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entitled 'Digital Broadcast Television Transition: Estimated Cost of 
Supporting Set-Top Boxes to Help Advance the DTV Transition' which was 
released on February 17, 2005.

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Before the Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet, 
Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives:

United States Government Accountability Office:


For Release on Delivery Expected at 10:00 a.m. EST:

Thursday, February 17, 2005:

Digital Broadcast Television Transition:

Estimated Cost of Supporting Set-Top Boxes to Help Advance the DTV 

Statement of Mark L. Goldstein, Director, Physical Infrastructure 


GAO Highlights:

Highlights of GAO-05-258T, a testimony before  the Subcommittee on 
Telecommunications and the Internet, Committee on Energy and Commerce, 
House of Representatives

Why GAO Did This Study:

The digital television (DTV) transition offers the promise of enhanced 
television services.  At the end of the transition, radiofrequency 
spectrum used for analog broadcast television will be used for other 
wireless services and for critical public safety services.  To spur the 
digital transition, some industry participants and experts have 
suggested that the government may choose to provide a subsidy for set-
top boxes, which can receive digital broadcast television signals and 
convert them into analog signals so that they can be displayed on 
existing television sets.  This testimony provides information on (1) 
the current distribution of American households by television viewing 
methods and whether there are demographic differences among these 
groups; (2) the equipment required for households to receive digital 
broadcast signals; and (3) the estimated cost to the federal 
government, under various scenarios, of providing a subsidy for set-top 
boxes that would enable households to view digital broadcast signals.  

We developed estimates of the cost of a subsidy for set-top boxes using 
data on household television characteristics, expected set-top box 
costs, and varied assumptions about how certain key regulatory issues 
will be decided. 

What GAO Found:

The three primary means through which Americans view television signals 
are over the air, cable, and direct broadcast satellite (DBS).  GAO 
found that 19 percent, or roughly 21 million American households, rely 
exclusively on free over-the-air television; 57 percent, or nearly 64 
million households, view television via a cable service; and 19 
percent, or about 22 million households, have a subscription to a 
direct broadcast satellite (DBS) service.  On average, over-the-air 
households are more likely to have lower incomes compared to cable and 
DBS households.  While 48 percent of over-the-air households have 
incomes under $30,000, roughly 29 percent of cable and DBS households 
have incomes less than that level.  Also, 6 percent of over-the-air 
households have incomes over $100,000, while about 13 percent of cable 
and DBS households have incomes exceeding $100,000.

The specific equipment that each household needs to transition to 
DTV—that is, to be able to view digital broadcast signals—depends on 
the method through which the household watches television, whether the 
household has already upgraded its television equipment to be 
compatible with DTV, and the resolution of certain key regulatory 
issues.  GAO examined two key cases regarding the regulatory issues.  
The assumption for case one is that cable and DBS providers would 
continue providing broadcasters’ signals as they currently do, thus 
eliminating the need for their subscribers to acquire new equipment.  
In this case, only households viewing television using only an over-the-
air antenna would need to take action to be able to view broadcasters’ 
digital signals.  The assumption for the second case is that cable and 
DBS providers would be required to provide broadcasters’ digital 
signals to subscribers in substantially the same format as broadcasters 
transmitted those signals.  This would require cable and DBS 
subscribers, in addition to over-the-air households, to have equipment 
in place to be able to receive their providers’ high-definition digital 

If a subsidy for set-top boxes is only needed for over-the-air 
households (case one), GAO estimates that its cost could range from 
about $460 million to about $2 billion, depending on the price of the 
set-top boxes and whether a means test—which would limit eligibility to 
only those households with incomes lower than some specified limit—is 
employed.  If cable and satellite subscribers also need new equipment 
(case two), the cost of providing the subsidy could range from about 
$1.8 billion to approximately $10.6 billion.

We provided a draft of this testimony to the Federal Communications 
Commission (FCC) for their review and comment.  FCC staff provided 
technical comments that we incorporated where appropriate.

To view the full product, including the scope and methodology, click on 
the link above. For more information, contact Mark L. Goldstein, (202) 

[End of section]

Mr. Chairman and Members of the Subcommittee:

I am pleased to be here today to report on our work on the potential 
cost of providing a subsidy to consumers for the purchase of set-top 
boxes in order to accelerate the transition from analog to digital 
broadcast television. This transition--known as the DTV transition-- 
offers the promise of more programming options, interactive services, 
and high-definition television (HDTV). Moreover, the return of 
radiofrequency spectrum used for analog broadcast television at the end 
of the transition will provide many benefits to society, such as easing 
the spectrum scarcity facing public safety first responders, 
engendering economic growth and consumer value from spectrum redeployed 
to wireless services, and affording the federal government revenues 
from the proceeds of a spectrum auction. To facilitate the transition, 
the Congress and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) 
temporarily provided television stations nationwide with additional 
spectrum so that stations could simultaneously broadcast both an analog 
and a digital signal. Stations' analog licenses are mandated to 
terminate in December 2006, or when 85 percent of households in each 
market can receive digital broadcast signals, whichever is 
later.[Footnote 1] While the purchase of digital televisions is 
steadily increasing, it nevertheless appears unlikely that a sufficient 
proportion of households will have digital television equipment in 
place by the end of 2006.

