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Progressing, but Work Remains' which was released on December 10, 2009. 

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Before the Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies, 
Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives: 

United States Government Accountability Office: 

For Release on Delivery: 
Expected at 10:00 a.m. EST:
December 10, 2009: 

Smithsonian Institution: 

Governance and Facilities Reforms Progressing, but Work Remains: 

Statement of Mark L. Goldstein, Director: 
Physical Infrastructure Issues: 


GAO Highlights: 

Highlights of GAO-10-297T, a testimony before the Subcommittee on 
Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies, Committee on 
Appropriations, House of Representatives. 

Why GAO Did This Study: 

The Smithsonian Institution (Smithsonian) is the world’s largest museum 
complex. Its funding comes from its own private trust fund assets and 
federal appropriations. The Smithsonian Board of Regents, the 
Smithsonian’s governing body, is responsible for the long-term 
stewardship of the Smithsonian. In recent years, GAO and others have 
documented (1) significant governance and accountability breakdowns at 
the Smithsonian, which could ultimately put funding and the 
organization’s credibility at risk, and (2) the deterioration of the 
Smithsonian’s facilities and the threat this deterioration poses to the 
Smithsonian’s collections. 

This testimony discusses (1) the Smithsonian’s status in implementing 
governance reforms recommended by its Governance Committee and by GAO 
in a 2008 report (GAO-08-632)—as discussed in a GAO report being 
released today (GAO-10-190R)—and (2) the Smithsonian’s progress in 
implementing facilities and funding recommendations GAO made in a 2007 
report (GAO-07-1127). The work for this testimony is based on GAO-10-
190R and an analysis of documentary and testimonial evidence from 
Smithsonian officials. 

What GAO Found: 

Since May 2008 the Smithsonian has implemented 9 reforms recommended by 
the Board of Regents Governance Committee—in addition to the 30 it had 
implemented prior to May 2008—and 1 of 4 GAO recommendations, but work 
remains on 3 reforms and 3 recommendations. The 9 Governance Committee 
reforms implemented since May 2008 include efforts such as revising 
policies related to travel and expense reimbursement and event 
expenses, creating a regents’ annual public forum, completing a review 
and revision of Board of Regents committees’ charters, and developing 
an assessment process for the Board of Regents. The Smithsonian has not 
completed implementation of 3 Governance Committee reforms related to 
the Smithsonian’s contracting policy, a comprehensive review of 
financial reporting and internal controls, and enhancing the role of 
advisory boards. 

Regarding GAO’s May 2008 recommendations, the Smithsonian implemented 
GAO’s recommendation to evaluate what actions it can take in the event 
of persistent neglect of duties by a regent, but has not completed 
implementation of the following three recommendations: 

* The Board of Regents has not fully implemented GAO’s recommendation 
to develop and make public its process for the selection, use, and 
evaluation of nonregents. The Board of Regents posted on its Web site 
the process for selecting nonregent committee members but did not make 
a final decision regarding a proposed bylaw to give nonregent members 
of committees the same roles and responsibilities as regents. 

* The Board of Regents took steps to improve its relationship with 
stakeholders, including advisory boards. However, because of 
limitations of the efforts thus far—such as the informal nature of the 
Board of Regents’ efforts and their focus on the dissemination of 
information from the regents rather than two-way communication—several 
advisory board chairs with whom GAO spoke expressed concern that the 
Board of Regents still lacked a sufficient understanding of Smithsonian 
museums and other entities to govern as effectively as possible. 

* The Board of Regents has not yet conducted a comprehensive evaluation 
of its reforms but plans to do so in fiscal year 2010. 

The Smithsonian has implemented four of GAO’s five 2007 recommendations 
related to facilities and funding. These include recommendations 
related to improving the Smithsonian’s security communications and the 
comprehensiveness of its capital plan. Furthermore, the Smithsonian has 
implemented GAO’s recommendation to more comprehensively analyze 
nonfederal funding options to meet the needs of its facilities 
projects. The Smithsonian is planning to launch a national fund-raising 
campaign to raise private sector funds for its programs and facilities. 
It is unclear how much in funds will be raised or dedicated to 
facilities through such a campaign. The Smithsonian has not implemented 
GAO’s recommendation to submit a report to Congress and the Office of 
Management and Budget on its funding strategy, but it plans to do so as 
part of its national fund-raising campaign. 

What GAO Recommends: 

GAO is not making recommendations in this testimony and did not make 
new recommendations in GAO-10-190R. The Smithsonian and the Board of 
Regents concurred with the findings of GAO-10-190R. 

