020,655.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 0073019. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Illinois Department Of Transportation.
Project name: I-57.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Available 
for Use in Any Area (flexible).
Project description: This project will extend the bridge life by 
replacing the bridge deck and making other roadway improvements on 
112th Place over I-57 in Chicago in Cook County. (Northeastern 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: CHICAGO, IL 60643-
Award amount: $2,558,918.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 0577277. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name; Transportation, North Carolina Department Of.
Project name; EL-5101EB.
Award description; Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: 
Transportation Enhancements.
Project description; This project provides for the acquisition of 
right-of-way to construct trailhead parking area to access the Lake 
Brandt Greenway on US 220 North of Strawberry Road in Guildford 
County. This is a locally administered project by the Town of 
Project activity description; Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type; Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field); (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code; Raleigh, NC 27601-
Award amount; $424,538.00.
Project status; Not Started.
Award number; 0729002. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name; Transportation, North Carolina Department Of.
Project name; U-5161AA.
Award description; Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: 
Transportation Enhancements.
Project description; This project adds sidewalks along SR 1149 (Lee 
Street/Old NC 11) in Ayden from West Barwick Street to Allen Drive in 
Pitt County to improve pedestrian safety. 
Project activity description; Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type; Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field); (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code; Ayden, NC 28513-
Award amount; $75,500.00.
Project status; Not Started.
Award number; 1149007. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, New York Department Of.
Project name: RT 242 Culvert Replacements.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Available 
for Use in Any Area (flexible), Rural Areas with Population under 5K.
Project description: Replace two culverts on NY Route 242 in the towns 
of Ellicottville and Little Valley, Cattaraugus County. This project 
will eliminate culvert deficiencies and ensure good structural 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Ellicottville, NY 
Award amount: $1,280,637.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 5017283. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Highway And Transportation, Arkansas Department Of.
Project name: I-40 Off Ramp-On Ramp (Conway) (Rehab).
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Available 
for Use in Any Area (flexible).
Project description: The purpose of this project is to rehabilitate 
0.37 mile of highway 65 between the interstate 40 off and on ramps in 
the city of conway, faulkner county. work includes pavement 
rehabilitation, cold milling, maintenance of traffic, pavement marking 
and miscellaneous items.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Conway, AR 72032-
Award amount: $196,872.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: ARR1046. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Georgia Department Of.
Project name: SR 9 From Chattahoochee River To Marietta Hwy.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Available 
for Use in Any Area (flexible).
Project description: This is a maintenance construction project in 
Fulton County. This project is the milling and resurfacing of SR 9 
from the Chattahoochee River to Marietta Highway. This section of SR 9 
needs resurfacing because the existing pavement is deteriorating. SR 9 
was last resurfaced in 2000. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Roswell, GA 30075-
Award amount: $296,263.38.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: M003942. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Illinois Department Of Transportation.
Project name: FAU 4082 Wondermere Road.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Urbanized 
Areas over 200K Population.
Project description: This project will extend the pavement life by 
resurfacing on Wondermere Rd from Greenwood Rd to Thompson Rd in the 
Village of Greenwood (Northeastern Illinois).
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: WOODSTOCK, IL 
Award amount: $262,105.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 9003317. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Georgia Department Of.
Project name: CR 41/Green Top Rd @ Csx Railroad 2 Mi Ne Of Newnan.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Available 
for Use in Any Area (flexible).
Project description: This project is the replacement of a structurally 
deficient bridge in Coweta County. This project will replace the 
bridge on County Road 41 over the CSX Railroad, 2.0 miles northeast of 
Newnan, Georgia. The existing bridge, constructed in 1950, is a 92-f x 
21.33-f steel truss structure with a sufficiency rating of 21. County 
Road 41 at this location is a rural two lane roadway with 10-f lanes 
with variable 3-f to 8-f grass shoulders with a posted speed of 45 
MPH. County Road 41 is an east-west roadway classified as an urban 
local road. The project will construct a new 170-f x 40-f concrete 
bridge over CSX Railroad at the existing bridge site. The approaches 
will consist of two 12-f lanes with 8-f rural shoulders. The existing 
bridge will be closed to traffic during construction. Traffic will be 
detoured using an offsite detour. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Newnan, GA 30263-
Award amount: $1,345,078.64.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: 0006956. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: West Virginia Division Of Highways.
Project name: McBee Bridge.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Areas with 
Population equal to or less than 200K.
Project description: This project will improve safety for motorists by 
replacing the McBee Bridge due to condition. The bridge is located on 
County Route 17 at approximately milepoint 3.68 in Wetzel County. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Wileyville, WV 
Award amount: $473,200.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: 0017086. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Mississippi Department Of.
Project name: Industrial Circle/Drive.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Areas with 
Population equal to or less than 200K.
Project description: The city of Pontotoc will resurface Industrial 
Drive/South Industrial Circle east of First National Bank on Hwy 15 to 
intersection of Bolton Street. This project will make the road 
smoother and extend the life of the pavement. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Jackson, MS 39201-
Award amount: $188,508.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: 0102008. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Iowa Dept Of.
Project name: US 52 From Just S. Of NCL Garnavillo N. to Just S. of IA 
Award description: This project includes performing cracking and 
seating of the existing portland cement concrete pavement and then 
applying a hot-mix asphalt overlay on approximately 9.0 miles of US 
Highway 52 from just north of the northern corporate limits of 
Garnavillo north to just south of Iowa Highway 13 in Clayton County. 
Improvements will also include the addition of 4-ft paved shoulders. 
The project will result in an improved driving surface and enhance 
Project description: US 52 From Just S. Of NCL Garnavillo N. to Just 
S. of IA 13.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Elkader, IA 52043-
Award amount: $5,204,631.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 0523031. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Indiana Department Of.
Project name: Bridge Maintenance And Repair.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Urbanized 
Areas over 200K Population.
Project description: This project will improve the surface and rebuild 
sections of the bridge on SR 912 over I-80 in Lake County. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported). 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Hammond, IN 46320-
Award amount: $298,381.48.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: 0900336. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Indiana Department Of.
Project name: HMA Overlay, Preventive Maintenance.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Areas with 
Population equal to or less than 200K.
Project description: This project will improve sections and extend the 
life of Walnut Street from Center Street to Wayne Street in Dekalb 
County with a pavement surface overlay. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Waterloo, IN 
Award amount: $46,943.69.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: 0901000. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Florida Department Of.
Project name: CR 491 (Lecanto Hwy) From N Of Pine Ridge Blvd To SR 200.
Award description: Resurfacing - This award was reported 3rd Quarter 
2009 as 4261501ARRA091.
Project description: In Citrus County, due to the poor condition of 
the road, this project resurfaces 6.8 miles of County Road 491 from 
Pine Ridge Boulevard to State Road 200. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Citrus (County), 
FL 34434-8125.
Award amount: $777,534.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: ARRA091. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Florida Department Of.
Project name: Citrus Way Fm Cr484 (Ft Dade Ave) To Kensington Rd.
Award description: Widen/resurface Exist Lanes - This award was 
reported 3rd Quarter 2009 as 4261271ARRA107.
Project description: In Hernando County, due to the poor condition of 
the road, this project resurfaces 3.8 miles of Citrus Way and widens 
the 11-foot lanes to 12-foot lanes from Ft. Dade Avenue to south of 
Centralia Road. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Hernando 
(County), FL 34601-8659.
Award amount: $762,757.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: ARRA107. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Florida Department Of.
Project name: SW 72 St/Snset Dr. From S.W. 65 Avenue To S.W. 63 Avenue.
Award description: Resurfacing - This award was reported 3rd Quarter 
2009 as 4264161ARRA409.
Project description: The City of South Miami will enhance sections of 
Sunset Drive by resurfacing, reconstructing sidewalks, upgrading 
drainage, and installing median landscaping and irrigation. This 
project will create a pedestrian-friendly corridor. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Miami-Ft 
Lauderdale-WPlm Bch, FL 33143-3242.
Award amount: $253,166.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: ARRA409. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Iowa Dept Of.
Project name: S23 Highway: G24 Highway to IA Hwy 5.
Award description: Warren County will resurface 3.2 miles of County 
Road S-23 with new asphalt between County Road G-24 and Iowa Highway 5 
west of the City of Hartford. This project will improve driving 
quality by providing a more smooth riding surface. 
Project description: S23 Highway: G24 Highway to IA Hwy 5 Pave.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Indianola, IA 
Award amount: $649,000.00.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: C091081. 

[End of table] 

Highway Descriptions That Partially Met Our Transparency Criteria: 

The following award descriptions did not contain sufficient details on 
one or more of the following pieces of information necessary to 
facilitate general understanding of the award, based on our criteria: 
general purpose, scope and nature of activities, location, and/or 
expected outcomes. In some cases, only a small amount of additional 
information was needed, while in other cases, many pieces of 
information were needed to make the description more transparent. The 
award description information is taken directly from We 
did not edit it in any way, such as to correct typographical or 
grammatical errors. information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Maryland Department Of.
Project name: Updating Existing Traffic Barrier and Design New Median 
Barrier - District 4.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Available 
for Use in Any Area (Flexible).
Project description: To have projects underway that will preserve our 
existing highway infrastructure and thereby prevent further decay, 
improve conditions, extend the overall life of roadways and bridges, 
and further other associated highway improvements. In some cases, the 
projects will improve safety and environmental conditions for the 
motoring public and/or pedestrians. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Bel Air, MD 21014-
Award amount: $833,976.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 000A423.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the as-needed replacement of guardrails along US 40, MD 41, I-
83, and MD 151, located in Baltimore and Harford counties in Maryland. 
The award will result in increased safety for the traveling public. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Alabama Dept Of.
Project name: STMAA-0010(520).
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Available 
for Use in Any Area (flexible).
Project description: This project involves the repaving of 2 miles of 
State Highway 10 (Camden Bypass) from State Highway 28 to State 
Highway 28 in Camden. Wilcox County.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Camden, AL 36726-
Award amount: $631,951.38.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: 0010520.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports resurfacing of the road, which is needed for safety reasons 
and to prolong the life of the road. Based on current traffic 
patterns, the repaved road may last up to 12 years. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Illinois Department Of Transportation.
Project name: VARIOUS.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Available 
for Use in Any Area (flexible).
Project description: This project will extend the pavement life by 
milling, patching and resurfacing various locations throughout Kane 
County (Northeastern Illinois). 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: GENEVA, IL 60134-
Award amount: $500,310.00.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: 000S652.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the repair of roads which had significant pavement damage 
from winter weather conditions. The project repaired the following 
locations: IL 19 (Shales Pkwy. to Barrington Rd.): IL 25 (I-88 to 
Banbury Rd.): IL 31 (Huntley Rd. to Miller Rd.): IL 31 (IL 64 to 
Indian Mound Rd.): IL 38 (IL 47 to east side of Anderson Rd.): IL 38 
(Peck Rd. to West Ave.): IL 58 (IL 47 to I-88): IL 64 (IL 47 to Peck 
Rd.): and IL 72 (west of I-90 bridge to IL 31). 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name:Transportation, Colorado Department Of.
Project name: I-5 - Commercial To Main ? Sb (Stimulus.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Available 
for Use in Any Area (flexible).
Project description: Constructs the Purgatoire River Pedestrian Trail, 
adds street lights, parking lot paving, curb and gutter, drainage 
inlets, landscaping and sidewalk along I-25 in Trinidad. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: TRINIDAD, CO 
Award amount: $7,044,806.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 0251335.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds 
reconstruction of I-25 for both northbound and southbound lanes from 
Goddard Ave. to Van Buren St., which will replace aging infrastructure 
and provide a safe transportation system to and from the city of 
Trinidad, Colorado. This award includes construction of a multi-
use/pedestrian trail along the Purgatoire River, under and adjacent to 
the Main St. exit and entrance ramps. These activities will extend the 
city of Trinidad's planned trail to Van Buren St., a distance of 2500 
feet. Construction includes earthwork, pre-cast panel retaining walls, 
riprap, trail/path paving, and pedestrian guardrail. 

[End of table] information:
Recipient name: Transportation, Mississippi Department Of.
Project name: Upgrade Roads In Sharkey County-Streets In The Town Of 
Anguilla - Various Streets [A-V].
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Rural 
Areas with Population under 5K.
Project description: This project will resurface various roads in the 
town of Anguilla, Sharkey county. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Anguilla, MS 
Award amount: $102,200.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 0063010.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
resurfaces 3.85 miles of 20 roads to improve rideability of the roads. 
Hot asphalt will be laid over the old road, and new grass will be 
planted along the shoulders. Once construction is completed, roads 
will be restriped and new signs will be placed along the roads. 

[End of table] information:
Recipient name: Illinois Department Of Transportation.
Project name: Shady Rest Road.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Rural 
Areas with Population under 5K.
Project description: This project will extend the pavement life by 
resurfacing a section of Shady Rest Road approximately 15 miles west 
of Champaign (East-Central Illinois).
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Monticello, IL 
Award amount: $276,697.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: 0535102.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports road resurfacing from FAS (Federal Aid Secondary) Highway 
1532 to IL10. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Missouri Department Of.
Project name: Jackson County, Route 150.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Funds.
Project description: Widen from two lanes to four lanes from Horridge 
Road to Route 291.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Kansas City, MO 
Award amount: $14,101,900.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 1501010.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds 
the change of the original rural section of Route 150 to a narrower 
urban/suburban section to reflect the community's future development 
and changing land uses. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Roads, Nebraska Department Of.
Project name: Highway N-116, Concord Southwest.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment - Bridge 
replacement - From funding for use in any Area (flexible).
Project description: This bridge replacement project brings this 
roadway to a state of good repair. It replaced a 52-year old structure 
with a new quintuple 10' x 8' box culvert. As of December 31, 2009, 
project is substantially complete. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Concord, NE 68728-
Award amount: $372,654.00.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: 1164102.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The bridge is on 
Highway N-116 southwest of the town of Concord in Dixon County. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Arizona Dept Of.
Project name: US-95 (16th St) @ I-8 ( MP 24.2 to MP 24.8) in Yuma.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Available 
for Use in Any Area (flexible).
Project description: The Arizona Department of Transportation proposes 
to construct a widening project in Yuma County along US 95 (16th 
Street), I-8 to Palms Ave. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Phoenix, AZ 85007-
Award amount: $11,349,523.66.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 095A201.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports widening of the road in order to reduce traffic congestion. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, California Department Of.
Project name: Asphalt Concrete Overlay.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Areas with 
Population equal to or less than 200K.
Project description: This is a Pavement Restoration and Rehabilitation 
project by a local agency in the City of Live Oak. The project is 
described as: Rehabilitate Apricot St: N St- Broadway.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 703 'B' Street.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Marysville, CA 
Award amount: $205,639.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 5297006.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award repaves 
0.2 miles of Apricot St. from North St. to Broadway. The resurfaced 
road will result in a smoother driving surface. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Wisconsin Department Of.
Project name: Beaver Dam - Randolph.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grants.
Project description: This is a reconstruction project in Dodge County 
on County Highway G, Beaver Dam - Randolph. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Randolph, WI 
Award amount: $1,131,154.48.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 2009497.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports pavement improvement activities on 2.1 miles of County 
Highway G in Dodge County to provide two 12-foot travel lanes and two 
6-foot shoulders (including 3 feet paved). The activities will include 
pulverizing, injecting and relaying existing asphalt pavement, spot 
grading, culvert replacements, base aggregate dense, concrete curb and 
gutter, pavement, pavement marking and all incidental items necessary 
to complete work. The award will improve rideability of the road and 
increase safety of the road's intersections due to grading to meet 
current standards. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Missouri Department Of.
Project name: City of Washington Resurfacing of Various Streets.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure investment.
Project description: Resurfacing of various streets within the city of 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Washington, MO 
Award amount: $683,713.60.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: ES06006.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds 
asphalt resurfacing on approximately 3.1 miles. The activities include 
sealing of cracks, providing an asphalt level course and a 2-inch 
surface course, and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant 
curb access ramps. The streets include W. Eighth St., W. Main St., 
Grand Ave., Pottery Rd., Old Route 100, and Route 47 to Stafford St. 
These activities are a cost-effective method to extend the life of the 
pavement, provide a smoother riding surface, increase the structural 
capabilities of the pavement, and postpone a costly reconstruction 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Oklahoma Department Of.
Project name: STIM414.
Award description: USDOT - FHWA Transportation Infrastructure Project 
in partnership with the Oklahoma Department of Transportation.
Project description: Transportation Infrastructure Project for the 
Oklahoma Department of Transportation identified as RESURFACE OKC 
ARRA: Multiple Locations On Macarthur, Meridian, May & NW 10th.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Oklahoma City, OK 
Award amount: $2,202,725.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: STIM414.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports resurfacing 6 miles of road in Oklahoma City and installing 
new curb ramps in order to improve ride quality and extend the life of 
the pavement. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, California Department Of.
Project name: Miscellaneous - Other.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Urbanized 
Areas over 200K Population.
Project description: This is a Pavement Restoration and Rehabilitation 
project by a local agency in the City of Gilroy. The project is 
described as: Rehabilitate local street.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 111 Grand 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Oakland, CA 94612-
Award amount: $663,000.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: 5034020.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: This award 
repairs 11 street sections that are roadway corridors for arterial and 
collector streets and repairs sidewalks that lead to schools. The 
sidewalk construction project will improve the sidewalks for safety on 
the following streets: Welburn Ave. from Santa Teresa Blvd. to Wayland 
Ln; Murray Ave. from Lincoln Ct. to Lewis St; Sixth St. from Wren Ave. 
to Eigleberry St; Princevalle St. from Sixth St. to Luchessa Ave; 
Westwood Dr. from First St. to Third St; Eighth St. from Uvas Park Dr. 
to Monterey St; Forest St. from I.O.O.F Ave. to Sixth St; Wren Ave. 
from First St. to Mantelli Dr; Miller Ave./Wayland Ln. from Arnold Dr. 
to Eighth St; Mantelli Dr. from Santa Teresa to Lions Creek Dr; Church 
St. from First St. to Las Animas Ave. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, California Department Of.
Project name: Pedestrian and Class 1 Bike Path.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: 
Transportation Enhancements.
Project description: This is a Facilities for Pedestrians and Bicycles 
project by a local agency in the City of Orange. The project is 
described as: Construction of a Class I bike trail along the Santiago 
Creek from Tustin Street to Collins Avenue and other amenities.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 3347 Michelson 
Dr Ste 100.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Irvine, CA 92612-
Award amount: $1,889,000.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: 5073065.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award will 
result in a grade separated and safe Class I bikeway from central 
Orange to Main Place Mall and the Discovery Science Center. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Montana Department Of.
Project name: Sidewalk Ramps - Missoula.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: 
Transportation Enhancements.
Project description: Installation of accessible curb ramps on existing 
sidewalks at multiple locations within the City of Missoula. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: MISSOULA, MT 
Award amount: $350,000.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: 8199088.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award will 
install between 100 to 200 sidewalk curb ramps in Missoula, Montana to 
make sidewalks Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessible, 
install and repair sidewalks where the need is greatest, and upgrade 
existing sidewalks. The award will improve walkability in Missoula by 
providing a continuous sidewalk system throughout the community, 
provide safe and efficient pedestrian movement and meet the standards 
of the ADA, as well as identify pedestrian corridors for creating 
preferred routing for schools, children, disabled residents, elderly, 
community and neighborhood trips. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Rhode Island Department Of.
Project name: State CCVE/RVD Installation for Incident Detection and 
Data Collection.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Available 
for Use in Any Area (flexible).
Project description: This project involves the installation of radar-
based vehicle detectors, at the same location as existing traffic 
cameras, to collect data on traffic volume and speeds. The new 
detectors provide alerts to Traffic Management Center operators to 
announce increasing traffic congestion. Technology will allow RIDOT to 
post travel time on electronic message signs (40 locations). 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Providence, RI 
Award amount: $382,888.54.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: TRMS009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the installation of radar detectors at 43 stations, including 
Narragansett, Warwick, North Smithfield, Lincoln, Richmond and 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Pennsylvania Department Of.
Project name: 11 Bedford NCPCAB.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Available 
for Use in Any Area (flexible).
Project description: Bridge deck replacements for various structures 
in Bedford County.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Clearville, PA 
Award amount: $287,267.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: Z091003.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports bridge rehabilitation activities on two structurally 
deficient bridges in Bloomfield and Monroe Townships on State Route 
2029. Rehabilitation activities include removing the existing overlay, 
placing a new concrete deck, and paving the new deck with asphalt. The 
award will extend the life of these bridges and improve safety by 
replacing the existing deteriorated bridge decks. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, California Department Of.
Project name: Asphalt Concrete Overlay.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Urbanized 
Areas over 200K Population.
Project description: This is a Pavement Restoration and Rehabilitation 
project by a local agency in the County of Marin. The project is 
described as: Rehabilitate local street.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 111 Grand 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Oakland, CA 94612-
Award amount: $2,097,410.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 5927068.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the construction of a High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane and 
bike path along US 101 in San Rafael from 0.8 km south of Coleman 
Pedestrian Overcrossing to North San Pedro. The current HOV lane stops 
and starts at various locations in Marin County. This project, called 
the Gap Closure Project, will provide an uninterrupted HOV lane 
through the most densely populated section of Marin County. The award 
will result in an alternative to single-occupancy commuting. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Illinois Department Of Transportation.
Project name: FAU 6176.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Available 
for Use in Any Area (flexible).
Project description: This project will substantially improve the 
roadway by reconstructing a section of Armour Road in the city of 
Bourbonnais (East-Central Illinois). 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Bourbonnais, IL 
Award amount: $3,799,108.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 6176002.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
improves pavement and safety by resurfacing 1.23 miles of Armour Rd. 
between US 45/52 and IL 50. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Idaho Department Of.
Project name: STC-6762, Main St: Bridge St To 6th E, St Anthony.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Available 
for Use in Any Area (flexible).
Project description: This project will repair and overlay 0.5 mile of 
pavement on Main Street in City of St.Anthony, Fremont County and will 
include minor drainage improvements, replacement of traffic signal 
detection loops, and adjustments to manholes and valves. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Saint Anthony, ID 
Award amount: $482,982.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: A011957.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: This award will 
repair the road, as it was in a state of disrepair. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Highway And Transportation, Arkansas Department Of.
Project name: Saline River-No. Millerville.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Available 
for Use in Any Area (flexible).
Project description: The Purpose Of This Project Is To Widen 4.91 
Miles Of Highway 167 Between The Saline River And North Millerville In 
Grant County. Work Will Include Widening The Existing Roadway To 4-
Lanes With An 11' Painted Median And 8' Shoulders, Two Bridges, 
Drainage Improvements, Erosion Control And Miscellaneous Items. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: 
Millerville, AR 72150-0000.
Award amount: $7,244,745.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: ARR2057.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the widening of the road which goes to the growing town of El 
Dorado. This widened road, which will be 4 lanes, will connect El 
Dorado to the highway system. The award will result in reduced 
congestion and help spur economic development. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Transportation, California Department Of.
Project name: Resurface, Repair, Restripe And Concrete Repairs.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Areas with 
Population equal to or less than 200K and Available for Use in Any 
Area (flexible).
Project description: This is a Pavement Restoration and Rehabilitation 
project by a local agency in the City of San Buena Ventura. The 
project is described as: Steet Rehab. Olive Street Phase I.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 100 S Main 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Los Angeles, CA 
Award amount: $530,943.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: 5026043.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
provides a new roadway surface on Olive St., from Stanley to Main St., 
because the road was in a state of disrepair. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, California Department Of.
Project name: Pavement Rehabilitation-2009 On System Roads. 
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Urbanized 
Areas over 200K Population.
Project description: This is a Pavement Restoration and Rehabilitation 
project by a local agency in the County of Ventura. The project is 
described as: On system roads - Phase A various locations.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 100 S Main 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Los Angeles, CA 
Award amount: $2,335,171.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 5952139.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
rehabilitates roads which were in a state of disrepair: the 
rehabilitation will result in new roadway surface pavement. The 
locations of the rehabilitation are Mission Dr., Beardsley Rd., 
Corsicana Dr., Simon Way, West Petrero Rd., Center School Rd., Tico 
Rd. and Spring Rd. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Missouri Department Of.
Project name: North Sarah Street Belle To Page.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Funds.
Project description: Preliminary engineering associated with 
resurfacing and sidewalk improvements from north Sarah Street to Belle. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Saint Louis, MO 
Award amount: $1,250,000.00.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: ES06034.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports widening sidewalks, improving pavement, and replacing street 
lights and traffic signals to improve safety. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Wyoming Department Of.
Project name: STIM 39.00 I801176.
Award description: Federal project I801176, involving microsurfacing 
and miscellaneous work on 23.20 miles of I-80 at various locations 
between Carter and LaBarge, in Sweetwater and Uinta counties. 
Project description: 100% of funds are under contract. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Lyman, WY 82937-
Award amount: $2,883,277.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: I801176.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award will 
support preventive maintenance, including microsurfacing, to improve 
the pavement and safety of the road. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Oklahoma Department Of.
Project name: STIM203.
Award description: USDOT - FHWA Transportation Infrastructure Project 
in partnership with the Oklahoma Department of Transportation.
Project description: Transportation Infrastructure Project for the 
Oklahoma Department of Transportation identified as Bridge & 
Approaches Co Br: Over Spring Creek, 1.0 Mi West & 0.7 Mi South Of US-
177/SH-66 Jct. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Chandler, OK 
Award amount: $259,200.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: STIM203.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
replaces a structurally deficient bridge that was scheduled for 
replacement in the next couple of years. The award provided the county 
with the necessary funding to accelerate the construction process. The 
new bridge will be approximately 1/4 mile in length and will provide 
improved safety and enhanced capacity for the Lincoln County road 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Ohio Department Of.
Project name: HAM CR 470 0.08.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Urbanized 
Areas over 200K Population.
Project description: Resurface a portion of the Reed Hartman Hwy. 
Also, perform pavement repair, curb & gutter repair, replace signal 
loops with video detection, replacing pavement striping, place new 
RPMs, and where ap.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Cincinnati, OH 
Award amount: $799,432.86.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: E090716.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports rehabilitation activities for the Reed Hartman roadway from 
Cooper to Glendale-Milford Roads. These activities include removing 
the existing deteriorated asphalt surface and replacing it with a 
stress membrane and a new surface course of asphalt. In addition, 
ramps will be constructed at all intersections within the project area 
to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Video 
vehicle detection cameras will also be installed at intersections 
instead of wire "loops" in the pavement to improve intersection 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Texas Department Of.
Project name: FM 2071.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment.
Project description: Add Shoulders: FM 372.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Gainesville, TX 
Award amount: $2,108,363.87.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 2009595.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: This award widens 
8.58 miles of highway FM 2071, from FM 372 to FM 922, by adding 
shoulders to the north and southbound lanes to improve road safety. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Executive Office Of The Commonwealth Of Kentucky.
Project name: RESTORE I-264.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Available 
for Use in Any Area (flexible).
Project description: Grind Pavement And Rehabilitation Of Pavement On 
I-264 In Louisville, Kentucky From Newburg Road At Milepoint 13.710 To 
Breckinridge Lane At Milepoint 18.410 In Jefferson County. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Louisville Urban 
Service Area, KY 40207-1112.
Award amount: $12,078,000.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 2641164.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award is for 
a section of road that is in poor condition and will help to improve 
pavement of the road. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name; Transportation, California Department Of.
Project name; Road Rehabilitation & Preservation.
Award description; Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Available 
for Use in Any Area (flexible).
Project description; This is a Pavement Restoration and Rehabilitation 
project by a local agency in the City of Baldwin Park. The project is 
described as: Ramona Boulevard Roadway Preservation And Rehabilitation 
(A)-Interstate 605 To Francisquito. This Project Consists.
Project activity description; Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type; Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field); 100 S Main 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code; Los Angeles, CA 
Award amount; $950,000.00.
Project status; Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number; 5323018.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description; The award 
supports repaving the roadway to make a smoother driving surface. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Ohio Department Of.
Project name: COL SR 154 10.92.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Available 
for Use in Any Area (flexible).
Project description: Replace existing box beam bridge on SR 154, 
located approximately one mile east of SR 7 at Rogers, with a steel 
beam superstructure. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Rogers, OH 44455-
Award amount: $559,650.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: E080657.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: This award 
supports the replacement and modernization of a bridge in Columbiana 
County, near Rogers, Ohio. The award will increase the bridge's life 
expectancy to up to 75 years. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Utah Department Of.
Project name: ADA PED Access Region One - Package 1.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: 
Transportation Enhancements.
Project description: This project constructed safe sidewalks and 
installed pedestrian ramps in various locations in Region 1(Northern 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Salt Lake City, 
UT 84119-5977.
Award amount: $250,000.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: F006076.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds 
construction of 43 pedestrian access ramps, 38 of which are at primary 
need locations--those locations that had existing curb, gutter, and 
sidewalk, but no curb cuts. The ramps will improve safety and 
compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards and 
are located in the counties of Davis, Weber, Morgan, Box Elder, Cache 
and Rich. 

[End of table] information: information: 
Recipient name; Transportation, Pennsylvania Department Of.
Project name; Hawthorn Bridge No. 4.
Award description; Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Available 
for Use in Any Area (flexible).
Project description; Replacement of PA 28 Hawthorn Bridge over Pine 
Creek in Redbank Township.
Project activity description; Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type; Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field); (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code; MAYPORT, PA 16240-
Award amount; $2,200,000.00.
Project status; Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number; Z103200.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description; The award will 
replace a bridge that was built in 1931. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Maryland Department Of.
Project name: Safety and Resurfacing from Garrett County Line to East 
of Tisdale Street.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Areas with 
Population equal to or less than 200K.
Project description: To have projects underway that will preserve our 
existing highway infrastructure and thereby prevent further decay, 
improve conditions, extend the overall life of roadways and bridges, 
and further other associated highway improvements. In some cases, the 
projects will improve safety and environmental conditions for the 
motoring public and/or pedestrians. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Cumberland, MD 
Award amount: $947,460.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 1016006.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
improves pavement along 0.79 miles of US 40 Alt. The resurfacing will 
fix a deteriorating roadway and improve ride conditions. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Washington Dept Of.
Project name: Speyers Rd Improvements.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Areas with 
Population equal to or less than 200K.
Project description: Reconstruct approximately 0.7 miles of Speyers 
Road, from the west City limits to Fremont Avenue, including curb and 
gutter, sidewalk, stormwater drainage system, and street lighting. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Selah, WA 98942-
Award amount: $1,598,000.00.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: 4708001.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The activities 
under this award will improve pedestrian safety. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, California Department Of.
Project name: Sidewalk bulbouts and ramps.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: 
Transportation Enhancements.
Project description: This is a Facilities for Pedestrians and Bicycles 
project by a local agency in the City of San Francisco. The project is 
described as: Pedestrian Enhancements.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 111 Grand 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Oakland, CA 94612-
Award amount: $343,000.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 6328030.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award covers 
an area in San Francisco bounded by 4th Ave., Moraga St., 9th Ave. and 
Lincoln Way. The sidewalk bulb-outs will encourage people to use 
alternative forms of transportation by improving pedestrian safety and 
comfort while also improving the connections between new cultural 
attractions in Golden Gate Park, the commercial corridor, the 
University of California Medical School, schools, a dense residential 
area, and several transit lines. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, New York Department Of.
Project name: SFY 09/10 PMI Paving: Orange And Ulster Counties.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Available 
for Use in Any Area (flexible).
Project description: Repave approximately 22 miles of state roadway in 
Orange and Ulster counties. The top layer of worn, deteriorated 
pavement will be removed and replaced with new asphalt and fresh 
pavement markings to extend the service life of pavement. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: PINE BUSH, NY 
Award amount: $4,398,529.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 8810993.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports repaving of short sections and intersections along state 
routes 10, 104, 104a, 109, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 120a, and 121. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Tennessee Department Of.
Project name: SR-8.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment: Urbanized Areas 
over 200K Population.
Project description: This project is for improvements to the 
intersection of SR-8 (Ringgold Road) at Camp Jordan Parkway and 
including traffic signals.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Chattanooga, TN 
Award amount: $134,390.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 0008041.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds 
the installation of 10 traffic signals and 4 pedestrian signals at the 
intersection of Ringgold Rd. and Camp Jordan Pkwy. in order to help 
reduce congestion and improve pedestrian safety. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Georgia Department Of.
Project name: CR 415/Phillip Causey Road From Sr 33 TO Cr 412/Sumner 
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Available 
for Use in Any Area (flexible).
Project description: This project is a roadway maintenance repaving 
project in Worth County. This project is the milling and resurfacing 
of County Road 415/Phillip Causey Road from SR 33 to County Road 
412/Sumner Road for a total project length of 5.48 miles. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Sylvester, GA 
Award amount: $371,356.10.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: 0009515.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The pavement had 
deteriorated, and the resurfacing will bring the roadway into a state 
of good repair. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Connecticut Department Of.
Project name: Safety improvements.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Available 
for Use in Any Area (flexible).
Project description: Installation of epoxy pavement marking lines and 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Newington, CT 
Award amount: $213,420.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: 000R631.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
enhances safety for both the motoring public and pedestrians in 
District 2 by replacing crosswalks, stop bars, and lane arrows at 396 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Indiana Department Of.
Project name: Small Structure, Replacement.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Available 
for Use in Any Area (flexible).
Project description: This project will improve drainage by replacing 
the structure on US 41 over Jane Feddeler Ditch in Lake County. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Saint John, IN 
Award amount: $576,957.31.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 0014130.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The drainage 
structure, called a "culvert," is located on US 41 over Jane Feddeler 
Ditch, 0.08 KM North of US 231. The new structure is a four-sided box 
culvert with a 10-foot span and 9-foot rise, and is 88 feet in length. 
The new structure is a sound structure satisfying contemporary design 
standards and has an estimated functional life of 60 to 80 years. Due 
to its age, overall structural condition, and, more specifically, 
deterioration at the widening joints, the structure is being replaced. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: South Dakota, State Of.
Project name: US18 - From the east junction with SD50 to the east 
junction with US281: US281 - From the east junction with US18 to the 
south city limits of Armour.: US18 - From the east junction with US281 
to the junction with SD37: SD50 - from the East US18 Junction.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Areas with 
Population equal to or less than 200K.
Project description: Mill & AC Overlay.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Pierre, SD 57501-
Award amount: $6,323,010.95.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: 0021147.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the milling and paving of sections of US Highways 18 and 281 
and South Dakota Highway 50 in Charles Mix, Douglas, and Hutchinson 
Counties. These sections of highway were rated by the South Dakota 
Department of Transportation as being in "fair" condition, the project 
would take little time to begin, and the area that these roads are 
located in was economically distressed at the time of project 
proposal. The total length of roadway to be milled and paved is 30.2 
miles and has a life span of about 15 to 18 years. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Indiana Department Of.
Project name: Pipe Lining.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Available 
for Use in Any Area (flexible).
Project description: SR 39 - 1.25 miles N of E jct of SR 10.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Indianapolis, IN 
Award amount: $57,635.72.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: 0401149.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The purpose of 
the award was to correct existing structural deficiencies and safety 
hazards by lining the existing pipe. The award supports lining for a 
corrugated metal pipe 5 feet in diameter and 58 feet in length. An 
High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) liner is placed in a pipe when an 
existing pipe is structurally deficient. A pipe liner is more cost 
effective in many cases than a full pipe replacement. The award will 
result in a newly lined pipe with an estimated functional life of 80 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Indiana Department Of.
Project name: Partial 3-R.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Available 
for Use in Any Area (flexible).
Project description: This project will restore the pavement on Madison 
County Road 600 W with a new surface course. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Frankton, IN 
Award amount: $349,703.94.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: 0900605.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the resurfacing of County Road 600 West from County Road 400 
North to State Route 128 in Madison County. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Indiana Department Of.
Project name: Traffic Signals Modernization.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Urbanized 
Areas over 200K Population, Available for Use in Any Area (flexible).
Project description: This project will improve the traffic signals on 
Market Street from State St to Vincennes Street. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Indianapolis, IN 
Award amount: $333,741.10.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: 0900639.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports a traffic signal modernization project. This project includes 
the replacement of existing mast arms (with span mounted signals), 
controllers, signal indications (vehicular and pedestrian), and the 
installation of new vehicle detection at the following six 
intersections: three signals on East Market St. at Pearl St., Bank 
St., and East 7th St., and three signals on East Spring St. at Pearl 
St., Bank St. and East 7th St. The vehicle detection system being 
installed is wireless, which eliminates issues typical to wired loop 
detection systems such as broken loop wire. The pedestrian signal 
indications will visibly countdown the remaining crossing time. New 
controllers and antennae will be installed where State St. intersects 
East Market St. and East Spring St. to create a coordinated traffic 
signal system. Signal heads will be LED lights which are brighter, 
last longer, and much more energy-efficient. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Michigan Department Of.
Project name: Resurface.
Award description: Hot mix asphalt base crushing and shaping, 
resurfacing, trenching and aggregate shoulders. 
Project description: To improve the transportation infrastructure and 
the economic development capacity of the state of Michigan. 
Project activity description: Power and Communication Line and Related 
Structures Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 425 West 
Ottawa Street.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Lansing, MI 48933-
Award amount: $727,519.75.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 0933036.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
provides resurfacing for 1.37 miles of West Holt Rd. from Heatherton 
Dr. to Thornburn St. in Ingham County to improve rideability and make 
the roadway smoother. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Michigan Department Of.
Project name: Cold mill, HMA resurfacing.
Award description: Hot mix asphalt base crushing, shaping, cold 
milling, resurfacing, ramp realignment, misc safety and drainage.
Project description: To improve the transportation infrastructure and 
the economic development capacity of the State.
Project activity description: Power and Communication Line and Related 
Structures Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 425 West 
Ottawa Street.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Lansing, MI 48933-
Award amount: $1,255,464.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: 0967011.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: In order to make 
the road smoother and improve driving quality, the award resurfaces 2 
miles of US-10 from the west county line of Osceola to the US-131 
interchange in the vicinity of Reed City. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Michigan Department Of.
Project name: Resurface road.
Award description: Pavement removal, hot mix asphalt pavement, 
concrete curb and gutter and earth work.
Project description: To improve the transportation infrastructure and 
the economic development capacity of the State.
Project activity description: Power and Communication Line and Related 
Structures Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 425 West 
Ottawa Street.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Lansing, MI 48933-
Award amount: $292,819.06.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 0977035.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
provides resurfacing for 0.5 mile to maintain the pavement condition 
and improve the ride quality of Riverside Dr. in Port Huron. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, California Department Of.
Project name: Resurfacing from Austin Rd to Airport Way.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Available 
for Use in Any Area (flexible).
Project description: This is a Pavement Restoration and Rehabilitation 
project by a local agency in the City of Ripon. The project is 
described as: Rehabilitate roadway between Airport Way and Austin Road.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1976 East 
Charter Way.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Stockton, CA 
Award amount: $1,124,586.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: 5929204.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds 
the resurfacing of West Ripon Rd., which is in a state of disrepair. 
The resurfacing will result in a smoother driving surface. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Mississippi Department Of.
Project name: North St/Court St. (8035/8032).
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Areas with 
Population equal to or less than 200K.
Project description: The city of Cleveland will construct sidewalks 
along Court Street and North Street. This project will improve 
pedestrian access along these roads. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Jackson, MS 39201-
Award amount: $1,163,339.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: 8032005.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award will 
cover 0.55 miles. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Transportation, New York Department Of.
Project name: Hudson Valley Rail Trail: Haviland Road To Commercial 
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Available 
for Use in Any Area (flexible).
Project description: A project for a new/improved bicycle facility on 
the Hudson Valley Rail Trail from Haviland Road to Commercial Avenue 
in the town of Lloyd. 
Project activity description: All Other Specialty Trade Contractors.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Albany, NY 12205-
Award amount: $3,260,000.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: 8759143.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: This award 
converts 1.36 miles of abandoned rail corridor into a continuous multi-
use trail facility for bicycles by constructing the missing links in a 
publicly owned bicycle/pedestrian facility. The trail will increase 
accessibility and mobility options, enhance the integration and 
connectivity of the transportation system, and preserve and improve 
existing transportation systems. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Idaho Department Of.
Project name: STP-7181, GOULD ST BR, POCATELLO.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Areas with 
Population equal to or less than 200K.
Project description: This project will remove and replace existing 
bridge joints on Gould Street Bridge in the City of Pocatello and 
improve pavement markings along the roadway. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Pocatello, ID 
Award amount: $381,796.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: A011918.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds 
the repair of the bridge deck joint seals and associated concrete work 
in order to seal the bridge expansion joint system and protect the 
structural components below the joint. Recent bridge inspections 
indicated deteriorated elements of the Gould Street Bridge, including 
the deck expansion joint seals, deck wearing surface, and girder 
bearings. Failed deck joints can cause extensive damage to bearings, 
abutment back walls, and diaphragms, resulting in improper movement of 
the bridge, diminished structural integrity of the structure, and 
further deterioration of the deck. 

[End of table] 

Recipient name: Transportation, New Jersey Dept Of.
Project name: Chester Branch RR Rehabilitation - Morris County.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Urbanized 
Areas over 200K Population.
Project description: Rehab of existing Rail Road.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Morristown, NJ 
Award amount: $5,800,000.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: B00S914.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the rehabilitation of 4 miles of rail track alignment 
including five rail spurs, bridge and steel structures, and grade 
crossings, as well as rehabilitation of the rail right of way to 
include the following: change out the rails: remove and replace tie: 
lay new ballasts: new switches and switch timbers: surface the entire 
right of way: new runarounds and turnouts: and brush cutting and wood 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, New Mexico Department Of.
Project name: 12th St. Silver City.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Areas with 
Population equal to or less than 200K.
Project description: This project will include grinding down existing 
old pavement and replacing with new pavement on 12th Street from Gold 
Street to Mississippi Street. In addition, it will include inspection 
and oversight. On Silver Street from US 180 to 32nd Street, new 
pavement will be placed. 
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Silver City, NM 
Award amount: $600,000.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: ES11240.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports pavement improvements to ensure that the road complies with 
the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Kansas Department Of.
Project name: Greenwood Hotel Bus Depot @ 300 N Main In Eureka.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: 
Transportation Enhancements.
Project description: Restore part of the interior and exterior and 
establish a transportation museum/welcome center in the former bus 
depot of the Greenwood Hotel at 300 N Main.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Eureka, KS 67045-
Award amount: $1,313,197.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: T033401.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the renovation of the first floor and exterior restoration of 
the Greenwood Hotel. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Alabama Dept Of.
Project name: STMTE-TE09(927).
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: 
Transportation Enhancements.
Project description: 'This project involves a Historic Downtown 
Sidewalk and Canopy Restoration for Hartselle.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Hartselle, AL 
Award amount: $707,940.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: TE09927.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: This award 
supports the reconstruction of .24 miles of sidewalks and the canopy 
above the sidewalks in the historic downtown area of Hartsell, 
Alabama. This reconstruction is being done so that the sidewalks meet 
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards and the canopy meets 
historical preservation standards. 

[End of table] 

Highway Descriptions That Did Not Meet Our Transparency Criteria: 

The following award descriptions contained little or no information 
that allowed readers to understand the general purpose, scope and 
nature of activities, location, and expected outcomes. The award 
description information is taken directly from We did 
not edit it in any way, such as to correct typographical or 
grammatical errors. information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, North Carolina Department Of.
Project name: ER-5100BD.
Award description: Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: 
Transportation Enhancements.
Project description: Landscape Plantings.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Greenville, NC 
Award amount: $25,000.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: 0207002. 

Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds 
one shelter, four trash containers, two tables, and one bike rack at 
the Bayview Beach ferry terminal in Beaufort County, which will 
increase pedestrian access and safety. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Michigan Department Of.
Project name: Sealcoat existing surface.
Award description: Sealcoat existing surface.
Project description: To improve the transportation infrastructure and 
the economic development capacity of the State.
Project activity description: Power and Communication Line and Related 
Structures Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 425 West 
Ottawa Street.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Lansing, MI 48933-
Award amount: $65,955.65.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 0919013.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports pavement improvement activities by the Clinton County Road 
Commission. The Commission will improve 4 miles of pavement on West 
Colony Rd. from the West Clinton County Line to Tallman Rd. The award 
will result in improved safety and extend the service life of the 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Michigan Department Of.
Project name: Aggregate Shoulder Resurfacing.
Award description: Aggregate Shoulder Resurfacing.
Project description: To improve the transportation infrastructure and 
the economic development capacity of the State.
Project activity description: Power and Communication Line and Related 
Structures Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 425 West 
Ottawa Street.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Lansing, MI 48933-
Award amount: $91,271.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: 0975013.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: In order to 
improve road safety, the award resurfaces 2.282 miles of shoulder on 
County Road 498 in Schoolcraft County from Newborn Rd. to the County 
line. The resurfacing defines the inside edge of the shoulder, adds 
additional gravel material and grade shoulder to proposed slope, 
removes excess material, and compacts the shoulder with a roller. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Michigan Department Of.
Project name: Single Course Chip Seal.
Award description: Single Course Chip Seal.
Project description: To improve the transportation infrastructure and 
the economic development capacity of the State.
Project activity description: Power and Communication Line and Related 
Structures Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 425 West 
Ottawa Street.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Lansing, MI 48933-
Award amount: $86,617.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: 1078007.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports pavement improvement activities to resurface 7.8 miles of 
Featherstone Rd. from M-66 to Engle Rd. north of Sturgis. The award 
will result in improved driving quality by making the road smoother. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Michigan Department Of.
Project name: Resurface road.
Award description: Resurface road.
Project description: To improve the transportation infrastructure and 
the economic development capacity of the State.
Project activity description: Power and Communication Line and Related 
Structures Construction.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 425 West 
Ottawa Street.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Lansing, MI 48933-
Award amount: $800,000.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: 1082018.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the resurfacing of .1 miles of Shook Rd. in Romulus, 
Michigan. The award will result in improved driving quality and 
increase the service life of the road. 