In order to spur households' adoption of the digital equipment 
necessary for the transition, some have suggested that the government 
provide a subsidy to certain households to purchase a device, known as 
a set-top box, that can receive digital broadcast television signals 
and convert them into analog signals so that they can be displayed on 
existing television sets. This device would enable the household to 
view digital broadcast signals without purchasing a digital television 
set; such sets currently sell at considerably higher prices than 
traditional analog television sets. Aiding in the deployment of set-top 
boxes may enable the transition to end sooner than it might otherwise 
by increasing the number of households that can view digital broadcast 

At the request of this subcommittee, we have examined (1) the current 
distribution of American households by television viewing methods and 
whether there are demographic differences among these groups; (2) the 
equipment required for households to receive digital broadcast signals; 
and (3) the estimated cost to the federal government, under various 
scenarios, of providing a subsidy for set-top boxes that would enable 
households to view digital broadcast signals. In addition to 
information provided in this testimony, we are conducting additional 
work on the DTV transition, subsidy options, and administrative 
approaches for implementing a subsidy program, and will provide a more 
detailed study for the Committee and the Subcommittee later this year.

While a subsidy for set-top boxes may be one policy option to spur the 
transition, there are other policies that might do so as well. In our 
statement today, we provide cost estimates for a possible subsidy 
program under various scenarios. We note, however, that in providing 
these cost estimates, GAO is taking no position on this policy option. 
We are merely providing, as requested by the Committee and the 
Subcommittee, cost estimates for such a program.

To address the issues we will discuss today, we purchased data from 
Knowledge Networks, a survey research firm that had conducted a 
consumer survey on household television characteristics. The survey 
provided the responses of 2,471 randomly selected American households 
and covers such topics as the method each household uses to view 
television (e.g., cable, over the air), how many television sets they 
have, and whether they have set-top boxes for digital cable service. 
The survey also provides information on an array of demographic 
characteristics for each household. These data were collected between 
February and April 2004. The response rate for Knowledge Network's 
survey was 47 percent. The relevance of the response rate for the 
study's findings is discussed in appendix I.[Footnote 2] Using a 95 
percent confidence interval, all percentage estimates from the survey 
have margins of error of plus or minus 6 percentage points or less, and 
all cost estimates based on the survey data have margins of error of 
plus or minus 16 percent or less. To assess the reliability of these 
survey data, we reviewed documentation of survey procedures provided by 
Knowledge Networks and questioned knowledgeable officials about the 
survey process and resulting data. We determined that the data were 
sufficiently reliable for the purposes of this testimony. We also 
contracted with Knowledge Networks to recontact some of respondents to 
its survey to ask additional questions that GAO developed. [Footnote 3] 
Because the number of recontacted households for the additional 
questions requested by GAO was small, the findings for these questions 
are not generalizable to a larger population. To gather information 
about the likely costs of set-top boxes, we interviewed several 
consumer electronics firms and experts.

The estimate of the potential cost of a subsidy that we are providing 
should not be interpreted as the cost of a government program. In 
preparing these estimates we discussed the nature of our work with 
Congressional Budget Office (CBO). If the Congress considers 
legislation for a set-top box subsidy program, the CBO will, based on 
the specifics of the law, prepare an estimate of the cost of the 
program. We conducted our work from August 2004 to January 2005 in 
accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards.

We provided a draft of this testimony to the Federal Communications 
Commission (FCC) for their review and comment. FCC staff provided 
technical comments that we incorporated where appropriate.

In summary:

* The three primary means through which Americans view television 
signals are over the air, cable, and direct broadcast satellite (DBS). 
We found that 19 percent, or roughly 21 million American households, 
rely exclusively on over-the-air transmissions for their television 
viewing; 57 percent, or nearly 64 million American households, view 
television via a cable service; and about 19 percent, or about 22 
million American households, have a subscription to a DBS 
service[Footnote 4]. We recognize that others have estimated a lower 
value for the percent of households relying on over the air 
television[Footnote 5].  Our results were derived from a survey of over 
2,400 households, from which we estimated with 95 percent certainty 
that between 17 and 21 percent of households rely on over the air 
television. On average, over-the-air households are more likely to have 
lower incomes compared to cable or DBS households. While 48 percent of 
over-the-air households have incomes under $30,0[Footnote 6]00, roughly 
29 percent of both cable and satellite homes had household incomes less 
than or equal to that level. Also, only 6 percent of over-the-air 
households had incomes over $100,000, while about 13 percent of cable 
and satellite households had incomes exceeding $100,000. Additionally, 
non-white and Hispanic households are more likely to rely on over-the- 
air television than are white and non-Hispanic households.

* The specific equipment needs for each household to transition to DTV-
-that is, to be able to view broadcast digital signals--depends on 
certain key factors. First, the method through which a household 
watches television and whether it has already upgraded its television 
equipment to be compatible with digital television, will factor into 
the equipment needs of the household. Additionally, certain regulatory 
decisions yet to be made by FCC will play a role in determining some 
consumers' equipment needs. We examined two key cases regarding the 
regulatory decisions.

* In case one, we assume that cable and DBS providers would continue 
providing broadcasters' signals as they currently do, thus eliminating 
any need for their subscribers to acquire new equipment. That is, cable 
providers would initially "downconvert"[Footnote 7] broadcasters' high-
definition digital signals to an analog format before they are 
transmitted to their subscribers. Similarly, DBS providers would 
initially downconvert broadcasters' high-definition digital signals to 
a standard-definition digital format before they are transmitted to 
their subscribers. This enables the signals to be viewed on 
subscribers' existing televisions sets. In this case, only households 
viewing television using only an over-the-air antenna must take action 
to be able to view broadcasters' digital signals.

