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Software Patch Management' which was released on June 02, 2004.

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Report to Congressional Requesters: 

June 2004: 


Continued Action Needed to Improve Software Patch Management: 


GAO Highlights: 

Highlights of GAO-04-706, a report to congressional requesters 

Why GAO Did This Study: 

Flaws in software code can introduce vulnerabilities that may be 
exploited to cause significant damage to federal information systems. 
Such risks continue to grow with the increasing speed, sophistication, 
and volume of reported attacks, as well as the decreasing period of the 
time from vulnerability announcement to attempted exploits. The process 
of applying software patches to fix flaws, referred to as patch 
management, is a critical process to help secure systems from attacks. 

The Chairmen of the House Committee on Government Reform and its 
Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental 
Relations and the Census requested that GAO assess the (1) reported 
status of 24 selected agencies in performing effective patch management 
practices, (2) patch management tools and services available to federal 
agencies, (3) challenges to performing patch management, and (4) 
additional steps that can be taken to mitigate the risks created by 
software vulnerabilities.

What GAO Found: 

Based on agency-reported data, agencies generally are implementing 
important common practices for effective patch management, such as 
performing systems inventories and providing information security 
training. However, they are not consistently performing others, such as 
risk assessments and testing all patches before deployment. Additional 
information on key aspects of agencies’ patch management practices—such 
as their documentation of patch management policies and procedures and 
the frequency with which systems are monitored to ensure that patches 
are installed—could provide OMB, Congress, and agencies themselves with 
consistent data that could better enable an assessment of the 
effectiveness of an agency’s patch management processes.

Several automated tools and services are available to assist agencies 
in performing patch management. These tools and services typically 
include a wide range of functionality, including methods to inventory 
computers, identify relevant patches and workarounds, test patches, and 
report network status information to various levels of management. A 
centralized resource could provide agencies with selected services such 
as the testing of patches, a patch management training curriculum, and 
development of criteria for patch management tools and services. A 
governmentwide service could lower costs to—and resource requirements 
of—individual agencies, while facilitating their implementation of 
selected patch management practices.

Agencies face several challenges to implement effective patch 
management practices, including (1) quickly installing patches while 
implementing effective patch management practices, (2) patching 
heterogeneous systems, (3) ensuring that mobile systems receive the 
latest patches, (4) avoiding unacceptable downtime when patching high-
availability systems, and (5) dedicating sufficient resources toward 
patch management. 

Agency officials and computer security experts identified a number of 
additional steps that can be taken by vendors, the security community, 
and the federal government to assist agencies in mitigating the risks 
created by software vulnerabilities. For example, more rigorous 
software engineering practices by software vendors could reduce the 
number of software vulnerabilities and the need for patches. In 
addition, the research and development of more capable technologies 
could help secure information systems against cyber attacks. Also, the 
federal government could use its substantial purchasing power to 
influence software vendors to deliver more secure systems.

What GAO Recommends: 

GAO recommends that the Director of OMB issue guidance to agencies to 
provide more refined information on patch management practices, and 
determine the feasibility of providing selected centralized patch 
management services. OMB officials generally agreed with our 

To view the full product, including the scope and methodology, click on 
the link above. For more information, contact Robert F. Dacey at (202) 
512-3317 or

[End of section]



Results in Brief: 


Agencies Are Not Consistently Implementing Common Practices for 
Effective Patch Management: 

Automated Tools and Services Can Assist Agencies in Performing Patch 
Management Activities: 

Significant Patch Management Challenges Remain: 

Additional Steps Can Be Taken to Mitigate Risks: 


Recommendations for Executive Action: 

Agency Comments: 


Appendix I: Objectives, Scope, and Methodology: 

Appendix II: Staff Acknowledgments: 



Table 1: Agencies' Methods of Performing Specific Patch Management 


Figure 1: Security Vulnerabilities, 1995-2003: 

[See PDF for image]

[End of figure]

Figure 2: Computer Security Incidents, 1995-2003: 

Letter June 2, 2004: 

The Honorable Tom Davis: Chairman, Committee on Government Reform: 
House of Representatives: 

The Honorable Adam Putnam: 
Chairman, Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy, 
Intergovernmental Relations and the Census: 
Committee on Government Reform: 
House of Representatives: 

Federal agencies rely extensively on computerized information systems 
and their software to carry out their missions. Flaws in software code 
can introduce vulnerabilities that attackers may attempt to exploit and 
cause significant damage to federal computer systems. The process of 
applying software patches to fix flaws, referred to as patch 
management, is a critical process used to help secure computing systems 
from attacks.[Footnote 1]

Since 1995, nearly 13,000 security vulnerabilities in software products 
have been reported. With the increasing sophistication of technology, 
attacks that once took weeks or months to propagate over the Internet 
now take only hours or even minutes. While federal agencies can 
mitigate the risk of cyber attacks by keeping their systems up to date 
with appropriate patches, applying and maintaining these patches is 

On September 10, 2003, we testified before the Subcommittee on 
Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations and the 
Census on the role of software patch management in mitigating the risks 
of cyber incidents.[Footnote 2] In that testimony, we stated that patch 
management is one means to address the increasing vulnerabilities to 
cybersecurity. You subsequently asked us to assess the (1) reported 
status of 23 of the agencies under the Chief Financial Officers (CFO) 
Act of 1990[Footnote 3] and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) 
in performing effective patch management practices, (2) tools and 
services available to federal agencies to perform patch management, 
(3) challenges to performing patch management, and (4) additional steps 
that can be taken to mitigate the risks created by software 

To address these objectives, we conducted an extensive search of 
professional information technology (IT) security literature. We also 
reviewed research studies and reports about cybersecurity-related 
vulnerabilities to update information provided in our testimony and 
consulted our prior reports and testimonies on information security. In 
addition, we interviewed private-sector and federal officials about 
their patch management experiences, practices, and challenges. Along 
with these literature searches and interviews, we conducted a Web-based 
survey of 23 CFO agencies and DHS to determine their patch management 
practices and reviewed corresponding survey documentation. We did not 
verify the accuracy of the agencies' responses; however, we reviewed 
supporting documentation that agencies provided to validate their 
responses. Finally, we met with vendors of commercial software patch 
management tools and services to discuss and examine their products' 
functions and capabilities. Appendix I contains a description of our 
objectives, scope, and methodology. Our work was conducted from 
September 2003 to May 2004, in accordance with generally accepted 
government auditing standards.

Results in Brief: 

Based on agency-reported data, agencies generally are implementing 
important common patch management-related practices, such as performing 
systems inventories and providing information security training. 
However, they are not consistently performing others, such as testing 
all patches before deployment to help determine whether the patch 
functions as intended and its potential for adversely affecting an 
agency's system. Additional information on key aspects of agencies' 
patch management practices--such as their documentation of patch 
management policies and procedures and the frequency with which systems 
are monitored to ensure that patches are installed--could provide the 
Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Congress, and agencies 
themselves with consistent data that could better enable an assessment 
of the effectiveness of an agency's patch management processes.

Several automated tools and services are available to assist agencies 
in performing patch management. These tools and services typically 
include a wide range of functionality, including methods to inventory 
computers, identify relevant patches and workarounds, test patches, and 
report network status information to various levels of management. A 
centralized resource could provide agencies with selected services such 
as testing patches, developing a patch management training curriculum, 
and developing criteria for patch management tools and services. Such 
services could lower costs to--and resource requirements of--individual 
agencies, while facilitating their implementation of selected patch 
management practices.

Agencies face several challenges to implementing effective patch 
management practices, including (1) quickly installing patches while 
implementing effective patch management practices, (2) patching 
heterogeneous systems, (3) ensuring that mobile systems receive the 
latest patches, (4) avoiding unacceptable downtime when patching high-
availability systems, and (5) dedicating sufficient resources toward 
patch management.

Agency officials and computer security experts also identified a number 
of additional steps that can be taken by vendors, the security 
community, and the federal government to assist agencies in overcoming 
challenges. For example, more rigorous software engineering practices 
by software vendors could reduce the number of software vulnerabilities 
and the need for patches. In addition, the research and development of 
more effective technologies could help secure information systems 
against cyber attacks. Also, the federal government could use its 
substantial purchasing power to influence software vendors to deliver 
more security systems.

We are making recommendations to the Director of OMB to provide 
guidance for agencies to report on key aspects of their patch 
management practices in their annual Federal Information Security 
Management Act (FISMA) of 2002 reports, and (2) determine the 
feasibility of providing selected centralized patch management services 
to federal civilian agencies, incorporating lessons learned from a now-
discontinued service initiated by the Federal Computer Incident 
Response Center (FedCIRC).[Footnote 4] We received oral comments on a 
draft of our report from officials at OMB's Office of Information and 
Regulatory Affairs. These officials generally agreed with our findings 
and recommendations.


