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entitled 'Program Evaluation: A Variety of Rigorous Methods Can Help 
Identify Effective Interventions' which was released on November 23, 

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Report to Congressional Requesters: 

United States Government Accountability Office: 

November 2009: 

Program Evaluation: 

A Variety of Rigorous Methods Can Help Identify Effective 


GAO Highlights: 

Highlights of GAO-10-30, a report to congressional requesters. 

Why GAO Did This Study: 

Recent congressional initiatives seek to focus funds for certain 
federal social programs on interventions for which randomized 
experiments show sizable, sustained benefits to participants or 
society. The private, nonprofit Coalition for Evidence-Based Policy 
undertook the Top Tier Evidence initiative to help federal programs 
identify interventions that meet this standard. 

GAO was asked to examine (1) the validity and transparency of the 
Coalition’s process, (2) how its process compared to that of six 
federally supported efforts to identify effective interventions, (3) 
the types of interventions best suited for assessment with randomized 
experiments, and (4) alternative rigorous methods used to assess 
effectiveness. GAO reviewed documents, observed the Coalition’s 
advisory panel deliberate on interventions meeting its top tier 
standard, and reviewed other documents describing the processes the 
federally supported efforts had used. GAO reviewed the literature on 
evaluation methods and consulted experts on the use of randomized 

The Coalition generally agreed with the findings. The Departments of 
Education and Health and Human Services provided technical comments on 
a draft of this report. The Department of Justice provided no comments. 

What GAO Found: 

The Coalition’s Top Tier Evidence initiative criteria for assessing 
evaluation quality conform to general social science research 
standards, but other features of its overall process differ from common 
practice for drawing conclusions about intervention effectiveness. The 
Top Tier initiative clearly describes how it identifies candidate 
interventions but is not as transparent about how it determines whether 
an intervention meets the top tier criteria. In the absence of detailed 
guidance, the panel defined sizable and sustained effects through case 
discussion. Over time, it increasingly obtained agreement on whether an 
intervention met the top tier criteria.  

The major difference in rating study quality between the Top Tier and 
the six other initiatives examined is a product of the Top Tier 
standard as set out in certain legislative provisions: the other 
efforts accept well-designed, well-conducted, nonrandomized studies as 
credible evidence. The Top Tier initiative’s choice of broad topics 
(such as early childhood interventions), emphasis on long-term effects, 
and use of narrow evidence criteria combine to provide limited 
information on what is effective in achieving specific outcomes. The 
panel recommended only 6 of 63 interventions reviewed as providing “
sizeable, sustained effects on important outcomes.” The other 
initiatives acknowledge a continuum of evidence credibility by 
reporting an intervention’s effectiveness on a scale of high to low 

The program evaluation literature generally agrees that well-conducted 
randomized experiments are best suited for assessing effectiveness when 
multiple causal influences create uncertainty about what caused 
results. However, they are often difficult, and sometimes impossible, 
to carry out. An evaluation must be able to control exposure to the 
intervention and ensure that treatment and control groups’ experiences 
remain separate and distinct throughout the study. 

Several rigorous alternatives to randomized experiments are considered 
appropriate for other situations: quasi-experimental comparison group 
studies, statistical analyses of observational data, and—in some 
circumstances—in-depth case studies. The credibility of their estimates 
of program effects relies on how well the studies’ designs rule out 
competing causal explanations. Collecting additional data and targeting 
comparisons can help rule out other explanations. 

GAO concludes that: 

* requiring evidence from randomized studies as sole proof of 
effectiveness will likely exclude many potentially effective and 
worthwhile practices; 

* reliable assessments of evaluation results require research expertise 
but can be improved with detailed protocols and training; 

* deciding to adopt an intervention involves other considerations in 
addition to effectiveness, such as cost and suitability to the local 
community; and; 

* improved evaluation quality would also help identify effective 

What GAO Recommends: 

GAO makes no recommendations. 

View [hyperlink,] or key 
components. For more information, contact Nancy Kingsbury at (202) 512-
2700 or 

[End of section] 




Top Tier Initiative's Process Is Mostly Transparent: 

Top Tier Follows Rigorous Standards but Is Limited for Identifying 
Effective Interventions: 

Randomized Experiments Can Provide the Most Credible Evidence of 
Effectiveness under Certain Conditions: 

Rigorous Alternatives to Random Assignment Are Available: 

Concluding Observations: 

Agency and Third-Party Comments: 

Appendix I: Steps Seven Evidence-Based Initiatives Take to Identify 
Effective Interventions: 

Appendix II: Comments from the Coalition for Evidence-Based Policy: 

Appendix III: GAO Contact and Staff Acknowledgments: 


Related GAO Products: 


AHRQ: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: 

CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: 

EPC: Evidence-based Practice Centers: 

GPRA: Government Performance and Results Act of 1993: 

HHS: Department of Health and Human Services: 

MPG: Model Programs Guide: 

NREPP: National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices: 

OMB: Office of Management and Budget: 

PART: Program Assessment Rating Tool: 

PRS: HIV/AIDS Prevention Research Synthesis: 

SAMHSA: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration: 

SCHIP: State Children's Health Insurance Program: 

WWC: What Works Clearinghouse: 

[End of section] 

United States Government Accountability Office: 
Washington, DC 20548: 

November 23, 2009: 

The Honorable Joseph I. Lieberman: 
The Honorable Susan M. Collins: 
Ranking Member: 
Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs: 
United States Senate: 

The Honorable Mary L. Landrieu: 
Subcommittee on Disaster Recovery: 
Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs: 
United States Senate: 

Several recent congressional initiatives seek to focus funds in certain 
federal social programs on activities for which the evidence of 
effectiveness is rigorous--specifically, well-designed randomized 
controlled trials showing sizable, sustained benefits to program 
participants or society. To help agencies, grantees, and others 
implement the relevant legislative provisions effectively, the private, 
nonprofit Coalition for Evidence-Based Policy launched the Top Tier 
Evidence initiative in 2008 to identify and validate social 
interventions meeting the standard of evidence set out in these 
provisions. In requesting this report, you expressed interest in 
knowing whether limiting the search for effective interventions to 
those that had been tested against these particular criteria might 
exclude from consideration other important interventions. To learn 
whether the Coalition's approach could be valuable in helping federal 
agencies implement such funding requirements, you asked GAO to 
independently assess the Coalition's approach. GAO's review focused on 
the following questions. 

1. How valid and transparent is the process the Coalition used-- 
searching, selecting, reviewing, and synthesizing procedures and 
criteria--to identify social interventions that meet the standard of 
"well-designed randomized controlled trials showing sizable, sustained 
effects on important outcomes"? 

2. How do the Coalition's choices of procedures and criteria compare to 
(a) generally accepted design and analysis techniques for identifying 
effective interventions and (b) similar standards and processes other 
federal agencies use to evaluate similar efforts? 

3. What types of interventions do randomized controlled experiments 
appear to be best suited to assessing effectiveness? 

4. For intervention types for which randomized controlled experiments 
appear not to be well suited, what alternative forms of evaluation are 
used to successfully assess effectiveness? 

To assess the Coalition's Top Tier initiative, we reviewed documents, 
conducted interviews, and observed the deliberations of its advisory 
panel, who determined which interventions met the "top tier" evidence 
standard--well-designed, randomized controlled trials showing sizable, 
sustained benefits to program participants or society. We evaluated the 
transparency of the initiative's process against its own publicly 
stated procedures and criteria, including the top tier evidence 
standard. To assess the validity of the Coalition's approach, we 
compared its procedures and criteria to those recommended in program 
evaluation textbooks and related publications, as well as to the 
processes actually used by six federally supported initiatives with a 
similar purpose to the Coalition. Through interviews and database 
searches, we identified six initiatives supported by the U.S. 
Department of Education, Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), 
and Department of Justice that also conduct systematic reviews of 
evaluation evidence to identify effective interventions.[Footnote 1] We 
ascertained the procedures and criteria these federally supported 
efforts used from interviews and document reviews. 

We identified the types of interventions for which randomized 
controlled experiments--the Coalition's primary evidence criterion-- 
are best suited and alternative methods for assessing effectiveness by 
reviewing the program evaluation methodology literature and by having 
our summaries of that literature reviewed by a diverse set of experts 
in the field. We obtained reviews from seven experts who had published 
on evaluation methodology, held leadership positions in the field, and 
had experience in diverse subject areas and methodologies. 

We conducted this performance audit from May 2008 through November 2009 
in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards. 
Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain 
sufficient, appropriate evidence to provide a reasonable basis for our 
findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives. We believe that 
the evidence obtained provides a reasonable basis for our findings and 
conclusions based on our audit objectives. 


Over the past two decades, several efforts have been launched to 
improve federal government accountability and results, such as the 
strategic plans and annual performance reports required under the 
Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA). The act was 
designed to provide executive and congressional decision makers with 
objective information on the relative effectiveness and efficiency of 
federal programs and spending. In 2002, the Office of Management and 
Budget (OMB) introduced the Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) as a 
key element of the budget and performance integration initiative under 
President George W. Bush's governmentwide Management Agenda. PART is a 
standard set of questions meant to serve as a diagnostic tool, drawing 
on available program performance and evaluation information to form 
conclusions about program benefits and recommend adjustments that may 
improve results. 

The success of these efforts has been constrained by lack of access to 
credible evidence on program results. We previously reported that the 
PART review process has stimulated agencies to increase their 
evaluation capacity and available information on program results. 
[Footnote 2] After 4 years of PART reviews, however, OMB rated 17 
percent of 1,015 programs "results not demonstrated"--that is, did not 
have acceptable performance goals or performance data. Many federal 
programs, while tending to have limited evaluation resources, require 
program evaluation studies, rather than performance measures, in order 
to distinguish a program's effects from those of other influences on 

Program evaluations are systematic studies that assess how well a 
program is working, and they are individually tailored to address the 
client's research question. Process (or implementation) evaluations 
assess the extent to which a program is operating as intended. Outcome 
evaluations assess the extent to which a program is achieving its 
outcome-oriented objectives but may also examine program processes to 
understand how outcomes are produced. When external factors such as 
economic or environmental conditions are known to influence a program's 
outcomes, an impact evaluation may be used in an attempt to measure a 
program's net effect by comparing outcomes with an estimate of what 
would have occurred in the absence of the program intervention. A 
number of methodologies are available to estimate program impact, 
including experimental and nonexperimental designs. 

Concern about the quality of social program evaluation has led to calls 
for greater use of randomized experiments--a method used more widely in 
evaluations of medical than social science interventions. Randomized 
controlled trials (or randomized experiments) compare the outcomes for 
groups that were randomly assigned either to the treatment or to a 
nonparticipating control group before the intervention, in an effort to 
control for any systematic difference between the groups that could 
account for a difference in their outcomes. A difference in these 
groups' outcomes is believed to represent the program's impact. While 
random assignment is considered a highly rigorous approach in assessing 
program effectiveness, it is not the only rigorous research design 
available and is not always feasible. 

