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entitled 'Information Security: Weaknesses Persist at Federal Agencies 
Despite Progress Made in Implementing Related Statutory Requirements' 
which was released on July 15, 2005. 

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Report to Congressional Committees: 

July 2005: 

Information Security: 

Weaknesses Persist at Federal Agencies Despite Progress Made in 
Implementing Related Statutory Requirements: 


GAO Highlights: 

Highlights of GAO-05-552, a report to congressional committees: 

Why GAO Did This Study: 

Federal agencies rely extensively on computerized information systems 
and electronic data to carry out their missions. The security of these 
systems and data is essential to prevent data tampering, disruptions in 
critical operations, fraud, and inappropriate disclosure of sensitive 
information. Concerned with accounts of attacks on systems via the 
Internet and reports of significant weaknesses in federal computer 
systems that make them vulnerable to attack, Congress passed the 
Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) in 2002. 

In accordance with FISMA requirements that the Comptroller General 
report periodically to the Congress, GAO's objectives in this report 
are to evaluate (1) the adequacy and effectiveness of agencies' 
information security policies and practices and (2) the federal 
government's implementation of FISMA requirements. 

What GAO Found: 

Pervasive weaknesses in the 24 major agencies' information security 
policies and practices threaten the integrity, confidentiality, and 
availability of federal information and information systems. Access 
controls were not effectively implemented; software change controls 
were not always in place; segregation of duties was not consistently 
implemented; continuity of operations planning was often inadequate; 
and security programs were not fully implemented at the agencies (see 
figure). These weaknesses exist primarily because agencies have not yet 
fully implemented strong information security management programs. 
These weaknesses put federal operations and assets at risk of fraud, 
misuse, and destruction. In addition, they place financial data at risk 
of unauthorized modification or destruction, sensitive information at 
risk of inappropriate disclosure, and critical operations at risk of 

Overall, the government is making progress in its implementation of 
FISMA. To provide a comprehensive framework for ensuring the 
effectiveness of information security controls, FISMA details 
requirements for federal agencies and their inspectors general (IG), 
the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and OMB. 
Federal agencies reported that they have been increasingly implementing 
required information security practices and procedures, although they 
continue to face major challenges. Further, IGs have conducted required 
annual evaluations, and NIST has issued required guidance in the areas 
of risk assessments and recommended information security controls, and 
has maintained its schedule for issuing remaining guidance required 
under FISMA. Finally, OMB has given direction to the agencies and 
reported to Congress as required; however, GAO's analysis of its annual 
reporting guidance identified opportunities to increase the usefulness 
of the reports for oversight. While progress has been made in 
implementing statutory requirements, agencies continue to have 
difficulty effectively protecting federal information and information 

Information Security Weaknesses at the 24 Major Agencies: 

[See PDF for image]

[End of figure]

What GAO Recommends: 

GAO recommends that the Director of the Office of Management and Budget 
(OMB) implement improvements in the annual FISMA reporting guidance. In 
commenting on a draft of this report, OMB agreed with GAO's overall 
assessment of information security at agencies but disagreed with 
aspects of our recommendations to enhance its FISMA reporting guidance. 

To view the full product, including the scope and methodology, click on 
the link above. For more information, contact Gregory C. Wilshusen at 
(202) 512-6244 or 

[End of section] 



Results in Brief: 


Pervasive Weaknesses in Federal Agencies' Information Security Policies 
and Practices Place Data at Risk: 

Government Makes Progress in Implementing FISMA, but Challenges Remain 


Recommendations for Executive Action: 

Agency Comments and Our Evaluation: 


Appendix I: Objectives, Scope, and Methodology: 

Appendix II: Comments from the Office of Management and Budget: 

GAO Comments: 

Appendix III: GAO Staff Acknowledgments: 

Related GAO Products: 


Table 1: Agencies' Information Security Weaknesses for Fiscal Year 


Figure 1: Information Security Weaknesses at the 24 Major Agencies for 
Fiscal Year 2004: 

Figure 2: FISMA Requirements for Agency Information Security Programs: 

Figure 3: Percentage of Employees and Contractors Who Received 
Information Security Awareness Training in Fiscal Year 2004: 

Figure 4: Percentage of Employees with Significant Security 
Responsibilities Who Received Specialized Security Training in Fiscal 
Year 2004: 

Figure 5: Percentage of Agency Systems Reviewed during Fiscal Year 

Figure 6: Percentage of Contractor Operations Reviewed during Fiscal 
Year 2004: 

Figure 7: Percentage of Systems with Contingency Plans that Have Been 
Tested for Fiscal Year 2004: 

Figure 8: Percentage of Systems during Fiscal Year 2004 that Were 
Authorized for Processing after Certification and Accreditation: 

Figure 9: Status of FISMA Guidance at NIST: 


CIO: chief information officer: 

DOD: Department of Defense: 

FIPS: Federal Information Processing Standard: 

FISMA: Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002: 

IG: Inspector General: 

NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology: 

OMB: Office of Management and Budget: 

US CERT: United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team: 

Letter July 15, 2005: 

The Honorable Susan M. Collins: 
The Honorable Joseph I. Lieberman: 
Ranking Member: 
Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs: 
United States Senate: 

The Honorable Tom Davis: 
The Honorable Henry A. Waxman: 
Ranking Member: 
Committee on Government Reform: 
House of Representatives: 

Federal agencies rely extensively on computerized information systems 
and electronic data to carry out their missions. The security of these 
systems and data is essential to prevent data tampering, disruptions in 
critical operations, fraud, and the inappropriate disclosure of 
sensitive information. Concerned with accounts of attacks on systems 
through the Internet and reports of significant weaknesses in federal 
computer systems that make them vulnerable to attack, Congress passed 
the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) in 2002. 

FISMA recognizes that the major underlying cause for the majority of 
information security problems in federal agencies is the lack of an 
effective information security management program. Therefore, FISMA set 
forth a comprehensive framework for ensuring the effectiveness of 
information security controls over information resources that support 
federal operations and assets. In addition, FISMA provides a mechanism 
for improved oversight of federal agency information security programs. 
This mechanism includes mandated annual reporting by the agencies, the 
Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and the National Institute of 
Standards and Technology (NIST). FISMA also includes a requirement for 
independent annual evaluations by the inspectors general (IG) or 
independent external auditors. 

In accordance with the FISMA requirement that the Comptroller General 
report periodically to the Congress, our objectives were to evaluate 
(1) the adequacy and effectiveness of agencies' information security 
policies and practices and (2) implementation of the FISMA 
requirements. To address these objectives, we analyzed IG, agency, and 
GAO reports on information security. We conducted our evaluation from 
September 2004 through May 2005 in accordance with generally accepted 
government auditing standards. For further information about our 
objectives, scope, and methodology, refer to appendix I. 

Results in Brief: 

Federal agencies have not consistently implemented effective 
information security policies and practices. Pervasive weaknesses exist 
in almost all areas of information security controls at 24 major 
agencies, threatening the integrity, confidentiality, and availability 
of information and information systems. Access controls were not 
effectively implemented; software change controls were not always in 
place; segregation of duties was not consistently implemented; and 
continuity of operations planning was often inadequate. These 
weaknesses exist because agencies have not yet fully implemented strong 
information security management programs. As a result, federal 
operations and assets are at increased risk of fraud, misuse, and 
destruction. In addition, these weaknesses place financial data at risk 
of unauthorized modification or destruction, sensitive information at 
risk of inappropriate disclosure, and critical operations at risk of 

Overall, the government is making progress in its implementation of the 
provisions of FISMA. To provide a comprehensive framework for ensuring 
the effectiveness of information security controls, FISMA details 
requirements for federal agencies and their IGs, NIST, and OMB. Federal 
agencies reported that they have been increasingly implementing 
required information security practices and procedures, although they 
continue to face major challenges. Further, IGs have conducted the 
required annual evaluations, and NIST has issued required guidance in 
the areas of risk assessments and information security controls and has 
maintained its schedule for issuing the remaining guidance required 
under FISMA. Finally, OMB has given direction to the agencies and 
reported to Congress as required; however, our analysis of the annual 
reporting guidance identified opportunities to increase the usefulness 
of the reports for oversight purposes. While progress has been made in 
implementing statutory requirements, agencies continue to have 
difficulty effectively protecting their information and information 

In our prior reports, as well as in reports by the IGs, specific 
recommendations were made to the agencies to remedy identified 
information security weaknesses. In this report, we recommend that OMB 
take several actions to enhance its FISMA reporting guidance to 
agencies to increase the effectiveness and reliability of annual 

In commenting on a draft of this report, OMB agreed with our overall 
assessment of information security at the agencies but disagreed with 
one of our recommendations to enhance its FISMA reporting guidance and 
provided comments on the others. OMB disagreed with our recommendation 
to ensure that all key FISMA requirements are reported on in annual 
reports and stated that reporting on additional sub-elements was not 
necessary. OMB also provided comments on actions it had or has taken 
related to the other recommendations. In addition, OMB provided other 
comments related to the contents of this report. 


Federal agencies and our nation's critical infrastructures--such as 
power distribution, water supply, telecommunications, national defense, 
and emergency services--rely extensively on computerized information 
systems and electronic data to carry out their missions. The security 
of these systems and data is essential to prevent data tampering, 
disruptions in critical operations, fraud, and inappropriate disclosure 
of sensitive information. Protecting federal computer systems and the 
systems that support critical infrastructures has never been more 
important due to escalating threats of computer security incidents, the 
ease of obtaining and using hacking tools, the steady advances in the 
sophistication and effectiveness of attack technology, and the 
emergence of new and more destructive attacks. 

Information security is a critical consideration for any organization 
that depends on information systems and networks to carry out its 
mission or business. It is especially important for federal agencies 
where maintaining the public trust is essential. Without proper 
safeguards, there is enormous risk that individuals and groups with 
malicious intent may intrude into inadequately protected systems and 
use this access to obtain sensitive information, commit fraud, disrupt 
operations, or launch attacks against other computer systems and 

Enacted into law on December 17, 2002, as title III of the E-Government 
Act of 2002, FISMA permanently authorized and strengthened information 
security program, evaluation, and reporting requirements. It assigns 
specific responsibilities to agency heads and chief information 
officers (CIO), IGs, NIST, and OMB. 

