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United States Government Accountability Office: 

Report to Congressional Committees: 

February 2010: 


Assessments of Selected Large-Scale Projects: 


GAO Highlights: 

Highlights of GAO-10-227SP, a report to congressional committees. 

Why GAO Did This Study: 

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) plans to 
invest billions in the coming years in science and exploration space 
flight initiatives. The scientific and technical complexities inherent 
in NASA's mission create great challenges in managing its projects and 
controlling costs. In the past, NASA has had difficulty meeting cost, 
schedule, and performance objectives for many of its projects. The 
need to effectively manage projects will gain even more importance as 
NASA seeks to manage its wide-ranging portfolio in an increasingly 
constrained fiscal environment. 

This report provides an independent assessment of selected NASA 
projects. In conducting this work, GAO compared projects against best 
practice criteria for system development including attainment of 
knowledge on technologies and design. GAO also identified other 
programmatic challenges that were contributing factors in cost and 
schedule growth of the projects reviewed. The projects assessed are 
considered major acquisitions by NASA—each with a life-cycle cost of 
over $250 million. No recommendations are provided in this report; 
however, GAO has reported extensively and made recommendations on NASA 
acquisition management in the past. GAO has designated NASA's 
acquisition management as a high risk area since 1990. 

What GAO Found: 

GAO assessed 19 NASA projects with a combined life-cycle cost of more 
than $66 billion. Of those 19 projects, 4 are still in the formulation 
phase where cost and schedule baselines have yet to be established, 
and 5 just entered the implementation phase in fiscal year 2009 and 
therefore do not have any cost and schedule growth. However, 9 of the 
10 projects that have been in the implementation phase for several 
years experienced cost growth ranging from 8 to 68 percent, and launch 
delays of 8 to 33 months, in the past 3 years. These 10 projects had 
average development cost growth of almost $121.1 million—or 18.7 
percent—and schedule growth of 15 months, and a total increase in 
development cost of over $1.2 billion, with over half of this total—or 
$706.6 million—occurring in the last year. In some cases, cost growth 
was higher than is reported because it occurred before project 
baselines were established in response to the statutory requirement in 
2005 for NASA to report cost and schedule baselines for projects and 
implementation with estimated life-cycle cost of more than $250 
million. See the table below for a summary of the 10 projects. 
Additionally, NASA was recently appropriated over $1 billion through 
the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. 

Table: Cost and Schedule Growth of Selected NASA Projects in the 
Implementation Phase: 

Project: Aquarius[A]; 
Baseline (FY): 2008; 
Development cost growth: $15.9 million; 
Percent cost growth: 8.3%; 
Launch delay (Months): 10. 

Project: Glory[A]; 
Baseline (FY): 2009; 
Development cost growth: $37.0 million; 
Percent cost growth: 14.3%; 
Launch delay (Months): 16. 

Project: Herschel[A]; 
Baseline (FY): 2007; 
Development cost growth: $9.7 million; 
Percent cost growth: 8.3%; 
Launch delay (Months): 21. 

Project: Kepler[A]; 
Baseline (FY): 2007; 
Development cost growth: $77.5 million; 
Percent cost growth: 24.8%; 
Launch delay (Months): 9. 

Project: LRO[A]; 
Baseline (FY): 2008; 
Development cost growth: $52.3 million; 
Percent cost growth: 12.4%; 
Launch delay (Months): 8. 

Project: MSL[A]; 
Baseline (FY): 2008; 
Development cost growth: $662.4 million; 
Percent cost growth: 68.4%; 
Launch delay (Months): 25. 

Project: NPP[A]; 
Baseline (FY): 2007; 
Development cost growth: $132.1 million; 
Percent cost growth: 22.3%; 
Launch delay (Months): 33. 

Project: SDO[A]; 
Baseline (FY): 2007; 
Development cost growth: $58.9 million; 
Percent cost growth: 9.4%; 
Launch delay (Months): 18. 

Project: SOFIA[A]; 
Baseline (FY): 2007; 
Development cost growth: $162.3 million; 
Percent cost growth: 17.7%; 
Launch delay (Months): 12. 

Project: WISE; 
Baseline (FY): 2008; 
Development cost growth: $2.8 million; 
Percent cost growth: 1.5%; 
Launch delay (Months): 1. 

Project: Average; 
Development cost growth: $121.1 million; 
Percent cost growth: 18.7%; 
Launch delay (Months): 15. 

Project: Total cost growth; 
Development cost growth: $1,210.9 million. 

Source: GAO analysis of NASA project data. 

[A] Indicates projects that exceeded their cost and/or schedule 

[End of table] 

Many of the projects GAO reviewed experienced challenges in developing 
new or retrofitting older technologies, stabilizing engineering 
designs, managing the performance of their contractors and development 
partners, as well as funding and launch planning issues. Reducing the 
kinds of problems this assessment
identifies in acquisition programs hinges on developing a sound 
business case for a project. Based, in part, on GAO's previous 
recommendations, NASA has acted to adopt practices that would ensure 
programs proceed based on a sound business case and undertaken 
initiatives aimed at improving program management, cost estimating, 
and contractor oversight. Continued attention to these efforts and 
effective, disciplined implementation should help maximize NASA's 
acquisition investments. 

To view the full product, including the scope and methodology, click 
on [hyperlink,]. For more 
information, contact Cristina Chaplain at (202) 512-4841 or 

[End of section] 




A Sound Business Case Underpins Successful Acquisition Outcomes: 

NASA Continues to Improve Its Acquisitions: 

Our Observations: 

Project Challenges: 

Project Assessments: 
Ares I Crew Launch Vehicle (CLV): 
Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission: 
Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL): 
James Webb Space Telescope (JWST): 
Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM): 
Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO): 
Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS): 
Mars Science Laboratory (MSL): 
NPOESS Preparatory Project (NPP): 
Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV): 
Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP): 
Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO): 
Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA): 
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE): 

Agency Comments and Our Evaluation: 


Appendix I: Comments from the National Aeronautics and Space 

Appendix II: Objectives, Scope, and Methodology: 

Appendix III: NASA Life Cycle for Flight Systems Compared to a 
Knowledge-Based Approach: 

Appendix IV: Technology Readiness Levels: 

Appendix V: NASA Projects Receiving Additional Funding: 

Appendix VI: GAO Contact and Staff Acknowledgments: 


Table 1: Cost and Schedule Growth of Selected NASA Projects in the 
Implementation Phase: 

Table 2: Assessment of Challenges for Selected NASA Projects: 

Table 3: Schedule Growth for Projects with and without Partners: 

Table 4: ARRA Funding for Review NASA Projects: 


Figure 1: Summary of Projects Assessed by Phase of the NASA Project 
Life Cycle: 

Figure 2: Illustration of Project Two-Page Summary: 

Figure 3: NASA's Life Cycle for Flight Systems Compared to a Knowledge-
Based Approach: 


AFB: Air Force Base: 
AFS: Air Force Station: 
AIA: Atmospheric Imaging Assembly: 
APS: aerosol polarimetry sensor: 
ARRA: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009: 
ASI: Argenzia Spaciale Italiana (Italian Space Agency): 
C&DH: Command and Data Handling: 
CCD: charged-coupled device: 
CDDS: Cavity Door Drive System: 
CDR: critical design review: 
CEV: Crew Exploration Vehicle: 
CLV: Crew Launch Vehicle: 
CNES: Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales: 
CONAE: Comision Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (Space Agency of 
CrIS: Cross-track Infrared Sounder: 
CSA: Canadian Space Agency: 
CSL: Centre Spatial de Liege: 
DCI: data collection instrument: 
DLR: German Aerospace Center: 
DPR: dual-frequency precipitation radar: 
ESA: European Space Agency: 
EVE: Extreme Ultraviolet Variability Experiment: 
FSSA: Fine Sun Sensor Assembly: 
GMI: GPM microwave imager: 
GPM: Global Precipitation Measurement (mission): 
GRACE: Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment: 
GRAIL: Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory: 
HIFI: Heterodyne Instrument for the Far Infrared: 
HIPO: High-speed Imaging Photometer for Occultation: 
HMI: Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager: 
HOPE: Helium-Oxygen-Proton-Electron: 
IPO: Integrated Program Office: 
JAXA: Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency: 
JCL: Joint Cost and Schedule Confidence Levels: 
JPL: Jet Propulsion Laboratory: 
JWST: James Webb Space Telescope: 
KDP: key decision point: 
LCROSS: Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite: 
LDCM: Landsat Data Continuity Mission: 
LIO: Low Inclination Observatory: 
LRO: Lunar Reconnaisance Orbiter: 
MEP: Mars Exploration Program: 
MMS: Magnetospheric Multiscale: 
MSL: Mars Science Laboratory: 
NAR: nonadvocate review: 
NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration: 
NID: NASA Interim Directive: 
NPR: NASA Procedural Requirements: 
NPOESS: National Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite 
NPP: NPOESS Preparatory Project: 
OCO: Orbiting Carbon Observatory: 
OLI: Operational Land Imager: 
PA&E: Office of Program Analysis and Evaluation (NASA): 
PDR: preliminary design review: 
PICA: phenolic impregnated carbon ablator: 
RBSP: Radiation Belt Storm Probes: 
SBC: single board computer: 
SDO: Solar Dynamics Observatory: 
SDR: system definition review: 
SOFIA: Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy: 
SPIRE: Spectral and Photometric Imaging Receiver: 
TIM: total irradiance monitor: 
TLGA: Toroidal Low Gain Antenna: 
TMDS: Thermal Mass Dynamics Simulator: 
TRL: technology readiness level: 
ULA: United Launch Alliance: 
USGS: U.S. Geological Service: 
VIERS: Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite: 
WISE: Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer: 

[End of section] 
United States Government Accountability Office: 
Washington, DC 20548: 

February 1, 2010: 

Congressional Committees: 

I am pleased to present GAO's second annual assessment of selected 
large-scale NASA projects. This report provides a snapshot of how well 
NASA plans and executes major acquisitions—a topic that has been on 
GAO's High-Risk List since the list's inception in 1990. 

In this year's report, we found that NASA frequently exceeded its own 
acquisition cost and schedule estimates, even when those estimates 
were relatively new In fact, 9 out of 10 projects that have been in 
implementation for several years significantly exceeded their cost or 
schedule baseline estimates—all in the last 3 years. 

NASA's ongoing struggle to meet budget and schedule demands comes at a 
time when the agency is on the verge of major changes. The Space 
Shuttle is slated to retire this year after nearly 30 years of 
service, the International Space Station draws closer to its scheduled 
retirement in 2016, and a new means of human space flight is under 
development, and the very future of which has been hotly debated and 
recently reviewed by an independent commission, and awaits a 
presidential decision. 

Amid all this change, one thing that will remain constant is NASA's 
need to manage programs and projects with a budget that has remained 
relatively constant in recent years. This will require hard choices 
among competing priorities within the organization, which must balance 
its core missions in science, aeronautics, and human space flight and 
exploration. In addition, NASA will be competing for an ever-shrinking 
share of discretionary spending against other national priorities, 
such as the economy, combating terrorism, and health care reform. 

We believe that this report can provide insights that will help NASA 
place programs in a better position to succeed and help the agency 
maximize its investments. Our work has shown that reducing the project 
challenges that can lead to cost and schedule growth this report 
identifies hinges on developing a sound business case that includes 
firm requirements, mature technologies, a knowledge-based acquisition 
strategy, realistic cost estimates, and sufficient funding. To its 
credit, NASA has continued to take steps to improve its acquisition 
process along these lines. The revisions aim to provide key decision-
makers with increased knowledge needed to make informed decisions 
before a program starts, and to maintain discipline once it begins. 
Implementation of these revisions, however, will require senior NASA 
leaders to have the will to terminate projects that do not measure
up, to recognize and reward savings, and to hold appropriate parties 
accountable for poor outcomes. 

Signed by: 

Gene L. Dodaro: 
Acting Comptroller General of the United States: 

[End of section] 
United States Government Accountability Office: 
Washington, DC 20548: 

February 1, 2010: 

Congressional Committees: 

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) portfolio 
of major projects ranges from highly complex and sophisticated space 
transportation vehicles, to robotic probes, to satellites equipped 
with advanced sensors to study the earth. In many cases, NASA's 
projects are expected to incorporate new and sophisticated 
technologies that must operate in harsh, distant environments. These 
projects have also produced ground-breaking research and advanced our 
understanding of the universe. However, one common theme binds most of 
the projects—they cost more and take longer to develop than planned. 

We reported last year that 10 out of 13 NASA projects experienced 
significant cost and/or schedule growth from baselines established 
only 2 or 3 years earlier.[Footnote 1] For example, the Glory project, 
a science satellite designed to help understand how the sun and 
particles in the atmosphere affect Earth's climate, saw its 
development costs increase more than 50 percent—from $169 to $259 
million—since 2008. Congress reauthorized[Footnote 2] the Glory 
project in fiscal year 2009 and new cost and schedule baselines were 
then established. Similarly, technical issues delayed the Mars Science 
Laboratory by 2 years, and the project, which was already over budget, 
is now scheduled to cost over $660 million more than estimated in 2007—
an increase of over 68 percent in development costs. In prior years, 
programs such as the X-33 and X-34, which were meant to demonstrate 
technology for future reusable launch vehicles, were canceled because 
of technical difficulties and cost overruns after NASA spent more than 
$1 billion on the programs. 

NASA acknowledges the problem and is striving to improve its cost 
estimating and program execution. The agency notes that most missions 
are one of a kind and complex and that external factors, such as 
launch scheduling and spotty performance by development partners, also 
cause delays and cost increases. Although space development programs 
are complex and difficult by nature, our work consistently finds that 
inherent risks are exacerbated by poor acquisition management. 
Moreover, the reality of cost and schedule increases can have 
secondary impacts when projects that are seemingly on track end up 
being the bill-payer for troubled projects. This also makes it hard to 
manage the portfolio and make investment decisions. 

Congress has expressed concern about NASA's performance and has 
identified the need to standardize the reporting of cost, schedule, 
and content for NASA research and development projects. In 2005, 
Congress required NASA to report cost and schedule baselines—
benchmarks against which changes can be measured—for all NASA programs 
and projects with estimated life-cycle costs of at least $250 million 
that have been approved to proceed to the development stage, known as 
implementation,[Footnote 3] in which components begin to take physical 
form. It also required that NASA report to Congress when development 
cost is likely to exceed the baseline estimate by 15 percent or more, 
or when a milestone is likely to be delayed beyond the baseline 
estimate by 6 months or more.[Footnote 4] In response, NASA began 
establishing cost and schedule baselines in 2006 and has been using 
them as the basis for annual project performance reports to the 
Congress provided in its annual budget submission each year. While 
establishing the baselines required by the Congress enabled a more 
consistent reporting among NASA projects, it also made past cost and 
schedule growth less transparent. Consequently, the cost and schedule 
breaches presented in this report represent only increases from the 
baselines established after the 2005 congressional requirement. 

Recently, NASA was appropriated over $1 billion through the American 
Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009[Footnote 5] to help spur 
technological advances in science. The agency's Science and 
Exploration Systems Mission Directorates were each appropriated $400 
million under this supplemental appropriation. As of October 2009, the 
projects covered in this assessment are scheduled to receive $470 
million as a part of the total allocation that NASA intends to use to 
assist with such items as developing instruments and spacecraft, 
maintaining the current workforce, and building test facilities. 
Appendix V provides a listing of NASA projects in our review receiving 
funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and 
the intended use of those funds for each project. 

The explanatory statement of the House Committee on Appropriations 
accompanying the Fiscal Year 2009 Omnibus Appropriations Act directed 
GAO to prepare project status reports on selected large-scale NASA 
programs, projects, or activities. This report responds to that 
mandate by assessing 19 NASA projects, each with an estimated life-
cycle cost over $250 million. The combined estimated life-cycle cost 
for these 19 projects exceeds $66 billion. Each assessment is 
presented in a two-page summary that analyzes the project's cost and 
schedule status and project challenges we identified with the 
objective to identify risks that, if mitigated, could put NASA in a 
better position to succeed. We also provide general observations about 
the performance of NASA's major projects and the agency's management 
of those projects during development. In doing so, the report expands 
on the importance of developing a knowledge-based acquisition strategy 
and to provide decision-makers with an independent, knowledge-based 
assessment of individual systems that identifies potential risks and 
allows the decision-makers to take actions to put projects that are 
early in the development cycle in a better position to succeed. NASA 
provided updated cost and schedule data as of October 2009 for 14 of 
the 19 projects.[Footnote 6] We reviewed and compared that data to 
previously established cost and schedule baselines for each of those 
14 projects. We took appropriate steps to address data reliability. 

Our approach included an examination of the current phase of a 
project's development and how each project was advancing. Each project 
we reviewed was in either the formulation phase or the implementation 
phase of the project life cycle. In the formulation phase, the project 
defines requirements—what the project is being designed to do—matures
technology, establishes a schedule, estimates costs, and produces a 
plan for implementation. In the implementation phase, the project 
carries out these plans, performing final design and fabrication as 
well as testing components and system assembly, integrating these 
components and testing how they work together, and launching the 
project. This phase also includes the period from project launch 
through mission completion. We assessed each project's cost and 
schedule and characterized growth in either as significant if it 
exceeded the baselines that trigger reporting to the Congress under 
the law.[Footnote 7] 

Based on our previous reviews and discussions with project officials 
and drawing on GAO's established criteria for knowledge-based 
acquisitions and on other GAO work on system acquisitions, we 
identified six challenges that can contribute to cost and schedule 
growth in these projects: technology maturity, design stability, 
contractor performance, development partner performance, funding 
issues, and launch manifest issues. This list of challenges is not 
exhaustive, and we believe these challenges will evolve
as we continue this work into the future. To assess technology 
maturity, we examined the projects' reported critical technology 
readiness levels—a measure that NASA devised and that is now used at 
other agencies as well. We looked at the technology readiness level at 
the time of the project's preliminary design review, which occurs just 
before it enters the implementation phase, and compared that against 
the level of maturity that best practices call for at that stage to 
minimize risks. Based in part on our discussions with officials for 
the individual projects and data submitted by the projects, we 
identified the extent to which project cost and schedule were 
negatively impacted by challenges integrating heritage—or preexisting—
technology into their projects. To assess design stability, we 
examined the percentage of engineering drawings completed or projected 
to be completed by the critical design review—which is usually held 
about midway through the project's development. We asked project 
officials to provide this information, and we compared it against 
GAO's best practices' metric of 90 percent of drawings released by the 
critical design review. We also discussed the extent to which 
contractors' and development partners' challenges in developing and 
delivering project hardware affected overall project cost and 
schedule. To assess funding issues, we interviewed project officials 
and reviewed budget documents to determine if increases to cost or 
schedule resulted from interrupted or delayed funding, or if project 
officials indicated that the project had poor phasing of the project's 
funding plan. To assess launch manifest issues, we interviewed launch 
services officials to determine what projects had to reschedule launch 
dates based on an inability to be ready for launch or other factors. 
The individual project offices were given an opportunity to provide 
comments and technical clarifications on our assessments prior to 
their inclusion in the final product. 

We conducted this performance audit from April 2009 to February 2010 
in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards. 
Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain 
sufficient, appropriate evidence to provide a reasonable basis for our 
findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives. We believe 
that the evidence obtained provides a reasonable basis for our 
findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives. Appendix II 
contains detailed information on our scope and methodology. We do not 
provide recommendations in this report. 

A Sound Business Case Underpins Successful Acquisition Outcomes
Many of NASA's projects are one-time articles, meaning that there is 
little opportunity to apply knowledge gained to the production of a 
second, third, or future increments of spacecraft. In addition, NASA 
often partners with other domestic partners and other space-faring 
countries, including several European nations, Japan, and Argentina. 
These partnerships go a long way to foster international cooperation 
in space, but they also subject NASA projects to added risk such as 
when partners do not meet their obligations or run into technical 
obstacles they cannot easily overcome. While space development 
programs are complex and difficult by nature, and most are one-time 
efforts, the nature of its work should not preclude NASA from 
achieving what it promises when requesting and receiving funds. We 
have reported that NASA would benefit from a more disciplined approach 
to its acquisitions. 

The development and execution of a knowledge-based business case for 
these projects can provide early recognition of challenges, allow 
managers to take corrective action, and place needed and justifiable 
projects in a better position to succeed. Our studies of best practice 
organizations show the risks inherent in NASA's work can be mitigated 
by developing a solid, executable business case before committing 
resources to a new product development.[Footnote 8] In its simplest 
form, this is evidence that (1) the customer's needs are valid and can 
best be met with the chosen concept, and (2) the chosen concept can be 
developed and produced within existing resources—that is, proven 
technologies, design knowledge, adequate funding, and adequate time to 
deliver the product when needed. A program should not
go forward into product development unless a sound business case can 
be made. If the business case measures up, the organization commits to 
the development of the product, including making the financial 
investment. Our best practice work has shown that developing business 
cases based on matching requirements to resources before program start 
leads to more predictable program outcomes—that is, programs are more 
likely to be successfully completed within cost and schedule estimates 
and deliver anticipated system performance.[Footnote 9] 

At the heart of a business case is a knowledge-based approach to 
product development that is a best practice among leading commercial 
firms. Those firms have created an environment and adopted practices 
that put their program managers in a good position to succeed in 
meeting expectations. A knowledge-based approach requires that 
managers demonstrate high levels of knowledge as the program proceeds 
from technology development to system development and, finally, 
production. In essence, knowledge supplants risk over time. This 
building of knowledge can be described over the course of a program, 
as follows: 

* When a project begins development, the customer's needs should match 
the developer's available resources—mature technologies, time, and 
funding. An indication of this match is the demonstrated maturity of 
the technologies needed to meet customer needs—referred to as critical 
technologies. If the project is relying on heritage—or pre-existing— 
technology, that technology must be in appropriate form, fit, and 
function to address the customer's needs within available resources. 
The project will normally enter development after completing the 
preliminary design review, at which time a business case should be in 

* Then, about midway through the product's development, its design 
should be stable and demonstrate it is capable of meeting performance 
requirements. The critical design review takes place at that point in 
time because it generally signifies when the program is ready to start 
building production-representative prototypes. If design stability is 
not achieved, but a product development continues, costly re-designs 
to address changes to project requirements and unforeseen challenges 
can occur. By the critical design review, design should be stable and 
capable of meeting performance requirements. 

* Finally, by the time of the production decision, the product must be 
shown to be producible within cost, schedule, and quality targets and 
have demonstrated its reliability, and the design must demonstrate 
that it performs as needed through realistic system-level testing. 
Lack of testing increases the possibility that project managers will 
not have information that could help avoid costly system failures in 
late stages of development or during system operations. 

Our best practices work has identified numerous other actions that can 
be taken to increase the likelihood that a program can be successfully 
executed once that business case is established. These include 
ensuring cost estimates are complete, accurate, and updated regularly 
and holding suppliers accountable through such activities as regular 
supplier audits and performance evaluations of quality and delivery. 
Moreover, we have recommended using metrics and controls throughout 
the life cycle to gauge when the requisite level of knowledge has been 
attained and when to direct decision makers to consider criteria 
before advancing a program to the next level and making additional 

The consequence of proceeding with system development without 
establishing and adhering to a sound business case is substantial. GAO 
and others have reported that NASA has experienced cost and schedule 
growth in several of its projects over the past decade, resulting from 
problems that include failing to adequately identify requirements and 
underestimating complexity and technology maturity. We have found that 
the need to meet schedule is one of the main reasons why programs 
cannot execute as planned. Short cuts, such as developing technology 
while design work and construction are already underway, and delaying 
or reducing tests, are taken to meet schedule. Ultimately, when a 
schedule is set that cannot accommodate the work that needs to be 
done, costs go up and capability is delayed. Delaying the delivery of 
these capabilities can also have a ripple effect throughout NASA 
projects as staff must then stay on a given project longer than 
intended, thus increasing the project's costs, and crippling other 
projects that had counted on using newly available staff to move 

NASA Continues Efforts to Improve Its Acquisitions: 

In 2005, we reported that NASA's acquisition policies did not conform 
to best practices for product development because those policies 
lacked major decision reviews at several key points in the project 
life-cycle that would allow decision makers to make informed decisions 
about whether a project should be authorized to proceed in the 
development life cycle. Based in part on our recommendations, NASA 
issued a revised policy in March 2007[Footnote 10] that institutes 
several key decision points (KDP) in the development life cycle for 
space flight programs and projects. At each KDP, a decision authority 
is responsible for authorizing the transition to the next life-cycle 
phase for the project.[Footnote 11] In addition, NASA's acquisition 
policies also require that technologies be sufficiently mature at the 
preliminary design review before the project enters implementation, 
that the design is appropriate to support proceeding with full-scale 
fabrication, assembly, integrating and test at the critical design 
review, and that the system can be fabricated within cost, schedule, 
and performance specifications. These changes brought the policy more 
in line with best practices for product development. A more detailed 
discussion of NASA's acquisition policy and how it relates to best 
practices is provided in appendix III of this report. 

