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entitled 'Space Acquisitions: DOD Needs to Take More Action to Address 
Unrealistic Initial Cost Estimates of Space Systems' which was released 
on November 17, 2006. 

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Report to Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, Committee on Armed 
Services, House of Representatives: 

United States Government Accountability Office: 


November 2006: 

Space Acquisitions: 

DOD Needs to Take More Action to Address Unrealistic Initial Cost 
Estimates of Space Systems: 

Space Acquisitions: 


GAO Highlights: 

Highlights of GAO-07-96, a report to Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, 
Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives 

Why GAO Did This Study: 

Estimated costs for the Department of Defense’s (DOD) major space 
acquisition programs have increased by about $12.2 billion from initial 
estimates for fiscal years 2006 through 2011. Cost growth for ongoing 
Air Force programs above initial estimates accounts for a substantial 
portion of this 44 percent increase. In light of the role that 
optimistic estimating is believed to have played in exacerbating space 
acquisition cost growth, you requested that we examine (1) in what 
areas space system acquisition cost estimates have been unrealistic and 
(2) what incentives and pressures have contributed to the quality and 
usefulness of cost estimates for space system acquisitions. 

What GAO Found: 

Costs for DOD space acquisitions over the past several decades have 
consistently been underestimated—sometimes by billions of dollars. For 
example, Space Based Infrared System High program costs were originally 
estimated at $4 billion, but the program is now estimated to cost over 
$10 billion. Estimated costs for the National Polar-orbiting 
Operational Satellite System program have grown from almost $6 billion 
at program start to over $11 billion. 

For the most part, cost growth has not been caused by poor cost 
estimating, but rather the tendency to start programs before knowing 
whether requirements can be achieved within available resources—largely 
because of pressures to secure funding. At the same time, however, 
unrealistic program office cost estimates have exacerbated space 
acquisition problems. Specifically, with budgets originally set at 
unrealistic amounts, DOD has had to resort to continually shifting 
funds to and from programs, and such shifts have had costly, 
reverberating effects. 

Our analyses of six ongoing space programs found that original cost 
estimates were particularly unrealistic about the promise of savings 
from increased contractor program management responsibilities, the 
constancy and availability of the industrial base, savings that could 
be accrued from heritage systems, the amount of weight growth that 
would occur during a program, the availability of mature technology, 
the stability of funding, the stability of requirements, and the 
achievability of planned schedules. At times, estimates that were more 
realistic in these areas were available to the Air Force, but they were 
not used. 

Cost-estimating and program officials we spoke with identified a number 
of factors that have contributed to this condition, in addition to 
larger pressures to produce low estimates that are more likely to win 
support for funding. 
* Although the National Security Space Acquisition policy requires that 
independent cost estimates be prepared by bodies outside the 
acquisition chain of command, it does not require that they be relied 
upon to develop program budgets. 
* While the policy requires that cost estimates be updated at major 
acquisition milestones, significant events, such as changes in the 
industrial base or funding, have occurred between milestones. 
* Within space system acquisitions, cost-estimating officials believe 
that their roles and responsibilities are not clear and the cost-
estimating function is fragmented. 
* Cost-estimating resources have atrophied over the years because of 
previous downsizing of the workforce, making resources such as staff 
and data inadequate and the Air Force more dependent on support 
contractors for the estimating function. 

What GAO Recommends: 

GAO recommends that DOD take a number of actions to increase the 
likelihood that independent, more realistic cost estimates will be 
developed and utilized. 

DOD concurred with the overall findings of this report and provided 
information on the specific actions it was already taking to improve 
the Air Force’s cost-estimating capability. 


To view the full product, including the scope and methodology, click on 
the link above. For more information, contact Cristina T. Chaplain at 
(202) 512-4841 or 

[End of Section] 



Results in Brief: 


Program Office Cost Estimates on Space Programs Not Realistic: 

Various Incentives and Pressures within DOD Have Contributed to Cost- 
Estimating Weaknesses: 

Successful Organization Approaches That Better Support Cost Estimating: 


Recommendations for Executive Action: 

Agency Comments and Our Evaluation: 

Appendix I: Scope and Methodology: 

Appendix II: DOD Acquisition Categories for Major Defense Acquisition 

Appendix III: Examples of Where Program Officials Were Too Optimistic 
in Their Assumptions: 

Appendix IV: Examples Where Independent Cost Estimates Were Not Relied 

Appendix V: Comments from the Department of Defense: 

Appendix VI: GAO Contacts and Staff Acknowledgments: 

Related GAO Products: 


Table 1: Areas Where Program Officials Were Too Optimistic in Their 

Table 2: Comparison of 2004 AEHF Program Office and Independent Cost 

Table 3: Comparison of 2003 NPOESS Program Office and Independent Cost 

Table 4: Comparison of 1996 SBIRS High Program Office Cost Estimate and 
Independent Cost Estimate: 

Table 5: DOD Acquisition Categories and Decision Authorities: 

Table 6: Examples of Optimistic Assumptions: 

Table 7: Comparison of 2004 AEHF Program Office and Independent Cost 

Table 8: Historical AEHF Weight Growth: 

Table 9: Comparison of 2003 NPOESS Program Office and Independent Cost 

Table 10: Program Office Integration Estimates for NPOESS: 

Table 11: SBIRS High GEO 3-5 Procurement Funding Analysis: 


Figure 1: Key Events and Funding Shifts That Occurred between Estimates 
for SBIRS High: 


ACAT: Acquisition Category: 
AEHF: Advanced Extremely High Frequency: 
AFCAA: Air Force Cost Analysis Agency: 
APB: Acquisition Program Baseline: 
CAIG: Cost Analysis Improvement Group: 
DOD: Department of Defense: 
DMSP: Defense Meteorological Satellite Program: 
EELV: Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle: 
GEO: geosynchronous earth orbit: 
GPS: Global Positioning System: 
HEO: highly elliptical orbit: 
KDP: key decision point: 
NPOESS: National Polar- orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite 
NRO: National Reconnaissance Office: 
NSA: National Security Agency: 
SBIRS: Space Based Infrared System: 
SMC: Space and Missile Systems Center: 
TRL: Technology Readiness Level: 
TSAT: Transformational Satellite Communications System: 
TSPR: Total System Performance Responsibility: 
WGS: Wideband Gapfiller Satellites: 

United States Government Accountability Office: 
Washington, DC 20548: 

November 17, 2006: 

The Honorable Terry Everett: 
The Honorable Silvestre Reyes: 
Ranking Minority Member: 
Subcommittee on Strategic Forces: 
Committee on Armed Services: 
House of Representatives: 

Estimated costs for the Department of Defense's (DOD) major space 
acquisition programs have increased a total of about $12.2 billion--or 
nearly 44-percent--above initial estimates for fiscal years 2006 
through 2011. In some cases, current estimates of costs are more than 
double the original estimates. For example, the Space Based Infrared 
System (SBIRS) High program was originally estimated to cost about $4 
billion, but is now estimated to cost over $10 billion. The National 
Polar-orbiting Operational Satellite System (NPOESS) program was 
originally estimated to cost almost $6 billion but is now over $11 
billion. Such growth has had a dramatic impact on DOD's overall space 
portfolio. To cover the added costs of poorly performing programs, DOD 
has shifted scarce resources away from other programs, creating a 
cascade of cost and schedule inefficiencies. 

Our work has identified a variety of reasons for this cost growth, most 
notably that weapons programs are incentivized to produce and use 
optimistic cost and schedule estimates in order to successfully compete 
for funding and that DOD starts its space programs too early, that is, 
before it has assurance that the capabilities it is pursuing can be 
achieved within available resources and time constraints. At the same 
time, however, this cost growth was partly due to the fact that DOD 
used low cost estimates to establish programs' budgets and later found 
it was necessary to make funding shifts that had costly, reverberating 
effects. In 2003, a DOD study of space acquisition problems found that 
the space acquisition system is strongly biased to produce 
unrealistically low cost estimates throughout the process. The study 
found that most programs at the time of contract initiation had a 
predictable cost growth of 50 to 100 percent. The study also found that 
the unrealistically low projections of program cost and lack of 
provisions for management reserve seriously distorted management 
decisions and program content, increased risks to mission success, and 
virtually guaranteed program delays. We have found that most of these 
conditions exist in many DOD programs. 

Given concerns about the role optimistic cost estimating has played in 
exacerbating space acquisition problems, you requested that we examine 
(1) in what areas space system acquisitions cost estimates have been 
unrealistic and (2) what incentives and pressures have contributed to 
the quality and usefulness of cost estimates for space system 

In conducting our work, we developed case studies of six ongoing major 
space acquisition programs that included analysis of cost and other 
program documentation. These include the Advanced Extremely High 
Frequency (AEHF) satellite program (communications satellites), the 
Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV) (satellite launch systems), 
the Global Positioning System (GPS) IIF (navigational satellites), the 
National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System 
(weather and environmental monitoring satellites), the Space Based 
Infrared System High (missile detection satellites), and the Wideband 
Gapfiller Satellites (WGS) (communication satellites). We also spoke 
with officials from DOD, the Air Force, and contractor offices and 
analyzed DOD and Air Force acquisition and cost-estimating policies. In 
addition, we obtained input on our findings from a panel of cost- 
estimating experts who work within the Office of the Secretary of 
Defense as well as the Air Force. Additional information on our scope 
and methodology is in appendix I. We conducted our work from August 
2005 to October 2006 in accordance with generally accepted government 
auditing standards. 

Results in Brief: 

Our analyses of six ongoing space programs found that original cost 
estimates were unrealistic in a number of areas, specifically, savings 
from increased contractor program management responsibilities, the 
constancy and availability of the industrial base, savings that could 
be accrued from heritage systems, the amount of weight growth that 
would occur during a program, the availability of mature technology, 
the stability of funding, the stability of requirements, and the 
achievability of planned schedules. At times, estimates that were more 
realistic in these areas were available to the Air Force, but they were 
not used so that programs could sustain support amid competition for 

Cost-estimating and program officials we spoke with identified a number 
of factors that have contributed to low estimates in addition to the 
larger pressures to win support for funding. For example, although the 
National Security Space Acquisition policy requires independent cost 
estimates that are prepared by bodies outside the acquisition chain of 
command, such estimates have not always been relied upon for program 
decisions or to develop program budgets. In addition, while the policy 
requires that independent cost estimates be prepared or updated at 
major acquisition milestones, significant events, such as changes in 
the industrial base or funding, have occurred between milestones. 
Moreover, within space system acquisitions, cost-estimating officials 
believe that their roles and responsibilities are not clear, and the 
cost-estimating function is fragmented. Finally, according to Air Force 
officials, cost-estimating resources have atrophied over the years 
because of the previous downsizing of the workforce, making resources 
such as staff and data inadequate and the Air Force more dependent on 
support contractors for the estimating function. 

While the Air Force has taken steps recently to emphasize the use of 
independent cost estimates, it has not made additional changes needed 
to enhance the quality of cost estimates. We are making recommendations 
aimed at instituting these actions. DOD agreed with most of our 
recommendations, and is taking a number of actions to improve the Air 
Force's cost-estimating capability for space programs. DOD expressed 
concern that requiring officials involved in milestone decisions to 
document and justify their choice of cost estimates would reduce the 
milestone decision authority's future decision-making flexibility. 
While we recognize the importance of decision-making flexibility, we 
believe that more transparency in DOD's decision making is needed given 
the poor foundation of choices made in the past on space programs. 


Estimates of the total cost of a program are critical components in the 
acquisition process because they help decision makers decide among 
competing options and evaluate resource requirements at key decision 
points. All military services prepare life-cycle cost estimates in 
support of their acquisition programs that attempt to identify all 
costs of an acquisition program, from initiation through development, 
production, and disposal of the resulting system at the end of its 
useful life. These estimates serve two primary purposes. First, they 
are used at acquisition program milestone and decision reviews to 
assess whether the acquisition is affordable or consistent with the 
military services' and DOD's overall long-range funding, investment, 
and force structure plans. Second, they form the basis for budget 
requests to Congress. A realistic estimate of projected costs makes for 
effective resource allocation, and it increases the probability of a 
project's success. 

The requirements and guidance for cost estimating are specified in 
statute and in DOD policies. By law, there is a requirement that an 
independent life-cycle cost estimate be considered by the milestone 
decision authority before approving system development and 
demonstration, or production and deployment, of a major defense 
acquisition program.[Footnote 1] The statute requires DOD to prescribe 
regulations governing the content and submission of such estimates and 
that the estimate be prepared by (1) an office or other entity that is 
not under the supervision, direction, or control of the military 
department, DOD agency, or other DOD component directly responsible for 
carrying out the development or acquisition of the program, or (2) by 
an office or other entity that is not directly responsible for carrying 
out the development or acquisition of the program if the decision 
authority for the program has been delegated to an official of a 
military department, DOD agency, or other DOD component.[Footnote 2] 
The statute specifies that the independent estimate is to include all 
costs of development, procurement, military construction, and 
operations and support, without regard to funding source or management 
control.[Footnote 3] DOD policy assigns specific responsibility for 
fulfilling the requirement of an independent cost estimate to the 
Office of the Secretary of Defense Cost Analysis Improvement Group 
(CAIG) for any major defense acquisition program and major system that 
are subject to review by the Defense Acquisition Board of the Defense 
Space Acquisition Board.[Footnote 4] These board reviews address major 
defense acquisition programs (including space programs) that are 
designated as acquisition category (ACAT) ID, pre-major defense 
acquisition programs, or ACAT IC programs (see app. II for a 
description of acquisition categories ID and IC). The CAIG independent 
cost estimate is prepared for milestone (known as key decision point in 
space programs) B (program start, or preliminary design for space 
programs), and C (low-rate initial production or build approval for 
space programs). In addition, the milestone decision authority may 
request the CAIG to prepare other independent cost estimates, or 
conduct other ad hoc cost assessments for programs subject to its 
review and oversight. The CAIG serves as the principal advisory body to 
the milestone decision authority on all matters concerning an 
acquisition program's life-cycle cost, and is given general 
responsibilities for establishing DOD policy guidance on a number of 
matters relating to cost estimating. 