Agency Responsibilities: 

FISMA requires each agency, including agencies with national security 
systems, to develop, document, and implement an agencywide information 
security program to provide security for the information and 
information systems that support the operations and assets of the 
agency, including those provided or managed by another agency, 
contractor, or other source. Specifically, this program is to include: 

* periodic assessments of the risk and magnitude of harm that could 
result from the unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, 
modification, or destruction of information or information systems;

* risk-based policies and procedures that cost effectively reduce 
information security risks to an acceptable level and ensure that 
information security is addressed throughout the life cycle of each 
information system;

* subordinate plans for providing adequate information security for 
networks, facilities, and systems or groups of information systems;

* security awareness training for agency personnel, including 
contractors and other users of information systems that support the 
operations and assets of the agency;

* periodic testing and evaluation of the effectiveness of information 
security policies, procedures, and practices, performed with a 
frequency depending on risk, but no less than annually, and that 
includes testing of management, operational, and technical controls for 
every system identified in the agency's required inventory of major 
information systems;

* a process for planning, implementing, evaluating, and documenting 
remedial action to address any deficiencies in the information security 
policies, procedures, and practices of the agency, through plans of 
action and milestones;[Footnote 1]

* procedures for detecting, reporting, and responding to security 
incidents; and: 

* plans and procedures to ensure continuity of operations for 
information systems that support the operations and assets of the 

FISMA also requires each agency to annually report to OMB, selected 
congressional committees, and the Comptroller General on the adequacy 
of information security policies, procedures, and practices and 
compliance with requirements. In addition, agency heads are required to 
annually report the results of their independent evaluations to OMB, 
except to the extent that an evaluation pertains to a national security 
system; then only a summary and assessment of that portion of the 
evaluation is reported to OMB. 

Furthermore, FISMA established a requirement that each agency develop, 
maintain, and annually update an inventory of major information systems 
(including major national security systems) operated by the agency or 
under its control. This inventory is to include an identification of 
the interfaces between each system and all other systems or networks, 
including those not operated by or under the control of the agency. 

Responsibilities of the Inspectors General: 

Under FISMA, the IG for each agency must perform an independent annual 
evaluation of the agency's information security program and practices. 
The evaluation should include testing of the effectiveness of 
information security policies, procedures, and practices of a 
representative subset of agency systems. In addition, the evaluation 
must include an assessment of the compliance with the act and any 
related information security policies, procedures, standards, and 
guidelines. For agencies without an IG, evaluations of nonnational 
security systems must be performed by an independent external auditor. 
Evaluations related to national security systems are to be performed by 
an entity designated by the agency head. 

Responsibilities of the National Institute of Standards and Technology: 

Under FISMA, NIST is tasked with developing, for systems other than 
national security systems, (1) standards to be used by all agencies to 
categorize all their information and information systems, based on the 
objectives of providing appropriate levels of information security, 
according to a range of risk levels; (2) guidelines recommending the 
types of information and information systems to be included in each 
category; and (3) minimum information security requirements for 
information and information systems in each category. NIST must also 
develop a definition of and guidelines concerning detection and 
handling of information security incidents as well as guidelines, 
developed in conjunction with the Department of Defense (DOD) and the 
National Security Agency, for identifying an information system as a 
national security system. 

The law also assigns other information security functions to NIST, 

* providing technical assistance to agencies on such elements as 
compliance with the standards and guidelines and the detection and 
handling of information security incidents;

* evaluating private-sector information security policies and practices 
and commercially available information technologies to assess potential 
application by agencies;

* evaluating security policies and practices developed for national 
security systems to assess their potential application by agencies; 

* conducting research, as needed, to determine the nature and extent of 
information security vulnerabilities and techniques for providing cost- 
effective information security. 

NIST is also required to prepare an annual public report on activities 
undertaken in the previous year and planned for the coming year. 

Responsibilities of the Office of Management and Budget: 

FISMA states that the Director of OMB shall oversee agency information 
security policies and practices, including: 

* developing and overseeing the implementation of policies, principles, 
standards, and guidelines on information security;

* requiring agencies to identify and provide information security 
protections commensurate with risk and magnitude of the harm resulting 
from the unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, 
modification, or destruction of information collected or maintained by 
or on behalf of an agency, or information systems used or operated by 
an agency, or by a contractor of an agency, or other organization on 
behalf of an agency;

* coordinating information security policies and procedures with 
related information resource management policies and procedures;

* overseeing agency compliance with FISMA to enforce accountability; 

* reviewing at least annually, and approving or disapproving, agency 
information security programs. 

In addition, the act requires that OMB report to Congress no later than 
March 1 of each year on agency compliance with FISMA. 

Pervasive Weaknesses in Federal Agencies' Information Security Policies 
and Practices Place Data at Risk: 

The 24 major federal agencies[Footnote 2] continue to have significant 
control weaknesses in their computer systems that threaten the 
integrity, confidentiality, and availability of federal information and 
systems. In addition, these weaknesses place financial information at 
risk of unauthorized modification or destruction, sensitive information 
at risk of inappropriate disclosure, and critical operations at risk of 

The weaknesses appear in the five major categories of information 
system controls (see fig. 1) defined in our audit methodology for 
performing information security evaluations and audits.[Footnote 3] 
These areas are (1) access controls, which ensure that only authorized 
individuals can read, alter, or delete data; (2) software change 
controls, which provide assurance that only authorized software 
programs are implemented; (3) segregation of duties, which reduces the 
risk that one individual can independently perform inappropriate 
actions without detection; (4) continuity of operations planning, which 
provides for the prevention of significant disruptions of computer- 
dependent operations, and (5) an agencywide security program, which 
provides the framework for ensuring that risks are understood and that 
effective controls are selected and properly implemented. 

Figure 1: Information Security Weaknesses at the 24 Major Agencies for 
Fiscal Year 2004: 

[See PDF for image] 

[End of figure] 

Most agencies had weaknesses in access controls, software change 
controls, segregation of duties, continuity of operations, and 
agencywide security programs, as shown in table 1. As a result, federal 
information, systems, and operations were at risk of fraud, misuse, and 

Table 1: Agencies' Information Security Weaknesses for Fiscal Year 

Agency/department: Agriculture; 
Weaknesses: Access controls; Software change controls; Continuity of 
operations; Agencywide security programs. 

Agency/department: AID; 
Weaknesses: Access controls; Software change controls; Agencywide 
security programs. 

Agency/department: Commerce; 
Weaknesses: Access controls; Software change controls; Segregation of 
duties; Continuity of operations; Agencywide security programs. 

Agency/department: Defense; 
Weaknesses: Access controls; Software change controls; Segregation of 
duties; Continuity of operations; Agencywide security programs. 

Agency/department: Education; 
Weaknesses: Access controls; Software change controls; Agencywide 
security programs. 

Agency/department: Energy; 
Weaknesses: Access controls; Software change controls; Segregation of 
duties; Continuity of operations; Agencywide security programs. 

Agency/department: EPA; 
Weaknesses: Access controls; Software change controls; Segregation of 
duties; Continuity of operations; Agencywide security programs. 

Agency/department: Homeland Security; 
Weaknesses: Access controls; Software change controls; Segregation of 
duties; Continuity of operations; Agencywide security programs. 

Agency/department: GSA; 
Weaknesses: Access controls; Software change controls; Segregation of 
duties; Continuity of operations; Agencywide security programs. 

Agency/department: HHS; 
Weaknesses: Access controls; Software change controls; Continuity of 
operations; Agencywide security programs. 

Agency/department: HUD; 
Weaknesses: Access controls; Software change controls; Continuity of 
operations; Agencywide security programs. 

Agency/department: Interior; 
Weaknesses: Access controls; Software change controls; Segregation of 
duties; Continuity of operations; Agencywide security programs. 

Agency/department: Justice; 
Weaknesses: Access controls; Software change controls; Segregation of 
duties; Continuity of operations; Agencywide security programs. 

Agency/department: Labor; 
Weaknesses: Access controls; Software change controls; Segregation of 
duties; Continuity of operations; Agencywide security programs. 

Agency/department: NASA; 
Weaknesses: Access controls; Software change controls; Segregation of 
duties; Continuity of operations; Agencywide security programs. 

Agency/department: NRC; 
Weaknesses: Software change controls; Agencywide security programs. 

Agency/department: NSF; 
Weaknesses: Access controls; Continuity of operations; Agencywide 
security programs. 

Agency/department: OPM; 
Weaknesses: Access controls; Software change controls; Continuity of 
operations; Agencywide security programs. 

Agency/department: SBA; 
Weaknesses: Access controls; Software change controls; Segregation of 
duties; Continuity of operations; Agencywide security programs. 

Agency/department: SSA; 
Weaknesses: Access controls; Software change controls; Segregation of 
duties; Continuity of operations; Agencywide security programs. 

Agency/department: State; 
Weaknesses: Access controls; Agencywide security programs. 

Agency/department: Transportation; 
Weaknesses: Access controls; Software change controls; Segregation of 
duties; Continuity of operations; Agencywide security programs. 

Agency/department: Treasury; 
Weaknesses: Access controls; Software change controls; Continuity of 
operations; Agencywide security programs. 

Agency/department: Veterans Affairs; 
Weaknesses: Access controls; Software change controls; Segregation of 
duties; Continuity of operations; Agencywide security programs. 

Source: GAO analysis of IG, agency, and GAO reports. 

[End of table]

The significance of these weaknesses has led us to continue to report 
information security as a material weakness[Footnote 4] in our audit of 
the fiscal year 2004 financial statements of the U.S. government 
[Footnote 5] and to continue to include it in our high risk 
list.[Footnote 6] In the 24 major agencies' fiscal year 2004 reporting 
regarding their financial systems, 10 reported information security as 
a material weakness and 12 reported it as a reportable 
condition.[Footnote 7] Our audits also identified similar weaknesses in 
nonfinancial systems. In our prior reports, listed in the Related GAO 
Products section, we have made specific recommendations to the agencies 
to mitigate identified information security weaknesses. The IGs have 
also made specific recommendations as part of their information 
security review work. 

Access Controls Were Not Effectively Implemented: 

A basic management control objective for any organization is to protect 
data supporting its critical operations from unauthorized access, which 
could lead to improper modification, disclosure, or deletion of the 
data. As detailed in our methodology for performing information 
security audits, organizations accomplish this by designing and 
implementing controls that are intended to prevent, limit, and detect 
access to computing resources (computers, networks, programs, and 
data), thereby protecting these resources from unauthorized use, 
modification, loss, and disclosure. Access controls can be both 
electronic and physical. Electronic access controls include control of 
user accounts, use of passwords, and assignment of user rights. 
Physical security controls are important for protecting computer 
facilities and resources from espionage, sabotage, damage, and theft. 
These controls involve restricting physical access to computer 
resources, usually by limiting access to the buildings and rooms in 
which they are housed. Physical control measures may include guards, 
badges, and locks, used alone or in combination. 