The Coalition for Evidence-Based Policy is a private, nonprofit 
organization that was sponsored by the Council for Excellence in 
Government from 2001 until the Council closed in 2009. The Coalition 
aims to improve the effectiveness of social programs by encouraging 
federal agencies to fund rigorous studies--particularly randomized 
controlled trials--to identify effective interventions and to provide 
strong incentives and assistance for federal funding recipients to 
adopt such interventions.[Footnote 3] Coalition staff have advised OMB 
and federal agencies on how to identify rigorous evaluations of program 
effectiveness, and they manage a Web site called "Social Programs That 
Work" that provides examples of evidence-based programs to "provide 
policymakers and practitioners with clear, actionable information on 
what works, as demonstrated in scientifically-valid studies...." 
[Footnote 4] 

In 2008, the Coalition launched a similar but more formal effort, the 
Top Tier Evidence initiative, to identify only interventions that have 
been shown in "well-designed and implemented randomized controlled 
trials, preferably conducted in typical community settings, to produce 
sizeable, sustained benefits to participants and/or society."[Footnote 
5] At the same time, it introduced an advisory panel of evaluation 
researchers and former government officials to make the final 
determination. The Coalition has promoted the adoption of this 
criterion in legislation to direct federal funds toward strategies 
supported by rigorous evidence. By identifying interventions meeting 
this criterion, the Top Tier Evidence initiative aims to assist 
agencies, grantees, and others in implementing such provisions 

Federally Supported Initiatives to Identify Effective Interventions: 

Because of the flexibility provided to recipients of many federal 
grants, achieving these federal programs' goals relies heavily on 
agencies' ability to influence their state and local program partners' 
choice of activities. In the past decade, several public and private 
efforts have been patterned after the evidence-based practice model in 
medicine to summarize available effectiveness research on social 
interventions to help managers and policymakers identify and adopt 
effective practices. The Department of Education, HHS, and Department 
of Justice support six initiatives similar to the Coalition's to 
identify effective social interventions. These initiatives conduct 
systematic searches for and review the quality of evaluations of 
intervention effectiveness in a given field and have been operating for 
several years. 

We examined the processes used by these six ongoing federally supported 
efforts to identify effective interventions in order to provide insight 
into the choices of procedures and criteria that other independent 
organizations made in attempting to achieve a similar outcome as the 
Top Tier initiative: to identify interventions with rigorous evidence 
of effectiveness. The Top Tier initiative, however, aims to identify 
not all effective interventions but only those supported by the most 
definitive evidence of effectiveness. The processes each of these 
initiatives (including Top Tier) takes to identify effective 
interventions are summarized in appendix I. 

Evidence-Based Practice Centers: 

In 1997, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) 
established the Evidence-based Practice Centers (EPC) (there are 
currently 14) to provide evidence on the relative benefits and risks of 
a wide variety of health care interventions to inform health care 
decisions.[Footnote 6] EPCs perform comprehensive reviews and 
synthesize scientific evidence to compare health treatments, including 
pharmaceuticals, devices, and other types of interventions. The 
reviews, with a priority on topics that impose high costs on the 
Medicare, Medicaid, or State Children's Health Insurance (SCHIP) 
programs, provide evidence about effectiveness and harms and point out 
gaps in research. The reviews are intended to help clinicians and 
patients choose the best tests and treatments and to help policy makers 
make informed decisions about health care services and quality 
improvement.[Footnote 7] 

The Guide to Community Preventive Services: 

HHS established the Guide to Community Preventive Services (the 
Community Guide) in 1996 to provide evidence-based recommendations and 
findings about public health interventions and policies to improve 
health and promote safety. With the support of the Centers for Disease 
Control and Prevention (CDC), the Community Guide synthesizes the 
scientific literature to identify the effectiveness, economic 
efficiency, and feasibility of program and policy interventions to 
promote community health and prevent disease. The Task Force on 
Community Preventive Services, an independent, nonfederal, volunteer 
body of public health and prevention experts, guides the selection of 
review topics and uses the evidence gathered to develop recommendations 
to change risk behaviors, address environmental and ecosystem 
challenges, and reduce disease, injury, and impairment. Intended users 
include public health professionals, legislators and policy makers, 
community-based organizations, health care service providers, 
researchers, employers, and others who purchase health care services. 
[Footnote 8] 

HIV/AIDS Prevention Research Synthesis: 

CDC established the HIV/AIDS Prevention Research Synthesis (PRS) in 
1996 to review and summarize HIV behavioral prevention research 
literature. PRS conducts systematic reviews to identify evidence-based 
HIV behavioral interventions with proven efficacy in preventing the 
acquisition or transmission of HIV infection (reducing HIV-related risk 
behaviors, sexually transmitted diseases, HIV incidence, or promoting 
protective behaviors). These reviews are intended to translate 
scientific research into practice by providing a compendium of evidence-
based interventions to HIV prevention planners and providers and state 
and local health departments for help with selecting interventions best 
suited to the needs of the community.[Footnote 9] 

Model Programs Guide: 

The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention established 
the Model Programs Guide (MPG) in 2000 to identify effective programs 
to prevent and reduce juvenile delinquency and related risk factors 
such as substance abuse. MPG conducts reviews to identify effective 
intervention and prevention programs on the following topics: 
delinquency; violence; youth gang involvement; alcohol, tobacco, and 
drug use; academic difficulties; family functioning; trauma exposure or 
sexual activity and exploitation; and accompanying mental health 
issues. MPG produces a database of intervention and prevention programs 
intended for juvenile justice practitioners, program administrators, 
and researchers.[Footnote 10] 

National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices: 

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) 
established the National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and 
Practices (NREPP) in 1997 and provides the public with information 
about the scientific basis and practicality of interventions that 
prevent or treat mental health and substance abuse disorders.[Footnote 
11] NREPP reviews interventions to identify those that promote mental 
health and prevent or treat mental illness, substance use, or co-
occurring disorders among individuals, communities, or populations. 
NREPP produces a database of interventions that can help practitioners 
and community-based organizations identify and select interventions 
that may address their particular needs and match their specific 
capacities and resources.[Footnote 12] 

What Works Clearinghouse: 

The Institute of Education Sciences established the What Works 
Clearinghouse (WWC) in 2002 to provide educators, policymakers, 
researchers, and the public with a central source of scientific 
evidence on what improves student outcomes. WWC reviews research on the 
effectiveness of replicable educational interventions (programs, 
products, practices, and policies) to improve student achievement in 
areas such as mathematics, reading, early childhood education, English 
language, and dropout prevention. The WWC Web site reports information 
on the effectiveness of interventions through a searchable database and 
summary reports on the scientific evidence.[Footnote 13] 

Top Tier Initiative's Process Is Mostly Transparent: 

The Coalition provides a clear public description on its Web site of 
the first two phases of its process--search and selection to identify 
candidate interventions. It primarily searches other evidence-based 
practice Web sites and solicits nominations from experts and the 
public. Staff post their selection criteria and a list of the 
interventions and studies reviewed on their Web site. However, their 
public materials have not been as transparent about the criteria and 
process used in the second two phases of its process--review and 
synthesize study results to determine whether an intervention met the 
Top Tier criteria. Although the Coalition provides brief examples of 
the panel's reasoning in making Top Tier selections, it has not fully 
reported the panel's discussion of how to define sizable and sustained 
effects in the absence of detailed guidance or the variation in 
members' overall assessments of the interventions. 

The Top Tier Initiative Clearly Described Its Process for Identifying 

Through its Web site and e-mailed announcements, the Coalition has 
clearly described how it identified interventions by searching the 
strongest evidence category of 15 federal, state, and private Web sites 
profiling evidence-based practices and by soliciting nominations from 
federal agencies, researchers, and the general public. Its Web site 
posting clearly indicated the initiative's search and selection 
criteria: (1) early childhood interventions (for ages 0-6) in the first 
phase of the initiative and interventions for children and youths (ages 
7-18) in the second phase (starting in February 2009) and (2) 
interventions showing positive results in well-designed and implemented 
randomized experiments. Coalition staff then searched electronic 
databases and consulted with researchers to identify any additional 
randomized studies of the interventions selected for review. The July 
2008 announcement of the initiative included its August 2007 "Checklist 
for Reviewing a Randomized Controlled Trial of a Social Program or 
Project, to Assess Whether It Produced Valid Evidence." The Checklist 
describes the defining features of a well-designed and implemented 
randomized experiment: equivalence of treatment and control groups 
throughout the study, valid measurement and analysis, and full 
reporting of outcomes. It also defines a strong body of evidence as 
consisting of two or more randomized experiments or one large multi-
site study. 

In the initial phase (July 2008 through February 2009), Coalition staff 
screened studies of 46 early childhood interventions for design or 
implementation flaws and provided the advisory panel with brief 
summaries of the interventions and their results and reasons why they 
screened out candidates they believed clearly did not meet the Top Tier 
standard. Reasons for exclusion included small sample sizes, high 
sample attrition (both during and after the intervention), follow-up 
periods of less than 1 year, questionable outcome measures (for 
example, teachers' reports of their students' behavior), and positive 
effects that faded in later follow-up. Staff also excluded 
interventions that lacked confirmation of effects in a well-implemented 
randomized study. Coalition staff recommended three candidate 
interventions from their screening review; advisory panel members added 
two more for consideration after reviewing the staff summaries (neither 
of which was accepted as top tier by the full panel). While the Top 
Tier Initiative explains each of its screening decisions to program 
developers privately, on its Web site it simply posts a list of the 
interventions and studies reviewed, along with full descriptions of 
interventions accepted as top tier and a brief discussion of a few 
examples of the panel's reasoning.[Footnote 14] 

Reviewers Defined the Top Tier Criteria through Case Discussion: 

The Top Tier initiative's public materials are less transparent about 
the process and criteria used to determine whether an intervention met 
the Top Tier standard than about candidate selection. One panel member, 
the lead reviewer, explicitly rates the quality of the evidence on each 
candidate intervention using the Checklist and rating form. Coalition 
staff members also use the Checklist to review the available evidence 
and prepare detailed study reviews that identify any significant 
limitations. The full advisory panel then discusses the available 
evidence on the recommended candidates and holds a secret ballot on 
whether an intervention meets the Top Tier standard, drawing on the 
published research articles, the staff review, and the lead reviewer's 
quality rating and Top Tier recommendation. 

The advisory panel discussions did not generally dispute the lead 
reviewer's study quality ratings (on quality of overall design, group 
equivalence, outcome measures, and analysis reporting) but, instead, 
focused on whether the body of evidence met the Top Tier standard (for 
sizable, sustained effects on important outcomes in typical community 
settings). The Checklist also includes two criteria or issues that were 
not explicit in the initial statement of the Top Tier standard--whether 
the body of evidence showed evidence of effects in more than one site 
(replication) and provided no strong countervailing evidence. Because 
neither the Checklist nor the rating form provides definitions of how 
large a sizable effect should be, how long a sustained effect should 
last, or what constituted an important outcome, the panel had to rely 
on its professional judgment in making these assessments. 

Although a sizable effect was usually defined as one passing tests of 
statistical significance at the 0.05 level, panel members raised 
questions about whether particular effects were sufficiently large to 
have practical importance. The panel often turned to members with 
subject matter expertise for advice on these matters. One member 
cautioned against relying too heavily on the reported results of 
statistical tests, because some studies, by conducting a very large 
number of comparisons, appeared to violate the assumptions of those 
tests and, thus, probably identified some differences between 
experimental groups as statistically significant simply by chance. 

The Checklist originally indicated a preference for data on long-term 
outcomes obtained a year after the intervention ended, preferably 
longer, noting that "longer-term effects...are of greatest policy and 
practical importance."[Footnote 15] Panel members disagreed over 
whether effects measured no later than the end of the second grade--at 
the end of the intervention--were sufficiently sustained and important 
to qualify as top tier, especially in the context of other studies that 
tracked outcomes to age 15 or older. One panel member questioned 
whether it was realistic to expect the effects of early childhood 
programs to persist through high school, especially for low-cost 
interventions; others noted that the study design did not meet the 
standard because it did not collect data a year after the intervention 
ended. In the end, a majority (but not all) of the panel accepted this 
intervention as top tier because the study found that effects persisted 
over all 3 program years, and they agreed to revise the language in the 
Checklist accordingly. 