Since 2003, cost estimating for major space system acquisitions has 
been governed by the National Security Space Acquisition 
Policy.[Footnote 5] Under this policy, the CAIG is responsible for and 
leads the development of independent cost analyses of major space 
acquisition programs.[Footnote 6] Fulfilling the requirement that an 
independent cost estimate be developed by an organization independent 
of the program office and the acquisition chain of command, the CAIG 
does so in support of a distinct Defense Space Acquisition Board, with 
the Under Secretary of the Air Force as the milestone decision 
authority.[Footnote 7] The CAIG is to prepare independent cost analyses 
for space acquisition programs by augmenting its own staff with an 
independent team of qualified personnel from across the space 
community, including the Air Force Cost Analysis Agency (AFCAA) and the 
cost estimating organizations of the Air Force Space Command and the 
Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center. In addition to the 
independent cost estimates, individual program offices also prepare 
cost estimates for their acquisition programs. The independent CAIG 
cost estimate is designed to assess the program office estimate and 
ensure realistic cost estimates are considered. In addition, although 
not required in the space acquisition policy, in some cases a cost 
analysis is prepared by an Air Force service organization, such as the 
Air Force Cost Analysis Agency. 

Past GAO Findings on Space Cost Growth: 

For fiscal years 2006 through 2011, estimated costs for DOD's major 
space acquisition programs have increased a total of about $12.2 
billion above initial estimates. For example, the cost estimate for the 
SBIRS High program rose from about $4 billion at the start of 
development in October 1996 to over $10 billion in September 2005, and 
costs are expected to rise further. In addition, the cost estimate for 
the NPOESS program grew from about $5.9 billion at program start in 
2002 to nearly $11.4 billion currently, according to the CAIG's latest 

Our past work has identified a number of causes behind the cost growth 
and related problems, but several consistently stand out. First, on a 
broad scale, DOD starts more weapon programs than it can afford, 
creating a competition for funding that encourages low cost estimating, 
optimistic scheduling, overpromising, suppressing of bad news, and, for 
space programs, forsaking the opportunity to identify and assess 
potentially better alternatives. Programs focus on advocacy at the 
expense of realism and sound management. Invariably, with too many 
programs in its portfolio, DOD is forced to continually shift funds to 
and from programs--particularly as programs experience problems that 
require more time and money to address. Such shifts, in turn, have had 
costly, reverberating effects. 

Second, as we have previously testified and reported, DOD starts its 
space programs too early, that is, before it has the assurance that the 
capabilities it is pursuing can be achieved within available resources 
and time constraints. This tendency is caused largely by the funding 
process, since acquisition programs attract more dollars than efforts 
concentrating solely on proving technologies. Nevertheless, when DOD 
chooses to extend technology invention into acquisition, programs 
experience technical problems that require large amounts of time and 
money to fix. Moreover, when this approach is followed, cost estimators 
are not well positioned to develop accurate cost estimates because 
there are too many unknowns. Put more simply, there is no way to 
estimate how long it would take to design, develop, and build a 
satellite system when critical technologies planned for that system are 
still in relatively early stages of discovery and invention. 

A companion problem for space systems is that programs have 
historically attempted to satisfy all requirements in a single step, 
regardless of the design challenge or the maturity of the technologies 
necessary to achieve the full capability. Increasingly, DOD has 
preferred to make fewer, but heavier, large and complex satellites that 
perform a multitude of missions rather than larger constellations of 
smaller, less complex satellites that gradually increase in 
sophistication. This has stretched technology challenges beyond current 
capabilities in some cases and vastly increased the complexities 
related to software--a problem that affected SBIRS High and AEHF, for 

In addition, several of the space programs included in our case 
studies, began in the late 1990s, when DOD structured contracts in a 
way that reduced oversight and shifted key decision-making 
responsibility onto contractors. This approach--known as Total System 
Performance Responsibility, or TSPR--was intended to facilitate 
acquisition reform and enable DOD to streamline a cumbersome 
acquisition process and leverage innovation and management expertise 
from the private sector. However, DOD later found that this approach 
magnified problems related to requirements creep and poor contractor 
performance. In addition, under TSPR, the government decided not to 
obtain certain cost data, a decision that resulted in the government 
having even less oversight of the programs and limited information from 
which to manage the programs. Further, the reduction in government 
oversight and involvement led to major reductions in various government 
capabilities, including cost-estimating and systems-engineering staff. 
The loss of cost-estimating and systems-engineering staff in turn led 
to a lack of technical data needed to develop sound cost estimates. 

Our reviews have identified additional factors that have contributed to 
space cost growth, though less directly. These include consolidations 
within the defense supplier base for space programs, the diverse array 
of officials and organizations involved with space programs, short 
tenures for top leadership and program managers, as well as capacity 
shortfalls that have constrained DOD's ability to optimize and oversee 
its space programs. A section at the end of this report lists prior 
relevant GAO reports. 

Program Office Cost Estimates on Space Programs Not Realistic: 

Our case study analyses found that program office cost estimates--and 
more specifically, the assumptions upon which those estimates were 
based--have been unrealistic in eight areas, many of which are 
interrelated. In some cases, such as assumptions regarding weight 
growth and the ability to gain leverage from heritage, or legacy, 
systems, past experiences or contrary data were ignored. In other 
cases, such as when contractors were given more program management 
responsibility, as with TSPR, or when growth in the commercial market 
was predicted, estimators assumed that promises of reduced cost and 
schedule would be borne out and did not have the benefit of experience 
to factor into their work. We also identified flawed assumptions that 
reflected deeper flaws in acquisition strategies or development 
approaches. For example, five of six programs we reviewed assumed 
technology would be sufficiently mature when needed, even though the 
programs began without a complete understanding of how long it would 
take or how much it would cost to ensure technologies could work as 
intended. In four programs, estimators assumed there would be few 
delays, even though programs were adopting highly aggressive schedules 
while simultaneously attempting to make ambitious leaps in capability. 
In four programs, estimators assumed funding would stay constant, even 
though space and weapon programs frequently experience funding shifts 
and the Air Force was in the midst of starting a number of costly new 
space programs to replenish older constellations. 

Table 1 highlights major areas where program officials were too 
optimistic in their assumptions for the six space system acquisitions 
we examined or where additional evidence showed the estimate was 
unrealistic. In some cases, programs may have experienced problems 
related to one of the categories, but we did not have evidence to show 
the original assumptions were optimistic. 

Table 1: Areas Where Program Officials Were Too Optimistic in Their 

Optimistic assumptions: Industrial base would remain constant and 
Space programs affected: AEHF: [Empty]; 
Space programs affected: EELV: X; 
Space programs affected: GPS IIF: X; 
Space programs affected: NPOESS: X; 
Space programs affected: SBIRS High: X; 
Space programs affected: WGS: X. 

Optimistic assumptions: Technology would be mature enough when needed; 
Space programs affected: AEHF: X; 
Space programs affected: EELV: [Empty]; 
Space programs affected: GPS IIF: X; 
Space programs affected: NPOESS: X; 
Space programs affected: SBIRS High: X; 
Space programs affected: WGS: X. 

Optimistic assumptions: TSPR would reduce costs and schedule; 
Space programs affected: AEHF: [Empty]; 
Space programs affected: EELV: X; 
Space programs affected: GPS IIF: X; 
Space programs affected: NPOESS: X; 
Space programs affected: SBIRS High: X; 
Space programs affected: WGS: [Empty]. 

Optimistic assumptions: Savings would occur from experience on heritage 
Space programs affected: AEHF: X; 
Space programs affected: EELV: [Empty]; 
Space programs affected: GPS IIF: [Empty]; 
Space programs affected: NPOESS: X; 
Space programs affected: SBIRS High: X; 
Space programs affected: WGS: X. 

Optimistic assumptions: No weight growth would occur; 
Space programs affected: AEHF: X; 
Space programs affected: EELV: [Empty]; 
Space programs affected: GPS IIF: [Empty]; 
Space programs affected: NPOESS: X; 
Space programs affected: SBIRS High: X; 
Space programs affected: WGS: X. 

Optimistic assumptions: Funding stream would be stable; 
Space programs affected: AEHF: X; 
Space programs affected: EELV: [Empty]; 
Space programs affected: GPS IIF: X; 
Space programs affected: NPOESS: X; 
Space programs affected: SBIRS High: X; 
Space programs affected: WGS: [Empty]. 

Optimistic assumptions: An aggressive schedule; 
Space programs affected: AEHF: X; 
Space programs affected: EELV: [Empty]; 
Space programs affected: GPS IIF: [Empty]; 
Space programs affected: NPOESS: X; 
Space programs affected: SBIRS High: X; 
Space programs affected: WGS: X. 

Optimistic assumptions: No growth in requirements; 
Space programs affected: AEHF: X; 
Space programs affected: EELV: [Empty]; 
Space programs affected: GPS IIF: X; 
Space programs affected: NPOESS: [Empty]; 
Space programs affected: SBIRS High: X; 
Space programs affected: WGS: [Empty]. 

Source: This table is based on conversations with program and 
contracting officials and analysis of data they provided. In some 
cases, we made our own designations based on our prior findings. 

[End of table] 

* Assumptions about the space industrial base: Five programs 
experienced challenges due to assumptions that were made about the 
availability and constancy of the industrial base. When cost estimates 
for some of these programs were developed, cost estimators assumed the 
programs would gain leverage from the commercial satellite market, 
which, at the time the programs were initiated, was widely expected to 
continue to grow. In the EELV program, for instance, the original 
contracting concept was for the Air Force to piggyback on the 
anticipated launch demand of the commercial sector. Furthermore, the 
Air Force assumed that it would benefit financially from competition 
among commercial vendors. However, the commercial demand never 
materialized, and the government was forced to bear the cost burden of 
maintaining the industrial base in order to maintain launch capability, 
and assumed savings from competition were never realized. In other 
cases, programs experienced unanticipated problems resulting from 
consolidations in the supplier base. For example, contractors took cost-
cutting measures that reduced the quality of parts. Contractors also 
lost key technical personnel as they consolidated development and 
manufacturing facilities. 

* Assumptions about technology maturity: In five of the six space 
system acquisition programs, when cost estimates were developed, 
program officials and cost estimators assumed that technologies 
critical to the programs would be mature and available--even though the 
programs began without a complete understanding of how long or how much 
it would cost to ensure technologies could work as intended. 
Invariably, after the programs began and as their development 
continued, the technology issues ended up being more complex than 
initially believed. For example, on the NPOESS program, DOD and the 
Department of Commerce committed funds for the development and 
production of satellites before the technology was mature--only 1 of 14 
critical technologies was mature at program initiation and 1 technology 
was determined to be less mature after the contractor conducted more 
verification testing. The program has since been beset by significant 
cost increases and schedule delays due in part to technical problems, 
such as the development of key sensors. On the GPS IIF program, the 
cost estimate was built on the assumption that the military code signal 
being developed would fit on a single microchip. However, once 
development started, interface issues arose and the subcontractor had 
to move to a two-microchip design, which took 8 months to resolve and 
increased cost to the program. 

* Assumptions about TSPR savings: Four programs we examined assumed 
that there would be significant savings associated with adopting the 
TSPR policy. For example, while TSPR was supposed to relieve 
contractors of unnecessary oversight, the government assumed that the 
contractors would still maintain sufficient systems engineering and 
program management levels by following standard practices to provide 
oversight of their subcontractors and vendors. However, for a variety 
of reasons, the savings never materialized. For instance, it was 
believed that by giving more program management responsibility to 
contractors and increasing use of commercial equipment, the government 
could reduce the number of in-house systems engineers--who normally 
help the government define its requirements by analyzing differences 
between customer needs and technical possibilities and analyze progress 
in development. Ultimately, the reduction in systems engineering staff 
resulted in cost growth as the programs experienced technical and 
quality problems that the government was no longer in a position to 
detect and prevent. Programs also came to realize that commercial parts 
being relied on were not always suitable for their efforts, and had to 
resort to costly measures to address this problem. In addition, in 
implementing TSPR, the government initially entered into contracts that 
did not allow it to obtain certain cost data from the contractors 
(e.g., contractor cost data reports and contractor performance 
reports), even though such data are critical for cost estimators to 
develop sound cost estimates and important for the government to 
maintain adequate insight. This was the case for EELV and GPS IIF--both 
of which have either been restructured or are now planning to issue 
follow-on contracts that will require cost and pricing data and earned 
value management data. It should be noted that the Air Force has since 
recognized problems related to its implementation of TSPR and rejected 
it as a recommended approach. 