* In case two, we assume that cable and DBS providers would be required 
to provide broadcasters' digital signals to subscribers in 
substantially the same format as broadcasters transmitted those 
signals. Because some of the broadcasters' digital transmissions are in 
a high-definition digital format, the second case would require cable 
and DBS providers to transmit the signals in this format to their 
subscribers. To be able to view these signals, cable and DBS 
subscribers would need to have equipment in place, or to acquire new 
equipment, that can receive their providers' high-definition digital 
signals. The second case would also require, as does case one, all over-
the-air households to acquire new equipment.

* If a subsidy for set-top boxes were needed only for over-the-air 
households, we estimate that its cost could range from about $460 
million to about $2 billion. The subsidy cost varies depending on the 
price of the set-top boxes and whether a means test--which would limit 
eligibility for the subsidy to only those households with incomes lower 
than some specified limit--were employed. However, if cable and 
satellite subscribers also needed new equipment and the subsidy 
provides some support for these households as well, the overall cost of 
the program would grow. We estimate that in this case, the cost of 
providing the subsidy could range from about $1.8 billion to over $10 
billion, depending, again, on the price of the set-top boxes and 
whether a means test were employed.


The United States is currently undergoing a transition from analog to 
digital broadcast television. With traditional analog technology, 
pictures and sounds are converted into "waveform" electrical signals 
for transmission through the radiofrequency spectrum, while digital 
technology converts these pictures and sounds into a stream of digits 
consisting of zeros and ones for transmission. Digital transmission of 
television signals provides several advantages compared to analog 
transmission, such as enabling better quality picture and sound 
reception as well as using the radiofrequency spectrum more efficiently 
than analog transmission. This increased efficiency makes multicasting-
-where several digital television signals are transmitted in the same 
amount of spectrum necessary for one analog television signal--and 
HDTV[Footnote 8] services possible.

A primary goal of the DTV transition is for the federal government to 
reclaim spectrum that broadcasters currently use to provide analog 
television signals. The radiofrequency spectrum is a medium that 
enables many forms of wireless communications, such as mobile 
telephone, paging, broadcast television and radio, private radio 
systems, and satellite services. Because of the virtual explosion of 
wireless applications in recent years, there is considerable concern 
that future spectrum needs--both for commercial as well as government 
purposes--will not be met. The spectrum that will be cleared at the end 
of the DTV transition is considered highly valuable spectrum because of 
its particular technical properties. In all, the DTV transition will 
clear 108 megahertz of spectrum--a fairly significant amount. In the 
Balanced Budget Act of 1997, the Congress directed FCC to reallocate 24 
MHz of the reclaimed spectrum to public safety uses. Since the 
terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, there has been a greater sense 
of urgency to free spectrum for public safety purposes. The remaining 
returned spectrum will be auctioned for use in advanced wireless 
services, such as wireless high-speed Internet access.[Footnote 9]

To implement the DTV transition, television stations must provide a 
digital signal, which requires them to upgrade their transmission 
facilities, such as transmission lines, antennas, and digital 
transmitters and encoders. Depending on individual station's tower 
configuration, the digital conversion may require new towers or 
upgrades to existing towers. Most television stations throughout the 
country are now providing a digital broadcast signal in addition to 
their analog signal. After 2006, the transition will end in each 
market--that is, analog signals will no longer be provided--when at 
least 85 percent of households have the ability to receive digital 
broadcast signals.

Americans Watch Television through Three Primary Modes:

The three primary means through which Americans view television signals 
are over the air, cable, and direct broadcast satellite (DBS). Over- 
the-air broadcast television, which began around 1940, uses 
radiofrequencies to transmit television signals from stations' 
television towers to households' television antennas mounted on 
rooftops, in attics, or directly on television sets. Over-the-air 
television is a free service. Cable television service, a pay 
television service, emerged in the late 1940s to fill a need for 
television service in areas with poor over-the-air reception, such as 
mountainous or remote areas. Cable providers run localized networks of 
cable lines that deliver television signals from cable facilities to 
subscribers' homes.[Footnote 10] Cable operators provide their 
subscribers with, on average, approximately 73 analog television 
channels and 150 digital television channels. In 1994, a third primary 
means of providing television emerged: direct broadcast satellite 
(DBS). Subscribers to DBS service use small reception dishes that can 
be mounted on rooftops or windowsills to receive television programming 
beamed down from satellites that orbit over the equator. Like cable, 
DBS service is a subscription television service that provides 
consumers with many channels of programming. When the Congress enacted 
the Satellite Home Viewer Improvement Act of 1999, it allowed DBS 
carriers to provide local broadcast signals--such as the local 
affiliate of ABC or NBC--which they had previously not generally been 
able to provide.

Over-the-Air Households. We found that 19 percent, or 20.8 million 
American households, rely exclusively on over-the-air transmissions for 
their television viewing. We recognize that others have estimated a 
lower value for the percent of households relying on over the air 
television. Our results were derived from a survey of over 2,400 
households, from which we estimated with 95 percent certainty that 
between 17 and 21 percent of households rely on over the air 
television. Compared to households that purchase a subscription to 
cable or DBS service, we found that exclusive over-the-air viewers are 
somewhat different demographically. Overall, over-the-air households 
are more likely to have lower incomes than cable or satellite 
households. Approximately 48 percent of exclusive over-the-air viewers 
have household incomes less than $30,000, and 6 percent have household 
incomes over $100,000. Additionally, nonwhite and Hispanic households 
are more likely to rely on over-the-air television than are white and 
non-Hispanic households; over 23 percent of non-white households rely 
on over-the-air television compared to less than 16 percent of white 
households, and about 28 percent of Hispanic households rely on over- 
the-air television compared to about 17 percent of non-Hispanic 
households. Finally, we found that, on average, exclusive over-the-air 
households have 2.1 televisions, which is lower than the average for 
cable and satellite households.

We asked the survey research firm to recontact approximately 100 of the 
respondents who exclusively watch television through over-the-air 
transmission to ask additional questions, including the primary reason 
the household does not purchase a subscription video service.[Footnote 
11] Forty-one of these respondents said that it was too costly for them 
to purchase a subscription video service, and 44 said that they do not 
watch enough television to warrant paying for television service. Most 
of the recontacted households seemed unlikely to purchase a 
subscription service in the near future. Only 18 of the recontacted 
households said that they would be likely to purchase a subscription 
video service in the near future, and another 10 said that they might 
do so.

Cable Households. We found that 57 percent, or 63.7 million American 
households, view television through a cable service. On average, cable 
households have 2.7 television sets. Sixteen percent of cable 
households have at least one television set in the home that is not 
connected to cable but instead receives only over-the-air television 
signals. Of the cable households surveyed, roughly 29 percent had 
household incomes of less than or equal to $30,000, and about 13 
percent had incomes exceeding $100,000. We also found that 44 percent 
of the cable homes have at least one set-top box. Of those cable 
subscribers with a set-top box, about 67 percent reported that their 
box is capable of viewing channels the cable system sells on "digital 
cable tiers," meaning that the channels are transmitted by their cable 
provider in a digital format. A subset of these "digital cable" 
customers have a special set-top box capable of receiving their 
providers' transmission of high-definition digital signals.

Because the existence of a set-top box in the home may be relevant for 
determining what equipment households would need to view broadcast 
digital television signals, we asked the survey research firm to 
recontact approximately 100 cable households that do not have a set-top 
box to ask questions about their likely purchase of digital cable 
tiers--which require a set-top box--in the near future.[Footnote 12] 
First, we asked the primary reason why the household did not currently 
purchase any cable digital tiers of programming. Fifty-one of the 
recontacted respondents said that they did not want to bear the extra 
expense of digital tiers of cable programming, and 33 said that they 
did not watch enough television to justify purchasing digital cable 
service. Only 9 of the recontacted respondents said that they would be 
likely to purchase digital cable service in the near future, and 
another 9 said that they might purchase such service in the near 
future. Finally, we asked these respondents whether they would be 
reluctant to change their service in any way that would require them to 
use a set-top box. Of the recontacted respondents, 37 said they would 
be very reluctant to change their service in a way that would require 
them to use a set-top box, and another 38 said that they would be 
somewhat reluctant to do so.

DBS Households. We found that about 19 percent, or 21.7 million 
American households, have a subscription to a DBS service. These 
households have, on average, 2.7 television sets. About one-third of 
these households have at least one television set that is not hooked to 
their DBS dish and only receives over-the-air television signals. In 
terms of income, 29 percent of DBS subscribers have incomes less than 
or equal to $30,000, and 13 percent have incomes exceeding $100,000.

One important difference between cable and DBS service is that not all 
DBS subscribers have the option of viewing local broadcast signals 
through their DBS provider.[Footnote 13] Although the DBS providers 
have been rolling out local broadcast stations in many markets around 
the country in the past few years, not all markets are served. DBS 
subscribers in markets without local broadcast signals available 
through their DBS provider usually obtain their local broadcast signals 
through an over-the-air antenna, or through a cable connection. This is 
important to the DTV transition because how households with DBS service 
view their local broadcast channels will play into the determination of 
their requirements to transition to broadcast DTV. We therefore 
requested that the survey research firm recontact approximately 100 DBS 
customers to ask how they receive their local broadcast 
channels.[Footnote 14] We found that when local channels are available 
to DBS subscribers, they are very likely to purchase those channels. 
Well more than half of the DBS subscribers who were recontacted viewed 
their local broadcast channels through their DBS service. Nearly one- 
fourth of the recontacted DBS subscribers view their local broadcast 
channels through free over-the-air television. As DBS providers 
continue to roll out local channels to more markets, the percentage of 
DBS subscribers relying on over-the-air transmissions to view local 
signals will likely decline.

Households' Equipment Needs for DTV Transition Will Depend on their 
Mode of Television Viewing and Current Equipment Status, and Will Also 
Be Affected by Regulatory Decisions:

The specific equipment needs for each household to transition to DTV-- 
that is, to be able to view broadcast digital signals--depends on 
certain key factors: the method through which a household watches 
television, the television equipment the household currently has, and 
certain critical regulatory decisions yet to be made. In this section 
we discuss two cases regarding a key regulatory decision that will need 
to be made and the implications that decision will have on households' 
DTV equipment needs.

Before turning to the two cases, a key assumption underlying this 
analysis must be discussed. Currently, broadcasters have a right to 
insist that cable providers carry their analog television signals. This 
is known as the "must carry" rule, and dates to the Cable Television 
Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992. FCC made a 
determination that these must carry rules will apply to the digital 
local broadcast signals once a station is no longer transmitting an 
analog signal. In our analysis, we assume that the must carry right 
applies to broadcasters' digital signals, and as such, cable providers 
are generally carrying those signals. DBS providers face some must 
carry rules as well, although they are different in some key respects 
from the requirements that apply to cable providers. For the purposes 
of this analysis, we assume that to the extent that DBS providers face 
must carry requirements, those requirements apply to the digital 
broadcast signals.

For nearly all cable subscribers, and more than half of the DBS 
subscribers, local broadcast analog signals are provided by their 
subscription television provider. This means that these providers 
capture the broadcasters' signals through an antenna or a wire and 
retransmit those signals by cable or DBS to subscribers. We make two 
disparate assumptions, which we call case one and case two, about how 
cable and DBS providers might provide digital broadcast signals to 
subscribers. We do not suggest that these are the only two 
possibilities regarding how the requirements for carriage of broadcast 
signals might ultimately be decided--these are simply two possible 

Case One. In this case, we assume that cable and DBS providers will 
continue providing broadcasters' signals as they currently do. This 
assumption would be realized if cable and DBS providers initially 
downconvert broadcasters' digital signals at the providers' facilities, 
which may require legislative or regulatory action. That is, cable 
providers would initially downconvert broadcasters' high-definition 
digital signals to an analog format before they are transmitted to 
their subscribers. Similarly, DBS providers would initially downconvert 
broadcasters' high-definition digital signals to a standard-definition 
digital format before they are transmitted to their subscribers. In 
this case, there would be no need for cable and DBS subscribers to 
acquire new equipment; only households viewing television using only an 
over-the-air antenna must take action to be able to view broadcasters' 
digital signals. This case shares many attributes with the recently- 
completed DTV transition in Berlin, Germany.

All over-the-air households--which account for approximately 21 million 
households in the United States--must do one of two things to be able 
to view digital broadcast signals.[Footnote 15] First, they could 
purchase a digital television set that includes a tuner capable of 
receiving, processing, and displaying a digital signal. The survey data 
we used indicated that only about 1 percent of over-the-air viewers 
have, as of now, purchased a digital television that contains a tuner. 
However, some large televisions sold today are required to include such 
a tuner and by July 2007, all television sets larger than 13 inches are 
required to include a tuner. After that time, consumers who purchase 
new television sets will automatically have the capability of viewing 
digital signals. Approximately 25 to 30 million new television sets are 
purchased each year in the United States. The second option available 
to over-the-air households is to purchase a digital-to-analog set-top 
box. That is, for those households that have not purchased a new 
television set, the set-top box will convert the digital broadcast 
signals to analog so that they can be viewed on an existing analog 
television set. Viewers with digital-to-analog set-top boxes would not 
actually see the broadcast digital signal in a digital format, but 
would be viewing that signal after it has been downconverted, by the 
set-top box, to be compatible with their existing analog television 
set. Currently, simple set-top boxes that only have the function of 
downconverting digital signals to analog are not on the market. More 
complex boxes that include a variety of functions and features, 
including digital to analog downconversion, are available, but at a 
substantial cost. However, manufacturers told us that simple, and less 
expensive, set-top boxes would come to the market when a demand for 
them develops.

Case Two. In the second case, we assume that cable and DBS companies 
would be required to provide the broadcasters' signals to their 
subscribers in substantially the same format as it was received from 
the broadcasters. Because some of the broadcasters' signals are in a 
high-definition digital format, cable and DBS subscribers--just like 
over-the-air households--would need to have the equipment in place to 
be able to receive high-definition digital signals. There are several 
ways these subscribers could view these signals:

* Cable or DBS subscribers would be able to view digital broadcast 
television if they have purchased a digital television set with an over-
the-air digital tuner. They would then have the capability of viewing 
local digital broadcast stations through a traditional television 
antenna--just like an over-the-air viewer. However, many cable and DBS 
households may want to continue to view broadcast television signals 
through their cable or DBS provider.

* Cable or DBS subscribers could purchase a digital television with a 
"cable card" slot. By inserting a "card" provided by the cable company 
into such a television, subscribers can receive and display the digital 
content transmitted by the cable provider. Only very recently, however, 
have cable-ready digital television sets--which allow cable subscribers 
to receive their providers' digital signals directly into the 
television set--come to the market. Similar televisions sets with built-
in tuners for satellite digital signals are not currently on the market.

* To view the high-definition signals transmitted by their subscription 
provider, the other possibility for cable and DBS households would be 
to have a set-top box that downconverts the signals so that they can be 
displayed on their existing analog television sets. That is, any 
downconversion in this scenario takes place at the subscribers' 
household, as opposed to the subscription television providers' 
facilities, as in case one. While all DBS subscribers and about a third 
of cable subscribers have set-top boxes that enable a digital signal 
from their provider to be converted to an analog signal for display on 
existing television sets, few of these set-top boxes are designed for 
handling high-definition digital signals. As such, if broadcasters' 
signals are transmitted by cable and DBS providers in a high-definition 
format, not all cable and satellite subscribers would need new 
equipment, although most would. In case two, as in case one, all 
exclusively over-the-air households need a digital television set or a 
set-top box.

Cost of Federal Subsidy for Set-Top Boxes Varies Considerably, 
Depending on Several Factors:

In this section we present the estimated cost of providing a subsidy to 
consumers for the purchase of a set-top box that would be designed to 
advance the digital television transition. The estimated subsidy costs 
presented here vary based on (1) the two cases discussed above about 
whether cable and DBS providers initially downconvert broadcasters' 
digital signals at their facilities before transmitting them to 
subscribers; (2) varied assumptions about whether a means test is 
imposed and, if so, at what level; and (3) the expected cost of a 
simple digital-to-analog set-top box. All of the estimates presented 
here assume that only one television set is subsidized in each 
household that is determined to be eligible for the subsidy.[Footnote 

Means test. Imposing a means test would limit the subsidy to only those 
households determined to be in financial need of a subsidy. A means 
test would limit eligibility for the subsidy to only those households 
with incomes lower than some specified limit. We employed two different 
levels of means tests. The scenarios with means tests are roughly based 
on 200 percent and 300 percent of the poverty level[Footnote 17] as the 
income threshold under which a household's income must lie to be 
eligible for the subsidy. The poverty level is determined based on both 
income and the number of persons living in the household; for a family 
of four the official federal poverty level in 2004 was $18,850.

