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entitled 'Maritime Security: Varied Actions Taken to Enhance Cruise 
Ship Security, but Some Concerns Remain' which was released on May 
10, 2010. 

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Report to the Chairman, Committee on Homeland Security, House of 

United States Government Accountability Office: 

April 2010: 

Maritime Security: 

Varied Actions Taken to Enhance Cruise Ship Security, but Some 
Concerns Remain: 


GAO Highlights: 

Highlights of GAO-10-400, a report to the Chairman, Committee on 
Homeland Security, House of Representatives. 

Why GAO Did This Study: 

Over 9 million passengers departed from U.S. ports on cruise ships in 
2008, and according to agency officials, cruise ships are attractive 
terrorist targets. GAO was asked to review cruise ship security, and 
this report addresses the extent to which (1) the Coast Guard, the 
lead federal agency on maritime security, assessed risk in accordance 
with the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) guidance and 
identified risks; and (2) federal agencies, cruise ship and facility 
operators, and law enforcement entities have taken actions to protect 
cruise ships and their facilities. GAO reviewed relevant requirements 
and agency documents on maritime security, analyzed 2006 through 2008 
security operations data, interviewed federal and industry officials, 
and made observations at seven ports. GAO selected these locations 
based on factors such as the number of sailings from each port. 
Results of the visits provided additional information on security, but 
were not projectable to all ports. 

What GAO Found: 

The Coast Guard has assessed the risks to cruise ships in accordance 
with DHS guidance—which requires that the agency analyze threats, 
vulnerabilities, and consequences—and, with other maritime 
stakeholders, identified some concerns. Specifically, agency officials 
reported in January 2010 that there had been no credible threats 
against cruise ships in the prior 12 months, but also noted the 
presence of terrorist groups that have the capability to attack a 
cruise ship. The Coast Guard, cruise ship and facility operators, and 
law enforcement officials generally believe waterside attacks are a 
concern for cruise ships. Agency officials and terrorism researchers 
also identified terrorists boarding a cruise ship as a concern. The 
Coast Guard has also identified the potential consequences of an 
attack, which would include potential loss of life and economic 

Federal agencies, cruise ship and facility operators, and law 
enforcement entities have taken various actions to enhance the 
security of cruise ships and their facilities and implement related 
laws, regulations, and guidance, and additional actions are under way. 
DHS and component agencies have taken security measures such as the 
Coast Guard providing escorts of cruise ships during transit, and CBP’
s review of passenger and crew data to help target passenger 
inspections. Cruise ship and cruise ship facility operators’ security 
actions have included developing and implementing security plans, 
among other things. The Coast Guard is also in the process of 
expanding a program to deter and prevent small vessel attacks, and is 
developing additional security measures for cruise ships. In addition, 
CBP’s 2005-2010 Strategic Plan states that CBP should seek to improve 
identification and targeting of potential terrorists through automated 
advanced information. CBP, however, has not assessed the cost and 
benefit of requiring cruise lines to provide passenger reservation 
data, which in the aviation mode, CBP reports to be useful for the 
targeting of passengers for inspection. GAO’s previous work identified 
evaluations as a way for agencies to explore the benefits of a 
program. If CBP conducted a study to determine whether collecting 
additional passenger data is cost effective and addressed privacy 
implications, CBP would be in a better position to determine whether 
additional actions should be taken to augment security. 

Figure: Cruise Ship Escort by Coast Guard Boats: 

[Refer to PDF for image: photograph] 

Source: U.S. Coast Guard. 

[End of figure] 

What GAO Recommends: 

GAO recommends that the Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection 
(CBP), the unified border security agency in DHS, conduct a study to 
determine whether requiring cruise lines to provide passenger 
reservation data to CBP would benefit homeland security, and if found 
to be of substantial benefit, determine the appropriate mechanism to 
issue this requirement. DHS concurred with our recommendation. 

View [hyperlink,] or key 
components. For more information, contact Stephen L. Caldwell at (202) 
512-9610 or 

[End of section] 




The Coast Guard Assesses Risk to Cruise Ships and Facilities in 
Accordance with DHS's Risk Assessment Guidance; Concerns Associated 
with Waterside Attacks Remain: 

Stakeholders Have Taken Various Actions Pursuant to Laws, Regulations, 
and Guidance Designed to Enhance the Security of Cruise Ship 
Operations and Additional Actions Are Being Considered: 


Recommendation for Executive Action: 

Agency Comments and Our Evaluation: 

Appendix I: Agency Comments: 

Appendix II: GAO Contact and Staff Acknowledgments: 

Related GAO Products: 


Table 1: Key International Stakeholders with Maritime Security 

Table 2: Key Domestic Stakeholders with Maritime Security 

Table 3: Key International, National, and State Security Requirements 
Applicable to Cruise Ships: 


Figure 1: Leading U.S. Departure Ports and Destinations for North 
American Cruises in 2008: 

Figure 2: Coast Guard Inspection of a Cruise Ship Facility: 

Figure 3: Cruise Ship Escort by Coast Guard Boats: 

Figure 4: Local Law Enforcement Vessel Enforcing a Security Zone: 

Figure 5: Truck Unloading Areas and Canine Screening of Stores 
Awaiting Loading on Cruise Ship: 


CBP: Customs and Border Protection: 

DHS: Department of Homeland Security: 

IMO: International Maritime Organization: 

ISPS: International Ship and Port Facility Security: 

MTSA: Maritime Transportation Security Act: 

SAFE Port Act: Security and Accountability For Every Port Act of 2006: 

TSA: Transportation Security Administration: 

[End of section] 

United States Government Accountability Office: 
Washington, DC 20548: 

April 9, 2010: 

The Honorable Bennie G. Thompson: 
Committee on Homeland Security: 
House of Representatives: 

Dear Mr. Chairman, 

Cruise ships are the single largest passenger conveyances in the 
world, with one ship currently in service that can carry more than 
8,500 passengers and crew. The Coast Guard considers cruise ships to 
be highly attractive targets to terrorists, and according to a 2008 
RAND Corporation report, cruise ships can represent high-prestige 
symbolic targets for terrorists. Moreover, terrorists have either 
targeted cruise ships or been able to board cruise ships in the past. 
The hijacking of the cruise ship Achille Lauro and killing of 
passenger Leon Klinghoffer by terrorists in 1985 was a watershed event 
for the cruise industry, leading to major changes in cruise line 
security procedures. More recently, in 2005, a plot to attack Israeli 
cruise ships off of the Turkish Mediterranean coast was discovered 
after the premature explosion of a bomb that was intended for the 
attack. A successful attack on a cruise ship in or near U.S. waters 
that resulted in the closure of a U.S. port or discouraged cruise 
travel would likely harm the U.S. economy because of the significant 
economic impact that ports contribute to the U.S. economy. For 
example, in a 2006 report, the Congressional Budget Office estimated 
that the closure of the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach would 
reduce the U.S. Gross Domestic Product by up to $150 million per day. 
Reduced demand for cruise travel following an attack could also have 
substantial economic effects as direct spending for goods and services 
by the cruise lines and their passengers in the United States was 
about $19.1 billion in 2008. 

Enacted after the September 11, 2001, attacks, the Maritime 
Transportation Security Act of 2002 (MTSA) places much of the 
responsibility for coordinating and overseeing maritime security 
efforts with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).[Footnote 1] 
Within the department, the U.S. Coast Guard is the lead federal agency 
responsible for a wide array of maritime safety and security 
activities including those involving cruise ships and facilities. 
Other U.S. government agencies, such as DHS's U.S. Customs and Border 
Protection (CBP), the unified federal agency responsible for border 
security, support the Coast Guard's maritime security mission by 
addressing a wide range of issues that affect international maritime 
commerce, including screening passengers arriving in the United States 
by cruise ship. State and local governments and the private sector 
also have responsibilities to secure domestic ports. 

You requested that we identify threats and vulnerabilities--two 
elements of risk--associated with cruise ships and the measures being 
taken to protect them.[Footnote 2] This report responds to the 
following questions: 

* To what extent does the U.S. Coast Guard assess risk related to 
cruise ships and their facilities in accordance with DHS's guidance, 
and what are the identified risks? 

* To what extent have maritime security stakeholders taken actions to 
mitigate the potential risks to cruise ships and their facilities and 
to implement applicable federal laws, regulations, and guidance, and 
what additional actions, if any, could enhance cruise ship security? 

To determine the extent to which the U.S. Coast Guard assesses the 
risks related to cruise ships in accordance with DHS's guidance, and 
determine the identified risks associated with cruise ships and their 
facilities, we reviewed relevant federal guidance on the use of risk 
management, including the National Infrastructure Protection Plan. 
[Footnote 3] We also reviewed the Coast Guard's primary risk 
assessment tool, the Maritime Security Risk Assessment Model and Coast 
Guard documents describing the methodology and use of the risk 
assessment model. We analyzed the risk assessment model process and 
compared it to criteria with the risk assessment component of the 
National Infrastructure Protection Plan. We also analyzed the compiled 
nationwide results of the risk assessment model to determine the 
relative risks facing cruise ships and their facilities, as of July 
2009. In addition, we interviewed Coast Guard headquarters personnel 
responsible for conducting comprehensive security reviews of critical 
maritime infrastructure with the risk assessment model, Coast Guard 
District personnel, and Coast Guard Sector personnel responsible for 
the implementation of the risk assessment model at the local level to 
discuss the relative risks in their areas of responsibility.[Footnote 
4] We interviewed Coast Guard, Navy, and private sector intelligence 
personnel actively engaged in determining possible threats to cruise 
ships and their facilities. We also interviewed Coast Guard and CBP 
officials; personnel from five state and local law enforcement 
agencies; security personnel from five cruise lines and the Cruise 
Lines International Association, the key international cruise industry 
association; security personnel from nine cruise ship facility owners 
and operators (and one port authority with some security 
responsibility for a cruise facility) to determine their perspectives 
on the vulnerabilities of cruise ships and their facilities. The Coast 
Guard and CBP officials were those responsible for cruise ship and 
facility security at both the national level and at the locations 
where we made site visits. Similarly, the law enforcement personnel we 
met with represented jurisdictions covered in our site visits, and we 
also interviewed the facility owners and operators at those sites. We 
made these visits to a nonprobability sample of six cruise ship ports 
in the United States and four Coast Guard Sectors.[Footnote 5] We 
selected these locations based on the number of cruise ship sailings 
from the ports and the destinations for the cruise ship sailings. 
While the information we obtained from personnel at these locations 
cannot be generalized across all U.S. ports, it provided us with a 
perspective on the risks to cruise ship and facility security at the 
selected locations. The cruise lines we met with were primarily based 
on a nonprobability sample selected for their relative size and 
location. While their views may not represent views of all cruise 
lines, they do cover a substantial portion of the industry. For 
example, among members of the Cruise Lines International Association, 
the cruise lines we spoke with operate approximately 52 percent of 
vessels carrying 500 passengers or more in 2009. 

To determine the extent to which maritime security stakeholders-- 
including national and international governmental organizations, 
vessel owners, facility owners and operators, and law enforcement 
agencies--have taken actions to mitigate the potential risks to cruise 
ships and their facilities and to implement applicable federal laws 
and guidance, and determine what additional actions should be 
considered, we reviewed relevant federal legislation, regulations, and 
guidance. The scope of this review included MTSA; Security and 
Accountability For Every Port Act of 2006 (SAFE Port Act) amendments 
to MTSA;[Footnote 6] pertinent implementing regulations--such as 33 
C.F.R. Parts 101, 102, 103, 104, 105; the Coast Guard's Operation 
Neptune Shield operations order, Navigation and Vessel Inspection 
Circulars, and Maritime Security Directives, respectively. We analyzed 
data on the Coast Guard's security performance in meeting internal 
standards established for Operation Neptune Shield during fiscal year 
2008, and on cruise ship and facility operator's security performance 
in meeting requirements identified in Coast Guard regulations, from 
2006 to 2008. We found these data to be sufficiently reliable for the 
purpose of contextual or background information. To make this 
determination we conducted interviews with knowledgeable agency 
officials and performed data testing for missing data, outliers, and 
obvious errors. We also analyzed country reports from the Coast 
Guard's International Port Security Program--which has responsibility 
for assessing the antiterrorism measures maintained by foreign ports--
and Port Security Advisories to determine the level of security at 
major cruise ship foreign destinations. Although we reviewed CBP's 
documents on passenger screening, such as the Privacy Impact 
Assessment for the Automated Targeting System and the CBP Vessel APIS 
Guide, and reviewed CBP's objective to improve its identification and 
targeting of potential terrorists as stated in its 2005-2010 Strategic 
Plan, we did not conduct an independent evaluation of the Automated 
Targeting System. We also reviewed a prior GAO report discussing the 
use of program evaluations to identify benefits of federal programs. 
We interviewed federal officials from various agencies, including the 
Coast Guard and CBP to discuss their actions to reduce risks to cruise 
ships and their facilities. We observed security activities and 
interviewed state and local law enforcement personnel and security 
personnel responsible for protecting cruise ships and their facilities 
from terrorist attacks at the ports we visited. While our observations 
at these locations cannot be generalized across all U.S. ports, it 
provided us with a general overview and perspective on cruise ship and 
facility security at the selected locations. We also made a site visit 
to one foreign cruise ship port to observe possible security actions 
other than those used in the United States. We selected this port 
because it was one of the few foreign cruise departure ports with many 
cruises to U.S. destinations.[Footnote 7] 

We conducted this performance audit from January 2009 to April 2010 in 
accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards. 
Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain 
sufficient, appropriate evidence to provide a reasonable basis for our 
findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives. We believe 
that the evidence obtained provides a reasonable basis for our 
findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives. 


Cruise Industry Carries Many Passengers and Has Numerous Sailings from 
U.S. Ports: 

According to the Department of Transportation's Maritime 
Administration, over 9.3 million passengers departed from a U.S. port 
on North American cruises in 2008, on a total of almost 3,900 cruises 
from 30 ports.[Footnote 8] The U.S. ports with the most departures 
were located in Florida and include Miami, Fort Lauderdale, and Port 
Canaveral. Other ports with over 150 cruise departures in 2008 include 
Los Angeles, Long Beach, San Juan, and the New York City area. The 
Western Caribbean--including islands west of Haiti and ports in 
Mexico, Central America, and Columbia--was the most popular 
destination for passengers in 2008. These cruises carried nearly twice 
as many passengers, or more, than any other destination. Alaska, the: 

Bahamas, the Eastern Caribbean, and the Pacific coast of Mexico were 
other popular destinations in 2008. See figure 1 for a map showing 
leading North American cruise departure and destination ports, as well 
as the number of departing passengers for these ports. 

Figure 1: Leading U.S. Departure Ports and Destinations for North 
American Cruises in 2008: 

[Refer to PDF for image: illustrated map of North America] 

Departure port: Boston, Massachusetts; 
Number of passengers: 50,000. 

Departure port: Cape Liberty, New York; 
Number of passengers: 1,000,000. 

Departure port: New York, New York; 
Number of passengers: 1,000,000. 

Departure port: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; 
Number of passengers: 50,000. 

Departure port: Baltimore, Maryland; 
Number of passengers: 50,000. 

Departure port: Norfolk, Virginia; 
Number of passengers: 50,000. 

Departure port: Charleston, South Carolina; 
Number of passengers: 50,000. 

Departure port: Jacksonville, Florida; 
Number of passengers: 50,000. 

Departure port: Tampa. Florida; 
Number of passengers: 1,000,000. 

Departure port: Port Canaveral, Florida; 
Number of passengers: 3,000,000. 

Departure port: Fort Lauderdale, Florida; 
Number of passengers: 3,000,000. 

Departure port: Miami, Florida; 
Number of passengers: 3,000,000. 

Departure port: Mobile, Alabama; 
Number of passengers: 50,000. 

Departure port: New Orleans, Louisiana; 
Number of passengers: 50,000. 

Departure port: Galveston, Texas; 
Number of passengers: 1,000,000. 

Departure port: San Diego, California; 
Number of passengers: 1,000,000. 

Departure port: Long Beach, California; 
Number of passengers: 1,000,000. 

Departure port: Los Angeles, California; 
Number of passengers: 1,000,000. 

Departure port: San Francisco, California; 
Number of passengers: 50,000. 

Departure port: Seattle, Washington; 
Number of passengers: 1,000,000. 

Departure port: Seward, Alaska; 
Number of passengers: 50,000. 

Departure port: Whittier, Alaska; 
Number of passengers: 50,000. 

Departure port: Honolulu, Hawaii; 
Number of passengers: 50,000. 

Departure port: San Juan, Puerto Rico; 
Number of passengers: 1,000,000. 

Destination region: Alaska; 
Number of passengers: 1,000,000. 

Destination region: Mexico (Pacific); 
Number of passengers: 1,000,000. 

Destination region: Bahamas; 
Number of passengers: 3,000,000. 

Destination region: Western Caribbean; 
Number of passengers: 3,000,000. 

Destination region: Eastern Caribbean; 
Number of passengers: 3,000,000. 

Destination region: Southern Caribbean; 
Number of passengers: 1,000,000. 

Sources: GAO analysis of US Customs and Border Patrol data; cruise 
line data; and the Official Steamship Guide International. 

[End of figure] 

Many Stakeholders Involved in Securing Cruise Ship Operations: 

Numerous international and domestic organizations play a role in the 
security of cruise ships. The non-U.S. stakeholders are diverse and 
have wide-ranging roles and responsibilities. These stakeholders 
include international organizations, governments of nations where 
cruise ships make stops or are registered, and owners and operators of 
the vessels and facilities (see table 1). 

Table 1: Key International Stakeholders with Maritime Security 

International organizations: 

Organization or agency: 
* International Maritime Organization (IMO); 
The International Maritime Organization is a specialized agency of the 
United Nations with 169 member states that is responsible for 
developing an international regulatory framework addressing, among 
other things, maritime safety and security; 
Key maritime security-related activities: 
* Responsible for developing and maintaining a comprehensive 
regulatory framework for shipping; 
* Responsible for developing international standards for port and 
vessel security. 

Organization or agency: 
* Cruise Lines International Association; 
Cruise Lines International Association is composed of 25 cruise lines 
that represent 97 percent of the cruise capacity marketed from North 
Key maritime security-related activities: 
* Responsible for acting as the coordinating body and conduit of 
information for its members in meetings with U.S. security agencies at 
the national level. 

Overseas governmental agencies: 

Organization or agency: 
* Designated Authorities; 
Agencies of IMO member governments or their representatives 
responsible for implementing international maritime security 
requirements. In the United States, the designated authority is the 
U.S. Coast Guard; 
Key maritime security-related activities: 
* Responsible for setting security levels at a country's ports; 
* Responsible for reviewing vessel and facility security plans and 
overseeing compliance with these plans. 

International private sector: 

Organization or agency: 
* Vessel owners, operators, and crew; 
and terminal operators; 
Key maritime security-related activities: 
* Responsible for implementing vessel security plans that meet 
relevant security standards. 

Source: GAO. 

[End of table] 

In addition to international stakeholders, there are various domestic 
maritime security stakeholders in the United States. Table 2 lists key 
federal agencies and other domestic stakeholders, together with 
examples of the maritime security activities they perform. 

Table 2: Key Domestic Stakeholders with Maritime Security 

Stakeholders: Federal government: Department of Homeland Security: 
* U.S. Coast Guard; 
Key maritime security-related responsibilities: 
* Conduct vessel escorts, boardings of selected vessels, and security 
patrols of key port areas; 
* Ensure vessels in U.S. waters comply with domestic and international 
maritime security standards; 
* Review U.S. vessel and facility security plans and oversee 
compliance with these plans; 
* Meet with foreign governments and visit foreign port facilities to 
observe security conditions. 

Stakeholders: Federal government: Department of Homeland Security: 
* U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP); 
Key maritime security-related responsibilities: 
* Prior to a vessel arrival in the United States, screen information 
on its history, crew, passengers, and cargo for items that would lead 
to further examination; 
* Review documentation of all persons, baggage, and cargo arriving 
from foreign ports. Ensure that all have appropriate documents to gain 
access to the United States; 
* Take action to deny admissibility of aliens to the U.S., or take 
other appropriate enforcement action based on the results of the 
border search; 
* Operate the National Targeting Center that analyzes information used 
to target persons for additional screening.[A] 

Stakeholders: Federal government: Department of Homeland Security: 
* Transportation Security Administration (TSA); 
Key maritime security-related responsibilities: 
* Test technologies, practices, and techniques for passenger screening 
systems in the maritime environment; 
* Coordinate with the Coast Guard on security training and surge 

Stakeholders: State and local governments: 
* Law enforcement agencies; 
Key maritime security-related responsibilities: 
* Often act as land-based security for facility operators; 
* If agency operates a marine unit, support Coast Guard role through 
water patrols and possibly escorts. 

Stakeholders: State and local governments: 
* Port authorities; 
Key maritime security-related responsibilities: 
* Own many cruise ship facilities and responsible for ensuring their 

Stakeholders: Private sector: 
* Vessel owners and operators; 
Key maritime security-related responsibilities: 
* Develop and implement vessel security plans that meet applicable 
laws and regulations. 

Stakeholders: Private sector: 
* Security contractors; 
Key maritime security-related responsibilities: 
* Provide security services at cruise ship facilities. 

Stakeholders: Private sector: 
* Facilities contractors; 
Key maritime security-related responsibilities: 
* Operate some cruise ship facilities on behalf of owners. 

Source: GAO. 

[A] The National Targeting Center is a multiagency operations center 
that conducts national level targeting and analysis in support of 
border-related efforts to identify and interdict terrorists through 
reports on individuals entering the country at land, sea, and airports. 

[End of table] 

Maritime Security Actions Are Guided by Legal and Regulatory Framework: 

International, national, and state and local requirements guide 
maritime security, including the security of cruise ships and their 
facilities. At the international level, the International Maritime 
Organization (IMO), through its International Ship and Port Facility 
Security (ISPS) Code, a part of the International Convention for the 
Safety of Life at Sea, lays out the international framework designed 
to help ensure maritime security.[Footnote 9] National laws, 
regulations, and guidance direct federal agencies and vessel and 
facility operators on a nationwide basis. State and local requirements 
may also further direct activities of operators within their 
jurisdictions (see table 3). 

Table 3: Key International, National, and State Security Requirements 
Applicable to Cruise Ships: 

Promulgator: International: IMO; 
Law or guidance: International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) 
Code,[A] as implemented through Chapter XI-2 of the International 
Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea[B]; 
Key provisions: Sets out many of the international standards for 
vessel and port facility security. For example, all covered vessels 
shall have a designated security officer. 

Promulgator: United States: U.S. federal government; 
Law or guidance: Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002 
Key provisions: Establishes a maritime security framework including 
many of the U.S. vessel and port facility security requirements and 
standards and for Coast Guard enforcement of many of such provisions. 
One such provision, for example, facilities and vessels that may be in 
a transportation security incident shall have vulnerability 

Promulgator: United States: U.S. federal government; 
Law or guidance: SAFE Port Act amendments to MTSA (2006)[D]; 
Key provisions: Sets additional requirements for Coast Guard 
regulation of port facility security. For example, at least one 
security inspection--an inspection of a facility to verify the 
effectiveness of its security plan--of regulated facilities shall be 

Promulgator: United States: U.S. federal government; 
Law or guidance: Immigration and Nationality Act (1952)[E]; 
Key provisions: Section 235 of the Immigration and Nationality Act and 
implementing regulations provide for the examination of all persons 
seeking to enter the U.S. by a CBP officer. Once determined not to be 
a citizen or national of the United States the applicant will be 
inspected as an alien. All aliens are subject to inspection to 
determine the admissibility of all individuals seeking to enter the 
United States. 

Promulgator: United States: U.S. federal government; 
Law or guidance: Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 
Key provisions: Requires information about passengers and crews on 
cruise ships to be compared to watch lists to prevent suspected or 
known terrorists and their associates from boarding, or to subject 
them to additional security scrutiny. 

Promulgator: United States: Coast Guard; 
Law or guidance: Implementing Regulations (such as 33 C.F.R. Parts 
101, 104, and 105); 
Key provisions: Based on legislative authority, set specific security 
requirements for U.S. flagged vessels and port facilities. For 
example, owners or operators of cruise ships shall ensure the 
screening of all persons, baggage, and personal effects for dangerous 
substances and devices. 

Promulgator: United States: Coast Guard; 
Law or guidance: Operation Neptune Shield operations order; 
Key provisions: Sets internal Coast Guard standards for vessel 
(including cruise ships) security activities, which include escorts 
and security boardings--boardings performed to verify the information 
submitted in advance of the ship's arrival, verify that the ship and 
crew are operating as expected, and to act on intelligence that may 
have prompted security concerns. For example, Coast Guard units are 
required to escort a certain percentage of high capacity passenger 
vessels--those carrying 500 or more passengers--under different 
Maritime Security levels.[G] (Specific percentages are classified.) 

Promulgator: United States: Coast Guard; 
Law or guidance: Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circulars; 
Key provisions: Provide guidance about the enforcement of or 
compliance with certain federal maritime regulations and Coast Guard 
maritime safety programs. For example, how Coast Guard inspectors are 
to ensure compliance with international safety and security standards 
on foreign cruise ships. 

Promulgator: United States: Coast Guard; 
Law or guidance: Maritime Security Directives; 
Key provisions: Set security performance standards for stakeholders 
responsible for taking security actions commensurate with various 
Maritime Security levels. For example, one standard includes the 
various percentages of vessel stores that need to be inspected under 
different Maritime Security levels. 

Promulgator: United States: State Government: Florida; 
Law or guidance: Seaport security legislation (2000); 
Key provisions: At the state level, for example, Florida law requires 
the development and implementation of port security plans in 

Source: GAO. 

[A] IMO Doc. SOLAS/CONF. 5/34 (Dec. 12, 2002). 

[B] 32 U.S.T. 47, T.I.A.S. No. 9700. 

[C] Pub. L. No. 107-295, 116 Stat. 2064 (2002). 

[D] Pub. L. No. 109-347, 120 Stat. 1884 (2006). 

[E] Pub. L. No. 82-414, 66 Stat. 163 (1952). 

[F] Pub. L. No. 108-458, 118 Stat. 3638 (2004). 

[G] Maritime Security levels are a three-tiered threat warning system 
to provide a means to easily communicate preplanned scalable responses 
to increased threat levels. They are set to reflect the prevailing 
threat environment to the marine elements of the national 
transportation system, including ports, vessels, facilities, and 
critical assets and infrastructure located on or adjacent to waters 
subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. 

[H] Fla. Stat. tit. 22 § 311.12(3). 

[End of table] 

The enforcement of security requirements aimed at vessels is governed 
by two different systems: flag state control and port state control. 
The flag state is the country in which the vessel is registered and 
flag state control can generally extend anywhere in the world that the 
vessel operates. A flag state that is a contracting government to 
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea has 
responsibility for ensuring that vessels flying its flag meet 
international security standards and that such flag state's standards 
be at least as stringent as those included in the convention's ISPS 
Code. The port state is the country where the port is located. Port 
state control is the process by which a nation exercises its authority 
over foreign-flagged vessels operating in waters subject to the port 
state's jurisdiction. Port state control is generally intended to 
ensure that vessels comply with various international and domestic 
requirements for ensuring safety of the port, environment, and 
personnel. Thus, when a foreign-flagged cruise ship enters U.S. waters 
or a U.S. port, the U.S. port state control program, administered by 
the U.S. Coast Guard, becomes an additional means of maritime security 
enforcement. According to an official of the Cruise Lines 
International Association, of the cruise lines included in our site 
visits, only one had a vessel registered in the United States. Hence, 
although they carry large numbers of U.S. passengers, the vast 
majority of cruise line-operated vessels generally come under U.S. 
authority only when they enter waters over which the United States has 

Risk Management Is Important for Cruise Ship and Facility Security: 

Risk management plays an important role in homeland security. Because 
the United States cannot afford to protect itself against all risks, 
Congress has charged DHS with coordinating homeland security programs 
through the application of a risk management framework.[Footnote 10] 
In 2006, DHS issued the National Infrastructure Protection Plan, which 
is DHS's base plan that guides how DHS and other relevant stakeholders 
should use risk management principles to prioritize protection 
activities within and across each critical infrastructure sector in an 
integrated and coordinated fashion.[Footnote 11] Updated in 2009, the 
National Infrastructure Protection Plan requires that federal agencies 
use this information to inform the selection of risk-based priorities 
and the continuous improvement of security strategies and programs to 
protect people and critical infrastructure by reducing the risk of 
acts of terrorism. 

Within the risk management framework, the National Infrastructure 
Protection Plan also establishes baseline criteria for conducting risk 
assessments. According to the National Infrastructure Protection Plan, 
risk assessments are a qualitative and/or quantitative determination 
of the likelihood of an adverse event occurring and are a critical 
element of the National Infrastructure Protection Plan risk management 
framework. Risk assessments can also help decision makers identify and 
evaluate potential risks so that countermeasures can be designed and 
implemented to prevent or mitigate the potential effects of the risks. 
The National Infrastructure Protection Plan characterizes risk 
assessment as a function of three elements: 

* Threat: The likelihood that a particular asset, system, or network 
will suffer an attack or an incident. In the context of risk 
associated with a terrorist attack, the estimate of threat is based on 
the analysis of the intent and the capability of an adversary; in the 
context of a natural disaster or accident, the likelihood is based on 
the probability of occurrence. 

* Vulnerability: The likelihood that a characteristic of, or flaw in, 
an asset's, system's, or network's design, location, security posture, 
process, or operation renders it susceptible to destruction, 
incapacitation, or exploitation by terrorist or other intentional 
acts, mechanical failures, and natural hazards. 

* Consequence: The negative effects on public health and safety, the 
economy, public confidence in institutions, and the functioning of 
government, both direct and indirect, that can be expected if an 
asset, system, or network is damaged, destroyed, or disrupted by a 
terrorist attack, natural disaster, or other incident. 

Information from the three elements that assess risk--threat, 
vulnerability, and consequence--can lead to a risk characterization 
and provide input for prioritizing security goals. For example, MTSA 
required the Coast Guard to prepare Area Maritime Security Plans for 
ports around the United States. These plans convey operational and 
physical security measures, communications procedures, timeframes for 
responding to security threats, and other actions to direct the 
prevention of and response to a security incident. In its regulations 
implementing MTSA, the Coast Guard gave the primary responsibility for 
creating the Area Maritime Security Plans primarily to the Captain of 
the Port, based on the Area Maritime Security Assessment.[Footnote 12] 
Area Maritime Security Assessments examine the threats and 
vulnerabilities to activities, operations, and infrastructure critical 
to a port and the consequences of a successful terrorist attack on the 
critical activities, operations, and infrastructure at the port. Under 
the regulations, such assessments are to be risk-based, and assess 
each potential threat and the consequences and vulnerabilities for 
each combination of targets and attack modes in the area. With the 
information supplied in the assessment, the Area Maritime Security 
Plan is to identify, among other things, the operational and physical 
security measures to be implemented at Maritime Security Level 1 and 
those that, as risks increase, will enable the area to progress to 
levels 2 and 3. 

The Coast Guard Assesses Risk to Cruise Ships and Facilities in 
Accordance with DHS's Risk Assessment Guidance; Concerns Associated 
with Waterside Attacks Remain: 

Risk Assessment: 

The Coast Guard uses a tool, known as the Maritime Security Risk 
Analysis Model, to assess risk for various types of vessels and port 
infrastructure, including cruise ships and cruise ship facilities, 
which is in accordance with the guidance on assessing risk from DHS's 
National Infrastructure Protection Plan. The Coast Guard uses the 
analysis tool to help implement its strategy and concentrate maritime 
security activities when and where relative risk is believed to be the 
greatest. The model assesses the risk--threats, vulnerabilities, and 
consequences--of a terrorist attack based on different scenarios; that 
is, it combines potential targets with different means of attack, as 
recommended by the risk assessment aspect of the National 
Infrastructure Protection Plan.[Footnote 13] Examples of a Maritime 
Security Risk Analysis Model scenario related to cruise ships include 
a truck bomb or a boat attack. According to the Coast Guard, the 
model's underlying methodology is designed to capture the security 
risk facing different types of targets, allowing comparison between 
different targets and geographic areas at the local, regional, and 
national levels. Also in accordance with National Infrastructure 
Protection Plan, the model is designed to support decision making for 
the Coast Guard. At the national level, the model's results are used 
for (1) long-term strategic resource planning, (2) identifying 
capabilities needed to combat future terrorist threats, and (3) 
identifying the highest-risk scenarios and targets in the maritime 
domain. For example, Coast Guard officials reported that results are 
used to refine the Coast Guard's Operation Neptune Shield requirements 
for the number of required cruise ship escorts and patrols of cruise 
ship facilities. At the local level, the Captain of the Port can use 
the model as a tactical planning tool. The model can help identify the 
highest risk scenarios, allowing the Captain of the Port to prioritize 
needs and better deploy security assets. As we reported in March 2009, 
Intelligence Coordination Center officials stated that the Coast Guard 
uses the model to inform allocation decisions, such as the deployment 
of local resources and grants.[Footnote 14] 

Risk to Cruise Ships and Their Facilities: 

Although in January 2010 intelligence officials working at the 
National Maritime Intelligence Center stated there has been no 
credible terrorist threat against cruise ships identified in at least 
the preceding 12 months, stakeholders generally agreed that waterside 
attacks are a concern for cruise ships, and if attacks were 
successfully carried out, they could have extensive consequences. 
Despite the lack of evidence identifying recent threats, maritime 
intelligence officials identified the presence of terrorist groups 
that have the capability to attack a cruise ship, even though they 
have not identified any intent. As we previously reported in 2007, 
security officials in the U.S. government are concerned about the 
possibility of a future terrorist attack in a U.S. port.[Footnote 15] 
For example, captured terrorist training manuals cite ports as targets 
and instruct trainees to use covert means to obtain surveillance 
information for use in attack planning. Terrorist leaders have also 
stated their intent to attack infrastructure targets within the United 
States, including ports, in an effort to cause physical and economic 
damage, and inflict mass casualties. In addition, as reported both by 
the Coast Guard and RAND, cruise ships have been terrorist targets in 
the past and are still considered attractive targets for terrorists. 
[Footnote 16] Although intelligence officials reported that there have 
been no recent threats against cruise ships, this does not preclude 
the possibility of such an incident occurring in the future.[Footnote 

According to maritime stakeholders, some concerns regarding cruise 
ship security exist, particularly with respect to waterside security. 
According to the Coast Guard's Strategy for Maritime Safety, Security, 
and Stewardship, one of the greatest risks associated with maritime 
scenarios is a direct attack using waterborne improvised explosive 
devices. Officials we interviewed from the Coast Guard's Intelligence 
Coordination Center stated that waterside attacks are a concern for 
cruise ships. Similarly, DHS's Small Vessel Security Strategy states 
that small vessels could be used as a waterborne improvised explosive 
device to attack maritime targets as they have in the past overseas. 
[Footnote 18] The strategy further states that cruise ships operate in 
areas that are frequented by small vessels which may easily blend or 
disappear into other vessel traffic in ports and the coastal maritime 
environment, and are usually subject to less scrutiny than larger 
vessels in these areas. 

Coast Guard personnel from all of the four Sectors and 18 of the 25 
port security stakeholders we interviewed also stated that a waterside 
attack is one of the most significant concerns for cruise ships. 
[Footnote 19] At one port we visited, various stakeholders responded 
to reports of a small vessel operating within the security zone of a 
cruise ship in 2007. Although the stakeholders cleared the cruise ship 
for departure after searching the area around the ship and its hull 
with divers, the small vessel was able to get within close proximity 
of the cruise ship before stakeholders responded. Representatives from 
the Cruise Lines International Association also reported that the 
greatest security concern for cruise ships is a waterside attack. 

Waterside attacks can also occur while a cruise ship is in transit, 
such as when pirates in the Gulf of Aden and western Indian Ocean 
attacked cruise ships. For example, at least three cruise ships have 
been attacked by pirates on small boats while armed with automatic 
weapons and rocket propelled grenades. The three vessels were able to 
evade the pirates by either maneuvering or fighting back. Some cruise 
line officials we interviewed stated that they decided not to sail to 
places where security risks exist, but as of 2009, some continue to 
sail in the Gulf of Aden. One cruise ship operator we interviewed 
stated that the passengers who take cruises that sail in these areas 
tend not to be Americans and are people who are comfortable with risk. 
This official told us that they explain the level of risk to the 
passengers and their strategy for minimizing the risk. 

According to officials at the National Maritime Intelligence Center 
there is also a concern that a terrorist could get on board a cruise 
ship to carry out a terrorist attack. For example, in 1985, terrorists 
were able to board and hijack a cruise ship, the Achille Lauro, 
resulting in the death of a passenger. Since that attack, various 
additional security measures have been implemented; including 
screening of passengers, crew members, and their baggage. However, 
according to a 2006 RAND report on maritime terrorism, if terrorists 
were successful in gaining access to a cruise ship, once on board, 
they could carry out various attack scenarios. 

Coast Guard officials and some port security stakeholders reported 
that concerns also exist for cruise ship facilities at U.S. and 
foreign ports. Personnel from two of the four Sectors and 6 of the 25 
port security stakeholders we interviewed mentioned a vehicle borne 
explosive at a cruise ship facility as a concern, and 5 of the 25 port 
security stakeholders we interviewed mentioned concern about the 
possible risk of an armed individual attacking others at a cruise ship 
facility.[Footnote 20] Further, 6 port security stakeholders expressed 
concerns about the security level at some foreign ports, although 
Coast Guard reports from foreign port site visits indicate that there 
are few concerns with foreign ports that cruise ships typically call 
upon. Specifically, six recent reports from the Coast Guard's 
International Port Security Program[Footnote 21] indicate that these 
countries, which include some of the most frequent cruise ship 
destinations, are generally found to be compliant with the ISPS Code. 
As part of the program's activities, the Coast Guard also recommends 
changes that could improve security at cruise ship facilities in some 
locations as a result of their visits to these locations. In addition, 
although the Coast Guard's October 2009 Port Security Advisory 
identifies 13 countries that are not maintaining effective anti-
terrorism measures, a representative from the Cruise Lines 
International Association stated that these countries are not typical 
destinations for the cruise lines that the association represents. 

A successful attack on a cruise ship could affect the ship, its 
passengers, and the U.S. economy. As a result of an attack, damage to 
the cruise ship could occur and the extent of the loss of life would 
depend on the severity of the attack, according to various studies. 
[Footnote 22] Coast Guard officials stated that cruise ships are built 
to sustain various types of attack scenarios and keep passengers safe 
until they are able to be rescued, and that a very large hole in the 
hull would have to occur to cause any significant damage to the ship. 
Furthermore, according to the 2006 RAND study, most experts agree that 
sinking a cruise ship would be extremely difficult. However, according 
to this report and intelligence officials, the economic consequences 
of an attack on a cruise ship could be significant, as a successful 
attack on a cruise ship could result in decreased demand for cruise 
vacations, affecting a multibillion dollar industry. The RAND report 
further states that all attack modes targeting cruise ships have 
comparable estimates of potential economic harm. However, parasitic 
bombings--which involve a diver placing a highly explosive device on 
the hull of the ship, ramming attacks with improvised explosive 
devices, and biological attacks, including those involving 
contamination of a ship's food or water supply, are projected to 
present greater potential for human casualties. 

Stakeholders Have Taken Various Actions Pursuant to Laws, Regulations, 
and Guidance Designed to Enhance the Security of Cruise Ship 
Operations and Additional Actions Are Being Considered: 

Stakeholders' Actions: 

In their efforts to secure cruise ships and their attendant port 
facilities, the responsible stakeholders--including the Coast Guard, 
CBP, Transportation Security Administration (TSA), DHS, as well as 
cruise ship owners and cruise ship facility operators--have taken 
various actions to implement applicable key maritime federal laws, 
regulations, and guidance designed to help ensure the security of 
cruise ships and cruise ship facilities. 

The Coast Guard conducts multiple types of security activities. The 
Coast Guard engages in both regulatory and operational activities 
designed to secure cruise ships and their facilities. As part of its 
regulatory activities, the Coast Guard inspects cruise ship facilities 
and cruise ships to ensure that they are meeting security 
requirements.[Footnote 23] Under SAFE Port Act amendments to MTSA, the 
Coast Guard is required to conduct security inspections of MTSA- 
regulated maritime facilities, including cruise ship facilities, at 
least twice a year to verify the effectiveness of the facilities' 
security plans, and one of these inspections must be conducted without 
prior notice to the facility.[Footnote 24] During our observations of 
two cruise ship facility inspections, Coast Guard inspectors reviewed 
the security plan, checked to ensure that guards were at designated 
access points, and questioned facility personnel on security 
procedures. See figure 2 for a photograph depicting a Coast Guard 
inspection of a cruise ship facility. 

Figure 2: Coast Guard Inspection of a Cruise Ship Facility: 

[Refer to PDF for image: photograph] 

Source: U.S. Coast Guard] 

[End of figure] 

In addition to the inspection of cruise facilities, to enforce 
security and safety provisions under international agreements, 
domestic legislation and Coast Guard guidance, the Coast Guard also 
inspects cruise ships entering U.S. ports.[Footnote 25] Coast Guard 
guidance states that cruise ships are subject to security inspections 
as determined necessary by a risk-based targeting process to ensure 
that cruise ships are complying with security regulations and 
conventions.[Footnote 26] Vessels that have not been inspected in the 
last 12 months are subject to an inspection upon port arrival under 
this targeting process. Coast Guard officials stated that security 
examinations on high-capacity passenger vessels can be both announced 
and unannounced. Coast Guard officials stated that there are systems 
in place to identify when cruise ships and cruise ships facilities are 
due for inspection.[Footnote 27] Coast Guard officials stated that the 
Captain of the Port is responsible for ensuring that all cruise ship 
facilities inspections are conducted by reviewing the appropriate 
systems data. With respect to cruise ship inspections, Coast Guard 
officials stated that, at the time of our review, the agency exceeded 
the total number of required cruise ship security inspections. In 
February 2008, we reported that although Coast Guard officials told us 
that field units were meeting their inspection requirements for 
facilities, inspections may not have been documented in the Coast 
Guard's database, or inspections may have been delayed by staff being 
diverted to meet higher-priority needs.[Footnote 28] Coast Guard 
officials stated that they are taking steps to rectify these issues by 
redesigning the database system to make it easier for the user to 
input data, which they expect to complete by 2011. In addition, they 
have created a daily report to inform local Coast Guard units when 
each facility is due for an inspection. Coast Guard officials stated 
that the agency is reviewing options on how to use its database as a 
method for headquarters to better track the local units' performance 
in meeting their inspection requirements. 

The Coast Guard has also taken various operational actions designed to 
secure cruise ships. Through its internal guidance, the Coast Guard 
sets the standards for local Coast Guard units to meet for security 
activities, such as conducting passenger vessel escorts or security 
boardings. For example, Operation Neptune Shield requires Coast Guard 
units to escort a certain percentage of high capacity passenger 
vessels while in transit. These vessels include cruise ships, ferries, 
and excursion vessels carrying 500 or more passengers.[Footnote 29] 
Coast Guard data on Operation Neptune Shield performance shows that 
some districts did not meet their requirements for high capacity 
passenger vessels escorts in fiscal year 2008; however, Operation 
Neptune Shield allows the Captain of the Port the latitude to shift 
resources to other priorities when deemed necessary, for example, when 
resources are not available to fulfill all missions 
simultaneously.[Footnote 30] See figure 3 for a photograph of a Coast 
Guard boat escorting a cruise ship. 

Figure 3: Cruise Ship Escort by Coast Guard Boats: 

[Refer to PDF for image: photograph] 

Source: U.S. Coast Guard] 

[End of figure] 

Another Coast Guard security action involves security boardings of 
cruise ships. Such security boardings are done to verify the 
information submitted in advance of the ship's arrival; verify that 
the ship and crew are operating as expected; and to act on 
intelligence. In 2008, the Coast Guard conducted pre-entry security 
boardings on some, but not all, cruise ships at major U.S. ports. 
[Footnote 31] According to Coast Guard officials, these boardings were 
conducted because these cruise ships met certain criteria under the 
Coast Guard's targeting process.[Footnote 32] 

By regulation and at the discretion of the Captain of the Port, Coast 
Guard units, with or without the assistance of local law enforcement, 
may partake in other security measures as well. One such security 
measure is the enforcement of security zones that require other 
vessels to remain a certain distance from cruise ships. During our 
site visits to the ports, we observed the enforcement of security 
zones. See figure 4 for a photograph depicting a local law enforcement 
vessel enforcing a security zone at a port. The Coast Guard also 
partakes in waterborne, airborne, and shoreside patrols of critical 
infrastructure and key resources, including cruise ship facilities. In 
addition to its regulatory and operational activities to protect 
cruise ships and their facilities in the United States, the Coast 
Guard's International Port Security Program also reviews port security 
conditions in foreign ports and recommends actions and measures to 
improve the antiterrorism measures in use at such ports, pursuant to 
MTSA requirements. 

Figure 4: Local Law Enforcement Vessel Enforcing a Security Zone: 

[Refer to PDF for image: photograph] 

Source: U.S. Coast Guard] 

[End of figure] 

CBP reviews passenger and crew lists for terrorist and criminal 
connections. CBP also maintains a role in the security of cruise ships 
and their facilities by screening passengers and crew for terrorist 
connections or criminal ties, and by helping to ensure that all 
passengers and crew are cleared for entry into the United States. 
[Footnote 33] Under CBP's implementing regulations, operators of 
commercial vessels such as cruise ships are required to provide CBP 
with advance lists of information on passengers and crew--also known 
as a manifest.[Footnote 34] Before a cruise ship departs or arrives in 
the United States, CBP checks these manifests to screen persons 
against certain databases, such as terrorist watchlists and the 
National Crime Information Center database, to determine their 
potential risk to the United States or the cruise ship. This screening 
process identifies individuals with potential terrorism links or 
criminal warrants, as well as identifies those passengers and crew 
with potential immigration admissibility problems, among other 
things.[Footnote 35] For example, at one port we visited, we observed 
CBP officers removing a passenger from a cruise ship, due most likely 
to an outstanding criminal warrant, according to agency officials. For 
those cruise ships arriving in the United States, the agency also 
reviews the manifest to determine passenger and crew admissibility 
into the United States. Admissibility inspections are performed to 
determine the nationality and identity of each person wishing to enter 
the United States and for preventing the entry of ineligible aliens, 
including those thought to be criminals, terrorists, or drug 
traffickers. In the case of cruises originating at Canadian ports for 
U.S. destinations, CBP officials stated that CBP checks the 
admissibility of all passengers prior to the cruise ship departing 
Canada.[Footnote 36] Finally, agency officials reported that they 
inspect all passengers and crew before they enter into the United 
States when they disembark cruise ships, including those passengers 
whom CBP inspected while in Canada.[Footnote 37] 

TSA primarily has a supporting role. TSA's role in cruise ship 
security is primarily as an advisor on transportation security 
screening and technologies. The agency also coordinates with the Coast 
Guard on security training and port security surge operations. TSA 
officials stated that the agency has conducted explosives and 
radiation screening technology pilot programs for passenger vessels 
and facilities, which include cruise ships, as part of its Security 
Enhancement and Capabilities Augmentation Program. Designed 
specifically for the maritime environment, TSA documents state that 
the program gives TSA the opportunity to network with different ferry 
and cruise ship operators around the United States, test emerging 
technologies, and develop strategies that the agency can use to 
respond to specific threats that arise from new intelligence or major 
events. Since February 2003, TSA officials stated that the agency has 
visited over 12 venues to test new technologies for screening 
passengers, ships, baggage, and stores to be loaded on passenger 
vessels, and that the goal of the pilot programs is to determine how 
the technologies work in different environments and in large scale 
application. The Security Enhancement and Capabilities Augmentation 
Program pilots can also provide operators with justification for grant 
funding, according to TSA. The pilots also give local agencies 
opportunities to observe and try the technologies. TSA officials 
stated that TSA shares the results of its pilots with the Cruise Lines 
International Association and cruise ship facility operators, 
including both pilot participants and nonparticipants. Although TSA 
does not track cruise ship facility operators that have implemented 
new technologies as a result of the TSA screening pilots, TSA 
officials reported that five facility operators, which included cruise 
ship operators, have adopted new technologies as a result of a TSA 
pilot program. TSA officials stated that TSA also creates and 
distributes security training courses for passenger vessel employees. 
The courses address topics to improve employees' security awareness, 
increase the effectiveness of their reactions to suspicious items and 
persons, and assist in their efforts to respond to a transportation 
security incident. According to TSA officials, the agency's 
involvement in surge operations is primarily through its Visible 
Intermodal Prevention and Response program. The program's deployments 
involve the use of the agency's assets, including explosive detection 
capabilities, transportation security officers, Federal Air Marshals 
and behavior detection officers--to help enhance the security of any 
transportation mode. Officials stated that since 2006 there have been 
180 Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response maritime deployments. 

DHS developed a strategy to address the small vessel threat. DHS 
released the Small Vessel Security Strategy in April 2008 as part of 
its effort to mitigate the vulnerability of vessels--including cruise 
ships--to waterside attacks from small vessels, and the implementation 
plan for the strategy is under review. According to the strategy, its 
intent is to reduce potential security and safety risks posed by small 
vessels through operations that balance fundamental freedoms, adequate 
security, and continued economic stability. The goals of the Small 
Vessel Security Strategy are to (1) develop and leverage a strong 
partnership with the small vessel community and public and private 
sectors; (2) enhance maritime security and safety; (3) leverage 
technology to enhance the ability to detect, determine intent, and 
when necessary, interdict small vessels; and (4) enhance coordination, 
cooperation, and communications between federal, state, local, and 
tribal stakeholders, the private sector, and international partners. 
Subsequent to the development of the strategy, DHS began drafting a 
plan to implement the goals of its strategy. In January 2010, a DHS 
official stated that the implementation plan was currently awaiting 
approval by the Deputy Secretary of DHS, after which it would need to 
be sent to the Office of Management and Budget for review. Subsequent 
to the Office of Management and Budget's approval, the implementation 
plan would be released. In September 2009, DHS's Office of Inspector 
General produced a report that identified concerns with the Small 
Vessel Security Strategy and the draft version of its implementation 
plan. According to the report, while DHS had made progress in 
responding to potential small vessel threats, more remained to be done 
to provide effective guidance and operate effective programs to 
address small vessel threats.[Footnote 38] In addition, the Office of 
Inspector General recommended that DHS develop a more comprehensive 
strategy by (1) addressing the desirable characteristics and elements 
missing from its strategy and draft implementation plan and (2) 
evaluating the effectiveness of programs intended to support small 
vessel security before including them as part of its solution to 
improve security against the small vessel threats.[Footnote 39] DHS 
partially concurred with the Office of Inspector General's first 
recommendation and plans to address this recommendation in the 
execution of its implementation plan. DHS did not concur with the 
Office of Inspector General's second recommendation to evaluate the 
effectiveness of programs intended to support small vessel security, 
stating that the agencies that submitted specific actions for the 
implementation plan had already considered their effectiveness to 
support small vessel security. 

Cruise ship and facility operators implemented various security 
actions on board cruise ships and at facilities. Pursuant to the ISPS 
Code and its guidance, and Coast Guard's implementing MTSA regulations 
and guidance like other regulated vessels and facilities, cruise ship 
and cruise ship facility operators must develop and implement security 
plans that address vulnerabilities identified in their security 
assessments. ISPS-regulated cruise ship and cruise ship facility 
operators are also required to ensure security assessments are 
completed and inspections are conducted to ensure they are meeting 
security requirements. Under Coast Guard regulations specifically 
directed to cruise ship facility operators, cruise ship facilities 
must meet additional security requirements, such as implementing 
measures to screen all persons, bags, and personal effects for 
dangerous substances and devices; check the identification of all 
persons trying to enter the facility; designate holding, waiting, or 
embarkation areas within the facility's secure area to segregate 
screened persons and their personal effects from unscreened persons 
and their personal effects; and provide additional security personnel 
to designated holding, waiting, or embarkation areas within the 
facility's secure area, among other things.Similarly, cruise ship 
operators, under Coast Guard regulations specifically directed to 
cruise ships, must also meet additional security requirements, 
including the screening of all persons, bags, and personal effects for 
dangerous substances and devices; checking the identification of all 
persons attempting to board the cruise ship; and performing security 
patrols. To address such requirements in their security plans, 
stakeholders reported using various measures such as the presence of 
security guards or local law enforcement, and the use of cameras, 
vehicle checkpoints, canines, access control measures, and dive teams. 
[Footnote 40] See figure 5 for a photograph depicting truck unloading 
areas and canine screening of stores to be loaded onto a cruise ship. 
Cruise ship and cruise ship facility operators may use local law 
enforcement and security contractors to help meet security 
requirements. We also observed security contractors conducting 
passenger screening and noted the presence of local law enforcement at 
the facilities during a port visit. 

Figure 5: Truck Unloading Areas and Canine Screening of Stores 
Awaiting Loading on Cruise Ship: 

[Refer to PDF for image: 2 photographs] 

Source: GAO] 

[End of figure] 

Although the Coast Guard has identified security-related deficiencies 
for cruise ship facilities and cruise ships, agency officials stated 
that cruise ship and cruise ship facility operators generally maintain 
good security measures. Of the over 1,900 cruise ship facility 
inspections the Coast Guard conducted in calendar years 2006 through 
2008, Coast Guard data show 347 deficiencies recorded for all cruise 
ship facilities.[Footnote 41] Coast Guard officials stated that cruise 
ship facilities tend to have more requirements than other types of 
port facilities but also tend to better implement security measures, 
and that most deficiencies are corrected at the time of the 
inspection.[Footnote 42] Officials further stated that there was a 
decline in the number of cruise ship facility deficiencies in 2008, 
indicating that these facility operators have a better understanding 
of SAFE Port Act requirements. Personnel from the four Sectors we met 
with had issued few enforcement actions against cruise ship facilities 
in 2008--with one of the four Sectors issuing three letters of warning 
against a cruise ship facility for concerns related to access control. 
[Footnote 43] Of the over 1,500 foreign cruise ship vessel inspections 
the Coast Guard conducted in calendar years 2006 through 2008, Coast 
Guard data shows 18 security-related deficiencies for foreign cruise 
ship operators. Violations were generally related to issues with the 
cruise ship's access control or restricted areas. Coast Guard 
officials stated that cruise ship vessel deficiencies tend to be less 
significant than those for other vessel types, and attributed this to 
the seriousness in which cruise ship operators approach security and 
the fact that these operators have a professional staff dedicated to 
security duties. Officials we interviewed from the four Coast Guard 
Sectors we visited stated that they had not issued any enforcement 
actions against a cruise ship in 2008, although personnel from one 
Sector stated that it had to delay a cruise ship because of a document 

Furthermore, federal officials and cruise ship operators we 
interviewed reported that cruise lines implemented security measures 
beyond what is required of them. Federal officials, including Coast 
Guard officials, told us that because of the significant impact that a 
cruise ship attack could have on the industry, the cruise lines are 
very serious about security. The five cruise ship operators we 
interviewed all stated that their daily security operations are 
comparable to what the Coast Guard requires at elevated threat levels. 
According to cruise ship operators, the actions taken by cruise ship 
operators to ensure security include making risk-based decisions 
regarding which ports to call on, whether to conduct additional 
screening on board ships at foreign ports, whether to require foreign 
governments to take additional actions to secure their ports, and 
providing their own security protocols at their private ports of call. 
Specifically, cruise ship operators stated that they have canceled 
planned destinations because of security conditions in some locations. 
According to these operators, these decisions have been triggered by 
various factors such as the heightened security concerns following the 
November 2008 terrorist attack in Mumbai, India, piracy activity in 
the Gulf of Aden, and intelligence reports. 

Stakeholders reported using various coordination efforts. As part of 
their efforts to secure cruise ships and their facilities, 
representatives from the Coast Guard, Cruise Lines International 
Association, and other port security stakeholders reported using 
various coordination efforts including meetings, jointly operated 
command centers, and the Coast Guard's HOMEPORT--a secure Internet 
communications portal between Coast Guard Sectors and the port 
stakeholders in their areas of responsibility. Specifically, 
stakeholders reported participating in the Area Maritime Security 
Committee meetings, security officer meetings, and Cruise Lines 
International Association security meetings[Footnote 44] According to 
Cruise Lines International Association representatives, the 
association has hosted regular security meetings every 60 days for 
over 10 years, and coordinates with several intelligence agencies for 
these meetings, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Office 
of Naval Intelligence, the Department of State's Overseas Security 
Advisory Council, Coast Guard, and CBP. Furthermore, Cruise Lines 
International Association representatives stated that most of the 
security directors for the cruise lines are former military or law 
enforcement officers, who bring established contacts and relationships 
in the security and intelligence fields with them to the private 
sector. Personnel from all four Coast Guard Sectors and all 25 port 
security stakeholders we met with generally reported positive 
relationships among the stakeholders. Four of the 25 stakeholders, 
however, mentioned some challenges working with federal agencies. For 
example, 1 stakeholder stated that initially there was some 
uncertainty about who had authority to make decisions about cruise 
ship operations, the Coast Guard or CBP, but that it had become 
clearer over time. 

Coast Guard Is Considering Additional Actions: 

The Coast Guard has plans to implement new maritime security awareness 
efforts to enhance the security of cruise ship operations. One of 
these efforts is intended to mitigate the threat posed by a small 
vessel attack. According to federal agencies, the U.S. government has 
limited information on recreational vessels, and it is difficult to 
detect a small vessel attack without prior intelligence. DHS documents 
state that the U.S. government has incomplete knowledge of the 
recreational boating public, their travel patterns, and the facilities 
they use, and that identifying and distinguishing legitimate small 
vessel users from those with intent to harm is difficult. Further, 
Coast Guard and Navy studies have demonstrated challenges in stopping 
a small vessel attack once one is under way. As we reported in March 
2009, given the number of potential threats in many areas and the 
short period of time in which to respond to a threat, thwarting an 
attack by a smaller vessel without advance knowledge of the threat may 
prove challenging even with available systems and equipment that track 
smaller and noncommercial vessels in coastal areas, inland waterways, 
and ports.[Footnote 45] According to one Coast Guard official, the 
ISPS Code contributes to the overall security of vessels but is not 
specifically aimed at preventing a small vessel attack. However, the 
Coast Guard provides armed interdiction capability that when present 
helps to deter small vessel attacks, according to this official. The 
concern about small vessel attacks is exacerbated by the fact that 
most cruise ships sail according to precise schedules and preplanned 
itineraries that are readily available through the Internet, 
advertising brochures, or travel agents. As a result, information that 
could provide valuable intelligence for terrorists is easily obtained, 
allowing an attacker to pick the time and place to prepare for and 
carry out an attack against a targeted cruise ship. 

To address the waterside small vessel threat nationally, the Coast 
Guard has piloted a new initiative to enhance public awareness called 
Operation Focused Lens. Operation Focused Lens is a Coast Guard 
District-level initiative to increase awareness of suspicious activity 
in and around U.S. ports. It complements Operation Neptune Shield by 
helping to identify, deter, and prevent a small vessel attack, and 
directs additional resources and effort toward gathering information 
about the most likely points of origin for an attack, such as marinas, 
landings, and boat ramps. A Coast Guard District official stated that 
Operation Focused Lens had minimal impact on cost and resources, as 
they were able to easily shift resources to meet the requirements of 
Operation Focused Lens. According to Coast Guard officials, the Coast 
Guard views Operation Focused Lens to be a best practice, and the 
agency is considering plans to integrate Operation Focused Lens into 
its community awareness program, America's Waterway Watch, and is 
developing requirements to implement aspects of Operation Focused Lens 
at additional locations. Coast Guard officials stated that they plan 
to discuss the expansion of Operation Focused Lens at the April 2010 
Operation Neptune Shield conference. 

The Coast Guard also plans to develop new security regulations for 
cruise ships by 2011 in response to recommendations regarding cruise 
ship security measures made by the National Maritime Security Advisory 
Committee in 2006. The advisory committee was established under 
authority of MTSA to provide advice to the Secretary of Homeland 
Security via the Commandant of the Coast Guard on matters such as 
national security strategy and policy, actions required to meet 
current and future security threats, international cooperation on 
security issues, and security concerns of the maritime transportation 
industry. In 2006, the Coast Guard asked advisory committee members to 
specifically review and make recommendations regarding cruise ship 
security measures. The advisory committee's recommendations included: 
(1) developing and publishing a listing of prohibited items not 
allowed on board cruise ships; (2) developing equipment performance 
standards for screening detection equipment; and (3) developing 
standards for screening operations, training, and qualifications of 
persons engaged in screening activities at cruise ship facilities. 

Coast Guard officials stated that in an effort to address the National 
Maritime Security Advisory Committee's recommendation, a Notice of 
Proposed Rule Making for Cruise Ship Security Measures is under 
development with a publication date expected in 2011. Coast Guard 
officials stated the rule making will propose regulations that will 
provide detailed, flexible requirements for the screening of persons, 
baggage and personal items intended for boarding a cruise ship, and 
that they are working in consultation with TSA and the National 
Maritime Security Advisory Committee. Given the actions taken by the 
Coast Guard and port security stakeholders to protect cruise ships and 
their facilities from terrorist attacks, Coast Guard officials stated 
that aside from its planned actions, there are no additional measures 
that it should take or take more broadly at this time to protect 
cruise ships, as the current layered security practices included in 
vessel and facility security plans have successfully mitigated risks 
related to cruise ships and their facilities. 

CBP's Collection of Additional Passenger Data Could Enhance Cruise 
Ship Security: 

Although CBP currently uses manifest data provided by the cruise lines 
as part of the screening process for cruise ship passengers and crew, 
CBP officials stated the agency's experience in the aviation context 
suggests that the routine collection and analysis of additional 
passenger data could enhance the agency's cruise passenger screening 
process. However, CBP is lacking full information on the benefit and 
cost of obtaining these data. Part of CBP's mission is to prevent 
terrorists and terrorist weapons from entering the United States, 
while also facilitating the flow of legitimate trade and travel. Under 
the Aviation and Transportation Security Act, air carriers operating 
flights in foreign air transportation to the United States are 
required to make Passenger Name Record information available to CBP 
[Footnote 46] and under the agency's implementing regulations, CBP 
receives Passenger Name Record data in addition to manifest data for 
all passengers on international flights to or from the United States 
for purposes of ensuring aviation safety and protecting national 
security. Passengers provide data included in their Passenger Name 
Record to the airlines through the reservation process. Passenger Name 
Record data may include, among other things, a passenger's full 
itinerary, reservation booking date, phone number, and billing 
information, which is not usually available in the manifest data. 
According to CBP officials familiar with the process, Passenger Name 
Record data for airline passengers has been valuable because the 
additional information has helped the agency to better target 
passengers for inspection.[Footnote 47] Specifically, the agency's 
National Targeting Center officials reported that airline Passenger 
Name Record data has allowed CBP to identify high risk passengers, 
including those who were not listed on watchlists--recognized by CBP 
as "previously unknown persons"--by (1) identifying links between 
passengers traveling with other high risk passengers or (2) 
identifying patterns of suspicious activity that have been identified 
with high risk passengers in the past. CBP provided examples of past 
efforts supporting the agency's view that the targeting of passengers 
for inspection through the use of Passenger Name Record data led to 
CBP taking adverse or enforcement actions, such as not allowing a high-
risk passenger to board a flight. The examples indicate that CBP's 
targeting process identified passengers who represented various 
concerns, including terrorist-related concerns, as well as drug and 
immigration concerns. According to CBP, this process involved the use 
of Passenger Name Record data or the combination of this data with 
manifest data or other intelligence.[Footnote 48] CBP officials also 
reported that Passenger Name Record data is provided to CBP earlier 
than manifest data, providing the agency with additional time to 
complete its passenger targeting process.[Footnote 49] 

CBP program officials reported that having access to Passenger Name 
Record data for cruise line passengers could offer benefits similar to 
those derived from screening airline passengers, although CBP has not 
conducted a study or evaluation measuring the benefits, or determining 
the potential cost to the agency, cruise lines, and cruise line 
passengers. Our previous work identified evaluations as a way for 
agencies to explore the benefits of a program.[Footnote 50] In 
addition, CBP's 2005-2010 Strategic Plan states that the agency should 
seek to improve the identification and targeting of potential 
terrorists and terrorist weapons, through risk management and 
automated advanced and enhanced information. Furthermore, a January 
2010 Presidential memorandum states that DHS should aggressively 
pursue enhanced screening technology, protocols, and procedures, 
especially in regard to aviation and other transportation sectors, 
consistent with privacy rights and civil liberties.[Footnote 51] CBP 
does not require this information from all cruise lines on a 
systematic basis, although CBP reported that some CBP field units have 
access to some cruise lines' reservation systems and have received 
Passenger Name Record data on a case-by-case basis to enhance the 
information they have on passengers already identified for screening 
using other means. However, since field units do not have the same 
analytical tools as the National Targeting Center, they are less able 
to fully utilize the Passenger Name Record data on a systematic basis. 
CBP program officials stated that if the agency were to begin 
receiving and reviewing cruise line Passenger Name Record data, the 
effort would be highly automated and could allow for more effective 
and efficient targeting since the agency would receive the data 
earlier. Officials from CBP's Office of Information and Technology, 
however, stated that without specific requirements and further 
knowledge about the cruise lines' connectivity capabilities it is 
difficult to estimate the cost to both CBP and the cruise lines of 
implementing the technological aspects of a requirement to obtain 
Passenger Name Record data from the cruise lines. Based on CBP's 
experience with implementing such a requirement for the air carriers, 
CBP's Office of Information and Technology officials stated that there 
were costs to CBP and the air carriers for infrastructure, licensing, 
and ongoing maintenance; however, the cost depended on the air 
carrier's existing system and infrastructure at the time the 
requirement was being implemented. As of January 2010, CBP was 
spending about $3 million per year to maintain connections with most 
of the air carriers, and officials stated that creating and 
maintaining connections with cruise line reservation systems would 
require new infrastructure and costs. 

According to a representative from the Cruise Lines International 
Association, the cruise lines would be willing to systematically share 
all Passenger Name Record data with CBP if required to do so. However, 
the Cruise Lines International Association did not know if this type 
of requirement would deter passengers from booking cruises. One cruise 
line official we interviewed stated that such a requirement would not 
be a major burden for their cruise line to implement, while another 
cruise line official stated that such a requirement could have 
significant cost implications for their cruise line depending on what 
data would be required and what requirements would be established for 
transmitting it to CBP, among other things. 

In addition to assessing the impact that such a data requirement would 
have on agency and industry resources, other aspects of such a 
requirement, such as verifying the agency's statutory authority and 
assessing the impact on privacy issues, would also be important to 
study. Although CBP program officials stated that the agency's 
regulations for collecting Passenger Name Record data apply to 
passengers traveling on international flights and not passengers on 
cruise ships, CBP officials, including a representative from CBP's 
Chief Counsel, reported that various statutory authorities 
collectively provide the agency with the authority to require such 
information from the cruise lines. In addition, similar to the 
Passenger Name Record data requirement for air carriers, other 
important considerations for determining the cost and benefit of such 
a requirement for the cruise lines would be (1) assessing the privacy 
impacts of such a requirement on cruise passengers and developing any 
necessary public disclosure documents, and (2) determining the 
appropriate agreements that may be needed with other countries 
regarding the sharing and collection of this data. The Privacy Act of 
1974[Footnote 52] and the E-Government Act of 2002,[Footnote 53] in 
general, require federal agencies to protect personal privacy by, 
among other ways, limiting the disclosure of personal information and 
informing the public about how personal data are being used and 
protected. The E-Government Act and implementing Office of Management 
and Budget guidance[Footnote 54] require that agencies analyze how 
information is handled to (1) ensure handling conforms to applicable 
legal, regulatory, and policy requirements regarding privacy; (2) 
determine the risks and effects of collecting, maintaining, and 
disseminating information in identifiable form in an electronic 
information system; and (3) examine and evaluate protections and 
alternative processes for handling information to mitigate potential 
privacy risks.[Footnote 55] Another privacy consideration would be the 
availability of a redress mechanism for individuals who felt that they 
had been unfairly denied boarding as a result of the screening 
process. As reported in DHS's 2006 report on Privacy and Civil 
Liberties, a robust redress program is essential for any federal 
program that uses personal information in order to grant or deny to 
individuals a right, privilege, or benefit.[Footnote 56] DHS's 
Traveler Redress Inquiry Program serves as a single point of contact 
for individuals who have inquiries or seek resolution regarding 
difficulties they experienced during their travel screening at 
transportation hubs--like airports and train stations--or crossing 
U.S. borders. With respect to the collection of Passenger Name Record 
data from other countries, the privacy laws of other countries must 
also be considered. For example, in 2002, when air carriers operating 
international flights to and from the United States were first 
required to submit Passenger Name Record data to CBP, concerns about 
privacy were raised, and a permanent agreement on the sharing of this 
data between the United States and the European Union took several 
years to finalize. Without obtaining full information on the benefit 
and cost of requiring cruise lines to submit Passenger Name Record 
data to CBP and considering the associated privacy implications, CBP 
is not in the best position to determine whether the benefits of such 
a requirement would outweigh the potential costs to the agency and 
industry, and the risks to passenger privacy. 


Given the number of passengers that travel on cruise ships each year 
and the attractiveness of these vessels as terrorist targets, it is 
important that the risk to cruise ships is assessed and actions are 
taken to help ensure the security of these ships and their facilities. 
Federal agencies and maritime security stakeholders, including cruise 
lines, have implemented various measures to better secure cruise ships 
and their facilities. As examples, the Coast Guard provides escorts 
for cruise ships to prevent waterside attacks and CBP screens 
passengers using manifest data to prevent terrorists from boarding 
cruise ships. Although these measures have been implemented and there 
has been no recent credible terrorist threat against cruise ships, 
this does not preclude the possibility of such an incident occurring 
in the future, particularly given the existence of terrorist groups 
that have the capability to attack a cruise ship. Moreover, the 
President's 2010 memorandum directing DHS to aggressively pursue 
enhanced screening efforts further underscores the potential 
importance of this type of security action. By conducting a study to 
determine whether requiring cruise lines to provide automated 
Passenger Name Record data on a systematic basis is cost effective and 
addresses privacy implications, CBP would be in a better position to 
determine whether additional actions should be taken to augment 
security through enhanced screening of cruise ship passengers. 

Recommendation for Executive Action: 

To enhance the existing screening process for cruise ship passengers, 
we recommend that the CBP Commissioner conduct a study to determine 
whether requiring cruise lines to provide automated Passenger Name 
Record data to CBP on a systematic basis would benefit homeland 
security, and if found to be of substantial benefit, determine the 
appropriate mechanism through which to issue this requirement. The 
scope of the study should include potential benefits to security, any 
need for additional authority and international agreements, resource 
implications for CBP and the cruise industry, privacy concerns, and 
any implementation issues related to the automated transfer of 
Passenger Name Record data from the cruise lines to CBP. 

Agency Comments and Our Evaluation: 

We provided a draft of this report to the Departments of Homeland 
Security, State, and Defense for their review and comment. The 
Department of State responded that they did not have any comments on 
the report. We requested comments from the Department of Defense, but 
none were provided. The Department of Homeland Security, in its 
written comments, concurred with our findings and recommendation. 

Regarding our recommendation, DHS responded that CBP will conduct a 
study that outlines the security, cost, and facilitation benefits an 
automated Passenger Name Record system would bring to homeland 
security and the cruise line industry. Upon completion of the study, 
CBP will determine if the benefits of such a program are substantial 
enough to pursue full implementation of the program. DHS officials 
also provided technical comments on the draft that have been 
incorporated, as appropriate. Written comments from DHS are reproduced 
in appendix I. 

As arranged with your office we plan no further distribution until 30 
days after the date of this report. At that time, we will send copies 
of this report to the Secretaries of Homeland Security, State, and 
Defense, and other interested parties. In addition, the report will be 
available on GAO's Web site at [hyperlink,]. 

If you or your staff have any questions about this report, please 
contact me at (202) 512-9610 or Contact points for 
our Offices of Congressional Relations and Public Affairs may be found 
on the last page of this report. Key contributors to this report are 
listed in appendix II. 

Sincerely yours, 

Signed by: 

Stephen L. Caldwell: 
Director, Homeland Security and Justice Issues: 

[End of section] 

Appendix I: Agency Comments: 

Homeland Security: 

March 18, 2010: 

Stephen L. Caldwell: 
Director, Homeland Security and Justice Issues: 
U.S. Government Accountability Office: 
441 G Street, NW: 
Washington, DC 20548: 

Dear Mr Caldwell: 
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) appreciates the opportunity 
to review and comment on the Government Accountability Office (GAO) 
report, GA0-10-400: "Maritime Security: Varied Actions Taken to 
Enhance Cruise Ship Security, but Some Vulnerabilities Remain". DHS 
generally concurs with the report's findings and recommendation. We 
have provided our recommendation-specific comments below; technical 
comments have been provided under separate cover. 

Recommendation #1: To enhance the existing screening process for 
cruise ship passengers, we recommend that the U.S. Customs and Border 
Protection (CBP) Commissioner conduct a study to determine whether 
requiring cruise lines to provide automated Passenger Name Record 
(PNR) data to CBP on a systematic basis would benefit homeland 
security, and if found to be of substantial benefit, determine the 
appropriate mechanism through which to issue this requirement. The 
scope of the study should include potential benefits to security, any 
need for additional authority and international agreements, resource 
implications for CBP and the cruise industry, privacy concerns, and 
any implementation issues related to the automated transfer of PNR 
data from the cruise lines to CBP. 

Response: CBP currently receives PNR data from the airline industry, 
which has proven invaluable in identifying persons of interest, well 
in advance of their intended travel. To determine whether requiring 
PNR data would yield the same benefits in the commercial cruise 
environment, CBP will conduct a study that outlines the security, 
cost, and facilitation benefits an automated PNR system would bring to 
homeland security and the cruise line industry. Upon completion of the 
study, CBP will determine if the benefits of such a program are 
substantial enough to pursue full implementation of the program. 

Again, we appreciate the opportunity to review and comment on this 
draft report and we look forward to working with you on future 
homeland security issues. 


Signed by: 
Jerald E. Levine: 
Departmental GAO/OIG Liaison Office: 

[End of section] 

Appendix II: GAO Contact and Staff Acknowledgments: 

GAO Contact: 

Stephen L. Caldwell, (202) 512-9610 or 

Staff Acknowledgments: 

In addition to the contact named above, Dawn Hoff, Assistant Director, 
and Jonathan Bachman, analyst-in-charge, managed this assignment. 
Tracey Cross made significant contributions to the work. Stanley 
Kostyla assisted with design and methodology. Geoffrey Hamilton 
provided legal support. Linda Miller provided assistance in report 
preparation. Josh Ormond developed the report's graphic. 

[End of section] 

Related GAO Products: 

Supply Chain Security: Feasibility and Cost-Benefit Analysis Would 
Assist DHS and Congress in Assessing and Implementing the Requirement 
to Scan 100 Percent of U.S.-Bound Containers. [hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: October 30, 

Maritime Security: Vessel Tracking Systems Provide Key Information, 
but the Need for Duplicate Data Should be Reviewed. [hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: March 17, 

Supply Chain Security: CBP Works with International Entities to 
Promote Global Customs Security Standards and Initiatives, but 
Challenges Remain. [hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: August 15, 

Maritime Security: National Strategy and Supporting Plans Were 
Generally Well-Developed and Are Being Implemented. [hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: June 20, 

Supply Chain Security: Challenges to Scanning 100 Percent of U.S.-
Bound Cargo Containers. [hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: June 12, 

Supply Chain Security: U.S. Customs and Border Protection Has Enhanced 
Its Partnership with Import Trade Sectors, but Challenges Remain in 
Verifying Security Practices. [hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: April 25, 

Maritime Security: Coast Guard Inspections Identify and Correct 
Facility Deficiencies, but More Analysis Needed of Program's Staffing, 
Practices, and Data. [hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: February 14, 

Supply Chain Security: Examination of High-Risk Cargo at Foreign 
Seaports Have Increased, but Improved Data Collection and Performance 
Measures Are Needed. [hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: January 25, 

Maritime Security: Federal Efforts Needed to Address Challenges in 
Preventing and Responding to Terrorist Attacks on Energy Commodity 
Tankers. [hyperlink,]. 
Washington, D.C.: December 10, 2007. 

Maritime Security: The SAFE Port Act: Status and Implementation One 
Year Later. [hyperlink,]. 
Washington, D.C.: October 30, 2007. 

Combating Nuclear Smuggling: Additional Actions Needed to Ensure 
Adequate Testing of Next Generation Radiation Detection Equipment. 
[hyperlink,]. Washington, 
D.C.: September 18, 2007. 

Information on Port Security in the Caribbean Basin. [hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: June 29, 

Port Risk Management: Additional Federal Guidance Would Aid Ports in 
Disaster Planning and Recovery. [hyperlink, Washington, D.C.: March 28, 

Maritime Security: Public Safety Consequences of a Terrorist Attack on 
a Tanker Carrying Liquefied Natural Gas Need Clarification. 
[hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: 
February 22, 2007. 

Coast Guard: Observations on the Preparation, Response, and Recovery 
Missions Related to Hurricane Katrina. [hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: July 31, 

Maritime Security: Information Sharing Efforts Are Improving. 
[hyperlink,]. Washington, 
D.C.: July 10, 2006. 

Cargo Container Inspections: Preliminary Observations on the Status of 
Efforts to Improve the Automated Targeting System. [hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: March 30, 

Risk Management: Further Refinements Needed to Assess Risks and 
Prioritize Protective Measures at Ports and Other Critical 
Infrastructure. [hyperlink,]. 
Washington, D.C.: December 15, 2005. 

Homeland Security: Key Cargo Security Programs Can Be Improved. 
[hyperlink,]. Washington, 
D.C.: May 26, 2005. 

Maritime Security: Enhancements Made, But Implementation and 
Sustainability Remain Key Challenges. [hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: May 17, 

Container Security: A Flexible Staffing Model and Minimum Equipment 
Requirements Would Improve Overseas Targeting and Inspection Efforts. 
[hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: 
April 26, 2005. 

Maritime Security: New Structures Have Improved Information Sharing, 
but Security Clearance Processing Requires Further Attention. 
[hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: 
April 15, 2005. 

Cargo Security: Partnership Program Grants Importers Reduced Scrutiny 
with Limited Assurance of Improved Security. [hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: March 11, 

Maritime Security: Better Planning Needed to Help Ensure an Effective 
Port Security Assessment Program. [hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: September 
30, 2004. 

Maritime Security: Partnering Could Reduce Federal Costs and 
Facilitate Implementation of Automatic Vessel Identification System. 
[hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: 
July 23, 2004. 

Maritime Security: Substantial Work Remains to Translate New Planning 
Requirements into Effective Port Security. [hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: June 30, 

Homeland Security: Summary of Challenges Faced in Targeting Oceangoing 
Cargo Containers for Inspection. [hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: March 31, 

Homeland Security: Preliminary Observations on Efforts to Target 
Security Inspections of Cargo Containers. [hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: December 
16, 2003. 

Maritime Security: Progress Made in Implementing Maritime 
Transportation Security Act, but Concerns Remain. [hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: September 
9, 2003. 

Combating Terrorism: Interagency Framework and Agency Programs to 
Address the Overseas Threat. [hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: May 23, 

Nuclear Nonproliferation: U.S. Efforts to Combat Nuclear Smuggling. 
[hyperlink,]. Washington, 
D.C.: July 30, 2002. 

Coast Guard: Vessel Identification System Development Needs to Be 
Reassessed. [hyperlink,] 
Washington, D.C.: May 24, 2002. 

[End of section] 


[1] Pub. L. No. 107-295, 116 Stat. 2064 (2002). 

[2] Risk assessment is a function of three elements: (1) threat--is 
the probability that a specific type of attack will be initiated 
against a particular target/class of targets, (2) vulnerability--the 
probability that a particular attempted attack will succeed against a 
particular target or class of targets, (3) consequence--the expected 
worst case or worse reasonable adverse impact of a successful attack. 

[3] The National Infrastructure Protection Plan provides the unifying 
structure for the integration of critical infrastructure and key 
resources protection into a single national program. The plan provides 
an overall framework for programs and activities that are currently 
under way in the various industry sectors, as well as new and 
developing critical infrastructure and key resources protection 

[4] Coast Guard Sectors run all Coast Guard missions at the local and 
port level, such as search and rescue, port security, environmental 
protection, and law enforcement in ports and surrounding waters, and 
oversee a number of smaller Coast Guard units, including small 
cutters, small boat stations, and Aids to Navigation teams. Coast 
Guard Districts oversee Sectors, other Coast Guard units, such as Air 
Stations, and major buoy tenders. 

[5] Our site visits were to ports in Fort Lauderdale and Miami, 
Florida; Long Beach and Los Angeles, California; San Juan, Puerto 
Rico; and Seattle, Washington. The Sectors we visited were Los Angeles-
Long Beach, Miami, San Juan, and Seattle. 

[6] Pub. L. No. 109-347, 120 Stat. 1884 (2006). 

[7] The ports we visited account for approximately 56 percent of all 
cruise ship passengers and approximately 54 percent of North American 
cruises in 2008. 

[8] Destinations for North American cruises include Alaska, Bahamas, 
Bermuda, Canada/New England, Eastern Caribbean, Hawaii, Mexico, 
nowhere (a cruise that does not call on any ports before it returns to 
its departure port), Pacific Coast, South America, South Pacific/Far 
East, Southern Caribbean, Trans-Panama Canal, Transatlantic, and 
Western Caribbean and include a U.S. port of call. 

[9] Adopted by IMO's Conference of Contracting Governments to the 
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, the ISPS Code 
establishes requirements for contracting governments of countries 
where ports are located, contracting governments of countries where 
ships are registered, operators of port facilities, and operators of 
vessels traveling on the high seas. 

[10] For more information on how DHS and the Coast Guard utilized risk 
management for port security, see GAO, Risk Management: Further 
Refinements Needed to Assess Risks and Prioritize Protective Measures 
at Ports and Other Critical Infrastructure, [hyperlink,] (Washington, D.C.: Dec. 15, 

[11] Critical infrastructure are systems and assets, whether physical 
or virtual, so vital to the United States that their incapacity or 
destruction would have a debilitating impact on national security, 
national economic security, national public health or safety, or any 
combination of those matters. Homeland Security Presidential Directive 
7 divided up the critical infrastructure in the United States into 17 
industry sectors, such as transportation, energy, and communications, 
among others. In 2008, under authorization of Homeland Security 
Presidential Directive 7, DHS established an 18th sector--Critical 

[12] The Captain of the Port is the Coast Guard officer designated by 
the Commandant to enforce within his or her respective areas port 
safety and security and marine environmental protection regulations, 
including, without limitation, regulations for the protection and 
security of vessels, harbors, and waterfront facilities. 

[13] The Coast Guard Intelligence Coordination Center quantifies 
threat as a function of intent (the likelihood of terrorists seeking 
to attack), capability (the likelihood of terrorists having the 
resources to attack), and presence (the likelihood of terrorists 
having the personnel to attack). 

[14] For more information on risk assessment models used in the 
aviation transportation mode, see GAO, Transportation Security: 
Comprehensive Risk Assessments and Stronger Internal Controls Needed 
to Help Inform TSA Resource Allocation, [hyperlink,] (Washington D.C., March 27, 

[15] GAO, Maritime Security: Federal Efforts Needed to Address 
Challenges in Preventing and Responding to Terrorist Attacks on Energy 
Commodity Tankers, [hyperlink,] 
(Washington, D.C., Dec. 10, 2007). 

[16] Reports that discuss a terrorist attack on a cruise ship include 
Michael D. Greenberg, Peter Chalk, Henry H. Willis, Ivan Khilko, and 
David S. Ortiz, Maritime Terrorism: Risk and Liability (Santa Monica, 
Calif., 2006); and United States Coast Guard, The U.S. Coast Guard 
Strategy for Maritime Safety, Security, and Stewardship (Washington, 
D.C., 2007). 

[17] Although intelligence officials reported no credible threats 
against cruise ships, some stakeholders stated that they had 
experienced potential threats such as incidents involving false bomb 
threats, suspicious items, or the identification of a prohibited item 
on board a cruise ship. 

[18] Department of Homeland Security, Small Vessel Security Strategy 
(Washington, D.C., April 2008). Additional information on the strategy 
is included later in this report. 

[19] Of the seven stakeholders who did not mention waterside attacks, 
five reported either being comfortable with the level of law 
enforcement presence at their port or being more concerned about other 
threats, such as criminal acts of smuggling and drug trafficking at 
their port. 

[20] These scenarios are not exclusive to a cruise ship facility, but 
rather any location where people are congregated. 

[21] The International Port Security Program has responsibility for 
assessing the antiterrorism measures maintained by foreign ports. In 
response to MTSA provisions directing DHS to assess the effectiveness 
of antiterrorism measures maintained by foreign ports, which are 
served by vessels that also call on the United States, the Coast Guard 
established the International Port Security Program. A staff based in 
Washington, D.C. sets program policy and makes determinations 
regarding the effectiveness of antiterrorism measures. An operational 
element based in Portsmouth, VA and Liaison Officers in three regions 
(Asia-Pacific, Europe/Africa/Middle East, and Central/South America, 
for worldwide coverage) conduct country visits to review and discuss 
security measures implemented and share best practices in order to 
assist other nations and facilitate bilateral exchanges. A Port 
Security Specialist Team based in Washington, D.C. was established to 
manage country visits to review and discuss security measures 
implemented and share "best practices." According to Coast Guard 
officials, during country visits, not all ports are visited by program 

[22] The Coast Guard has conducted studies on the impacts of different 
types of attacks on cruise ships, the results of which are classified. 

[23] The Coast Guard performs other annual and periodic vessel 
inspections that are primarily focused on safety, during which 
security measures are also reviewed. 

[24] Under Coast Guard guidance, a Coast Guard inspector must carry 
out the following steps in conducting a cruise ship facility 
inspection: (1) ensure the facility complies with the security plan; 
(2) ensure the approved security plan adequately addresses the 
performance-based criteria as outlined in federal regulations; (3) 
ensure the adequacy of the security assessment; and (4) ensure that 
the measures in place adequately address the vulnerabilities. 

[25] Under Coast Guard guidance, the Coast Guard should determine if a 
cruise ship is complying with maritime security requirements through 
observation, asking questions, and reviewing security records. If 
there is evidence that the ship does not meet the applicable maritime 
security requirements, the Coast Guard can impose enforcement actions 
that include inspection, delay, or detention of the ship; restriction 
of ship operations; expulsion of the ship from port; and/or lesser 
administrative or corrective measures. According to Coast Guard 
guidance, a foreign flagged cruise ship's security plan is not 
generally subject to inspection, and the Coast Guard must obtain 
consent from the ship's flag state or the master of the ship before 
reviewing the ship's security plan. 

[26] The Coast Guard utilizes a screening tool that promotes 
systematic evaluation of several risk factors related to a ship's 
compliance or noncompliance with domestic and international maritime 
security standards. The risk factors are: ship management; flag state; 
recognized security organization; the vessel's security compliance 
history; and the ship's last ports of call. 

[27] For cruise ships entering a U.S. port, the Coast Guard uses a 
targeting system to determine whether the ship is required to receive 
an inspection. A Coast Guard database allows Coast Guard units to run 
a report on a daily basis for all facilities. The report highlights 
which facilities are due for an inspection. 

[28] GAO, Maritime Security: Coast Guard Inspections Identify and 
Correct Facility Deficiencies, but More Analysis Needed of Program's 
Staffing, Practices, and Data, [hyperlink,] (Washington, D.C., Feb. 14, 

[29] The required percentage of escorts changes at different threat 
levels. The Coast Guard can coordinate with local law enforcement to 
assist with meeting its Operation Neptune Shield requirements for 
escorting vessels. 

[30] The Coast Guard collects Operation Neptune Shield data on all 
high-capacity passenger vessels, but does not separate the data by 
type of high-capacity passenger vessel, such as cruise ships or 

[31] More specific information on the number of security boardings the 
Coast Guard conducts is considered security sensitive information. 

[32] The Coast Guard uses a classified, risk-based tool to evaluate 
the security risk of a vessel entering into port, and determine 
whether a boarding is deemed appropriate. The tool helps Coast Guard 
units to determine the appropriate actions to be taken for a cruise 
ship, such as an inspection or boarding. 

[33] Under the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 
2004, for cruise ships on an international voyage that embarks or 
debarks passengers at a U.S. port, DHS is to compare information about 
cruise ship passengers and crew with consolidated database information 
relating to known or suspected terrorists and their associates. 

[34] Under CBP regulations, cruise ships are required to transmit 
arrival manifest data at least 96 hours before entering the U.S. port 
or place for voyages of 96 hours or more; prior to departure of the 
ship from a foreign port for voyages less than 96 but at least 24 
hours; or at least 24 hours before entering the United States place or 
port for voyages of less than 24 hours. In addition, ships are 
required to submit manifest data 60 minutes before departure from the 
United States. Manifest data requirements include, among other things, 
full name, date of birth, gender, citizenship, country of residence, 
status on board the ship, travel document type, passport information 
(if required), address while in the United States (not required for 
U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents, crew members, or persons 
who are in transit to a location outside the United States), voyage 
information, and ship information. 

[35] In general, with respect to Coast Guard's maritime security 
regulations, the term "screening" is defined to mean "a reasonable 
examination of persons, cargo, vehicles, or baggage for the protection 
of the vessel, its passengers, and crew. The purpose of the screening 
is to secure the vital government interest of protecting vessels, 
harbors, and waterfront facilities from destruction, loss, or injury 
from sabotage or other causes of similar nature. Such screening is 
intended to ensure that dangerous substances and devices, or other 
items that pose a real danger of violence or a threat to security are 
not present." 

[36] CBP officers conducting admissibility inspections for passengers 
boarding U.S.-bound cruise ships in Canada are permitted by informal 
agreement with Canadian authorities to check bags or do pat downs. 
However, according to Customs and Border Protection officials, taking 
any action beyond that would necessitate coordination with local 
Canadian law enforcement. 

[37] Crew that are denied landing privileges by a CBP officer while in 
the United States are regularly mustered for compliance in the port of 
arrival and onward U.S. ports. CBP also notifies other federal and 
local law enforcement of detained crew for situational awareness. 

[38] DHS Office of Inspector General, DHS' Strategy and Plans to 
Counter Small Vessel Threats Need Improvement, OIG-09-100, 
(Washington, D.C.: September 10, 2009). 

[39] The Office of Inspector General report concluded that DHS 
incorporated two characteristics of an effective national strategy for 
combating terrorism--(1) purpose, scope, and methodology and (2) 
problem definition and risk assessment. However, the report stated 
that DHS had not fully addressed the remaining four characteristics--
(1) goals, objectives, activities, and performance measures; (2) 
resources, investments, and risk management; (3) organizational roles, 
responsibilities, and coordination; and (4) integration and 

[40] Under MTSA, a security plan for U.S. vessels and facilities must 
(1) be consistent with the requirements of the National Maritime 
Transportation Security Plan and Area Maritime Transportation Security 
Plans; (2) identify the qualified individual having full authority to 
implement security actions, and require immediate communications 
between that individual and the appropriate federal official and the 
persons providing personnel and equipment; (3) include provisions for--
establishing and maintaining physical security, passenger and cargo 
security, and personnel security; establishing and controlling access 
to secure areas of the vessel or facility; procedural security 
policies; communications systems; and other security systems; (4) 
identify, and ensure by contract or other means approved by the 
Secretary of DHS, the availability of security measures necessary to 
deter to the maximum extent practicable a transportation security 
incident or a substantial threat of such a security incident; (5) 
describe the training, periodic unannounced drills, and security 
actions of persons on the vessel or at the facility, to be carried out 
under the plan to deter to the maximum extent practicable a 
transportation security incident, or a substantial threat of such a 
security incident; (6) be updated at least every 5 years; and (7) be 
resubmitted for approval of each change to the vessel or facility that 
may substantially affect the security of the vessel or facility. Under 
Coast Guard regulations, the Coast Guard is to review and approve 
security plans for U.S. flagged vessels and facilities. A foreign 
flagged vessel's security plan, under Coast Guard regulations, is 
generally not subject to Coast Guard review, approval, or inspection. 

[41] Inspection data do not include domestic cruise ship facilities 
that typically cannot support a cruise ship as defined by MTSA. These 
facilities may handle gaming vessels or dinner cruises. 

[42] Other port facilities include boat ramps, bulk liquid and oil 
facilities, and container facilities. 

[43] A letter of warning is issued for minor first-time violations 
that operators take immediate action to correct. 

[44] Area Maritime Security Committees established under Coast Guard's 
MTSA implementing regulations, in addition to the local Coast Guard 
Captain of the Port, may be composed of officials of federal, 
territorial, or tribal government; state and local government; law 
enforcement and security organizations; maritime industry and labor 
organizations; and other port stakeholders that either may be affected 
by security practices and policies or have a special competence in 
maritime security. The responsibilities of the committees include, in 
part, identifying critical port infrastructure, identifying risks to 
the port, developing mitigation strategies for these risks, and 
communicating appropriate security information to port stakeholders. 

[45] GAO, Maritime Security: Vessel Tracking Systems Provide Key 
Information, but the Need for Duplicate Data Should Be Reviewed, 
[hyperlink,] (Washington, D.C., 
March 17, 2009). 

[46] Section 115 of Pub. L. No. 107-71, 115 Stat. 597 (2001) (codified 
at 49 U.S.C. 44909(c)(3)). 

[47] In November 2006, GAO issued a restricted report that discusses 
Passenger Name Record data. In May 2007, a public version of the 
report was issued. GAO, Aviation Security: Efforts to Strengthen 
International Passenger Prescreening are Under Way, but Planning and 
Implementation Issues Remain, [hyperlink,] (Washington, D.C., May 16, 

[48] Detailed information regarding these cases is security sensitive 

[49] CBP officials stated that there is always a concern about the 
accuracy and reliability of Passenger Name Record data for several 
reasons. First, this information is not standardized, that is, CBP 
receives Passenger Name Record data from 130 air carriers in about 100 
different formats. CBP considers Passenger Name Record data as "dirty 
data" that requires great effort to process. Further, these data are 
collected or entered by the passenger or travel agent and there is the 
chance the data could be mistyped or a nickname could be used instead 
of a full name. CBP created algorithms in their system to account for 
similar names or acceptable misspellings to enhance the utility of the 
Passenger Name Record data. 

[50] GAO, Program Evaluation: Studies Helped Agencies Measure or 
Explain Program Performance, [hyperlink,] (Washington, D.C., 
September 29, 2000). 

[51] This memorandum was issued after receiving the conclusions of two 
reviews related to the attempt to bring down a Detroit-bound flight on 
December 25, 2009, by detonating an explosive device. The first was a 
White House-led review of the U.S. terrorist watch list system and the 
performance of the intelligence, homeland security, and law 
enforcement communities related to the attempted attack. The second 
review was led by DHS on technology and procedures used for airport 

[52] Pub. L. No. 93-579, 88 Stat. 1879 (1974). 

[53] Pub. L. No. 107-347, 116 Stat. 2899 (2002). 

[54] Office of Management and Budget, OMB Guidance for Implementing 
the Privacy Provisions of the E-Government Act of 2002, M-03-22 
(Washington, D.C.: Sept. 26, 2003). 

[55] The Privacy Act places limitations on agencies' collection, use, 
and disclosure of personal information maintained in systems of 
records, which are groups of personal information that are maintained 
by an agency from which personal information is retrieved by an 
individual's name or identifier. Among the act's provisions are 
requirements for agencies to give notice to the public about the use 
of their personal information. Also, when agencies establish or make 
changes to a system of records, they must notify the public by a 
notice in the Federal Register about the type of data collected; the 
types of individuals about whom information is collected; the intended 
"routine" uses of the data; the policies and practices regarding data 
storage, retrievability, access controls, retention, and disposal; and 
procedures that individuals can use to review and correct personal 
information. The E-Government Act of 2002 requires agencies to conduct 
a privacy impact assessment when using information technology to 
process personal information. 

[56] DHS, Report on Effects on Privacy and Civil Liberties (April 27, 

[End of section] 

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