* Assumptions about savings from heritage systems: Four programs 
assumed that they would be able to gain leverage from legacy satellite 
systems and save costs, but as the programs continued and more 
knowledge was gained about the requirements and the technologies needed 
to meet the requirements, DOD discovered that the legacy systems could 
not be relied on, as initially believed, and the savings were not 
realized. In addition, SBIRS High and WGS, for example, had all planned 
to gain leverage from commercial satellite development efforts because 
the government had planned to use portions of these satellites as 
lessons already learned in order to obtain design savings. However, 
when hardware and software development advances were slowed as a result 
of the Internet sector economic downturn, the government had to carry 
more design and development costs than anticipated. 

* Assumptions about weight growth: Four case study programs assumed no 
weight growth, which is among the highest drivers of cost growth for 
space systems, would occur despite leaps hoped for in technology and 
experiences in past programs. For example, the SBIRS High program 
assumed little to no weight growth, but the weight of the satellite 
spacecraft eventually grew by more than 59 percent, while payload 
aboard the spacecraft grew by 44 percent. Moreover, with such 
considerable weight growth, the program could no longer rely on the 
commercial bus it had originally selected for this acquisition, and 
instead had to develop a custom satellite bus--a more expensive 

* Assumptions about funding: Space programs frequently experienced 
funding shifts. Moreover, at the time the Air Force undertook the 
programs included in our case studies, it was attempting to replenish 
several older satellite constellations, which put further stress on its 
total investment in space. Despite this condition, when making 
estimates on four programs we reviewed, cost estimators assumed that 
program budgets would remain stable. As the programs progressed through 
the acquisition cycle, they experienced changes to their funding 
stream, which created program instability and cost growth due to the 
stopping and starting of activities. Cost estimators and program 
officials we interviewed generally agreed that space programs are not 
often fully funded and that their programs have experienced shifts in 
funding. However, they could not separate the ultimate effects of 
funding shifts, since the programs were concurrently experiencing other 
problems, such as technical or design problems, which were also adding 
costs, and these funding cuts led to other decisions that had 
reverberating consequences. For example, in some cases, programs 
abandoned their original plans to purchase satellites in one 
procurement in favor of individual orders in an effort to address a 
funding cut. While this decision enabled the programs to continue in 
the short term, it had significant long-term consequences on program 
costs since the price of each satellite substantially increased with 
the change to individual orders. In previous testimony and reports, we 
have stressed that DOD could avoid the need to make costly funding 
shifts by developing an overall investment strategy that would 
prioritize systems in its space portfolio with an eye toward balancing 
investments between legacy systems and new programs as well as between 
science and technology programs and acquisition investments. Such 
prioritizing would also reduce incentives to produce low estimates. 

* Assumptions about schedules: Four case study programs assumed that 
compressed schedules being proposed could be achieved--even though the 
programs were pursuing ambitious leaps in capability or attempting new 
approaches, such as using commercial equipment for military purposes. 
Moreover, in some cases, DOD had data available demonstrating such 
schedules were not realistic. In one case study program, WGS, the 
request for proposals specified that the budget available was $750 
million for three satellites plus ground control with a schedule 
constraint of 36 months. On the basis of these requirements, competing 
contractors were asked to offer maximum capacity, coverage, and 
connectivity via a contract that would make use of existing commercial 
practices and technologies. This aggressive schedule was never 
achieved. Instead, problems due to higher design complexity and 
supplier quality issues have caused the WGS schedule to stretch to 78 
months for the first expected launch. Historically, the Air Force has 
required between 55 and 79 months to build satellites similar to WGS, 
so while the schedule slip is within the expected range, the original 
36-month schedule was optimistic and not based on realistic data. For 
AEHF, the program accelerated its schedule in response to a potential 
gap in satellite coverage due to the launch failure of the third 
Milstar satellite. However, when the funding needed to achieve the 
acceleration was not delivered, the program experienced cost and 
schedule delays. Again, because these assumptions were made before 
enough information about the development was available, the assumptions 
did not hold up, and the programs experienced cost and schedule growth 
as a result. 

* Assumptions about requirements growth: Three programs--AEHF, GPS IIF, 
and SBIRS High--did not assume any requirements growth, even though 
there was a risk of growth because of the variety of stakeholders 
involved. High-level requirements for the SBIRS High program--which is 
being developed to improve missile warning, missile defense, technical 
intelligence, and battle space characterization--have remained stable 
since the program began, but prior DOD studies have found that lower- 
level requirements were in flux and mismanaged until the program was 
restructured in 1999. According to DOD studies, this was partially due 
to the TSPR approach, which placed too much responsibility on 
contractors to negotiate these requirements; the broad customer base 
for SBIRS; and the ambitious nature of the program to begin with. To 
illustrate, the SBIRS High program has 19 key performance parameters to 
satisfy--nearly five times more than the typical DOD space program. In 
addition, there are over 12,600 requirements that the program must 
address, and to date, requirements for external users have not been 
fully defined. DOD has since realized that responsibility for setting 
lower-level requirements should rest with the government and has taken 
actions to add more discipline to the requirements-setting process. In 
another example, GPS IIF was intended to follow on to the GPS II 
program, yet shortly after the contract was awarded, the government 
added the requirement for an additional auxiliary payload. This 
requirement caused the satellite design to be larger than originally 
planned, and this, in turn, required a larger launch vehicle. 
Requirements for more robust jamming capability to secure satellite 
transmissions were also added. Changes from a two-panel to a three- 
panel solar array design and flexible power were necessary to allow for 
more power and thermal capability requirements. 

Appendix III contains additional detailed examples of instances where 
program officials were too optimistic in their assumptions for the six 
space system acquisitions we examined. 

Various Incentives and Pressures within DOD Have Contributed to Cost- 
Estimating Weaknesses: 

Various incentives and pressures within DOD have contributed to 
optimistic program office cost estimates for space system acquisitions. 
As noted earlier, our prior work has found that programs are 
incentivized to produce optimistic estimates in order to gain approval 
for funding. At present, DOD does not have a long-term investment 
strategy that would prioritize its investments and, in turn, reduce 
pressures associated with competition for funding. A 2003 DOD study on 
crosscutting problems affecting space acquisitions, known as the Young 
Panel report, also found that the space acquisition system, in 
particular, is strongly biased to produce unrealistically low cost 
estimates throughout the process; advocacy tends to dominate, and a 
strong motivation exists to minimize program cost estimates, and 
proposals from competing contractors typically reflected the minimum 
program content and a price to win. In responding to the Young Panel 
report as well as our prior reports, DOD officials have not disputed 
the need for long-term investment planning or that programs are 
incentivized to produce low estimates. 

In conducting this review, we asked cost estimators, program managers, 
industry officials, and higher-level oversight officials what 
additional impediments there were to sound cost estimating for space. 
Their responses included that (1) there is little accountability for 
producing realistic program office estimates--among both program 
managers and estimators; (2) estimates produced within program offices 
are more often used to set budgets than estimates produced by 
independent estimators; (3) even though space programs experience 
frequent changes, independent cost estimates are not updated for years 
at a time; (4) cost-estimator roles and responsibilities are not clear 
and the cost-estimating function is fragmented; 
and (5) there are not enough in-house government cost estimators or 
sufficient data to support their work. 

Accountability Is Lacking: 

It is difficult for cost estimators to be held accountable for the 
estimates they develop because program decision makers are rarely held 
accountable for the estimates they use to establish program budgets. 
This, coupled with the pressure to compete for funding, invites program 
officials to accept optimistic assumptions and ignore risk and reality 
when developing cost estimates. 

This view was also expressed by many DOD program managers we 
interviewed for a 2005 review on program management best 
practices.[Footnote 8] While many program managers told us that they 
personally held themselves accountable, many also commented that it is 
difficult to be accountable when so much is outside their control. 
During our focus groups, program managers cited sporadic instances when 
program managers were removed from their positions or forced to retire 
if programs came in over cost or schedule, but they also cited 
instances when a program manager was promoted even though the program 
was experiencing difficulties. 

Independent Estimates Not Always Relied Upon: 

We found examples from our closer examinations of the AEHF, NPOESS, and 
SBIRS High programs where independent cost estimates were not relied 
upon by program decision makers. Independent estimates for these space 
system acquisitions forecasted considerably higher costs and lengthier 
schedules than program office or service cost estimates. Yet the 
milestone decision authorities used program office estimates or even 
lower estimates instead of the independent estimates to establish 
budgets for their programs. DOD's current space acquisition policy 
requires that independent cost estimates be prepared by bodies outside 
the acquisition chain of command, and be considered by program and DOD 
decision makers. However, the policy does not require that the 
independent estimates be relied upon to set budgets, only that they be 
considered at key acquisition decision points. 

* AEHF: In 2004, AEHF program decision makers relied upon the program 
office cost estimate rather than the independent estimate developed by 
the CAIG to support the production decision for the AEHF program--which 
was more than $2 billion higher. At that time, the AEHF program office 
estimated the system would cost $6 billion. This was based on the 
assumption that AEHF would have 10 times more capacity than the 
predecessor satellite--Milstar--but at half the cost and weight. The 
CAIG believed that this assumption was overly optimistic given that the 
AEHF weight had more than doubled since the program began in 1999 to 
obtain the desired increase in data rate. The latest program office 
estimate for AEHF is $6.1 billion. 

Table 2: Comparison of 2004 AEHF Program Office and Independent Cost 

Program office estimate: $6 billion; 
Independent cost estimate: AFCAA: AFCAA worked jointly with the CAIG to 
develop the independent estimate; 
Independent cost estimate: CAIG: $8.7 billion; 
Difference: 44%; 
Latest program office estimate: $6.1 billion. 

Source: CAIG and GAO analysis. 

Note: Estimates are in fiscal year 2006 dollars. 

[End of table] 

* NPOESS: In 2003, to support the NPOESS development decision, 
government decision makers relied on the program office's $7.2 billion 
cost estimate rather than the $8.8 billion independent cost estimate 
presented by the Air Force Cost Analysis Agency. AFCAA based its 
estimate on an analysis of historical data from satellite systems, 
independent software and hardware models, and a risk simulation model 
using input from 30 independent engineers. The program office relied 
largely on the contractor's proposal as well as on an unrealistic 
estimate of what it would cost to integrate the payloads onto the 
satellite bus. The program has encountered many problems as a result of 
these optimistic assumptions, and costs have risen to $11.4 billion, 
based on the latest program office cost estimate. 

Table 3: Comparison of 2003 NPOESS Program Office and Independent Cost 

Program office estimate: $7.2 billion (based on planned purchase of six 
Independent cost estimate: AFCAA: $8.8 billion; 
Independent cost estimate: CAIG: [Empty]; 
Difference: 23%; 
Latest program office estimate: $11.4 billion (based on planned 
purchase of four satellites). 

Source: CAIG and GAO analysis. 

Note: Estimates are in fiscal year 2006 dollars. The CAIG was not 
involved in preparing the 2003 independent cost estimate. 

[End of table] 

SBIRS High. On the SBIRS High program, the program office and AFCAA 
predicted cost growth as early as 1996, when the program was initiated. 
While both estimates at that time were close, approximately $5.6 
billion, both were much higher than the contractor's estimated costs. 
The program was subsequently estimated to cost $3.6 billion by the 
program office, almost $2 billion less than the original AFCAA or 
program office estimate. The program office and contractor ultimately 
assumed savings under TSPR that did not materialize. For instance, with 
this approach, the SBIRS High contractor used far fewer systems 
engineers than historical data show have been used for similar 
programs. To achieve savings, the contractor dropped important systems 
engineering tasks such as verification and cycling of requirements. The 
lack of systems engineering resulted in latent design flaws that 
required more integration and testing when components failed initial 

Table 4: Comparison of 1996 SBIRS High Program Office Cost Estimate and 
Independent Cost Estimate: 

Program office estimate: $5.7 billion (based on a planned purchase of 
five satellites); 
AFCAA independent cost estimate: $5.6 billion; 
Total program funding: $3.6 billion; 
Latest program office estimate: $10.2 billion (based on a planned 
purchase of three satellites). 

Source: AFCAA and Air Force documentation and GAO analysis. 

Note: Estimates are in fiscal year 2006 dollars. 

[End of table] 

We were informed by the CAIG that independent cost estimates are rarely 
used by the services to develop budgets for acquisition programs. 
Because CAIG estimates are seldom used and the program offices know 
this, officials we spoke with believe that there is no incentive on the 
part of program offices to change their approach to cost estimating. 
According to a senior CAIG official, program managers often promise to 
meet the maximum amount of requirements for the least cost. These 
program officials would rather rely on optimistic cost estimates from 
the contractors because these estimates most likely align with program 

Appendix IV contains detailed examples of where program and cost- 
estimating officials disagreed on estimates. 

Independent Cost Estimates Not Updated Frequently Enough to Account for 
Significant Events and Changes: 

It is possible for space programs to continue for years--as many as 4 
years--without updates of independent cost estimates and to see changes 
within that span of time that have had a substantial impact on cost-- 
including changes in requirements, changes in planned quantities, 
funding instability, design changes, quality variances resulting from 
rework, manufacturing or engineering changes, changes in supply chain 
and logistics management and support, technology-related problems, 
among others. At times, the only mechanism that forced an updated 
estimate was DOD policy that the CAIG support the Nunn-McCurdy 
certification process for programs breaching a certain unit cost 
threshold.[Footnote 9] Under this policy,[Footnote 10] the CAIG 
provides the Under Secretary with a recommendation concerning the 
reasonableness of the most recent unit cost estimates by the program. 

