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entitled 'Nuclear Nonproliferation: IAEA Safeguards and Other Measures 
to halt the Spread of Nuclear Weapons and Material' which was released 
on September 26, 2006. 

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Before the Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats, and 
International Relations, Committee on Government Reform, House of 

United States Government Accountability Office: 


For Release on Delivery Expected at 2:00 p.m. EDT: 

Tuesday, September 26, 2006: 

Nuclear Nonproliferation: 

IAEA Safeguards and Other Measures to Halt the Spread of Nuclear 
Weapons and Material: 

Statement of Gene Aloise, Director Natural Resources and Environment: 


GAO Highlights: 

Highlights of GAO-06-1128T, testimony before the Subcommittee on 
National Security, Emerging Threats, and International Relations, 
Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives 

Why GAO Did This Study: 

The International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) safeguards system has 
been a cornerstone of U.S. efforts to prevent nuclear weapons 
proliferation since the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear 
Weapons (NPT) was adopted in 1970. Safeguards allow IAEA to verify 
countries’ compliance with the NPT. Since the discovery in 1991 of a 
clandestine nuclear weapons program in Iraq, IAEA has strengthened its 
safeguards system. In addition to IAEA’s strengthened safeguards 
program, there are other U.S. and international efforts that have 
helped stem the spread of nuclear materials and technology that could 
be used for nuclear weapons programs. This testimony is based on GAO’s 
report on IAEA safeguards issued in October 2005 (Nuclear 
Nonproliferation: IAEA Has Strengthened Its Safeguards and Nuclear 
Security Programs, but Weaknesses Need to Be Addressed, GAO-06-93 
[Washington, D.C.: Oct. 7, 2005]). This testimony is also based on 
previous GAO work related to the Nuclear Suppliers Group—a group of 
more than 40 countries that have pledged to limit trade in nuclear 
materials, equipment, and technology to only countries that are engaged 
in peaceful nuclear activities—and U.S. assistance to Russia and other 
countries of the former Soviet Union for the destruction, protection, 
and detection of nuclear material and weapons. 

What GAO Found: 

IAEA has taken steps to strengthen safeguards, including conducting 
more intrusive inspections, to seek assurances that countries are not 
developing clandestine weapons programs. IAEA has begun to develop the 
capability to independently evaluate all aspects of a country’s nuclear 
activities. This is a radical departure from the past practice of only 
verifying the peaceful use of a country’s declared nuclear material. 
However, despite successes in uncovering some countries’ undeclared 
nuclear activities, safeguards experts cautioned that a determined 
country can still conceal a nuclear weapons program. In addition, there 
are a number of weaknesses that limit IAEA’s ability to implement 
strengthened safeguards. First, IAEA has a limited ability to assess 
the nuclear activities of 4 key countries that are not NPT 
members—India, Israel, North Korea, and Pakistan. Second, more than 
half of the NPT signatories have not yet brought the Additional 
Protocol, which is designed to give IAEA new authority to search for 
clandestine nuclear activities, into force. Third, safeguards are 
significantly limited or not applied to about 60 percent of NPT 
signatories because they possess small quantities of nuclear material, 
and are exempt from inspections, or they have not concluded a 
comprehensive safeguards agreement. Finally, IAEA faces a looming human 
capital crisis caused by the large number of inspectors and safeguards 
management personnel expected to retire in the next 5 years. 

In addition to IAEA’s strengthened safeguards program, there are other 
U.S. and international efforts that have helped stem the spread of 
nuclear materials and technology. The Nuclear Suppliers Group has 
helped to constrain trade in nuclear material and technology that could 
be used to develop nuclear weapons. However, there are a number of 
weaknesses that could limit the Nuclear Suppliers Group’s ability to 
curb proliferation. For example, members of the Suppliers Group do not 
always share information about licenses they have approved or denied 
for the sale of controversial items to nonmember states. Without this 
shared information, a member country could inadvertently license a 
controversial item to a country that has already been denied a license 
from another member state. 

Since the early 1990s, U.S. nonproliferation programs have helped 
Russia and other former Soviet countries to, among other things, secure 
nuclear material and warheads, detect illicitly trafficked nuclear 
material, and eliminate excess stockpiles of weapons-usable nuclear 
material. However, these programs face a number of challenges which 
could compromise their ongoing effectiveness. For example, a lack of 
access to many sites in Russia’s nuclear weapons complex has 
significantly impeded the Department of Energy’s progress in helping 
Russia secure its nuclear material. U.S. radiation detection assistance 
efforts also face challenges, including corruption of some foreign 
border security officials, technical limitations of some radiation 
detection equipment, and inadequate maintenance of some equipment. 


To view the full product, including the scope and methodology, click on 
the link above. For more information, contact Gene Aloise at (202) 512-
3841 or 

[End of Section] 

Mr. Chairman and Members of the Subcommittee: 

I am pleased to be here today to discuss the International Atomic 
Energy Agency's (IAEA) safeguards program and other measures to halt 
the spread of nuclear weapons and material. Revelations about the 
clandestine nuclear programs of North Korea, Iran, and Libya, as well 
as clandestine nuclear trafficking networks, have significantly 
increased international concerns about the spread of weapons of mass 
destruction. Since the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear 
Weapons (NPT) came into force in 1970, IAEA's safeguards system has 
been a cornerstone of U.S. and international efforts to prevent nuclear 
weapons proliferation. The NPT expanded IAEA's original inspection 
responsibilities by requiring signatory non-nuclear weapons states-- 
countries that had not manufactured and detonated a nuclear device 
before January 1, 1967--to agree not to acquire nuclear weapons and to 
accept IAEA safeguards on all nuclear material used in peaceful 
activities.[Footnote 1] Most countries have negotiated an agreement 
with IAEA, known as a comprehensive safeguards agreement. 

Safeguards allow the agency to independently verify that non-nuclear 
weapons states that signed the NPT are complying with its requirements. 
Under the safeguards system, IAEA, among other things, inspects all 
facilities and locations containing nuclear material, as declared by 
each country, to verify its peaceful use. However, the discovery in 
1991 of a clandestine nuclear weapons program in Iraq confirmed the 
need for a broader and more effective approach to safeguards. As a 
result, IAEA began to strengthen its safeguards system in the mid-1990s 
to provide assurance that non-nuclear weapons states were not engaged 
in undeclared nuclear activities. 

In addition to IAEA's strengthened safeguards program, other U.S. and 
international efforts to prevent nuclear weapons proliferation have 
included the Nuclear Supplier's Group--a group of more than 40 
countries that have pledged to limit trade in nuclear materials, 
equipment, and technology to only countries that are engaged in 
peaceful nuclear activities--and U.S. assistance to Russia and other 
states of the former Soviet Union to, among other things, secure 
nuclear material and warheads. 