[End of table] 

[End of section] 

Appendix VIII: Supplemental Discretionary Grants for a National 
Surface Transportation System: 

The Recovery Act appropriated $1.5 billion to the Supplemental 
Discretionary Grants for a National Surface Transportation System-- 
which the Department of Transportation termed "TIGER grants."[Footnote 
66] The purpose of the program is to make capital investments in 
surface transportation that will have a significant impact on the 
nation, a metropolitan area, or a region. The act required the 
selection of awards on a competitive basis. 

Nature and Type of Awards: 

Although grant agreements have yet to be signed, the department 
announced the selection of 51 awards on February 17, 2010. Department 
officials said they received over 1,400 applications from all 50 
states, territories, and the District of Columbia for projects 
totaling nearly $60 billion. With $1.5 billion available, about 3 
percent of the projects will be awarded grant funds. The projects 
selected include a range of efforts to improve highways, bridges, 
rail, port, transit, and intermodal facilities. As shown in figure 5, 
transit projects totaled about $383 million (26 percent), and rail 
projects totaled about $374 million (25 percent). These were the 
largest transportation categories for projects to improve the movement 
of people and freight. These projects are geographically dispersed 
throughout the United States. Highways were the next largest category 
at $338 million (23 percent). Most of these projects are located in 
the West and South. 

Figure 5: Categories of Projects Selected for TIGER Funds, on February 
17, 2010: 

[Refer to PDF for image: pie-chart] 

Transit $383 million): 36%; 

Rail ($374 million): 25%; 

Highway ($338 million): 23%; 

Intermodal/other ($288 million): 19%; 

Port ($114 million): 8%. 

Source: GAO analysis of Department of Transportation data. 

Note: Percentages in this figure do not add to 100 because of rounding. 

[End of figure] 

According to the department, these projects were selected because they 
demonstrated the potential to meet all of the selection criteria, 
which included such key components as: 

* the ability to have a significant impact on desirable near-and long- 
term transportation outcomes of the nation, a metropolitan area, or a 
region and the creation of jobs, and: 

* the ability to apply innovation and partnership to achieve long-term 
transportation outcomes or new approaches to financing, contracting, 
or project delivery. 

No Basis to Judge TIGER Descriptions for Transparency: 

As no TIGER grants have been awarded, the department has not issued 
any reporting guidance or other assistance to date. Therefore, for 
this program, we could not perform our transparency assessment. 
According to an official, the administrative oversight and reporting 
requirements for these awards will be similar to those for other 
Department of Transportation Recovery Act awards. Each TIGER grant 
will be administered by the modal administration responsible for the 
majority of the activities within the award. For example, an award for 
public transportation activities will be administered by the Federal 
Transit Administration. The modal administration will also oversee 
recipient reporting for these grants. 

Other Ways Award Information Is Made Available to the Public: 

Department officials have implemented steps to inform the public about 
the TIGER grants and selected projects: 

* Department of Transportation Web site ( A 
Web site was established to provide information about the TIGER grants 
and to address general questions. In announcing the grant awards, the 
department issued a press release along with a report listing the 
grant amounts. The report also included for each project a brief 
summary that describes the project and its benefits. (See table 8.) 
The press release and report are also available on the Web site. 

* Department of Transportation interactive map of awards 
( This interactive map will include the TIGER 
awards and provide the location, cost, and a brief description for 
each award. 

Table 8: Example of Information on a Selected TIGER Project Made 
Publicly Available: 

Name: Crescent Corridor Intermodal Freight Rail Project; 

Location: Memphis, Tennessee & Birmingham, Alabama; 

Sponsor: States of Alabama & Tennessee; 

Total Cost: $224,000,000; 

TIGER Funding: $105,000,000. 

Project Description: The Crescent Corridor is a major intermodal 
freight program centered on the continued development of Norfolk 
Southern's rail intermodal route from the Gulf Coast to the Mid- 
Atlantic. The TIGER grant supports construction of two new intermodal 
facilities in Memphis, TN, and Birmingham, AL--both critical 
components of the full corridor plan. Construction of these new 
facilities includes pad and support tracks, trailer and container 
parking areas, lead tracks, and related ancillary buildings and 

* Provides significant new freight capacity from the Southeast through 
the Mid-Atlantic region, an area currently underserved by intermodal 

* Reduces greenhouse gas emissions and helps reduce highway 
maintenance costs on major interstate routes; 

* Combines multiple modes (water, rail and highway) to gain the 
capacities, efficiencies and environmental benefits of each; 

* Brings new capacity and opportunity to economically distressed 
Memphis and Birmingham. 

Project Benefits: Once fully-developed, the Crescent Corridor will 
improve domestic rail intermodal service between the Northeast and 
Southeast for the terminal host cities of Memphis, Birmingham, 
Atlanta, Charlotte, Knoxville, Roanoke, Greencastle, Harrisburg, 
Bethlehem, Philadelphia and Northern New Jersey. Connecting this 2,500-
mile network of existing rail lines with regional intermodal freight 
distribution centers will strengthen domestic and international 
freight distribution on the Southeast, Gulf Coast and Mid-Atlantic 

Source: Department of Transportation. 

[End of table] 

According to an agency official, there has been little public feedback 
regarding the announced grants or the information that is available on 
the agency's Web site. To date, most of the public comments on TIGER 
grants are not from the general public but from unsuccessful 
applicants--that is, the 97 percent of applicants that were not 

[End of section] 

Appendix IX: Transit Capital Assistance: 

Under the $6.9 billion Transit Capital Assistance program, the Federal 
Transit Administration (FTA) apportioned Recovery Act funds to 
recipients through existing program formulas. Recipients of funds 
include both large and medium urbanized areas, as well as states, 
which administer transit awards for small urbanized and nonurbanized 
areas. These funds can be used for activities such as vehicle 
replacements, facilities renovation or construction, preventive 
maintenance, and paratransit services. The Transit Capital Assistance 
program also includes a new discretionary grant program to support 
transit projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions or energy use. 
[Footnote 67] 

Nature and Type of Transit Awards: 

FTA had obligated nearly all the Recovery Act Transit Capital 
Assistance program funding as of April 5, 2010.[Footnote 68] Of the 
amount obligated, $1.6 billion had been reimbursed by FTA. Almost half 
of Recovery Act transit obligations have been for transit construction 
and non-vehicle infrastructure activities. This includes about $1.2 
billion for station stops and terminals and about $1.1 billion for 
support facilities and equipment. In addition, 30 percent is being 
used for purchasing or rehabilitating buses: a majority of these funds 
are being used to replace or rehabilitate buses. (See fig. 6.) 

Figure 6: Reported Uses of Recovery Act Transit Funds, as of April 5, 

[Refer to PDF for image: combination vertical bar and pie-charts] 

Transit infrastructure construction and related activities: ($3,194 
million): 47%: 
- Station stops and terminals ($1,158): 36%; 
- Support facilities and equipment ($1,059): 33%; 
- Infrastructure-transitway lines, transit power, and signal and 
communications ($861): 27%; 
- Transit enhancements ($116): 4%. 

Bus purchases/rehabilitation ($2,013 million): 30%: 
- Bus purchase for replacement and bus rehabilitation ($1,808): 90%; 
- Bus purchase for expansion ($205): 10%. 

Other capital expenses ($613 million): 9%; 

Preventive maintenance ($606 million): 9%; 

Railcar purchases/rehabilitation ($220 million): 3%; 

Operating expense ($92 million): 1%: 
- Railcar purchase for replacement and railcar rehabilitation ($135): 
- Railcar purchase for expansion ($85): 39%. 

Source: GAO analysis of FTA data. 

Note: Percentages may not add to 100 because of rounding. 

[End of figure] 

Half of Transit Descriptions Met Our Transparency Criteria: 

We assessed the transparency of descriptive information for transit 
awards available on, as described in the report. We found 
that an estimated: 

* 50 percent met our transparency criteria, 

* 50 percent partially met our criteria, and: 

* zero percent did not meet our criteria.[Footnote 69] 

For transit descriptions that partially met our transparency criteria, 
we collected information necessary to make the descriptions meet our 
criteria. The descriptions of awards in our sample, whether they met 
our transparency criteria, and additional information that we found to 
complete the narrative descriptions are provided at the end of this 

Agency Guidance and Other Factors That May Affect Transparency of 
Reported Information: 

For the first two reporting rounds, FTA created detailed assistance 
documents for recipients that may have affected transparency results. 
FTA annotated the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) guidance-- 
specifically, the data reporting model--by adding a transit-specific 
comment and example for each reporting field. For some data fields, 
such as project name, FTA directed recipients to use information from 
FTA's grants database, Transportation Electronic Award Management. In 
the award description field, FTA outlined items that recipients should 
include in their narrative. (See table 9.) According to FTA officials, 
OMB's guidance is open to different interpretations and does not 
provide enough information to guide recipients to provide descriptions 
understandable to the public. In its reporting model, therefore, FTA 
provided clarification to help recipients do so. 

Table 9: Sample Guidance from FTA's Reporting Data Model: 

Reporting field: Project name or project/program title; 
FTA comments: Provide the project description as presented in the 
project details screen in TEAM [Transportation Electronic Award 
Management]. If you are reporting on a grant that has been amended, 
provide the project description pertaining to the original grant and 
the amended grant; FTA example: Purchase of six replacement buses. 

Reporting field: Award description; 
FTA comments: All FTA recipients should enter the phrase, "Invest in 
public transportation" to capture the overall purpose of the funds 
awarded to them and then briefly describe each of the activities that 
will be funded by the grant. This description should be written in a 
way that members of the public can understand the purposes of the 
grant. The description should not include acronyms or jargon; 
FTA example: Invest in public transportation by purchasing new hybrid-
electric buses, rehabilitating a bus maintenance garage, performing 
preventative maintenance on existing buses, and installing intelligent 
transportations systems technology on vehicles. 

Reporting field: Quarterly activities/project description; 
FTA comments: Describe the specific outputs and outcomes that will 
result from the grant. This entry should include quantitative 
information about the activities conducted and items purchased under 
the grant; 
FTA example: This grant has allowed the transit agency to purchase six 
low-floor, hybrid electric buses, to modernize and expand two of its 
three bus depots, to conduct preventive maintenance on 40 existing 
buses, and to install automatic stop announcement systems on 50 of its 
buses As a result of these investments, the transit agency will be 
able to offer public transportation service that is safer, more 
reliable, more environmentally friendly, and more accessible for 
people with disabilities. 

Source: FTA's recipient reporting data model for second reporting 

[End of table] 

Several recipients we interviewed told us this annotated reporting 
model was very useful in crafting their recipient reports. Chicago 
Transit Authority officials, for example, told us that FTA's annotated 
reporting model helped them interpret the ambiguous parts of OMB's 
guidance. For many of the transit awards we reviewed in detail, the reports directly reflected FTA's annotated reporting 
model.[Footnote 70] Specifically, recipients included the introductory 
language and other conventions suggested by FTA in the award 
description field. 

For the third reporting round (for the quarter ending March 31, 2010), 
FTA updated its annotated reporting model. However, officials told us 
they called this updated reporting model and all other reporting 
resources "technical and training assistance" for this round. They did 
so because OMB's March guidance directs agencies to not call any of 
their materials "guidance" unless they have been formally approved by 
OMB.[Footnote 71] In general, FTA officials said that the agency has 
had to adjust its plans and processes for recipient reporting because 
of the fluid nature and late release of OMB's guidance. 

In addition, FTA conducted webinars for each reporting round to 
support transit recipients. For the second reporting round, FTA's 
webinar provided tips on completing narrative fields that advised 
recipients to: 

* use plain language and avoid acronyms and jargon, 

* imagine that you are writing for your mother, who will have to 
explain what is written to someone else, and: 

* think about the public, reporters, and auditors reading published 

According to several recipients we interviewed, FTA's webinars were 
helpful in completing reports. Officials from the Port Authority of 
Allegheny County told us that the FTA webinars were the main source of 
assistance used to complete their recipient reporting. FTA also held a 
webinar with recipients after the first reporting period to identify 
concerns and collect lessons learned for use in future reporting 

Other FTA efforts may have affected the transit transparency results. 
First, FTA produced a tip sheet to help recipients avoid and resolve 
problems when reporting. A few recipients we interviewed also said 
that FTA regional office staff helped clarify reporting guidance and 
solve problems. Officials from the Greater Attleboro-Taunton Regional 
Transit Authority in Massachusetts told us they worked closely with 
FTA regional staff to initially develop a description for the Recovery 
Act award, as it required more detail than normal. In addition, 
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority officials told us that FTA 
regional staff were helpful in answering questions that arose during 
the reporting process. Finally, FTA regional officials reviewed 
narrative descriptions to ensure that they were understandable and 
accurate, though the volume of descriptions prevented them from doing 
a thorough review. 

While FTA's transparency results were generally positive, a few 
recipients we interviewed told us that space limitations in the 
narrative reporting fields affected their ability to fully convey 
award information on For example, officials from the 
Greater Attleboro-Taunton Regional Transit Authority said that they 
wanted additional space to explain activity details and status 
information. Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority did not face 
space limitations: however, officials told us that the multiple 
activities under their grant, from purchasing paratransit vans to 
repairing fencing systemwide, did not lend themselves to a single 
description, as is the convention in 

Other Ways Transit Award Information Is Made Available to the Public: 

Beyond, the Department of Transportation and FTA make 
award information available to the public through various means, 
including the following: 

* Department of Transportation interactive map of awards 
( This agencywide map, which includes transit 
awards, provides the location, cost, and a brief description for each 

* FTA grants digest ( Published on 
FTA's Recovery Act Web site, this searchable digest provides a short 
summary of each grant including location, cost, and an overview of 

* FTA spreadsheet of awards. Also on FTA's Web site, the spreadsheet 
outlines information on each award like the grant number and a short, 
descriptive title. This spreadsheet does not include detailed 
descriptions of the activities within each award. The source of the 
data--FTA's Transportation Electronic Award Management database-- 
limits the length of the descriptive field. 

* FTA fact sheets. For a limited number of awards, FTA posted on its 
Web site detailed fact sheets that describe the purpose and nature of 
the award. 

In addition, transit recipients use Web sites, newsletters, and other 
tools to provide award information to the public. Several transit 
recipients we interviewed disseminate Recovery Act award information 
to the public on their Web sites. In California, the Orange County 
Transportation Authority created a dedicated Web site for the county's 
Recovery Act transportation awards ( 
This Web site includes, among other things, information on the transit 
activities in the authority's transit award, including bus 
preventative maintenance and facility repairs in Irvine, California. 
On its Web site, the Chicago Transit Authority posted press releases 
to announce plans and progress on activities. Press releases covered 
the delivery of the first hybrid bus purchased under the award and a 
status update on the replacement of 7 miles of subway track. 
Similarly, the Northeast Illinois Regional Commuter Railroad 
Corporation--Metra--used its monthly newsletter to announce Recovery 
Act activities, including the construction of a new station on the 
Rock Island Line. A few recipients also used social media like 
Facebook and Twitter to make award information available to the 
public. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority in New York, for 
example, maintains a Facebook page that contains a video explaining 
the Long Island Rail Road Atlantic Avenue viaduct span replacement 

According to FTA officials, most of the feedback on transit Recovery 
Act awards has been positive. The press also reported on the use of 
funds for specific projects at the local level, but press coverage has 
decreased over time as the Recovery Act has become more routine. Many 
of the transit recipients we interviewed said that, in general, they 
had not received much public feedback. Pennsylvania state transit 
officials told us they had not received any public comments on the 
state's rural transit award, which involved transit activities like 
building an intermodal transit center and replacing buses in various 
locations in the state. The Port Authority of Allegheny County used 
its transit award to pay for a portion of the ongoing construction of 
its light rail system from downtown Pittsburgh into the developing 
North Shore area of the city, which involves tunneling under the 
Allegheny River. While the project received some negative feedback 
early on, Port Authority officials told us that those remarks have 
faded as the benefits of using public transportation to support 
development of the North Shore have become evident. 

Transit Descriptions That Met Our Transparency Criteria: 

The following award descriptions contained sufficient information on 
general purpose, scope and nature of activities, location, and 
expected outcomes to meet our transparency criteria. The award 
description information is taken directly from We did 
not edit it in any way, such as to correct typographical or 
grammatical errors. information: 
Recipient name: Birmingham-Jefferson County Transit Authority.
Project name: Purchase of 17 replacement buses. Rehabilitaion of 
maintenance garage. Purchase of bus washer and vacuum cleaning system. 
Purchase of diagnostic equipment and tools. 
Award description: Invest in public transportation by purchasing 17 
new compressed natural gas buses and related tools for repair, 
rehabilitating a bus maintenance garage, and replacing a bus wash and 
vacuum cleaning system. 
Project description: This grant has allowed the Birmingham-Jefferson 
County Transit Authority to begin the administrative and solicitation 
process to acquire 17 compressed natural gas buses and related 
diagnostic equipment and tools. This grant sill also provide for the 
rehabilitation of a maintenance garage and replacement of a buswash 
and vacuum cleaning system at the same location within the next year. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1735 Morris 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Birmingham, AL 
Award amount: $8,694,931.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: AL-96-X006. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District.
Project name: Preventive Maintenance and ADA Complementary Paratransit 
Award description: Sustain mass transit service by funding Alameda 
Contra Costa Transit's (AC Transit) Preventive Maintenance 
($23,165,013), and AC Transit/Bay Area Rapid Transit jointly funded 
Complementary Paratransit Service (East Bay Paratransit): 
($2,573,890), financed by American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Funds 
appropriated through the Federal Transit Administration Urbanized Area 
Program (Section 5307: 49 CFR). The purpose of this program is to 
sustain mass transit and paratransit operations in the AC Transit 
service area and to preserve critical jobs to ensure service can be 
maintained at existing levels. 
Project description: Purpose of grant activities is to provide regular 
and ongoing bus maintenance and rehabilitation, including associated 
administrative costs, to sustain fixed-route transit service and 
paratransit service. As one of the largest bus transit systems in the 
country, AC Transit currently provides bus service to approximately 67 
Million passengers per year, in addition to nearly 500,000 paratransit 
riders annually . This service covers a 364-square mile service area 
in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, with over 100 bus lines 
providing bus transportation to 13 cities and 9 unincorporated areas, 
as well as to the City of San Francisco via the San Francisco-Oakland 
Bay Bridge, and San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties via the Hayward-San 
Mateo and Dumbarton Bridges. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 
funds allowed transit service to be sustained for nine (9) months. 
These funds were committed to fund jobs critical to maintain fixed-
route mass transit and paratransit services. Without the American 
Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds, AC Transit would have been forced 
to make mandatory layoffs in all areas and draconian service cuts 
would have gone into affect last year. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): AC Transit, 
1600 Franklin Street.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Oakland, CA 94612-
Award amount: $25,738,903.00.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: CA-96-X004-00. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Simi Valley, City Of.
Project name: Shelters, Buses, Garage Modernization, Wheelchair Scale, 
Operating Assistance and Non Fixed-Route ADA Paratransit Service.
Award description: Fiscal Year 2009 Transportation Enhancement 
projects eligible for funding under the Federal American Recovery and 
Reinvestment Act (ARRA) for the City of Simi Valley/Simi Valley 
Transit include funding for the following: 1) TRANSIT SHELTER PROGRAM 
($484,000) - Like-kind replacement and upgrade of 26 deteriorated bus 
shelters, 72 concrete benches, and other amenities at bus stops 
($1,380,000) - Like-kind replacements for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) 
buses that have met their useful service life by accumulating in 
excess of 568,000 miles each. The replacement vehicles will be low-
floor, 40-ft New Flyer buses that will have an expected service life 
of 12 years or an accumulation of at least 500,000 miles. These buses 
will meet the Clean Air Act Standards (CAA) and the Americans with 
Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. 3) Transit Garage Modernization 
($563,949) - Project to include work on electrical, ventilation and 
mechanical systems: retrofitting the mechanic work bays: upgrading the 
hydraulic lifts: increased storage area and like-kind replacement of 
Project description: bus washer. 4) Wheelchair Scale ($5,000) - 
Purchase of one scale to be used during the ADA application process to 
weigh wheelchairs. 5) Operating Assistance ($303,400) - 10% of total 
allocation to provide for operating assistance for the City's fixed-
route and non-ADA paratransit service. 6) Non Fixed-Route Ada 
Paratransit Service ($303,400) - 10% of total allocation to assist 
with ADA/DAR paratransit operating costs. 
Project description: Have entered into a cooperative purchasing 
agreement with Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) for the 
replacement of three (3) New Flyer of America buses. The design and 
locations for transit shelters is complete. Staff will be seeking 
authorization from City Council to solicit bids by March 2010. 
Architectural services on the garage modernization project have been 
approved. Staff will be seeking authorization from the City Council by 
February 2010 to solicit bids. Purchase of the wheelchair scale has 
not been completed. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 490 West Los 
Angeles Ave.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Simi Valley, CA 
Award amount: $3,039,749.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: CA-96-X005. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Los Angeles, City Of.
Project name: ARRA-DOT-Purchase 16 Buses LAES430.
Award description: This grant applies the 2009 ARRA Formula allocation 
of $8,022,665 to bus replacement. The City of Los Angeles Department 
of Transportation will purchase approximately sixteen 40-foot over-the-
road type coaches that will have an expected useful life of 12 years 
or 500,000 miles. The vehicles that will be replaced have either met 
or exceeded their useful life of 12 years. A Federal ratio of 100/0 
will apply. The buses purchased through this grant will comply with 
both the Clean Air Act (CAA) standards as well as with the 
requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 
Project description: The goal of this project is replace approximately 
16 existing buses. The new buses will have a useful life of 12 years 
or 500,000 miles. The new buses will also comply with current 
environmental standards as well as with the ADA. The City of Los 
Angeles initially anticipated that this project would be completed no 
later than June 30, 2010. During the 4th quarter of calendar year 
2009, the project experienced slippage. The City currently anticipates 
that the project will be completed by the second quarter of 2011. 
Completion means that the buses will be assembled, delivered, placed 
into the service, and the grant closed out. During the most recent 
quarter (October 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009) arrangements were made 
with the proposed vendor to provide a sample bus for testing. The 
sample bus is currently being.
Project activity description: shipped to Altoona, Pennsylvania. If the 
sample bus performs as expected, production of the 16 buses are 
scheduled to begin in the summer of 2010. The City anticipates to 
begin taking delivery of these buses in the summer of 2010. To date, 
no funds have been expended nor obligated. 
Project activity description: Burial & Cemetery Services.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 100 S. Main 
Street-10th Floor.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Los Angeles, CA 
Award amount: $8,022,665.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: CA-96-X013-00. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Gardena, City Of.
Project name: Transit Capital - Bus Replacement.
Award description: Transit Capital - Bus Replacement of 6 Hybrid 
Gasoline-Electric buses. 
Project description: Contract awarded on 8/11/09 to purchase 6 hybrid 
gasoline-electric buses from New Flyer. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 13999 South 
Western Avenue.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Gardena, CA 90249-
Award amount: $3,584,821.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: CA-96-X051. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Napa County Transportation & Planning Agency.
Project name: Purchase 4 hybrid buses and construct multi-modal Park 
and Ride Facility.
Award description: Invest in Public Transportation-Replace four 15+ 
yeal old diesel buses with new, clean air, gasoline/electirc hybrid 
buses. In addition, funds will be used to construct a multi-modal Park 
and Ride facility featuring: commuter parking, transit hub, bicycle 
accommodations, and a potential future rail platform. Green building 
elements (such as solar power) will be incorporated into the design. 
Project description: This grant will allow for the modernization of 
the transit fleet with the purchase of 4 gasoline/electric hybrid 
vehicles. In addition, once the multi-modal Park and Ride lot is 
constructed, hundreds of residents/commuters a day will be able to 
make more efficient, safe and timely transit connections. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Napa, CA 94559-
Award amount: $2,779,727.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: CA-96-X069-00. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Mountain Metropolitan Transit.
Project name: Preventative Maintenance, Capital Cost of Contracting, 
and Paratransit Offset.
Award description: This project invests the American Recovery and 
Reinvestment funds to preserve public transportation service by 
funding vehicle maintenance, providing fixed-route service, and help 
fund local transit services for the disabled community for 2010. The 
funds applied in this application will help reduce the potential 
reduction of these services as a direct result of declining local 
sales tax revenues. 
Project description: Due to declining sales tax revenues, Mountain 
Metropolitan Transit is facing up to a 50% reduction in local fixed 
route services and up to a 10% reduction in paratransit services for 
2010. This ARRA grant will allow Mountain Metropolitan Transit to fund 
3rd Party Capital Cost of Contracting for its fixed route service for 
2010: fund a portion of the ADA Paratransit services for 2010: and 
fund building and vehicle Preventative Maintenance for 2010. As a 
result of these investments, the local match , annually budgeted for 
these grant funded capital expenditures, has been freed up to help 
preserve portions of the local fixed-route and paratransit services in 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Colorado Springs, 
CO 80901-1575.
Award amount: $4,550,000.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: CO-96-X004. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Santa Rosa, City Of.
Project name: Hybrid Bus Replacement.
Award description: Invest in public transportation. These funds will 
partially finance the purchase of one replacement bus. The bus to be 
replaced is a 1998 40' diesel fixed route urban public transit bus. 
This bus will have met the end of its 12 year useful life by 2010. The 
1998 bus will be replaced with a 40-foot, low floor Gasoline Hybrid 
Electric Bus (GHEB) fixed route, urban public transit bus. This bus 
will be procured in accordance with FTA's Procurement Requirements. 
The bus will meet the Clean Air Act (CAA) standards and the Americans 
with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. 
Project description: These funds will partially finance the purchase 
of one replacement bus. The bus to be replaced is a 1998 40' diesel 
fixed route urban public transit bus. This bus will have met the end 
of its 12 year useful life by 2010. The 1998 bus will be replaced with 
a 40-foot, low floor Gasoline Hybrid Electric Bus (GHEB) fixed route, 
urban public transit bus through the exercising of options on an 
existing contract. This bus will be procured in accordance with FTA's 
Procurement Requirements. The bus will meet the Clean Air Act (CAA) 
standards and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. 
Expected contract award by March 2009. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1101 College 
Avenue, Suite 200.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Santa Rosa, CA 
Award amount: $312,865.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: CA-66-X010. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Tracy, City Of (Inc).
Project name: Bus Shelter Construction.
Award description: Invest in public transportation by improvement of 
bus stop including, but not limited to, installation of bus shelters, 
benches, and trash receptacles at over 50 locations. The City of Tracy 
currently operates 5 fixed bus routes serving over 90,000 passengers 
annually. Additionally, the City operates a Paratransit system which 
services over 24,000 passengers annually. The addition of bus shelters 
and benches will provide a safer environment for passengers to wait 
for the bus. 
Project description: The City of Tracy has not yet started its ARRA 
project this quarter. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Tracy, CA 95376-
Award amount: $1,711,239.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: CA-96-X003. 

[End of table] information: 
Project name: Infrastructure Enhancement and Maintenance Projects.
Award description: Invest in public transportation by restoring the 
door and step components on light rail vehicles: engaging in 
preventive maintenance activities to preserve/extend the functionality 
of the SFMTA's assets: rehabilitating articulated motor coaches: 
upgrading the SFMTA's mileage and fuel tracking system for diesel and 
trolley coaches: equipping an interim Operations Control Center to 
support dispatching and rerouting of vehicles, incident detection and 
response, and voice communications with transit operators: replacing 
the inductive loop cable in the subway: procuring a customized 
software application for capital planning and grant management: 
procuring new personal computers for the bus yards: replacing sales 
kiosks for cable car fares: replacing change machines in the subway 
system: replacing track switches for light rail vehicles: replacing 
the SFMTA's existing subway fare collection system with a new fare 
collection system: and engaging in rehabilitation and upgrade 
activities at various sites, facilities, and right-of-way locations. 
Project description: This grant will allow the SFMTA to restore the 
worn out door and step components of approximately 143 light rail 
vehicles: engage in preventive maintenance activities to 
preserve/extend the functionality of the SFMTA's assets: rehabilitate 
about 35 standard and 27 articulated motor coaches: upgrade the 
SFMTA's obsolete mileage and fuel tracking system for diesel and 
trolley coaches: equip an interim Operations Control Center to support 
dispatching and rerouting of vehicles, incident detection and 
response, and voice communications with transit operators: replace the 
worn out inductive loop cable in the subway: procure a customized 
software application for capital planning and grant management: 
procure about 70 new PCs for the bus yards: replace up to 2 outdated 
sales kiosks for cable car fares: replace obsolete change machines in 
the subway system: replace approximately 19 worn out track switches 
for light rail vehicles: obtain a new automatic fare collection system 
for the subway: and engage in rehabilitation and upgrade activities at 
various sites, facilities, and right-of-way locations, including the 
SFMTA's Presido and Burke facilities and right-of-way locations 
including 19th Avenue, Carl and Cole Streets, and Duboce Portal. All 
applicable projects are under contract, with the SFMTA actively 
working on performing preventive maintenance on its vehicles, 
implementing automatic fare collection equipment in the subway, 
rehabilitating the doors and steps of light rail vehicles, installing 
new workstations at bus yards, implementing various infrastructure and 
facility enhancements, and establishing the Central Control Interim 
Line Management Center. The SFMTA has completed the installation of 
change machines in the subway station. 
Project activity description: Mixed Mode Transit Systems.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: San Francisco, CA 
Award amount: $67,245,980.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: CA-96-X014. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Monterey-Salinas Transit.
Project name: Lease (46) 40-Ft Buses.
Award description: Monterey-Salinas Transit Capitalized Preventive 
Maintenance:Lease (46) 40-Ft Buses, Acquire Mobile Fare Coll Equip. 
Project description: The project consists of the purchase up to forty 
(40)buses from Gillig Corp. and six (6) trolleys from Optima Bus Corp. 
to replace 38 buses in current fleet and expand by 8 buses. This will 
fund the remaining payments on bus financing payments 17, 18, 19, and 
20. Buses have been paid off. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1 Ryan Ranch 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Monterey, CA 
Award amount: $7,658,196.00.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: CA-96-X041-00. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Claremont, City Of.
Project name: Purchase of 2 replacement paratransit vehicles. 
Award description: Invest in public transportation by purchasing new 
replacement paratransit vehicles. 
Project description: This grant will allow the purchase of two 
paratransit vehicles to replace old vehicles that are currently in the 
fleet. As a result of these investments, the agency will be able to 
continue to offer public transportation service that is safer, more 
reliable, and accessible for people with disabilities. 
Project activity description: Special Needs Transportation.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Claremont, CA 
Award amount: $124,748.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: CA-96-X075. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Redondo Beach, City Of (Inc).
Project name: 30' and 35' Bus Replacement and Bus Stop Improvements.
Award description: Invest in public transportation by purchasing 
replacement transit vehicles and implementing bus stop improvements. 
The fund will be utilized to 1) purchase up to three 18 passenger, 
30', CNG-powered cut-away buses that have an expected useful life of 
five years or 150,000 miles: 2) purchase one 29-passenger, 32', CNG-
powered bus that has an expected useful life of 10 years or 350,000 
miles: and 3) to implement bus stop improvements throughout the City 
of Redondo Beach, which will include replacing the old concrete and 
terracotta bus benches with new, more durable and aesthetically 
pleasing corrosion resistant steel construction benches, replacing pre-
existing bus stop sign poles with new standard rail poles, replacing 
bus stop signs with new high-visibility reflective signs, and 
replacing old and deteriorated or missing trash receptacles with new 
metal vandal resistant receptacles. 
Project description: This grant allows the City of Redondo Beach to 
move forward with the purchasing of three, up to 27', CNG powered 
cutaway buses and procuring of bus stop improvements. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 415 Diamond 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Redondo Beach, CA 
Award amount: $727,900.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: CA-96-X081-00. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient Name; Transportation, Florida Department Of.
Project Name; Fy 09 (4) Arra Locomotives.
Award Description; Invest The 2009 Arra Formula Allocation Of 
$13,431,438 To Purchase Up To Four (4) Locomotives # 802,803,804 And 
805. The Original Locomotives Were Manufactured In The Mid 1960's And 
Were Last Remanufactured In 1988. They Lack Any Fuel Efficient 
Technology And Are Not Required To Meet Any EPA Emission Standards. 
Due To The Design Of The Hep Unit, These Locomotives Consume Excessive 
Fuel. The Locomotives Have An Approximate Expected Useful Life Of 25 
Years. A Federal Ratio Of 100/100 Will Apply. The New Locomotives Will 
Meet The Clean Air Act (CAA) Standards And The American With 
Disabilites Act (ADA) Requirements. This Grant Also Includes Transit 
Enhancements ($135,670) That Will Fund Various Station Beautification 
Improvements Such As Landscaping, Painting, Etc. 
Project Description; SFRTA Issued The Notice To Proceed To The 
Consultants On September 22, 2009. At This Time The Solicitation 
Package Is Being Prepared And Is Due To Be Advertised By The End Of 
January, 2010. It Is Estimated That The Procurement Period Will Be 
Sixty (60) Days. The Estimated Notice Of Award To The Manufacturer 
Will Be In Late April Early May. All Activities Are In Compliance With 
Arra Regulations. 
Project Activity Description; Line-Haul Railroads.
Award Type; Grants.
Place Of Performance - Street Address (Optional Field); 800 Nw 33 
Place Of Performance - City, State, And Postal Code; Pompano Beach, Fl 
Award Amount; $13,567,108.00.
Project Status; Less Than 50% Completed.
Award Number; Fl-96-X015-00. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Columbus, County Of.
Project name: Purchase of 4 replacement buses: 3 replacement Trolley 
buses: Enhancements replacement and security equipment installation. 
Award description: Invest in public transportation by purchasing new 
35 Ft Low Floor Clean Diesel Transit Buses, installing security 
cameras and annunciation systems on buses and replacing worn out 
transit enhancements to include, bus stops signs, bus shelters, 
benches and trash cans. 
Project description: This grant allowed the transit agency to purchase 
4 low-floor clean diesel and 3 trolley clean diesel buses, replace 
worn out bus shelters, trash cans, benches, install security cameras 
on 8 existing buses and install automatic stop announcements systems 
on 5 buses. As a result of these investments, the transit agency will 
be able to offer public transportation service that is safer, more 
reliable, and more environmentally friendly. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 814 Linwood 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Columbus, GA 
Award amount: $2,769,671.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: GA-96-X006-00. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Sioux City, City Of.
Project name: 1 Medium Duty Bus - Flex Funds.
Award description: Purchase one (1) 31 Ft low-floor Medium Duty (MD) 
expansion bus. The vehicle will help to expand the spare ratio for the 
fleet and provide much needed reliable service backup for the aging 
fleet. These are flex funds through Nebraska. The vehicle will be 
procured via State of Minnesota consortium. 
Project description: One (1) 31 ft. medium duty (MD) low-floor bus. 
The MD bus is an expansion vehicle for enhancement of the transit 
service primarily for disabled passengers and to provide backup for 
fixed route service. This unit will increase the spare ratio to 4 
units. With 21 units in peak service, the 4 spares will increase the 
ratio to 16% once the vehicle is acquired. 
Project activity description: Public Transportation Systems.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 2505 East 4th 
Street, PO Box 447.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Sioux City, IA 
Award amount: $84,251.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: IA-66-X001-00. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Madison County Transit.
Project name: Purchase 15 biodiesel replacement buses. 
Award description: Invest in public transportation by purchasing new 
biodiesel buses. 
Project description: The purchase of 15 low-floor, biodiesel, 
replacement buses allows Madison County Transit District to continue 
providing safe and reliable public transportation services in a more 
environmentally friendly manner. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): One Transit Way.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Granite City, IL 
Award amount: $5,525,178.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: IL-96-X004. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Pace, The Suburban Bus Division Of The Regional 
Transportation Authority.
Project name: Purchase 58 replacement fixed route 30' buses, Purchase 
190 replacement paratransit vehicles, and purchase 76 replacement 
support vehicles for maintenance and supervisory personnel as well as 
staff at Headquarters. 
Award description: Invest in public transportation by purchasing 58 
30' transit buses, 190 paratransit vehicles and a minimum of 76 
support vehicles for maintenance and supervisory personnel as well as 
staff at Headquarters. 
Project description: This grant allows Pace to purchase 58 30' 
replacement fixed route buses, 190 replacement paratransit vehicles, 
and 76 replacement support vehicles for maintenance and supervisory 
personnel as well as staff at Headquarters. As a result of these 
investments, Pace will be able to provide public transportation 
service that is safer and more reliable. In this quarter, we have 
awarded a contract for inspection services. We received delivery of 10 
trucks with plows for maintenance/supervisory personnel and 6 
paratransit buses. Production will continue for the paratransit buses 
next quarter. Production will begin in February for the fixed route 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 550 W. 
Algonquin Road.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Arlington 
Heights, IL 60005-4412.
Award amount: $33,135,437.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: IL-96-X005. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Decatur, City Of.
Project name: Capital Projects: Buses, vans and facility improvements. 
Award description: Investing in public transportation by purchasing 
four new 35' buses to replace four 1993 35' buses, by purchasing two 
new wheelchair lift vans to replace two 1999 wheelchair vans, by 
repairing and remodeling the bus storage building built in 1980, by 
installing a water recycling system in the existing bus washer to 
reduce the amount of water used, and by repairing and seal coating the 
existing asphalt parking lot and driving lanes around the Transit 
Administration Building. 
Project description: Although no jobs were created and no funds were 
paid out this quarter, the City of Decatur has already awarded 
purchase orders for 4 buses ($1,500,000) and for 2 wheelchair lift 
vans ($104,202). The buses are tentatively scheduled to be built by 
Gillig Corp. about July 15, 2010, and the 2 vans were tentatively 
scheduled for delivery around January 1, 2010. Staff advertised 
nationally for bids for the installation of a water recycling system. 
Since only one bid was submitted by the Dec. 3 deadline and that bid 
was significantly higher than the pre-bid estimate, this project will 
be re-bid. Staff has been preparing to advertise for bids for the 
other facility improvement projects. Those projects are expected to be 
under contract this quarter, or as soon as the weather permits. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 555 E Wood 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Decatur, IL 62523-
Award amount: $1,697,301.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: IL-96-X014. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Owensboro, City Of.
Project name: ARRA Funds for Buses, Lift, Generator.
Award description: OTS is investing in public transportation by 
purchasing three new transit buses, installing a commercial generator 
at the Transit Office, and rehabilitating the bus garage by installing 
a new hydraulic bus lift to assist with maintenance operations. 
Project description: This grant will allow the transit agency to 
purchase three low-floor transit buses to replace buses which have 
exceeded their useful life. The transit agency is also purchasing a 
hydraulic bus lift for the maintenance garage to assist with repairs 
and maintenance of the new buses. The transit agency is also 
installing a commercial generator at the main Transit Office, so that 
transit operations can continue through times when the city is without 
power. January 2010 Update: Three transit buses are on order from 
Gillig. The hydraulic lift will be installed in January 2010. The 
commercial generator has been ordered. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): Owensboro 
Transit System, 430 Allen Street.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Owensboro, KY 
Award amount: $1,098,000.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number; KY-96-X004. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Shreveport Transit Management, Inc.
Project name: Purchase buses, renovate facility, preventive 
maintenance, purchase miscellaneous equipment. 
Award description: Invest in public transportation by purchase of new 
compressed natural gas (CNG) buses: construction of a CNG fuel 
station: conversion of existing maintenance facility to CNG fueling: 
rehabilitate/upgrade 22 year old bus terminal: acquire maintenance 
support equipment, mobile surveillance/security equipment, and upgrade 
of maintenance record system: and perform preventive maintenance on 
existing buses. 
Project description: This Grant allowed the transit agency to purchase 
a new computer and map software for the terminal information booth, 
purchase the first bus bike racks, select a bus vendor from which to 
purchase the first 5 CNG buses, and issue request for bids for an 
architect to design and manage construction of a CNG fuel station and 
upgrade of maintenance facility. As a result of these activities the 
agency's customers will be able to obtain accurate information on best 
bus route to a specific destination, have a means to combine bus/bike 
transportation and prepare to purchase the first environmentally 
friendly buses and their support system. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1115 Jack 
Wells Blvd.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Shreveport, LA 
Award amount: $4,716,500.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: LA-96-X012. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: River Parishes Transit Authority.
Project name: Purchase of two new vehicles and provide preventative 
maintenance on existing buses. 
Award description: Invest in public transportation by purchasing new 
wheelchair lift buses and performing preventative maintenance on 
existing buses. 
Project description: This grant will allow the transit agency to 
purchase two new wheelchair lift equipped vehicles to expand its fleet 
and to conduct preventative maintenance on 4 existing vehicles. As a 
result of these investments the transit agency will be able to 
continue offering the public a safe, reliable and accessible service. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 149 Woodland.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: LaPlace, LA 70068-
Award amount: $300,000.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: LA-96-X013-00. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Montachusett Regional Transit Authority.
Project name: Buses/Construct Storage Facility/Equipment.
Award description: This grant will allow MART to invest in public 
transportation by allowing us to purchase new vehicles and equipment 
and to construct a vehicle storage facility to protect our investment. 
A budget of $750,000 is allocated to the purchase of 3 new hybrid 
buses to replace existing diesel buses for use on our fixed route 
service within the Fitchburg/Leominster/Gardner service area. This 
investment will allow us to bring down the maintenance costs by 
reducing fuel quantities and the disposal of older buses which have 
higher maintenance costs than a new vehicle under warranty. A budget 
allocation of $2.1 million is for construction of a vehicle storage 
facility at 840 N. Main Street in Leominster, MA. The A&E is complete 
and was funded through grant MA-04-0004 for $1,485,000. The ARRA funds 
will pay for the actual construction. MART, at this time, has a large 
number of vehicles which are stored outside. The construction of this 
vehicle storage facility will allow us to get these vehicles out of 
the elements - which include a harsh New England winter. This again 
will drive down overall maintenance and repair costs. The remainder of 
the allocated funds will purchase bus maintenance equipment including 
a new bus washer for the Fitchburg Maintenance facility and related 
peripheral equipment. The existing bus maintenance equipment is old 
and in need of replacement. . 
Project description: This grant allowed MART to order the three Hybrid 
buses, but delivery is not expected until February 2010. One bus has 
been completed and sent for Altoona testing (1 of 3 tests are 
complete). The other 2 buses are complete but will not be delivered 
until the 1st bus is finished testing. The funds for these buses has 
been obligated but remains unliquidated at this time (no expenditures 
have been made). Construction of the Storage Facility started on 
October 1st and is progressing. The remaining items have not been 
ordered yet and are unobligated as of this reporting period. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 840 N. Main 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Leominster, MA 
Award amount: $3,227,669.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: MA-96-X003-00. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Greater Attleboro-Taunton Regional Transit Authority.
Project name: Purchase bus, minibus, vans: construct improvements at 
train station, bus terminal, walkway, prev. maint., scheduling 
software, ADA service: SmartCard & software.
Award description: Invest in public transportation by purchasing low-
floor buses, minibuses and vans: purchase scheduling software: 
construction of renovations to commuter rail station: construction of 
improvements to bus facility: construction of accessible walkway at 
commuter rail station: preventative maintenance: provision of ADA 
paratransit service: purchase smartcard equipment and software. 
Project description: This grant allowed GATRA to purchase 4 transit 
buses, 12 minibuses, and 10 vans (all on order with delivery shortly), 
improvements to Attleboro Commuter Rail Station (one project completed 
and ongoing), improvements to Taunton Terminal and Maintenance 
facility (2 projects completed and ongoing), construction of ADA 
accessible walkway (design at 80%), preventative maintenance, 
provision of ADA service, purchase of dispatch/scheduling equipment 
and purchase of SmartCard Equipment and software. All of the above 
will enable GATRA to offer public transportation service that's safer, 
more reliable and more accessible for people with disabilities. All 
activities are less than 50% complete. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 7 Mill Street.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Attleboro, MA 
Award amount: $7,326,177.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: MA-96-X010. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: City Of Billings.
Project name: ARRA Bus replacement & Bus Wash Rehab.
Award description: Invest in public transportation by rehabilitating a 
Bus Wash Facility and replacing two high maintenance low-floor buses 
that have exceeded their useful life of twelve years. 
Project description: This grant allowed recipient (City of Billings 
MET Transit) to rehabilitate the Bus Wash Facility, which was built in 
1983, and to replace two low-floor buses that have incurred more 
frequent and higher than normal maintenance costs. As a result of 
these investments, recipient will be able to continue to offer 
economical public transportation service that is safer, more reliable 
and more environmentally friendly. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1705 Monad 
Road, P.O. Box 1178.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Billings, MT 
Award amount: $1,884,898.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: MT-96-X002-00. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: City Of Greensboro.
Project name: AARA-Transit Maint/oper/admin/Facil.
Award description: Invest in public transportation by supporting a 
portion of the construction activities (30.2%) for a new Transit 
Maintenance and Operations Facility and Administrative Offices for the 
Greensboro Transit Authority. This 'LEED Gold Designed' facility is 
being built to address current and future service delivery needs for 
maintenance and operations of GTA transit vehicles and administrative 
functions. Phase 1 consists of the programming and schematic design of 
the facility, site design, permitting and the site work construction 
phase. Phase 2 will include a 64,000 SF facility building design and 
construction. Over the past five years, GTA's ridership has doubled 
(2M to 4M passenger trips) with the implementation of improved 
services and vehicles. Therefore, a new transit facility is 
desperately needed to replace an aging facility that no longer meets 
GTA's needs. This project is one of the city's priority facility 
projects that will significantly enhance the GTA's service delivery, 
efficiency and the quality of transit services to current and future 
transit riders (over 200,000 population) in the Greensboro community. 
Project description: Completed Phase 1 project activities. Efforts to 
complete the final punch list. Specifically, checking the soil bearing 
pressure to make ready work for the building pad for Phase 2. In 
addition, initiated Phase 2 of the project, which includes the 69,254 
SF facility building design and construction. A ground breaking 
ceremony was conducted on 11/19/09. This project was initially 
advertised for bids on 1018/09 and bids were opened from all eight 
prequalified bidders on 11/19/09. All bidders had minimal DBE 
participation. Following discussions with FTA, NCDOT and GDOT-Public 
Transportation Division, it was determined that the project would need 
to be rebid due to the fact that the need to apply GS 143-28 and 
rebidding will provide an opportunity to improve DBE participation and 
Buy America compliance. Efforts have been continued to ensure full 
compliance with the applicable federal requirements. A conference call 
was held (December 2009) with FTA Region IV officials to discuss the 
DBE and Buy America compliance requirements. FTA concurrence was 
provided regarding the city's decision to rebid the project. On 12/15/ 
09 City Council authorized the rebidding of the GTA Maintenance/ 
Operations Transit Facility and Administrative Offices Phase 2 
project. The Pre-Bid meeting will be held on January 7, 2010, with the 
Bid Opening scheduled for January 26, 2010. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 223 W. 
Meadowview Road.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Greensboro, NC 
Award amount: $5,455,967.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: NC-96-X008-00. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Concord, City Of.
Project name: AVL/GPS, Fareboxes, Vans, Furnishings.
Award description: 2009 Transit Capital Assistance Grants - This grant 
applies the 2009 ARRA Formula allocation of $700,000 an AVL/GPS system 
for complete tracking of 12 buses. This includes hardware, software, 
and training for a total of $700,000. This grant applies the 2009 ARRA 
Formula allocation of $320,000 for Automated electronic fareboxes for 
10 Gillig buses, 2 LTV and 1 spare. This includes additional vaults 
and docking/communication systems. This project will have an estimated 
useful life of 12 years. This grant applies the 2009 ARRA Formula 
allocation of $145,000 for 2 non-revenue LTV service vans. These will 
be used to augment late buses and missed stops as well as serving as 
driver relief vehicles. These support vehicles will meet the Clean Air 
Act standards (CAA) and the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) 
requirements. They will have a useful life of 4 years. This grant 
applies the 2009 ARRA Formula allocation of $100,000 for furnishings 
and equipment for the new transit center to include cubicles, desks, 
chairs, passenger seating, computers, printers, copier, base station 
radio, antenna, phones. 
Project description: (1) AVL System project is 40% complete. 
Installation for 10 buses complete with modems, base station, 
software, database, AVM. Also mapping services for area. (2) Automated 
Farebox System is on order. (3) Light Transit Vehicles on order. (4) 
Transit Center Furnishings RFP to go out in January. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 850 Warren C. 
Coleman Blvd. 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Concord, NC 28026-
Award amount: $1,265,000.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: NC-96-X011-00. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Rockland, County Of.
Project name: ARRA TOR ands TZx Buses.
Award description: Invest in Public Transportation by procuring two 
(2) 35 FT hybrid-electric buses, two (2) 40 FT hybrid-electric buses 
for Transport of Rockland (TOR), the County's inter-county bus system. 
We will also procure three (3) 45 FT hybrid-electric over-the road 
coach buses for the Tappan ZEExpress (TZx) service, the County's 
commuter coach service over the Tappan Zee Bridge to Westchester 
County to meet connecting Metro-North trains into New York City. 
Project description: This grant will allow Rockland County Public 
Transportation to purchase seven (7) environmentally friendly hybrid-
electric replacement buses. These buses will replace older buses that 
have reached their useful life and have become too costly to maintain 
and are no longer environmentally friendly. As a result of these 
investments, Rockland County Public Transportation will be able to 
offer the riding public service that is safer, more reliable, more 
environmentally friendly and more accessible for people with 
disabilities. There were no building activities this quarter. We have 
reviewed our commuter coach bid and expect our County Legislature to 
make an award in 1st quarter 2010. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 18 New 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: New City, NY 
Award amount: $5,547,824.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: NY-96-X010-00. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: New York, City Of.
Project name: Staten Island Ferry System Asset Maintenance.
Award description: NYCDOT operates the Staten Island Ferry (SIF) 
system that operates from St. George Ferry terminal in Staten Island 
and Whitehall ferry terminal in Manhattan, New York. It is the largest 
ferry system nationwide carrying 70,000 on weekdays or approximately 
21 million passengers annually. It is the principal means of 
transportation for Staten Island residents traveling to Manhattan?s 
central business district and other activity centers. The major assets 
of Staten Island Ferry system consist of a fleet of eight passenger 
ferries, the St. George Ferry Terminal in Staten Island and the 
Whitehall Ferry Terminal in Manhattan, New York, several support 
floating stock, bridges, slips, ramps, a ferry maintenance facility 
with auxiliary buildings. This project will invest in public 
transportation by carrying out preventive maintenance activities of 
the Staten Island Ferry system assets, for two different projects: 1) 
Dry-docking services for ferry vessels through a third-party contract 
($37,747,237) 2) Personnel costs for in-house maintenance on ferry 
vessels ($9,000,000).
Project description: In the past quarter, the shipyard dry-docking 
third party contractor completed all maintenance activities for the 
Marchi ferry vessel including underwater hull repair, propulsion 
system repairs, and sea valve repairs. The in-house maintenance 
personnel has maintained Staten Island ferry assets in a state of good 
repair by executing daily maintenance work. 
Project activity description: Mixed Mode Transit Systems.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1 Bay Street.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Staten Island, NY 
Award amount: $46,747,237.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: NY-96-X020-00. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Butler, County Of Ohio.
Project name: Purchase of Vehicles, Equipment, Facility Improvements 
and Preventative Maintenance.
Award description: To invest in public transportation by purchasing 
five replacement small buses (14 passenger), purchasing eight small 
vans, and purchasing four service vehicles (one service truck and 
three four-wheel drive vehicles to provide essential services during 
bad weather and to back up daily operations). All vehicles being 
replaced are several years past their normal useful life cycle and the 
new vehicles will be more fuel efficient and help reduce routine 
operating costs. In addition we will be replacing shop and office 
equipment which is past it normal useful life. This grant will also 
allow for some facility improvements including a covered parking area 
to better protect the buses and extend their useful lives. Finally 
this grant will allow us to do necessary maintenance on our vehicle 
fleet and facility to ensure all assets are maintained to the highest 
standards, thus helping to reduce operating cost in the future. 
Project description: This grant allowed BCRTA to order and receive 
eight replacement transit vehicles which are being used to expand 
service. This investment will allow BCRTA to offer public 
transportation service that is safer, more reliable, environmentally 
friendly, and more accessible for customers with disabilities. Funds 
from this grant are also allowing us to replace outdated equipment, 
make much need facility improvements, and do Preventative maintenance 
on the existing fleet of vehicles and facility. All of which will 
result in reduced operating costs and ensure that all assets are in 
prime condition. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 3045 Moser 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Hamilton, OH 
Award amount: $1,640,909.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: OH-96-X001. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Greater Dayton Regional Transit Authority.
Project name: Preventive Maintenance, purchase of twenty five 
replacement 40ft diesel buses and purchase of twenty two replacement 
<30ft medium duty buses. 
Award description: To invest in Public Transit by purchasing twenty 
five replacement 40' low floor public transit buses. These buses meet 
or exceed current Clean Air Act (CAA) standards and the American with 
Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements and will have a service life of at 
least 12 years or 500,000 miles. GDRTA will also purchase twenty two 
replacement smaller transit buses (less than 30' long) for use with 
our Project Mobility service to the disabled community. In addition 
GDRTA is also using funds to perform preventive maintenance on 
existing buses, facilities and equipment to ensure that all assets are 
properly maintained. Both of these projects will improve customer 
comfort and operating efficiencies. It is anticipated that both 
projects will also help retain jobs in the public transit//vehicle 
production industries. 
Project description: Since the award of funds GDRTA has completed the 
Preventative maintenance project which has resulted in both the 
retention on jobs and the proper upkeep of federally funded assets. 
This will lead to greater operational efficiencies and passenger 
comfort. We have received the order of smaller buses being used for 
our Project Mobility service and these buses are being placed in 
service. In addition we exercised an existing option from our vehicle 
manufacturer and the 40' replacement buses being funded with this 
grant are on order. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 4 South Main 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Dayton, OH 45402-
Award amount: $18,253,478.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: OH-96-X005. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Lorain, County Of.
Project name: Renovate two separate facilities in addition to the 
purchase of three replacement buses and vehicle GPS/AVL systems.
Award description: Invest in public transportation by restoring and 
preserving a historic New York Central Train Station to become the 
Lorain County Transportation Center. The Transportation Center will be 
a transportation hub for Lorain County Transit, Greyhound and Amtrak 
as well as housing Lorain County Transit administrative offices. 
Renovations of an existing building to be a maintenance facility, 
performing preventative maintenance on buses. The maintenance facility 
will include office space, restrooms, parts storage and a mechanics 
shop. Purchase of 3-30 Ft. buses replacing vehicles that have met 
their useful life of seven years. Purchase/install intelligent 
transportation systems technology on vehicles. 
Project description: This grant allowed the transit agency to renovate 
a historic train station and make it a transportation hub for Lorain 
County Transit, Greyhound and Amtrak as well as a community space 
available to the public for rent. The transit agency was able to 
renovate a building as a maintenance facility to maintain Lorain 
County Transit's vehicles and will include office space, restrooms, 
parts storage and a mechanics shop, this project is about 95% 
complete. The grant also gave the ability to purchase 3-30-Ft. buses, 
replacing an aging fleet, the purchase of the vehicles has been 
completed. The vehicles were delivered the week of December 14. This 
grant will also give the ability to purchase/install intelligent 
transportation systems technology on vehicles. As a result of these 
investments, the transit agency will be able to offer public 
transportation service that is safer, more reliable, more 
environmentally friendly, and more accessible for people with 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Elyria, OH 44035-
Award amount: $4,004,003.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: OH-96-X023. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Salem Area Mass Transit District.
Project name: 09 ARRA 5307 Buses (8):Rehab Tran Ctr.
Award description: Salem Area Mass Transit District is making an 
investment in public transportation through the following projects: 
purchase of three (3) 35-foot fixed route buses (the Transit District 
initially applied to purchase four (4) buses, but the number was 
decreased to three to allow funding for operational assistance), the 
purchase of four replacement buses and one bus for the expansion of 
the fleet to serve Americans with Disabilities (ADA), replacement 
fareboxes for fixed route buses, Performance Management Software will 
be purchased to maximize the gathering of information about services 
provided, the surface of the Transit Center Mall in downtown Salem 
will be re-done to provide for greater pedestrian safety, work will 
take place for the installation of a Transit Center in Keizer at the 
north-end of transit services provided in the community, and funds are 
designated in support of operational assistance to support tasks 
required to complete the above stated projects. 
Project description: During the October-December 2009 Quarter, Salem 
Area Mass Transit District paid for the shipping of Fareboxes that 
were purchased in the preceding quarter. The Transit District received 
the delivery of four replacement buses and one bus to expand the fleet 
of buses that serve Americans with Disabilities (ADA). The 
environmental study was completed on the site selected for the Keizer 
Transit Center. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 555 Court 
Street NE, Suite 5230.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Salem, OR 97301-
Award amount: $5,164,353.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: OR-96-X005. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Smart Transit.
Project name: Multimodal Station Enhancements.
Award description: This project uses a portion of the federal funds to 
finalize a bus driver break area and public rest room building at the 
new SMART Central at Wilsonville Station multi-modal facility located 
adjacent to the WES Commuter Rail Station in Wilsonville, Oregon. In 
addition the federal funds will allow SMART to construct an artistic 
clock tower, passenger shelters and pedestrian safety enhancements 
located at SMART Central station. Finally, the funds will conduct 
preliminary engineering/design and site plan preparation for the 
construction of a new SMART administrative building located adjacent 
to the SMART Central at Wilsonville Station multi-modal facility. All 
projects have been designed to ensure increased access for.
Project description: all users of the multi-modal facility and the 
design has taken into consideration eco-friendly storm water 
management elements and building materials. Further each element is 
designed to deter crime and ensure public safety at the station 
through the placement of security cameras, lighting and the increase 
of SMART personnel at the Station. 
Project description: This grant is funding the design and construction 
of an artistic clock tower, passenger shelters and pedestrian 
crosswalks as well as the site planning for an administrative and 
maintenance facility. In addition, this grant will supplement grant 
X003 funds for the construction of the operator breakroom. All of 
these projects are being completed at SMART Central at Wilsonville 
Station. This quarter, activities included engineering and design of 
the clock tower and passenger amenities. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 9699 SW Barber 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Wilsonville, OR 
Award amount: $369,663.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: OR-96-X007. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Berks Area Reading Transportation Authority.
Project name: Purchase 11 buses, security equipment and facility 
Award description: Invest in public transportation by purchasing four 
new hybrid-electric buses, four new hybrid-electric paratransit vans, 
three new diesel paratransit vans, installation of surveillance and 
security equipment on 25 transit vehicles, and renovation of BARTA's 
Intermodal Transportation Complex. 
Project description: This grant has allowed BARTA to purchase four 
hybrid-electric 40ft transit buses, which will be delivered in June 
2010, in order to expand service on its fixed routes. With this grant, 
BARTA is also purchasing seven paratransit vans (four hybrid-electric 
and three diesel) to replace paratransit vans that have met the 
minimum 5 year useful life requirement for this size vehicle as set 
forth in FTA Circular 9030.1C. The three diesel paratransit vans will 
be delivered in November, 2009. Also, these funds will allow BARTA to 
purchase and install security and surveillance cameras on 25 transit 
vehicles that are not equipped with safety and security cameras. 
Furthermore, this grant will also allow BARTA to upgrade and repair 
its Intermodal Transportation Complex. The maintaining of this 
facility is critical to the overall efficiency of the operations of 
BARTA. Bids for the upgrade of the transportation complex will be 
accepted on October 30, 2009. Moreover, as a result of these 
investments, BARTA will be able to offer public transportation service 
that is safer, more reliable, more environmentally friendly, and more 
accessible for people with disabilities. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Reading, PA 19604-
Award amount: $4,272,356.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: PA-96-X002-00. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Autoridad Metropolitana De Autobuses.
Project name: ARRA - Acquisition of 40 hybrid replacement units.
Award description: Investment in public transportation by purchasing 
40 replacement hybrid units, 40-foot length, heavy duty low floor 
buses for fixed route service in the San Juan Metropolitan Area. 
Project description: As a result of this investment, the Metropolitan 
Bus Authority will be able to offer public transportation service that 
is safer, more reliable, more environmentally friendly and more 
accessible to people with disabilities. Contract was awarded to 
Daimler Buses North America on October 2009. Advance payment was 
issued by December 2009 for 41 (40 plus one spare) Cummins engines 
delivered to Daimler Buses North America as part of the purchase order 
to deliver 40 buses by Summer 2010. This transaction was authorized as 
per FTA letter of October 20, 2009. Jobs to be created will contribute 
to preserve and maintain jobs in the manufacturing industry and will 
be reported as units are delivered and invoices paid. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): #37, Ave De 
Diego, San Fransisco, Monacillo Ward.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: San Juan, PR 
Award amount: $22,500,000.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: PR-96-X011-00. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Gobierno Municipal De Aguada.
Project name: Acquisition of Two Minibuses and Maintenance 
Improvements to Public Transportation Terminals.
Award description: Use of ARRA funds to purchase two minibuses, make 
deferred maintenance improvements to Public Transportation Terminal 
and administration of grant program. The project includes: 1. Purchase 
of two cut-away small buses with a five year duty cycle, ADA access 
complaint to provide demand response service to areas not currently 
served by the Public system under ALI 11.13.04 in the amount of 
$138,000 of ARRA funds. 2. Renovation of the Public transportation 
Terminal to improve illumination, provide surveillance, repair roof 
and bathrooms, and install wheelstops under ALI 11.34.01 in the amount 
of $56,000 of ARRA funds. 3. Administration costs to comply with FTA 
regulations such as publication of bids and submittal of quarterly 
reports, under ALI 11.79.00 with $2,850 of ARRA funds. 
Project description: Not Started.
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: AGUADA, PR 00602-
Award amount: $196,850.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: PR-96-X031-00. 