Because space programs tend to experience such changes after program 
start, some officials we spoke with in the DOD space cost-estimating 
community believe that independent cost estimates should be updated 
more frequently. Opinions differ as to the frequency and phasing of 
these non milestone estimates, assessments, or reviews. A CAIG official 
suggested updating cost estimates about every 18 to 24 months, while 
AFCAA officials suggested annually to correspond with the annual 
budgeting cycle. The current space acquisition policy requires only one 
independent cost estimate after critical design review, but CAIG 
officials noted that years can go by between critical design review and 
program completion, during which time programs have historically 
experienced substantial changes. 

Figure 1 illustrates significant changes that took place on the SBIRS 
High program both before and after critical design review. 

Figure 1: Key Events and Funding Shifts That Occurred between Estimates 
for SBIRS High: 

[See PDF for image] 

Source: GAO analysis of SBIRS High program data. 

[End of figure] 

Cost-Estimating Roles and Responsibilities Are Unclear: 

Air Force cost-estimating officials believe that their roles and 
responsibilities are not clear and that the cost-estimating function is 
too fragmented. Some also asserted that the cost-estimating function 
within the space community would be stronger if estimators themselves 
were centralized outside the acquisition chain of command so that they 
would not be biased or pressured by program office leadership to 
produce optimistic estimates. 

In an attempt to make the most efficient use of the limited cost 
estimate expertise for DOD space system acquisitions, the space 
acquisition policy called on the CAIG to augment its own staff with 
cost-estimating personnel drawn from across the community to serve as 
team members when it developed independent estimates. Members were to 
include the intelligence community's cost analysis improvement group, 
the Air Force Cost Analysis Agency, the National Reconnaissance Office 
(NRO) Cost Group, the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the 
Army for Cost and Economics, the Naval Center for Cost Analysis, the 
cost-estimating organizations of the Air Force Space Command, Air Force 
Space and Missile Systems Center, and the Space and Naval Warfare 
Systems Command. 

At this time, however, there are still significant disconnects in views 
about roles and responsibilities. Officials who reside in the 
acquisition chain of command--the Air Force Space and Missile Systems 
Center--believe that because the program executive officer and the 
program managers are responsible for executing the programs, they are 
also solely responsible for the cost estimates for the program. On the 
other hand, Air Force cost estimators outside the acquisition chain of 
command--the Air Force Cost Analysis Agency--believe they also hold 
some responsibility to ensure the quality and consistency of cost 
estimates and to produce independent cost estimates for consideration 
by Air Force decision makers. However, according to officials within 
the Space and Missile Systems Center's (SMC) cost-estimating group and 
AFCAA, the SMC cost-estimating group sees no role for AFCAA in 
developing program or Air Force cost estimates and has rejected 
assistance from AFCAA. According to Air Force officials, until a 
clearer distinction of roles and responsibilities is defined by Air 
Force leadership, issues of conflicting policy interpretation and 
implementation will remain. It is also possible that these disconnects 
have been exacerbated by the perception that these two communities are 
competing for responsibility. 

In addition, according to a senior CAIG official, the collaborative 
process for developing independent estimates has not been achieved as 
envisioned--principally because those who should be involved have not 
seen their involvement as a priority, and those who have been involved 
have required a lot of extra training to be able to make valuable 
contributions. Moreover, because the various cost-estimating 
organizations each have different customers, agendas, and approaches to 
developing cost estimates, these differences have made it difficult for 
them to work as a cohesive team. 

Cost-Estimating Resources Are Considered Inadequate: 

Air Force space cost-estimating organizations and program offices 
believe that cost-estimating resources are inadequate to do a good job 
of accurately predicting costs. They believe that their cost-estimating 
resources have atrophied over the years because of previous downsizing 
of the workforce, making resources such as staff and data inadequate. 

As noted earlier, there was a belief within the government that cost 
savings could be achieved under acquisition reform initiatives by 
reducing technical staff, including cost estimators, since the 
government would be relying more on commercial-based solutions to 
achieve desired capabilities. According to one Air Force cost- 
estimating official we spoke with, this led to a decline in the number 
of Air Force cost estimators from 680 to 280. High-grade positions and 
specialty cost-estimating job codes were eliminated, abolishing an 
official cost-estimating career path, and subordinating cost estimating 
as an additional duty. In the process, according to this same Air Force 
official, many military and civilian cost-estimating personnel left the 
cost-estimating field, and the Air Force lost some of its best and 
brightest cost estimators. 

Information we obtained from space program offices and cost-estimating 
organizations is consistent with the assertion of a lack of requisite 
resources. Eight of 13 cost-estimating organizations and program 
offices we informally surveyed believe the number of cost estimators is 
inadequate. Furthermore, some of these same organizations believe that 
cost estimation is not a respected career field within the Air Force, 
and more specifically, that Air Force cost estimators are not 
encouraged, nor do they have opportunities for promotion or 
advancement. Regarding the recognition and career paths for cost 
estimators, our data showed that only 3 of 12 organizations agreed that 
previous cost estimators had moved on to positions of equal or higher 
responsibility. Further, only 4 of 12 agreed that people ask to become 
cost estimators. 

The belief that cost-estimating skills have been depleted has been 
echoed in other DOD and GAO studies. According to the Young Panel 
report, government capabilities to lead and manage the acquisition 
process have seriously eroded, in part because of actions taken in the 
acquisition reform environment of the 1990s. This has extended to cost 
estimating. During our 2005 review of program management, we surveyed 
DOD's major weapon system program managers and interviewed program 
executive officers who similarly pointed to critical skill shortages 
for staff that support them, including cost estimators. Other skill 
gaps identified included systems engineering, program management, and 
software development. We continue to observe these deficiencies in our 
more recent reviews of the space acquisition workforce.[Footnote 11] 

Because of the decline in in-house cost-estimating resources, space 
program offices and Air Force cost-estimating organizations are now 
more dependent on support contractors. Ten of 13 cost-estimating 
organizations and program offices have more contractor personnel 
preparing cost estimates than government personnel. At 11 space program 
offices, contractors account for 64 percent of cost-estimating 
personnel. Support contractor personnel generally prepare cost 
estimates, while government personnel provide oversight, guidance, and 
review of the cost-estimating work. By contrast, the CAIG had made a 
determination that cost estimating is too important of a function to 
place in the hands of support contractors, and assigns only government 
personnel to develop cost estimates. 

Reliance on support contractors raises questions from the cost- 
estimating community about whether numbers and qualifications of 
government personnel are sufficient to provide oversight of and insight 
into contractor cost estimates. A senior CAIG official involved with 
estimating for space acquisition programs, for example, suggested that 
reliance on support contractors is a problem if the government cannot 
evaluate how good a cost estimate is or lacks the ability to track it. 
Two studies have also raised the concern that relying on support 
contractors makes it more difficult to retain institutional knowledge 
and instill accountability. Further, in the most recent defense 
authorization act, Congress is requiring DOD to make it a goal that 
within 5 years certain critical acquisition functions, including cost 
estimating, be performed by properly qualified DOD employees, and that 
in developing a comprehensive strategy for supporting the program 
manager role, DOD address improved resources and support such as cost- 
estimating expertise.[Footnote 12] 

A second resource gap hampering cost estimating is the lack of reliable 
technical source data. Officials we spoke with believe that cost 
estimation data and databases from which to base cost estimates are 
incomplete, insufficient, and outdated. They cite a lack of reliable 
historical and current cost, technical, and programmatic data and 
expressed concerns that available cost, schedule, technical, and risk 
data are not similar to the systems they are developing cost estimates 
for. In addition, some expressed concerns that relevant classified and 
proprietary commercial data may exist but are not usually available to 
the cost-estimating community working on unclassified programs. Some 
believe that Air Force cost estimators need to be able to use all 
relevant data, including those contained in NRO cost databases, since 
the agency builds highly complex, classified satellites in comparable 
time and at comparable costs per pound. 

Successful Organization Approaches That Better Support Cost Estimating: 

Over the past decade, GAO has examined successful organizations in the 
commercial sector to identify best practices that can be applied to 
weapon system acquisitions. This work has identified a number of 
practices that better support cost estimating than DOD does. For 
instance, unlike most space programs we have reviewed, the successful 
organizations we have studied extensively researched and defined 
requirements before program start to ensure that they are achievable, 
given available resources. They do not define requirements after 
starting programs. They also ensure technologies are mature, that is, 
proven to work as intended, and assign more ambitious efforts to 
corporate research departments until they are ready to be added to 
future increments. In addition, these organizations use systems 
engineering to close gaps between resources and requirements before 
launching the development process. Taken together, these practices help 
ensure that there is little guessing in how long or how many dollars it 
will take to achieve an intended capability. Moreover, within the 
organizations we studied, decisions to start programs are made through 
long-term strategic planning and prioritizing. As a result, competition 
for funding is minimized, and programs themselves do not have 
incentives to present low estimates. 

The successful organizations we have studied have taken additional 
steps to ensure cost estimates are complete and accurate that DOD has 
not. For instance, they hold program managers accountable for their 
estimates and require program managers to stay with a project to its 
end. At the same time, they develop common templates and tools to 
support data gathering and analysis and maintain databases of 
historical cost, schedule, quality, test, and performance data. Cost 
estimates themselves are continually monitored and regularly updated 
through a series of numerous gates or milestone decisions that demand 
programs assess readiness and remaining risk within key sectors of the 
program as well as overall cost and schedule issues. 

Senior leaders within these organizations also actively encourage 
program managers to share bad news about their programs and spend a 
great deal of time breaking down stovepipes and other barriers to 
sharing information. More important, they commit to fully funding 
programs and adhere to those commitments. Commonly, the organizations 
we studied have centralized cost estimators and other technical and 
business experts so that there is more effective deployment of 
technical and business skills while at the same time ensuring some 
measure of independence. Within DOD, the CAIG is a good example of 
this. Its cost estimates are produced by civilian government personnel 
(the sole military space cost estimating position will convert to a 
civilian position later on this year when the military cost estimator 
retires), to ensure long-term institutional knowledge and limit the 
effects of staff turnover that commonly occur with military personnel. 
Although the CAIG uses support contractors for conducting studies, it 
does not allow cost estimates to be developed by contractors. The CAIG 
takes this approach because it considers cost estimating to be a core 
function and therefore too important to contract out. The Naval Air 
Systems Command's Cost Analysis Division is also considered a model by 
some in the cost-estimating community because of its organizational 
structure and leadership support. It is a centralized cost department 
that provides support to multiple program offices. The department is 
headed by a senior executive-level manager, and various branches within 
the department are headed by GS-15-level managers. Analysts are 
somewhat independent of the program offices, as their supervisors are 
within the engineering department. This cost department has strong 
support from its leadership, and this support has helped it hire the 
number of analysts and receive the resources it needs. However, another 
official pointed out that this cost department is not completely 
independent from the acquisition chain of command, since it receives 
funding from the program offices to conduct the cost estimates. 

GAO has made recommendations to DOD to adopt best practices we have 
identified that would strengthen program management DOD-wide. Congress 
also recently directed DOD to develop a strategy to enhance program 
manager empowerment and accountability, agreeing with GAO's assessment 
that DOD has consistently failed to give program managers the authority 
that they need to successfully execute acquisition programs and, as a 
result, is unable to hold them accountable.[Footnote 13] GAO has also 
made recommendations to the Air Force to better position its space 
programs for success. In response, the Air Force has restructured its 
Transformational Satellite Communications System (TSAT) to ensure that 
the program incorporates technologies that have been proven to work as 
intended, and it has deferred more ambitious efforts to the science and 
technology community. It has committed to do the same on other 
programs. If effectively implemented, such actions would, in turn, 
significantly enhance the ability of independent estimators to forecast 
costs. However, we have testified that DOD faces a number of challenges 
and impediments in its effort to instill this approach. It needs 
significant shifts in thinking about how space systems should be 
developed, changes in incentives and perceptions; and further policy 
and process changes. And such changes will need to be made within a 
larger acquisition environment that still encourages a competition for 
funding and consequently pressures programs to view success as the 
ability to secure the next installment rather than the end goal of 
delivering the capabilities when and as promised. 

The Air Force has also been taking actions to make specific 
improvements to cost estimating for space programs. In the case of 
TSAT, program officials said they are updating the program's planning 
cost estimate on an annual basis. Furthermore, according to one CAIG 
official, some program offices have recently been using the CAIG's 
independent cost estimates. Both the SBIRS High and NPOESS program 
offices are developing their budgets based on the CAIG independent 
estimates that support the certification process for the programs' most 
recent Nunn-McCurdy breaches. Further, DOD and Air Force cost 
estimators we spoke to recognize that amendments made to the Nunn- 
McCurdy law by the 2006 Defense Authorization Act may increase realism 
in establishing initial cost estimates. As part of the revisions, DOD 
is barred from changing its original baseline cost estimate for a 
program until after it has breached certain Nunn-McCurdy thresholds 
that require a certification and assessment of the program, and DOD 
must report the baseline changes to Congress. 

The Air Force has also committed to strengthening its cost-estimating 
capabilities in terms of people, methodologies, and tools. For 
instance, 50 new cost estimators have recently been authorized to the 
AFCAA, some of whom may be detailed to the Space and Missile Systems 
Center. Finally, key players within the DOD space cost-estimating 
community are meeting on a regular basis to discuss issues, review 
recent findings from GAO and other groups, and explore lessons learned 
and potential ideas for improvement. 


Costs for DOD space acquisitions over the past several decades have 
consistently been underestimated--sometimes by billions of dollars. For 
the most part, this has not been caused by poor cost estimating itself, 
but rather the tendency to start programs before knowing whether 
requirements can be achieved within available resources. In fact, with 
so many unknowns about what could be achieved, how, and when, even the 
most rigorous independent cost estimate could have been off by a 
significant margin. Nevertheless, in the past, the Air Force has 
exacerbated acquisition problems by not relying on independent cost 
estimates and failing to encourage more realism in program planning and 
budgeting. Moreover, even after the Air Force embraced independent cost 
estimating in its acquisition policy for space, it did not facilitate 
better estimating by according the cost-estimating community with the 
organizational clout, support, and guidance the Air Force believes are 
needed to ensure the community's analyses are used. On a positive note, 
the Air Force has committed to addressing some of the root causes 
behind cost growth, principally by accumulating more knowledge about 
technologies before starting new programs. Though adopting this 
approach will be challenging without larger DOD acquisition, funding, 
and requirement-setting reforms, the Air Force can facilitate better 
planning and funding approaches by aligning resources and policy to 
support improved cost-estimating capability and by following through on 
its commitment to use independent estimates. 

Recommendations for Executive Action: 

We recommend that the Secretary of Defense direct the Under Secretary 
of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics or the Secretary 
of the Air Force, as appropriate, to take the following actions: 

1. To increase accountability and transparency of decisions in space 
programs where an independent estimate produced by the CAIG or AFCAA is 
not chosen, require officials involved in milestone decisions to 
document and justify the reasons for their choice and the differences 
between the program cost estimate and the independent cost estimate. 

2. To better ensure investment decisions for space programs are 
knowledge-based, instill processes and tools necessary to ensure 
lessons learned are incorporated into future estimates. This could 

* conducting postmortem reviews of past space program cost estimates 
(program office and independent cost estimates) to measure cost- 
estimating effectiveness and to track and record cost-estimating 

* developing a centralized cost-estimating database that provides 
realistic and credible data to cost estimators; 

* establishing protocols by which cost estimators working with the 
National Reconnaissance Office can share data with the DOD space cost- 
estimating community while still maintaining appropriate security over 
classified data; and: 

* ensuring estimates are updated as major events occur within a program 
that could have a material impact on cost, such as budget reductions, 
integration problems, hardware/software quality problems, and so forth. 

3. To optimize analysis and collaboration within the space cost- 
estimating community, clearly articulate the roles and responsibilities 
of the various Air Force cost-estimating organizations, and ensure that 
space system cost estimators are organized so that the Air Force can 
gain the most from their knowledge and expertise. In taking these 
actions for programs for which no independent estimate is developed by 
the CAIG, consider assigning AFCAA the responsibility for the 
development of independent cost estimates for space system 
acquisitions, since it is outside of the acquisition chain of command 
and therefore likely to be unbiased and not pressured to produce 
optimistic estimates. 

Agency Comments and Our Evaluation: 

DOD provided us with written comments on a draft of this report. DOD 
concurred with the overall findings in our report and provided 
technical comments, which have been incorporated where appropriate. DOD 
also concurred with two of our recommendations and partially concurred 
with one. 

DOD concurred with our recommendation to instill processes and tools 
necessary to ensure lessons learned are incorporated into future 
estimates. DOD stated it was already taking actions to address our 
recommendations. For example, the CAIG has established a process 
whereby key members of the national security space cost analysis 
community meet to discuss and evaluate outcomes following ACAT I space 
program milestone reviews or key decision point Defense Acquisition 
Board-level reviews, to provide visibility to other members of the 
community on how the CAIG approaches independent cost estimate 
development and to give the community an opportunity to provide 
feedback to the CAIG on how to improve its processes. DOD stated that 
the CAIG will work in the future to incorporate peer reviews of the 
program office estimates within this existing framework. DOD also 
concurred with our recommendation to develop a centralized cost- 
estimating database, and stated that several groups within the space 
cost-estimating community have been working to develop a database of 
historical space program costs available to the community as a whole, 
and has also reestablished a common space program work breakdown 
structure that supports the various estimating methodologies employed 
by the space cost community. Through the common database development 
process, the community is working to make historical program cost data 
as widely available as possible. DOD also agreed with our 
recommendation to update cost estimates as major events occur within a 
program, as long as they are program and program phase dependent. 
Finally, DOD concurred with our recommendation to clearly articulate 
the roles and responsibilities of the various cost-estimating 
organizations. DOD stated that the Air Force is currently updating its 
policy directive to further clarify the roles and responsibilities of 
the space cost analysis organizations to optimize analysis and 
collaborations, thus making the best use of the limited number of 
qualified and experienced space program cost analysts. We agree that 
these actions are steps in the right direction and that they will 
strengthen cost-estimating capabilities and improve space program cost 

DOD partially concurred with our recommendation to require officials 
involved in milestone decisions to document and justify the reasons for 
their cost estimate choice and the differences between the program cost 
estimate and the independent cost estimate. In commenting on this 
recommendation, DOD stated that the complex decision to determine which 
cost figure to use as basis for funding and to evaluate future program 
performance must weigh many competing factors that are often 
qualitative in nature. It further stated that the decision is the 
milestone decision authority's alone, and that documenting the explicit 
justification will reduce the milestone decision authority's future 
decision-making flexibility. We do not see how documenting the explicit 
justification will significantly reduce the milestone decision 
authority's future decision-making flexibility. While we recognize the 
value of decision-making flexibility and the role that judgment must 
play in such decisions, we also believe that the basis for the 
decisions should withstand review, particularly after the person who 
made the decision has left office. We also believe that the greater 
transparency of cost-estimating decisions that a documented 
justification provides is needed, particularly in light of the poor 
foundation of choices made in the past on space programs. 

We are sending copies of this report to interested congressional 
committees and the Secretaries of Defense and the Air Force. We will 
also provide copies to others on request. In addition, this report will 
be available at no charge on the GAO Web site at [Hyperlink,]. 

If you have any questions about this report or need additional 
information, please call me at (202) 512-4841 ( 
Contact points for our Offices of Congressional Relations and Public 
Affairs may be found on the last page of this report. GAO staff who 
made major contributions to this report are listed in appendix VI. 

Signed by: 

Cristina T. Chaplain: 
Acting Director, Acquisition and Sourcing Management: 

[End of section] 

Appendix I: Scope and Methodology: 

The Chairman and the Ranking Member, Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, 
House Committee on Armed Services, requested that we examine (1) in 
what areas space system acquisitions cost estimates have been 
unrealistic and (2) what incentives and pressures have contributed to 
the quality and usefulness of cost estimates for space system 

To determine whether cost estimates for space system acquisitions have 
been realistic, we used a case study methodology. We selected six 
ongoing Air Force space system acquisitions. We selected these 
acquisitions because they were far enough along in their acquisition 
cycles for us to be able to observe changes in the programs since their 
initial cost estimates were developed. The six space system 
acquisitions are the Advanced Extremely High Frequency Satellites, the 
Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle, the Global Positioning System IIF, 
the National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System, 
the Space Based Infrared System High, and the Wideband Gapfiller 
Satellites. For each of the case studies, we met with the program 
office representatives at the Air Force's Space and Missile Systems 
Center and at the program's prime contractors. We also obtained program 
cost and other program documentation to determine how the cost 
estimates were formulated and on what basis they were formulated. 

To determine what incentives and pressures contributed to the quality 
and usefulness of cost estimates for space system acquisitions, we 
examined Department of Defense (DOD) and Air Force policies for 
developing and updating cost estimates for space programs. We also used 
a data collection instrument to obtain information on cost-estimating 
practices and resources within the Air Force Cost Analysis Agency, at 
the Space and Missile Systems Center, and at the space program offices. 
We conducted interviews with the Office of the Secretary of Defense's 
Cost Analysis Improvement Group, the Air Force Cost Analysis Agency, 
and the Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center's Cost Center. On 
the basis of the results of the data collection instruments and 
interviews, we obtained information on the organizational alignment of 
cost-estimating organizations, including roles and responsibilities, as 
well as concerns over the current cost-estimating policies and 

We also relied on our previous best practice studies, which have 
examined pressures and incentives affecting space system acquisition 
programs, the optimal levels of knowledge needed to successfully 
execute programs, and complementary management practices and processes 
that have helped commercial and DOD programs to reduce costs and cycle 
time. Moreover, we reviewed studies from the Defense Science Board, the 
DOD Inspector General, IBM, and others on space system acquisition and 
cost-estimating issues. 

Finally, we discussed the results of our work and our observations with 
an expert panel made up of representatives from the DOD space cost- 
estimating community. 

We conducted our review between August 2005 and October 2006 in 
accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards. 

[End of section] 

Appendix II: DOD Acquisition Categories for Major Defense Acquisition 

An acquisition program is categorized based on dollar value and 
milestone decision authority special interest. Table 5 contains the 
description and decision authority for acquisition categories ID and 

Table 5: DOD Acquisition Categories and Decision Authorities: 

Acquisition category (ACAT): ACAT ID; For designated major defense 
acquisition programs (special interest based on technological 
complexity, congressional interest, large commitment of resources, 
critical role in achieving a capability, or a joint program); 
Dollar value: Research, development, test, and evaluation > $365 
million; Procurement > $2.19 billion; 
Milestone decision authority: Under Secretary of Defense for 
Acquisition, Technology and Logistics. 

Acquisition category (ACAT): ACAT IC; For major defense acquisition 
programs not designated as ACAT ID; 
Dollar value: Research, development, test, and evaluation > $365 
million; Procurement > $2.19 billion; 
Milestone decision authority: Head of DOD component or, if delegated, 
DOD component or service acquisition executive. 

Source: DOD Instruction 5000.2, Enclosure 2, which also lists other 
acquisition categories. 

Note: Dollar values are fiscal year 2000 constant dollars. 

[End of table] 

[End of section] 

Appendix III: Examples of Where Program Officials Were Too Optimistic 
in Their Assumptions: 

Table 6 highlights major areas where program officials were too 
optimistic in their assumptions for the six space system acquisitions 
we examined--the Advanced Extremely High Frequency (AEHF) Satellites, 
the Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV), the Global Positioning 
System (GPS) IIF, the National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental 
Satellite System (NPOESS), the Space Based Infrared System (SBIRS) 
High, and the Wideband Gapfiller Satellites (WGS). 

Table 6: Examples of Optimistic Assumptions:  

Space program affected: Assumed industrial base would remain constant 
and available: EELV; 
Examples: The original contracting concept was for the Air Force to 
piggyback on the launch demand anticipated to be generated by the 
commercial sector. However, the commercial demand never materialized, 
and the government had to take on an additional cost burden. In 
addition, the cost for launch services increased because fixed 
infrastructure costs are being spread over 15 launches a year instead 
of the original expectation of 75 launches a year. 

Space program affected: Assumed industrial base would remain constant 
and available: GPS IIF; 
Examples: A deteriorating manufacturing base of contractors and 
subcontractors caused the prime contractor to move the design team from 
Seal Beach, California, to Anaheim, California, in 2001. Additional 
moves occurred as the prime contractor consolidated development 
facilities to remain competitive. For each move, the prime contractor 
lost valuable workers, causing inefficiencies in the program. In 
addition, the contractor took additional cost-cutting measures that 
reduced quality. 

Space program affected: Assumed industrial base would remain constant 
and available: NPOESS; 
Examples: A long production phase on this program increases the 
probability for parts obsolescence. Over 70 percent of the value added 
to the program is from the supply base, and some critical parts that 
are unique to the program are produced by relatively small companies. 
In addition, workers required to have specialized skills must be United 
States citizens to obtain security clearances. The labor pool has to 
produce these specialized skills because degree programs currently do 
not produce them. 

Space program affected: Assumed industrial base would remain constant 
and available: SBIRS High; 
Examples: Consolidation within the supplier base has adversely affected 
the program. When suppliers merged, costs increased for supplier 
technical assistance, product rework, and hardware qualifications. In 
addition, unforeseen costs resulted when production processes and 
materials were changed and facilities and personnel were relocated. 

Space program affected: Assumed industrial base would remain constant 
and available: WGS; 
Examples: At the time of contract award, the satellite industry was 
flourishing with commercial satellite orders, and the contractor 
anticipated a large market. However, when the installation of optical 
fiber communication lines became widespread, many of the commercial 
initiatives involving proposed space systems did not materialize. The 
government had planned to gain leverage from the design work of 
commercial contractors but ended up having to pay for design efforts. 
In addition, because of the reduction of the number of contracts 
awarded, small subcontractors started to consolidate. Specialized parts 
became obsolete, and the Air Force was no longer considered a high-
priority customer. 

Space program affected: Assumed technology would be mature enough when 
needed: AEHF; 
Examples: AEHF faced several technology maturity problems including 
developing a digital processing system that would support 10 times the 
capacity of Milstar medium data rate without self- interference, and 
using phased array antennas at extremely high frequencies, which had 
never been done before. In addition, the change from a physical to an 
electronic process for crypto re-keys was not expected at the start of 
the AEHF. The predecessor program to AEHF was Milstar, which required 
approximately 2,400 crypto re-keys per month, which could be done 
physically. Regarding AEHF proposed capabilities, the number of crypto 
re-keys is approximately 100,000, which is too large for a physical 
process and must be done electronically. Changing the way the re-keys 
were done called for a revolutionary change in the process and led to 
unexpected cost and schedule growth. 

Space program affected: Assumed technology would be mature enough when 
needed: GPS IIF; 
Examples: The cost estimate was built on the assumption that the 
military code being developed in the program would fit on one chip. 
However, once development started, there were interface issues, and the 
subcontractor had to move to a two-chip design, which added cost growth 
to the program. In addition, the problem took 8 months to solve. 

Space program affected: Assumed technology would be mature enough when 
needed: NPOESS; 
Examples: DOD and the Department of Commerce committed funds for the 
development and production of the satellites before the design was 
proven and before the technology was mature. At program initiation, 
only 1 of 14 critical technologies was mature, and some technology 
levels have been assessed downward. For example, the 1394 Bus 
Technology Readiness Level (TRL) was changed from 5 to 4 after the 
contractor added more verification testing. 

Space program affected: Assumed technology would be mature enough when 
needed: SBIRS High; 
Examples: In 2003, GAO reported that three critical technologies--the 
infrared sensor, thermal management, and onboard processor--were now 
mature. When the program began, in 1996, none of its critical 
technologies was mature. 

Space program affected: Assumed technology would be mature enough when 
needed: WGS; 
Examples: The X-band phased array antennas and the array power chips 
were the most difficult technologies to mature, because these state-of-
the-art elements generated too much heat, which is very difficult to 
remove in outer space, so they had to be redesigned. 

Space program affected: Assumed Total System Performance Responsibility 
(TSPR) would reduce costs and schedule: EELV; 
Examples: The EELV program office entered into a TSPR contract that 
does not require the contractor to deliver cost or earned value 
management data. The program office stated that TSPR gave too many 
responsibilities to the contractor and not enough to the government. 

Space program affected: Assumed Total System Performance Responsibility 
(TSPR) would reduce costs and schedule: GPS IIF; 
Examples: The contract that was awarded during acquisition reform 
efforts of the late 1990s adopted the TSPR approach. Under TSPR, there 
was limited oversight of the contractor, and this contributed to 
relaxed specifications and inspections on commercial practices, loss of 
quality in the manufacturing process, and poor-quality parts that 
caused test failures, unexpected redesigns, and the late delivery of 

Space program affected: Assumed Total System Performance Responsibility 
(TSPR) would reduce costs and schedule: NPOESS; 
Examples: The NPOESS prime contractor has a Shared System Performance 
Responsibility (SSPR), which was an outgrowth of TSPR. The SSPR 
arrangement relegates the government's role as a participant in 
contractor Integrated Product Team meetings. In addition, the program 
is managed by officials from three separate government agencies. DOD 
and Department of Commerce share the cost of funding the development of 
NPOESS, while NASA provides funding for specific technologies and 
studies. Difficulties have arisen with the tri-service approach to 
managing NPOESS, including ensuring NPOESS follows DOD's acquisition 
process, but Commerce, which has control over the program, has no 
authority over the DOD process; 
each agency is driven by different program objectives (i.e., military, 
civilian, science); 
and NASA shares equally in managing the program even though it provides 
no funding for the development. 

Space program affected: Assumed Total System Performance Responsibility 
(TSPR) would reduce costs and schedule: SBIRS High; 
Examples: When the original contract was awarded, acquisition reform 
efforts were being implemented and called for the use of commercial 
practices instead of government standards. In order to achieve cost 
savings, the SBIRS program office reduced critical up-front systems 
engineering design practices and follow-on quality assurance 
inspections based on the expectation that the contractor would perform 
these activities with no government oversight. The prime contractor 
also held the same requirements for its subcontractors as a way to keep 
costs down. This lack of oversight resulted in difficulties in 
determining the root causes when components began to fail during 
testing. For example, there have been latent defects that required 
extensive corrective action and associated cost growth with the 
software redesign, single board computer halts, payload reference bench 
rework, payload electromagnetic interference, software configuration 
issues, propulsion solder issues, and telescope foreign object damage. 
In addition, the contractor had responsibility to coordinate different 
agency needs, a responsibility that proved to be difficult when trying 
to resolve hardware interface issues. 

Space program affected: Assumed savings from heritage systems: AEHF; 
Examples: The program office cost estimators relied on data from 
heritage systems to estimate AEHF nonrecurring costs. The Cost Analysis 
Improvement Group (CAIG) believed the estimates based on heritage data 
were subjectively derived and therefore susceptible to bias. For 
example, AEHF program officials assumed that the nulling antennas would 
have the same performance as those on Milstar, requiring little if any 
development. In fact, because of parts obsolescence, personnel 
turnover, and other issues, the entire antenna had to be redesigned at 
nearly the same cost as the first one. There were similar beliefs that 
legacy processing technology could be used, which turned out to not be 
possible. Further, almost all of the payload software had to be 
rewritten to support the new hardware. As a result, there was much less 
technology transfer from Milstar II to AEHF, even though the contractor 
was the same. 

Space program affected: Assumed savings from heritage systems: NPOESS; 
Examples: NPOESS payload development proposals relied heavily on 
leveraging heritage satellite instrument technology development. The 
prime contractor and the program office agreed there was too much 
optimism regarding heritage sensor reuse. For example, the Visible 
Infrared Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) is more powerful and complex and will 
weigh 20 percent more than the heritage sensor that was used to base 
the estimate. In addition, the Conical Microwave Imager Sounder (CMIS) 
is much more complex than the heritage sensor, which took more than 8 
years to develop. The program office estimated a 4-year development 
schedule for CMIS. The latest cost estimate for CMIS is now 
approximately five times the initial estimate. 

Space program affected: Assumed savings from heritage systems: SBIRS 
Examples: The original estimate for nonrecurring engineering was 
significantly underestimated based on actual experience in legacy 
sensor development and assumed software reuse. As a result, 
nonrecurring costs should have been two to three times higher according 
to historical data and independent cost estimators. 

Space program affected: Assumed savings from heritage systems: WGS; 
Examples: Originally, the contractor planned to gain leverage from a 
commercial satellite development effort--using the same bus and phased 
array antenna. The commercial satellite development effort did not 
materialize, leaving DOD to pay for infrastructure and hardware design 
costs. This caused WGS costs to increase and the schedule to slip. 

Space program affected: Assumed no weight growth would occur: AEHF; 
Examples: When the cost estimate was initially developed, satellite 
payload weight was assumed to be constant by the program office. When 
updating its independent cost estimate in 2004, the CAIG found that the 
payload weight more than doubled between the start of development and 
critical design review. Weight increased because of the addition of 
phased array antennas, an antenna modification, and other requirements. 

Space program affected: Assumed no weight growth would occur: NPOESS; 
Examples: The CMIS sensor weight has almost doubled since the 
preliminary design review. As a result, engineering change proposals 
were issued to modify the spacecraft to accept the higher payload 

Space program affected: Assumed no weight growth would occur: SBIRS 
Examples: Weight growth has occurred in the spacecraft and payload. The 
spacecraft has experienced weight growth of about 59 percent because of 
the need to lengthen and stiffen the structure, add a solar shield to 
block sunlight from the payload, and add missing wire and harnessing. 
The geosynchronous earth orbit (GEO) payload has experienced nearly a 
44 percent weight growth because of integration hardware, pointing, and 
control assembly. 

Space program affected: Assumed no weight growth would occur: WGS; 
Examples: Problems with solar panel concentrators overheating caused a 
solar panel redesign that led to additional weight growth in the 
spacecraft bus. 

Space program affected: Assumed funding stream would be sufficient and 
remain stable: AEHF; 
Examples: The AEHF program sustained a $100 million fiscal year 2002 
funding cut. The program office reported that the funding cut would 
result in a 6-month launch delay to the first three satellites and a 
delay in meeting initial operational capability. The program had 
rapidly staffed personnel to support a warfighter need. The funding cut 
resulted in contractor program reductions to fit within the revised 
fiscal year 2002 budget. In addition, DOD made a decision to shift the 
acquisition strategy from buying five satellites at one time to buying 
three satellites as individual buys, which also caused costs to rise. 

Space program affected: Assumed funding stream would be sufficient and 
remain stable: GPS IIF; 
Examples: The Operational Control Segment portion of the GPS IIF 
program received a $37.7 million funding cut in fiscal year 2005. 
Because of the funding cut, the program delayed some of the software 
efforts and reduced some software requirements. 

Space program affected: Assumed funding stream would be sufficient and 
remain stable: NPOESS; 
Examples: Between fiscal years 2004 and 2005, DOD reduced funding for 
the program by about $65 million. However, funding was reduced $130 
million since the Department of Commerce contributes no more funding 
towards the program than DOD. The program office determined that the 
funding cut resulted in satellite launch delays ranging from 5 to 26 
months and a cost increase of $391.2 million. 

Space program affected: Assumed funding stream would be sufficient and 
remain stable: SBIRS High; 
Examples: A funding cut in 1998-1999 because of higher budget 
priorities caused a reduction in the systems engineering staff and 
contributed to a 2-year delay of the geosynchronous earth orbit 
satellites. This cut caused work activities to continually stop and 
restart and drove the need for interim solutions that resulted in 
program instability and cost growth. It also led to a breach of the 
acquisition program baseline in 2001, resulting in a change in the 
procurement strategy from a single buy of five satellites to two 
separate buys--one for two satellites and the other for three 
satellites. Independent cost estimators calculated that costs would 
double as a result of the change in procurement strategy. 

Space program affected: Assumed an aggressive schedule: AEHF; 
Examples: The first launch was originally scheduled for June 2006, but 
in response to a potential gap in satellite coverage due to the launch 
failure of the third Milstar satellite, DOD accelerated the schedule by 
18 months, aiming for a first launch in December 2004. An unsolicited 
contractor proposal stated that it could meet the accelerated date, 
even though all the requirements for AEHF were not fully determined. As 
a result, the program office knew that the proposed schedule was overly 
optimistic, but the decision was made at high levels in DOD to award 
the contract. However, DOD did not commit the funding to support the 
activities and manpower needed to design and build the satellites more 
quickly. Funding issues further hampered development efforts and 
increased schedule delays and contributed to cost increases. 

Space program affected: Assumed an aggressive schedule: NPOESS; 
Examples: When the estimate was developed, NPOESS was expected to be 
heavier, require more power, and have over twice as many sensors than 
heritage satellites. Yet the program office estimated that the 
satellites would be developed, integrated, and tested in less time than 
heritage satellites. Independent cost estimators highlighted to the 
NPOESS program office that the proposed integration schedule was 
unrealistic when compared to historical satellite programs. Later, the 
CAIG cautioned the program office that not only was the system 
integration assembly and test schedule unrealistic, but the assumptions 
used to develop the estimate were not credible. 

Space program affected: Assumed an aggressive schedule: SBIRS High; 
Examples: The schedule proposed in 1996 did not allow sufficient time 
for geosynchronous earth orbit system integration and did not 
anticipate program design and workmanship flaws, which eventually cost 
the program considerable delays. In addition, the schedule was 
optimistic in regard to ground software productivity, and time needed 
to calibrate and assess the health of the satellite. There has been 
almost a 3-year delay in the delivery of the highly elliptical orbit 
(HEO) sensors and a 6-year delay in the launch of the first GEO 

Space program affected: Assumed an aggressive schedule: WGS; 
Examples: The request for proposals specified that the budget available 
was $750 million for three satellites and the ground control system to 
be delivered within 36 months. On the basis of these requirements, 
competing contractors were asked to offer maximum capacity, coverage, 
and connectivity through a contract that would make use of existing 
commercial practices and technologies. However, higher design 
complexity and supplier quality issues caused the WGS schedule to 
stretch to 78 months for the first expected launch. Historically, DOD 
experienced between 55 and 79 months to develop satellites similar to 
WGS, so while DOD's experience is within the expected range, the 
original 36-month schedule was unrealistic. 

Space program affected: Assumed no growth in requirements: AEHF; 
Examples: DOD awarded the contract for AEHF before the requirements 
were fully established to fill the gap left by the Milstar launch 
failure. As a result, DOD frequently and substantially altered 
requirements in the early phases of the program and changed the system 
design. For example, a new requirement increased the need for anti-
jamming protection, which led to a cost increase of $100 million. In 
addition, new requirements related to training, support, and 
maintainability led to a cost increase of $90 million. 

Space program affected: Assumed no growth in requirements: GPS IIF; 
Examples: GPS IIF was intended to follow on the GPS II program, yet 
shortly after the contract was awarded, the government added the 
requirement for an additional auxiliary payload. This requirement 
caused the satellite design to be larger than originally planned and, 
in turn, required a larger launch vehicle. Requirements for more robust 
jamming capability to secure satellite transmissions were also added. 
Changes from a two-panel to a three- panel solar array design and 
flexible power were necessary to allow for more power and thermal 
capability requirements. 

Space program affected: Assumed no growth in requirements: SBIRS High; 
Examples: DOD is developing SBIRS High to improve missile warning, 
missile defense, technical intelligence, and battle-space 
characterization. As such, SBIRS has many customers, including the Air 
Force, Army, missile defense, and other agencies, each of which has its 
own requirements. This has resulted in complications in developing 
SBIRS, due to the fact that there are 19 key performance parameters to 
satisfy, which are about five times more than the typical DOD program. 
In addition, there are over 12,600 requirements for the program to 
address, and to date, requirements from external users have not been 
fully defined. Under the TSPR arrangement, the contractor was 
responsible for coordinating these requirements. This effort was 
challenging and, according to a DOD official, one better suited for the 
government because all agencies were to agree on requirements. The 
SBIRS contractor encountered numerous problems when trying to resolve 
the interface issues among the various agencies. Moreover, the 
development of interface control documents required different 
certification requirements for each agency, and the SBIRS contractor 
had limited systems engineers to handle the workload. This lack of 
staff resulted in many requirements not flowing down, which led to 
problems later on. 