My remarks will focus on our report on IAEA safeguards issued in 
October 2005.[Footnote 2] I will also address issues related to 
previous GAO work on the Nuclear Suppliers Group's restrictions on 
nuclear trade[Footnote 3] and U.S. assistance to Russia and other 
countries of the former Soviet Union for the destruction, protection, 
and detection of nuclear weapons and material. 


IAEA has taken steps to strengthen safeguards by more aggressively 
seeking assurances that countries have not engaged in clandestine 
nuclear activities, but the agency still cannot be certain that 
countries are not developing secret weapons programs. In a radical 
departure from the past practice of only verifying the peaceful use of 
a country's declared nuclear material at declared facilities, IAEA has 
begun to develop the capability to independently evaluate all aspects 
of a country's nuclear activities by, among other things, conducting 
more intrusive inspections and collecting and analyzing environmental 
samples to detect traces of nuclear material at facilities and other 
locations. Department of State and IAEA officials told us that IAEA's 
strengthened safeguards measures have successfully revealed previously 
undisclosed nuclear activities in Iran, South Korea, and Egypt. In the 
case of Iran, IAEA and Department of State officials noted that 
strengthened safeguards measures, such as collecting and analyzing 
environmental samples, helped the agency verify some of Iran's nuclear 
activities. The measures also allowed IAEA to conclude in September 
2005 that Iran was not complying with its safeguards obligations 
because it failed to report all of its nuclear activities to IAEA. As a 
result, in July 2006, Iran was referred to the U.N. Security Council, 
which in turn demanded that Iran suspend its uranium enrichment 
activities or face possible diplomatic and economic sanctions. Despite 
these successes, a group of safeguards experts recently cautioned that 
a determined country can still conceal a nuclear weapons program. For 
example, IAEA does not have unfettered inspection rights and cannot 
make visits to suspected sites anywhere at any time. 

There are a number of weaknesses that hamper IAEA's ability to 
effectively implement strengthened safeguards. First, IAEA has a 
limited ability to assess the nuclear activities of 4 key countries 
that are not NPT members--India, Israel, North Korea, and Pakistan. 
Second, more than half, or 111 out of 189, of the NPT signatories have 
not yet brought the Additional Protocol into force, including the 
United States. A third weakness in implementing strengthened safeguards 
is that safeguards are significantly limited or not applied in about 60 
percent, or 112 out of 189, of the NPT signatory countries--either 
because they have an agreement (known as a small quantities protocol) 
with IAEA, and are not subject to most safeguards measures, or because 
they have not concluded a comprehensive safeguards agreement with IAEA. 
IAEA cannot verify that these countries are not diverting nuclear 
material for nonpeaceful purposes or engaging in secret nuclear 
activities. Fourth, while IAEA is increasingly relying on the 
analytical skills of its staff to detect countries' undeclared nuclear 
activities, the agency is facing a looming human capital crisis. In the 
next 5 years, IAEA will experience a large turnover of senior 
safeguards inspectors and high-level management officials. Delays in 
filling critical safeguards positions limit IAEA's ability to implement 
strengthened safeguards. 

In addition to IAEA's strengthened safeguards program, there are other 
U.S. and international efforts that have helped stem the spread of 
nuclear materials and technology. The Nuclear Suppliers Group has 
helped to constrain the trade in nuclear material and technology that 
could be used to develop nuclear weapons. There are currently 45 
countries that participate in this voluntary, nonbinding regime and 
they have pledged to limit trade in nuclear materials, equipment, and 
technology to only countries that are engaged in peaceful nuclear 
activities. The Nuclear Suppliers Group has also helped IAEA verify 
compliance with the NPT. For example, it helped convince Argentina and 
Brazil to place their nuclear programs under IAEA safeguards in 
exchange for international cooperation to enhance their nuclear 
programs for peaceful purposes. Since 1992, the Nuclear Suppliers Group 
has required that other countries have comprehensive safeguards 
agreements with IAEA as a condition of supply for nuclear-related 
items. Despite these benefits, there are a number of weaknesses that 
could limit the Nuclear Suppliers Group's ability to curb 
proliferation. We found that members of the Nuclear Suppliers Group do 
not always share information about licenses they have approved or 
denied for the sale of controversial items to nonmember states. Without 
this shared information, a member country could inadvertently license a 
controversial item to a country that has already been denied a license 
from another Nuclear Suppliers Group member state. We also found that 
Nuclear Suppliers Group members did not promptly review and agree upon 
common lists of items to control and approaches to controlling them. 
Without this agreement, sensitive items may still be traded to 
countries of concern. 

Since the early 1990s, U.S. nonproliferation programs have helped 
Russia and other former Soviet countries secure nuclear material and 
warheads, detect illicitly trafficked nuclear material, eliminate 
excess stockpiles of weapons-usable nuclear material,[Footnote 4] and 
halt the continued production of weapons-grade plutonium.[Footnote 5] 
While these programs have had some successes, they also face a number 
of challenges which could compromise their ongoing effectiveness. For 
example, a lack of access to many sites in Russia's nuclear weapons 
complex has significantly impeded the Department of Energy's (DOE) 
progress in helping Russia secure its nuclear material. We reported in 
2003 that DOE had completed work at only a limited number of buildings 
in Russia's nuclear weapons complex, a network of sites involved in the 
construction of nuclear weapons where most of the nuclear material in 
Russia is stored. While DOE has reported progress on gaining access to 
many of these sites, we are currently re-examining DOE's efforts in 
this area and the challenges the agency faces in completing its 
program. Furthermore, to combat nuclear smuggling, since 1994, the 
Departments of Energy, Defense, and State have provided radiation 
detection equipment to 36 countries, including many countries of the 
former Soviet Union. However, as we reported in March 2006, U.S. 
radiation detection assistance efforts also face challenges, including 
corruption of some foreign border security officials, technical 
limitations of some radiation detection equipment, and inadequate 
maintenance of some equipment. 


IAEA is an independent organization affiliated with the United Nations. 
Its governing bodies include the General Conference, composed of 
representatives of the 138 IAEA member states, and the 35-member Board 
of Governors, which provides overall policy direction and oversight. 
The Secretariat, headed by the Director General, is responsible for 
implementing the policies and programs of the General Conference and 
Board of Governors. The United States is a permanent member of the 
Board of Governors. 

IAEA derives its authority to establish and administer safeguards from 
its statute, the Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and 
regional nonproliferation treaties, bilateral commitments between 
states, and project agreements with states.[Footnote 6] Since the NPT 
came into force in 1970, it has been subject to review by signatory 
states every 5 years. The 1995 NPT Review and Extension conference 
extended the life of the treaty indefinitely, and the latest review 
conference occurred in May 2005. Article III of the NPT binds each of 
the treaty's 184 signatory states that had not manufactured and 
exploded a nuclear device prior to January 1, 1967 (referred to in the 
treaty as non-nuclear weapon states) to conclude an agreement with IAEA 
that applies safeguards to all source and special nuclear material in 
all peaceful nuclear activities within the state's territory, under its 
jurisdiction, or carried out anywhere under its control.[Footnote 7] 

The five nuclear weapons states that are parties to the NPT--China, 
France, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, and the United 
States--are not obligated by the NPT to accept IAEA safeguards. 
However, each nuclear weapons state has voluntarily entered into 
legally binding safeguards agreements with IAEA, and has submitted 
designated nuclear materials and facilities to IAEA safeguards to 
demonstrate to the non-nuclear weapon states their willingness to share 
in the administrative and commercial costs of safeguards. (App. I lists 
states that are subject to safeguards, as of August 2006.) 

