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entitled 'Nursing Homes: Despite Increased Oversight, Challenges Remain 
in Ensuring High-Quality Care and Resident Safety' which was released 
on January 17, 2006. 

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Report to Congressional Requesters: 

United States Government Accountability Office: 


December 2005: 

Nursing Homes: 

Despite Increased Oversight, Challenges Remain in Ensuring High-Quality 
Care and Resident Safety: 


GAO Highlights: 

Highlights of GAO-06-117, a report to congressional requesters: 

Why GAO Did This Study: 

Since 1998, GAO has issued numerous reports on nursing home quality and 
safety that identified significant weaknesses in federal and state 
oversight. Under contract with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid 
Services (CMS), states conduct annual nursing home inspections, known 
as surveys, to assess compliance with federal quality and safety 
requirements. States also investigate complaints filed by family 
members or others in between annual surveys. When state surveys find 
serious deficiencies, CMS may impose sanctions to encourage compliance 
with federal requirements. 

GAO was asked to assess CMS’s progress since 1998 in addressing 
oversight weaknesses. GAO (1) reviewed the trends in nursing home 
quality from 1999 through January 2005, (2) evaluated the extent to 
which CMS’s initiatives have addressed survey and oversight problems 
identified by GAO and CMS, and (3) identified key challenges to 
continued progress in ensuring resident health and safety. 

GAO reviewed federal data on the results of state nursing home surveys 
and federal surveys assessing state performance; conducted additional 
analyses in five states with large numbers of nursing homes; reviewed 
the status of its prior recommendations; and identified key workforce 
and workload issues confronting CMS and states. 

What GAO Found: 

CMS’s nursing home survey data show a significant decline in the 
proportion of nursing homes with serious quality problems since 1999, 
but this trend masks two important and continuing issues: inconsistency 
in how states conduct surveys and understatement of serious quality 
problems. Inconsistency in states’ surveys is demonstrated by wide 
interstate variability in the proportion of homes found to have serious 
deficiencies—for example, about 6 percent in one state and about 54 
percent in another. Continued understatement of serious deficiencies is 
shown by the increase in discrepancies between federal and state 
surveys of the same homes from 2002 through 2004, despite an overall 
decline in such discrepancies from October 1998 through December 2004. 
In five large states that had a significant decline in serious 
deficiencies, federal surveyors concluded that from 8 percent to 33 
percent of the comparative surveys identified serious deficiencies that 
state surveyors had missed. This finding is consistent with earlier GAO 
work showing that state surveyors missed serious care problems. These 
two issues underscore the importance of CMS initiatives to improve the 
consistency and rigor of nursing home surveys. 

CMS has addressed many survey and oversight shortcomings, but it is 
still developing or has not yet implemented several key initiatives, 
particularly those intended to improve the consistency of the survey 
process. Key steps CMS has taken include (1) revising the survey 
methodology, (2) issuing states additional guidance to strengthen 
complaint investigations, (3) implementing immediate sanctions for 
homes cited for repeat serious violations, and (4) strengthening 
oversight by conducting assessments of state survey activities. Some 
CMS initiatives, however, either have shortcomings impairing their 
effectiveness or have not effectively targeted problems GAO and CMS 
identified. For example, CMS has not fully addressed issues with the 
accuracy and reliability of the data underlying consumer information 
published on its Web site. 

The key challenges CMS, states, and nursing homes face in their efforts 
to further improve nursing home quality and safety include (1) the cost 
to older homes to be retrofit with automatic sprinklers to help reduce 
the loss of life in the event of a fire, (2) continuing problems with 
hiring and retaining qualified surveyors, and (3) an expanded workload 
due to increased oversight, identification of additional initiatives 
that compete for staff and financial resources, and growth in the 
number of Medicare and Medicaid providers. Despite CMS’s increased 
nursing home oversight, its continued attention and commitment are 
warranted in order to maintain the momentum of its efforts to date and 
to better ensure high-quality care and safety for nursing home 

CMS generally concurred with the report’s findings. CMS noted several 
areas of progress in nursing home quality and identified remaining 
challenges to conducting nursing home survey and oversight activities. 

What GAO Recommends: 

To view the full product, including the scope and methodology, click on 
the link above. For more information, contact Kathryn G. Allen, (202) 

[End of section] 



Results In Brief: 


Available Data Show Significant Overall Decrease in Serious Quality 
Problems but Indicate Continued Inconsistency and Understatement in 
State Findings: 

CMS Has Addressed Many Shortcomings in Survey and Oversight Activities, 
but Work Continues on Some Key Initiatives: 

Resource and Workload Issues Pose Key Challenges to Further Improving 
Nursing Home Quality and Safety: 

Concluding Observations: 

Agency and State Comments and Our Evaluation: 

Appendix I: Prior GAO Recommendations, Related CMS Initiatives, and 
Implementation Status: 

Appendix II: Percentage of Nursing Homes Cited for Actual Harm or 
Immediate Jeopardy during Standard Surveys: 

Appendix III: Percentage of Homes Surveyed Within 15 Days of the 1-Year 
Anniversary of Prior Survey: 

Appendix IV: Percentage of State Nursing Home Surveyors with 2-Years' 
Experience or Less, 2002 and 2005: 

Appendix V: Comments from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services: 

Appendix VI: GAO Contact and Staff Acknowledgments: 

Related GAO Products: 


Table 1: Scope and Severity of Deficiencies Identified During Nursing 
Home Surveys: 

Table 2: Percentage of Nursing Homes Identified as Having Serious 
Deficiencies during State Nursing Home Surveys, July 2003 through 
January 2005: 

Table 3: Federal Comparative Surveys in Five States that Identified 
Serious Deficiencies Missed by State Surveys and the Number of Missed 
Deficiencies, March 2002 through December 2004: 

Table 4: Nursing Home Surveys: CMS Initiatives and Implementation 

Table 5: Percentage of Predictable Current Nursing Home Surveys, as of 
April 2002 and July 2005: 

Table 6: Complaint Investigations: CMS Initiatives and Implementation 

Table 7: Enforcement: CMS Initiatives and Implementation Status: 

Table 8: Oversight: CMS Initiatives and Implementation Status: 

Table 9: Percentage of Surveyors with 2 Years' Experience or Less, as 
of July 2005: 

Table 10: Implementation Status of CMS's Initiatives Responding to 
GAO's Nursing Home Quality and Safety Recommendations, July 1998 
through November 2004: 

Table 11: Percentage of Nursing Homes Cited for Actual Harm or 
Immediate Jeopardy, by State: 

Table 12: Percentage of Nursing Homes with Predictable Surveys, April 
2002 and June 2005: 


Figure 1: Percentage of Nursing Homes Nationwide with Serious 
Deficiencies, January 1999 through January 2005: 

Figure 2: Percentage of Federal Comparative Surveys That Noted Serious 
Deficiencies Not Identified in State Surveys: 


AHFSA: Association of Health Facility Survey Agencies: 

ASPEN; Automated Survey Processing Environment: 

AST: ASPEN Scheduling and Tracking: 

CMS; Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services: 

HHS: Department of Health and Human Services: 

MDS: minimum data set: 

MFCU: Medicaid Fraud Control Unit: 

NFPA: National Fire Protection Association: 

OSCAR: On-Line Survey, Certification, and Reporting system: 

QIO: Quality Improvement Organization: 

QIS: Quality Indicator Survey: 

RN: registered nurse: 

United States Government Accountability Office: 

Washington, DC 20548: 

December 28, 2005: 

The Honorable Charles E. Grassley: Chairman: 
Committee on Finance: 
United States Senate: 

The Honorable Herb Kohl: 
Ranking Minority Member: 
Special Committee on Aging: 
United States Senate: 

Numerous congressional hearings since July 1998 have focused attention 
on the need to improve the care and safety of the nation's 1.5 million 
nursing home residents, a highly vulnerable population of elderly and 
disabled individuals for whom remaining at home is no longer feasible. 
Many nursing home residents require help with feeding, toileting, 
grooming, or other routine activities of daily living; are cognitively 
impaired; or have chronic health care conditions such as heart disease. 
Some individuals with chronic conditions are long-term residents of 
nursing homes, while others enter nursing homes for a short period, 
such as after a hospitalization. With the aging of the baby boom 
generation, the number of individuals needing nursing home care is 
expected to increase in size dramatically. Combined Medicare and 
Medicaid payments for nursing home services were about $65 billion in 
2003, including a federal share of about $43 billion.[Footnote 1] 

In a series of reports, we have identified significant weaknesses in 
federal and state activities designed to detect and correct quality and 
safety problems at nursing homes.[Footnote 2] Our key findings included 
the following: 

* A small but unacceptable proportion of nursing homes repeatedly 
caused actual harm to residents, such as worsening pressure sores or 
untreated weight loss, or placed residents at risk of death or serious 

* The results of state inspections, known as surveys, understated the 
extent of serious quality-of-care and fire safety problems, reflecting 
weaknesses in the survey methodology and an inconsistent application of 
federal standards. 

* Serious complaints by residents, family members, or staff alleging 
harm to residents remained uninvestigated for weeks or months, and 
delays in the reporting of abuse allegations compromised the quality of 
available evidence, hindering investigations. 

* When serious deficiencies were identified, federal and state 
enforcement policies did not ensure that the deficiencies were 
addressed and remained corrected. 

* Federal mechanisms for overseeing state monitoring of nursing home 
quality and safety were limited in their scope and effectiveness. 

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)--the federal agency 
responsible for managing the Medicare and Medicaid programs, as well as 
overseeing compliance with federal nursing home standards--announced a 
set of initiatives intended to address many of the weaknesses we 
identified in July 1998 as well as needed improvements CMS identified 
in its own self-assessment.[Footnote 3] Over time, CMS has refined and 
expanded these initiatives, including launching a Web site--Nursing 
Home Compare--that has progressively increased the data available to 
the public about the care provided by nursing homes.[Footnote 4] You 
asked us to review the progress made by CMS since 1998 in addressing 
quality and safety problems in the nation's nursing homes. In response 
to your request, we (1) reviewed the trends in nursing home quality by 
analyzing nursing home survey results, (2) evaluated the extent to 
which CMS's initiatives have addressed survey and oversight 
shortcomings identified by us and CMS, and (3) identified key remaining 
challenges to continued progress in ensuring resident health and 

To assess trends in nursing home quality, we analyzed data from the 
federal On-Line Survey, Certification, and Reporting system (OSCAR), 
which compiles the results of state nursing home surveys; we focused on 
trend data since CMS announced its nursing home initiatives. We have 
used OSCAR data since 1997 to track trends in the proportion of homes 
found to have harmed residents or placed them at risk of immediate 
jeopardy. To better understand the trends identified through our OSCAR 
analysis, we evaluated the results of federal comparative surveys for 
all states for the period March 2002 through December 2004 and compared 
the results for two other time periods--October 1998 through May 2000 
and June 2000 through February 2002. Federal comparative surveys are 
conducted at nursing homes recently surveyed by the state to assess the 
adequacy of the state surveys. We judgmentally selected five large 
states--California, Florida, New York, Ohio, and Texas--for additional 
analysis based on the change in the proportion of homes cited with 
serious deficiencies, geographic representation, and the number of 
nursing homes. These five states account for almost 30 percent of the 
nation's nursing homes.[Footnote 5] CMS officials generally recognize 
OSCAR data to be reliable. We have used OSCAR data in prior work to 
examine nursing home quality issues and we updated certain data for 
this report. Throughout the course of our work, we discussed our 
analysis of OSCAR data with CMS officials at both the central office 
and the regional offices to ensure that the data accurately reflected 
state nursing home survey activities. We determined that these data 
were accurate for our purposes. 

To evaluate the extent to which survey and oversight shortcomings we 
identified had been addressed by CMS's initiatives, we reviewed the 
status of our recommendations, and updated our understanding of the 
initiatives by analyzing relevant documentation and discussing their 
implementation status with CMS officials (see app. I). We also 
discussed with CMS officials the initiatives implemented as a result of 
CMS's self-assessment of needed improvements. We focused on four areas: 
surveys, complaints, enforcement, and oversight. We discussed the 
preliminary findings from our OSCAR data trend analysis with CMS and 
state survey agency officials. To assess the remaining challenges to 
continued improvement of nursing home oversight, we identified through 
interviews with CMS and state survey agency officials key workforce and 
workload issues that confront states and CMS in protecting the health 
and safety of nursing home residents. We also contacted officials at 
the Association of Health Facility Survey Agencies (AHFSA) to update 
information on surveyor turnover and retention issues. We conducted our 
review from May through December 2005 in accordance with generally 
accepted government auditing standards. 

Results in Brief: 

CMS's nursing home survey data show a significant decrease in the 
proportion of nursing homes with serious quality problems, from about 
29 percent in 1999 to about 16 percent by January 2005, but this trend 
masks two important and continuing issues: inconsistency among state 
surveyors in conducting surveys and understatement by state surveyors 
of serious deficiencies. Inconsistency in states' surveys is 
demonstrated by CMS data that reveal continued wide interstate 
variability in the proportion of homes found to have serious 
deficiencies. For example, in the most recent time period, one state 
found such deficiencies in about 6 percent of homes, whereas another 
state found them in about 54 percent of homes. We previously reported 
that confusion about the definition of actual harm contributed to 
inconsistency and understatement in state surveys. In addition, state 
surveyors continue to understate serious deficiencies, as shown by the 
larger number of serious deficiencies identified in federal comparative 
surveys than in state surveys of the same homes. Although federal 
comparative surveys since October 1998 show an overall decline in the 
proportion that identify serious deficiencies not identified by state 
surveys, data for the two most recent periods show an increase in such 
discrepancies, from 22 percent to 28 percent of comparative surveys. In 
the five large states we reviewed, federal surveyors concluded that the 
state surveyors had missed serious deficiencies in from 8 percent to 33 
percent of comparative surveys--that is, these deficiencies existed and 
should have been identified at the time of the state survey. The 
federal surveyors' assessment is consistent with our July 2003 
findings: a sample of deficiencies demonstrated considerable 
understatement of quality-of-care problems such as serious, avoidable 
pressure sores. The continuing evidence of inconsistency in survey 
results among states and understated deficiencies underscores the 
importance of CMS's initiatives to improve the consistency and rigor of 
nursing home surveys. 

CMS has addressed many of the shortcomings we identified in nursing 
home survey and oversight activities, but several important initiatives 
have not yet been implemented, such as those intended to make state 
surveys more consistent across states and to reduce the understatement 
of deficiencies. Important steps CMS has taken include (1) revising the 
survey methodology, (2) issuing states additional guidance to 
strengthen complaint investigations, (3) implementing immediate 
sanctions for homes cited for repeat serious violations, and (4) 
strengthening oversight by conducting assessments of state survey 
activities. In addition, CMS has undertaken initiatives of its own. For 
example, it has made important information available to the public on 
nursing home quality through its Nursing Home Compare Web site and has 
contracted with independent quality organizations to work with nursing 
homes to improve quality. Although CMS has addressed many weaknesses in 
survey and oversight processes, other initiatives either have not 
effectively targeted the problems identified or have shortcomings that 
impair their effectiveness. For example, CMS has not fully addressed 
issues with the accuracy and reliability of the data underlying 
consumer information published on its Web site. 

CMS, states, and nursing homes face a number of key resource and 
workload challenges in their efforts to further improve nursing home 
quality and safety. CMS is moving to require older nursing homes to 
install sprinkler systems, a proven life-saving device, but 
implementation could be delayed because of concerns about the cost of 
the retrofit to these homes. CMS indicated that it plans to ask for 
public comment about the length of the phase-in period rather than 
proposing one itself. States are continuing to experience problems in 
hiring and retaining qualified surveyors, a factor that survey agency 
officials believe contributes to inconsistency and understatement in 
the citation of serious deficiencies. State survey agencies attributed 
high turnover and recruiting difficulties to the lack of competitive 
salaries for registered nurses (RN), who are a major component of 
states' surveyor workforce, and intense competition from hospitals and 
other providers because of the RN shortage. Increased nursing home 
oversight has strained both CMS and state survey agency resources, 
resulting in delays for some key initiatives. For example, CMS has 
undertaken time-consuming state survey agency performance reviews and 
significantly increased the number of federal comparative surveys 
performed. In addition, state survey agency workloads have grown as a 
result of initiatives that require the prompt investigation of 
complaints alleging resident harm and the need to conduct on-site 
revisits at nursing homes to ensure that serious problems actually have 
been corrected. However, the increased number of quality and safety 
initiatives has required CMS to establish priorities, with some 
initiatives taking precedence over others. For example, CMS attached a 
high priority to including quality indicator data on its public Web 
site and implemented this initiative promptly, while the revision of 
the survey process has encountered delays due to higher priorities. 
Continued attention and commitment to improving nursing home oversight 
are essential to maintaining the momentum built by CMS's 
accomplishments to date and thus better ensuring quality care and 
safety for nursing home residents. 

In commenting on a draft of this report, CMS generally concurred with 
our findings, describing the progress it has made in several areas and 
agreeing that challenges remain. CMS also indicated that while it 
remained concerned about understatement, it did not believe that 
understatement was worsening. CMS described the ongoing challenges it 
faces and the steps it will take to address them. In commenting on the 
section of the draft report focused on trends in nursing home quality, 
the states we reviewed commented on the actions they have taken to 
improve nursing home survey quality and the challenges they face in 
conducting nursing home survey and oversight activities. 


Oversight of nursing homes is a shared federal-state responsibility. 
Based on statutory requirements, CMS defines standards that nursing 
homes must meet to participate in the Medicare and Medicaid programs 
and contracts with states to assess whether homes meet these standards 
through annual surveys and complaint investigations. A range of 
statutorily defined sanctions is available to CMS and the states to 
help ensure that homes maintain compliance with federal quality 
requirements. CMS also is responsible for monitoring the adequacy of 
state survey activities.[Footnote 6] 

Standard Surveys and Complaint Investigations: 

Every nursing home receiving Medicare or Medicaid payment must undergo 
a standard survey not less than once every 15 months, and the statewide 
average interval for these surveys must not exceed 12 months.[Footnote 
7] During a standard survey, separate teams of surveyors conduct a 
comprehensive assessment of federal quality-of-care and fire safety 
requirements. In contrast, complaint investigations generally focus on 
a specific allegation regarding resident care or safety. 

The quality-of-care component of a survey focuses on determining 
whether (1) the care and services provided meet the assessed needs of 
the residents and (2) the home is providing adequate quality care, 
including preventing avoidable pressure sores, weight loss, and 
accidents. Nursing homes that participate in Medicare and Medicaid are 
required to periodically assess residents' care needs in 17 areas, such 
as mood and behavior, physical functioning, and skin conditions, in 
order to develop an appropriate plan of care. Such resident assessment 
data are known as the minimum data set (MDS). To assess the care 
provided by a nursing home, surveyors select a sample of residents and 
(1) review data derived from the residents' MDS assessments and medical 
records; (2) interview nursing home staff, residents, and family 
members; and (3) observe care provided to residents during the course 
of the survey. CMS establishes specific investigative protocols for 
state survey teams--generally consisting of RNs, social workers, 
dieticians, and other specialists--to use in conducting surveys. These 
procedural instructions are intended to make the on-site surveys 
thorough and consistent across states. 

The fire safety component of a survey focuses on a home's compliance 
with federal standards for health care facilities.[Footnote 8] The fire 
safety standards cover 18 categories ranging from building construction 
to furnishings. Examples of specific requirements include the use of 
fire-or smoke-resistant construction materials, the installation and 
testing of fire alarms and smoke detectors, and the development and 
routine testing of a fire emergency plan. Most states use fire safety 
specialists within the same department as the state survey agency to 
conduct fire safety inspections, but about one-third of states contract 
with their state fire marshal's office. 

Complaint investigations provide an opportunity for state surveyors to 
intervene promptly if problems arise between standard surveys. 
Complaints may be filed against a home by a resident, the resident's 
family, or a nursing home employee either verbally, via a complaint 
hotline, or in writing. Surveyors generally follow state procedures 
when investigating complaints but must comply with certain federal 
guidelines and time frames. In cases involving resident abuse, such as 
pushing, slapping, beating, or otherwise assaulting a resident by 
individuals to whom their care has been entrusted, state survey 
agencies may notify state or local law enforcement agencies that can 
initiate criminal investigations. States must maintain a registry of 
qualified nurse aides, the primary caregivers in nursing homes, that 
includes any findings that an aide has been responsible for abuse, 
neglect, or theft of a resident's property. The inclusion of such a 
finding constitutes a ban on nursing home employment. 

Deficiencies identified during either standard surveys or complaint 
investigations are classified in 1 of 12 categories according to their 
scope (i.e., the number of residents potentially or actually affected) 
and their severity. An A-level deficiency is the least serious and is 
isolated in scope, while an L-level deficiency is the most serious and 
is considered to be widespread in the nursing home (see table 1). 
States are required to enter information about surveys and complaint 
investigations, including the scope and severity of deficiencies 
identified, in CMS's OSCAR database. 

Table 1: Scope and Severity of Deficiencies Identified During Nursing 
Home Surveys: 

Severity: Immediate jeopardy[A]; 
Scope: Isolated: J; 
Scope: Pattern: K; 
Scope: Widespread: L. 

Severity: Actual harm; 
Scope: Isolated: G; 
Scope: Pattern: H; 
Scope: Widespread: I. 

Severity: Potential for more than minimal harm; Scope: Isolated: D; 
Scope: Pattern: E; 
Scope: Widespread: F. 

Severity: Potential for minimal harm[B]; Scope: Isolated: A; 
Scope: Pattern: B; 
Scope: Widespread: C. 

Source: CMS. 

[A] Actual or potential for death/serious injury. 

[B] Nursing home is considered to be in "substantial compliance." 

[End of table] 

Enforcement Policy: 

Ensuring that documented deficiencies are corrected is a shared federal-
state responsibility. CMS imposes sanctions on homes with Medicare or 
dual Medicare and Medicaid certification on the basis of state 
referrals. CMS normally accepts a state's recommendation for sanctions 
but can modify it. The scope and severity of a deficiency determine the 
applicable sanctions, which can involve, among other things, requiring 
training for staff providing care to residents, imposing money fines, 
denying the home Medicare and Medicaid payments for new admissions, and 
terminating the home from participation in these programs. States are 
responsible for enforcing standards in homes with Medicaid-only 
certification--about 14 percent of homes. They may use the federal 
sanctions or rely on their own state licensure authority and nursing 
home sanctions. 


CMS is responsible for overseeing each state survey agency's 
performance in ensuring quality of care in nursing homes participating 
in Medicare or Medicaid. Its primary oversight tools are statutorily 
required federal monitoring surveys conducted annually in at least 5 
percent of the state-surveyed Medicare and Medicaid nursing homes in 
each state and annual state performance reviews. Federal monitoring 
surveys can be either comparative or observational. A comparative 
survey involves a federal survey team conducting a complete, 
independent survey of a home within 2 months of the completion of a 
state's survey in order to compare and contrast the findings. In an 
observational survey, one or more federal surveyors accompany a state 
survey team to a nursing home to observe the team's performance. 
Roughly 81 percent of the approximately 800 federal monitoring surveys 
are observational. Performance reviews examine state survey agency 
compliance with seven standards: (1) timeliness of the survey, (2) 
documentation of survey results, (3) quality of state agency 
investigations and decision making, (4) timeliness of adverse action 
procedures, (5) budget analysis, (6) timeliness and quality of 
complaint investigations, and (7) timeliness and accuracy of data 

Available Data Show Significant Overall Decrease in Serious Quality 
Problems but Indicate Continued Inconsistency and Understatement in 
State Findings: 

CMS's nursing home survey data show a significant decrease in serious 
quality problems in recent years, but other information indicates that 
this trend masks two important and continuing issues: inconsistency in 
how states conduct surveys and understatement of serious quality 
problems. OSCAR data continue to show wide interstate variability in 
the proportion of homes found to have serious deficiencies, suggesting 
inconsistency in states' interpretation and application of federal 
regulations. We previously reported that confusion about the definition 
of actual harm contributed to inconsistency and understatement in state 
surveys. Moreover, although federal comparative surveys conducted from 
October 1998 through December 2004 showed a decline in the proportion 
of serious deficiencies that were not identified by state surveys, this 
overall trend masks a more recent increase from 2002 through 2004 in 
federally identified understatement of serious deficiencies. In five 
large states we examined with a significant decline in the proportion 
of homes found to have harmed residents, federal comparative surveys 
found that a significant proportion of state surveys had missed serious 
deficiencies, that is, state surveyors either failed to cite the 
deficiencies altogether or cited them at too low a level of scope and 

From January 1999 through January 2005, the proportion of nursing homes 
nationwide with actual harm or immediate jeopardy deficiencies declined 
from about 29 percent to about 16 percent. Figure 1 shows the 
proportion of homes nationwide with these deficiencies for four 
consecutive time periods from January 1999 through January 
2005.[Footnote 9] During the 6-year time period, 41 states had a 
decline in serious deficiencies ranging from about 5 to about 36 
percentage points (see app. II). 

Figure 1: Percentage of Nursing Homes Nationwide with Serious 
Deficiencies, January 1999 through January 2005: 

[See PDF for image] 

[End of figure] 

The nationwide data show a decline in nursing homes cited for serious 
deficiencies; however, the data obscure the continued significant 
interstate variation in the proportion of homes with serious 
deficiencies, which suggests inconsistency in how states conduct 
surveys. Table 2 shows that while 10 states identified serious 
deficiencies in less than 10 percent of the homes surveyed, 15 states 
found similar deficiencies in more than 20 percent of homes surveyed 
from July 2003 through January 2005. For example, during that period 
California identified actual harm and immediate jeopardy deficiencies 
in about 6 percent of the state's nursing homes, while Connecticut 
found such deficiencies in approximately 54 percent of its facilities. 
Since January 1999, the proportion of homes with serious deficiencies 
had declined nearly 23 percentage points in California but increased by 
about 6 percentage points in Connecticut. 

Table 2: Percentage of Nursing Homes Identified as Having Serious 
Deficiencies during State Nursing Home Surveys, July 2003 through 
January 2005: 

Percentage of homes with serious deficiencies: More than 20 percent; 
Number of states: 15. 

Percentage of homes with serious deficiencies: 10 percent to 20 
percent; Number of states: 26. 

Percentage of homes with serious deficiencies: Less than 10 percent; 
Number of states: 10. 

Source: GAO analysis of OSCAR data. 

[End of table] 

We discussed the decline in serious deficiencies in the five large 
states we examined with state survey agency officials and officials 
from the responsible CMS regional offices. Officials in four of the 
five states believed that there had been some improvement in nursing 
home quality. CMS regional office officials, however, were concerned 
about the magnitude of the decline in serious deficiencies in two 
states--Texas and California. The Texas state survey agency noted both 
some improvement in quality as well as a significant number of 
inexperienced surveyors who it believed were hesitant in citing actual 
harm. The San Francisco regional office and state survey agency 
officials acknowledged that confusion by state surveyors as to what 
constituted actual harm had contributed to the decline in California. 
The regional office staff discussed this issue with California survey 
agency officials and believed that training combined with the CMS 
inquiries might have contributed to a recent increase in actual harm 
deficiency citations. 

The overall decline in the proportion of federal comparative surveys 
nationwide that noted serious deficiencies not identified by state 
surveyors across the three time periods we examined masks a reversal of 
this trend in the most recent time period analyzed, suggesting ongoing 
understatement of deficiencies. The time periods analyzed were October 
1998 through May 2000, June 2000 through February 2002, and March 2002 
through December 2004. From October 1998 through February 2002, the 
proportion of federal comparative surveys nationwide that noted serious 
deficiencies that were not identified by state surveyors declined from 
34 percent to 22 percent (see fig. 2). However, federal surveys 
conducted from March 2002 through December 2004 that found serious 
deficiencies not identified by state surveyors increased from 22 
percent to 28 percent. In addition, our work in the five states we 
examined demonstrates continued understatement by state surveyors of 
serious deficiencies that cause actual harm or immediate jeopardy. 

Figure 2: Percentage of Federal Comparative Surveys That Noted Serious 
Deficiencies Not Identified in State Surveys: 

[See PDF for image] 

[End of figure] 

Because some serious deficiencies found by federal, but not state, 
surveyors may not have existed at the time of the state 
survey,[Footnote 10] CMS requires its regional offices to specifically 
identify on worksheets which deficiencies state surveyors had missed 
during the state survey. We analyzed CMS regional office worksheets for 
73 comparative surveys in five large states--California, Florida, New 
York, Ohio, and Texas--with a significant decline in serious 
deficiencies from January 1999 through January 2005.[Footnote 11] 
Overall, 18 percent of these federal comparative surveys identified at 
least one serious deficiency missed by state surveyors, ranging from a 
low of 8 percent in Ohio to a high of 33 percent in Florida (see table 
3). Table 3 also shows that in comparative surveys noting serious 
deficiencies that state surveyors missed, from one to seven serious 
deficiencies were missed. Federal surveyors' findings of understatement 
of serious deficiencies are consistent with our own work. Our July 2003 
report analyzed state surveys of homes with a history of harming 
residents but whose most current survey identified quality-of-care 
problems at below the level of harm; we concluded that about 40 percent 
of the 76 homes we analyzed had harmed residents, including instances 
of severe weight loss; multiple falls resulting in broken bones and 
other injuries; and serious, avoidable pressure sores. Similarly, our 
November 2004 report on Arkansas nursing home deaths found numerous 
instances of serious, understated quality-of-care problems. 

Table 3: Federal Comparative Surveys in Five States that Identified 
Serious Deficiencies Missed by State Surveys and the Number of Missed 
Deficiencies, March 2002 through December 2004: 

State: California; 
Number of federal comparative surveys conducted: 23; Federal 
comparative surveys that found missed serious deficiencies: Number: 4; 
Federal comparative surveys that found missed serious deficiencies: 
Percentage: 17; Total number of serious deficiencies missed: 6[B]. 

State: Florida; 
Number of federal comparative surveys conducted: 12; Federal 
comparative surveys that found missed serious deficiencies: Number: 4; 
Federal comparative surveys that found missed serious deficiencies: 
Percentage: 33; Total number of serious deficiencies missed: 7[B]. 

State: New York; 
Number of federal comparative surveys conducted: 11; Federal 
comparative surveys that found missed serious deficiencies: Number: 
2[A]; Federal comparative surveys that found missed serious 
deficiencies: Percentage: 18[A]; Total number of serious deficiencies 
missed: 6[B]. 

State: Ohio; 
Number of federal comparative surveys conducted: 12; Federal 
comparative surveys that found missed serious deficiencies: Number: 1; 
Federal comparative surveys that found missed serious deficiencies: 
Percentage: 8; Total number of serious deficiencies missed: 1. 

State: Texas; 
Number of federal comparative surveys conducted: 15; Federal 
comparative surveys that found missed serious deficiencies: Number: 2; 
Federal comparative surveys that found missed serious deficiencies: 
Percentage: 13; Total number of serious deficiencies missed: 5. 

State: Total; 
Number of federal comparative surveys conducted: 73; Federal 
comparative surveys that found missed serious deficiencies: Number: 13; 
Federal comparative surveys that found missed serious deficiencies: 
Percentage: 18; Total number of serious deficiencies missed: 25. 

Source: GAO analysis of federal comparative surveys conducted from 
March 2002 through December 2004. 

[A] On one comparative survey, federal surveyors did not provide 
information on whether any of the deficiencies they identified existed 
at the time of the state survey; therefore, this number may be 

[B] The number of serious missed deficiencies could be higher because 
federal surveyors sometimes did not indicate whether they believed that 
a serious deficiency they cited had existed at the time of the state 
survey and therefore was missed by state surveyors. 

[End of table] 

Our prior reports identified five factors that we believe contribute to 
inconsistency and the understatement of deficiencies by state 
surveyors: (1) weaknesses in CMS's survey methodology; (2) confusion 
about the definition of actual harm; (3) predictability of surveys, 
which allows homes to conceal problems if they so desire; (4) 
inadequate quality assurance processes at the state level to help 
detect understatement in the scope and severity of deficiencies; and 
(5) inexperienced state surveyors due to retention problems. CMS has 
initiatives under way to revise the survey methodology and address the 
confusion about what constitutes harm, and it has taken some steps to 
reduce survey predictability. However, CMS did not implement the 
recommendation in our July 2003 report to strengthen the ability of 
state quality assurance processes to detect understatement. While it 
agreed with the intent of our recommendation, CMS indicated that its 
state performance standards initiative already incorporated this 
concept. The status of these initiatives and state workforce issues are 
discussed in the following section. 

CMS Has Addressed Many Shortcomings in Survey and Oversight Activities, 
but Work Continues on Some Key Initiatives: 

CMS has addressed many shortcomings in nursing home survey and 
oversight activities both in response to our recommendations and as a 
result of its own assessment of needed improvements, but it is still 
working on key initiatives that have not yet been implemented.[Footnote 
12] Appendix I provides a complete listing of our previous 
recommendations and the implementation status of CMS initiatives taken 
in response. Examples of CMS's initiatives to address shortcomings 
include (1) revising the survey methodology, (2) issuing states 
additional guidance to strengthen complaint investigations, (3) 
implementing immediate sanctions for homes cited for repeat serious 
violations, and (4) strengthening oversight by conducting assessments 
of state survey activities. CMS also has published information on its 
Web site about nursing home quality and has engaged independent quality 
organizations to work with nursing homes to improve quality.[Footnote 
13] Despite CMS's initiatives in four distinct areas--surveys, 
complaints, enforcement, and oversight--some initiatives either have 
not effectively targeted the problems we identified or have 
shortcomings that impair their effectiveness. 

Surveys: Key Initiatives Are under Development, but Most Have Not Yet 
Been Implemented: 

Several CMS initiatives are intended to address shortcomings in the 
survey process, but most of these initiatives are in the developmental 
stage and have not yet been implemented. In addition, despite CMS's 
efforts to make scheduling of surveys less predictable, many remain 
predictable. (See table 4). 

Table 4: Nursing Home Surveys: CMS Initiatives and Implementation 

Initiative: Survey methodology: Revise to ensure that surveyors do not 
miss significant care problems; Status: In process. 

Initiative: Investigative protocols: Strengthen to ensure greater rigor 
in surveyors' on-site investigations of specific areas; Status: In 

Initiative: Definitions of actual harm and immediate jeopardy: Revise 
to promote increased interstate consistency in deficiency citations; 
Status: In process. 

Initiative: Additional survey initiatives: Implement initiatives to 
give surveyors a way to voice concerns and explore the use of 
photographic evidence to improve the survey process; Status: In 

Initiative: Survey predictability: Reduce to prevent nursing homes from 
potentially masking certain deficiencies if they so choose; Status: 
Selected initiatives implemented. 

Source: GAO analysis of CMS initiatives. 

[End of table] 

Survey Methodology: 

In response to our 1998 recommendation to improve the rigor of the 
survey methodology to help ensure that surveyors do not miss 
significant care problems, CMS took some interim steps and launched a 
longer-term initiative. As interim steps, CMS instructed state survey 
agencies in 1999 to (1) increase the sample of residents reviewed 
during surveys and (2) review available quality indicator information 
on the care provided to a home's residents before actually visiting the 
home. By using the quality indicators, which are essentially numeric 
warning signs of the prevalence of care problems, to select a 
preliminary sample of residents before the on-site review, surveyors 
are better prepared to target their surveys and to identify potential 
care problems.[Footnote 14] Surveyors augment the preliminary sample 
with additional resident cases once they arrive in the home. 

For the longer term, CMS awarded a contract in 1998 to revise the 
methodology used to survey nursing homes, and the agency plans to pilot 
this new methodology in the fall 2005. Under development for 7 years, 
the proposed two-stage, data-driven Quality Indicator Survey (QIS) is 
intended to systematically target potential problems at nursing homes. 
Its expanded sample should help surveyors better assess the scope of 
any deficiencies identified. In stage 1, a large resident sample will 
be drawn and relevant data from on-and off-site sources will be 
analyzed to develop a set of quality-of-care indicators, which will be 
compared to national benchmarks.[Footnote 15] Stage 2 will 
systematically investigate potential quality-of-care concerns 
identified in stage 1. In June 2005, CMS selected five states to pilot 
test the new survey methodology.[Footnote 16] The QIS pilot test will 
begin during the fall 2005, with a final evaluation of the pilot due in 
the fall 2006. The evaluation will examine the QIS's cost- 
effectiveness, focusing on the time and surveyor team size required 
under QIS compared to the current survey methodology, and on the QIS's 
impact on deficiency citations. In developing the QIS, CMS has 
attempted to prevent increases in the time required to complete 
surveys. Depending on evaluation findings and any subsequent 
streamlining of the QIS, national implementation could begin in mid- 

Investigative Protocols: 

Since 2001, CMS has been developing surveyor investigative protocols to 
ensure greater rigor in on-site investigations of specific quality-of- 
care areas. We recommended in July 2003 that CMS finalize the 
development of these important protocols; however, CMS is still working 
on this initiative. In 2001, CMS hired a contractor to facilitate the 
convening of expert panels for the development and review of these 
protocols.[Footnote 17] In November 2004, more than 1 year later than 
scheduled, CMS implemented a protocol on pressure sores. Since then, 
CMS has implemented protocols in two other areas--incontinence and 
medical director qualifications and responsibilities. The protocols 
provide detailed interpretive guidelines and severity guidance. 
Protocols in seven more areas are under development, with an issuance 
target of fall 2005.[Footnote 18] 

Definitions of Actual Harm and Immediate Jeopardy: 

To promote increased consistency among states in deficiency citations, 
a work group of CMS central office, regional office, and state survey 
agency staff was convened in early 2005 to clarify the definitions of 
actual harm and immediate jeopardy. Our July 2003 report noted that 
confusion about the definitions contributed to the understatement of 
serious deficiencies. According to CMS, the 2005 draft revised 
definition of actual harm attempts to clarify the existing definition 
by eliminating confusing language and identifying indicators and 
examples of actual harm.[Footnote 19] The draft revised definition of 
immediate jeopardy is intended to provide additional guidance on 
documenting whether deficiencies are at the immediate jeopardy severity 
level, including criteria for identifying whether immediate jeopardy 
exists, and updates examples of immediate jeopardy. A CMS official 
indicated that the draft revised definition of immediate jeopardy 
stresses that action must be taken at once to prevent harm. As of 
August 2005, CMS had no target issuance date for the revised 

Additional Survey Initiatives: 

CMS is implementing two additional survey initiatives--developing 
guidance to ensure surveyors are able to report concerns to CMS 
regional offices and studying surveyors' use of photographic evidence. 

* To address anecdotal reports that surveyors are sometimes asked to 
overlook or downgrade survey findings, CMS has issued and is obtaining 
state comments on draft guidance to ensure that surveyors can cite 
survey findings without such inappropriate pressure. Currently, 
surveyors report concerns to the state survey agency. CMS officials 
indicated that the draft guidance tries to (1) establish a 
nonthreatening option for voicing concerns to CMS regional office staff 
without overburdening the regional offices with additional 
investigations and (2) give CMS a way to identify any patterns of 
problems. Implementation of this effort is anticipated in late 2005. 

* CMS also contracted for a study of the use of photographic evidence 
by surveyors to support survey findings. In our 2004 report on Arkansas 
nursing home deaths, we reported that photographs taken by coroners 
provided key evidence supporting neglect of nursing home residents and 
the existence of serious, avoidable care problems. The goal of CMS's 
study is to identify issues and develop training materials related to 
surveyors' use of photographic evidence. This study began in the summer 
2005, with final training materials to be issued in the summer 2006. 

Survey Predictability: 

In 1998, we reported that nursing homes could mask certain deficiencies 
if they chose to because of survey predictability. CMS responded by 
directing states to (1) avoid scheduling a home's survey for the same 
month of the year as the home's previous standard survey and (2) begin 
at least 10 percent of standard surveys outside the normal workday 
(either on weekends, early in the morning, or late in the 
evening).[Footnote 20] However, our current analysis showed that a 
significant proportion of state nursing home surveys remain 
predictable. We consider surveys to be predictable if they are 
conducted within 15 days of the anniversary of a home's prior 
survey.[Footnote 21] From 2002 to 2005, the proportion of predictable 
surveys increased from 13 percent to 14.5 percent (see app. III). 
Overall, 29 states had an increase in survey predictability. As shown 
in table 5, as of July 2005, from 10 percent to over 50 percent of 
current nursing home surveys in 35 states were conducted within 15 days 
of the anniversary of a home's last standard survey. CMS officials 
stated that avoiding surveys close to the 12-month anniversary of a 
home's prior survey, while meeting the requirements that surveys occur 
not less than once every 15 months and maintaining a statewide average 
interval of 12 months, could require increased funding because more 
surveys would need to be accomplished within the first 9 months after a 
survey.[Footnote 22] However, CMS noted that states are not currently 
funded to conduct surveys within the first 9 months after the previous 
survey. CMS officials also told us that CMS had introduced the ASPEN 
Scheduling and Tracking (AST) module for its central and regional 
offices and the states in February 2004 as a tool to reduce survey 
predictability; however, state officials we spoke with about AST were 
unfamiliar with its survey predictability features.[Footnote 23] 

Table 5: Percentage of Predictable Current Nursing Home Surveys, as of 
April 2002 and July 2005: 

Percentage of predictable surveys. 

More than 50 percent; 
Number of states: April 2002: 0; 
Number of states: July 2005: 1. 

25 percent to 50 percent; 
Number of states: April 2002: 5; 
Number of states: July 2005: 7. 

10 percent to 24 percent; 
Number of states: April 2002: 26; Number of states: July 2005: 27. 

Less than 10 percent; 
Number of states: April 2002: 20; Number of states: July 2005: 16. 

Source: GAO analysis of OSCAR data. 

Notes: "Predictable surveys" are defined as surveys conducted within 15 
days of the anniversary of homes' prior surveys. 

[End of table] 

Complaint Investigations: CMS Has Strengthened State Guidance and 
Oversight and Is Continuing to Address Problems Involving Allegations 
of Abuse: 

CMS has completed certain initiatives to ensure that quality problems 
found during complaint investigations are promptly addressed and has 
taken steps to address weaknesses in the notification and investigation 
of abuse in nursing homes. CMS is continuing work on (1) ensuring state 
compliance with federal nurse aide registry requirements and (2) 
assessing the effectiveness of conducting employee background checks. 
(See table 6). 

Table 6: Complaint Investigations: CMS Initiatives and Implementation 

Initiative: Complaint guidance: Issue additional guidance to states to 
strengthen complaint investigations, including allegations of abuse; 
Status: Selected initiatives implemented. 

Initiative: Complaint oversight: Enhance federal oversight of state 
complaint investigations, including allegations of abuse; Status: In 

Source: GAO analysis of CMS initiatives. 

[End of table] 

Complaint Guidance: 

CMS guidance issued since 1999 has helped to strengthen state 
procedures for investigating complaints. In 1999, we reported that 
complaints alleging that nursing home residents were being harmed were 
not being investigated for weeks or months in several states and 
recommended that CMS develop additional standards for the prompt 
investigation of serious complaints alleging situations that may harm 
residents but are categorized as less than immediate jeopardy. CMS 
promptly instructed states to investigate complaints alleging harm to a 
resident within 10 workdays of receiving the complaint and later 
specified that investigations of these complaints be conducted on-site 
at the nursing home.[Footnote 24] During 1999, CMS developed and issued 
guidance intended to help states identify complaints that allege harm 
to residents. Also in 1999, CMS hired a contractor to study and 
recommend improvements to state complaint practices. CMS used the 
findings of this study to develop more detailed guidance for states to 
help improve the effectiveness of complaint investigations. In 2004, 
CMS issued this guidance to states, which further clarified the 1999 
instructions on identifying actual harm. 

In March 2002, we recommended that CMS ensure that state survey 
agencies immediately notify local law enforcement agencies or Medicaid 
Fraud Control Units (MFCU) of allegations or confirmed complaints of 
abuse.[Footnote 25] In response, CMS issued a March 2002 letter to CMS 
regional offices and state survey agencies clarifying its policies on 
abuse reporting time frames, requirements for reporting to local law 
enforcement and/or the MFCU, displaying complaint telephone numbers, 
and citing abuse on surveys. CMS issued additional guidance in December 
2004 clarifying nursing home reporting requirements and definitions for 
alleged violations, including mistreatment, neglect, abuse, injuries of 
unknown source, and misappropriation of resident property. CMS has not, 
however, implemented our March 2002 recommendation to accelerate the 
agency's campaign to increase public awareness of nursing home abuse 
through the development and distribution of posters that are to be 
prominently displayed in nursing homes, and other materials.[Footnote 

Complaint Oversight: 

CMS has taken three important steps to improve its oversight of state 
complaint investigations, including allegations of abuse. First, it 
required in its annual state performance review, which was established 
in fiscal year 2001 and fully implemented in fiscal year 2002, that 
federal surveyors review a sample of complaints in each state to 
determine whether states properly categorize complaints (i.e., 
determine how quickly they should be investigated), investigate 
complaints within the time specified, and properly include the results 
of investigations in CMS's database. Our March 1999 report on 
complaints had recommended that CMS strengthen its oversight in these 
areas. During its 2004 review of state performance, CMS identified 5 
states that did not meet the standard for properly categorizing 
complaints and 13 states that did not conduct timely investigations of 
all complaints alleging immediate jeopardy to residents; however, 11 of 
the 13 states missed the requirement by a small margin.[Footnote 27] 
States failing state performance review standards are asked to submit a 
corrective action plan to CMS. 

Second, in January 2004, CMS implemented a new national automated 
complaint tracking system, the ASPEN Complaints and Incidents Tracking 
System. Our March 1999 report on enforcement noted that the lack of a 
national complaint reporting system hindered CMS's and states' ability 
to adequately track the status of complaint investigations as well as 
CMS's ability to maintain a full compliance history on each nursing 
home. To address these concerns, we recommended the development of a 
better management information system. One goal of CMS's new management 
information system is to standardize reported complaints so that 
analysis can be conducted across all states. This system is intended to 
provide CMS with an effective tool for overseeing and managing state 
complaint investigations.[Footnote 28] 

Third, in November 2004, CMS requested state survey agency directors to 
self-assess their states' compliance with federal requirements for 
maintaining and operating nurse aide registries, to which states are 
required to report substantiated findings of abuse, neglect, or theft 
of nursing home residents' property by nurse aides. CMS has not issued 
a formal report of findings from the state self-assessment, but CMS 
officials noted that as a result of resource constraints some states 
reported having difficulty maintaining compliance with certain federal 
requirements, such as (1) timely entry by state survey staff of 
information in nurse aide registries and (2) state notification to 
nursing homes employing nurse aides found guilty of abuse at another 
facility. In our March 2002 report, we recommended that CMS shorten the 
state survey agencies' time frames for determining whether to include 
findings of abuse in the nurse aide registry. Annotations to nurse aide 
registries are made after final determinations that abuse occurred, 
which entail completion of the state's investigation as well as 
adjudication of any appeals.[Footnote 29] Until the final 
determination, residents may continue to be exposed to aides who are 
allegedly abusive. CMS noted that while most of the time frames are 
defined in regulation, it can review the time frames when regulatory 
changes are considered. No changes to the regulations had been made as 
of August 2005. 

As part of its third effort, CMS also is conducting a Background Check 
Pilot Program. Our March 2002 report recommended an assessment of state 
policies and practices for complying with federal requirements 
prohibiting employment of individuals convicted of abusing nursing home 
residents. The pilot program will test the effectiveness of state and 
national fingerprint-based background checks on employees of long-term 
care facilities, including nursing homes.[Footnote 30] Pilot programs 
in seven states--Alaska, Idaho, Illinois, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, 
and Wisconsin--will be phased in from fall 2005 through September 2007. 
An independent evaluation is planned. 

Enforcement: CMS Has Strengthened the Potential Deterrent Effect of 
Sanctions and Has Other Initiatives Under Way: 

CMS significantly strengthened the potential deterrent effect of 
enforcement actions by requiring immediate sanctions for homes found to 
have a pattern of harming residents. Moreover, CMS continues to develop 
new policies and to clarify existing ones in order to strengthen 
enforcement activities and encourage nursing home compliance with 
federal requirements. (See table 7). 

Table 7: Enforcement: CMS Initiatives and Implementation Status: 

Initiative: Immediate sanctions policy: Eliminate grace periods for 
homes cited for repeat serious violations; Status: Fully implemented. 

Initiative: Additional enforcement policy issues: Address weaknesses in 
policies, the appeals process, and enforcement tracking; Status: 
Selected initiatives implemented. 

Initiative: Special Focus Facility Program: Revise to include the most 
poorly performing homes and to strengthen enforcement; Status: Fully 

Initiative: Civil money penalties: Improve tracking and collection to 
make them a more effective enforcement tool; Status: In process. 

Initiative: Past noncompliance policy: Revise by clarifying key terms, 
increasing homes' accountability for past quality-of-care problems, and 
posting on the CMS Web site specific information about homes' past 
noncompliance; Status: In process. 

Source: GAO analysis of CMS initiatives. 

[End of table] 

Immediate Sanctions Policy: 

Responding to our July 1998 recommendation to eliminate grace periods 
for homes cited for repeat serious violations, CMS began a two-stage 
phase-in of a new enforcement policy. In the first stage, effective 
September 1998, CMS required states to refer for immediate sanction 
homes found to have a pattern of harming residents or of exposing them 
to actual harm or potential death or serious injury (H-level 
deficiencies and above on CMS's scope and severity grid). Effective 
January 2000, CMS expanded this policy, requiring referral of homes 
found to have harmed one or a small number of residents (G-level 
deficiencies) on successive standard surveys.[Footnote 31] In response 
to our 2003 finding that states failed to refer a substantial number of 
homes that met the criteria for the immediate sanctions, CMS initiated 
oversight of state compliance with this policy. To conduct this 
oversight, CMS analyzed deficiency data for 2000 through 2003 to 
identify potential instances of homes that should have been but were 
not referred for immediate sanctions. In ongoing work, we are assessing 
the impact and implementation of the immediate sanctions policy. 

Additional Enforcement Policy Issues: 

Based on recommendations in our July 1998 report and our March 1999 
report on enforcement, CMS has addressed weaknesses in its policies in 
three areas: nursing homes' correction of deficiencies, the nursing 
home appeals process, and the enforcement data tracking system. 

* CMS now requires on-site follow-up, referred to as a revisit, of 
homes with substandard quality of care or actual harm or higher-level 
deficiencies until the state verifies correction of each deficiency 
cited.[Footnote 32] Our 1998 report found that CMS's policy of allowing 
nursing homes to self-report resumed compliance was sometimes 
inappropriately applied to homes with deficiencies in the immediate 
jeopardy category or that were found to have substandard quality of 
care. We recommended that CMS require that for homes with recurring 
serious violations, state surveyors substantiate resumed compliance by 
means of an on-site revisit. CMS also has issued additional guidance on 
the "reasonable assurance period" during which terminated homes must 
demonstrate that they have corrected the deficiencies that led to their 
terminations.[Footnote 33] This guidance provided additional examples 
of reasonable assurance decisions. 

* CMS and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) requested 
and received funding and staffing increases for the HHS Departmental 
Appeals Board in fiscal years 1999 and 2000 to address our March 1999 
finding that the growing backlog of appeals hampered the effectiveness 
of civil money penalties by delaying their collection. The Board is 
responsible for adjudicating the appeals. By August 2003, the backlog 
of appeals of civil money penalties had been significantly reduced. 

* CMS implemented the automated ASPEN Enforcement Manager on October 1, 
2004, to facilitate tracking of enforcement actions. Prior to 
implementing this system, CMS had no centralized system for tracking or 
managing federal and state enforcement actions.[Footnote 34] The ASPEN 
Enforcement Manager is intended to provide real-time entry and tracking 
of enforcement actions, issue monitoring alerts, generate enforcement 
letters, and facilitate analysis of enforcement patterns. CMS expects 
that ASPEN Enforcement Manager data will enable states, CMS regional 
offices, and the CMS central office to more easily track and evaluate 
nursing home performance and compliance status as well as respond to 
emerging issues. In ongoing work, we are assessing whether data from 
the ASPEN Enforcement Manager can be used to analyze nursing homes' 
deficiency and enforcement histories.[Footnote 35] 

Special Focus Facility Program: 

In December 2004, CMS revised the method for selecting nursing homes 
for the Special Focus Facility Program to ensure that the most poorly 
performing homes were included in the program and to strengthen 
enforcement for those nursing homes with an ongoing pattern of 
substandard care.[Footnote 36] For this program, first initiated in 
January 1999, states were directed to select two nursing homes to be 
special focus facilities, conduct two standard surveys each year in the 
special focus facilities, and submit monthly status reports on the 
selected homes. The revised guidance directs states to select, from an 
expanded list of facilities, a minimum of up to six nursing homes, 
depending on the number of nursing homes in the state; the revised 
guidance gives states the option to select more than the 
minimum.[Footnote 37] States are also given the flexibility to remove 
from the list homes that have made significant improvements. 
Enforcement authority over special focus facilities has been 
strengthened so that while homes are in the Special Focus Facility 
Program, immediate sanctions must be imposed if homes fail to 
significantly improve performance from one survey to the next; 
termination from participation in Medicare and Medicaid is required for 
homes with no significant improvement in 18 months and three surveys. 

Civil Money Penalties: 

In April 2004, CMS launched a Civil Money Penalty Improvement Project 
to improve its ability to track and collect civil money penalties in an 
effort to make them a more effective enforcement tool. CMS mapped out 
the current process for tracking and collecting civil money penalties 
to identify weaknesses and developed draft guidance with detailed 
policies and procedures for addressing areas identified as needing 
improvement, with a target release date of fall 2005. Also planned are 
enhancements to the Civil Money Penalty Tracking System, CMS's 
information system for civil money penalties. The enhancements are 
intended to streamline the system, improve its reporting capabilities, 
and improve its compatibility with the enforcement monitoring system. 
The system's changes are planned to occur through 2005 and 2006. 

Also in 2004, CMS, in conjunction with various state survey agencies, 
began developing a civil money penalty grid--an optional guideline for 
use by states and CMS regional offices to help ensure greater 
consistency across states in the amounts of civil money penalties 
recommended. The grid is expected to provide ranges for minimum civil 
money penalties for deficiencies, while allowing for flexibility to 
adjust the penalties on the basis of factors such as the severity of an 
identified deficiency, the care areas in which deficiencies were cited, 
and past history of noncompliance.[Footnote 38] The target issuance 
date for a draft grid was August 2005. 

Past Noncompliance Policy: 

In October 2005, CMS issued a revised past noncompliance policy that 
(1) clarifies how to address recently identified past deficiencies, (2) 
further defines "past noncompliance," (3) eliminates the use of the 
term "egregious," and (4) clarifies the methods for determining whether 
past noncompliance has been corrected. Past noncompliance occurs when a 
current survey reveals no deficiencies but determines that an egregious 
violation of federal standards occurred in the past and was not 
identified during an earlier survey.[Footnote 39] In November 2004, we 
reported that CMS's past noncompliance policy was ambiguous. The policy 
did not define what constituted an egregious violation or relate 
egregious violations to its scope and severity grid. Moreover, the 
policy did not hold homes accountable for negligence associated with 
resident deaths unless current residents are experiencing the same 
quality-of-care problems and it obscures the nature of care problems. 
CMS's revised policy responds to our recommendation and holds homes 
accountable for all past noncompliance resulting in harm to residents. 
We also recommended that past noncompliance citations identify the 
specific nature of the care problem in the OSCAR database and on the 
Nursing Home Compare Web site. In 2007, CMS plans to enhance the 
information on the Nursing Home Compare Web site to include the 
specific nature of the past noncompliance. According to CMS officials, 
the delay is related to the implementation of higher priority 
initiatives by the agency. Currently, the Web site only indicates 
whether there were instances of past noncompliance and does not 
identify the nature of the care deficiency. 

Oversight: Intensity and Scope of Federal Efforts Has Increased 
Significantly, but Work Remains: 

CMS has significantly improved the intensity and scope of its oversight 
activities and has made significant improvements both in its data 
systems and in its analysis and use of the data it collects on survey 
activities. The effectiveness of several of these oversight 
initiatives, however, is uneven, and more work remains to be done. (See 
table 8). 

Table 8: Oversight: CMS Initiatives and Implementation Status: 

Initiatives: Federal comparative surveys: Increase number to intensify 
oversight; Status: Fully implemented. 

Initiatives: Smoke detectors: Require them in nursing homes without 
sprinklers to strengthen fire safety; Status: Fully implemented. 

Initiatives: Assessments of state survey activities: Review state 
survey agencies' compliance with federal standards; Status: Selected 
initiatives implemented. 

Initiatives: Data systems and analysis: Upgrade to improve tracking and 
oversight of state survey activities; Status: In process. 

Initiatives: Sharing data: Share quality data with the public to help 
drive quality improvement; Status: Selected initiatives implemented. 

Initiatives: Quality Improvement Organizations: Use Quality Improvement 
Organizations to help nursing homes improve the quality of care; 
Status: In process. 

Initiatives: Coordination and dissemination of best practices: Initiate 
activities to improve nursing home oversight; Status: In process. 

Source: GAO analysis of CMS initiatives. 

[End of table] 

Federal Comparative Surveys: 

In response to recommendations in our November 1999 and July 2004 
reports, CMS has (1) significantly increased the number of federal 
comparative surveys both for quality of care and fire safety and (2) 
decreased the time between the end of the state survey and the start of 
the federal survey for quality-of-care comparative surveys, allowing 
CMS to better distinguish between serious problems missed by state 
surveyors and changes in a home that occurred after the state survey. 
We found earlier that CMS was making negligible use of comparative 
surveys, its most effective tool for assessing a state survey agency's 
ability to identify serious quality-of-care and fire safety 
deficiencies in a nursing home, to fulfill its 5 percent monitoring 
mandate.[Footnote 40] Only 21 quality-of-care comparative surveys were 
conducted from November 1996 through October 1998. Our 2004 fire safety 
report found that CMS had conducted only 40 fire safety comparative 
surveys in fiscal year 2003, ranging from 4 in some states to none in 

Since 2001, CMS has required its regional offices to complete at least 
two quality-of-care comparative surveys per state per year, but federal 
surveyors have been exceeding this minimum threshold.[Footnote 41] 
During the period March 1, 2002, through December 31, 2004, CMS 
completed 424 comparative surveys, about 140 per year. In addition, the 
average elapsed time between state and comparative surveys has 
decreased from 33 calendar days for the 64 comparative surveys we 
reviewed in 1999 to 26 calendar days for the 424 surveys completed 
through 2004. 

CMS planned to further increase the number of comparative surveys by 
contracting in the fall of 2003 for 170 quality-of-care comparative 
surveys in addition to those conducted by federal surveyors. However, 
an increase in the number of quality-of-care comparative surveys is 
unlikely because of delays in contractor readiness and the addition of 
fire safety comparative surveys to the contract. CMS had expected to 
have a sufficient number of contract surveyors trained and available to 
start surveys by the winter of 2005, but it took longer than 
anticipated to train the new surveyors. In addition, CMS modified the 
contract to include fire safety comparative surveys. In fiscal year 
2005, the contractor conducted 34 quality-of-care comparative surveys 
and 250 fire safety comparative surveys. Together, the contractor and 
CMS regional offices conducted a total of 859 fire safety comparative 
surveys in fiscal year 2005. CMS also is using the contract surveyors 
to augment federal survey teams. According to CMS, it will use contract 
funds carried over from earlier years to conduct quality-of-care 
comparative surveys during fiscal year 2006, and will only use fiscal 
year 2006 funds to conduct fire safety comparative surveys. 

Smoke Detectors in Homes without Sprinklers: 

In response to a recommendation in our July 2004 report to strengthen 
fire safety standards, CMS published an interim final rule in March 
2005 requiring nonsprinklered nursing homes to install battery-powered 
smoke detectors in resident rooms and common areas, including resident 
dining, activity, and meeting rooms. Previously, federal standards 
required smoke detectors in (1) corridors or resident rooms only in 
homes built after 1981 and (2) nonsprinklered resident rooms containing 
furniture brought from the resident's home. We reported that the lack 
of smoke detectors in resident rooms may delay staff response and fire 
department notification, which in turn may increase the number of 
nursing home fire-related fatalities. CMS will begin surveying nursing 
homes' compliance with the new requirement in May 2006. 

Assessments of State Survey Activities: 

In October 2000, CMS regional offices began conducting on-site state 
performance reviews to assess compliance with federal 
standards.[Footnote 42] Previously, CMS permitted states to evaluate 
and report on their own performance against a number of standards, a 
technique that essentially allowed states to write their own report 
cards because CMS did not independently validate information provided 
by the states. In fiscal year 2005, CMS began to tie funding increases 
for state survey agencies to one of the seven performance standards-- 
the timely conduct of standard surveys--time frames that are 
established in federal statute. 

Nevertheless, in our current analysis of the standard that is intended 
to measure the supportability of survey findings, we found that three 
key issues we identified in July 2003 still exist. First, distinctions 
in state performance were hard to identify because, while some states 
have consistently met the standard for documentation of deficiencies, 
federal comparative surveys completed during essentially the same time 
frame found that surveyors in these states frequently missed serious 
deficiencies. Second, CMS regional offices were inconsistent in 
conducting state performance reviews. For fiscal year 2004, five states 
nationwide did not meet this standard, but three of the five states 
were in one CMS region. Third, the standard for assessing the 
supportability of deficiencies is composed of 11 elements that mix 
major and minor issues.[Footnote 43] Although CMS has simplified the 
standard for assessing the supportability of deficiencies, we believe 
that many of the elements reviewed remain essentially administrative in 
nature rather than substantive.[Footnote 44] Of the elements that make 
up the standard, only 2 assess the appropriateness of the cited scope 
and severity; the remaining elements assess such issues as how the 
deficiency is written, including avoiding the use of the passive voice. 
We do not believe that this standard is sufficiently focused on 
identifying understatement. 

CMS did not implement our July 2003 recommendation that it require 
states to review a sample of deficiencies cited at or below the level 
of actual harm in order to detect understatement because, according to 
CMS, the state performance review of the supportability of deficiencies 
already accomplished this objective. In discussing our current findings 
regarding the standard intended to measure the supportability of survey 
findings, CMS officials agreed that (1) measuring the quality of state 
surveys, one goal of reviewing the supportability of deficiencies, was 
particularly challenging because there is no one agreed-upon way to 
measure quality; and (2) some standards are complex, contributing to 
consistency problems. 

In developing this report, we also noted two additional problems with 
the state performance reviews that were not previously reported. First, 
in its fiscal year 2004 review, CMS began combining state performance 
review results across the different provider types, such as nursing 
homes and home health agencies, for which states have oversight 
responsibility. For example, CMS calculates one overall state score on 
the supportability of deficiencies across provider types, rather than 
issuing provider-specific scores. One CMS region suggested that because 
nursing homes are generally surveyed by a unique pool of surveyors, 
combining results in this manner limits the usefulness of the feedback 
to state survey agencies. Second, CMS provides feedback to states 
regarding their performance each year, but it does not publicly report 
the results. Doing so would appear to be consistent with CMS's stated 
philosophy of sharing information with the public to help improve 
nursing home quality. 

Data Systems and Analysis: 

CMS has pursued important upgrades in the system used to track the 
results of state survey activities and has increased its analysis of 
OSCAR and other data to improve oversight by CMS central and regional 
offices and state survey agencies. Examples include the following: 

* In 2000, CMS began to produce 19 periodic reports to monitor both 
state and regional office performance.[Footnote 45] Some reports, such 
as survey timeliness, are used during state performance reviews, while 
others are intended to help identify problems or inconsistencies in 
state survey activities and the need for intervention. 

* In 2001, 2002, and 2005 CMS published a "Nursing Home Data 
Compendium," which includes detailed tables and figures on nursing 
homes, resident demographics, resident clinical characteristics, and 
survey results. 

* In 2004, CMS commissioned a series of "White Papers" on topics 
ranging from enforcement to resource issues. The goal was to stimulate 
discussion among key stakeholders and generate ideas for "next steps" 
to help mitigate problems. The reports, authored by CMS and state 
survey agency staff, relied on data analysis from OSCAR and other CMS 

* In 2004, CMS prepared an internal study on enforcement trends since 
the imposition of the immediate sanctions policy using data from the 
Enforcement Tracking System. 

* In 2005, CMS unveiled a Web site for use by regional offices and 
state survey agencies that generates a series of standard reports 
through a software program called Providing Data Quickly; this software 
permits easier access to the data contained in OSCAR. One such report 
identifies homes that have repeatedly harmed residents and meet the 
criteria for imposition of immediate sanctions. 

CMS indicated that it is continuing to make progress in redesigning the 
OSCAR system. In our March 1999 report on enforcement, we recommended 
that the agency develop an improved management information system that 
would help it to track the status and history of deficiencies, 
integrate the results of complaint investigations, and monitor 
enforcement actions. Although the target implementation date for the 
redesigned system has slipped from 2005 to 2008, depending on competing 
priorities and available funding, CMS has implemented two key 
components of the redesigned system--a complaint tracking system and a 
system to track the status of enforcement actions. Both systems are 
intended to provide CMS with critical management capabilities that it 
previously lacked. 

Sharing Data with the Public: 

Using market forces to help drive quality improvement is an important 
CMS objective behind sharing data with the public on nursing home 
quality. Since CMS launched Nursing Home Compare in 1998, the agency 
has progressively expanded the information available on this Web site. 
In addition to data on the deficiencies identified during standard 
surveys, the Web site now includes data on the results of complaint 
investigations, information on nursing home staffing levels, and 
quality indicators, such as the percentage of residents with pressure 
sores. However, CMS continues to address ongoing problems with the 
accuracy and reliability of the underlying data, such as the MDS, 
quality indicators, and nurse staffing levels. 

In February 2002, we concluded that CMS efforts to ensure the accuracy 
of the underlying MDS data[Footnote 46] used to calculate the quality 
indicators (1) relied too much on off-site review activities by its 
contractor and (2) anticipated on-site reviews in only 10 percent of 
its data accuracy assessments, representing fewer than 200 of the 
nation's nursing homes.[Footnote 47] CMS did not concur with our 
recommendation that it reorient its review program to complement 
ongoing state MDS accuracy efforts as a more effective and efficient 
way to ensure MDS data accuracy.[Footnote 48] CMS commented that its 
efforts already provided adequate oversight of state activities and 
complemented state efforts. In April 2005, CMS ended work under its 
data assessment and verification contract because of cost concerns, but 
signed a new contract in September 2005 that focuses on on-site reviews 
of MDS accuracy.[Footnote 49] According to CMS officials, the on-site 
reviews were more effective in identifying discrepancies because the 
reviewers were able to find more information on-site that conflicted 
with the nursing homes' assessments.[Footnote 50] 

In November 2002, CMS began reporting on its Web site quality indicator 
data for each nursing home nationwide that participates in Medicare and 
Medicaid, even though our October 2002 report concluded that such 
reporting was premature given serious questions about the sufficiency 
of CMS efforts to validate the quality indicators and improve the 
accuracy of the underlying data.[Footnote 51] CMS disagreed with our 
recommendation to postpone its scheduled November 2002 public reporting 
of the data until these problems were addressed. Since 2002, however, 
CMS has taken steps to address the questions we raised about the 
validity of quality indicators. For example, CMS dropped certain 
quality indicators that it found were not sufficiently reliable for 
public reporting, such as the facility-adjusted profile prevalence of 
pressure sores. In addition, CMS worked with the National Quality Forum 
to address measurement problems with the pressure sore quality 
indicator by developing separate indicators for short-and long-term 
nursing home residents; these new indicators were added to the Web site 
in January 2004.[Footnote 52] A weight loss quality indicator also was 
developed and added to the Web site in November 2004. Our October 2002 
report had noted the potential for consumer confusion in interpreting 
and using quality indicator data. CMS conducted consumer testing of new 
language and displays on Nursing Home Compare during the summer of 

Although nursing home staffing data have been available on the Nursing 
Home Compare Web site since June 2000, a CMS official told us that the 
agency has been aware of problems with these self-reported data since 
the late 1990s.[Footnote 53] This official stressed that, despite 
problems, they were the only available data on nursing home staffing. 
Examples of erroneously reported data include facilities with no nurse 
staffing hours or hours equal to thousands of residents per day. In 
addition, the staffing data do not address important issues such as 
turnover or retention.[Footnote 54] As a temporary fix, CMS developed 
edits that examine staffing ratios to determine whether any facility 
falls above or below certain thresholds and, effective July 2005, 
temporarily excluded the questionable staffing data from Nursing Home 
Compare until they can be corrected or confirmed. To address this 
issue, CMS is considering a proposal for a new system that relies on 
nursing home payroll data. If approved, such a system could take 3 to 4 
years to implement because of the need to solicit and consider public 
comment and to develop software to transmit the staffing data. 

Quality Improvement Organizations: 

CMS's initiative to include quality indicator data on its Nursing Home 
Compare Web site also established a new role for Quality Improvement 
Organizations (QIO) with regard to nursing homes. From 2002 through 
2005, QIOs worked intensively with at least 10 percent of nursing homes 
in each state to improve quality.[Footnote 55] Although we have not 
evaluated QIO nursing home quality improvement activities, CMS's 
preliminary analyses indicate that the QIO program has helped to reduce 
the use of daily physical restraints, increased management and 
treatment of pain, and reduced the incidence of delirium among post- 
acute-care residents. However, less progress has been made in 
decreasing the prevalence of pressure sores, according to CMS's 
analyses. In August 2004, the QIO and state survey agency in 18 states 
launched a new pilot program. Working together, they identified from 
one to five nursing homes per state that had significant quality 
problems. The QIO then worked with these homes to help them redesign 
their clinical practices. According to CMS, the results of this pilot 
indicated that these historically "troubled" nursing homes had 
dramatically improved their clinical quality and decreased their 
quality-of-care survey deficiencies.[Footnote 56] In 2005, the QIOs' 
role with nursing homes was extended for an additional 3 years, and 
QIOs will continue to focus on statewide improvement in four areas-- 
pressure sores, physical restraints, pain management, and depression. 
In addition, QIOs will help nursing homes set individual targets for 
quality improvement, implement and document process-related clinical 
care, and assist in the development of a more resident-focused care 
model. QIO expenditures on nursing home quality improvement for the 
period of August 2002 through July 2008 are expected to total about 
$216 million. 

Coordination and Dissemination of Best Practices: 

CMS has taken certain actions to maximize the experience and resources 
of state survey agencies as well as the CMS central and regional 
offices to improve nursing home oversight. Specifically, in 2004, CMS 
convened an internal Long-Term Care Task Force and charged it with 
providing guidance on and coordinating long-term care efforts within 
CMS and included representation across the agency's divisions and the 
regional offices. Also in 2004, CMS began an effort to collect and 
disseminate nursing home survey and certification best practices 
developed by professional associations, universities, and federal 
agencies.[Footnote 57] Through the best practices effort, CMS plans to 
share successful strategies used by states and regional offices in a 
broad range of issues affecting survey and certification of nursing 
homes, such as surveyor recruitment and complaint intake. A contractor 
will identify, research, and document best practices, which CMS plans 
to post on its Web site. One of the issues the best practices effort 
will address is surveyor recruitment initiatives underway in states. As 
of August 2005, these best practices had not been published on the CMS 
Web site. 

Resource and Workload Issues Pose Key Challenges to Further Improving 
Nursing Home Quality and Safety: 

CMS, states, and nursing homes face a number of key challenges in their 
efforts to further improve nursing home quality and safety, including 
(1) the cost of retrofitting older nursing homes with automatic 
sprinklers, a potentially costly requirement that has a demonstrated 
ability to prevent deaths in the event of a fire; (2) continuing 
problems in hiring and retaining qualified surveyors, a factor that 
states indicated can contribute to variability in the citation of 
serious deficiencies; and (3) an increasing federal and state survey 
workload due to increased oversight, the identification over time of 
additional initiatives, and growth in the number of Medicare and 
Medicaid providers that must be surveyed, including expected growth in 
nursing homes. The increased workload has created competition for both 
staff and financial resources and required the establishment of 
priorities, which may have contributed to delays in developing and 
implementing several key quality initiatives, such as the 
implementation of a more rigorous survey methodology. 

Cost Could Delay Retrofitting of Older Nursing Homes with Sprinklers: 

Although the substantial loss of life in two 2003 nursing home fires 
could have been reduced or eliminated by the presence of properly 
functioning automatic sprinkler systems, cost has been an impediment to 
CMS's requiring them for all homes nationwide. Newly constructed homes 
must incorporate sprinkler systems; however, older homes constructed 
with noncombustible materials that have a certain minimum ability to 
resist fire are not required to install sprinklers. We previously 
reported that cost has been a barrier to requiring sprinklers for all 
older nursing homes. In July 2005, the National Fire Protection 
Association (NFPA) voted to require retrofitting of older homes with 
sprinklers, a requirement that will become a part of the 2006 edition 
of the NFPA code. Anticipating this action, CMS indicated that it has 
been developing a notice of proposed rule making, the first step in 
adopting the NFPA requirement for all homes that serve Medicare and 
Medicaid beneficiaries. A CMS official stated that the agency plans to 
issue the notice in March 2006 and after reviewing public comments, it 
will publish a final version of the rule and stipulate an effective 
date for homes to come into compliance.[Footnote 58] 

One issue that remains unresolved is how much time older homes will be 
given to install sprinklers. As we reported in 2004, industry officials 
believe that a transition period must be considered for homes to come 
into compliance and to determine how to pay for the cost of installing 
sprinklers.[Footnote 59] Rather than proposing a phase-in period, the 
proposed rule will request input on how much time homes should be given 
to come into compliance with the requirement. According to CMS, a 
longer phase-in period could help alleviate concerns about the cost of 
retrofitting homes with sprinklers. Based on our recommendation, CMS 
collected data on the sprinkler status of homes nationwide and found 
that about 21 percent of nursing homes are unsprinklered or partially 
sprinklered.[Footnote 60] Although CMS has not completed its cost 
analysis, the agency believes that the costs associated with the 
retrofit will be less than the industry's $1 billion estimate. 

States Continue to Have Problems in Hiring and Retaining Surveyors: 

The hiring and retention of surveyors, particularly RNs, remains a 
major, frequently discussed issue among state survey agency directors, 
according to an AHFSA official, the association that represents state 
survey agency directors. In July 2003, we reported that the limited 
experience level of state surveyors because of a high turnover rate was 
a contributing factor to (1) variability in citing actual harm or 
higher-level deficiencies and (2) understatement of such deficiencies. 
In more than half of the 42 states that responded to our inquiry, from 
30 percent to more than 50 percent of surveyors had 2 years' experience 
or less, as of July 2002. Twenty-five states responded to our request 
for updated information on surveyor workforce issues as of July 2005. 

Of 23 states that provided data in both 2002 and 2005, 13 reported an 
improvement in 2005 (i.e., a decline in the proportion of inexperienced 
surveyors); 9 indicated that the situation had worsened (e.g., an 
increase in the proportion of inexperienced surveyors); and 1 state 
reported no change (see app. IV). As of July 2005, however, 20 percent 
or more of surveyors in 20 of the 25 states had 2 years' experience or 
less (see table 9). Surveyor vacancy rates in the 25 states ranged from 
about 3 percent in Tennessee to 31 percent in Alabama and Florida; 
overall, 15 states had double-digit vacancy rates. Officials in 18 
states believed that inexperienced surveyors contributed to interstate 
variability in the citation of serious deficiencies. One state survey 
agency indicated that staff attrition resulted in a workforce of less 
experienced surveyors who demonstrated a hesitance to cite actual harm 
and contributed to understatement. State survey agency officials in 
several states, however, suggested that the problem for less- 
experienced surveyors was not identifying harm but rather investigating 
and documenting the circumstances that led to the harm, including 
facility culpability, a skill that surveyors develop as they gain more 
experience.[Footnote 61] 

Table 9: Percentage of Surveyors with 2 Years' Experience or Less, as 
of July 2005: 

Percentage of surveyors with 2 years' experience or less: More than 50 
percent; Number of states: 5. 

Percentage of surveyors with 2 years' experience or less: More than 30 
percent to 50 percent; Number of states: 5. 

Percentage of surveyors with 2 years' experience or less: 20 percent to 
30 percent; Number of states: 10. 

Percentage of surveyors with 2 years' experience or less: 10 percent to 
less than 20 percent; Number of states: 5. 

Source: AHFSA data from 25 states. 

[End of table] 

Because state survey agency salaries are rarely competitive with the 
private sector, state survey agencies told us that it is difficult to 
retain surveyors and to fill vacancies. RNs, a major component of 
states' surveyor workforce, are in high demand and short supply, 
according to AHFSA. Furthermore, 9 states responding to our July 2005 
inquiry indicated that state civil service requirements can make it 
more difficult to fill vacancies. Several of the 9 states characterized 
the hiring process as either cumbersome or time-consuming, or both, and 
1 state noted that the process takes close to 9 months. Two states 
reported that they had to select candidates to interview from a 
certified list. One of the states indicated that the certified list 
often contained unqualified applicants, while the other state noted 
that some of the applicants were not the "best fit." Of the 25 states, 
21 indicated that they had implemented initiatives to help retain 
surveyors. The most popular retention strategies were to increase 
starting salaries and to implement flexible surveyor work schedules. 
For example, New York instituted a locality pay differential for New 
York City. While 5 of the 25 states indicated that they had a state- 
imposed hiring freeze, 1 state reported that budget pressures prevented 
it from taking steps to improve retention rates.[Footnote 62] A 
continuing problem cited by AHFSA is that federal funds are distributed 
late in the fiscal year, which does not tie into state budget cycles 
for approving additional positions. This problem may be particularly 
acute in the 5 states that reported having a hiring freeze. 

Workload Issues and Competing Priorities Pose Challenges for CMS and 

CMS and states have experienced increased survey workloads due to the 
greater intensity of nursing home oversight, the increasing number of 
initiatives, and growth in the number of Medicare and Medicaid 
providers requiring oversight. This workload growth required the 
prioritization of initiatives that, in some cases, has resulted in 
implementation delays for some key initiatives. The consensus-building 
process necessary to bring initiatives to fruition also has contributed 
to some delays. The initiatives likely will continue to compete for 
priority with other CMS programs, posing a challenge for efforts to 
further improve nursing home quality and safety. 

Increased Workload Has Contributed to Delays: 

Greater nursing home oversight has increased demand on both CMS and 
state survey agency resources, causing delays for some key initiatives. 
CMS's increased workload is evident in the labor-intensive state 
performance reviews. Since their introduction in October 2000, the 
reviews have been gradually expanded from nursing homes to several 
other Medicare and Medicaid providers, such as home health agencies and 
hospitals. CMS also has significantly increased the number of federal 
quality-of-care and fire safety comparative surveys. Such surveys are 
more labor-intensive than the alternative type of federal monitoring 
surveys, known as observational surveys, because they require an entire 
federal survey team rather than a smaller number of federal surveyors. 
The agency also has committed considerable resources to developing new 
data systems for complaints and enforcement actions while 
simultaneously increasing its use of available data to further improve 
federal and state oversight. Despite the increased workload, CMS 
implemented survey staff reductions of 5 percent in regional offices 
and 3 percent in its central office in January 2004. As of August 2005, 
these staff reductions have remained in effect. 

As state survey agency workloads grew with the implementation of the 
initiatives, they also experienced resource pressures. States are now 
required to conduct on-site revisits to ensure serious deficiencies 
have been corrected, investigate complaints alleging actual harm on- 
site and do so more promptly, and initiate off-hour standard surveys. 
Thus, surveyors' presence in nursing homes has increased and surveyors' 
work hours have effectively been expanded to weekends, evenings, and 
early mornings. The requirement to impose immediate sanctions on homes 
that repeatedly harm residents also has had a workload impact because 
in the past a grace period allowed homes to correct deficiencies before 
the sanctions went into effect. The imposition of immediate sanctions 
requires states to track, which some states do manually, the homes that 
must be referred for immediate sanctions and requires CMS and states to 
act to impose recommended sanctions that in the past would have been 
rescinded because the homes could have corrected the deficiencies 
during a grace period. While states' budget pressures appear to be 
easing, many state survey agencies reported hiring freezes, staff 
vacancies, or high turnover as of July 2002 when all of these 
initiatives had already been fully implemented. 

The number of initiatives that CMS has implemented on its own has 
grown, further increasing its workload. For example, CMS added quality 
indicator data to its Nursing Home Compare Web site and has involved 
QIOs in helping nursing homes to improve quality of care. In addition, 
CMS created a task force to develop guidance intended to improve 
consistency across states in the imposition of civil money penalties. 

The number of nursing home initiatives simultaneously under development 
or being implemented as well as other CMS responsibilities, such as 
preparing to implement the new Medicare prescription drug benefit in 
January 2006, have necessitated the establishment of priorities and led 
to delays and queues.[Footnote 63] CMS assigned some initiatives, such 
as the development and public reporting of quality indicators, a high 
priority and implemented them swiftly despite issues related to their 
validity and the quality of the underlying data--problems that CMS is 
still working to address. In contrast, the revision of the survey 
process has encountered delays because of funding shortfalls and has 
been in process for 7 years. For example, initial testing of the new 
methodology in 2002 and 2003 was limited, even though CMS had already 
invested $4.7 million in its development from initiation in 1999 
through September 2003. A pilot test of the new methodology is 
scheduled to begin in the fall 2005; depending on the results of the 
testing, implementation could begin in mid-2007. Although CMS attaches 
a high priority to enhancing the information available to the public on 
nursing home quality and safety, adding information on past 
noncompliance and the fire safety status of nursing homes are in a 
queue behind the programming required to implement higher-priority 
projects. There is also a regulatory queue, with other, higher-priority 
regulations ahead of the notice of proposed rule making to require 
retrofitting of nursing homes with automatic sprinklers. 

Delays in implementing the nursing home initiatives are also 
attributable to CMS's need to be responsive to stakeholder input. 
Appropriately, CMS seeks input from various stakeholders such as 
states, regional offices, the nursing home industry, and resident 
advocates. For example, CMS sought input from experts in developing 
investigative protocols for surveyors. Due to this lengthy consultative 
process, combined with the prolonged delays stemming from internal 
disagreement over the structure of the process during the initial 
stages, CMS has only implemented two investigative protocols since 
2001. Likewise, implementation of the ASPEN Complaint Tracking System 
was delayed because during the system's pilot test, several states 
indicated their belief that their existing systems were superior and 
opposed the idea of either abandoning these systems or maintaining 
separate systems. 

Number of Providers Subject to Surveys Is Growing: 

Both the overall growth in providers and the anticipated growth in 
nursing homes pose additional workload challenges for CMS and states. 
In addition to nursing homes, CMS and states are responsible for 
surveys of other Medicare and Medicaid providers, such as home health 
agencies and hospitals. The number of these providers grew from 39,651 
in October 2000 to 45,375 in January 2005, approximately 14 
percent.[Footnote 64] While the number of nursing homes has decreased 
slightly during the same period, from 17,012 to 16,146, the rate of 
decline has slowed; and as the baby boom generation ages, increasing 
the number of elderly needing long-term care services, the number of 
nursing homes is expected to grow to meet the demand. In 2000, 35.1 
million people were aged 65 or older. This number is expected to grow 
to about 54.7 million by 2020. 