Our analysis of IG, agency, and GAO reports has shown that agencies 
have not always effectively implemented controls to allow only 
authorized individuals to read, alter, or delete data. Twenty-three of 
24 major agencies had access control weaknesses. We identified 
weaknesses in controls such as user accounts, passwords, and access 
rights. For example, users created passwords that were common words. 
Using such words as passwords increases the possibility that an 
attacker could guess the password and gain access to the account. Also, 
agencies did not always deactivate unused accounts to prevent them from 
being exploited by malicious users. In addition, agencies have 
weaknesses in the controls that prevent unauthorized access to their 
networks. For example, at one agency, we found an excessive number of 
connections to the Internet. Each such connection could provide a path 
for an attacker into the agency's network. Agencies often lacked 
effective physical barriers to access, including locked doors, visitor 
screening, and effective use of access cards. Inadequate access 
controls diminish the reliability of computerized data and increase the 
risk of unauthorized disclosure, modification, and use. As a result, 
critical information held by the federal government is at heightened 
risk of access by unauthorized persons--individuals who could obtain 
personal data (such as taxpayer information) to perpetrate identity 
theft and commit financial crimes. 

Software Change Controls Were Not Always in Place: 

Software change controls ensure that only authorized and fully tested 
software is placed in operation. These controls, which also limit and 
monitor access to powerful programs and sensitive files associated with 
computer operations, are important in providing reasonable assurance 
that access controls are not compromised and that the system will not 
be impaired. These policies, procedures, and techniques help ensure 
that all programs and program modifications are properly authorized, 
tested, and approved. Failure to implement these controls increases the 
risk that unauthorized programs or changes could be, inadvertently or 
deliberately, placed into operation. 

Our analysis revealed that 22 of the major agencies had weaknesses in 
software change controls. Weaknesses in this area included the failure 
to ensure that software was updated correctly and that changes to 
computer systems were properly approved. In addition, approval, 
testing, and implementation documentation for changes were not always 
properly maintained. Consequently, there is an increased risk that 
programming errors or deliberate execution of unauthorized programs 
could compromise security controls, corrupt data, or disrupt computer 

Segregation of Duties Was Not Consistently Implemented: 

Segregation of duties refers to the policies, procedures, and 
organizational structure that helps ensure that one individual cannot 
independently control all key aspects of a process or computer-related 
operation and, thereby, conduct unauthorized actions or gain 
unauthorized access to assets or records. Proper segregation of duties 
is achieved by dividing responsibilities among two or more individuals 
or organizational groups. Dividing duties among individuals or groups 
diminishes the likelihood that errors and wrongful acts will go 
undetected because the activities of one individual or group will serve 
as a check on the activities of the other. Without adequate segregation 
of duties, there is an increased risk that erroneous or fraudulent 
transactions can be processed, improper program changes implemented, 
and computer resources damaged or destroyed. 

Fourteen agencies had weaknesses regarding segregation of information 
technology duties. Agencies did not always segregate duties for system 
administration from duties relating to security administration. For 
example, individuals at certain agencies could add fictitious users to 
a system with elevated access privileges and perform unauthorized 
activities without detection. As a result, these agencies may be 
exposed to an increased risk of fraud and loss. 

Continuity of Operations Planning Was Often Inadequate: 

An organization must take steps to ensure that it is adequately 
prepared to cope with the loss of operational capabilities due to 
earthquake, fire, accident, sabotage, or any other disruption. An 
essential element in preparing for such catastrophes is an up-to-date, 
detailed, and fully tested continuity of operations plan. Such a plan 
should cover all key computer operations and should include planning 
for business continuity. This plan is essential for helping to ensure 
that critical information systems, operations, and data such as 
financial processing and related records can be properly restored if a 
disaster occurred. To ensure that the plan is complete and fully 
understood by all key staff, it should be tested, including surprise 
tests, and test plans and results documented to provide a basis for 
improvement. If continuity of operations controls are inadequate, even 
relatively minor interruptions can result in lost or incorrectly 
processed data, which can cause financial losses, expensive recovery 
efforts, and inaccurate or incomplete mission-critical information. 

Most agencies did not have adequate continuity of operations planning. 
Twenty of the 24 major agencies had weaknesses in this area. In our 
April 2005 report on federal continuity of operations plans,[Footnote 
8] we determined that agencies had not developed plans that addressed 
all the necessary elements. For example, fewer than half the plans 
reviewed contained adequate contact information for emergency 
communications. Few plans documented the location of all vital records 
for the agencies, or methods of updating those records in an emergency. 
Further, most of the agencies had not conducted tests, training, or 
exercises frequently enough to have assurance that the plan would work 
in an emergency. Losing the capability to process, retrieve, and 
protect information maintained electronically can significantly affect 
an agency's ability to accomplish its mission. 

Security Programs Were Not Fully Implemented at Agencies: 

The underlying cause for the information security weaknesses identified 
at federal agencies is that they have not yet fully implemented 
agencywide information security programs. An agencywide security 
program provides a framework and continuing cycle of activity for 
managing risk, developing security policies, assigning 
responsibilities, and monitoring the adequacy of the entity's computer- 
related controls. Without a well-designed program, security controls 
may be inadequate; responsibilities may be unclear, misunderstood, and 
improperly implemented; and controls may be inconsistently applied. 
Such conditions may lead to insufficient protection of sensitive or 
critical resources and disproportionately high expenditures for 
controls over low-risk resources. 

Our analysis has shown that none of the 24 major agencies had fully 
implemented agencywide information security programs. Agencies often 
did not adequately assess risks, develop sufficient risk-based policies 
or procedures for information security, ensure that existing policies 
and procedures were implemented effectively, or monitor operations to 
ensure compliance and determine the effectiveness of existing controls. 
For example, our report on wireless networking[Footnote 9] at federal 
agencies revealed that the majority of agencies had not yet identified 
and responded to the security implications of this emerging technology 
at their facilities. Agencies had not developed policies and procedures 
for wireless technology, including configuration requirements, 
monitoring and compliance controls, or training requirements. 

Agencies are also not applying information security program 
requirements to emerging threats, such as spam, phishing, and 
spyware,[Footnote 10] which pose security risks to federal information 
systems.[Footnote 11] Spam consumes significant resources and is used 
as a delivery mechanism for other types of cyber attacks; phishing can 
lead to identity theft, loss of sensitive information, and use of 
electronic government services; and spyware can capture and release 
sensitive data, make unauthorized changes to software, and decrease 
system performance. The blending of these threats creates additional 
risks that cannot be easily mitigated with currently available tools. 

Until agencies effectively and fully implement agencywide information 
security programs, federal data and systems will not be adequately 
safeguarded against unauthorized use, disclosure, and modification. 
Many of the weaknesses discussed have been pervasive for years; our 
reports attribute them to ineffective security program management--a 
void that FISMA was enacted to address. 

Government Makes Progress in Implementing FISMA, but Challenges Remain: 

FISMA provides a comprehensive framework for developing effective 
agencywide information security programs. Its provisions create a cycle 
of risk management activities necessary for effective security program 
management and include requirements for agencies, IGs, NIST, and OMB. 
The government is progressing in its implementation of the information 
security management requirements of FISMA, but challenges remain. For 
example, although the agencies report progress in implementing the 
provisions of the act, many agencies do not have complete, accurate 
inventories as required. While the IGs have conducted annual 
evaluations of the agencies' information security programs as required, 
the lack of a commonly accepted framework for their evaluations has 
created issues with consistency and comparability. NIST, however, has 
developed a schedule for its required activities and has begun to issue 
required guidance, and OMB has issued guidance on the roles and 
responsibilities of both the agencies and NIST and has also issued 
annual reporting guidance and reported annually, as required, to the 
Congress. Our analysis of the annual reporting guidance identified 
opportunities to increase the usefulness of the reports for oversight. 

Agencies Reporting Progress in FISMA Implementation, but Challenges 

FISMA details requirements for the agencies to fulfill in order to 
develop a strong agencywide information security program. These key 
requirements are shown in figure 2. A detailed discussion of each of 
the requirements follows. 

Figure 2: FISMA Requirements for Agency Information Security Programs: 

[See PDF for image] 

[End of figure] 

Periodic Risk Assessments: 

As part of the agencywide information security program required for 
each agency, FISMA mandates that agencies assess the risk and magnitude 
of the harm that could result from the unauthorized access, use, 
disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction of their 
information and information systems. Risk assessment is the first 
process in the risk management process, and organizations use risk 
assessment to determine the extent of the potential threat to 
information and information systems and the risk associated with an 
information technology system throughout its systems development life 
cycle. Risk assessments help ensure that the greatest risks have been 
identified and addressed, increase the understanding of risk, and 
provide support for needed controls. 

The Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 199, Standards for 
Security Categorization of Federal Information and Information Systems 
and related NIST guidance provide a common framework for categorizing 
systems according to risk. The framework establishes three levels of 
potential impact on organizational operations, assets, or individuals 
should a breach of security occur--high (severe or catastrophic), 
moderate (serious), and low (limited)--and are used to determine the 
impact for each of the FISMA-specified security objectives of 
confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Once determined, security 
categories are to be used in conjunction with vulnerability and threat 
information in assessing the risk to an organization. For fiscal year 
2003 FISMA reporting, OMB required agencies to provide the number and 
percentage of systems assessed for risk. 

In fiscal year 2003, half of the 24 major agencies reported assessing 
the level of risk for 90 to 100 percent of their systems. In addition, 
our review[Footnote 12] of 4 agencies' processes for authorizing their 
systems found that only 72 percent of the 32 systems we reviewed had 
current risk assessments. Furthermore, we identified one large federal 
agency that did not have risk assessments for many of its systems. In 
fiscal year 2004, agencies were not required by OMB to report on the 
percentage of systems with risk assessments in their FISMA reports; 
therefore, information on agencies' performance in this area since 2003 
is not readily available. 

Risk-Based Policies and Procedures: 

FISMA requires agencies to include risk-based policies and procedures 
that cost-effectively reduce information security risks to an 
acceptable level and ensure that information security is addressed 
throughout the life cycle of each information system in their 
information security programs. These policies include determining 
security control costs and developing minimally acceptable system 
configuration requirements. 

To indicate implementation of the security cost-benefit provisions in 
FISMA, OMB requires that agencies' budget submissions specifically 
identify and integrate security costs as part of life-cycle costs for 
their information technology investments. It has also provided criteria 
to be considered in determining such costs and requires that the 
agencies report the number of their systems that have security control 
costs integrated into their system life cycles. 