India, Israel, and Pakistan are not parties to the NPT or other 
regional nonproliferation treaties. India and Pakistan are known to 
have nuclear weapons programs and to have detonated several nuclear 
devices during May 1998. Israel is also believed to have produced 
nuclear weapons. Additionally, North Korea joined the NPT in 1985 and 
briefly accepted safeguards in 1992 and 1993, but expelled inspectors 
and threatened to withdraw from the NPT when IAEA inspections uncovered 
evidence of undeclared plutonium production. North Korea announced its 
withdrawal from the NPT in early 2003, which under the terms of the 
treaty, terminated its comprehensive safeguards agreement. 

IAEA's safeguards objectives, as traditionally applied under 
comprehensive safeguards agreements, are to account for the amount of a 
specific type of material necessary to produce a nuclear weapon, and 
the time it would take a state to divert this material from peaceful 
use and produce a nuclear weapon. IAEA attempts to meet these 
objectives by using a set of activities by which it seeks to verify 
that nuclear material subject to safeguards is not diverted to nuclear 
weapons or other proscribed purposes. For example, IAEA inspectors 
visit a facility at certain intervals to ensure that any diversion of 
nuclear material is detected before a state has had time to produce a 
nuclear weapon. IAEA also uses material-accounting measures to verify 
quantities of nuclear material declared to the agency and any changes 
in the quantities over time. Additionally, containment measures are 
used to control access to and the movement of nuclear material. 
Finally, IAEA deploys surveillance devices, such as video cameras, to 
detect the movements of nuclear material and discourage tampering with 
IAEA's containment measures. 

The Nuclear Suppliers Group was established in 1975 after India tested 
a nuclear explosive device. In 1978, the Suppliers Group published its 
first set of guidelines governing the exports of nuclear materials and 
equipment. These guidelines established several requirements for 
Suppliers Group members, including the acceptance of IAEA safeguards at 
facilities using controlled nuclear-related items. In 1992, the 
Suppliers Group broadened its guidelines by requiring countries 
receiving nuclear exports to agree to IAEA's safeguards as a condition 
of supply. As of August 2006, the Nuclear Suppliers Group had 45 
members, including the United States. (See app. II for a list of 
signatory countries.) 

IAEA Has Strengthened Its Safeguards Program, but Weaknesses Need to Be 

IAEA has taken steps to strengthen safeguards by more aggressively 
seeking assurances that a country is not pursuing a clandestine nuclear 
program. In a radical departure from past practices of only verifying 
the peaceful use of a country's declared nuclear material at declared 
facilities, IAEA has begun to develop the capability to independently 
evaluate all aspects of a country's nuclear activities. The first 
strengthened safeguards steps, which began in the early 1990s, 
increased the agency's ability to monitor declared and undeclared 
activities at nuclear facilities. These measures were implemented under 
the agency's existing legal authority under comprehensive safeguards 
agreements and include (1) conducting short notice and unannounced 
inspections, (2) collecting and analyzing environmental samples to 
detect traces of nuclear material, and (3) using measurement and 
surveillance systems that operate unattended and can be used to 
transmit data about the status of nuclear materials directly to IAEA 

The second series of steps began in 1997 when IAEA's Board of Governors 
approved the Additional Protocol.[Footnote 8] Under the Additional 
Protocol, IAEA has the right, among other things, to (1) receive more 
comprehensive information about a country's nuclear activities, such as 
research and development activities, and (2) conduct "complementary 
access," which enables IAEA to expand its inspection rights for the 
purpose of ensuring the absence of undeclared nuclear material and 
activities. Because the Additional Protocol broadens IAEA's authority 
and the requirements on countries under existing safeguards agreements, 
each country must take certain actions to bring it into force. 

For each country with a safeguards agreement, IAEA independently 
evaluates all information available about the country's nuclear 
activities and draws conclusions regarding a country's compliance with 
its safeguards commitments. A major source of information available to 
the agency is data submitted by countries to IAEA under their 
safeguards agreements, referred to as state declarations. Countries are 
required to provide an expanded declaration of their nuclear activities 
within 180 days of bringing the Additional Protocol into force. 
Examples of information provided in an Additional Protocol declaration 
include the manufacturing of key nuclear-related equipment; 
research and development activities related to the nuclear fuel cycle; 
the use and contents of buildings on a nuclear site; 
and the location and operational status of uranium mines. The agency 
uses the state declarations as a starting point to determine if the 
information provided by the country is consistent and accurate with all 
other information available based on its own review. 

IAEA uses various types of information to verify the state declaration. 
Inspections of nuclear facilities and other locations with nuclear 
material are the cornerstone of the agency's data collection efforts. 
Under the Additional Protocol, IAEA has the authority to conduct 
complementary access at any place on a site or other location with 
nuclear material in order to ensure the absence of undeclared nuclear 
material and activities, confirm the decommissioned status of 
facilities where nuclear material was used or stored, and resolve 
questions or inconsistencies related to the correctness and 
completeness of the information provided by a country on activities at 
other declared or undeclared locations. During complementary access, 
IAEA inspectors may carry out a number of activities, including (1) 
making visual observations, (2) collecting environmental samples, (3) 
using radiation detection equipment and measurement devices, and (4) 
applying seals. In 2004, IAEA conducted 124 complementary access in 27 

In addition to its verification activities, IAEA uses other sources of 
information to evaluate countries' declarations. These sources include 
information from the agency's internal databases, open sources, 
satellite imagery, and outside groups. The agency established two new 
offices within the Department of Safeguards to focus primarily on open 
source and satellite imagery data collection. Analysts use Internet 
searches to acquire information generally available to the public from 
open sources, such as scientific literature, trade and export 
publications, commercial companies, and the news media. In addition, 
the agency uses commercially available satellite imagery to supplement 
the information it receives through its open source information. 
Satellite imagery is used to monitor the status and condition of 
declared nuclear facilities and verify state declarations of certain 
sites. The agency also uses its own databases, such as those for 
nuclear safety, nuclear waste, and technical cooperation, to expand its 
general knowledge about countries' nuclear and nuclear-related 
activities. In some cases, IAEA receives information from third 
parties, including other countries. 