Nursing home survey activities consume the majority of state survey 
budgets and resources. Nursing homes make up about 31 percent of 
Medicare and Medicaid providers, but account for 73 percent of the 
federal budget for oversight of such providers.[Footnote 65] The 
funding for nursing home surveys is disproportionate because the time 
frames for standard nursing home surveys are statutory. For those 
survey requirements not in statute, CMS determines the survey time 
frames; these surveys are therefore a lower priority.[Footnote 66] Even 
among nursing home survey activities, however, annual standard surveys 
are considered a higher priority than complaint surveys or initial 
surveys for which the statute does not dictate specific time 
frames.[Footnote 67] CMS and state survey agency officials recognize 
that CMS may have shifted its focus and resources to nursing homes at 
the expense of adequate oversight of other providers serving Medicare 
and Medicaid beneficiaries, and some states contend that the focus on 
nursing home standard surveys has hampered their ability to investigate 
nursing home complaints within mandated time frames. For example, 
according to a California state survey agency official, California law 
mandates that all nursing home resident complaints, not just complaints 
alleging actual harm, be investigated within 10 days. Likewise, an 
official from the Pennsylvania state survey agency stated that in 
Pennsylvania, all complaints must be investigated within 48 hours. 
California survey agency officials have told us that a complaint 
alleging a care problem deserves a higher priority than a standard 
survey, which may or may not identify deficiencies. 

Key Nursing Home Initiatives Continue to Compete for Priority: 

According to CMS officials, key nursing home initiatives continue to 
compete for priority with other CMS projects. Examples of nursing home 
initiatives that have been affected include revision and testing of the 
new survey methodology, continued development of the investigative 
protocols that surveyors use to investigate care problems, and an 
increase in the number of quality-of-care comparative surveys. 

* Revised survey methodology. CMS officials have indicated that 
nationwide implementation of the revised survey methodology could be 
affected if its use requires additional survey time or a greater number 
of surveyors to conduct each survey. The pilot test of the new 
methodology, scheduled for 2005 and 2006, includes an examination of 
steps to streamline the revised process, if necessary. Cost 
considerations limited the pilot of the new methodology to fewer states 
than the 20 that volunteered. 

* Investigative protocols for quality-of-care problems. Only three sets 
of investigative protocols had been implemented as of November 2005, 
and it is unclear whether the contractor's assessment of the protocols' 
effectiveness can be completed before the contract ends in 2006. 
Furthermore, unless the contract for the investigative protocols is re- 
bid, CMS expects to return to the traditional revision process even 
though agency staff believe that the expert panel process used under 
the contract produced a high-quality product. 

* Federal comparative surveys. CMS hired a contractor in 2003 to 
further increase the number of federal quality-of-care comparative 
surveys, but dropped funding for quality-of-care comparative surveys 
from the fiscal year 2006 contract.[Footnote 68] The agency reallocated 
the funds to help state survey agencies meet the increased survey 
workload resulting from growth in the number of other Medicare 

Concluding Observations: 

CMS has focused considerable attention since 1998 on addressing 
weaknesses in state and federal oversight activities in order to better 
care for and protect nursing home residents. The agency has implemented 
many important improvements in the areas of surveys, complaints, 
enforcement, and oversight, such as taking steps to address survey 
predictability, issuing additional guidance to ensure timely on-site 
investigations of complaints alleging harm to residents, implementing 
an immediate sanctions policy to eliminate grace periods for homes 
cited for repeat serious violations, and strengthening oversight by 
conducting assessments of state survey activities. However, some key 
activities are still in process. For example, CMS's effort to revise 
the survey methodology has been underway for 7 years. Given the pivotal 
role played by surveys in helping to ensure that nursing home residents 
receive high-quality care, the development and implementation of a more 
rigorous survey methodology is one of the most important contributions 
CMS can make to addressing oversight weaknesses. Certain other 
initiatives, such as sharing data with the public in an effort to use 
market forces to drive quality improvement, also remain in process. 
Since launching Nursing Home Compare in 1998, CMS has been aware of 
accuracy and reliability issues with the underlying data and began 
changing its approach to data integrity in 2005. The agency is working 
to address issues concerning data on nursing home staffing that 
compelled it to temporarily exclude questionable data from its Web site 
in July 2005 until its accuracy can be verified. Because consumers use 
these data to make decisions about nursing home care, ensuring the 
accuracy, reliability, and timeliness of nursing home quality data is 
critical. Even with CMS's increased efforts to improve nursing home 
quality, the agency's continued attention and commitment to these 
efforts is essential in order to maintain and build upon the momentum 
of its accomplishments to date. 

Agency and State Comments and Our Evaluation: 

We provided CMS a draft of this report for review. CMS generally 
concurred with our findings, noting that progress has been made in many 
areas such as surveys and complaint investigations, oversight 
activities, and citation of serious deficiencies, but that challenges 
remain. (CMS's comments are reproduced in app. V.) CMS also provided 
technical comments, which we included in the report as appropriate. We 
also provided the five states we contacted an opportunity to review the 
portion of the draft focused on trends in nursing home quality. 
California, Florida, Ohio, New York, and Texas provided written 
comments. California's comments focused on clarifying its experience 
seeking CMS guidance on the definition of actual harm, but did not 
state whether it agreed with our findings. Ohio commented that our 
report's findings related to continued inconsistency and understatement 
of serious deficiencies by state surveyors did not apply to its state 
survey agency. New York stated that including a more detailed 
description of states' efforts to improve nursing home quality would 
provide a more balanced view of the reasons for the decline in serious 
deficiencies. Florida and Texas generally concurred, but Texas did not 
provide specific comments. CMS and states' specific comments focused 
primarily on four issues: understatement of serious deficiencies, the 
definition of actual harm, data availability, and challenges to 
conducting nursing home survey and oversight activities. 

CMS commented that it remains concerned about the possible 
understatement or omission of serious deficiencies, but that it did not 
believe that understatement caused the decline in serious nursing home 
deficiencies or that understatement was worsening. CMS noted its 
efforts to work with states that fail to improve their ability to 
identify deficiencies such as withholding funding increases until 
corrective action plans are developed. Florida, New York, and Ohio 
similarly commented that efforts such as their states' quality 
improvement initiatives, regulatory changes to improve nursing home 
operations, and engagement of the provider community have contributed 
to the decline. 

CMS suggested that including the results of observational surveys in 
our analysis of the percentage of federal surveys that found serious 
deficiencies missed by states would show that the percentage remained 
relatively constant from 2002 to 2004 rather than increasing. As we 
noted in our 1999 report, however, comparative surveys are more 
effective than observational surveys in identifying serious 
deficiencies missed by state surveyors because they are the only 
oversight tool that provides an independent federal survey where 
results can be compared to those of the state. Observational surveys 
can serve as an effective training tool for state surveyors but, in our 
view, they do not accurately represent typical state surveyor 
performance due to the likelihood that state surveyors modify their 
performance when they are aware that they are being observed by federal 

Florida and Ohio noted that in addition to comparative surveys, CMS 
conducted many observational surveys during the time period studied. 
Ohio disagreed that our analysis of federal comparative surveys 
suggests that nursing home surveyors in Ohio missed serious 
deficiencies, citing its combined performance ratings for observational 
and comparative surveys. New York commented that federal comparative 
surveys often do not include the same resident sample used in the state 
survey and that only looking at comparative surveys provides a narrow 
analysis of state survey quality. New York suggested a more detailed 
analysis of comparative survey data and consideration of state 
performance review results. We note that, in 2002, CMS directed federal 
surveyors to include at least 50 percent of the residents included in 
the state survey sample. We also acknowledge that CMS is conducting 
state performance reviews as part of its oversight of state survey 
activities, but note that the reviews have shortcomings as described in 
our July 2003 report. Florida noted that our analysis of federal 
comparative surveys that identified missed serious deficiencies is 
based on limited data. We acknowledge that our analysis is based on a 
small number of surveys, but note that it includes the full universe of 
comparative surveys conducted from March 2002 through December 2004 in 
the five states we reviewed. 

The range of comments from states reinforces the need for CMS to 
clarify the definition of actual harm, as it plans to do. California 
noted that while some of its state surveyors were confused about the 
definition of actual harm, after discussions with CMS from 1998 through 
2004, the survey agency and CMS are now in agreement on the definition 
of actual harm. New York stated that confusion about the definition of 
actual harm has been reduced. Ohio noted that its state surveyors are 
not confused by the definition of actual harm, but that states have not 
received clear and specific guidance from CMS. Florida agreed that 
clearer guidance would be useful. 

CMS indicated that it is taking steps to improve the reliability and 
accuracy of publicly reported data by identifying suspect data and 
posting more detailed information about past noncompliance. As we state 
in our report, we believe that consumers should have timely and 
accurate data to inform their decisions regarding nursing home care. 

CMS commented that the workload issues described in this report present 
challenges beyond those we have previously reported. CMS stated that 
continued constraint of resources could "likely cause some erosion of 
the gains already made" in the survey and oversight activities to date. 
To address the challenges it faces, CMS plans to increase efforts to 
improve productivity, determine the cost and value of policies, focus 
state performance standards on substantive issues, prioritize survey 
activities, coordinate with stakeholders, address increasing fuel 
costs, and enhance emergency preparedness. California, Florida, New 
York, and Ohio reiterated the staffing challenges they have experienced 
and the steps they have taken to address them, some of which are 
described in this report. Despite these efforts, California indicated 
that its staffing challenges have negatively impacted the investigative 
process. While we recognize the challenges CMS and states face, we 
continue to believe that maintaining the momentum developed over the 
last several years on key CMS initiatives, such as the development of 
the revised survey methodology (i.e., Quality Indicator Survey), is 
critical to addressing nursing home survey and oversight weaknesses. 

As arranged with your office, unless you publicly announce its contents 
earlier, we plan no further distribution of this report until 30 days 
after its issue date. At that time, we will send copies of this report 
to the Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services 
and appropriate congressional committees. We also will make copies 
available at no charge on the GAO Web site at 

If you or your staff have any questions about this report, please 
contact me at (202) 512-7118 or Contact points for our 
Offices of Congressional Relations and Public Affairs may be found on 
the last page of this report. GAO staff who made major contributions to 
this report are listed in appendix VI. 

Kathryn G. Allen: 
Director, Health Care: 

[End of section] 

Appendix I: Prior GAO Recommendations, Related CMS Initiatives, and 
Implementation Status: 

Table 10 summarizes our recommendations from 14 reports on nursing home 
quality and safety, issued from July 1998 through November 2004; CMS's 
actions to address weaknesses we identified; and the implementation 
status of CMS's initiatives. The recommendations are grouped into four 
categories--surveys, complaints, enforcement, and oversight. If a 
report contained recommendations related to more than one category, the 
report appears more than once in the table. For each report, the first 
two numbers identify the year in which the report was issued. For 
example, HEHS-98-202 was released in 1998. The Related GAO Products 
section at the end of this report contains the full citation for each 
report. Of our 36 recommendations, CMS has fully implemented 13, 
implemented only parts of 3, is taking steps to implement 13, and 
declined to implement 7. 

Table 10: Implementation Status of CMS's Initiatives Responding to 
GAO's Nursing Home Quality and Safety Recommendations, July 1998 
through November 2004: 


GAO report number: GAO/HEHS-98-202; GAO recommendation: 1. Stagger or 
otherwise vary the scheduling of standard surveys to effectively reduce 
the predictability of surveyors' visits. The variation could include 
segmenting the standard survey into more than one review throughout the 
12-to 15-month period, which would provide more opportunities for 
surveyors to observe problematic homes and initiate broader reviews 
when warranted; CMS initiative: CMS took several steps to reduce survey 
predictability, but some state surveys remain predictable; 
* In 1999, CMS instructed state survey agencies to (1) conduct 10 
percent of surveys on evenings and weekends, (2) vary the sequencing of 
surveys in a geographical area to avoid alerting other homes that the 
surveyors are in the area, (3) vary the scheduling of surveys by day of 
the week, and (4) avoid scheduling surveys for the same month as a 
home's prior survey; 
* In 2004, CMS provided states with an automated scheduling and 
tracking system (AST) to assist in scheduling surveys. CMS officials 
told us that AST can be used to address survey predictability. States 
appeared to be unaware of this feature and use of AST is optional; 
* CMS disagreed with and did not implement the recommendation to 
segment the standard survey into more than one review throughout the 12-
to 15-month period; Implementation status: Implemented only part of our 
recommendation and no further steps are planned. 

GAO recommendation: 2. Revise federal survey procedures to instruct 
surveyors to take stratified random samples of resident cases and 
review sufficient numbers and types of resident cases so that surveyors 
can better detect problems and assess their prevalence; CMS initiative: 
CMS has been developing a revised survey methodology since 1998. A 
pilot test of the new methodology is scheduled to begin in the fall of 
2005. Implementation could begin in mid-2007; Implementation status: 
Taking steps to implement our recommendation. 

GAO report number: GAO-03-561; 
GAO recommendation: 3. Finalize the development, testing, and 
implementation of a more rigorous survey methodology, including 
investigative protocols that provide guidance to surveyors in 
documenting deficiencies at the appropriate scope and severity level; 
CMS initiative: See CMS action in response to recommendation to revise 
federal survey procedures (recommendation #2 above); CMS began revising 
surveyors' investigative protocols in October 2000. Three protocols 
have been issued and several more are under development. In addition, 
CMS is clarifying the definitions of actual harm and immediate 
jeopardy; Implementation status: Taking steps to implement our 

GAO recommendation: 4. Require states to have a quality assurance 
process that includes, at a minimum, a review of a sample of survey 
reports below the level of actual harm to assess the appropriateness of 
the scope and severity cited and to help reduce instances of 
understated quality-of-care problems; CMS initiative: CMS has no plans 
to implement this recommendation, indicating that regular workload and 
priorities take precedence over it; Implementation status: Did not 
implement our recommendation. 

GAO report number: GAO-05-78; 
GAO recommendation: 5. Hold homes accountable for all past 
noncompliance resulting in harm to residents, not just care problems 
deemed to be egregious, and develop an approach for citing such past 
noncompliance in a manner that clearly identifies the specific nature 
of the care problem both in the OSCAR database and on CMS's Nursing 
Home Compare Web site; CMS initiative: CMS revised its definition of 
past noncompliance. CMS plans to add the specific nature of the care 
problem to its Web site, but programming required for the Medicare 
prescription drug benefit has delayed implementation; Implementation 
status: Taking steps to implement our recommendation. 


GAO report number: GAO/HEHS-99-80; GAO recommendation: 6. Develop 
additional standards for the prompt investigation of serious complaints 
alleging situations that may harm residents but are categorized as less 
than immediate jeopardy. These standards should include maximum 
allowable time frames for investigating serious complaints and for 
complaints that may be deferred until the next scheduled annual survey. 
States may continue to set priority levels and time frames that are 
more stringent than these federal standards; CMS initiative: In October 
1999, CMS issued a policy letter stating that complaints alleging harm 
must be investigated within 10 days; In January 2004, CMS provided 
detailed direction and guidance to states for managing complaint 
investigations for numerous types of providers, including nursing 
homes; In June 2004, CMS made available updated guidance on the 
Internet that consolidates complaint investigation procedures for 
numerous types of providers; Implementation status: Fully implemented 
our recommendation. 

GAO recommendation: 7. Strengthen federal oversight of state complaint 
investigations, including monitoring states' practices regarding 
priority-setting, on-site investigation, and timely reporting of 
serious health and safety complaints; CMS initiative: In 2000, CMS 
began requiring its regional offices to perform yearly assessments of 
states' complaint investigations as part of annual state performance 
reviews; Implementation status: Fully implemented our recommendation. 

GAO report number: GAO-03-561; 
GAO recommendation: 8. Finalize the development of guidance to states 
for their complaint investigation processes and ensure that it 
addresses key weaknesses, including the prioritization of complaints 
for investigation, particularly those alleging harm to residents; the 
handling of facility self-reported incidents; and the use of 
appropriate complaint investigation practices; CMS initiative: In 
January 2004, CMS provided detailed direction and guidance to states 
for managing complaint investigations for numerous types of providers, 
including nursing homes; In June 2004, CMS made available updated 
guidance on the Internet that consolidates complaint investigation 
procedures for numerous types of providers; Implementation status: 
Fully implemented our recommendation. 

GAO report number: GAO-02-312; 
GAO recommendation: 9. Ensure that state survey agencies immediately 
notify local law enforcement agencies or Medicaid Fraud Control Units 
when nursing homes report allegations of resident physical or sexual 
abuse or when the survey agency has confirmed complaints of alleged 
abuse; CMS initiative: In 2002, CMS issued a memo to the regional 
offices and state survey agencies emphasizing its policy for preventing 
abuse in nursing homes and for promptly reporting it to the appropriate 
agencies when it occurs; In 2004, CMS informed GAO that it continues to 
hold discussions with the Department of Justice and with the HHS Office 
of General Counsel about CMS's authority to require, and potential 
effectiveness of requiring, state survey agencies to immediately notify 
local law enforcement of suspected physical and sexual abuse; 
Implementation status: Taking steps to implement our recommendation. 

GAO recommendation: 10. Accelerate the agency's education campaign on 
reporting nursing home abuse by (1) distributing its new poster with 
clearly displayed complaint telephone numbers and (2) requiring state 
survey agencies to ensure that these numbers are prominently listed in 
local telephone directories; CMS initiative: CMS developed a poster, 
but it is not yet released, pending approval by the Secretary of HHS; 
In 2002, CMS released a memorandum to regional offices and state 
agencies that addresses displaying complaint telephone numbers. CMS 
asked all state agencies to review how their telephone number is listed 
in the local directory and asked them to ensure that their complaint 
telephone numbers are prominently listed; Implementation status: Taking 
steps to implement our recommendation. 

GAO recommendation: 11. Systematically assess state policies and 
practices for complying with the federal requirement to prohibit 
employment of individuals convicted of abusing nursing home residents 
and, if necessary, develop more specific guidance to ensure compliance; 
CMS initiative: CMS is conducting a Background Check Pilot Program in 
several states, as required by the Medicare Prescription Drug, 
Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003. The pilot is expected to 
run through September 2007, followed by an evaluation of the results; 
Implementation status: Taking steps to implement our recommendation. 

GAO recommendation: 12. Clarify the definition of abuse and otherwise 
ensure that states apply that definition consistently and 
appropriately; CMS initiative: In 2002, CMS released a memorandum to 
its regional offices and state survey agency directors clarifying its 
definition of abuse and instructing them to report suspected abuse to 
law enforcement authorities and, if appropriate, to the state's 
Medicaid Fraud Control Unit.[A]; Implementation status: Fully 
implemented our recommendation. 

GAO recommendation: 13. Shorten the state survey agencies' time frames 
for determining whether to include findings of abuse in nurse aide 
registry files; CMS initiative: CMS informed GAO that the regulations 
do not specify time frames that states must follow in substantiating 
abuse, but agreed to review this matter when the agency considers 
changes to the regulations. CMS did not indicate when this would be 
done; Implementation status: Taking steps to implement our 


GAO report number: GAO/HEHS-98-202; GAO recommendation: 14. Require 
that for problem homes with recurring serious violations, state 
surveyors substantiate, by means of an on-site revisit, every report to 
CMS of a home's resumed compliance status; CMS initiative: In 1998, CMS 
issued guidance to regional offices and state survey agencies 
strengthening its revisit policy by requiring on-site revisits until 
all serious deficiencies are corrected. Homes are no longer permitted 
to self-report resumed compliance; Implementation status: Fully 
implemented our recommendation. 

GAO recommendation: 15. Eliminate the grace period for homes cited for 
repeated serious violations and impose sanctions promptly, as permitted 
under existing regulations; CMS initiative: CMS phased in 
implementation of its "double G" policy from September 1998 through 
January 2000; Implementation status: Fully implemented our 

GAO report number: GAO/HEHS-99-46; GAO recommendation: 16. Improve the 
effectiveness of civil money penalties: the Administrator should 
continue to take those steps necessary to shorten the delay in 
adjudicating appeals, including monitoring progress made in reducing 
the backlog of appeals; CMS initiative: As requested by HHS, Congress 
approved increased funding and staffing levels for the Departmental 
Appeals Board in fiscal years 1999 and 2000; Implementation status: 
Fully implemented our recommendation. 

GAO recommendation: 17. Strengthen the use and effect of termination: 
* Continue Medicare and Medicaid payments beyond the termination date 
only if the home and state Medicaid agency are making reasonable 
efforts to transfer residents to other homes or alternative modes of 
care; CMS initiative: CMS conducted a study and concluded that it was 
not practical to establish rules to address this problem; 
Implementation status: Implemented only part of our recommendation and 
no further steps are planned. 

GAO recommendation: 
* Ensure that reasonable assurance periods associated with reinstating 
terminated homes are of sufficient duration to effectively demonstrate 
that the reason for termination has been resolved and will not recur; 
CMS initiative: CMS added examples to the reasonable assurance guidance 
in 2000, but declined to lengthen the reasonable assurance period. 

GAO recommendation: 
* Strengthen the use and effect of termination: Revise existing 
policies so that the pretermination history of a home is considered in 
taking a subsequent enforcement action; CMS initiative: In 2000, CMS 
revised its guidance so that pretermination history of a home is 
considered in taking subsequent enforcement actions. 

GAO recommendation: 18. Improve the referral process: The Administrator 
should revise CMS guidance so that states refer homes to CMS for 
possible sanction (such as civil money penalties) if they have been 
cited for a deficiency that contributed to a resident's death; CMS 
initiative: In 2000, CMS revised its guidance to require states to 
refer homes for possible sanction if they had been cited for a 
deficiency that contributed to a resident's death; Implementation 
status: Fully implemented our recommendation. 


GAO report number: GAO/HEHS-99-46; GAO recommendation: 19. Develop 
better management information systems. The Administrator should enhance 
OSCAR or develop some other information system that can be used by both 
by the states and CMS to integrate the results of complaint 
investigations, track the status and history of deficiencies, and 
monitor enforcement actions; CMS initiative: CMS has implemented new 
national enforcement and complaint tracking systems but does not 
anticipate completing its replacement of the OSCAR data system until 
2008; Implementation status: Taking steps to implement our 

GAO report number: GAO/HEHS-99-80; GAO recommendation: 20. Require that 
the substantiated results of complaint investigations be included in 
federal data systems or be accessible by federal officials; CMS 
initiative: In January 2004, CMS's new ASPEN Complaint Tracking system 
was implemented nationwide; Implementation status: Fully implemented 
our recommendation. 

GAO report number: GAO/HEHS-00-6; GAO recommendation: 21. Improve the 
scope and rigor of CMS's oversight process: Implementation status: 
Fully implemented our recommendation. 

GAO recommendation: 
* Increase the proportion of federal monitoring surveys conducted as 
comparative surveys to ensure that a sufficient number are completed in 
each state to assess whether the state appropriately identifies serious 
deficiencies; CMS initiative: CMS has significantly increased the 
number of quality-of-care comparative surveys. In fiscal year 2006, 
however, the agency will no longer contract for additional quality-of-
care comparative surveys because of funding constraints. 

GAO recommendation: 
* Ensure that comparative surveys are initiated closer to the time the 
state agency completes the home's annual standard survey; CMS 
initiative: To better ensure that conditions in a nursing home have not 
changed since the state survey, CMS regional offices have reduced the 
average time between the state survey and the initiation of a federal 
comparative survey from 33 days in 1999 to 26 days by 2004. 

GAO recommendation: 
* Require regions to provide more timely written feedback to the states 
after the completion of federal monitoring surveys; CMS initiative: CMS 
instructed the regions to report the results of federal monitoring 
surveys to states on a monthly basis. 

GAO recommendation: 
* Improve the data system for observational surveys so that it is an 
effective management tool for CMS to properly assess the findings of 
observational surveys; CMS initiative: CMS developed a separate 
database accessible to all regional offices that includes the results 
of observational surveys. Beginning in fiscal year 2002, CMS added data 
on the results of comparative surveys. 

GAO recommendation: 22. Improve the consistency in how CMS holds state 
survey agencies accountable by standardizing procedures for selecting 
state surveys and conducting federal monitoring surveys: 

GAO recommendation: 
* Ensure that the regions target surveys for review that will provide a 
comprehensive assessment of state surveyor performance; CMS initiative: 
CMS did not implement our recommendation to select individual state 
surveys for federal review in a manner that ensures its regional 
offices observe as many state surveyors as possible. 

GAO recommendation: 
* Require federal surveyors to include as many of the same residents as 
possible in their comparative survey sample as the state included in 
its sample (where CMS surveyors have determined that the state sample 
selection process was appropriate); CMS initiative: In October 2002, 
CMS instructed federal surveyors to select at least half of those 
residents selected by the state surveyors for their resident sample. 
Implementation status: Implemented only part of our recommendation and 
no further steps are planned. 

GAO recommendation: 23. Further explore the feasibility of appropriate 
alternative remedies or sanctions for those states that prove unable or 
unwilling to meet CMS's performance standards; CMS initiative: In 
December 1999, CMS adopted new state sanctions. In fiscal year 2005, 
CMS began to tie survey agency funding increases to the timely conduct 
of standard surveys, a step that we believe offers a strong incentive 
for improved compliance; Implementation status: Fully implemented our 

GAO report number: GAO/HEHS-02-279; GAO recommendation: 24. Review the 
adequacy of current state efforts to ensure the accuracy of minimum 
data set (MDS) data, and provide, where necessary, additional guidance, 
training, and technical assistance; CMS initiative: CMS disagreed with 
and did not implement this recommendation; Implementation status: Did 
not implement our recommendation. 

GAO recommendation: 25. Monitor the adequacy of state MDS accuracy 
activities on an ongoing basis, such as through the use of the 
established federal comparative survey process; CMS initiative: CMS 
disagreed with and did not implement this recommendation; 
Implementation status: Did not implement our recommendation. 

GAO recommendation: 26. Provide guidance to state agencies and nursing 
homes that sufficient evidentiary documentation to support the full MDS 
assessment be included in residents' medical records; CMS initiative: 
CMS disagreed with and did not implement this recommendation; 
Implementation status: Did not implement our recommendation. 

GAO report number: GAO-03-187; 
GAO recommendation: 27. Delay the implementation of nationwide 
reporting of quality indicators until there is greater assurance that 
the quality indicators are appropriate for public reporting--including 
the validity of the indicators selected and the use of an appropriate 
risk-adjustment methodology--based on input from the National Quality 
Forum and other experts and, if necessary, additional analysis and 
testing; CMS initiative: CMS disagreed with and did not implement this 
recommendation; Implementation status: Did not implement our 

GAO recommendation: 28. Delay the implementation of nationwide 
reporting of quality indicators until a more thorough evaluation of the 
pilot is completed to help improve the initiative's effectiveness, 
including an assessment of the presentation of information on the Web 
site and the resources needed to assist consumers' use of the 
information; CMS initiative: CMS disagreed with and did not implement 
this recommendation; Implementation status: Did not implement our 

GAO report number: GAO-03-561; 
GAO recommendation: 29. Further refine annual state performance reviews 
so that they (1) consistently distinguish between systemic problems and 
less serious issues regarding state performance, (2) analyze trends in 
the proportion of homes that harm residents, (3) assess state 
compliance with the immediate sanctions policy for homes with a pattern 
of harming residents, and (4) analyze the predictability of state 
surveys; CMS initiative: CMS did not implement this recommendation 
because it believes that the state performance standards take into 
account statutory and nonstatutory performance standards; 
Implementation status: Did not implement our recommendation. 

GAO report number: GAO-04-660; 
GAO recommendation: 30. Ensure that CMS regional offices fully comply 
with the statutory requirement to conduct annual federal monitoring 
surveys by including an assessment of the fire safety component of 
states' standard surveys, with an emphasis on unsprinklered homes; CMS 
initiative: CMS's evaluation of state surveyors' performance now 
routinely includes fire safety as part of the statutory requirement to 
annually conduct federal monitoring surveys in at least 5 percent of 
surveyed nursing homes in each state; Implementation status: Fully 
implemented our recommendation. 

GAO recommendation: 31. Ensure that data on sprinkler coverage in 
nursing homes are consistently obtained and reflected in the CMS 
database; CMS initiative: As nursing homes are surveyed, CMS is in the 
process of collecting consistent data on the sprinkler status of homes 
and entering these data into OSCAR; Implementation status: Taking steps 
to implement our recommendation. 

GAO recommendation: 32. Until sprinkler coverage data are routinely 
available in CMS's database, work with state survey agencies to 
identify the extent to which each nursing home is sprinklered or not 
sprinklered; CMS initiative: CMS has contacted state survey agencies 
and collected data on all but about 5 percent of nursing homes. These 
data will be verified during each home's next annual survey; 
Implementation status: Taking steps to implement our recommendation. 

GAO recommendation: 33. On an expedited basis, review all waivers and 
Fire Safety Evaluation System[B] assessments for homes that are not 
fully sprinklered to determine their appropriateness; CMS initiative: 
CMS expects to complete its reviews of Fire Safety Evaluation System 
Assessments by late 2005; Implementation status: Taking steps to 
implement our recommendation. 

GAO recommendation: 34. Make information on fire safety deficiencies 
available to the public via the Nursing Home Compare Web site, 
including information on whether a home has automatic sprinklers; CMS 
initiative: This information will not be available on the Nursing Home 
Compare Web site until 2007; Implementation status: Taking steps to 
implement our recommendation. 

GAO recommendation: 35. Work with the National Fire Protection 
Association to strengthen fire safety standards for unsprinklered 
nursing homes, such as requiring smoke detectors in resident rooms, 
exploring the feasibility of requiring sprinklers in all nursing homes, 
and developing a strategy for financing such requirements; CMS 
initiative: CMS has issued an interim final rule requiring the 
installation of smoke detectors by May 24, 2006. It anticipates issuing 
a notice of proposed rule making requiring older nursing homes to 
install sprinklers early in 2006 but will ask for comments on how much 
time homes should be given to come into compliance; Implementation 
status: Taking steps to implement our recommendation. 

GAO recommendation: 36. Ensure that thorough investigations are 
conducted following multiple-death nursing home fires so that fire 
safety standards can be reevaluated and modified where appropriate; CMS 
initiative: CMS developed and issued a standardized procedure to ensure 
that both state survey agencies and its own staff take appropriate 
action to investigate fires that result in serious injury or death; 
Implementation status: Fully implemented our recommendation. 

Source: GAO analysis of CMS's responses to our recommendations. 

[A] In 1999, CMS had required the use of an investigative protocol on 
abuse prohibition during every standard survey. The protocol's 
objective is to determine if the facility has developed and 
operationalized policies and procedures that prohibit abuse, neglect, 
involuntary seclusion, and misappropriation of resident property. 

[B] As an alternative to correcting or receiving a waiver for 
deficiencies identified on a standard survey, a home may undergo an 
assessment using the Fire Safety Evaluation System. The system provides 
a means for nursing homes to meet the fire safety objectives of CMS's 
standards without necessarily being in full compliance with every 

[End of table] 

[End of section] 

Appendix II: Percentage of Nursing Homes Cited for Actual Harm or 
Immediate Jeopardy during Standard Surveys: 

In order to identify trends in the proportion of nursing homes cited 
with actual harm or immediate jeopardy deficiencies, we analyzed data 
from CMS's OSCAR database for four time periods: (1) January 1, 1999, 
through July 10, 2000; (2) July 11, 2000, through January 31, 2002; (3) 
February 1, 2002, through July 10, 2003; and (4) July 11, 2003, through 
January 31, 2005. Because surveys are conducted at least every 15 
months (with a required 12-month statewide average), it is possible 
that a home was surveyed twice in any time period. To avoid double 
counting of homes, we included only homes' most recent survey from each 
time period. 

Table 11: Percentage of Nursing Homes Cited for Actual Harm or 
Immediate Jeopardy, by State: 


State: District of Columbia; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 21; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 10.0; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 33.3; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 - 7/10/03: 38.1; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 33.3; 
Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 

State: Colorado; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 218; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 15.4; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 26.2; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 - 7/10/03: 21.7; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 24.3; 
Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 

State: Connecticut; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 247; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 48.5; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 49.4; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 - 7/10/03: 38.8; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 54.3; 
Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 

Change of less than 5 percentage points: 

State: South Carolina; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 178; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 28.7; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 17.8; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 - 7/10/03: 27.0; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 32.0; 
Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 

State: Oklahoma; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 376; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 16.7; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 20.6; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 - 7/10/03: 22.6; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 18.6; 
Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 

State: Vermont; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 42; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 15.2; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 17.8; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 
- 7/10/03: 9.5; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 16.7; Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 
7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 1.4. 

State: Maine; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 117; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 10.3; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 9.7; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 
- 7/10/03: 9.0; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 9.4; Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 
- 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -0.9. 

State: West Virginia; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 137; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 15.6; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 14.0; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 - 7/10/03: 14.1; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 13.1; 
Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 

State: Rhode Island; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 86; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 12.1; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 10.1; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 - 7/10/03: 2.4; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 9.3; 
Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -

State: Wisconsin; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 413; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 14.0; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 7.1; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 - 7/10/03: 9.1; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 10.2; 
Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -

State: Decrease of 5 percentage points or greater: 

State: Utah; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 94; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 15.8; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 15.8; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 
- 7/10/03: 22.6; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 10.6; Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 
7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -5.2. 

State: Iowa; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 492; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 19.3; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 9.9; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 
- 7/10/03: 7.7; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 14.0; Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 
7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -5.3. 

State: Georgia; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 365; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 22.6; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 20.5; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 
- 7/10/03: 20.1; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 16.4; Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 
7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -6.1. 

State: Kansas; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 380; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 37.1; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 29.0; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 
- 7/10/03: 24.9; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 30.5; Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 
7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -6.5. 

State: Tennessee; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 340; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 26.0; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 16.7; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 - 7/10/03: 19.7; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 19.1; 
Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -

State: New Mexico; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 81; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 31.7; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 17.1; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 - 7/10/03: 16.2; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 24.7; 
Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -

State: South Dakota; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 113; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 24.1; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 30.7; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 - 7/10/03: 24.8; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 16.8; 
Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -

State: Hawaii; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 45; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 25.5; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 15.2; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 
- 7/10/03: 12.8; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 17.8; Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 
7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -7.8. 

State: Maryland; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 239; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 25.6; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 20.2; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 - 7/10/03: 14.6; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 17.6; 
Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -

State: North Dakota; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 83; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 21.3; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 28.4; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 - 7/10/03: 11.9; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 13.3; 
Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -

State: Missouri; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 550; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 22.3; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 10.2; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 - 7/10/03: 13.6; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 13.8; 
Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -

State: Nebraska; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 238; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 26.0; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 18.9; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 - 7/10/03: 19.6; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 16.4; 
Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -

State: Louisiana; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 332; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 19.9; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 23.4; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 - 7/10/03: 18.0; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 10.2; 
Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -

State: Virginia; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 287; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 19.9; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 11.6; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 - 7/10/03: 13.4; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 9.8; 
Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -

State: Pennsylvania; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 729; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 32.2; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 11.6; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 - 7/10/03: 14.4; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 20.6; 
Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -

State: Nevada; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 43; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 32.7; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 9.8; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 
- 7/10/03: 6.7; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 20.9; Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 
7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -11.8. 

State: Illinois; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 833; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 29.3; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 15.4; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 - 7/10/03: 15.3; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 16.2; 
Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -

State: Nation; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 16,463; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 29.3; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 20.5; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 - 7/10/03: 17.1; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 15.5; 
Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -

State: Texas; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 1,185; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 26.9; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 25.5; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 - 7/10/03: 18.5; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 12.7; 
Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -

State: New Jersey; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 363; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 24.5; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 22.4; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 - 7/10/03: 12.7; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 9.6; 
Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -

State: Mississippi; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 209; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 33.2; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 19.6; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 - 7/10/03: 14.4; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 18.2; 
Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -

State: Florida; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 694; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 20.8; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 20.1; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 
- 7/10/03: 9.8; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 5.5; Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 
- 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -15.4. 

State: New Hampshire; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 83; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 37.3; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 21.5; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 - 7/10/03: 21.7; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 21.7; 
Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 

State: Massachusetts; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 468; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 33.0; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 22.9; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 - 7/10/03: 22.5; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 16.9; 
Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 

State: Arkansas; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 254; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 37.7; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 27.3; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 - 7/10/03: 15.8; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 20.5; 
Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -

State: Ohio; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 1,009; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 29.0; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 23.7; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 - 7/10/03: 21.8; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 11.6; 
Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -

State: Idaho; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 80; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 54.2; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 31.0; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 
- 7/10/03: 38.3; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 36.3; Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 
7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -18.0. 

State: Minnesota; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 414; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 31.7; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 18.8; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 - 7/10/03: 17.1; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 12.3; 
Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -

State: Kentucky; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 296; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 28.8; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 25.2; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 - 7/10/03: 25.0; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 9.5; 
Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -

State: Michigan; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 433; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 42.1; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 24.7; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 - 7/10/03: 30.0; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 22.6; 
Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -

State: Montana; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 101; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 37.5; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 25.2; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 
- 7/10/03: 16.0; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 17.8; Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 
7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -19.7. 

State: Alaska; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 14; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 20.0; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 33.3; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 
- 7/10/03: 0.0; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 0.0; Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 
- 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -20.0. 

State: North Carolina; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 425; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 40.8; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 30.1; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 - 7/10/03: 24.0; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 20.2; 
Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 

State: California; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 1,325; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 29.1; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 9.3; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 - 7/10/03: 3.4; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 6.3; 
Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -

State: Alabama; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 229; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 42.2; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 18.4; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 
- 7/10/03: 12.6; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 19.2; Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 
7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -23.0. 

State: New York; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 666; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 32.2; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 32.3; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 - 7/10/03: 20.0; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 9.2; 
Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -

State: Indiana; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 523; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 45.3; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 26.2; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 
- 7/10/03: 17.4; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 21.4; Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 
7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -23.8. 

State: Arizona; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 134; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 33.8; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 8.8; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 
- 7/10/03: 3.6; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 8.2; Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 
- 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -25.6. 

State: Washington; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 257; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 54.1; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 38.5; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 - 7/10/03: 36.6; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 26.5; 
Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -

State: Wyoming; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 39; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 43.9; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 22.5; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 
- 7/10/03: 26.3; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 12.8; Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 
7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -31.1. 

State: Oregon; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 141; Percentage of homes 
cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 47.5; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 33.6; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 
- 7/10/03: 14.4; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 14.2; Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 
7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -33.3. 

State: Delaware; 
Number of homes surveyed, 7/03 - 1/05[A]: 42; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 1/1/99 - 7/10/00: 52.4; 
Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 
7/11/00 - 1/31/02: 14.3; Percentage of homes cited for actual harm or 
immediate jeopardy: 2/1/02 - 7/10/03: 4.8; Percentage of homes cited 
for actual harm or immediate jeopardy: 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: 16.7; 
Percentage point difference[B] 1/1/99 - 7/10/00 and 7/11/03 - 1/31/05: -

Source: GAO analysis of OSCAR data. 

Note: The first two time periods reflect data in OSCAR as of June 24, 
2002. The last two time periods reflect OSCAR data as of July 10, 2003, 
and April 13, 2005, respectively. The term states includes the 50 
states and the District of Columbia. 

[A] These data illustrate the significant variation in the number of 
nursing homes across states. 

[B] Differences are based on numbers before rounding. 

[End of table] 

[End of section] 

Appendix III: Percentage of Homes Surveyed Within 15 Days of the 1-Year 
Anniversary of Prior Survey: 

In order to determine the predictability of nursing home surveys, we 
analyzed data from CMS's OSCAR database for a home's current survey as 
of April 9, 2002, and as of July 8, 2005 (see table 12). We considered 
surveys to be predictable if homes were surveyed within 15 days of the 
1-year anniversary of their prior survey. 

Table 12: Percentage of Nursing Homes with Predictable Surveys, April 
2002 and June 2005: 

More than 50 percent: 

State: North Dakota; 
Number of homes[A]: 83; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 28.2; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 51.8; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: 23.6. 

More than 25 percent to 50 percent: 

State: District of Columbia; 
Number of homes[A]: 20; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 15.0; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 40.0; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: 25.0. 

State: Iowa; 
Number of homes[A]: 439; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 31.1; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 35.8; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: 4.7. 

State: Kansas; 
Number of homes[A]: 357; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 13.6; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 29.1; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: 15.5. 

State: Oregon; 
Number of homes[A]: 138; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 14.1; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 28.3; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: 14.2. 

State: California; 
Number of homes[A]: 1,287; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 9.5; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 27.8; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: 18.3. 

State: Nebraska; 
Number of homes[A]: 221; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 3.1; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 27.6; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: 24.5. 

State: Maryland; 
Number of homes[A]: 236; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 20.7; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 27.5; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: 6.8. 

10 percent to 25 percent: 

State: Virginia; 
Number of homes[A]: 270; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 30.5; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 20.4; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: -10.1. 

State: North Carolina; 
Number of homes[A]: 418; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 13.9; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 19.1; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: 5.2. 

State: Wisconsin; 
Number of homes[A]: 396; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 19.6; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 18.7; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: -0.9. 

State: New Jersey; 
Number of homes[A]: 354; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 18.7; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 18.4; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: -0.3. 

State: Michigan; 
Number of homes[A]: 428; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 8.8; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 17.1; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: 8.3. 

State: Alabama; 
Number of homes[A]: 227; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 5.8; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 16.7; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: 10.9. 

State: Delaware; 
Number of homes[A]: 42; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 31.0; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 16.7; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: -14.3. 

State: Texas; 
Number of homes[A]: 1,111; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 15.7; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 16.7; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: 1.0. 

State: Indiana; 
Number of homes[A]: 502; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 14.4; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 16.3; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: 1.9. 

State: Massachusetts; 
Number of homes[A]: 461; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 17.3; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 16.3; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: -1.0. 

State: Wyoming; 
Number of homes[A]: 39; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 10.3; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 15.4; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: 5.1. 

State: Colorado; 
Number of homes[A]: 213; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 9.0; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 15.0; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: 6.0. 

State: Kentucky; 
Number of homes[A]: 294; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 10.6; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 15.0; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: 4.4. 

State: Nation; 
Number of homes[A]: 15,827; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 13.0; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 14.5; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: 1.5. 

State: Alaska; 
Number of homes[A]: 14; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 6.7; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 14.3; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: 7.6. 

State: Rhode Island; 
Number of homes[A]: 92; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 12.5; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 13.0; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: 0.5. 

State: Montana; 
Number of homes[A]: 100; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 8.7; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 13.0; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: 4.3. 

State: New Mexico; 
Number of homes[A]: 78; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 13.8; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 12.8; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: -1.0. 

State: Pennsylvania; 
Number of homes[A]: 721; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 24.0; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 12.8; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: -11.2. 

State: Washington; 
Number of homes[A]: 246; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 22.4; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 12.6; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: -9.8. 

State: Vermont; 
Number of homes[A]: 41; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 11.6; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 12.2; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: 0.6. 

State: Missouri; 
Number of homes[A]: 509; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 11.9; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 12.0; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: 0.1. 

State: New Hampshire; 
Number of homes[A]: 81; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 12.0; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 11.1; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: -0.9. 

State: New York; 
Number of homes[A]: 659; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 14.8; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 11.1; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: -3.7. 

State: South Dakota; 
Number of homes[A]: 109; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 18.9; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 11.0; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: -7.9. 

State: Florida; 
Number of homes[A]: 685; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 9.3; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 10.4; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: 1.1. 

State: Illinois; 
Number of homes[A]: 792; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 9.7; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 10.4; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: 0.7. 

State: Maine; 
Number of homes[A]: 116; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 8.3; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 10.3; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: 2.0. 

Less than 10 percent: 

State: Georgia; 
Number of homes[A]: 359; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 0.6; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 7.2; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: 6.6. 

State: Nevada; 
Number of homes[A]: 43; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 24.4; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 7.0; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: -17.4. 

State: Hawaii; 
Number of homes[A]: 45; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 13.6; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 6.7; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: -6.9. 

State: Idaho; 
Number of homes[A]: 80; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 4.8; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 6.3; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: 1.5. 

State: South Carolina; 
Number of homes[A]: 176; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 6.9; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 6.3; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: -0.6. 

State: Arizona; 
Number of homes[A]: 133; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 21.0; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 6.0; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: -15.0. 

State: Louisiana; 
Number of homes[A]: 288; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 19.0; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 5.9; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: -13.1. 

State: Tennessee; 
Number of homes[A]: 326; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 6.2; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 5.2; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: -1.0. 

State: Minnesota; 
Number of homes[A]: 408; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 4.4; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 4.7; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: 0.3. 

State: West Virginia; 
Number of homes[A]: 129; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 8.7; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 3.9; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: -4.8. 

State: Arkansas; 
Number of homes[A]: 235; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 27.6; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 3.8; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: -23.8. 

State: Utah; 
Number of homes[A]: 87; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 1.1; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 3.4; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: 2.3. 

State: Connecticut; 
Number of homes[A]: 245; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 15.8; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 2.9; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: -12.9. 

State: Ohio; 
Number of homes[A]: 960; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 3.0; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 2.2; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: -0.8. 

State: Mississippi; 
Number of homes[A]: 201; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 2.1; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 2.0; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: -0.1. 

State: Oklahoma; 
Number of homes[A]: 333; 
Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days of 1-year anniversary of 
prior survey: 4/9/02: 0.6; Percentage of homes surveyed within 15 days 
of 1-year anniversary of prior survey: 7/8/05: 1.8; Percentage point 
difference, 4/9/02 and 7/8/05: 1.2. 

Source: GAO analysis of OSCAR data. 

Note: The term states includes the 50 states and the District of 

[A] Represents the number of nursing homes with a prior and a current 
survey as of July 8, 2005. 

[End of table] 

[End of section] 

Appendix IV: Percentage of State Nursing Home Surveyors with 2-Years' 
Experience or Less, 2002 and 2005: 


State: Arizona; 
2002: 20; 
2005: 53; 
Percentage point change: 33. 

State: Colorado; 
2002: 24; 
2005: 53; 
Percentage point change: 29. 

State: Alaska; 
2002: 29; 
2005: 57; 
Percentage point change: 28. 

State: Illinois; 
2002: 5; 
2005: 25; 
Percentage point change: 20. 

State: Rhode Island; 
2002: 9; 
2005: 23; 
Percentage point change: 14. 

State: North Carolina; 
2002: 33; 
2005: 44; 
Percentage point change: 11. 

State: Ohio; 
2002: 17; 
2005: 21; 
Percentage point change: 4. 

State: Virginia; 
2002: 21; 
2005: 25; 
Percentage point change: 4. 

State: Florida; 
2002: 55; 
2005: 57; 
Percentage point change: 2. 

State: Arkansas; 
2002: 33; 
2005: 33; 
Percentage point change: 0. 


State: Indiana; 
2002: 20; 
2005: 18; 
Percentage point change: -2. 

State: New Jersey; 
2002: 30; 
2005: 26; 
Percentage point change: -4. 

State: Oregon; 
2002: 34; 
2005: 29; 
Percentage point change: -5. 

State: Texas; 
2002: 32; 
2005: 26; 
Percentage point change: -6. 

State: Wisconsin; 
2002: 25; 
2005: 19; 
Percentage point change: -6. 

State: Nebraska; 
2002: 29; 
2005: 20; 
Percentage point change: -9. 

State: Alabama; 
2002: 48; 
2005: 38; 
Percentage point change: -10. 

State: Georgia; 
2002: 51; 
2005: 35; 
Percentage point change: -16. 

State: Tennessee; 
2002: 45; 
2005: 28; 
Percentage point change: -17. 

State: New York; 
2002: 40; 
2005: 18; 
Percentage point change: -22. 

State: Washington; 
2002: 54; 
2005: 26; 
Percentage point change: -28. 

State: Louisiana; 
2002: 48; 
2005: 19; 
Percentage point change: -29. 

State: Maryland; 
2002: 70; 
2005: 14; 
Percentage point change: -56. 

State: South Carolina; 
2002: [A]; 
2005: 52; 
Percentage point change: N/A. 

State: Vermont; 
2002: [A]; 
2005: 38; 
Percentage point change: N/A. 

Source: State survey agency responses to July 2002 GAO questions, and 
updates obtained from AHFSA in July 2005. 

Note: The term states includes the 50 states and the District of 

[A] This state did not respond to our 2002 questions about surveyor 

[End of table] 

[End of section] 

Appendix V: Comments from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services: 

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid 
Services: Administrator: 
Washington, DC 20201: 

NOV 25 2005: 

TO: Kathryn G. Allen: 
Director, Health Care: 

FROM: (Signed by) Mark B. McClellan, M.D., Ph.D.: Administrator: 

SUBJECT: GAO Draft Report: "Despite Increased Oversight, Challenges 
Remain in Ensuring High-Quality Care and Resident Safety," GAO-06-117: 

The title to this GAO report succinctly expresses a dual message with 
which we fully concur: there has been significant improvement in 
federal oversight of nursing homes, while important challenges remain. 
We appreciate the considerable time and expertise the GAO has invested 
in identifying key oversight challenges and in contributing, from 1998 
through 2005, ideas that helped strengthen the federal and state 
quality assurance systems for the nation's nursing homes. 

We also appreciate the opportunity to comment on a few important 
indicators of progress, such as improved frequency of nursing home 
surveys (99.4% surveyed within the previous 15 months), a 45% increase 
in complaints investigated, more fire-safety protections and oversight, 
fewer serious deficiencies in nursing homes overall, and at least a 17% 
decline in serious deficiencies missed by state survey agencies (from 
1999-2004). We conclude with observations about future challenges. 

Improvements in Oversight: 

Improvement in nursing home oversight is illustrated by the progress 
toward 100% completion of full nursing home surveys at least once every 
15 months (from 96.3 in 1999 to 99.4% in 2004). This graph portrays the 
consistent march toward 100% fulfillment of our commitment to ensure 
that all nursing homes have an objective, on-site review every 15 

% NH Surveys Completed Every 15 Months: 

[See PDF for image] 

[End of figure] 

Prompt and effective investigation of resident complaints has been 
another key focus of our improvement effort in recent years. 

From 1999 to 2004 the number of completed complaint investigations 
increased from 32,422 to 47,124. This 45 increase in completed 
complaint investigations is shown in the following graph. The graph 
illustrates both stronger performance and added commitment to be as 
responsive as possible to nursing home residents and their families. 

# Complaint Surveys, 1999-2004: 

[See PDF for image] 

[End of figure] 

Fire-safety assumed a higher priority after the nursing home fires in 
Tennessee and Connecticut in 2003. Those fires indicated that the 
downward trend toward fewer fires might not continue without added 
impetus. Through greater oversight, in 2004 we identified about 7,800 
more fire-safety deficiencies compared with 2003 (a 20% increase). 

Most recently, in 2005 we promulgated a new rule that required all 
nursing homes to have smoke detectors in unsprinklered areas, including 
hallways and residents' rooms. We also increased by 17-fold (from 41 to 
732) the number of CMS validation surveys ("comparative life-safety 
code surveys") in which we check on the adequacy of each state's fire-
safety inspections. 

Fire Safety-# Cited Deficiencies 2001-2004: 

[See PDF for image] 

[End of figure] 

A new "State Performance Standards System (SPSS)" has been expanded and 
strengthened each year since it was initially piloted in 2000. We 
initiated a "Special Focus Facility (SFF)" regimen in which surveyors 
visit more frequently those nursing homes that are judged to be most at 
risk of quality breakdowns. When SFF nursing homes improve, those homes 
are removed from the list. SFF nursing homes that do not show 
improvement have a higher chance of being terminated from the Medicare 
and Medicaid program under the new protocols. In 2005 we expanded the 
number of such nursing homes by 30% and strengthened the enforcement 
consequences for nursing homes that fail to improve significantly. 

Critical improvements in the information and tracking system used by 
surveyors will increase the effectiveness of surveys and remedial 
action. The "Aspen Complaint Tracking System (ACTS)" was implemented in 
FY 2004. It provides an automated medium in which to record and track 
the progress of every federally-required complaint investigation. The 
"Aspen Enforcement Manager (AEM)," was implemented in FY 2005. The 
system will improve the application and management of enforcement 
actions (e.g., denial of payment, state monitoring, directed plans of 
correction, civil money penalties, temporary management, termination). 

The CMS Web site ("Nursing Home Compare") provides consumers, families, 
and others with key information about every nursing home. It includes 
quality measure data, as well as deficiencies identified through the 
survey process. The "Nursing Home Compare" website remains one of the 
most frequently-used CMS Web sites, with over 1.6 million page-views by 
the public each year. We continue to take steps to make publicly 
reported data as reliable and accurate as possible under current 
authority. For example, this year CMS instituted back-end edits of 
staffing data to help identify suspect data. We return such suspect 
data to the state survey agencies for confirmation or correction. We 
are further improving consumer information on the CMS website by 
posting information about past non-compliance. A finding of past non- 
compliance occurs when a nursing home was out of compliance with 
federal requirements but corrected the problem prior to the most recent 
survey or complaint investigation. The new information will identify 
the specific deficiencies that gave rise to the past non-compliance. 

Through the Quality Improvement Organizations (QIOs) we have made a 
strong investment in providing technical assistance to help nursing 
homes improve their care. Beginning August 2005 all QIOs are charged 
with working with nursing homes to achieve progress in four areas: 
pressure sores, physical restraints, pain management, and depression. 
We also inaugurated a "Collaborative Focus Facility CFF" initiative in 
which state survey agencies refer (for QIO assistance) certain nursing 
homes judged to have significant and persistent quality challenges. 
Results from the first (pilot) year of the CFF are quite promising: the 
42 nursing homes agreeing to work with their QIO (in 18 states) 
successfully reduced their prevalence of pressure ulcers in high risk 
residents by almost 20%, reduced the use of daily restraints by 27%, 
and reduced the incidence of "serious survey deficiencies" (see 
paragraph below) by 24%. Building on the success of the pilot program, 
the CFF will be expanded with the new QIO 8th scope of work contract 
that began in August 2005. 

Percentage of Nursing Homes Nationwide with Serious Deficiencies, 
January 1999 through January 2005: 

[See PDF for image] 

[End of figure] 

Oversight and regulatory improvements documented in the GAO report have 
contributed to an improved quality picture for the nation's nursing 
homes. For example, Figure 1 in the GAO report shows a consistent 
decline in the percentage of nursing homes nationwide with serious 5.0 
deficiencies. [NOTE 1] 


[1] "Serious deficiencies" in this context means deficiencies in which 
there is actual harm to one or more residents. The decrease occurred 
despite an increase in monitoring for fire-safety code violations. 

While noting the overall decrease in nursing home deficiencies 
nationwide, GAO expressed concern that state survey agencies sometimes 
understate the seriousness of deficiencies, or fail to cite them at 
all. We also remain concerned about possible understatement or omission 
of serious deficiencies by state survey agencies. But we do not believe 
that the trend of fewer deficiencies in nursing homes is due to this 
problem. That is, we do not believe that the understatement is 

In its report, the GAO seeks to address the question of whether state 
survey agencies are getting better or worse in identifying 
deficiencies. It does so by comparing CMS findings with state agency 
findings. CMS conducts two types of "validation surveys" to check on 
the accuracy of state surveys. The first, a "comparative" validation 
survey, involves a CMS survey team conducting a full survey within 60 
days after the state survey. The second type of validation survey is 
"observational." In an observational validation one or more federal 
surveyors accompany the state team. The federal surveyors observe both 
(a) conditions in the nursing home and (b) the state team's survey 
process. The two types of validation surveys offer different 
advantages, so CMS uses both. 

In the GAO analysis, the data are restricted to the "comparative 
validation" surveys. The comparatives represent 15-20% of the 
validation checks that CMS conducts to assess the adequacy of the state 
surveys. The remaining 80-85% are "observational validation surveys." 

Comparison of GAO and CMS Percentages of Federal Surveys with Serious 
Deficiencies' Not Identified in State Surveys: 

[See PDF for image] 

[End of figure] 

The graph on the right first shows the GAO data line (taken from Figure 
2 in the GAO report). It shows the percentage of deficiencies missed by 
state surveyors but identified by federal surveyors. The data line runs 
from 34% in 1999 and declines to 28% in 2004. While GAO acknowledges 
that there is a trend showing fewer deficiencies missed by state 
surveyors, GAO calls our attention to the increase between 2002 and 
2004. We believe the increase between 2002 and 2004 is an artifact of 
the limited data used. 

To investigate the trend when all the data are used, CMS added (to the 
GAO graph above) a second line showing the trend from 2002-2004 when 
both "comparative" and "observational" validation surveys are used. The 
second line shows that the percentage of serious deficiencies missed by 
state surveys (when we use all the data) is remaining relatively 
constant (moving from 23% to 24% from 2002-2004), rather than 

Some states are improving in their ability to identify deficiencies, 
while some other states are failing to improve. We are increasingly 
focused on those states whose performance is not up to par. In fact, 
for one of the five states selected by GAO as indicative of the 
problem, we withheld $1.6 million from the state's 2005 Medicare survey 
budget until an appropriate corrective action plan was developed. 
Future CMS actions will promote further resolution in those states that 
appear to be missing a significant number of deficiencies identified by 
federal surveyors. 

Consistency in how States conduct surveys is also being addressed 
through improved training for surveyors and the development of an 
improved survey process. The new "Quality Improvement Survey (QIS)" is 
being pilot-tested and evaluated in 2006. The system uses quality data 
to highlight, in advance, the areas in which there are more likely to 
be quality problems in a particular nursing home. The survey process is 
loaded onto a tablet personal computer to improve productivity and to 
augment the amount of information readily available to the surveyor on- 
site. The QIS offers a standardized approach designed to increase 
surveyor consistency and effectiveness. 

Adopting a Comprehensive Approach: 

A new, internal Long Term Care (LTC) Task Force was initiated in 
December 2004 to coordinate nursing home improvement efforts throughout 
CMS. It functions as a subcommittee to the Administrator's Quality. 
Council. The LTC Task Force published a 2005 Nursing Home Action Plan 
in December 2004. The Nursing Home Action Plan summarizes our 
comprehensive strategy and consists of 32 separate initiatives in four 
inter-related and coordinated approaches. It describes in detail CMS 
commitments to improving quality in nursing homes. A copy of the 
Nursing Home Action Plan can be found at The Action Plan 
organized CMS actions into four "pillars of progress:" 

Consumer Awareness and Action: Providing consumers and families with 
more information to enable them to use both the federal survey system 
and the power of the marketplace more effectively. Enhanced assurance 
that complaints will be investigated by federal or state surveyors, 
more information on the CMS website (NH Compare), development of 
enhanced public reporting on pressure ulcers, and the early stages of 
developing a staffing measure are examples. 

Standards, Survey and Certification: Additional quality standards 
(e.g., for fire safety), increased monitoring and follow-through by 
surveyors are examples. 

Technical Assistance: The new QIO contract, for example, augments the 
technical assistance being provided to nursing homes. 

Partnering: Quality is best assured when all parts and all actors in 
the health care system collaborate to fulfill the common goal. In 
particular, we greatly strengthened the coordination between state 
survey agencies and the QIOs. For example, when CMS strengthened the 
survey agencies' "Special Focus Facility (SFF)" effort, we inaugurated 
a companion "Collaborative Focus Facility (CFF) " initiative with the 
QIOs. In the "CFF" initiative, state survey agencies refer for QIO 
assistance certain nursing homes judged to have significant quality 
challenges. The success of this pilot has led to a national rollout in 
the latest contract with the QIOs. Each QIO will be required to work 
with a subset of these poor performing nursing homes as part of their 

In 2006 we expect to pilot test, via a demonstration, an additional 
area of endeavor: making the payment system more sensitive to 
variations in quality. Known by various phrases (e.g., "value-based 
purchasing" or "pay for performance"), the theory is that we ought to 
use and coordinate all available means to carry forward the quality 
mandate. The payment system is an important leverage point by which 
quality may be promoted. The 2006 Nursing Home Action Plan is under 
development now. It will include a plan for value-based purchasing 
demonstration, making a total of five (5) "pillars of progress" in the 
Action Plan. 

While the progress from 1998-2005 documented by the GAO is comprised 
predominantly of improvements in the survey and certification process, 
we believe that future progress will require even more alignment of all 
parts of the health care system, and improvements in every aspect. 


As the GAO noted, the total number of providers that participate in 
Medicare and/or Medicaid is increasing. This trend enlarges the overall 
survey and certification workload for both state and CMS regional 
offices. Providers subject to survey & certification include not only 
nursing homes, but hospitals, home health agencies, dialysis 
facilities, hospices, intermediate care facilities for the mentally 
retarded (ICFs-MR), ambulatory surgical centers, and others. This graph 
illustrates the total cumulative effect of increased numbers of all 
types of regulated providers. 

Medicare S&C Total Facilities FY 2000-2007: 

[See PDF for image] 

[End of figure] 

The combination of (a) more providers and (b) fewer resources poses a 
significant challenge that will exceed many of the issues upon which 
the GAO has focused in the past. 

We expect resources to be significantly constrained for some time. In 
2005, for example, Medicare funding appropriated by Congress for survey 
and certification was $11.7 million below the President's budget 
request. State budgets (for Medicaid surveys) remain very limited. And 
as the GAO well observed, state survey agencies continue to struggle 
from the effects of state hiring freezes and the difficulties in 
recruiting and retaining professional staff. 

These trends could likely cause some erosion of the gains already made, 
particularly the gains from increased survey frequency and the 45% 
increase in complaints investigated (2004 compared with 1999). As the 
GAO noted, we also recently increased CMS oversight of states through 
more comparative health surveys (which the GAO has recommended). The 
improvement was accomplished partly through a national contractor. As a 
result of the 2005 budget limitations, however, the contract that 
helped increase the number of nursing home comparative health surveys 
will no longer be supported. More states have resorted to bundling 
complaint investigations together so as to investigate multiple 
complaints in one visit. Such bundling will affect the timeliness of 
the complaint investigations, as well as the total number conducted. 
Implementation of the new "Quality Improvement Survey (QIS)" will be 
much slower than we desired due to the cost implications of new 
computers needed in most states, as well as the training challenge. 
Survey predictability will possibly increase since it is so directly 
connected with funding. The adequacy of surveyor training will be 
severely challenged. As we seek to preserve nursing home oversight 
within resource constraints, there will be some trade-offs to make with 
surveys for other types of regulated providers, such as hospitals, 
hospices, ambulatory surgical centers, dialysis facilities, and home 
health agencies. The frequency of surveys and complaint investigations 
for such non-long term care providers will likely decrease. 

To counteract some of these forces we are redoubling efforts to 
increase productivity. We will reexamine CMS policies with a determine 
the value added compared with the cost. We will enlarge the scope of 
the state performance standards and seek to focus as much as possible 
on substantive issues. We will continue to prioritize survey activities 
and coordinate with other actors in the health care system to promote 
the best possible outcomes. Fuel efficiency improvement must be another 
focal point. Survey agencies represent one of the larger transportation-
dependent agencies in state and federal governments. The recent 20-60% 
increase in the cost of fuel creates a diversion of resources away from 
other important functions. Increases in fuel economy, improved on-site 
transportation planning, and strategic investments will be vital. 

The future will require that we respond to new challenges as well as 
those previously identified. Enhanced emergency preparedness is one 
such imperative. Recent experiences from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita 
point to the need for more robust preparedness planning. Such planning 
must more effectively take into account the type of community-wide 
health care crisis that occurs when all major types of interdependent 
health care providers (e.g. hospitals, nursing homes, home health 
agencies) are all simultaneously and severely affected by a common 
cascade of adverse events. 

We greatly appreciate the comprehensive approach represented in this 
GAO report. Greater challenges ahead require a keen sense of priorities 
among the competing activities and enhancements that are theoretically 
possible while working within the available programmatic resources. 
Together with our own Nursing Home Action Plan posted on our website, 
the GAO report offers an excellent overview of many of the initiatives 

[End of section] 

Appendix VI: GAO Contact and Staff Acknowledgments: 

GAO Contact: 

Kathryn G. Allen, (202) 512-7118 or 


In addition to the contact named above, Walter Ochinko, Assistant 
Director; Jack Brennan; Joanne Jee; Elizabeth T. Morrison; and Christal 
Stone made key contributions to this report. 

[End of section] 

Related GAO Products: 

Nursing Home Deaths: Arkansas Coroner Referrals Confirm Weaknesses in 
State and Federal Oversight of Quality of Care. GAO-05-78. Washington, 
D.C.: November 12, 2004. 

Nursing Home Fire Safety: Recent Fires Highlight Weaknesses in Federal 
Standards and Oversight. GAO-04-660. Washington D.C.: July 16, 2004. 

Nursing Home Quality: Prevalence of Serious Problems, While Declining, 
Reinforces Importance of Enhanced Oversight. GAO-03-561. Washington, 
D.C.: July 15, 2003. 

Nursing Homes: Public Reporting of Quality Indicators Has Merit, but 
National Implementation Is Premature. GAO-03-187. Washington, D.C.: 
October 31, 2002. 

Nursing Homes: Quality of Care More Related to Staffing than Spending. 
GAO-02-431R. Washington, D.C.: June 13, 2002. 

Nursing Homes: More Can Be Done to Protect Residents from Abuse. GAO- 
02-312. Washington, D.C.: March 1, 2002. 

Nursing Homes: Federal Efforts to Monitor Resident Assessment Data 
Should Complement State Activities. GAO-02-279. Washington, D.C.: 
February 15, 2002. 

Nursing Homes: Sustained Efforts Are Essential to Realize Potential of 
the Quality Initiatives. GAO/HEHS-00-197. Washington, D.C.: September 
28, 2000. 

Nursing Home Care: Enhanced HCFA Oversight of State Programs Would 
Better Ensure Quality. GAO/HEHS-00-6. Washington, D.C.: November 4, 

Nursing Home Oversight: Industry Examples Do Not Demonstrate That 
Regulatory Actions Were Unreasonable. GAO/HEHS-99-154R. Washington, 
D.C.: August 13, 1999. 

Nursing Homes: Proposal to Enhance Oversight of Poorly Performing Homes 
Has Merit. GAO/HEHS-99-157. Washington, D.C.: June 30, 1999. 

Nursing Homes: Complaint Investigation Processes Often Inadequate to 
Protect Residents. GAO/HEHS-99-80. Washington, D.C.: March 22, 1999. 

Nursing Homes: Additional Steps Needed to Strengthen Enforcement of 
Federal Quality Standards. GAO/HEHS-99-46. Washington, D.C.: March 18, 

California Nursing Homes: Care Problems Persist Despite Federal and 
State Oversight. GAO/HEHS-98-202. Washington, D.C.: July 27, 1998. 


[1] Medicare is the federal health care program for elderly and 
disabled people. In addition to other health and long-term care 
services, Medicare covers up to 100 days of nursing home care following 
a hospital stay. Medicaid is the joint federal-state health care 
financing program for certain categories of low-income individuals. 
Medicaid also pays for long-term care services, including nursing home 
care. Data for 2003 are the most recent data available. 

[2] See Related GAO Products at the end of this report. 

[3] Prior to July 2001, CMS was known as the Health Care Financing 
Administration. Throughout this report, we refer to the agency as CMS, 
even when describing initiatives taken prior to its name change. 


[5] In this report, we use the term "states" to include the 50 states 
and the District of Columbia. 

[6] In addition to nursing homes, CMS and state survey agencies are 
responsible for oversight of other Medicare and Medicaid providers such 
as home health agencies, intermediate care facilities for the mentally 
retarded, accredited and nonaccredited hospitals, end-stage renal 
dialysis facilities, ambulatory surgical centers, rural health clinics, 
outpatient physical therapy centers, hospices, portable x-ray 
suppliers, comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation facilities, and 
Community Mental Health Centers. 

[7] CMS generally interprets these requirements to permit a statewide 
average interval of 12.9 months and a maximum interval of 15.9 months 
for each home. 

[8] CMS requires nursing homes to meet applicable provisions of the 
fire safety standards developed by the National Fire Protection 
Association (NFPA), of which CMS is a member. NFPA is a nonprofit 
membership organization that develops and advocates scientifically 
based consensus standards on fire, building, and electrical safety. 

[9] In the time period prior to CMS's implementation of its quality 
initiatives (January 1, 1997, through June 30, 1998), the proportion of 
homes nationwide with actual harm or higher-level deficiencies was 27.7 
percent. However, this report focuses on trend data following CMS's 
July 1998 announcement of the initiatives. In our September 2000 report 
on CMS's quality initiatives, we compared trends in nursing home 
deficiency citations for two time periods--one before (January 1, 1997, 
through June 30, 1998) and one after (January 1, 1999, through July 10, 
2000) the implementation of the nursing home initiatives. Since our 
2000 report, we have updated this trend analysis for three time 
periods: July 11, 2000, through January 31, 2002; February 1, 2002, 
through July 10, 2003; and July 11, 2003, through January 31, 2005. 

[10] For example, a deficiency noted in a federal survey could involve 
a resident who was not in the nursing home at the time of the state 
survey but was admitted between the state and the federal surveys. 

[11] The decline in serious deficiencies ranged from a low of 14.3 
percentage points in Texas to a high of 23 percentage points in 
California and New York (see app. II). 

[12] CMS has independently identified shortcomings in areas such as 
survey processes and consumer information and has developed initiatives 
to address these problems. 

[13] Under contract with CMS, 39 Quality Improvement Organizations 
(QIO) (formerly known as Peer Review Organizations) help to ensure the 
quality of care delivered to Medicare beneficiaries in each state. 
Prior to 2002, QIO's work focused on care delivered in acute care 
settings such as hospitals. 

[14] Quality indicators, the result of a CMS-funded contract, are based 
on nursing home resident assessment information--MDS--which is data on 
each resident that homes are required to report periodically to CMS. 
Quality indicators are derived from nursing homes' assessments of 
residents and are used to rank a facility in 24 areas compared with 
other nursing homes in the state. 

[15] On-site sources include observations, interviews, and records 
review. An example of an off-site data source is the MDS. 

[16] The pilot states are California, Connecticut, Kansas, Louisiana, 
and Ohio. 

[17] Prior to this contract, surveyor protocols were developed by CMS, 
with comments from stakeholder groups, but the development process did 
not include an expert panel. 

[18] Investigative protocols are being developed for accidents and 
supervision, quality assurance, resident activities programs, 
psychosocial severity, safe food handling/nutrition, pharmacy 
services/unnecessary drugs, and end-of-life/pain management issues. 

[19] For example, a CMS official informed us that the language, 
"limited consequences to the resident," which is used in the current 
definition of actual harm, confused states because it was vague and 
that states formed their own interpretations of the language. The draft 
revised definition eliminates this language. 

[20] CMS disagreed with a portion of our predictability recommendation 
that suggested segmenting the standard survey into more than one review 
to provide more opportunities for surveyors to observe problematic 
homes. CMS disagreed because of concerns that segmenting the survey 
would reduce the effectiveness and increase the cost of surveys. 

[21] CMS instructed the states to avoid, if possible, scheduling a 
home's survey for the same month as the one in which the home's 
previous standard survey was conducted. 

[22] According to CMS, states consider 9 months to 15 months from the 
last standard survey as the window for completing standard surveys 
because it yields a 12-month average. CMS and states acknowledged that 
states sometimes fall behind in conducting surveys and homes are not 
surveyed until near or after the 15-month time frame. Thus, to maintain 
an average survey interval of 12 months, more surveys would need to 
occur within 9 months of the last standard survey. 

[23] ASPEN stands for the Automated Survey Processing Environment. 
ASPEN is used by CMS central office, regional offices, and state survey 
agencies for tracking surveys and survey findings. ASPEN comprises 
multiple modules such as the ASPEN Enforcement Manager and the ASPEN 
Complaints and Incidents Tracking System. 

[24] Prior to this new requirement, federal guidelines required only 
that complaints alleging immediate jeopardy to residents be 
investigated within 2 workdays. For all other complaints, states could 
establish their own investigative time frame. 

[25] MFCUs have authority to investigate the physical and sexual abuse 
of nursing home residents, in addition to investigating fraud and abuse 
in the Medicaid program. Typically, MFCUs are an investigative 
component of the state's Office of the Attorney General but may be 
located in other agencies, such as the state police, instead. Forty- 
eight states have a MFCU. 

[26] In 2002, CMS informed us that the posters were developed, but have 
not yet been printed or distributed. According to a CMS official, the 
agency's focus on higher-priority activities has contributed to the 

[27] Results for 2005 were not available at the time we conducted our 
work for this report. 

[28] We did not evaluate the effectiveness of the complaint tracking 

[29] CMS requires state survey agencies to investigate allegations of 
nursing home resident abuse, which can be submitted by residents, 
family members, friends, physicians, and nursing home staff, within 2 
days of learning of the allegation, but does not impose a deadline for 
completing the investigation. After the state survey agency has made an 
initial determination, the nurse aide may request an appeal within 30 
days. Hearings may not be held for several months, and decisions are 
not always immediate. 

[30] The Background Check Pilot Program was mandated by Section 307 of 
the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 
2003 (Pub. L. No. 108-173, 117 Stat. 2066, 2257.) CMS issued grant 
solicitation letters to states in July 2004 and made grants in January 

[31] States are now required to deny a grace period to homes that are 
assessed one or more deficiencies at the actual harm level or above (G 
through L on CMS's scope and severity grid) in each of two successive 
surveys within a survey cycle. A survey cycle is two successive 
standard surveys and any intervening survey, such as a complaint 

[32] Substandard quality of care is defined as deficiencies cited at 
the F level of scope and severity in certain care areas--quality of 
life, quality of care, and resident behavior and facility practices. 

[33] Before readmitting a terminated nursing home to Medicare, CMS 
requires the home to address the situation that led to termination and 
provide reasonable assurance that it will not recur. To give this 
assurance, a home is required to have two surveys not more than 6 
months apart, each of which shows the problem to be corrected. The 
reasonable assurance period is the time between these two surveys. 

[34] From 2000 to 2004, CMS used a nationwide summary of the 10 
regional office enforcement databases known as the Long Term Care 
Enforcement Tracking System. 

[35] We did not evaluate the performance of the ASPEN Enforcement 
Manager for this report. 

[36] In the Special Focus Facility Program, state survey agencies 
conduct enhanced monitoring of nursing homes with histories of 
providing poor care. 

[37] The revised special focus facility selection methodology addressed 
criticisms about the original state selection process from state survey 
agencies, including that the process did not account for state size or 
number of nursing homes, and used insufficient performance data in 
selecting homes. Alaska is not required to select special focus 

[38] CMS's guidance to states describes the factors to be considered 
when determining the amount of a civil money penalty. 

[39] The assumption is that the nursing home identified and corrected 
this earlier care problem. 

[40] CMS is statutorily required to conduct federal monitoring surveys 
in at least 5 percent of the surveyed nursing homes in each state each 
year, with a minimum of 5 facilities in each state. As of January 2005, 
there were 16,146 nursing homes, which would require 807 federal 
monitoring surveys. Until 1992, all federal monitoring surveys were 
comparative. In part because comparative surveys were resource 
intensive, CMS began to rely more heavily on observational surveys, 
which require a smaller number of federal surveyors. 

[41] During fiscal years 1999 and 2000, CMS required a minimum of one 
comparative survey to be completed yearly in the 20 states having fewer 
than 200 nursing homes, two in the 24 states that had from 200 to 599 
homes, and three in the 7 states that had 600 or more homes. 

[42] Since fiscal year 2001, CMS has expanded the scope of state 
performance reviews to include seven additional Medicare and Medicaid 
providers, such as hospitals and renal dialysis facilities, in addition 
to nursing homes. 

[43] The 11 elements are (1) the citation has the full regulatory 
reference; (2) evidence supports determination of noncompliance at the 
cited regulation; (3) each deficient practice statement clearly 
summarizes the provider/supplier failure(s) and quantifies a relevant 
extent; (4) the scope accurately reflects the evidence and the 
residents who are, or may be, affected by the deficient practice; (5) 
the severity rating in nursing homes or the condition, standard, or 
element level cited reflects the evidence and the actual and/or 
potential outcomes to beneficiaries; (6) each person referred to is 
uniquely identified; (7) the observations, interviews, and record 
reviews support the deficient practice statement and illustrate the 
entity's noncompliance; (8) descriptions of observation of 
provider/supplier practice include date, time, duration, and location; 
(9) descriptions of interviews include dates and times and who was 
interviewed; (10) record review includes date of entry and exact title 
of record, and verifies lack of additional records with a knowledgeable 
person; and (11) evidence is written in plain language that is clear, 
concise, and easily understood. 

[44] CMS was unable to score the standard in fiscal year 2001 because 
the standard was too complicated. The standard consisted of 33 elements 
in fiscal year 2001 but was reduced to 7 elements for the subsequent 2 
fiscal years. In fiscal year 2004, the number of elements was increased 
to 11. 

[45] Examples include reports on pending nursing home terminations 
(weekly), data entry timeliness (quarterly), tallies of state surveys 
that find homes deficiency-free (semiannually), and analyses of the 
most frequently cited deficiencies by states (annually). 

[46] The MDS, which is prepared periodically for each nursing home 
resident, contributes to multiple functions, including establishing 
patient care plans, assisting with quality oversight, and setting 
nursing home payments that account for variation in resident care 

[47] This limited on-site presence was also inconsistent with a 
recommendation in a 2001 report CMS commissioned regarding the benefits 
of on-site reviews in detecting MDS accuracy problems and with the view 
of 9 of the 10 states with separate MDS review programs that an on-site 
presence at a significant number of their nursing homes is central to 
their review efforts. 

[48] Such a shift in focus would include (1) taking full advantage of 
the periodic on-site visits already conducted at every nursing home 
nationwide through its routine survey process; (2) ensuring that the 
federal MDS review process is designed and sufficient to consistently 
assess the performance of all states' reviews for MDS accuracy; and (3) 
providing additional guidance, training, and other technical assistance 
to states as needed to facilitate their efforts. 

[49] Although the focus of the prior data assessment and verification 
contract was MDS accuracy reviews, the contract also included an 
examination of issues of interest to other CMS components that 
sponsored the contract. For example, the contractor examined facility 
assessment data on Medicare beneficiaries who received home health 

[50] While on-site, the contractor had access to a broader range of 
information gleaned from observation, interviews with residents and 
staff, and reassessments of residents. During the 3-1/2 years of the 
data assessment and verification contract, 69 on-site reviews were 
completed, less than the 200 anticipated in 2001 and less than the 
revised goal of 100 on-site reviews. According to the contractor's 
report, the highest discrepancy rates identified during the 69 on-site 
reviews of 617 assessments included the number of medications (50 
percent discrepancy rate) and pain management (10 percent discrepancy 

[51] The November 2002 roll-out of quality indicator data included a 
combined total of 10 chronic care and post-acute-care quality 
indicators. Chronic care quality indicators included decline in 
activities of daily living, pressure sores (with facility-level 
adjustment), pressure sores (without facility-level adjustment), 
inadequate pain management, physical restraints used daily, and 
infections. Post-acute-care quality indicators included failure to 
improve and manage delirium (with facility-level adjustment), failure 
to improve and manage delirium (without facility-level adjustment), 
inadequate pain management, improvement in walking, and 

[52] The National Quality Forum is a nonprofit organization created to 
develop and implement a national strategy for health care quality 
measurement and reporting. It has broad participation from government 
and private entities as well as all sectors of the health care 

[53] The Web site reports the nursing staff hours per resident per day 
and certified nurse aides per resident per day. 

[54] The National Quality Forum has discussed expanding staffing data 
to include these and other issues such as use of nonnursing staff to 
provide care, use of part-time and contract nurses, and the tenure of 
the director of nursing and the administrator. 

[55] In smaller states, QIOs worked with at least 10 nursing homes. 

[56] An evaluation of the pilot program reported on the results of the 
pilot program; however, the evaluation was conducted by the same QIO 
responsible for facilitating the pilot program. 

[57] Best practices have been collected from organizations including 
the American Medical Directors Association, University of Iowa 
Geriatric Nursing Center, Association of Rehabilitation Nurses, 
American Diabetes Association, National Kidney and Urologic Diseases 
Information Clearinghouse, Feinberg School of Medicine (Northwestern 
University), American Academy of Neurology, American Society of 
Consultant Pharmacists, United Ostomy Association, and the Centers for 
Disease Control and Prevention. 

[58] To update federal fire safety standards, CMS issues notice and 
solicits comments on the proposed new standards in the Federal 
Register, reviews public comments, and publishes a final version of the 
standards with an effective date. This process of adopting NFPA's 2000 
standards in 2003 took CMS about 16 months. 

[59] After the 2003 nursing home fire in Hartford, Connecticut, the 
state passed a law requiring all nursing homes to install sprinklers 
not later than July 1, 2005 (Conn. Spec. Acts 03-3, §92.) In 2005, the 
state extended the effective date to July 31, 2006 (Conn. Pub. Acts 05- 
187.) Florida enacted a law in June 2005 that requires nursing homes in 
the state to be protected with automatic sprinklers by December 31, 
2010. A loan guarantee program would be available in Florida because of 
concern about the cost impact of retrofitting on homes (Fla. Laws Ch. 

[60] This includes about 1 percent of homes whose sprinkler status is 

[61] According to CMS and state officials, the first year for a new 
surveyor is essentially a training period with low productivity. It 
takes as long as 3 years for a surveyor to gain sufficient knowledge, 
experience, and confidence to perform the job well. 

[62] As a result of the recession that began in 2001, states 
experienced growing budget pressures and experienced significant budget 
shortfalls from fiscal years 2003 through 2005. Although budget 
pressures diminished at the end of fiscal year 2004, many states 
projected budget shortfalls in fiscal year 2005. 

[63] The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act 
of 2003 created the new Medicare prescription drug benefit, which will 
offer Medicare beneficiaries outpatient prescription drug coverage 
(Pub. L. No. 108-173, §101, 117 Stat. 2066, 2071-2152 (adding §§ 1860D- 
1-1860D-42 to the Social Security Act, codified at 42 U.S.C. §§ 1395w- 
101-1395w-152)). On January 28, 2005, CMS issued the final regulations 
implementing the Medicare prescription drug benefit. 

[64] This increase includes a substantial increase in the number of end-
stage renal disease facilities and ambulatory surgical centers. 

[65] The federal government funds 100 percent of costs associated with 
certifying that nursing homes meet Medicare requirements and 75 percent 
of the costs associated with Medicaid standards. 

[66] The time frames for home health agency surveys are also 
established by statute. 

[67] CMS has identified four priority tiers for ranking state workload. 
CMS's guidance to states for formulating budgets puts standard surveys 
in Tier I, the highest tier, and puts complaints and initial surveys in 
Tiers II and III, respectively. 

[68] As stated earlier, CMS set aside some fiscal year 2006 funds for 
conducting fire safety comparative surveys. 

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