View [hyperlink,] or key 
components. For more information, contact Mark L. Goldstein, (202) 512-
2834, or 

[End of section] 

Mr. Chairman and Members of the Subcommittee: 

Thank you for the opportunity to testify before you today on efforts by 
the Smithsonian Institution (Smithsonian) to address challenges related 
to governance and facilities. The Smithsonian has been referred to as 
America's museum, as its museums hold and provide access to 
irreplaceable national collections in American and natural history, 
art, and other areas. The Smithsonian has evolved into the world's 
largest museum complex and research organization; two of its museums on 
the National Mall in Washington, D.C., are among the most highly 
visited in the world. The Smithsonian's governing body, the Board of 
Regents, is responsible for the long-term stewardship of the 
Smithsonian's mission. In recent years, we and others have documented 
significant governance and accountability breakdowns at the 
Smithsonian, which could result in a lack of trust from donors, 
grantors, and appropriators and ultimately put funding and the 
organization's credibility at risk. We and others have also documented 
the deterioration of the Smithsonian's facilities and the threat this 
deterioration poses to the Smithsonian's collections. For example, in 
April 2005, we reported that the failing condition and closure of the 
Smithsonian's 1881 Arts and Industries building on the National Mall 
was the most significant example of a broad decline in the condition of 
the Smithsonian's facilities portfolio.[Footnote 1] 

In 2007, following a report from the Smithsonian's Inspector General to 
the Board of Regents on the then-Secretary's compensation package and 
expenses, and related inquiries, the then-Secretary resigned. Two 
subsequent studies were published in June 2007, one by the Board of 
Regents Governance Committee and the other by an Independent Review 
Committee (IRC), created at the Board of Regents' request, that 
identified numerous governance and accountability breakdowns. Both 
studies recommended changes to address these breakdowns. The Board of 
Regents adopted all 25 of the Governance Committee's recommendations 
and stated that the IRC's recommendations were, for the most part, 
encompassed by the Governance Committee's recommendations. In 2008, in 
assessing the Smithsonian's implementation of these 25 recommendations, 
we determined that some of these recommendations had multiple parts. In 
order to assess the Smithsonian's efforts to implement these 
recommendations, we analyzed each reform contained in the 
recommendations separately; therefore, we assessed the Smithsonian's 
efforts related to 42 reforms in the following areas: 

* executive and ethics reforms: 

* executive travel policies: 

* policies on broader Smithsonian operations: 

* access of senior officials to the Board of Regents and level of 
information available to the Board of Regents: 

* transparency of Board of Regents' and the Smithsonian's activities: 

* communication and stakeholder relationships: 

* regents' roles and responsibilities: 

* the Board of Regents' structure and composition: 

* assessment of the Board of Regents: 

In our previous report, we found that the Board of Regents had 
implemented 30 of the 42 reforms to address these areas of concern, and 
that it had not completed its implementation of 12 of the recommended 
reforms. In that report, we also made four recommendations to 
strengthen the Board of Regents' governance reform efforts.[Footnote 2] 

Moreover, in an earlier report, in September 2007, we had found that 
while the Smithsonian had made some improvements to its real property 
management, the continued deterioration of many facilities had caused 
problems, the Smithsonian's cost estimate for facilities projects had 
increased to $2.5 billion through fiscal year 2013, and the 
Smithsonian's security and real property portfolio management efforts 
faced challenges.[Footnote 3] In September 2007, we concluded that if 
the Smithsonian did not develop a viable strategy to address its 
estimated $2.5 billion in facilities projects, its facilities and 
collections would face increased risk, and the ability of the 
Smithsonian to meet its mission would likely decline. We therefore 
recommended, among other things, that the Smithsonian analyze funding 
strategies and report to Congress. 

In my statement today, I will discuss (1) the findings of a report we 
are releasing today--Smithsonian Institution: Implementation of 
Governance Reforms Is Progressing, but Work Remains[Footnote 4]-- 
regarding the Smithsonian's efforts to implement governance reforms 
recommended by the Board of Regents Governance Committee and by GAO in 
2008,[Footnote 5] and (2) provide a brief update on the Smithsonian's 
efforts to implement our 2007 facilities and funding recommendations. 

Information regarding the Smithsonian's governance changes is based on 
the work we did for the report being released today, which was in 
response to a congressional mandate.[Footnote 6] In that report, we 
assessed the extent to which the Smithsonian has implemented governance 
reforms recommended by its Governance Committee and GAO, but we did not 
evaluate the effectiveness of these reforms in improving Smithsonian 
governance. Both the Smithsonian and the Board of Regents concurred 
with the findings of that report. Information regarding the 
Smithsonian's efforts to implement our 2007 facilities and funding 
recommendations is based on our September 2007 report on the 
Smithsonian's facilities[Footnote 7] and our review of updated 
information provided in Smithsonian documents--including Office of 
Protection Services documents, the Smithsonian's draft facilities 
capital program (fiscal years 2010-2014), and minutes from the Board of 
Regents' November 2007 meeting--and through interviews with Smithsonian 
officials. We conducted our work for this report in November and 
December 2009 in accordance with generally accepted government auditing 
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit 
to obtain sufficient, appropriate evidence to provide a reasonable 
basis for our findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives. 
We believe that the evidence obtained provides a reasonable basis for 
our findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives. 