Patch management is a critical process used to help alleviate many of 
the challenges involved with securing computing systems from attack. A 
component of configuration management,[Footnote 5] it includes 
acquiring, testing, applying, and monitoring patches to a computer 

Flaws in software code that could cause a program to malfunction 
generally result from programming errors that occur during software 
development. The increasing complexity and size of software programs 
contribute to the growth in software flaws. For example, Microsoft 
Windows 2000 reportedly contains about 35 million lines of code, 
compared with about 15 million lines for Windows 95. As reported by the 
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), based on various 
studies of code inspections, most estimates suggest that there are as 
many as 20 flaws per thousand lines of software code. While most flaws 
do not create security vulnerabilities, the potential for these errors 
reflects the difficulty and complexity involved in delivering 
trustworthy code.[Footnote 6]

Security Vulnerabilities and Incidents Are Increasing: 

From 1995 through 2003, the CERT‚ Coordination Center (CERT/CC) 
reported just under 13,000 security vulnerabilities that resulted from 
software flaws. Figure 1 illustrates the dramatic growth in security 
vulnerabilities over these years.[Footnote 7]

Figure 1: Security Vulnerabilities, 1995-2003: 

[See PDF for image] 

[End of figure] 

As vulnerabilities are discovered, attackers may attempt to exploit 
them and can cause significant damage. This damage can range from 
defacing Web sites to taking control of entire systems and thereby 
being able to read, modify, or delete sensitive information, destroy 
systems, disrupt operations, or launch attacks against other 
organizations' systems. Attacks can be launched against specific 
targets or widely distributed through viruses and worms.[Footnote 8]

The sophistication and effectiveness of cyber attacks have steadily 
advanced. According to security researchers, reverse-engineering 
patches have become a leading method for exploiting vulnerabilities. 
Reverse engineering starts by locating the files or code that changed 
when a patch was installed. Then, by comparing the patched and 
unpatched versions of those files, a hacker can examine the specific 
functions that changed, uncover the vulnerability, and exploit it. By 
using the same tools used by programmers to analyze malicious code and 
perform vulnerability research, hackers can locate the vulnerable code 
in unpatched software and build to exploit it.

According to NIST, every month skilled hackers post 30 to 40 new attack 
tools to the Internet for others to download, allowing them to launch 
attacks. Further, CERT/CC has noted that attacks that once took weeks 
or months to propagate over the Internet now take just hours, or even 
minutes. In 2001, security researchers reported that the Code Red worm 
achieved an infection rate of more than 20,000 systems within 10 
minutes, foreshadowing more damaging and devastating attacks. In 2003, 
the Slammer worm, which successfully attacked at least 75,000 systems, 
reportedly became the fastest computer worm in history, infecting more 
than 90 percent of vulnerable systems within 10 minutes. The Witty 
worm, released on March 19, 2004, reportedly infected as many as 12,000 
computers in approximately 45 minutes.

During the last week of February 2004, a spate of new mass e-mail worms 
were released, and more than half a dozen new viruses were unleashed. 
The worms were variants of the Bagle and Netsky viruses. The Bagle 
viruses typically include an infected attachment containing the actual 
virus, and the most recent versions have protected the infected 
attachment with a password, which prevents antivirus scanners from 
examining it. The recent Netsky variants attempt to deactivate two 
earlier worms and, when executed, reportedly play a loud beeping noise.

The number of computer security incidents within the past decade has 
risen in tandem with the dramatic growth in vulnerabilities, as the 
increased number of vulnerabilities provides more opportunities for 
exploitation. CERT/CC has reported a significant growth in computer 
security incidents--from about 9,800 in 1999 to over 82,000 in 2002 and 
to over 137,500 in 2003. And these are only the reported attacks. The 
director of CERT/CC has estimated that as much as 80 percent of actual 
security incidents go unreported, in most cases because (1) there were 
no indications of penetration or attack, (2) the organization was 
unable to recognize that its systems had been penetrated, or (3) the 
organization was reluctant to report the attack. Figure 2 shows the 
number of incidents reported to the CERT/CC from 1995 through 2003.

Figure 2: Computer Security Incidents, 1995-2003: 

[See PDF for image] 

[End of figure] 

According to CERT/CC, about 95 percent of all network intrusions could 
be avoided by keeping systems up to date with appropriate patches; 
however, such patches are often not quickly or correctly applied. 
Maintaining current patches is becoming more difficult, as the length 
of time between the awareness of a vulnerability and the introduction 
of an exploit is shrinking. For example, the Witty worm was released 
only a day after the announcement of the vulnerability it exploited.

Discovery of Security Vulnerabilities Initiates Response Process: 

In general, when security vulnerabilities are discovered, a process is 
initiated to effectively address the situation through appropriate 
reporting and response--often including the development of a 
patch.[Footnote 9] Typically, this process begins when security 
vulnerabilities are discovered by software vendors, security research 
groups, users, or other interested parties, including the hacker 
community. When a virus or worm is reported that exploits a 
vulnerability, virus-detection software vendors also participate in the 
process. When a software vendor is made aware of a vulnerability in its 
product, the vendor typically first validates that the vulnerability 
indeed exists. If the vulnerability is deemed critical, the vendor may 
convene a group of experts, including major clients and key incident-
response groups such as FedCIRC and CERT/CC, to discuss and plan 
remediation and response efforts. In addition, FedCIRC may conduct 
teleconferences with agency Chief Information Officers (CIO) to 
coordinate remediation and OMB, through FedCIRC, may request the status 
of agencies' remediation activities for selected vulnerabilities. After 
a vulnerability is validated, the software vendor develops and tests a 
patch or workaround. A workaround may entail blocking access to or 
disabling vulnerable programs.

Following the development of a patch or workaround, the incident 
response groups and the vendor typically prepare a detailed public 
advisory to be released at a set time. The advisory often contains a 
description of the vulnerability, including its level of criticality; 
systems that are affected; potential impact if exploited; 
recommendations for workarounds; and Web site links from which a patch 
(if publicly available) can be downloaded. Incident-response groups as 
well as software vendors may continue to issue updates as new 
information about the vulnerability is discovered.

Exploited Software Vulnerabilities Can Result in Economic Damage and 
Disruption of Operations: 

Although the economic impact of a cyber attack is difficult to measure, 
a recent Congressional Research Service study cites members of the 
computer security industry as estimating that worldwide major virus 
attacks in 2003 cost $12.5 billion.[Footnote 10] They further project 
that economic damage from all forms of digital attacks in 2004 will 
exceed $250 billion.

Following are examples of significant damage caused by worms that could 
have been prevented had the available patches been effectively 

* In September 2001 the Nimda worm appeared, reportedly infecting 
hundreds of thousands of computers around the world, using some of the 
most significant attack methods of Code Red II and 1999's Melissa virus 
that allowed it to spread widely in a short amount of time. A patch had 
been made publicly available the previous month. Reported cost 
estimates of Nimda range between about $700 million and $1.5 billion.

* On January 25, 2003, Slammer reportedly triggered a global Internet 
slowdown and caused considerable harm through network outages and other 
unforeseen consequences. As discussed in our April 2003 testimony, the 
worm reportedly shut down a 911 emergency call center, canceled airline 
flights, and caused automated teller machine failures.[Footnote 11] 
According to media reports, First USA Inc., an Internet service 
provider, experienced network performance problems after an attack by 
the Slammer worm due to a failure to patch three of its systems. 
Additionally, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission reported that Slammer 
also infected a nuclear power plant's network, resulting in the 
inability of its computers to communicate with each other, disrupting 
two important systems at the facility. In July 2002, Microsoft had 
released a patch for its software vulnerability that was exploited by 
Slammer. Nevertheless, according to media reports, Slammer infected 
some of Microsoft's own systems. Reported cost estimates of Slammer 
range between $1.05 and $1.25 billion.

* On August 11, 2003, the Blaster worm was launched to exploit a 
vulnerability in a number of Microsoft Windows operating systems. When 
successfully executed, it caused the operating system to fail. Although 
the security community had received advisories from CERT/CC and other 
organizations to patch this critical vulnerability, Blaster reportedly 
infected more than 120,000 unpatched computers in the first 36 hours. 
By the following day, reports began to state that many users were 
experiencing slowness and disruptions to their Internet service, such 
as the need to frequently reboot. The Maryland Motor Vehicle 
Administration was forced to shut down, and systems in both national 
and international arenas were also affected. Experts consider Blaster, 
which affected a range of systems, to be one of the worst exploits of 
2003. Microsoft reported that that at least 8 million Windows computers 
have been infected by the Blaster worm since last August.

* On May 1 of this year, a new worm, referred to as Sasser, was 
reported, which exploits a vulnerability in the Windows Local Security 
Authority Subsystem Service component. This worm can compromise systems 
by allowing a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code with system 
privileges. According to the United States Computer Emergency Readiness 
Team (US-CERT), systems infected by this worm may suffer significant 
performance degradation. Sasser, like last year's Blaster, exploits a 
recent vulnerability in a component of Windows by scanning for 
vulnerable systems. Estimates by Internet Security Systems, Inc. place 
the Sasser infections at 500,000 to 1 million machines. Microsoft has 
reported that 9.5 million patches for the vulnerability were downloaded 
from its Web site in just 5 days.

Federal Efforts to Address Software Vulnerabilities: 

The federal government has taken several steps to address security 
vulnerabilities that affect agency systems, including efforts to 
improve patch management. Specific actions include (1) requiring 
agencies to annually report on their patch management practices as part 
of their implementation of FISMA, (2) identifying vulnerability 
remediation as a critical area of focus in the President's National 
Strategy to Secure Cyberspace, and (3) creating US-CERT.