Panel members disagreed on what constituted an important outcome. Two 
noted a pattern of effects in one study on cognitive and academic tests 
across ages 3, 5, 8, and 18. Another member did not consider cognitive 
tests an important enough outcome and pointed out that the effects 
diminished over time and did not lead to effects on other school- 
related behavioral outcomes such as special education placement or 
school drop-out. Another member thought it was unreasonable to expect 
programs for very young children (ages 1-3) to show an effect on a 
child at age 18, given all their other experiences in the intervening 

A concern related to judging importance was whether and how to 
incorporate the cost of the intervention into the intervention 
assessment. On one hand, there was no mention of cost in the Checklist 
or intervention rating form. On the other hand, panel members 
frequently raised the issue when considering whether they were 
comfortable recommending the intervention to others. One aspect of this 
was proportionality: they might accept an outcome of less policy 
importance if the intervention was relatively inexpensive but would not 
if it was expensive. Additionally, one panel member feared that an 
expensive intervention that required a lot of training and monitoring 
to produce results might be too difficult to successfully replicate in 
more ordinary settings. In the February 2009 meeting, it was decided 
that program cost should not be a criterion for Top Tier status but 
should be considered and reported with the recommendation, if deemed 

The panel discussed whether a large multisite experiment should qualify 
as evidence meeting the replication standard. One classroom-based 
intervention was tested by randomly assigning 41 schools nationwide. 
Because the unit of analysis was the school, results at individual 
schools were not analyzed or reported separately but were aggregated to 
form one experimental-control group comparison per outcome measure. 
Some panel members considered this study a single randomized 
experiment; others accepted it as serving the purpose of a replication, 
because effects were observed over a large number of different 
settings. In this case, limitations in the original study report added 
to their uncertainty. Some panel members stated that if they had 
learned that positive effects had been found in several schools rather 
than in only a few odd cases, they would have been more comfortable 
ruling this multisite experiment a replication. 

Reviewers Initially Disagreed in Assessing Top Tier Status: 

Because detailed guidance was lacking, panel members, relying on 
individual judgment, arrived at split decisions (4-3 and 3-5) on two of 
the first four early childhood interventions reviewed, and only one 
intervention received a unanimous vote. Panel members expressed concern 
that because some criteria were not specifically defined, they had to 
use their professional judgment yet found that they interpreted the 
terms somewhat differently. This problem may have been aggravated by 
the fact that, as one member noted, they had not had a "perfect winner" 
that met all the top tier criteria. Indeed, a couple of members 
expressed their desire for a second category, like "promising," to 
allow them to communicate their belief in an intervention's high 
quality, despite the fact that its evidence did not meet all their 
criteria. In a discussion of their narrow (4-3) vote at their next 
meeting (February 2009), members suggested that they take more time to 
discuss their decisions, set a requirement for a two-thirds majority 
agreement, or ask for votes from members who did not attend the 
meeting. The latter suggestion was countered with concern that absent 
members would not be aware of their discussion, and the issue was 
deferred to see whether these differences might be resolved with time 
and discussion of other interventions. Disagreement over Top Tier 
status was less a problem with later reviews, held in February and July 
2009, when none of the votes on Top Tier status were split decisions 
and three of seven votes were unanimous. 

The Coalition reports that it plans to supplement guidance over time by 
accumulating case decisions rather than developing more detailed 
guidance on what constitutes sizable and sustained effects. The 
December 2008 and May 2009 public releases of the results of the Top 
Tier Evidence review of early childhood interventions provided brief 
discussion of examples of the panel's reasoning for accepting or not 
accepting specific interventions. In May 2009, the Coalition also 
published a revised version of the Checklist that removed the 
preference for outcomes measured a year after the intervention ended, 
replacing it with a less specific reference: "over a long enough period 
to determine whether the intervention's effects lasted at least a year, 
hopefully longer."[Footnote 16] 

At the February 2009 meeting, Coalition staff stated that they had 
received a suggestion from external parties to consider introducing a 
second category of "promising" interventions that did not meet the top 
tier standard. Panel members agreed to discuss the idea further but 
noted the need to provide clear criteria for this category as well. For 
example, they said it was important to distinguish interventions that 
lacked good quality evaluations (and thus had unknown effectiveness) 
from those that simply lacked replication of sizable effects in a 
second randomized study. It was noted that broadening the criteria to 
include studies (and interventions) that the staff had previously 
screened out may require additional staff effort and, thus, resources 
beyond those of the current project. 

Top Tier Follows Rigorous Standards but Is Limited for Identifying 
Effective Interventions: 

The Top Tier initiative's criteria for assessing evaluation quality 
conform to general social science research standards, but other 
features of the overall process differ from common practice for drawing 
conclusions about intervention effectiveness from a body of research. 
The initiative's choice of a broad topic fails to focus the review on 
how to achieve a specific outcome. Its narrow evidence criteria yield 
few recommendations and limited information on what works to inform 
policy and practice decisions. 

Review Initiatives Share Criteria for Assessing Research Quality: 

The Top Tier and all six of the agency-supported review initiatives we 
examined assess evaluation quality on standard dimensions to determine 
whether a study provides credible evidence on effectiveness. These 
dimensions include the quality of research design and execution, the 
equivalence of treatment and comparison groups (as appropriate), 
adequacy of samples, the validity and reliability of outcome measures, 
and appropriateness of statistical analyses and reporting. Some 
initiatives included additional criteria or gave greater emphasis to 
some issues than others. The six agency-supported initiatives also 
employed several features to ensure the reliability of their quality 

In general, assessing the quality of an impact evaluation's study 
design and execution involves considering how well the selected 
comparison protects against the risk of bias in estimating the 
intervention's impact. For random assignment designs, this primarily 
consists of examining whether the assignment process was truly random, 
the experimental groups were equivalent before the intervention, and 
the groups remained separate and otherwise equivalent throughout the 
study. For other designs, the reviewer must examine the assignment 
process even more closely to detect whether a potential source of bias 
(such as higher motivation among volunteers) may have been introduced 
that could account for any differences observed in outcomes between the 
treatment and comparison groups. In addition to confirming the 
equivalence of the experimental groups at baseline, several review 
initiatives examine the extent of crossover or "contamination" between 
experimental groups throughout the study because this could blur the 
study's view of the intervention's true effects. 

All seven review initiatives we examined assess whether a study's 
sample size was large enough to detect effects of a meaningful size. 
They also assess whether any sample attrition (or loss) over the course 
of the study was severe enough to question how well the remaining 
members represented the original sample or whether differential 
attrition may have created significant new differences between the 
experimental groups. Most review forms ask whether tests for 
statistical significance of group differences accounted for key study 
design features (for example, random assignment of groups rather than 
individuals), as well as for any deviations from initial group 
assignment (intention-to-treat analysis).[Footnote 17] 

The rating forms vary in structure and detail across the initiatives. 
For example, "appropriateness of statistical analyses" can be found 
under the category "reporting of the intervention's effects" on one 
form and in a category by itself on another form. In the Model Programs 
Guide rating form, "internal validity"--or the degree to which observed 
changes can be attributed to the intervention--is assessed through how 
well both the research design and the measurement of program activities 
and outcomes controlled for nine specific threats to validity.[Footnote 
18] The EPC rating form notes whether study participants were blind to 
the experimental groups they belonged to--standard practice in studies 
for medical treatments but not as common in studies of social 
interventions, while the PRS form does not directly address study 
blinding in assessing extent of bias in forming study groups. 

The major difference in rating study quality between the Top Tier 
initiative and the six other initiatives is a product of the top tier 
standard as set out in certain legislative provisions: the other 
initiatives accept well-designed, well-conducted quasi-experimental 
studies as credible evidence. Most of the federally supported 
initiatives recognize well-conducted randomized experiments as 
providing the most credible evidence of effectiveness by assigning them 
their highest rating for quality of research design, but three do not 
require them for interventions to receive their highest evidence 
rating: EPC, the Community Guide, and National Registry of Evidence- 
based Programs and Practices (NREPP). The Coalition has, since its 
inception, promoted randomized experiments as the highest-quality, 
unbiased method for assessing an intervention's true impact. Federal 
officials provided a number of reasons for including well-conducted 
quasi-experimental studies: (1) random assignment is not feasible for 
many of the interventions they studied, (2) study credibility is 
determined not by a particular research design but by its execution, 
(3) evidence from carefully controlled experimental settings may not 
reflect the benefits and harms observed in everyday practice, and (4) 
too few high-quality, relevant random assignment studies were 

The Top Tier initiative states a preference for studies that test 
interventions in typical community settings over those run under ideal 
conditions but does not explicitly assess the quality (or fidelity) of 
program implementation. The requirement that results be shown in two or 
more randomized studies is an effort to demonstrate the applicability 
of intervention effects to other settings. However, four other review 
initiatives do explicitly assess intervention fidelity--the Community 
Guide, MPG, NREPP, and PRS--through either describing in detail the 
intervention's components or measuring participants' level of exposure. 
Poor implementation fidelity can weaken a study's ability to detect an 
intervention's potential effect and thus lessen confidence in the study 
as a true test of the intervention model. EPC and the Community Guide 
assess how well a study's selection of population and setting matched 
those in which it is likely to be applied; any notable differences in 
conditions would undermine the relevance or generalizability of study 
results to what can be expected in future applications. 

All seven initiatives have experienced researchers with methodological 
and subject matter expertise rate the studies and use written guidance 
or codebooks to help ensure ratings consistency. Codebooks varied but 
most were more detailed than the Top Tier Checklist. Most of the 
initiatives also provided training to ensure consistency of ratings 
across reviewers. In each initiative, two or more reviewers rate the 
studies independently and then reach consensus on their ratings in 
consultation with other experts (such as consultants to or supervisors 
of the review). After the Top Tier initiative's staff screening review, 
staff and one advisory panel member independently review the quality of 
experimental evidence available on an intervention, before the panel as 
a group discussed and voted on whether it met the top tier standard. 
However, because the panel members did not independently rate study 
quality or the body of evidence, it is unknown how much of the 
variation in their overall assessment of the interventions reflected 
differences in their application of the criteria making up the Top Tier 

Broad Scope Fails to Focus on Effectiveness in Achieving Specific 

The Top Tier initiative's topic selection, emphasis on long-term 
effects, and narrow evidence criteria combine to provide limited 
information on the effectiveness of approaches for achieving specific 
outcomes. It is standard practice in research and evaluation syntheses 
to pose a clearly defined research question--such as, Which 
interventions have been found effective in achieving specific outcomes 
of interest for a specific population?--and then assemble and summarize 
the credible, relevant studies available to answer that question. 
[Footnote 19] A well-specified research question clarifies the 
objective of the research and guides the selection of eligibility 
criteria for including studies in a systematic evidence review. In 
addition, some critics of systematic reviews in health care recommend 
using the intervention's theoretical framework or logic model to guide 
analyses toward answering questions about how and why an intervention 
works when it does.[Footnote 20] Evaluators often construct a logic 
model--a diagram showing the links between key intervention components 
and desired results--to explain the strategy or logic by which it is 
expected to achieve its goals.[Footnote 21] The Top Tier initiative's 
approach focuses on critically appraising and summarizing the evidence 
without having first formulated a precise, unambiguous research 
question and the chain of logic underlying the interventions' 
hypothesized effects on the outcomes of interest. 