Set-top boxes. We provide estimates based on two possible price levels 
for the boxes: $50 and $100. This range is based on conversations we 
had with consumer electronics manufacturers who will likely produce set-
top boxes in the future. Set-top boxes for cable and DBS are often 
rented by subscribers, rather than purchased. Nevertheless, in cases 
where cable and DBS subscribers need new equipment, we assume that the 
financial support provided to them would be equivalent to that provided 
to over-the-air households.

Table 1 provides the cost of a subsidy program under the assumption 
that cable and DBS providers downconvert broadcasters' signals at their 
facilities in a manner that enables them to continue to transmit those 
signals to subscribers as they currently transmit broadcasters' 
signals. In this case, cable or DBS subscribers do not require any new 
equipment, so only over-the-air households--approximately 21 million 
American households--would need new equipment. As shown in table 1, 
there is considerable variation in the cost of the subsidy program 
depending on the level of a means test and the price of the set-top box.

Table 1: Estimated Cost of Set-Top Box Subsidy, Assuming Cable and DBS 
Downconversion, only Over-the-Air Households Are Subsidized:

Assumption about means test: Means test at 200% of poverty level; 
Percent of over-the-air households eligible: 50% of over-the-air 
Number of households subsidized (in millions): 9.3; (7.8 - 10.7); 
Cost of subsidy, by estimated cost of set-top box (dollars in 
millions): $50 set-top box: $463; ($391 - $534); 
Cost of subsidy, by estimated cost of set-top box (dollars in 
millions): $100 set-top box: $925; ($782 - $1,068).

Assumption about means test: Means test at 300% of poverty level; 
Percent of over-the-air households eligible: 67 % of over-the-air 
Number of households subsidized (in millions): 12.5; (10.9 - 14.1); 
Cost of subsidy, by estimated cost of set-top box (dollars in 
millions): $50 set-top box: $626; ($545 - $707); Cost of subsidy, by 
estimated cost of set-top box (dollars in millions): $100 set-top box: 
$1,252; ($1,090 - $1,415).

Assumption about means test: No means test; Percent of over-the-air 
households eligible: All over-the-air households; 
Number of households subsidized (in millions): 20.8; (19.1 - 22.6); 
Cost of subsidy, by estimated cost of set-top box (dollars in 
millions): $50 set-top box: $1,042; ($954 - $1,130); 
Cost of subsidy, by estimated cost of set-top box (dollars in 
millions): $100 set-top box: $2,083; ($1,907 - $2,259).

Source: GAO.

Notes: Ninety-five percent confidence intervals in parentheses.

Analysis based on the status of television households in 2004.

[End of table]

Table 2 provides the cost of a subsidy program under the assumption 
that cable and DBS providers are required to transmit broadcasters' 
digital signals in the same format as they are received. Under this 
scenario, nearly all over-the-air households and most cable and DBS 
subscribers will not have the equipment in place to view high- 
definition digital broadcast signals. Although subscribers typically 
rent, rather than purchase, set-top boxes, we assume that the same 
level of subsidy is provided to these households as is provided to over-
the-air households to defray the cost of having to obtain a new or 
upgraded set-top box from their provider.

Table 2: Estimated Cost of Set-Top Box Subsidy, No Cable or DBS 
Downconversion, Subsidy Provided to Over-the-Air and Cable and DBS 

Assumption about means test: Means test at 200% of poverty level; 
Percent of U.S. households eligible: 31% of households; 
Number of households subsidized (in millions): 35.1; (32.7 - 37.5); 
Cost of subsidy, by estimated cost of set-top box (dollars in 
millions): $50 set-top box: $1,753; ($1,633 - $1,873); 
Cost of subsidy, by estimated cost of set-top box (dollars in 
millions): $100 set-top box: $3,506; ($3,266 - $3,745).

Assumption about means test: Means test at 300% of poverty level; 
Percent of U.S. households eligible: 50% of households; 
Number of households subsidized (in millions): 55.5; (52.9 - 58.1); 
Cost of subsidy, by estimated cost of set-top box (dollars in 
millions): $50 set-top box: $2,775; ($2,646 - $2,904); 
Cost of subsidy, by estimated cost of set-top box (dollars in 
millions): $100 set-top box: $5,551; ($5,293 - $5,809).

Assumption about means test: No means test; 
Percent of U.S. households eligible: Nearly all households; 
Number of households subsidized (in millions): 106.2; (105.1 - 107.3); 
Cost of subsidy, by estimated cost of set-top box (dollars in 
millions): $50 set-top box: $5,312; ($5,257 - $5,367); 
Cost of subsidy, by estimated cost of set- top box (dollars in 
millions): $100 set-top box: $10,624; ($10,514 - $10,734).

Source: GAO.

Notes: Ninety-five percent confidence intervals in parentheses.

Analysis based on the status of television households in 2004.

[End of table]

There are two issues that stand as important caveats to the analyses we 
have presented on estimated set-top box subsidy costs. The first is 
that we based the majority of the analyses on survey results that 
provide information on the status of American television households as 
of early 2004. Over the next several years, new households will be 
established, some households might change the means through which they 
watch television, televisions sets with integrated digital over-the-air 
tuners as well as digital cable compatibility will be purchased, and 
some cable and DBS households will have obtained set-top boxes capable 
of receiving high-definition digital signals from their providers. 
Households' purchase of certain new equipment could obviate the need 
for a subsidy for new television equipment. For example, some 
households may purchase a digital television set with an over-the-air 
tuner and begin to view digital broadcast signals in this manner; some 
large televisions sold today are required to include such a tuner and 
by July 2007, all television sets larger than 13 inches are required to 
include a tuner. In time, these factors could have the effect of 
reducing the cost of a set-top box subsidy because fewer households 
would need to be subsidized.[Footnote 18]

The second caveat to these analyses is that these subsidy estimates do 
not include any costs associated with implementing a subsidy program. 
If the federal government determines that it would be worthwhile to 
provide this subsidy, the subsidy would need to be administered in some 
fashion, such as through a voucher system, a tax credit, a mail-in 
rebate, government distribution of equipment, or some other means. Any 
of these methods would impose costs that could be significant for the 
federal government and any other entities involved in administering the 
program. Such costs would be difficult to estimate until a host of 
decisions are made about how a subsidy program would be administered.

As I mentioned earlier, our work on the DTV transition continues, and 
we will provide more information in a report later this year. We will 
discuss various ways that a subsidy program might be administered and 
provide some analysis of the benefits and drawbacks of these various 
methods. We will also provide a discussion of how information regarding 
the DTV transition and any associated subsidy program might best be 
provided to the American people.

Mr. Chairman, this concludes my prepared statement. I would be happy to 
respond to any questions you or other Members of the Committee may have 
at this time.

Contact and Acknowledgments:

For questions regarding this testimony, please contact Mark L. 
Goldstein on (202) 512-2834 or Individuals making 
key contributions to this testimony included Amy Abramowitz, Dennis 
Amari, Michael Clements, Andy Clinton, Michele Fejfar, Simon Galed, 
Eric Hudson, Catherine Hurley, Bert Japikse, Sally Moino, Karen 
O'Conor, and Madhav Panwar.

[End of section]

Appendix I: Methodology for Use of Survey Data Regarding Television 

To obtain information on the types of television service and equipment 
used by U.S. households, we purchased existing survey data from 
Knowledge Networks Statistical Research. Their survey was completed 
with 2,375 of the estimated 5,075 eligible sampled individuals for a 
response rate of 47 percent; partial interviews were conducted with an 
additional 96 people, for a total of 2,471 individuals completing some 
of the survey questions. The survey was conducted between February 23 
and April 25, 2004.

The study procedures yielded a sample of members of telephone 
households in the continental United States using a national random- 
digit dialing method. Survey Sampling Inc. (SSI) provided the sample of 
telephone numbers, which included both listed and unlisted numbers and 
excluded blocks of telephone numbers determined to be nonworking or 
business-only. At least five calls were made to each telephone number 
in the sample to attempt to interview a responsible person in the 
household. Special attempts were made to contact refusals and convert 
them into interviews; refusals were sent a letter explaining the 
purpose of the study and an incentive. Data were obtained from 
telephone households and are weighted by the number of household 
telephone numbers.

As with all sample surveys, this survey is subject to both sampling and 
nonsampling errors. The effect of sampling errors due to the selection 
of a sample from a larger population can be expressed as a confidence 
interval based on statistical theory. The effects of nonsampling 
errors, such as nonresponse and errors in measurement, may be of 
greater or lesser significance but cannot be quantified on the basis of 
available data.

Sampling errors arise because of the use of a sample of individuals to 
draw conclusions about a much larger population. The study's sample of 
telephone numbers is based on a probability selection procedure. As a 
result, the sample was only one of a large number of samples that might 
have been drawn from the total telephone exchanges from throughout the 
country. If a different sample had been taken, the results might have 
been different. To recognize the possibility that other samples might 
have yielded other results, we express our confidence in the precision 
of our particular sample's results as a 95 percent confidence interval. 
We are 95 percent confident that when only sampling errors are 
considered each of the confidence intervals in this report will include 
the true values in the study population. All percentage estimates from 
the survey have margins of error of plus or minus 6 percentage points 
or less, unless otherwise noted.

In addition to the reported sampling errors, the practical difficulties 
of conducting any survey introduce other types of errors, commonly 
referred to as nonsampling errors. For example, questions may be 
misinterpreted, some types of people may be more likely to be excluded 
from the study, errors could be made in recording the questionnaire 
responses into the computer-assisted telephone interview software, and 
the respondents' answers may differ from those who did not respond. 
Knowledge Networks has been fielding versions of this survey for over 
20 years. In addition, to reduce measurement error, Knowledge Networks 
employs interviewer training, supervision, and monitoring, as well as 
computer-assisted interviewing to reduce error in following skip 

For this survey, the 47 percent response rate is a potential source of 
nonsampling error; we do not know if the respondents' answers are 
different from the 53 percent who did not respond. Knowledge Networks 
took steps to maximize the response rate--the questionnaire was 
carefully designed and tested through deployments over many years, at 
least five telephone calls were made at varied time periods to try to 
contact each telephone number, the interview period extended over about 
8 weeks, and attempts were made to contact refusals and convert them 
into interviews.

Because we did not have information on those contacted who chose not to 
participate in the survey, we could not estimate the impact of the 
nonresponse on our results. Our findings will be biased to the extent 
that the people at the 53 percent of the telephone numbers that did not 
yield an interview have different experiences with television service 
or equipment than did the 47 percent of our sample who responded. 
However, distributions of selected household characteristics (including 
presence of children, race, and household income) for the sample and 
the U.S. Census estimate of households show a similar pattern.

To assess the reliability of these survey data, we reviewed 
documentation of survey procedures provided by Knowledge Networks, 
interviewed knowledgeable officials about the survey process and 
resulting data, and performed electronic testing of the data elements 
used in the report. We determined that the data were sufficiently 
reliable for the purposes of this report.

Due to limitations in the data collected, we made several assumptions 
in the analysis. Number of televisions and number of people in the 
household were reported up to five; households exceeding four for 
either variable were all included in the category of five or more. For 
the purposes of our analyses, we assumed that households had no more 
than five televisions that would need to be transitioned and no more 
than five people. Number of people in the household was only used in 
calculating poverty, but may result in an underestimate of those 
households in poverty.

Calculations of poverty were based on the 2004 Poverty Guidelines for 
the 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia, published by the 
Department of Health and Human Services. We determined whether or not 
each responding household would be considered poor at roughly 200 
percent and 300 percent of the poverty guidelines. Income data were 
reported in categories so the determination of whether or not a 
household met the 200 percent or 300 percent threshold required 
approximation, and for some cases this approximation may have resulted 
in an overestimate of the number of poor households. In addition, 
income data were missing for 24 percent of the respondents. To conduct 
the analyses involving poverty, we assumed that the distribution of 
those in varying poverty status was the same for those reporting and 
not reporting income data. Comparisons of those reporting and not 
reporting income data show some possible differences on variables 
examined for this report; however, the income distribution is very 
close to the 2003 income estimates published by the U.S. Census Bureau.

To determine total numbers of U.S. households affected by the 
transition and total cost estimates for various transition scenarios, 
we used the U.S. Census Bureau's Current Population Survey estimate of 
the total number of households in the United States as of March 2004. 
To derive the total number of households covered by the various 
scenarios, we multiplied this estimate by the proportions of households 
covered by the scenarios derived from the survey data. The standard 
error for the total number of U.S. households was provided by the 
Census Bureau, and the standard errors of the total number of 
households covered by the scenarios take into account the variances of 
both the proportions from the survey data and the total household 
estimate. All cost estimates based on the survey data have margins of 
error of plus or minus 16 percent or less.

In addition, we contracted with Knowledge Networks to recontact a 
sample of their original 2004 survey respondents in October 2004. 
Households were randomly selected from each of three groups: broadcast- 
only television reception, cable television service without a set-top 
box, and satellite television service. For each group, 102 interviews 
were completed, yielding 306 total respondents (for a 63 percent 
response rate). To reduce measurement error, the survey was pretested 
with nine respondents, and Knowledge Networks employed interviewer 
training, supervision, and monitoring, as well as computer-assisted 
interviewing, to reduce error in following skip patterns. Due to the 
small sample size, the findings of these questions are not 
generalizable to a larger population.


[1] Additional requirements include (1) television stations affiliated 
with the four largest national networks (ABC, CBS, Fox, and NBC) are 
broadcasting a DTV signal and (2) the technology to convert a digital 
signal for use on an analog television set is generally available. 

[2] Because we did not have information on those contacted who chose 
not to participate in the survey, we could not estimate the impact of 
the nonresponse on our results. However, distributions of selected 
household characteristics (including presence of children, race, and 
household income) for the sample and the U.S. Census estimate of 
households show a similar pattern.

[3] The additional questions were related to why the household chose to 
view television as they currently do and whether they are likely to 
make changes in the viewing methods in the near future.

[4] These percentages do not add up to 100 percent because (1) between 
1 and 2 percent of American households do not have a television, (2) 
about 1 percent of households receive television service through other 
means, such as a wireless cable system, and (3) the numbers reported 
here do not include close to 3 percent of households that reported 
having a subscription to both cable and DBS.

[5] In its most recent report on video competition, FCC found that 
number of households subscribing to a multichannel video provider, such 
as a cable or DBS company, was approximately 85 percent of television 
households, thus implying that about 15 percent of television 
households rely on over-the-air television. The methodology employed by 
FCC differed from the household survey used to prepare our estimate. 

[6] For a family of four, the poverty level is just under $19,000, so 
the $30,000 income level would correspond to about 160 percent of the 
2004 poverty level for a family of four. The cutoff for eligibility for 
food stamps is 175 percent of the poverty level.

[7] The word "downconvert" means to take a signal in a given format and 
transform it into a lower-resolution format. 

[8] HD television provides roughly twice as many lines of resolution, 
creating a television picture that is much sharper than traditional 
analog television pictures. HD television can also provide CD-quality 
sound and is in "widescreen" format, with display screen ratios similar 
to a movie theater.

[9] Some of this spectrum--24 MHz--has already been auctioned.

[10] When cable service first emerged, it was simply a service that 
provided a wire-based delivery of broadcast, or traditional television 
stations' signals, but by the late 1970s, cable operators began to 
provide new networks that were only available through a pay television 
service, such as HBO, Showtime, and ESPN. 

[11] The actual recontacted number was 102. 

[12] The firm actually recontacted 102 such households.

[13] While cable providers are generally required to provide the local 
broadcast signals in each market, DBS providers are required to provide 
all local broadcast stations in markets where they provide any of those 

[14] They actually recontacted 102 such households. 

[15] Additionally, these households could also choose to subscribe to 
cable or DBS service to eliminate the need to acquire additional 
equipment to view a television signal over the air.

[16] In our final report that will be issued later this year, we will 
also present scenarios under which more than one television set per 
household is subsidized.

[17] See appendix I for a methodological discussion and assumptions 
surrounding our determination of thresholds used to approximate the 
poverty level. 

[18] As we mentioned above, if at a later date the Congress considers 
legislation for a set-top box subsidy program, the CBO will, based on 
the specifics of the law, prepare an estimate of the cost of the 