FISMA permanently authorized and strengthened the information security 
program, evaluation, and reporting requirements established for federal 
agencies in prior legislation.[Footnote 12] In accordance with OMB's 
reporting instructions for FISMA implementation, maintaining up-to-
date patches is part of FISMA's system configuration management 
requirements. The 2003 FISMA reporting instructions that specifically 
address patch management practices include agencies' status on (1) 
developing an inventory of major IT systems, (2) confirming that 
patches have been tested and installed in a timely manner, (3) 
subscribing to a now-discontinued governmentwide patch notification 
service, and (4) addressing patching of security vulnerabilities in 
configuration requirements.

The President's National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace was issued on 
February 14, 2003, to identify priorities, actions, and 
responsibilities for the federal government as well as for state and 
local governments and the private sector, with specific recommendations 
for action to DHS. This strategy identifies the reduction and 
remediation of software vulnerabilities as a critical area of focus. 
Specifically, the strategy identifies the need for: 

* a better-defined approach on disclosing vulnerabilities, to reduce 
their usefulness to hackers in launching an attack;

* creating common test beds for applications widely used among federal 
agencies; and: 

* establishing best practices for vulnerability remediation in areas 
such as training, use of automated tools, and patch management 
implementation processes.

In June 2003 DHS created the National Cyber Security Division (NCSD) to 
build upon the existing capabilities transferred to DHS from the former 
Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office, the National Infrastructure 
Protection Center, FedCIRC, and the National Communications System. The 
mission of NCSD includes patch management-related activities, among 
them analyzing cyber vulnerabilities and coordinating incident 
response. Last September, DHS's NCSD--in conjunction with CERT/CC and 
the private sector--established a new service, US-CERT, as the center 
for coordinating computer security preparedness and response to cyber 
attacks and incidents. Specifically, US-CERT is intended to aggregate 
and disseminate cybersecurity information to improve warning and 
response to incidents, increase coordination of response information, 
reduce vulnerabilities, and enhance prevention and protection. This 
free service--which includes notification of software vulnerabilities 
and sources for applicable patches--is available to the public, 
including home users and both government and nongovernment entities.

US-CERT also provides a service through its National Cyber Alert System 
to identify, analyze, prioritize, and disseminate information on 
emerging vulnerabilities and threats. This alert system was designed to 
provide subscribers with reliable, timely, and actionable information 
via e-mail by issuing security alerts, tips, and bulletins containing 
information on vulnerabilities, exploits, and available patches or 
workarounds. It also provides computer security best practice tips, 
including a discussion of software patches. This free service is 
available to all.

Agencies Can Utilize Other Resources to Mitigate Vulnerabilities: 

In addition to vulnerability analysis and reporting centers such as US-
CERT and CERT/CC, a variety of other resources are also available to 
provide information related to vulnerabilities and their exploits. 
NIST's Special Publication 800-40, Procedures for Handling Security 
Patches, provides a systematic approach for identifying and installing 
necessary patches or mitigating the risk of a vulnerability, including 
steps such as creating and implementing a patch process, identifying 
vulnerabilities and applicable patches, and patching procedures, among 
others.[Footnote 13] Another resource is NIST's ICAT, which offers a 
searchable index leading users to vulnerability resources and patch 
information. ICAT links users to publicly available vulnerability 
databases and patch sites, thus enabling them to find and fix 
vulnerabilities existing on their systems. It is based on common 
vulnerabilities and exposures (commonly referred to as CVE) naming 
standards. These are standardized names for vulnerabilities and other 
information security exposures, compiled in an effort to make it easier 
to share data across separate vulnerability databases and tools. CVE 
compatibility is increasingly being incorporated into various security 

In addition, a variety of Internet mailing lists provides a database of 
vulnerabilities and serves as a forum for announcing and discussing 
vulnerabilities, including information on how to fix them. For example, 
one vendor-provided list monitors thousands of products to maintain a 
vulnerability database and also provides security alerts. The SysAdmin, 
Audit, Network, Security (SANS) Institute maintains lists of the top 20 
most critical Internet security vulnerabilities, commonly known as the 
SANS Top Twenty, which includes step-by-step instructions and 
references to additional information on how to remediate 
vulnerabilities.[Footnote 14]

In March of this year, the Open Source Vulnerability Database (OSVDB)-
-a vendor-neutral database operated by security industry volunteers and 
supported by Digital Defense, Inc., and Winterforce--was made available 
at no cost to the public.[Footnote 15] This database aims to be a 
comprehensive, single source for providing detailed, current, and 
accurate information for all known vulnerabilities. As of June 1, this 
database contained information on about 3,000 reported and reviewed 

In addition, vendors such as Microsoft and Cisco provide software 
updates on their products, including notices of known vulnerabilities 
and their corresponding patches; they also provide software options for 
automatically downloading and installing patches. Finally, vendors of 
patch management tools and services, discussed later, offer central 
databases of the latest patches, incidents, and methods for mitigating 
risks before a patch can be deployed or has been released.

Collaborative Response to Two Software Vulnerabilities: 

According to FedCIRC officials, the federal government has on occasion 
taken additional steps to assist agencies in mitigating known 
vulnerabilities through patch management. Such steps include issuing 
security advisories, issuing data calls to obtain status information on 
agencies' patching efforts, and initiating teleconferences with 
vendors. As discussed in our September 2003 testimony, the following 
are examples of the collaborative efforts by the federal government and 
private sector security community to respond through patch management 
to the threat of potential attacks for two critical vulnerabilities 
identified last July: Cisco's Internet Operation System and Microsoft's 
Windows Distributed Component Object Model Remote Procedure 
Call.[Footnote 16]

Cisco Systems, Inc., which controls about 82 percent of the worldwide 
share of the Internet router[Footnote 17]market, discovered a critical 
vulnerability in its IOS software that could allow an intruder to 
effectively shut down unpatched routers, blocking network traffic. 
Cisco had informed the federal government of the vulnerability prior to 
public disclosure and worked with different security organizations and 
government organizations to encourage prompt patching. Specifically, on 
July 16, Cisco issued a security bulletin to publicly announce the 
critical vulnerability in its IOS software and provide workaround 
instructions and a patch. In addition, FedCIRC issued advisories to 
federal agencies and DHS advised private-sector entities of the 
vulnerability. Over the next 2 days, OMB requested that federal 
agencies report to CERT/CC on the status of their actions to patch the 
vulnerability, and DHS issued an advisory update in response to an 
exploit that was posted online. That same week, FedCIRC, OMB, and DHS's 
NCSD held a number of teleconferences with representatives from the 
executive branch.

The federal government also worked collaboratively with Microsoft when 
the Blaster worm was launched last summer. The federal government's 
response to this vulnerability included coordination with the private 
sector to mitigate the effects of the worm.[Footnote 18] FedCIRC issued 
the first advisory to encourage federal agencies to patch the 
vulnerability, followed by several similar advisories from DHS. The 
following week, DHS issued its first advisory to heighten public 
awareness of the potential impact of an exploit of this vulnerability. 
Four days later, on behalf of OMB, FedCIRC requested that federal 
agencies report on the status of their actions to patch the 
vulnerability. NCSD also hosted several teleconferences with federal 
agencies, CERT/CC, and Microsoft.

Agencies Are Not Consistently Implementing Common Practices for 
Effective Patch Management: 

Common patch management practices--such as establishing and enforcing 
standardized patch management policies and procedures and developing 
and maintaining a current technology inventory--can help agencies 
establish an effective patch management program and, more generally, 
assist in improving an agency's overall security posture. Survey 
results show that the 24 agencies are implementing some common 
practices for effective patch management. Specifically, all report that 
they have some level of senior executive involvement in the patch 
management process, perform a systems inventory, and provide 
information security training. However, agencies face a number of patch 
management challenges--as discussed later--and are inconsistent in 
their development of patch management policies and procedures, patch 
testing, systems monitoring, and performance of risk assessments. 
Without consistent implementation of patch management practices, 
agencies are at increased risk to attacks that exploit software 
vulnerabilities in their systems. Information on key aspects of 
agencies' patch management practices could provide data that could 
better enable an assessment of the effectiveness of an agency's patch 
management processes.

Common Practices for Effective Patch Management Have Been Identified: 

In our September 2003 testimony, we discussed common practices for 
effective patch management identified in security-related literature 
from several groups, including NIST, Microsoft, patch management 
software vendors, and other computer security experts. Common elements 
of effective patch management identified by these groups include: 

* centralized patch management support,

* senior executive support,

* standardized patch management policies and procedures,

* training,

* current technology inventory,

* risk assessment,

* testing, and: 

* monitoring through network and host vulnerability scanning.[Footnote 

Agencies' Degree of Centralization Varies: 

NIST guidance advocates creating a centralized group in charge of 
handling patches and vulnerabilities that support the patching efforts 
of local system administrators. A systematic, comprehensive, and 
documented patching process can improve an agency's ability to respond 
to the large number of software patches.

Agencies' centralization of common practices for effective patch 
management varies. While some agencies centralize their patch 
management processes, others use a decentralized approach, and still 
others a combination of both approaches. For example, the 
responsibility for distributing and notifying the agency's component 
levels of critical patches can be centralized, while the responsibility 
for testing and applying patches to specific systems may be 
decentralized to reside at the component level. Specifically, of the 24 
agencies surveyed, 7 report using a centralized approach, 8 are 
decentralized, and 9 use a combination of both.

Agencies' Senior Executives Are Involved in Patch Management Efforts: 

Management's recognition of information security risk and its interest 
in taking steps to manage and understand risks is important to 
successfully implementing any information security-related process. 
Additionally, ensuring that appropriate resources are applied and that 
appropriate patches are deployed is important. FISMA establishes 
information security roles and responsibilities for certain agency 
executives, including the agency head, CIO, and senior agency 
information security officer, sometimes called the chief information 
security officer (CISO). Under FISMA, the agency head is responsible 
for providing information security protections commensurate with the 
risk and magnitude of the harm resulting from unauthorized access to, 
use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction of 
information. FISMA further states that the agency head shall delegate 
to the CIO the authority to ensure compliance with its requirements and 
develop and maintain an agencywide information security program, 
security policies, procedures, and control techniques. Additionally, 
the CIO is responsible for designating a senior agency information 
security officer or CISO. This CISO must possess appropriate 
professional qualifications to administer the functions described in 
FISMA, have information security duties as the primary duty, and head 
an office with the mission and resources to assist in ensuring agency 
compliance with FISMA.

All 24 agencies indicated that the CISO is the individual most involved 
in patch management activities. Specifically, the CISO is involved in 
managing risk, ensuring that appropriate resources are dedicated, 
training computer security staff, complying with policies and 
procedures, and monitoring the status of patching activities. Agencies 
reported that the CIO also has a significant level of involvement in 
these activities. Further, most agencies reported that their agency 
head was involved in patch management efforts to some degree.

Some Agencies Have Not Developed Patch Management Policies or 

Standardized policies and procedures are necessary for effective patch 
management. Typical policies include elements such as assigning roles 
and responsibilities, performing risk assessments, and testing patches. 
Procedures outline the specific steps for carrying out these policies. 
Without standardized policies and procedures, patch management can be 
an ad-hoc process--potentially allowing each subgroup within an entity 
to implement patch management inconsistently or not at all.

Survey results indicate that not all agencies have established patch 
management policies and procedures. Two-thirds (16 of 24) report having 
agencywide patch management policies, while 8 have no policies. 
Regarding patch management procedures, 14 of the 24 agencies reported 
affirmatively, while 10 do not have procedures in place.

Agencies Are Providing Information Security Training: 

FISMA requires agencies to provide security awareness training to 
inform personnel, including contractors and other users of information 
systems that support the operations and assets of the agency, of 
information security risks associated with their activities, and of 
their responsibilities in complying with agency policies and procedures 
designed to reduce these risks. In addition, agencies are required to 
provide training on information security to personnel with significant 
security responsibilities. Further, NIST recommends that individuals 
involved in patch management have the skills and knowledge needed to 
perform their responsibilities and that system administrators be 
trained in identifying new patches and vulnerabilities.

Most of the 24 agencies reported that they provide both on-the-job and 
classroom training in computer security, including patch management, to 
system owners, administrators, and IT security staff. Survey results 
also indicated that some of the 24 agencies are providing security 
awareness training, as well as developing Web-based training curricula.

Agencies Are Developing and Maintaining System Inventories: 

A complete and updated inventory assists agencies in determining the 
number of systems that are vulnerable and require remediation, as well 
as in locating the systems and identifying their owners. FISMA requires 
that the head of each agency maintain and develop an inventory of major 
information systems. Further, NIST's Special Publication 800-40, 
Procedures for Handling Security Patches, identifies a systems 
inventory requirement as a key priority for effective patch management. 
Without a complete inventory, it is more difficult to implement 
effective agencywide patch management and maintaining current patches 
can be riskier, less consistent, and more expensive.

In our September 2003 testimony, we reported that an important element 
of patch management is the creation and maintenance of a current 
inventory of hardware equipment, software packages, services, and other 
technologies installed and used by an organization. We noted that in 
their 2003 FISMA reports, 13 agencies reported that an inventory of 
major systems was developed, and 6 reported that the development was in 
progress. Agencies' inspectors general also assessed the status of 
agency efforts to develop an inventory of major IT systems. Their FISMA 
reports indicated that only 8 had developed an inventory and 9 agencies 
had started--but not yet completed--one.

All 24 agencies reported that they develop and maintain an inventory of 
major information systems as required by FISMA. Agencies do so by using 
a manual process, an automated tool, or an automated service. The 
majority of agencies maintain this inventory at both the agencywide and 
component level. Specifically, 9 of the 24 agencies maintain their 
inventories at the agencywide level only, 14 maintain their inventories 
at both levels, and 1 agency at the component level only.

Agencies Are Not Consistently Performing Risk Assessments: 

Risk is the negative impact of a vulnerability's being exploited, 
considering both the probability and the impact of occurrence. A risk 
assessment can be used to determine the extent of the potential threat 
and the risk associated with it. Performing a patch-focused risk 
assessment evaluates each system for threats, vulnerabilities, and the 
criticality of a system to an agency's mission. It can also measure the 
level of risk associated with the adverse impact resulting from a 
vulnerability being exploited. By not performing a risk assessment, 
agencies may deploy patches that disrupt critical systems or 
applications that support an agency's operations.

When a vulnerability is discovered and a related patch and/or 
alternative workaround is released, the agency should consider the 
importance of the vulnerable system to operations, the criticality of 
the vulnerability, and the risk of applying the patch. Because some 
patches can cause unexpected disruption to agencies' systems, 
organizations may choose not to apply every patch. NIST recommends that 
a risk assessment be performed to determine the prioritization of the 
systems to be patched.

Just under half of the 24 agencies said they perform a documented risk 
assessment of all major systems to determine whether to apply a patch 
or an alternative workaround. Agencies that do not perform a documented 
risk assessment reported that they consider which patches to deploy 
based on factors such as the risk of deploying the patch, the level of 
system criticality to agency operations, the level of criticality of 
the vulnerability, or other criteria, such as the adverse impact on 

Most Agencies Are Not Testing All Patches Before Deployment: 

Another critical step is to test each patch against the various agency 
system configurations in a test environment to determine any impact on 
the network before deploying the patch to the affected systems. Patches 
can easily produce unintended consequences; a patch may change the 
system behavior such that it causes other programs to crash or 
otherwise fail. For instance, certain security patches have been 
recalled--as recently as April of this year--because they caused 
systems to fail or are too large for a computer's capacity. Other 
examples of unintended consequences include patches that force other 
applications to shut down and patches that undo the effects of 
previously applied patches. Predeployment testing helps determine 
whether the patch functions as intended and its potential for adversely 
affecting the agency's systems.

In addition to identifying the potential for unintended consequences, 
the testing of patches can ensure that agencies have addressed the 
vulnerability as intended. Testing may also identify other critical 
vulnerabilities not made public by vendors. For example, one federal 
agency's testing revealed that a vendor's patch notification did not 
identify vulnerabilities in the underlying operating system. The 
agency's testing results prompted an advisory informing all federal 
agencies to patch all machines using that operating system.

Survey results showed that although all 24 agencies test some patches 
against their various systems configurations before deployment, only 10 
agencies reported testing all patches, 11 test more than half but not 
all patches, 2 test half or fewer, and 1 agency did not know. While all 
surveyed agencies reported that they test patches to some extent, most 
agencies do not have testing policies in place. Survey results show 
that only 7 agencies have testing policies for all patches, and 2 have 
policies for only testing critical patches. The remaining 15 agencies 
reported that they do not have any testing policies in place. Agencies 
indicated several reasons for not testing all patches, including a 
determination that the urgency or criticality of a vulnerability 
required immediate patching and that a patch was anticipated to have a 
minimal impact on their systems. Some agencies also stated that in most 
cases they do not test patches issued routinely by Microsoft.

Agencies Do Not Regularly Monitor the Status of Deployed Patches: 

In addition to testing, it is important to regularly monitor the status 
of patches once they are deployed. Networks can be scanned on a regular 
basis to assess the network environment and determine whether patches 
have been effectively applied. By doing so, agencies can ensure that 
patches are installed correctly and can help maintain a stable 
computing environment and determine the integrity of a patch. In 
addition, monitoring helps ensure that a patched system continues to be 
in compliance with the agency's network configuration requirements.

Survey results show that most agencies do not regularly monitor all 
systems. Only 4 agencies indicated that they monitor all of their 
systems on a regular basis. However, the remaining agencies surveyed 
indicated that they perform some monitoring activities. All 24 agencies 
reported scanning networks and hosts to oversee the deployment of 
patches and noted that the extent to which systems are monitored and 
the frequency with which they are monitored varies.

Agencies indicated that the frequency of system monitoring is based on 
two factors--(1) the criticality of the vulnerability and (2) the 
criticality of the computer system. Five agencies stated that they 
monitor based on the criticality of the vulnerability; 14 reported that 
the frequency depends on both the criticality of the vulnerability and 
the criticality of the computer system. Five agencies indicated that 
the frequency of monitoring does not vary based on either of these 

More Refined FISMA Information Could Assist Management Oversight: 

Although OMB and federal agencies recognize that implementing common 
practices for effective patch management can help agencies mitigate the 
risk of attack and improve their overall security posture, the results 
of our survey indicate that agencies are not consistently performing 
these common practices. More refined information on key aspects of 
agencies' patch management practices--such as their documentation of 
patch management policies and procedures, their testing of new patches 
in their specific computing environments prior to installation, and the 
frequency with which systems are monitored to ensure that patches are 
installed--could provide OMB, Congress, and agencies themselves with 
data that could better enable an assessment of the effectiveness of an 
agency's patch management processes.

Automated Tools and Services Can Assist Agencies in Performing Patch 
Management Activities: 

Several automated tools and services are available to assist agencies 
with patch management. A patch management tool is an application that 
automates a patch management function, such as scanning a network and 
deploying patches. Patch management services are third-party resources 
that provide services such as notification, consulting, and 
vulnerability scanning. Tools and services can make the patch 
management process more efficient by automating otherwise time-
consuming tasks, such as manually keeping up with the continuous flow 
of new patches.

Patch management tools can be either scanner-based (nonagent) or agent-
based. Scanner-based tools can scan a network, check for missing 
patches, and allow a system administrator to patch multiple computers. 
These tools are well suited for smaller organizations due to their 
inability to serve a large number of users without breaking down or 
requiring major changes in procedure. Agent-based products place small 
programs, or agents, on each computer, to periodically poll a patch 
database--a server on the network--for new updates, giving the system 
administrator the option of applying the patch. Agent-based products 
require up-front work to integrate agents into the workstations and in 
the server deployment process, but are better suited to large 
organizations due to their ability to generate less network traffic and 
provide a real-time network view. Finally, some patch management tools 
are hybrids--allowing the user to utilize agents or not. Agencies can 
also contract with third parties to develop and maintain their patch 
management processes.

Commercially available tools and services typically include, among 
others, methods to: 

* inventory computers and the software applications and patches 

* identify relevant patches and workarounds and gather them in one 

* group systems by departments, machine types, or other logical 

* manage patch deployment;

* scan a network to determine the status of patches and other 
corrections made to network machines (hosts and/or clients);

* assess machines against set criteria, including required system 

* access a database of patches;

* test patches; and: 

* report information to various levels of management about the status 
of the network.

FedCIRC Provided Agencies with Centralized Federal Patch Notification 

In our September 2003 testimony, we reported on FedCIRC's Patch 
Authentication and Dissemination Capability (PADC), a service initiated 
in February 2003 to provide users with a method of obtaining 
information on security patches relevant to their enterprise and access 
to patches that had been tested in a laboratory environment. This 
service was offered to federal civilian agencies at no cost. Twenty of 
the 24 agencies we surveyed reported that they had subscribed to the 

Subscribers obtained an account license that allowed them to receive 
notifications and log into the secure Web site to download patches. 
They received notification of threats, vulnerabilities, and the 
availability of patches on the basis of profiles they had created that 
defined the technologies they used. They were notified by e-mail or 
pager message when a vulnerability or patch that affected one or all of 
their systems had been posted to the secure Web site.

Last year, OMB reported that while many agencies had established PADC 
accounts, actual usage of those accounts was extremely low. A FedCIRC 
official also stated that there was a general lack of interest from 
agencies in using PADC, and that although agencies were provided with 
access to the tool, they did not activate available accounts. Many 
agencies only used the service as a tool to obtain notification of 
patches--a service that is provided at no cost from vendors such as 

In an effort to improve the implementation and usefulness of PADC, 
FedCIRC officials held meetings with contractor and user groups, 
visited agencies, and provided Web-based training. Interest in 
improving the service was expressed. For example, one of the surveyed 
agencies' officials stated that PADC could improve its value by 
establishing an independent patch test laboratory, which could then 
advise agencies of test results and provide recommendations. However, 
officials indicated that such upgraded services would incur significant 

According to agency officials, there were limitations to the PADC 
service. Although free to agencies, only about 2,000 licenses or 
accounts were available because of monetary constraints. According to 
FedCIRC officials, this constraint required them to work closely with 
participating agencies to balance the number of licenses that a single 
agency required with the need to allow multiple agencies to 
participate. For example, the National Aeronautics and Space 
Administration initially requested more than 3,000 licenses--one for 
each system administrator. Other limitations of the service cited by 
the agencies include that it did not support all platforms or 
technologies within an agency, that notification of patches was not 
timely, and that the level of services provided was minimal.

According to FedCIRC officials, PADC was terminated on February 21, 
2004, because of low levels of usage, the cost to upgrade services, and 
negative agency feedback on the usefulness of the service. They also 
noted that there are no immediate plans for another contractual 
service. However, discussions with federal agencies on addressing patch 
management issues remain ongoing through the recently formed Chief 
Information Security Officers forum, sponsored by DHS.

In the absence of PADC, agencies are left to independently perform all 
components of effective patch management, including functions that may 
be common across the federal government. A centralized resource that 
incorporates lessons learned from PADC's limitations could provide 
standardized services, such as the testing of patches, a patch 
management training curriculum, and development of criteria for patch 
management tools and services. In fact, a FedCIRC official stated that 
the organization is considering providing agencies with a clearinghouse 
of information on commercially available patch management tools and 
services. A governmentwide service could lower costs to--and resource 
requirements of--individual agencies, while facilitating their 
implementation of selected patch management practices.

Other Automated Patch Management Methods Are Available: 

In addition to resources discussed earlier, such as vulnerability 
databases and analysis and warning centers, agencies can use other 
tools and methods to assist in their patch management activities. For 
example, they can maintain a database of the versions and latest 
patches for each server and each client in their network and track the 
security alerts and patches manually. This method is, however, labor-
intensive. Agencies can also employ systems management tools with 
patch-updating capabilities to deploy the patches. This method requires 
that agencies monitor for the latest security alerts and patches. One 
agency reported that it developed a program in house to download 
patches, upgrades, and antivirus files, while another agency reported 
that it created a tool to apply settings and vendor patches, validate 
and maintain compliance, and report system status. One agency indicated 
that it uses the maintenance contract with its vendors to receive 
notification of applicable vulnerabilities.

Further, software vendors may provide automated tools with customized 
features to alert system administrators and users of the need to patch 
and, if desired, to automatically apply patches. For example, Microsoft 
currently provides Software Update Services, a free service for 
automating the downloading and deployment of patches. Several agencies 
indicated that they subscribe to this service for tasks such as 
receiving notification of known vulnerabilities and obtaining and 
deploying patches.

Agencies Utilize Automated Patch Management Tools and Services: 

Survey results show that such tools and services play a large part in 
the patching practices of federal agencies. Twenty-three of 24 agencies 
use commercially available patch management tools. Twenty of 24 
agencies use commercially available services, 3 do not, and 1 agency 
did not know the status of services used there. Table 1 summarizes 
agencies' methods of performing specific patch management functions as 
reported by the 24 agencies.

Table 1: Agencies' Methods of Performing Specific Patch Management 

Function: Develop and maintain the inventory of major information 
systems as required by FISMA; 
Only performed manually: 10; 
Only performed using automated tools or services: 2; 
Performed using both automated and manual methods: 12; 
Neither: 0.

Function: Scan networks and hosts to identify known vulnerabilities; 
Only performed manually: 0; 
Only performed using automated tools or services: 8; 
Performed using both automated and manual methods: 16; 
Neither: 0.

Function: Receive notification of a vulnerability; 
Only performed manually: 2; 
Only performed using automated tools or services: 3; 
Performed using both automated and manual methods: 19; 
Neither: 0.

Function: Identify the relevant patch and/or workaround, if a patch is 
not yet available, for the affected system(s); 
Only performed manually: 1; 
Only performed using automated tools or services: 3; 
Performed using both automated and manual methods: 20; 
Neither: 0.

Function: Obtain the available patch from the vendor or other trusted 
Only performed manually: 1; 
Only performed using automated tools or services: 3; 
Performed using both automated and manual methods: 20; 
Neither: 0.

Function: Test patches against specific systems' configurations before 
Only performed manually: 15; 
Only performed using automated tools or services: 0; 
Performed using both automated and manual methods: 9; 
Neither: 0.

Function: Distribute patches to system administrators; 
Only performed manually: 2; 
Only performed using automated tools or services: 2; 
Performed using both automated and manual methods: 19; 
Neither: 1.

Function: Deploy patches to all affected systems; 
Only performed manually: 0; 
Only performed using automated tools or services: 2; 
Performed using both automated and manual methods: 22; 
Neither: 0.

Function: Scan networks and hosts to monitor (i.e., oversee) that 
patches have been deployed; 
Only performed manually: 0; 
Only performed using automated tools or services: 8; 
Performed using both automated and manual methods: 16; 
Neither: 0.

Function: Verify that remote users of managed systems, who were not 
connected to the network when the patch was distributed, have received 
and deployed patches; 
Only performed manually: 3; 
Only performed using automated tools or services: 6; 
Performed using both automated and manual methods: 12; 
Neither: 1[A].

Function: Report the status of vulnerability remediation to management; 
Only performed manually: 11; 
Only performed using automated tools or services: 1; 
Performed using both automated and manual methods: 12; 
Neither: 0. 

Source: GAO analysis of agency-provided survey data.

[A] Two agencies did not know how this process was performed, if at 

[End of table]

Significant Patch Management Challenges Remain: 

According to security experts and agency officials, the federal 
government faces several challenges to implementing effective patch 
management practices. Our work identified several additional steps that 
can be taken to address the risks associated with software 

Agencies face a number of common patch management obstacles, including 
(1) quickly installing patches while implementing effective patch 
management practices, (2) patching heterogeneous systems, (3) ensuring 
that mobile systems receive the latest patches, (4) avoiding 
unacceptable downtime when patching high-availability systems, and (5) 
dedicating sufficient resources toward patch management.

High Volume and Increasing Frequency of Patches Limits Effective Patch 
Management Implementation: 

Several of the agencies we surveyed indicated that the sheer quantity 
and frequency of needed patches posed a challenge to the implementation 
of the recommended patch management practices--including performing 
patch-based risk assessments and testing patches to ensure against any 
adverse effects.

Timely patching is critical to maintaining the operational 
availability, confidentiality, and integrity of agencies' IT systems. 
As increasingly virulent computer worms have demonstrated, agencies 
need to keep systems updated with the latest security patches. However, 
security experts have noted that malicious code writers have shortened 
the length of time between disclosure of a vulnerability and the 
release of an exploit to just a few days. As previously discussed, the 
Witty worm began to spread the day after the applications' 
vulnerability was publicized and has been reported to represent the 
shortest interval between vulnerability disclosure and worm release. 
Due to the devastating consequences of an attacker's exploiting an 
unpatched vulnerability, agencies are pressured to install patches as 
quickly as they are received.

The urgency in patching a security vulnerability can limit or delay 
implementation of common practices for effective patch management. For 
example, NIST has noted that there is at best minimal time (hours to 
days) to test patches before implementing them, because attacks 
attempting to exploit these vulnerabilities are likely to occur as soon 
as the vulnerability is discovered or publicized. Testing of patches 
requires significant time; according to CERT/CC, some financial 
institutions require 6 weeks of regression testing before a patch is 
deployed. In addition, third-party vendors often take months after a 
patch is released to certify that installing it will not break their 

Heterogeneity of Systems Complicates Patching: 

In response to our survey, several agencies indicated that the 
heterogeneity of their systems--variations in platforms, 
configurations, and deployed applications--complicates their patching 
processes. Agencies noted that their mixture of legacy systems and 
commercial-off-the-shelf applications has led to instances in which 
patches were not applied to all computers due to concerns over their 
impact on operations. Further, their unique IT infrastructures can make 
it challenging for agencies to determine which systems are affected by 
a software vulnerability. For example, it was widely reported that the 
Slammer worm exploited a vulnerability found in two specific Microsoft 
SQL Server database applications. However, because those 2 vulnerable 
applications are utilized in more than 25 of Microsoft's other database 
and desktop applications--and reportedly in about 130 third-party 
applications, agencies could not easily determine which applications 
were affected on their networks.[Footnote 20]

Mobile Systems May Not Receive Current Patches: 

Several agencies reported challenges in ensuring that their mobile 
computers--such as laptops, digital tablets, and personal digital 
assistants--receive the most current patches as soon as users connect 
to the network. Mobile computers can be used at physical locations 
outside an agency's defined network security perimeter. Consequently, 
they may not be on the network at the right time to receive appropriate 
patches that an agency deploys and are at significant risk of not being 
patched. For example, one private-sector entity stated that its network 
first became affected by the Microsoft RPC vulnerability when remote 
users plugged their laptops into the network after being exposed to the 
vulnerability from other sources. Also, users of mobile systems may 
utilize a remote connection to download the patch file. Depending on 
the size of the package to be distributed and the bandwidth available 
to the machine, patches may be improperly downloaded and installed. 
When users then physically connect their mobile computers to the agency 
network, they may introduce a vulnerable system into the network. 
However, tools are available to automatically scan and patch mobile 
systems when they connect to an agency's network.

Patching High-Availability Systems Causes Unacceptable Downtime: 

Some critical systems are required to be continuously available, and an 
agency's ability to fulfill its mission could be significantly affected 
by the downtime required to install patches. Reacting to new security 
patches as they are introduced can interrupt normal and planned IT 
activities, and any downtime incurred during the patching cycle 
interferes with business continuity. When redundant systems are used, 
patches can be alternately applied to each system. However, redundant 
systems may not be technologically or economically feasible.

For example, critical high-availability systems include control 
systems, commercial satellite systems, and certain financial systems. 
Control systems are computer-based systems that are used within many of 
our nation's infrastructures and industries to monitor and control 
sensitive processes and physical functions.[Footnote 21] These systems 
are increasingly based on standardized technologies that are vulnerable 
to cyber attack. However, because they can be used to perform complex 
functions, like managing most activities in a municipal water system or 
even a nuclear power plant, they have high-availability requirements. 
Frequent downtime is also considered unacceptable for commercial 
satellite systems, which are also vulnerable to cyber attack.[Footnote 
22] Federal contracts with commercial satellite service providers 
specify high availability and reliability levels to emphasize the 
importance of continuous service.[Footnote 23] Certain financial 
systems are also required to be continuously available, such as the 
Fedwire funds transfer system that routes and settles Federal Reserve 
Banks' payment orders. The Fedwire system is expected to be available 
99.85 percent of the time and therefore cannot easily be taken off line 
to install patches. For example, a Fedwire system outage that lasts 2 
minutes is considered by the Federal Reserve to be a "major outage.": 

Agencies Face Challenges in Dedicating Sufficient Resources to Patch 
Management Practices: 

Thirteen of the 24 agencies that responded to our survey indicated that 
dedicating sufficient resources was a significant challenge they faced 
in implementing an effective patch management process. Despite the 
growing market of patch management tools and services that can track 
machines that need patches and automate patch downloads from vendor 
sites, agencies noted that effective patch management is a time-
consuming process that requires dedicated staff to assess 
vulnerabilities and test and deploy patches. Further, once a patch is 
deployed, additional efforts are required to ensure that all vulnerable 
computers have been effectively fixed. Agencies recognized the need to 
devote time and funding to the patch management process, as well as to 
the training of skilled system administrators. For this reason, they 
may benefit from a shared patch management resource that provides 
centralized and dedicated functions such as testing and training.

Additional Steps Can Be Taken to Mitigate Risks: 

We identified a number of steps that can be taken to address the risk 
associated with software vulnerabilities and patch management 
challenges, including (1) reducing the number of potential 
vulnerabilities through better software engineering, (2) incorporating 
a defense-in-depth strategy into agencies' IT infrastructures, (3) 
improving currently available tools, (4) researching and developing new 
security technologies, and (5) leveraging the federal government's 
buying power to demand more secure products. DHS has begun efforts to 
implement additional steps through the establishment of collaborative 
task forces.

Better Software Engineering Can Reduce Vulnerabilities: 

More rigorous engineering practices, which include a formal development 
process, developer training on secure coding practice, and code 
reviews, can be employed when designing, implementing, and testing 
software products to reduce the number of potential vulnerabilities and 
thus minimize the need for patching. It is much less costly and more 
secure to identify defects during software development than to patch 
vulnerabilities after the product has been distributed.

However, CERT/CC has reported that because software developers do not 
devote enough effort to applying lessons learned about the causes of 
vulnerabilities, the same types of vulnerabilities identified in 
earlier versions continue to appear in newer versions of products. 
Buffer overflows, for example, which may allow an attacker to gain 
control of a machine or mount a denial of service attack, represent a 
significant proportion of all overall software security 
vulnerabilities.[Footnote 24] For example, the Blaster and Sasser worms 
both exploited buffer overflow vulnerabilities in Microsoft products.

Vendors that are proactive and adopt known effective software 
engineering practices can drastically reduce the number of flaws in 
their software products. For example, as part of its Trustworthy 
Computing Initiative, Microsoft is planning to undertake several steps 
to strengthen the software development process. According to Microsoft 
officials, creating secure software starts with a formal design process 
that verifies the security properties of the software at each well-
defined stage of construction. The need to consider security "from the 
ground up" is a fundamental tenet of secure systems development. Such a 
process is intended to minimize the number of security vulnerabilities 
injected into the design, code, and documentation in the first place 
and to detect and remove those vulnerabilities as early in the 
development life cycle as possible. From inception to release, a 
development team, along with a central security team, makes plans to 
evaluate the security of the software.

Implementing "Defense-in-Depth" Can Reduce Vulnerabilities: 

According to security experts, a best practice for protecting systems 
against cyber attacks is for agencies to build successive layers of 
defense mechanisms at strategic points in their IT infrastructures. 
This approach, commonly referred to as defense-in-depth, entails 
implementing a series of protective mechanisms such that if one 
mechanism fails to thwart an attack, another will provide a backup 
defense. Software vulnerabilities can exist at each of the components 
of an agency's IT infrastructure, and no single technical solution can 
successfully protect against all attacks that exploit these 
vulnerabilities. By utilizing the strategy of defense-in-depth, 
agencies can reduce the risk of a successful cyber attack. A layered 
approach to security can be taken by deploying both similar and diverse 
cybersecurity technologies at multiple layers of the IT infrastructure. 
Defense-in-depth also entails implementing an appropriate network 
configuration, which in turn can affect the selection and 
implementation of cybersecurity technologies--including automated 
patch management tools and services.[Footnote 25]

Configuration Management and Contingency Planning Can Be Used to 
Mitigate Risks: 

FISMA requires each agency to develop specific system configuration 
requirements that meet its own needs and ensure compliance with them, 
including maintaining up-to-date patches. In addition, industry best 
practices and federal guidance recognize the importance of 
configuration management when developing and maintaining a system or 
network to ensure that additions, deletions, or other changes to a 
system do not compromise the system's ability to perform as intended. 
Several agencies emphasized the need for a centralized entity within 
the agency that is responsible for the administration and control of 
the entire configuration management process, which includes patch 
management. In addition to ensuring a uniform and consistent 
implementation of all patches and updates on a timely basis, a 
centralized entity can help foster good communication between agency 
components and ensure implementation of necessary patches. Through 
effective configuration management, agencies can define and track the 
composition of a system to ensure that an unauthorized change is not 