Congress established the Smithsonian in 1846 to administer a large 
bequest left to the United States by James Smithson, an English 
scientist, for the purpose of establishing, in Washington, D.C., an 
institution "for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among 
men."[Footnote 8] In accepting Smithson's bequest on behalf of the 
nation, Congress pledged the "faith of the United States" to carry out 
the purpose of the trust.[Footnote 9] To that end, the act establishing 
the Smithsonian provided for the administration of the trust, 
independent of the government itself, by a Board of Regents and a 
Secretary, who were given broad discretion in the use of the trust 
funds. The Board of Regents currently consists of nine private citizens 
as well as members of all three branches of the federal government, 
including the Chief Justice of the United States, the Vice President, 
and six congressional members, three from the Senate and three from the 
House of Representatives.[Footnote 10] 

Over the last 160 years, the Smithsonian's facilities inventory has 
expanded to include 19 museums and galleries, nine research centers, a 
zoo, and other facilities--most located in or near Washington, D.C. The 
major buildings owned by the Smithsonian range in age from about 170 
years old to about 5 years old, with most of the facilities' growth 
occurring since the 1960s. The Smithsonian's growth will continue with 
the construction of an aircraft restoration area--phase II of the 
National Air and Space Museum's Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center[Footnote 
11]--and the design and construction of a National Museum of African 
American History and Culture, authorized by Congress in 2003.[Footnote 
12] Beyond this, in May 2008, Congress established a commission to 
study the potential creation of a National Museum of the American 
Latino and whether the museum should be located within the 
Smithsonian.[Footnote 13] 

In addition to its stewardship duties, the Board of Regents is vested 
with governing authorities over the Smithsonian.[Footnote 14] It 
considers matters such as the Smithsonian's budgets and planning 
documents, new programs and construction proposals, appointments to 
Smithsonian advisory boards, and a variety of other issues facing the 

Although the Smithsonian is a trust instrumentality of the United 
States with a private endowment,[Footnote 15] about two-thirds of its 
operating revenues in fiscal year 2008 came from federal 
appropriations. In fiscal year 2008, the Smithsonian's operating 
revenues equaled about $1 billion, while its federal appropriations 
equaled about $678.4 million--$107.1 million for facilities capital, 
which provides funds for construction and revitalization projects, and 
$571.3 million for salaries and expenses, which includes funding for 
the program activities of each museum and research center, rents, 
utilities, and facilities' operations, maintenance, and security costs. 
[Footnote 16] The Smithsonian's fiscal year 2008 appropriation was 
subject to an across-the-board rescission of 1.56 percent, which 
according to the Smithsonian resulted in an appropriation of $105.4 
million for facilities capital and $562.4 million for salaries and 
expenses. The remaining operating revenues came from the Smithsonian's 
private trust funds. For fiscal year 2008, the Smithsonian was also 
appropriated an additional $15 million for facilities capital (reduced 
to $14.8 million by the rescission), referred to as the Legacy Fund, to 
be provided if the Smithsonian received matching private donations of 
at least $30 million; however, according to a Smithsonian official, the 
Smithsonian did not meet the matching donations requirement and 
therefore has not received these funds.[Footnote 17] In fiscal year 
2009, the Smithsonian was appropriated $123 million for facilities 
capital and $593.4 million for salaries and expenses. The Smithsonian 
was also appropriated an additional $15 million for the Legacy Fund, 
with the same requirements as for fiscal year 2008, except that funds 
were made available for individual projects in incremental amounts as 
matching funds were raised.[Footnote 18] The Smithsonian was also 
appropriated an additional $25 million for facilities capital under the 
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.[Footnote 19] 

In fiscal year 2010, the Smithsonian was appropriated $125 million for 
facilities capital and $636.16 million for salaries and expenses. 
[Footnote 20] Of the $30 million appropriated for the Legacy Fund in 
fiscal years 2008 and 2009, the approximately $29.8 million unobligated 
balance was rescinded, and $29.8 million was appropriated under a new 
requirement--the Legacy Fund is now directed to the Arts and Industries 
Building for the purpose of facilitating the reopening of this 
building. The Appropriations Act makes funds available in incremental 
amounts as private funding becomes available. Private donations, 
including major in-kind donations, that contribute significantly to the 
building's reopening will be matched dollar for dollar. 

Smithsonian Implemented Most Governance Committee Reforms and One of 
Four GAO Governance Recommendations, but Work Remains on Others: 

The Smithsonian Has Implemented 39 of 42 Governance Committee Reforms, 
while Work Remains on 3 Reforms: 

The Smithsonian has implemented 9 reforms recommended by the Board of 
Regents' Governance Committee since May 2008--in addition to the 30 
reforms it had implemented as of May 2008--bringing the total number of 
reforms implemented to 39 of 42 reforms.[Footnote 21] The Smithsonian 
has not completed implementation of 3 reforms--2 related to improving 
policies on broader Smithsonian operations (to develop a contracting 
policy and conduct a comprehensive review of financial reporting and 
internal controls) and one related to communication and stakeholder 
relationships (to enhance the role of the Smithsonian advisory boards). 
Figure 1 summarizes the status of the Smithsonian's implementation of 
the Governance Committee's recommended reforms as of May 2008 and 
December 1, 2009. 

Figure 1: Status of the Smithsonian's Implementation of Governance 
Committee Reforms as of May 2008 and December 1, 2009: 

[Refer to PDF for image: illustrated table] 

Governance committee reform: 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Reform has been 

Executive and ethics reform: Refine the executive compensation process 
to follow best practices; 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Reform has been 

Executive and ethics reform: Follow process to recommend range for 
Secretary’s compensation package; 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Reform has been 

Executive and ethics reform: Develop unified compensation policy; 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Reform has been 

Executive and ethics reform: Create leave accrual system for senior 
trust employees; 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Reform has been 

Executive and ethics reform: Develop overarching Smithsonian code of 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Reform has been 

Executive and ethics reform: Establish ethics hotline; 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Reform has been 

Executive and ethics reform: Develop policy prohibiting senior staff 
service on for-profit boards; 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Reform has been 

Executive and ethics reform: Develop database to identify potential 
conflicts of interest; 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Reform has not been 
GAO assessment of implementation, December 1, 2009: Reform has been 

Executive travel policies: Adopt interim policies on travel and event 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Reform has been 

Policies on broader Smithsonian operations: Require Smithsonian 
Business Ventures to follow Smithsonian policies; 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Steps have been taken to 
implement the reform, but more work is needed; 
GAO assessment of implementation, December 1, 2009: Reform has been 

Policies on broader Smithsonian operations: Develop expense policies 
for regent events; 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Steps have been taken to 
implement the reform, but more work is needed; 
GAO assessment of implementation, December 1, 2009: Reform has been 

Policies on broader Smithsonian operations: Review internal controls of 
travel and expense reimbursement; 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Steps have been taken to 
implement the reform, but more work is needed; 
GAO assessment of implementation, December 1, 2009: Reform has been 

Policies on broader Smithsonian operations: Develop contracting policy; 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Steps have been taken to 
implement the reform, but more work is needed; 
GAO assessment of implementation, December 1, 2009: Steps have been 
taken to implement the reform, but more work is needed. 

Policies on broader Smithsonian operations: Conduct comprehensive 
review of financial reporting and internal controls; 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Steps have been taken to 
implement the reform, but more work is needed; 
GAO assessment of implementation, December 1, 2009: Steps have been 
taken to implement the reform, but more work is needed. 

Access of senior officials to the Board of Regents and level of 
information available to the board: General Counsel to have direct 
access to board; 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Reform has been 

Access of senior officials to the Board of Regents and level of 
information available to the board: Board review sufficiency of General 
Counsel resources; 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Reform has been 

Access of senior officials to the Board of Regents and level of 
information available to the board: Chief Financial Officer to have 
direct access to board; 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Reform has been 

Access of senior officials to the Board of Regents and level of 
information available to the board: Board review sufficiency of Chief 
Financial Officer resources; 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Reform has been 

Access of senior officials to the Board of Regents and level of 
information available to the board: Inspector General to have direct 
access to board; 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Reform has been 

Access of senior officials to the Board of Regents and level of 
information available to the board: Board review sufficiency of 
Inspector General resources; 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Reform has been 

Access of senior officials to the Board of Regents and level of 
information available to the board: Inspector General to relocate to 
downtown Washington; 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Reform has been 

Access of senior officials to the Board of Regents and level of 
information available to the board: Establish independent regent staff; 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Reform has been 

Access of senior officials to the Board of Regents and level of 
information available to the board: Executive and ethics reforms
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Reform has been 

Transparency: Schedule at least four business meetings annually; 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Reform has been 

Transparency: Revise how minutes are taken; 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Reform has been 

Transparency: Secretary to delegate corporate secretarial duties to 
General Counsel 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Reform has been 

Transparency: Develop Freedom of Information Act policy; 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Reform has been 

Transparency: Launch regents public Web page; 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Reform has been 

Communication and stakeholder relationships: Enhance role of advisory 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Reform has not been 
GAO assessment of implementation, December 1, 2009: Steps have been 
taken to implement the reform, but more work is needed. 

Communication and stakeholder relationships: Develop strategy to 
increase public and stakeholder access to Smithsonian information; 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Reform has been 

Communication and stakeholder relationships: Create Regent Annual 
Public Forum; 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Steps have been taken to 
implement the reform, but more work is needed; 
GAO assessment of implementation, December 1, 2009: Reform has been 

Roles and responsibilities: Adopt description of duties and 
responsibilities of all regents; 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Reform has been 

Roles and responsibilities: Adopt duties and responsibilities of Chair 
and Chancellor; 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Reform has been 

Roles and responsibilities: Provide for election of new Chair; 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Reform has been 

Roles and responsibilities: Develop board orientation process; 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Steps have been taken to 
implement the reform, but more work is needed; 
GAO assessment of implementation, December 1, 2009: Reform has been 

Roles and responsibilities: Develop opportunities to provide strategic 
direction in development of budget priorities; 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Reform has been 

Structure and composition: Each committee to review and revise 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Steps have been taken to 
implement the reform, but more work is needed; 
GAO assessment of implementation, December 1, 2009: Reform has been 

Structure and composition: New leadership appointed for each committee; 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Reform has been 

Structure and composition: Create standing committee on Facilities 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Reform has been 

Structure and composition: Review existing appointment procedures to 
existing committees; 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Steps have been taken to 
implement the reform, but more work is needed; 
GAO assessment of implementation, December 1, 2009: Reform has been 

Structure and composition: Create criteria for new citizen regents; 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Reform has been 

Structure and composition: Examine board structure; 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Reform has been 

Assessment: Develop regents’ assessment process; 
GAO assessment of implementation, May 2008: Steps have been taken to 
implement the reform, but more work is needed; 
GAO assessment of implementation, December 1, 2009: Reform has been 

Source: GAO presentation and analysis of Smithsonian data. 

[End of figure] 

As shown in Figure 1, the Smithsonian has implemented 9 Governance 
Committee reforms since May 2008, including the following: The 
Smithsonian (1) developed a database to identify potential conflicts of 
interest; (2) implemented a policy requiring the former Smithsonian 
Business Ventures (SBV)--now reorganized and renamed Smithsonian 
Enterprises--to follow Smithsonian policies except in the case of a few 
documented exceptions;[Footnote 22] (3) developed an event expense 
policy covering regent and other Smithsonian events; (4) completed a 
review of the Smithsonian's internal controls for travel and expense 
reimbursement and implemented a number of additional accountability 
measures for travel and expense reimbursement;[Footnote 23] (5) held 
two regent annual public forums; (6) developed a Board orientation 
process; (7) completed a review and revision of the Board of Regents 
committees' charters; (8) completed a review of appointment procedures 
to Board of Regents committees, which included clarifying the process 
for appointing nonregents to committees and making this process 
publicly available on the Smithsonian's Web site; and (9) implemented a 
reform calling for a regular assessment of the Board, its committees, 
and its members. 

While the Smithsonian has made considerable progress in implementing 
the Governance Committee's reforms, work remains on 3 reforms 
recommended by the Governance Committee: 2 related to policies on 
broader Smithsonian operations and 1 related to communication and 
stakeholder relationships. According to Smithsonian officials, 
generally, the Board of Regents is responsible for setting the 
policies, and the Smithsonian administration is responsible for 
implementing those policies. While the Board of Regents has approved 
policies or plans related to the 2 policy-related reforms, the 
Smithsonian has not completed its implementation of these reforms. In 
our May 2008 report, we raised concerns about challenges associated 
with these efforts, stating that effectively implementing the new 
policies and procedures developed during these reviews was likely to 
depend on effectively training staff and establishing accountability, 
both of which could be challenging because of a level of 
standardization and requirements that did not previously exist. The 
following provides a brief summary of the Smithsonian's efforts 
regarding these reforms: 

* Operational policies--contracting: The Smithsonian has taken steps 
toward but not fully implemented the governance reform related to 
improving contracting policies and procedures. The Smithsonian has 
issued a new contracting policy and is currently writing formal 
procurement and contracting procedure manuals that implement this 
policy and provide the rules and procedures for day-to-day procurement 
and contracting activities. According to the Smithsonian's Chief 
Financial Officer (CFO), two of seven parts of the manual are completed 
and in use and the rest are scheduled to be completed by the end of 
fiscal year 2010. Completing these manuals is important because a lack 
of agency-specific policies and procedures can result in an increased 
risk of improper or wasteful contract payments.[Footnote 24] 

* Operational policies--financial reporting and internal controls: The 
Smithsonian has taken steps to implement its reform to conduct a 
comprehensive review of the Smithsonian's financial reporting and 
internal controls.[Footnote 25] The Smithsonian conducted an initial 
review of financial reporting and internal controls which led to a 
plan--approved by the Audit and Review Committee in March 2009--to 
reduce the risk level of five processes identified by the Smithsonian 
as high risk by the end of fiscal year 2012. The work laid out in the 
plan for accomplishing this goal includes such tasks as writing new 
policies and procedures, training staff on responsibilities and 
procedures for which they are accountable, and testing and validating 
controls through policy compliance reviews or personal property 
inventories. The CFO reported to the Audit and Review Committee that 
effective execution of the plan will require a commitment to increasing 
staffing and other resources over time. During the discussion with the 
CFO, members of the Audit and Review committee expressed concern that 
providing these resources may be challenging for the Smithsonian, given 
limited available resources and other priorities, such as collections 
care and research. 

* Communication and stakeholder relationships--role of advisory boards: 
The Smithsonian has taken steps to implement its reform to enhance the 
role of its 30 advisory boards, which include a national advisory board 
as well as advisory boards that focus on individual museums, research 
centers, or programs, but has not resolved all issues.[Footnote 26] The 
primary purpose of advisory boards is to provide advice, support, and 
expertise to the directors of museums, research centers, and programs, 
as well as to the Board of Regents and Secretary. We discuss the 
Smithsonian's efforts regarding this reform later in this testimony, 
when we discuss the Smithsonian's actions toward implementing our 
related May 2008 recommendation. 

For more information on the Smithsonian's efforts related to these 
reforms, see our newly issued report on this subject.[Footnote 27] 

The Smithsonian Has Implemented One of GAO's Four Governance 
Recommendations, While Work Remains on the Other Three: 

The Smithsonian has implemented one of the four recommendations we made 
in 2008 to strengthen its governance reform efforts, and it has taken 
steps to implement the other three recommendations. (See figure 2.) 

Figure 2: Smithsonian's Progress in Implementing Our Governance 

[Refer to PDF for image: illustrated table] 

Category: Structure and composition: 
Recommendation: Develop and make public a clear policy regarding the 
selection, use, and evaluation of nonregents;
Status: Steps have been taken to implement the recommendation, but more 
work is needed. 

Category: Communication and stakeholder relationships: 
Recommendation: Develop mechanisms to ensure the Board of Regents is 
considering and responding to stakeholders concerns; 
Status: Steps have been taken to implement the recommendation, but more 
work is needed. 

Category: Assessment: 
Recommendation: Evaluate what actions the Board of Regents can take in 
the event of persistent neglect of duties by any of its members; 
Status: Recommendation has been implemented. 

Category: Assessment: 
Recommendation: Arrange for a comprehensive evaluation of reforms after 
suitable time has passed; 
Status: Steps have been taken to implement the recommendation, but more 
work is needed. 

Source: GAO. 

[End of figure] 

* Assessment--actions in the event of persistent neglect of duties: The 
Smithsonian implemented GAO's recommendation to evaluate what actions 
it can take in the event of persistent neglect of duties by a regent. 
In July 2009, the Board of Regents Governance and Nominating Committee 
[Footnote 28] implemented this recommendation by considering a staff 
paper that described actions that could be taken in the event of 
persistent neglect of duties, and approving an approach that included 
initial counseling and potential referral to the full Board of Regents 
for appropriate action. 

* Structure and composition: The Board of Regents has not fully 
implemented GAO's recommendation to develop and make public its process 
for the selection, use, and evaluation of nonregents. The Board of 
Regents implemented part of the recommendation by posting on its Web 
site the process for selecting nonregent committee members. However, 
the Board of Regents did not make a final decision regarding the use of 
nonregents on committees when in July 2009, its Governance and 
Nominating Committee tabled a proposed bylaw to give nonregent members 
of committees the same roles and responsibilities as regents. Committee 
members cited issues such as the lack of statutory authority of 
nonregent committee members and uncertainty over whether certain 
ethical and disclosure obligations of regents should apply to nonregent 
committee members, and requested that Smithsonian staff provide the 
regents with further information on potential implications of this 
bylaw. According to the chief of staff to the Board of Regents, 
subsequently, the Smithsonian concluded that existing governance 
requirements in committee charters require that all committee members, 
including nonregent members, file annual financial disclosures, and the 
Smithsonian plans to apply this requirement to these individuals. The 
Board of Regents official also stated that the Governance and 
Nominating Committee plans to further discuss this issue at its March 
2010 meeting. 

* Communication and stakeholder relationships: The Board of Regents 
took steps to improve its relationship with stakeholders, including 
advisory boards. For example, the Chair of the Board of Regents now 
sends a quarterly email to all advisory board chairs providing 
information on the most recent Board of Regents' meeting and asking to 
be contacted directly with any concerns. According to a Smithsonian 
official, when a concern is brought to the Chair's attention, it is 
either responded to immediately or tracked by the Office of the Board 
of Regents until responded to. In addition, the Smithsonian conducted a 
workshop of advisory board chairs in April 2009 as part of its 
strategic planning process, which was organized through the regents and 
led by the Chair of the Board of Regents and the Secretary of the 
Smithsonian. According to a Smithsonian official, the input provided by 
these advisory board chairs was considered as the strategic plan was 
developed. However, due to limitations of the efforts thus far--such as 
their informal nature and focus on dissemination of information from 
the regents rather than two-way communication--several advisory board 
chairs with whom we spoke expressed concern that the Board of Regents 
still lacked a sufficient understanding of Smithsonian museums and 
other entities to govern as effectively as possible. 

* Assessment--evaluation: The Board of Regents has not yet conducted a 
comprehensive evaluation of its reforms but plans to do so in fiscal 
year 2010. 

For more information on the Smithsonian's efforts related to these 
recommendations, see our newly issued report on this subject.[Footnote 
29] Both the Smithsonian and the Board of Regents concurred with the 
findings of that report. 

Smithsonian Implemented Most GAO Facilities Recommendations, but Has 
Not Submitted a Recommended Report to Congress: 

The Smithsonian has fully implemented four of the five recommendations 
we made in our September 2007 report on the Smithsonian's facilities, 
security, and funding challenges. It has not implemented the fifth 
recommendation regarding submitting a report to Congress and the Office 
of Management and Budget (OMB) on its funding strategy, but plans to do 
so. (See figure 3.) Furthermore, although the Smithsonian has 
implemented our recommendation to more comprehensively analyze funding 
strategies to meet the needs of its facilities projects and is planning 
to launch a national fundraising campaign, it is unclear what amount of 
funds will be raised through such a campaign and, more specifically, 
what amount will be dedicated to facilities. In September 2007, we 
found that the Smithsonian faced challenges related to communicating 
security-related information to museum and facility directors and 
omitted private funds from its capital plan, reducing stakeholders' 
ability to comprehensively assess the funding and scope of facilities 
projects.[Footnote 30] We also found the Smithsonian did not have a 
viable strategy to address its growing cost estimate for facilities 
projects, increasing the risks faced by its facilities and collections, 
and likely decreasing its ability to meet its mission. 

Figure 3: Smithsonian's Progress in Implementing GAO's Facilities 

[Refer to PDF for image: illustrated table] 

Category: Security of facilities: 
Recommendation: Communicate information to museum and facility 
directors on security staff levels; 
Status: Recommendation has been implemented. 

Category: Security of facilities: 
Recommendation: Communicate information on all-hazards risk assessment 
to museum and facility directors; 
Status: Recommendation has been implemented. 

Category: Planning of capital projects: 
Recommendation: Communicate trust funding for facilities revitalization 
and construction in capital plan; 
Status: Recommendation has been implemented. 

Category: Funding of capital projects: 
Recommendation: Analyze nonfederal funding strategies in a more 
comprehensive manner; 
Status: Recommendation has been implemented. 

Category: Funding of capital projects: 
Recommendation: Submit a report to OMB and Congress that describes a 
funding strategy to meet the needs of the Smithsonian’s revitalization, 
construction, and maintenance projects; 
Status: Recommendation has not been implemented. 

Source: GAO. 

[End of figure] 

* Security of facilities--communicating information on security staff 
levels and all-hazards risk assessment: The Smithsonian implemented our 
recommendations to communicate information to museum and facility 
directors on (1) daily security staff levels and (2) its all-hazards 
risk assessment. 

* Planning of capital projects--capital plan: The Smithsonian 
implemented our recommendation to include the full scope of planned 
projects and information on planned funding sources--federal and 
private funds--for each project in its capital plan. In September 2008, 
the Smithsonian created a facilities capital plan for fiscal years 2008 
through 2017 that includes a description of planned projects and their 
funding sources.[Footnote 31] 

* Funding of capital projects--analyzing funding strategies: The 
Smithsonian implemented our recommendation to analyze nonfederal 
funding strategies in a more comprehensive manner. In November 2007, 
the Board of Regents concurred with a more comprehensively analyzed and 
prioritized list of nonfederal funding strategies,[Footnote 32] which 
included establishing a national campaign to raise private sector funds 
for Smithsonian programs and facilities, among other strategies. 
[Footnote 33] According to Smithsonian officials, in the wake of the 
Board of Regents' September 2009 approval of a new strategic plan for 
the Smithsonian, the Board of Regents Advancement Committee is 
developing a plan for a national fundraising campaign in concert with 
Smithsonian staff, who, among other things, are determining what staff 
resources are necessary and are coordinating with the Smithsonian 
museums, programs, and other entities on goals for the plan. The Board 
of Regents Advancement Committee expects to approve a full national 
fundraising campaign plan no later than September 2010. While these 
steps implement our recommendation, it is unclear at this time how much 
in funds will be raised and, more specifically, what amount will be 
dedicated to facilities. 

* Funding of capital projects--reporting to Congress and OMB: According 
to a Smithsonian official, the Smithsonian has not submitted a report 
to Congress and OMB on its fundraising efforts but plans to do so in 
the future as part of its communications strategy related to the 
national fundraising campaign. 

Mr. Chairman, this concludes my prepared statement. I would be happy to 
respond to any questions you or other Members of the Subcommittee may 
have at this time. 

GAO Contact and Acknowledgments: 

For further information about this statement, please contact Mark L. 
Goldstein, Director, Physical Infrastructure Issues, at (202) 512-2834 
or at Contact points for our offices of 
Congressional Relations and Public Affairs may be found on the last 
page of this statement. Key contributors to this statement include 
David Sausville (Assistant Director), Brian Hartman, Susan Michal- 
Smith, Alwynne Wilbur, and Carrie Wilks. 

[End of section] 


[1] GAO, Smithsonian Institution: Facilities Management Reorganization 
Is Progressing, but Funding Remains a Challenge, [hyperlink,] (Washington, D.C.: Apr. 25, 

[2] GAO, Smithsonian Institution: Board of Regents Has Implemented Many 
Governance Reforms, but Ensuring Accountability and Oversight Will 
Require Ongoing Action, [hyperlink,] (Washington, D.C.: May 15, 

[3] GAO, Smithsonian Institution: Funding Challenges Affect Facilities' 
Conditions and Security, Endangering Collections, [hyperlink,] (Washington, D.C.: Sept. 28, 

[4] GAO, Smithsonian Institution: Implementation of Governance Reforms 
Is Progressing, but Work Remains, [hyperlink,] (Washington, D.C.: Dec. 10, 

[5] [hyperlink,]. 

[6] Explanatory Statement in the 2009 Committee Print of the House 
Committee on Appropriations on H.R. 1105, at 1156-1157 accompanying the 
Omnibus Appropriations Act for FY 2009, Pub. L. No. 111-8, Div. E, 
Title III, 123 Stat. 524, 740-741 (2009). 

[7] [hyperlink,]. 

[8] The Act of August 10, 1846, as amended, is codified at 20 U.S.C. §§ 

[9] A trust is a fiduciary relationship involving a right of property 
held by the trustee for the benefit of another. 

[10] The three senators are appointed by the President of the Senate, 
the three representatives are appointed by the Speaker of the House, 
and nine citizens are appointed by joint resolution of Congress--two 
from the District of Columbia and seven from the states. 

[11] The National Air and Space Museum Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center near 
Washington Dulles International Airport is the companion facility to 
the National Air and Space Museum on the Mall and is being built in two 
phases. Phase I opened in December 2003 and provides enough space for 
the Smithsonian to display thousands of aviation and space artifacts. 
Phase II will include a restoration hangar, archives, collections 
processing unit, conservation laboratory, and a collections storage 

[12] 20 U.S.C. §§ 80r through 80r-9. 

[13] Pub L. No 110-229, Title III, § 333, 122 Stat. 754, 784-787 

[14] For example, 20 U.S.C. §42 establishes the Board of Regents' 
responsibility to conduct the business of the Smithsonian, and 20 
U.S.C. § 50 provides for the Board of Regents to accept specimens and 
objects of art and for these items to be appropriately classed and 

[15] GAO recently issued a report on federally created entities such as 
the Smithsonian. See GAO, Federally Created Entities: An Overview of 
Key Attributes, [hyperlink,] 
(Washington, D.C.: Oct. 29, 2009). 

[16] Pub. L. No. 110-161, Div. F, Title III, 121 Stat. 1844, 2140 

[17] The fiscal year 2008 Appropriations Act establishing the Legacy 
Fund required that both private donations and federal matching funds be 
used for the restoration, renovation, and rehabilitation of existing 
facilities. Funds could not be used for day-to-day maintenance, 
salaries and expenses, or programmatic purposes, and in-kind donations 
did not count toward the match. See Pub. L. No. 110-161, 121 Stat. 
1844, 2140 (2007). 

[18] Pub. L. No. 111-8, Div. E, Title III, 123 Stat. 524, 740-741 
(2009). Smithsonian's fiscal year 2009 appropriation is not subject to 
a rescission. 

[19] Pub. L. No. 111-5, Title VII, 123 Stat. 115, 171 (2009). 

[20] Pub. L. No 111-88, Title III, 123 Stat. 2904, 2951-2952 (2009). 

[21] For more information on the reforms implemented as of May 2008, 
see [hyperlink,]. 

[22] Smithsonian Business Ventures was a centralized entity responsible 
for the Smithsonian's various business activities. This entity has 
since been restructured and renamed Smithsonian Enterprises. The 
documented exceptions were driven by the fact that SBV used different 
automated systems from the rest of the Smithsonian for financial 
accounting, payroll, and time and attendance. 

[23] In addition, the Smithsonian implemented five recommendations made 
by the Smithsonian Inspector General in January 2009 to further improve 
travel accountability. The Inspector General recommended that 
Smithsonian management (1) encourage use of per diem allowances rather 
than actual expenses; (2) expand post-travel compliance reviews; (3) 
revise procedures to define more precisely what circumstances 
constitute adequate justification for actual expenses rather than per 
diem allowances; (4) ensure compliance with sponsored travel 
procedures; and (5) verify that employees with approval authority are 
not subordinates of the travelers. The Smithsonian implemented all five 
of these recommendations by May 2009. 

[24] In addition, while the Smithsonian is not required to follow the 
Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), the Smithsonian's contracting 
policy includes the FAR as a guiding principle. In this environment, 
when the FAR is not required, having strong procedure manuals may be 
even more important to ensuring that the contracting policy is 
effectively implemented and staff know what sections of the FAR the 
Smithsonian has chosen to follow. 

[25] Internal control--the plans, methods, and procedures used to meet 
missions, goals, and objectives--is the first line of defense in 
safeguarding assets and preventing and detecting fraud and errors and 
helps government program managers achieve desired results through 
effective stewardship of public resources. 

[26] Most advisory boards (except for those with mandated statutory 
authority) have no independent governance function, and all are subject 
to the authority of the Board of Regents. The Smithsonian is not 
subject to the Federal Advisory Committee Act, which requires federal 
agencies that sponsor federal advisory committees and have at least one 
member that is not a federal employee to comply with requirements for 
establishing and managing advisory committees. See 5 U.S.C. App. 2. 

[27] [hyperlink,]. 

[28] The Board of Regents established the Governance Committee as a 
standing committee in March 2007 and then combined committee function 
with its Nominating Committee in June 2007, after the issuance of the 
Governance Committee's report and recommendations on Smithsonian 
governance reforms. The committee is now called the Governance and 
Nominating Committee. 

[29] [hyperlink,]. 

[30] [hyperlink,]. 

[31] Private funds are estimated through 2011 because, according to a 
Smithsonian official, the Smithsonian was uncertain about the level of 
private funds past fiscal year 2011. 

[32] The funding strategies considered were more comprehensively 
analyzed than a list of strategies considered by the Board of Regents 
prior to our May 2007 report. 

[33] According to a Smithsonian official, the other funding strategies 
the Board of Regents established as priorities at the November 19, 
2007, board meeting include a "gift maintenance fee" specifically 
devoted to facilities, admission fees for selected special exhibitions, 
additional energy savings performance contracts, public-private 
partnerships to rehabilitate buildings, and to expand and improve the 
existing program of voluntary donation boxes in museums. 

[End of section] 

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