Fiscal year 2004 data for this measure showed that agencies are 
reporting increases in integrating the cost of security controls into 
the life cycle of their systems. Specifically, 19 agencies reported 
integrating security control costs for 90 percent or more of their 
systems. This represents an increase from 9 agencies in 2003. 
Governmentwide, OMB reported that 85 percent of agencies' systems had 
security costs built into the life cycle of the system, an increase of 
8 percent from fiscal year 2003. If agencies do not plan for security 
costs in the life cycle of their systems, they may not allocate 
adequate resources to ensure ongoing security for federal information 
and information systems. 

FISMA requires each agency to have policies and procedures that ensure 
compliance with minimally acceptable system configuration requirements, 
as determined by the agency. In fiscal year 2004, for the first time, 
agencies reported on the degree to which they had implemented security 
configurations for specific operating systems and software 

Our analysis of the 2004 agency FISMA reports found that 20 agencies 
reported that they had implemented agencywide policies containing 
detailed, specific system configurations. However, these agencies did 
not necessarily have minimally acceptable system configuration 
requirements for operating systems and software applications that they 
were running. Specifically, some agencies reported having system 
configurations, but they did not always implement them on their 
systems. Of the remaining 4 agencies, 1 reported that it did not have 
system configurations, and 3 agencies provided insufficient data to 
determine their status for this measure. 

Subordinate Plans for Information Security: 

FISMA requires that agencywide information security programs include 
subordinate plans for providing adequate information security for 
networks, facilities, and systems or groups of information systems, as 
appropriate. These plans are commonly referred to as system security 
plans. According to NIST guidance, the purpose of these plans is to (1) 
provide an overview of the security requirements of the system and 
describe the controls in place or planned for meeting those 
requirements and (2) delineate the responsibilities and expected 
behavior of all individuals who access the system.[Footnote 13]

In fiscal year 2003, federal agencies reported that they had developed 
system security plans for 73 percent of agency systems. Although OMB 
did not require agencies to report on this measure for fiscal year 
2004, analysis of the IG FISMA reports for that year revealed that 
agencies had weaknesses in their system security plans. For example, 
IGs noted instances where security plans were not developed for all 
systems or applications. Other weaknesses included plans that were not 
updated after the systems were significantly modified. Without current, 
complete system security plans, agencies cannot be assured that 
vulnerabilities have been mitigated to acceptable levels. 

Information Security Training: 

FISMA requires agencies to provide security awareness training to 
inform personnel, including contractors and other users of information 
systems that support the operations and assets of the agency, of 
information security risks associated with their activities and their 
responsibilities in complying with agency policies and procedures 
designed to reduce these risks. In addition, agencies are required to 
provide appropriate training on information security to personnel with 
significant security responsibilities. Agencies reported the number and 
percentage of employees and contractors who received information 
security awareness training and the number and percentage of employees 
with significant security responsibilities who received specialized 

Our analysis found that agencies were reporting increases in the number 
and percentages of employees and contractors who have received security 
awareness training, but many of the agencies reported a decline in the 
percentage of employees with significant security responsibilities who 
have received specialized training. For example, 18 of the 24 major 
agencies reported increasing percentages of employees and contractors 
who received security awareness training in fiscal year 2004. 
Furthermore, all 24 agencies reported that they provided security 
awareness training to 60 percent or more of their employees and 
contractors for fiscal year 2004, up from 19 agencies in fiscal year 
2003. Similarly, 17 agencies reported that they provided security 
awareness training for 90 percent or more of their employees, an 
increase from 13 agencies in 2003 (see fig. 3). 

Figure 3: Percentage of Employees and Contractors Who Received 
Information Security Awareness Training in Fiscal Year 2004: 

[See PDF for image] --graphic text: 

Pie chart with two items. 

Between 90 and 100% (17 agencies): 71%; 
Between 50 and 89% (7 agencies): 29%. 

Source: GAO analysis of agency-reported data. 

[End of figure] 

However, the governmentwide percentage of employees with significant 
security responsibilities receiving specialized training decreased from 
85 to 81 percent in fiscal year 2004. More specifically, 10 agencies 
reported decreases in this performance measure. Figure 4 shows the 
fiscal year 2004 results for this area. 

Figure 4: Percentage of Employees with Significant Security 
Responsibilities Who Received Specialized Security Training in Fiscal 
Year 2004: 

[See PDF for image] --graphic text: 

Pie chart with three items. 

Between 90 and 100% (10 agencies): 42%; 
Between 50 and 89% (10 agencies): 42%; 
Less than 50% (4 agencies): 17%. 

Source: GAO analysis of agency-reported data. 

[End of figure] 

Failure to provide up-to-date information security awareness training 
could contribute to the information security problems at agencies. For 
example, in our report on wireless networks, we determined that the 
majority of agencies did not address wireless security issues in 
security awareness training. As a result, their employees may not have 
been aware of the security risks when they set up unauthorized wireless 

Periodic Testing and Evaluation of Information Security Policies, 
Procedures, and Practices: 

FISMA requires that agency information security programs include 
periodic testing and evaluation of the effectiveness of information 
security policies, procedures, and practices to be performed with a 
frequency that depends on risk, but no less than annually. This is to 
include testing of management, operational, and technical controls of 
every information system identified in the FISMA-required inventory of 
major systems. Periodically evaluating the effectiveness of security 
policies and controls and acting to address any identified weaknesses 
are fundamental activities that allow an organization to manage its 
information security risks proactively, rather than reacting to 
individual problems ad hoc only after a violation has been detected or 
an audit finding has been reported. Further, management control testing 
and evaluation as part of program reviews is an additional source of 
information that can be considered along with control testing and 
evaluation in IG and other independent audits to help provide a more 
complete picture of the agencies' security postures. OMB requires that 
agencies report the number of systems annually for which security 
controls have been reviewed. 

In 2004, 23 agencies reported that they had reviewed 90 percent or more 
of their systems, as compared to only 11 agencies in 2003 that were 
able to report those numbers (see fig. 5). 

Figure 5: Percentage of Agency Systems Reviewed during Fiscal Year 

[See PDF for image] --graphic text: 

Pie chart with two items. 

Between 90 and 100% (23 agencies): 96%; 
Between 50 and 89% (1 agency): 4%. 

Source: GAO analysis of agency-reported data. 

[End of figure] 

However, agencies have not reported the same progress in addressing 
reviews of contractor operations. Even though the overall average of 
contractor operations reviewed for the 24 major agencies increased 
slightly to 83 percent in fiscal year 2004, 8 agencies reported 
reviewing less than 60 percent of their contractor operations (see fig. 
6). As a result, agencies cannot be assured that federal information 
and information systems managed by contractors are protected in 
accordance with agency policies. 

Figure 6: Percentage of Contractor Operations Reviewed during Fiscal 
Year 2004: 

[See PDF for image] --graphic text: 

Pie chart with two items.

Between 60 and 100% (16 agencies): 67%; 
Less than 60% (8 agencies): 33%. 

Source: GAO analysis of agency-reported data.

[End of figure] 

Our recent report on the oversight of contractor operations[Footnote 
14] indicated that the methods that agencies are using to ensure 
information security oversight have limitations and need strengthening. 
For example, most agencies have not incorporated FISMA requirements, 
such as annual testing of controls, into their contract language. 
Additionally, most of the 24 major agencies reported having policies 
for contractors and users with privileged access to federal data and 
systems; however, our analysis of submitted agency policies found that 
only 5 agencies had established specific information security oversight 
policies. Finally, while the majority of agencies reported using a NIST 
self-assessment tool to review contractor security capabilities, only 
10 agencies reported using the tool to assess users with privileged 
access to federal data and systems, which may expose federal data to 
increased risk. 

Remedial Actions to Address Deficiencies in Information Security 
Policies, Procedures, and Practices: 

Another requirement of FISMA is that agencies' information security 
programs include a process for planning, implementing, evaluating, and 
documenting remedial action to address any deficiencies in information 
security policies, procedures, and practices. Developing effective 
corrective action plans is key to ensuring that remedial action is 
taken to address significant deficiencies. These remediation plans, 
called plans of action and milestones by OMB, are to list the 
weaknesses and show estimated resource needs or other challenges to 
resolving them, key milestones and completion dates, and the status of 
corrective actions. OMB requires agencies to report whether they have a 
remediation plan for all programs and systems where a security weakness 
has been identified. OMB also requested that IGs assess whether the 
agency has developed, implemented, and managed an agencywide process 
for these plans. 

According to the IGs' assessments of their agencies' remediation 
processes, 14 of the 24 major agencies did not almost always 
incorporate information security weaknesses for all systems into their 
remediation plans. The IGs also reported that 13 agencies did not use 
the remediation process to prioritize information security weaknesses 
more than 95 percent of the time to help ensure that significant 
weaknesses are addressed in an efficient and timely manner. Without a 
sound remediation process, agencies cannot efficiently and effectively 
correct weaknesses in their information security programs. 

Security Incident Procedures: 

Although even strong controls may not block all intrusions and misuse, 
organizations can reduce the risks associated with such events if they 
take steps to detect and respond to them before significant damage 
occurs. Accounting for and analyzing security problems and incidents 
are also effective ways for an organization to gain a better 
understanding of threats to its information and of the cost of its 
security-related problems. Such analyses can also pinpoint 
vulnerabilities that need to be addressed to help ensure that they will 
not be exploited again. Problem and incident reports can, therefore, 
provide valuable input for risk assessments, help in prioritizing 
security improvement, and be used to illustrate risks and related 
trends in reports to senior management. 

FISMA requires that agencies' information security programs include 
procedures for detecting, reporting, and responding to security 
incidents; mitigating risks associated with such incidents before 
substantial damage is done; and notifying and consulting with the 
information security incident center and other entities, as 
appropriate, including law enforcement agencies and relevant IGs. NIST 
has provided guidance to assist organizations in establishing computer 
security incident-response capabilities and in handling incidents 
efficiently and effectively. OMB requires agencies to report 
information related to security incident reporting. This information 
includes whether the agency follows documented policies and procedures 
for reporting incidents internally, externally to law enforcement, and 
to the United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US- 
CERT).[Footnote 15]

Information reported for this requirement varied widely across the 
agencies. Some agencies reported relatively few incidents internally 
(fewer than 10), while others reported as many as 600,000 incidents. 
Half (12 of 24) of the major agencies' CIOs stated that they reported 
between 90 and 100 percent of incidents to US-CERT. One agency reported 
between 75 and 89 percent of incidents to US-CERT. The other agencies 
said that they reported 49 percent or fewer of their incidents to US- 
CERT or provided information that was not comparable. OMB stated in its 
March 1, 2005, FISMA report that it was concerned that very low numbers 
of incidents were being reported to US-CERT. Our work in this 
area[Footnote 16] also indicated that agencies were not consistently 
reporting security incidents. Without adequate reporting, the federal 
government cannot be fully aware of possible threats. 