IAEA Has Taken Steps to Strengthen Safeguards, but Detection of 
Clandestine Nuclear Weapons Programs is Not Assured: 

Department of State and IAEA officials told us that strengthened 
safeguards measures have successfully revealed previously undisclosed 
nuclear activities in Iran, South Korea, and Egypt. Specifically, 

* IAEA and Department of State officials noted that strengthened 
safeguards measures, such as collecting and analyzing environmental 
samples, helped the agency verify some of Iran's nuclear activities. 
The measures also allowed IAEA to conclude in September 2005 that Iran 
was not complying with its safeguards obligations because it failed to 
report all of its nuclear activities to IAEA. As a result, in July 
2006, Iran was referred to the U.N. Security Council, which in turn 
demanded that Iran suspend its uranium enrichment activities or face 
possible diplomatic and economic sanctions. 

* In August 2004, as a result of preparations to submit its initial 
declaration under the Additional Protocol, South Korea notified IAEA 
that it had not previously disclosed nuclear experiments involving the 
enrichment of uranium and plutonium separation. IAEA sent a team of 
inspectors to South Korea to investigate this case. In November 2004, 
IAEA's Director General reported to the Board of Governors that 
although the quantities of nuclear material involved were not 
significant, the nature of the activities and South Korea's failure to 
report these activities in a timely manner posed a serious concern. 
IAEA is continuing to verify the correctness and completeness of South 
Korea's declarations. 

* IAEA inspectors have investigated evidence of past undeclared nuclear 
activities in Egypt based on the agency's review of open source 
information that had been published by current and former Egyptian 
nuclear officials. Specifically, in late 2004, the agency found 
evidence that Egypt had engaged in undeclared activities at least 20 
years ago by using small amounts of nuclear material to conduct 
experiments related to producing plutonium and highly enriched uranium. 
In January 2005, the Egyptian government announced that it was fully 
cooperating with IAEA and that the matter was limited in scope. IAEA 
inspectors have made several visits to Egypt to investigate this 
matter. IAEA's Secretariat reported these activities to its Board of 

Despite these successes, a group of safeguards experts recently 
cautioned that a determined country can still conceal a nuclear weapons 
program. IAEA faces a number of limitations that impact its ability to 
draw conclusions--with absolute assurance--about whether a country is 
developing a clandestine nuclear weapons program. For example, IAEA 
does not have unfettered inspection rights and cannot make visits to 
suspected sites anywhere at any time. According to the Additional 
Protocol, complementary access to resolve questions related to the 
correctness and completeness of the information provided by the country 
or to resolve inconsistencies must usually be arranged with at least 24-
hours advanced notice. Complementary access to buildings on sites where 
IAEA inspectors are already present are usually conducted with a 2-hour 
advanced notice. Furthermore, IAEA officials told us that there are 
practical problems that restrict access. For example, inspectors must 
be issued a visa to visit certain countries, a process which cannot 
normally be completed in less than 24 hours. In some cases, nuclear 
sites are in remote locations and IAEA inspectors need to make travel 
arrangements, such as helicopter transportation, in advance, which 
requires that the country be notified prior to the visit. 

A November 2004 study by a group of safeguards experts appointed by 
IAEA's Director General evaluated the agency's safeguards program to 
examine how effectively and efficiently strengthened safeguards 
measures were being implemented. Specifically, the group's mission was 
to evaluate the progress, effectiveness, and impact of implementing 
measures to enhance the agency's ability to draw conclusions about the 
non-diversion of nuclear material placed under safeguards and, for 
relevant countries, the absence of undeclared nuclear material and 
activities. The group concluded that generally IAEA had done a very 
good job implementing strengthened safeguards despite budgetary and 
other constraints. However, the group noted that IAEA's ability to 
detect undeclared activities remains largely untested. If a country 
decides to divert nuclear material or conduct undeclared activities, it 
will deliberately work to prevent IAEA from discovering this. 
Furthermore, IAEA and member states should be clear that the 
conclusions drawn by the agency cannot be regarded as absolute. This 
view has been reinforced by the former Deputy Director General for 
Safeguards who has stated that even for countries with strengthened 
safeguards in force, there are limitations on the types of information 
and locations accessible to IAEA inspectors. 

A Number of Weaknesses Impede IAEA's Ability to Effectively Implement 
Strengthened Safeguards: 

There are a number of weaknesses that hamper IAEA's ability to 
effectively implement strengthened safeguards. IAEA has only limited 
information about the nuclear activities of 4 key countries that are 
not members of the NPT--India, Israel, North Korea, and Pakistan. 
India, Israel, and Pakistan have special agreements with IAEA that 
limit the agency's activities to monitoring only specific material, 
equipment, and facilities. However, since these countries are not 
signatories to the NPT, they do not have comprehensive safeguards 
agreements with IAEA, and are not required to declare all of their 
nuclear material to the agency. In addition, these countries are only 
required to declare exports of nuclear material previously declared to 
IAEA. With the recent revelations of the illicit international trade in 
nuclear material and equipment, IAEA officials stated that they need 
more information on these countries' nuclear exports. For North Korea, 
IAEA has even less information, since the country expelled IAEA 
inspectors and removed surveillance equipment at nuclear facilities in 
December 2002 and withdrew from the NPT in January 2003. These actions 
have raised widespread concern that North Korea diverted some of its 
nuclear material to produce nuclear weapons. 

Another major weakness is that more than half, or 111 out of 189, of 
the NPT signatories have not yet brought the Additional Protocol into 
force, as of August 2006. (App. I lists the status of countries' 
safeguards agreements with IAEA). Without the Additional Protocol, IAEA 
must limit its inspection efforts to declared nuclear material and 
facilities, making it harder to detect clandestine nuclear programs. Of 
the 111 countries that have not adopted the Additional Protocol, 21 are 
engaged in significant nuclear activities,[Footnote 9] including Egypt, 
North Korea, and Syria. 

In addition, safeguards are significantly limited or not applied in 
about 60 percent, or 112 out of 189, of the NPT signatory countries-- 
either because they have an agreement (known as a small quantities 
protocol) with IAEA, and are not subject to most safeguards measures, 
or because they have not concluded a comprehensive safeguards agreement 
with IAEA. Countries with small quantities of nuclear material make up 
about 41 percent of the NPT signatories and about one-third of the 
countries that have the Additional Protocol in force. Since 1971, 
IAEA's Board of Governors has authorized the Director General to 
conclude an agreement, known as a small quantities protocol, with 90 
countries and, as of August 2006, 78 of these agreements were in force. 
IAEA's Board of Governors has approved the protocols for these 
countries without having IAEA verify that they met the requirements for 
it. Even if these countries bring the Additional Protocol into force, 
IAEA does not have the right to conduct inspections or install 
surveillance equipment at certain nuclear facilities. According to IAEA 
and Department of State officials, this is a weakness in the agency's 
ability to detect clandestine nuclear activities or transshipments of 
nuclear material and equipment through the country. In September 2005, 
the Board of Governors directed IAEA to negotiate with countries to 
make changes to the protocols, including reinstating the agency's right 
to conduct inspections. As of August 2006, IAEA amended the protocols 
for 4 countries--Ecuador, Mali, Palau, and Tajikistan. 