Neither of the Top Tier initiative's topic selections--interventions 
for children ages 0-6 or youths ages 7-18--identify either a particular 
type of intervention, such as preschool or parent education, or a 
desired outcome, such as healthy cognitive and social development or 
prevention of substance abuse, that can frame and focus a review as in 
the other effectiveness reviews. The other initiatives have a clear 
purpose and focus: learning what has been effective in achieving a 
specific outcome or set of outcomes (for example, reducing youth 
involvement in criminal activity). Moreover, recognizing that an 
intervention might be successful on one outcome but not another, EPC, 
NREPP, and WWC rate the effectiveness of an intervention by each 
outcome. Even EPC, whose scope is the broadest of the initiatives we 
reviewed, focuses individual reviews by selecting a specific healthcare 
topic through a formal process of soliciting and reviewing nominations 
from key stakeholders, program partners, and the public. Their criteria 
for selecting review topics include disease burden for the general 
population or a priority population (such as children), controversy or 
uncertainty over the topic, costs associated with the condition, 
potential impact for improving health outcomes or reducing costs, 
relevance to federal health care programs, and availability of evidence 
and reasonably well-defined patient populations, interventions, and 
outcome measures. 

The Top Tier initiative's emphasis on identifying interventions with 
long-term effects--up to 15 years later for some early childhood 
interventions--also leads away from focusing on how to achieve a 
specific outcome and could lead to capitalizing on chance results. A 
search for interventions with "sustained effects on important life 
outcomes," regardless of the content area, means assembling results on 
whatever outcomes--special education placement, high school graduation, 
teenage pregnancy, employment, or criminal arrest--the studies happen 
to have measured. This is of concern because it is often not clear why 
some long-term outcomes were studied for some interventions and not 
others. Moreover, focusing on the achievement of long-term outcomes, 
without regard to the achievement of logically related short-term 
outcomes, raises questions about the meaning and reliability of those 
purported long-term program effects. For example, without a logic model 
or hypothesis linking preschool activities to improving children's self-
control or some other intermediate outcome, it is unclear why one would 
expect to see effects on their delinquent behavior as adolescents. 
Indeed, one advisory panel member raised questions about the mechanism 
behind long-term effects measured on involvement in crime when effects 
on more conventional (for example, academic) outcomes disappeared after 
a few years. Later, he suggested that the panel should consider only 
outcomes the researcher identified as primary. Coalition staff said 
that reporting chance results is unlikely because the Top Tier criteria 
require the replication of results in multiple (or multi-site) studies, 
and they report any nonreplicated findings as needing confirmation in 
another study. 

Unlike efforts to synthesize evaluation results in some systematic 
evidence reviews, the Top Tier initiative examines evidence on each 
intervention independently, without reference to similar interventions 
or, alternatively, to different interventions aimed at the same goal. 
Indeed, of the initiatives we reviewed, only EPC and the Community 
Guide directly compare the results of several similar interventions to 
gain insight into the conditions under which an approach may be 
successful. (WWC topic reports display effectiveness ratings by outcome 
for all interventions they reviewed in a given content area, such as 
early reading, but do not directly compare their approaches.) These two 
initiatives explicitly aim to build knowledge about what works in an 
area by developing logic models in advance to structure their 
evaluation review by defining the specific populations and outcome 
measures of interest. A third, MPG, considers the availability of a 
logic model and the quality of an intervention's research base in 
rating the quality of its evidence. Where appropriate evidence is 
available, EPCs conduct comparative effectiveness studies that directly 
compare the effectiveness, appropriateness, and safety of alternative 
approaches (such as drugs or medical procedures) to achieving the same 
health outcome. Officials at the other initiatives explained that they 
did not compare or combine results from different interventions because 
they did not find them similar enough to treat as replications of the 
same approach. However, most initiatives post the results of their 
reviews on their Web sites by key characteristics of the intervention 
(for example, activities or setting), outcomes measured, and 
population, so that viewers can search for particular types of 
interventions or compare their results. 

Narrow Evidence Criteria Yield Limited Guidance for Practitioners: 

The Top Tier initiative's narrow primary criterion for study design 
quality--randomized experiments only--diverges from the other 
initiatives and limits the types of interventions they considered. In 
addition, the exclusivity of its top tier standard also diverges from 
the more common approach of rating the credibility of study findings 
along a continuum and resulted in the panel's recommending only 6 of 63 
interventions for ages 0-18 reviewed as providing "sizable, sustained 
effects on important life outcomes." Thus, although they are not their 
primary audience, the Top Tier initiative provides practitioners with 
limited guidance on what works. 

Two basic dimensions are assessed in effectiveness reviews: (1) the 
credibility of the evidence on program impact provided by an individual 
study or body of evidence, based on research quality and risk of bias 
in the individual studies, and (2) the size and consistency of effects 
observed in those studies. The six other evidence reviews report the 
credibility of the evidence on the interventions' effectiveness in 
terms of their level of confidence in the findings--either with a 
numerical score (0 to 4, NREPP) or on a scale (high, moderate, low, or 
insufficient, EPC). Scales permit an initiative to communicate 
intermediate levels of confidence in an intervention's results and to 
distinguish approaches with "promising" evidence from those with 
clearly inadequate evidence. Federal officials from initiatives using 
this more inclusive approach indicated that they believed that it 
provides more useful information and a broader range of choices for 
practitioners and policy makers who must decide which intervention is 
most appropriate and feasible for their local setting and available 
resources. To provide additional guidance to practitioners looking for 
an intervention to adopt, NREPP explicitly rates the interventions' 
readiness for dissemination by assessing the quality and availability 
of implementation materials, resources for training and ongoing 
support, and the quality assurance procedures the program developer 

Some initiatives, like Top Tier, provide a single rating of the 
effectiveness of an intervention by combining ratings of the 
credibility and size (and consistency, if available) of intervention 
effects. However, combining scores creates ambiguity in an intermediate 
strength of evidence rating--it could mean that reviewers found strong 
evidence of modest effects or weak evidence of strong effects. Other 
initiatives report on the credibility of results and the effect sizes 
separately. For example, WWC reports three summary ratings for an 
intervention's result on each outcome measured: an improvement index, 
providing a measure of the size of the intervention's effect; a rating 
of effectiveness, summarizing both study quality and the size and 
consistency of effects; and an extent of evidence rating, reflecting 
the number and size of effectiveness studies reviewed. Thus, the viewer 
can scan and compare ratings on all three indexes in a list of 
interventions rank-ordered by the improvement index before examining 
more detailed information about each intervention and its evidence of 

Randomized Experiments Can Provide the Most Credible Evidence of 
Effectiveness under Certain Conditions: 

In our review of the literature on program evaluation methods, we found 
general agreement that well-conducted randomized experiments are best 
suited for assessing intervention effectiveness where multiple causal 
influences lead to uncertainty about what has caused observed results 
but, also, that they are often difficult to carry out. Randomized 
experiments are considered best suited for interventions in which 
exposure to the intervention can be controlled and the treatment and 
control groups' experiences remain separate, intact, and distinct 
throughout the study. The evaluation methods literature also describes 
a variety of issues to consider in planning an evaluation of a program 
or of an intervention's effectiveness, including the expected use of 
the evaluation, the nature and implementation of program activities, 
and the resources available for the evaluation. Selecting a methodology 
follows, first, a determination that an effectiveness evaluation is 
warranted. It then requires balancing the need for sufficient rigor to 
draw firm conclusions with practical considerations of resources and 
the cooperation and protection of participants. Several other research 
designs are generally considered good alternatives to randomized 
experiments, especially when accompanied by specific features that help 
strengthen conclusions by ruling out plausible alternative 

Conditions Necessary for Conducting Effectiveness Evaluations: 

In reviewing the literature on evaluation research methods, we found 
that randomized experiments are considered appropriate for assessing 
intervention effectiveness only after an intervention has met minimal 
requirements for an effectiveness evaluation--that the intervention is 
important, clearly defined, and well-implemented and the evaluation 
itself is adequately resourced. Conducting an impact evaluation of a 
social intervention often requires the expenditure of significant 
resources to both collect and analyze data on program results and 
estimate what would have happened in the absence of the program. Thus, 
impact evaluations need not be conducted for all interventions but 
reserved for when the effort and cost appear warranted. There may be 
more interest in an impact evaluation when the intervention addresses 
an important problem, there is interest in adopting the intervention 
elsewhere, and preliminary evidence suggests its effects may be 
positive, if uncertain. Of course, if the intervention's effectiveness 
were known, then there would be no need for an evaluation. And if the 
intervention was known or believed to be ineffective or harmful, then 
it would seem wasteful as well as perhaps unethical to subject people 
to such a test. In addition to federal regulations concerning the 
protection of human research subjects, the ethical principles of 
relevant professional organizations require evaluators to try to avoid 
subjecting study participants to unreasonable risk, harm, or burden. 
This includes obtaining their fully informed consent.[Footnote 22] 

An impact evaluation is more likely to provide useful information about 
what works when the intervention consists of clearly defined activities 
and goals and has been well implemented. Having clarity about the 
nature of intended activities and evidence that critical intervention 
components were delivered to the intended targets helps strengthen 
confidence that those activities caused the observed results; it also 
improves the ability to replicate the results in another study. 
Confirming that the intervention was carried out as designed helps rule 
out a common explanation for why programs do not achieve their goals; 
when done before collecting expensive outcome data, it can also avoid 
wasting resources. Obtaining agreement with stakeholders on which 
outcomes to consider in defining success also helps ensure that the 
evaluation's results will be credible and useful to its intended 
audience. While not required, having a well-articulated logic model can 
help ensure shared expectations among stakeholders and define measures 
of a program's progress toward its ultimate goals. 

Regardless of the evaluation approach, an impact evaluation may not be 
worth the effort unless the study is adequately staffed and funded to 
ensure the study is carried out rigorously. If, for example, an 
intervention's desired outcome consists of participants' actions back 
on the job after receiving training, then it is critical that all 
reasonable efforts are made to ensure that high-quality data on those 
actions are collected from as many participants as possible. 
Significant amounts of missing data raises the possibility that the 
persons reached are different from those who were not reached (perhaps 
more cooperative) and thus weakens confidence that the observed results 
reflect the true effect of the intervention. Similarly, it is important 
to invest in valid and reliable measures of desired outcomes to avoid 
introducing error and imprecision that could blur the view of the 
intervention's effect. 

Interventions Where Random Assignment Is Well Suited: 

We found in our review of the literature on evaluation research methods 
that randomized experiments are considered best suited for assessing 
intervention effectiveness where multiple causal influences lead to 
uncertainty about program effects and it is possible, ethical, and 
practical to conduct and maintain random assignment to minimize the 
effect of those influences. 

When Random Assignment Is Needed: 

As noted earlier, when factors other than the intervention are expected 
to influence change in the desired outcome, the evaluator cannot be 
certain how much of any observed change reflects the effect of the 
intervention, as opposed to what would have occurred anyway without it. 
In contrast, controlled experiments are usually not needed to assess 
the effects of simple, comparatively self-contained processes like 
processing income tax returns. The volume and accuracy of tax returns 
processed simply reflect the characteristics of the returns filed and 
the agency's application of its rules and procedures. Thus, any change 
in the accuracy of processed returns is likely to result from change in 
the characteristics of either the returns or the agency's processes. In 
contrast, an evaluation assessing the impact of job training on 
participants' employment and earnings would need to control for other 
major influences on those outcomes--features of the local job market 
and the applicant pool. In this case, randomly assigning job training 
applicants (within a local job market) to either participate in the 
program (forming the treatment group) or not participate (forming the 
control group) helps ensure that the treatment and control groups will 
be equally affected. 

When Random Assignment Is Possible, Ethical, and Practical: 

Random assignment is, of course, suited only to interventions in which 
the evaluator or program manager can control whether a person, group, 
or other entity is enrolled in or exposed to the intervention. Control 
over program exposure rules out the possibility that the process by 
which experimental groups are formed (especially, self-selection) may 
reflect preexisting differences between them that might also affect the 
outcome variable and, thus, obscure the treatment effect. For example, 
tobacco smokers who volunteer for a program to quit smoking are likely 
to be more highly motivated than tobacco smokers who do not volunteer. 
Thus, smoking cessation programs should randomly assign volunteers to 
receive services and compare them to other volunteers who do not 
receive services to avoid confounding the effects of the services with 
the effects of volunteers' greater motivation. 

Random assignment is well suited for programs that are not universally 
available to the entire eligible population, so that some people will 
be denied access to the intervention in any case. This addresses one 
concern about whether a control group experiment is ethical. In fact, 
in many field settings, assignment by lottery has often been considered 
the most equitable way to assign individuals to participate in programs 
with limits on enrollment. Randomized experiments are especially well 
suited to demonstration programs for which a new approach is tested in 
a limited way before committing to apply it more broadly. Another 
ethical concern is that the control group should not be harmed by 
withholding needed services, but this can be averted by providing the 
control group with whatever services are considered standard practice. 
In this case, however, the evaluation will no longer be testing whether 
a new approach is effective at all; it will test whether it is more 
effective than standard practice. 

Random assignment is also best suited for interventions in which the 
treatment and control groups' experiences remain separate, intact, and 
distinct throughout the life of the study so that any differences in 
outcomes can be confidently attributed to the intervention. It is 
important that control group participants not access comparable 
treatment in the community on their own (referred to as contamination). 
Their doing so could blur the distinction between the two groups' 
experiences. It is also preferred that control group and treatment 
group members not communicate, because knowing that they are being 
treated differently might influence their perceptions of their 
experience and, thus, their behavior. Sometimes people selected for an 
experimental treatment are motivated by the extra attention they 
receive; sometimes those not selected are motivated to work harder to 
compete with their peers. Thus, random assignment works best when 
participants have no strong beliefs about the advantage of the 
intervention being tested and information about their experimental 
status is not publicly known. For example, in comparing alternative 
reading curriculums in kindergarten classrooms, an evaluator needs to 
ensure that the teachers are equally well trained and do not have 
preexisting conceptions about the "better" curriculum. Sometimes this 
is best achieved by assigning whole schools--rather than individuals or 
classes--to the treatment and control groups, but this can become very 
expensive, since appropriate statistical analyses now require about as 
many schools to participate in a study as the number of classes 
participating in the simpler design. 

Interventions are well suited for random assignment if the desired 
outcomes occur often enough to be observed with a reasonable sample 
size or study length. Studies of infrequent but not rare outcomes--for 
example, those occurring about 5 percent of the time--may require 
moderately large samples (several hundred) to allow the detection of a 
difference between the experimental and control groups. Because of the 
practical difficulties of maintaining intact experimental groups over 
time, randomized experiments are also best suited for assessing 
outcomes that occur within 1 to 2 years after the intervention, 
depending on the circumstances. Although an intervention's key desired 
outcome may be a social, health, or environmental benefit that takes 10 
or more years to fully develop, it may be prohibitively costly to 
follow a large enough proportion of both experimental groups over that 
time to ensure reliable results. Evaluators may then rely on 
intermediate outcomes, such as high-school graduation, as an adequate 
outcome measure rather than accepting the costs of directly measuring 
long-term effects on adult employment and earnings. 

Interventions for Which Random Assignment Is Not Well Suited: 

Random assignment is not appropriate for a range of programs in which 
one cannot meet the requirements that make this strategy effective. 
They include entitlement programs or policies that apply to everyone, 
interventions that involve exposure to negative events, or 
interventions for which the evaluator cannot be sure about the nature 
of differences between the treatment and control groups' experiences. 

Random Assignment Is Not Possible: 

For a few types of programs, random assignment to the intervention is 
not possible. One is when all eligible individuals are exposed to the 
intervention and legal restrictions do not permit excluding some people 
in order to form a comparison group. This includes entitlement programs 
such as veterans' benefits, Social Security, and Medicare, as well as 
programs operating under laws and regulations that explicitly prohibit 
(or require) a particular practice. 

A second type of intervention for which random assignment is precluded 
is broadcast media communication where the individual--rather than the 
researcher--controls his or her exposure (consciously or not). This is 
true of radio, television, billboard, and Internet programming, in 
which the individual chooses whether and how long to hear or view a 
message or communication. To evaluate the effect of advertising or 
public service announcements in broadcast media, the evaluator is often 
limited to simply measuring the audience's exposure to it. However, 
sometimes it is possible to randomly assign advertisements to distinct 
local media markets and then compare their effects to other similar but 
distinct local markets. 

A third type of program for which random assignment is generally not 
possible is comprehensive social reforms consisting of collective, 
coordinated actions by various parties in a community--whether school, 
organization, or neighborhood. In these highly interactive initiatives, 
it can be difficult to distinguish the activities and changes from the 
settings in which they take place. For example, some community 
development partnerships rely on increasing citizen involvement or 
changing the relationships between public and private organizations in 
order to foster conditions that are expected to improve services. 
Although one might randomly assign communities to receive community 
development support or not, the evaluator does not control who becomes 
involved or what activities take place, so it is difficult to trace the 
process that led to any observed effects. 

Random assignment is often not accepted for testing interventions that 
prevent or mitigate harm because it is considered unethical to impose 
negative events or elevated risks of harm to test a remedy's 
effectiveness. Thus, one must wait for a hurricane or flood, for 
example, to learn if efforts to strengthen buildings prevented serious 
damage. Whether the evaluator is able to randomly apply different 
approaches to strengthening buildings may depend on whether the 
approaches appear to be equally likely to be successful in advance of a 
test. In some cases, the possibility that the intervention may fail may 
be considered an unacceptable risk. When evaluating alternative 
treatments for criminal offenders, local law enforcement officers may 
be unwilling to assign the offenders they consider to be the most 
dangerous to the less restrictive treatments. 

As implied by the previous discussion of when random assignment is well 
suited, it may simply not be practical in a variety of circumstances. 
It may not be possible to convince program staff to form control groups 
by simple random assignment if it would deny services to some of the 
neediest individuals while providing service to some of the less needy. 
For example, individual tutoring in reading would usually be provided 
only to students with the lowest reading scores. In other cases, the 
desired outcome may be so rare or take so long to develop that the 
required sample sizes or prospective tracking of cases over time would 
be prohibitively expensive. 

Finally, the evaluation literature cautions that as social 
interventions become more complex, representing a diverse set of local 
applications of a broad policy rather than a common set of activities, 
randomized experiments may become less informative. When how much of 
the intervention is actually delivered, or how it is expected to work, 
is influenced by characteristics of the population or setting, one 
cannot be sure about the nature of the difference between the treatment 
and control group experiences or which factors influenced their 
outcomes. Diversity in the nature of the intervention can occur at the 
individual level, as when counselors draw on their experience to select 
the approach they believe is most appropriate for each patient. Or it 
can occur at a group level, as when grantees of federal flexible grant 
programs focus on different subpopulations as they address the needs of 
their local communities. In these cases, aggregating results over 
substantial variability in what the intervention entails may end up 
providing little guidance on what, exactly, works. 

Rigorous Alternatives to Random Assignment Are Available: 

In our review of the literature on evaluation research methods, we 
identified several alternative methods for assessing intervention 
effectiveness when random assignment is not considered appropriate-- 
quasi-experimental comparison group studies, statistical analyses of 
observational data, and in-depth case studies. Although experts 
differed in their opinion of how useful case studies are for estimating 
program impacts, several other research designs are generally 
considered good alternatives to randomized experiments, especially when 
accompanied by specific features that help strengthen conclusions by 
ruling out plausible alternative explanations. 

Quasi-Experimental Comparison Groups: 

Quasi-experimental comparison group designs resemble randomized 
experiments in comparing the outcomes for treatment and control groups, 
except that individuals are not assigned to those groups randomly. 
Instead, unserved members of the targeted population are selected to 
serve as a control group that resembles the treatment group as much as 
possible on variables related to the desired outcome. This evaluation 
design is used with partial coverage programs for which random 
assignment is not possible, ethical, or practical. It is most 
successful in providing credible estimates of program effectiveness 
when the groups are formed in parallel ways and not based on self- 
selection--for example, by having been turned away from an 
oversubscribed service or living in a similar neighborhood where the 
intervention is not available. This approach requires statistical 
analyses to establish groups' equivalence at baseline. 

Regression discontinuity analysis compares outcomes for a treatment and 
control group that are formed by having scores above or below a cut- 
point on a quantitative selection variable rather than through random 
assignment. When experimental groups are formed strictly on a cut-point 
and group outcomes are analyzed for individuals close to the cut-point, 
the groups are left otherwise comparable except for the intervention. 
This technique is used where those considered most "deserving" are 
assigned to treatment, in order to address ethical concerns about 
denying services to those in need--for example, when additional 
tutoring is provided only to children with the lowest reading scores. 
The technique requires a quantitative assignment variable that users 
believe is a credible selection criterion, careful control over 
assignment to ensure that a strict cut-point is achieved, large sample 
sizes, and sophisticated statistical analysis. 

Statistical Analyses of Observational Data: 

Interrupted time-series analysis compares trends in repeated measures 
of an outcome for a group before and after an intervention or policy is 
introduced, to learn if the desired change in outcome has occurred. 
Long data series are used to smooth out the effects of random 
fluctuations over time. Statistical modeling of simultaneous changes in 
important external factors helps control for their influence on the 
outcome and, thus, helps isolate the impact of the intervention. This 
approach is used for full-coverage programs in which it may not be 
possible to form or find an untreated comparison group, such as for 
change in state laws defining alcohol impairment of motor vehicle 
drivers ("blood alcohol concentration" laws). But because the technique 
relies on the availability of comparable information about the past-- 
before a policy changed--it may be limited to use near the time of the 
policy change. The need for lengthy data series means it is typically 
used where the evaluator has access to long-term, detailed government 
statistical series or institutional records. 

Observational or cross-sectional studies first measure the target 
population's level of exposure to the intervention rather than 
controlling its exposure and then comparing the outcomes of individuals 
receiving different levels of the intervention. Statistical analysis is 
used to control for other plausible influences. Level of exposure to 
the intervention can be measured by whether one was enrolled or how 
often one participated or heard the program message. This approach is 
used with full-coverage programs, for which it is impossible to 
directly form treatment and control groups; nonuniform programs, in 
which individuals receive different levels of exposure (such as to 
broadcast media); and interventions in which outcomes are observed too 
infrequently to make a prospective study practical. For example, an 
individual's annual risk of being in a car crash is so low that it 
would be impractical to randomly assign (and monitor) thousands of 
individuals to use (or not use) their seat belts in order to assess 
belts' effectiveness in preventing injuries during car crashes. Because 
there is no evaluator control over assignment to the intervention, this 
approach requires sophisticated statistical analyses to limit the 
influence of any concurrent events or preexisting differences that may 
be associated with why people had different exposure to the 

In-depth Case Studies: 

Case studies have been recommended for assessing the effectiveness of 
complex interventions in limited circumstances when other designs are 
not available. In program evaluation, in-depth case studies are 
typically used to provide descriptive information on how an 
intervention operates and produces outcomes and, thus, may help 
generate hypotheses about program effects. Case studies may also be 
used to test a theory of change, as when the evaluator specifies in 
advance the expected processes and outcomes, based on the program 
theory or logic model, and then collects detailed observations 
carefully designed to confirm or refute that model. This approach has 
been recommended for assessing comprehensive reforms that are so deeply 
integrated with the context (for example, the community) that no truly 
adequate comparison case can be found.[Footnote 23] To support credible 
conclusions about program effects, the evaluator must make specific, 
refutable predictions of program effects and introduce controls for, or 
provide strong arguments against, other plausible explanations for 
observed effects. However, because a single case study most likely 
cannot provide credible information on what would have happened in the 
absence of the program, our experts noted that the evaluator cannot use 
this design to reliably estimate the magnitude of a program's effect. 

Features That Can Strengthen Any Effectiveness Evaluation: 

Reviewing the literature and consulting with evaluation experts, we 
identified additional measurement and design features that can help 
strengthen conclusions about an intervention's impact from both 
randomized and nonrandomized designs. In general, they involve 
collecting additional data and targeting comparisons to help rule out 
plausible alternative explanations of the observed results. Since all 
evaluation methods have limitations, our confidence in concluding that 
an intervention is effective is strengthened when the conclusion is 
supported by multiple forms of evidence. 

Collecting Additional Data: 

Although collecting baseline data is an integral component of the 
statistical approaches to assessing effectiveness discussed above, both 
experiments and quasi-experiments would benefit from including pretest 
measures on program outcomes as well as other key variables. First, by 
chance, random assignment may not produce groups that are equivalent on 
several important variables known to correlate with program outcomes, 
so their baseline equivalence should always be checked. Second, in the 
absence of random assignment, ensuring the equivalence of the treatment 
and control groups on measures related to the desired outcome is 
critical. The effects of potential self-selection bias or other 
preexisting differences between the treatment and control groups can be 
minimized through selection modeling or "propensity score analysis." 
Essentially, one first develops a statistical model of the baseline 
differences between the individuals in the treatment and comparison 
groups on a number of important variables and then adjusts the observed 
outcomes for the initial differences between the groups to identify the 
net effect of the intervention. 

Extending data collection either before or after the intervention can 
help rule out the influence of unrelated historical trends on the 
outcomes of interest. This is in principle similar to interrupted time- 
series analysis, yielding more observations to allow analysis of trends 
in outcomes over time in relation to the timing of program activities. 
For example, one could examine whether the outcome measure began to 
change before the intervention could plausibly have affected it, in 
which case the change was probably influenced by some other factor. 

Another way to attempt to rule out plausible alternative explanations 
for observed results is to measure additional outcomes that are or are 
not expected to be influenced by the treatment, based on program 
theory. If one can predict a relatively unique pattern of expected 
outcomes for the intervention, in contrast to an alternative 
explanation, and if the study confirms that pattern, then the 
alternative explanation becomes less plausible. 

Targeting Comparisons: 

In comparison group studies, the nature of the effect one detects is 
defined by the nature of the differences between the experiences of the 
treatment and control groups. For example, if the comparison group 
receives no assistance at all in gaining employment, then the 
evaluation can detect the full effect of all the employment assistance 
(including child care) the treatment group receives. But if the 
comparison group also receives child care, then the evaluation can 
detect only the effect, or value added, of employment assistance above 
and beyond the effect of child care. Thus, one can carefully design 
comparisons to target specific questions or hypotheses about what is 
responsible for the observed results and control for specific threats 
to validity. For example, in evaluating the effects of providing new 
parents of infants with health consultation and parent training at 
home, the evaluator might compare them to another group of parents 
receiving only routine health check-ups to control for the level of 
attention the first group received and test the value added by the 
parent training. 

Sometimes the evaluator can capitalize on natural variations in 
exposure to the intervention and analyze the patterns of effects to 
learn more about what is producing change. For example, little or no 
change in outcomes for dropouts--participants who left the program-- 
might reflect either the dropouts' lower levels of motivation compared 
to other participants or their reduced exposure to the intervention. 
But if differences in outcomes are associated with different levels of 
exposure for administrative reasons (such as scheduling difficulties at 
one site), then those differences may be more likely to result from the 
intervention itself. 

Gathering a Diverse Body of Evidence: 

As reflected in all the review initiatives we identified for this 
report, conclusions drawn from findings across multiple studies are 
generally considered more convincing than those based on a single 
study. The two basic reasons for this are that (1) each study is just 
one example of many potential experiences with an intervention, which 
may or may not represent that broader experience, and (2) each study 
employs one particular set of methods to measure an intervention's 
effect, which may be more or less likely than other methods to detect 
an effect. Thus, an analysis that carefully considers the results of 
diverse studies of an intervention is more likely to accurately 
identify when and for whom an intervention is effective. 

A recurring theme in the evaluation literature is the tradeoffs made in 
constructing studies to rigorously identify program impact by reducing 
the influence of external factors. Studies of interventions tested in 
carefully controlled settings, a homogenous group of volunteer 
participants, and a comparison group that receives no services at all 
may not accurately portray the results that can be expected in more 
typical operations. To obtain a comprehensive, realistic picture of 
intervention effectiveness, reviewing the results of several studies 
conducted in different settings and populations, or large multisite 
studies, may help ensure that the results observed are likely to be 
found, or replicated, elsewhere. This is particularly important when 
the characteristics of settings, such as different state laws, are 
expected to influence the effectiveness of a policy or practice applied 
nationally. For example, states set limits on how much income a family 
may have while receiving financial assistance, and these limits--which 
vary considerably from state to state--strongly influence the 
proportion of a state's assistance recipients who are currently 
employed. Thus, any federal policy regarding the employment of 
recipients is likely to affect one state's caseload quite differently 
from that of another. 

Because every research method has inherent limitations, it is often 
advantageous to combine multiple measures or two or more designs in a 
study or group of studies to obtain a more comprehensive picture of an 
intervention. In addition to choosing whether to measure intermediate 
or long-term outcomes, evaluators may choose to collect, for example, 
student self-reports of violent behavior, teacher ratings of student 
disruptive behavior, or records of school disciplinary actions or 
referrals to the criminal justice system, which might yield different 
results. While randomized experiments are considered best-suited for 
assessing intervention impact, blended study designs can provide 
supplemental information on other important considerations of policy 
makers. For example, an in-depth case study of an intervention could be 
added to develop a deeper understanding of its costs and implementation 
requirements or to track participants' experiences to better understand 
the intervention's logic model. Alternatively, a cross-sectional survey 
of an intervention's participants and activities can help in assessing 
the extent of its reach to important subpopulations. 

Concluding Observations: 

The Coalition provides a valuable service in encouraging government 
adoption of interventions with evidence of effectiveness and in drawing 
attention to the importance of evaluation quality in assessing that 
evidence. Reliable assessments of the credibility of evaluation results 
require expertise in research design and measurement, but their 
reliability can be improved by providing detailed guidance and 
training. The Top Tier initiative provides another useful model in that 
it engages experienced evaluation experts to make these quality 

Requiring evidence from randomized experiments as sole proof of an 
intervention's effectiveness is likely to exclude many potentially 
effective and worthwhile practices for which random assignment is not 
practical. The broad range of studies assessed by the six federally 
supported initiatives we examined demonstrates that other research 
designs can provide rigorous evidence of effectiveness if designed well 
and implemented with a thorough understanding of their vulnerability to 
potential sources of bias. 

Assessing the importance of an intervention's outcomes entails drawing 
a judgment from subject matter expertise--the evaluator must understand 
the nature of the intervention, its expected effects, and the context 
in which it operates. Defining the outcome measures of interest in 
advance, in consultation with program stakeholders and other interested 
audiences, may help ensure the credibility and usefulness of a review's 
results. Deciding to adopt an intervention involves additional 
considerations--cost, ease of use, suitability to the local community, 
and available resources. Thus, practitioners will probably want 
information on these factors and on effectiveness when choosing an 

A comprehensive understanding of which practices or interventions are 
most effective for achieving specific outcomes requires a synthesis of 
credible evaluations that compares the costs and benefits of 
alternative practices across populations and settings. The ability to 
identify effective interventions would benefit from (1) better designed 
and implemented evaluations, (2) more detailed reporting on both the 
interventions and their evaluations, and (3) more evaluations that 
directly compare alternative interventions. 

Agency and Third-Party Comments: 

The Coalition for Evidence-Based Policy provided written comments on a 
draft of this report, reprinted in appendix II. The Coalition stated it 
was pleased with the report's key findings on the transparency of its 
process and its adherence to rigorous standards in assessing research 
quality. While acknowledging the complementary value of well-conducted 
nonrandomized studies as part of a research agenda, the Coalition 
believes the report somewhat overstates the confidence one can place in 
such studies alone. The Coalition and the Departments of Education and 
Health and Human Services provided technical comments that were 
incorporated as appropriate throughout the text. The Department of 
Justice had no comments. 

We are sending copies of this report to the Secretaries of Education, 
Justice, and Health and Human Services; the Director of the Office of 
Management and Budget; and appropriate congressional committees. The 
report is also available at no charge on the GAO Web site at 

If you have questions about this report, please contact me at (202) 512-
2700 or Contacts for our offices of Congressional 
Relations and Public Affairs are on the last page. Key contributors are 
listed in appendix III. 

Signed by: 

Nancy Kingsbury, Ph.D. 
Managing Director Applied Research and Methods: 

[End of section] 

Appendix I: Steps Seven Evidence-Based Initiatives Take to Identify 
Effective Interventions: 

1. Evidence-Based Practice Centers at the Agency for Healthcare 
Research and Quality: 

Search topic: Search for selected topics in health care services, 
pharmaceuticals, and medical devices through: 
* Electronic databases; 
* Major journals; 
* Conference proceedings; 
* Consultation with experts. 

Selected studies: Select: 
* Randomized and quasi-experimental studies; 
* Observational studies (e.g., cohort, case control). 

Review studies quality: A technical panel of expert physicians, content 
and methods experts, and other partners rates studies by outcome on: 
* Study design and execution; 
* Validity and reliability of outcome measures; 
* Data analysis and reporting; 
* Equivalence of comparison groups; 
* Assessment of harm. 

Synthesize evidence: Body of evidence on each outcome is scored on four 
domains: risk of bias, consistency, directness, and precision of 
effects. Strength of evidence for each outcome is classified as: 
* High; 
* Moderate; 
* Low; 
* Insufficient. 

2. Guide to Community Preventive Services at the Centers for Disease 
Control and Prevention: 

Search topic: Search for selected population-based policies, programs, 
and health care system interventions to improve health and promote 
safety through: 
* Electronic databases; 
* Major journals; 
* Conference proceedings; 
* Consultation with experts. 

Selected studies: Select: 
* Randomized and quasi-experimental studies; 
* Observational studies (e.g., time series, case control). 

Review studies quality: In consultation with method and subject matter 
experts, two trained reviewers independently rate studies using 
standardized forms on: 
* Study design and execution; 
* Validity and reliability of outcome measures; 
* Data analysis and reporting; 
* Intervention fidelity; 
* Selection of population and setting. 

Synthesize evidence: Body of evidence is assessed on number of studies, 
study quality, and size and consistency of effects to classify evidence 
of effectiveness as: 
* Strong; 
* Sufficient; 
* Insufficient. 

3. HIV Prevention Research Synthesis at the Centers for Disease Control 
and Prevention: 

Search topic: Search for interventions that prevent new HIV/AIDS 
infections or behaviors that increase the risk of infection through: 
* Electronic databases; 
* Major journals; 
* Conference proceedings; 
* Consultation with experts; 
* Nominations solicited from the public. 

Selected studies: Select randomized and quasi-experimental studies with 
one or more positive outcomes. 

Review studies quality: Pairs of trained reviewers—Ph.D.s or M.A.s in 
behavioral science and health related areas—independently rate studies 
using standardized forms and codebook on: 
* Study design and execution; 
* Validity and reliability of outcome measures; 
* Data analysis and reporting; 
* Equivalence of comparison groups; 
* Assessment of harm. 

Synthesize evidence: Ratings of study quality and strength of findings 
are combined to classify interventions as: 
* Best evidence; 
* Promising evidence. 

4. Model Programs Guide at the Office of Juvenile Justice and 
Delinquency Prevention: 

Search topic: Search for prevention and intervention programs to reduce 
problem behaviors (juvenile delinquency, violence, substance abuse) in 
at-risk juvenile population through: 
* Electronic databases; 
* Nominations solicited from the public. 

Selected studies: Select randomized and quasi-experimental studies with 
one or more positive outcomes and documentation of program 
implementation (fidelity). 

Review studies quality: A 3-person panel with 2 external Ph.D. content 
area experts—with a codebook and consensual agreement—independently 
rate studies on: 
* Review studies quality: Study design and execution; 
* Review studies quality: Validity and reliability of outcome measures; 
* Review studies quality: Data analysis and reporting; 
* Review studies quality: Equivalence of comparison groups; 
* Review studies quality: Intervention fidelity; 
* Review studies quality: Conceptual framework (logic and research 

Synthesize evidence: Ratings are combined across review criteria—
including consistency of evidence—to classify interventions as: 
* Exemplary; 
* Effective; 
* Promising. 

5. National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices at the 
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: 

Search topic: Search for: 
* Mental health promotion; 
* Mental health treatment; 
* Substance abuse prevention; 
* Substance abuse treatment; 
* Co-occurring disorders through: 
- Electronic databases; 
- Major journals; 
- Nominations solicited from the public. 

Selected studies: Select randomized and quasi-experimental studies with 
one or more positive outcomes. 

Review studies quality: Pairs of Ph.D. content specialists 
independently rate studies on; 
* Study design and execution; 
* Validity and reliability of outcome measures; 
* Data analysis and reporting; 
* Intervention fidelity. 

Pairs of providers and implementation experts independently rate 
readiness for dissemination on: 
* Implementation materials; 
* Training and support resources; 
* Quality assurance procedures. 

Synthesize evidence: Summary research quality ratings (0–4) are 
provided for statistically significant outcomes. Interventions 
themselves are not rated. Scores on intervention readiness are averaged 
to provide a score of 0–4. 

6. Top Tier Evidence Initiative at the Coalition for Evidence-Based 

Search topic: Search for early childhood (ages 0–6) and youth (ages 7–
18) interventions through: 
* Top evidence category of other evidence-based programs; 
* Consultation with experts; 
* Nominations solicited from the public; 

Selected studies: Select randomized studies with one or more positive 

Review studies quality: Team of M.A.s or Ph.D.s reviews studies and 
selects candidates for the advisory panel’s review. Team reviews and 
one advisory panel member rates studies on: 
* Study design and execution; 
* Validity and reliability of outcome measures; 
* Data analysis and reporting; 
* Equivalence of comparison groups. 

Synthesize evidence: The advisory panel reviews studies and quality 
ratings and assesses size and sustainability of effects in order to 
classify as Top Tier. 

7. What Works Clearinghouse at the Institute of Education Sciences: 

Search topic: Search for interventions that improve student achievement 
* Early childhood education; 
* Reading; 
* Mathematics; 
* Adolescent literacy; 
* Dropout prevention; 
* English language instruction through: 
- Electronic databases; 
- Major journals; 
- Conference proceedings; 
- Consultation with experts; 
- Nominations solicited from the public. 

Selected studies: Select randomized and quasi-experimental studies. 

Review studies quality: Two Ph.D. research analysts independently rate 
each study using codebook on: 
* Study design and execution; 
* Validity and reliability of outcome measures; 
* Data analysis and reporting; 
Ratings include: 
* Meets evidence standards; 
* Meets evidence standards with reservations. 

Synthesize evidence: Across studies, ratings on quality of evidence and 
effect’s direction, magnitude, and statistical significance for each 
outcome are combined and classified as: 
* Positive; 
* Potentially positive; 
* Mixed; 
* None discernible; 
* Potentially negative; 
* Negative. 
Number and size of studies are rated separately as: 
* Small; 
* Medium to large. 

[End of section] 

Appendix II: Comments from the Coalition for Evidence-Based Policy: 

Coalition for Evidence-Based Policy: 
900 19th Street, NW: 
Suite 400: 
Washington, DC 20006: 

November 9, 2009: 

Board of Advisors: 

Robert Boruch: 
University of Pennsylvania: 

Jonathan Crane: 
Coalition for Evidence-Based Policy: 

David Ellwood: 
Harvard University: 

Judith Gueron: 

Ron Haskins: 
Brookings Institution: 

Blair Hull: 
Matlock Capital: 

Robert Hoyt: 
Jennison Associates: 

David Kessler: 
Former FDA Commissioner: 

Jerry Lee: 
Jerry Lee Foundation: 

Dan Levy: 
Harvard University: 

Diane Ravitch: 
New York University: 

Howard Rolston: 
Abt Associates: 
Brookings institution: 

Isabel Sawhill: 
Brookings Institution: 

Martin Seligman: 
University of Pennsylvania: 

Robert Solow: 
Massachusetts Institute of Technology: 

Nicholas Zill: 
West., Inc. 

President: Jon Baron: 

The Coalition for Evidence-Based Policy is pleased with GAO's 
confirmation of the Top Tier initiative's adherence to rigorous 
standards and overall transparency: 

The Coalition is pleased with the GAO report's key findings that the 
Top Tier initiative's criteria conform to general social science 
research standards (pp. 15-23), and that its process is mostly 
transparent (pp. 9-15). We also agree with its observation that the Top 
Tier initiative differs from common practice in its strong focus on 
randomized experiments, and would add that this was the initiative's 
goal from the start. Indeed, its stated purpose is to identify 
interventions meeting the top tier standard set out in recent 
Congressional legislation: "well-designed randomized controlled trials 
(showing] sizeable, sustained effects on important...outcomes-(e.g., 
Public Laws 110-161 and 111-8). 

Consistent with our initiative's unique focus on helping policymakers 
distinguish the relatively few interventions meeting this top 
evidentiary standard from the many that claim to, we have — as noted in 
the GAO report — identified 6 interventions as Top Tier out of the 63 
reviewed thus far. The value of this process to policymakers is 
evidenced by the important impact these findings have already had on 
federal officials and legislation. For example, the initiative's 
findings for the Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) have helped to spur the 
Administration and Congress' proposed national expansion of evidence-
based home visitation. (The NFP study results arc cited in the 
President's FY 2010 budget.) Similarly, the initiative's findings for 
the Carrera Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention program and 
Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care (MTFC) have helped inform the 
Administration and Congress' proposed evidence-based teen pregnancy 
prevention program. (The MTFC study results are cited in the Senate's 
FY10 Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations Committee report.[Footnote 1]) 

In fact, 0M13 Director Peter Orszag recently posted on the OMB website 
a summary of the Administration's "two-tiered approach" to home 
visitation and teen pregnancy, which links to the Coalition's 
website.[Footnote 2] The approach includes (i) funding for programs 
backed by strong evidence, which he identifies as "the top tier;" and 
(ii) additional funding for programs backed by "supportive evidence," 
with a requirement for rigorous evaluation that, if positive, could 
move them into the top tier. 

Consistent with this Administration approach, we recognize (and agree 
with GAO) that nonrandomized studies provide important value — for 
example, in (i) informing policy decisions in areas where well-
conducted randomized experiments are not feasible or not yet conducted; 
ann (ii) identifying interventions that are particularly promising, and 
therefore ready to be evaluated in more definitive randomized 
experiments. We think the GAO report somewhat overstates the confidence 
one can place in nonrandomized findings alone, per (i) a recent 
National Academies recommendation[Footnote 3] that evidence of 
effectiveness generally "cannot be considered definitive" without 
ultimate confirmation in well-conducted randomized experiments, "even 
if based on the next strongest designs;" and (ii) evidence that 
findings from nonrandomized studies are often overturned in definitive 
randomized experiments (see attachment). But the important and 
complementary value of well-conducted nonrandomized studies as part of 
an overall research agenda is a central theme of the Coalition's 
approach to evidence-based policy reform. 

In conclusion, we appreciate GAO's thoughtful analysis, and will use 
its valuable observations to strengthen our initiative as it goes 
forward. Although the Congressionally-established top tier standard 
itself was not a main focus of the GAO report (as opposed to our 
process), we have attached some brief background on the standard and 
the reasons we support its use as an important clement of appropriate 
policy initiatives. 

Signed by: 

Jon Baron, President: 

[End of letter] 

The Congressionally-established Top Tier evidence standard is based on 
a well-established concept in the scientific community, and strong 
evidence regarding the importance of random assignment: 

Congress' Top Tier standard is based on a concept well-established in 
the scientific community — that when results of multiple (or multi-
site) well-conducted randomized experiments, carried out in real-world 
community settings, are available for a particular intervention, they 
generally comprise the most definitive evidence regarding that 
intervention's effectiveness. The standard further recognizes a key 
concept articulated in a recent National Academies recommendation: 
although many research methods can help identify effective 
interventions, evidence of effectiveness generally "cannot be 
considered definitive" without ultimate confirmation in well-conducted 
randomized experiments, "even if based on the next strongest designs." 
[Footnote 3] 

Although promising findings in nonrandomized quasi-experimental studies 
are valuable for decision making in the absence of stronger evidence, 
too often such findings are overturned in subsequent, more definitive 
randomized experiments. Reviews in medicine, for example, have found 
that 50-80% of promising results from phase II (mostly quasi-
experimental) studies are overturned in subsequent phase III randomized 
trials."[Footnote 4] Similarly, in education, eight of the nine major 
randomized experiments sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences 
since its creation in 2002 have found weak or no positive effects for 
the interventions being evaluated interventions which, in many cases, 
were based on promising, mostly quasi-experimental evidence (e.g., the 
LETRS teacher professional development program for reading 
instruction).[Footnote 5] Systematic "design replication" studies 
comparing well-conducted randomized experiments with quasi-experiments 
in welfare, employment, and education policy have also found that many 
widely-used and accepted quasi-experimental methods produce unreliable 
estimates of program impact.[Footnote 6] 

Thus, we support use of the Top Tier standard as a key element of 
policy initiatives seeking to scale up interventions backed by the most 
definitive evidence of sizeable, sustained effects, in areas where such 
proven interventions already exist. The standard has a strong basis in 
scientific authority and evidence, as reflected, for example, in the 
recent National Academies recommendation. 


[1] Sen. Rept. 111-66. 

[2] Peter Orszag's summary of the Administration's two-tiered approach 
is posted at [hyperlink,

[3] National Research Council and Institute of Medicine. (2009). 
Preventing Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Disorders Among Young 
People: Progress and Possibilities. Committee on Prevention of Mental 
Disorders and Substance Abuse Among Children, Youth and Young Adults: 
Research Advances and Promising Interventions. Mary Ellen O'Connell, 
Thomas Boat, and Kenneth E. Warner, Editors. Board on Children, Youth, 
and Families, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. 
Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Recommendation 12-4, page 

[4] John P. A. Ioannidis, "Contradicted and Initially Stronger Effects 
in Highly Cited Clinical Research,-Journal of the American Medical 
Association, vol. 294, no. 2, July 13, 2005, pp. 218-228. Mohammad I. 
Zia, Lillian L. Sin, Greg R. Pond, and Eric X. Chen, "Comparison of 
Outcomes of Phase II Studies and Subsequent Randomized Control Studies 
Using Identical Chemotherapeutic Regimens,".Journal of Clinical 
Oncology, vol. 23, no. 28, October 1, 2005, pp. 6982-6991. John K. Chan 
et. al., "Analysis of Phase II Studies on Targeted Agents and 
Subsequent Phase III Trials: What Are the Predictors for Success," 
Journal of Clinical Oncology, vol. 26, no. 9, March 20, 2008. 

[5] The Impact of Two Professional Development Interventions on Early 
Reading Instruction and Achievement, Institute of Education Sciences, 
NCEE 2008-4031, September 2008, [hyperlink, 

[6] Howard S. Bloom, Charles Michalopoulos, and Carolyn J. Hill, "Using 
Experiments to Assess Nonexperimental Comparison-Groups Methods for 
Measuring Program Effects," in Learning More From Social Experiments: 
Evolving Analytic Approaches, Russell Sage Foundation, 2005, pp. 173-
235. Thomas D. Cook, William R. Shadish, and Vivian C. Wong, "Three 
Conditions Under Which Experiments and Observational Studies Often 
Produce Comparable Causal Estimates: New Findings from Within-Study 
Comparisons," Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, vol. 27, no. 
4, pp. 724-50. Steve Glazerman, Dan M. Levy, and David Myers, 
"Nonexperimental versus Experimental Estimates of Earnings Impact," The 
American Annals of Political and Social Science, vol. 589, September 
2003, pp. 63-93. 

[End of section] 

Appendix III: GAO Contact and Staff Acknowledgments: 

GAO Contact: 

Nancy Kingsbury, (202) 512-2700 or 

Staff Acknowledgments: 

In addition to the person named above, Stephanie Shipman, Assistant 
Director, and Valerie Caracelli made significant contributions to this 

[End of section] 


Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Systems to Rate the 
Strength of Scientific Evidence: Summary. Evidence Report/Technology 
Assessment No. 47. Rockville, Md.: U.S. Department of Health and Human 
Services, March 2002. 

Auspos, Patricia, and Anne C. Kubisch. Building Knowledge about 
Community Change: Moving beyond Evaluations. New York: The Aspen 
Institute, 2004. 

Berk, Richard A. Randomized Experiments as the Bronze Standard. 
California Center for Population Research On-Line Working Paper Series 
CCPR-030-05. Los Angeles: August 2005. 

Boruch, Robert. “Encouraging the Flight of Error: Ethical Standards, 
Evidence Standards, and Randomized Trials.” New Directions for 
Evaluation no. 113 (spring 2007): 55–73. 

Boruch, Robert F., and Ellen Foley. “The Honestly Experimental Society: 
Sites and Other Entities as the Units of Allocation and Analysis in 
Randomized Trials.” In Validity and Social Experimentation: Donald 
Campbell’s Legacy, Leonard Bickman, ed. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage, 

Campbell, Donald T., and Julian C. Stanley. Experimental and Quasi-
experimental Designs for Research. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1966.
Chalmers, Iain. “Trying to Do More Good Than Harm in Policy and 
Practice: The Role of Rigorous, Transparent, Up-to-date Evaluations.” 
The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 589 
(2003): 22–40. 

Cook, Thomas D. “Randomized Experiments in Educational Policy Research: 
A Critical Examination of the Reasons the Educational Evaluation 
Community Has Offered for Not Doing Them.” Educational Evaluation and 
Policy Analysis 24:3 (2002): 175–99. 

European Evaluation Society. EES Statement: The Importance of a 
Methodologically Diverse Approach to Impact Evaluation—Specifically 
with Respect to Development Aid and Development Interventions. Nijkerk, 
The Netherlands: December 2007. 

Flay, Brian R., and others. “Standards of Evidence: Criteria for 
Efficacy, Effectiveness, and Dissemination.” Prevention Science 6:3 
(2005): 151–75. 

Fulbright-Anderson, Anne C. Kibisch, and James P. Connell, eds. New 
Approaches to Evaluating Community Initiatives. Vol. 2. Theory, 
Measurement, and Analysis. Washington, D.C.: The Aspen Institute, 1998. 

Glazerman, Steven, Dan M. Levy, and David Myers. “Nonexperimental 
versus Experimental Estimates of Earnings Impacts.” The Annals of the 
American Academy of Political and Social Science 589 (2003): 63–93. 

Institute of Medicine. Knowing What Works in Health Care: A Roadmap for 
the Nation. Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press, 2008. 

Jackson, N., and E. Waters. “Criteria for the Systematic Review of 
Health Promotion and Public Health Interventions.” For the Guidelines 
for Systematic Reviews in Health Promotion and Public Health Task 
Force. Health Promotion International 20:4 (2005): 367–74. 

Julnes, George, and Debra J. Rog. “Pragmatic Support for Policies on 
Methodology.” New Directions for Evaluation no. 113 (spring 2007): 129–

Mark, Melvin M., and Charles S. Reichardt. “Quasi-experimental and 
Correlational Designs: Methods for the Real World When Random 
Assignment Isn’t Feasible.” In The Sage Handbook of Methods in Social 
Psychology, Carol Sansone, Carolyn C. Morf, and A. T. Panter, eds. 
Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage, 2004. 

Moffitt, Robert A. “The Role of Randomized Field Trials in Social 
Science Research: A Perspective from Evaluations of Reforms of Social 
Welfare Programs.” The American Behavioral Scientist 47:5 (2004): 506–

National Research Council, Center for Education. Scientific Research in 
Education. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 2002.
National Research Council, Committee on Law and Justice. Improving 
Evaluation of Anticrime Programs. Washington, D.C.: National Academies 
Press, 2005. 

Orr, Larry L. Social Experiments: Evaluating Public Programs with 
Experimental Methods. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage, 1999. 

Posavac, Emil J., and Raymond G. Carey. Program Evaluation: Methods and 
Case Studies, 6th ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2003. 

Rossi, Peter H., Mark W. Lipsey, and Howard E. Freeman. Evaluation: A 
Systematic Approach, 7th ed. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage, 2004. 

Trochim, William M. K. President, American Evaluation Association, 
Chair, AEA Evaluation Policy Task Force. Letter to Robert Shea, 
Associate Director for Administration and Government Performance, 
Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D.C., March 7, 2008, and 
attachment, “Comments on ‘What Constitutes Strong Evidence of a Program’
s Effectiveness?’” 

Victora, Cesar G., Jean-Pierre Habicht, and Jennifer Bryce. “Evidence-
Based Public Health: Moving beyond Randomized Trials.” American Journal 
of Public Health 94:3 (March 2004): 400–05. 

West, Stephen, and others. “Alternatives to the Randomized Controlled 
Trial.” American Journal of Public Health 98:8 (August 2008): 1359–66. 

[End of section] 

Related GAO Products: 

Juvenile Justice: Technical Assistance and Better Defined Evaluation 
Plans Will Help to Improve Girls’ Delinquency Programs. GAO-09-721R. 
Washington, D.C.: July 24, 2009. 

Health-Care-Associated Infections in Hospitals: Leadership Needed from 
HHS to Prioritize Prevention Practices and Improve Data on These 
Infections. GAO-08-283. Washington, D.C.: March 31, 2008. 

School Mental Health: Role of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health 
Services Administration and Factors Affecting Service Provision. GAO-08-
19R. Washington, D.C.: October 5, 2007. 

Abstinence Education: Efforts to Assess the Accuracy and Effectiveness 
of Federally Funded Programs. GAO-07-87. Washington, D.C.: October 3, 

Program Evaluation: OMB’s PART Reviews Increased Agencies’ Attention to 
Improving Evidence of Program Results. GAO-06-67. Washington, D.C.: 
October 28, 2005. 

Program Evaluation: Strategies for Assessing How Information 
Dissemination Contributes to Agency Goals. GAO-02-923. Washington, 
D.C.: September 30, 2002. 

The Evaluation Synthesis. GAO/PEMD-10.1.2. Washington, D.C.: March 

Designing Evaluations. GAO/PEMD-10.1.4. Washington, D.C.: March 1991. 

Case Study Evaluations. GAO/PEMD-10.1.9. Washington, D.C.: November 

[End of section] 


[1] In addition, the federal Interagency Working Group on Youth 
Programs Web site [hyperlink,] provides 
interactive tools and other resources to help youth-serving 
organizations assess community assets, identify local and federal 
resources, and search for evidence-based youth programs. 

[2] GAO, Program Evaluation: OMB’s PART Reviews Increased Agencies’ 
Attention to Improving Evidence of Program Results, [hyperlink,] (Washington, D.C.: October 28, 
2005), p. 28. 

[3] See Coalition for Evidence-Based Policy, [hyperlink,]. 

[4] See Coalition for Evidence-Based Policy, Social Programs That Work, 

[5] See Coalition for Evidence-Based Policy, Top Tier Evidence, 
[hyperlink,]. The criterion is also 
sometimes phrased more simply as interventions that have been shown in 
well-designed randomized controlled trials to produce sizable, 
sustained effects on important outcomes. 

[6] AHRQ was formerly called the Agency for Health Care Policy and 

[7] See Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Effective Health 
Care, [hyperlink,]. 

[8] See Guide to Community Preventive Services, [hyperlink,]. 

[9] See Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, HIV/AIDS Prevention 
Research Synthesis Project, [hyperlink,]. 

[10] See Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention 
Programs, OJJDP Model Programs Guide, [hyperlink,]. 

[11] It was established as the National Registry of Effective 
Prevention Programs; it was expanded in 2004 to include mental health 
and renamed the National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and 

[12] See NREPP, SAMHSA’s National Registry of Evidence-based Programs 
and Practices, [hyperlink,]. 

[13] See IES What Works Clearinghouse, [hyperlink,]. 

[14] See [hyperlink,]. 

[15] Coalition for Evidence-Based Policy, “Checklist for Reviewing a 
Randomized Controlled Trial of a Social Program or Project, to Assess 
Whether It Produced Valid Evidence,” August 2007, p. 5. [hyperlink,]. 

[16] Coalition, 2007, p. 5. 

[17] In intention-to-treat analysis, members of the treatment and 
control groups are retained in the group to which they were originally 
assigned, even if some treatment group members failed to participate in 
or complete the intervention or some control group members later gained 
access to the intervention. See Checklist, p. 4. 

[18] These factors were initially outlined in the classic research 
design book by Donald T. Campbell and Julian C. Stanley, Experimental 
and Quasi-Experimental Designs for Research (Chicago: Rand McNally, 

[19] GAO, The Evaluation Synthesis, [hyperlink,] (Washington, D.C.: March 
1992); Institute of Medicine, Knowing What Works in Health Care 
(Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 2008); Iain Chalmers, 
“Trying to Do More Good Than Harm in Policy and Practice: The Role of 
Rigorous, Transparent, Up-to-Date Evaluations,” The Annals of the 
American Academy of Political and Social Science (Thousand Oaks, 
Calif.: Sage, 2003); Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 
Systems to Rate the Strength of Scientific Evidence (Rockville, Md.: 

[20] Institute of Medicine, Knowing What Works; N. Jackson and E. 
Waters, “Criteria for the Systematic Review of Health Promotion and 
Public Health Interventions,” Health Promotion International (2005): 

[21] GAO, Program Evaluation: Strategies for Assessing How Information 
Dissemination Contributes to Agency Goals, [hyperlink,] (Washington, D.C.: Sept. 30, 

[22] See 45 C.F.R. Part 46 (2005) and, for example, the American 
Evaluation Association’s Guiding Principles for Evaluators, revised in 
2004. [hyperlink,]. 

[23] See Karen Fulbright-Anderson, Anne S. Kubisch, and James P. 
Connell, eds., New Approaches to Evaluating Community Initiatives, vol. 
2, Theory, Measurement, and Analysis (Washington, D.C.: Aspen 
Institute, 1998), and Patricia Auspos and Anne S. Kubisch, Building 
Knowledge about Community Change: Moving Beyond Evaluations 
(Washington, D.C.: Aspen Institute, 2004). 

[End of section] 

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