[End of table] 

Transit Descriptions That Partially Met Our Transparency Criteria:
The following award descriptions did not contain sufficient details on 
one or more of the following pieces of information necessary to 
facilitate general understanding of the award, based on our criteria: 
general purpose, scope and nature of activities, location, and/or 
expected outcomes. In some cases only a small amount of additional 
information was needed, while in other cases, many pieces of 
information were needed to make the description more transparent. The 
award description information is taken directly from We 
did not edit it in any way, such as to correct typographical or 
grammatical errors. information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Alabama Dept Of.
Project name: AL-96-X007-00.
Award description: This is a FY 2009 American Recovery and 
Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Section 5307 application in the amount of 
$4,033,530.00 for the State of Alabama. This application incorporates 
ARRA Governor Apportioned Section 5307 funds in the amount of 
$3,834,718.00 and Columbus, GA MPO ARRA Apportioned Section 5307 
funding in the amount of $198,812.00. This application includes the 
purchase of 33 replacement vehicles and 6 expansion vehicles 
($2,439,834), bus facilities ($25,000), equipment ($988,634), signal 
and communications ($4,900), and additional capital program items 
($575,162). The funds will be used to fund small urban transportation 
programs for the following six (6) subrecipients: Auburn-Opelika, 
Phenix City, Anniston, Florence, Decatur, and Dothan. 
Project description: None for quarter ending 12/31/2009. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1409 Coliseum 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Montgomery, AL 
Award amount: $4,033,530.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: AL-96-X007-00.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports transit improvements at six small urban public transit 
systems selected by the State of Alabama. These improvements include 
replacing old vehicles, expanding fleets, and installing bicycle racks 
and signal systems. These activities assisted in keeping transit 
systems running at current levels and enhancing public transit. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Central Arkansas Transit Authority.
Project name: Transit System Support.
Award description: Capital Assistance for Transit Projects.
Project description: Pre-audit completed on bus order for eight 
replacement buses, four replacement paratransit vans received, bus 
parts, shop equipment ordered and received. Replaced surveillance 
system, purchased 75 bus and streetcar fare boxes, waiting delivery, 
A&E completed for Trolley Barn expansion, construction has begun, A&E 
contract in place for platform stop addition, work to begin shortly. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 901 Maple 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: North Little 
Rock, AR 72114-4647.
Award amount: $5,434,699.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: AR 96-0004.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award will 
result in residents and visitors to Central Arkansas traveling more 
safely and easily through Little Rock and the surrounding areas. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Highway And Transportation, Arkansas Department Of.
Project name: Arkansas Public Transportation.
Award description: ARRA funds will be used to purchase 126 replacement 
buses for transit providers throughout the State of Arkansas. In 
addition, transit providers will receive funding for ADP hardware and 
software: support vehicles and equipment: construction or 
rehabilitation of maintenance facilities, administrative facilities, 
and park and ride lots: and for the performance of preventive 
maintenance. Our expectations are that the above mentioned 
expenditures will enhance public transportation, retain existing jobs 
for Arkansas providers, enable contractors to retain and maybe create 
new jobs within their companies, in the state of Arkansas. 
Project description: To invest in transportation, environmental 
protection, and other infrastructure that will provide long-term 
economic benefits. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 10324 I-30.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Little Rock, AR 
Award amount: $15,139,150.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: AR-86-X001.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports activities in several Arkansas counties, including Pulaski, 
Randolph, Carroll, Benton, Saline, Boone, Jefferson, and Phillips 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Fort Smith, City Of.
Project name: Fort Smith Transit.
Award description: Investment in public transportation by completing 
the transfer station facility at 200 Wheeler Avenue in Fort Smith, AR, 
purchase four demand response buses, purchase and install 
approximately 30 bus shelters, purchase and install security 
cameras/surveillance equipment for transit buildings and buses, 
purchase mobile data terminals and renovate the administrative and 
maintenance buildings. 
Project description: Completed projects within this ARRA grant include 
the purchase of 4 demand response buses, purchase of 4 automatic 
electronic defibrillators, replacement of 5 garage doors in the 
maintenance building, heaters for the maintenance shop and the 
purchase and installation of a bus hoist. Ongoing projects include the 
renovations of the administrative and maintenance facilities. An 
architect has been selected for the renovations and coordination will 
begin soon. Specifications are being completed by our Information 
Technology Service (ITS) Department for the purchase and installation 
of security cameras for the facilities and buses. Bus shelter sites 
are currently being selected for the placement of passenger shelters. 
The onboard computers to be used as mobile data terminals are being 
reviewed by the ITS Department at this time. The mobile data terminal 
software will be a one vendor source that will work in conjunction 
with the already existing scheduling software. Projects currently not 
underway at this time include the addition of the underground fuel 
tank and associated software as well as the fare counting equipment. 
These two projects will begin once the renovations to the 
administrative and maintenance facilities are nearing completion. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 6821 Jenny 
Lind, PO Box 1908.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Fort Smith, AR 
Award amount: $1,845,928.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: AR-96-X002.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The activities 
funded by the award will improve safety and security for both 
passengers and staff, improve transit performance and communication, 
and provide cost savings. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Mobile, City Of.
Project name: ARRA - (10) Replacement: (2) Expansion: equipment.
Award description: Replacement/expansion Of Rolling Stock, Acquisition 
Of Bus Shelter And Acquisition Of Radios. 
Project description: Replacement of 12 fixed route buses: construction 
of bus shelter located in Bienville Square and purchase of a digital 
and analog 800 Mhz radio system.
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1224 W. I-65 
Service Road S. 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Mobile, AL 36609-
Award amount: $4,090,571.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: AL-96-X002-00.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supported the replacement of old buses with 10 buses and 2 transit 
vans. The award also constructed a bus shelter in downtown Mobile to 
connect various bus routes. The award also replaced the obsolete radio 
system for the buses with a new analog and digital radio system, which 
aids in Mobile's emergency preparedness plans. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Riverside Transit Agency.
Project name: 1.) COP Debt Service, 2.) Capital Cost of Contracting, 
3.) Preventive Maintenance, 4.) Non Fixed Route ADA Paratransit 
Service, 5.) Transit Enhancements.
Award description: Invest in public transportation by providing 
assistance to the following projects: COP debt service payment, 
capital cost of contracting, capitalized preventive maintenance, non-
fixed ADA paratransit service operations and transit enhancements. 
Project description: 1.) Semi-annual COP debt service payment 
processed in September 2009 for purchase of (55) 40-foot CNG buses. 
2.) Contracted transit operations and maintenance to support ongoing 
fixed route and demand response (ADA) paratransit service. 3.) 
Preventive Maintenance of the agency's vehicle fleet and facilities to 
support the ongoing operation. 4.) Contracted transit operations and 
maintenance to support ongoing demand response (ADA) paratransit 
service. ARRA 5307 funded portion of this service completed as of 
September 2009. 5.) Transit Enhancement project not started. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1825 Third 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Riverside, CA 
Award amount: $17,465,036.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: CA-96-X043-00.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports transit operations in Riverside County through the purchase 
of items including benches, shelters, light poles and extensions, 
signs, and trash receptacles. The award will result in enhanced safety 
and security of the bus stops and transit facilities. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Colorado Department Of.
Project name: ARRA Summit County - Statewide Rolling stock.
Award description: Invest in public transportation by building a fleet 
maintenance facility, purchasing new buses, and providing some 
operating assistance.
Project description: This grant allowed the county to build a new 
42,000 sq. foot bus maintenance facility. As a result of this project, 
the county will be more efficient in maintaining and servicing its 
fleet buses in a high altitude environment. 
Project activity description: Commercial and Institutional Building 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 0222 County 
Road 1003, PO Box 2179.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Frisco, CO 80443-
Award amount: $10,300,000.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: CO-86-X001.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the construction of a fleet transit and vehicle maintenance 
garage facility as well as a 3,147 square foot stand-alone wash bay, a 
diesel/unleaded multi-use fuel island, and a bulk fuel storage area in 
the city of Frisco, Colorado. Services at the facility will be 
available for Summit Stage transit buses and other vehicles providing 
public transit services. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, California Department Of.
Project name: 5311 Transit Improvements in non-urban areas. 
Award description: The grant will fund a variety of transit capital 
projects in all 58 California counties. Projects include vehicles, bus 
and intermodal terminals, fare collection systems, security equipment, 
information signage, construction and renovation of maintenance and 
storage facilities, park-and-ride lots, bus shelters and signal and 
communications equipment, including radios. The grant will also 
support preventive maintenance programs and provide a source of 
operating assistance for ADA-required paratransit. 
Project description: A grant to modernize transit fleets through 
vehicle replacement and expansion, to modernize and upgrade physical 
facilities, such as bus terminals, stops, maintenance and storage 
facilities and park-and-ride lot, to improve fare collection, 
security, information and communications systems and to support 
preventive maintenance programs and ADA-required paratransit operation. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1120 N St.Room 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Sacramento, CA 
Award amount: $33,963,166.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: CA-86-X001.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: This award 
supports transit upgrades in rural communities. The award will be used 
to purchase 105 buses, 2 vans, 11 automobiles, 7 trolleys and 1 
commuter vehicle. The award also will be used to build and renovate 
facilities and bus station terminals, as well as to purchase and 
install bus fare collection systems, computer hardware and software, 
signal and communications equipment, bus route signs and bus shelters; 
to upgrade safety and surveillance security equipment; and to perform 
preventive maintenance. The award will result in promoting and 
enhancing public transportation in rural areas through capital 
infrastructure investments and stimulate local economies. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District.
Project name: Replacement of Train Auxiliary Power Equipment, Cables 
on Transbay Tube, and Coverboards, Improve walkway safety at a 
station, Car Interior Modifications, and Wheel Truing Machine Study. 
Award description: The overall purpose of the grant is to invest in 
public transportation to improve the safety and reliability of the 
transit system and to improve the passenger comfort in the modified 
revenue vehicles. Therefore, the BART passengers should have a safer 
and better riding experience. 
Project description: Activities include soliciting bids and awarding 
contracts to initiate work on the projects. 
Project activity description: Commuter Rail Systems.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 300 Lakeside 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Oakland, CA 94612-
Award amount: $17,104,568.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: CA-96-X001-00.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports capital improvements, including construction of a new walkway 
at the Balboa park station; installation of new auxiliary power supply 
equipment on 30 railcars; new coverboards over the electric third 
rail; replacement of cables in the Transbay Tube; replacement of worn-
out vehicle interiors and reconfiguration of interiors for improved 
passenger circulation; installation of between-car safety barriers; 
and preliminary work on a wheel truing machine. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Fairfield, City Of.
Project name: ARRA Transit Investments.
Award description: Invest in public transportation Projects 1. Fund 
preventative Maintenance on transit vehicles 2. Repower MCI Coaches by 
replacing diesel particulate filters to comply with Ca Air Resources 
Board regulations and prolong the life of the vehicle 3. 
Purchase/Replace transit coaches that are at the end of their useful 
life 4. Purchases new fareboxes that will enhance fare handling and 
provide better data for performance reporting.
Project description: Invest in public transportation Projects 1. Fund 
preventative Maintenance on transit vehicles 2. Repower MCI Coaches by 
replacing diesel particulate filters to comply with Ca Air Resources 
Board regulations and prolong the life of the vehicle 3. 
Purchase/Replace transit coaches that are at the end of their useful 
life 4. Purchases new fareboxes that will enhance fare handling and 
provide better data for performance reporting.
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 2000 Cadenasso 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Fairfield, CA 
Award amount: $3,134,985.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: CA-96-X023.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: This award funds 
the purchase of nine buses. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Santa Rosa, City Of.
Project name: Transit Operations, Americans with Disabilities Act 
Paratransit Operations, Preventative Maintenance, Transit Enhancements.
Award description: Invest in public transportation by providing funds 
for assistance to transit operating, preventative maintenance of 
buses, Americans with Disabilities Act paratransit service operations, 
and transit enhancements, including solar bus shelters, benches and 
map display cases. 
Project description: These funds will support transit operations for 
Santa Rosa CityBus, which is housed in the City of Santa Rosa's 
Transit Department and is the municipal transit provider for the City 
of Santa Rosa. In addition to providing fixed route bus service, the 
agency is responsible for the provision of complimentary Paratransit 
services (required by the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act), 
the management of the City's Transportation Demand Management (TDM) 
Program, as well as bicycle and pedestrian planning efforts. CityBus 
operates seventeen fixed routes within the City of Santa Rosa and 
Roseland and carries approximately 2.8 million passengers annually. 
For the provision of paratransit service, the agency contracts with MV 
Transportation to provide approximately 50,000 trips annually for 
disabled patrons that are not able to take fixed route transit. 
Additionally, through the TDM Program, CityBus reduces approximately 
100,000 car trips and an average of 200,000 car miles annually. This 
grant funds fixed route transit operations (with the completion of the 
first amendment to this grant, due in the second quarter of Federal 
Fiscal Year 2010) , ADA paratransit operations (contract awarded 
November 17, 2009), preventative maintenance expenses ($2,182,095.78 
expended and drawn down through the end of Federal Fiscal Year 2009), 
and Transit Enhancements (in the form of a bus stop amenity purchase 
order executed November 18,2009). 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1101 College 
Avenue, Suite 200.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Santa Rosa, CA 
Award amount: $4,289,133.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: CA-96-X035.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the maintenance of all 500 bus stops and shelters, trash 
receptacles at all stops, and display cases. Maintenance includes 
power-washing. The award also supports preventive maintenance and 
upkeep of the entire fleet of 35 buses and 11 paratransit buses to 
Federal Transit Administration (FTA) standards, paying driver 
salaries, and maintaining transit facilities. The award does not 
support capital improvements or gains, only day-to-day operations. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: San Joaquin Regional Transit District Rtd.
Project name: PM/Constr bus station/maint fac/equip.
Award description: This grant, CA-96-X045, will provide funds for 
preventive maintenance for upkeep of San Joaquin Regional Transit 
District's buses and paratransit vehicles. Funds will also be used for 
the following projects: Construction of the Mall Transfer Station: 
Design/engineering of the Regional Operations Center: Associated 
capital maintenance items: Computer/communications equipment and 
software: Capital tire lease: Passenger amenities and transit 
enhancements: Development of the BRT Phase II-Airport Way Corridor 
that include environmental and preliminary eng/design: and, Safety and 
security equipment related to bus and bus facilities. 
Project description: This grant has allowed the San Joaquin Regional 
Transit District to conduct preventative maintenance on its 134 
existing buses: construction of the Mall Transfer Station: 
design/engineering of the Regional Operations Center: purchase 
associated capital maintenance items: purchase computer/ 
communications equipment and software: contract for a capital tire 
lease: purchase and install passenger amenities and transit 
enhancements: development of the BRT Phase II-Airport Way Corridor 
that include environmental and preliminary eng/design: and, purchase 
of safety and security equipment related to bus and bus facilities. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 421 East Weber 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Stockton, CA 
Award amount: $6,941,181.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: CA-96-X045.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The Channel St. 
amenities improvement project in the downtown area provides passenger 
amenities and transit enhancements such as adding benches for 
additional seating in the boarding area, new landscaping to provide 
shade, and trash receptacles. Construction of the Mall Transfer 
Station will improve customer comfort and boarding area aesthetics at 
the station on Pacific Ave. near Sherwood Mall, which gives passengers 
easy access to the downtown area. The improvements include: 
construction of bus shelters; installation of passenger information 
kiosks, benches, and trash receptacles; reinforcing the pavement; and 
installation of crosswalks for increased safety of passengers. 
Development of the Bus Rapid Transit system design will allow the 
transit agency to increase capacity by extending the current system to 
a new corridor. The Regional Operations Center will allow the transit 
agency to expand and house all the buses and maintenance activities in 
one facility. Currently, the transit agency has three facilities that 
are at maximum capacity and are no longer suitable for their 
operations. The Center will include a service station, bus wash, and 
fueling center for public transit buses as well as private buses. The 
award also funds an extension of a transit hopper service in the 
Stockton Metropolitan area. Specifically, this includes activities 
such as branding the buses, installing bus stop signs, and 
rehabilitation of some buses. The hopper service is designed for 
elderly and disabled passengers. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Southern California Regional Rail Authority.
Project name: Track Rehab, Positive Train Control.
Award description: Invest in public transportation for 1) Track 
Rehabilitation/renovation on San Bernardino Line: 2) System 
Communication Improvements on SCRRA's Metrolink commuter train system 
in Riverside County: 3) partial funding for Positive Train Control 
system (PTC) on the Southern California Regional Rail Authority's 
(SCRRA) Metrolink commuter train system, in Los Angeles, Orange, 
Riverside, San Bernardino, and San Diego Counties. 
Project description: 1/14/10 update: 1) Project #510046 Track 
Rehabilitation on San Bernardino Line contracts awarded is $1,864,144. 
Rail Frogs, plates, ties, and turnouts ordered 10/26/09 and delivery 
expected 2/2010. Project completion expected 6/2010. ARRA Funds 
received on this project $4,909. 2) Project #510095 System 
Communication Improvements contracts awarded is $0. A System- 
Communication feasibility study to determine how to best link and 
integrate Riverside County Service will be completed first. Project 
completion expected 9/2015. ARRA Funds received on this project $49. 
3)Positive Train Control (PTC) contracts awarded is $1,187,000: ARRA 
grant #CA-05-0007-00 also funds PTC. PTC is 10% completed. Work is 
progressing on Map & Validate Existing Assets/Rules: Validate Existing 
Locomotive Cab Systems: Validate New Locomotive/Cab Systems: Validate 
Passive Braking algorithm: Initial Evaluation for General Electric 
Transportation Signals Systems (GETS) Module Upgrade: Map & Validate 
Signal Assets on San Gabriel Sub, Valley Sub, Ventura Sub, Olive Sub, 
and Orange Sub: Relocate & Reconfigure Signals: Operational Study: 
Validate System Safety Plans: Map & Validate Communications System: 
Validate Network Systems: finalizing Scope and Requisition Documents 
to our Procurement Dept: Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) 
Consultant Review: Agency Project Manager Review of Draft Evaluation 
Criteria: Prepare Development Plans: Prepare Draft Implementation 
Plan: Prepare Draft Development Plan: Prepare Safety Plan: Procure 
Spectrum in 220 MHZ Band: Prepare Interoperability Agreement with the 
following Railroads UP, BNSF, and NC: Re-Design Main Operation Center 
(MOC) backroom to accommodate for PTC. Tasks finished: Validate Train 
Dispatch System: NEPA-Compliant Categorical Exclusion. Substantial 
completion expected 12/31/12. We are using up funds first from grants 
that expire before the ARRA grants. 
Project activity description: Commuter Rail Systems.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 700 S Flower 
St, Suite 2600.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Los Angeles, CA 
Award amount: $19,474,642.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: CA-96-X046.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports safety and capacity upgrades and improvements such as the 
replacement of approximately 5,000 feet of rail on the San Bernardino 
Line as well as the rehabilitation of two grade crossings on the 
Metrolink system in the Los Angeles area. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Yuba Sutter Transit Authority.
Project name: Commuter Fleet Expansion.
Award description: Invest in public transportation by expansion of the 
commuter fleet with the purchase of three 57 passenger clean diesel 
Project description: Awarded contract for the purchase of three 57 
passenger commuter buses on November 3, 2009. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): Yuba-Sutter 
Transit Authority, 2100 B Street.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Marysville, CA 
Award amount: $128,459.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: CA96X050.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports fleet expansion for the Yuba Sutter Transit Authority, which 
provides transit services in and around Yuba City, Marysville, Linda, 
and Olivehurst. The commuter bus fleet will be expanded from 14 to 16 
and one bus from 1997 will be replaced. The award will result in new 
buses which will help control air pollution. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Lompoc, City Of.
Project name: Capital equipment and security improvements.
Award description: Purchase 1 replacement coach for Clean Air Express, 
2 ADA vans, 4 replacement buses for local service, 6 particulate 
safety traps for existing buses, 6 replacement bike racks and bus 
security cameras for all rolling stock. 
Project description: None.
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Lompoc, CA 93438-
Award amount: $1,342,268.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: CA-96-X063.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The multiple 
activities under this award will improve security and safety 
equipment. The purchase of vehicles allows the agency to replace the 
rolling stock of buses that have reached their lifespan. The new 
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant vans will have a 
higher ceiling and provide more head room. Security cameras for all 
buses will help with problems on buses, prevent problems, and respond 
to complaints. Bike racks are being replaced because the current racks 
are deteriorated due to increased use by residents. Safety traps will 
secure buses at night, and prevent vandalism or theft. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Indian River, County Of.
Project name: Transit Administration Building.
Award description: Invest in public transportation by constructing a 
new transporatation administration/bus parking facility. 
Project description: An RFP for architectural & engineering services 
for the design of the new transit administration facility has been 
issued. Upon completion of project design, a general contractor will 
be selected by a bidding process. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 4395 43rd 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Vero Beach, FL 
Award amount: $2,281,044.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: FL-96-X018.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The new facility 
is approximately 5,000 square feet and approximately 2 acres of 
secured parking for the door-to-door and fixed-route transit vehicle 
fleet. The new building and parking area will reduce non-revenue 
mileage by shortening the travel distance of the transit fleet from 
the old depot to refueling and maintenance areas, improve safety and 
security, improve office efficiency--including dispatching, 
communications, and response times--and improve disaster planning, 
since the new facilities will be built to exceed current hurricane 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Ocala, City Of.
Project name: SunTran - ARRA.
Award description: Transit Vehicles, Preventive Maintenance, 
Surveillance equipment to enhance the operations and functionality of 
Transit Property in Ocala, FL, SunTran. 
Project description: No activities completed to date. Getting project 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): PO Box 1270.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Ocala, FL 34478-
Award amount: $1,573,748.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: FL-96-X024-00.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports maintenance activities for the passenger bus fleet of the 
city of Ocala. Activities include replacing transmissions and 
overhauling engines to keep all nine buses running properly. The award 
also supports the purchase of surveillance equipment for the buses. 
This equipment, which includes cameras and monitoring devices, will 
improve safety. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Georgia Department Of.
Project name: Georgia Statewide Rural Transit Grant: 182 vehicles, 
ITS, facilities, software.
Award description: Invest in public transportation in rural areas of 
Georgia by purchasing new vehicles, upgrading rural bus facilities, 
procuring scheduling software and installing intelligent 
transportations systems technology on vehicles. 
Project description: This quarter contracts have been executed with 
sub-recipients: however most sub-recipients will begin work in the 
next quarter. This grant will allow Georgia to assist rural transit 
agencies to purchase 182 vehicles, upgrade ITS equipment, upgrade 
transit facilities and purchase scheduling software. 
Project activity description: Regulation and Administration of 
Transportation Programs.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 600 West 
Peachtree Street, NW.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Atlanta, GA 30308-
Award amount: $20,762,143.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: GA-86-X001-00.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds 
various transit activities in 30 counties throughout Georgia. 
Activities include the following: installing intelligent 
transportations systems technology on vehicles in order to dispatch 
and schedule information from many transportation providers and allow 
the public to visit the transportation provider's Web site to schedule 
necessary trips on line; replacement of aged equipment in order to 
maintain Georgia's rural paratransit fleet in a state of good repair; 
purchasing scheduling and dispatching software that will allow for 
computer-based dispatch, integration with GPS and GIS mapping, and 
automated route planning, among other things; and upgrading rural bus 
facilities or purchasing buildings that will serve as rural transit 
agencies that will also house equipment for the dispatching and 
scheduling of trips. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Chatham Area Transit Authority.
Project name: CAT ARRA 7 replace bus/Trans Enhancement.
Award description: This grant is for FY 2009 ARRA Economic Stimulus 
Funds. The funds will be used to purchase seven(7) 30-foot replacement 
vehicles. The buses will be hybrid electric/diesel buses. These 
vehicles have a useful life of seven(7) years/350,000 miles. CAT will 
acquire a security system for the facility, monitoring, security 
guard, and razor wire for fencing. Included in the Project 
Administration will be the RFP, Advertising and Procurement Cost. 
Chatham Area Transit Authority will follow all third party procurement 
policies as defined in C4220.1F. Chatham Area Transit Authority will 
check the Federal Excluded Parties List System (EPLS), and DOT 
regulations, 'Non-procurement Suspension and Debarment' 2 CFR Parts 
180 and 1200 as one step in the process of determining only 
'responsible' contractors that possesses the ability, willingness, and 
integrity to perform successfully under the terms and conditions (See 
49 U.S.C. Section 5325) are awarded contracts. We understand and will 
follow the proper procurements procedures. 
Project description: 7 new buses have been ordered from the 
manufacturer. Manufacturing is expected to begin mid year 2010. New 
radios have been ordered and delivery is expected in January 2010. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 900 E. 
Gwinnett Street.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Savannah, GA 
Award amount: $4,490,394.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: GA-96X-010-00.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The new buses 
replace those past their expected life and will increase energy 
efficiency for the agency. The security system and cameras will cover 
the entire facility and increase safety measures. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Honolulu, City & County Of.
Project name: HI-96-X001-00.
Award description: Bus and Handi-Van Acquisition Program, Pearl City 
Bus Transit Facility Parking Expansion Program, Wahiawa Transit 
Center, Middle-Street Inter-Modal Center,Bus Stop Pad Improvements 
Rehabilitation/Renovation, Preliminary Engineering for New Starts 
Honolulu-High Capacity Transit Cooridor Project. 
Project description: STIP #OC16, Amount budgeted this grant: 
$19,345,207, Bus and Handi-Van Acquisition Program - Contract for 
purchase of 19 buses under review by City. Funds to be used with 
$254,793 from ARRA HI-56-0001-00. STIP #OC17, Amount budgeted this 
grant: $4,000,000, Honolulu-High Capacity Transit Corridor Project 
- Consultant contract documents for planning and engineering work 
under review by City. STIP #OC19, Amount budgeted this grant: 
$3,104,793, (includes security and transit enhancement 
activities)Middle Street Inter-modal Center - Construction contract 
documents under review by City. STIP #OC31, Amount budgeted this 
grant: $2,000,000, Bus Stop Pad Improvements 
Rehabilitation/Renovation -Construction contract documents under 
review by City. STIP #OC32, Amount budgeted this grant: $7,899,148, 
Pearl City Bus Facility - Bus Parking Expansion - Construction 
contract documents under review by City. STIP #OC33, Amount budgeted 
this grant: $4,300,000, Wahiawa Transit Center - Letter from Mayor 
Mufi Hannemann to Hawaii Governor Linda Lingle was sent during the 3rd 
quarter of 2009 requesting release of State of Hawaii funds budgeted 
for this joint development project. No response from Governor's 
office. The City will continue its efforts to resolve the matter. New 
radio communication units will be installed in the replacement buses. 
1% transit enhancement requirement totaling $377,398 will be met 
through artwork at the Wahiawa Transit Center ($200,000) and at the 
Middle Street Inter-modal Center ($200,000). The 1% transit security 
requirement of $406,491 will be met through security fencing elements 
at the Middle Street Inter-modal Center ($400,000) and the Wahiawa 
Transit Center ($16,938). 
Project activity description: Government & Public Administration.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 650 South King 
Street: 3rd Floor.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Honolulu, HI 
Award amount: $40,649,148.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: HI-96-X001-00.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds 
multiple transit activities including construction of an interim 
parking facility with 100 stalls at the Middle Street Intermodal 
Center and completing construction of the Transit Center and the Park 
and Ride Facility at the Wahiawa Transit Center. Activities funded by 
this award will result in reducing fuel usage by replacing old buses 
and purchasing hybrid buses, increasing capacity at the Pearl City Bus 
Transit Facility by increasing the number of parking spaces for buses, 
and allowing the city and county of Honolulu to move forward with its 
bus stop pad improvements at a more rapid pace by installing 32 bus 
pads this year. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Bettendorf, City Of.
Project name: ARRA grant to purchase three medium duty buses.
Award description: Purchase three medium duty buses and security 
Project description: Let RFP to purchase buses by 12-30-2009. We have 
negotiated bus purchase price with the successful bidder for 
RFP#BET2009 (Intermountain Coach Leasing Inc.)to build 3 M.D. low 
floor buses. Intermountain has offered their best and final price of 
$179,832 for each bus for a total of $539,467.00 for three buses. The 
City is currently considering the bid and will make a decision to 
accept the offer, of to re-negotiate. 
Project activity description: Mixed Mode Transit Systems.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Bettendorf, IA 
Award amount: $539,497.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: IA-96-X006-00.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the replacement of old buses that have exceeded their 
lifespan according to Federal Transit Administration (FTA) standards. 
Buses will also be equipped with security cameras to monitor 
passengers, drivers, and any incidents inside or accidents outside the 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Pocatello City Corp.
Project name: 09 ARRA 5307 Buses (8) and Oper.
Award description: Overall purpose: procure bus replacements for buses 
that are well beyond their useful life--urban--and are in this 
condition because of lack of City resources to replace them. Expected 
outcomes: New bus replacements will reduce the down-time, increase 
reliability and safety of the transit service by disposing of very old 
equipment, it will also assist the weak market for buses and help to 
maintain or add to employment in the bus manufacturer industry. The 
deliverable: Eight(8) buses that will be awarded before the contract 
is completed--Six (6) are currently awarded and being built. Second 
purposes: To add employee hours available in dispatching, finance, and 
operational supervision in a situation where funding is not available 
to do this, with a commitment to maintain these added hours. 
Deliverables: Additional hours will provide for better controls and 
more timely reporting: Additional hours will provide for better 
operations supervisions and a better outcome for the users of the 
system. Note: No operations funds have been utilized or programed for 
this purpose through September 30, 2009. 
Project description: Vendor has delivered 6 of the 8 buses that were 
award, and final 2 buses are in production. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 423 North Main.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Middlebury, IN 
Award amount: $1,159,975.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: ID-96-X003-01.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award will 
support the purchase of new buses for the transit service area that 
includes the cities of Pocatello and Chubbuck. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Terre Haute, City Of.
Project name: Replacement buses and remodeling of maintenance facility.
Award description: Have started working on this project to improve and 
remodel the bus maintenance garage. Engineering cost and replacement 
estimate design work has been received and invoiced to the Terre Haute 
Transit Utility. 
Project description: Vendor has started estimating the replacement 
cost for several pieces of equipment that will be replace in bus 
maintenance garage. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 901 S. 14th 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Terre Haute, IN 
Award amount: $1,369,388.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: IN-96-x005.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: This award funds 
the purchase of 5 30-foot replacement buses, 5 passenger shelters, 14 
fare boxes, and 14 radios. Funds will also be used to renovate the 
transit maintenance and storage facility. These activities will renew 
the fleet and modernize its system. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Gary Public Transportation Corporation.
Project name: Replace 6 35' buses, rehabilitate maintenance facility, 
provide transit enhancements.
Award description: Invest in public transportation by purchasing 
replacement transit buses, rehabilitating a maintenance facility, 
installing a disaster recovery system, and providing various transit 
enhancements to system riders. 
Project description: The main objective of GPTC's service provision is 
to enhance the ability of Lake County, Indiana citizens to access 
shopping, education, recreation, public services, and employment by 
adequately developing, improving, and maintaining a regional passenger 
bus system. This award will allow GPTC the capacity to realize these 
objectives, which also include creating and maintaining jobs 
associated with funded projects. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 2101 West 35th 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Gary, IN 46408-
Award amount: $3,600,000.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: IN-96-X016-00.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds 
the replacement of buses because the vehicles were beyond their useful 
life. The new buses will allow the transit agency to provide better 
service to transit riders. Transit enhancements at the University Park 
Transit Center, a transfer center for bus routes, near Indiana 
University, include beautification of the center with trees and 
landscaping. This transfer center will improve connectivity between 
bus routes and improve safety for transit users. Rehabilitation of the 
maintenance facility includes installing new garage doors and repaving 
the staging area due to deteriorating pavement. This rehabilitation 
will extend the life of the maintenance facility. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: City Of Lawrence.
Project name: ARRA Fixed-Route Bus Replacement.
Award description: These funds will be used to purchase replacement 
public transit vehicles which will invest in transportation, 
environmental protection, and other infrastructure that will provide 
long-term economic benefits. 
Project description: We are currently in the process of securing 
contract opportunities for the purchase of vehicles. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): PO Box 708, 6 
East 6th Street.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Lawrence, KS 
Award amount: $1,930,929.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: KS-96-X003-00.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the replacement of up to four 40-foot buses that comply with 
the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Lafayette City Parish Consolidated Government.
Project name: Pur. 1 Bus,Shelters,Security,PM,Signage.
Award description: Invest in public transportation by completing 
funding of the final phase of the multimodal center, complete funding 
for one additional bus, fund bus shelters, fund safety and security 
equipment, fund new bus stop signs, fund bus stop ADA improvements and 
fund preventative maintenance on the bus fleet. 
Project description: 1. Lafayette Multi-Modal Facility Final Phase: 
Went to bid and bid awarded. 2. Bus purchase: Went to bid and bid 
awarded. 3. Bus stop shelters: preliminary site selection. 4. Safety 
and security equipment: Developing specifications. 5. Bus stop signs: 
Selecting design and deciding on options. 6. ADA bus stops: 
preliminary site selection. 7. Preventive maintenance on buses: 
preparing for bid or option selection. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Lafayette, LA 
Award amount: $2,747,057.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: LA-96-X004-00.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: This award 
supports public transportation improvements in the City of Lafayette, 
Louisiana. These improvements include the purchase of one 35-foot bus, 
approximately 20 bus shelters, and bus stop signs. The award also 
supports preventive maintenance, including oil changes and bus engine 
inspections, as well as renovations of a small number of bus stops to 
make them accessible, per the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 
The improvements also include purchasing and installing video cameras 
on the new bus and replacing damaged cameras on the other buses so 
that all buses are connected to the security system. The award also 
provides partial financing for the Rosa Parks Transportation Center. 
The center is a two-story, 41,000 square foot building which will 
house a U.S. Post Office and Traffic and Transportation Department 
offices, as well as Lafayette's Intelligent Transportation System 
(ITS) center. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Missoula Urban Transportation District.
Project name: Purchase of four replacement buses. 
Award description: Invest in public transportation by purchasing four 
new thirty-foot buses for replacement.
Project description: This grant allowed the transit agency to purchase 
four thirty foot replacement buses. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1221 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Missoula, MT 
Award amount: $1,223,603.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: MT-96-X001.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
replaces older buses with new buses that meet the standards of the 
Clean Air Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Charlotte, City Of.
Project name: ARRA Facility Rehab/Improvements.
Award description: Notification was received from FTA on July 10, 2009 
that the City of Charlotte's ARRA Grant had been approved by FTA's 
Regional Office, the Department of Labor, and Washington's Special 
Committee. The City of Charlotte was, therefore, given official 
approval to execute the grant application in FTA's TEAM System. 
Project description: Relocation activities are in progress. 
Construction contract was awarded to Clancy & Theys Construction 
Company and a Notice-To-Proceed was issued November 25, 2009. 
Procurement activities include the selection process for Inspection 
Services and Safety & Security Certification. Expenditures include 
project administration, plans review fee, construction management 
services toward 3rd Party Contracts, advertisements, and relocation 
expenses along with pre-award expenditures eligible within the grant. 
Project activity description: Mixed Mode Transit Systems.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Charlotte, NC 
Award amount: $20,766,306.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: NC-96-X006-00.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds 
improvements for the North Davidson Bus Facility. Activities include 
updating facility conditions: upgrading mechanical, electrical, and 
plumbing systems: replacing original bus maintenance equipment; and 
constructing a new parking garage. These improvements will delay the 
need for a third bus facility, allow Special Transportation Services 
to relocate to the North Davidson Bus Facility, and provide sufficient 
space and support for up to 200 buses. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Rocky Mount, (Inc) City Of.
Project name: ARRA 2 Bus, PM, Equip, RE, Shelters.
Award description: Purchase of new buses to expand existing urban 
transit routes: purchase of equipment to upgrade vehicles and 
maintenance operations: and facility improvements to operational 
facilities utilized by riders, including transfer stations and 
Project description: Activity in the 4th Quarter of 2009 comprised of 
purchasing an existing building for relocation of TRT driver 
operation, along with the preparation of bids for the purchase of 
vehicles, equipment, and services to be funded with additional grant 
funds. Tar River Transit (TRT), the urban public transportation 
provider for the City of Rocky Mount, will utilize ARRA Transit Urban 
Capital Assistance funds to expand and improve transit operations 
through the purchase of vehicles and equipment, along with 
improvements to distribution and maintenance facilities. 
Project activity description: Public Transportation Systems.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 100 Coastline 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Rocky Mount, NC 
Award amount: $991,722.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: NC-96-X010-00.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds 
the purchase of two 25-foot light transit vehicles: seven replacement 
engines: and equipment, real estate, and shelters for Tar River 
Transit. Work on the transfer and administrative facility includes 
purchasing the facility and landscaping the transit center. The 
transit garage improvements include work on the paint, lights, 
heaters, and transmission stand. Other activities include painting the 
bus station and renovating the taxi shelter. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Rutgers, The State University.
Project name: FTA project and construction management training.
Award description: To provide training for transit systems through the 
delivery of 34 Project Management for Transit Professionals and 6 
Management of Transit Construction Projects sessions. 
Project description: Planning course deliveries began in September and 
courses will commence in the next quarter. 
Project activity description: All Other Support Activities for 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: New Brunswick, NJ 
Award amount: $400,000.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: NJ-76-5001-00.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: Federal transit 
laws require a grant applicant for a major capital investment project 
to prepare and carry out a Project Management Plan (PMP) approved by 
the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). The award supports project 
and construction management training for transit management 
professionals so that they can prepare and carry out a PMP. The 
training teaches good project management skills to transit management 
professional and builds capacity at transit organizations. The 
training also includes specific emphasis on the requirements that are 
presented in the report Project and Construction Management Guidelines 
2003 Update. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Portage Area Regional Transportation Authority.
Project name: ARRA Maint. Facility Rehab./Preventative Maintenance.
Award description: Invest in public transportation by replacing the 
roof of a bus storage/maintenance facility, performing preventative 
maintenance on existing buses, and completing preliminary engineering 
and design for facility projects on PARTA's property located at 2000 
Summit Road, Kent, OH 44240. 
Project description: During the CY 4th quarter, PARTA continued to 
perform preventative maintenance on its 73 vehicles. The labor for the 
roof renovation is substantially complete and we are now in the 
contract close out period. PARTA has continued to complete preliminary 
engineering and design for facility projects on PARTA's property 
located at 2000 Summit Road, Kent, OH 44240. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 2000 Summit 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Kent, OH 44240-
Award amount: $981,392.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: OH-96-X024.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports preventive maintenance activities to extend the life of the 
buses, including safety inspection, oil change, fluid change, brakes, 
labor for mechanics, and replacement parts if needed. The award also 
supports replacement of the facility's roof. The roof was 
deteriorating and leaking water, which caused damage to equipment 
inside the building. The new roof is expected to last for 15 years. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Transportation, Oklahoma Department Of.
Project name: Purchase of 241 replacement buses and five over-the-road 
intercity buses. 
Award description: Invest in public transportation by replacing the 
nonurbanized and rural transit provider's aging fleet with efficient 
and reliable vehicles. A total of 246 vehicles will be purchased. The 
purchase will include 241 replacement buses of which 17 will be 
configured with Compressed Natural Gas. Also, five over-the-road buses 
are programmed for purchase. 
Project description: Awarded 19 contracts to subrecipients. Request 
for Bids for nine vehicle types were solicited. Awards were made for 
eight types of vehicles. One vehicle type was canceled due to 
ambiguous bid specifications. A total of 37 purchase orders were 
awarded during this report period. 
Project activity description: Interurban and Rural Bus Transportation.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Oklahoma City, OK 
Award amount: $16,923,315.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: OK-86-X002-00.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award serves 
18 counties throughout the state. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District Or.
Project name: Street Maint Improve: Milwaukie Park&Ride: Foster Road 
Layover Concrete Bus Pads: Lighting along Multi-Use Path adjacent to I-
205 Light Rail Tracks: Morrison/Yamhill Intersect Repairs: Portland 
Streetcar Signals: Rail Preventive Maintenance. 
Award description: Invest in public transportation by initiating Bus 
Priority Street Maintenance Improvements: Milwaukie Park & Ride: 
Foster Road Layover Concrete Bus Pads: Lighting along Multi-Use Path 
adjacent to the I-205 Light Rail Tracks: Morrison/Yamhill Intersection 
Repairs: Portland Streetcar Signals, Ramps, ITS: and performing rail 
Preventive Maintenance on existing light rail vehicles. 
Project description: Bus Priority Street Maintenance Improvements: 
Milwaukie Park & Ride: Foster Road Layover Concrete Bus Pads: Lighting 
along Multi-Use Path adjacent to the I-205 Light Rail Tracks: 
Morrison/Yamhill Intersection Repairs: Preventive Maintenance. 
Project activity description: Mixed Mode Transit Systems.
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 4012 SE 17th 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Portland, OR 
Award amount: $9,690,374.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: OR-66-X001-00.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports various improvement activities including (1) repaving two 
deteriorating major bus transit streets and adding concrete bus pads 
at stops in order to reduce ongoing preventive maintenance at these 
locations and improve the rider experience; (2) replacing the shoulder 
on Foster Rd. with a concrete pad and base to accommodate buses, 
minimize future maintenance costs, and address the degradation of the 
standard roadway surface and base; (3) replacing infrastructure 
beneath the light rail tracks at 10 corridor intersections in the 
Morrison and Yamhill corridors to maintain safe and reliable service; 
(4) extending lighting along the I-205 multi-use path from the Lents 
Town Center Station to Gladstone to enhance safety along the corridor 
and encourage more people to ride bikes and walk to transit; (5) 
constructing a new 315-space Milwaukie Park & Ride facility at the 
intersection of SE Milport Rd. and SE Main St. for the heavily 
traveled McLoughlin corridor, enabling more commuters to use bus lines. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: West Florida Regional Planning Council.
Project name: Construct Transit Facility.
Award description: Invest in public transportation by constructing new 
transit facility and security fencing, performing preventive 
maintenance on existing revenue fleet, installing automatic passenger 
counters on existing revenue vehicles, installing automated fareboxes 
on existing revenue vehicles, installing stop annunciators on existing 
revenue vehicles, purchasing and installing passenger shelters, 
purchasing a service vehicle, for a total of $2,377,250. 
Project description: Received and installed automatic stop 
announcement (annunciator) systems in all (17) buses, received and 
installed automatic passenger counting system (APC) in 8 buses, 
received (have not installed) automated fare boxes for all (17) buses. 
Performed preventive maintenance for fleet vehicles. Annunciators and 
APCs will be configured in January. Automated fareboxes will be 
installed in February. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1021 Masalina 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Panama City, FL 
Award amount: $2,377,250.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: FL-96-X022-00.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The new transit 
facility being constructed will house the administrative functions of 
the transit agency, maintenance facilities, and response system, as 
well as store buses. The new facility will be located in 
unincorporated Bay County, outside of Panama City limits on Sherman 
Ln. and Douglas Rd. The current transit facility in Panama City is no 
longer big enough to house buses, and has inadequate office and 
maintenance space. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Cherokee, County Of.
Project name: ARRA - Expansion Vehicle-PM-Misc-Enhancements.
Award description: Invest in public transportation. Cherokee County 
will use the 2009 ARRA funds to purchase a 5307 fixed route expansion 
vehicle. The 30' passenger vehicle will provide the opportunity to 
increase ridership and expand fixed route service to Cherokee County 
residents. Preventive Maintenance vehicle surveillance, and other 
communications and fleet maintenance miscellaneous support equipment, 
and bus shelters, will be purchased. Transit enhancements, including 
transit technology, MDCs and AVLs, will also be purchased. We plan to 
add one (1) expansion vehicle with a useful life of 6-8 years. The bus 
will meet CAA and ADA requirements. The fleet status section of TEAM 
has been updated to reflect this fleet addition. We are able to 
operate and maintain the vehicle expansion. The County is aware of FTA 
C 4220.1F regarding third-party procurement and will follow federal, 
state and local procurement policies. County will ensure that 
contractors are not on the debarment and suspension list. Will adhere 
to any/all special conditions of this award. 
Project description: (4th Quarter) The Project Description has not 
changed, however, the activities this quarter have. Expenditures for 
the 4th Quarter include $188,705.06 for Miscellaneous Support 
Equipment (11.42.20): $12,123.80 for Landscaping under Scenic 
Beautification (119.00 Transit Enhancements: $11,533.00 for Preventive 
Maintenance (117-00 Other Capital Items). 
___________________________________________ (3rd Quarter) The Cherokee 
County Board of Commissioners has received 15 bids relevant to the 
ARRA Capital expenditure to date. $20,037 for Communications Equipment 
(11.62.02): $20,642 for Control/Signal Equipment (11.62.01) and 
$151,975.59 obligated to Misc. Support Equipment (11.42.20), as well 
as $12,000 obligated to Scenic Beautification adn property security 
(11.92.03 - 11.42.09).
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 884 Univeter 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Canton, GA 30114-
Award amount: $797,009.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: GA-96-X003.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds 
the purchase of 14 technology units (Automatic Vehicle Locators and 
Mobile Data Computers), 3 bus shelters in the city of Canton, and 1 
set of 4 portable lifts to help perform bus maintenance. The 
intelligence technology system software and hardware will help map and 
coordinate routes and ultimately save money by providing for more 
efficient pick-up/delivery. The new equipment is expected to save on 
tire wear and outsourcing costs. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: County Of Augusta-Richmond.
Project name: ARRA Aug 3 repl bus/1 van/1 truck/misc expense.
Award description: Invest in public transportation by purchasing 
additional buses including a hybrid and replacing a totally 
depreciated bus. Also fund maintenance costs including mechanics 
salaries and additional training. Also fund ADA 
expenses,salaries,training, fuel maintenance costs. 
Project description: Invest in public transportation by purchasing 
additional buses including a hybrid and replacing a totally 
depreciated bus. Also fund maintenance costs including mechanics 
salaries and additional training. Also fund ADA 
expenses,salaries,training, fuel maintenance costs. 
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 530 Greene 
Street, Room 207.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Augusta, GA 30901-
Award amount: $2,754,534.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: GA-96-X009-00.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the transit department of the County of Augusta-Richmond in 
replacing buses that were scheduled to be replaced and upgrading their 
fleet, funding salaries and maintenance work on vehicles, and 
replacing an old supervisor van and maintenance truck. The award 
allows the transit department to maintain service levels. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Cidra, Municipality Of.
Project name: Renewable Energy/Retrofit-Solar Lgt&Sec.
Award description: Invest in public transportation by replacing 
conventional petroleum dependent energy/security lighting system with 
a photovoltaic solar system in FTA funded vehicle maintenance and 
storage facilities. 
Project description: None.
Project activity description: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit 
Award type: Grants.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): PR-172, 2nd 
Floor Public Transportation Terminal.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Cidra, PR 00739- 
Award amount: $1,000,000.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: PR-96-X028-00.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the conversion of the Cidro Public Transportation Center from 
a gas-powered to a solar-powered facility. The solar system will rely 
on inverters for power rather than batteries. The energy backup will 
be the electric company. The award will lower pollution by producing 
clean energy. 