Continuity of Operations: 

FISMA requires that agencywide information security programs include 
plans and procedures to ensure continuity of operations for information 
systems that support the operations and assets of the agency. 
Contingency plans provide specific instructions for restoring critical 
systems, including such elements as arrangements for alternative 
processing facilities in case the usual facilities are significantly 
damaged or cannot be accessed due to unexpected events such as 
temporary power failure, accidental loss of files, or a major disaster. 
It is important that these plans be clearly documented, communicated to 
potentially affected staff, and updated to reflect current operations. 

The testing of contingency plans is essential to determining whether 
the plans will function as intended in an emergency situation. The most 
useful tests involve simulating a disaster situation to test overall 
service continuity. Such a test would include testing whether the 
alternative data processing site will function as intended and whether 
critical computer data and programs recovered from off-site storage are 
accessible and current. In executing the plan, managers will be able to 
identify weaknesses and make changes accordingly. Moreover, tests will 
assess how well employees have been trained to carry out their roles 
and responsibilities in a disaster situation. To show the status of 
implementing this requirement, OMB required that agencies report the 
percentage of systems that have a contingency plan and the percentage 
that have contingency plans that have been tested. 

Overall, federal agencies reported that 57 percent of their systems had 
contingency plans that had been tested. Although 19 agencies reported 
increases in the testing of contingency plans, 6 agencies reported that 
less than 50 percent of their systems had tested contingency plans (see 
fig. 7). 

Figure 7: Percentage of Systems with Contingency Plans that Have Been 
Tested for Fiscal Year 2004: 

[See PDF for image] --graphic text: 

Pie chart with three items. 

Between 90 and 100% (7 agencies): 29%; 
Between 50 and 89% (11 agencies): 46%; 
Less than 50% (6 agencies): 25%. 

Source: GAO analysis of agency-reported data.

[End of figure] 

Also, three agencies reported having contingency plans for all their 
systems and only 1 reported testing the plans for all their systems. 
Without testing, agencies have limited assurance that they will be able 
to recover mission-critical applications, business processes, and 
information in the event of an unexpected interruption. 

Inventory of Major Systems: 

FISMA also requires that each agency develop, maintain, and annually 
update an inventory of major information systems operated by the agency 
or under its control. A complete and accurate inventory of major 
information systems is a key element of managing the agency's 
information technology resources, including the security of those 
resources. The inventory is used to track the agency systems for annual 
testing and evaluation and contingency planning. In addition, the total 
number of agency systems is a key element in OMB's performance 
measures, in that agency progress is indicated by the percentage of 
total systems that meet specific information security requirements. 
Thus, inaccurate or incomplete data on the total number of agency 
systems affect the percentage of systems shown as meeting the 

In fiscal year 2004 FISMA reports, 20 of the 24 major agencies reported 
having complete, accurate inventories that were updated at least 
annually. There was disagreement among the agencies and IGs regarding 
the accuracy of the number of programs, systems, and contractor 
operations or facilities. For instance, although 20 agencies reported 
having inventories that were updated at least annually, only 8 IGs 
agreed with the accuracy of those inventories. Without complete, 
accurate inventories, agencies cannot efficiently maintain and secure 
their systems. Moreover, the performance measures that are stated as a 
percentage of systems, including systems and contractor operations 
reviewed annually, continuity plans tested, and certification and 
accreditation, may not accurately reflect the extent to which these 
security practices have been implemented. 

Certification and Accreditation: 

In addition to the FISMA requirements, OMB requires agencies to report 
on their certification and accreditation process. Certification and 
accreditation is the requirement that agency management officials 
formally authorize their information systems to process information; 
thereby accepting the risk associated with their operation. This 
management authorization (accreditation) is to be supported by a formal 
technical evaluation (certification) of the management, operational, 
and technical controls established in an information system's security 
plan. This process is not included in FISMA but does include statutory 
requirements such as risk assessments and security plans. Therefore, 
OMB eliminated separate reporting requirements for risk assessments and 
security plans. For annual reporting, OMB requires agencies to report 
the number of systems authorized for processing after completing 
certification and accreditation. For fiscal year 2004, OMB's guidance 
also requested that IGs assess their agencies' certification and 
accreditation process. 

Data reported for this measure showed overall increases for most 
agencies. According to OMB, 77 percent of government systems had 
undergone certification and accreditation for fiscal year 2004. For 
example, 19 of the 24 major agencies reported increasing percentages 
from fiscal year 2003 to fiscal year 2004. In addition, 17 agencies 
reported percentages of systems certified and accredited at or above 90 
percent (see fig. 8). 

Figure 8: Percentage of Systems during Fiscal Year 2004 that Were 
Authorized for Processing after Certification and Accreditation: 

[See PDF for image] --graphic text: 

Pie chart with three items. 

Between 90 and 100% (17 agencies): 71%; 
Between 50 and 89% (5 agencies): 21%; 
Less than 50% (8 agencies): 8%. 

Source: GAO analysis of agency-reported data.

[End of figure] 

Although agencies have reported progress in certifying and accrediting 
their systems, weaknesses in the process remain. In a previously issued 
report,[Footnote 17] we determined that agencies were unclear on the 
number of systems that undergo the process, were inconsistent in their 
reporting of certification and accreditation performance data, and 
lacked quality assurance policies and procedures relating to the 
certification and accreditation process. 

The IGs also reported weaknesses in the certification and accreditation 
process in their fiscal year 2004 FISMA reports. For example, IGs 
reported systems that did not have formal authorization to operate or 
were missing critical elements such as security plans, risk 
assessments, and contingency plans. Furthermore, OMB's March 2005 
report to Congress noted that seven IGs rated their agencies' 
certification and accreditation process as poor. Therefore, agencies' 
reported data may not accurately reflect the status of an agency's 
implementation of this requirement. 

Inspectors General Fulfill FISMA Requirements but Lack Framework: 

FISMA requires the IGs to perform an independent evaluation of the 
information security program and practices of the agency to determine 
the effectiveness of such programs and practices. Each evaluation 
should include (1) testing of the effectiveness of information security 
policies, procedures, and practices of a representative subset of the 
agency's information systems and (2) assessing compliance (based on the 
results of the testing) with FISMA requirements and related information 
security policies, procedures, standards, and guidelines. 

The IGs have conducted annual evaluations as required and have reported 
on the results. However, they do not have a common approach to the 
annual evaluations. As a result, IGs may not be performing their 
evaluations with peak effectiveness, efficiency, and adequate quality 

A commonly accepted framework or methodology for the FISMA independent 
evaluations could provide improved effectiveness, increased efficiency, 
quality control, and consistency of application. Such a framework may 
provide improved effectiveness of the annual evaluations by ensuring 
that compliance with FISMA and all related guidance, laws, and 
regulations is considered in the performance of the evaluation. IGs may 
be able to use the framework to be more efficient by focusing 
evaluative procedures on areas of higher risk and by following an 
integrated approach designed to gather evidence efficiently. A commonly 
accepted framework may offer quality control by providing a 
standardized methodology that can be followed by all personnel. 
Finally, IGs may obtain consistency of application through a documented 

A commonly accepted framework for performing the annual FISMA 
evaluation could offer additional benefits as well. For example, it 
might allow the IGs to coordinate on information security issues, 
weaknesses, and initiatives that cross agency lines. It could also 
facilitate appropriate coverage of major federal contractors who serve 
multiple federal agencies. Such a framework could provide assistance to 
the smaller IG offices by allowing them to leverage lessons learned by 
larger IG offices, for example, through the development and use of 
model statements of work for FISMA contracts. 

Finally, the usefulness and comparability of the IGs' annual 
evaluations for oversight bodies may be improved by the adoption of a 
framework for the FISMA independent evaluations. The current 
inconsistencies in methodology affect the consistency and comparability 
of reported results. As a result, the usefulness of the IG reviews for 
assessing the governmentwide information security posture is 
potentially reduced. 

The President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency[Footnote 18] has 
recognized the importance of having a framework and is working to 
develop one for FISMA reviews. The Council is including both OMB and us 
in its deliberations. The Council, which currently maintains The 
Financial Audit Manual, a commonly accepted framework for the 
performance of government financial audits, brings expertise and 
experience to the development of a FISMA evaluation framework. 

NIST Maintains Timely Release of Guidance: 

NIST has developed a plan for releasing important guidance for the 
agencies and fulfilling its other responsibilities under FISMA. NIST is 
required, among other things, to issue guidance on information security 
policies and practices for the agencies, provide technical assistance, 
conduct research as needed in information security, and assist in the 
development of standards for national security systems. 

After FISMA was enacted, NIST developed the FISMA Implementation 
Project to enable it to fulfill its statutory requirements in a timely 
manner. The project is divided into three phases. Phase I focuses on 
the development of a suite of security standards and guidelines 
required by FISMA as well as other FISMA-related publications necessary 
to create a robust information security program and effectively manage 
risk to agency operations and agency assets. NIST has already issued 
one FIPS, which covers the categorization of systems according to risk. 
A second FIPS concerning the minimum security requirements for each 
risk category is due out soon. NIST has also issued guidance to assist 
the agencies in determining the correct risk level for systems and 
mapping the systems to the correct categories. This stage is due to be 
completed in 2006. The status of the guidance is shown in figure 9. 

Figure 9: Status of FISMA Guidance at NIST: 

[See PDF for image] 


FIPS 199: Standards for Security Categorization of Federal Information 
and Information Systems: 

FIPS 200: Minimum Security Requirements for Federal Information 

SP 800-37: Guide for the Security Certification and Accreditation of 
Federal Information Systems: 

SP 800-53: Recommended Security Controls for Federal Information 

SP 800-53A: Guide for Assessing the Security Controls in Federal 
Information Systems: 

SP 800-59: Guideline for Identifying an Information System as a 
National Security System: 

SP 800-60: Guide for Mapping Types of Information and Information 
Systems to Security Categories: 

SP 800-26: Assessment Guide for Information Systems and Security 

SP 800-18: Guide for Developing Security Plans for Federal Information 

[End of figure] 

Phase II will focus on the development of a program for accrediting 
public and private sector organizations to conduct security 
certification services for federal agencies, as part of agencies' 
certification and accreditation requirements. Organizations that 
participate in the organizational accreditation program[Footnote 19] 
can demonstrate competency in the application of NIST security 
standards and guidelines. NIST states that developing a network of 
accredited organizations with demonstrated competence in the provision 
of security certification services will give federal agencies greater 
confidence in the acquisition and use of such services. Phase II is 
planned for fiscal year 2006. 