The application of safeguards is further limited because 31 countries 
that have signed the NPT have not brought into force a comprehensive 
safeguards agreement with IAEA. The NPT requires non-nuclear weapons 
states to conclude comprehensive safeguards agreements with IAEA within 
18 months of becoming a party to the Treaty. However, IAEA's Director 
General has stated that these 31 countries have failed to fulfill their 
legal obligations. Moreover, 27 of the 31 have not yet brought 
comprehensive safeguards agreements into force more than 10 years after 
becoming party to the NPT, including Chad, Kenya, and Saudi Arabia. 

Last, IAEA is facing a looming human capital crisis that may hamper the 
agency's ability to meet its safeguards mission. In 2005, we reported 
that about 51 percent, or 38 out of 75, of IAEA's senior safeguards 
inspectors and high-level management officials, such as the head of the 
Department of Safeguards and the directors responsible for overseeing 
all inspection activities of nuclear programs, are retiring in the next 
5 years.[Footnote 10] According to U.S. officials, this significant 
loss of knowledge and expertise could compromise the quality of 
analysis of countries' nuclear programs. For example, several 
inspectors with expertise in uranium enrichment techniques, which is a 
primary means to produce nuclear weapons material, are retiring at a 
time when demand for their skills in detecting clandestine nuclear 
activities is growing. While IAEA has taken a number of steps to 
address these human capital issues, officials from the Department of 
State and the U.S. Mission to the U.N. System Organizations in Vienna 
have expressed concern that IAEA is not adequately planning to replace 
staff with critical skills needed to fulfill its strengthened 
safeguards mission. 

The Nuclear Suppliers Group Has Helped Stem Nuclear Proliferation, but 
Lack of Information Sharing on Nuclear Exports Between Members Could 
Undermine Its Efforts: 

The Nuclear Suppliers Group, along with other multilateral export 
control groups, has helped stop, slow, or raise the costs of nuclear 
proliferation, according to nonproliferation experts. For example, as 
we reported in 2002, the Suppliers Group helped convince Argentina and 
Brazil to accept IAEA safeguards on their nuclear programs in exchange 
for expanded access to international cooperation for peaceful nuclear 
purposes.[Footnote 11] The Suppliers Group, along with other 
multilateral export control groups, has significantly reduced the 
availability of technology and equipment available to countries of 
concern, according to a State Department official. Moreover, nuclear 
export controls have made it more difficult, more costly, and more time 
consuming for proliferators to obtain the expertise and material needed 
to advance their nuclear program. 

The Nuclear Suppliers Group has also helped IAEA verify compliance with 
the NPT. In 1978, the Suppliers Group published the first guidelines 
governing exports of nuclear materials and equipment. These guidelines 
established several member requirements, including the requirement that 
members adhere to IAEA safeguards standards at facilities using 
controlled nuclear-related items. Subsequently, in 1992, the Nuclear 
Suppliers Group broadened its guidelines by requiring that members 
insist that non-member states have IAEA safeguards on all nuclear 
material and facilities as a condition of supply for their nuclear 
exports. With the revelation of Iraq's nuclear weapons program, the 
Suppliers Group also created an export control system for dual-use 
items that established new controls for items that did not 
automatically fall under IAEA safeguards requirements.[Footnote 12] 

Despite these benefits, there are a number of weaknesses that could 
limit the Nuclear Suppliers Group's ability to curb nuclear 
proliferation. Members of the Suppliers Group do not share complete 
export licensing information. Specifically, members do not always share 
information about licenses they have approved or denied for the sale of 
controversial items to nonmember states. Without this shared 
information, a member country could inadvertently license a 
controversial item to a country that has already been denied a license 
from another Suppliers Group member state. Furthermore, Suppliers Group 
members did not promptly review and agree upon common lists of items to 
control and approaches to controlling them. Each member must make 
changes to its national export control policies after members agree to 
change items on the control list. If agreed-upon changes to control 
lists are not adopted at the same time by all members, proliferators 
could exploit these time lags to obtain sensitive technologies by 
focusing on members that are slowest to incorporate the changes and 
sensitive items may still be traded to countries of concern. 

In addition, there are a number of obstacles to efforts aimed at 
strengthening the Nuclear Suppliers Group and other multilateral export 
control regimes. First, efforts to strengthen export controls have been 
hampered by a requirement that all members reach consensus about every 
decision made. Under the current process, a single member can block new 
reforms. U.S. and foreign government officials and nonproliferation 
experts all stressed that the regimes are consensus-based organizations 
and depend on the like-mindedness or cohesion of their members to be 
effective. However, members have found it especially difficult to reach 
consensus on such issues as making changes to procedures and control 
lists. The Suppliers Group reliance on consensus decision making will 
be tested by the United States request to exempt India from the 
Suppliers Group requirements to accept IAEA safeguards at all nuclear 
facilities. Second, since membership with the Suppliers Group is 
voluntary and nonbinding, there are no means to enforce compliance with 
members' nonproliferation commitments. For example, the Suppliers Group 
has no direct means to impede Russia's export of nuclear fuel to India, 
an act that the U.S. government said violated Russia's commitment. 
Third, the rapid pace of nuclear technological change and the growing 
trade of sensitive items among proliferators complicate efforts to keep 
control lists current because these lists need to be updated more 

To help strengthen these regimes, GAO recommended in October 2002, that 
the Secretary of State establish a strategy that includes ways for 
Nuclear Suppliers Group members to improve information sharing, 
implement changes to export controls more consistently, and identify 
organizational changes that could help reform its activities. As of 
June 2006, the Nuclear Suppliers Group announced that it has revised 
its guidelines to improve information sharing. However, despite our 
recommendation, it has not yet agreed to share greater and more 
detailed information on approved exports of sensitive transfers to 
nonmember countries. 

Nevertheless, the Suppliers Group is examining changes to its 
procedures that assist IAEA's efforts to strengthen safeguards. For 
example, at the 2005 Nuclear Suppliers Group plenary meeting, members 
discussed changing the requirements for exporting nuclear material and 
equipment by requiring nonmember countries to adopt IAEA's Additional 
Protocol as a condition of supply. If approved by the Suppliers Group, 
the action would complement IAEA's efforts to verify compliance with 
the NPT. 

U.S. Bilateral Assistance Programs Are Working to Secure Nuclear 
Materials and Warheads, Detect Nuclear Smuggling, Eliminate Excess 
Nuclear Material, and Halt Production of Plutonium, but Challenges 

Reducing the formidable proliferation risks posed by former Soviet 
weapons of mass destruction (WMD) assets is a U.S. national security 
interest. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, the United States, 
through a variety of programs, managed by the Departments of Energy, 
Defense (DOD), and State, has helped Russia and other former Soviet 
countries to secure nuclear material and warheads, detect illicitly 
trafficked nuclear material, eliminate excess stockpiles of weapons- 
usable nuclear material, and halt the continued production of weapons- 
grade plutonium. From fiscal year 1992 through fiscal year 2006, the 
Congress appropriated about $7 billion for nuclear nonproliferation 
efforts.[Footnote 13] However, U.S. assistance programs have faced a 
number of challenges, such as a lack of access to key sites and 
corruption of foreign officials, which could compromise the 
effectiveness of U.S. assistance. 

DOE's Material Protection, Control, and Accounting (MPC&A) program has 
worked with Russia and other former Soviet countries since 1994 to 
provide enhanced physical protection systems at sites with weapons- 
usable nuclear material and warheads, implement material control and 
accounting upgrades to help keep track of the quantities of nuclear 
materials at sites, and consolidate material into fewer, more secure 
buildings. GAO last reported on the MPC&A program in 2003.[Footnote 14] 
At that time, a lack of access to many sites in Russia's nuclear 
weapons complex had significantly impeded DOE's progress in helping 
Russia to secure its nuclear material. We reported that DOE had 
completed work at only a limited number of buildings in Russia's 
nuclear weapons complex, a network of sites involved in the 
construction of nuclear weapons where most of the nuclear material in 
Russia is stored. According to DOE, by the end of September 2006, the 
agency will have helped to secure 175 buildings with weapons-usable 
nuclear material in Russia and the former Soviet Union and 39 Russian 
Navy nuclear warhead sites. GAO is currently re-examining DOE's 
efforts, including the progress DOE has made since 2003 in securing 
nuclear material and warheads in Russia and other countries and the 
challenges DOE faces in completing its work. 

While securing nuclear materials and warheads where they are stored is 
considered to be the first layer of defense against nuclear theft, 
there is no guarantee that such items will not be stolen or lost. 
Recognizing this fact, DOE, DOD, and State, through seven different 
programs, have provided radiation detection equipment since 1994 to 36 
countries, including many countries of the former Soviet Union. These 
programs seek to combat nuclear smuggling and are seen as a second line 
of defense against nuclear theft. The largest and most successful of 
these efforts is DOE's Second Line of Defense program (SLD). We 
reported in March 2006 that, through the SLD program, DOE had provided 
radiation detection equipment and training at 83 sites in Russia, 
Greece, and Lithuania since 1998. However, we also noted that U.S. 
radiation detection assistance efforts faced challenges, including 
corruption of some foreign border security officials, technical 
limitations of some radiation detection equipment, and inadequate 
maintenance of some equipment. To address these challenges, U.S. 
agencies plan to take a number of steps, including combating corruption 
by installing communications links between individual border sites and 
national command centers so that detection alarm data can be 
simultaneously evaluated by multiple officials. 

The United States is also helping Russia to eliminate excess stockpiles 
of nuclear material (highly enriched uranium and plutonium). In 
February 1993, the United States agreed to purchase from Russia 500 
metric tons of highly enriched uranium (HEU) extracted from dismantled 
Russian nuclear weapons over a 20-year period. Russia agreed to dilute, 
or blend-down, the material into low enriched uranium (LEU), which is 
of significantly less proliferation risk, so that it could be made into 
fuel for commercial nuclear power reactors before shipping it to the 
United States.[Footnote 15] As of June 27, 2006, 276 metric tons of 
Russian HEU--derived from more than 11,000 dismantled nuclear weapons-
-have been downblended into LEU for use in U.S. commercial nuclear 
reactors. Similarly, in 2000, the United States and Russia committed to 
the transparent disposition of 34 metric tons each of weapon-grade 
plutonium. The plutonium will be converted into a more proliferation- 
resistant form called mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel that will be used in 
commercial nuclear power plants. In addition to constructing a MOX fuel 
fabrication plant at its Savannah River Site, DOE is also assisting 
Russia in constructing a similar facility for the Russian plutonium. 

Russia's continued operation of three plutonium production reactors 
poses a serious proliferation threat. These reactors produce about 1.2 
metric tons of plutonium each year--enough for about 300 nuclear 
weapons. DOE's Elimination of Weapons-Grade Plutonium Production 
program seeks to facilitate the reactors' closure by building or 
refurbishing two fossil fuel plants that will replace the heat and 
electricity that will be lost with the shutdown of Russia's three 
plutonium production reactors. DOE plans to complete the first of the 
two replacement plants in 2008 and the second in 2011. When we reported 
on this program in June 2004,[Footnote 16] we noted that DOE faced 
challenges in implementing its program, including ensuring Russia's 
commitment to shutting down the reactors, the rising cost of building 
the replacement fossil fuel plants, and concerns about the thousands of 
Russian nuclear workers who will lose their jobs when the reactors are 
shut down. We made a number of recommendations, which DOE has 
implemented, including reaching agreement with Russia on the specific 
steps to be taken to shut down the reactors and development of a plan 
to work with other U.S. government programs to assist Russia in finding 
alternate employment for the skilled nuclear workers who will lose 
their jobs when the reactors are shut down. 

Mr. Chairman, this concludes my prepared statement. I would be pleased 
to respond to any questions you or other Members of the Subcommittee 
may have at this time. 

Contacts and Staff Acknowledgments: 

For future contacts regarding this testimony, please contact Gene 
Aloise at (202) 512-3841 or Joseph Christoff at (202) 512-8979. R. 
Stockton Butler, Miriam A. Carroll, Leland Cogliani, Lynn Cothern, 
Muriel J. Forster, Jeffrey Phillips, and Jim Shafer made key 
contributions to this testimony. Beth Hoffman León, Stephen Lord, 
Audrey Solis, and Pierre Toureille provided technical assistance. 

[End of section] 

Appendix I: Countries' Safeguards Agreements with IAEA, as of August 

Table 1: 

Non-nuclear weapon states: 

State: Afghanistan; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Albania; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Algeria; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Andorra; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: [Empty]; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Angola; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: [Empty]; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Antigua and Barbuda; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Argentina; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Armenia; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Australia; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Austria; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Azerbaijan; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Bahamas; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Bahrain; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: [Empty]; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Bangladesh; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Barbados; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Belarus; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Belgium; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Belize; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Benin; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: [Empty]; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Bhutan; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Bolivia; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Bosnia and Herzegovina; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Botswana; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Brazil; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Brunei Darussalam; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Bulgaria; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Burkina Faso; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Burundi; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: [Empty]; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Cambodia; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Cameroon; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Canada; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Cape Verde; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: [Empty]; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Central African Republic; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: [Empty]; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Chad; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: [Empty]; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Chile; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Colombia; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Comoros; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: [Empty]; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Costa Rica; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Cote d'Ivoire; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Croatia; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Cuba; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Cyprus; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Czech Republic; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Democratic People's Republic of Korea[A]; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Democratic Republic of the Congo; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Denmark; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Djibouti; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: [Empty]; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Dominica; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Dominican Republic; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Ecuador; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Egypt; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: El Salvador; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Equatorial Guinea; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: [Empty]; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Eritrea; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: [Empty]; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Estonia; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Ethiopia; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Federated States of Micronesia; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: [Empty]; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Fiji; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Finland; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Gabon; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: [Empty]; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Gambia; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Georgia; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Germany; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Ghana; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Greece; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Grenada; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Guatemala; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Guinea; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: [Empty]; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Guinea-Bissau; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: [Empty]; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Guyana; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Haiti; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Holy See; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Honduras; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Hungary; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Iceland; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Indonesia; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Iraq; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Ireland; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Islamic Republic of Iran; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Italy; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Jamaica; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Japan; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Jordan; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Kazakhstan; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Kenya; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: [Empty]; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Kiribati; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Kuwait; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Kyrgyzstan; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Latvia; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Lebanon; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Lesotho; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Liberia; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: [Empty]; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Libyan Arab Jamahiriya; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Liechtenstein; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Lithuania; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Luxembourg; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Madagascar; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Malawi; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Malaysia; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Maldives; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Mali; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Malta; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Marshall Islands; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Mauritania; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: [Empty]; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Mauritius; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Mexico; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Monaco; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Mongolia; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Montenegro; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: [Empty]; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Morocco; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Mozambique; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: [Empty]; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Myanmar; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Namibia; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Nauru; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Nepal; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Netherlands; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: New Zealand; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Nicaragua; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Niger; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Nigeria; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Norway; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Oman; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: [Empty]; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Palau; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Panama; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Papua New Guinea; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Paraguay; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: People's Democratic Republic of Laos; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Peru; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Philippines; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Poland; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Portugal; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Qatar; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: [Empty]; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Republic of the Congo; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: [Empty]; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Republic of Korea; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Republic of Moldova; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Republic of Yemen; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Romania; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Rwanda; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: [Empty]; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: St. Kitts and Nevis; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: St. Lucia; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: St. Vincent and the Grenadines; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Samoa; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: San Marino; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Sao Tome and Principe; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: [Empty]; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Saudi Arabia; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: [Empty]; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Senegal; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Serbia; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Seychelles; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Sierra Leone; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: [Empty]; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Singapore; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Slovakia; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Slovenia; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Solomon Islands; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Somalia; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: [Empty]; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: South Africa; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Spain; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Sri Lanka; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Sudan; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Suriname; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Swaziland; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Sweden; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Switzerland; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Syrian Arab Republic; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Tajikistan; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Thailand; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Timor-Leste; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: [Empty]; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Togo; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: [Empty]; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Tonga; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Trinidad and Tobago; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Tunisia; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Turkey; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Turkmenistan; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Tuvalu; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Uganda; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Ukraine; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: United Arab Emirates; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: United Republic of Tanzania; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Uruguay; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Uzbekistan; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Vanuatu; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: [Empty]; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Venezuela; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Vietnam; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Zambia; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

State: Zimbabwe; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: X. 

Nuclear weapons states with safeguards agreements in force: 

State: China; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: France; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Russian Federation; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: United Kingdom; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: X; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: United States of America; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: X; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

States with special safeguards agreements: 

State: India; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: [Empty]; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Israel; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: [Empty]; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

State: Pakistan; 
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement: [Empty]; 
Additional Protocol: [Empty]; 
Small Quantities Protocol: [Empty]. 

[A] Although North Korea concluded a comprehensive safeguards agreement 
with IAEA in 1992, it announced its withdrawal from the NPT in January 

[End of table] 

[End of section] 

Appendix II: Members of the Nuclear Suppliers Group, as of June 2006: 

Table 2: 

New Zealand. 
Czech Republic; 
South Africa. 
South Korea. 
United Kingdom. 
United States.  

Source: Nuclear Suppliers Group Statement, Nuclear Suppliers Group 
Strengthening the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime, Brasilia, June 2, 

[End of table] 

[End of section] 

Appendix III: Additional Information on U.S. Nuclear Nonproliferation 

Table 3: 

Project: Department of Energy Projects: Global Radiological Threat 
Description: Secures radiological sources no longer needed in the U.S. 
and locates, identifies, recovers, consolidates, and enhances the 
security of radioactive materials outside the U.S. 

Project: Department of Energy Projects: Global Nuclear Material Threat 
Description: Eliminates Russia's use of highly enriched uranium (HEU) 
in civilian nuclear facilities; 
returns U.S. and Russian-origin HEU and spent nuclear fuel from 
research reactors around the world; 
secures plutonium-bearing spent nuclear fuel from reactors in 
and addresses nuclear and radiological materials at vulnerable 
locations throughout the world. 

Project: Department of Energy Projects: Elimination of Weapons-Grade 
Plutonium Production project; 
Description: Provides replacement fossil-fuel energy that will allow 
Russia to shutdown its three remaining weapons-grade plutonium 
production reactors. 

Project: Department of Energy Projects: International Safeguards 
Description: Develops and delivers technology applications to 
strengthen capabilities to detect and verify undeclared nuclear 
enhances the physical protection and proper accounting of nuclear 
and assists foreign national partners to meet safeguards commitments. 

Project: Department of Energy Projects: Russian Transition Initiatives 
Description: Provides meaningful employment for former weapons of mass 
destruction weapons scientists. 

Project: Department of Energy Projects: Nuclear Warhead Protection 
Description: Provides material protection, control, and accounting 
upgrades to enhance the security of Navy HEU fuel and nuclear material. 

Project: Department of Energy Projects: Weapons Material Protection 
Description: Provides material protection, control, and accounting 
upgrades to nuclear weapons, uranium enrichment, and material 
processing and storage sites. 

Project: Department of Energy Projects: Material Consolidation & 
Civilian Sites project; 
Description: Enhances the security of proliferation-attractive nuclear 
material in Russia by supporting material protection, control, and 
accounting upgrade projects at Russian civilian nuclear facilities. 

Project: Department of Energy Projects: National Infrastructure & 
Sustainability project; 
Description: Develops national and regional resources in the Russian 
Federation to help establish and sustain effective operation of 
upgraded nuclear material protection, control and accounting systems. 

Project: Department of Energy Projects: Second Line of Defense & 
Megaports Initiative project; 
Description: Negotiates cooperative efforts with the Russian Federation 
and other key countries to strengthen the capability of enforcement 
officials to detect and deter illicit trafficking of nuclear and 
radiological material across international borders. This is 
accomplished through the detection, location and identification of 
nuclear and nuclear related materials, the development of response 
procedures and capabilities, and the establishment of required 
infrastructure elements to support the control of these materials. 

Project: Department of Energy Projects: HEU Transparency Implementation 
Description: Monitors Russia to ensure that low enriched uranium (LEU) 
sold to the U.S. for civilian nuclear power plants is derived from 
weapons-usable HEU removed from dismantled Russian nuclear weapons. 

Project: Department of Energy Projects: Surplus U.S. HEU Disposition 
Description: Disposes of surplus domestic HEU by down-blending it. 

Project: Department of Energy Projects: Surplus U.S. Plutonium 
Disposition project; 
Description: Disposes of surplus domestic plutonium by fabricating it 
into mixed oxide (MOX) fuel for irradiation in existing, commercial 
nuclear reactors. 

Project: Department of Energy Projects: Surplus Russian Plutonium 
Disposition project; 
Description: Supports Russia's efforts to dispose of its weapons-grade 
plutonium by working with the international community to help pay for 
Russia's program. 

Project: Department of Defense Projects: Personnel Reliability and 
Description: Provides training and equipment to assist Russia in 
determining the reliability of its guard forces. 

Project: Department of Defense Projects: Site Security Enhancements; 
Description: Enhances the safety and security of Russian nuclear 
weapons storage sites through the use of vulnerability assessments to 
determine specific requirements for upgrades. DOD will develop security 
designs to address those vulnerabilities and install equipment 
necessary to bring security standards consistent with those at U.S. 
nuclear weapons storage facilities. 

Project: Department of Defense Projects: Nuclear Weapons 
Description: Assists Russia in shipping nuclear warheads to more secure 
sites or dismantlement locations. 

Project: Department of Defense Projects: Railcar Maintenance and 
Description: Assists Russia in maintaining nuclear weapons cargo 
railcars. Funds maintenance of railcars until no longer feasible, then 
purchases replacement railcars to maintain 100 cars in service. DOD 
will procure 15 guard railcars to replace those retired from service. 
Guard railcars will be capable of monitoring security systems in the 
cargo railcars and transporting security force personnel. 

Project: Department of Defense Projects: Weapons Transportation Safety 
Description: Provides emergency response vehicles containing hydraulic 
cutting tools, pneumatic jacks, and safety gear to enhance Russia's 
ability to respond to possible accidents in transporting nuclear 
weapons. Meteorological, radiation detection and monitoring, and 
communications equipment is also included. 

Source: GAO analysis. 

[End of table] 

[End of section] 

Related GAO Products: 

Combating Nuclear Smuggling: Challenges Facing U.S. Efforts to Deploy 
Radiation Detection Equipment in Other Countries and in the United 
States. GAO-06-558T. Washington, D.C.: March 28, 2006. 

Combating Nuclear Smuggling: Corruption, Maintenance, and Coordination 
Problems Challenge U.S. Efforts to Provide Radiation Detection 
Equipment to Other Countries. GAO-06-311. Washington, D.C.: March 14, 

Nuclear Nonproliferation: IAEA Has Strengthened Its Safeguards and 
Nuclear Security Programs, but Weaknesses Need to Be Addressed. GAO-06- 
93. Washington, D.C.: October 7, 2005. 

Preventing Nuclear Smuggling: DOE Has Made Limited Progress in 
Installing Radiation Detection Equipment at Highest Priority Foreign 
Seaports. GAO-05-375. Washington, D.C.: March 31, 2005. 

Nuclear Nonproliferation: DOE's Effort to Close Russia's Plutonium 
Production Reactors Faces Challenges, and Final Shutdown is Uncertain. 
GAO-04-662. Washington, D.C.: June 4, 2004. 

Weapons of Mass Destruction: Additional Russian Cooperation Needed to 
Facilitate U.S. Efforts to Improve Security at Russian Sites. GAO-03- 
482. Washington, D.C.: March 24, 2003. 

Nonproliferation: Strategy Needed to Strengthen Multilateral Export 
Control Regimes. GAO-03-43. Washington, D.C.: October 25, 2002. 

Nuclear Nonproliferation: U.S. Efforts to Help Other Countries Combat 
Nuclear Smuggling Need Strengthened Coordination and Planning. GAO-02- 
426. Washington, D.C.: May 16, 2002. 

Nuclear Nonproliferation: Implications of the U.S. Purchase of Russian 
Highly Enriched Uranium. GAO-01-148. Washington, D.C.: December 15, 


[1] Under the NPT, nuclear weapons states pledged to facilitate the 
transfer of peaceful nuclear technology to non-nuclear weapons states, 
but not to assist them in acquiring nuclear weapons. 

[2] GAO, Nuclear Nonproliferation: IAEA Has Strengthened Its Safeguards 
and Nuclear Security Programs, but Weaknesses Need to Be Addressed, GAO-
06-93 (Washington, D.C.: Oct. 7, 2005). 

[3] GAO, Nonproliferation: Strategy Needed to Strengthen Multilateral 
Export Control Regimes, GAO-03-43 (Washington, D.C.: Oct. 25, 2002). 

[4] Weapons-usable nuclear material is uranium enriched to 20 percent 
or greater in uranium-235 or uranium-233 and any plutonium containing 
less than 80 percent of the isotope plutonium-238 and less than 10 
percent of the isotopes plutonium-241 and plutonium-242. These types of 
material are of the quality used to make nuclear weapons. 

[5] A listing of relevant U.S. nuclear nonproliferation programs can be 
found in appendix III. 

[6] Regional treaties, including the Treaty for the Prohibition of 
Nuclear Weapons in Latin America (the 1967 Treaty of Tlatelolco), the 
South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty (the 1985 Treaty of Rarotonga), 
the African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty (the 1995 Treaty of 
Pelindaba), and the Southeast Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Treaty (the 1995 
Bangkok Treaty) require each participating country to conclude a 
comprehensive safeguards agreement with IAEA. Additionally, in February 
2005, five Central Asian states announced that they had reached 
agreement on the text of a treaty to establish a nuclear-weapon-free 

[7] Nuclear materials include source materials, such as natural 
uranium, depleted uranium, and thorium, and special fissionable 
materials, such as enriched uranium and plutonium. 

[8] Model Protocol Additional to the Agreement(s) Between State(s) and 
the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of 

[9] IAEA defines a country with significant nuclear activities as one 
that has declared nuclear material in a facility or a location outside 

[10] In 2004, the Department of Safeguards had 552 staff members. Of 
these, 251 were safeguards inspectors. 

[11] GAO, Nonproliferation: Strategy Needed to Strengthen Multilateral 
Export Control Regimes, GAO-03-43 (Washington, D.C.: Oct. 25, 2002). 

[12] Previously, the Nuclear Suppliers Group control list included 
nuclear equipment and material, the export of which would trigger a 
requirement that IAEA safeguards apply to the recipient facility. 

[13] This includes funding for nuclear security programs, but does not 
include funding for parts of DOD's Cooperative Threat Reduction program 
that work on demilitarization, chemical or biological weapons issues, 
or the destruction and dismantlement of weapons delivery systems. 

[14] GAO, Weapons of Mass Destruction: Additional Russian Cooperation 
Needed to Facilitate U.S. Efforts to Improve Security at Russian Sites, 
GAO-03-482 (Washington, D.C.: Mar. 24, 2003). 

[15] Formally known as "The Agreement Between the Government of the 
United States of America and the Government of the Russian Federation 
Concerning the Disposition of Highly Enriched Uranium Extracted from 
Nuclear Weapons" (Feb. 18, 1993). 

[16] GAO, Nuclear Nonproliferation: DOE's Effort to Close Russia's 
Plutonium Production Reactors Faces Challenges, and Final Shutdown Is 
Uncertain, GAO-04-662 (Washington, D.C.: June 4, 2004). 

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