[End of table] 

[End of section] 

Appendix X: Federal Buildings Fund: 

The Recovery Act appropriated $5.55 billion for the Federal Buildings 
Fund, which provides money for measures necessary to convert federal 
buildings into high-performance green buildings,[Footnote 72] renovate 
and construct federal buildings and courthouses, and renovate and 
construct land ports of entry. This fund is administered by the 
General Services Administration (GSA), which selects projects for 
funding (such as the construction of a new building), and contracts 
with construction and engineering professionals to complete the 
project. Generally, GSA issues a number of contracts for each project. 
[Footnote 73] 

Nature and Type of Projects: 

GSA had obligated just over $4 billion as of April 23, 2010. Of this 
amount, GSA has spent about $315 million. This spending represents the 
total value of payments made to contractors for work they have already 
completed. Of the $5.55 billion in Recovery Act funds, about $4.3 
billion was made available for measures necessary to convert GSA 
facilities to high-performance green buildings, $750 million was made 
available for federal buildings and U.S. courthouses, and $300 million 
was made available for border stations and land ports of entry. 
Overall, GSA selected 263 projects[Footnote 74] in all 50 states, the 
District of Columbia, and two U.S. territories. As shown in table 10, 
GSA's Recovery Act projects fall into four main categories: (1) new 
federal construction, (2) full and partial building modernizations, 
(3) limited scope projects, and (4) small projects. 

Table 10: GSA's Recovery Act Projects: 

New federal construction: 
Number of projects[A]: 18; 
Recovery Act funding[B]: $1,050 million. 

New federal construction: Federal buildings and U.S. courthouses; 
Number of projects[A]: 11; 
Recovery Act funding[B]: $750 million. 

New federal construction: Border stations and land ports of entry; 
Number of projects[A]: 7; 
Recovery Act funding[B]: $300 million. 

Full and partial building modernization: 
Number of projects[A]: 45; 
Recovery Act funding[B]: $3,191 million. 

Full and partial building modernization: Full building modernization; 
Number of projects[A]: 32; 
Recovery Act funding[B]: $2,708 million. 

Full and partial building modernization: Partial building 
Number of projects[A]: 13; 
Recovery Act funding[B]: $483 million. 

Limited scope projects; 
Number of projects[A]: 200; 
Recovery Act funding[B]: $933 million. 

Small projects[C]; 
Number of projects[A]: c; 
Recovery Act funding[B]: $140 million. 

Number of projects[A]: [Empty]; 
Recovery Act funding[B]: $235 million. 

Number of projects[A]: 263; 
Recovery Act funding[B]: $5,550 million. 

Source: GAO analysis of GSA data. 

[A] Data are based on the original March 2009 project plan. 

[B] Values may not add up because of rounding. 

[C] GSA selects small projects on a rolling basis. 

[D] The Recovery Act provides GSA funds for rental of space, building 
operations, the Office of Federal High Performing Green Buildings, and 
an apprenticeship program. 

[End of table] 

About 30 Percent of Federal Buildings Fund Descriptions Met Our 
Transparency Criteria: 

We assessed the transparency of descriptive information for Federal 
Building Fund awards available on, as described in the 
report. We found that an estimated: 

* 29 percent met our transparency criteria, 

* 64 percent partially met our criteria, and: 

* 7 percent did not meet our criteria.[Footnote 75] 

For the descriptions that did not fully meet our transparency 
criteria, we collected additional information necessary to make the 
descriptions meet our criteria. The descriptions of awards, whether 
they met our criteria, and additional information that we found to 
complete the narrative descriptions are provided at the end of this 

GSA Guidance and Other Factors That May Affect Transparency of 
Reported Information: 

GSA has provided additional guidance to Federal Buildings Fund 
contract recipients, established an Outreach Call Center to help 
recipients fulfill reporting requirements, and reviewed the recipient 
reports before the reports were made public on According 
to GSA officials, these efforts were designed to ensure that 
recipients followed reporting requirements and provided information on 
awards that the public can understand. 

GSA provided technical assistance to recipients that was designed to 
augment the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) guidance on 
recipient reporting. GSA made this guidance available on its Web site 
and also mailed a copy of the guidance to each recipient. This 
guidance, first issued in September 2009 and updated in October 2009, 
December 2009, and March 2010, describes the time frames for reporting 
and specific data element instructions, among other things. GSA's 
guidance did not supply any information that supplemented OMB's 
guidance on describing projects, including how funds are being used 
and expected outcomes. According to GSA officials, this guidance was 
meant to be a synopsis of OMB's guidance; they did not think 
supplemental guidance was needed to describe how funds are being used 
and what outcomes are expected because they considered OMB's guidance 

GSA's Outreach Call Center has provided both outreach and support to 
contract recipients. Specifically, prior to each reporting quarter, 
staff at the center have contacted recipients to update contact 
information and remind recipients of the reporting deadlines. In 
addition, staff at the center are available to answer questions from 
recipients and provide technical support to recipients as they 
complete their reporting requirements. 

For the second round of recipient reporting, GSA staff also developed 
data quality reviews that compared the financial data in recipient 
reports with financial data in GSA's financial management systems. GSA 
staff contacted the recipients and clarified any information that was 
not consistent with GSA data. In addition, GSA staff reviewed the 
narrative information in the "award description" and "project 
description" fields to ensure that the information was accurate and to 
clarify any technical jargon or acronyms. According to GSA officials, 
GSA staff did not attempt to provide additional information; instead, 
GSA officials clarified the information that was already in the 

Other Ways That Federal Buildings Fund Information Is Made Available 
to the Public: 

GSA officials have worked with members of the media to inform the 
public about GSA's work under the Recovery Act. In addition, GSA 
issues press releases on major project milestones and informs national 
and local media when GSA awards a project. However, according to GSA 
officials, GSA cannot communicate all of its available information to 
the public because of the large volume of information available on GSA 
projects. In addition, some information is procurement-sensitive and 
cannot be released to the public. 

In addition to information on, GSA has published 
information on its Recovery Act program on its own Recovery Act Web 
site.[Footnote 76] This information includes the following: 

* A Federal Buildings Fund Program Plan. This plan contains a summary 
of the objectives and activities that GSA's Public Buildings Service 
plans to implement with the $5.55 billion in Recovery Act funds. 
[Footnote 77] The plan also includes information on the projects' 
selection, delivery schedule, and performance measures. Additionally, 
the plan contains information on how GSA will address issues such as 
monitoring and evaluation, transparency, and accountability for its 
Recovery Act program. 

* A Public Building Service Project Plan. This plan details how GSA 
will spend its $5.55 billion in Recovery Act funds; lists all the GSA 
building projects that will receive Recovery Act funds; and, for each 
project, includes the name, location (city and state), and estimated 
cost of the project. 

* A Federal Buildings Fund Investments Map. This interactive map shows 
where GSA is spending its Recovery Act funds and provides information 
on spending to date, measured in obligations and outlays, for 
individual projects or states. 

According to GSA officials, they have received positive comments about 
GSA's role in helping to revive the construction sector in numerous 
communities. GSA has also received negative comments about the pace of 
its spending. According to GSA officials, the pace of spending lags 
behind the amount of work and number of jobs that GSA projects are 
generating because GSA pays for work on a reimbursable basis after the 
work has been completed. As a result, work can be ongoing at a GSA 
project, even though GSA has not spent any money on the project. 

Federal Buildings Fund Descriptions That Met Our Transparency Criteria: 

The following award descriptions contained sufficient information on 
general purpose, scope and nature of activities, location, and 
expected outcomes to meet our transparency criteria. The award 
description information is taken directly from We did 
not edit it in any way, such as to correct typographical or 
grammatical errors. information: 
Recipient name: Gruzen Samton Architects Planners & Interior Designers 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: This contract is a for A/E services for the design 
of a federal employee parking garage and a master plan for the San 
Juan, PR FBI Field Office Consolidation project. The project as a 
whole will result in the design and construction of a new approx. 
240,000 GSF Federal Building, on existing government property (a 27 
acre site) for the Hato Rey area, San Juan FBI field offices. Design 
and construction of the FBI facility will be procured under a separate 
Project description: Delivered Final Master Plan and Final Concept 
Design for the Garage. 
Project activity description: Architectural Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: SAN JUAN, PR 
Award amount: $1,081,971.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS-02P-06-DTD-0054. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Westlake, Reed, Leskosky, Ltd. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: The objective of this work order is to achieve the 
re-commissioning and retro-commissioning goals set forth in the ARRA 
for the Howard M. Metzenbaum USCH by creating bid and construction 
documents that describe all construction phase project work required 
by the NRPC identified projects and support the NRPC with project 
identification and definition. The design shall consist of but is not 
limited to the following: Mechanical Systems Upgrade/Replacement: 
Chillers, cooling towers, air conditioning units, boilers, hot water 
converters, steam pressure reducing stations, condensate return 
systems, primary and secondary pumping systems, domestic hot water 
heaters, heat exchangers, air handling units, terminal or variable air 
volume (VAV) boxes, heat recovery units, motors, steam traps, dampers, 
pumps and air ducts. Energy conservation and renewable energy 
projects: * Water conservation, plumbing fixtures, cooling tower 
makeup water and drain. * Lighting System Upgrade/Replacement: Re- 
lamping, occupancy sensors, automated lighting controls, daylight 
controls installation, replacement and re-wiring. * Building 
automation/control systems upgrade/replacement: Includes system 
programming/sequence of operations, drives and sensors. * Building 
envelope: upgrade/replace roof (green roof, integrated photovoltaic 
roof membrane, cool roof (achieve maximum R-value for climactic zone), 
windows, doors, above and below grade wall assemblies, to achieve 
specified R-value, etc. * Analysis and design of an advanced metering 
system for electricity only as mandated by the Energy Policy Act of 
2005. * Review and implementation of all pertinent energy and water 
conservation items as shown in Energy and Water Conservation Audit. * 
Analysis and design of modifications to the existing primary and 
secondary chilled water system to result in energy and system 
operating cost savings. * Analysis and determination of the building 
BAS/EMS systems, with identification and design of projects that 
maximize opportunities to save energy and operating cost through 
system upgrades and partial or full replacement. Includes system 
programming/sequence of operations and drives and sensors. Design 
Development Phase 1. Design Development drawings and specifications 
detailing retro¨commissioning and re-commissioning work, and ECM 
projects to 30% construction document completion. 2. Design 
Development phase cost estimate deliverable shall be in the form of a 
detailed written review of the preliminary cost, energy savings, and 
payback estimates completed by the NRPC/NCMC as part of the 25% 
submittal under that contract SOW. A/E shall indicate concurrence, non-
concurrence, or provide additional information as may be required by 
GSA. Construction Document Phase Submission 75% Submission 
Construction Document Submission 1. Code Analysis. 2. Construction 
drawings and written edited specifications of 75% completion. 3. 
Updated construction cost estimate. 90% Submission Construction 
Documents Submission 1. Construction drawings and written edited 
specifications of 90% completion. 2. Updated construction cost 
estimate. 100% Submission Construction Documents Submission 1. 
Construction drawings and written edited specifications of 100% 
completion. Construction documents 100% ready to release for bid, 
including incorporation of all previous review comments. 2. Final 
construction cost estimate. 
Project description: Quarterly Activities/Project Description: During 
the final Quarter of 2009, WRL held an on-site kick off meeting with 
the GSA Project Manager, at the Metzenbaum Federal Courthouse. Field 
investigation was performed, and base drawings of the building were 
developed. WRL participated in reviews of the Commissioning agent?s 
reports prior to producing documents based on their Recommisioning 
recommendations. WRL produced 30% and 75%: Documents which were used 
to solicit proposals from a Construction Manager. WRL participated in 
pre-proposal conferences with GSA and the potential Offerors for the 
role of Construction Manager. 
Project activity description: Engineering Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: CLEVELAND, OH 
Award amount: $27,445.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS-05P-05-SLD-0033. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: PDG, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Wind Tunnel Testing Structural Study for the Micky 
Leland FOB (TX0298ZZ located at 1919 Smith Street, Houston, TX 77002). 
Provide engineering testing and analysis services for the site, as 
well as, to determine building cladding design loads. 
Project description: Attended meeting with Leland FOB building manager 
and COTR to verify existing conditions & establish working schedule. 
Reviewed existing architectural and engineering plans & technical 
reports. Verify Bldg. site climatology & develop wind speeds. Perform 
wind tunnel testing for the FOB that simulates the natural wind 
environment for the building site. Document all findings, conclusions 
& recommendations into a report. 
Project activity description: Architectural Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1919 Smith 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: HOUSTON, TX 77002-
Award amount: $55,097.87.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: GS-07P-04-HHD-1014. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Messer Construction Co. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: The Project Award includes $35,500,000 for 
Construction Phase Services for the GS-05P-08-GBC-0005 Fire/Life 
Safety and HVAC Modernization for the Minton Capehart Federal Building 
in Indianapolis, IN. It also includes Estimated Additional Scope Items 
of $4,304,513: and GSA Contingency of $2,805,739.21: M&I Services of 
$500,000. The base project scope (Fire/Life Safety and HVAC 
Modernization) includes replacement of: air handlers, fiberglass 
branch distribution ductwork, stair pressurization fans, temperature 
controls, fire alarm system, fire pump and jockey pump, fire 
protection system, ceilings and lighting. Electrical systems and 
emergency generator system are to also be upgraded as necessary to 
support the project scope of work. The project scope should also 
include LEED Silver certification. 
Project description: We are working to complete preconstruction 
services funded prior to the ARRA funding. Preconstruction services 
are proceeding as scheduled. We anticipate major subcontract awards to 
take place in first quarter of Calendar Year 2010. We are also working 
on M&I services, including forensic testing to verify condition of 
building piping systems prior to completion of design. 
Project activity description: Commercial and Institutional Building 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 575 North 
Pennsylvania Street.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: INDIANAPOLIS, IN 
Award amount: $43,160,252.21.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS-05P-08-GBC-0005. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Heery International, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Provide engineering and commissioning expertise to 
conduct recommissioning /retro-commissioning planning, identify energy 
conservation measures, scoping, testing, investigation, evaluation, 
analysis, calculations, recommendations, and report writing services 
for the following GSA federal buildings: (1) TX, Houston, Bob Casey US 
Courthouse, (2) TX, Houston, Alliance Tower, (3) TX, Houston, LaBranch 
Federal Building, (4) TX, Corpus Christi, US Courthouse and (5) TX, 
Victoria, ML King, Jr. Federal Building. 
Project description: Responsed to government's comments on the Draft 
Report (submitted last quarter) and completed Final report for 
submission by end of the year. 
Project activity description: Engineering Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: FORT WORTH, TX 
Award amount: $286,672.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS-10F-0203S. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Goshow Architects, L.L.P. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: A/E Services for Bridging Documents for the high-
performance, green, building modernization and other alteration work 
Clement Ruiz Nazario Courthouse and Federico Degetau Federal Office 
Building in Hato Rey, Puerto Rico. 
Project description: Review and evaluate site conditions, existing 
studies, surveys, analyses and reports, and identify additional 
services and tests that are required to fully document the project. 
Included in this phase were Courthouse/FOB Tours: Systems Upgrade 
Analysis: Fire Protection/Life Safety Analysis: Environmental Hazards 
report: Conveyance System Study, Structural Analysis Study: 
Accessibility Study: Thermographic Imaging Study: Energy Model and 
Existing Building Analysis. 
Project activity description: Architectural Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 150 Carlos 
Chardon Avenue.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Hato Rey, PR 
Award amount: $2,365,994.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS-02P-06-DTD-0024. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: HDM Associates, Inc.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Purpose is to investigate and provide 
recommendations for optimizing building performance through 
identifying energy improvements and demand reduction strategies. A 
feasibility study is being generated to include the following 
information: 1) The integration of geothermal heat pumps in the 
facility to offset the cost of cooling and heating the building. 2) 
Determine the feasibility of installing PV panels on the roof. 3) 
Provide suggestions for the most methods of retrofitting the roof to 
accept PV panels where existing roof can not support PV panel 
installation. 4) Provide conceptual renderings and drawings depicting 
vehicle canopies and covered walkways that use PV panels as protection 
from weather. 5) Provide any other suggestions for reducing the 
electrical load of the building. 6) Provide a fully developed 
Lifecycle costing, pay back period, and energy savings. The 
Architect/Engineer are to develop a Design-Build scope of work to 
implement the findings of the Retro-Commissioning Study that can be 
executed within the available funding. 
Project description: The Architects and Engineers took the findings 
from the Retro-Commissioning Study and began preparing a Design-Build 
scope of work specification report. A draft copy of the report was 
submitted to the agency for review and comments. 
Project activity description: Engineering Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 244 Needy Road.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: MARTINSBURG, WV 
Award amount: $276,677.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS-03P-03-CDD-0028. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Heery International, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Initial scope is for pre-design services for the 
design and construction of new office space for the Army Corp of 
Engineers on the Federal Center South campus in Seattle, WA. Design 
and construction will be procured under a design-build procurement 
methodology using a two-step best value competitive award. The 
deliverables include an update Program of Requirements, a design-build 
performance specification, a comprehensive bidding procurement 
document. The design-build contractor is expected to be under contract 
in early March 2010. 
Project description: Developed and refined concept estimate for the DB 
scope of work.Completed Owner Project Requirements (OPR) document. 
Completed development of the DB competition bid document. Participated 
in DB Q&A meetings with GSA and USACE. 
Project activity description: Engineering Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: SEATTLE, WA 98134-
Award amount: $288,599.32.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS-23F-0168K. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Jacobs Facilities Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Construction Management Services for Judges' Swing 
Space at Samuel M. Gibbons Federal Courthouse The purpose of this 
scope of work is to provide GSA guidance and direction as the 
Construction Manager as Advisor (CMa) Contractor who will be the 
government's on-site manager responsible for the successful renovation 
of Space Alterations at the Samuel M. Gibbons Federal Courthouse. The 
goal of the project is to construct the project on schedule and within 
budget while addressing minimum criteria for integrated design, energy 
and water usage, indoor environmental quality and materials 
usage.Major deliverables include Cost Estimating, Communications Plan, 
Detailed Project Schedule Development and Maintenance, Project 
Progress Meetings and Presentations, Meeting Minutes and 
Correspondence, General Progress Reports, Record Keeping, Construction 
Submittal and RFI Processing, Project Photography, Inspections and 
Testing Reports, Punch-List and Final Inspection, and Closeout 
Project description: Interior buildout wall framing completed, wall 
rough-in of electrical completed, walls insulated and drywall has been 
installed and finished complete. Overhead electrical rough-in nearly 
complete and HVAC rough is nearly complete. All walls are painted and 
ceiling grid installation started.Project is ahead of schedule and 
going well. 
Project activity description: Commercial and Institutional Building 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Tampa, FL 33602-
Award amount: $50,582.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS04P07EXD0065. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Vistara Construction Services Inc.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: The restoration project will replace the 
waterproofing membrane and increase the insulation of the plaza, 
replace the lighting systems in the below grade Post Office workroom 
levels with more energy efficient lighting, repair damages caused by 
water leaks and upgrade sidewalk access ramps to meet current ADA 
requirements. Further, the granite pavers will be cleaned, restored 
and reset at the Federal Plaza. The main goals are as follows: * 
Replace the waterproofing system. * Increase insulation of the Plaza. 
* Replace the lighting and/or lighting controls in the below grade 
Post Office workroom levels with more energy efficient lighting. * 
Repair structural damage. * Repair damages to interior structural 
elements and finishes caused by water leaks. * Ensure ease and 
efficiency of long term operation and cost effective maintenance. * 
Complete the design and construction per GSA P-100. * Develop 3D 
Building Information Model (BIM) for the Post Office space and Plaza. 
* Complete a project that satisfies the requirements of the existing 
building tenants and GSA. * Maintain the visual integrity and historic 
nature of the Plaza and all its elements after the project is 
complete. * Complete the design and construction within established 
schedules. * Complete the project within the budget by maintaining 
fiscal responsibility, communicating that responsibility to all 
parties involved, and by constantly updating and tracking project cost 
estimates. * Develop a high performance green complex. * Adhere to all 
elements and guiding principles of the LEED program where practical. * 
Per the Energy Policy Act of 2005, GSA's targeted maximum annual 
energy consumption level for this project is 87,571 BTU's per gross 
square foot. * Promote and demand excellence in design and 
construction to produce a final project/building that reflects the 
dignity and significance of the United States Government. 
Project description: Pre-Construction Phase Services: 1) Review of the 
Architects design 2) Review of the Architects schedule. 3) Conduct a 
design review charette 4) Conduct bi-weekly meetings for the project 
team and maintain meeting minutes/project directory and the 
distribution list. 5) Track Progress via monthly report. 
Project activity description: Architectural Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 230 South 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: CHICAGO, IL 60604-
Award amount: $408,833.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS-05P-08-GBD-0019. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Studio 3 Design Inc.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Owner's Construction Representative services for 
the Modernization of the 10W. Jackson, 18 W. Jackson, and 230 S. State 
Street Project, located in Chicago, IL. The contract award is for the 
Base Services-Design/Pre-Construction Phase, Construction Year One of 
Option 1, and Options 2 and 3: Cost Estimating and Project Scheduling. 
The purpose of this project is to modernize and renovate the three 
buildings to create a safe and functional environment for the federal 
government and the public that will use the building. 
Project description: Owner's Construction Representative, project Kick-
Off, run and organize weekly meetings, meeting minute documentation, 
review of existing and new documents, review drawings, site visits, 
project organization, tenant meetings attendance, notes, review of 
plans, peer reviews, HVAC report review, schedule review, design 
review, final concept design review, scheduling, GMP cost estimating 
reconciliation, conduct value engineering work shops. 
Project activity description: Architectural Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: CHICAGO, IL 60604-
Award amount: $606,789.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS-05P-08-GBD-0023. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Julie Snow Architects Inc.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: The award is for Architectural/Engineering Briding 
Design services including, but not limited to, Pre-Design Services, 
Design Concepts, Briding Design-Build Services, and Contract Close our 
Services for the Ban Buren Land Port of Entry. The project is a new 
Land Port of Entry (LPOE) for the town of Van Buren, Maine, located on 
the St. John River approximately 320 miles north of Portland, 40 miles 
north of Presque Isle, and 25 miles southeast of Madawaska. The 
existing Border Station was damaged when the St. John River flooded in 
late April and early May of 2008. Rather than merely repair the 
undersized and outdated 40-year old facility, the GSA and the 
Department of Homeland Security's Customs and Border Protection (CBP) 
felt that this would be an excellent opportunity to build a new port 
that would meet CBP's needs for the future. This new port will be a 
gateway to our country and will replace a flood-damaged and obsolete 
border facility with a state-of-the-art commercial port of entry. It 
should make a distinct architectural statement that is responsive to 
the local community, the efficient movement of trade and commerce, the 
security requirements of law enforcement agencies, and the welcoming 
of visitors and citizens to the United States of America. 
Project description: Design Concepts services, including: space 
planning, space efficiency reporting, model building, systems life 
cycle assessments, design, review, and presentation of three 
conceptual project alternatives, cost estimating. 
Project activity description: Architectural Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 2400 Rand 
Tower, 527 Marquette Avenue.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Minneapolis, MN 
Award amount: $2,298,146.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS-07P-09-HHD-0030. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: CH2M Hill, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: The Denver Federal center has antiquated utilities 
in need of repair or rehabilitation. CH2M HILL has been working with 
the GSA over the past three years to design a new water distribution 
system to replace the antiquated one, design rehabilitation and 
replacement of the sewer system that has been in place since the 
1940's, and upgrades to the existing stormwater and electrical 
systems. The ARRA funding allowed this much needed project to be 
constructed and also allows for further design and construction to 
improve the Gulch that runs through the DFC to provide channel 
stabilization, replace the main electrical conductors, repair parking 
lots and provide a sewer upgrade. 
Project description: Provided engineering construction services for 
the construction of Phases I through III of the Utilities 
Infrastructure Project at the Denver Federal Center. Completed 30% 
design of Phase IV and began 60% design of Phase IV. 
Project activity description: Engineering Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: DENVER, CO 80225-
Award amount: $3,421,670.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS-08P-06-JF-C-3025. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Jacobs Facilities Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: The New Custom House in Denver, CO, is an 8-story 
office building containing 172,502 usable square feet with 47 outdoor 
parking spaces on a 2.4 acre site. This 8-story stone building was 
constructed in 1931 and has 5 floors above grade plus a basement, sub-
basement, and a partial floor below the sub-basement. In 1979, the 
building as listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is 
now designated as a level 2 historic asset. The building is primarily 
used as office space, the building also contains a child care center, 
as food service area, and provides space for US Bankruptcy court 
proceedings. Tenants include: the Small Business Administration, the 
US Bankruptcy Courts, the Military Entrance Processing Station, 
Department of the Army, Department of Justice, Department of Labor, 
Department of the Treasury, the Railroad Retirement Board, and the 
Department of Homeland Security.The proposed capital project will 
protect this 78-year old historic asset and improve the energy 
efficiency by upgrading air handling units, updating/replacing .: 
Induction units and condensate piping, updating lighting and controls, 
updating mechanical controls, air intakes, installing isolation 
valves, updating/replacing domestic and mechanical plumbing, replacing 
ceilings and flooring, site work and new dock, updating restrooms, 
upgrading life safety system, and updating interior and exterior 
finishes. The project will also include replacement of all the windows 
with blast resistant construction. The amount of swing space is 
estimated at approximately 10,000 square feet. Construction is 
anticipated to begin in the summer of 2010 and the project duration is 
estimated at 24 - 30 months. The project is required to meet all 
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) regulations and 
applicable environmental and energy requirements.The contract scope of 
services includes Pre Design Phase Services to assist, review and 
provide technical support during the procurement process. 
Specifically, the Construction Manager will compile and/or develop the 
Design/Build criteria package and review offeror proposals for 
adequacy and completeness. After award, during the Design/Build design 
phase, services include review of the Design/Builders design 
submittals to confirm that the design meets the Solicitation for 
Offers, budget, and special requirements. The Construction Management 
team will also perform code compliance reviews: constructability 
reviews:conduct/participate in Value Engineering workshops: analyze 
Value Engineering proposals: prepare independent cost estimates, 
scheduling and design problem resolution. Project Construction Phase 
Services include monitoring/observation services and attending onsite 
construction coordination meetings that occur among the Government, 
General Contractor, and Architect. 
Project description: Pre-Design services have initiated with review 
and analysis of existing documentation. The first deliverable for the 
CM team is in progress. The deliverable is augmentation of the DB 
study, the DB specifications, the bid form, consultation on the 
technical proposal and DB SOW. Products from this analysis will be 
included in the DB RFP which will be issued to the shortlisted 
offerors in mid-December. Subcontracting and scheduling of geotech 
subconsultant is in progress. 
Project activity description: Commercial and Institutional Building 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Denver, CO 80202-
Award amount: $640,185.52.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS00P04CYD0062. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: C Design Inc.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: This project is to study options and make 
recommendations for a photovoltaic system to be located at the terry 
Sanford Federal Building in Raleigh, NC. The complex consists of a 
courtroom tower and a large postal annex. The proposed PV system will 
be mounted on the roof of the annex, which is estimated to have 
116,140 square feet of useable roof area. The project is initiated to 
use solar energy to generate power and reduce dependency on grid 
power. The overall goal of the project is to provide an alternative 
energy source that will provide supplemental power to the Terry 
Sanford Federal Building. The goal for this award is to provide a pre-
project study and to develop a requirements package for construction. 
Project description: Project Management, Structural Engineering, 
Architectural Services, & Electrical Engineering.
Project activity description: Engineering Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 310 New Bern 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Raleigh, NC 27601-
Award amount: $120,194.69.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS04P06EXD0027. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Enviroservices & Training Centers LLC.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Ensure safe work conditions and prevent release of 
asbestos and lead during renovation activities at the Federal Building 
and US Post Office, 154 Waianuenue Ave, Hilo, Hawaii. Mobilized to the 
island of Hawaii. Provided oversight of asbestos related work for the 
3rd Floor, rooms 302 to 305, including air monitoring and asbestos 
clearance testing. Asbestos clearance testing failed criteria and 
additional follow-up cleaning and testing is expected. Performed 
sampling and analysis of soil and thermal system insulation debris on 
bare soil to determine asbestos content. Debris contained regulated 
levels of asbestos. Soil in 2 of 4 sections contained detectable 
levels of asbestos less than 1 percent which is considered 
contaminated by Hawaii Dept of Health. Will provide design 
specifications for asbestos abatement if required. Further oversight 
activities are expected for lead related work and in different areas 
of the site. 
Project description: Mobilized to the island of Hawaii. Provided 
oversight of asbestos and lead related work for the 3rd Floor, rooms 
302 to 305, including air monitoring and asbestos clearance testing. 
Asbestos clearance testing failed criteria and additional follow-up 
cleaning and testing is expected. Performed sampling and analysis of 
soil and thermal system insulation debris on bare soil to determine 
asbestos content. Debris contained regulated levels of asbestos. Soil 
in 2 of 4 sections contained detectable levels of asbestos less than 1 
percent which is considered contaminated by Hawaii Dept of Health. 
Project activity description: Environmental Consulting Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: HILO, HI 96720-
Award amount: $16,000.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS10F0173U. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Key Engineering Group, Ltd. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Overall purpose of this study was to comply with 
the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). NEPA study for the 
Chicago Federal Plaza restoration project. Project deliverables 
included preparation of an agenda (complete), meeting minutes and 
action items (complete), roster of team members (complete), Class I 
Cultural Resource Review - Section 106 Compliance (complete), 
preparation of a draft documented Categorical Exclusion (CATEX) 
checklist (complete), final checklist (complete). 
Project description: Significant services performed included agenda 
(complete), meeting minutes and action items (complete), roster of 
team members (complete), Class I Cultural Resource Review - Section 
106 Compliance (complete), preparation of a draft documented 
Categorical Exclusion (CATEX) checklist (complete), final checklist 
(complete). In accordance with the scope of work, this project has 
been invoiced to 90% of completion. The remaining 10% will be invoiced 
after GSA public notice is completed. 
Project activity description: Environmental Consulting Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 230 South 
Dearborn Street.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: CHICAGO HEIGHTS, 
IL 60411-1001.
Award amount: $12,497.57.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS10F0457M. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Cornerstone Architectural Group, PS.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Provide a study to determine the condition of the 
Federal Center South Building's roof structural system and address 
potential roofing material alternatives while meeting the ARRA 
requirements, initial capital, sustainability, life cycle costs, good 
stewardship, historic preservation and performance. A cool roof, a 
vegetative roof, a building integrated photovoltaic or photovoltaic 
ballasted roof were to be considered and a recommendation provided. 
The study will be used to provide guidance for a future roofing 
construction project. 
Project description: The entire work under this award was completed in 
this quarter. Site visits, inspections, meetings, draft reports, 
reviews and the final report was submitted and approved. 
Project activity description: Architectural Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 6161 NE 175th 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: KENMORE, WA 98028-
Award amount: $46,072.32.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: GS10P08LTD0073. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Jacobs Technology Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Data collection services to determine the 
feasibility of Project Labor Agreements in two areas and the risk 
associated with each (San Francisco, CA and Honolulu, HI). The report 
will look at the utilization of Project Labor Agreements in high union 
density states (such as California and Hawaii) and will determine if 
large-scale construction projects to be built in predominantly 
unionized areas would benefit from the use of a Project Labor 
Agreement. The report will look at the utilization of Project Labor 
Agreements in high union density states (such as California and 
Hawaii) and will determine if large-scale construction projects to be 
built in predominantly unionized areas would benefit from the use of a 
Project Labor Agreement. 
Project description: Research and study continued for Honolulu and San 
Francisco. Contract modification forthcoming to perform similar 
Project Labor Agreement studies on additional cities. 
Project activity description: Engineering Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Washington, DC 
Award amount: $131,839.84.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS03P09DXA0025. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Heery International, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Heery International is providing Construction 
Manager as Agent (CMa) services for the San Juan FBI Consolidation 
Project for the Master Plan & Garage Design. The services include: 
attending design meetings and preparing agendas and minutes. Heery is 
also providing design reviews and estimates at each phase of the 
design. All of these services are being performed to provide quality 
assurance and project management oversight. Also, include in the scope 
of services are the design phase commissioning services required to 
obtain LEED Silver Certification. The expected outcome of these 
services is to provide a project that is completed on time, within 
budget, and in accordance with the contract requirements. 
Project description: October - Attended the kick-off meeting and 
prepared the 35% DD Estimate and performed the 35% DD Design Review. 
November - Attended periodic design meetings and prepared the 50% CD 
Estimate and performed the 50% CD Design Review. December - Attended 
periodic design meetings and prepared the 95% CD Estimate and 
performed the 95% CD Design Review. 
Project activity description: Engineering Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: San Juan, PR 
Award amount: $206,559.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS-23F-0168K. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Jacobs Technology Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: CM services for Clemente Ruiz Nazario Courthouse 
and Federico Degetau Federal Office Building The project is a High 
Performance Green Building Modernization. The scope of the work for 
the building includes the following: Redesign and replacement of HVAC 
system: upgrade of electrical panels and distribution system: 
implementation of energy conservation program: installation of 
photovoltaic panels: improve interior finishes: renovation of 
restrooms: compliance to ADA requirements: upgrade of fire protection 
and life safety system and partial site improvement. 
Project description: This quarter 100% Bridging documents were 
submitted by the Architect and have been reviewed and construction 
cost estimates prepared by Jacobs for reconciliation prior to bid. The 
initial phase of a two phase solicitation for a design build 
contractor has been completed. Jacobs was issued a modification on Dec 
28, 2009 to provide design phase services in connection with the 
buildout of a new courtroom and ancillary space in the Jose Toledo 
Courthouse, Old San Juan,PR to be used as swing space during the 
modernization project in Hato Rey. 
Project activity description: Engineering Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Hato Rey, PR 
Award amount: $6,225,000.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS23F0111K. 

[End of table] 

Federal Buildings Fund Descriptions That Partially Met Our 
Transparency Criteria: 

The following award descriptions did not contain sufficient details on 
one or more of the following pieces of information necessary to 
facilitate general understanding of the award, based on our 
assessment: general purpose, scope and nature of activities, location, 
and/or expected outcomes. In some cases, only a small amount of 
additional information was needed, while in other cases, many pieces 
of information were needed to make the description more transparent. 
The award description information is taken directly from 
We did not edit it in any way, such as to correct typographical or 
grammatical errors. information: 
Recipient name: STL Architects, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Study to investigate three existing 300 ton 
chillers with one that will be more fuel efficient. 
Project description: Preparation and presentation of a Pre-Design 
Report determining methods of altering existing chiller systems in 
order to increase energy efficiency. 
Project activity description: Architectural Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: CHICAGO, IL 60610-
Award amount: $17,821.76.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: GS-05P-09-GBD-0012.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The study of 
energy-efficient chiller options is part of a planning and designing 
effort for the recommissioning and retro-commissioning of the existing 
Metcalfe Federal Building in order to improve the energy efficiency 
and minimize the environmental impact of the existing building. The 
study will lead to preparation and presentation of a pre-design report 
highlighting areas of the subject property that may be altered or 
added to in order to increase energy efficiency. This particular 
report will focus on the chiller system. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Richter Associates Architects Incorporated.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: A/E Desgin Services for Land Port of Entry at 
Columbus, New Mexico.
Project description: Development of preliminary concepts.
Project activity description: Architectural Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 201 S. Upper 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Corpus Christi, 
TX 78401-3025.
Award amount: $1,601,910.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS-07P-03-HHD-0002.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award was 
originally for expansion of the facility in its current location, but 
recent flooding along the border requires relocation of the facility 
away from the flood zone. This award will allow completion of design 
to incorporate flood protection and compliance with new statutory 
energy requirements. The facility will replace the existing, 
functionally obsolete facility with a new, energy-efficient facility 
that will meet the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) mission 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Parsons Infrastructure & Technology Group Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Construction Management (CM) Services for the 
Mondernization & Expansion of the Otay Mesa Land Port of Enty (LPOE) 
in San Diego California. This Delivery Order covers services A-B as 
indicated in the contractor's proposal date 7/17/2009. 
Project description: Parsons has not yet received a Notice to Proceed 
from the Government concerning this Task Order. 
Project activity description: Commercial and Institutional Building 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): Otay Mesa Land 
Port of Entry.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: San Diego, CA 
Award amount: $758,847.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: GS-09P-09-KS-D-0077.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
provides the funding required to complete the design, provide 
construction management and inspection services, and acquire the site 
necessary to expand the port. The port is a multi-modal (commercial, 
non-commercial, and pedestrian) port of entry and is one of the 10 
busiest land ports in the country. The current facility is obsolete, 
inefficient, and causes severe traffic congestion. The proposed 
project will reconfigure and expand the existing port through the 
purchase of adjacent properties to meet Customs and Border 
Protection's (CBP) mission needs while meeting General Services 
Administration's (GSA) energy reduction and green building 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Alliance Roofing LLC.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Cotter Federal Building Located at 135 High Street 
Hartford CT, Roofing And PV Project: Will consist of a Intergraded PV 
& TPO Roofing system: TPO will be a fully adhered Cool Roof with the 
Photo Voltaic panels intergraded in the field sheet. The TPO roof will 
be heat welded using robotic field sheet welders and Lyister-Triack 
hand-held welders for detail and penetration welds. All electrical 
components will also be intergraded into the TPO roofing system and 
insulation. The project includes ongoing monitoring and support. .
Project description: 00.
Project activity description: Asphalt Shingle and Coating Materials 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 135 High Street.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: HARTFORD, CT 
Award amount: $1,589,596.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: GS07F0224N.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
modernizes the Cotter Federal Building and makes it more energy 
efficient by improving roofing and adding photovoltaic (PV) panels. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: BBIX, LLC.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: The scope of work is focused on building systems 
affecting energy use and indoor environment, including shell 
infiltration and heat loss for the Moakley Federal Courthouse located 
in Boston, MA. 
Project description: Site Survey: System Review: Design Review: Energy 
Modeling: Functional Performance Tests, energy conservation measures, 
life cycle cost calculations, construction estimates. 
Project activity description: Engineering Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 153 Milk 
Street, Suite 200.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: BOSTON, MA 02210-
Award amount: $160,196.38.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: GS-01P-09-BW-D-0053.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award will 
result in a study that includes information on energy conservation 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Cauldwell-Wingate Company, LLC.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: The Thurgood Marshall Courthouse infrastructure 
Project description: During the period of October 1, 2009 thru 
December 31, 2009 Cauldwell Wingate has continued to work on the shop 
drawing and coordination of the MEPS Systems through out the project. 
In addition to this we have fabricated and installed the ductwork, 
sprinkler piping and electrical distribution on 7 tower floors and 2 
base floors. The Main Electrical Distribution Switchboards have been 
fabricated and set in place with the installation of the conduit and 
wire throughout the electrical closets. The Basement underground 
plumbing was installed in the parking garage was completed. 
Project activity description: Commercial and Institutional Building 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 40 Centre 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: NEW YORK, NY 
Award amount: $64,000,000.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS-02P-05-DTC-0021.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
upgrades the infrastructure and addresses life safety and 
accessibility issues of the building and will extend the useful life 
of the building. The award includes coordination of mechanical, 
electrical, and plumbing (MEP) systems throughout the project. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Provide Pre-Design and Design Review Services for 
the building system modifications to meet NARA 2009 requirements for 
the VA file storage space located in Building 104 of Goodfellow 
Federal Complex. ARRA VA AT BLDG. 104, 4300 GOODFELLOW, ST. LOUIS, MO.
Project description: No project activities from Jacobs, waiting on 
Project activity description: Engineering Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: St. Louis, MO 
Award amount: $43,039.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS06P08GZD0001.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
provides pre-design and design services for the building system 
modifications to meet National Archives and Records Administration 
(NARA) 2009 requirements for the VA file storage space. The VA file 
storage space does not currently have any HVAC or humidification, 
which is a requirement from the NARA 2009 standards for file storage. 
These activities will include new high efficiency chillers, new high 
efficiency chilled water, condenser water and hot water pumps, new 
high efficiency cooling tower(s), new high efficiency air-handling 
units and distribution ductwork, chilled and heating hot water pipe, 
and a humidification system for approximately 130,000 square feet of 
file storage. Construction management services for the design phase 
include, but are not limited to the following: (1) Attend the 35 
percent, 65 percent, and 95 percent design review meetings; (2) Review 
drawings and specifications at 35 percent, 65 percent, and 95 percent; 
(3) Attend design kick-off meeting; (4) Attend three additional design 
development meetings; and (5) Evaluate construction cost estimate and 
attend three reconciliation meetings. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Parsons Infrastructure & Technology Group Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement to 
determine whether the proposed action warrant a finding of no 
significant impact or the preparation of the record of decision to 
improve, through modernization and new construction, the 
functionality, operational capacity and security of the Otay Mesa 
(OTM) Land Port of Entry (LPOE). 
Project description: Conducted project kick-off meetings and site 
inspections, provided Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) notice of 
intent (NOI),provided draft and final versions of public scoping EIS 
fact sheet,provided draft and final versions of public scoping meeting 
display and project information posters, conducted public scoping 
meeting, provided draft and final versions of scoping report, 
completed a Phase I environmental site assessment (ESA) of the LPOE 
and submitted both draft and final versions of the Phase I, completed 
internal draft threatened and dangered species biological 
assessment(BA) for the LPOE site and surrounding area, completed 
cultural resources evaluation for the LPOE site and surrounding area 
and submitted draft and final versions of the cultural resources 
report, with the final version submitted, provided draft endangered 
and threatened species consultation letters to GSA for submittal to US 
Fish and Wildlife Service and California Department of Fish and Game. 
Project activity description: Engineering Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): Otay Mesa Land 
Port of Entry.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: San Diego, CA 
Award amount: $290,221.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS-00F-0005R.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The Environmental 
Impact Statement prepared from this award will allow the agency to 
determine if the proposed action would significantly affect the 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Garland Company Inc, The.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Remove and replace approximately 4,950 square feet 
of bituminous built-up roofing, add new insulation to create an R-50 
insulation value when complete, and install architectural metal at all 
parapet and coping locations. The project shall include all low slope 
or flat levels of the roof.
Project description: Since the project has not started, Since the last 
report, manufacturing had manufactured and shipped roofing materials 
to the site. 
Project activity description: Other Building Material Dealers.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: FERGUS FALLS, MN 
Award amount: $137,859.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS-07F-0130K.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
replaces the roof of the United States Postal Service Building and 
Courthouse located at 118 S. Mill Street in Fergus Falls, Minnesota. 
Replacing the roof will reduce the repair and alteration liability of 
the building and help reduce energy consumption. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Smithgroup, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Window replacement - FaÁade Thermal Performance 
Improvement for the John F Kennedy Federal Building in Boston, 
Massachusetts. The work to be performed under the Contract includes 
updating the existing window and curtain wall replacement documents 
for code compliance and energy efficiency. 
Project description: Typical window design was revised as an 
additional bidding option. The revised design is to be installed from 
the exterior as opposed to the interior. Additional bidding options 
were added for sealant joint replacement and concrete repair. 
Project activity description: Architectural Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 500 Griswold 
Street, Suite 1700.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Detroit, MI 48226-
Award amount: $435,792.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS-01P-09-BW-C-0064.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports design services for window and curtain wall replacement for 
the entire John F. Kennedy Federal Building in Boston, Massachusetts. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: HOF Construction, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: The Robert A. Young Building is a high rise 
historic brick structure approximately 1 million square foot in size, 
housing 3000 tenants. The existing cafeteria kitchen, dish room, 
servery, and dining area have become outdated, and much of the 
equipment is aging with high energy consumption. This work is being 
performed under the 'Building Tune-up, Lighting Replacement, Building 
HVAC Systems and Energy Saving' categories as defined in the ARRA 
descriptions of High Performance Building Improvements. 
Project description: This field is not applicable yet since we haven't 
started work yet and no funds have been received. 
Project activity description: Commercial and Institutional Building 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1222 Spruce 
St. St. Louis, MO 63102.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: SAINT LOUIS, MO 
ward amount: $2,076,366.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS-06P-07-GYD-0019.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports construction to upgrade the cafeteria at the Robert A. Young 
Federal Building. The nature of the activities is renovations to the 
cafeteria, including coordination and phasing to minimize disruptions 
to cafeteria service, building operations, and tenants. The activities 
under this award include construction of a new dish room with an 
accumulating conveyor: reconfiguring the servery with new food service 
equipment and all associated rough-ins: renovating the servery with 
new finishes on the walls, floors, and ceilings with down lighting and 
accent lighting: replacing the existing equipment and hoods in the 
kitchen with higher efficiency equipment: constructing two conference 
rooms at the north end in the dining room: and installing new pendant 
lighting, diffusers, and finishes throughout the dining room, 
including ceiling, wall and floor finishes. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Morrison-Maierle Inc.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Billings, MT Federal Courthouse: ALTA/ACSM survey 
with boundary amendments: Amended Subdivision Plats: topographic 
survey: exhibit preparation.
Project description: 4th Quarter: topographic survey.
Project activity description: Other Activities Related to Real Estate.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 26th Street 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: BILLINGS, MT 
Award amount: $13,105.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS-08P-09-JEP-0013.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds 
an American Land Title Association (ALTA) survey of property to be 
acquired in Billings, Montana for the construction of a new Federal 
courthouse. In addition to the ALTA survey, additional site survey 
work includes adjacent parking lots, land, and streets, and a 
topographic and power pole survey. This work is intended to survey the 
property and provide data for the next steps in the construction of 
the courthouse. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Stanger Industries Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: This award was for the ARRA-Wichita Air Handler 
Replacement - U.S. Courthouse - replacement of air handling units in 
the Wichita Courthouse.Install new high-efficiency hot water boilers, 
new off-hours chiller, VAV's and direct digital control upgrades. 
Project description: * Air handling unit replacement: * Variable 
frequency drive installation: * New hot water piping and mechanical 
insulation: * New Sheet Metal,distribution ductwork and grilles: * 
Acoustical ceiling removal/replacement: * Building Automation 
Upgrades. * Removal and replacement of three (3) air handling units: * 
Misc. Electrical power for the air handling units: * Minor lighting 
modifications: * General project clean-up: * Building Automation 
Engineering: * Pre-Construction Services and drawing coordination: * 
Value Engineering: * Quality Control: & Solicit Sub-Contracting 
Project activity description: Commercial and Institutional Building 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 401 N. Market 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: WICHITA, KS 67202-
Award amount: $3,865,069.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS-06P-07-GYD-0020.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award will 
result in decreased energy consumption and operational costs. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Constructors Hawaii Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Repair, alteration, and seismic upgrade to the 
Federal Building and U.S. Post Office at 154 Waianuenue Avenue, Hilo, 
Hawaii. The work includes asbestos removal work, installation of new 
concrete shear walls in the two wings, reconstruction of architectural 
concrete elements, renovations of existing toilet rooms, custom doors, 
windows and millwork, installation of fire sprinkler and other fire 
protection systems, plumbing, new electrical systems, natural stone, 
quarry tile, ceramic tile, and other finishes. 
Project description: First Quarter: Furnished payment and performance 
bond, mobilized on site, started erecting temporary barriers, started 
demolition work. Second Quarter: Constructed new concrete shear wall 
at West Wing from basement thru the third floor, new stairs at loading 
dock, new stairs and curbs at courtyard, new ramp at basement. Work is 
ongoing at the West Wing first floor restroom and the finishes in the 
West Wing first, second, and third floors. 
Project activity description: Commercial and Institutional Building 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 154 Waianuenue 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: HILO, HI 96720-
Award amount: $5,339,630.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS-09P-09-KTC-0067.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The activities 
funded by the award will modernize the buildings and are part of 
General Services Administration's (GSA) overall effort to improve 
federal buildings. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Air West Mechanical Construction.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Install VFD on Chiller # 3 at the Federal Bldg.
Project description: Install new VFD or the chiller for energy 
Project activity description: Commercial and Institutional Building 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: LOS ANGELES, CA 
Award amount: $72,807.65.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: GS09P09WRC0042.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds 
the installation of a variable frequency driver for a chiller at the 
Federal Building in Los Angeles, California. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Jacobs Technology Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Requirements and Estimating Services for facilities 
in GSA Region 10 Prepare performance based requirements packages for 
solicitation of Design/Build contracts for various projects. This is 
to include high performance Green buildings. The intent is to gather 
project data and performance requirments to prepare performance based 
Statement of Objectives. Deliverables include budget estimating, 
initial schedule development and solicitation phase services. Prepare 
performance based requirements packages for solicitation of 
Design/Build contracts for various projects. This is to include high 
performance Green buildings. The intent is to gather project data and 
performance requirments to prepare performance based Statement of 
Objectives. Deliverables include budget estimating, initial schedule 
development and solicitation phase services. 
Project description: Prepare performance based requirements packages 
for solicitation of Design/Build contracts for various projects - 
completed 3 of 4 locations. 
Project activity description: Engineering Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Bellevue, WA 
Award amount: $455,714.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS03P09DXA0025.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
provides plans for energy-efficient buildings at several sites in 
General Services Administration (GSA) Region 10, including the GSA 
Region 10 headquarters in Auburn, Washington: the federal Building in 
Baker City, Oregon: a historical building project in Spokane, 
Washington: and the federal building in Anchorage, Alaska. This 
contractor's place of performance will be at the Jacobs office in 
Bellevue, Washington. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: URS Group, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: TAS: 47 4543: TAS - Recovery - Construction 
Management Services In Support Of Jackson Federal Building 
Modernization Project. Services Include Pre-Design And Design Phase. 
Project description: Construction Management Assist services for the 
Jackson Federal Building Modernization Project from inception through 
June 20, 2011.
Project activity description: Engineering Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: SEATTLE, WA 98174-
Award amount: $943,817.04.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS-23F-0232L.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The construction 
management services provided by this award are in support of an effort 
that will improve the building shell and repair or replace the 
building's HVAC/electrical systems. The modernization of the building 
will result in the facility being an economically and operationally 
efficient high-performance green building. The services also include 
additional energy conservation measures in support of LEED Existing 
Building designation. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Bovis Lend Lease LMB, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Modernization and facade reclad of Peter W. Rodino 
Federal Building in Newark, NJ.
Project description: 100% Bridging design and Final Report.
Project activity description: Commercial and Institutional Building 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 821 Alexander 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Princeton, NJ 
Award amount: $542,023.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS-02P-04-DTC-0048.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award is part 
of a larger modernization project of the building consisting of 
exterior cladding for the entire building, upgrading fire egress for 
entire building, asbestos abatement and build out of 6 floors, 
upgrading HVAC for 9 floors, replacing 32 AHU's, and a new cafeteria. 
This award includes repair/replacement of the HVAC system, domestic 
water distribution system, fire protection system, lighting and 
electrical systems, interior restoration, infrastructure work, 
exterior façade repairs, and hazardous materials remediation. 
Telephone, data networks, and security systems will also be upgraded 
and the restrooms will be modernized in compliance with Americans with 
Disabilities Act (ADA) and Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards 
(UFAS) regulations. The modernization will improve the building's 
façade, which, due to the age of the building, is showing signs of 
significant deterioration, and replace or modernize various aging 
original systems. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Nicholson & Galloway, Inc.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Façade Repair and Slate Roof Replacement at the 
U.S. Post Office and Courthouse located at 271 Cadman Plaza East, 
Brooklyn, NY 11201.
Project description: Continuation of Security Clearance with the 
Department of Homeland Security/Mobilization of Job Site/Installation 
of Pipe Scaffold/Installation of Sidewalk Bridge/Temporary Electric 
Project activity description: Commercial and Institutional Building 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 271 Cadman 
Plaza, East.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Brooklyn, NY 
Award amount: $53,000,000.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS-02P-07-DTC-0017.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award updates 
the original structure built in 1892 and the expansion built in 1933, 
including replacement of nearly all of the existing deteriorated terra 
cotta cladding: retention, repair, restoration, re-pointing, and 
cleaning of existing terra cotta and granite cladding on the facades 
of both structures: replacement of the entire slate roofing system on 
both structures, to match the appearance and character of the existing 
slate roof; installation of an access and fall protection/prevention 
system in compliance with all applicable Occupational Safety and 
Health Administration (OSHA) regulations at the slate mansard roof on 
both structures to facilitate periodic maintenance of perimeter 
gutters and drains; and hazardous materials investigation and 
abatement associated with the above work items. These activities will 
correct the deficiencies in the exterior envelope of the building and 
preclude further façade deterioration and damage to the structure and 
the recently renovated historic interior. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Northern Management Services, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Northern Management Services Inc shall supply and 
install four cartons of polardam form in the Data Center. Based on the 
revised scope of work, Northern Management has received a credit for 
not using the special order brushed grommets. Thus adjusting the 
original project from $20,383.00 to $16,228.00. 
Project description: Sub contractor has completed approximately 100% 
of the work. The Airflow panels have been relocated, the installation 
of the 126lf of Plenum Divider is finished and the floor work has been 
completed. None of the completed work has been invoiced in this 
quarter. GSA requirement of payment after 100% completion with 
inspection of work and release for payment documented. 
Project activity description: Commercial and Institutional Building 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: MARTINSBURG, WV 
Award amount: $16,228.00.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: GS-03P-09-DX-C-0047.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
provides repair work at the data center of the Bureau of Alcohol, 
Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) facility in Martinsburg, West Virginia. The 
air flow handlers in the data center--which houses many computers--
were not distributing air properly. The handlers were moved to the 
racks at the front of the room and now work properly. The contract was 
reduced from $20,383 to $16,000 because they did not need to use 
special order grommets that were originally thought needed for 
installation. The award will result in air flow handlers that cool the 
data center to appropriate temperatures needed for computer 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Northern Management Services, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Perform testing of the EMS systems at the Giaimo 
building in New Haven, CT and the McMahon CH/FB in Bridgeport, CT, in 
support of the energy audits at these locations. 
Project description: The Subcontractor had been contracted and the EMS 
systems testings have been completed at both buildings as per the 
notice to proceed by General Services Administration. Northern 
Management Services' Project Manager and Chief Engineer oversaw the 
work by the Subcontractor was completed in a timely manner. This 
project is 100% completed.The General Services Administration has been 
billed in the amount of $6,437.52. 
Project activity description: Facilities Support Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 915 LaFayette 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: BRIDGEPORT, CT 
Award amount: $6,437.52.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: GS01P07BWD0061.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports testing of the energy management systems (EMS) to improve 
energy efficiency. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: The Temple Group Inc.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Wissahickon Building in Philadelphia, PA - PV Roof, 
CM Services.
Project description: Task#1-Design & Shop Drawings/Submittal 
Project activity description: Commercial and Institutional Building 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1120 
Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 310.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Washington, DC 
Award amount: $39,806.80.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS03P04DXD0028.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports electrical inspection services for the roof replacement and 
photovoltaic (PV) array installation project at the Veteran's Affairs 
Center at 5000 Wissahickon Ave. in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The 
design and construction of a new modified built-up roofing system is 
intended to replace the existing roof, which is 10 years old and 
currently in poor condition, with some portions of the roof leaking. 
Additionally, the PV array will reduce the environmental impact of the 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Square D Company (Inc).
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Energy retrofit of the ATF Facility in Martinsburg, 
WV. Provide and install two utility meters and all associated 
hardware. Provide associated monitoring services. 
Project description: No activity-project not started yet.
Project activity description: Commercial and Institutional Building 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: MARTINSBURG, WV 
Award amount: $105,400.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: GS03P10DXC0008.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the installation of two utility meters in support of a larger 
effort to retrofit the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) facility 
with a ground source heat pump system, a photovoltaic (PV) solar array 
and replacement of the building's chillers and adjustments to the HVAC 
system in the building. The retrofit effort will provide heating and 
cooling and reduce the amount of energy consumed by the building. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: W.G. Yates & Sons Construction Company.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: The purpose of this award was to incorporate field 
changes and add VE option back into the scope work. The major options 
added back were the Blue fins, Pavers at the Rotunda and Granite steps 
at the entrance.
Project description: The work performed during this calendar quarter 
included reworking the sprinkler heads at holding cells, update walls 
and doors with the revised life safety drawings, revising the dimming 
board locations, adding blue fins on the performance mockup, changing 
the floor framing plan @ elevator 5, 6 & 11: adjustments to the steel 
framing in the field, relocating masonry walls for the Judges mantrap 
and elevator, relocation of the floodgate and pneumatic tube system, 
adding additional security conduit, revising the courtroom millwork 
and revising the locations of the Sally port sprinklers.
Project activity description: Commercial and Institutional Building 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 555 South 
President Street.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: JACKSON, MS 39201-
Award amount: $3,159,477.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS04P03EXC0068.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award allowed 
the contractor to incorporate value engineering (VE) into the 
construction of a new Federal Courthouse at 555 South President Street 
in Jackson, Mississippi. VE is an organized effort to analyze the 
functions of systems, equipment, facilities, services, and supplies to 
achieve essential functions at the lowest lifecycle cost, consistent 
with the required performance, reliability, quality, and safety. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Community Services Agency Of The Metropolitan 
Washington Council, AFL-CIO.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Pre-apprenticeship training job and placement 
Project description: all staff hired, 6-week training completed for 20 
individuals, job placement activities underway, recruitment for next 
adult and youth classes underway.
Project activity description: Apprenticeship Training.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 888 16th 
Street NW, Suite 520.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Washington, DC 
Award amount: $1,330,110.78.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS-04P-09-EW-C-0247.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: This award 
provides pre-apprenticeship training and placement services to low-
income area residents through September 2010. Graduates of the program 
will be placed at registered apprenticeship programs at construction 
sites to gain on-the-job experience and industry-recognized 
credentials. The award is expected to result in 150 individuals 
trained and placed in jobs by September 2010. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Platinum One Contracting, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Design and install roof replacements and 
improvements of the Wilke D Ferguson Federal Building. Design and 
install roof replacements and improvements of the Brickell Plaza 
Federal Office Building.
Project description: Mobilization : Design in process, submittals, 
bonding, insurance.
Project activity description: Roofing Contractors.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): Wilkie D 
Ferguson Federal CH, Brickell Plaza Federal Office Building.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: MIAMI, FL 33131-
Award amount: $1,377,500.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: GS04P09EXD0111.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: This award 
supports the evaluation and installation of new rooftops at both 
federal buildings. The evaluation phase of this project will test 
whether the current roof structures can sustain the weight associated 
with green roofs. After testing, the construction phase of the project 
will be subcontracted to local builders. The expected outcome is 
greater energy efficiency at both buildings. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: National Building Contractors, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: ARRA-funded replacement of penthouse and stair 
enclosure roofs with vegetated roofs. 
Project description: The field survey of the roof replacement project 
has been completed, the asbestos testing has been performed, the 35% 
design submittal has been prepared and submitted, the project staging 
has been completed, and the demolition phase has begun. 
Project activity description: Roofing Contractors.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 401 West 
Peachtree St. 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: ATLANTA, GA 30308-
Award amount: $261,575.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS04P09EXD0115.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: This award funds 
the design and installation of roof replacement and improvements at 
the Peachtree Summit Federal Office Building at 401 West Peachtree St. 
in Atlanta, Georgia. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Kubala Washatko Architects Inc.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Architect-Engineer Services, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 
High Performance Green Building at the Federal Building & U.S. 
Project description: None this quarter.
Project activity description: Architectural Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 517 E. 
Wisconsin Avenue.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: MILWAUKEE, WI 
Award amount: $21,218.29.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS05P05GAD0116.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
provides architect-engineering design services in support of high 
performance green building work at the Milwaukee United States 
Courthouse and Federal Building in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. These 
services will create scopes of work for building system improvements 
based on the findings of a Recovery Act-funded retro-commissioning 
study and support the implementation of building features to increase 
energy efficiency. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Allied Building Service Company Of Detroit, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Installing light sensors through out the building. 
Installing an A/C unit on the roof for Computer room.
Project description: Haven't started. NO Detais Yet.
Project activity description: Commercial and Institutional Building 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 333 Mt. Elliot 
Avenue, Rosa Parks Federal Building.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: DETROIT, MI 48207-
Award amount: $62,314.80.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: GS05P06SVD3037.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports energy conservation activities at the Rosa Parks Federal 
Building in Detroit, Michigan. These activities include replacing 
water-cooled air conditioning unit with air-cooled air conditioning 
unit, replacing weather stripping at the front entrance, and 
installing occupancy lighting sensors throughout the facility. The 
award will result in reduced energy consumption. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Frederick Construction, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Modernization Project at the Federal Building & US 
Courthouse. This project is in a Design Phase as a Construction 
Manager project. No subcontracts have been awarded as of 12-31-09. 
Bids for subcontracted work will be reviewed and contracts awarded at 
a future date. 
Project description: No services have been performed in this quarter. 
Project activity description: Commercial and Institutional Building 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 200 East 
Liberty Street.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: ANN ARBOR, MI 
Award amount: $1,824,004.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: GS05P06SVD3038.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
provides upgrades to the lighting and building automation systems at 
the Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The 
upgrades to the HVAC and lighting controls will increase cost 
efficiency and energy conservation. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Frederick Construction, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: This project was awarded to conduct building 
automation system upgrades at the Theodore Levin US Courthouse. This 
project is in a Design Phase as a Construction Manager project. No 
subcontracts have been awarded as of 12-31-09. Bids for subcontracted 
work will be reviewed and contracts awarded at a future date. 
Project description: This project is in the final design phase and the 
pre-bid phase no work has been performed on site in this quarter. 
Project activity description: Commercial and Institutional Building 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 231 West 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Detroit, MI 48226-
Award amount: $801,980.18.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: GS05P06SVD3038.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds 
activities to modernize the building automation systems at the 
Theodore Levin Courthouse in Detroit, Michigan in order to make the 
building more energy efficient. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Team Four Inc.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: RAY Building Cafeteria Upgrade.
Project description: Architectural Design Services.
Project activity description: Architectural Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 14 N Newstead 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Saint Louis, MO 
Award amount: $136,186.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS06P04GYD0003.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds 
design services for the renovation and upgrade of the cafeteria at the 
Robert A. Young Federal Building in St. Louis, Missouri. The work 
being done under this award includes: design services for the 
cafeteria project, completing necessary technical updates, revising 
the project numbers and titles on all drawings, revising the 
specifications to require Energy Star equipment (where available), and 
updating projected construction schedules. The larger renovation and 
upgrade project includes an upgrade to air handlers, exhaust hoods, 
replacement of existing water-cooled appliances, and replacing 
existing kitchen equipment with Energy Star or LEED certified 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Garland Company Inc, The.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: 1. Test for asbestos in or under roof (current roof 
may have been laid over an older roofing system). DUE: Two weeks after 
award of contract. 2. Specifications and schematic design for roof 
replacement. Documents must be sufficient to fully describe 
requirements for a design-build contractor, to include the design-
build contractor's requirements for design completion, but need not be 
stamped by a PE (although work must be by competent professional 
engineers as applicable). DUE: 30 calendar days after award of 
contract. 3. Recommendations for a PV system to be coordinated with 
roof replacement. DUE: two weeks after award of contract. 4. Upon GSA 
approval of recommended PV system, provide specifications and 
schematic design for the PV system. The schematic design should be 
flexible enough to permit competition among PV equipment 
manufacturers. The design must carefully avoid compromising historic 
aspects of the building, and must consider any other tenant impacts 
(e.g., glare reflected into windows). Documents must be sufficient to 
fully describe requirements for a design-build contractor, to include 
the design-build contractors requirements for design completion, but 
with the exception of the structural calculations need not be stamped 
by a PE (although work must be by competent professional engineers as 
applicable). DUE: Two weeks after GSA approval of PV system 
recommendations. 5. Provide structural calculations with the 
specifications and schematic design for the PV system. Structural 
calculations must be stamped by a PE. 
Project description: Since the project has not started, their have not 
been any significant service performed or supplies delivered. To date, 
project set-up service and security badging administration has been 
Project activity description: Other Building Material Dealers.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: PASADENA, CA 
Award amount: $35,952.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: GS07F0130K.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports an engineering assessment and plans for roof replacement and 
photovoltaic (PV) system installation to be performed at the United 
States Courthouse in Pasadena, California. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name; Samuel Engineering, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Compile existing as-built drawings and site plans 
to display the ground areas being proposed for ground mounted PV 
panels. Also display the parking areas being proposed for ground 
mounted PV panels. Also display the parking areas of Buildings 25, 53, 
and 810 for the installation of carport PV s. Indicate existing 
electrical system on-lines at both the building 480V and/or 13.8 kV 
for PV tie-in. This information will be utilized to effectively 
portray the level of effort and existing conditions for a design-build 
Project description: Project meetings, site visits, analysis of 
existing conditions and generation of study documents, drawings, and 
construction cost estimates. 
Project activity description: Landscape Architectural Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 8450 E. 
Crescent Pkwy, Suite 200.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Greenwood 
Village, CO 80111-2816.
Award amount: $11,765.26.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS-08P-07-JBD-0081.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the development of preliminary design build documents, 
including one-line diagrams, plan drawings, tie-in locations, and 
general design notes for potential new construction projects of 
photovoltaic (PV) panel systems at the Denver Federal Center in 
Lakewood, Colorado. The award recipient also developed cost estimates 
for electrical tie in at each proposed PV panel system location. The 
award will result in increased solar power capacity through new ground-
mounted and carport PV panel systems. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Interactive Resources, Inc.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Parking lot lighting. 
Project description: Completed site survey and 90 percent of design.
Project activity description: Architectural Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 117 Park Place.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Richmond, CA 
Award amount: $48,284.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS09P08KND0014.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
provides a design draft for LED parking lot lighting installation at 
the Laguna Niguel Federal Building. The new lighting will provide 
energy-efficient lighting and reduce energy costs at the federal 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Woodhams Construction.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: This is a Design Build Project which requires 
General Contractor to furnish and install two (2) new centrifugal 
chiller variable frequency drives at the Phillip Barton Federal 
Building and Court House located in San Francisco, California. 
Project description: No services have been performed as of yet, as the 
project has not started. We attended a pre-construction meeting on 
Thursday, January 14, 2009. We are now awaiting a Notice To Proceed 
Letter from GSA, as to when we will physically be able to start the 
Project activity description: Electrical Contractors and Other Wiring 
Installation Contractors.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 450 Golden 
Gate Avenue.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: SAN FRANCISCO, CA 
Award amount: $584,615.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: GS09P10KSC0012.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports activities to improve the energy efficiency of the Phillip 
Burton Federal Building and United States Courthouse. These activities 
include installing variable frequency drives, which control electronic 
motor speeds to modulate the power being delivered to a motor to 
reduce energy costs and equipment maintenance. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Gilbane Building Company.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Design and construction services as required for 
design build construction of a New US Federal Courthouse.
Project description: Selection of Winning was made and under contract.
Project activity description: Commercial and Institutional Building 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: SAN JOSE, CA 
Award amount: $50,000.00.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: GS09P10KTM0018.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award is part 
of a larger effort to construct a new U.S. federal courthouse in 
Bakersfield, California, which will meet the 10-year requirements of 
the courts and will satisfy federal energy standards. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Government Contract Solutions Inc.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: BPA Call is for Project Management services 
associated with GSA's Public Building Services. 
Project description: Building envelop, including curtain wall, windows 
and roofing, Lighting-day lighting and energy efficient electric with 
sophisticated controls, HVAC energy retrofit and replacement, 
including boilers, chillers, cooling towers, piping, pumps and air 
distribution, building systems controls, including HVAC and lighting 
and acoustics, renewable energy generation, including photovoltaic. 
Project activity description: Administrative Management and General 
Management Consulting Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Fort Worth, TX 
Award amount: $239,897.77.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS10F0362R.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports 2 people in the operations branch to provide project 
management support services for General Services Administration (GSA) 
Recovery Act construction projects. The individuals will provide 
project management support for all phases of ongoing construction 
projects from conception to commission. The location is the GSA office 
at 819 Taylor St., Fort Worth, Texas. The award will enable GSA to 
complete its Recovery Act-related construction workload. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Cornerstone Architectural Group, PS.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Provide Lighting Requirements As Part Of A Future 
Relighting Project At Two Federal Facilities. 
Project description: Not Started.
Project activity description: Architectural Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 6161 NE 175th.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Kenmore, WA 98028-
Award amount: $83,123.82.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: GS10P08LTD0073.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award will 
result in professional engineering and lighting services for the 
federal building in Fairbanks, Alaska and the General Services 
Administration (GSA) Region 10 headquarters in Auburn, Washington. The 
award will result in increased energy efficiency and cost savings. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Cherokee General Corporation.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Design and construction services to include all 
labor, installation, tools, equipment and design-build services for 
new boiler system for Eugene Federal Building, Eugene, Oregon and 
replacement boiler system for James A. Redden Courthouse in Medford, 
Project description: Administrative Co-ordination activities. 
Project activity description: Commercial and Institutional Building 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: EUGENE, OR 97401-
Award amount: $1,291,516.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: GS10P08LTD0082.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The new boiler 
system for the Eugene Federal Building is an energy-efficient system. 
The boiler system for the James A. Redden Courthouse is being replaced 
because it is old and the replacement system is energy-efficient. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Tishman/aecom, A Joint Venture.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Construction Management Services for the Daycare 
Facility, Central Utility Plant, Phase 1 B Adaptive Reuse. 
Construction Management Services for Security and IT upgrades.
Project description: Design review, Meetings, Construction 
Project activity description: All Other Support Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 2700 Martin 
Luther King Jr, SE.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Washington, DC, 
DC 20032-0000.
Award amount: $1,312,824.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS11P09MKD0053.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award will 
support construction management services for the renovation of 
multiple buildings on St. Elizabeth's West Campus. These services 
include design and cost estimate review, schedule control, 
construction progress reporting, safety and inspecting reporting, 
claims prevention, and close-out services. In addition, the award will 
ensure that the renovation project complies with the Recovery Act and 
historical and environmental considerations. The award will result in 
renovations to the St. Elizabeth's West Campus buildings for use by 
the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Procon Consulting LLC.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Provide Procurement Analyst Support Services in 
support of DHS Consolidation Program at St Elizabeths, SE, Washington, 
Project description: Performed procurement analyst in support of the 
DHS consolidation at St. Elizabeths. Services included monitoring, 
managing, planning, organizing, and documenting all procurement of 
services/construction/AE contracts, including administrative duties. 
Project activity description: Commercial and Institutional Building 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: WASHINGTON, DC 
Award amount: $175,400.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS11P10MKC0016.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award is part 
of a larger three-phase Department of Homeland Security (DHS) project 
to consolidate and develop St. Elizabeths Campus in Washington, DC. 
The phase of this project that is funded with Recovery Act funds 
incorporates the design and construction costs of: 1) U.S. Coast Guard 
Command: 2) U.S. Coast Guard Parking Structure; and 3) Amenity spaces 
for U.S. Coast Guard. The award will also fund the remaining design 
work (which was not completed in a previous project phase): 1) The new 
DHS and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Headquarters; 2) 
Historical preservation of St Elizabeths buildings; 3) Design of DHS 
National Operations Center (NOC), and 4) DHS parking structures. 
ProCon Consulting, LLC will be involved in design and construction 
management support services. The project will help move DHS closer to 
completing its effort to consolidate and develop its headquarters in 
the National Capital Region, though it will not complete the project. 
The remaining work will cost an estimated $1 billion. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Jacobs Technology Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Provide Integrated Planning Sessions with GSA staff 
managing the 17 High-Efficiency Limited Scope Projects in the New 
England Region (1). Identify key objectives, critical scheduling 
requirements, opportunities and constraints posed by the Region's 17 
Limited Scope Projects. Lead interactive planning sessions that will 
yield defined schedules and management plans for each Limited Scope 
Project description: Interactive planning sessions held with GSA 
Regional staff managing the 17 Limited Scope Projects. All significant 
project details and activities reviewed and scheduled through 
completion. Management plans for each project prepared and distributed 
to Regional leadership. 
Project activity description: Administrative Management and General 
Management Consulting Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Boston, MA 02222-
Award amount: $79,920.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS03P09DXA0025.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports integrated planning sessions with representatives from each 
of the General Services Administration's (GSA) 11 regions as well as 
representatives from the Office of Chief Architect and other related 
program offices. These limited-scope projects are system upgrades--
such as upgrades to lighting or cooling systems--that are discrete and 
do not require major space re-design or architectural changes. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Jacobs Technology Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Construction Management (Agency) Services for 
Modernization of U.S. Department of Interior Headquarters ARRA - DOI 
Modernization CM SVS ARRA - DOI Modernization CM SVS.
Project description: Project has not started. Plan to start the first 
quarter of 2010. 
Project activity description: Engineering Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Washington, DC 
Award amount: $1,342,013.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: GS23F0111K.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: This award 
supports the renovation of the Department of Interior building in 
Washington, DC to make the building more energy efficient. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Project Support Services, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Project management support to the office of 
Portfolio Management Division facilities management & services program 
division: providing operational, technical, and management support to 
the region in areas such as safety and health, concessions, childcare 
facilities, maintenance, energy efficiency, and accessibility. 
Project description: Provided project management to the GSA Budget 
Program, ARRA Budget Team for support of GSA Manager P. Johnson, 
Portfolio Management Division. 
Project activity description: Engineering Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: WASHINGTON, DC 
Award amount: $216,617.84.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS23F0132M.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: This award 
provides one subject matter expert to support the Office of Portfolio 
Management Division, Facilities Management & Services Program Division 
for the General Services Administration's (GSA) National Capital 
Region in Washington DC. Specifically, the individual provides 
consultation for resolving Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and 
Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) cases at GSA facilities and review of 
ADA/ABA construction drawings submitted by third-party architects. The 
award will result in assistance for GSA in approving ADA/ABA-related 
facility changes and reviewing specification drawings. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Java Productions Inc.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: The Project Information Portal (PIP) tracks/reports 
on prospectus level projects for project managers, customers and PBS 
executives. In an effort to support the ARRA, a host of enhancement 
will need to be made to the PIP. These enhancements will provide 
transparency and accountability over the recovery dollars applied to 
GSA capital projects. These enhancements will also provide PBS 
managers access to real time reporting tools to provide validity and 
consistency to the data reported to bother internal and external 
Project description: Develop field level and form enhancements for 
recovery tracking to expand what has already been produced in PIP. 
Update integrations and connections with BI to support OMB reporting 
Project activity description: Other Computer Related Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1800 West 
Street, NW.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Washington, DC 
Award amount: $198,459.75.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS-35F-0637T/GS-P-0.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The Project 
Information Portal (PIP) is a Web-based tool created for project teams 
to share information on prospectus and non-prospectus level projects 
with stakeholders. General Services Administration (GSA) uses the 
centralized system for tracking the more than 5,000 projects 
throughout its 11 regions for over 14,000 users. The award will 
develop field level and form enhancements to allow GSA to track 
Recovery Act spending. 

[End of table] 

Federal Buildings Fund Descriptions That Did Not Meet Our Transparency 

The following award descriptions contained little or no information 
that allowed readers to understand the general purpose, scope and 
nature of activities, location, and expected outcomes. The award 
description information is taken. directly from We did 
not edit it in any way, such as to correct typographical or 
grammatical errors. information: 
Recipient name: Gastinger And Walker Architects Inc.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Construction Management as Agent.
Project description: Construction Management, Site Visits.
Project activity description: Commercial and Institutional Building 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 111 S. 18th 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: OMAHA, NE 68102-
Award amount: $49,400.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS-06P-05-GYD-0007.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
provides construction management services for roof replacement at the 
Roman L. Hruska, United States Federal Building/Courthouse in Omaha, 
Nebraska. Despite being a relatively new building, the condition of 
the roof was poor. This roof replacement is part of a larger project 
to replace the roof, upgrade energy controls so that energy use can be 
reported back to General Services Administration (GSA), and then 
install photovoltaic cells (PV). A contractor will perform all 
construction management services from construction to commissioning. 
The award will result in a more energy-efficient facility and facility 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Wegco Incorporated.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Assist with Test.
Project description: Assist with Functional Performance Testing at the 
Rosa Parks Federal Building. 
Project activity description: Other Services to Buildings and Dwellings.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 200 East 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Ann Arbor, MI 
Award amount: $5,214.15.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: GS05P04GAC0061.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the testing of a cooling system at the Rosa Parks Federal 
Building in Detroit, Michigan, in order to ensure that the system is 
working efficiently. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: KPH Construction, Corp. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Recovery - Light Court Roof Replacement.
Project description: Recovery - Light Court Roof Replacement.
Project activity description: Roofing Contractors.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Milwaukee, WI 
Award amount: $0.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: GS05P10SAC0003.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports installation of a high performance green building light court 
roof located in the south building of the United States Courthouse and 
Federal Building in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The activities under this 
award include all management, supervision, labor, materials, supplies, 
and equipment necessary to replace the Light Court Roof. The work will 
consist of removing and replacing approximately 10,000 square feet of 
roofing covering a first floor space at the base of the light court. 
The award is in the amount of $997,358.00. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Team Four Inc.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: RAY Building RCx.
Project description: Architectural Design Services.
Project activity description: Architectural Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 14 N Newstead 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: SAINT LOUIS, MO 
Award amount: $54,910.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: GS06P04GYD0003.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds 
design services for the mechanical upgrade to the building automation 
system, HVAC upgrades, energy-efficient lighting, and new occupancy 
sensors at the Robert A. Young Federal Building in St. Louis, Missouri. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Northstar Project Management, LLC.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Design-Build Consulting.
Project description: Design Build Consulting.
Project activity description: Administrative Management and General 
Management Consulting Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 6502 S. 
Kellerman Way.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: DENVER, CO 80016-
Award amount: $9,907.72.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: GS08P10JFC0002.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports design-build consulting services for renovation of the Byron 
Rogers Federal Office Building in Denver, Colorado. The proposed 
renovation capital project will address all major building components 
including the following: structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, 
fire protection, and elevators. In addition, hazardous materials such 
as asbestos and PCBs will be abated. 

[End of table] 

[End of section] 

Appendix XI: Civil Works Program: 

The Recovery Act provides $4.6 billion to the U.S. Army Corps of 
Engineers' (Corps) Civil Works program[Footnote 78] to accomplish the 
goals of the act through the development and restoration of the 
nation's water and related resources. Funding is also provided to 
support the Corps' permitting activities for protection of the 
nation's regulated waters and wetlands and cleanup of sites 
contaminated as a result of the nation's early efforts to develop 
atomic weapons. The Corps is an executive branch agency within the 
Department of Defense (Defense) and a direct reporting unit within the 
U.S. Army. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., the Corps has eight 
regional divisions and 38 districts that carry out its domestic civil 
works responsibilities. Corps headquarters primarily develops 
policies, based on administration guidance, and plans the direction of 
the organization; divisions coordinate the districts' projects; and 
the districts plan and implement the projects. The Corps is the 
world's largest public engineering, design, and construction 
management agency and leverages its expertise primarily through 
contracts with civilian companies for all construction work and much 
of its design work. Civil Works projects are generally authorized by 
various Water Resources Development Acts and funded by annual 
appropriations for energy and water development. The Civil Works 
program includes efforts to provide safe and reliable waterways; 
reduce risk to people, homes and communities from flooding and coastal 
storms; restore and protect the environment; provide hydroelectric 
power to homes and communities; provide educational and recreational 
opportunities; prepare for natural disasters and act when disaster 
strikes; and address water resource challenges. 

Nature and Type of Civil Works Recovery Act Projects: 

The Corps' Recovery Act funding was appropriated for six Civil Works 
appropriations accounts:[Footnote 79] 

* The Operations and Maintenance account focuses on preserving, 
operating, and maintaining river and harbor projects that have already 
been constructed. 

* The Construction account funds construction and major rehabilitation 
projects related to navigation, flood control, water supply, 
hydroelectric power, and environmental restoration.[Footnote 80] 

* The Mississippi River and Tributaries account funds planning, 
construction, and operation and maintenance activities associated with 
projects on the Mississippi River and its tributaries that reduce 
flood damage. 

* The Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program account is for 
cleanup of contaminated sites throughout the United States where work 
was performed as part of the nation's early atomic energy program. 

* The Investigations account funds studies to determine the necessity, 
feasibility, and returns to the nation for potential solutions to 
water resource problems, as well as design, engineering, and other 

* The Regulatory account funds efforts to protect the aquatic 
environment by regulating dredge and fill materials and other 
construction-related activities in jurisdictional waters of the United 

Through April 23, 2010, $3.5 billion (about 76 percent) of the $4.6 
billion in Recovery Act Civil Works program funds had been obligated 
by the Corps. (See table 11.) Of the $3.5 billion in obligated funds, 
the Corps had outlayed about $1.3 billion. Of the obligated funds, the 
Corps obligated about 49 percent ($1.7 billion) for Operations and 
Maintenance and 37 percent ($1.3 billion) for Construction. 

Table 11: Corps Recovery Act Funding by Account as of April 23, 2010: 

Account: Operation and Maintenance; 
Appropriations: $2.1 billion; 
Obligations: $1.7 billion; 
Outlays: 0.7 billion. 

Account: Construction; 
Appropriations: $2.0 billion; 
Obligations: $1.3 billion; 
Outlays: $0.3 billion. 

Account: Mississippi River and Tributaries; 
Appropriations: $0.4 billion; 
Obligations: $0.3 billion; 
Outlays: $0.1 billion. 

Account: Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program; 
Appropriations: $0.1 billion; 
Obligations: $0.1 billion; 
Outlays: <$0.1 billion. 

Account: Investigations; 
Appropriations: <$0.1 billion; 
Obligations: <$0.1 billion; 
Outlays: <$0.1 billion. 

Account: Regulatory; 
Appropriations: <$0.1 billion; 
Obligations: <$0.1 billion; 
Outlays: <$0.1 billion. 

Account: Total; 
Appropriations: $4.6 billion; 
Obligations: $3.5 billion; 
Outlays: $1.3 billion. 

Source: GAO analysis of Corps data. 

Note: The sum of account data may not equal totals because of rounding. 

[End of table] 

As of April 23, 2010, the Corps had identified 830 Civil Works 
projects to receive Recovery Act funding. These included 533 
Operations and Maintenance projects, 175 Construction projects, 45 
Mississippi River and Tributaries projects, 10 Remedial Action Program 
projects, 66 Investigations projects, and funding for the Regulatory 
program.[Footnote 81] 

As mentioned previously, the Corps conducts its project work mainly 
through contracts with civilian companies, and each Corps project may 
consist of one or multiple contracts. Likewise, for its Recovery Act 
projects, the Corps used contractors through both existing and newly 
awarded contracts. As of April 23, 2010, the Corps had awarded a total 
of 4,409 contracts to support its Recovery Act projects: of this 
total, 3,407 were Operations and Maintenance contracts; 544 were 
Construction contracts; 259 were Mississippi River and Tributaries 
contracts; 29 were Remedial Action Program contracts; 113 were 
Investigations contracts; and 57 were Regulatory contracts.[Footnote 
82] The recipient reporting requirements for awards on 
are for the contractor, so the information provided through for the Corps reflects information for specific contracts 
and not for projects. According to Corps headquarters officials, and 
as discussed later in this appendix, it is not easy to associate 
individual contracts with Recovery Act projects. 

About 14 Percent of the Descriptive Information for Corps Civil Works 
Awards Met Our Transparency Criteria: 

We assessed the transparency of descriptive information for Civil 
Works awards available on, as described in this report. 
We found that an estimated: 

* 14 percent met our transparency criteria, 

* 70 percent partially met our criteria, and: 

* 16 percent did not meet our criteria.[Footnote 83] 

For descriptions that partially met or did not meet our transparency 
criteria, we collected additional information to complete the award 
descriptions for the elements of transparency that we believed were 
missing. The descriptions of awards in our sample, whether they met 
our criteria, and additional information that we found to complete the 
narrative descriptions, are provided at the end of this appendix. 

The Corps Issued Supplemental Material to Facilitate Public 
Understanding of Its Awards: 

In order to assist the public in better understanding how a particular 
contract fits into a larger project context, the Corps issued 
supplementary material to its district offices, directing them to 
instruct recipients to include the project name--information that 
districts would need to provide to recipients--in the award 
description. According to Corps headquarters officials, the Corps 
districts were to provide this information to recipients in a quick 
reference sheet that contained key award information, including the 
project name, which recipients were to use to report contract 
information. The Corps headquarters instructed the districts to 
provide this information to the recipients.[Footnote 84] 

Factors That May Have Affected the Transparency of Reported 

We identified three factors that may have affected the transparency of 
reported information. First, because the Corps awarded multiple 
contracts to support its projects, depending on the nature of a 
contract, a recipient may not know which Corps project the contract 
supports. For example, a Corps district awarded a contract to purchase 
a boat that will be used to perform maintenance at a dam and reservoir 
project; however, the recipient was not aware of the intended use of 
the boat sold under the contract. Moreover, according to Corps 
headquarters officials, without receiving information from the Corps, 
a recipient may not know which Corps project the recipient's contract 
supports and would not be able to report this information. In 
addition, even if the project name associated with each contract was 
provided to the recipient, the nature of Corps contracts may make it 
difficult for the recipient to report information, particularly with 
regard to location. For example, engineering services provided for a 
construction project in Texas may be provided by a recipient located 
in another state. 

Second, according to Corps headquarters officials, the Corps awarded 
about three-fourths of its Recovery Act contracts to small businesses 
that may not have experience with this type of reporting and may have 
limited administrative capacity. Finally, Corps headquarters officials 
told us that the system was designed for reporting on 
grants and loans and was adapted for contracts; therefore, it may have 
been difficult for recipients to report certain information. For 
example, certain contract actions such as modifications to existing 
contracts or task orders--which can include multiple activities across 
multiple locations--are reported in the system as a single award, and 
recipients may have been unsure how to indicate this information when 
reporting. As a result, a single award description may appear in for work involving multiple activities and locations and 
this information may not be explained in the award description. 

Other Ways Award Information Is Made Available to the Public: 

To provide assistance and information to the public about the Corps 
Civil Works program's use of Recovery Act funding, the agency's 
Recovery Act plans and other information are available publicly 
through the Corps' Recovery Act Web 
For example, the Web site provides a listing of Civil Works projects 
that include information on the project's location (within a state and 
Corps district), a description of the work to be conducted, and the 
planned resource allocation amount. In addition, the Web site includes 
interactive maps that can be used to locate projects and identify some 
descriptive information about the projects. The information available 
on the Web site is specifically related to Recovery Act projects; 
however, detailed information about individual contracts that support 
these projects is not available through the Web site. Prior to 
awarding Recovery Act contracts, the Corps also provides information 
about contracts through solicitations it posts on the Federal Business 
Opportunities Web site.[Footnote 85] According to Corps headquarters 
officials, the comments they have received on the Corps' Recovery Act 
awards were mainly from recipients requesting technical assistance and 
from reporters requesting information about a specific contract they 
were researching. 

Civil Works Descriptions That Met Our Transparency Criteria: 

The following award descriptions contained sufficient information on 
general purpose, scope and nature of activities, location, and 
expected outcomes to meet our transparency criteria. The award 
description information is taken directly from We did 
not edit it in any way, such as to correct typographical or 
grammatical errors. information: 
Recipient name: Tetra Tech, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Contractor must review as-built information and 
collect supplemental data to meet the certification requirements 
outlines in 44 CFR 65.10 and detailed in National Flood Insurance 
Program for the Massillon Levee, located in Massillon, Stark County, 
Ohio. The contractor will be responsible for determining that 
interaction among the components will not result in possible failure. 
Responsible for producing these supporting engineering analyses and 
reporting the component condition and certification recommendation. 
Contractor will be responsible for performing the certification 
determination. Certification engineering analysis shall consist of 
Hydrology and Hydraulics, Geotechnical, Structural, Electrical, and 
Mechanical evaluation. Major factors to be considered in the technical 
evaluation include: O&M plans, levee certification field inspection, 
characterizing the flood hazard, capacity exceedence/failure criteria, 
freeboard, closure devices, embankment protection, seepage analysis, 
embankment and foundation stability, settlement, construction records 
and control testing, performance records, major maintenance and 
rehabilitation, interior drainage, and residual risk and public 
safety. A Levee Certification Report shall be prepared to document and 
describe the basis for the certification recommendation of the 
Massillon levee system. The LCR shall be sufficient to support the 
execution of the Independent Technical Review process described in 
paragraph 10.c of NFIP ETL (draft)_1110-2-570. Five copies of the 
draft submittals shall be submitted . Upon completion five (5) copies 
of the final report shall be submitted and properly bound. The report 
shall include all text tables, figures, and exhibits to support the 
findings, results, and recommendations. In addition to hardcopies, all 
computer files generated shall be submitted on CD rom formatted in 
Microsoft Word. To insure all work submitted is technically accurate 
the Contractor shall develop and execute an Independent Technical 
Review Plan. This plan shall be submitted for review and approval by 
the government. The Contractor is responsible for Quality Control. The 
Contractor is responsible for the formulation and preparation of all 
work required in this Statement of Work. All final reports, figures, 
drawings, calculation, and report cover letters will be sealed or 
stamped by the responsible engineer. The intermediate reports and 
final report will be submitted for Quality Assurance review and shall 
be complete and free of spelling, typographic, and grammatical errors. 
The 50% and 90% drafts reports will be submitted for QA review and 
comments by Corps of Engineers personnel. The 50% draft report shall 
be submitted within 5 month of the notice to proceed and the 90% draft 
report shall be submitted within 7 month of the notice to proceed. 
Project description: Task 1 - Data Collection and Review. Completed 
data collection and review. Reviewed readily available materials and 
Identified additional resources referenced Task 2 - Topographic 
Mapping. Obtained topographic Mapping in GIS format. Task 3 - Site 
reconnaissance Visit. Performed post-processing of GPS data. Prepared 
draft inspection log/report. Task 4 - Geotechnical Assessment. 
Performed review of past design data and geotechnical information. 
Prepared drilling plan. Performed field exploration. Task 5 - 
Engineering Assessment. Performed Hydrologic Evaluation. Performed 
Hydraulic Evaluation. Performed Initial Scour/Aggradation Analysis 
(Pending Internal Review) Task 7 - Levee Certification Report. 
Prepared Hydrologic section of the Levee System Report. Performed 
hydraulic section of the Levee System Report. Task 8 - Independent 
Technical Review. Performed review of Hydrologic section of the Levee 
System Report. Performed review of Hydraulic section of the Levee 
System Report. Task 9 - Meetings and Coordination. Coordination with 
City of Massillon and USACE. Task 10 - Project Management. Invoicing 
and reporting. 
Project activity description: Engineering Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Huntington, WV 
Award amount: $499,997.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: W91237-09-D-0004. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: David Ford Consulting Engineers Inc.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: The accelerated CWMS deployment campaign 
(hereinafter referred to as the project) is a component of the 
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009. The objectives 
of the project are as follows: 1. To enhance the capability of the 
Corps of Engineers offices nationwide to make well informed decisions 
for managing reservoirs and water control systems. This will be 
achieved by expanding, at an accelerated pace, the availability of 
advanced information technology resources for hydrometeorological data 
management, display, and dissemination: watershed runoff forecasting: 
flood stage prediction: reservoir operation analysis: and flood impact 
analysis. 2. To create and maintain jobs for US citizens, in keeping 
with the goal of the ARRA. This will be achieved by using HEC?s BPA 
contractors to undertake the work and manage its successful 
completion. Those contractors, in turn, may use local consulting 
resources if appropriate and useful to the project. The intended 
deliverable of the overall project is, for critical Corps of Engineers 
watersheds, a fully functional CWMS decision support system that will 
enhance water management. The CWMS decision support system includes 
HEC-HMS, HEC-RAS, HECResSim, and HEC-FIA. For each watershed, software 
will be installed as needed and configured by a contractor, with 
cooperation of HEC and Division or District staff. Contractors will 
configure and calibrate the models, using data and information 
collected from District and Division staff. Contractors will test the 
software under simulated real time high flow conditions, demonstrating 
the deployment under a stress test. Contractors will document actions 
taken to deploy the decision support system. Finally, contractors will 
transfer the technology to Corps staff in the appropriate District or 
Division offices. This task order is for a ?lead contractor? (LC) to 
assist HEC in managing rapid deployment of CWMS at Corps districts and 
coordinate the day-to-day activities of the blanket purchase agreement 
(BPA) contractors contributing to this effort. This role includes 
working with HEC on selecting watersheds to be implemented, 
identifying what models and tasks are necessary for each 
implementation, developing management plans, and performance work 
statements. The LC will recommend assignments of tasks to other BPA 
contractors through the Corps PM. The LC will facilitate the work of 
the BPA contractors, clarifying statements of work, deliverables, and 
schedules with the PM. The LC will monitor the progress of the BPA 
contractors, reporting to the PM and supply the weekly reporting 
information to meet ARRA requirements. The LC will take all necessary 
actions to ensure the project objective is met. 
Project description: Task 1: Worked with HEC project manager (PM) to 
identify priority basins and locations for accelerated CWMS 
deployment, and prepare list of candidate sites for deployment. 
Contacted technical representative (TR) at each candidate site to 
confirm selection and to gather relevant information about sites. 
Coordinated with PM to develop a detailed project management plan 
(PMP). Obtained buy-in and signatures from relevant BPA contractors, 
Corps District staff, and HEC. Task 2: Coordinated with PM to develop 
detailed work plan and work statement for each deployment site (8) for 
initial effort by BPA contractors. Task 3: Reviewed initial Site 
Assessment reports submitted to HEC from BPA contractors. Advised PM 
on any technical or administrative issues. Wrote a summary report of 
the site assessments with LC recommendations. Coordinated with PM on 
selecting additional candidate watersheds for the second round or on 
deleting candidate watersheds from first round if funding is not 
available for all sites. Task 4: Prepared performance work statements 
(PWS) for each of the 8 candidate watersheds. Task 5: Reviewed work 
plans and schedules submitted by BPA contractors. Wrote a summary 
report of the work plans with LC recommendations. 
Project activity description: Computer Systems Design Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Sacramento, CA 
Award amount: $609,768.23.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: W91238-08-A-0017. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Hallsten Corporation.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Furnish All Drawings, Labor, Materials And 
Equipment Necessary To Fabricate, Deliver And Install One (1) Complete 
New Boat Dock System With Three (3) 8-Foot Wide X 20-Foot Long 
Aluminum Dock Sectopms And One (1) 4-Foot Wide X 20-Foot Long Aluminum 
Tapered Gangway. Dock System Must Be Able To Use Existing Anchoring 
Project description: Fabrication, Delivery And Installation Has Been 
Completed. Accounting Completed Billing And Office Assistant Is 
Completing Federal Reporting. 
Project activity description: All Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 12896 
Englebright Dam Rd.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: SMARTSVILLE, CA 
Award amount: $57,420.00.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: W91238-09-P-0251. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Furnish all equipment, labor, layouts of work 
features, and supervision necessary to obtain sufficient subsurface 
information, perform analysis, and provide the government 
recommendations to help alleviate seepage at left abutment of Winfield 
Locks and Dam, Red House, WV. 
Project description: Drilling, Lab Evaluations, and Initiated Study.
Project activity description: Engineering Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1409 North 
Forbes Road.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Lexington, KY 
Award amount: $151,722.85.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: W91237-07-D-0011. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Advanced Construction Techniques LTD.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Original Contract was awarded August 30, 2007: 
Contract was for the completion of foundation drilling and grouting at 
the Clearwater Dam in Piedmont, Missouri. This work is a continuation 
of Phase I which was completed Oct 15, 2007. The scope of this 
contract was to complete the foundation rock treatment down to 
elevation 325, 250 ft below the working platform, prior to the 
installation of the proposed cutoff wall. The lower 50 ft of the grout 
curtain is to be grouted to a value of 3 lugeons or less and the upper 
rock mass to a value of 10 lugeons or less. This type of work is 
highly technical in nature and will provide enormous amounts of 
valuable data to be used in the design and construction of the 
proposed cutoff wall (Phase II). Beginning with Modification P00012 
executed May 6, 2009, ARRA funds were incorporated into the contract 
in order to provide for adjustments in quantity and scope of work 
required in order to meet the project objectives. The project was 
successfully completed, final reports have been submitted and the 
contractor is demobilized. 
Project description: In excess of 25,000 LF of drilling: over 500,000 
CF of grout materials placed: over 1117 LF of borehole stage imaging: 
relocation of water lines in preparation of Phase II work. 
Project activity description: Poured Concrete Foundation and Structure 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 3571 Route 3.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Piedmont, MO 
Award amount: $26,768,233.07.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: W9127S-07-C-0008. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Jacobs/seh, A Joint Venture.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Main Lock Culvert Valve Machinery Study Phase I, 
Melvin Price Locks and Dam, Mississippi River, Preliminary Engineering 
report, per attached Scope of Work and proposal dated 18-Jun-09. 
DJ04 - Mel Price Main Lock Culvert.
Project description: This task involves static and kinematic 
measurement, disassembly, material inspection and testing, evaluation 
and reporting as part of an investigation of failures that have 
occurred in the culvert valve machinery components of the main lock, 
Illinois-side emptying valve at Mel Price Locks and Dam on the 
Mississippi River. All field activities are complete. The draft report 
was submitted this quarter. We are awaiting comments before submission 
of the final report. 
Project activity description: Engineering Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: St. Louis, MO 
Award amount: $42,777.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: W912EK-09-D-0006. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Anchor Qea, LLC.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: In support of fish studies, perform adult Coho 
salmon and steelhead radio telemetry monitoring, green river Seattle, 
Washington. The contractor must: analyze and report on radio telemetry 
monitoring of adult Coho salmon released above Howard Hanson Dam, WA, 
(HHD) into the upper Green River in fall 2008: monitor the movement 
and distribution of adult Coho released above HHD into the upper green 
river in fall 2009: analyze and report on 2009 results incorporating 
information from 2008 study. 
Project description: Work for this project has not begun. 
Project activity description: Environmental Consulting Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Seattle, WA 98101-
Award amount: $20,087.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: W912DW-08-D-1006. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Grace Hill Corporation.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Regulatory document imaging and digital conversion 
to search able format. Approximately 800,000 documents. 
Project description: Grace Hill (Prime) has converted approximately 
50% of the microfiche to digital format. We are now in the process of 
converting the documents to a searchable (OCR) format. We expect to be 
50% complete by end of January 2010. 
Project activity description: Data Processing, Hosting, and Related 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 3313 Republic 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Minneapolis, MN 
Award amount: $49,600.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: W912ES-10-P-0015. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Patriot Services Corporation.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Provide all transportation, parts, materials, 
equipment and laborer to provide and install a complete security 
camera monitoring system (SCMS) designed for marine environment on 
board the US Army Dredge Ship Wheeler. 
Project description: Removed antiquated security system and installed 
three PTX (Pan, Tilt, Zoom) Cameras and 11 fixed cameras at various 
locations throughout the ship. All work was completed: however, two of 
the fixed cameras are working intermittently during the first cruise 
and will be replaced as soon as the ship returns to port. 
Project activity description: Electrical Contractors and Other Wiring 
Installation Contractors.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 7400 Leake 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: New Orleans, LA 
Award amount: $129,750.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: W912P809P0303. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Diaz Consultants, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Project Synopses: Conduct field and laboratory 
investigations to characterize the nature and level of contamination 
of sediments deposited behind three dams (Carbon Canyon Dam, Lopez 
Dam, and Prado Dam) and prepare a report and logs summarizing those 
investigations. Carbon Canyon has been awarded as the base contract: 
Lopez and Prado may be awarded as options to be executed at a later 
Project description: Completed Field Investigation and Laboratory 
Testing. Completed and submitted draft report for review. 
Project activity description: Engineering Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Santa Ana, CA 
Award amount: $37,900.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: W912PL06D0004. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Security Construction Services, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Replace roofs at Knightville Gatehouse, Littleville 
Gatehouse and Intake Tower and Birch Hill Dam Gatehouse. 
Project description: Work for this quarter included roof demo, roof 
replacement, and related construction tasks at all three locations. 
Project activity description: Roofing Contractors.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 68 Birch Hill 
Dam Road.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Royalston, MA 
Award amount: $231,450.50.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: W912WJ-09-C-0009. 

[End of table] 

Civil Works Descriptions That Partially Met Our Transparency Criteria: 

The following award descriptions did not contain sufficient details on 
one or more of the following pieces of information necessary to 
facilitate general understanding of the award, based on our criteria: 
general purpose, scope and nature of activities, location, and/or 
expected outcomes. In some cases only a small amount of additional 
information was needed, while in other cases, many pieces of 
information were needed to make the description more transparent. The 
award description information is taken directly from We 
did not edit it in any way, such as to correct typographical or 
grammatical errors. information: 
Recipient name: Manson Construction Co. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Capital (deepening) dredging at the Port of 
Project description: Dredging shipping channel.
Project activity description: Other Heavy and Civil Engineering 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1702 Anchorage 
Port Road.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Anchorage, AK 
Award amount: $24,230,250.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: W911KB-09-C-0022.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds 
dredging, which will support the port's ongoing intermodal expansion 
project, planned to allow larger ships to call and offer more room for 
commercial cargo handling, a cruise ship terminal, and to support 
rapid deployment from Alaska's military bases. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Romero General Construction Corp. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Repair Badly Deteriorated Roads, Success Lake CA.
Project description: Bonding Only.
Project activity description: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: PORTERVILLE, CA 
Award amount: $796,500.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: W9123809D0062.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds 
road repair to multiple areas including the entryway to Success Lake, 
the South Tule Recreation Area, and the South Tule parking lot. The 
repairs included replacement and repaving of roads, which involved 
digging up the asphalt, cement treating, and paving. Success Lake is 
located just east of Porterville in Tulare County, California. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Ross Laboratories, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Mfg And Delivered Sidescan Sonar System (Model 
4900) Incl Sub Bottom, Profiling System.
Project Description: Mfg And Delivered Sidescan Sonar System (Model 
4900) Including A Sub Bottom, Profiling System. Also Delivered A 
Vessel Motion Sensing Sys And Hydrographic Survey Software. 
Project activity description: Search, Detection, Navigation, Guidance, 
Aeronautical, and Nautical System and Instrument Manufacturing.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 3138 Fairview 
Avenue E.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Seattle, WA 98102-
Award amount: $184,861.00.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: W912DS-09-P-0040.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the manufacture and delivery of a sidescan sonar system 
(model 4900) including a sub bottom profiling system. This award also 
includes the delivery of a vessel motion sensing system and 
hydrographic survey software. This equipment and software is for 
maintaining shipping/navigation channels in the New York Harbor area. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Hardie-Tynes Co., Inc.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Kentucky and Wilson Lock valves.
Project description: Hardie-Tynes Co., Inc. is furnishing the labor 
and material to complete 4 valves for Kentucky Lock and 2 for Wilson. 
Project activity description: Fabricated Structural Metal Manufacturing.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Birmingham, AL 
Award amount: $2,032,486.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: W912P5-09-A-0013.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the manufacture and delivery of replacement filling and 
emptying valves, four for Kentucky Lock, Kentucky and two for Wilson 
Lock, Alabama. These valves allow for the discharge and filling of 
water from/to the locks in order to perform routine maintenance. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Biohabitats, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Schukylkill River, Wissahickon Creek Feasibility 
Project description: Field assessment, analysis, and report 
preparation for restoration actions. 
Project activity description: Other Scientific and Technical 
Consulting Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 2081 Clipper 
Park Road.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Baltimore, MD 
Award amount: $209,566.60.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: W912BU-08-D-0005.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the completion of Feasibility Study Scoping documentation for 
ecosystem restoration within the Wissahickon watershed. Based on a 
previous study, it was determined that the primary problems within the 
Wissahickon watershed include stream flow variability, poor quality 
aquatic habitat, aquatic habitat degradation, flooding, and overall 
ecosystem imbalances. Various solutions exist to address these 
problems and will be considered in depth during feasibility 
investigations. This documentation will include definition of the 
existing conditions, the "without project" conditions, and the site 
selection screening process to continue the feasibility study of this 
critical urban watershed for ecosystem quality improvements. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Ferguson-Williams LLC.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Complete The Rehabilitation Of The ADA Campsites At 
South Abutment, Dub Patton, And Hernando Point Recreation Areas At 
Arkabutla Lake In Accordance With The Attached Scope Of Work - 
(Project #1).
Project description: completed installation of concrete pads, grading 
of disturbed areas and installing of lantern hangers, picnic tables 
and service tables. 
Project activity description: Facilities Support Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 100 Rip Rap 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Arkabutla, MS 
Award amount: $308,484.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: W912EE-05-C-0018.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the rehabilitation of campground sites to make them Americans 
with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessible, allowing persons with 
disabilities to safely utilize the campground areas. Rehabilitation 
included procurement and installation of ADA-compliant items including 
tables, lantern holders, and grill services tables. Work also included 
installation of concrete pads and grading of areas to make them ADA 
compliant. The award provided rehabilitation of 56 campground sites at 
3 recreation areas, including 18 sites at South Abutment, 14 sites at 
Dub Patton, and 24 sites at Hernando Point. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: T & C Mobile Home & Construction Services, LLC.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Remove and replace furnaces and fuel tanks in the 
gate house at Whitney Point Lake, NY. 
Project description: The sub-contractor provided all labor, equipment, 
tools, and materials necessary for removing and replacing two furnaces 
and two 275 gallon fuel oil tanks in the gate house at Whitney Point 
Lake, NY. 
Project activity description: Plumbing, Heating, and Air-Conditioning 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 5327 Upper 
Lisle Road.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Whitney Point, NY 
Award amount: $15,840.00.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: W912DR-09-A-0014.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: Replacing the 
furnaces will permit a much more efficient use of energy and replacing 
the fuel tanks will permit operation of flood control gates during a 
power outage. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Wilson & Company, Inc., Engineers & Architects.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: CEPD Compliance Surveys. 
Project description: Land surveying, geodetic. 
Project activity description: Surveying and Mapping (except 
Geophysical) Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 4101 Jefferson 
Plaza NE.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Albuquerque, NM 
Award amount: $1,015,732.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: W912PP-09-D-0013.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports surveys for Comprehensive Evaluation of Vertical Datums that 
will establish new vertical control, based on the North American 
Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88), for each of 70 projects located in 
New Mexico, Colorado, and Texas, within the U.S. Army Corps of 
Engineers Albuquerque District. This work will ensure that all of the 
flood control projects within the Albuquerque District are referenced 
to at least three vertical control benchmarks. This will take the 
district one step further in ensuring that all of its flood control 
projects are referenced to NAVD 88. This effort is needed to meet 
requirements of an executive order that calls for the standardization 
of the use of the most current vertical datum, which is NAVD 88. 
Vertical datums are used to reference protection elevations on flood 
control structures or excavated depths in navigation projects. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: MCC/Catamount, LLC.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: TAS: 96 3134: TAS Design And Construct Land Port Of 
Entry At Sherwood North Dakota For Customs And Border Protection.
Project description: Design Services.
Project activity description: Commercial and Institutional Building 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: LIGNITE, ND 58752-
Award amount: $6,770,000.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: W9126G08D0087.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports construction of a new land port of entry (LPOE) building in 
Renville County, North Dakota for use by Customs and Border Patrol 
(CBP) personnel. The award also supports interim repair and 
alterations activities to address immediate and emerging needs of the 
existing LPOE until new construction is completed. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: INCA/CH2M Hill JV.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Lower Willamette River Ecosystem Restoration 
General Investigation Feasibility Study/Draft PEIS.
Project description: We completed the field surveys for HTRW, 
topography, cultural resources, and utilities. We also completed the 
hydraulic modeling, cross sections, and refined the preliminary 
drawings. at the beginning of October. We submitted the draft Notice 
of Intent. We got about halfway through the geotechnical section, and 
completed the writeup for soils and geology. 
Project activity description: Engineering Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1020 SW Taylor 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Portland, OR 
Award amount: $573,375.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: W9127N-09-D-0004.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds a 
study that will assess the feasibility of ecosystem restoration, 
including remediation of contaminated sediments over a portion of a 25-
mile reach of the Willamette River in Portland, Oregon. The 
feasibility study will be used to examine and prioritize ecosystem 
restoration opportunities in the study area. The purpose of the study 
is (1) to identify and evaluate substantial ecosystem degradation 
problems in the Lower Willamette River Basin; (2) to formulate, 
evaluate, and screen potential solutions to these problems; and (3) to 
recommend solutions that are in the federal interest and are supported 
by a local entity willing to provide the items of local cooperation 
(i.e., a cost-sharing sponsor). The recommended plan will contribute 
to the identified restoration objectives of restoring fish and 
wildlife habitat and natural processes of the basin. The Lower 
Willamette River Ecosystem Restoration project is from Willamette 
Falls to its confluence with the Columbia River. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Atlantic Marine Construction Company, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Furnish all labor, material, equipment, 
incidentals, supervision and transportation for work necessary to 
provide security, road, and parking improvements. Job duration is 90 
days from NTP. 
Project description: Project is in design at this time?. billed for 
Bond cost of $18,770.00.
Project activity description: Commercial and Institutional Building 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 4144 Russell 
Dam Dr.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Elberton, GA 
Award amount: $1,911,178.33.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: W912HN-07-D-0024.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
provides security, road and parking improvements to the access road at 
the Richard B. Russell Dam and Lake Project in Elberton, Georgia. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: DOWL, LLC.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Tidal Datum Determinations for Small Boat Harbors 
in southeast Alaska. The scope of work is to do a tidal determination 
to establish a new vertical datum and tie existing control of each 
harbor to its new vertical datum at Hoonah Small Boat Harbor, Hoonah, 
Alaska, the Kake Small Boat Harbor, Kake, Alaska, the Metlakatla New 
Harbor & Metlakatla Old Harbor (one station), Metlakatla, Alaska, and 
the Pelican Small Boat Harbor, Pelican, Alaska and re-establish the 
horizontal control at Hoonah Small Boat Harbor for the US Army corps 
of Engineers, Alaska District. 
Project description: Field work is complete. Installed tide gauges at 
the villages of Hoonah, Kake, Pelican, and Metlakatla in Southeast 
Alaska. Gauges collected water level information for a period of 35 
days, then removed from the water. Installed new tidal bench marks at 
each location. Determined bench mark positions with GPS and updated 
positions for other historical bench marks and survey monuments at 
each harbor. Determined bench mark elevations by differential leveling 
and updated elevations for other historical bench marks and survey 
monuments at each harbor. Initiated data processing. 
Project activity description: Surveying and Mapping (except 
Geophysical) Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 4041 B Street.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Anchorage, AK 
Award amount: $174,037.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: W911KB-D-07-D-0001.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the collection of tidal data published by the National 
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) at specific locations 
known as tide stations. Commercial and private boats use these data to 
safely navigate waters and in the long run, these tidal data will help 
establish four tide stations at these harbors as well as inform harbor 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: David Ford Consulting Engineers Inc.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: This project is for HEC-RAS steady and unsteady 
model development for the Red River of the North (RRN) from the 
Canadian border to Halstad, MN. Scope tasks include review of the 
existing HEC-RAS steady models, consolidation to one model, cross 
section expansion and refinement, and calibration to the flood of 
record. Both steady flow HEC-RAS and unsteady flow HEC-RAS models will 
be completed. The completed unsteady flow model is intended to be used 
by the National Weather Service (NWS) North Central River Forecast 
Center. A brief report should also be prepared to discuss model 
construction and simulation results. 
Project description: Quarterly activities: Task 1. Completed kickoff 
phone conference call and began meeting coordination. Task 2. Began to 
review existing HEC-RAS models and data and began to complete a 
Memorandum for the Record (MFR). Task 9. Provided required monthly 
status reports. 
Project activity description: Computer Systems Design Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Sacramento, CA 
Award amount: $273,869.02.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: W91238-08-A-0017.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the development of a Hydrologic Engineering Centers River 
Analysis System (HEC-RAS) hydraulic model for the entire Red River. 
The model will be used for project planning and flood forecasting. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name; Doyon Project Services LLC.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Provide labor, equipment and materials required to 
perform the work at the Lake Washington Ship Canal Spalling Concrete 
Repairs, including placement of concrete/epoxy repair system. 
Project description: Erection of scaffolding, cleaning of application 
area, application of epoxy based concrete patch material, final 
cleanup and grinding of finished areas, disassembly of scaffolding. 
Project activity description: Commercial and Institutional Building 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): Lake 
Washington Ship Canal.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Seattle, WA 98101-
Award amount: $205,900.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: W912DW08D1020.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the repair of spalling concrete on the sides of lock 
chambers. Spalling is the minor failure of the concrete lock sidewalls 
that occurs due to age. The spalling concrete is a safety issue 
because it could fall on boats and/or presents a hazard for boaters 
and employees. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Gustin, Cothern, & Tucker, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Survey #09-079, Perform all A_E services for 
topographic, geodetic, property/boundary, and construction surveys for 
EDEN(WCS) Benchmark Monumentation: counties of Broward, Miami-Dade, 
Monroe and Palm Beach.
Project description: GPS Sessions for completion of required benchmark 
Project activity description: Surveying and Mapping (except 
Geophysical) Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: West Palm Beach, 
FL 33401-0001.
Award amount: $120,379.30.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: W912EP-05-D-0002.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports benchmark documentation activities in Florida's Water 
Conservation Areas as part of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration 
Plan, Adaptive Assessment, and Management program. These activities 
will provide necessary data for scientists and engineers to restore 
America's Everglades. 
[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Black & Veatch is performing structural engineer 
analysis and design of mass concrete structures for the new upstream 
monoliths for Kentucky Lock. We are producing construction plans and 
specifications. The work has required structural, civil and electrical 
engineering, as well as, construction cost estimating and scheduling. 
CADD Technicians put together the construction plans. 
Project description: Completed final plans and specifications for New 
Upstream Lock Monoliths. Included foundation design and other 
miscellaneous features. 
Project activity description: Engineering Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Grand Rivers, KY 
Award amount: $652,687.17.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: W912P5-08-D-0003.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: This design work 
supported by the award is part of the Kentucky Lock Addition project 
to construct nine partial height monoliths--the 60-foot wide by 60-
foot deep by 100-foot tall concrete blocks that hold back the water--
for the upstream one-third of the new lock: this will create a more 
stable configuration for the existing lock. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Mike Hooks, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: CIN-007: Disposal Area Maintenance & CIN-008: New 
Spill Boxes - Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana.
Project description: CIN-007: Disposal Area Maintenance Work consists 
of ditching in the Disposal Areas. The depth and width of the ditching 
will be site specific. The linear footages for each disposal area are: 
D/A 2 = 2,300 ft., D/A = 25,450 ft., D/A 9 = 22,900 ft., D/A 10 = 
16,050 ft., & D/A 11 = 16,800 ft. CIN-008: Install new spill box weirs 
in Disposal Areas #2, #8, #9, #10, & #11. The existing spill boxes in 
each disposal area shall be removed from the site. Surveys of the 
disposal areas to determine the location of the new spill boxes. 
Project activity description: Other Heavy and Civil Engineering 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Westlake, LA 
Award amount: $3,019,802.44.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: W912P8-08-C-0059.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The work 
performed under this award will extend the life of the levees in 
Calcasieu Parish. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: URS Group, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: TAS::96 3135::TAS - Master Planning Services For 
Alum Creek Lake, Lewis Center, OH. 
Project description: * Prepared URS Project Execution Plan (PXP), 
performed project administrative start-up activities: * Master Plan 
(MP) Task 1-Project Start-up: Prepared and submitted draft Plan of 
Study (POS): * MP Task 1-Project Start-up: Participated in Kick-off 
Meeting: * MP Task 2 - Develop Geographic Database: Began GIS setup 
and data acquisition. 
Project activity description: All Other Professional, Scientific, and 
Technical Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: LEWIS CENTER, OH 
Award amount: $203,320.48.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: W91237-08-D-0023.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports work to update and complete a master plan for recreational 
use of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers facilities at the lake. The 
master plan will allow for optimum utilization of Corps facilities for 
recreational purposes. Upon completion, the master plan will serve as 
a document guiding future uses at the site. There is high demand for 
recreational use of the lake, and the last master plan had not been 
updated for a number of years (since the 1980s). 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: William Koronka.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: upgrade and calibrate static exciters.
Project description: order material, schedule work.
Project activity description: Commercial and Industrial Machinery and 
Equipment (except Automotive and Electronic) Repair and Maintenance.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): Big Bend Power 
House, Lake Sharp Drive.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Ft. Thompson, SD 
Award amount: $92,274.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: W9128F-09-P-0159.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The project will 
align eight exciters--designed to supply the correct amount of field 
current to the generator--to ensure an operational system at the Big 
Bend Powerplant in South Dakota. The award will result in improving 
and upgrading the 20-year-old exciters and extend their life by an 
additional 10 years. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company, LLC.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: This project entails dredging of 1.2 million cubic 
yards of maintenance material in the Oregon Inlet Spit Channel and the 
Ocean Bar. Dredging is to be to -15 feet. Dredged material is to be 
placed on the beach at Pea Island. The only non-ARRA funding is a 
portion of the mobilization and demobilization ($2.5 million out of 
$3.6 million). 
Project description: Approximately 268,000 cubic yards of material 
were placed at the disposal site during the fourth quarter of 2009 by 
the Hydraulic Cutter Suction Dredge Alaska. Equipment was demobilized 
in the fourth quarter. 
Project activity description: Other Heavy and Civil Engineering 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Avon, NC 27915-
Award amount: $11,922,162.51.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: W912HN-09-C-0032.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds 
maintenance dredging operations to provide a safe, reliable navigable 
channel. The dredging material was then used to re-nourish the beach. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: W.M. Smith & Associates, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Life vests for Barren River Lake, 11088 Finney 
Road, Glasgow, KY.
Project description: Completed. Life vests for Barren River Lake.
Project activity description: Sporting and Athletic Goods Manufacturing.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 11088 Finney Rd.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Glasgow, KY 42141-
Award amount: $2,265.40.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: GS-07F-5990R.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
provides 250 life vests for park personnel at Barren Lake in order to 
conform to water safety regulations and also provide a safe 
environment for the personnel to perform their duties on or near the 
water. The vests will allow personnel to perform rescue operations, if 
necessary. The vests replace equipment that no longer meets the 
standards for such items. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Chores Unlimited Inc.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Cleaning and Janitorial Services for Alum Creek 
Lake, Ohio.
Project description: Cleaning and Janitorial Services for Alum Creek 
Lake, Ohio.
Project activity description: Landscaping Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: DELAWARE, OH 
Award amount: $1,382.88.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: W91237-08-D-0005.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports additional janitorial services for Alum Creek. These services 
include cleaning the Recreation Office at Alum Creek as well as 
grounds pick-up for half the facility, including the picnic area. The 
award will result in a clean recreation office and clean grounds. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Jentree Forest Products, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Mowing For Sutton Lake.
Project description: Mowing.
Project activity description: Landscaping Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: SUTTON, WV 26601-
Award amount: $12,580.00.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: W91237-08-D-0009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports maintenance work being done at Sutton Lake recreational 
facilities. The award is a task order for mowing services for Hillside 
Areas 1 and 2. Hillside Area 1 covers 25 acres and includes the 
Downstream, Bee Run, and Bug Ridge Recreation Areas. Hillside Area 2 
covers 4 acres and includes office access and dam abutments. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name; Jentree Forest Products, Inc. 
Project name; Federal Contract.
Award description; Mowing For Sutton Lake.
Project description; Mowing.
Project activity description; Landscaping Services.
Award type; Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field); (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code; SUTTON, WV 26601-
Award amount; $7,446.00.
Project status; Completed.
Award number; W91237-08-D-0009.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description; The award 
supports maintenance work at Sutton Lake recreational facilities. The 
award is a task order for mowing services at several areas at Sutton 
Lake; specifically, mowing services were provided at Lower Gerald R. 
Freeman Campground covering 18 acres; Upper Gerald R. Freeman 
Campground covering 12 acres; Middle Gerald R. Freeman Campground 
covering 9 acres; the Downstream Day Use Area covering 10 acres; and 
the South Abutment Day Use Area covering 5 acres. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Cominsky, John.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Maintenance Services At Deer Creek Lake, Mt 
Sterling, Oh.
Project description: Restroom And Recreation Area Cleaning.
Project activity description: Janitorial Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: MT STERLING, OH 
Award amount: $1,200.00.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: W91237-08-D-0025.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports trash pick-up along the river, cleaning of public restrooms 
below the dam, and cleaning the picnic shelters in the recreational 
area. The award also provides cleaning and janitorial supplies. The 
award will result in clean areas along the river, a clean recreational 
area, and a clean picnic area. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: W-P Construction Services, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Maintenance Services for J.W. Flanagan Dam 
Recreation Area, Haysi, Virginia.
Project description: Maintenance Services for J.W. Flanagan Dam 
Recreation Area, Haysi, Virginia.
Project activity description: Landscaping Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 105 Centennial 
Heights Road, PO Box 105.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Haysi, VA 24256-
Award amount: $1,202.00.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: W91237-09-D-0008.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the removal of pea gravel and timber over 10 acres at the 
Crane's Nest Playground in the J.W. Flannagan Dam Recreation Area. The 
award also includes installation of pipe in the mulch to improve 
drainage in the area. These activities will help maintain the 
recreational facilities. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: W-P Construction Services, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Maintenance Services for J.W. Flanagan Dam 
Recreation Area, Haysi, Virginia.
Project description: Maintenance Services for J.W. Flanagan Dam 
Recreation Area, Haysi, Virginia.
Project activity description: Landscaping Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 105 Centennial 
Heights Road, PO Box 105.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Haysi, VA 24256-
Award amount: $700.00.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: W91237-09-D-0008.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports work at North Fork Pound Lake, which is a U.S. Army Corps of 
Engineers-operated Big Sandy flood protection system project. Award 
activities include mowing at the Dam Access Road, overlook area, and 
office, which covered 2.5 acres. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Lyndco Inc.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Construction 96-3135 TAS Demolish and Rebuild 
Summersville Lake Battle Run restrooms located at the campground, 
beach and boat launch areas. 
Project description: Not started.
Project activity description: Other Heavy and Civil Engineering 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Summersville, WV 
Award amount: $884,820.41.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: W91237-09-D-0021.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The new restroom 
facility provides a healthier and safer environment for the visiting 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Allen, J.F. Company (Inc).
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: as part of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - civil 
program financing only-Operation and Maintenance, Recovery Act on 
Bulltown Campground project.
Project description: Delivered stone to Bulltown Campground project.
Project activity description: Brick, Stone, and Related Construction 
Material Merchant Wholesalers.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Burnsville, WV 
Award amount: $39,820.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: W91237-09-P-0162.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: This award funds 
1717.72 tons of 3/4-inch crush-and-run limestone to Burnsville Lake to 
resurface a gravel parking area. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name; United Procurement, L.P. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Can Style Buoys Delivered To East Lynn Lake Part 
Description: 45101 Buoy Rb 962 W/lettering & Symbol 6-Model B961rc 
H.D. Red Nun Buoy 6-Model B961gc H.D. Green Channel Marker 5-Model 
B961r H.D. Buoy 'Slow No Wake' W/control Symbol 3-Model B961r H.D. 
Buoy 'Rocks' W/hazard Symbol 2-Model 96r1r H.D. Buoy 'Boats Keep Out' 
W/restricted Symbol Delivered To East Lynn Lake, East Lynn Wv. 
Project Description: The Job Has Been Completed And All Payments Have 
Been Received. 
Project activity description: All Other Plastics Product Manufacturing.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): HC 85 BOX 35C.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: EAST LYNN, WV 
Award amount: $3,141.54.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: W91237-09-P-0262.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds 
the procurement of 22 buoys to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 
order to enhance water safety for boaters and swimmers at East Lynn 
Lake in West Virginia. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Ready To Haul - Columbus, LLC.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Supply of bulk engineered wood fiber for use at 
Sutton Lake playground. 
Project description: Delivery of engineered wood fiber for playground 
at Sutton Lake. 
Project activity description: Engineered Wood Member (except Truss) 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 785 E. Woodrow 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Columbus, OH 
Award amount: $5,976.00.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: W91237-09-P-0335.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The wood supplied 
through this award supports the overall maintenance, including the 
purchase and installation of playground equipment to meet playground 
safety standards and provide Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 
accessibility at Gerald R. Freeman Campground. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Kingsborough Atlas Tree Surgery, Inc.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: tree work.
Project description: trim trees as directed.
Project activity description: Landscaping Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Oakdale, CA 95407-
Award amount: $35,626.00.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: w91238-09-p-0200.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports trimming hazardous trees and tree limbs in recreation areas 
near New Melones Lake, California (downstream channel) and New Hogan 
Lake, California. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Paragon Industrial Applications, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Design Build Boat Storage building.
Project description: None at this time.
Project activity description: Industrial Building Construction.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 2669 FM 726.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Jefferson, TX 
Award amount: $743,300.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: W9126G-10-C-0005.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: This award 
supports the design and construction of a boat storage building that 
will replace the inadequate boat storage building at the Piney Woods 
Regional Office. This is part of a larger project to improve the 
health and safety of the public at Ferrells Bridge Dam, Lake O' the 
Pines, Texas. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: RIP RAP - embankment repair recovery.
Project description: Aggregate testing including Loas Angeles 
abrasion, Magnesium soundness,unit weight, specific gravity, 
absorption and petrographic analysis of rip rap materials.
Project activity description: Testing Laboratories.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 13581 Pond 
Springs Road, Suite 107.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Austin, TX 78729-
Award amount: $3,000.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: W9126G-10-P-0022.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: This award 
supports the testing of rip rap materials from Miller Springs Quarry 
in Belton, Texas to be used for embankment repair at Navarro Mills, 
Belton and Granger Lakes. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Engineering Design Technologies, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: As part of construction on the Atlanta 
environmental infrastructure projects-Mark Ave stormwater structure in 
Cobb County, GA.
Project description: NA.
Project activity description: Engineering Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Marietta, GA 
Award amount: $161,988.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: W91278-07-D-0002.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports engineering design services. This structure is part of a 
priority storm water sewer capacity relief project in this region. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Mitchell Industrial Contractors, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Millers Ferry Renovation HVAC System.
Project description: Renovation of HVAC System.
Project activity description: Air-Conditioning and Warm Air Heating 
Equipment and Commercial and Industrial Refrigeration Equipment 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Mobile, AL 36726-
Award amount: $1,651,771.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: W91278-09-C-0071.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports replacement and renovation of the HVAC system at Millers 
Ferry powerhouse, which houses hydroelectric generators for the 
production of electricity. The powerhouse is located in Wilcox County, 
Alabama near Camden Lake. Award activities will include renovating the 
HVAC system by replacing air handlers, chillers, and ductwork, and 
performing electrical upgrades. The award will result in a more 
efficient and maintenance-friendly HVAC system. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Advanced Crane Technologies, LLC.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Rehabilitation of the Overhead Powerhouse Bridge 
Cranes at the USACE Powerhouses, located in West Point, GA, 
Cartersville, GA & Basset, VA.
Project description: Rehab Powerhouse cranes, various locations.
Project activity description: Overhead Traveling Crane, Hoist, and 
Monorail System Manufacturing.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Various, GA 30705-
Award amount: $2,738,848.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: W91278-10-C-0014.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: Rehabilitation 
activities under the award include modernizing crane controls: 
replacing wiring: and replacing the operators' cabs. The 
rehabilitation will restore full capacity to the cranes, including 
critical lift capabilities; allow for safer operations; and reduce 
future maintenance costs. The state-of-the-art-controls will improve 
how the cranes operate. An overhead powerhouse bridge crane runs along 
the ceiling of the powerhouse and is used to set and maintain 
equipment in the powerhouse. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Philadelphia Gear Corporation.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Manufacture of four gearboxes. 
Project description: Manufacture of the gearboxes. 
Project activity description: Speed Changer, Industrial High-Speed 
Drive, and Gear Manufacturing.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Houston, TX 77041-
Award amount: $462,472.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: W9127S-09-P-0362.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds 
the purchase of secondary gearboxes at Dardanelle Lock & Dam in 
Russellville, Arkansas, to replace the existing gearboxes that power 
gates in the powerhouse. A failed gearbox renders the gate inoperable 
and replacement of the gearboxes reduces the risk of failure. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: ADH Technical Services, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: As a part of the maintenance for the installation 
of a strong motion seismic instrument on the Cottonwood Springs Dam 
Project description: None yet. Project will begin in 2010. 
Project activity description: Geophysical Surveying and Mapping 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Cottonwood 
Springs, SD 57747-0664.
Award amount: $20,130.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: W9128F-10-P-0003.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: This award 
supports the installation of a new seismic instrument to monitor the 
area for the magnitude of earthquake activity, which will allow for 
the assessment of potential impacts to the dam and foundation. This 
work will ensure that dam safety instruments are installed and 
operating satisfactorily, thus increasing the safety of the dam and 
downstream residents. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Brunswick Commercial & Government Products, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Small Craft (17' Guardian Boat).
Project description: CB9039-Shipment date Oct 28, 2009.
Project activity description: Boat Building.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 420 Megan Z 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Edgewater, FL 
Award amount: $26,235.00.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: W912BU09F0036.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the purchase of a boat for Beltzville Lake to maintain 
project grounds and facilities at this 4,200-foot long dam and 
reservoir project. The boat replaced a 30-year-old vessel, and can be 
used for, among other things, conducting sampling for water quality, 
video surveillance of the dam, bridge inspections, debris removal, and 
reservoir inspection to determine erosion of the rim of the reservoir. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Bella Corporation.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Install Motion Gate.
Project Description: Installed Motion Gate At Milford Project Office.
Project activity description: All Other Specialty Trade Contractors.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 5203 N Hwy 57.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Junction City, KS 
Award amount: $13,675.00.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: W912DQ-09-P-0238.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports installation of one motion gate at the Milford Lake Project 
Office in Junction City, Kansas. The installation activities will 
include removing the existing gate and fence, installing a 24-foot 
motion gate with accompanying accessories such as a photo eye, gate 
edge for safety, and additional fencing. The award will result in 
enhanced security at the office's equipment lot. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Prudent Technologies, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Removal of Underground Staorage Tanks and 
installation of above ground storage tanks at Hillsdale Lake and 
Clinton Lake Sites in Kansas.
Project description: The underground tanks were removed and disposed. 
The above ground tanks were installed. 
Project activity description: Other Heavy and Civil Engineering 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 872 North 1402 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Lawrence, KS 
Award amount: $52,226.70.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: W912DQ-09-P-1040.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the removal of four underground tanks (two from Clinton Lake 
and two from Hillsdale) and the addition of six above ground tanks 
(four in Clinton Lake and two in Hillsdale). The award will result in 
tanks which are easier to access and obtain gas for government 
vehicles, and easier to maintain. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Utilities Forestry Services, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Provide all labor,material, supplies and equipment 
to remove all trees and stumps from Penn St to College Ave along top 
of Embankment At Indian Rock Dam, York County, York, PA . 
Project description: Operations and Maintenance-Army, the removal of 
all trees and stumps from the area between College Ave to Penn St. 
Along the top of an embankment at Indian Rock Dam, York County, York, 
PA was awarded utilizing ARRA funds. 
Project activity description: Landscaping Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 2933 Markle 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: York, PA 17408-
Award amount: $31,284.00.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: W912DR-09-P-0307.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the removal of trees from the York levee. The trees' rooting 
system was beginning to degrade the structural integrity of the 
Cordours River Levee. The award will ensure compliance with new U.S. 
Army Corps of Engineers levee safety criteria. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Geo-Technology Associates, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Preventative Maintenance of 34 relief wells.
Project description: No work performed - relief well inspection and 
rehabilitation services. 
Project activity description: Support Activities for Oil and Gas 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Curwensville, PA 
Award amount: $129,550.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: W912DR-09-P-0335.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
provides funds for preventive maintenance and well inspections at 
Curwensville Dam in Curwensville, Pennsylvania. There are 34 relief 
wells located along the downstream toe of Curwensville Dam for the 
purpose of relieving hydrostatic pressures within the dam. Preventive 
maintenance of the wells will assure the project continues to operate 
in a safe manner. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Anderson Perry & Associates, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Levee Inspection Workshop.
Project description: No activity this period. Job completed. 
Project activity description: Engineering Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): PO Box 1687.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Walla Walla, WA 
Award amount: $12,034.88.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: W912EF-08-D-0003.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the attendance of two Anderson-Perry employees to attend 
levee inspection training in Portland, Oregon, for 3-4 days. The U.S. 
Army Corps of Engineers requires completion of this course, which 
includes software training, for all levee inspectors. Upon completion 
of the workshop, attendees acquired certification to inspect levees 
managed by the Corps. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Seals Unlimited, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Moorehaven Lock & Dam Lower Sector Gate Seal Sets.
Project description: Lock & Dam Seals.
Project activity description: Gasket, Packing, and Sealing Device 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 525 Ridgelawn 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Clewiston, FL 
Award amount: $5,510.00.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: W912EP-09-P-0052.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the purchase of rubber fabricated lock and dam gate seals for 
use at Moore Haven Lock and Dam. Moore Haven Lock is located in 
Clewiston, Florida and is part of the Okeechobee Waterway Project. 
Purchase of these seals is part of a larger project to complete major 
maintenance of all four sector gates at Moore Haven Lock. The larger 
project provides for the continuation of operations significantly 
reducing the likelihood of failure for this highly utilized recreation 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Arcadis-Garver Joint Venture.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Periodic Inspection of Levees per list in the 
Statement of Work.
Project description: Conducted levee inspections and submitted 
activity reports.
Project activity description: Engineering Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1210 Premier 
Drive, Suite 200-.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Chattanooga, TN 
Award amount: $577,054.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: W912EQ-08-D-0003.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: This award is for 
the inspection of two levee systems in the Memphis District to 
determine their condition and assess if repairs or additional 
maintenance is required. One levee system encompasses 67 miles, 6 
segments, and 3 drainage structures and the other one encompasses 34 
miles, 5 segments, and 5 drainage structures. Both the East Bank St. 
Francis Floodway System and the Big Lake Floodway West Levee System 
are located in Arkansas and Missouri near Rivervale, Arkansas. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Scipar, INC. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Deliver Powerplant Protective Relays per 
Project description: inspected, packaged, and delivered all relays per 
the contract requirements. A pending modification is needed for 
shipment of last required relay. 
Project activity description: Electrical Apparatus and Equipment, 
Wiring Supplies, and Related Equipment Merchant Wholesalers.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 26 West Spring 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Williamsville, NY 
Award amount: $185,265.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: W912F09P0161.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the purchase of new protective relays, which are digital 
electronic equipment used to support transmission of electrical power. 
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Fort Randall Project Office, in 
Pickstown, South Dakota, purchased 65 protective relays of various 
types as well as related components and two communication processors 
and software. New relays are needed to support the operational system 
for transmitting electrical power to the customer, which enables the 
hydroelectric plant to continue to produce electrical power. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Bowen Engineering & Survey Inc.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Hydrographic Surveys, Mile 28.0 to 35.5, Kaskaskia 
River, Illinois.
Project description: Project is 100% Complete.
Project activity description: Surveying and Mapping (except 
Geophysical) Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1078 Wolverine 
Lane, Suite J.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Cape Girardeau, 
MO 63701-9002.
Award amount: $7,547.00.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: W912P-07-D-0508.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the verification of older surveys and existing depths. These 
efforts were a precursor to the St. Louis Army Corps of Engineers 
performing dredging and other related work on the Kaskaskia River. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Elite Roofing Co. - General Contractor.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: To install Shoreline power at six lock sites along 
the Tennessee River including Guntersvills, AL, Chickamauga, TN, 
Nickajack, TN, Watts Bar, TN, Fort Loudon, TN and Grand Rivers 
Kentucky Lock, KY. 
Project description: We have completed the Guntersville project and 
the Chickamauga project. As of 12/29/09 we were 82% complete with the 
Nickajack project. 
Project activity description: Electrical Contractors and Other Wiring 
Installation Contractors.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Nashville, TN 
Award amount: $346,630.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: W912P5-09-P-0120.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds 
the electrical wiring for the installation of shoreline power at six 
locks, which comprise a heavily used lock system along the Tennessee 
River. Power was not accessible along the shoreline of the lock system 
prior to this shoreline installation. Installation of electrical 
wiring is needed along the lock system for a variety of reasons, 
including powering tools needed to perform routine maintenance along 
the lock system. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Cooney Brothers Inc.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Recover-To provide labor, supplies and materials to 
furnish 76 pieces Hollaender 2' HD base flange mill finish fittings, 
48 pieces 2' Hollaender #5-9 tees, 36 pieces 2' Hollaender #7-9 cross, 
24 pieces #11-9 Hollaender side outlet tees, 20 pieces Hollaender #9-9 
side outlet 90 ells, 40 pieces #3-9 Hollaender 90 ells, 408 pieces 4' 
toeplate bevels, 100 pieces TB brackets 3x2 angle hardware, 8 pieces 
Hollaender gate 2' hinge assm & pin latch hardware, and 1152 pieces 2' 
S40 pipe. 
Project description: Recover-To provide labor, supplies and materials 
to furnish 76 pieces Hollaender 2' HD base flange mill finish 
fittings, 48 pieces 2' Hollaender #5-9 tees, 36 pieces 2' Hollaender 
#7-9 cross, 24 pieces #11-9 Hollaender side outlet tees, 20 pieces 
Hollaender #9-9 side outlet 90 ells, 40 pieces #3-9 Hollaender 90 
ells, 408 pieces 4' toeplate bevels, 100 pieces TB brackets 3x2 angle 
hardware, 8 pieces Hollaender gate 2' hinge assm & pin latch hardware, 
and 1152 pieces 2' S40 pipe. 
Project activity description: Plumbing and Heating Equipment and 
Supplies (Hydronics) Merchant Wholesalers.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1850 Gravers 
Road, #100.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Plymouth Meeting, 
PA 19462-2837.
Award amount: $17,851.62.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: W912P5-09-P-0143.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds 
the purchase of handrail components (2-inch aluminum handrails and 
various 2-inch aluminum handrail fittings to be placed around valve 
and gate pits) for Guntersville Lock, Alabama, located at Tennessee 
River mile 349 in Grant, Alabama. These purchases will allow the 
Nashville District's Tennessee River project to address a backlog of 
infrastructure maintenance. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: NEWLAND ENTITIES, INC. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Construct and install new waste water lift station.
Project description: Awarded but NTP was not issued until January 2010.
Project activity description: Other Heavy and Civil Engineering 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1160 lake 
mendocino drive.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: ukiah, CA 95482-
Award amount: $548,231.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: W912P7-10-C-0002.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports wastewater facility upgrades at Lake Mendocino's Coyote 
Valley Dam in Ukiah, California. The upgrades include positioning a 
new wastewater lift station, repairing wastewater plant tanks, and 
replacing leach fields. The award upgrades Lake Mendocino's 50-year-
old recreational facilities for visitor health and safety. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Bromley Excavating.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Rental of equipment to be used at the Carlyle 
Lake/Kaskaskia Nav Project IAW the contract specs, clauses,and 
Project description: Dam West and McNair Multi-User Trail, sewer line 
replacement and lift station removal, rip rap for Boulder Breakwater, 
Coles Creek Beach.
Project activity description: Other Heavy and Civil Engineering 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 801 Lake Road.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Carlyle, IL 62231-
Award amount: $39,154.00.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: W912P9-07-D-0515.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds 
the rental of construction equipment to support several projects at 
Carlyle Lake including the replacement of 40-plus-year-old 
deteriorated lift stations and sewer lines: the repair of damages 
caused by 2005/2008 floods--including erosion repairs at Coles Creek 
Beach: and raising/extending the breakwater at Boulder boat ramp. The 
multiple projects at Carlyle Lake are intended to improve public 
health and safety, including the following: (1) replacement of sewer 
lines and lift stations will protect public health and safety by 
eliminating possible leakage and contamination, as well as comply with 
public health and EPA regulations; (2) repairs at Coles Creek Beach 
will reduce risk to the public and improve water quality; and (3) 
raising/extending the Boulder breakwater will shelter boats using 
ramps and improve public safety. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: CTI And Associates, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: St. Louis flood protection Reach 3 pilot holes for 
new relief wells.
Project description: Geotechnical investigations, soil/laboratory soil 
sampling, monitoring well design, installation and documentation.
Project activity description: Testing Laboratories.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: St. Louis, MO 
Award amount: $231,132.06.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: W912P9-09-D-0551.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: This award is for 
drill machine borings at 13 locations landside of the St. Louis flood 
protection district in Reach 3 and 20 locations landside of the St. 
Louis flood protection district in Reach 4. These activities are part 
of a larger flood protection project that protects approximately 3,160 
acres of industrial and commercial development from Mississippi River 
flooding. The flood protection system was constructed with inadequate 
closure structures and underseepage protection. These design 
deficiencies are being corrected to ensure that the system provides 
its authorized level of service. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Howard W. Pence, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Provide all labor, materials and equipment for Port 
Oliver Phase II Project, including: 0017, Weigh in Shelter: 0018, 
Weigh In Area: 0019, Amphitheater: 0020, Amphitheater Restroom: 0021, 
ADA Sidewalk: 0022, Boat Ramp Extension: 0023, Western Boardwalk: 
0024, Picnic Areas: 0025, ADA Sidewalk: 0026, Eastern Boardwalk. 
Project description: Project was started in November as of 12/31/09 
the following progress is reported: Primary electric is 67% complete, 
Boat ramp restrooms are 66% complete, Western Boardwalk is 51% 
complete, Boat Ramp extension is 37% complete, Eastern Boardwalk is 
31% complete, Picnic Area restroom is 25% complete, Amphitheater ADA 
Sidewalk is 22% complete, Picnic Area is 20% complete, Amphitheater 
restroom is 18% complete, Gravel overflow parking lot is 17% complete, 
Weigh-in shelter is 15% complete, Overlook is 15% complete, Picnic 
Loop road is 14% complete, Weigh in Area is 12% complete, Boat ramp 
ADA loading ramp is 10% complete, Picnic Loop Road Parking Lot is 10% 
complete, Amphitheater is 8% complete, Sewage treatment plant is 7% 
complete, Water Line (Main) is 7% complete, Picnic Area Playground is 
6% complete, ADA Sidewalk is 5% complete,Picnic Area Shelter is 5% 
complete, Port Oliver Road Paving is 3% complete, Boat Ramp Parking 
Lot Paving is 1% complete, Courtesy Dock 1 & 2 are unstarted. 
Project activity description: Commercial and Institutional Building 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): Barren River 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Glasgow, KY 42141-
Award amount: $1,441,927.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: W912QR-09-D-0017.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds 
the continuation of work on the Port Oliver Recreation Area near 
Barren River Dam in Glasgow, Kentucky. This second phase of work was 
made possible by a congressional appropriation of $2 million in the 
fiscal year 2009 federal budget. However, this award allows the U.S. 
Army Corps of Engineers to complete final construction of this 
recreation area. The work includes extension of the boat ramp to 
enable boaters to launch year round, construction of a weigh-in area, 
shelter, boardwalks along the shoreline, an amphitheater, playground 
and picnic area, various accessible sidewalks and restroom facilities. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Complete Construction.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: remove and replace stairs at Stoughton Pond 
Recreation Area,.
Project description: replace stairs.
Project activity description: Finish Carpentry Contractors.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 8 maple st.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: north 
springfield, VT 05150-0001.
Award amount: $2,621.33.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: W912WJ09M0221.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The stairs being 
repaired include 3 flights and 2 landings. The work was needed to 
replace a 30-year-old set of stairs that were rotting and unsafe to 
use. The stairs allow safe access to the swimming beach and picnic 
area from the recreation parking lot. The Stoughton Pond Recreation 
Area is part of the North Springfield Lake project. North Springfield 
Lake is part of the system of reservoirs and local protection works 
for the control of floodwaters in the Connecticut River Basin. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Dandel Construction Inc.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Sewer Connection from Cape Cod Canal Field Office 
to Town, Buzzards Bay, MA.
Project description: Connect to town sewer.
Project activity description: Commercial and Institutional Building 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 42 Academy Dr. 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: bourne, MA 02532-
Award amount: $44,750.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: W912WJ10M0008.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
connects the project office to the town sewer system in order to 
improve office environmental conditions and reduce future maintenance 

[End of table] 

Civil Works Descriptions That Did Not Meet Our Transparency Criteria: 

The following award descriptions contained little or no information 
that allowed readers to understand the general purpose, scope and 
nature of activities, location, and expected outcomes. The award 
description information is taken directly from We did 
not edit it in any way, such as to correct typographical or 
grammatical errors. information: 
Recipient name: Plaza Personnel LTD.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: This modification is issued to add CLIN 7001 in the 
funded amount of $5,000. Subsequently, the total amount of this Order 
is increased from $40,441.18 to $45,441.18. 
Project description: Senior Project Schedule services. 
Project activity description: Temporary Help Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1222 Spruce.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: St. Louis, MO 
Award amount: $5,000.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: W912P9-09-F-5031.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports an existing contract for one employee to provide database 
maintenance and project status reporting services for several Corps 
projects. The employee will provide these services for a base period 
with the option of a 12-month extension. The employee will work at the 
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Office at 1222 Spruce Drive, St. Louis, 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: TLSL INC.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: FC/MR&T, Yazoo Basin, Desoto County, Mississippi, 
Arkabutla Lake, Arkabutla Field Office.
Project description: Arkabutla Field Office.
Project activity description: Other Heavy and Civil Engineering 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: HERNANDO, MS 
Award amount: $1,493,600.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: W912EE-09-C-0045.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports construction of a new U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Arkabutla 
Lake Field Office in Hernando, Mississippi to replace the current 
deteriorated building and provide a safe workplace for employees and 
visitors. The work includes furnishing all labor, materials and 
equipment for the construction of a new field office, including 
earthwork, excavation, signs, asphalt pavement parking areas and 
entrance, and concrete curbs and sidewalks. The new field office will 
be located on the northern end of the Arkabutla Dam. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: URS Group, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: TAS: 96 3134: TAS Non-Time Critical Removal 
Action - Elizabeth Mines Superfund Site, Descope Task 3.1 - Tp-1 
Topographic Survey, Exercise Optional Tasks 1.1 - Project Mgmt. 3.1 - 
Survey Jossler Properties, 9.6 - Lysimeter Sampling As Well As Amend 
Project description: Property Boundary/Survey Delineation 
Environmental Site Monitoring Engineering Evaluations (Hydraulics and 
Hydrology) Material Testing.
Project activity description: Engineering Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: STRAFFORD, VT 
Award amount: $195,762.41.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: W912WJ-05-D-0005.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award is part 
of a larger contract for Hazardous Toxic Radioactive Waste (HTRW) 
cleanup at the Elizabeth Mines Superfund site. The award is for the 
collection of analytical data that will support the environmental 
engineering design for cleanup of the site. The Superfund site 
includes 35 acres of waste and the property boundary survey will 
determine how much private property is involved on a portion of the 
site. The work includes conducting a property boundary survey which 
will provide data to supplement the design report. The design will 
support the larger project goal of cleaning up the Superfund site and 
restoring the West Branch of the Ompompanoosuc River which discharges 
into the Connecticut River north of White River Junction, Vermont. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Lozoskie Admins.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Rehabilitation Fence Burnsville Lake.
Project description: Rehabilitation Fence Burnsville Lake.
Project activity description: Hardware Merchant Wholesalers.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: BURNSVILLE, WV 
Award amount: $52,617.00.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: W91237-09-P-0171.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
provides fencing related materials to the Corps at Burnsville Lake. 
Materials included 52,800 rolls of wire fence, 400 ACQ treated posts, 
5,000 T fence posts, 10 lbs. of 1.25 inch galvanized fence staples, 15 
steel tubular farm gates, and 56 bags of 60 lbs ready-mix concrete. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: HDB Construction, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Big Hill, Marion, Fall River, Elk City and John 
Redmond Lakes, Kansas.
Project description: None.
Project activity description: Other Heavy and Civil Engineering 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Cherryvale, KS 
Award amount: $2,478,466.30.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: W912BV-09-D-1003.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports maintenance and upgrades of recreation areas at Fall River, 
Marion, Big Hill, Elk City, and John Redmond Lakes in Kansas. The 
activities under this award include paving road and recreation vehicle 
sites, improvement or repairs of electric pedestals, and sewer and 
water service to a number of storm-damaged recreation sites. The award 
also provides for modification of a boat launching ramp at John 
Redmond Lake. Much of the activities are related to repairing of 
damage suffered during severe storms over the past 2 years. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: US Boatworks Inc.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Outboard Motor.
Project description: outboard motor.
Project activity description: Boat Dealers.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 930 Osage.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Kansas city, KS 
Award amount: $5,132.00.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: w912dq-09-p-0240.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
provides a 40-horsepower boat motor to be used for water safety 
purposes at Smithville Lake, Missouri. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Shannon & Wilson, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Time histories for Dworshak Dam.
Project description: Not started.
Project activity description: Engineering Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 400 N. 34th 
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Seattle, WA 98103-
Award amount: $11,966.00.
Project status: Not Started.
Award number: W912DW-09-D-1005.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
provides electronic time histories for the Dworshak Dam site in Idaho. 
Time histories, or seismological records, provide pictures of the 
ground and its movements. These time histories will assist the U.S. 
Army Corps of Engineers in modeling and evaluating the dam's ability 
to withstand earthquakes. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: SOL Engineering Service LLC.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: AESVCS Inspection RP-04-04.
Project description: More than 50 % Complete.
Project activity description: All Other Professional, Scientific, and 
Technical Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 29049 HWY 315.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Sardis, MS 38666- 
Award amount: $24,424.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: W912EE-08-D-0001.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports oversight and inspection of a contractor installing a riser 
pipe in the Yalobusha River Watershed. The project office is in 
Sardis, Mississippi, but the installation project covers three 
counties in the state. The installation of a riser pipe will help 
control the discharge of water so flooding does not occur in the area 
surrounding the river. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Plaza Personnel LTD.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Funding for services of Engineer VI.
Project description: Project work for Engineer VI.
Project activity description: Temporary Help Services.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 1222 Spruce St.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: St. Louis, MO 
Award amount: $70,400.00.
Project status: Less Than 50% Completed.
Award number: W912P908F5024.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
provides funds to hire an Engineering Technician VI for the Levee 
Inspection Program. This technician will conduct inspections in 
various locations across the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers St. Louis 
District. As part of the Levee Safety/Inspection Program, inspections 
will examine and confirm the operations of elements of a levee system, 
such as pumps, relief wells and closures. Inspections include the 
creation of condition reports using a tool called the Levee Inspection 
System (LIS). The award will result in improved public safety by 
providing a better understanding of levee systems performance, 
including how to better evaluate levee systems and their predicted 
performance before they are tested by a flood. The award will also 
help ensure a nationwide standard for evaluating levees, which 
ultimately should provide information that will help prioritize fixes 
and rehabilitation, where necessary. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Geokon, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Geotechnical Instrumentation - Load Cells.
Project description: Not applicable.
Project activity description: Other Measuring and Controlling Device 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: East Alton, IL 
Award amount: $6,347.34.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: W912P9-09-V-3138.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award funds 
pressure temperature humidity instruments for work being done to the 
upstream lift gate at Melvin Price Lock and Dam, specifically five 
strain gauge load cells. These were provided in support of the overall 
project at Melvin Price Lock and Dam and are typically used during 
repairs or refurbishments, when a dam may have shown leaks or needs 
upgrading for seismic evaluations, for example. The strain gauge load 
cells provided will ultimately allow the project to continue in a safe 
manner by measuring loads and holding the dam in place during repairs. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Lake Contracting, Inc. 
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Rip Rap Placement.
Project description: Rip Rap Placement complete 50% or more.
Project activity description: Other Heavy and Civil Engineering 
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): Rend Lake, 
12220 Rend City Road.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: BENTIB, IL 62812- 
Award amount: $218,650.00.
Project status: More than 50% Completed.
Award number: W912-P9-D-0546.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports the provision of vegetative management services at Rend Lake. 
The contractor is to furnish all labor, equipment, and material 
necessary to prepare sites and place rip rap. The work includes the 
repair of east and west side flood-damaged shoreline revetment and 
breakwaters. Repair of flood damaged shoreline revetment and 
breakwaters will stabilize the shoreline and breakwaters, increasing 
public safety and reliability of the features to protect valuable 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Lewis, Marty.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: construction of drain lines.
Project description: 0.
Project activity description: Water and Sewer Line and Related 
Structures Construction.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): 91 happy 
circle road.
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: happy, KY 41746- 
Award amount: $22,600.00.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: W912QR-09-C0065.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: The award 
supports installation of individual sewer hookups for camp sites at 
the Littcarr Campground at Carr Creek Lake, 843 Sassafras Road, 
Sassafras, Kentucky. Some of these hookups will be connected to a main 
sewage line that in turn is connected to the sewage lift station. The 
hookups provide campers a means of disposing of waste material from 
recreational vehicles and trailers without having a negative impact on 
the local environment. The waste is carried to the lift station and 
from there to the treatment plant. This work improves the environment 
and also provides better services for visitors. 

[End of table] information: 
Recipient name: Hennessey, James.
Project name: Federal Contract.
Award description: Install entrance gate and barriers.
Project description: Install entrance gate and barriers.
Project activity description: All Other Specialty Trade Contractors.
Award type: Contracts.
Place of performance - street address (optional field): (Information 
not reported).
Place of performance - city, state, and postal code: Thomaston, CT 
Award amount: $8,600.00.
Project status: Completed.
Award number: W912WJ09M0286.
Information GAO gathered to improve the description: This award 
supports the installation of force protection measures at Northfield 
Brook Lake in Thomaston, Connecticut. Specifically, a single-arm heavy 
duty gate was installed to replace an older style chain-link access 
gate at the entrance to the lake providing access to the U.S. Army 
Corps of Engineers' flood control protection project. Work also 
included the placement of concrete jersey barriers on the dam at Brook 

[End of table] 

[End of section] 

Appendix XII: Federal Agency Actions to Review for 

This appendix describes federal agencies' actions to review information for accuracy. In addition, to supplement our 
findings on the information that describes awards (as discussed in the 
body of this report), we performed certain computer edit checks to 
test certain information for apparent errors. 

Governmental Actions to Review Data: 

Prime recipients, as owners of the recipient reporting data, have the 
principal responsibility for the quality of the data submitted, and 
subrecipients delegated to report on behalf of prime recipients share 
in this responsibility. OMB's guidance does not explicitly mandate a 
methodology for conducting data quality reviews at the prime and 
delegated subrecipient level. In its June 22, 2009, guidance, OMB says 
that, at a minimum, recipients and subrecipients should establish 
internal controls to ensure data quality, completeness, accuracy, and 
timely reporting of all amounts funded by the Recovery Act. 

Additionally, in an effort to address the level of risk in recipient 
reporting, OMB's June 22, 2009, guidance on recipient reporting 
includes a requirement for federal agency data quality reviews. OMB's 
data quality guidance is intended to address two key data problems-- 
material omissions and significant reporting errors. Material 
omissions and significant reporting errors are risks that the 
information is incomplete and inaccurate.[Footnote 86] OMB's guidance 
does not specify methodologies for conducting these data quality 
reviews. However, OMB does require federal agencies to develop data 
quality plans to articulate their review procedures that focus on 
detecting and correcting material omissions and significant reporting 
errors.[Footnote 87] Officials from almost all of the programs 
included in this review that had awarded funds for the second 
reporting round told us that they conduct automated checks of data, 
specifically of the numerical fields. In a few cases, they also 
conduct manual reviews of the data for other anomalies. However, 
officials from some of the programs included in our review told us 
they did not typically review the information provided in narrative 
fields, and of the three programs that do, none had a systematic 
process in place to evaluate the accuracy or transparency of the 

In light of the importance of the quality of the Recovery Act data, 
the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board (Recovery Board) 
has worked with federal Inspectors General to establish a multiphased 
review process to look at the quality of the data submitted by 
Recovery Act recipients. All but one of the agencies covered in our 
review were included in the first phase of the Inspectors General 
review process--to determine if agencies had developed data quality 
reviews in anticipation of the data to be submitted.[Footnote 88] The 
first phase report revealed that all of the federal agencies in our 
review had designed processes to perform limited data-quality reviews 
intended to identify material omissions and significant reporting 
errors in information reported by recipients of Recovery Act funds. 
The second phase review included only seven agencies, three of which 
have programs covered in our review--Departments of Defense and 
Transportation and GSA. The second phase report identified data errors 
and omissions in recipients' first cycle reports and factors that may 
have contributed to them and the actions taken by agencies, OMB, and 
the Recovery Board to improve the quality of the data that recipients 
will submit in future reporting cycles.[Footnote 89] However, the 
report did not comment on the quality of the data in the narrative 
fields. According to the Recovery Board, future reports will focus on 
the effectiveness of the agency data quality review processes. 

In addition to the data quality reviews, the Recovery Board and OMB 
built edits into to help ensure the completeness 
and accuracy of reported information. When recipients submit their 
reports, these edits check that required fields contain information. 
If one of the required fields does not contain text (including the 
award amount and award description, among others), returns an error message to help the recipients 
correct the report. Several of these fields are also checked for 
length. The award description field, for example, must be less than or 
equal to 4,000 characters, and returns an error 
message if the entry exceeds this limit. In addition to these 
completeness checks, includes over 30 data 
quality checks that primarily focus on the numerical fields, such as 
the award amount and congressional district. One such edit returns an 
error message if the submitted place of performance congressional 
district does not correspond with the place of performance zip code. A 
senior OMB official told us that such edits were added after the first 
reporting round to help ensure that congressional districts are 
correctly entered. 

Edit Checks Revealed Very Few Anomalies: 

We conducted a number of electronic edit checks on all of the 467 
prime recipient awards, and any associated subrecipients, in our 
probability sample, to determine whether there were anomalies that may 
have affected the transparency of the award information.[Footnote 90] 
There were 950 subrecipients associated with the 467 awards in our 
sample, but not all awards had subrecipients. We found that 109 awards 
had subrecipients, and the number of subrecipients among these 109 
awards ranged from 1 to 79. At the low end of the range, 53 awards had 
just 1 subrecipient each, and 12 awards had 2 subrecipients. At the 
high end, 14 awards had 20 or more subrecipients. The 4 awards with 
the highest number of subrecipients per award had from 60 to 79 
subrecipients. Most of the awards with 20 or more subrecipients were 
within the weatherization program. In total, we performed edit checks 
on all 1,417 prime recipient and subrecipient reports. 

For both prime recipient and subrecipient reports, the electronic edit 
checks resulted in no missing information for the following fields: 
award number, award date, award amount, fiscal year, fiscal quarter, 
status, recipient name, recipient congressional district, and 
recipient Data Universal Numbering System (or DUNS) number. For prime 
recipients only, we also checked the funding agency code, funding 
agency name, awarding agency code, awarding agency name, project 
status, and final report. There was no information missing in these 
fields either. 

Regarding recipient address fields, there are two street address 
fields that recipients are not required to report. For prime 
recipients, there were 160 missing the first street address field, and 
404 missing the second. For subrecipients, there were 263 missing the 
first street address field and all 950 missing the second. However, 
neither prime recipients nor subrecipients were missing information on 
the country, state, city, or zip code. 

For prime recipient and subrecipient reports, we checked to see if any 
award dates were on or before February 17, 2009 (before the Recovery 
Act was enacted) and after December 31, 2009 (the end of the quarter 
for round two reporting). We found three cases in which the award date 
was on or before February 17, 2009 (one prime recipient, and two 
subrecipients). Six cases had award dates after December 31, 2009 (one 
prime recipient and five subrecipients). These nine cases amount to 
only about one-half of 1 percent of all prime recipient and 
subrecipient reports in our sample and are not material to our 
findings or conclusions. 

We also performed additional electronic checks to determine if total 
Recovery Act funds received exceeded the award amount, as well as 
whether total funds expended exceeded the award amount. There were no 
cases in our probability sample of prime recipients or any identified 
subrecipients for whom the total funds received exceeded the award 

[End of section] 

Appendix XIII: Additional Information on Methodology: 

To identify the information that is required to be included as part of 
the descriptions of awards funded by the Recovery Act, we reviewed the 
reporting requirements contained in the act, OMB's guidance, reporting instructions, and supplemental agency reporting 
guidance that were applicable for the quarter ending December 31, 
2009. We discussed the reporting requirements, guidance, and reporting 
instructions with officials from OMB, the Recovery Board, and the 
federal program agencies for the programs included in our review. We 
also discussed with federal, state, and local officials and recipients 
their experiences in providing descriptions of awards funded by the 
act, including any positive reactions to or concerns they had about 
the requirements and guidance. The state and local officials that we 
contacted were those that were part of a judgmental sample of 52 
awards we selected from those that we had previously contacted as part 
of our work to report bimonthly on how the Recovery Act is being 
implemented and from our search of media stories about Recovery Act 
awards.[Footnote 91] We contacted officials in 15 states and the 
District of Columbia regarding the following programs--Grants-in-Aid 
for Airports, Highway Infrastructure Investment, Transit Capital 
Assistance, Broadband Technology Opportunities Program, and 
Weatherization Assistance Program--because these were the programs 
that we were already reviewing as part of our bimonthly Recovery Act 
efforts.[Footnote 92] Because we selected these awards judgmentally, 
we do not assert that the experiences related by state and local 
officials about these awards are necessarily representative of all 
awards in a particular program. 

To determine the extent to which award information contained in is transparent, we developed a general definition of 
transparency based on the Recovery Act; OMB's guidance, including 
OMB's Recipient Reporting Data Model; the Federal Funding 
Accountability and Transparency Act; and professional judgment. 
[Footnote 93] We selected 12 key fields required for recipient 
reporting that describe the uses of Recovery Act funds, including the 
3 narrative fields previously discussed. In table 12, we reproduced 
OMB's Recipient Reporting Model instructions, specifically the 
definitions and examples, for these fields. 

Table 12: OMB Reporting Instructions for Data Fields Included in Our 
Transparency Assessment: 

Data element: Recipient Legal Name; 
Definition: Recipient name and address of Organization. The legal and 
DBA (Doing-Business-As) name of recipient organization and address, 
including zip code. This should be the same name and address that 
appears in recipient's Central Contractor Registration (CCR) profile; 
Example: This field is inferred; obtained through CCR. 

Data element: Project Name or Project/Program Title; 
Definition: The brief descriptive title of the project or activity 
funded in whole or in part with Recovery Act funds; 
Example: F006: Land Treatment Practices Services (plowing/clearing, 

Data element: Award Description; 
Definition: For Grants and Loans: Award title and description with 
purpose of each funding action if any. The description should capture 
the overall purpose of the award. For example, "community 
development," "comprehensive community mental health services to 
adults with a serious mental illness," etc.; 
For Federally Awarded Contracts: Provide a description of the overall 
purpose and expected outcomes, or results of the contract or action 
under the contract funded by the Recovery Act, including significant 
deliverables and, if appropriate, associated units of measure; 
Example: Special Education - Part B/Preschool. 

Data element: Quarterly Activities/Project Description; 

Definition: For Grants and Loans: A description of the overall purpose 
and expected outputs and outcomes or results of the award and first- 
tier Subaward(s), including significant deliverables and, if 
appropriate, units of measure. For an award that funds multiple 
projects such as a formula block grant, the purpose and outcomes or 
results may be stated in broad terms; 
For Federally Awarded Contracts: A description of all significant 
services performed/supplies delivered, including construction, for 
which the prime contractor invoiced in this calendar quarter; 
Example: Powers and Gold Beach Ranger Districts Curry County OR Has 
Fuels Item 1 Chetco Area and Item 3 - Powers Area. 

Data element: Activity description; 
Definition: Description of the Activity Code for [North American 
Industry Classification System] NAICS or [the National Center for 
Charitable Statistics] NTEE-NPC; 
Example: Support Activities for Forestry. 

Data element: Amount of Award; 
Definition: For Grants: The total amount of Federal dollars on the 
For Loans: The total amount of the loan obligated by the Federal 
Agency. This is the face value of the loan; 
For Federally Awarded Contracts: The total amount obligated by the 
Federal Agency; 
Example: 200000.01. 

Data element: Project Status; 
Definition: Evaluation of completion status of the project, activity, 
or federally awarded contract action funded by the Recovery Act. The 
status of the work that has been completed. This evaluation should be 
based on performance progress reports and other relevant non-financial 
performance information; 
Options for selection: Not started; Less than 50% completed; Completed 
50% or more; Fully Completed; 
For awards funding multiple projects such as formula block grants, 
provide your best estimate of completion of all projects based on any 
aggregate data and information; 
Example: "Fully Completed". 

Data element: Primary Place of Performance - Street Address 1[A]; 
Definition: Recipient Primary Place of Performance (city, state, 
congressional district, and country) physical location of primary 
place of performance; 
Example: [Empty]. 

Data element: Primary Place of Performance - Street Address 2[A]; 
Definition: [Empty]; 
Example: [Empty]. 

Data element: Primary Place of Performance - State; 
Definition: [Empty]; 
Example: MD. 

Data element: Primary Place of Performance - Zip Code + 4; 
Definition: [Empty]; 
Example: 220334902. 

Data element: Primary Place of Performance - City; 
Definition: [Empty]; 
Example: Rockville. 

Source: OMB Recipient Reporting Data Model. 

[A] OMB did not provide an example for this field, which is an 
optional reporting field. 

[End of table] 

To apply this general definition to award information, we used 
specific attributes that were either explicitly stated or inherent in 
the Recovery Act or OMB's guidance: 

* general purpose of the award (e.g., construction or fire protection), 

* nature of activities being conducted (e.g., dredging waterways or 
installing security cameras), 

* location (where award activities are being conducted), 

* cost (amount awarded), 

* status (percentage complete), and: 

* outcome (what is expected to be achieved; e.g., increased safety or 
reduced congestion as a result of a redesigned highway intersection or 
increased energy efficiency from installation of a new heating, 
ventilation, and air-conditioning system). 

To these six specific attributes we used our professional judgment to 
add a seventh that seemed to be a reasonable adjunct to OMB's 
attributes: scope (i.e., information on the magnitude or extent of an 
award). For example, scope could be the number of homes to be 
weatherized statewide or the number of miles (or lane miles) to be 
repaved. Finally, using these seven attributes and our professional 
judgment, we assessed the clarity and understandability of the 
narrative text, together with the completeness of the descriptions in 
their entirety. Those that were clear, understandable, and complete we 
considered to be "transparent. 

In conducting the transparency assessment, we reviewed information 
reported by prime recipients on for the quarter ending 
December 31, 2009, and available to the public on February 10, 2010. 
While more recent information became available in April 2010 (for the 
quarter ending March 31), we could not have analyzed this information 
in the time that we had for our study. We chose to use recipient- 
reported data from because the administration considers 
it to be the official information on Recovery Act spending. 

We drew a probability sample from reported data for each of the nine 
programs in our review for which prime recipients were required to 
report for the second reporting round.[Footnote 94] The sample sizes 
were determined so that the percentage estimates for all the measures 
have a margin of error of no more than 10 percentage points within 
each program. Overall, we sampled 467 awards from a population of 
14,089 awards. For each program, we located the population of prime 
recipient award records in using program codes--either 
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance or Treasury Accounting Symbol 
identification codes, as appropriate to each program. We did not 
prospectively search award records in to try and identify 
recipient reports with incorrect program codes. Our population size 
for each of the nine programs represents the number of correctly 
recorded recipient reports in, as of the date on which we 
downloaded the records. We treated the samples within each of the 
programs as a stratified design when producing the estimate for 
overall award transparency. Because we followed a probability sampling 
procedure, based on random selection, our sample is only one of a 
large number of samples that we might have drawn. Since each sample 
could have provided different estimates, we express our confidence in 
the precision of our particular sample's results as a 90 percent 
confidence interval. This is the interval that would contain the 
actual population value for 90 percent of the samples we could have 
drawn. As a result we are 90 percent confident that each of the 
confidence intervals in this report will include the true values in 
the study population. 

Two analysts independently reviewed information on each award and 
noted where information from one or more of the seven attributes 
appeared missing, unclear, or nonspecific. Then, considering the 
information in the award fields holistically, including the 
understandability of the narrative fields, each analyst decided 
whether the award description information met, substantially met, 
partially met, or did not meet our transparency criteria.[Footnote 95] 
For example, if highway award information stated that the award was 
being conducted on "Route 66," we considered this as not specific 
enough for the public to understand the scope of the award activities 
being performed. In this example, if the award's location was 
something like "Route 66, between South Street and Elm Street," we 
considered this information as specific enough to determine scope. The 
analysts then compared results and reached a consensus on the overall 
score (e.g., met the transparency criteria) and which award 
information was missing, unclear, or nonspecific. If they could not 
agree, a third analyst reviewed the award information without regard 
to the original determinations, compared his or her determination with 
the results of the two analysts, and made a deciding assessment. 

The practical difficulties of making sometimes subjective decisions 
about whether awards meet our transparency criteria may introduce 
errors, commonly called nonsampling errors. We took steps to minimize 
these errors, such as by developing instructions for analysts to guide 
assessing the transparency of award information; conducting a 
calibration exercise on an initial selection of 70 awards (before 
drawing the probability sample) to assess the transparency criteria 
and to ensure that all analysts were interpreting the criteria 
consistently; having two analysts independently review each award and 
reach agreement; and, after all results had been entered, reviewing 
all results within a program for consistency of interpretation. 

For descriptions that partially met or did not meet our transparency 
criteria, we visited publicly available federal, state, and recipient 
Web sites, and reviewed publicly available documents (e.g., state 
weatherization plans) to attempt to obtain insight into the aspects of 
the award information that we considered missing, nonspecific, or 
unclear. While we were often able to "complete" the descriptions using 
this approach, for some of the awards we had to call award officials 
to get the needed information. In all these cases, we were able to get 
this information. We did not attempt to quantify the proportion of 
awards for which we called award officials. 

Finally, we conducted a number of electronic edit checks on the award 
information for the prime recipients, including any identified 
subrecipients, in the probability sample in order to determine whether 
there were possible anomalies with the information for awards in the 
nine programs in our review for which recipients filed reports. These 
checks included whether: 

* award amounts for subrecipients were higher than the amount for the 
prime recipient; 

* award dates predated the Recovery Act or postdated the reporting 
quarter ending December 31, 2009; 

* the congressional district was missing; and: 

* information was missing in any address fields, particularly for the 
city, state, zip code, and country, but also for the award number, 
award date, award amount, fiscal year, fiscal quarter, status, 
recipient name, recipient Data Universal Numbering System (or DUNS) 
number, funding agency code, funding agency name, awarding agency 
code, awarding agency name, project status, or final report. 

Our second sample was a certainty sample of larger dollar awards. We 
drew this sample because our probability sample did not consider the 
size of awards. As a result, it is possible that the sample we drew 
contained a disproportionate number of smaller awards compared with 
the entire population of awards; therefore, we could not accurately 
determine the amount of total award dollars for each of our three 
levels of transparency (i.e. met, partially met, did not meet), and 
any association of dollars would be misleading. In drawing our large 
dollar sample, we selected between 2 and 28 of the largest awards in 
each program, for a total of 70 awards. Overall, the transparency 
results of this sample are consistent with those of the probability 
sample (31 percent met, 63 percent partially met, and 6 percent did 
not meet). This gives us a reasonable level of confidence that the 
dollar amount of awards is not necessarily related to the level of 
transparency of the description. 

Our third sample was a judgmental sample of 52 awards described at the 
beginning of this appendix.[Footnote 96] Much as we did for our 
probability sample, we reviewed award information reported on and used publicly available information from state and 
federal agency Recovery Act Web sites to complete the information, 
where needed. In addition, we gathered source documentation, such as 
grant documents, to gain a sense of the accuracy of the information 
being reported on We also discussed with award officials 
the feedback that they have received from the public and press. 
Finally, we contacted state and local auditors about issues raised 
about these awards, if any. 

In drawing our samples, we used the definition of an "award"--the 
prime recipient's record for a contract, grant, or loan--as defined by 
OMB and the Recovery Board for the purposes of recipient reporting. As 
discussed in the body of this report, the definition of award varies 
widely, from discrete activities (such as a transit agency's 
purchasing buses and building transit maintenance facilities) that are 
part of a self-contained Recovery Act award. Other awards may be part 
of a larger project. For example, one award may be to install a higher-
efficiency heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning system and 
another award may be to install a new roof, both for the same federal 
building under the Federal Buildings Fund Program. The Corps' Civil 
Works program awards have the similar attribute of being part of a 
larger whole. We assessed descriptions for these two programs against 
the activities in the award. Because individual awards under these two 
programs are not tied together to an overall project in any way on, we did not rate an award lower if it did not make 
reference to the larger goal of which the award was a part. For 
example, we did not mark down an award to install a seawall for the 
outcome of controlling erosion if the description did not state that 
the award was part of an overall effort by the Corps to make a 
waterway more navigable. 

As another aspect of our work to review transparency of award 
information, for the 11 programs we covered, we discussed with federal 
agency officials and reviewed efforts by federal Inspectors General to 
assess the reliability and usefulness of the data reported by 

Finally, as discussed in appendixes I through XI, we determined the 
nature and scope of Recovery Act funding, obligations, and 
expenditures for the 11 programs covered by our review. Regarding the 
nature and scope of funding, for each program, we reviewed the act to 
determine the overall level of funding. We obtained data from the 
program agencies on the obligations, expenditures, and general 
purposes of funded awards (e.g., pavement improvements for highways). 
We chose to analyze information from the federal agencies' databases 
because it offers greater ability to parse program activities than do 
recipient-reported data on Relatedly, because the 
federal agencies keep information on these awards in different levels 
of detail, our ability to categorize it extends only as far as the 
detail in the agencies' databases. The federal agencies update their 
data at different frequencies. As a result, data for the 11 programs 
covered by our review are as of different dates, although they all are 
recent. The earliest data that we report are as of March 31, 2010, for 
the Weatherization Assistance Program, the latest data are as of May 
12, 2010, for the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program. 

[End of section] 

Appendix XIV: Error Rates Associated with Estimates of the Extent to 
Which Awards Met Our Transparency Criteria: 

This appendix presents the estimated error rates associated with the 
results of our transparency assessment, on the extent to which awards 
from our representative sample were transparent, presented in table 2 
of this report. For example, if we had taken 100 samples of 
Weatherization Assistance Program awards, we would expect that in 90 
of the samples, between 6.4 percent and 19.3 percent of the awards 
would have met our transparency criteria, established elsewhere in 
this report. 

Table 13: Estimated Percentage of Award Descriptions That Met Our 
Transparency Criteria, with Standard Errors: 

Program: Department of Commerce: Broadband Technology Opportunities 
Number of second round recipient reports: 46; 
Number sampled: 30; 

Level of transparency: Met; 
Percent: 57%; 
Lower bound percent: 47.7%; 
Upper bound percent: 65.6%. 

Level of transparency: Partially met; 
Percent: 43%; 
Lower bound percent: 34.4%; 
Upper bound percent: 52.3%. 

Level of transparency: Did not meet; 
Percent: 0%; 
Lower bound percent: 0%; 
Upper bound percent: 7.4%. 

Program: Department of Energy: Weatherization Assistance Program; 
Number of second round recipient reports: 57; 
Number sampled: 34; 

Level of transparency: Met; 
Percent: 12; 
Lower bound percent: 6.4; 
Upper bound percent: 19.3. 

Level of transparency: Partially met; 
Percent: 71; 
Lower bound percent: 61.2; 
Upper bound percent: 78.8. 

Level of transparency: Did not meet; 
Percent: 18; 
Lower bound percent: 11.1; 
Upper bound percent: 26.1. 

Program: Department of Energy: Geothermal Technologies Program; 
Number of second round recipient reports: 29; 
Number sampled: 21; 

Level of transparency: Met; 
Percent: 33; 
Lower bound percent: 24.2; 
Upper bound percent: 42.4. 

Level of transparency: Partially met; 
Percent: 62; 
Lower bound percent: 52.5; 
Upper bound percent: 71.3. 

Level of transparency: Did not meet; 
Percent: 5; 
Lower bound percent: 1.5; 
Upper bound percent: 11.2. 

Program: Department of Transportation: Grants-in-Aid for Airports; 
Number of second round recipient reports: 328; 
Number sampled: 67; 

Level of transparency: Met; 
Percent: 18; 
Lower bound percent: 11.3; 
Upper bound percent: 26.3. 

Level of transparency: Partially met; 
Percent: 82; 
Lower bound percent: 73.7; 
Upper bound percent: 88.7. 

Level of transparency: Did not meet; 
Percent: 0; 
Lower bound percent: 0.0; 
Upper bound percent: 3.4. 

Program: Department of Transportation: Highway Infrastructure 
Number of second round recipient reports: 10,156; 
Number sampled: 83; 

Level of transparency: Met; 
Percent: 25; 
Lower bound percent: 17.6; 
Upper bound percent: 34.4. 

Level of transparency: Partially met; 
Percent: 69; 
Lower bound percent: 60.3; 
Upper bound percent: 77.1. 

Level of transparency: Did not meet; 
Percent: 6; 
Lower bound percent: 2.4; 
Upper bound percent: 12.3. 

Program: Department of Transportation: Transit Capital Assistance; 
Number of second round recipient reports: 641; 
Number sampled: 74; 

Level of transparency: Met; 
Percent: 50; 
Lower bound percent: 40.9; 
Upper bound percent: 59.1. 

Level of transparency: Partially met; 
Percent: 50; 
Lower bound percent: 40.9; 
Upper bound percent: 59.1. 

Level of transparency: Did not meet; 
Percent: 0; 
Lower bound percent: 0.0; 
Upper bound percent: 3.1. 

Program: Department of Transportation: High-Speed Intercity Passenger 
Rail Program; 
Number of second round recipient reports: 5; 
Number sampled: 5; 

Level of transparency: Met; 
Percent: 20; 
Lower bound percent: [A]; 
Upper bound percent: [A]. 

Level of transparency: Partially met; 
Percent: 20; 
Lower bound percent: [A]; 
Upper bound percent: [A]. 

Level of transparency: Did not meet; 
Percent: 60; 
Lower bound percent: [A]; 
Upper bound percent: [A]. 

Program: General Services Administration: Federal Buildings Fund; 
Number of second round recipient reports: 491; 
Number sampled: 72; 

Level of transparency: Met; 
Percent: 29; 
Lower bound percent: 21.0; 
Upper bound percent: 38.4. 

Level of transparency: Partially met; 
Percent: 64; 
Lower bound percent: 55.2; 
Upper bound percent: 72.6. 

Level of transparency: Did not meet; 
Percent: 7; 
Lower bound percent: 3.0; 
Upper bound percent: 13.4. 

Program: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: Civil Works program; 
Number of second round recipient reports: 2,336; 
Number sampled: 81; 

Level of transparency: Met; 
Percent: 14; 
Lower bound percent: 7.9; 
Upper bound percent: 21.4. 

Level of transparency: Partially met; 
Percent: 70; 
Lower bound percent: 61.0; 
Upper bound percent: 78.6. 

Level of transparency: Did not meet; 
Percent: 16; 
Lower bound percent: 9.8; 
Upper bound percent: 24.2. 

Program: Total; 
Number of second round recipient reports: 14,089; 
Number sampled: 467; 

Level of transparency: Met; 
Percent: 25%; 
Lower bound percent: 18.7%; 
Upper bound percent: 30.3%. 

Level of transparency: Partially met; 
Percent: 68%; 
Lower bound percent: 61.9%; 
Upper bound percent: 74.4%. 

Level of transparency: Did not meet; 
Percent: 7%; 
Lower bound percent: 4.3%; 
Upper bound percent: 11.5%. 

Source: GAO analysis of random sample of recipient reports. The lower 
and upper bound of the confidence intervals are calculated at the 90 
percent level of confidence. 

Note: Percentages in this table may not add to 100 because of rounding. 

[End of table] 

[End of section] 

Appendix XV: Comments from the Department of Commerce: 

United States Department Of Commerce: 
The Secretary of Commerce: 
Washington, D.C. 20530: 
May 13, 2010: 

Mr. Gene L. Dodaro: 
Acting Comptroller General: 
Government Accountability Office: 
441 G Street, N.W. 
Washington, DC 20548: 
Dear Mr. Dodaro: 

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Government 
Accountability Office's (GAO) draft report entitled Recovery Act. 
Increasing the Public's Understanding of What Funds are Being Spent on 
and What Outcomes Are Expected (GAO-10-581), which includes your 
evaluation of the transparency of reporting by funding recipients 
through the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP). 

The Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and 
Information Administration (NTIA) is working to ensure that funds from 
the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) are 
made available as efficiently, effectively, and responsibly as 
possible. BTOP grants mark an important first step toward realizing 
President Obama's vision of a nationwide, 2151-century communications 

From the outset, we have strived to operate BTOP with the highest 
degree of transparency. These efforts include the creation of an 
online database to publicly display information about applications for 
BTOP funding. NTIA also issued two requests for information to solicit 
input from the public and stakeholders on the implementation of BTOP. 
Over the course of the program, NTIA has conducted workshops in 19 
cities and towns across the country to explain the rules and processes 
governing BTOP. 

To help evaluate projects for funding, NTIA published information 
about the geographic scope of proposed projects and allowed existing 
broadband service providers the opportunity to comment on the extent 
of their service in the proposed funded service area so that NTIA may 
best identify projects proposing to benefit unserved and underserved 
areas with demonstrated need. To identify BTOP projects that best 
align with the economic development priorities of local communities, 
NTIA invited states, tribes, territories, possessions, and the 
District of Columbia to comment on the allocation of grant funds to 
projects in or affecting their jurisdiction. To provide the public 
with detailed information about BTOP awards, NTIA published fact 
sheets on its website deSeribing the scope, proposed benefits, and 
recipients of each BTOP grant. 

NTIA has been working closely with the grants offices of the National 
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the National Institute of 
Standards and Technology (NISI) to make certain that BTOP recipients 
clearly and accurately report on their activities through 

NTIA staff has provided technical assistance in the form of webinars, 
conference calls, and one-on-one communications with grant recipients. 
In addition to Recovery Act reporting requirements, BTOP recipients 
also must report quarterly to NTIA on their progress in achieving 
certain objectives and milestones, as well as on certain key 
indicators regarding their projects. These reports, which NTIA will 
post online at, will provide the public 
with even greater insight into the activities of BTOP grant recipients 
and the use of taxpayer dollars. lam confident that the Department of 
Commerce and NTIA are taking appropriate steps to implement BTOP in 
the most transparent manner possible. 

Thank you again for the opportunity to share the Department's 
comments. I look forward to continuing to work with the GAO to ensure 
that BTOP grants enhance broadband capabilities in the United States, 
create jobs, and help lay a new foundation for growth in America. 


Signed by: 

Gary Locke: 

[End of section] 

Appendix XVI: GAO Contacts and Staff Acknowledgments: 

GAO Contacts: 

Katherine Siggerud (202) 512-2834 or for buildings, 
telecommunications, and transportation issues. 

Patricia Dalton (202) 512-3841 or for energy and Army 
Corps of Engineers issues. 

Staff Acknowledgments: 

James Ashley, Carl Barden, Jonathan Carver, A. Nicole Clowers, Daniel 
Cain, Janice Ceperich, Michael Clements, Maria Edelstein, Elizabeth 
Eisenstadt, Susan Fleming, Mark Gaffigan, Joy Gambino, Kimberly 
Gianopoulos, Diana Goody, H. Brandon Haller, Daniel Hoy, Vondalee 
Hunt, Bert Japikse, Anar Ladhani, Hannah Laufe, Joanie Lofgren, Grant 
Mallie, Kristen Massey, David Maurer, Anu Mittal, Sara Ann Moessbauer, 
Joshua Ormond, James Ratzenberger, Amy Rosewarne, Beverly Ross, John 
Shumann, Larry Thomas, and Susan Zimmerman made significant 
contributions to this report. 

In addition, Laura Acosta, Silvia Arbelaez-Ellis, Paul Begnaud, Sarah 
Jane Brady, Laurel Breedon, Myra Watts Butler, Waylon Catrett, Sunny 
Chang, Richard Cheston, Chase Cook, James Cooksey, John H. Davis, 
Bonnie Derby, Kathleen Drennan, Daniel Egan, James Elgas, Nagla'a El- 
Hodiri, K. Eric Essig, Mattias Fenton, Christine Frye, Kathy Hale, 
John Hansen, Kay Harnish-Ladd, Barbara Haynes, Adam Hoffman, Sabur 
Ibrahim, Richard Jorgenson, Emily Larson, Alexander Lawrence, Jennifer 
Leone, Nancy Lueke, Richard Mayfield, Gail Marnik, Cory Marzullo, 
Ronald Maxon, Marietta Mayfield, Daniel Newman, Loren Obler, Keith 
O'Brien, Kathryn O'Dea, Carol Patey, Leslie Pollock, Gloria Proa, 
Frank Putallaz, Nadine Garrick Raidbard, Nitin Rao, Sanford Reigle, 
Matthew Rosenberg, Mark Ryan, Connie Sawyer Jr., Paul Schmidt, Ryan 
Scott, David Shoemaker, A. Paige Smith, Ray Smith, Ronald Stouffer, 
Rosemary Torres-Lerma, Robyn Trotter, and Stephen Ulrich contributed 
by conducting audit work at state and local governments. 

Moreover, Jennifer Andreone, Shea Bader, Steven Banovac, Deyanna 
Beeler, Amanda Cherrin, MacKenzie Cooper, Abbie David, George Erhart, 
Janida Grima, Michael Hanson, Paul Hobart, Dana Hopings, William King, 
Claire Li, Angela Miles, Justin Monroe, Meredith Moore, Michael Pahr, 
Chhandasi Pandya, Jonathan Stehle, April Van Cleef, Richard Winsor, 
and Katherine Wunderink contributed by conducting research that 
allowed us to complete descriptions for hundreds of Recovery Act 

Finally, Joyce Evans, Jena Sinkfield, and Cynthia Taylor provided 
technical assistance. 

[End of section] 


[1] Pub. L. No. 111-5, 123 Stat. 115 (Feb. 17, 2009). 

[2] We are required by the act to review bimonthly selected states' 
and localities' uses of Recovery Act funds. For our latest report and 
citations to other Recovery Act topics, see GAO, Recovery Act: States' 
and Localities' Uses of Funds and Actions Needed to Address 
Implementation Challenges and Bolster Accountability, [hyperlink,] (Washington, D.C.: May 26, 

[3] Recovery Act, div. A, § 1512. The act requires that each recipient 
report the total amount of funds received, the amounts of funds 
expended or obligated to projects or activities, a detailed list of 
all projects or activities for which funds were expended or obligated, 
including information concerning each such project or activity, and 
detailed information on subcontracts or subgrants awarded by the 
recipient. We refer to the quarterly reports required by section 1512 
as recipient reports. 

[4] Recovery Act, div. A, § 1526. 

[5] Another important component of this Web site is reporting on jobs 
created or retained as a result of the act. The Recovery Act requires 
GAO to comment on the estimates of jobs created or retained no later 
than 45 days after recipients have reported. See [hyperlink,]; GAO, Recovery Act: One Year 
Later, States' and Localities' Uses of Funds and Opportunities to 
Strengthen Accountability, [hyperlink,] (Washington, D.C.: Mar. 3, 
2010); and GAO, Recovery Act: Recipient Reported Jobs Data Provide 
Some Insight into Use of Recovery Act Funding, but Data Quality and 
Reporting Issues Need Attention, [hyperlink,] (Washington, D.C.: Nov. 19, 

[6] The act established the Recovery Board to carry out a number of 
review and reporting activities pertaining to the act, as well as 
establishing a Web site— 

[7] We also reviewed public policy literature on transparency, which 
did not offer specific attributes that could be readily transferred to 
our efforts. 

[8] Two of the programs—the Broadband Initiatives and the Supplemental 
Discretionary Grants programs—had not yet made awards. The sampling 
procedure allows us to estimate the extent to which the project 
descriptions appear transparent for each program and for the universe 
of 14,089 awards. For both the representative sample and the 
judgmental sample described later in this paragraph, we used recipient 
reports for the quarter ending December 31, 2009, which were initially 
posted on January 30, 2010, and updated on February 10, 2010. There 
was not enough time to review more recent quarterly reports—available 
on April 30—for this report. 

[9] Recovery Act funds can also be spent by subrecipients—nonfederal 
entities that are awarded Recovery Act funding through a legal 
instrument from the prime recipient to manage and support the 
performance of any portion of the substantive project or program for 
which the prime recipient received the Recovery Act funding. 

[10] The fields are recipient name, project name, award description, 
project description, activity description, amount of award, project 
status, and primary place of performance street address (2), city, 
state, and zip code. These fields are discussed in more detail later 
in this report. 

[11] In some cases, these searches did not allow us to complete the 
descriptions. In these situations, we used agency information or 
contacted the recipients of the award to gather further information. 

[12] These requirements are contained in section 1512 of the Recovery 

[13] The first round covered activity from the Recovery Act's passage 
through September 30, 2009. 

[14] The Recovery Act required recipients to submit reports not later 
than 10 days after the end of each calendar quarter. For the second 
round, recipients were allowed to submit data from January 1 to 
January 22, and federal agencies reviewed the data from January 24 to 
January 29. The second round reports were posted on on 
January 30. Beginning February 2, the Recovery Board allowed 
recipients to edit records in and then updated 
the data on every 2 weeks beginning February 10, 2010. 

[15] This process of Web-based publication of funding and expenditure 
data was pioneered through the establishment of, which 
was created in response to the Federal Funding Accountability and 
Transparency Act of 2006. The 2006 act requires that OMB "ensure the 
existence and operation of a single searchable website, accessible by 
the public at no cost to access, that includes [a variety of specified 
data] for each federal award." A federal award includes for this 
purpose federal financial assistance and expenditures in the form of 
grants, subgrants, loans, awards, cooperative agreements, or any other 
forms of financial assistance, as well as contracts, subcontracts, 
purchase orders, task orders, and delivery orders. The decision to 
include Web-based publication in the Recovery Act, although somewhat 
duplicative of the 2006 act, expands the reporting of project 
description data and shifts the burden of reporting data, in part, to 
the recipients of federal funds. Expansion of the reporting of federal 
agency data is consistent with the principles of transparency, 
participation, and collaboration promoted by the administration's open 
government initiative, as established by the President's Memorandum on 
Transparency and Open Government, January 21, 2009, and the Open 
Government Directive issued by the Director of the Office of 
Management and Budget, December 8, 2009. 

[16] [hyperlink,], [hyperlink,], and [hyperlink,]. 

[17] For this report, we only assessed the transparency of prime 
recipient award information, as subrecipients are not required to 
submit descriptive information. 

[18] As previously stated, we focused on 12 data fields from OMB's 
Recipient Reporting Data Model. However, OMB requires recipients to 
provide information on a number of other measures, such as the numbers 
of jobs created and retained, through additional fields. 

[19] The act also required award recipients to report data elements on 
subawards that are required in the Federal Accountability and 
Transparency Act of 2006. We reviewed the 2006 act, its legislative 
history, and OMB reporting guidance, and found that the required data 
elements on subawards do not include narrative information, the focus 
of our review. 

[20] The Recipient Reporting Data Model is a supplement to OMB's M-09-
21 guidance, issued on June 22, 2009, and is also available on 

[21] The project activity description categorizes projects and 
activities using three classification systems: the North American 
Industry Classification System, the National Taxonomy of Exempt 
Entities, and the Nonprofit Program Classification. 

[22] See table 12 in appendix XIII for OMB's Recipient Reporting Data 
Model instructions associated with these fields. 

[23] The second round of recipient reporting covered the period from 
October 1 through December 31, 2009. There were no reports in for the Broadband Initiatives Program and Supplemental 
Discretionary Grants, because awards were not made for those programs 
by December 31, 2009. 

[24] Chip sealing is a pavement maintenance practice that extends 
pavement life and provides a good driving surface. It involves 
spraying a thin film of heated asphalt liquid on the road surface, 
followed by the placement of small aggregates ("chips"). The chips are 
then compacted to orient the chips for maximum adherence to the 

[25] OMB Memorandum, M-09-21. Material omissions are defined as 
instances in which required data are not reported or reported 
information is not otherwise responsive to the data requests resulting 
in a significant risk that the public is not fully informed as to the 
status of a Recovery Act project or activity. Significant reporting 
errors are defined as those instances in which required data are not 
reported and such erroneous reporting results in significant risk that 
the public will be misled or confused by the recipient report in 

[26] For the third reporting round, OMB added a third category of data 
quality issues administrative/technical—for federal agencies to 
identify and track. 

[27] According to, to ensure full transparency, the Web 
site pulls agency data on federal contract, grant, and loan awards 
from the Federal Procurement Data System (, which collects 
all the information on federal contracts awarded by federal agencies 
and is updated bi-weekly. Additionally, pulls data from, which collects all the information on federal grants 
and loans awarded by federal agencies and is updated biweekly. 

[28] Although agencies are not required to develop new Web sites for 
Recovery Act efforts, OMB's guidance states that each agency should 
dedicate a page of its primary Web site to such activities. 

[29] The Rural Utilities Service received $2.5 billion for both grants 
and the costs of loans. The Rural Utilities Service stated that it 
will allocate $2 billion for grants and $500 million for loans. Based 
on the conditions prescribed in the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990, 
the Rural Utilities Service initially expected that the $500 million 
in budget authority allocated to support loans would support a 
principal amount of approximately $7 billion. 

[30] 74 Fed. Reg. 33104 (July 9, 2009). 

[31] The broadband service can be either fixed or mobile, but must 
provide a minimum two-way data transmission speed of at least 760 
kilobits per second downstream and at least 200 kilobits per second 
upstream to end users. 

[32] 75 Fed. Reg. 3820 (Jan. 22, 2010). Unlike in the first round, the 
Broadband Initiatives Program has its own funding notice, and it will 
focus primarily on Last Mile projects. The first round requirement 
that eligible infrastructure projects must cover unserved or 
underserved projects has been eliminated, along with the Last Mile 
Remote project category. In the second round, the Rural Utilities 
Service has focused its efforts on rural economic development in 
addition to continuing to reach unserved rural areas. The Rural 
Utilities Service has qualified for funding any rural area in which at 
least 50 percent of the premises in the area do not have access to 
broadband service at the rate of 5 megabits (upstream and downstream 
combined). The Rural Utilities Service has determined that these areas 
lack high-speed broadband service sufficient to facilitate rural 
economic development as required by the Recovery Act. Service 
offerings must still be within proposed funded service areas that are 
at least 75 percent rural as required by the Recovery Act. 

[33] In addition to funding the Department of Agriculture's Broadband 
Initiatives Program, the Recovery Act authorized NTIA to create the 
Broadband Technology Opportunities Program to manage competitive 
grants to a variety of entities for broadband infrastructure, public 
computer centers, and innovative projects to stimulate demand for, and 
adoption of, broadband. See appendix II for more information on this 

[34] 74 Fed. Reg. 33104 (July 9, 2009). 

[35] 75 Fed. Reg. 3792 (Jan. 22, 2010). Significant changes made from 
the first round notice include simplifying application procedures and 
adopting a "comprehensive communities" approach to award grants that 
emphasizes Middle Mile broadband capabilities and new or substantially 
upgraded connections to community anchor institutions. 

[36] This sample is statistically representative of the 46 Recovery 
Act awards in the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program that had 
second round recipient reports. See appendix XIV for error rates 
associated with these estimates. 

[37] GAO, Recovery Act: One Year Later, States' and Localities' Uses 
of Funds and Opportunities to Strengthen Accountability, [hyperlink,] (Washington, D.C.: Mar. 3, 
2010); GAO, Recovery Act: Officials' Views Vary on Impacts of Davis-
Bacon Act Prevailing Wage Provision, [hyperlink,] (Washington, D.C.: Feb. 24, 
2010); and GAO, Recovery Act: Project Selection and Starts Are 
Influenced by Certain Federal Requirements and Other Factors, 
[hyperlink,] (Washington, D.C.: 
Feb. 10, 2010). 

[38] This sample is statistically representative of the 57 Recovery 
Act awards in the Weatherization Assistance Program that had second 
round recipient reports on did not include 
a report from 1 of the 58 recipients. See appendix XIV for error rates 
associated with these estimates. 

[39] Weatherization Program Notice 09-1B issued in March 2009 and 
Weatherization Program Notice 10-1, issued December 18, 2009. 

[40] Weatherization Program Notice 10-13 issued March 11, 2010 and 
Weatherization Program Notice 10-14, issued March 11, 2010. These 
notices did not apply to the sample of project descriptions we 

[41] Department officials said that these instructions were provided 
in the department's Supplemental Instructions for OMB Section 1512 
Reporting, Instructions for Grant and Loan Recipients, issued December 
21, 2009. 

[42] OMB Memo, M-10-08, December 18, 2009. 

[43] Geothermal energy is heat from the earth that is captured by 
drilling wells, brought to the surface as hot water or steam, and used 
to drive turbines to generate electricity, among other things. 

[44] The program office contracted with industry and academia to 
assist with the technical review of 426 grant applications and spent a 
total $628,000. All of the national labs' proposals were reviewed 
within the Department of Energy. 

[45] The 10 national labs are Argonne National Laboratory, Brookhaven 
National Laboratory, Idaho National Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley 
National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Los 
Alamos National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Pacific 
Northwest National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, and the 
National Renewable Energy Laboratory. 

[46] The U.S. Geological Survey project does not appear on the 
Recovery Act Web site because the Web site only tracks Recovery Act 
funding awarded to nonfederal recipients. 

[47] However, based on the data on the department's Recovery Act Web 
site, it does not appear that all 151 projects have been awarded. 

[48] The 26 national lab projects fall within the enhanced geothermal 
systems research and development area. 

[49] As of December 31, 2009, the geothermal program had only awarded 
38 projects, which were reported in 29 records in The 
office awarded grants for 12 projects and contracts for 26 national 
lab projects. 

[50] This sample is statistically representative of the 29 Recovery 
Act awards in the geothermal program that had second round recipient 
reports. See appendix XIV for error rates associated with these 

[51] The Office of Science oversees and funds research and development 
efforts at the national labs. 

[52] The Fiscal Year 2010 Department of Transportation Appropriations 
Act also contained $2.5 billion for high-speed and intercity passenger 

[53] Using non-Recovery Act appropriations, FRA also advanced a 
planning funding track to enter into cooperative agreements for 
planning activities in order to create the Corridor Program and 
project pipeline needed to fully develop a high-speed rail network. 

[54] Twelve additional high-speed rail projects were selected for 
funding using non-Recovery Act funds. 

[55] This sample is statistically representative of the 328 Recovery 
Act awards in the Grants-in-Aid for Airports program that had second 
round recipient reports. See appendix XIV for error rates associated 
with these estimates. 

[56] The Department of Transportation's Office of Inspector General 
issued an alert on FAA's process for awarding Recovery Act funds. 
However, these two airports were not among those mentioned in the 
alert as recipients with lower-ranked projects or prior grant 
management problems. In addition, both airports had national priority 
ratings above FAA's threshold for Recovery Act awards. See Department 
of Transportation, Office of the Secretary of Transportation, Office 
of Inspector General, ARRA Advisory--FAA's Process for Awarding ARRA 
Airport Improvement Program Grants, Advisory No. AA-2009-003 
(Washington, D.C.: Aug. 6, 2009). 

[57] As of May 3, 2010, $420 million and $26 million of the $26.7 
billion apportioned for highways was transferred from FHWA to the 
Federal Transit Administration and the Maritime Administration for 
transit and other projects, respectively, leaving $26.2 billion 
available for highways. FHWA obligated about $26.2 billion within the 
one-year deadline established under the Recovery Act Highway 
Infrastructure funding provisions. The following information on the 
amount and percentage of funds obligated does not include obligations 
associated with the transferred funds. 

[58] For this program, the Department of Transportation has 
interpreted the term "obligation of funds" to mean the federal 
government's commitment to pay for the federal share of the project. 
This commitment occurs at the time the federal government signs a 
project agreement. States request reimbursement from FHWA as they make 
payments to contractors working on approved projects. 

[59] When a highway award includes activities from more than one type 
of improvement, officials told us that FHWA categorizes the award 
using the type of improvement associated with the largest portion of 
the award funding. 

[60] The Recovery Act required states to set aside 3 percent of their 
Highway Infrastructure Investment funds for transportation 
enhancements. However, transportation enhancement projects were 
eligible for all Recovery Act funds, and many states funded 
transportation enhancement-eligible projects with other Recovery Act 
funds. This total includes funding for all projects coded as 
transportation enhancements, regardless of whether the projects used 
Recovery Act set-aside funds. 

[61] This sample is statistically representative of the 10,156 
Recovery Act awards in the Highway Infrastructure Investment Program 
that had second round recipient reports. See appendix XIV for error 
rates associated with these estimates. 

[62] Under section 1201(c) of the Recovery Act, Department of 
Transportation grant recipients are required to submit periodic 
reports on the use of Recovery Act funds. The department is then 
required to collect and compile this information for Congress. The 
reports are due no later than 90 days, 180 days, 1 year, 2 years, and 
3 years after enactment. 

[63] Section 1511 of the Recovery Act requires state or local 
governments, the governor, mayor, or other chief executive, as 
appropriate, to certify that infrastructure investments have been 
reviewed and accepted as an appropriate use of taxpayer dollars before 
receiving funds available through the act. 

[64] The new RADS field--project detail--corresponds to the narrative 
project description field for recipient reporting. 

[65] Location refers to an award's place of performance, which OMB 
defines as the physical location of an award. 

[66] Transportation Investments Generating Economic Recovery. 

[67] The Transit Capital Assistance program includes the Section 5307 
Urbanized Area Formula, Section 5311 Non-Urbanized Area Formula, and 
the Transit Investments in Greenhouse Gas and Energy Reduction 
Discretionary Grant (often called TIGGER grants) programs. 

[68] For the Transit Capital Assistance program, the Department of 
Transportation has interpreted the term "obligation of funds" to mean 
the federal government's commitment to pay for the federal share of 
the project. This commitment occurs at the time the federal government 
signs a grant agreement. 

[69] This sample is statistically representative of the 641 Transit 
Capital Assistance program awards that had second round recipient 
reports in See appendix XIV for error rates associated 
with these estimates. 

[70] As part of our judgmental sample, we reviewed 10 transit awards 
in depth, which included interviewing recipients. For more information 
on the methodology, see appendix XIII. 

[71] OMB outlined the approval process for agency program-specific 
guidance in its March 2010 guidance, M-10-14. 

[72] High-performance green buildings are designed to achieve a number 
of environmental goals, including reducing energy, water, and material 
resource use and reducing buildings' impact on the environment and on 
building occupants. 

[73] We expect to report shortly on GSA's implementation of its 
Recovery Act program, including its efforts to make information about 
its program publicly available. 

[74] GSA will continue to make revisions to its project plan over time. 

[75] This sample is statistically representative of the 491 Recovery 
Act awards in the Federal Buildings Fund that had second round 
recipient reports. See appendix XIV for error rates associated with 
these estimates. 

[76] [hyperlink,]. 

[77] GSA's Public Buildings Service is the landlord for the civilian 
federal government, acquires space on behalf of the federal government 
through new construction and leasing, and acts as a caretaker for 
federal properties across the country. The Public Buildings Service is 
funded primarily through the Federal Buildings Fund, which is 
supported by rent from federal customer agencies. 

[78] The Corps has both a military and a civil works program. The 
military program provides, among other things, engineering and 
construction services to other U.S. government agencies and foreign 
governments, while the Civil Works program is responsible for 
investigating, developing, and maintaining water resource projects. 
This report only discusses the Civil Works program. 

[79] For most accounts, the Corps can only spend Recovery Act money 
for a project that has received or will receive appropriated funds; in 
effect, the money must complement other funding and not be used for 
stand-alone projects. 

[80] The Recovery Act requires the Corps to spend not less than $200 
million from the Recovery Act Construction account on water-related 
environmental infrastructure projects. 

[81] This funding is counted here as a single project, but will be 
distributed to multiple Corps districts to accelerate regulatory 
processes for nonfederal investments that need permits. 

[82] These contracts include additional task orders and modifications 
to existing contracts. The Corps awarded both existing and newly 
awarded contracts and used multiple award contracts, single award 
contracts, and individual contracts. 

[83] This sample is statistically representative of the 2,336 Civil 
Works awards that had second round recipient reports in 
See appendix XIV for error rates associated with these estimates. 

[84] Determining whether this information was provided to recipients 
by district offices was outside the scope of this review. 

[85] The Federal Business Opportunities Web site ( 
is the government's official Web site for posting proposed contract 
actions and solicitations. 

[86] OMB Memorandum, M-09-21. Material omissions are defined as 
instances in which required data are not reported or reported 
information is not otherwise responsive to the data requests, 
resulting in a significant risk that the public is not fully informed 
as to the status of a Recovery Act project or activity. Significant 
reporting errors are defined as those instances in which required data 
are not reported accurately and such erroneous reporting results in 
significant risk that the public will be misled or confused by the 
recipient report in question. 

[87] For the third reporting round, OMB added a third category of data 
quality issues--administrative/technical--for federal agencies to 
identify and track. 

[88] GSA was not included in this review. 

[89] Each of the seven agencies reviewed had identified a number of 
inaccuracies in the data that Recovery Act fund recipients provided 
for the first reporting cycle. The most prevalent errors were in key 
award and job elements. 

[90] Of the 467 awards, 173 were contracts, and 294 were grants. 

[91] We electronically searched for news media articles on specific 
Recovery Act awards from October 30, 2009 (the release of the first 
round of recipient reports), through mid-December 2009. This search of 
nationwide and state-specific news sources focused on the 16 states 
and District of Columbia included in our bimonthly Recovery Act work. 
Most articles we found were about programs or the act as a whole, 
rather than on specific projects. 

[92] California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, 
Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, New Jersey, New 
York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Texas. 

[93] We also reviewed public policy literature on transparency, which 
did not offer specific attributes that could be readily transferred to 
our efforts. 

[94] Awards had not yet been announced for the Broadband Initiatives 
and Supplemental Discretionary Grant programs. 

[95] We used the following decision rules. A description of an award 
met our transparency criteria if it contained reasonably clear and 
specific information on all of the attributes across the fields 
evaluated, or if some information was missing in a minor way. A 
description of an award did not meet our transparency criteria if 
information on all or materially all of the information across the 
fields was missing, unclear, or nonspecific. If a description of an 
award contained cost and status information (which all did), but to 
some extent other information was missing, nonspecific or unclear, we 
considered that the award substantially or partially met our criteria, 
since the public would not have been able to fully understand what 
funds were being spent on or the expected outcome of the award. 
Although we initially attempted to distinguish between substantially 
met and partially met, we determined that this distinction was not 
material; therefore, everything in between was considered as partially 
meeting our transparency criteria. 

[96] Of these 52 awards, we were unable to make contact with one 
recipient in our judgmental sample. Therefore, we only conducted 
interviews to gather additional information for 51 awards. 

[End of section] 

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