Phase III is the development of a program for validating security 
tools. The program will rely on private sector, accredited testing 
laboratories to conduct evaluations of the security tools. NIST will 
provide validation services and laboratory oversight. Implementation of 
this phase is also planned for fiscal year 2006. 

The agency has also made progress in implementing other requirements. 
For example, it is continuing to provide consultative services to 
agencies on FISMA-related information security issues and has 
established a Web site for federal agencies to identify, evaluate, and 
disseminate best practices for critical infrastructure protection and 
security. In addition, it has established a Web site for the private 
sector to share nonfederal information security practices. NIST has 
continued an ongoing dialogue with the National Security Agency and the 
Committee on National Security Systems to coordinate and take advantage 
of the security work these entities have under way within the federal 

In addition to the specific responsibilities to develop standards and 
guidance, other information security activities undertaken by NIST 

* operating a computer security expert assist team to assist federal 
agencies in identifying and resolving security problems;

* conducting security research in areas such as access control, 
wireless, mobile agents, smart cards, and quantum computing;

* improving the security of control systems that manage key elements of 
the country's critical infrastructure; and: 

* performing cyber security product certifications required for 
government procurements. 

Finally, NIST issued its annual status reports as required by FISMA in 
April of 2003 and 2004. 

OMB Oversees FISMA Implementation, but Analysis of Annual Reporting 
Guidance Identified Opportunities for Improvement: 

According to FISMA, the Director of OMB is responsible for developing 
and overseeing the implementation of information security at the 
agencies. OMB reported that it has used the information gathered under 
this act to assist it in focusing its attention and resources on poorly 
performing agencies. 

To oversee the implementation of policies and practices relating to 
information security, OMB has issued guidance to the agencies on their 
requirements under FISMA. In its annual memorandum on reporting, it 
instructed agencies that the use of NIST standards and guidance was 
required. OMB has updated its budget guidance[Footnote 20] to gather 
data on information security at the agencies. For example, it asks the 
agencies to estimate a percentage of the total investment in 
information technology that is associated with security. Agencies are 
asked to consider the products, procedures, and personnel that are 
dedicated primarily to provision of security. These procedures include 
FISMA requirements, such as risk assessments, security plans, education 
and training, system reviews, remedial plans, contingency planning and 
testing, and reviews or inspections of contractor operations. 

To oversee agency compliance with FISMA, OMB relies on annual reporting 
by the agencies and the IGs. It reported the results of this annual 
reporting to Congress by March 1 in 2004 and 2005, as required by 
FISMA. In these reports, it evaluated the agencies' reported data 
against performance measures it had developed. On August 23, 2004, OMB 
issued its fiscal year 2004 reporting instructions. The reporting 
instructions, similar to the 2003 instructions, emphasized a strong 
focus on performance measures and formatted these instructions to 
emphasize a quantitative, rather than a narrative, response. 

OMB stated that it is using a combination of sources to fulfill its 
requirement under FISMA to annually approve or disapprove of agencies' 
information security programs; some information is taken from security 
and privacy information submitted by the agencies during the budget 
process, and other information comes from the annual reporting. 

Analysis of Annual Reporting Identifies Opportunities to Enhance 
Oversight of Agency Implementation: 

Periodic reporting of performance measures for FISMA requirements and 
related analysis provides valuable information on the status and 
progress of agency efforts to implement effective security management 
programs. However, as we have recently testified,[Footnote 21] our 
analysis of OMB's annual reporting guidance identified areas where 
additional reporting requirements would increase usefulness of annual 
reports for oversight. These areas include reporting on the quality of 
agency processes, risk-based reporting of data, including key FISMA 
requirements, and ensuring clarity. 

Limited Assurance of the Quality of Agency Processes: 

Current performance measures offer limited assurance of the quality of 
agency processes that implement key security policies, controls, and 
practices. For example, for the annual review process, agencies report 
the number of agency systems and contractor operations they reviewed. 
They also report on, and the IGs confirm, whether they used appropriate 
guidance. However, reporting on the quality of the reviews, such as 
whether guidance was applied correctly or if results were tracked for 
remediation, is not required. Moreover, as mentioned previously, our 
work in this area revealed that the methods agencies were using for the 
reviews had limitations and needed strengthening. Providing information 
on the quality of the review process would further enhance the 
usefulness of the annually reported data in this area for management 
and oversight purposes. 

OMB has recognized the need for assurance of quality for agency 
processes. For example, it specifically requested that the IGs evaluate 
the plan of action and milestones process and the certification and 
accreditation process at their agencies. The results of these 
evaluations call into question the reliability and quality of the data 
reported by several agencies. Therefore, increased risk exists that the 
performance data reported by the agencies may not accurately reflect 
the status of agencies' implementation of these information security 

Data Not Reported According to System Risk: 

Performance measurement data are reported on the total number of agency 
systems but do not indicate the assessed level of risk of those 
systems. Reporting by system risk could provide information about 
whether agencies are prioritizing their information security efforts 
according to risk. For example, the performance measures for fiscal 
year 2004 show that 57 percent of the total number of systems have 
tested contingency plans, but do not indicate to what extent this 57 
percent includes the agencies' high or moderate risk systems. 
Therefore, agencies, the administration, and Congress cannot be sure 
that critical federal operations can be restored if an unexpected event 
disrupts service. 

Reporting Does Not Include Aspects of Key Requirements: 

Currently, OMB reporting guidance and performance measures do not 
include separate and complete reporting on FISMA requirements. For 
example, FISMA requires agencies to have procedures for detecting, 
reporting, and responding to security incidents. Currently, the annual 
reporting developed by OMB focuses on incident reporting: how the 
agencies are reporting their incidents internally to law enforcement 
and to the US-CERT. Although incident reporting is an important aspect 
of incident handling, it is only one part of the process. Additional 
questions that cover incident detection and response activities would 
be useful to oversight bodies in determining the extent to which 
agencies have implemented capabilities for managing security incidents. 

Reporting on the remediation process does not include a key aspect of 
this process. Current reporting guidance asks about the inclusiveness 
of the plans, i.e. whether all known information security weaknesses 
are included; however, if and how weaknesses are mitigated is not 
reported. For example, the agencies do not report what percentage of 
existing weaknesses they have remedied during the year. In addition, 
agencies do not report the risk level of the systems on which the 
weaknesses are found. Valuable information may be provided to oversight 
bodies by posing additional questions on the remediation process. 

The annual reporting process also does not include separate reporting 
on certain FISMA requirements. For example, in the 2004 guidance, OMB 
eliminated separate reporting on risk assessments and security plans. 
Because the guidance on the certification and accreditation process 
required both risk assessments and security plans, OMB did not require 
agencies to answer separate questions in these areas. Although OMB did 
ask for the IGs' assessments of the certification and accreditation 
process, it did not require them to comment separately on these 
specific requirements. As a result, agency management, Congress, and 
OMB do not have complete information on the status of agencies' 
implementation efforts for these requirements. 

Reporting Instructions Need Clarity: 

Several questions in OMB's 2004 reporting guidance could be subject to 
differing interpretations by IGs and the agencies. For example, one of 
the questions asked the IGs whether they and their agency used the plan 
of actions and milestones as a definitive management tool; however, IGs 
are not required to use these plans. Therefore, a negative answer to 
this question could mean either that the agency and the IG were not 
using the plan, or that one of them was not using the plan. As a 
result, it may erroneously appear that agencies were not using the 
plans as the major management tool for remediation of identified 
weaknesses as required by OMB. 

Another example of differing interpretations was one of the inventory 
questions. It asked if the IG and agency agreed on the number of 
programs, systems, and contractor operations in the inventory. Since 
the question could be interpreted two ways, the meaning of the response 
was unclear. For example, if an IG replied in the negative, it could 
mean that while the IG agreed with the total numbers in the inventory, 
it disagreed with how the agency identified whether the inventory entry 
was a program, system, or contractor operations. Alternatively, a 
negative response could mean that the IG disagreed with the overall 
accuracy of the inventory. Additional questions in the areas of 
configuration management and certification and accreditation also 
generated confusion. As a result, unclear reporting instructions may 
have decreased the reliability and consistency of reported performance 


Federal agencies have not consistently implemented effective 
information security policies and practices. As a result, pervasive 
weaknesses exist in almost all areas of information security controls. 
These weaknesses place federal operations and assets at risk of fraud, 
misuse, and abuse, and may put financial data at risk of unauthorized 
modification or destruction, sensitive information at risk of 
inappropriate disclosure, and critical operations at risk of 
disruption. In our prior reports, as well as in reports by the IGs, 
specific recommendations were made to the agencies to mitigate 
identified information security weaknesses. 

The government is progressing in implementing FISMA requirements; the 
agencies, IGs, NIST, and OMB have all made advances in fulfilling their 
requirements. However, current reporting under FISMA by the agencies 
produces performance data that may not accurately reflect the status of 
agencies' implementation of required information security policies and 
procedures. Oversight entities are not able to determine from the 
reports a true or complete picture of the adequacy and effectiveness of 
agencies' information security programs. However, opportunities exist 
to improve reporting guidance that might lead to more useful and 
complete information on the implementation of agencies' information 
security programs. Until such information is available, there is little 
assurance that the pervasive weaknesses in agencywide information 
security programs are being addressed. 

Recommendations for Executive Action: 

We recommend that the Director of OMB take the following four actions 
in revising future FISMA reporting guidance: 

* request the inspectors general to report on the quality of additional 
agency processes, such as the annual system reviews;

* require agencies to report FISMA data by risk category;

* ensure that all aspects of key FISMA requirements are reported on in 
the annual reports; and: 

* review guidance to ensure clarity of instructions. 

Agency Comments and Our Evaluation: 

In written comments on a draft of this report (reprinted in app. II), 
the Administrator, Office of E-Government and Information Technology, 
OMB, agreed with our overall assessment of information security at the 
agencies, but disagreed with one of our recommendations to enhance 
FISMA reporting guidance and provided comments on the others. In 
addition, the Administrator made several general comments. 

In commenting on our recommendation that OMB guidance request that the 
IGs report on the quality of additional agency processes, OMB stated 
that their current guidance has provided the IGs with the opportunity 
to include supporting narrative responses for all questions and that 
the guidance encourages the IGs to provide any additional meaningful 
information they may have. We acknowledge that OMB has given the agency 
IGs the opportunity to include such additional information as they 
believe may be helpful. However, since specific information was not 
requested, the resulting information that was reported, if any, was not 
consistent or comparable across the agencies and over time. In our 
report, we noted that OMB has recognized the need for assurance of 
quality for agency processes. For example, OMB specifically requested 
that the IGs evaluate the plans of actions and milestones and the 
certification and accreditation processes at their agencies. We believe 
that additional processes should be assessed for quality such as the 
annual system review process. This would further enhance the usefulness 
of the annually reported data for management and oversight purposes. 

Regarding our recommendation to include FISMA data by risk category, 
OMB noted in its comments that this recommendation is now addressed by 
its fiscal year 2005 FISMA reporting guidance. This guidance was issued 
in June 2005. 

In responding to our recommendation to ensure that all key FISMA 
requirements are reported on in the annual reports, OMB disagreed with 
our assessment that additional sub-elements are necessary in its 
reporting guidance and stated that its reporting guidance satisfies all 
FISMA requirements through a combination of data collection and 
specialized questions. OMB cited as examples its performance data on 
agencies' certification and accreditation processes and its questions 
to IGs regarding the quality of agency corrective plans of actions and 
milestones. In addition, it commented that its guidance complied with 
the remainder of FISMA's reporting requirements by having agencies 
respond to specialized questions. As noted in our report, some FISMA 
requirements are not specifically being addressed through these means, 
such as reporting on risk assessments, subordinate security plans, 
security incident detection and response activities, and whether 
weaknesses are mitigated. We agree with OMB that the process of 
certification and accreditation requires agencies to document risk 
assessments and security plans. However, as stated in our report, the 
IGs reported the certification and accreditation processes included 
missing security plans, risk assessments, and contingency plans. 
Furthermore, seven IGs rated their agencies' certification and 
accreditation processes as poor. Since the quality of the certification 
and accreditation processes at some agencies has been called into 
question by the IGs, we believe reporting separately on the risk 
assessments and security plans at this time may provide better 
information on the status of agencies' information security 
implementation efforts. 

OMB commented on our recommendation that it review guidance to ensure 
clarity of instructions by stating that its staff worked with agencies 
and the IGs throughout the year when developing the guidance and, in 
particular, during the reporting period to ensure that agencies 
adequately understood the reporting instructions. We acknowledge OMB's 
efforts to help ensure better clarity, but believe more needs to be 
done. As noted in this report, several questions in the guidance could 
be subject to differing interpretations. For example, questions in the 
areas of plans of actions and milestones, inventory, configuration 
management, and certification and accreditation generated confusion. As 
a result, the reported data may contain erroneous information, and its 
reliability and consistency could be decreased. 

OMB also strongly disagreed with any inference in the draft report that 
its reporting guidance fails to meet the requirements of FISMA. We did 
not make such a statement. Rather, our report provides that OMB needs 
to enhance its reporting guidance to the agencies so that the annual 
FISMA reports provide more information essential for effective 

Similarly, OMB commented that our report included the suggestion that, 
unless it asked a specific question in a particular way and agencies 
answered those questions once each year, agencies would not implement 
FISMA nor provide adequate cost-effective security for their 
information and systems. This characterization of our report is 
incorrect. We noted that specific recommendations were previously made 
to the agencies to remedy identified information security weaknesses. 
Our recommendations in this report address the need for OMB to enhance 
its FISMA reporting guidance to increase the effectiveness and 
reliability of annual reporting. 

Our report also emphasized the need to improve FISMA data for oversight 
purposes. We believe that OMB can achieve this by implementing our 

We are sending copies of this report to the Director of OMB and to 
interested congressional committees. We will also make copies available 
to others upon request. In addition, the report will be available on 
GAO's Web site at [Hyperlink,]. 

If you have any questions or wish to discuss this report, please 
contact me at (202) 512-6244 or [Hyperlink,]. 
Contact points for our Offices of Congressional Relations and Public 
Affairs may be found on the last page of this report. GAO staff who 
made major contributions to this report are listed in appendix III. 

Signed by: 

Gregory C. Wilshusen: 
Director, Information Security Issues: 

[End of section]


Appendix I: Objectives, Scope, and Methodology: 

In accordance with the FISMA requirement that the Comptroller General 
report periodically to the Congress, our objectives were to evaluate 
(1) the adequacy and effectiveness of agencies' information security 
policies and practices and (2) implementation of FISMA requirements. 

To assess the adequacy and effectiveness of agencies' information 
security policies and practices, we analyzed our related reports issued 
from the beginning of fiscal year 2003 through May of 2005. We also 
reviewed and analyzed the information security work and products of the 
IGs. Both our reports and the IGs' products used the methodology 
contained in The Federal Information System Controls Audit Manual. 
Further, we reviewed and analyzed data on information security in 
federal agencies' performance and accountability reports. 

To assess implementation of FISMA requirements, we reviewed and 
analyzed the Federal Information Security Management Act (Public Law 
107-347); the 24 major federal agencies' and Office of Inspector 
General FISMA reports for fiscal years 2003 and 2004, as well as the 
performance and accountability reports for those agencies; the Office 
of Management and Budget's FISMA guidance and mandated annual reports 
to Congress; and the National Institute of Standards and Technology's 
standards, guidance, and annual reports. We also held discussions with 
agency officials and the agency inspectors general to further assess 
the implementation of FISMA requirements. We did not include systems 
categorized as national security systems in our review, nor did we 
review the adequacy or effectiveness of the security policies and 
practices for those systems. 

Our work was conducted in Washington, D.C., from September 2004 through 
May 2005 in accordance with generally accepted government auditing 

[End of section]

Appendix II: Comments from the Office of Management and Budget: 

WASHINGTON, D.C. 20503: 

JUN 29 2005: 

Gregory C. Wilshusen:
Director, Information Security Issues:
Government Accountability Office: 
441 G Street, SW:
Washington, DC 20548: 

Dear Mr. Wilshusen: 

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on GAO's draft report on 
agency implementation of the Federal Information Security Management 
Act (FISMA), "INFORMATION SECURITY: Weaknesses Persists at Federal 
Agencies Despite Progress Made in Implementing Related Statutory 
Requirements" (GAO-05-552). 

FISMA is the foundation of the Federal government's information 
security program, and we appreciate GAO's careful analysis of FISMA's 
requirements. In particular, we value GAO identifying specific 
persistent information security problems at the agencies, and agree 
that improvement is needed. 

GAO's draft report includes four recommendations for OMB regarding 
agency reporting on FISMA. In particular, GAO's draft report recommends 
OMB expand its existing reporting guidance to agencies to include 
additional elements. 

OMB disagrees however, that additional sub-elements are necessary and 
strongly disagrees with any inference in the draft report that OMB's 
reporting guidance fails to meet the requirements of FISMA. OMB's 
reporting instructions satisfy all FISMA requirements through a 
combination of data collection and specialized questions. For instance, 
OMB collects performance data from the agencies (including their 
Inspectors General (IG) on their certification and accreditation 
processes. This requires agencies to document all components of 
security planning such as risk assessments, contingency plans, incident 
response plans, security awareness and training plans, information 
systems rules of behavior, configuration management plans, privacy 
impact assessments, and system interconnection agreements. Similarly, 
in asking IGs about the quality of agency corrective plans of action 
and milestones, an essential element of any security program is 
specifically addressed. Beyond certification and accreditation and 
plans of action and milestones, OMB's guidance complies with the 
remainder of FISMA's reporting requirements by having agencies respond 
to specialized questions. These questions deal with matters such as 
documented procedures for securing emerging technologies and how 
agencies ensure secure contractor operations. 

Additionally, the draft report infers that unless OMB asks a specific 
question in a particular way and agencies answer those questions once 
each year, agencies' will not implement FISMA nor provide adequate cost-
effective security for their information and systems. 

Reporting to OMB is only one part of FISMA and the comprehensive agency 
information security program called for in the Act. Scarce agency 
resources should focus on developing and implementing a program to 
secure information and systems. Even if we agreed OMB's reporting 
guidance was deficient in some way, the simple fact is responsibility 
and accountability for implementation and compliance with FISMA rests 
in the agencies monitoring their own performance throughout the year. 

In addition to expanded reporting elements, the draft report recommends 
that OMB's guidance include a requirement that agency Inspector 
Generals (IGs) report on the quality of agency processes, such as the 
annual system review. OMB's guidance already provides IGs with the 
opportunity to include supporting narrative responses for all questions 
and encourages IGs to provide any additional meaningful information 
they may have. Agency IG narratives are especially significant to OMB's 
assessment of the certification and accreditation process because it 
includes many key FISMA elements. 

The draft report also recommends that OMB review our guidance to ensure 
clarity. OMB staff work with agencies and the IGs throughout the year, 
when developing the guidance, and in particular during the reporting 
period, to ensure that agencies adequately understand our reporting 

Finally, we note that the recommendation to include FISMA data by risk 
category is addressed by OMB's FY 2005 FISMA reporting guidance. Such 
reporting would not have been meaningful until the National Institute 
of Standards and Technology (KIST) issued specific guidance on risk 
categorization as they did last year. Since the guidance has been 
issued, we are asking agencies to report by the NIST categories. 

Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on your draft 
report on this important issue of information security. While we agree 
with your assessment that information security in the agencies can and 
should continue to improve, we do not agree with the solutions you 
propose in your draft report. 


Signed by: 

Karen S. Evans: 
Office of E-Government and Information Technology: 

The following are GAO's comments on OMB's letter dated June 29, 2005. 

GAO Comments: 

1. As noted in our report, some FISMA requirements are not specifically 
being addressed by OMB's reporting instructions, such as reporting on 
risk assessments, subordinate security plans, security incident 
detection and response activities, and whether weaknesses are 
mitigated. We agree with OMB that the process of certification and 
accreditation requires agencies to document components of security 
planning such as risk assessment. However, as stated in our report, the 
IGs reported the certification and accreditation process included 
missing security plans, risk assessments, and contingency plans. 
Furthermore, seven IGs rated their agencies' certification and 
accreditation processes as poor. Since the quality of the certification 
and accreditation process has been called into question by some IGs, we 
believe that reporting separately on the components at this time may 
provide better information on the status of agencies' information 
security implementation efforts. Also, we disagree that our report 
indicates that OMB's reporting guidance fails to meet the requirements 
of FISMA. We did not make such a statement. Rather, our report provides 
that OMB needs to enhance its reporting guidance to the agencies so 
that the annual FISMA reports provide more information essential for 
effective oversight. 

2. We disagree with OMB comments that our report included the 
suggestion that unless OMB asked a specific question in a particular 
way and agencies answered those questions once each year, agencies 
would not implement FISMA nor provide adequate cost-effective security 
for their information and systems. We make no such statement or 
suggestion. OMB also stated that responsibility and accountability for 
implementation and compliance with FISMA rests with the agencies, 
including monitoring their own performance throughout the year. As 
noted in our report, FISMA clearly defines separate roles and 
responsibilities for federal agencies and their IGs, NIST, and OMB, to 
provide a comprehensive framework for ensuring the effectiveness of 
information security controls. Therefore, we cannot fully agree with 
OMB's statement that responsibility and accountability for 
implementation and compliance with FISMA rests with the agencies. All 
parties included in the act share in the responsibility. We do agree, 
however, that FISMA includes the requirement that agencies monitor 
their own performance throughout the year. 

3. OMB's reporting guidance does not specifically address the issue of 
the quality of agency processes used to gather information for FISMA 
reporting. We acknowledge that OMB has given the agency IGs the 
opportunity to include such additional information as they believe may 
be helpful. However, since specific information has not been requested, 
the resulting reported information has not been consistent or 
comparable across the agencies and over time. In our report we noted 
that OMB has recognized the need for assurance of quality for certain 
agency processes. For example, it specifically requested that the IGs 
evaluate the plan of actions and milestones process and the 
certification and accreditation process at their agencies. We believe 
that additional processes should be assessed for quality such as the 
annual system reviews. Providing information on the quality of the 
review process would further enhance the usefulness of the annually 
reported data for management and oversight purposes. 

4. We acknowledge OMB's efforts to help ensure better clarity but 
believe more needs to be done. As we noted in our report, several 
questions could be subject to differing interpretations. Questions in 
the areas of plans of actions and milestones, inventory, configuration 
management, and certification and accreditation generated confusion. As 
a result, the reported data may contain erroneous information, and its 
reliability and consistency may be decreased. 

5. The guidance to report FISMA data by risk category was issued on 
June 13, 2005--after our draft report was provided to OMB for comment. 
Reporting by system risk could provide information about whether 
agencies are appropriately prioritizing their information security 

6. In this report, we do not propose solutions to agency information 
security weaknesses. Rather, we reported that pervasive weaknesses in 
federal agencies' information security policies and practices place 
data at risk. This statement is supported by our prior reports and 
reports by the IGs. We noted that, in those prior reports, specific 
recommendations were made to the agencies to remedy identified 
information security weaknesses. In this report, we recommended that 
OMB enhance FISMA reporting guidance to increase the effectiveness and 
reliability of annual reporting. 

[End of section]

Appendix III: GAO Staff Acknowledgments: 

Staff Acknowledgments: 

Larry Crosland, Season Dietrich, Nancy Glover, Carol Langelier, Suzanne 
Lightman, and Stephanie Lee made key contributions to this report. 

[End of section]

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486]. Washington, D.C.: May 19, 2005. 

Information Security: Federal Agencies Need to Improve Controls Over 
Wireless Networks. [Hyperlink,
383]. Washington, D.C.: May 17, 2005. 

Information Security: Emerging Cybersecurity Issues Threaten Federal 
Information Systems. [Hyperlink,
05-231]. Washington, D.C.: May 13, 2005. 

Continuity of Operations: Agency Plans Have Improved, but Better 
Oversight Could Assist Agencies in Preparing for Emergencies. 
[Hyperlink,]. Washington, 
D.C.: April 28, 2005. 

Continuity of Operations: Agency Plans Have Improved, but Better 
Oversight Could Assist Agencies in Preparing for Emergencies. 
[Hyperlink,]. Washington, 
D.C.: April 28, 2005. 

Information Security: Improving Oversight of Access to Federal Systems 
and Data by Contractors Can Reduce Risk. [Hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: April 
22, 2005. 

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Weaknesses over Taxpayer and Bank Secrecy Act Data. [Hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: April 
15, 2005. 

Information Security: Department of Homeland Security Faces Challenges 
in Fulfilling Statutory Requirements. [Hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: April 
14, 2005. 

Information Security: Continued Efforts Needed to Sustain Progress in 
Implementing Statutory Requirements. [Hyperlink,
bin/getrpt?GAO-05-483T]. Washington, D.C.: April 7, 2005. 

Information Security: Securities and Exchange Commission Needs to 
Address Weak Controls over Financial and Sensitive Data. [Hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: March 
23, 2005. 

High-Risk Series: An Update. [Hyperlink,
bin/getrpt?GAO-05-207]. Washington, D.C.: January 2005. 

Financial Management: Department of Homeland Security Faces Significant 
Financial Management Challenges. [Hyperlink,
bin/getrpt?GAO-04-774]. Washington, D.C.: July 19, 2004. 

Information Security: Agencies Need to Implement Consistent Processes 
in Authorizing Systems for Operation. [Hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: June 
28, 2004. 

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Leading Practices. [Hyperlink,
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Deposit Insurance Corporation. [Hyperlink,
bin/getrpt?GAO-04-630]. Washington, D.C.: May 28, 2004. 

Technology Assessment: Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure 
Protection. [Hyperlink,]. 
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628T]. Washington, D.C.: March 30, 2004. 

Information Security: Continued Efforts Needed to Sustain Progress in 
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bin/getrpt?GAO-04-483T]. Washington, D.C.: March 16, 2004. 

Critical Infrastructure Protection: Challenges and Efforts to Secure 
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Continuity of Operations: Improved Planning Needed to Ensure Delivery 
of Essential Government Services. [Hyperlink,
bin/getrpt?GAO-04-160]. Washington, D.C.: February 27, 2004. 

Information Security: Further Efforts Needed to Address Serious 
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04-154]. Washington, D.C.: January 30, 2004. 

Information Security: Improvements Needed in Treasury's Security 
Management Program. [Hyperlink,
04-77]. Washington, D.C.: November 14, 2003. 

Information Security: Computer Controls over Key Treasury Internet 
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Information Security: Further Efforts Needed to Fully Implement 
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Revenue Service Continue to Pose Risks. [Hyperlink,]. Washington, D.C.: May 30, 

High-Risk Series: An Update. [Hyperlink,
bin/getrpt?GAO-03-119]. Washington, D.C.: January 2003. 

Computer Security: Progress Made, But Critical Federal Operations and 
Assets Remain at Risk. [Hyperlink,
bin/getrpt?GAO-03-303T]. Washington, D.C.: November 19, 2002. 



[1] Plans of action and milestones are required for all programs and 
systems where an information technology security weakness has been 
found. The plan lists the weaknesses and shows estimated resource 
needs, or other challenges to resolving them, key milestones and 
completion dates, and the status of corrective actions. 

[2] The 24 major departments and agencies are the Departments of 
Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health and Human 
Services, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, the 
Interior, Justice, Labor, State, Transportation, the Treasury, and 
Veterans Affairs, the Environmental Protection Agency, General Services 
Administration, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National 
Science Foundation, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Personnel 
Management, Small Business Administration, Social Security 
Administration, and U.S. Agency for International Development. 

[3] GAO, Federal Information System Controls Audit Manual, GAO/AIMD- 
12.19.6 (Washington, D.C.: January 1999). This methodology is used for 
our information security controls evaluations and audits, as well as by 
the IGs for the information security control work done as part of 
financial audits at the agencies. 

[4] A material weakness is a condition that precludes the entity's 
internal control from providing reasonable assurance that 
misstatements, losses, or noncompliance material in relation to the 
financial statements or to stewardship information would be prevented 
or detected on a timely basis. 

[5] Department of the Treasury, 2004 Financial Report of the United 
States Government, (Washington, D.C.). 

[6] GAO, High Risk Series: An Update, GAO-05-207 (Washington, D.C.: 
January 2005). 

[7] Reportable conditions are significant deficiencies in the design or 
operation of internal control that could adversely affect the entity's 
ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial data 
consistent with the assertions of management in the financial 

[8] GAO, Continuity of Operations: Agency Plans Have Improved, but 
Better Oversight Could Assist Agencies in Preparing for Emergencies, 
GAO-05-577 (Washington, D.C.: Apr. 28, 2005). 

[9] GAO, Information Security: Federal Agencies Need to Improve 
Controls over Wireless Networks, GAO-05-383 (Washington, D.C.: May 17, 

[10] Spam is unsolicited commercial e-mail. Phishing is the practice of 
using fraudulent messages to obtain personal or sensitive data. Spyware 
is software that monitors user activity without user knowledge or 

[11] GAO, Information Security: Emerging Cybersecurity Issues Threaten 
Federal Information Systems, GAO-05-231 (Washington, D.C.: May 13, 

[12] GAO, Information Security: Agencies Need to Implement Consistent 
Processes in Authorizing Systems for Operations, GAO-04-376 
(Washington, D.C.: June 28, 2004). 

[13] National Institute of Standards and Technology, Special 
Publication 800-18: Guide for Developing Security Plans for Information 
Technology Systems, (Washington, D.C.: December 1998). 

[14] GAO, Information Security: Improving Oversight of Access to 
Federal Systems and Data by Contractors Can Reduce Risk, GAO-05-362 
(Washington, D.C.: April 22, 2005). 

[15] FISMA charged the Director of OMB with ensuring the operation of a 
federal information security center. The required functions are 
performed by DHS's US-CERT, which was established to aggregate and 
disseminate cybersecurity information to improve warning and response 
to incidents, increase coordination of response information, reduce 
vulnerabilities, and enhance prevention and protection. 

[16] GAO, Information Security: Emerging Cybersecurity Issues Threaten 
Federal Information Systems, GAO-05-231 (Washington, D.C.: May 13, 

[17] GAO, Information Security: Agencies Need to Implement Consistent 
Processes in Authorizing Systems for Operation, GAO-04-376 (Washington, 
D.C.: June 28, 2004). 

[18] The President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency was 
established by executive order to address integrity, economy, and 
effectiveness issues that transcend individual government agencies and 
increase the professionalism and effectiveness of IG personnel 
throughout government. 

[19] The term accreditation is used in two different contexts in the 
FISMA Implementation Project. Security accreditation is the official 
management decision to authorize the operation of an information system 
(as in certification and accreditation process). Organizational 
accreditation involves comprehensive proficiency testing and the 
demonstration of specialized skills in a particular area of interest. 

[20] Office of Management and Budget, Circular A-11: Preparation, 
Submission and Execution of the Budget (Washington, D.C.: July 2004). 

[21] GAO, Information Security: Continued Efforts Needed to Sustain 
Progress in Implementing Statutory Requirements, GAO-05-483T 
(Washington, D.C.: Apr. 7, 2005). 

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The Government Accountability Office, the investigative arm of 
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Automated answering system: (800) 424-5454 or (202) 512-7470: 

Public Affairs: 

Jeff Nelligan, managing director,

(202) 512-4800

U.S. Government Accountability Office,

441 G Street NW, Room 7149

Washington, D.C. 20548: