This is the accessible text file for GAO report number GAO-03-313 
entitled 'Private Pensions: Process Needed to Monitor the Mandated 
Interest Rate for Pension Calculations' which was released on February 
27, 2003.

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Report to Congressional Requesters:

United States General Accounting Office:


February 2003:

Private Pensions:

Process Needed to Monitor the Mandated Interest Rate for Pension 



GAO Highlights:

Highlights of GAO-03-313, a report to

Congressional Requesters:

Why GAO Did This Study:

Employers with defined benefit plans have expressed concern that

low interest rates were affecting the reasonableness of their pension

calculations used to determine funding requirements under the

Employee Retirement and Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA).

ERISA requires employers to use a variation of the 30-year Treasury

bond rate for these calculations; however, in 2001 Treasury stopped

issuing the 30-year bond. This report provides information on

(1) what characteristics of an interest rate make it suitable for

determining current liability and lump-sum amounts; (2) what

alternatives to the current rate might be considered; and (3) how

using an alternative rate might affect plan participants, employers,

and the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC).

What GAO Found:

GAO analysis indicates the Congress intended that the interest rates 

used in current liability and lump-sum calculations should reflect the 

interest rate underlying group annuity prices and not be vulnerable to 

manipulation by interested parties. In 1987, 30-year Treasury bond 

rates appeared to have both of these characteristics. However, the 

Department of the Treasury stopped issuing new 30-year Treasury bonds 

in 2001.

Actuaries and other pension experts have proposed a number of 

alternative interest rates, including alternatives based on interest 

rates set in various credit markets—including composite rates for 

long-term Treasury securities, long-term high-quality corporate bond 

indices, 30-year rates on securities issued by government-sponsored 

enterprises, such as Fannie Mae, 30-year interest rate swap rates—and 

PBGC interest rate factors based on surveys of insurance company group 

annuity purchase rates. Each alternative has attributes that may make 

it more or less suitable as an interest rate for the calculation of 

current liabilities, PBGC premiums, and lump-sum amounts.

Additionally, the relationship of any interest rate to the underlying 

group annuity purchase rates may change over time and, unless the 

relationship is periodically evaluated, the Congress may be unable to 

appropriately respond to those changes.

If the alternative interest rate selected to replace the current 

statutory rate immediately results in a higher interest rate level, 

which is likely, it would generally lower participant lump-sum amounts, 

lower minimum employer funding requirements, and reduce PBGC premium 

revenue. However, if the alternative interest rate produces a lower 

interest rate level, plan participants would generally receive larger 

lump sums, some employers would need to increase contributions to 

their plans, and PBGC may experience an increase in revenue.

What GAO Recommends:

GAO is not recommending executive action. However, in order

to allow the Congress an opportunity to respond

expeditiously to changes in interest rates that might affect the

reasonableness of defined benefit pension calculations, the Congress

may wish to consider providing the cognizant regulatory agencies (the

Department of the Treasury, PBGC, and the Department of Labor) the

authority to jointly adjust the rate within certain boundaries as

specified under the law.



Results in Brief:


Interest Rate Should Reflect Group Annuity Purchase Rates:

Alternative Interest Rates Have Advantages and Disadvantages Compared 

with Treasury Bond Rates:

Alternatives Likely to Decrease Lump-Sum Payments, Employer 

Contributions, and PBGC Revenue:


Matters for Congressional Consideration:

Agency Comments:

Appendix I: Scope and Methodology:

Appendix II: Group Annuity Purchase Rate Would Be Affected by Cash Flow 

Projection and Yield Curve at Termination:

Cash Flows Vary by Plan:

Group Annuity Purchase Rates Would Vary with the Yield Curve:

Appendix III: Comments from the Department of Treasury:


Table 1: Characteristics of Proposed Alternatives that Affect Their 

Suitability as an Interest Rate for Pension Calculations:


Figure 1: Interest Rates and Weighted Average Rates on 30-Year Treasury 

Bonds and Highest and Lowest Allowable Interest Rates for Current 

Liability Calculations, 1987 to 2002:

Figure 2: Annual Long-Term Applicable Federal Rate and 30-Year Treasury 

Bond Rate, 1987 to 2002:

Figure 3: Long-Term, High-Quality Corporate Bond and 30-Year Treasury 

Bond Rates, 1987 to 2002:

Figure 4: PBGC Interest Rate Factors and 30-Year Treasury Bond Rates, 

1987 to 2002:

Figure 5: Thirty-Year Treasury Bond Rates and Proposed Alternative 

Interest Rates, 1994 to 2002:

Figure 6: Percent Change in Lump Sums for Participants Retiring in 40 

Years or Less for an Interest Rate Increase from 

5 Percent to 6 Percent:

Figure 7: Effect of a 1-Percentage Point Increase in the Interest Rate 

on the Funded Percentage of a Hypothetical Plan with a Typical 

Participant Distribution:

Figure 8: Projected Cash Flow for Sample Defined Benefit Plan for the 

First 40 Years after Plan Termination:

Figure 9: Yield Curves for On-the-Run and Zero-Coupon Treasury 

Securities as of February 6, 2003:


ACLI: American Council of Life Insurers:

ERISA: Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974:

FNMA: Federal National Mortgage Association:

GSE: government-sponsored enterprises:

IRC: Internal Revenue Code:

IRS: Internal Revenue Service:

LIBOR: London Interbank Offer Rate:

PBGC: Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation:

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United States General Accounting Office:

Washington, DC 20548:

February 27, 2003:

The Honorable George Miller

Ranking Minority Member

Committee on Education and the


House of Representatives:

The Honorable Robert Andrews

Ranking Minority Member

Subcommittee on Employer-Employee


Committee on Education and the Workforce

House of Representatives:

In 2001, groups representing employers with defined benefit plans 

expressed concern that low interest rates were affecting the 

reasonableness of their pension calculations.[Footnote 1] Under the 

Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), as amended, 

and the Internal Revenue Code (IRC), these calculations affect how much 

employers are allowed or required to contribute to their pension plans, 

how much employers must pay to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation 

(PBGC) for federal insurance of the benefits promised by the 

plan,[Footnote 2] and how much plan participants receive when pension 

benefits are distributed in a lump sum.[Footnote 3] When making such 

calculations, the laws require that employers use interest rates on 30-

year Treasury bonds, or interest rates that are based on 30-year 

Treasury bond rates. Specifically, the laws require employers to use:

* an interest rate from within a permissible range of a 4-year weighted 

average of 30-year Treasury bond rates to calculate a plan’s total 

liability, termed the plan’s current liability, and to use that 

calculation to assess its funding level.[Footnote 4] If plans are 

funded below certain thresholds as defined in the IRC, employers are to 

determine minimum contribution amounts on the basis of those 

assessments.[Footnote 5] If a plan is fully funded as defined in the 

law, employers are precluded from making additional tax-deductible 

contributions to the plan.[Footnote 6]

* the interest rate on 30-year Treasury bonds to assess a plan’s 

funding level and, if required, pay an additional premium, termed the 

variable-rate premium, to PBGC for federal insurance of their plan’s 

benefits.[Footnote 7]

* the interest rate on 30-year Treasury bonds to determine the minimum 

and maximum values of lump-sum distributions, and whether a benefit can 

be distributed as a lump sum without a participant’s consent.[Footnote 

8] When determining the minimum lump-sum distribution payable, the 30-

year Treasury rate is the highest rate that an employer can use in 

making the calculation.

Generally, the interest rates specified in the law were intended, 

within certain parameters, to reflect the price an insurance company 

would charge to take responsibility for the plan’s pension 

payments.[Footnote 9] The price that insurance companies would charge 

employers for this service reflects current interest rates, the 

expected mortality and retirement rates of participants for the plans 

they are considering, and the insurance companies’ expected expenses 

and required profit. These factors may be expressed as a single rate, 

called the group annuity purchase rate, which is the interest rate 

underlying the actual group annuity price. In the late 1990s, when 

fewer 30-year Treasury bonds were issued and economic conditions 

increased demand for the bonds, the 30-year Treasury rate diverged from 

other long-term interest rates, an indication that it also may have 

diverged from group annuity purchase rates. In 2001, Treasury stopped 

issuing these bonds altogether, and in March 2002, the Congress enacted 

temporary measures to alleviate employer concerns that low interest 

rates on the remaining 30-year Treasury bonds were affecting the 

reasonableness of the interest rate for employer pension 

calculations.[Footnote 10] To help the Congress decide what, if any, 

additional measure to take, you asked us to determine: (1) what 

characteristics of an interest rate would make it suitable for 

determining current liability and lump-sum amounts; (2) what 

alternatives to the current interest rate might be considered; and (3) 

how using an alternative rate might affect plan participants, 

employers, and PBGC.

To determine the characteristics of a suitable interest rate, we 

reviewed pension laws and their legislative history with respect to the 

calculation of current liability and lump-sum amounts. We also 

interviewed Labor, Treasury, and PBGC officials who might play a role 

in assessing alternative interest rates. To identify and examine the 

advantages and disadvantages of potential alternative interest rates, 

we interviewed representatives and reviewed documents from a number of 

government, actuarial, pension plan sponsor, and investment entities. 

We also compared rates and other market statistics for suggested 

alternative debt securities with rates for 

30-year Treasury bonds from 1987 to 2002. To determine how alternative 

rates might affect employers, plan participants, and PBGC, we created 

hypothetical examples, based on discussions with actuaries and pension 

consultants, in which we tested the effect of changes in rate levels on 

current liabilities and lump-sum payments. We did not assess 

alternative methods for specifying interest rates. For example, we did 

not assess whether the interest rate for current liability calculations 

should be specified as a 4-year weighted average or current market 

rate. Our scope and methodology is explained more fully in appendix I.

Results in Brief:

Our analysis of the law and related congressional documents, and 

discussions with PBGC and Treasury officials, indicate that the 

interest rates used in current liability and lump-sum calculations were 

to have two characteristics. They were to: (1) reflect group annuity 

purchase rates and (2) not be vulnerable to manipulation by interested 

parties. In 1987, 

30-year Treasury bond rates appeared to have both of these 

characteristics. While group annuity purchases are private transactions 

and information about actual group annuity rates is not available, 

several actuaries said that, in 1987, 30-year Treasury bond rates 

appeared to be reasonably close to actual group annuity purchase rates. 


30-year Treasury bonds were actively traded in large markets, which 

meant that interested parties could not easily manipulate their rates. 

Also, federal agencies collected and compiled trade information for 

Treasury securities and published their rates, which provided further 

assurance that rates could not be manipulated.

Actuaries and other pension experts have proposed a number of 

alternative interest rates for pension calculations. Most alternatives 

were based on interest rates set in various credit markets--including 

composite rates for long-term Treasury securities; long-term, high-

quality corporate bond indices; 30-year rates on securities issued by 

government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs), such as Fannie Mae; and 30-

year interest rate swap rates. One alternative, PBGC interest rate 

factors, was based on surveys of insurance company group annuity 

purchase rates. Each alternative has characteristics that may make it 

more or less suitable as an interest rate for current liability and 

lump-sum calculations. During periods of financial uncertainty, for 

example, Treasury rates’ proximity to group annuity purchase rates 

might be adversely affected if investors’ demand for risk-free 

securities increases, causing Treasury rates to decline relative to 

other long-term rates. On the other hand, the market is well 

established and Treasury debt has the backing of the federal 

government, and, therefore, its rates may be considered more 

trustworthy than other alternatives. In contrast, insurance companies 

offering group annuities tend to invest their premium income in 

corporate debt rather than in other securities, and have a similar 

credit rating to GSEs and interest rate swap rates. Therefore, rates on 

these securities might better track changes in group annuity purchase 

rates, but private rates might be perceived to be more vulnerable to 

manipulation or more complex than Treasury rates. The PBGC interest 

rate factors were specifically developed to approximate group annuity 

purchase rates. However, PBGC interest rate factors are based on 

confidential surveys, and PBGC’s rate calculations are not published or 

independently verified, which might make them more vulnerable to 

manipulation than other alternatives. For any of the market-based 

interest rates, the relationship to group annuity purchase rates may 

change over time. Unless the relationship is periodically evaluated, 

the Congress may be unable to appropriately respond to those changes.

If the alternative interest rate selected to replace the current rate 

results immediately in a higher rate level, which is likely, it would 

generally lower participant lump-sum amounts, lower minimum employer 

funding requirements, and reduce PBGC premium revenue. A higher 

interest rate lowers each of these amounts because it increases the 

value of today’s dollars, relative to future dollars, and therefore 

fewer of today’s dollars should be needed to pay benefits in the 

future. However, if the alternative interest rate produces a lower rate 

level, plan participants would receive larger lump sums, some employers 

would need to increase contributions to their plans, and PBGC may 

experience an increase in revenue. The magnitude of these effects would 

depend on the characteristics of the plan and its participants and how 

the rate is specified in the law. For example, if the rate were to 

increase and a high percentage of the participants in the plan were far 

from the plan’s normal retirement age, the percentage decrease in 

employer contributions would be greater than if the participants were 

closer to retirement or already retired. Additionally, if the Congress 

specifies the interest rate differently for current liability and lump-

sum calculations, as is currently the case, the magnitude of the impact 

on each could differ.

Because the choice of the statutory interest rate has important 

implications for federal revenue, employer cash flow, and participant 

retirement income, this report contains matters for congressional 

consideration concerning the ability of the Congress to respond 

expeditiously to changes that may affect the relationship between the 

interest rate and group annuity purchase rates.


Interest rates are key assumptions in calculating the present value of 

promised future pension benefits.[Footnote 11] When interest rates are 

lower, more money is needed today to finance future benefits because it 

will earn less income when invested. At a 6-percent interest rate, for 

example, a promise to pay $1.00 per year for the next 30 years has a 

present value of about $14. If the interest rate is reduced to 1.0 

percent, however, the present value of $1.00 per year for the next 30 

years increases to about $26 because the $26, when invested, will earn 

the relatively small income associated with a 1-percent interest rate. 

Therefore, lower interest rate assumptions result in higher current 

liability and lump-sum amounts.

The interest rate appropriate for measuring the present value of a 

plan’s pension liabilities may differ depending on a number of factors, 

including the purpose of the measurement. For example, the interest 

rate appropriate for measuring the present value of a plan’s pension 

liabilities on an ongoing basis may reflect the assumed rate of return 

that the plan is expected to achieve on the investment of its 

assets.[Footnote 12] On the other hand, the interest rate appropriate 

for measuring the present value of that same plan’s pension liabilities 

at plan termination may reflect interest rates implicit in annuity 

purchase rates.[Footnote 13]

Before ERISA, few rules governed the funding of defined benefit plans, 

and there were no guarantees that participants would receive promised 

benefits. When the pension plan of a major automobile manufacturer 

failed in the 1960s, for example, thousands of defined benefit plan 

participants lost their pensions. As part of ERISA, the Congress 

established PBGC to pay pension benefits in the event that an employer 

could not. In addition to establishing PBGC, ERISA and IRC require 

employers to make minimum contributions to under-funded plans and 

prevent employers from making tax-deductible contributions to plans 

exceeding specified funding limits.[Footnote 14]

Subsequently, concerns were raised about the potential claims that PBGC 

might face from the termination of plans that had insufficient assets 

to pay promised benefits. In an effort to improve plan funding and 

protect PBGC, IRC funding rules were amended in 1987 to require that 

employers show they were accumulating sufficient funds should they need 

to terminate their plan and contract with an insurance company to take 

responsibility for future pension payments. The 1987 amendment required 

that employers calculate each plan’s current liability as the sum of 

the present values of each participant’s accrued benefits,[Footnote 15] 

and to calculate the present values as if the plan were to terminate at 

the end of the plan year. To make this calculation, the amendment 

stated that the interest rate used under the plan shall be: “consistent 

with the assumptions which reflect the purchase rates which would be 

used by insurance companies to satisfy the liabilities under the 

plan.”[Footnote 16] The law also stated that the selected interest rate 

must be within a specified range of a weighted average of interest 

rates on 30-year Treasury bonds. The Conference Committee report 

accompanying the amendment stated, however, that the specified range 

was not intended to be a “safe harbor” with respect to whether the 

interest rate is reasonable. The report stated:

“. . . the determination of whether an interest rate is reasonable 

depends on the cost of purchasing an annuity sufficient to satisfy 

current liability. The interest rate is to be a reasonable estimate of 

the interest rate used to determine the cost of such annuity, assuming 

that the cost only reflected the present value of the payments under 

the annuity (i.e., and did not reflect the seller’s profit, 

administrative expenses, etc.). For example, if an annuity costs 

$1,100, the cost of $1,100 is considered to be the present value of the 

payments under the annuity for purposes of the interest rate rule, even 

though $100 of the $1,100 represents the seller’s administrative 

expenses and profit. In making the determination with respect to the 

interest rate . . . other factors and assumptions (e.g., mortality) are 

to be individually reasonable.”[Footnote 17]

In 1987, the range of permissible interest rates was from 10-percent 

below to 10-percent above the weighted average 30-year Treasury bond 

rate. In 1994, IRC was amended to reduce the upper limit of the 

permissible range of interest rates from 10 percent to 5 percent above 

weighted average rate.[Footnote 18] The House Report accompanying the 

bill stated that the 1987 legislation was intended to address the 

chronic under-funding of pension plans that had persisted since passage 

of ERISA.[Footnote 19] However, when measuring current liability, plans 

could decrease contributions by choosing an interest rate at the high 

end of the range. According to the report, the highest allowable 

interest rate was reduced to 105 percent to minimize a plan’s ability 

to decrease its current liability through the choice of interest rates.

Additionally, in 1994, IRC was amended to require that employers 

determine the minimum value of certain optional forms of benefit, such 

as lump sums, using an interest rate no higher than the interest rate 


30-year Treasury bonds. To prevent employers from exceeding the maximum 

lump-sum payment specified by law,[Footnote 20] IRC also required 

employers to use an interest rate no lower than 30-year Treasury bond 

rates when calculating lump sums for certain highly paid employees. The 

Congress enacted the amendment for a number of reasons, including to 

ensure that rates for determining lump-sum payments better reflected 

prices in the insurance annuity market.[Footnote 21]

Figure 1 shows, for 1987 to 2002, the range of allowable rates for 

current liability calculations and the allowable interest rates for 

lump-sum calculations. In November 2002, for example, the interest rate 

for 30-year Treasury bonds was 4.96 percent. That month, the 4-year 

weighted average rate for 30-year Treasury bonds was 5.58 percent, and 

the range of allowable interest rates for current liability 

calculations was 5.02 percent to 6.70 percent.

Figure 1: Interest Rates and Weighted Average Rates on 30-Year Treasury 

Bonds and Highest and Lowest Allowable Interest Rates for Current 

Liability Calculations, 1987 to 2002:

[See PDF for image]

[End of figure]

Note: In 2002, IRC was amended to increase the highest allowable rate 

to 120 percent of the 4-year weighted average.

Interest Rate Should Reflect Group Annuity Purchase Rates:

Our analysis of the law and related congressional documents, and 

discussions with PBGC and Treasury officials, indicates that the 

interest rates used in current liability and lump-sum calculations were 

to have two characteristics. They were to: (1) reflect group annuity 

purchase rates and (2) not be vulnerable to manipulation by interested 

parties. Because actual group annuity purchase rates are unknown, the 

Congress specified rates to regulate an employer’s selection of an 

interest rate. While 30-year Treasury rates may have been close to 

group annuity purchase rates in 1987, PBGC was not aware of any 

available studies that documented that proximity. Officials said that, 

in addition to their possible proximity to group annuity purchase 

rates, the Congress adopted 30-year Treasury bond rates as the basis 

for interest rates because they could not be easily manipulated by 

interested parties. In this regard, Treasury bonds were actively traded 

in large markets and interest rate data for them were available from 

government sources, which helped ensure that the rates accurately 

represented market conditions and could not be easily manipulated by 

interested parties. However, the Department of the Treasury stopped 

issuing new 30-year Treasury bonds in 2001.

Information on Actual Group Annuity Purchase Rates Is Not Available:

Information needed to determine actual group annuity purchase rates is 

not available because annuity purchases are private transactions 

between insurance companies and employers who terminate their pension 

plan. To terminate a defined benefit plan, an employer determines the 

benefits that have been earned by each participant up to the time of 

plan termination and purchases a single-premium group annuity contract 

from an insurance company, under which the insurance company guarantees 

to pay the accrued benefits when they are due. The insurance company 

determines the employer’s premium by analyzing participant demographics 

and making assumptions about a number of variables, including:

* Interest rates. The assumed interest rate is used to determine the 

present value of projected benefit payments and costs at the annuity 

purchase date. Rates reflect current market rates for the securities in 

which the company is likely to invest the premium paid by the plan: 

generally fixed income securities, such as corporate bonds and 

mortgage-backed securities, with a relatively low credit risk.[Footnote 

22] Interest rate assumptions may vary according to a number of factors 

at plan termination, including the projected cash flow of the plan and 

the yield curve on relevant securities.[Footnote 23](See app. II.) 

Interest rates are adjusted to produce the insurer’s target level of 

capital requirements and profits from the annuity.

* Mortality rates. The assumed mortality rate reflects death rates 

associated with known or assumed characteristics of the participant 

population, with some adjustments to account for future potential 

improvements in mortality.[Footnote 24]

* Administrative expenses, taxes, and other costs. Administrative 

expenses for annuities include the cost of setting up accounts and 

tracking payments. Many insurers assume a flat rate for each annuitant 

in pricing some administrative expenses, such as account set-up 

charges. Some insurers reduce their interest rate assumption to account 

for those expenses.

Information about insurance company assumptions, or premium payments 

and projected benefits, would be needed to estimate actual group 

annuity purchase rates; however, this information is often not 

available publicly.[Footnote 25] For example, employers who decide to 

terminate their pension plans typically contact a broker or consultant 

who then solicits bids for a group annuity contract from qualified 

insurance companies. Insurance companies bid on the contract through 

the broker or consultant. Negotiations or an auction may take place, 

which may further affect the price. Insurance companies typically do 

not disclose assumptions made during this process.

Thirty-Year Treasury Bonds Had Desirable Characteristics, but Are No 

Longer Issued:

Thirty-year Treasury bonds had several desirable characteristics when 

they were selected to approximate group annuity purchase rates in 1987. 

For example, the American Academy of Actuaries said that in 1987, the 

30-year Treasury bond rate plus 0.3 percentage points (30 basis 

points[Footnote 26]) would have replicated group annuity purchase 

rates.[Footnote 27] This would indicate that the difference between the 

rate of return on 30-year Treasury bonds and the typical insurance 

company investment (such as long-term, high-quality corporate bonds) 

approximated the expenses and other annuity pricing factors that 

insurance companies would consider. The extent to which 30-year 

Treasury bond rates maintained their proximity to group annuity 

purchase rates would depend upon how closely Treasury rates continued 

to approximate insurance company investment rates of return, after 

adjusting them for expected administrative expenses and other annuity 

pricing factors.

Additionally, policymakers said that 30-year Treasury bond rates were 

selected as the interest rate in 1987 in part because interested 

parties could not easily manipulate Treasury rates. Two characteristics 

of 30-year Treasury bonds that would indicate their rates could not be 

easily manipulated were their “transparency” and “liquidity.”:

* Thirty-year Treasury bond rates were transparent. For a rate to be 

transparent, information about it must be widely available and 

frequently updated. The Federal Reserve Board of Governors, using data 

provided by the Department of the Treasury, published information on 

30-year Treasury rates. The Department of the Treasury constructed 30-

year Treasury bond rates using data collected from private vendors and 

reviewed and compiled by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

* Thirty-year Treasury bonds were liquid. For a bond to be liquid, the 

market in which it is traded must be large and active so that isolated 

events or erratic behavior by a single market participant are unlikely 

to have a major effect on market prices. According to a senior market 

analyst, the 30-year Treasury bond market in 1987 was likely the 

deepest and most liquid market in low risk 30-year bonds in the world.

While 30-year Treasury bonds had several favorable characteristics when 

they were selected to approximate group annuity purchase rates, their 

issuance has since been suspended. The 30-year Treasury bond rates that 

are currently used as an interest rate for pension calculations are 

published by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) based on rates for the 

last 30-year Treasury bonds, which were issued in February 2001.

Alternative Interest Rates Have Advantages and Disadvantages Compared 

with Treasury Bond Rates:

Actuaries and others have proposed a number of alternatives that could 

be used to control the selection of interest rates for current 

liability and lump-sum calculations, including (1) interest rates set 

in credit markets for various securities, such as long-term Treasury 

securities; long-term, high-quality corporate bonds; 30-year GSE bonds; 

and 30-year interest rate swaps; and (2) PBGC interest rate factors 

based on surveys of insurance company group annuity purchase rates. As 

shown in table 1, each alternative has characteristics that affect its 

likelihood of approximating group annuity purchase rates over time and 

its potential vulnerability to manipulation. For example, the closer an 

alternative’s interest rate levels match the net return on investment 

of insurance companies offering group annuities, the more likely that 

alternative will match group annuity purchase rates. Similarly, the 

closer the underlying credit rating of an alternative matches that of 

an insurance company offering group annuities, the more likely that 

alternative will match group annuity purchase rates.

Table 1: Characteristics of Proposed Alternatives that Affect Their 

Suitability as an Interest Rate for Pension Calculations:

Feature: Closeness of relationship to group annuity purchase rates, 

based on insurance company investments or credit rating; Interest rates 

determined by credit markets: Long-term Treasury securities: During 

periods of financial uncertainty, may fall below group annuity purchase 

rates because of increased demand for Treasury securities.; Interest 

rates determined by credit markets: Long-term, high-quality corporate 

bonds: While insurance companies are believed to invest largely in 

corporate bonds, may need to deduct for expenses and profit.; Interest 

rates determined by credit markets: 30-year GSE securities: Credit 

rating comparable to or higher than insurance companies that offer 

group annuities.; Interest rates determined by credit markets: 30-year 

interest rate swaps: Comparable credit rating and not callable.; PBGC 

interest rate factors: Study indicates rate levels were close for some 

plans between 1994 and 1997.; Constructed from surveys of insurance 

companies’ group annuity purchase rates, but includes information from 

only two surveys annually.

Feature: Vulnerability to manipulation; Interest rates determined by 

credit markets: Long-term Treasury securities: Government rate, based 

on highly visible trading data in well-established, active market.; 

Interest rates determined by credit markets: Long-term, high-quality 

corporate bonds: Large market overall, but different issuing companies, 

quality, and cash structures segment market.; New reporting system 

likely to increase availability of trading data, but rates based more 

on price estimates than on trades.; Interest rates determined by credit 

markets: 30-year GSE securities: Market has perceived backing of 

federal government.; Effort by Federal National Mortgage Association 

(Fannie Mae) to increase availability of information underlying rates.; 

Current market for Fannie Mae benchmark debt not very large or well 

traded.; Interest rates determined by credit markets: 30-year interest 

rate swaps: Very large, active market, with rates based on daily survey 

of rates offered on new contracts.; However, concern about low market 

volume at long maturities.; Relatively new market, perhaps more 

difficult to understand.; PBGC interest rate factors: Rates based on 

confidential survey and market representation of respondents is 

unknown.; PBGC calculations are not published or independently 


[End of table]

Source: GAO analysis.

Various calculations can be applied to any interest rate to make it 

more suitable for its intended use. For example, each of the 

alternatives could be specified as: (1) a single monthly interest rate, 

which is currently the case for lump-sum calculations; (2) a corridor 

of interest rates around the 

4-year weighted average of a monthly rate, which is currently the case 

for current liability calculations; or (3) a yield curve. According to 

several actuaries and others, specifying the alternative as a yield 

curve, instead of a single rate or corridor of rates around a weighted 

average rate, would have advantages and disadvantages. For example, 

specifying a yield curve might enable each plan to more closely 

approximate its group annuity purchase rate, but doing so might 

increase the difficulty of plan calculations and could prove relatively 

costly for small plans.

Long-Term Treasury Securities:

The Department of the Treasury continues to construct rates for long-

term bonds that could be used as a basis for selecting interest rates 

for current liability and lump-sum calculations. For example, the 

Treasury Department constructs a rate, called the long-term applicable 

federal rate, which approximates Treasury’s borrowing costs for 

securities with maturities exceeding 9 years. IRS publishes applicable 

federal rates. Figure 2 compares the long-term applicable federal and 

30-year Treasury bond rates from 1987 to 2002. As can be seen, the 

differences between the two rates are generally less than 50 basis 


Figure 2: Annual Long-Term Applicable Federal Rate and 30-Year Treasury 

Bond Rate, 1987 to 2002:

[See PDF for image]

[End of figure]

According to actuaries, insurance companies typically place group 

annuity premiums in fixed-income investments that have a higher rate of 

return than 30-year Treasury bonds. Treasury rates are lower than rates 

for other fixed-income investments of the same maturity because 

Treasury bonds have a lower credit risk.[Footnote 28] The proximity of 

Treasury bond rates to group annuity purchase rates may vary with 

changes in investor attitudes about credit risk. During periods of 

financial uncertainty, for example, investors may have a sharply 

heightened desire for safety, often referred to as a “flight to 

quality,” which could cause Treasury rates to decline relative to rates 

for other securities. Some investment analysts believe that one such 

period began toward the end of the 1990s.

Despite concerns that long-term Treasury bond rates may not track 

closely with group annuity purchase rates during periods of financial 

uncertainty, Treasury bond rates retain some characteristics that may 

continue to make them a desirable interest rate. The government 

constructs the rates, and they are based on trades in large, active, 

and highly visible markets. For example, debt securities markets have 

shifted to the 10-year Treasury note to serve some of the same long-

term benchmark functions as the 

30-year Treasury bond has served in the past.

Long-Term High-Quality Corporate Bond Index Rates:

Various financial investment firms construct indices of interest rates 

for long-term, high-quality corporate bonds, which are debt securities 

with maturity of 10 years or more issued by companies with relatively 

low credit risk.[Footnote 29] Figure 3 compares interest rates for the 

highest-quality corporate debt (bonds rated Aaa by Moody’s Investor 

Services), high-quality corporate debt (bonds rated Aa), and 30-year 

Treasury bonds for the period 1987 to 2002. As can be seen, corporate 

bonds with a Aa rating have higher interest rates than corporate bonds 

with a Aaa rating and 

30-year Treasury bonds.

Figure 3: Long-Term, High-Quality Corporate Bond and 30-Year Treasury 

Bond Rates, 1987 to 2002:

[See PDF for image]

[End of figure]

Several actuaries and plan sponsor groups have suggested using one or 

more indices for long-term, high-quality corporate bond rates as the 

basis of an interest rate, while others suggest that these indices 

require adjustments before they can be used. Because insurance 

companies tend to invest in long-term corporate debt, these rates may 

track changes in group annuity purchase rates. An industry 

representative said that an unadjusted average of the indices would 

reflect insurance company expenses and other group annuity pricing 

factors because insurance companies typically achieve a higher rate of 

return on investment than is indicated by high-quality corporate bond 

rates. For example, investing in lower-quality bonds and private loans 

might achieve a higher rate of return than investing in high-quality 

corporate bonds. According to some actuaries, however, the indices 

would need to be adjusted for insurance company expenses and other 

factors before they would reflect the level of group annuity purchase 

rates. For example, a study for the Society of Actuaries said that a 

long-term corporate bond index rate minus 70 basis points would 

reasonably approximate group annuity purchase rates.[Footnote 30] 

However, the ERISA Industry Committee recommended using an average of 

corporate bond indices published by four firms as the interest rate 

without such an adjustment. Some actuaries and other pension experts 

have suggested that rates on some corporate bond indices might also 

need to be adjusted to make allowances for certain options before the 

rates would reflect the level of group annuity purchase rates. For 

example, corporate bonds are typically “callable,” meaning that the 

issuer can recall a bond before its maturity date. Because this creates 

some uncertainty to the holder of a corporate bond, this may also 

increase corporate bond rates relative to group annuity purchase rates.

Corporate bond indices have properties that make them difficult to 

manipulate, but the corporate bond market may not be as liquid and 

transparent as the Treasury bond market. While the investment-grade 

corporate bond market is very large overall, with over $700 billion in 

issuance in 2001 and an estimated $4 trillion in outstanding value as 

of the third quarter of 2002, the market is segmented by differences in 

credit quality and issuer characteristics and, therefore, is less 

liquid than a large unsegmented market such as the market for Treasury 

securities. Additionally, interest rates for specific corporate bonds 

are based on quotes by traders, who usually estimate the current 

trading value of a bond and quote a rate based on its spread versus a 

comparable Treasury security. However, information on which to base 

corporate bond quotes is expected to become more widely available 

through a National Association of Security Dealer’s reporting system, 

which was launched in July 2002 and reports many large recent 

transactions. The new system may not alleviate all transparency 

concerns. Some financial experts said that corporate bonds are not as 

highly traded as other debt securities, which means that recent trades 

are often not available to verify current market conditions and rates.

Certain corporate bond indices also have unique characteristics and 

complexities that could affect their suitability as an interest rate. 

Corporate bond indices are put together by private financial companies, 

which then compute an interest rate for the index based on underlying 

interest rates of the component bonds. Financial companies differ in 

how publicly they share information on which bonds they include in an 

index, how they weight component interest rates, and other factors and 

calculations that influence the published rate. Further, the 

reliability of the corporate indices can be affected by the reliability 

of the data source--actual transactions, quotes, or estimates of values 

or yields--on which they are based.

Thirty-Year Rates on GSE Securities:

Thirty-year rates on securities issued by GSEs are rates on bonds used 

to finance home ownership and other public policy goals. GSEs are 

private corporations, such as Federal National Mortgage Association 

(also known as Fannie Mae), that have the implicit backing of the U.S. 

government. In 1998, Fannie Mae began issuing debt through its 

benchmark program, which is intended to be high-quality, noncallable, 

actively traded debt. Fannie Mae attempts to issue benchmark debt 

periodically and in large amounts, similar to how Treasury issued 30-

year bonds in the past.

Several pension experts have suggested using 30-year Fannie Mae bond 

rates as the basis for the interest rate. Because GSE securities have 

received a credit rating comparable to, or higher than, the credit 

rating of the insurance companies that offer group annuities, GSE rates 

may approximate group annuity purchase rates. GSE-issued debt is 

generally of the highest credit quality but not considered credit-risk 

free like Treasury securities. Therefore, GSE rates would typically be 

expected to fall between Treasury rates and high-quality corporate 

rates of comparable maturity.

Fannie Mae benchmark 30-year bond rates have properties that indicate a 

low likelihood that interested parties could manipulate them, but the 

securities have a relatively small market and relatively low trading 

activity compared with the Treasury and corporate bond markets. 

Outstanding volume of 30-year Fannie Mae benchmark debt was $14.9 

billion as of December 2002, which was significantly less than the $589 

billion in outstanding Treasury bonds as of November 30, 2002, and $4 

trillion in outstanding long-term corporate bonds. According to Federal 

Reserve data of market transactions by primary dealers, trading in 

long-term GSE debt, which includes securities besides Fannie Mae 

benchmark debt, has been approximately $1.1 billion per day in 2002, 

which is much less than long-term Treasury securities. According to 

some experts, GSE debt is expected to continue to grow. With regard to 

transparency, Fannie Mae has also recently increased the availability 

of information on trades underlying the rates on its securities, which 

should increase rate transparency.

Thirty-Year Interest Rate Swaps Rate:

Thirty-year interest rate swap rates are fixed rates in a contract 

between two parties, one of whom agrees to make fixed interest payments 

based on a specified amount of money in exchange for interest payments 

based on variable short-term rates on the same specified amount of 

money for the duration of the contract. For example, one party might 

agree to pay a 

5 percent annual fixed rate on $1 million every year for the next 30 

years in exchange for receiving a published 3-month interest rate that 

changes periodically for the next 30 years on the same $1 million. The 

30-year swap rate in this case would equal 5 percent, and the 

predominant 30-year swap rate should move up and down with the expected 

level of short-term interest rates over the next 30 years. The 

“notional” amount of money 

($1 million in the example) does not typically change hands between the 

counter parties in a swaps contract, and unlike most other fixed-income 

markets, interest-rate swaps do not involve the issuance of debt. By 

entering into a swap contract, the party that agreed to make fixed 

interest rate payments can help offset potential risk from variable-

rate debt that it issues by making fixed interest payments in exchange 

for variable-rate payments. The variable-rate payments that it receives 

under the agreement can then be used to pay its debt holders. If 

interest rates go up, the debt issuer pays higher debt service payments 

but also receives higher interest payments from the swap agreement.

Several pension experts have considered using 30-year interest rate 

swap rates as the basis for current liability and lump-sum 

calculations. Interest-rate swaps contracts are generally perceived to 

contain low credit risk for two reasons. First, the two parties 

involved in the contract typically have high credit ratings. Second, 

swap contracts typically use the London Interbank Offer Rate (LIBOR) as 

the floating rate, and the LIBOR has a low credit risk. The overall 

credit quality underlying LIBOR-based, interest-rate swap rates is 

likely comparable to that of high-quality corporate bonds. However, 

unlike some corporate bonds, swaps are not callable, so their rates 

would not need to be adjusted for such options and typically would be 

expected to fall below those on high-quality corporate bonds of similar 

maturity. The credit rating of insurance companies in the group annuity 

market is generally Aa or better. Interest rate swaps might give an 

accurate indication of an insurance company’s cost of borrowing funds.

The interest rate swap market has characteristics that likely protect 

rates from potential manipulation. The swap market is considered to be 

very active, although the trading volume and amount outstanding for 

longer maturity interest rate swaps are believed to be low, relative to 

shorter maturities. The Federal Reserve Board publishes 30-year 

interest rate swap rates daily based on a private survey of quotes on 

new contracts offered by 16 large swaps dealers, and quotes on swaps 

contracts are updated throughout the day and visible via subscription 

services. A unique advantage of using swaps as an interest rate is that 

swaps do not require the issuance of debt; rather, swap rates reflect 

contracts between two parties. Because new contracts are produced every 

day, it is easier to update 30-year swap rates than other rates 

involving the issuing of debt, which happens only periodically. The 

international swaps market represents the largest of the alternatives 

considered, with an outstanding dollar-denominated value of swaps 

contracts estimated at approximately $20 trillion, with many new 

transactions conducted between parties every day. However, some experts 

have expressed concern about using the 

30-year interest rate swaps because the swaps market is relatively new 

and the outstanding trading volume of 30-year interest rate swaps is 

believed to be much lower than for shorter maturity contracts.

PBGC Interest Rate Factors:

Of all the alternative rates, PBGC’s interest rate factors have the 

most direct connection to group annuity purchase rates. Figure 4 shows 

that the proximity of PBGC interest rate factors to 30-year Treasury 

bond rates varied from 1987 through 2002.

Figure 4: PBGC Interest Rate Factors and 30-Year Treasury Bond Rates, 

1987 to 2002:

[See PDF for image]

[End of figure]

Note: PBGC interest rate factors have been set back 2 months because 

published rates reflect interest rates approximately 2 months earlier. 

Additionally, PBGC factors from 1987 to 1993 were adjusted by PBGC to 

reflect the same mortality table that was used to determine the factors 

after 1993. Also, PBGC publishes two factors, one for the first 20 

years to 25 years of a valuation period, and another for the remaining 

years. The figure shows factors for the first part of the valuation 


PBGC interest rate factors are based on surveys of insurance companies 

conducted by the American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI) for PBGC and 

IRS.[Footnote 31] The survey asks insurers to provide the net annuity 

price for annuity contracts for plan terminations. PBGC develops 

interest rate factors, similar to interest rates, from the survey 

results, which are adjusted to the end of the year using an average of 

the Moody’s Corporate Bond Indices for Aa and A-rated corporate bonds 

for the last 5 trading days of the month. The adjusted interest rate 

factors are published in mid-December for use in January. The interest 

rate factors are then further adjusted each subsequent month of the 

year on the basis of the average of the Moody’s bond indices. According 

to PBGC, the interest rate factors, when used along with the mortality 

table specified in PBGC regulations,[Footnote 32] reflect the rate at 

which pension sponsors could have settled their liabilities, not 

including administrative expenses, in the market for single-premium 

nonparticipating group annuities issued by private insurers. Although 

PBGC interest rate factors do not consider the insurers’ administrative 

expenses, a May 2000 American Academy of Actuaries study of the PBGC 

interest rate factors found that they overstated termination liability 

by a relatively small amount, averaging 3 percent to 4 

percent.[Footnote 33] The study characterized PBGC factors as mildly 


Despite its seeming desirability as a statutory rate because of its 

direct connection to group annuity purchase rates, PBGC’s interest rate 

factors may be more vulnerable to manipulation than other alternatives 

because they are not based on interest rates determined by the credit 

market and are less transparent. The identity of insurance companies 

surveyed and included in PBGC factors is not known, raising ambiguity 

about the extent to which the PBGC interest rate factors reflect the 

current broad market for group annuities. Additionally, PBGC 

calculations are not reported or independently reviewed. However, an 

insurance company representative said that insurance companies 

participating in the survey would likely agree to have that 

participation reported, and a PBGC official said that PBGC would not 

object to an independent review of its methodology for developing the 

interest rates.

Alternatives Likely to Decrease Lump-Sum Payments, Employer 

Contributions, and PBGC Revenue:

If the alternative results immediately in a higher allowable interest 

rate, which is likely for the alternatives we reviewed, using the 

higher rate would generally decrease minimum allowable lump-sum 

amounts[Footnote 34] and increase the number of participants whose 

benefit could potentially be distributed as a lump sum without their 

consent, decrease minimum and maximum employer contributions, and 

decrease PBGC revenue. The present value of a participant’s benefit and 

related contribution and premium requirements would decrease because a 

higher interest rate increases the value of today’s dollars, relative 

to future dollars, and therefore fewer of today’s dollars should be 

needed to pay benefits in the future. However, if the alternative 

produces a lower interest rate, plan participants would receive larger 

lump sums, employers would need to increase contributions to their 

plans, and PBGC may experience an increase in revenue.

The magnitude of these effects on lump sums, plan funding, and PBGC 

premiums would depend on the characteristics of the plan and its 

participants and how the rate is specified in the law. Additionally, if 

the Congress specifies the interest rate differently for current 

liability and lump-sum calculations, as is currently the case, the 

magnitude of the impact on each could differ. Furthermore, the effect 

on current liability and lump-sum calculations could be phased in over 

a period of time. In 1994, for example, the law phased in the reduction 

in the upper limit on interest rates for current liability calculations 

from 110 percent to 

105 percent over a 5-year period. Additionally, requiring the use of an 

updated mortality table for current liability calculations might 

partially offset the effect that a higher interest rate would have on 

current liability calculations.[Footnote 35]

During the period from January 1994 to July 2002, the monthly long-term 

corporate bond rates, GSE rates, and 30-year interest rate swap rates, 

were generally greater than the 30-year Treasury bond rate; the PBGC 

estimated rate was below the 30-year Treasury bond rate in the mid-

1990s but was higher than the 30-year Treasury bond rate after 1998. As 

shown in figure 5, each rate’s relationship to the 30-year Treasury 

rate has changed over time.

Figure 5: Thirty-Year Treasury Bond Rates and Proposed Alternative 

Interest Rates, 1994 to 2002:

[See PDF for image]

[End of figure]

Use of Higher Interest Rates Would Decrease Lump-Sum Amounts:

Figure 6 shows that the effect of a change in the interest rate used to 

calculate lump sums is greater for participants further away from 

retirement than for participants near retirement. The figure shows, for 

example, that a 1-percentage point increase in the interest rate from 

5 percent to 6 percent would result in an 8 percent decrease in the 

lump sums of participants expected to retire almost immediately. On the 

other hand, that same 1-percentage point increase in the interest rate 

would result in a 36 percent decrease in the lump sums of participants 

expected to retire in 40 years.

Figure 6: Percent Change in Lump Sums for Participants Retiring in 40 

Years or Less for an Interest Rate Increase from 5 Percent to 6 


[See PDF for image]

[End of figure]

Note: GAO and American Academy of Actuaries analysis using the 1994 

Group Annuity Reserving table mortality data.

Reducing the dollar amount of each lump-sum distribution by using a 

higher interest rate may affect the number of employers that offer a 

lump-sum distribution and the number of participants electing to take a 

lump-sum distribution. Many employers already offer a lump-sum 

provision in their plans; however, if the rate used to calculate lump-

sum distribution amounts were to increase, reducing the amount of each 

distribution, more employers may adopt lump-sum provisions in their 

plans in order to reduce costs. However, fewer participants might elect 

a lump-sum distribution if the value of such payments were to decline 

relative to the participant’s annuity benefit.

Reducing the calculated present value of each participant’s benefit 

would also increase the number of participants whose benefit may be 

distributed by the plan as a lump sum without their consent. An 

increase in the assumed interest rate would cause the present values of 

some benefits, which are currently above the $5,000 limit for 

nondiscretionary distribution as a lump sum, to be reduced to the point 

that they fall below that limit.

Use of Higher Interest Rates May Decrease Employer Contributions and 

PBGC Revenue:

Because a higher interest rate would make plans appear better funded 

relative to current liabilities than they were before, employer 

contributions and PBGC revenue may decrease. For each 1-percentage 

point change in the interest rate, estimated current liabilities of a 

pension plan would change by 12 percent to 15 percent.[Footnote 36] 

Such a change may lower or eliminate the minimum employer contribution, 

referred to as the deficit reduction contribution, required by the 

IRC.[Footnote 37] Therefore, plans with a typical distribution of 

participants would see their liabilities reduced by 

12 percent to 15 percent from a 1-percentage point increase in the 

interest rate. Figure 7 shows plans that were 80 percent funded would 

become more than 90 percent funded and would no longer have to make a 

deficit reduction contribution.

Figure 7: Effect of a 1-Percentage Point Increase in the Interest Rate 

on the Funded Percentage of a Hypothetical Plan with a Typical 

Participant Distribution:

[See PDF for image]

[End of figure]

Note: At 90-percent funded and above for current liability, the plan is 

not subject to the deficit reduction contribution, which is the portion 

of the minimum funding requirements that uses the 

30-year Treasury rate. A 12-percent reduction in liabilities, resulting 

in a 10.9-percent increase in the funded percentage is assumed for 

illustrative purposes.

A higher interest rate would also decrease allowable employer 

contributions for plans at the full funding limit. The IRC imposes full 

funding limitations that limit tax-deductible contributions under 

certain circumstances in order to prevent employers from contributing 

more to their plan than is necessary to cover promised future benefits. 

The full funding limitations established in 1987 and 1994, also known 

respectively as the 150-percent current liability limitation[Footnote 

38] and the 90-percent current liability limitation, are required to be 

computed using the 30-year Treasury rate. If the rate with which they 

are required to be computed were to increase, more plans would be 

subject to the full funding limitation and, therefore, fewer would be 

allowed to make additional contributions.

Employer premium payments to PBGC would decrease with the use of a 

higher interest rate because their plans’ current liabilities would 

become better funded. Generally, ERISA requires plans with assets that 

are less than the value of their accrued vested benefits to pay an 

additional premium, termed the variable-rate premium.[Footnote 39] 

Assuming an increase in the interest rate, some plans would no longer 

be subject to the variable-rate premium because the reduction in their 

current liabilities would cause them to reach the full funding limit 

and therefore become exempt from the payment. Plans still subject to 

the variable-rate premium would pay less because their current 

liabilities would become better funded.


The choice of an interest rate has important implications for federal 

revenue, employer cash flow, and participant retirement income. A 

single percentage point increase in the interest rate would reduce a 

typical pension plan’s current liabilities by 12 percent to 15 percent, 

depending on participant demographics. Rules for using current 

liability calculations to determine minimum contributions, full funding 

limits, and PBGC premiums are extremely complex. However, in general, 

with an increase in the interest rate, some under-funded plans would 

become adequately funded, some plans would reach full funding limits, 

and additional plans would avoid variable-rate premiums. Additionally, 

the minimum allowable value of the lump-sum equivalent of a 

participant’s annuity benefit would decline. The magnitude of the 

decline would depend on the participant’s age and proximity to the 

plan’s normal retirement age.

Each alternative has characteristics that may make it more or less 

appropriate as an interest rate. To the extent that policymakers 

continue to want the interest rate tied to group annuity purchase 

rates, the PBGC interest rate factors have the most direct connection 

to the group annuity market. Other than the survey conducted for PBGC, 

no mechanism exists to collect information on actual group annuity 

purchase rates. Although the PBGC interest rate factors may track group 

annuity purchase rates more closely than other rates do, the PBGC 

interest rate factors are less transparent than market-determined 

alternatives. Long-term market rates, such as corporate bond indices, 

may track changes in group annuity rates over time, but they are less 

directly connected to group annuity rates and their proximity to group 

annuity rates is uncertain. In addition, an interest rate based on some 

long-term market rates, such as corporate bond indices, may need to be 

adjusted downward to better reflect the level of group annuity purchase 


Finally, the suitability of any interest rate used is likely to change 

over time and, unless some entity is given the responsibility for 

monitoring its relationship to group annuity purchase rates, the 

Congress and pension plans regulatory agencies will have difficulty 

determining when changes are needed. The Congress has made several ad 

hoc adjustments to the mandatory interest rate for pension calculations 

and can continue to make changes to the rate through the legislative 

process. Given the significant technical issues associated with such 

decisions as well as the time it takes to enact such a legislative 

change, the Congress could decide to delegate this authority to the 

executive branch and establish a process to monitor the mandatory rate. 

This would provide an opportunity for needed adjustments to the rate to 

occur in a timelier manner. We are offering suggestions to the Congress 

on a possible process for adjusting the mandatory rate as well as a way 

to periodically monitor the rate over time.

Matters for Congressional Consideration:

To improve the timeliness of adjustments to the mandatory interest rate 

for pension calculations, the Congress should consider establishing a 

process for regulatory adjustments of the rate. The Congress should 

consider providing the cognizant regulatory agencies--Labor, Treasury, 

and PBGC--the authority under ERISA to jointly adjust the rate within 

certain boundaries as specified under the law.

This could be done by the Congress establishing an interagency 

committee to adjust, with the input of key stakeholders, including plan 

sponsors, labor unions, actuaries and others, the mandatory interest 

rate. This could be a transparent process consistent with the 

Administrative Procedures Act. Under this option, the Congress could 

either require that the Committee’s adjustments to the mandated 

interest rate obtain congressional approval and be enacted into law or 

it could provide for congressional review and disapproval. The 

disapproval role could be similar to the role the Congress provides for 

itself under the Congressional Review Act. Under the act, federal 

regulations are held for 60 days to give the Congress the opportunity 

to pass a resolution of disapproval. This process provides the 

advantages of allowing for more timely adjustments to the interest rate 

if needed and providing the Congress with the opportunity to intervene 

if it so chooses without requiring direct congressional involvement for 

the adjustments to take effect.

Whether the Congress decides to maintain its current role in setting 

and adjusting the mandatory interest rate or delegates this authority 

to the executive branch, it should consider establishing a process to 

better monitor changes to the rate in relation to group annuity 

purchase rates. If the Congress selects one of the market-based rates 

as the new mandatory rate, it should consider amending ERISA to require 

the cognizant regulatory agencies to (1) periodically evaluate the 

relationship between the rate and the group annuity purchase rates and 

report to the Congress and (2) provide comments about how any changes 

to the mandated interest rate they would recommend would likely affect 

federal revenue, employer pension contributions, plan funding levels, 

and participants’ lump-sum benefits. This would provide the Congress 

and the regulatory agencies an opportunity to respond in a timely 

manner to changes that might affect the relationship between the 

market-based rate and the group annuity purchase rate.

Alternatively, if the Congress decides to select the PBGC interest rate 

factors as the mandatory interest rate, it should consider requiring an 

independent review to validate PBGC’s methodology and calculations for 

developing the factors and require PBGC to publish its methodology, 

both before they are selected as the mandated interest rate and 

periodically thereafter.

Agency Comments:

We provided a draft of this report to Labor, Treasury, and PBGC. The 

agencies jointly provided written comments, which appear in appendix 

III. They generally agreed with our findings and conclusions and noted 

that our report will help interested parties better evaluate possible 

alternatives to the 30-year Treasury rate. They also provided technical 

comments, which we incorporated as appropriate.

We are sending copies of this report to the Secretary of Labor, the 

Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Commerce, and the Executive 

Director of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, appropriate 

congressional committees, and other interested parties. We will also 

make copies available to others on request. In addition, the report 

will be available at no charge on GAO’s Web site at

If you have any questions concerning this report, please contact me at 

(202) 512-7215 or George A. Scott at (202) 512-5932. Other major 

contributors include Daniel F. Alspaugh, Joseph Applebaum, 

Kenneth J. Bombara, Mark M. Glickman, Michael P. Morris, 

Corinna Nicolaou, John M. Schaefer, and Roger J. Thomas.

Signed by Barbara D. Bovbjerg:

Barbara D. Bovbjerg

Director, Education, Workforce

 and Income Security Issues:

[End of section]

Appendix I: Scope and Methodology:

To determine the characteristics of a suitable interest rate, we 

reviewed pension laws and their legislative history with respect to the 

calculation of current liability and lump-sum amounts. We also 

interviewed officials at the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation 

(PBGC) and other policymakers who played a role in assessing 

alternative interest rates. We obtained information about group annuity 

pricing, and the availability of information about group annuity 

purchase rates, from representatives of the American Academy of 

Actuaries, the American Council of Life Insurers, the National 

Association of Insurance Commissioners, and insurance companies.

To identify and examine the advantages and disadvantages of potential 

alternative interest rates, we interviewed representatives and reviewed 

documents from a number of government, pension plan sponsor, and 

investment entities, including PBGC, the Department of the Treasury, 

and Department of Labor. We also compared rates and other market 

statistics for suggested alternative debt securities with rates for 30-

year Treasury bonds from 1987 to 2002. We discussed transparency, rate 

construction, and liquidity issues for the alternatives with economists 

at the Department of the Treasury and the Federal Reserve and with 

financial experts at the Bond Market Association, Federal National 

Mortgage Association, and pension plan consultants.

To determine how alternative rates might affect employers, plan 

participants, and PBGC, we created hypothetical examples in which we 

tested the effect of changes in rate levels on current liabilities and 

lump-sum payments. We designed the hypothetical examples based on 

discussions with several actuaries and pension consultants, including 

PBGC and the American Society of Pension Actuaries. Additionally, in 

order to better understand the possible effects of a rate change on 

employers and plan participants, we spoke with several organizations 

that represent their interests. In order to better understand the 

implications of a change in the interest rate on PBGC, we spoke with 

PBGC, Department of Labor, Internal Revenue Service, and the Department 

of the Treasury.

[End of section]

Appendix II: Group Annuity Purchase Rate Would Be Affected by Cash Flow 

Projection and Yield Curve at Termination:

Group annuity purchase rates would vary among plans depending on the 

pattern of each plan’s projected cash flows over time and the yield 

curve at the time the plan is terminated.

Cash Flows Vary by Plan:

Figure 8 shows the projected cash flow over a 40-year period for a 

sample plan at termination. The figure shows that, in the early years, 

payments to inactive participants of the sample plan, primarily current 

retirees, constitute a majority of total cash flow. In later years, 

however, payments to active participants make up the majority of total 

cash flow as current employees retire.

Figure 8: Projected Cash Flow for Sample Defined Benefit Plan for the 

First 40 Years after Plan Termination:

[See PDF for image]

[End of figure]

Note: Inactive participants are primarily current retirees, but also 

includes some terminated-vested participants.

All else being equal, the projected cash flows of plans with a larger 

percentage of retirees at termination than the sample plan would be 

more heavily weighted toward the early years, and the cash flows of 

plans with a larger percentage of active participants at termination 

would be more heavily weighted toward the later years.

Group Annuity Purchase Rates Would Vary with the Yield Curve:

Surveys of insurance company group annuity pricing practices performed 

as part of two studies for the Society of Actuaries indicate that 

insurance companies use different methods to price group annuity 

products.[Footnote 40] In general, these methods may be described with 

respect to yield curves, which may be constructed for various types of 

securities, including Treasury securities, corporate bonds, and 

mortgages. Figure 9 shows, for example, two of the better know yield 

curves, the yield curves for on-the-run Treasury securities and zero-

coupon Treasury securities, as of February 6, 2003.[Footnote 41] The 

yield for on-the-run securities reflects interest rates for securities 

that make semiannual interest payments before they mature, followed by 

a final payment of interest and principal at maturity. The yield for 

zero-coupon securities reflects interest rates, called spot rates, for 

securities that make a single payment at maturity.

Figure 9: Yield Curves for On-the-Run and Zero-Coupon Treasury 

Securities as of February 6, 2003:

[See PDF for image]

[End of figure]

Note: Treasury constructed the curve for zero-coupon securities, often 

referred to as Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of 

Securities (STRIPS), from the yield on on-the-run securities. According 

to a Treasury official, spot rates constructed from the yield for on-

the-run securities may differ from actual market rates on STRIPS.

In figure 9, interest rates for the on-the-run securities that make 

coupon payments are lower than rates for zero-coupon securities, at the 

same maturity. This reflects the fact that coupon yields are a blend of 

zero-coupon spot rates, and the term structure of spot rates on 

February 6, 2003, was upward sloping.[Footnote 42]

To determine the present value of plan cash flows using a zero-coupon 

yield curve, the spot rates at various maturities may be used as the 

interest rates for calculating the present value of cash flows at the 

corresponding points in time.[Footnote 43] For example, the spot rate 

at a 10-year maturity might be used to calculate the present value of a 

cash flow at 10 years because the timing of the single payment from the 

security would match the timing of the cash flow by the plan.

In using a yield curve based on securities that make payments prior to 

maturity, maturity is inadequate for deciding which interest rate 

should be used to calculate the present value of a given cash flow 

because the security’s interim interest payments must be considered. In 

these cases, a concept called “duration” may be used to select a single 

interest rate for all cash flows in the present value calculation. 

Duration measures the average time that it takes for a security to make 

all interest and principal payments, or a pension plan to make all 

benefit payments, with the time until each payment weighted by its 

present value as a percentage of the total present value of all 

payments. The total present value of a security’s payments is its 

market price and the total present value of a plan’s benefit payments 

is its current liabilities. An interest rate is selected for plan 

present value calculations from the yield curve that results in the 

same duration for the security and plan’s cash flow.

Duration is a measure of the sensitivity of a security’s price, a lump 

sum, or a pension plan’s current liability to changes in the interest 

rates used to calculate them. For example, actuaries estimate that the 

duration of the liabilities for pension plans with a “typical” 

distribution of participants is between 12 years and 15 years.[Footnote 

44] Durations of 12 years and 15 years indicate that a 1-percentage 

point increase in the interest rate used to calculate a plan’s 

liabilities would decrease those liabilities by roughly 12 percent and 

15 percent, respectively. In February 2003, the duration of the 30-year 

Treasury bond issued in February 2001 was about 15 years.

[End of section]

Appendix III: Comments from the Department of Treasury:



February 21, 2003:

Ms. Barbara D. Bovbjerg Director:

Education, Workforce, and Income Security Issues United States General 

Accounting Office Washington, DC 20548:

Dear Ms. Bovbjerg:

Thank you for sharing a draft copy of Private Pensions. Process Needed 

to Monitor the Mandatecl Interest Role for Pension Calculations with 

the Departments of Treasury. Labor and Commerce and the Pension Benefit 

Guaranty Corporation. On behalf of these agencies, Treasury staff 

earlier provided GAO staff with technical comments on the draft report.

As you know, some propose replacing the 30-Year Treasury interest rate 

with a pension discount rate that is a composite of long term corporate 

interest indexes. We are concerned that this approach, or any other 

single interest rate, ignores the time structure of benefit payments 

that make up pension liabilities. In particular, using a long-term 

interest rate to discount expected benefit payments for a pension plan 

whose participants are either retired or nearing the end of their 

working lives is likely to understate the plan’s liabilities since a 

substantial portion of total benefit payments are due in the near 


Likewise using a short-term interest rate to discount the liabilities 

of a plan whose participants are predominantly in their twenties and 

thirties will tend to overstate liabilities because most of these 

workers will not begin to receive pension benefit payments for twenty 

years or more. The Administration currently is evaluating different 

methods of computing pension liabilities that could reflect the 

underlying time structure of pension plan liabilities.

We are pleased to see that an appendix to the report describes the 

concept of matching discount rates to the time structure of pension 

liabilities. Our research indicates that the concept is consistent with 

the best and prudent pricing and design practices of financial 

intermediaries, including the issuers of annuity products. Your review 

of the concept in the report will help all interested parties better 

evaluate possible replacements for the 30-Year Treasury rate.

Again, the agencies appreciate the opportunity to review the draft 


Signed by Peter R. Fisher:

Peter R. Fisher:

Under Secretary for Domestic Finance:


[1] Under defined benefit plans, formulas set by the employer determine 

employee benefits. Defined benefit plan formulas vary widely, but 

benefits are frequently based on participant pay and years of 

employment. Because defined benefit plans promise to make payments in 

the future, employers must use present value calculations to estimate 

the current value of promised benefits. Present value calculations 

reflect the time value of money--that a dollar in the future is worth 

less than a dollar today, because the dollar today can be invested and 

earn interest. The calculation requires an assumption about the 

interest rate, which reflects how much could be earned from investing 

today’s dollars.

[2] PBGC is a federal corporation created by ERISA to insure pension 

benefits, up to certain limits set by law, of participants in most 

qualified defined benefit pension plans. PBGC takes over defined 

benefit plans that are terminated with insufficient assets to pay the 

benefits to which participants are entitled.

[3] Generally, defined benefit plan participants receive benefits in 

periodic payments, called “annuities,” starting at retirement and 

ending at the beneficiary’s death. However, under certain 

circumstances, defined benefit plans may provide all promised benefits 

in a single lump-sum payment.

[4] In 1987, a permissible range meant a rate of interest that was not 

more than 10 percent above, and not more than 10 percent below, the 

weighted average of the rates of interest on 30-year Treasury bond 

securities during the 4-year period ending on the last day before the 

beginning of the plan year. The weighted average rate is calculated as 

the average yield over 48 months with rates for the most recent 12 

months weighted by 4, the second most recent 12 months weighted by 3, 

the third most recent 12 months weighted by 2, and the fourth weighted 

by 1. The top of the permissible range was gradually reduced by 1 

percent per year beginning with the 1995 plan year to not more than 5 

percent above the weighted average rate effective for plan years 

beginning in 1999. The top of the permissible range was temporarily 

increased to 20 percent above the weighted average rate for 2002 and 

2003. A plan’s total liability is calculated for benefits earned 

through the valuation date. 

[5] Under the special minimum funding rule, a single-employer plan 

sponsored by an employer with more than 100 employees in defined 

benefit plans is subject to a deficit reduction contribution for a plan 

year if the value of the plan’s assets is less than 90 percent of its 

current liability. However, a plan is not subject to the deficit 

reduction contribution if (1) the value of plan assets is at least 80 

percent of current liability and (2) the value of the plan assets was 

at least 90 percent of current liability for each of the 2 immediately 

preceding years or each of the second and third immediately preceding 

years. See 26 U.S.C. 412(l).

[6] The full funding limit is generally defined as the excess, if any, 

of (1) the lesser of (a) the accrued liability under the plan, 

including normal cost, or (b) 170 percent of the plan’s current 

liability, over the value of the plan’s assets. Additionally, the full-

funding limit is never below the excess, if any, of 90 percent of a 

plan’s current liability over the value of the plan’s assets. See 26 

U.S.C. 404(a)(1) and 26 U.S.C. 412(c)(7). Current and accrued liability 

differ in that current liability is limited to benefits that 

participants and beneficiaries have accrued to date, while accrued 

liability is generally based on projected benefits. This current 

liability full-funding limit was originally 150 percent of current 

liability but started being phased out in 1999. It will be repealed for 

plan years beginning in 2004 and thereafter. Even if a plan’s assets 

are at the full-funding limit, the employer can contribute and deduct 

the amount, if any, to bring assets up to 100 percent of current 


[7] An additional premium is required if the plan has unfunded vested 

benefits using a statutorily specified interest rate.

[8] Under IRC, if a participant ceases to be employed by the employer 

maintaining the plan, the plan may distribute the participant’s benefit 

as a lump sum without the consent of the participant, if the present 

value of the benefit does not exceed a specified amount (currently 

$5,000). Internal Revenue Service regulations provide plans with 

various options for specifying the 30-year Treasury bond interest rate 

to be used under the plan, such as the period for which the interest 

rate will remain constant and the use of averaging.

[9] For example, by placing limits on the range of rates that employers 

might use as an interest rate for calculating current liabilities, the 

Congress effectively prevented employers from choosing a rate that 

reflects insurance company prices should it result in an interest rate 

outside the permissible range.

[10] The Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act of 2002 expanded the 

permissible range of the statutory interest rate for current liability 

calculations for plan years beginning after December 31, 2001, and 

before January 1, 2004. Similarly, the act increased the statutory 

interest rate for PBGC variable-rate premium calculations for plan 

years beginning during the same time period. See section 405 of P.L. 

107-147, Mar. 9, 2002.

[11] Other important assumptions in estimating the value of plan 

benefits include the mortality and retirement rates for plan 

participants because those rates determine the expectation that each 

future benefit payment will be made and the expected starting date of 

benefit payments, respectively.

[12] Recently, a number of issues have been raised concerning the 

interest rate that should be used for measuring pension liabilities. 

See, for example, Lawrence N. Bader and Jeremy Gold, Reinventing 

Pension Actuarial Science, The Pension Forum, Society of Actuaries, 

(Schaumberg, IL, forthcoming) at


[13] Selection of Economic Assumptions for Measuring Pension 

Obligations, Actuarial Standard of Practice Number 27, Actuarial 

Standards Board, Dec. 1996.

[14] Employers are generally subject to an excise tax for failure to 

make required contributions or for making contributions in excess of 

the greater of the maximum deductible amount or the ERISA full-funding 


[15] Accrued benefits are benefits that plan participants have earned 

based on past service. Accrued benefits may be vested, in which case 

plan participants have a nonforfeitable right to them, or nonvested, in 

which case participants have not yet completed qualification 

requirements for the benefits. In a voluntary plan termination, 

participants become fully vested in their accrued benefits.

[16] Section 9307(e)(1)(5)(B)(iii)(II) of P.L. 100-203, Dec. 22, 1987.

[17] Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987, Conference Report to 

Accompany H.R. 3545, House of Representatives Report 100-495 at 846 and 

868, Dec. 21, 1987.

[18] The amendment phased in the change in the upper limit to 105 

percent over several years.

[19] Retirement Protection Act of 1994, House Report No. 103-632(II), 

Aug. 26, 1994.

[20] The maximum lump sum cannot exceed the present value of the 

maximum annual benefit permitted by IRC (for a participant retiring at 

age 65 in 2003, the lesser of $160,000 a year or 100 percent of the 

participant’s average compensation for the high 3 years).

[21] In addition to changing the required interest rate to 30-year 

Treasury bond rates, the amendment required employers to use a 

mortality table based on the prevailing commissioners standard table 

used to determine reserves for group annuity contracts. See Section No. 

767, P.L. 103-465, Dec. 08, 1994, and H.R. Rep. No. 632(II), Aug. 26, 


[22] Insurance companies may be able to achieve a somewhat higher rate 

of return than indicated by publicly traded securities, at a given 

credit risk, by lending money privately and holding investments to 


[23] Projected cash flows are the expected payments to retired and 

nonretired participants taking into account their expected mortality 

and adjusted for the expected commencement dates for nonretired 

participants. A yield curve shows how current interest rates vary with 

the term to maturity of securities that would be used to finance the 

cash flow. 

[24] According to a survey of insurance companies for a Society of 

Actuaries research project, all companies adjusted their mortality by 

projection to the current date, and most companies projected future 

improvement. Surveys indicate that insurance companies use several 

mortality tables, including the 1994 Group Annuity Reserving and 1994 

Group Annuity Mortality tables. See Victor Modugno, “30-Year Treasury 

Rates and Defined Benefit Plans,” in 30-Year Treasury Rates and Defined 

Benefit Plans, a special report commissioned by the Society of 

Actuaries (2001), 

(downloaded Dec. 12, 2002), 3. See also Ryan Labs, Inc., “Pension 

Financial Management and Valuation Discount Rates,” in 30-Year Treasury 

Rates and Defined Benefit Plans, a special report commissioned by the 

Society of Actuaries (2001),

pension_research.html (downloaded Dec. 12, 2002), 27.

[25] Insurance company actuaries said that variations in plan 

provisions and insurance company assumptions with respect to early 

retirement and ancillary benefits may preclude an accurate 

determination of actual group annuity purchase rates, even if the buy-

out price and basic plan information were disclosed. They also said, 

however, that a periodic survey of insurance company assumptions could 

be useful in assessing the designated interest rate.

[26] A basis point is one-hundredth of a percent.

[27] Jon Parks and Ron Gebhardtsbauer, Alternatives to the 30-Year 

Treasury Rate, a public statement by the Pension Practice Council of 

the American Academy of Actuaries (July 27, 2002),

pension/rate_17july02.pdf (downloaded Dec. 12, 2002), 8.

[28] Credit risk is the potential that borrowers will be delinquent or 

default on their obligations.

[29] Companies that issue debt typically have a “credit rating” based 

on an assessment of its probability of making promised payments. A 

number of companies, including Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s, issue 

widely accepted credit ratings of different companies.

[30] The study used the 30-year Bloomberg A3 index of industrial bonds 

for the analysis. See Victor Modugno, 30-Year Treasury Rates, 6. 

According to the American Academy of Actuaries, the Bloomberg A3 index 

rate is close to the rate for Moody’s Aa-rated bonds because it is 

option adjusted. For example, the rates are adjusted to eliminate the 

call provision. See Parks and Gebhardtsbauer, Alternatives, 4.

[31] ACLI conducts four surveys annually. PBGC interest rate factors 

are based on an average of the surveys conducted in June and September.

[32] 29 C.F.R. 4044.53 specifies the use of the 1983 Group Annuity 

Mortality Table for PBGC valuations of current liability, which under 

current rules is the same table specified by the IRS for current 

liability calculations. However, IRS has initiated the process to 

change the table. See IRS Announcement 2000-7, which was published 

February 7, 2000. An IRS actuary said that the effort is still in 

process with no estimated completion date. According to PBGC, changing 

the mortality table on which the factors are based would alter them. An 

official said, for example, that basing the factors on the mortality 

table that PBGC used in preparing its 2002 financial report would 

change them by 60 basis points.

[33] Marilyn M. Oliver and Gregory S. Schlappich, PBGC Plan Termination 

Cost Study, American Academy of Actuaries, May 4, 2000.The study 

examined actual plan terminations, which mostly occurred between 1994 

and 1997. Available data did not cover very large plan terminations and 

the study cautioned that no conclusions should be drawn with respect to 


[34] A change to a higher statutory interest rate would not decrease 

minimum lump-sum amounts for participants in plans that use an interest 

rate below the rate on 30-year Treasury bonds for calculating lump-sum 


[35] More recent mortality tables take into consideration increased 

expected longevity due to advances in medical diagnostics and treatment 

and therefore have the effect of increasing current liability 

valuations because the valuation will have to be made with the 

assumption that the promised monthly benefit will be paid over a longer 

period of time.

[36] This assumes a typical distribution of participants by age and 

other relevant factors, such as number of years until retirement and 

years of service. See Parks and Gebhardtsbauer, Alternatives, 6. The 

magnitude of an increase or decrease in plan liabilities associated 

with a given change in discount rates would depend on the demographic 

and other characteristics of each plan. Essentially, the percentage 

change in liabilities, for a given change in the discount rate, would 

be greater for plans and plan participants with a majority of their 

benefit payments in the distant future (younger participants far from 

retirement) than for those plans with a majority of their payments in 

the near term (older participants close to or already in retirement).

[37] The IRC requires that plans with a funded percentage below 90 

percent be subject to the deficit reduction contribution. However, 

plans that are between 80 percent and 90 percent funded are exempted 

from the deficit reduction contribution as long as the funded 

percentage in 2 consecutive years out of the prior 3 years were at or 

above 90 percent.

[38] The current liability full-funding limit established in 1987 was 

originally 150 percent of current liability but started being phased 

out in 1999. It will be repealed for plan years beginning in 2004 and 


[39] Variable-rate premiums are calculated on the basis of a plan’s 

unfunded current liabilities, taking into account only vested benefits 

discounted using 100 percent of the 30-year Treasury rate for the month 

preceding the beginning of the premium payment year. Under the Job 

Creation and Worker Assistance Act of 2002, the percentage of the 30-

year Treasury rate for variable-rate premium calculation purposes was 

temporarily increased from 

85 percent to 100 percent for plan years beginning in 2002 and 2003. In 

2004, under current law, it will revert to its former 85 percent of the 

30-year Treasury rate until such time as the Secretary of the Treasury 

specifies a new mortality table for calculating current liabilities at 

which time it is scheduled to go back up to 100 percent of the 30-year 


[40] Modugno, 30-Year Treasury Rates, 4-7. Ryan Labs, Inc., 30-Year 

Treasury Rates, 37-38.

[41] On-the-run securities are the most recently issued government 

securities at each maturity point.

[42] Bruce Tuckman, Fixed Income Securities: Tools for Today’s Market, 

John Wiley & Sons, Inc., (New York, 1995).

[43] Spot rates may need to be converted from semiannual compounded 

rates, the convention used in U.S. fixed-income markets, to annual 

rates, the convention used by actuaries to specify interest rates for 

employee benefit plan liabilities. 

[44] Treasury officials believe that the maturity structure of many 

large plans is shorter than what has been described by other actuaries 

as typical, and that, moreover, for all plans, the maturity structure 

has become shorter over the last two decades.

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