Further, in response to GAO's designation of NASA acquisition 
management as a high risk area,[Footnote 12] NASA developed a 
corrective action plan to improve the effectiveness of NASA's 
program/project management.[Footnote 13] The approach focuses on how 
best to ensure the mitigation of potential issues in acquisition 
decisions and better monitor contractor performance. The plan 
identifies five areas for improvement—program/project management, cost 
reporting processes, cost estimating and analysis, standard business 
processes, and management of financial management systems—each of 
which contains targets and goals to measure improvement. As part of 
this initiative, NASA has taken a positive step to improve management 
oversight of project cost, schedule, and technical performance with 
the establishment of a baseline performance review reporting to NASA's 
senior management. Through monthly reviews, NASA intends to highlight 
projects that are predicted to exceed internal NASA cost and/or 
schedule baselines, which are set lower than cost and schedule 
baselines submitted to Congress, so the agency can take preemptive 
actions to minimize the projects' potential cost overruns or schedule 
delays. During our data collection efforts, we reviewed several 
projects' monthly and quarterly status reports, which gave us insight 
into their status, risks, and issues. While this reporting structure 
might enable management to be aware of the issues projects are facing, 
it is too early to tell if the monthly reviews are having the intended 
impact of enabling NASA management to take preemptive cost saving 
actions, such as delaying a design review or canceling a project. 

As a part of the continuing effort to improve its acquisition 
processes, NASA has begun a new initiative—Joint Cost and Schedule 
Confidence Levels (JCL)—to help programs and projects with management, 
cost and schedule estimating, and maintenance of adequate levels of 
reserves. Under this new policy, cost, schedule, and risk are combined 
into a complete picture to help inform management of the likelihood of 
a project's success. Utilizing JCL, each project will receive a cost 
estimate with a corresponding confidence level—the percentage 
probability representing the likelihood of success at the specified 
funding level. NASA believes the application of this policy will help 
reduce the cost and schedule growth in its portfolio and improve 
transparency, and increase the probabilities of meeting those 
expectations. NASA's goal is for all projects that have entered the 
implementation phase to have a JCL established by spring 2010. 

While these efforts are positive steps, it is too early to assess 
their impact and they will be limited if project officials are not 
held accountable for demonstrating that elements of a knowledge-based 
business case are demonstrated at key junctures in development. For 
projects to have better outcomes not only must they demonstrate a high 
level of knowledge at key junctures, but decision makers must also use 
this information to determine whether and how best a project should 
proceed through the development life cycle. If done successfully, 
these measures should enable NASA to foster the expansion of a 
business-oriented culture, reduce persistent cost growth and schedule 
delays, and maximize investment dollars. 

Our Observations: 

We assessed 19 large-scale NASA projects in this review. Four of these 
projects were in the formulation phase where cost and schedule 
baselines have yet to be established, while 15 had entered 
implementation. Nine of the 15 projects experienced significant cost 
and/or schedule growth from their project baselines,[Footnote 14] 
while five of the remaining projects had just entered implementation 
and their cost and schedule baselines were established in fiscal year 
2009. NASA provided cost and schedule data for 14 of the 15 projects 
in the implementation phase of the project life cycle. Despite being 
in implementation, NASA did not provide cost or schedule data for the 
Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) project. NASA will not formally 
release its baseline cost and schedule estimates for this project 
until the fiscal year 2011 budget submission to Congress, and late in 
our review process agency officials notified us that they will not 
provide project estimates to GAO until that time. NASA also did not 
provide formal cost and schedule information for the projects in 
formulation, citing that those estimates were still preliminary. See 
figure 1 for a summary of these projects. 

Figure 1: Summary of Projects Assessed by Phase of the NASA Project 
Life Cycle: 

[Refer to PDF for image: illustration] 

Total projects reviewed: 19; 
Projects in formulation: 4; 
Projects in implementation: 15; 
Projects with significant cost and/or schedule growth: 9; 
Projects establishing initial baselines in FY 2009, thus no 
cost/schedule growth: 5; 
Projects in implementation without significant cost/schedule growth: 1. 

Source: GAO analysis of NASA project data. 

[End of figure] 

Based on our analysis, development costs for projects in our review 
increased by an average of over 13 percent from their baseline cost 
estimates—including one project that increased by over 68 percent—and 
an average delay of almost 11 months to their launch dates. These 
averages were significantly higher when the four projects that just 
entered implementation are excluded. Specifically, there are 10 
projects of analytical interest because (1) they are in the 
implementation phase, and (2) their baselines are old enough to begin 
to track variances. Most of these 10 projects have experienced 
significant cost and/or schedule growth, often both. These projects 
had an average development cost growth of 18.7 percent—or almost 
$121.1 million—and schedule growth of over 15 months, and a total 
increase in development cost of over $1.2 billion. Over half of this 
total increase in development cost—or $706.6 million—occurred in the 
last year. These cost growth and schedule delays have all occurred 
within the last 3 years, and a number of these projects had 
experienced considerable cost growth before baselines were established 
in response to the 2005 statutory reporting requirement.[Footnote 15] 
See table 1 below for the cost and schedule growth of the NASA 
projects in the implementation phase. 

Table 1: Cost and Schedule Growth of Selected NASA Projects in the 
Implementation Phase: 

Project: Aquarius[A]; 
Baseline (FY): 2008; 
Development cost growth: $15.9 million; 
Percent cost growth: 8.3%; 
Launch delay (Months): 10. 

Project: Glory[A]; 
Baseline (FY): 2009; 
Development cost growth: $37.0 million; 
Percent cost growth: 14.3%; 
Launch delay (Months): 16. 

Project: Grail; 
Baseline (FY): 2009; 
Development cost growth: $0.0; 
Percent cost growth: 0; 
Launch delay (Months): 0. 

Project: Herschel[A]; 
Baseline (FY): 2007; 
Development cost growth: $9.7 million; 
Percent cost growth: 8.3%; 
Launch delay (Months): 21. 

Project: Juno; 
Baseline (FY): 2009; 
Development cost growth: $0.0; 
Percent cost growth: 0; 
Launch delay (Months): 0. 

Project: JWST; 
Baseline (FY): 2009; 
Development cost growth: $0.0; 
Percent cost growth: 0; 
Launch delay (Months): 0. 

Project: Kepler[A]; 
Baseline (FY): 2007; 
Development cost growth: $77.5 million; 
Percent cost growth: 24.8%; 
Launch delay (Months): 9. 

Project: LRO[A]; 
Baseline (FY): 2008; 
Development cost growth: $52.3 million; 
Percent cost growth: 12.4%; 
Launch delay (Months): 8. 

Project: MSL[A]; 
Baseline (FY): 2008; 
Development cost growth: $662.4 million; 
Percent cost growth: 68.4%; 
Launch delay (Months): 25. 

Project: NPP[A]; 
Baseline (FY): 2007; 
Development cost growth: $132.1 million; 
Percent cost growth: 22.3%; 
Launch delay (Months): 33. 

Project: RBSP; 
Baseline (FY): 2009; 
Development cost growth: $0.0 million; 
Percent cost growth: 0; 
Launch delay (Months): 0. 

Project: SDO[A]; 
Baseline (FY): 2007; 
Development cost growth: $58.9 million; 
Percent cost growth: 9.4%; 
Launch delay (Months): 18. 

Project: SOFIA[A]; 
Baseline (FY): 2007; 
Development cost growth: $162.3 million; 
Percent cost growth: 17.7%; 
Launch delay (Months): 12. 

Project: WISE; 
Baseline (FY): 2008; 
Development cost growth: $2.8 million; 
Percent cost growth: 1.5%; 
Launch delay (Months): 1. 

Project: Average; 
Percent cost growth: 13.4%; 
Launch delay (Months): 11. 

Project: Total cost growth; 
Development cost growth: $1,210.9 million. 

Source: GAO analysis of NASA project data. 

[A] Indicates projects that exceeded their cost and/or schedule 

[End of table] 

Despite having baselines established in fiscal year 2008, two projects 
have sought reauthorization from Congress because of development cost 
growth in excess of 30 percent.[Footnote 16] Congress reauthorized the 
Glory project in fiscal year 2009,[Footnote 17] and new cost and 
schedule baselines were established after the project experienced a 53 
percent cost growth and 6-month launch delay from original baseline 
estimates. The Glory project has since breached its revised schedule 
baseline by 16 months and exceeded its development cost baseline by 
over 14 percent-for a total development cost growth of over 75 percent 
in just 2 years. Project officials also indicated that recent 
technical problems could cause additional cost growth. Similarly, the 
Mars Science Laboratory project is currently seeking reauthorization 
from Congress after experiencing development cost in excess of 30 

Project Challenges: 

All six factors we assessed can lead to project cost and schedule 
growth: technology maturity, design stability, contractor performance, 
development partner performance, funding issues, and launch manifest 
issues. These factors—characterized as project challenges—were evident 
in the projects that had reached the implementation phase of the 
project life cycle, but many of them began in the formulation phase. 
We did not specifically correlate individual project challenges with 
specific cost and/or schedule changes in each project. The degree to 
which each specific challenge contributed to cost and schedule growth 
varied across the projects in this review and we did not assign any 
specific challenge as a primary factor for cost and/or schedule 
growth. Table 2 depicts the extent to which each of the six challenges 
occurred for each of the 19 projects we reviewed. 

Table 2: Assessment of Challenges for Selected NASA Projects: 

In Implementation: 

Project: Aquarius; 
Technology maturity, Critical technology maturity: [Empty]; 
Technology maturity, Complexity of heritage technology: [Empty]; 
Design stability: [Check]; 
Contractor performance: [Empty]; 
Development partner performance: [Check]; 
Funding	issues: [Check]; 
Launch manifest: [Empty]. 

Project: Glory; 
Technology maturity, Critical technology maturity: [Check]; 
Technology maturity, Complexity of heritage technology: [Check]; 
Design stability: [Check]; 
Contractor performance: [Check]; 
Development partner performance: [Empty]; 
Funding	issues: [Empty]; 
Launch manifest: [Check]; 

Project: GRAIL; 
Technology maturity, Critical technology maturity: [Empty]; 
Technology maturity, Complexity of heritage technology: [Check]; 
Design stability: [Empty]; 
Contractor performance: [Empty]; 
Development partner performance: [Empty]; 
Funding	issues: [Empty]; 
Launch manifest: [Check]. 

Project: Herschel; 
Technology maturity, Critical technology maturity: [Check]; 
Technology maturity, Complexity of heritage technology: [Empty]; 
Design stability: [Check]; 
Contractor performance: [Empty]; 
Development partner performance: [Check]; 
Funding	issues: [Empty]; 
Launch manifest: [Empty]. 

Project: Juno; 
Technology maturity, Critical technology maturity: [Empty]; 
Technology maturity, Complexity of heritage technology: [Check]; 
Design stability: [Check]; 
Contractor performance: [Empty]; 
Development partner performance: [Check]; 
Funding	issues: [Empty]; 
Launch manifest: [Empty]. 

Project: JWST; 
Technology maturity, Critical technology maturity: [Empty]; 
Technology maturity, Complexity of heritage technology: [Check]; 
Design stability: [Empty]; 
Contractor performance: [Empty]; 
Development partner performance: [Empty]; 
Funding	issues: [Check]; 
Launch manifest: [Empty]. 

Project: Kepler; 
Technology maturity, Critical technology maturity: [Empty]; 
Technology maturity, Complexity of heritage technology: [Check]; 
Design stability: [Empty]; 
Contractor performance: [Check]; 
Development partner performance: [Empty]; 
Funding	issues: [Check]; 
Launch manifest: [Empty]. 

Project: LRO; 
Technology maturity, Critical technology maturity: [Empty]; 
Technology maturity, Complexity of heritage technology: [Check]; 
Design stability: [Empty]; 
Contractor performance: [Empty]; 
Development partner performance: [Empty]; 
Funding	issues: [Empty]; 
Launch manifest: 

Project: MMS; 
Technology maturity, Critical technology maturity: [Empty]; 
Technology maturity, Complexity of heritage technology: [Empty]; 
Design stability: [Empty]; 
Contractor performance: [Empty]; 
Development partner performance: [Empty]; 
Funding	issues: [Empty]; 
Launch manifest: [Empty]. 

Project: MSL; 
Technology maturity, Critical technology maturity: [Check]; 
Technology maturity, Complexity of heritage technology: [Check]; 
Design stability: [Check]; 
Contractor performance: [Empty]; 
Development partner performance: [Empty]; 
Funding	issues: [Empty]; 
Launch manifest: [Empty]. 

Project: NPP; 
Technology maturity, Critical technology maturity: [Check]; 
Technology maturity, Complexity of heritage technology: [Check]; 
Design stability: 
Contractor performance: [Empty]; 
Development partner performance: [Check]; 
Funding	issues: [Empty]; 
Launch manifest: [Empty]. 

Project: RBSP; 
Technology maturity, Critical technology maturity: [Empty]; 
Technology maturity, Complexity of heritage technology: [Empty]; 
Design stability: [Empty]; 
Contractor performance: [Empty]; 
Development partner performance: [Empty]; 
Funding	issues: [Empty]; 
Launch manifest: [Empty]. 

Project: SDO; 
Technology maturity, Critical technology maturity: [Empty]; 
Technology maturity, Complexity of heritage technology: [Check]; 
Design stability: [Check]; 
Contractor performance: [Check]; 
Development partner performance: [Check]; 
Funding	issues: [Check]; 
Launch manifest: [Check]. 

Project: SOFIA; 
Technology maturity, Critical technology maturity: [Empty]; 
Technology maturity, Complexity of heritage technology: [Check]; 
Design stability: [Empty]; 
Contractor performance: [Check]; 
Development partner performance: [Empty]; 
Funding	issues: [Check]; 
Launch manifest: [Empty]. 

Project: WISE; 
Technology maturity, Critical technology maturity: [Empty]; 
Technology maturity, Complexity of heritage technology: [Empty]; 
Design stability: [Check]; 
Contractor performance: [Empty]; 
Development partner performance: [Empty]; 
Funding	issues: [Check]; 
Launch manifest: [Empty]. 

In Formulation: 

Project: Ares I; 
Technology maturity, Critical technology maturity: [Empty]; 
Technology maturity, Complexity of heritage technology: [Check]; 
Design stability: [Empty]; 
Contractor performance: [Empty]; 
Development partner performance: [Empty]; 
Funding	issues: [Check]; 
Launch manifest: [Empty]. 

Project: GPM; 
Technology maturity, Critical technology maturity: [Check]; 
Technology maturity, Complexity of heritage technology: [Empty]; 
Design stability: [Empty]; 
Contractor performance: [Empty]; 
Development partner performance: [Empty]; 
Funding	issues: [Check]; 
Launch manifest: [Empty]. 

Project: LDCM; 
Technology maturity, Critical technology maturity: [Check]; 
Technology maturity, Complexity of heritage technology: [Empty]; 
Design stability: [Empty]; 
Contractor performance: [Empty]; 
Development partner performance: [Check]; 
Funding	issues: [Empty]; 
Launch manifest: [Empty]. 

Project: Orion; 
Technology maturity, Critical technology maturity: [Empty]; 
Technology maturity, Complexity of heritage technology: [Check]; 
Design stability: [Empty]; 
Contractor performance: [Check]; 
Development partner performance: [Empty]; 
Funding	issues: [Check]; 
Launch manifest: [Empty]. 

Source: GAO analysis of NASA project data. 

[End of table] 

Technology Maturity was by far the most prevalent challenge, affecting 
15 of the 19 projects. When combined with design instability—another 
metric related to technical difficulty-17 projects were affected. A 
discussion of each challenge follows. 

Technology Maturity: 

Our past work on systems acquisition has shown that beginning an 
acquisition program before requirements and available resources are 
matched can result in a product that fails to perform as expected, 
costs more, or takes longer to develop. We have found that these 
problems are largely rooted in the failure to match customer's needs 
with the developer's resources—technical knowledge, timing, and 
funding—when starting product development. In other words, commitments 
were made to deliver capability without knowing whether the 
technologies needed could really work as intended. Time and costs were 
consistently underestimated, and problems that surfaced early cascaded 
throughout development and magnified the risks facing the program. Our 
best practices work has shown that a technology readiness level (TRL) 
of 6— demonstrating a technology as a fully integrated prototype in a 
relevant environment—is the level of maturity needed to minimize risks 
for space systems entering product development.[Footnote 18] NASAs 
acquisition policy states that a TRL of 6 is desirable prior to 
integrating a new technology.[Footnote 19] Technology maturity is a 
fundamental element of a sound business case, and the absence is a 
marker for subsequent problems, especially in design.[Footnote 20] 

Similarly, our work has shown that the use of heritage technology—
proven components that are being modified to meet new requirements—can 
also cause problems when the items are not sufficiently matured to 
meet form, fit, and function standards by the preliminary design 
review (PDR).[Footnote 21] NASA states in its Systems Engineering 
Handbook that particular attention must be given to heritage systems 
because they are often used in architectures and environments 
different from those in which they were designed to operate. Although 
NASA distinguishes critical technologies from heritage technologies, 
our best practices work has found critical technologies to be those 
that are required for the project to successfully meet customer 
requirements, regardless of whether or not they are based on existing 
or heritage technology. Therefore, whether technologies are labeled as 
"critical" or "heritage," if they are important to the development of 
the spacecraft or instrument—enabling it to move forward in the 
development process—they should be matured by PDR. 

Of the 14 projects for which we received data and that had entered the 
implementation phase, four entered this phase without first maturing 
all their critical technologies, and 10 encountered challenges in 
integrating or modifying heritage technologies. Additionally, two 
projects in formulation—Ares I and Orion—also encountered challenges 
with critical or heritage technologies. These projects did not build 
in the necessary resources for technology modification. For instance, 
the recent cost and schedule growth in the Mars Science Laboratory 
(MSL) highlights the problems that can be realized when a project 
proceeds past the formulation phase with immature technologies. MSL 
reported seven critical technologies were not mature at the time of 
its preliminary design review, and over a year later two of these 
technologies were still immature at the critical design review; 
however, the project moved forward into the implementation phase with 
established cost and schedule baselines and the lack of technology 
maturity contributed to an unstable design In part as a result of 
immature technologies and an unstable design, MSL delayed its launch 
date by 25 months, and development costs have grown by more than $660 
million. In November 2008, the GRAIL project also moved beyond its PDR 
with an immature heritage technology—the reaction wheel assembly. This 
technology has been flown on other NASA missions, but the project team 
must modify it for GRAIL by integrating electronics into the assembly. 

NASA acknowledges in its Systems Engineering Handbook that 
modification of heritage systems is a frequently overlooked area in 
technology development and that there is a tendency on the part of 
project management to overestimate the maturity and applicability of 
heritage technology. NASA recognizes that as a result of not placing 
enough emphasis on the development of heritage technologies, key steps 
in the development process are not given appropriate attention, and 
critical aspects of systems engineering are overlooked. 

Design Stability: 

The importance of establishing a stable design at a project's critical 
design review (CDR) is also critical. The CDR provides assurance that 
the design is mature and will meet performance requirements. An 
unstable design can result in costly re-engineering and re-work 
efforts, design changes, and schedule slippage. Quantitative measures 
employed at CDR, such as percentage of engineering drawings, can 
provide evidence that the design is stable and "freeze" it to minimize 
changes in the future. Our work has shown that release of at least 90 
percent of engineering drawings at the CDR provides evidence that the 
design is stable. Though NASA's acquisition policy does not specify 
how a project should achieve design stability by CDR, NASA's Systems 
Engineering Handbook adheres to this metric of 90 percent drawings 
released by the CDR. 

Eight projects in our assessment have already held their CDR and were 
able to provide us with the number of engineering drawings completed 
and released. None of these 8 projects met the 90 percent standard for 
design stability at CDR; however, NASA believes that some of these 
projects had stable designs and pointed to other activities that 
occurred prior to CDR as evidence. Nevertheless, the percentage of 
engineering drawings released at CDR by these 8 projects averaged less 
than 40 percent, and more than three-fourths of these projects had 
significant cost and/or schedule growth from their established 
baselines[Footnote 22] after their CDR when their design was supposed 
to be stable. Although all the cost and schedule growth for these
projects cannot be directly attributed to a lack of design stability, 
we believe that this was a contributing factor. 

Discussions with project officials showed the metric was used 
inconsistently to gauge design stability. For example, Goddard Space 
Flight Center requires greater than 80 percent drawings released at 
CDR, yet we were told by several project officials that the rule of 
thumb for NASA projects is between 70 and 90 percent drawings released 
at CDR. However, there was no consensus among the officials. For 
example, one project manager from Goddard Space Flight Center told us 
the project is planning to have 70 percent of the drawings released at 
CDR; a project manager from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory cited that 
having 85 to 90 percent of the drawings released is what he prefers at 
CDR; otherwise, he does not consider the project design to be 
complete. Goddard's Chief Engineer said that, as a member of a design 
review board, he will generally question projects that have less than 
95 percent of engineering drawings released, especially if the project 
is using heritage technologies. Officials added that at CDR it is more 
important to have drawings completed that relate to critical 
technologies than those related to integration activities. 

In addition to released drawings, NASA often relies on subject matter 
experts in the design review process and other methods to assure that 
a project has a stable design Some projects indicated that completing 
engineering models, which are preproduction prototypes, and holding
sub-system level CDR's for instruments and components helped to assess 
design stability, at least in part. Officials for these projects 
indicated that use of engineering models helps decrease risk of flight 
unit development; projects that did not use engineering models 
indicated they might have caught problems earlier had they used them. 
For example, at CDR the Mars Science Laboratory's engineering models 
were incomplete and could have been a cause of concern. Mars Science 
Laboratory project officials were aware that avionics were an issue at 
CDR, but were unaware of future problems with other project 
components, such as the actuators. Project officials told us that if 
the engineering models for all subsystems had been completed at CDR, 
many of the later problems would have been caught and mitigated 
earlier in the process, thereby avoiding schedule delays. However, 
these project officials added that engineering models are expensive to 
employ and not all projects have the available funding required to 
utilize them. 

Contractor Performance: 

NASA relies heavily on the work of its contractors. Officials at five 
of the projects we reviewed indicated that the contractors for their 
projects had trouble moving their work forward after experiencing 
technical and design problems with hardware that disrupted development 
progress. Since about 85 percent of NASA's annual budget is spent by 
its contractors, the performance of these contractors is instrumental 
to the success of the projects. 

Shifts in the industrial base and a lack of expertise at the 
contractors affected performance. For example, project officials for 
the SOFIA project reported that the contractor for the aircraft 
modification was bought and sold several times during the development 
process. Project officials further reported that the contractor had 
limited experience with this type of work and did not fully understand 
the statement of work. Consequently, the contractor had difficulty 
completing this work, which led to significant cost overruns. While 
project officials told us that issues with that contractor have since 
been resolved, this year another SOFIA contractor that is responsible 
for developing hardware and software has performed poorly, which 
officials attribute to a recent buyout of the company. In addition, 
agency officials said that NASA is a low priority for the contractor, 
and the project is finding it difficult to exert pressure to ensure 
better performance. Project officials told us that they currently have 
three people at the contractor's site as a permanent presence. They 
added that if the contract were to be canceled due to poor 
performance, this work would be brought in-house and would result in a 
one year delay. In addition, the Glory project has struggled for 
several years to develop a key instrument. The Glory project manager 
cited management inefficiencies with the instrument's contractor 
including senior leadership changes, a loss of core competencies 
because of a plant closure, and a lack of proper decision authority. 
The contractor agreed that the plant closure and the need to re-staff 
were major project challenges. 

Development Partner Performance: 

Six projects in our review encountered challenges with their 
development partners. In these cases the development partner could not 
meet their commitments to the project within the planned schedules. 
For example, NASA collaborated with the European Space Agency (ESA) on 
the Herschel space observatory. NASA delivered its two instruments to 
ESA in a timely manner, but ESA encountered difficulties developing 
its instruments, and the result was a 14-month delay in Herschel's 
schedule. Because of this delay, NASA incurred an estimated $39 
million in cost growth because of the need to fund component 
developers for a longer period of time than originally planned. We 
found that of the projects that are currently in implementation and 
have experienced cost and/or schedule growth, those with international 
or domestic partners experienced more than one-and-a-half times as 
much schedule growth on average as those with no partner. Table 3 
below shows the average schedule growth for projects with partners as 
compared to those without partners. 

Table 3: Schedule Growth for Projects with and without Partners: 

Project with partners: Aquarius; 
Schedule growth (in months): 10. 

Project with partners: Herschel; 
Schedule growth (in months): 21. 

Project with partners: LRO; 
Schedule growth (in months): 8. 

Project with partners: MSL; 
Schedule growth (in months): 25. 

Project with partners: NPP; 
Schedule growth (in months): 33. 

Project with partners: SOFIA; 
Schedule growth (in months): 12. 

Project with partners: Average schedule growth; 
Schedule growth (in months): 18. 

Project without partners: Glory; 
Schedule growth (in months): 16. 

Project without partners: Kepler; 
Schedule growth (in months): 9. 

Project without partners: SDO; 
Schedule growth (in months): 18. 

Project without partners: WISE; 
Schedule growth (in months): 1. 

Project without partners: Average schedule growth; 
Schedule growth (in months): 11. 

Source: GAO Analysis of NASA data. 

[End of table] 

Funding Issues: 

During the course of our review, we identified six projects in the 
implementation phase, as well as three projects still in formulation, 
that had experienced issues related to the project's funding because 
of issues such as agency-directed funding cuts early in the project 
life-cycle and projects whose budgets do not match the work expected 
to be accomplished. For example, NASA management cut $35 million from 
the Kepler project's fiscal year 2005 budget—a cut amounting to one-
half of the project's budget for the year. Contractor officials told 
us that this forced the shutdown of significant work, interrupted the 
overall flow and scheduling for staff and production, and required a 
renegotiation of contracts. This funding instability, according to a 
NASA project official, contributed to an overall 20-month delay in the 
project's schedule and about $169 million in cost growth. 

The funding instability for Kepler affected more than that one 
project. The WISE project had to extend the formulation phase since 
funding was unavailable at the time of the confirmation review in 
November 2005. 

According to NASA and contractor officials, the WISE project 
experienced funding cuts when NASA took money from that project to 
offset increased costs for the Kepler project. As a result of the 
extended formulation phase, the WISE project manager told us that 
development costs increased and the launch readiness date slipped 11 
months. This is an example of how, when problems arise, one project 
can become the bill-payer for another project, making it difficult to 
manage the portfolio and make investment decisions. 

We also identified several projects where, according to NASA 
officials, the projected budget was inadequate to perform work in 
certain fiscal years. For example, the Constellation program's poorly 
phased funding plan has diminished both the Ares I and Orion projects' 
ability to deal with technical challenges. NASA initiated the 
Constellation program relying on the accumulation of a large rolling 
budget reserve in fiscal years 2006 and 2007 to fund program 
activities in fiscal years 2008 through 2010. Thereafter, NASA 
anticipated that the retirement of the space shuttle program in
2010 would free funding for the Constellation program. The program's 
risk management system identified this strategy as high risk, warning 
that shortfalls could occur in fiscal years 2009 through 2012. 
According to the Constellation program manager, the program's current 
funding shortfalls have reduced the flexibility to resolve technical 
challenges. In addition, the James Webb Space Telescope project had to 
delay its scheduled launch date by one year in part because of poor 
phasing of the project's funding plan. 

Launch Manifest Issues: 

We identified four projects in our assessment that are experiencing 
launch delays or other launch manifest-related challenges. By their 
nature, launch delays can contribute significantly to cost and 
schedule growth, as months of delay can translate into millions of 
dollars in cost increases. For example, the Solar Dynamics Observatory 
(SDO) project missed its scheduled launch date in August 2008 because 
of test scheduling and spacecraft parts problems. This delay resulted 
in the SDO project moving to the end of the manifest for the Atlas V 
launch vehicles on the East coast, causing an 18-month launch delay 
and $50 million cost increase. While the primary reason for the cost 
growth is that the SDO project could not meet its original schedule 
for launch, the project is incurring additional costs to maintain 
project staff longer than originally planned as they await their turn 
in the launch queue. According to SDO officials, this has also 
affected staffing at Goddard Space Flight Center since these personnel 
were scheduled to move to other projects. Furthermore, launch delays 
of one project can potentially impact the launch manifest for other 
projects. The 25-month delay of the Mars Science Laboratory project 
has the potential to cause disruptions for other projects on the 
launch manifest in late 2011, including those outside of NASA, since 
planetary missions—those missions that must launch in a certain window 
because of planetary alignments—receive launch priority to take 
advantage of optimal launch windows. 

Some NASA projects are also experiencing launch manifest-related 
challenges. For example, the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory 
project is monitoring the availability of trained launch personnel as 
that mission is the last to launch on the Delta II vehicle. United 
Launch Alliance[Footnote 23] officials told us that they are taking 
active steps, such as cross-utilizing the Delta II personnel with 
other launch vehicles, to ensure that trained launch personnel are 
available for all the remaining Delta II launches. In addition, the 
recent failure of the Taurus XL launch vehicle during the launch of 
the Orbiting Carbon Observatory has the potential to delay the Glory 
mission if the Taurus XL is not cleared for use before Glory has 
corrected its technical problems. 

Project Assessments: 

The 2-page assessments of the projects we reviewed provide a profile 
of each project and describe the challenges we identified. On the 
first page, the project profile presents a general description of the 
mission objectives for each of the projects; a picture of the 
spacecraft or aircraft; a schedule timeline identifying key dates for 
the project; a table identifying programmatic and launch information; 
and a table showing the baseline year cost and schedule estimates and 
the most current available cost and schedule data; a table showing the 
challenges relevant to the project; and a project status narrative. On 
the second page of the assessment, we provide an analysis of the 
project challenges and the extent to which each project faces cost, 
schedule, or performance risk because of these challenges. In 
addition, NASA project offices were provided an opportunity to review 
drafts of the assessments prior to their inclusion in the final 
product, and the projects provided both technical corrections and more 
general comments. We integrated the technical corrections as 
appropriate and characterized the general comments below the detailed 
project discussion. See figure 2 below for an illustration of the 
layout of each two-page assessment. 

Figure 2: Illustration of Project Two-Page Summary: 

[Refer to PDF for image: illustration] 

A. General description of mission’s science objectives. 

B. Illustration of spacecraft or aircraft. 

C. Schedule timeline identifying key dates for the project including 
when the project began formulation, major design reviews, confirmation 
to begin the implementation phase, and scheduled launch readiness. 

D. (Project Essentials) Programmatic information including the 
responsible NASA center, international or domestic partners, major 
contractors, and launch information 

E. (Project Performance) Cost and schedule baseline estimates and the 
latest estimate updates. 

F. (Project Challenges) Summary listing the challenges facing the 
project based on a successful acquisition business case. 

G. (Project Status) Brief narrative describing current status of the 
project with regard to the challenges identified. 

H. (Detailed Project Discussion) Analysis of project challenges and 
the extent to which each project faces cost, schedule, or performance 
risk due to these challenges. 

I. (Project Office Comments) General comments provided by the 
cognizant project office. 

Source: GAO. 

Common Name: Aquarius: 

Figure: Illustration of Aquarius: 

Source: Aquarius Project Office (artist depiction). 

[End of figure] 

Aquarius is a satellite mission developed by NASA and the Space Agency 
of Argentina (Comision Nacional de Actividades Espaciales, CONAE) to 
investigate the links between the global water cycle, ocean 
circulation, and the climate. It will measure global sea surface 
salinity. The Aquarius science goals are to observe and model the 
processes that relate salinity variations to climatic changes in the 
global cycling of water and to understand how these variations 
influence the general ocean circulation. By measuring salinity 
globally for 3 years, Aquarius will provide an unprecedented new view 
of the ocean's role in climate. 

Formulation start: 12/03; 
Preliminary design review: 6/05; 
Project confirmation: 9/05; 
Critical design review: 9/06. 

GAO review: 12/09; 
Launch readiness date: 5/10. 

Project Essentials: 

NASA Center Lead: Jet Propulsion Laboratory. 

International Partner: Argentina's National Committee of Space 
Activities (CONAE). 

Major Contractors: in-house development. 

Projected Launch Date: May 23, 2010. 

Launch Location: Vandenberg AFB, Calif. 

Launch Vehicle: Delta II. 

Mission Duration: 3 years for Aquarius mission; 5 years for SAC-D 
(CONAE) mission. 

Project Performance (then year dollars in millions): 

Total Project Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2008): $241.8; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $260.0; 
Change: 7.5%. 

Formulation Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2008): $35.5; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $35.6; 
Change: 0.3%. 

Development Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2008): $192.7; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $208.6; 
Change: 8.3%. 

Operations Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2008): $13.6; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $15.8; 
Change: 16.2%. 

Launch Schedule: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2008): 7/2009; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): 5/2010; 
Change: 10 months. 

Project Challenges: 
* Design Stability; 
* Development Partner Performance; 
* Funding Issues. 

Project Status: 

The launch of Aquarius has been delayed from July 2009 to May 2010 
because of delays in CONAE's spacecraft development. The launch delay, 
which added costs to the project, prompted NASA to report to the 
Congress that the Aquarius project exceeded its development schedule
baseline. NASA completed its development of the Aquarius instrument, 
which is currently awaiting integration with the Argentine-developed 
spacecraft. Project officials are concerned about potential future 
delays during testing and integration. The project received $15.6 
million under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 that 
will maintain the current Aquarius workforce through launch. 

Aquarius: Detailed Project Discussion: 

The only critical technology the project office identified was the 
Aquarius instrument itself, which includes the scatterometer and the 
radiometer components. The project deemed the instrument mature at the 
preliminary design review because the instrument uses heritage 
technologies, even though those technologies were brought together in 
a different form, fit, and function for use on Aquarius. The 
instrument design, however, was not stable at the critical design 
review (CDR) as the Aquarius project had released only 16 percent of 
the engineering drawings. Project officials told us that some detailed 
parts were either not accounted for or not very mature at CDR, and 
they needed a follow-on review to clear up the issue. For example, 
details in the design of a connector arm of a reflector to the 
instrument were lagging. Project officials added that the Aquarius 
instrument design was far ahead of development of CONAE's spacecraft, 
so the project could not finalize and release all the instrument 
drawings until CONAE completed the spacecraft design. To help minimize 
project risk in the interim, project officials said NASA provided 
CONAE with a structural model to work with as the Argentines developed 
the spacecraft. However, the Aquarius project did not build or test 
engineering models because of the funding constraints. Instead, 
breadboard units of most components were assembled to check the 
designs and interfaces. The development of Aquarius only involved the 
actual flight units, a type of project referred to by NASA as a 

The completed Aquarius instrument arrived in Argentina on June 3, 
2009. The instrument is currently awaiting integration with the 
spacecraft bus, which cannot take place until CONAE corrects problems 
with identified non-compliances. Specifically, there is electrical 
interference from CONAE instruments that may affect Aquarius' 
performance. These non-compliances will need to be corrected before 
the CONAE's instruments are integrated with the spacecraft bus. The 
CONAE's instruments are currently being tested. After those efforts 
are completed, the project will integrate the Aquarius instrument with 
the spacecraft bus. 

Aquarius' schedule has slipped 10 months, prompting NASA to report, as 
required by law, to the Congress in 2008 that the Aquarius project had 
exceeded its development schedule baseline by more than 6 months. 
According to project officials and budget documents, a delay in 
development of the spacecraft bus by CONAE was the primary reason for 
the schedule slip. There have been additional delays. CONAE has 
recently experienced up to 16 weeks of schedule slip because of 
delayed delivery of its ROSA instrument and long-lead components such 
as s-band transponders and GPS receivers. These delays in turn are 
causing a challenge with integration/test planning and a decrease in 
schedule reserves that could ultimately delay the current May 22, 2010 
launch readiness date. At this time, NASA has personnel at CONAE to 
assess and monitor the integration activities and correction of non-
compliances. Since no funds are being exchanged between the U.S. and 
Argentina for this project, NASA bears the costs it incurs associated 
with any further delays. Project officials indicated that past 
schedule slips increased NASA's cost by $10.7 million. They also noted 
that this cost increase does not include increased launch vehicle 
costs because of the delay or Delta-II launch site maintenance costs 
at Vandenberg Air Force Base. The project received $15.6 million under 
the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 that will maintain 
the current Aquarius workforce through launch. 

Project Office Comments: 

The Aquarius project provided technical comments to a draft of this 
assessment, which were incorporated as appropriate. The project 
officials also commented that they concur with GAO's assessment with 
the exception that they believe the instrument design was stable at 
critical design review. They commented that although only 16 percent 
of drawings were released at that review, over 80 percent of the 
drawings were completed and the Standing Review Board indicated that 
design was stable and mature enough for Aquarius to proceed with 

[End of Aquarius Assessment] 

Common Name: CLV: 
Ares I Crew Launch Vehicle (CLV): 

Figure: Illustration of Ares I Crew Launch Vehicle (CLV): 

Source: Ares Project Office (artist depiction). 

[End of figure] 

NASA's Ares I Crew Launch Vehicle, as part of the Constellation 
program, will carry the Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle into low Earth 
orbit for missions to the International Space Station and the Moon.
The mission of the Ares I project is to deliver a safe, reliable, and 
affordable launch system with a 24.5-metric ton lift capability. 

Formulation start: 9/05; 
Preliminary design review: 9/08; 
GAO review: 12/09; 
Project confirmation: 9/05. 

Critical design review: 9/11; 
Launch readiness date: 3/15. 

Project Essentials: 

NASA Center Lead: Marshall Space Flight Center; 

Partners: None; 

Major Contractors: Alliant Techsystems, Pratt and Whitney Rocketdyne, 

Projected Launch Date: March 2015; 

Launch Location: Kennedy Space Center, Fla. 

Launch Vehicle: Ares I; 

Mission Duration: N/A; 

Project Performance (then year dollars in millions): 

Preliminary Estimate of Project Life Cycle Cost*; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $17,000 to $20,000. 

*This estimate is preliminary, as the project is in formulation and 
there is still uncertainty in the value as design options are 
explored. NASA uses these estimates for planning purposes. This 
estimate is for the Ares I vehicle only. 

Launch Schedule: 3/2015. 

Project Challenges: 
* Complexity of Heritage Technology; 
* Funding Issues. 

Project Status: 

Technical and design challenges within the Ares I project are proving 
difficult, costly, and time-intensive to resolve. As a result of 
technical challenges and design modifications, the cost of Ares I 
developmental contracts has increased over $500 million since 2007. 
The Ares project received nearly $109 million under the American 
Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 that will be used to manufacture 
and assemble engine components for development testing. The first 
manned launch has slipped from September 2014 to March 2015 to 
accommodate these challenges. 

Ares I Crew Launch Vehicle (CLV): Detailed Project Discussion. 

Citing the use of heritage systems and existing technologies in the 
design of the Ares I, project officials did not identify any critical 
technologies. We found, however, that technical and design challenges 
within the Ares I project are proving difficult, costly, and time-
intensive to resolve. For example, NASA has identified thrust 
oscillation as a technical issue. Thrust oscillation, which causes 
shaking during launch and ascent, occurs in some form in every solid 
rocket engine. Computer modeling indicates that there is a possibility 
that the magnitude and frequency of thrust oscillation within the 
first stage may be outside the limits of the Ares I design and could 
cause excessive vibration in the Orion capsule and threaten crew 
safety. The Ares I project is pursuing multiple design solutions, but 
does not expect to resolve the thrust oscillation issue until the 
Constellation program's preliminary design review, currently scheduled 
for March 2010. NASA is also concerned that vibroacoustics—the 
pressure of the acoustic waves produced by the firing of the Ares I 
first stage and the rocket's acceleration through the atmosphere—may 
cause unacceptable structural vibrations throughout Ares I and Orion 
and force NASA to qualify components to higher vibration tolerance 
thresholds than originally expected. Analysis of the Ares I flight 
path also indicates that, under some conditions, the Ares I vehicle 
could hit the launch tower during liftoff. NASA plans to deal with 
this issue by steering the Ares I launch vehicle away from the tower 
and not launching when southerly winds exceed 15 to 20 knots. 

Since the project is still in formulation, NASA has not released 
official cost and schedule estimates for the Ares I project. NASA 
officials stated that these estimates will be made available when the 
project moves into implementation, or at the conclusion of the 
Constellation Program's non-advocate review. However, the value of 
various development contracts for the Ares I have increased by $500 
million since 2007, and the first manned launch has slipped from 2014 
to 2015. 

The Constellation program's poorly phased funding plan has diminished 
the Ares I project's ability to deal with technical challenges. NASA 
initiated the Constellation program relying on the accumulation of a 
large rolling budget reserve in fiscal years 2006 and 2007 to fund 
program activities in fiscal years 2008, 2009, and 2010. Thereafter, 
NASA anticipated that the retirement of the space shuttle program in 
2010 would free funding for the Constellation program. The program's 
integrated risk management system identified this strategy as a high 
risk and warned that funding shortfalls could occur in fiscal years 
2009 through 2012. According to the Constellation program manager, the 
program's current funding shortfalls are reducing the flexibility to 
resolve technical challenges. The Ares project received nearly $109 
million under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 that 
will be used to manufacture and assemble engine components for 
development testing, completion of a test stand, and preparation for 
test operations. Nevertheless, in September 2009, an independent 
commission formed by the President to study the future of U.S. human 
spaceflight reported that NASA's plans for the Constellation program 
to return man to the moon by 2020 are unexecutable without drastic 
increases to NASA's current budget profile. 

Project Office Comments: 

The Ares I project office provided technical comments to a draft of 
this assessment, which were incorporated as appropriate. Project 
officials also commented that they believe the project is successfully 
progressing in the design of a new crew launch vehicle and meeting all 
major technical and programmatic milestones. The officials added that 
the project continues to use proven risk management systems to 
identify technical risk and is using proven engineering and management 
techniques to effectively mitigate these risks while limiting cost and 
schedule impacts to the overall program. 

[End of Ares I Crew Launch Vehicle (CLV) Assessment] 

Common Name: Glory: 

Figure: Illustration of Glory. 

Source: Glory Project Office (artist depiction). 

[End of figure] 

The Glory project is a low-Earth orbit satellite that will contribute 
to the U.S. Climate Change Science Program. The satellite has two 
principal science objectives: (1) collect data on the properties of 
aerosols and black carbon in the Earth's atmosphere and climate 
systems and (2) collect data on solar irradiance. The satellite has 
two main instruments —the Aerosol Polarimetry Sensor (APS) and the 
Total Irradiance Monitor (11M)—as well as two cloud cameras. The TIM 
will allow NASA to have uninterrupted solar irradiance data by 
bridging the gap between NASA's Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment 
and the National Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellite System 
(NPOESS) missions. 

Formulation start: 9/05; 
Preliminary design review: 9/08; 
Project confirmation: 12/05; 
Critical design review: 7/06. 

GAO review: 12/09; 
Launch readiness date: 10/10. 

Project Essentials: 

NASA Center Lead: Goddard Space Flight Center; 

International Partner: None; 

Major Contractors: Raytheon Space and Airborne Systems, University of 
Colorado Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, Orbital 
Sciences Corporation; 

Projected Launch Date: October 2010; 
Launch Location: Vandenberg AFB, Calif. 

Launch Vehicle: Taurus XL; 

Mission Duration: 3 years (5 year goal). 

Project Performance (then year dollars in millions): 

Total Project Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $347.9; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $394.9; 
Change: 13.5%. 

Formulation Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $70.5; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $70.8; 
Change: 0.0%. 

Development Cost*: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $259.1; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $296.1; 
Change: 14.3%. 

Operations Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $18.3; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $28.1; 
Change: 53.6%. 

Launch Schedule: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): 6/2009; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): 10/2010; 
Change: 16 months. 

*Represents a 75% growth in development costs since the original 
baseline of $168.9 established in fiscal year 2008. 

Project Challenges: 
* Technology Maturity; 
* Complexity of Heritage Technology; 
* Design Stability; 
* Contractor Performance; 
* Launch Manifest. 

Project Status: 

Since Congress reauthorized the Glory project in fiscal year 2009, and 
a new cost and schedule baseline was established, costs and schedule 
have continued to increase. Furthermore, the project may experience 
additional delays because of uncertainty of the status of the Taurus 
XL launch vehicle, which failed to deliver a payload to orbit during a 
recent launch. Glory, now currently scheduled to launch not earlier 
than October 2010, has exceeded its new schedule baseline and will 
likely exceed its new cost baseline. Glory received $21 million under 
the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 that will help 
offset increasing development costs. 

Glory: Detailed Project Discussion: 

The Glory project has experienced significant delays because of a 
technical problem; according to the project manager, a crack in the 
Single Board Computer (SBC) Printed Wiring Board was confirmed in 
January 2009. While the project was working through manufacturing 
issues with the SBC vendor, the project concurrently pursued an 
alternate solution to the problem using an SBC manufactured by a 
second vendor. In July 2009, project officials changed the baseline to 
the alternate SBC. The project will experience significant delays 
based on this decision since the new SBC will not be delivered until 
spring 2010. The project will need to use an engineering model of the 
SBC in the spacecraft for thermal vacuum testing until the new 
computer box is available in order to minimize schedule impact caused 
by the change. 

The Aerosol Polarimetry Sensor (APS) was delivered on March 9, 2009—
over one year behind schedule and $103 million more than estimates at 
project confirmation—and was successfully integrated with the 
spacecraft in April 2009. This development of the APS, which is based 
on heritage technology, has resulted in significant cost increases and 
delays to the project. The instrument was the project's only immature 
technology at the mission preliminary design review in September 2005 
and was beset by contractor performance issues throughout development. 
Project officials said that the APS development issues were not 
technical issues, but instead resulted from the contractor's inability 
to plan and execute the work and the closure and move of the 
contractor's facility. According to contractor officials, moving the 
APS development effort from one facility to another and deciding to 
finish building the instrument rather than doing a complete design 
analysis led directly to cost and schedule increases. 

The project's design was not stable at the mission critical design 
review as the project had released only 68 percent of its drawings. As 
of GAO's review, 99 percent of total drawings had been released. 
However, Glory's drawing count increased by 27 percent after the 
critical design review. This increase is attributed to the 
modification of drawings for heritage parts for Glory's unique 

As required by law, Glory had to be reauthorized by the Congress in 
fiscal year 2009 in order for the project to continue after a 53 
percent increase in development cost, and a new cost and schedule 
baseline was established. Since that time there has been a 14 percent 
increase in development costs and a 10-month delay in the scheduled 
launch date. In total, since the original fiscal year 2008 baseline, 
the project's development costs have grown by 75 percent. Glory 
received $21 million under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 
of 2009 which will maintain the current contractor workforce through 
the launch. 

Recent failure of the Taurus XL launch vehicle during the launch of 
the Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO) further threatens to delay 
Glory's launch date. The launch failure Mishap Investigation Board 
(MIB) subsequently released findings and suggested corrective actions. 
Specifically, the MIB found that a payload fairing—a clamshell-shaped 
cover that encloses and protects a payload during early flight—failed 
to separate during ascent. Glory project officials indicated that 
Orbital Launch Systems Group will modify the fairing deployment design. 

Project Office Comments: 

The project office provided technical comments to a draft of this 
assessment, which were incorporated as appropriate. Project officials 
also commented that all mission activities are on track to support the 
launch of Glory in 2010. However, project officials noted that 
following the February 2009 launch failure of the OCO, the Taurus XL 
launch vehicle requires approval for re-flight They added that the 
return-to-flight requirements continue to be addressed but the 
timeline for their completion remains a threat to Glory's launch date. 

[End of Glory Assessment] 

Common Name: GPM: 
Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission: 

Figure: Illustration of Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission: 

Source: GPM Project Office (artist depiction). 

[End of figure] 

The Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission, a joint NASA and 
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) project, seeks to improve 
the scientific understanding of the global water cycle and the 
accuracy of precipitation forecasts. The GPM is composed of a core 
spacecraft carrying two main instruments: a Dual-frequency 
Precipitation Radar (DPR) and a GPM Microwave Imager (GMI). In 
addition, the GPM project includes a second Low-Inclination spacecraft 
with a second GMI instrument. The GPM builds on the work of the 
Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission and will provide the first 
opportunity to calibrate measurements of global precipitation. 

Formulation start: 7/02; 
Preliminary design review: 11/08; 
Project confirmation: 11/09; 

Critical design review: 12/09; 
GAO review: 12/09; 
Launch core spacecraft: 7/13; 
Launch low-inclination spacecraft: 11/14. 