FISMA also requires that agencies' information security programs 
include plans and procedures to ensure continuity of operations for 
information systems that support the operations and assets of the 
agency. Contingency plans provide specific instructions for restoring 
critical systems, including such elements as arrangements for 
alternative processing facilities, in case usual facilities are 
significantly damaged or cannot be accessed due to unexpected events 
such as temporary power failure, an accidental loss of files, or a 
major disaster. It is important that these plans be clearly documented, 
communicated to affected staff, and updated to reflect current 

Ongoing Improvements in Patch Management Tools Can Further Assist 

Security experts have noted the need for improving currently available 
patch management tools. Several patch management vendors have been 
working to do just that. For example, Microsoft has plans to improve 
its patching capabilities. Microsoft's newest version of Software 
Update Service is to be renamed Windows Update Services (WUS). WUS will 
be a server-based application for downloading and deploying patches. 
However, WUS has a limited scope and will support only specific 
applications.[Footnote 26] The release of WUS has been delayed from 
this spring to later this year. Other patch management vendors have 
plans to expand their product capabilities and to support additional 
operating systems such as Linux, Unix, and Apache. Plans have also been 
discussed to save bandwidth by deploying patches from local 

Research and Development of New Technologies Can Refine Software Code: 

Software security vulnerabilities can also be addressed through the 
research and development of automated tools to uncover hard-to-see 
security flaws in software code during the development phase. The code 
base of large commercial software products can literally be millions of 
lines. Microsoft Windows 2000 reportedly contains as many as 35 million 
lines. Moreover, because large products under development have changes 
to the code base every day, even during the final phase of development, 
code needs to be reviewed regularly. There are currently few automated 
tools that can be used during the code development phase to find the 
types of flaws that introduce overall security vulnerabilities to 

Research and development in a wide range of other areas could also lead 
to more effective technologies to prevent, detect, and recover from 
attacks, as well as identify their perpetrators. These include more 
sophisticated firewalls to keep serious attackers out, better 
intrusion-detection systems that can distinguish serious attacks from 
nuisance probes and scans, systems that can isolate compromised areas 
and reconfigure while continuing to operate, and techniques to identify 
individuals responsible for specific incidents.

Federal Buying Power Can Promote Higher Quality Software: 

The federal government can use its substantial purchasing power to 
demand higher quality software that would hold vendors more accountable 
for security defects in released products and provide incentives for 
vendors that supply low-defect products and products that are highly 
resistant to viruses.[Footnote 27] The Corporate Information Security 
Working Group (CISWG), a group of representatives from IT trade and 
security organizations established last November by Representative Adam 
Putnam to develop a private-sector plan for improving cybersecurity in 
corporate America, recommends that federal agencies use their massive 
buying power to force IT vendors to build more secure products. In 
addition, CISWG recommends that insurers base the cost of cyber-risk 
insurance policies on a company's security posture to encourage 
adoption of best practices.

The federal government has already started to use its purchasing power 
to influence software vendors to deliver more secure systems. In 
September 2003, the Department of Energy--along with four other federal 
agencies and the Center for Internet Security--signed a contract with 
Oracle that requires the vendor to deliver the database to agencies 
with the security configurations installed. The contract could serve as 
a model to other federal agencies for leveraging their buying power 
with software vendors to require them to better secure their products.

DHS and Private-Sector Task Forces Are Taking Steps to Address Patch 

The federal government--in collaboration with representatives from the 
private sector--have begun efforts in various components of patch 
management. In December 2003, NCSD and the National Cyber Security 
Partnership, a coalition of leading industry associations, established 
five task forces that include representatives from academia, trade 
associations, nonprofit organizations, companies, and federal 
government employees. Two of the task forces addressed patch 
management-related issues in their reports, including the need for 
better software engineering to reduce vulnerabilities, research and 
development of new technologies to improve software coding, and 
leveraging the federal government's buying power to promote higher 
quality software.

In April, the Security Across the Software Development Life Cycle Task 
Force issued a report with recommendations for improving software 
security.[Footnote 28] The task force recommended that software 
providers improve the development process by adopting practices for 
developing secure software. It also recommended that providers adhere 
to best practices that include thoroughly testing patches to confirm 
that errors are not introduced and to identify any dependencies on 
previously released patches, updates, or maintenance releases. 
Moreover, it recommended that providers make patches small, easy to 
install, and reversible, and that patches not introduce new product 
features or require reboots. The taskforce also developed a set of 
patch management guiding principles that include such criteria as 
establishing policies and procedures, defining a responsible person to 
monitor and enforce policy compliance, and adopting new technologies.

In April, The Technical Standards and Common Criteria Task Force also 
issued a recommendations report.[Footnote 29] In the report, the task 
force's Research Working Group advised the federal government to fund 
research into the development of better code-scanning tools that can 
identify software defects. According to the task force, the tools to be 
developed should be able to operate on code developed in a variety of 
programming languages; handle millions of lines of code daily; support 
the development of large, complex applications; and run on many 
operating systems to support multiple development environments. 
Furthermore, the tools must also be suitable for products ranging from 
IT infrastructure to business applications, as well as for security 
products themselves. In addition, the working group recommended that 
the federal government require vulnerability analysis of products as a 
prerequisite to procuring software.


An ever-increasing number of software vulnerabilities resulting from 
flaws in commercial software products place federal operations and 
assets at considerable--and growing--risk. Patch management is an 
important element in mitigating these risks, as part of overall network 
configuration management and information security programs. Agencies 
have implemented common effective patch management practices 
inconsistently. Automated tools and services are available to 
facilitate agencies' implementation of selected patch management 
practices. However, a number of common patch management obstacles 
remain. Additional steps can be taken by vendors, the security 
community, and the federal government to address the risk associated 
with software vulnerabilities and patch management challenges.

More refined agency reporting on key aspects of agencies' patch 
management practices could provide management and oversight 
organizations with better information for measuring the quality of 
agencies' patch management effectiveness. This reporting could 
facilitate agencies' progress in mitigating the risks caused by 
software vulnerabilities. Further, centralized services could provide a 
valuable resource for performing effective patch management practices 
as well as a venue for agencies to share information relevant to the 
various functionalities provided by different tools, IT infrastructures 
served, cost, effectiveness, and implementation issues and constraints.

Recommendations for Executive Action: 

We recommend that the Director of OMB take the following two actions. 
First, we recommend that the OMB Director provide guidance for agencies 
to report on key aspects of their patch management practices in their 
annual FISMA reports. This guidance could address measures relating to 
agencies' implementation of common patch management practices, such as 
documented policies and procedures, their testing of new patches in 
their specific computing environments prior to installation, and the 
frequency with which systems are monitored to ensure that patches are 

We also recommend that the OMB Director determine the feasibility of 
providing selected centralized patch management services to federal 
civilian agencies. OMB should coordinate with DHS to build on lessons 
learned regarding PADC's limitations and weigh the costs against 
potential benefits. These services could potentially provide patch 
management functions such as centralized access to available tools and 
services, testing capabilities, and development of training.

Agency Comments: 

We received oral comments on a draft of our report from representatives 
of OMB's Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs and Office of 
General Counsel. These representatives generally agreed with our 
findings and recommendations. They plan to address key patch management 
practices in their FISMA reporting guidance to agencies, and believe 
sound configuration management is fundamental to successful patch 
management. In addition, they acknowledge the potential benefits of 
centralized patch management services and will consider the feasibility 
of providing such services to federal agencies. Finally, they noted 
that, whether or not centralized patch management services are 
provided, ultimately it remains each agency and system owner's 
responsibility to maintain the security of their systems including 
ensuring timely patch updates.

As agreed with your offices, unless you publicly announce the contents 
of the report earlier, we plan no further distribution until 30 days 
from the report date. At that time, we will send copies of this report 
to the Ranking Minority Members of the Committee on Government Reform 
and the Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy, 
Intergovernmental Relations and the Census and other interested 
parties. In addition, the report will be made available at no charge on 
GAO's Web site at [Hyperlink,].

If you have any questions regarding this report, please contact me at 
(202) 512-3317 or Elizabeth Johnston, Assistant Director, at (202) 512-
6345. We can also be reached by e-mail at [Hyperlink,] 
and [Hyperlink,]. Key contributors to this report are 
listed in appendix II.

Signed by:

Robert F. Dacey: 
Director, Information Security Issues: 

[End of section]


[End of section]

Appendix I: Objectives, Scope, and Methodology: 

Our objectives were to determine the (1) reported status of 23 of the 
agencies under the CFO Act and DHS in performing effective patch 
management practices, (2) tools and services available to federal 
agencies to perform patch management, (3) challenges to performing 
patch management, and (4) additional steps that can be taken to 
mitigate the risks created by software vulnerabilities.

To determine the selected agencies' status in performing these 
practices, we first determined effective patch management practices by 
conducting an extensive search of professional IT security literature. 
We also reviewed research studies and reports about cybersecurity-
related vulnerabilities to update information provided in our previous 
testimony and consulted our prior reports and testimonies on 
information security. In addition, we interviewed private-sector and 
federal officials about their patch management experiences and 
practices. We then developed a series of questions that were 
incorporated into a Web-based survey instrument. We pretested our 
survey instrument at one federal department, one component agency, and 
internally at GAO through our Chief Information Officer's office. We 
also corresponded with OMB to obtain and discuss the process for their 
data call of the Microsoft RPC and Cisco IOS vulnerabilities. For each 
agency to be surveyed, we identified the CIO office and notified each 
of our work and distributed a link to access the web-based survey 
instrument to each via e-mail. In addition, we discussed the purpose 
and content of the survey instrument with agency officials when 
requested. All 24 agencies responded to our survey. We did not verify 
the accuracy of the agencies' responses; however, we reviewed 
supporting documentation that agencies provided to validate their 
responses. We contacted agency officials when necessary for follow up. 
We then analyzed agency responses to determine the extent to which 
agencies were performing patch management practices.

Although this was not a sample survey and, therefore, there were no 
sampling errors, conducting any survey may introduce errors, commonly 
referred to as nonsampling errors. For example, difficulties in how a 
particular question is interpreted, in the sources of information that 
are available to respondents, or in how the data are entered into a 
database or were analyzed can introduce unwanted variability into the 
survey results. We took steps in the development of the survey 
instrument, the data collection, and the data analysis to minimize 
these nonsampling errors. For example, a survey specialist designed the 
survey instrument in collaboration with GAO staff with subject-matter 
expertise. Then, as stated earlier, it was pretested to ensure that the 
questions were relevant, clearly stated, and easy to comprehend. When 
the data were analyzed, a second, independent analyst checked all 
computer programs. Because this was a Web-based survey, respondents 
entered their answers directly into the electronic questionnaire. This 
eliminated the need to have the data keyed into a database, thus 
removing an additional potential source of error.

To determine the tools and services available to federal agencies to 
perform patch management, we interviewed patch management software and 
service vendors as well as computer-security experts to discuss and 
examine their products' functions and capabilities. We also conducted 
literature searches and reviewed available documentation. We 
interviewed FedCIRC officials to discuss their experiences with PADC 
and other tools and services available to agencies. In addition, 
questions regarding patch management tools and services were included 
in the survey we sent to the 23 CFO agencies and to DHS.[Footnote 30] 
Finally, we discussed with agencies the capabilities and limitations of 
the specific tools and services they utilized.

Finally, to determine the challenges to performing patch management and 
the additional steps that can be taken to mitigate the risks created by 
software vulnerabilities, we reviewed professional information 
technology security literature, examined available commercial software 
patch management tools and services, and solicited agencies' input on 
patch management challenges in our survey. We also interviewed relevant 
federal and private-sector officials and computer security experts. 
Finally, we reviewed reports prepared by the National Cyber Security 
Partnership subgroups tasked with identifying patch management 
challenges and developing recommendations.

We conducted our work in Washington, D.C., Charlotte, N.C., and 
Schaumburg, Ill., from September 2003 through May 2004, in accordance 
with generally accepted government auditing standards.

[End of section]

Appendix II: Staff Acknowledgments: 


Key contributors to this report were Michael Fruitman, Elizabeth 
Johnston, Stuart Kaufman, Anjalique Lawrence, Min Lee, David Noone, and 
Tracy Pierson.



[1] A patch is a piece of software code that is inserted into a program 
to temporarily fix a defect. Patches are developed and released by 
software vendors when vulnerabilities are discovered. 

[2] U.S. General Accounting Office, Information Security: Effective 
Patch Management is Critical to Mitigating Software Vulnerabilities, 
GAO-03-1138T (Washington, D.C.: Sept. 10, 2003).

[3] 31 USC Section 901.

[4] Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002, Title III, E-
Government Act of 2002, P.L. 107-347, December 17, 2002. This act 
superseded an earlier version of FISMA that was enacted as Title X of 
the Homeland Security Act of 2002, P.L. 107-296, November 25, 2002.

[5] Configuration management is the control and documentation of 
changes made to a system's hardware, software, and documentation 
throughout the development and operational life of a system. 

[6] National Institute for Standards and Technology, Procedures for 
Handling Security Patches: Recommendations of the National Institute of 
Standards and Technology, NIST Special Publication 800-40 
(Gaithersburg, Md.: August 2002).

[7] CERT/CC is a center of Internet security expertise at the Software 
Engineering Institute, a federally funded research and development 
center operated by Carnegie-Mellon University.

[8] A virus is a program that "infects" computer files, usually 
executable programs, by inserting a copy of itself into the file. In 
contrast, a worm is an independent computer program that reproduces by 
copying itself from one system to another across a network. Unlike 
computer viruses, worms do not require human involvement to propagate. 

[9] The Organization for Internet Safety, which consists of leading 
security researchers and vendors, was formed to standardize the process 
for handling security vulnerabilities. In July 2003, this organization 
issued a voluntary framework for vulnerability reporting and response.

[10] Congressional Research Service, The Economic Impact of Cyber 
Attacks, (Washington, D.C.: Apr. 1, 2004).

[11] U.S. General Accounting Office, Information Security: Progress 
Made, But Challenges Remain to Protect Federal Systems and the Nation's 
Critical Infrastructures, GAO-03-564T (Washington, D.C.: Apr. 8, 2003).

[12] Title X, Subtitle G--Government Information Security Reform, Floyd 
D. Spence National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2001, P.L. 
106-398, October 30, 2000.

[13] NIST Special Publication 800-40.

[14] The SANS Institute is a cooperative research and education 
organization comprising security practitioners in government agencies, 
corporations, and universities around the world. SANS develops, 
maintains, and makes available a large collection of research documents 
about various aspects of information security, and operates the 
Internet's early warning system, the Internet Storm Center.

[15] Digital Defense, Inc., provides the server and bandwidth for OSVDB 
and has also contributed the development of the software for this 
project. Winterforce is providing OSVDB with extensive documentation 
support, as well as consulting services, to help ensure that the goals 
of OSVDB are properly communicated and achieved.

[16] Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) allows direct 
communication over the network between software components. Remote 
Procedure Call (RPC) is a protocol of the Windows operating system that 
allows a program from one computer to request a service from a program 
on another computer in a network, thereby facilitating 

[17] Routers are hardware devices or software programs that forward 
Internet and network traffic between networks and are critical to their 

[18] See GAO-03-1138T for a detailed chronology of events. 

[19] The common patch management practices of receiving notification of 
relevant vulnerabilities and distributing critical patches are 
discussed in the subsequent section on automated tools and services.

[20] Slammer exploited a vulnerability in Microsoft's SQL Server 2000 
database and the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Data Engine (MSDE 2000) 
software. Office XP, Small Business Manager, Visual Studio, and Host 
Integration Server are some of the 27 Microsoft products that utilize 
MSDE 2000.

[21] For our report on the cybersecurity of control systems, see U.S. 
General Accounting Office, Critical Infrastructure Protection: 
Challenges and Efforts to Control Systems, GAO-04-354 (Washington, 
D.C.: Mar. 15, 2004).

[22] For our report on the security of satellite systems, see U.S. 
General Accounting Office, Critical Infrastructure Protection: 
Commercial Satellite Security Should Be More Fully Addressed, GAO-02-
781 (Washington, D.C.: Aug. 30, 2002).

[23] When used in reference to satellite systems, availability is the 
ratio of the total time a service is being used during a given interval 
to the length of the interval. For example, a service provider may 
state that its services will be available 99.99 percent of the time 
over a year, which amounts to 53 minutes of accumulated outages for all 
causes over the course of the year. Reliability is the probability that 
a service will perform its required function for a specified period of 
time under stated conditions. Federal Telecommunications Standards 
Committee, Telecom Glossary 2000 (Feb. 2, 2001).

[24] Buffer overflows occur when programs do not adequately check input 
for appropriate length. Thus, any unexpected input "overflows" onto 
another portion of the central processing unit's executions stack. If 
this input is chosen judiciously by a rogue programmer, it can be used 
to launch code of the programmer's choice.

[25] A more comprehensive discussion of defense-in-depth and 
cybersecurity technologies can be found in U.S. General Accounting 
Office, Information Security: Technologies to Secure Federal Systems; 
GAO-04-467 (Washington, D.C.: Mar. 9, 2004).

[26] WUS will only support the following applications: Windows 2000 
Service Pack 4 or higher; Windows Server 2003; Internet Information 
Services 5.5 and higher; and SQL Server 2000 SP 3 and higher, SQL 
Server 2003 or SQL Server Desktop Engine 2000.

[27] The fiscal year 2004 information technology investment for the 
federal government is about $59 billion. 

[28] Improving Security Across the Software Development Lifecycle 
(April 1, 2004).

[29] The National Cyber Security Partnership Technical Standards and 
Common Criteria Task Force, Recommendations Report, April 2004.

[30] These 23 CFO departments and agencies are the Departments of 
Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health and Human 
Services, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Justice, Labor, 
State, Transportation, Treasury, and Veterans Affairs, the 
Environmental Protection Agency, General Services Administration, 
Office of Personnel Management, National Aeronautics and Space 
Administration, National Science Foundation, Nuclear Regulatory 
Commission, Small Business Administration, Social Security 
Administration, and U.S. Agency for International Development. 

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