Source: This table is based on conversations with program and 
contracting officials and analysis of data they provided. In some 
cases, we made our own designations based on our prior findings. 

[End of table] 

[End of section] 

Appendix IV: Examples Where Independent Cost Estimates Were Not Relied 

We found examples from our close examinations of the AEHF, NPOESS, and 
SBIRS High programs where independent cost estimates were not relied 
upon by program decision makers. Independent estimates for these space 
system acquisitions forecasted higher costs and lengthier schedules 
than program office or service cost estimates. This appendix provides 
detailed information on the differences between the program office cost 
estimates and the independent cost estimates for the AEHF, NPOESS, and 
SBIRS High programs. 


In 2004, AEHF program decision makers relied upon the program office 
cost estimate rather than the independent estimate developed by the 
CAIG to support the production decision for the AEHF program. At that 
time, the AEHF program office estimated the system would cost about $6 
billion. This was based on the assumption that AEHF would have 10 times 
more capacity than the predecessor satellite--Milstar--but at half the 
cost and weight. However, the CAIG concluded that the program could not 
deliver more data capacity at half of the weight given the state of 
technology at that time. In fact, the CAIG believed that in order to 
get the desired increase in data rate, the weight would have to 
increase proportionally. As a result, the CAIG estimated that AEHF 
would cost $8.7 billion, and predicted a $2.7 billion cost overrun for 
the AEHF program. Table 7 displays the differences between the program 
office and CAIG cost estimates. 

Table 7: Comparison of 2004 AEHF Program Office and Independent Cost 

Millions of fiscal year 2006 dollars. 

Program office estimate: $6,015; 
Independent cost estimate: AFCAA: [A]; 
Independent cost estimate: CAIG: $8,688; 
Difference: 44%; 
Latest Program office estimate: $6,132. 

Source: CAIG and GAO analysis. 

[A] AFCAA worked jointly with the CAIG to develop the independent 

[End of table] 

The CAIG relied on weight data from historical satellites to estimate 
the cost of AEHF because it considers weight to be the single best cost 
predictor for military satellite communications. The historical data 
from the AEHF contractor showed that the weight had more than doubled 
since the program began and the majority of the weight growth was in 
the payload. The Air Force also used weight as a cost predictor, but 
attributed the weight growth to structural components rather than the 
more costly payload portion of the satellite. When the CAIG briefed the 
Air Force on its estimate, the program office disagreed with the CAIG 
results, saying it did not see much payload weight growth in the data 
it analyzed. The CAIG reported that it used AEHF contractor cost 
reports to determine the amount of weight growth for the payload, and 
that these data were corroborated by AEHF monthly earned value 
management data, which showed cost overruns for the payload effort. As 
table 8 shows, the payload weight for the AEHF satellite increased 
about 116 percent. 

Table 8: Historical AEHF Weight Growth: 

Milestone: Milestone I (A); 
Date: January 1999; 
Payload weight (lbs): 1,694; 
Percent growth: n/a. 

Milestone: Milestone II (B); 
Date: May 2001; 
Payload weight (lbs): 2,631; 
Percent growth: 55. 

Milestone: Preliminary design review; 
Date: August 2001; 
Payload weight (lbs): 3,437; 
Percent growth: 103. 

Milestone: Critical design review; 
Date: April 2004; 
Payload weight (lbs): 3,659; 
Percent growth: 116. 

Source: CAIG. 

[End of table] 

The Air Force attributed AEHF cost growth to problems to the 
cryptographic portion of the program, which is being developed by the 
National Security Agency (NSA). AEHF program officials stated that 
weight growth was consistent with that of other space programs. 
However, the CAIG stated that major cost growth was inevitable from the 
start of the AEHF program because historical data showed that it was 
possible to achieve a weight reduction or an increase in data capacity, 
but not both at the same time. 

In addition, the CAIG also stated that the Air Force was optimistic in 
developing the AEHF schedule estimate. During the production decision 
review in 2004, the CAIG estimated the first satellite launch date to 
be 28 months longer than the program office estimate, which the CAIG 
estimated to have no more than a 1 percent chance of success. The CAIG 
also stated that because of problems with cryptographic development and 
reliability concerns with other technical aspects of the program, such 
as the phased array antenna and digital signal processing, the 
ambitious AEHF schedule was in jeopardy, and the program would not 
likely be implemented as planned. 

In February 2005, the CAIG reviewed the proposed revision to the AEHF 
Acquisition Program Baseline (APB). In a memorandum sent to the 
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Network and Information Integration, 
the CAIG chairman did not concur with the AEHF draft APB. The CAIG 
chairman explained that while the Air Force estimate included a 24 
percent increase to the average procurement unit cost, which was 1 
percent below the threshold for a Nunn-McCurdy certification, the 
CAIG's estimate prepared in December 2004 projected an increase of over 
100 percent. Further, because of the vast differences between the Air 
Force and CAIG cost estimates, the CAIG chairman expressed concern that 
Congress would perceive the revised APB as an attempt to avoid a Nunn- 
McCurdy certification. 

There is still risk for the AEHF program costs to grow. As a result of 
delays, AEHF satellites have not yet been through thermal vacuum 
testing. Spacecraft must endure a wide range of temperatures associated 
with liftoff and ascent through the atmosphere and exposure to the 
extreme temperatures of space. The thermal environment is generally 
considered the most stressful operating environment for hardware, and 
electronic parts are especially sensitive to thermal conditions. 
Problems such as cracks, bond defects, discoloration, performance 
drift, coating damage, and solder-joint failure have typically 
occurred. Thermal vacuum testing is used to screen out components with 
physical flaws and demonstrate that a device can activate and operate 
in extreme and changing temperatures. Because thermal vacuum testing 
provides the most realistic simulation of flight conditions, problems 
typically occur during testing. If this occurs on AEHF, more delays and 
cost overruns are likely. 


NPOESS provides another example of where there were large differences 
between program office and independent cost estimates. In 2003, 
government decision makers relied on the program office's $7.2 billion 
cost estimate rather than the $8.8 billion independent cost estimate 
presented by the AFCAA to support the NPOESS development contract 
award. Program officials and decision makers preferred the more 
optimistic assumptions and costs of the program office estimate, 
viewing the independent estimate as too high. The $1.65 billion 
difference between the estimates is shown in table 9. 

Table 9: Comparison of 2003 NPOESS Program Office and Independent Cost 

Millions of fiscal year 2006 dollars. 

Program office estimate: $7,219; 
Independent cost estimate: AFCAA: $8,869; 
Independent cost estimate: CAIG: [A]; 
Difference: 23%; 
Latest Program office estimate: $11,400. 

Source: Air Force Cost Analysis Improvement Group briefing, April 2003. 

Note: The program office and the AFCAA cost estimates were based on a 
purchase of six satellites, and the latest estimate is based on a 
purchase of four satellites, with less capability and a renewed 
reliance on a European contribution. 

[A] The CAIG was not involved in preparing the 2003 independent cost 

[End of table] 

AFCAA based its estimate on an analysis of historical data from 
satellite systems (i.e., NASA's Aqua and Aura and DOD's Defense 
Meteorological Satellite Program [DMSP] program)[Footnote 14] 
independent software and hardware models, and a risk simulation model 
using input from 30 independent engineers. The differences between the 
two estimates revolved around three major areas: 

* The first included a discrepancy of almost $270 million in the cost 
for ground software development. The program office estimated the cost 
at $90 million based on the contractor's proposal for scaling the 
software and productivity rates that were highly optimistic. AFCAA 
based its estimate on a commercial software cost model using DSMP and 
SBIRS High historical software lines of code growth and actual 
productivity rates from the Global Positioning System program. 

* The second difference was in the assembly and integration and testing 
estimates. Compared to actual integration efforts on historical 
satellites used by the AFCAA, the program office estimate to integrate 
the payloads onto the satellite bus was nearly $132 million less than 
AFCAA's estimate. 

* The third area involved the systems engineering and program 
management costs for space segment development and production. AFCAA 
used actual data from the Aqua and Aura satellites, while the program 
office relied on the contractor's proposal--resulting in a difference 
of more than $130 million. The program office's estimate was lower 
based on an assumption that the costs for systems engineering and 
program management would be reduced by almost 50 percent between 
development and production. AFCAA stated concern that Aqua, Aura, and 
DMSP did not show a significant decrease in these costs over time. 

Because the program office's estimate was lower, AFCAA concluded that 
the program office's cost and schedule estimates suffered from a lack 
of realism. However, the results of AFCAA's independent cost estimate 
were not used by the program office officials and decision makers. 

In May 2004, the Under Secretary of the Air Force asked the CAIG to 
prepare an independent cost estimate for the NPOESS program. The 
estimate was completed in January 2005, following completion of the 
contractor's re-evaluation of the program baseline in November 2004. 
The cost estimate focused primarily on the proposed integration 
schedule of the NPOESS satellites. This estimate, like AFCAA's estimate 
before it, was based on historical cost data from analogous satellites 
and concluded that the program office's proposed integration schedule 
for the program was unrealistic. For example, the program office 
proposed an integration schedule for the first NPOESS satellite that 
was about half the time needed for an analogous satellite that had 
almost the same number of sensors. In other words, the NPOESS program 
estimated that it would integrate close to the same number of sensors 
in half the time. Table 10 illustrates how the program office developed 
its integration estimate for NPOESS, which was based on data from Aqua 

Table 10: Program Office Integration Estimates for NPOESS: 

Program: Aqua; 
Number of sensors: 6; 
Months to integrate based on historical data: 31; 
Months to integrate sensor: 5.2; 
Deletion of months due to unforeseen problems: -17; 
Months to integrate without problems: 14; 
Months to integrate sensor without problems: 2.3. 

Program: NPOESS (first satellite integration ); 
Number of sensors: 5; 
Months to integrate based on historical data: 26; 
Months to integrate sensor: 5.2; 
Deletion of months due to unforeseen problems: N/A; 
Months to integrate without problems: 14; 
Months to integrate sensor without problems: 2.8. 

Source: NPOESS Executive Committee briefing, January 2005. 

[End of table] 

The program office relied on actual data for Aqua, with no unforeseen 
problems as the basis for estimating the amount of time needed to 
integrate NPOESS sensors on the first satellite, rather than using 
historical data that would have yielded an estimate of 26 months to 
integrate five sensors. The program office and the contractor contended 
that a novel approach was being taken to satellite integration on the 
NPOESS program. The CAIG disagreed with this contention, stating that 
the proposed integration approach was not really novel because the use 
of a test bed model is a common tool used by satellite programs and 
would not yield the significant savings asserted by the program office. 
The CAIG, instead, estimated 25 months for integrating five sensors 
based on Aqua, Aura, and DMSP historical data. As a result, the CAIG's 
estimate was almost double the program office's. The CAIG also 
expressed concern to program officials that the integration schedule 
was severely underestimated and that the difference between the program 
office estimate and the CAIG's estimate was more than 6 years. 

The program office's 2003 estimate of $7.2 billion has been shown to be 
highly unrealistic, with significant cost overruns and schedule delays-
-thus far--for sensor development only. Overall satellite integration 
efforts have been delayed due to the problems experienced in 
development of the sensors. In June 2006, the Office of the Secretary 
of Defense completed the Nunn-McCurdy process and certified a 
restructured program that reduced the number of satellites to be 
developed--from six to four, with the first launch being delayed to 
2013 from 2009. Cost has grown from the original estimate of nearly 
$7.2 billion to over $11.4 billion--approximately a 60 percent 

SBIRS High: 

On the SBIRS High program, the program office and AFCAA predicted cost 
growth as early as 1996, when the program was initiated. While both 
estimates at that time were close ($5.7 billion in 2006 dollars by the 
program office and $5.6 billion in 2006 dollars by AFCAA), both were 
much more than the contractor's estimated costs. Nevertheless, the 
program was subsequently budgeted at $3.6 billion by the program 
office, almost $2 billion less than the AFCAA or program office 
estimate. The CAIG stated that the SBIRS program assumed savings under 
TSPR that simply did not materialize. SBIRS program officials also 
planned on savings from simply rehosting existing legacy software, but 
those savings were not realized because the all software eventually was 
rewritten. Instead, it took 2 years longer than planned to complete the 
first increment of software. 

Savings were also assumed by the contractor in the area of systems 
engineering. The SBIRS High contractor initially estimated using fewer 
systems engineers, even though historical data showed programs similar 
to SBIRS High relied on three to almost four times the number of system 
engineers. Some of the tasks dropped from the systems engineering 
effort included verification and cycling of requirements because the 
government assumed that the contractor would perform these activities 
with little or no oversight. The contractor also held the same 
requirements for its subcontractors, resulting in a program with 
limited systems engineering. The lack of systems engineers has led to 
latent design flaws and substantially more integration and testing than 
planned because no one knew what had gone wrong when components began 
to fail during testing. This large amount of rework and troubleshooting 
has led to substantial cost and schedule increases. 

In 2005, the CAIG reviewed the SBIRS High production program including 
estimating the cost to develop geosynchronous earth orbiting (GEO) 
satellites 3-5 as clones of GEOs 1 and 2 in order to determine the cost 
growth incurred by the production program since 2002. The CAIG's 
analysis projected a 25 percent Nunn-McCurdy breach in average 
procurement unit cost as a result of contractor cost and schedule 
performance being markedly worse than those experienced on historical 
satellite programs. In addition, the CAIG found that government actions 
to date have been ineffective in controlling cost and schedule growth. 
The program office, on the other hand, showed a much lower cost 
estimate for the production cost of GEO satellites 3-5, as seen in 
table 11. 

Table 11: SBIRS High GEO 3-5 Procurement Funding Analysis: 

Millions of then-year dollars. 

Three individual satellite procurements; 
CAIG estimate: $2,892; 
Program office: $2,027; 
Delta: $865; 
Delta %: 43%. 

Source: CAIG and GAO analysis. 

[End of table] 

The CAIG based its estimate on contractor data for prime contractor 
systems engineering and program management, and payload integration 
assembly and test, which showed substantial increases in the period of 
performance, staffing levels, and hourly rates over initial estimates. 
In addition, the CAIG's estimate reflected a contractual change from a 
shared fee pool to a traditional prime contractor/subcontractor 

The CAIG expressed concern that despite restructuring and rebaselining 
the program, SBIRS High has struggled unabated since contract award. 
The CAIG also cautioned that rebaselining would only allow the program 
to hide problems in the short term. For example, the CAIG reported that 
earned value management data showed GEO costs were following the same 
downward trend as the HEO portion of the program, which meant that 
additional cost and schedule delays were possible. 

[End of section] 

Appendix V: Comments from the Department of Defense: 

Office Of The Assistant Secretary Of Defense: 
6000 Defense Pentagon: 
Washington, DC 20301-6000: 
Networks And Inform On Integration: 

NOV 09 2006: 

Ms. Cristina T. Chaplain: 
Director, Acquisition and Sourcing Management: 
U.S. Government Accountability Office: 
441 G Street, NW: 
Washington, DC 20548: 

Dear Ms. Chaplain: 

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the GAO Draft Report, GAO- 
07-96 entitled "Space Acquisitions: DoD Needs to Take More Action to 
Address Unrealistic Initial Cost Estimates of Space Systems, dated 
October 13, 2006 (GAO Code 120554)". I concur with the overall findings 
of the report, and have enclosed comments to your specific 

Again, thank you for this opportunity to comment on your report. 


Signed by: 

John R. Landon: 
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense: 
(C3ISR & IT Acquisition): 

As stated: 

GAO Draft Report Dated October 13, 2006 GAO-07-96 (GAO Code 120554): 

"Space Acquisitions: DOD Needs To Take More Action To Address 
Unrealistic Initial Cost Estimates Of Space Systems" 

Department Of Defense Comments To The GAO Recommendations: 

Recommendation 1: The GAO recommended that the Secretary of Defense 
direct the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and 
Logistics or the Secretary of the Air Force, as appropriate, to 
increase accountability and transparency of decisions in space programs 
where an independent estimate produced by the Cost Analysis Improvement 
Group (CAIG) or Air Force Cost Analysis Agency (AFCAA) is not chosen, 
require officials involved in milestone decisions to document and 
justify the reasons for their choice and the differences between the 
program cost estimate and the independent cost estimate. (p. 21/GAO 
Draft Report): 

DOD Response: Partially Concur. At both the development and the 
production Milestones for all Acquisition Category (ACAT) I programs 
U.S. Code Title 10 - Armed Forces requires the Milestone Decision 
Authority (MDA) [USD(AT&L)] to be informed by an independently 
developed life cycle cost estimate before making a decision on how to 
proceed. The OSD CAIG is charged with developing this estimate and, in 
practice, presents their findings to the Defense Acquisition Board 
(DAB) when they meet to advise the MDA. Additionally, the OSD CAIG 
formally documents its Independent Cost Estimate (ICE) in a report to 
the MDA. The complex decision to determine the cost figure used as a 
basis for funding and to evaluate future program performance must weigh 
many competing factors that are often qualitative in nature. As with 
all other acquisition related decisions, the decision is the MDA's 
alone, and although thoroughly discussed with the MDA advisors during 
the DAB meeting and clearly documented in the Acquisition Decision 
Memorandum (ADM), documenting the explicit justification will reduce 
the MDA's future decision-making flexibility. 

Recommendation 2: The GAO recommended that the Secretary of Defense 
direct the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and 
Logistics or the Secretary of the Air Force, as appropriate, to better 
ensure investment decisions for space programs are knowledge-based, 
instill processes and tools necessary to ensure lessons learned are 
incorporated into future estimates. (p. 21/GAO Draft Report): 

DOD Response: Concur with this recommendation. DoD also concurs with 
the following recommendations in the report: 

* Conducting post-mortem reviews of past space program cost estimates 
(program office and independent cost estimates) to measure cost 
estimating effectiveness and to track and record cost estimating 

DoD Response: Concur. The OSD CAIG has an established process whereby 
they meet with the key members of the National Security space cost 
analysis community to discuss and evaluate the outcomes following ACAT 
I space program Milestone or Key Decision Point (UDP) DAB-level 
reviews. The purpose of this meeting is to provide visibility to the 
other members of the National Security space cost analysis community on 
how the CAIG approaches ICE development and to give the community an 
opportunity to provide feedback to the CAIG on how to improve their 
processes. The OSD CAIG will work in the future to incorporate, within 
this existing framework, peer reviews of the associated program office 
estimate. The OSD CAIG, as required by the DoD's space acquisition 
regulations, tracks and documents their ICES against current program 
office estimates as each ACAT I program proceeds through its 
development and production phases. 

* Developing a centralized cost estimating database that provides 
realistic and credible data to cost estimators. 

DoD Response: Concur. Several groups, including the OSD CAIG sponsored 
National Security Space Cost Analysis Symposium, Consortium on Space 
Technology Estimating Research (CoSTER), and the National 
Reconnaissance Office (NRO) led cost integrated process teams (IPTs), 
have been working to develop a database of historical space program 
costs available to the community as a whole for model development and 
estimate preparation. Additionally, the OSD CAIG in conjunction with 
USD(AT&L) and approved by the National Security space cost community, 
has reestablished a common space program work breakdown structure 
(WBS), incorporated in the latest version of Military Handbook 881, 
that supports the various estimating methodologies employed by the 
space cost community. This recently adopted standard will be used as a 
basis for all future space program cost data collection. 

* Establishing protocols by which cost estimators working with the NRO 
can share data with the DOD space cost estimating community while still 
maintaining appropriate security over classified data. 

DoD Response: Concur. Through the common database development process 
described above, the community, within security constraints, is working 
to make historical program cost data as widely available as possible. 

* Ensuring estimates are updated as major events occur within a program 
that could have a material impact on cost, such as budget reductions, 
integration problems, hardware/software quality problems, etc. 

DoD Response: Concur. Updating estimates, including independently 
developed cost estimates, more frequently than only at designated KDPs 
is clearly helpful to inform budgets and support program resource 
adjustment decisions. However, it is important not to mandate updates 
as, by their nature, they should be program and program phase 

Recommendation 3: The GAO recommended that the Secretary of Defense 
direct the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and 
Logistics or the Secretary of the Air Force, as appropriate, to 
optimize analysis and collaboration within the space cost estimating 
community, clearly articulate the roles and responsibilities of the 
various Air Force cost estimating organizations, and ensure that space 
system cost estimators are organized so that the Air Force can gain the 
most from their knowledge and expertise. In taking these actions for 
programs for which no independent estimate is developed by the DoD 
CAIG, consider assigning the Air Force Cost Analysis Agency (AFCAA) 
with responsibility for the development of independent cost estimates 
for space system acquisitions, since is outside the acquisition chain 
of command and therefore more likely to be unbiased and not pressured 
to produce optimistic estimates. (p. 21 GAO Draft Report): 

DOD Response: Concur. The Air Force is currently updating their Cost 
and Economics Policy Directive (AFPD 65-5) and associated Instructions 
to further clarify the roles and responsibilities of their space cost 
analysis organizations. The purpose of this policy also addresses Air 
Force goals to optimize analysis and collaboration thus making the best 
use of the limited number of qualified and experienced space program 
cost analysts. 

[End of section] 

Appendix VI: GAO Contacts and Staff Acknowledgments: 

GAO Contact: 

Cristina T. Chaplain (202) 512-4859 or 

Staff Acknowledgments: 

In addition to the contact named above, Brian Bothwell, Greg Campbell, 
Joanna Chan, Jennifer Echard, Art Gallegos, Barbara Haynes, Anne 
Hobson, Jason Lee, Sigrid McGinty, Karen Richey, Suzanne Sterling, Adam 
Vodraska, and Peter Zwanzig made key contributions to this report. 

[End of section] 

Related GAO Products: 

Defense Space Activities: Management Actions Are Needed to Better 
Identify, Track, and Train Air Force Space Personnel. GAO-06-908. 
Washington, D.C.: September 21, 2006. 

Defense Acquisitions: DOD Needs to Establish an Implementing Directive 
to Publish Information and Take Actions to Improve DOD Information on 
Critical Acquisition Positions. GAO-06-987R. Washington, D.C.: 
September 8, 2006. 

Defense Acquisitions: Space System Acquisition Risks and Keys to 
Addressing Them. GAO-06-776R. Washington, D.C.: June 1, 2006. 

Space Acquisitions: Improvements Needed in Space Systems Acquisitions 
and Keys to Achieving Them. GAO-06-626T. Washington, D.C.: April 6, 

Best Practices: Better Support of Weapon System Program Managers Needed 
to Improve Outcomes. GAO-06-110. Washington, D.C.: November 30, 2005. 

Defense Acquisitions: Incentives and Pressures That Drive Problems 
Affecting Satellite and Related Acquisitions. GAO-05-570R. Washington, 
D.C.: June 23, 2005. 

Defense Acquisitions: Improved Management Practices Could Help Minimize 
Cost Growth in Navy Shipbuilding Programs. GAO-05-183. Washington, 
D.C.: February 28, 2005. 

NASA: Lack of Disciplined Cost-Estimating Processes Hinders Effective 
Program Management. GAO-04-642. Washington, D.C.: May 28, 2004. 

Defense Acquisitions: Despite Restructuring, SBIRS High Program Remains 
at Risk of Cost and Schedule Overruns. GAO-04-48. Washington, D.C.: 
October 31, 2003. 

Defense Acquisitions: Improvements Needed in Space Systems Acquisition 
Management Policy. GAO-03-1073. Washington, D.C.: September 15, 2003. 

Military Space Operations: Common Problems and Their Effects on 
Satellite and Related Acquisitions. GAO-03-825R. Washington, D.C.: June 
2, 2003. 


[1] 10 U.S.C. § 2434 (2000). 

[2] 10 U.S.C. § 2434(b)(1)(A). 

[3] 10 U.S.C. § 2434(b)(1)(B). 

[4] DOD Directive 5000.04, Cost Analysis Improvement Group at ¶ 2 (Aug. 
DOD Instruction 5000.2, Enclosure 6, Resource Estimation (May 2003). 

[5] National Security Space Acquisition Policy 03-01 (revised December 

[6] National Security Space Acquisition Policy at Appendix 3.2. 

[7] Recently, the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, 
Technology and Logistics withdrew its delegation of milestone decision 
authority from the Air Force. As a result, although some acquisition 
authority was returned to the Air Force, the Under Secretary of Defense 
for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics is the current milestone 
decision authority for major space system acquisitions. It is not known 
when or if this role will be placed back within the Air Force. 

[8] GAO, Best Practices: Better Support of Weapon System Program 
Managers Needed to Improve Outcomes, GAO-06-110 (Washington, D.C.: Nov. 
30, 2005). 

[9] 10 U.S.C. § 2433. This oversight mechanism originated with the 
Department of Defense Authorization Act, 1982. It was made permanent in 
the following year's authorization act and has been amended several 
times. Generally, the law requires DOD to review programs and report 
(and in some cases submit a certification) to Congress whenever cost 
growth reaches specified thresholds. The statute is commonly known as 
Nunn-McCurdy, based on the names of the sponsors of the original 

[10] DOD Directive 5000.04 at ¶ 4.8. 

[11] GAO, Defense Space Activities: Management Actions Are Needed to 
Better Identify, Track, and Train Air Force Space Personnel, GAO-06-908 
(Washington, D.C.: Sept. 21, 2006), and Defense Acquisitions: DOD Needs 
to Establish an Implementing Directive to Publish Information and Take 
Actions to Improve DOD Information on Critical Acquisition Positions, 
GAO-06-987R (Washington, D.C.: Sept. 8, 2006). 

[12] John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 
2007, Pub. L. No. 109-364 §§ 820, 853 (2006). 

[13] John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 
2007, Pub. L. No. 109-364, § 853 (2006), and accompanying conference 
report, H.R. Rep. No. 109-702, pages 784-785. 

[14] Aqua collects information on evaporation from the oceans, water 
vapor from the atmosphere, radioactive energy fluxes, land vegetation 
cover, and land, air, and water temperatures, among other things. 
Aura's mission is to study the Earth's ozone, air quality, and climate 
focusing exclusively on the composition, chemistry, and dynamics of the 
Earth's upper and lower atmospheres. The Defense Meteorological 
Satellite Program collects weather data for military operations. 

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