Project Essentials: 

NASA Center: Goddard Space Flight Center; 

International Partner: Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). 

Major Contractors: Ball Aerospace. 

Projected Launch Date: July 21, 2013. 

Launch Location: Tanegashima Island, Japan. 

Launch Vehicle: H-IIA (Japan). 

Mission Duration: 3 years (5 years consumables). 

Project Performance (then year dollars in millions): 

Preliminary Estimate of Project Life Cycle Cost*: 
Latest (Oct. 2009): not provided. 

*NASA suggested it will provide baseline estimates for this project 
when it proceeds from formulation into development. 

Launch Schedule: 7/2013. 

Project Challenges: 
* Technology Maturity; 
* Funding Issues. 

Project Status: 

Technical challenges surrounding the ability of the GPM spacecraft to 
burn up as it re-enters the atmosphere and minimize debris—-its 
demisability—-have delayed the establishment of cost and schedule 
baselines by 8 months. NASA has identified fiscal year 2009 as a high-
risk year because of previous reductions in funding levels and low 
contingency reserves. GPM is slated to receive $32 million under the 
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 with which NASA intends 
to accelerate construction of the GPM Microwave Imager (GMI) 
instrument for the core spacecraft to ensure successful launch of the 
mission at the earliest possible opportunity. 

Global Precipitation Measurement Mission (GPM): Detailed Project 

The GPM spacecraft was designed to be demiseable–-that is it will burn 
up during re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere to limit orbital 
debris. However, in December 2008, a structural analysis at Johnson 
Space Center of GPM indicated that the spacecraft would not be 
demiseable as originally predicted by the GPM project office, which 
based its analyses on demisability of a similar predecessor 
spacecraft. The project delayed the start of the implementation phase 
and establishment of GPM cost and schedule baselines by 8 months 
because of the budgetary impact of the demisability issue. But the 
project continues to develop alternative design solutions in order to 
minimize the debris area as the spacecraft returns through the
atmosphere during reentry. Specifically, the project manager said they 
will continue development of a fully demiseable aluminum propulsion 
tank as opposed to using a heritage-technology titanium propulsion 
tank, which would not fully burn up in the atmosphere upon re-entry. 
While the titanium propulsion tank would have been "off the shelf," 
the spacecraft would have had to be redesigned to accommodate it; 
whereas, the aluminum propulsion tank has already been specifically 
designed for GPM and has a larger propellant capacity, thus increasing 
mission capability and the possibility of post-prime mission 
operations. Project officials confirmed that the only critical 
technology they are maturing is the treatment processes for the 
propellant management device with the aluminum composite propulsion 
tanks. However, this technology was immature at the preliminary design 
review in November 2008. 

GPM technologies are largely heritage technologies patterned after 
those used on other NASA missions. According to project officials, the 
two main instruments—the JAXA-supplied Dual-frequency Precipitation 
Radar (DPR) and the NASA-supplied GPM Microwave Imager (GMI)—are based 
on heritage technology and therefore are not considered critical 
technologies. However, the DPR and GMI will have to be adapted to the 
GPM spacecraft design for this mission. In addition, NASA recently 
renegotiated the contract for GMI to account for delaying the delivery 
of the instrument from May 2009 to April 2011 because of past year's 
budget reductions. 

The GPM project has not reached a design review where we could assess 
design stability. The project currently has released 48 percent of its 
engineering drawings and anticipates releasing approximately 70 
percent of its drawings prior to the mission critical design review. 
The project manager said that all design drawings are not needed at 
the time of the critical design review, especially assembly and 
integration drawings, which can be released after the design review. 

NASA had identified fiscal year 2009 as a high-risk year because of 
reduced funding levels and low contingency reserves. However, the GPM 
project is slated to receive $32 million under the American Recovery 
and Reinvestment Act of 2009. NASA intends to use these funds to 
accelerate construction of the GPM Microwave Imager (GMI) instrument 
for the core spacecraft to ensure successful launch of the mission at 
the earliest possible opportunity. Further, the project manager said 
GPM officials are discussing project requirements with NASA to make 
sure the budget contains sufficient reserves. While the project 
manager maintains that the prime mission requirements will be met, he 
said the project office may reduce requirements for the Low 
Inclination Observatory (LIO) mission, which is the second spacecraft 
under this project, due to launch in November 2014. 

Project Office Comments: 

The GPM project office provided technical comments on a draft of this 
assessment, which were incorporated as appropriate. Project officials 
also commented that the mission is on track for project confirmation 
in late 2009, and will then proceed into implementation. 

[End of Global Precipitation Measurement Mission (GPM) Assessment] 

Common Name: GRAIL: 
Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL): 

Figure: Illustration of GRAIL. 

Source: Courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech. 

[End of figure] 

The GRAIL mission will seek to determine the structure of the lunar 
interior from crust to core, advance our understanding of the thermal 
evolution of the Moon, and extend our knowledge gained from the Moon 
to other terrestrial-type planets. GRAIL will achieve its science 
objectives by placing twin spacecraft in a low altitude and nearly 
circular polar orbit. The two spacecraft will perform high-precision 
measurements between them. Analysis of changes in the spacecraft-to-
spacecraft data caused by gravitational differences will provide 
direct and precise measurements of lunar gravity. GRAIL will 
ultimately provide a global, high-accuracy, high-resolution gravity 
map of the moon. 

Formulation start: 12/07; 
Preliminary design review: 11/08; 
Project confirmation: 11/09; 

Critical design review: 11/09; 
GAO review: 12/09; 
Launch readiness date 9/11. 

Project Essentials: 

NASA Center Lead: Jet Propulsion Laboratory. 

International Partners: None. 

Major Contractors: Lockheed Martin. 

Projected Launch Date: September 8, 2011. 

Launch Location: Kennedy Space Center, Fla. 

Launch Vehicle: Delta II Heavy. 

Mission Duration: 9 months. 

Project Performance (then year dollars in millions): 

Total Project Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $496.2; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $496.2; 
Change: 0.0%. 

Formulation Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $50.5; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $50.5; 
Change: 0.0%. 

Development Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $427.0; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $427.0; 
Change: 0.0%. 

Operations Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $18.7; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $18.7; 
Change: 0.0%. 

Launch Schedule: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): 9/2011; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): 9/2011; 
Change: 0 months. 

Project Challenges: 
* Complexity of Heritage Technology; 
* Launch Manifest. 

Project Status: 

In January 2009, the GRAIL project was confirmed and established its 
cost and schedule baselines. While the project relies heavily on 
heritage technologies, one technology, the reaction wheel assembly, 
was not mature at the preliminary design review. The development of 
the engineering model for this component was lagging and could affect 
the flight unit development. In addition, the project is concerned 
about availability of Delta II launch personnel since this mission is 
scheduled to be the last for this launch vehicle. There is also 
concern about GRAILs launch date since it is positioned very close to 
two planetary missions, which have launch priority. 

Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL): Detailed Project 

The GRAIL project instruments are similar to those used in the Gravity 
Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission, a project with 
similar twin satellites launched in March 2002 that made detailed 
measurements of Earth's gravity field. The project identified only one 
critical technology—the Time Transfer System in the Lunar Gravity 
Ranging System. The project currently has an engineering model
of it and has deemed it mature. Project officials said they included 
no new technology in designing the GRAIL orbiters to keep the mission 
simple, cost effective, and as close to the GRACE mission as possible. 
Heritage technologies incorporated by the project include the Lunar 
Gravity Ranging System instrument, the MoonKam outreach cameras, 
Flight Software, and the reaction wheel assembly. The project had 
deemed all of these technologies as mature at the preliminary design 
review (PDR) except the reaction wheel assembly, which the project has 
identified as a risk to the project. Project officials told us that 
during formulation they reviewed the reaction wheel assembly and 
determined that it did not meet the standards for this mission, 
causing the project to undertake a new development effort. The 
officials added that the development of the engineering model for this 
component was lagging and could affect the flight unit schedule. 

In addition to the reaction wheel assembly, the project is tracking 
and managing several other risks. For example, project officials 
explained that mass reserve margin has been a priority for the project 
since PDR. They were concerned the project is still in development 
where mass can continue to grow as the design is matured. Project 
officials indicate that the dry mass is currently at 14 percent 
margin, above the 10 percent margin required by JPL standards as they 
near the critical design review. The project also identified a risk 
for long lead items and placed emphasis on obtaining quality parts, 
employing tiger teams to help mitigate the risk. At this time the 
project has received 85 percent of the items and has ordered 
additional commercial parts for those not yet obtained. In addition, 
project officials told us they are concerned about the availability of 
trained personnel to process the launch since GRAIL will be the last 
Delta II to launch. Project officials said that the project is also 
monitoring the launch schedule very closely since their launch date is 
currently between two planetary missions—one month after the Juno 
mission and one month prior to the new date for the Mars Science 
Laboratory (MSL). Planetary missions have specified windows for launch 
and are given priority for launch manifest scheduling. Consequently, 
changes to either Juno or MSL's launch date could impact GRAILs launch 

The project has not reached a design review where we could assess 
design stability. Although the project did not calculate the number of 
engineering drawings complete at PDR, project officials expect to have 
at least 98 percent of drawings released by the mission critical 
design review (CDR) in November 2009. This is primarily due to the 
high degree of heritage technology being utilized by the project. 
Project officials told us they plan to hold a series of component and 
sub-system design reviews prior to the mission CDR, and the project 
test program includes engineering model testing prior to the mission 

Project Office Comments: 

The GRAIL project provided technical comments to a draft of this 
assessment, which were incorporated as appropriate. Project officials 
commented that they concur with GAO's assessment of the GRAIL project. 

[End of Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) Assessment] 

Common Name: Herschel: 

Figure: Illustration of Herschel: 

Source: ESA/AOES Medialab (artist depiction). 

[End of figure] 

The Herschel Space observatory, a collaborative project between NASA 
and the European Space Agency (ESA), will seek to discover how the 
first galaxies formed and how they evolved to give rise to present-day 
galaxies like our own. Herschel has the largest mirror ever built for 
a space telescope at 3.5 meters in diameter. The mirror will collect 
long-wavelength radiation from some of the coldest and most distant 
objects in the Universe. It will be able to observe dust-obscured and 
cold objects that are invisible to other telescopes. Additional 
targets for Herschel will include clouds of gas and dust where new 
stars are being born, disks out of which planets may form, and 
cometary atmospheres packed with complex organic molecules. 

Formulation start: 1998; 
Preliminary design review: 7/00; 
Project confirmation: 3/01; 

Critical design review: 7/01; 
Launch readiness date 3/09; 
GAO review: 12/09. 

Project Essentials: 

NASA Center Lead: Jet Propulsion Laboratory. 

International Partner: European Space Agency (ESA). 

Major Contractors: in-house development. 

Launch Date: May 14, 2009. 

Launch Location: Kourou, French Guiana. 

Launch Vehicle: Ariane 5 (ESA Supplied). 

Mission Duration: 3 years (5 year goal). 

Project Performance (then year dollars in millions): 

Total Project Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $325.4; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $277.0; 
Change: -14.9%. 

Formulation Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $10.4; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $10.4; 
Change: 0.0%. 

Development Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $117.0; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $126.7; 
Change: 8.3%. 

Operations Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $198.0; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $139.9; 
Change: -29.3%. 

Launch Schedule: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): 8/2007; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): 5/2009; 
Change: 21 months. 

Project Challenges: 
* Technology Maturity; 
* Design Stability
* Development Partner Performance. 

Project Status: 

Herschel launched on May 14, 2009, after a 21-month delay. Since 
Herschel's 2007 baseline, ESA delayed Herschel's launch three times 
because of scope changes and challenges with integration of the 
instruments onto the spacecraft. These launch delays resulted in a 
project cost increase of $43 million and required NASA to report to 
the Congress that it exceeded its schedule baseline. 

Herschel: Detailed Project Discussion: 

Herschel launched on May 14, 2009, after a 21-month delay. After 
completion of the commissioning phase in July 2009, responsibility for 
operating the Herschel observatory transitioned from ESA's Space 
Operations Centre in Darmstadt, Germany, to the Herschel Science 
Centre in Madrid, Spain. Initial science observations began in October 
2009, followed by routine science observations in November 2009. 

NASA developed and delivered components for two Herschel instruments—
the Heterodyne Instrument for the Far Infrared (HIFI) and the Spectral 
and Photometric Imaging Receiver (SPIRE) instrument. However, during 
both the preliminary and critical design reviews, some of the critical 
technologies for these elements were considered immature. At the 
preliminary design review (PDR) for HIFI, five of the eight critical 
technologies were immature. Later, at critical design review (CDR), 
two of the eight HIFI critical technologies were still assessed as 
immature. SPIRE had a similar record. At the PDR for SPIRE, three of 
the five critical technologies were assessed as immature. Two years 
later at CDR, two of five SPIRE critical technologies were still 
assessed as immature. 

In addition to technology maturity issues, NASA committed to 
developing components for the HIFI and SPIRE instruments before 
achieving design stability for the instruments. At the CDR for both 
the HIFI and SPIRE instruments, NASA had released less than 10 percent 
of the engineering design drawings. According to the project 
officials, this was primarily because of the fact that ESA's interface 
drawings were preliminary. The officials also said that the lack of 
timeliness in the submission of design drawings is a challenge when 
the project has to depend on multiple partners for input. According to 
project officials, both the HIFI and SPIRE teams relied heavily on the 
use of engineering models to verify that adequate maturity of the 
designs was achieved at CDR, and used the model development to change 
the final design of the flight components. In addition, project 
officials indicated that the procurement of long lead-time items was a 
constant challenge during development. 

Herschel's $43 million growth in life cycle costs can be largely 
attributed to technical integration problems, which resulted in launch 
delays. According to NASA officials, ESA's contractor could not 
complete development of its instruments or integrate Herschel's 
instruments in a timely manner, prompting ESA to pull the integration 
work in-house. In addition, problems were found during subsystem 
testing of NASA's components in Europe. According to the project 
office, the HIFI failed during instrument integration and SPIRE had 
problems with the wiring that connects its detectors during the system 
thermal vacuum test. NASA faced some technical problems with 
development of components for the HIFI and SPIRE instruments, 
resulting in about $3.9 million of cost growth. Project officials said 
the remaining increase of about $39 million is because of the three 
slips in Herschel's launch date since the project's baseline was 
established in February 2007. This amount is attributed to the 
additional costs to the project of maintaining a workforce
to support testing and integration activities. Based on a 14-month 
delay in launch date, as required by law, NASA reported to the 
Congress in February 2008 that the Herschel project would exceed its 
schedule baseline by more than 6 months. The project experienced a 
subsequent 7-month slip in its launch after further delays in 
spacecraft integration. 

Project Office Comments: 

The Herschel project provided technical comments to a draft of this 
assessment, which were incorporated as appropriate. Project officials 
also commented that they believe the reason for having so few drawings 
released during the critical design review was mostly attributed to 
delays by the ESA Herschel project office firming up interface 
definitions, a delay that they say prevented releasing the final 
version of the drawings. 

[End of Herschel Assessment] 

Common Name: Juno: 

Figure: Illustration of Juno. 

Source: NASNJPL. 

[End of figure] 

The Juno mission seeks to improve our understanding of the origin and 
evolution of Jupiter. Juno plans to achieve its scientific objectives 
by using a simple, solar-powered spacecraft to make global maps of the 
gravity, magnetic fields, and atmospheric conditions of Jupiter from a 
unique elliptical orbit. The spacecraft carries precise, highly 
sensitive radiometers, magnetometers, and gravity science systems. 
Juno is slated to make 32 orbits to sample Jupiter's full range of 
latitudes and longitudes. From its polar perspective, Juno is designed 
to combine local and remote-sensing observations to explore the polar 
magnetosphere and determine what drives Jupiter's remarkable auroras. 

Formulation start: 7/05; 
Preliminary design review: 5/08; 
Project confirmation: 8/08; 

Critical design review: 4/09; 
GAO review: 12/09; 
Launch readiness date 8/11. 

Project Essentials: 

NASA Center Lead: Jet Propulsion Laboratory. 

International Partners: Agencia Spaziale Italiana (ASI)- Selex 
Galileo; ASI - Thales Alenia Space; Centre Spatial de Liege (CSL) 
Belgian Science Policy; Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) - 
Centre d'Etude. 

Major Contractors: Lockheed Martin. 

Projected Launch Date: August 5, 2011. 

Launch Location: Kennedy Space Center, Fla. 

Launch Vehicle: Atlas V. 

Mission Duration: 6 Years. 

Project Performance (then year dollars in millions); 

Total Project Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $1,107.0; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $1,107.0; 
Change: 0.0%. 

Formulation Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $186.3; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $186.3; 
Change: 0.0%. 

Development Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $742.3; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $742.3; 
Change: 0.0%. 

Operations Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $178.4; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $178.4; 
Change: 0.0%. 

Launch Schedule: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): 8/2011; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): 8/2011; 
Change: 0 months. 

Project Challenges: 
* Complexity of Heritage Technology; 
* Design Stability
* Development Partner Performance. 

Project Status: 

The Juno project recently established its cost and schedule baseline. 
One of the heritage technologies for Juno was reassessed as immature 
after the mission preliminary design review. In addition, two 
components remain on the critical path and could cause a delay to 
Juno's launch. An earthquake in central Italy in April 2009 caused 
damage to a factory in which a Juno component was being developed. 
Project officials and the Italian Space Agency are working to mitigate 
the project risks from this event. 

Juno: Detailed Project Discussion: 

The Juno project office indicated that there are no new critical 
technologies. The project did identify four heritage technologies that 
were all deemed mature at the preliminary design review in May 2008—
the Stellar Reference Unit, Solar Cells, Toroidal Low Gain Antenna 
(TLGA), and Waves Instrument. However, after the preliminary design 
review, the project reassessed the TLGA as immature when it was 
determined that the materials being used in the highly charged 
particle environment could store an electrical charge, which would in 
turn interfere with some lower-level science requirements from two of 
the instruments on the spacecraft. The project plans to coat the 
surface of the TLGA with germanium to provide a discharge path to the 
grounded metal structure. In February 2009, the project also widened 
the Solar Array Panels to increase power, which in turn increased the 
mass, causing the project to exceed mass margin requirements. Project 
officials told us they performed an analysis of the spacecraft's mass 
and made modifications to achieve the standard 10 percent mass margin 
required by JPL standards at project critical design review (CDR). 
They added that this will continue to be monitored closely. 

The Juno project's design was unstable at the CDR as the project had 
released 77 percent of the engineering drawings. Project officials, 
however, said they used engineering models for all instruments to 
demonstrate design maturity at CDR. For some spacecraft components, 
the Juno project did not build or test engineering models because they 
were of heritage designs For example, some spacecraft components 
utilized are very similar to the ones used on the Mars Reconnaissance 
Orbiter such as some Command and Data Handling (C&DH) and power cards. 
Therefore, the project accepted some of the spacecraft card designs 
based on qualification testing. In addition, subsystem and component-
level reviews were held prior to the mission CDR, and project 
officials told us the results of these lower-level reviews provided 
evidence that the design was stable. 

Juno project officials said they must have all instruments delivered 
by July 2010 in order to begin integration and testing on schedule. 
They identified two components that they believe are challenges for 
the Juno project to maintain its schedule—the Jovian Infrared Auroral 
Mapper (JIRAM) instrument and the C&DH module. JIRAM experienced 
delays early in design and manufacturing work, and has only 20 days of 
schedule margin remaining to meet the July 2010 deadline. The C&DH 
module delays are a result of late workforce ramp-up and start of the 
flight design effort. Project officials said that test and integration
will begin with a test unit for the C&DH module and that they will 
incorporate the flight model when it is complete. 

Juno's international partner, the Italian Space Agency (ASI), has 
experience delays because of the April 2009 earthquake in central 
Italy. The factory where the Ka-band Translator was being developed 
was badly damaged and rendered unusable, causing ASI to develop a 
comprehensive plan to move that development to another factory. There 
is still schedule margin available by dual qualifying the engineering 
model as the possible flight model. The project will continue working 
toward a separate flight model, but has accepted the risk associated 
with using a flight-qualified engineering model instead if this 
becomes necessary. 

Project Office Comments: 

The Juno project office provided technical comments to a draft of this 
assessment, which were incorporated as appropriate. Project officials 
also commented that the number of drawings released at the critical 
design review was per NASA's plan and do not represent design 
instability. They added that neither the JIRAM instrument nor the Ka-
band Translator are needed to meet the science requirements, and Juno 
could launch without them if necessary. In addition, they commented 
that multiple schedule workarounds exist if the C&DH module deliveries 
are further delayed. 

[End of Juno Assessment] 

Common Name: JWST: 
James Webb Space Telescope (JWST): 

Figure: Illustration of JWST. 

Source: JWST Project Office (artist depiction). 

[End of figure] 

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a large, infrared-optimized 
space telescope that is designed to find the first galaxies that 
formed in the early universe. Its focus will include searching for 
first light, assembly of galaxies, origins of stars and planetary 
systems, and origins of the elements necessary for life. JWST's 
instruments will be designed to work primarily in the infrared range of
the electromagnetic spectrum, with some capability in the visible 
range. JWST will have a large mirror, 6.5 meters (21.3 feet) in 
diameter and a sunshield the size of a tennis court. Both the mirror 
and sunshade will not fit onto the rocket fully open, so both will 
fold up and open once JWST is in outer space. JWST will reside in an 
orbit about 1.5 million kilometers (1 million miles) from the Earth. 

Formulation start: 3/99; 
Preliminary design review: 3/08; 
Project confirmation: 7/08; 

GAO review: 12/09; 
Critical design review: 3/10; 
Launch readiness date 6/14. 

Project Essentials: 

NASA Center Lead: Goddard Space Flight Center. 

International Partners: European Space Agency (ESA), Canadian Space 
Agency (CSA). 

Major Contractors: Northrop Grumman. 

Projected Launch Date: June 2014. 

Launch Location: Kourou, French Guiana. 

Launch Vehicle: Ariane 5 (ESA Supplied). 

Mission Duration: 5 years (10 year goal). 

Project Performance (then year dollars in millions): 

Total Project Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $4,963.6; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $4,963.6; 
Change: 0.0%. 

Formulation Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $1,800.1; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $1,800.1; 
Change: 0.0%. 

Development Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $2,581.1; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $2,581.1; 
Change: 0.0%. 

Operations Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $582.4; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $582.4; 
Change: 0.0%. 

Launch Schedule: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): 6/2014; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): 6/2014; 
Change: none. 

Project Challenges: 
* Complexity of Heritage Technology; 
* Funding Issues. 

Project Status: 

After confirmation, JWST established a baseline life cycle cost of 
$4.96 billion and a June 2014 launch date. This constitutes about a 
half billion increase and a 1-year launch delay from NASA's fiscal 
year 2006 re-plan. Concerns over low contingency funding, project 
development, and remaining technical challenges were cited as reasons 
for delaying the launch. Additionally, the project received $75 
million under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. NASA 
plans to use these funds for spacecraft and instrument development, in 
hopes of meeting its launch date. 

James Webb Space Telescope (JWST): Detailed Project Discussion: 

The JWST project identified 10 critical technologies and assessed all 
of them as mature during the preliminary design review in March 2008. 
However, the data from the project indicated that two of its 15 
heritage technologies—the Solar Array and the S-band Transponder—are 
still immature over a year after the preliminary design review. 
Project officials indicated they are not tracking the development of 
these technologies as project risks, and one official said they are 
not overly concerned about maturation of these two heritage 
technologies. The Fine Sun Sensor Assembly (FSSA), which is also based 
on heritage technology, has not yet been selected, but the project 
intends to select a specific FSSA unit from among those that have 
previously been flown on other missions. In addition, the JWST project 
office has released 87 percent of its design drawings as of September 
2009, and anticipates releasing 95 percent of its design drawings by 
the critical design review in March 2010. 

In 2009, we reported that the project had to address several issues 
related to testing identified at the project's preliminary design 
review. One concern was that the project planned to conduct only one 
test at the highest level of assembly in the cryogenic vacuum chamber 
at Johnson Space Center. The preliminary design review board advised 
the project to add another test cycle to its schedule. According to a 
project official, JWST still plans to conduct only one test campaign 
at the highest level of assembly, but the official added that cost and 
schedule reserves have been set aside to accommodate additional 
testing if needed. The review board was also concerned that the 
project was not planning to test the deployment of the sunshield at 
the highest level of assembly in the cryogenic chamber, and required 
the project to defend its current plans for sunshield deployment 
testing, including the possibility of additional tests. Project 
officials said they are studying this issue and hope to have an 
updated plan for sunshield testing by mission critical design review. 
In addition, the project heeded the review board's recommendation to 
add a center of curvature test on the Optical Telescope Element. 

The JWST project was re-planned in fiscal year 2006 after a $1 billion 
cost increase and a 2-year schedule delay on the project. In fiscal 
year 2009, the project established its baseline with a life cycle cost 
of $4.96 billion and a June 2014 launch date. This represents about a 
$500 million increase over NASA's 2006 replan figures and has resulted 
in another 1-year delay of the launch readiness date. According to the 
project manager, in July 2008, JWST adjusted its launch date from its 
previous June 2013 date to June 2014 in order to accommodate low 
budget and schedule reserves. Prior to this schedule delay, an 
independent review
team expressed concern that budget and schedule reserves were too low 
to meet the June 2013 launch date. The revised June 2014 launch date 
was also based on assessments of the project's development progress to 
date, estimates of the technical challenges remaining, and the need to 
maintain an acceptable level of risk. JWST received $75 million under 
the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 that it plans to 
use for spacecraft and instrument development activities including 
design and fabrication of key component systems. NASA believes these 
activities will increase the likelihood that JWST will launch on its 
planned launch date. 

Project Office Comments: 

The JWST project office provided technical comments to a draft of this 
assessment, which were incorporated as appropriate. Project officials 
also commented that they do not consider the heritage technologies to 
be immature. 

[End of James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Assessment] 

Common Name: Kepler: 

Figure: Illustration of Kepler. 

Source: Kepler Project Office. 

[End of figure] 

The Kepler mission was designed to discover Earth-like planets in 
orbit around stars in our galaxy. The goal of the mission is to detect 
tens or even hundreds of Earth-size planets in the habitable zones of 
stars similar to our own sun. The habitable zone is the region around 
a star where the temperature of a terrestrial-type planet can be 
expected to allow water to exist in liquid form on the planet's 
surface, thereby increasing the probability of life. Kepler will 
explore the structure and diversity of planetary systems by conducting 
a census of extra-solar terrestrial planets using a photometer in 
heliocentric orbit to observe the dimming of starlight caused by 
planetary transits. 

Formulation start: 10/01; 
Preliminary design review: 10/04; 
Project confirmation: 5/05; 

Critical design review: 10/06; 
Launch readiness date 3/09; 
GAO review: 12/09. 

Project Essentials: 

NASA Center Lead: Jet Propulsion Laboratory. 

International Partner: None. 

Major Contractors: Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corp. 

Launch Date: March 6, 2009. 

Launch Location: Cape Canaveral AFS, Fla. 

Launch Vehicle: Delta II. 

Mission Duration: 3.5 years. 

Project Performance (then year dollars in millions): 

Total Project Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $497.5; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $604.6; 
Change: 21.5%. 

Formulation Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $138.1; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $141.2; 
Change: 2.2%. 

Development Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $312.8; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $390.3; 
Change: 24.8%. 

Operations Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $46.6; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $73.1; 
Change: 56.9%. 

Launch Schedule: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): 6/2008; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): 3/2009; 
Change: 9 months. 

Project Challenges: 
* Complexity of Heritage Technology; 
* Contractor Performance; 
* Funding Issues. 

Project Status: 

Kepler successfully launched in March 2009 and is currently in 
operations. However, since being baselined in fiscal year 2007, 
Kepler's development costs have increased by about 25 percent and its 
schedule has increased by 9 months. Project officials attribute the 
cost and schedule growth to many things, including a $35 million 
budget reduction in fiscal year 2005. This funding instability 
contributed to an overall 20-month delay in the project's schedule and 
about $169 million in cost growth. NASA reported to the Congress that 
both Kepler's development costs and schedule exceeded its baselines. 

Kepler: Detailed Project Discussion: 

Kepler successfully launched in March 2009 and is currently in 
operations. According to officials, the spacecraft has experienced 
some minor electronic sensitivity issues. Specifically, the telescope 
has "artifacts" in its field of view because of very low level 
electrical noise in some detector channels. According to project 
officials, problems of this nature could have been avoided if the 
project had developed an engineering model, but this would have 
increased cost and schedule. Project officials indicated that the 
artifacts in the data will not keep Kepler from meeting its science 

None of Kepler's technologies were identified as critical by the 
project office. All of Kepler's technologies have flown on other 
missions and were therefore considered heritage. However, the project 
office acknowledged that the customization of some of Kepler's 
instruments, and the reliance on heritage technology, proved to be a 
challenge to Kepler's development. Project officials told us that 
Kepler's large photometry array added to the complexity of the project 
because photometers of Kepler's sensitivity have not flown before and 
proved more difficult to adapt than anticipated—an adaptation that 
contributed to cost growth. Specifically, development of the focal 
plane array of the photometer was a challenge because it is the 
largest ever flown in space and has stringent requirements. We were 
unable to determine if Kepler's design was stable at its critical 
design review since drawing counts at the critical design review in 
October 2006 were unavailable. In addition, Kepler officials told us 
that the project had difficulty obtaining quality parts as well as 
parts that satisfy NASA radiation tolerance standards. The project 
also had difficulty accessing facilities—such as the facilities that 
put coating on the mirrors—because of the competition among government 
programs for the facilities and the consolidation of the industrial 

Between its 2007 baseline and March 2009 launch, Kepler experienced a 
nearly 25 percent increase in development costs and a 9-month increase 
in schedule. As required by law, NASA reported to the Congress that 
Kepler exceeded its development cost baseline by more than 15 percent 
and its schedule baseline by more than 6 months. The project office 
attributed this to the prime contractor's inability to execute the 
project's planned activities within the original proposed cost and 
schedule. Contractor representatives agreed that they underestimated 
the complexity and the effort required to modify the existing heritage 
technologies. According to both the Kepler project manager and the 
contractor's representatives, a $35 million funding cut in fiscal year 
2005 significantly contributed to project delays. This funding 
instability contributed to an overall 20-month delay in the project's 
schedule and about $169 million in cost growth. In an effort to keep 
the project executable with sufficient reserves, the project office 
shortened its operations by 6 months and accepted additional project 
risk when it canceled or de-scoped several tests. For example, the 
flight segment vibration test was reduced to an acoustic test, and the 
vibration tests of the solar panel were eliminated. Additionally, the 
prime contractor put new management personnel in place and according 
to contractor representatives, agreed to convert $7.9 million of its 
projected incentive fee into project reserves held by JPL with the 
understanding that this money could be earned back for good 
performance subject to the availability of reserves at the end of 
development. The contractor will be eligible to earn award fees 
related to operations. 

Project Office Comments: 

The Kepler project office provided technical comments to a draft of 
this assessment, which were incorporated as appropriate. Project 
officials also commented that NASA is extremely pleased with the 
quality of science coming out of the Kepler mission. 

[End of Kepler Assessment] 

Common Name: LDCM: 
Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM): 

Figure: Illustration of LDCM. 

Source: General Dynamics (CAD drawing). 

[End of figure] 

The Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM), a partnership between NASA 
and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), seeks to extend the ability to 
detect and quantitatively characterize changes on the global land 
surface at a scale where natural and man-made causes of change can be 
detected and differentiated. It is the successor mission to Landsat 7. 
The Landsat data series, begun in 1972, is the longest continuous 
record of changes in the Earth's surface as seen from space. Landsat 
data is a unique resource for people who work in agriculture, geology, 
forestry, regional planning, education, mapping, and global change 

Formulation start: 10/03; 
Preliminary design review: 7/09; 
Project confirmation: 12/09; 

GAO review: 12/09; 
Critical design review: 3/10; 
Launch readiness date 12/12. 

Project Essentials: 

NASA Center: Goddard Space Flight Center. 

Partner: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). 

Major Contractors: Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corp., General 
Dynamics Advanced Information Systems, The Hammers Company. 

Projected Launch Date: December 2012. 

Launch Location: Vandenberg AFB, Calif. 

Launch Vehicle: Atlas V. 

Mission Duration: 5 years (10 years propellant). 

Project Performance (then year dollars in millions): 

Preliminary Estimate of Project Life Cycle Cost*: 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $730 - $800. 

*This estimate is preliminary, as the project is in formulation and 
there is still uncertainty in the value as design options are 
explored. NASA uses these estimates for planning purposes. 

Launch Schedule: 12/2012. 

Project Challenges: 
* Technology Maturity; 
* Development Partner Performance. 

Project Status: 

The project's estimated launch date slipped from July 2011 to December 
2012 after a review board reported that the previous development 
schedule was unachievable. Since then, NASA has directed the LDCM 
project to proceed with development of the Thermal Infrared Sensor 
pending an official decision whether that instrument will be included 
in the mission. Inclusion could add an estimated $160 million to $200 
million to development costs. The project received nearly $52 million 
under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 that will aid 
development of a thermal infrared sensor and its integration onto the 

Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM): Detailed Project Discussion: 

The LDCM instrument payload currently consists of a single science 
instrument—the Operational Land Imager (OLI). The project is 
considering the addition of the Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS)—a 
sensor designed to capture thermal information to be used for air 
quality modeling and wildfire assessment and to operationally monitor 
water consumption on a field-by-field basis. Although the LDCM project 
is still awaiting an official decision to include the TIRS instrument 
in the project, NASA has directed it to proceed with mission 
development presuming TIRS will be included. The project has begun 
development of the instrument as it proceeds in the implementation 
phase, which is scheduled to begin in December 2009 once the project 
is confirmed. The TIRS project is estimated to cost an additional $160 
million to $200 million, and LDCM received $52 million under the 
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 that will assist in 
incorporating the TIRS instrument. The LDCM project delayed its 
estimated launch date from July 2011 to December 2012 after it 
completed its Initial Mission Confirmation Review in September 2008. 
During this review, the project reported that the previous development 
schedule was unachievable and increased risk to the mission. 

The project reported that TIRS should not impact the performance of 
the OLI or the planned launch date. While the TIRS instrument is a new 
development effort, many of the subsystems and components were used in 
earlier flight projects. The project reported that many of the 
technologies for TIRS were assessed as mature. In September 2009, the 
project reported that the focal plane array was assessed as mature and 
that the project has reduced the TIRS development design schedule from 
48 months to 39 months, with instrument delivery planned for December 
2011. The LDCM project has not reached a design review where we could 
assess design stability. As of September 2009, the project has 
released 83 percent of its design drawings. 

Project officials reported the United States Geological Survey (USGS)—
a partner responsible for ground systems elements—is experiencing 
funding shortfalls that may impair LDCM's ability to meet ground 
systems requirements for on-orbit verification of instruments and 
transition to normal operations. The project reports that USGS has 
taken steps to reduce its funding shortfall through technical 
redesign, changes in procurement strategy, and some minor exchanges of 
responsibilities with NASA. Presuming USGS receives its requested 
funding increase for fiscal years 2011 through 2013, project officials 
said they believe there should be no impact to LDCM other than an 
increase in project costs that will be offset by subsequent cost 
reductions, as NASA assumes some of the responsibilities from USGS. To 
save costs in the near term, the project reported that USGS has 
selected a data-processing architecture with heritage from Landsat 7
that provides a good technical solution and reduces cost and schedule 
risk. Other cost savings include the decision to keep the mission 
operations center at Goddard Space Flight Center, and opting to 
procure the services of a flight operations team through an existing 
contract with NASA. 

Project Office Comments: 

The LDCM project office provided technical comments on a draft of this 
assessment, which were incorporated as appropriate. In addition, the 
project office commented that the LDCM project is on track for project 
confirmation in late 2009, and will head into implementation. 

[End of LDCM Assessment] 

Common Name: LRO: 
Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO): 

Figure: Illustration of LRO. 

Source: LRO Project Office. 

[End of figure] 

The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) is NASA's first mission in its 
plan to return to the moon and beyond —its Vision for Space 
Exploration. LRO's mission is to orbit the moon for one year measuring 
lunar topography, resources, temperatures, and radiation. These data 
will be used to select a landing site for manned missions to the moon 
and to ensure astronaut safety. The LRO has a scientific payload of 
six main instruments and one technology demonstration instrument. 
LRO's launch vehicle contained a secondary payload, the Lunar Crater 
Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS), which impacted the Moon to 
investigate lunar surface volatiles such as water. 

Formulation start: 5/04; 
Preliminary design review: 2/06; 
Project confirmation: 5/06; 

Critical design review: 11/06; 
Launch: 6/09; 
GAO review: 12/09. 

Project Essentials: 

NASA Center Lead: Goddard Space Flight Center. 

Partners: Boston University, University of California Los Angeles, 
Southwest Research Institute, Russian Institute for Space Research, 
Arizona State University, Naval Air Warfare Center. 

Prime Contractors: in-house development. 

Launch Date: June 18, 2009. 

Launch Location: Cape Canaveral AFS, Fla. 

Launch Vehicle: Atlas V. 

Mission Duration: 1 year (then science mission). 

Project Performance (then year dollars in millions): 

Total Project Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $540.1; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $590.4; 
Change: 9.3%. 

Formulation Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $93.3; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $94.4; 
Change: 1.2%. 

Development Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $420.8; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $473.1; 
Change: 12.4%. 

Operations Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $25.8; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $22.9; 
Change: -11.2%. 

Launch Schedule: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): 10/2008; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): 6/2009; 
Change: 8 months. 

Project Challenges: 
* Complexity of Heritage Technology; 
* Launch Manifest. 

Project Status: 

LRO successfully launched on June 18, 2009, after an 8-month delay, 
and is currently operating in lunar orbit. 

Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO): Detailed Project Discussion: 

The project did not identify any critical technologies. Each of the 
project's major instruments is based significantly on heritage 
technology. However, the project manager said the project had 
underestimated the difficulty of the modifications needed. For 
example, the project manager said the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter 
cameras needed some technical work to adapt designs for the lunar 
thermal environment as well as some redesign when areas needing 
reinforcement were found during testing. The lunar orbiter laser 
altimeter, while similar to laser altimeters that have flown on 
previous Mars and Mercury missions, had issues with the electronics 
that time the laser pulses of the altimeter, which, according to the 
project manager, took more time to resolve than originally expected. 
The Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment instrument is almost a copy of 
an instrument on Mars now, but it experienced motor failures in 
testing, which the project manager said took extra time and money to 
recover from. Finally, the Lyman-Alpha Mapping Project instrument, a 
copy of the Pluto Alice instrument, was slightly delayed because of a 
detector failure during thermal vacuum testing. According to the 
project manager, most instruments required additional design and 
analysis of their thermal control designs to operate reliably on the 
mission. Redesign was necessary because the lunar environment presents 
a harsher thermal environment than the environment faced by earth-
orbiting missions. 

The project did not measure design stability by percentage of drawings 
completed at the critical design review (CDR), and therefore, we did 
not assess design stability. 

LRO successfully launched on June 18, 2009, and, according to the 
project manager, entered lunar orbit with roughly three times the 
amount of fuel the program had planned on having at that point, which 
may allow for an extended mission. LRO's launch, however, was delayed 
8 months from October 2008 because of several factors. Initially, the 
project delayed launch for one month to accommodate problems with the 
ground data system software, reduced schedule slack, and improved 
launch window opportunities. NASA then accepted a request from United 
Launch Alliance to swap launch positions with a non-NASA mission, 
moving the launch date to March 2009. Delays in the launch manifest 
since then caused LRO's launch date to slip into June 2009. The 
project manager reported that the project team used the 8-month 
schedule delay to further mitigate technical risks. As a result, the 
project fully investigated identified issues and made hardware 
changes. For example, the LRO Wide Angle Camera was replaced during 
this time. As a result of the launch delays, the project's development 
cost increased by over $52 million, or 12.4 percent. 

Project Office Comments: 

The LRO project office provided technical comments on a draft of this 
assessment, which were incorporated as appropriate. 

[End of LRO Assessment] 

Common Name: MMS: 
Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS): 

Figure: Illustration of MMS. 

Source: MMS Project Office (Computer Model). 

[End of figure] 

The Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) is made up of four identically 
instrumented spacecraft. The mission will use the Earth's 
magnetosphere as a laboratory to study the microphysics of magnetic 
reconnection, energetic particle acceleration, and turbulence. 
Magnetic reconnection is the primary process by which energy is 
transferred from solar wind to Earth's magnetosphere and is the 
critical physical process determining the size of a space weather 
storm. The four spacecraft will be launched together in a stacked 
configuration, and then fly in a tetrahedral (pyramid) formation, 
adjustable over a range of 10 to 400 kilometers, enabling them to 
capture the three-dimensional structure of the reconnection sites they 

Formulation start: 5/02; 
Preliminary design review: 5/09; 
Project confirmation: 6/09; 

GAO review: 12/09; 
Critical design review: 8/10; 
Launch readiness date 10/14. 

Project Essentials: 

NASA Center Lead: Goddard Space Flight Center. 

International Partners: Austria, France, Japan, Sweden. 

Major Contractors: Southwest Research Institute. 

Projected Launch Date: October 2014. 

Launch Location: Kennedy Space Center, Fla. 

Launch Vehicle: Atlas V. 

Mission Duration: 2 years. 

Project Performance (then year dollars in millions) 

Total Project Cost: 
Latest* (Oct. 2009): Not provided. 

Formulation Cost: 
Latest* (Oct. 2009): Not provided. 

Development Cost: 
Latest* (Oct. 2009): Not provided. 

Operations Cost: 
Latest* (Oct. 2009): Not provided. 

*NASA suggested it will supply the baseline estimates for this project 
when it provides them to Congress in the FY11 budget. 

Launch Schedule: 10/2014. 

Project Challenges: 
* None Currently Identified. 

Project Status: 

MMS was approved for implementation in July 2009 after being in 
formulation for 7 years, due in part to budget cuts to the Solar 
Terrestrial Probes program and in part from the difficulty of 
developing a new spacecraft. NASA has not yet provided a cost 
baseline. Initial cost estimates for the project in 2002 were $369 
million, but the new life cycle cost baseline will likely exceed $900 
million because of the need for a larger instrument suite and multiple 
spacecraft. The project is currently scheduled to launch in October 

Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS): Detailed Project Discussion: 

MMS is a classic research mission and was ranked as the highest 
priority moderate-sized mission in the 2003 Solar and Space Physics 
Decadal survey of the National Research Council. Due in part to the
groundbreaking nature of this mission, NASA and the project's major 
contractor have partnered with several other countries, including 
Austria, France, Japan, and Sweden. These countries are contributing 
several instruments to the project as well as engineering support and 
test facilities. There is no exchange of money between NASA and the 
foreign governments, as each will pay for its respective contribution. 

At the preliminary design review, the MMS project assessed both of its 
critical technologies and three of its five heritage technologies as 
mature. The two remaining heritage technologies—the four pound 
thrusters for large maneuvers and the payload separation system—will 
start testing and modifications after their contracts are awarded in 
2009. According to the project manager, the four pound thrusters 
should be available "off the shelf," but will require testing to 
ensure they are compatible with a spinning spacecraft such as MMS. The 
project also reported that flight-proven thrusters will need to be 
qualified to the MMS firing cycle, which is different than that of the 
heritage missions. In addition, the project manager told us that the 
payload separation system was not procured from the launch vehicle 
provider because of the high cost. Instead, the project has decided to 
build its own separation system based on heritage flight-proven 
systems which will need to be modified to meet the grounding 
requirements for MMS. 

The MMS project has not reached a design review where we could assess 
design stability. The project did not formally release design drawings 
at the preliminary design review. Project officials told us that they 
are preparing for the critical design review (CDR) by completing 
flight and ground system design and analysis, completing development 
and test of spacecraft and instrument engineering models, conducting 
peer reviews, and conducting instrument- and spacecraft-level CDR's. A 
project official added that having 70 to 80 percent of design drawings 
completed by CDR is normal, but officials have not established any 
goals for the project. 

Despite being authorized to enter implementation in June 2009, NASA 
has not yet provided a cost baseline for MMS. However, the project 
manager indicated that the life-cycle cost would be at least $900 
million. The project was authorized to enter formulation in 2002 with 
an initial cost estimate of $369 million. The project manager said 
initial cost estimates were for a smaller instrument suite than what 
is currently planned for the mission and added that cost drivers for 
the project since the initial cost estimates included the requirement 
for magnetic and electrostatic cleanliness and the need for multiple 
spacecrafts. Additionally, MMS was in formulation for about 7 years 
due in part to budget cuts to the Solar Terrestrial Probes program. 
Additionally, in 2005 it was determined that the original approach to 
use an off-the-shelf spacecraft bus was not viable, and in 2006, NASA 
assigned the development for the MMS spacecraft to Goddard Space 
Flight Center. 

Project Office Comments: 

The MMS project office provided technical comments on a draft of this 
assessment, which were incorporated as appropriate. The project office 
also commented that during a June 2009 review with the NASA 
Administrator, the project was approved to enter implementation and 
establish a cost and schedule baseline. In addition, project officials 
believe MMS is currently on schedule in its development of the 
detailed mission design, with no significant unresolved challenges 
heading toward the CDR in August 2010. 

[End of MMS Assessment] 

Common Name: MSL: 
Mars Science Laboratory (MSL): 

Figure: Illustration of MSL. 

Source: NASNJPL-Caltech. 

[End of figure] 

The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) is part of the Mars Exploration 
Program (MEP). The MEP seeks to understand whether Mars was, is, or 
can be a habitable world. To answer this question the MSL project will 
investigate how geologic, climatic, and other processes have worked to 
shape Mars and its environment over time, as well as how they interact 
today. The MSL will achieve these objectives by placing a mobile 
science laboratory on the Mars surface to assess a local site as a 
potential habitat for life, past or present. The MSL is considered one 
of NASA's flagship projects and will be the most advanced rover yet 
sent to explore the surface of Mars. 

Formulation start: 11/03; 
Preliminary design review: 6/06; 
Project confirmation: 8/06; 

Critical design review: 6/07; 
GAO review: 12/09;
Launch readiness date 10/11. 

Project Essentials: 

NASA Center Lead: Jet Propulsion Laboratory. 

Partners: U.S. Department of Energy, Centre Nationale d'Etude Spatiale 
(France), Russian Federal Space Agency, Centro de Astrobiologia 
(Spain), Canadian Space Agency. 

Major Contractors: in-house development. 

Projected Launch Date: October 2011. 

Launch Location: Cape Canaveral AFS, Fla. 

Launch Vehicle: Atlas V. 

Mission Duration: 1 year of travel, 2 years of operations. 

Project Performance (then year dollars in millions): 

Total Project Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2008): $1,642.2; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $2,305.3; 
Change: 40.4%. 

Formulation Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2008): $515.1; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $515.5; 
Change: 0.1%. 

Development Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2008): $968.6; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $1,631.0; 
Change: 68.4%. 

Operations Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2008): $158.5; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $158.8; 
Change: 0.2%. 

Launch Schedule: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2008): 9/2009; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): 10/2011; 
Change: 25 months. 

Project Challenges: 
* Technology Maturity; 
* Complexity of Heritage Technology; 
* Design Stability. 

Project Status: 

Since the project was baselined, MSL's cost has grown over $660 
million because of technological and engineering problems. This 
includes more than a 68 percent increase in development costs. The 
project is using a 25-month schedule delay to work on overcoming 
technical challenges with the actuators and avionics that were the 
primary drivers for the slip. NASA reported to the Congress that MSL 
had exceeded both its development cost and schedule baselines. In 
addition, MSL is currently seeking re-authorization from the Congress 
since the project has exceeded its cost baseline by more than 30 

Mars Science Laboratory (MSL): Detailed Project Discussion: 

At the preliminary design review, the project assessed all seven of 
its critical technologies as immature resulting from late development 
challenges it encountered. At the critical design review a year later, 
three of the seven critical technologies had been replaced by backup 
technologies with two of the seven still assessed as immature, 
including one of the replacement technologies. In addition, the MSL 
project relied on several heritage technologies that had to be re-
designed, re-engineered, or replaced. For example, the heat shield—
constructed of a super light-weight ablator that had flown on previous 
missions—was considered nearly ready at the critical design review but 
experienced a significant setback in testing and could not be approved 
for use on MSL. As a result, the project selected a new and less 
mature technology—phenolic impregnated carbon ablator (PICA)—which was 
successfully used on the STARDUST mission Earth return capsule. 
According to the MSL project office, the impact of this change was 
approximately $30 million in cost growth and a nine-month delay in 
delivery of the heat shield. 

The MSL project design was not stable at the critical design review 
(CDR). Several design changes were required to address various issues. 
For example, the plumbing for the propulsion system was redesigned 
because it was determined that MSL needed larger, rigid lines for the 
system than were previously used on smaller Mars rovers. These thicker 
lines inadvertently became load-bearing components, which caused the 
project to redesign part of the structure to account for the loads and 
shift them to MSL's primary structure. 

Furthermore, project officials said they underestimated the overall 
complexity of the rover and realized in 2008 that MSL could not 
maintain a 2009 launch readiness date. The project experienced 
problems with the actuators—the motors that allow the vehicle to move 
and execute the sample operations performed by the lab. MSL project 
officials said they wanted to implement a dry lubrication scheme with 
lightweight titanium gears for the actuators. However, during 
fabrication it was discovered that this scheme did not provide the 
durability needed for MSL. The project reverted to a heavier stainless 
steel gear system with the same wet lubricant used by prior projects. 
Project officials added that this decision to change the actuator 
scheme was late in the process, ultimately causing delays when one of 
the vendors developing the stainless steel gears could not meet 
production demands. In addition, project officials stated that the 
avionics package was also part of the reason for the launch delay. 
They said that the avionics hardware was a new design that had never 
been flown on earlier missions and was delivered to the project in an 
immature state. The delay in development of the avionics hardware 
resulted in delays to the related avionics software. Project officials 
told us they hope to have these issues resolved by November 2009 and 
that they plan to perform all the necessary test and integration 
activities for the spacecraft in 2010. They added that extra time will 
allow for a much more robust test campaign. 

Since the baseline in 2008, the life-cycle cost for the project has 
increased by over $660 million—including more than a 68 percent 
increase in development costs—and the launch has been delayed until at 
least October 2011 since launch windows for Mars mission are optimally 
aligned every 26 months. As a result, NASA reported to the Congress, 
as required by law, that MSL had exceeded its development cost 
baseline by more than 15% and schedule baseline by more than 6 months. 
In addition, NASA is seeking re-authorization from Congress since the 
project has exceeded its development cost baseline by more than the 30 

Project Office Comments: 

The MSL project office provided technical comments to a draft of this 
assessment, which were incorporated as appropriate. 

[End of MSL Assessment] 

Common Name: NPP: 
NPOESS Preparatory Project (NPP): 

Figure: Illustration of NPP. 

Source: Ball Aerospace. 

[End of figure] 

The NPOESS Preparatory Project (NPP) is a joint mission with the 
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the U.S. Air 
Force. The satellite will measure ozone, atmospheric and sea surface 
temperatures, land and ocean biological productivity, and cloud and 
aerosol properties. The NPP mission has two objectives. First, NPP 
will provide a continuation of global weather observations following 
the Earth Observing System missions Terra and Aqua. Second, NPP will 
provide the National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental 
Satellite System (NPOESS) with risk-reduction demonstration and 
validation for the critical NPOESS sensors, algorithms, and ground 
data processing. 

Formulation start: 11/98; 
Preliminary design review: 1/03; 
Critical design review: 8/03. 

Project confirmation: 11/03; 
GAO review: 12/09; 
Launch readiness date 1/11. 

Project Performance (then year dollars in millions): 

Total Project Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $672.8; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $799.4; 
Change: 18.8%. 

Formulation Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $47.3; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $47.7; 
Change: 0.8%. 

Development Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $593.0; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $725.1; 
Change: 22.3%. 

Operations Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $32.5; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $26.6; 
Change: -18.2%. 

Launch Schedule: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): 4/2008; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): 1/2011; 
Change: 33 months. 

Project Essentials: 

NASA Center Lead: Goddard Space Flight Center. 

Partner: National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration and U.S. Air 

Major Contractors: Northrop Grumman Electrical Systems and Ball 
Aerospace and Technologies Corp. 

Projected Launch Date: January 15, 2011. 

Launch Location: Vandenberg AFB, Calif. 

Launch Vehicle: Delta II. 

Mission Duration: 5 years. 

Project Challenges: 
* Technology Maturity; 
* Complexity of Heritage Technology; 
* Design Stability; 
* Development Partner Performance. 

Project Status: 

Due primarily to the late delivery of two key instruments being 
developed by the project partners, the NPP has experienced over $132 
million in development cost growth and a 33-month delay in its launch 
readiness date. As a result, NASA has reported to the Congress that 
the NPP project has exceeded both its development cost and schedule 
baselines. The project is currently slated to launch in January 2011—
although continuing problems and delays put this launch date at risk. 

NPOESS Preparatory Project (NPP): Detailed Project Discussion: 

The NPP project office identified six critical technologies for the 
project—the spacecraft and all five instruments. Five of the six 
critical technologies were assessed as immature at the preliminary and 
critical design reviews. The NPP project now considers all critical 
technologies to be mature. However, the project reports an inability 
to reduce risks to an acceptable level on three instruments, including 
the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS), the Cross-track 
Infrared Sounder (CrIS), and the Ozone Mapper Profiler Suite. NASA 
officials told us they lack confidence in the processes used by the 
NPOESS Integrated Program Office (IPO), which is composed of National 
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Department of Defense 
officials, in developing the instruments and are unsure how the 
instruments will function on orbit. Therefore, NPP will be launched 
with significant residual risk against mission success, including the 
potential for a gap in continuity or degraded capability. Furthermore, 
project officials report that these instruments have failed tests and 
had difficulties meeting mission science requirements. 

Management and developmental partner challenges have resulted in cost 
overruns and schedule delays in the VIIRS and CrIS instruments. VIIRS 
began thermal vacuum testing in early May 2009; however, continued 
slow test execution and problems during environmental testing have led 
to further delays in its delivery to the NPP integration contractor. 
The instrument is now scheduled to be delivered in December 2009. 
Additionally, testing of the CrIS instrument found problems such as a 
faulty calibration target and overstressed semiconductors, which led 
to delays in its production. According to the project manager, the 
CrIS instrument was supposed to be delivered in 2008 but is now slated 
to be delivered by late spring 2010. The project is currently slated 
to launch in January 2011—although continuing problems and delays 
threaten this launch date. Since this will be one of the last missions 
to be launched on a Delta II, availability of trained personnel to 
launch NPP may be limited. 

The NPP project design was not stable at the critical design review 
(CDR). Both the CrIS and the VIIRS had to be redesigned because of 
failures that were detected during testing after the CDR. Project 
officials said a 31 percent increase in new engineering drawings was 
largely attributed to the redesign of the VIIRS and CrIS stemming from 
testing failures. 

Since NPP was baselined in fiscal year 2007, the project's development 
cost has increased 22 percent, and its schedule has increased by 33 
months. As a result, NASA has reported to the Congress, as required by 
law, that the NPP project has exceeded its development cost baseline 
by more than 15 percent and its schedule baseline by more than 6 
months. The project office attributes almost all of the cost and 
schedule changes to the late delivery of the VIIRS instrument by the 
project partners. To manage NPP cost increases, the NPOESS program 
halted or delayed activities on other components—including a sensor 
planned for another satellite—and redirected those funds to the VIIRS 
and CrIS instruments. Furthermore, because NPOESS is now not scheduled 
to launch until 2014, NPP will not be the research satellite it was 
originally intended to be; instead, it will have to function as an 
operational satellite until the first NPOESS satellite is launched. 

Project Office Comments: 

The NPP project office provided technical comments to a draft of this 
assessment, which were incorporated as appropriate. In addition, 
project officials commented that they agree with GAO that delays 
continue to be experienced because of issues with development of 
instruments by the project's partners. 

[End of NPP Assessment] 

Common Name: CEV: 
Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV): 

Figure: Illustration of CEV. 

Source: Lockheed Martin Space Systems (artist depiction). 

[End of figure] 

NASA's Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV), as part of the 
Constellation Program, is designed to be the next-generation of 
spacecraft to carry crew and cargo to the International Space Station 
(ISS) and to the Moon. The initial Constellation Program includes the 
Orion and the Ares I system that are expected to replace the Space 
Shuttle, which is slated to retire in 2010. The Orion CEV is to be 
launched by the Ares I Crew Launch Vehicle. Plans call for Orion to 
carry four astronauts to the International Space Station (ISS) and to 
the Moon after linking up with an earth departure stage. The capsule 
will return to Earth and descend on parachutes to the surface. Orion 
has three main elements—the crew module (capsule), service 
module/spacecraft adapter, and launch abort system. 

Formulation start: 7/06; 
Preliminary design review: 8/09; 
GAO review: 12/09. 

Critical design review: 2/11; 
Initial operational capability: 3/15. 

Project Essentials: 

NASA Center Lead: Johnson Space Center. 

International Partner: None. 

Major Contractors: Lockheed Martin. 

Projected Launch Date: March 2015. 

Launch Location: Kennedy Space Center, Fla. 

Launch Vehicle: Ares I. 

Mission Duration: Varied based on destination. 

Project Performance (then year dollars in millions): 

Preliminary Estimate of Project Life Cycle Cost*: 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $20,000 to $29,000. 

* This estimate is preliminary, as the project is in formulation and 
there is still uncertainty in the value as design options are 
explored. NASA uses these estimates for planning purposes. This 
estimate is for the Orion vehicle only. 

Launch Schedule: 3/2015. 

Project Challenges: 
* Complexity of Heritage Technology; 
* Funding Issues. 

Project Status: 

Technical challenges, mass growth, and design issues delayed Orion's 
preliminary design review by 12 months to August 2009. In December 
2008, NASA decided to defer work on Orion's lunar mission requirements 
in order to focus on developing a vehicle that can fly to the ISS. The 
Orion project received nearly $166 million under the American Recovery 
and Reinvestment Act of 2009 that will be used for technology 
development and reduction of technical risks. NASA delayed the first 
crewed flight from September 2014 to March 2015 to increase schedule 
confidence in program cost and schedule goals. 

Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV): Detailed Project Discussion: 

The Orion project identified one critical technology for the 
spacecraft: the thermal protection system, or heatshield. This is a 
heritage technology from the Apollo program and is required for the 
spacecraft to survive reentry from earth orbit. However, it may be 
difficult to repeatedly manufacture to consistent standards because 
the heatshield uses a framework with many honeycomb shaped cells, each 
of which must be individually filled with no voids or imperfections. 
In addition, development of the launch abort system, which would pull 
the Orion capsule away from the Ares I launch vehicle in the case of a 
catastrophic problem during launch, remains a high risk area even 
though it was not identified as a critical technology. A year after 
the initial contract was awarded, the first launch abort system 
subcontractor did not have a viable design and was replaced. 
Furthermore, continued weight growth and requirements changes are 
contributing to instability in the Orion design For example, in its 
efforts to reduce the mass of the Orion vehicle, NASA chose to move 
from land nominal landing to water nominal landing to reduce mass by 
eliminating air bags and, according to officials, by reducing the 
number of parachutes. 

To increase its level of confidence in the Constellation program 
baseline, NASA has delayed the first crewed flight from September 2014 
to March 2015 and deferred work on a vehicle that can meet the lunar 
mission requirements so that NASA can focus its efforts on developing 
a vehicle that can fly the ISS mission. NASA's original strategy for 
the Orion project was to develop one vehicle capable of supporting 
both ISS and lunar missions. This new phased approach, however, could 
require two qualification programs for the Orion vehicle—one pre-2015 
Orion qualification program for ISS mission requirements and a second 
post-2015 Orion qualification program for lunar mission requirements. 

According to the Constellation program manager, the Constellation 
program's poorly phased funding plan has diminished the Orion 
project's ability to deal with technical challenges. NASA initiated 
the Constellation program relying on the accumulation of a large 
budget reserve in fiscal years 2006 and 2007 to fund activities in 
fiscal years 2008 through 2010. Thereafter, NASA anticipated that the 
retirement of the space shuttle program in 2010 would free funding for 
the Constellation program. The program's risk management system 
identified this strategy as high risk, warning that shortfalls could 
occur in fiscal years 2009 through 2012. 

NASA has not released official cost and schedule estimates to complete 
the Orion project. NASA officials stated that these estimates will be 
made available when the project moves into implementation, or at the 
conclusion of the Constellation Program's non-advocate review. 
However, the value of the development contracts for Orion has 
increased by $2.5 billion since 2006. The Constellation program 
received $400 million under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 
of 2009, of which the Orion project is slated to receive nearly $166 
million that will help the project mitigate technical challenges. 
Nevertheless, in September 2009, an independent commission formed by 
the President to study the future of U.S human spaceflight reported 
that NASA's plans for the Constellation program to return man to the 
moon by 2020 are unexecutable without drastic increases to NASA's 
current budget profile. 

Project Office Comments: 

The Orion project office provided technical comments to a draft of 
this assessment, which were incorporated as appropriate. Project 
officials also commented that they believe NASA will continue to 
narrow the trade-space options as the project moves through the 
formulation phase and toward a confirmed baseline design. They also 
believe that steady progress has been made in all technology areas and 
that the project has achieved stability in requirements. Project 
officials commented that Orion met the mass requirements for the ISS 
phase at their preliminary design review, and that the mass trend is 
favorable toward meeting lunar phase requirements. 

[End of CEV Assessment] 

Common Name: RBSP: 
Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP): 

Figure: Illustration of RBSP. 

Source: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. 

[End of figure] 

The RBSP mission will help us understand the Sun's influence on the 
Earth and near-Earth space by studying the planet's radiation belts at 
various scales of space and time. This insight into the physical 
dynamics of the Earth's radiation belts will provide scientists data 
to make predictions of changes in this critical region of space. 
Understanding the radiation belt environment has practical 
applications in the areas of spacecraft system design, mission 
planning, spacecraft operations, and astronaut safety. The two 
spacecraft will measure the particles, magnetic and electric fields, 
and waves that fill geospace and provide new knowledge on the dynamics 
and extremes of the radiation belts. 

Formulation start: 9/06; 
Preliminary design review: 10/08; 
Project confirmation: 12/08; 

GAO review: 12/09; 
Critical design review: 12/09; 
Launch readiness date 5/12. 

Project Essentials: 

NASA Center Lead: Goddard Space Flight Center. 

Partner: National Reconnaissance Office. 

Major Contractors: John Hopkins University - Applied Physics 
Laboratory, Boston University. 

Projected Launch Date: May 18, 2012. 

Launch Location: Cape Canaveral, Fla. 

Launch Vehicle: Atlas V. 

Mission Duration: 2 years. 

Project Performance (then year dollars in millions): 

Total Project Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $685.8; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $685.8; 
Change: 0.0%. 

Formulation Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $88.2; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $88.2; 
Change: 0.0%. 

Development Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $533.9; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $533.9; 
Change: 0.0%. 

Operations Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $63.7; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $63.7; 
Change: 0.0%. 

Launch Schedule: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): 5/2012; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): 5/2012; 
Change: none. 

Project Challenges: 
* None Currently Identified. 

Project Status: 

In January 2009, the RBSP project was confirmed and established its 
cost and schedule baselines. At that time, NASA added $54 million and 
seven months to the project's cost and schedule to ensure the project 
entered implementation with a higher confidence of mission success. 

Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP): Detailed Project Discussion: 

Project officials reported that there are no new critical technologies 
for RBSP. They did identify two heritage technologies—the chip-to-
board bonding techniques on the integrated circuits for the spacecraft 
transceiver and the method used to measure secondary particles in the 
Helium-Oxygen-Proton-Electron (HOPE) instrument—both of which the 
project assessed as mature at the mission preliminary design review in 
October 2008. Project officials indicated that one of the primary 
challenges for RBSP is developing a spacecraft capable of withstanding 
high levels of radiation that it will encounter during the mission. They
added that RBSP is incorporating other heritage technologies developed 
for the Juno mission—which has an even tougher radiation environment—
and they are confident RBSP will be able to withstand high radiation 

The project reported potential delays in procuring detectors from a 
project contractor, which could delay the delivery of two instruments—
the Magnetic Electron Ion Spectrometer, and the Relativistic Electron 
Proton Telescope. NASA is monitoring the progress of the flight 
detectors to ensure timely delivery. In addition, project officials 
identified a project risk concerning the four wire booms that protrude 
from each spacecraft since the project will not be able to test them 
in the deployed configuration; however, they also indicated that they 
have extensive experience with similar booms. 

Additionally, the project reported that NASA recently provided 
instructions that prohibited the use of certain connectors as part of 
their ongoing monitoring of quality parts and qualification standards, 
which caused the project to review the type of connectors used in the 
observatory and replace the connectors as applicable. Although the 
project classifies the likelihood of an in-flight failure due to the 
prohibited connectors as very small, possible consequences include 
loss of the spacecraft or an instrument. 

The RBSP project has not reached a design review where we could assess 
design stability. As of September 2009 project officials plan on 
releasing 87 percent of design drawings by the critical design review 
in December 2009. In mid-2009, the project reported that some 
spacecraft subsystems were behind schedule because of delays in 
drawing releases and lack of available resources. The project took 
several steps to get back on schedule, including the addition of 
personnel for subsystem schedule management. Subsequently, the project 
has released engineering model drawings for three of the four 
subsystems that were behind schedule, and plans on releasing drawings 
for the fourth subsystem in September 2009. 

The project established a baseline of $685.8 million and a May 2012 
launch date in January 2009. This included the addition of seven 
months to the project's schedule and $54 million to the life-cycle 
cost at project confirmation to ensure the project entered 
implementation with a higher confidence of mission success. 

Project Office Comments: 

The RBSP project office provided technical comments on a draft of this 
assessment, which were incorporated as appropriate. In addition, the 
RBSP project office commented that they have made significant progress 
in development of engineering models for spacecraft subsystems and 
science instruments, delivery of key parts, and release of flight 
model drawings, which is expected to continue through the mission 
critical design review. 

[End of RBSP Assessment] 

Common Name: SDO: 
Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO): 

Figure: Illustration of SDO. 

Source: SGT Inc. 

[End of figure] 

NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) will investigate how the Sun's 
magnetic field is structured and how its energy is converted and 
released into the heliosphere in the forms of solar wind, energetic 
particles, and variations in solar irradiance. The primary goal of the 
SDO mission is to understand the solar variations that influence life 
on Earth and humanity's technological systems. It seeks to do this by 
determining how the Sun's magnetic field is generated and structured, 
and how this stored magnetic energy is released. Analysis of data from 
SDO's three instruments—Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA), Extreme 
Ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE), and Helioseismic and 
Magnetic Imager (HMI)—will improve the science needed to enable space 
weather predictions. 

Formulation start: 12/01; 
Preliminary design review: 3/04; 
Project confirmation: 6/04; 
Critical design review: 4/05; 

GAO review: 12/09; 
Launch readiness date 2/10. 

Project Essentials: 

NASA Center Lead: Goddard Space Flight Center. 

International Partner: None. 

Major Contractors: Stanford University, Lockheed Martin Solar 
Astrophysics Laboratory, University of Colorado. 

Projected Launch Date: February 3, 2010. 

Launch Location: Kennedy Space Center, Fla. 

Launch Vehicle: Atlas V. 

Mission Duration: 5 years (10 year goal). 

Project Performance (then year dollars in millions): 

Total Project Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $787.5; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $867.6; 
Change: 10.5%. 

Formulation Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $78.0; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $84.9; 
Change: 8.8%. 

Development Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $623.7; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $682.6; 
Change: 9.4%. 

Operations Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $83.8; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $100.1; 
Change: 19.5%. 

Launch Schedule: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): 8/2008; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): 2/2010; 
Change: 18 months. 

Project Challenges: 
* Complexity of Heritage Technology; 
* Design Stability; 
* Contractor Performance; 
* Development Partner Performance; 
* Funding Issues; 
* Launch Manifest. 

Project Status: 

The project's inability to meet the August 2008 launch date has 
resulted in cost increases and additional schedule delays prompting 
NASA to report to the Congress that the SDO project exceeded its 
development schedule baseline. Due to a crowded launch manifest, the 
next available launch date for SDO is February 2010, resulting in an 
18-month schedule delay. 

Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO): Detailed Project Discussion: 

The SDO project reported that its only critical technology—a 4K x 4K 
array of charge-coupled devices (CCD) to be used in both the HMI and 
AIA instruments—was mature at the project's preliminary design review. 
The United Kingdom originally led development of the CCD camera 
systems, but dropped out of the project before the preliminary design 
review. Project officials stated that SDO was purposefully designed to 
use existing technology components, but said they also recognized that 
some technologies—such as the Ka-band transmitter, high-speed bus, and 
high-gain antenna system—required modifications to be used on SDO. For 
example, the existing technology for the Ka-band transmitter, which 
the project assessed as immature at the preliminary design review, 
required a new design for integration with SDO. Project officials told 
us that Northrop Grumman originally was to build the Ka-band 
transmitter, but its development was brought in house after contractor 
performance issues arose. 

SDO's design was not stable at the critical design review (CDR). 
Following this review, the project experienced nearly a 1,200 percent 
overall increase in the number of releasable drawings expected. 
Project officials said only drawings for in-house structures, such as 
propulsion systems, electronics, instrument ports, the high-gain 
antenna system, and the spacecraft, were considered at CDR. Drawings 
for the instruments were not included and flight drawings were only in 
draft form at CDR. The project estimated it released less than 63 
percent of engineering drawings at each of their instrument-level 
CDRs. Project officials indicated that flight drawings did not need to 
be ready so far in advance of the project's launch readiness date 
since there was enough time to build these components. 

SDO also experienced several problems during testing of flight 
hardware. The project suffered a technical setback in 2007 when the 
thermal vacuum chamber being used to test the high gain antenna 
overheated, resulting in the need to completely rebuild the antenna. 
Several risks to the project were identified during testing. For 
example, testing identified a part on the spacecraft's high-speed bus 
that, under certain circumstances, could cause the spacecraft to reset 
itself, which could mean failure to meet science data quality and 
completeness requirements. Project officials indicated that a software 
update to the high-speed bus should correct this issue. 

At the time of CDR in April 2005, the SDO project budget was reduced 
by one-third for fiscal year 2005 because of other funding priorities. 
As a result, the project underwent a re-plan that delayed the 
project's launch readiness date from April 2008 to August 2008. 
Subsequent scheduling issues for testing of the AIA instrument and 
other spacecraft parts problems caused further delays and cost 
increases and the launch date slipped to December 2008, resulting in a 
cost increase of $18.1 million. Because of launch manifest issues, 
SDO's launch date has since slipped to February 2010 and approximately 
$50 million was added to the project's life-cycle costs from the 
previous year, which is largely attributable to keeping project staff 
longer than expected and conducting additional spacecraft tests. As 
required by law, NASA has reported to the Congress that the SDO 
project has exceeded its development schedule baseline by more than 6 

Project Office Comments: 

The SDO project office provided technical comments to a draft of this 
assessment, which were incorporated as appropriate. Project officials 
also commented that the crowded launch manifest has been the single 
reason for the delays that have occurred since December 2008 and since 
that time the project has waited for a firm launch slot. The officials 
added that the observatory was shipped to Florida in July 2009 and is 
on track for a February 2010 launch opportunity. In addition, NASA 
officials state that an independent review team determined that SDO's 
critical design review was successful and that the technical baseline 
was solid. 

[End of SDO Assessment] 

Common Name: SOFIA: 
Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA): 

Figure: Illustration of SPOHIA: 

Source: SOFIA Program Office. 

[End of figure] 
SOFIA is a joint project between NASA and the German Space Agency 
(DLR) to install a 2.5 meter telescope in a specially modified Boeing 
747SP aircraft. This airborne observatory is designed to provide 
routine access to the visual, infrared, far-infrared, and sub-
millimeter parts of the spectrum. Its mission objectives include 
studying many different kinds of astronomical objects and phenomena, 
including star birth and death; the formation of new solar systems; 
planets, comets, and asteroids in our solar system; and black holes at 
the center of galaxies. Interchangeable instruments for the 
observatory are being developed to allow a range of scientific 
measurement to be taken by SOFIA. 

Formulation start: 10/91. 

GAO review: 12/09; 
Initial operational capability: 3/10; 
Full operational capability: 12/14. 

Project Essentials: 

NASA Center Lead: Dryden Flight Research Center. 

International Partner: German Space Agency (DLR). 

Major Contractors: L3 Communications, MPC Products Corporation, 
University Space Research Association. 

Projected Operational Capability: March 2010. 

Aircraft: Modified 747SP. 

Sortie Location: Dryden Flight Research Center, Calif. 

Mission Duration: 20 years of science mission flights. 

Project Performance (then year dollars in millions): 

Total Project Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $2,954.5; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $2,960.2; 
Change: 0.0%. 

Formulation Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $35.0; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $35.0; 
Change: 0.0%. 

Development Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $919.5; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $1,081.8; 
Change: 17.7%. 

Operations Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $2,000.0; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $1,843.4; 
Change: -7.8%. 

Launch Schedule: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): 12/2013; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): 12/2014; 
Change: 12 months. 

Project Challenges: 
* Complexity of Heritage Technology; 
* Contractor Performance; 
* Funding Issues. 

Project Status: 

Initial science flights have slipped from August 2009 to no earlier 
than March 2010. SOFIA's current development costs are estimated to be 
about $1.08 billion, representing a more than 300 percent increase 
from the original estimate of $251 million in 1997. This includes a 
$400 million cost increase from fiscal year 2009, which project 
officials said is due primarily to NASA choosing not to secure 
additional international partners for the project. NASA has reported 
to the Congress that SOFIA exceeded both its cost and schedule 

Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA): Detailed 
Project Discussion: 

We could not assess the technology maturity or the design stability of 
the overall project as NASA did not provide information related to the 
aircraft modification. Data provided for development of the 
instruments that will fly on SOFIA generally indicates a high level of 
technology maturity. Many of these technologies have already been used 
on ground-based telescopes, and the early instruments are essentially 
finished and are waiting for the observatory to be completed. Of the 
eight first-generation science instruments, three are ready for 
installation, one will be ready for installation upon completion of 
airworthiness documentation, and the others are scheduled to be ready 
between 2010 and 2012. Similarly, we were unable to determine design 
stability of the instruments since the drawings were still preliminary 
at the critical design review. Design work on SOFIA is 97 percent 
complete, but several subsystems will still be in design into 2011. 

The SOFIA project experienced problems related to the original prime 
contractor's performance early in development. At this time, the 
contract required the contractor to perform significant project 
management activities. According to project officials, that contractor 
had neither the project management experience nor the design-build 
expertise necessary for the project. Consequently, NASA reduced the 
contractor's management role for both development and operations of 
SOFIA and subsequently utilized government personnel to perform these 
functions in-house. The contractor also experienced challenges with 
modification of the aircraft used for SOFIA, which led to significant 
cost overruns. Project officials said this contractor, who was also 
responsible for the aircraft's modification and integration, had 
limited experience with this type of work and did not fully understand 
the statement of work, which resulted in cost overruns. 

Since the December 2007 flight test, testing of SOFIA has stayed 
mostly on schedule. However, the first open-door flight test was 
delayed 8 months and successfully took place in December 2009. This 
delay was due mostly to the development of the Cavity Door Drive 
System (CDDS) controller which was lagging due to poor performance by 
the contractor and integration issues. The CDDS contractor experienced 
problems stemming from poor workmanship, which project officials claim 
is partially attributable to a shrinking industrial base. In addition, 
testing for the High-speed Imaging Photometer for Occultation (REPO) 
revealed that some activities the project thought could be done in 
parallel were more difficult than expected and must instead be done 
serially. Subsequently, initial science flights have slipped from 
August 2009 to no earlier than March 2010, and given the various 
challenges, project officials said that science flights may be delayed 
even further. 

As a result of ongoing cost growth early in development, the SOFIA 
project was slated for cancellation in 2006. However, later that year 
the project was reinstated. It was re-baselined in July 2007. The 
fiscal year 2010 budget request showed the project's life-cycle cost 
increased by $400 million from fiscal year 2009, which project 
officials said is due primarily to NASA choosing not to secure 
additional international partners for cost-sharing on the project. 
SOFIA's current development costs are estimated to be about $1.08 
billion, representing a more than 300 percent increase from the 
original estimate of $251 million in 1997. As required by law, NASA 
has reported to the Congress that SOFIA exceeded its development cost 
baseline by more than 15 percent and its schedule baseline by more 
than 6 months. 

Project Office Comments: 

The SOFIA project provided technical comments to a draft of this 
assessment, which were incorporated as appropriate. The project office 
also commented that the SOFIA project continues to make good progress 
toward science flight operations. 

[End of SOPHIA Assessment] 

Common Name: WISE: 
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE): 

Figure: Illustration of WISE. 

Source: NASNJPL-Caltech (artist depiction). 

[End of figure] 

The WISE mission is designed to map the sky in infrared light and 
search for the nearest and coolest stars, the origins of stellar and 
planetary systems, the most luminous galaxies in the universe, and 
most main-belt asteroids larger than 3 kilometers. It is also intended 
to create a catalog of over 300 million sources that will be of 
interest to future infrared studies, including the upcoming James Webb 
Space Telescope mission. During its 6-month mission, WISE will use a 
four-channel imager to take overlapping snapshots of the sky. The WISE 
telescope optics will be cooled below 20 degrees Kelvin to keep it 
colder than the objects in space it will observe so that WISE can see 
the dim infrared emission from them rather than from the telescope 

Formulation start: 3/03; 
Preliminary design review: 7/05; 
Project confirmation: 6/07; 

Project confirmation: 10/06; 
Launch readiness date 11/09; 
GAO review: 12/09. 

Project Essentials: 

NASA Center Lead: Jet Propulsion Laboratory. 

International Partner: None. 

Major Contractors: Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corporation, Space 
Dynamics Laboratory. 

Launch Date: December 14, 2009. 

Launch Location: Vandenberg AFB, Calif. 

Launch Vehicle: Delta II. 

Mission Duration: 9 months. 

Project Performance (then year dollars in millions): 

Total Project Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $311.4; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $604.6; 
Change: 0.1%. 

Formulation Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $99.5; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $99.6; 
Change: 0.1%. 

Development Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $192.1; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $194.9; 
Change: 1.5%. 

Operations Cost: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): $19.8; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): $20.0; 
Change: 1.0%. 

Launch Schedule: 
Baseline Est. (FY 2009): 11/2009; 
Latest (Oct. 2009): 12/2009; 
Change: 1 month. 

Project Challenges: 
* Design Stability; 
* Funding Issues. 

Project Status: 
Wise successfully launched on December 14, 2009 and sent its first 
images back from space in January 2010.
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE): Detailed Project 

WISE project officials identified two mission critical technologies—
the solid hydrogen cryostat and the long wavelength infrared detector 
multiplexer—both of which were assessed as mature at the project's 
preliminary design review. The solid hydrogen cryostat is a 
modification of a heritage technology. It is of similar design and 
construction and manufactured by the same contractor that produced 
cryostats for previous NASA missions. A project official said the 
project did not encounter any challenges with the development of the 
cryostat. The WISE project's design, however, was not stable at the 
critical design review as the project had released only 70 percent of 
its engineering drawings. A project official stated that the drawing 
count and additional analyses, prototypes, and engineering models were 
used at the critical design review to evaluate the project's design 
stability. The project has since released the remainder of the 
engineering drawings. 

The project did encounter some challenges during testing, which had an 
impact on the spacecraft's design The Thermal Mass Dynamics Simulator 
(TMDS), a structural model of the flight cryostat, failed during 
structural testing. According to a NASA official, analyses done by the 
project office and the cryostat's contractor did not predict this 
problem, but finding this problem in the engineering model saved at 
least a year delay. To mitigate this problem, the project added a soft-
ride system to the launch vehicle to reduce loads on the cryostat, 
which tested successfully in December 2008. The failure also caused 
the project to accept more project risk by de-scoping two test events 
in order to regain reserve margin. According to the project office, 
the remedy cost $2.6 million, but the overall project schedule was not 

Though the project is currently on track to meet its launch readiness 
date, the WISE project encountered schedule delays early in its life 
cycle. According to a project official, the project was not initially 
confirmed to proceed because of cost and technical concerns. As a 
result, the official said the project designed a smaller telescope and 
matured the technology that had concerned the review board. The 
preliminary design review for WISE was held in July 2005 and the 
project had its initial confirmation review in November
2005; however, there was a lack of funding in the NASA budget for the 
WISE project at that time so the formulation phase was extended. At 
this point in the project, the launch readiness date had slipped from 
2008 to June 2009. A second confirmation review was held in November 
2006, at which time the launch readiness date was set for November 
2009. Although the second confirmation review happened one year later, 
the launch readiness date set at the original confirmation review only 
slipped five months since the project was able to make progress during 
that year. 

Although WISE contractors completed payload and spacecraft development 
and successfully integrated the two, the project faced significant 
risk as cost reserves were depleted during these activities. To avoid 
the elimination of future testing and staff reductions, an official 
told us the WISE project received $4 million from NASA Headquarters. 
WISE successfully launched on December 14, 2009 and is currently in 

Project Office Comments: 

The WISE project office provided technical comments to a draft of this 
assessment, which were incorporated as appropriate. In addition, 
project officials commented that they believe design has been stable 
since the Concept Study Review in 2003, which has been a key factor in 
the excellent cost and schedule performance of the WISE mission. 

[End of WISE Evaluation] 

Agency Comments and Our Evaluation: 

We provided a draft of this report to NASA for review and comment. In 
its written response, NASA agrees with our findings and states that it 
will strive to address the challenges that lead to cost and schedule 
growth in its projects. NASA agrees that GAO's cost and schedule 
growth figures reflect what the agency has experienced since the 
baselines were established in response to the 2005 statutory reporting 
requirements. Importantly, NASA has begun to provide more data 
regarding cost growth prior to these baselines, and we look forward to 
working with NASA to increase transparency into cost and schedule 
information of large-scale projects even further in the future. 

NASA noted that its projects are high-risk and one-of-a-kind 
development efforts that do not lend themselves to all the practices 
of a "business case" approach that we outlined since essential 
attributes of NASA's project development differ from those of a 
commercial or production industry. We agree, however NASA could still 
benefit from a more disciplined approach to its acquisitions whereby 
decisions are based upon high levels of knowledge. Currently, inherent 
risks are being exacerbated due to projects moving forward with 
immature technologies and unstable designs and difficulties working 
with contractors and international partners, leading to cost and 
schedule increase which make it hard for the agency to manage its 
portfolio and make informed investment decisions. 

NASA's comments are reprinted in appendix I. NASA also provided 
technical comments, which we addressed throughout the report as 
appropriate and where sufficient evidence was provided to support 
significant changes. 

We will send copies of the report to NASA's Administrator and 
interested congressional committees. We will also make copies 
available to others upon request. In addition, the report will be 
available at no charge on GAO's Web site at [hyperlink,]. 

Should you or your staff have any questions on matters discussed in 
this report, please contact me at (202) 512-4841 or 
Contact points for our Offices of Congressional Relations and Public 
Affairs may be found on the last page of this report. GAO staff who 
made major contributions to this report are listed in appendix VI. 

Signed by: 

Cristina Chaplain: 
Acquisition and Sourcing Management: 

List of Congressional Committees: 

The Honorable Barbara A. Mikulski: 
The Honorable Richard C. Shelby: 
Ranking Member: 
Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies: 
Committee on Appropriations: 
United States Senate: 

The Honorable Bill Nelson: 
The Honorable David Vitter: 
Ranking Member: 
Subcommittee on Science and Space: 
Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: 
United States Senate: 

The Honorable Alan B. Mollohan: 
The Honorable Frank R. Wolf: 
Ranking Member: 
Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies: 
Committee on Appropriations: 
House of Representatives: 

The Honorable Gabrielle Giffords: 
The Honorable Pete Olson: 
Ranking Member: 
Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics: 
Committee on Science and Technology: 
House of Representatives: 

[End of section] 

Appendix I: Comments from the National Aeronautics and Space 

National Aeronautics and Space Administration: 	
Office of the Administrator: 
Washington, DC 20546-0001: 

January 15, 2010: 

Ms. Christina Chaplain: 
Director, Acquisition and Sourcing Management: 
United States Government Accountability Office: 
Washington, DC 20548: 

Dear Ms. Chaplain: 

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) appreciates 
the opportunity to comment on the Government Accountability Office 
(GAO) draft report entitled, "Assessments of Selected Large-Scale 
Projects" (GAO-10-227SP). NASA values open communications between the 
NASA and GAO teams on this effort and will continue to strive to work 
constructively with GAO to identify and address the challenges that 
may lead to cost and schedule growth of our projects. 

We are pleased that GAO continues to recognize NASA's ongoing efforts 
to mitigate acquisition management risk and lay a stronger foundation 
for reducing project cost and schedule growth. The Agency has recently 
taken many steps to make progress in this complex area. As was 
highlighted, NASA began a new initiative, Joint Cost and Schedule 
Confidence Levels (JCL), which is designed to increase the likelihood 
of project success at the specified funding level. The application of 
the JCL process is expected to increase insight by project and program 
managers and others into uncertainties and contingencies within an 
integrated cost and schedule plan. Several projects within the GAO 
assessment have cost and schedule baselines developed under the JCL 
initiative, specifically the Landsat Data Continuity Mission and the 
Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission. Further, as NASA expands 
application of JCL practices, work has also begun on developing a JCL 
for several more projects within the GAO review, including existing 
projects such as the James Webb Space Telescope and the Global 
Precipitation Measurement missions. 

In conjunction with the JCL initiative, NASA updated, via a NASA 
interim directive, the NASA Procedural Requirements 7120.5: Space 
Flight Program and Project Management Requirements. This interim 
directive strengthens and clarifies the existing program and project 
management requirements regarding cost and schedule baselining and 
rebaselining policy. Additionally, NASA will continue to work with GAO 
to modify and improve our corrective action plan, developed in 
response to GAO's designation of NASA acquisition management as a high-
risk area. 

In its draft report, GAO states that NASA's project development costs 
for the 15 projects, in implementation within the review, have 
increased by an average of over 13 percent from their baseline cost 
estimates and experienced an average delay of almost 11 months to 
their launch dates. NASA agrees with the cost and schedule growth 
figures that are quoted, and they are reflective of what has been 
experienced since baselines were established in response to the 2005 
statutory reporting requirements. The reasons for this growth have 
been reflected in the resulting reports, as submitted to the Congress. 

As asserted in the GAO report, this requirement from the Congress has 
enabled a more consistent reporting among NASA projects and has made 
the past cost and schedule growth from the original project baseline 
transparent. Among the projects in the GAO assessment, five out of 15
projects--Gloty, Herschel, NPOESS Preparatory Project, Solar Dynamics 
Observatory (SDO), and the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared 
Astronomy (SOFIA)--had experienced cost growth prior to the baseline 
provided to Congress. NASA estimates that these five projects 
experienced an additional $750M of prior cost growth, with more than 
80 percent of this figure due to the SOFIA project (estimated at over 
$600M of prior cost growth), which was originally baselined in fiscal 
year 1996. The four remaining projects moved from formulation into 
implementation within two to three years of providing a baseline to 
Congress; hence, they had not seen significant growth prior to this. 
If the past cost growth from SOFIA is excluded from the total, the 
remaining four projects' additional growth constitutes about a two-
percent increase above the 13.4 percent average growth figure quoted by
GAO. Including all five projects' past growth, it brings the total 
cost growth to approximately $2.1 B, out of the $66B of estimated life-
cycle cost for all 19 projects in the GAO report. 

While NASA practices many of the elements of GAO's stated "business 
case" approach, essential attributes of NASA's project development 
differ from those of a commercial or production entity. For example, 
unlike a commercial or production entity, NASA's projects are 
generally high-risk, one-of-a-kind space flight mission developments 
and rarely enter an "operational" or production state. NASA will 
continue to work with GAO to adapt the assessment methodology to 
better reflect NASA's business. NASA will work with GAO to refine the 
metrics and data collection for the assessment. Further, NASA would 
like to review and benchmark with the GAO's best practices project 
data to increase our understanding of when we might improve. 

NASA agrees that all six of the identified challenges (technical 
maturity, design stability, contractor performance, development 
partner performance, funding issues, and launch manifest issues) are 
experienced in NASA's highly complex, one-of a-kind space flight 
development efforts. As highlighted last year, NASA identified launch 
manifest issues as one of the significant causes for project cost and 
schedule growth, as noted in GAO's analysis. We agree with GAO that 
the list of six challenges identified in the draft report will evolve 
as this assessment is continued into the future. In the coming year, 
NASA will work with GAO on the metrics and data collection for the 
identified design stability and launch manifest project challenges to 
account best for the complexity that surrounds these challenges. 

For example, inherent in the launch manifest issue is the complexity 
of separating spacecraft development delays from launch vehicle 
manifest delays. In some cases, a minimal spacecraft readiness slip 
translates into a disproportionate launch schedule slip, due to the 
limited flexibility of the expendable launch vehicle manifest (such as 
was the case with SDO). Other launch delays may occur due to fleet 
issues such as clearing the Taurus vehicle after the failure of the 
shroud on the Orbiting Carbon Observatory. Further, the interaction of 
launch vehicle and spacecraft are not always cleanly separable. For 
example, once a spacecraft team is aware of a launch vehicle issue, 
they must act to either adjust the design to address the launch 
vehicle issue or phase the project spending to maintain critical team 
skills until the vehicle is ready. These changes to the project will 
show as a cost growth to the spacecraft even though it may not be 
driven by the spacecraft development and processing activities. In 
summary, the set of launch manifest issues presents a project 
challenge that has many complex aspects which can benefit from refined 
data collection and metrics. 

NASA will continue to follow through with the new policies and 
management attention on cost and schedule growth, in the coming year, 
with the goal of improving the Agency's performance. We will continue 
to work with GAO to identify where best to place our efforts. 

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this draft report. If you 
have any questions or require additional information, please contact 
Julie Pollitt at (202) 3584580. 


Signed by: 

Lori B. Garver: 
Deputy Administrator: 

[End of section] 

Appendix II: Objectives, Scope, and Methodology: 

Our objectives were to report on the status and challenges faced by 
NASA systems with life-cycle costs of $250 million or more and to 
discuss broader trends faced by the agency in its management of system 

In conducting our work, we evaluated performance and identified 
challenges for each of 19 major projects.[Footnote 24] We summarized 
our assessments of each individual project in two components—a project 
profile and a detailed discussion of project challenges. We did not 
validate the data provided by the National Aeronautics and Space 
Administration (NASA). However, we took appropriate steps to address 
data reliability. Specifically, we confirmed the accuracy of NASA-
generated data with multiple sources within NASA and, in some cases, 
with external sources. Additionally, we corroborated data provided to 
us with published documentation. We determined that the data provided 
by NASA project offices were sufficiently reliable for our engagement 

We developed a standardized data collection instrument (DCI) that was 
completed by each project office. Through the DCI, we gathered basic 
information about projects as well as current and projected 
development activities for those projects. The cost and schedule data 
estimates that NASA provided were the most recent updates as of 
October 2009; performance data that NASA provided were the most recent 
updates as of November 2009. At the time we collected the data, 4 of 
the 19 projects were in the formulation phase and 15 were in the 
implementation phase. NASA only provided cost and schedule data for 14 
projects in implementation. Despite being in the implementation phase, 
NASA did not provide cost or schedule data for the Magnetospheric 
Multiscale (MMS) project. To further understand performance issues, we 
talked with officials from most project offices and NASA's Office of 
Program Analysis and Evaluation (PA&E). 

The results collected from each project office, Mission Directorate, 
and PA&E were summarized in a 2-page report format providing a project 
overview; key cost, contract, and schedule data; and a discussion of 
the challenges associated with the deviation from relevant indicators 
from best practice standards. The aggregate measures and averages 
calculated were analyzed for meaningful relationships, e.g. 
relationship between cost growth and schedule slippage and knowledge 
maturity attained both at critical milestones and through the various 
stages of the project life cycle. We identified cost and/or schedule 
growth as significant where, in either case, a project's cost and/or 
its schedule exceeded the baselines that trigger reporting to the 

To supplement our analysis, we relied on GAO's work over the past 
years examining acquisition issues across multiple agencies. These 
reports cover such issues as contracting, program management, 
acquisition policy, and estimating cost. GAO also has an extensive 
body of work related to challenges NASA has faced with specific system 
acquisitions, financial management, and cost estimating. This work 
provided the context and basis for large parts of the general 
observations we made about the projects we reviewed. Additionally, the 
discussions with the individual NASA projects helped us identify 
further challenges faced by the projects. Together, the past work and 
additional discussions contributed to our development of a short list 
of challenges discussed for each project. The challenges we identified 
and discussed do not represent an exhaustive or exclusive list. They 
are subject to change and evolution as GAO continues this annual 
assessment in future years. 

Our work was performed primarily at NASA headquarters in Washington, 
D.C. In addition, we visited NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in 
Huntsville, Alabama; Dryden Flight Research Center at Edwards Air 
Force Base in California; and Goddard Space Flight Center in 
Greenbelt, Maryland, to discuss individual projects. We also met with 
representatives from NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena, California 
and a provider of NASA launch services, the United Launch Alliance. 

Data Limitations: 

NASA only provided specific cost and schedule estimates for 14 of the 
19 projects in our review. For one project, the Magnetospheric 
Multiscale project, NASA will not formally release its baseline cost 
and schedule estimates until the fiscal year 2011 budget submission to 
Congress, and late in our review process agency officials notified us 
that they will not provide project estimates to GAO until that time. 
For three of the projects that had not yet entered implementation, 
NASA provided internal preliminary estimated total (life-cycle) cost 
ranges and associated schedules, from key decision point B (KDP-B), 
solely for informational purposes.25 NASA formally establishes cost 
and schedule baselines, committing itself to cost and schedule targets 
for a project with a specific and aligned set of planned mission 
objectives at key decision point C (KDP-C), which follows a non-
advocate review (NAR) and preliminary design review (PDR). KDP-C 
reflects the life-cycle point where NASA approves a project to leave 
the formulation phase and enter into the implementation phase. NASA 
explained that preliminary estimates are generated for internal 
planning and fiscal year budgeting purposes at KDP-B, which occurs mid-
stream in the formulation phase, and hence, are not considered a 
formal commitment by the agency on cost and schedule for the mission 
deliverables. NASA officials contend that because of changes that 
occur to a project's scope and technologies between KDP-B and KDP-C, 
estimates of project cost and schedule can change significantly 
heading toward KDP-C. Finally, NASA did not provide data for the 
Global Precipitation Measurement mission because NASA officials said 
it did not have a requirement for a KDP-B review, because it was 
authorized to be formulated prior to the requirements of NPR 7120.5D 
being in place. 

Project Profile Information on Each Individual Two-Page Assessment: 

This section of the 2-page assessment outlines the essentials of the 
project, its cost and schedule performance, and its status. Project 
essentials reflect pertinent information about each project, 
including, where applicable, the major contractors and partners 
involved in the project. These organizations have primary 
responsibility over a major segment of the project or, in some cases, 
the entire project. 

Project performance is depicted according to cost and schedule changes 
in the various stages of the project life cycle. To assess the cost 
and schedule changes of each project we obtained data directly from 
NASA PA&E and from NASA's Integrated Budget and Performance documents. 
For systems in implementation, we compared the latest available 
information with baseline cost and schedule estimates set for each 
project in the fiscal year 2007, 2008, or 2010 budget request. 

All cost information is presented in nominal "then year" dollars for 
consistency with budget data.[Footnote 26] Baseline costs are adjusted 
to reflect the cost accounting structure in NASA's fiscal year 2009 
budget estimates. For the fiscal year 2009 budget request, NASA 
changed its accounting practices from full-cost accounting to 
reporting only direct costs at the project level. The schedule 
assessment is based on acquisition cycle time, which is defined as the 
number of months between the project start, or formulation start, and 
projected or actual launch date.[Footnote 27] Formulation start 
generally refers to the initiation of a project; NASA refers to project 
start as key decision point A, or the beginning of the formulation 
phase. The preliminary design review typically occurs during the end 
of the formulation phase, followed by a confirmation review, referred 
to as key decision point C, which allows the project to move into the 
implementation phase. The critical design review is held during the 
final design period of implementation and demonstrates that the 
maturity of the design is appropriate to support proceeding with full 
scale fabrication, assembly, integration, and test. Launch readiness 
is determined through a launch readiness review that verifies that the 
launch system and spacecraft/payloads are ready for launch. The 
implementation phase includes the operations of the mission and 
concludes with project disposal. 

We assessed the extent to which NASA projects exceeded their cost and 
schedule baselines. To do this, we compared the project baseline cost 
and schedule estimates with the current cost and schedule data 
reported by the project office in October 2009. 

Project Challenges Discussion on Each Individual Two-Page Assessment: 

To assess the project challenges for each project, we submitted a data 
collection instrument to each project office. We also held interviews 
with representatives from most of the projects to discuss the 
information on the data collection instrument. These discussions led 
to identification of further challenges faced by NASA projects. These 
challenges were largely apparent in the projects that had entered the 
implementation phase. We then reviewed pertinent project 
documentation, such as the project plan, schedule, risk assessments, 
and major project reviews. 

To assess technology maturity, we asked project officials to assess 
the technology readiness levels (TRL) of each of the project's critical
technologies at various stages of project development. Originally 
developed by NASA, TRLs are measured on a scale of one to nine, 
beginning with paper studies of a technology's feasibility and 
culminating with a technology fully integrated into a completed 
product. (See appendix IV for the definitions of technology readiness 
levels.) In most cases, we did not validate the project offices' 
selection of critical technologies or the determination of the 
demonstrated level of maturity. However, we sought to clarify the 
technology readiness levels in those cases where the information 
provided raised concerns, such as where a critical technology was 
reported as immature late in the project development cycle. 
Additionally, we asked project officials to explain the environments 
in which technologies were tested. 

Our best practices work has shown that a technology readiness level of
6—-demonstrating a technology as a fully integrated prototype in a 
relevant environment—-is the level of maturity needed to minimize 
risks for space systems entering product development. In our 
assessment, the technologies that have reached technology readiness 
level 6 are referred to as fully mature because of the difficulty of 
achieving technology readiness level 7, which is demonstrating 
maturity in an operational environment—space. Projects with critical 
technologies that did not achieve maturity by the preliminary design 
review were assessed as having a technology maturity project 
challenge. We did not assess technology maturity for those projects 
which had not yet reached the preliminary design review at the time of 
this assessment.[Footnote 28] 

To assess the complexity of heritage technology, we asked project 
officials to assess the TRL of each of the project's heritage 
technologies at various stages of project development. We also 
interviewed project officials about the use of heritage technologies 
in their projects. We asked them what heritage technologies were being 
used, what effort was needed to modify the form, fit, and function of 
the technology for use in the new system, whether the project 
encountered any problems in modifying the technology, and whether the 
project considered the heritage technology as a risk to the project. 
Heritage technologies were not considered critical technologies
by several of the projects we reviewed. Based on our interviews, 
review of data from the data collection instruments, and previous GAO 
work on space systems, we determined whether complexity of heritage 
technology was a challenge for a particular project. 

To assess design stability, we asked project officials to provide the 
percentage of engineering drawings completed or projected for 
completion by the preliminary and critical design reviews and as of 
our current assessment.[Footnote 29] In most cases, we did not verify 
or validate the percentage of engineering drawings provided by the 
project office. However, we collected the project offices' rationale 
for cases where it appeared that only a small number of drawings were 
completed by the time of the design reviews or where the project 
office reported significant growth in the number of drawings released 
after CDR. In accordance with GAO's best practices, projects were 
assessed as having achieved design stability if they had released at 
least 90 percent of projected drawings by the critical design review. 
Projects that had not met this metric were determined to have a design 
stability project challenge. Though some projects used other methods 
to assess design stability, such as computer and engineering models 
and analyses, we did not analyze the use of these other methods and 
therefore could not assess the design stability of those projects. We 
could not assess design stability for those projects that had not yet 
reached the critical design review at the time of this assessment. 

To assess whether projects encountered challenges with contractor 
performance, we interviewed project officials about their interaction 
and experience with contractors. We also relied on interviews we held 
in 2008 with contractor representatives from Orbital Sciences 
Corporation, Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corporation, and Raytheon 
Space Systems about their experiences contracting with NASA. We were 
informed about contractor performance problems pertaining to their 
workforce, the supplier base, and technical and corporate experience. 
We also discussed the use of contract fees with NASA and contractor's 
representatives. We assessed a project as having this challenge if 
these contractor performance problems—as confirmed by NASA and, where 
possible, the project contractor—caused the project to experience a 
cost overrun, schedule delay, or decrease in mission capability. For 
projects that did not have a major contractor, we considered this 
challenge inapplicable to the project. 

To assess whether projects encountered challenges with development 
partner performance, we interviewed NASA project officials about their 
interaction with international or domestic partners during project 
development. Development partner performance was considered a 
challenge for the project if project officials indicated that domestic 
or foreign partners were experiencing problems with project development
that impacted the cost, schedule, or performance of the project for 
NASA. These challenges were specific to the partner organization or 
caused by a contractor to that partner organization. For projects that 
did not have an international or domestic development partner, we 
considered this challenge not applicable to the project. 

To assess whether projects encountered challenges with funding, we 
interviewed officials from NASA's Program Analysis and Evaluation 
Division, NASA project officials, and project contractors about the 
stability of funding throughout the project life-cycle. Funding 
stability was considered a challenge if officials indicated that 
project funding had been interrupted or delayed resulting in an impact 
to the cost, schedule, or performance of the project, or if project 
officials indicated that the project budgets do not have sufficient 
funding in certain years based on the work expected to be 
accomplished. We corroborated the funding changes and reasons with 
budget documents when available. 

To assess whether projects encountered challenges with their launch 
manifests, we interviewed NASA Launch Services officials and officials 
from one of NASA's contracted providers for launch services about 
project launch scheduling, launch windows, and projects that missed 
their opportunities. Launch manifest was considered a challenge if, 
after establishing a firm launch date, a project had difficulty 
rescheduling its launch date because it was not ready, if the project 
could be affected by another project slipping its launch, or if there 
were launch vehicle fleet issues. Projects that have not yet entered 
into the implementation phase have not yet set a firm launch date and 
were therefore not assessed. 

In addition, NASA received an appropriation from the American Recovery 
and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). NASA provided a record of 
projects involved in our review that received ARRA funds.
The individual project offices were given an opportunity to comment on 
and provide technical clarifications to the 2-page assessments prior 
to their inclusion in the final product. 

We conducted this performance audit from April 2009 to February 2010 
in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards. 
Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain 
sufficient, appropriate evidence to provide a reasonable basis for our 
findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives. We believe 
that the evidence obtained provides a reasonable basis for our 
findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives. 

[End of section] 

Appendix III: NASA Life Cycle For Flight Systems Compared to a 
Knowledge-Based Approach: 

GAO has previously conducted work on NASA's acquisition policy for 
spaceflight systems, and in particular, on its alignment with a 
knowledge-based approach to system acquisitions. The figure below 
depicts this alignment. 

Figure 3: NASA's Life Cycle for Flight Systems Compared to a Knowledge-
Based Approach: 

[Refer to PDF for image: illustration] 

NASA's life cycle for flight systems and ground support projects: 


Pre-phase A: Concept studies; 

Phase A: Concept development; 

Phase B: Preliminary design and technology completion; 


Phase C: Final design and fabrication; 

Phase D: System assembly, integration and test, launch; 

Phase E: Operations and sustainment; 

Phase F: Closeout. 

Knowledge-based approach: 

Concept and technology development: 
Knowledge point 1 (KP1): Technologies, time, funding, and other 
resources match customer needs (Program start). 

Product development: Integration; Demonstration; 
Knowledge point 2 (KP2): Design performs as expected. 

Knowledge point 3 (KP3): Production meets cost, schedule, and quality 

Management decision reviews: 
Pre-NAR = preliminary non-advocate review; 
NAR = non-advocate review; 
KDP = key decision point. 

Technical reviews: 
SDR = system definition review; 
PDR = preliminary design review; 
CDR = critical design review. 

Source: NASA data and GAO analysis. 

[End of figure] 

As the figure shows, NASA's policy defines a project life cycle in two 
phases—the formulation[Footnote 30] and implementation[Footnote 31] 
phases, which are further divided into incremental pieces: Phase A 
through Phase E Project formulation consists of Phases A and B, during 
which time the projects develop and define the project requirements 
and cost/schedule basis and design for implementation, including an 
acquisition strategy. During the end of the formulation phase, leading 
up to the preliminary design review (PDR)[Footnote 32] and non-
advocate review (NAR),[Footnote 33] the project team completes its 
preliminary design and technology development. NASA Interim Directive 
NM 7120-81 for NASA Procedural Requirements 7120.5D, NASA Space Flight 
Program and Project Management Requirements, specify that the project 
complete development of mission-critical or enabling technology, as 
needed, with demonstrated evidence of required technology 
qualification (i.e., component and/or breadboard validation in the 
relevant environment) documented in a technology readiness assessment 
report. The project must also develop, document, and maintain a 
project management baseline[Footnote 34] that includes the integrated 
master schedule and baseline life-cycle cost estimate. Implementing 
these requirements brings the project closer to ensuring that 
resources and needs match, but it is not fully consistent with 
knowledge point 1 of the knowledge-based acquisition life-cycle. Our 
best practices show that demonstrating technology maturity at this 
point in the system life cycle should include a system or subsystem 
model or prototype demonstration in a relevant environment, not only 
component validation. As written, NASA's policy does not require full 
technology maturity before a project enters the implementation phase. 

After project confirmation, the project begins implementation, 
consisting of phases C, D, E, and F. During phases C and D, the 
project performs final design and fabrication as well as testing of 
components and system assembly, integration, test, and launch. Phases 
E and F consist of operations and sustainment and project closeout. A 
second design review, the critical design review (CDR),[Footnote 35] 
is held during the implementation phase toward the end of phase C. The 
purpose of the CDR is to demonstrate that the maturity of the design 
is appropriate to support proceeding with full scale fabrication, 
assembly, integration, and test. Though this review is not a formal 
decision review, its requirements for a mature design and ability
to meet mission performance requirements within the identified cost 
and schedule constraints are similar to knowledge expected at 
knowledge point 2 of the knowledge-based acquisition life-cycle. 
Furthermore, after CDR, the project must be approved at EDP D before 
continuing into the next phase. 

The NASA acquisition life-cycle lacks a major decision review at 
knowledge point 3 to demonstrate that production processes are mature. 
According to NASA officials, the agency rarely enters a formal 
production phase due to the small quantities of space systems that 
they build. 

[End of section] 

Appendix IV: Technology Readiness Levels: 

Technology readiness level: 1. Basic principles observed and reported. 
Description: Lowest level of technology readiness. Scientific research 
begins to be translated into applied research and development. 
Examples might include paper studies of a technology's basic 
Hardware: None (paper studies and analysis); 
Demonstration environment: None. 

Technology readiness level: 2. Technology concept and/or application 
Description: Invention begins. Once basic principles are observed, 
practical applications can be invented. The application is speculative 
and there is no proof or detailed analysis to support the assumption. 
Examples are still limited to paper studies. 
Hardware: None (paper studies and None analysis); 
Demonstration environment: None. 

Technology readiness level: 3. Analytical and experimental critical 
function and/or characteristic proof of concept. 
Description: Active research and development is initiated. This 
includes analytical studies and laboratory studies to physically 
validate analytical predictions of separate elements of the 
technology. Examples include components that are not yet integrated or 
Hardware: Analytical studies and demonstration of nonscale individual 
components (pieces of subsystem); 
Demonstration environment: Lab. 
Technology readiness level: 4. Component and/or breadboard.	
Validation in laboratory environment. 
Description: Basic technological components are integrated to 
establish that the pieces will work together. This is relatively "low 
fidelity' compared to the eventual system. Examples include 
integration of "ad hoc" hardware in a laboratory. 
Hardware: Low fidelity breadboard. Integration of nonscale components 
to show pieces will work together. Not fully functional or form or fit 
but representative of technically feasible approach suitable for 
flight articles. 
Demonstration environment: Lab. 

Technology readiness level: 5. Component and/or breadboard validation 
in relevant environment. 
Description: Fidelity of breadboard technology increases 
significantly. The basic technological components are integrated with 
reasonably realistic supporting elements so that the technology can be 
tested in a simulated environment. Examples include "high fidelity" 
laboratory integration of components. 
Hardware: High fidelity breadboard. Functionally equivalent but not 
necessarily form and/or fit (size weight, materials, etc). Should be 
approaching appropriate scale. May include integration of several 
components with reasonably realistic support elements/subsystems to 
demonstrate functionality. 
Demonstration environment: Lab demonstrating functionality but not 
form and fit. May include flight demonstrating breadboard in surrogate 
aircraft. Technology ready for detailed design studies. 

Technology readiness level: 6. System/subsystem model or prototype 
demonstration in a relevant environment. 
Description: Representative model or prototype system, which is well 
beyond the breadboard tested for TRL 5, is tested in a relevant 
Represents a major step up in a technology’s demonstrated readiness. 
Examples include testing a prototype in a high fidelity laboratory 
environment or in simulated realistic environment. 
Hardware: Prototype. Should be very close to form, fit and function. 
Probably includes the integration of many new components and realistic 
supporting elements/subsystems if needed to demonstrate full 
functionality of the subsystem. 
Demonstration environment: High-fidelity lab demonstration or 
limited/restricted flight demonstration for a relevant environment. 
Integration of technology is well defined. 

Technology readiness level: 7. System prototype demonstration in a 
realistic environment. 
Description: Prototype near or at planned operational system. 
Represents a major step up from TRL 6, requiring the demonstration of 
an actual system prototype in a realistic environment, such as in an 
aircraft, vehicle or space. Examples include testing the prototype in 
a test bed aircraft. 
Hardware: Prototype. Should be form, fit and function integrated with 
other key supporting elements/subsystems to demonstrate full 
functionality of subsystem. 
Demonstration environment: Flight demonstration in representative 
realistic environment such as flying test bed or demonstrator 
aircraft. Technology is well substantiated with test data. 

Technology readiness level: 8. Actual system completed and “flight 
qualified” through test and demonstration. 
Description: Technology has been proven to work in its final form and 
under expected conditions. In almost all cases, this TRL represents 
the end of true system development. Examples include developmental 
test and evaluation of the system in its intended weapon system to 
determine if it meets design specifications.
Hardware: Flight qualified hardware. 
Demonstration environment: Development Test and Evaluation (DT&E) in 
the actual system application. 

Technology readiness level: 9. Actual system “flight proven” through 
successful mission operations. 
Description: Actual application of the technology in its final form 
and under mission conditions, such as those encountered in operational 
test and evaluation. In almost all cases, this is the end of the last 
"bug fixing" aspects of true system development. Examples include 
using the system under operational mission conditions. 
Hardware: Actual system in final form. 
Demonstration environment: Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E) in 
operational mission conditions. 

Source: GAO and its analysis of National Aeronautics and Space 
Administration data. 

[End of table] 

[End of section] 

Appendix V: NASA Projects Receiving Additional Funding: 

There are 7 NASA projects in our review, including all of those in 
formulation, that are receiving money from the American Recovery and 
Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009.[Footnote 36] See table 4 below for 
the NASA projects in our review receiving this funding and the 
intended use of those funds. 

Table 4: ARRA Funding for Reviewed NASA Projects: 

Project: Aquarius; 
ARRA funds: $15.6 million; 
NASA's Intended use of funds: 	
* Maintain the current workforce through the launch. 

Project: Ares I; 
ARRA funds: $108.9 million; 
NASA's Intended use of funds: 
* Manufacture and assemble multiple Ares J2-X engine components and 
subsystems for development testing. 
* Ares Upper Stage Vertical Assembly Tool materials, test equipment, 
engineering analysis and manufacturing process development at Marshall 
Space Flight Center.
* Completion of the Ares A-3 Test Stand and preparation for test 

Project: Glory; 
ARRA funds: $21.0 million; 
NASA's Intended use of funds: 
* Maintain the current contractor workforce through the launch. 

Project: GPM; 
ARRA funds: $32.0 million; 
NASA's Intended use of funds: 
* Accelerate construction of the GPM Microwave Imager (GMI) 
instruments to ensure successful launch of the mission at the earliest 
possible opportunity. 

Project: JWST; 
ARRA funds: $75.0 million; 
NASA's Intended use of funds: 
* Spacecraft development activities including design and fabrication 
of key component systems to increase the likelihood that JWST will 
launch on the planned launch date. 

Project: LDCM; 
ARRA funds: $51.6 million; 
NASA's Intended use of funds: 
* Initiate development of the TIRS and integration of the instrument 
onto the spacecraft. 

Project: Orion; 
ARRA funds: $165.9 million; 
NASA's Intended use of funds: 
* Reduce schedule risk by initiating purchases of long lead components 
and moving forward with the design of Orion Engineering Development 
* Reduce technical risk by adding additional fidelity to the Orion 
Ground Test Articles. 
* Technology development testing to improve the crew safety of the 
Orion spacecraft. 

Source: GAO presentation of data provided by NASA. 

[End of section] 

Appendix VI: GAO Contact and Staff Acknowledgments: 

GAO Contact: 

Cristina Chaplain (202) 512-4841 or 


In addition to the contact named above, Jim Morrison, Assistant 
Director; Jessica M. Berkholtz; Greg Campbell; Richard A. Cederholm; 
Kristine R. Hassinger, Jeff R. Jensen; Kenneth E. Patton; Brian A. 
Tittle; and Letisha T. Watson made key contributions to this report. 

[End of section] 


[1] GAO, NASA: Assessments of Selected Large-Scale Projects, 
[hyperlink,] (Washington, 
D.C.: Mar. 2, 2009). 

[2] If development cost of a program will exceed the baseline estimate 
by more than 30 percent, then NASA is required to seek reauthorization 
from Congress in order to continue the program. If the program is 
reauthorized, NASA is required to establish new cost and schedule 
baselines. 42 U.S.C. § 16613(e). 

[3] National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act of 
2005, Pub. L. No. 109161, §103; 42 U.S.C. § 16613(b). 

[4] 42 U.S.C. § 16613(d). 

[5] Pub. L. No. 111-5, 123 Stat. 115, Division A, Title II (2009). 

[6] NASA did not provide cost or schedule data for the Magnetospheric 
Multiscale (MMS) project despite that project being in the 
implementation phase. NASA did provide preliminary estimates in the 
form of cost ranges for three of the four projects in the formulation 
phase. Since the values provided were ranges, rather than specific 
values, we did not include these projects in our analysis. Further, 
the agency did not provide schedule baselines for these projects so we 
could not determine any schedule changes they experienced. 

[7] NASA is required to report to Congress if development cost of a 
program is likely to exceed the baseline estimate by 15 percent or 
more, or if a milestone is likely to be delayed by 6 months or more. 
42 U.S.C. § 16613(d). 

[8] GAO, Defense Acquisitions: Key Decisions to Be Made on Future 
Combat System, [hyperlink,] 
(Washington, D.C.: Mar. 15, 2007); Defense Acquisitions: Improved 
Business Case Key for Future Combat System's Success, [hyperlink,] (Washington, D.C.: Apr. 4, 
2006); NASA: Implementing a Knowledge-Based Acquisition Framework 
Could Lead to Better Investment Decisions and Project Outcomes, 
[hyperlink,] (Washington, D.C.: 
Dec. 21, 2005); NASA's Space Vision: Business Case for Prometheus 1 
Needed to Ensure Requirements Match Available Resources, [hyperlink,] (Washington, D.C.: Feb. 28, 

[9] [hyperlink,]. 

[10] The revised policy, issued March 6, 2007, is NASA Procedural 
Requirements 7120.5D, NASA Spaceflight Program and Project Management 
Requirements (Mar. 6, 2007). On September 22, 2009, NASA Interim 
Directive (NID) NM 7120-81 for NASA Procedural Requirements (NPR) 
7120.5D was issued, hereinafter cited as MD for NPR 7120.5D (Sept. 22, 

[11] MD for NPR 7120.5D, paragraph 2.4.2 (Sept. 22, 2009). 

[12] GAO, High-Risk Series: An Update, [hyperlink,] (Washington, D.C.: Jan. 2007). 

[13] National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Plan for 
Improvement in the GAO High-Risk Area of Contract Management (Oct. 31, 

[14] For purposes of our analysis, cost or schedule growth is 
significant if it exceeds the baseline thresholds that trigger 
reporting to Congress under the law. The thresholds are development 
cost growth of 15 percent or more from the baseline cost estimate or a 
milestone delay of 6 months or more beyond the baseline schedule 
estimate. 42 U.S.C. § 16613(d). 

[15] 42 U.S.C. § 16613(b). 

[16] If development cost of a program will exceed the baseline 
estimate by more than 30 percent, then NASA is required to seek 
reauthorization from Congress in order to continue the program. If the 
program is reauthorized, NASA is required to establish new cost and 
schedule baselines. 42 U.S.C. § 16613(e). 

[17] 42 U.S.C. § 16613(e). 

[18] The "product development" stage on GAO's knowledge-based approach 
is equivalent to "implementation" on NASA's life cycle, see appendix 

[19] NASA Procedural Requirements (NPR) 7123.1A, NASA Systems 
Engineering Processes and Requirements, Appendix G, paragraph G.19(b) 
(Mar. 26, 2007). 

[20] Appendix IV provides a description of the metrics used to assess 
technology maturity. 

[21] Projects will modify the form, fit, and function of a heritage 
technology to adapt to the new environment. For example, the size or 
the weight of the component may change or the technology may function 
differently than its use in a previous mission. 

[22] NASA reported to the Congress that these projects had exceeded 
their cost and/or schedule baselines. 42 U.S.C. § 16613(d). 

[23] United Launch Alliance is a provider of launch services to the 
U.S. Government. 

[24] We originally collected information on 21 projects, but two 
missions—Dawn and the Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope—were later 
excluded since they were both in continuing operations and development 
teams were no longer available to be interviewed. 

[25] These missions include Ares I, the Landsat Data Continuity 
Mission, and Orion. 

[26] Because of changes in NASA's accounting structure, its historical 
cost data are relatively inconsistent. As such, we used "then-year" 
dollars to report data consistent with the data NASA reported to us. 

[27] Some projects reported that their spacecraft would be ready for 
launch sooner than the date that the launch authority could provide 
actual launch services. In these cases, we used the actual launch date 
for our analysis rather than the date that the project reported 

[28] According to NASA officials, projects that were in formulation at 
the time of the agency's 2007 revision of its project management 
policy are required to comply with that policy. Projects that had 
already entered implementation at the time of the revision were 
directed to implement those requirements that would not adversely 
affect the project's cost and schedule baselines. 

[29] In our calculation for percentage of total number of drawings 
projected for release, we used the number of drawings released at 
critical design review as a fraction of the total number of drawings 
projected, including where a growth in drawings occurred. So, the 
denominator in the calculation may have been larger than what was 
projected at the critical design review. We believe that this more 
accurately reflected the design stability of the project. 

[30] NASA defines formulation as the identification of how the program 
or project supports the agency's strategic needs, goals, and 
objectives; the assessment of feasibility, technology and concepts; 
risk assessment, team building, development of operations concepts and 
acquisition strategies; establishment of high-level requirements and 
success criteria; the preparation of plans, budgets, and schedules 
essential to the success of a program or project; and the 
establishment of control systems to ensure performance to those plans 
and alignment with current agency strategies. NID for NPR 7120.5D, 
paragraph 1.2.1(a) (Sept. 22, 2009). 

[31] The implementation phase is defined as the execution of approved 
plans for the development and operation of the program/project, and 
the use of control systems to ensure performance to approved plans and 
continued alignment with the agency's strategic needs, goals, and 
objectives. NID for NPR 7120.5D, paragraph 1.2.1(c) (Sept. 22, 2009). 

[32] According to MD for NPR 7120.5D, Table 2-7 (Sept. 22, 2009), the 
PDR demonstrates that the preliminary design meets all system 
requirements with acceptable risk and within the cost and schedule 
constraints and establishes the basis for proceeding with detailed 
design. It shows that the correct design option has been selected, 
interfaces have been identified, and verification methods have been 
described. Full baseline cost and schedules, as well as risk 
assessments, management systems, and metrics are presented. 

[33] According to MD for NPR 7120.5D, Appendix A (Sept. 22, 2009), a 
non-advocate review (NAR) is comprised of the analysis of a proposed 
program or project by a (non-advocate) team composed of management, 
technical, and resources experts (personnel) from outside the advocacy 
chain of the proposed program or project. It provides agency 
management with an independent assessment of the readiness of the 
program/project to proceed into implementation. 

[34] The management baseline is the integrated set of requirements, 
cost, schedule, technical content, and associated joint confidence 
level that forms the foundation for program or project execution and 
reporting done as part of NASAs performance assessment and governance 
process. MD for NPR 7120.5D, paragraph and Appendix A (Sept. 
22, 2009). 

[35] According to MD for NPR 7120.5D, Table 2-7 (Sept. 22, 2009), the 
CDR demonstrates that the maturity of the design is appropriate to 
support proceeding with full scale fabrication, assembly, integration, 
and test, and that the technical effort is on track to complete the 
flight and ground system development and mission operations in order 
to meet mission performance requirements within the identified cost 
and schedule constraints. Progress against management plans, budget, 
and schedule, as well as risk assessments are presented. 

[36] Pub. L. No. 111-5, 123 Stat. 115, Division A, Title II (2009). 

[End of section] 

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Congressional Relations: 

Ralph Dawn, Managing Director, 
(202) 512-4400: 
U.S. Government Accountability Office: 
441 G Street NW, Room 7125: 
Washington, D.C. 20548: 

Public Affairs: 

Chuck Young, Managing Director, 
(202) 512-4800: 
U.S. Government Accountability Office: 
441 G Street NW, Room 7149: 
Washington, D.C. 20548: