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U.S. Refining Industry' which was released on July 15, 2004.

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Before the Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality, Committee on Energy 
and Commerce, House of Representatives: 

United States Government Accountability Office: 


For Release on Delivery Expected at 11: 00 a.m. EDT: 

Thursday, July 15, 2004: 

Energy Markets: 

Mergers and Other Factors that Affect the U.S. Refining Industry: 

Statement of Jim Wells, Director, Natural Resources and Environment: 

Refining Industry: 


GAO Highlights: 

Highlights of GAO-04-982T, a report to Subcommittee on Energy and Air 
Quality, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives 

Why GAO Did This Study: 

Gasoline is subject to dramatic price swings. A multitude of factors 
affect U.S. gasoline markets, including world crude oil costs and 
limited refining capacity. Since the 1990s, another factor affecting 
U.S. gasoline markets has been a wave of mergers in the petroleum 
industry, several between large oil companies that had previously 
competed with each other. For example, in 1999, Exxon, the largest U.S. 
oil company, merged with Mobil, the second largest. 

This testimony is based primarily on Energy Markets: Effects of Mergers 
and Market Concentration in the U.S. Petroleum Industry (GAO-04-96, May 
17, 2004). This report examined mergers in the industry from the 1990s 
through 2000, the changes in market concentration (the distribution of 
market shares among competing firms) and other factors affecting 
competition in the industry, how U.S. gasoline marketing has changed 
since the 1990s, and how mergers and market concentration in the 
industry have affected U.S. gasoline prices at the wholesale level. 

To address these issues, GAO purchased and analyzed a large body of 
data and developed state-of-the art econometric models for isolating 
the effects of eight specific mergers and increased market 
concentration on wholesale gasoline prices. Experts peer-reviewed GAO’s 

What GAO Found: 

Mergers have altered the structure of the U.S. petroleum industry, 
including the refining market. Over 2,600 mergers have occurred in the 
U.S. petroleum industry since the 1990s, mostly later in the period. 
Industry officials cited various reasons for the mergers, particularly 
the need for increased efficiency and cost savings. Economic literature 
also suggests that firms sometimes merge to enhance their ability to 
control prices. 

Partly because of the mergers, market concentration has increased in 
the industry, mostly in the downstream (refining and marketing) 
segment. For example, market concentration in refining increased from 
moderately to highly concentrated in the East Coast and from 
unconcentrated to moderately concentrated in the West Coast. 
Concentration in the wholesale gasoline market increased substantially 
from the mid-1990s so that by 2002, most states had either moderately 
or highly concentrated wholesale gasoline markets. Anecdotal evidence 
suggests that mergers also have changed other factors affecting 
competition, such as the ability of new firms to enter the market.

Two major changes have occurred in U.S. gasoline marketing related to 
mergers, according to industry officials. First, the availability of 
generic gasoline, which is generally priced lower than branded 
gasoline, has decreased substantially. Second, refiners now prefer to 
deal with large distributors and retailers, which has motivated further 
consolidation in distributor and retail markets.

Based on data from the mid-1990s through 2000, GAO’s econometric 
analyses indicate that mergers and increased market concentration 
generally led to higher wholesale gasoline prices in the United States. 
Six of the eight mergers GAO modeled led to price increases, averaging 
about 1 cent to 2 cents per gallon. Increased market concentration, 
which reflects the cumulative effects of mergers and other competitive 
factors, also led to increased prices in most cases. For example, 
wholesale prices for boutique fuels sold in the East and Gulf 
Coasts—fuels supplied by fewer refiners than conventional 
gasoline—increased by about 1 cent per gallon, while prices for 
boutique fuels sold in California increased by over 7 cents per gallon. 
GAO also identified price increases of one-tenth of a cent to 7 cents 
that were caused by other factors included in the models, particularly 
low gasoline inventories relative to demand, supply disruptions in some 
regions, and high refinery capacity utilization rates. For example, we 
found that a 1 percent increase in refinery capacity utilization rates 
resulted in price increases of one-tenth to two-tenths of a cent per 

FTC disagreed with GAO’s methodology and findings. However, GAO 
believes its analyses are sound.

To view the full product, including the scope and methodology, click on 
the link above. For more information, contact Jim Wells at (202) 
512-3841 or

[End of section]

Mr. Chairman and Members of the Subcommittee: 

We are pleased to be here today to participate in discussing issues 
related to the "Status of the U.S. Refining Industry." Refining 
transforms crude oil into a wide range of petroleum products, with 
gasoline accounting for about half of U.S. refinery output.

Data from the Energy Information Administration (EIA) indicate that 
there are currently 149 refineries in the United States with a total 
crude oil distillation capacity of about 16.9 million barrels per day. 
As we testified in 2001, each day vehicles in the United States consume 
about 10 million barrels of petroleum fuels, primarily gasoline and 
diesel, and according to projections, the figure will rise to about 15 
million barrels per day by 2010, raising concerns about our ability to 
satisfy this growing demand. According to the United States Energy 
Association, no new major refinery has been built on the U.S. mainland 
in the last 25 years, and the nation's overall distillation capacity 
has declined more than 10 percent since the peak in 1981.

Concerns have also been raised about recent price increases for 
gasoline. EIA data show that the average retail price for regular 
gasoline (the type of gasoline used most in the United States) recently 
hit a nationwide high of $2.06 cents/gallon by the end of May 2004, an 
increase of about 58 cents/gallon or 39 percent over the same time last 
year. In some parts of the country, such as the West Coast, gasoline 
prices reached an average of $2.34 cents/gallon by the end of May 2004, 
an increase of about 65 cents/gallon or 38 percent over the same time 
last year. Although prices have recently begun to fall, elevated 
gasoline prices can be an economic burden to American consumers and the 

A broad range of factors affects gasoline prices and its volatility. 
These factors typically include changes in crude oil costs, refinery 
capacity, inventory levels relative to demand, supply disruptions, and 
regulatory factors--such as many different gasoline formulations that 
are required to meet varying federal and state environmental laws. 
Federal and state taxes are also a component of U.S. gasoline prices, 
but these do not fluctuate often. We have addressed many of these 
issues in several studies on energy markets. Among other things, our 
past studies showed that: 

* the U.S. economy is vulnerable to oil supply disruptions and options 
were identified to mitigate their effects;

* the Clean Air Act specifically requires refiners to produce 
reformulated gasoline, and the requirement to provide a specific blend 
for a specific area can present challenges to refiners and other 
suppliers if there are supply disruptions;

* most spikes in gasoline prices appear to result from such factors as 
increases in world crude oil prices, unexpected refinery outages, or 
larger-than-expected increase in demand; and: 

* gasoline price spikes were generally higher in California from 
January 1995 through December 1999 than in the rest of the nation, 
partly because there were unplanned refinery outages and it was 
difficult to substitute for the loss of supply of CARB, the special 
reformulated gasoline used in California.

Market consolidation is another factor that can affect the price of 
gasoline. Our testimony today will focus on our recent study that 
examined the effects of market consolidation--including increased 
market concentration in refining--and other factors related to the U. 
S. petroleum industry.[Footnote 1]

Since the 1990s, the U.S. petroleum industry has experienced a wave of 
mergers, acquisitions, and joint ventures, several of them between 
large oil companies that had previously competed with each other for 
the sale of petroleum products.[Footnote 2] A few examples include the 
merger between British Petroleum (BP) and Amoco in 1998 to form 
BPAmoco, which later merged with ARCO, and the merger in 1999 between 
Exxon, the largest U.S. oil company, and Mobil, the second largest. In 
general, mergers raise concerns about potential anticompetitive effects 
on the U.S. petroleum industry and ultimately on gasoline prices 
because mergers could result in greater market power for the merged 
companies, potentially allowing them to increase prices above 
competitive levels.[Footnote 3] On the other hand, mergers could also 
yield cost savings and efficiency gains, which may be passed on to 
consumers in lower prices. Ultimately, the impact depends on whether 
market power or efficiency dominates.

Our report examined mergers in the U.S. petroleum industry from the 
1990s through 2000; the changes in market concentration (the 
distribution of market shares among competing firms) in the different 
segments, including refining, and other factors affecting competition 
in the U.S. petroleum industry; how U.S. gasoline marketing has changed 
since the 1990s; and how mergers and market concentration in the U.S. 
petroleum industry have affected U.S. gasoline prices at the wholesale 

To address these issues, we purchased and analyzed a large body of data 
on mergers and wholesale gasoline prices, as well as data on other 
relevant economic factors, including refinery capacity. We also 
developed econometric models for examining the effects of eight 
specific mergers and increased market concentration on U.S. wholesale 
gasoline prices nationwide. It is noteworthy that using econometric 
models allowed us to measure the effects of mergers and market 
concentration while isolating the effects of several other factors that 
could influence wholesale gasoline prices, such as world crude oil 
costs, limited refining capacity, or low inventories relative to 
demand. For our market concentration model, we used concentration data 
measured at the refining level. We believe that the source of potential 
market power in the wholesale gasoline market is at the refining level 
because the refinery market is imperfectly competitive and refiners 
essentially control gasoline sales at the wholesale level.

In the course of our work, we consulted with Dr. Severin 
Borenstein,[Footnote 4] a recognized expert in the modeling of gasoline 
markets; interviewed officials across the industry spectrum; and 
reviewed relevant economic literature and numerous related studies. We 
also used an extensive peer review process to obtain comments from 
experts in academia and relevant government agencies. We conducted our 
work in accordance with generally accepted government auditing 

In summary, we found the following: 

* Over 2,600 mergers occurred in the petroleum industry from 1991 
through 2000, mostly during the second half of the decade. Petroleum 
industry officials cited various reasons for this wave of mergers, 
particularly the need for increased efficiency and cost savings. 
Economic literature suggests that firms also sometimes use mergers to 
enhance their market power. Ultimately, the reasons cited by both 
sources generally relate to the merging companies' desire to maximize 
profit or shareholder wealth.

* Market concentration, which is commonly measured by the Herfindahl-
Hirschman Index (HHI), has increased in the downstream (refining and 
marketing) segment of the U.S. petroleum industry since the 1990s, 
partly as a result of merger activities, while changing very little in 
the upstream (exploration and production) segment. Of particular 
interest to this subcommittee, market concentration in refining 
increased, although the levels as well as the changes varied 
geographically. For example, market concentration in refining increased 
from moderately to highly concentrated in the East Coast and from 
unconcentrated to moderately concentrated in the West Coast; it 
increased but remained moderately concentrated in the Rocky Mountain 
region. Concentration in the wholesale gasoline market increased 
substantially from the mid-1990s so that by 2002, most states had 
either moderately or highly concentrated wholesale gasoline markets. 
Anecdotal evidence suggests that mergers may also have affected other 
factors that impact competition, such as the ability of new firms to 
enter the market.

* According to industry officials, two major changes have occurred in 
U.S. gasoline marketing since the 1990s, partly related to mergers. 
First, the availability of unbranded (generic) gasoline has decreased 
substantially. Unbranded gasoline is generally priced lower than 
branded gasoline, which is marketed under the refiner's trademark. 
Industry officials generally attributed the decreased availability of 
unbranded gasoline to, among other factors, a reduction in the number 
of independent refiners that typically supply unbranded gasoline. 
Second, industry officials said that refiners now prefer dealing with 
large distributors and retailers. This preference, according to the 
officials, has motivated further consolidation in both the distributor 
and retail markets, including the rise of hypermarkets--a relatively 
new breed of gasoline market participants that includes such large 
retail warehouses as Wal-Mart and Costco.

* Our econometric analyses, using data from the mid-1990s through 2000, 
show that oil industry mergers generally led to higher wholesale 
gasoline prices (measured in our report as wholesale prices less crude 
oil prices), although prices sometimes decreased. Six of the eight 
specific mergers we modeled--which mostly involved large, fully 
vertically integrated companies--generally resulted in increases in 
wholesale prices for branded and/or unbranded gasoline of about 2 cents 
per gallon, on average. Two of the mergers generally led to price 
decreases averaging about 1 cent per gallon. The preponderance of price 
increases over decreases indicates that the market power effects, which 
tend to increase prices, for the most part outweighed the efficiency 
effects, which tend to decrease prices.

* Our econometric analyses also show that increased market 
concentration, which captures the cumulative effects of mergers as well 
as other market structure factors, also generally led to higher prices 
for conventional gasoline and for boutique fuels--gasoline that has 
been reformulated for certain areas in the East Coast and Gulf Coast 
regions and in California to lower pollution. The price increases were 
particularly large in California, where they averaged about 7 cents per 

* Higher wholesale gasoline prices were also a result of other factors: 
high refinery capacity utilization rate; low gasoline inventories, 
which typically occur in the summer driving months; and supply 
disruptions, which occurred in the Midwest and on the West Coast. We 
identified price increases of one-tenth of 1 cent to 7 cents per gallon 
that were caused by other factors included in our models--particularly 
low gasoline inventories relative to demand, high refinery capacity 
utilization rates, and supply disruptions that occurred in some 
regions. For example, we found that a 1 percent increase in refinery 
capacity utilization rates resulted in price increases of one-tenth to 
two-tenths of a cent per gallon. We found that prices were higher 
because higher refinery capacity utilization rates leave little room 
for error in predicting short-run demand. During the period of our 
study, refinery capacity utilization rates at the national level 
averaged about 94 percent per week. Just last week, DOE testified that 
U.S. refineries are running at near total capacity of about 96 percent.

As I noted earlier, we used extensive peer review to obtain comments 
from outside experts, including FTC and EIA, and we incorporated those 
comments as appropriate. FTC disagreed with our methodology and 
findings and provided extensive comments, which we have addressed in 
our report. Our findings are generally consistent with previous studies 
of the effects of specific oil mergers and of market concentration on 
gasoline prices. We believe, however, that ours is the first 
comprehensive study to model the impact of the industry's 1990s wave of 
mergers on wholesale gasoline prices for the entire United States, an 
effort that required us to acquire large datasets and perform complex 


Many firms of varying sizes make up the U.S. petroleum industry. While 
some firms engage in only limited activities within the industry, such 
as exploration for and production of crude oil and natural gas or 
refining crude oil and marketing petroleum products, fully vertically 
integrated oil companies participate in all aspects of the industry. 
Before the 1970s, major oil companies that were fully vertically 
integrated controlled the global network for supplying, pricing, and 
marketing crude oil. However, the structure of the world crude oil 
market has dramatically changed as a result of such factors as the 
nationalization of oil fields by oil-producing countries, the emergence 
of independent oil companies, and the evolution of futures and spot 
markets in the 1970s and 1980s. Since U.S. oil prices were deregulated 
in 1981, the price paid for crude oil in the United Stated has been 
largely determined in the world oil market, which is mostly influenced 
by global factors, especially supply decisions of the Organization of 
Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and world economic and political 

The United States currently imports over 60 percent of its crude oil 
supply. In contrast, the bulk of the gasoline used in the United States 
is produced domestically. In 2001, for example, gasoline refined in the 
United States accounted for over 90 percent of the total domestic 
gasoline consumption. Companies that supply gasoline to U.S. markets 
also post the domestic gasoline prices. Historically, the domestic 
petroleum market has been divided into five regions: the East Coast 
region, the Midwest region, the Gulf Coast region, the Rocky Mountain 
region, and the West Coast region. (See fig. 1.) These regions are 
known as Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts (PADDs).

Figure 1: Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts: 

[See PDF for image]

[End of figure]

Proposed mergers in all industries, including the petroleum industry, 
are generally reviewed by federal antitrust authorities--including the 
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Department of Justice (DOJ)--to 
assess the potential impact on market competition. According to FTC 
officials, FTC generally reviews proposed mergers involving the 
petroleum industry because of the agency's expertise in that industry. 
FTC analyzes these mergers to determine if they would likely diminish 
competition in the relevant markets and result in harm, such as 
increased prices. To determine the potential effect of a merger on 
market competition, FTC evaluates how the merger would change the level 
of market concentration, among other things. Conceptually, the higher 
the concentration, the less competitive the market is and the more 
likely that firms can exert control over prices. The ability to 
maintain prices above competitive levels for a significant period of 
time is known as market power.

According to the merger guidelines jointly issued by DOJ and FTC, 
market concentration as measured by HHI is ranked into three separate 
categories: a market with an HHI under 1,000 is considered to be 
unconcentrated; if HHI is between 1,000 and 1,800 the market is 
considered moderately concentrated; and if HHI is above 1,800, the 
market is considered highly concentrated.[Footnote 5]

While concentration is an important aspect of market structure--the 
underlying economic and technical characteristics of an industry--other 
aspects of market structure that may be affected by mergers also play 
an important role in determining the level of competition in a market. 
These aspects include barriers to entry, which are market conditions 
that provide established sellers an advantage over potential new 
entrants in an industry, and vertical integration.

Mergers Occurred in All Segments of the U.S. Petroleum Industry in the 
1990s for Several Reasons: 

Over 2,600 merger transactions occurred from 1991 through 2000 
involving all three segments of the U.S. petroleum industry. Almost 85 
percent of the mergers occurred in the upstream segment (exploration 
and production), while the downstream segment (refining and marketing 
of petroleum) accounted for about 13 percent, and the midstream segment 
(transportation) accounted for over 2 percent. The vast majority of the 
mergers--about 80 percent--involved one company's purchase of a segment 
or asset of another company, while about 20 percent involved the 
acquisition of a company's total assets by another so that the two 
became one company. Most of the mergers occurred in the second half of 
the decade, including those involving large partially or fully 
vertically integrated companies.

Petroleum industry officials and experts we contacted cited several 
reasons for the industry's wave of mergers in the 1990s, including 
achieving synergies, increasing growth and diversifying assets, and 
reducing costs. Economic literature indicates that enhancing market 
power is also sometimes a motive for mergers. Ultimately, these reasons 
mostly relate to companies' desire to maximize profit or stock values.

Mergers Contributed to Increases in Market Concentration and to Other 
Changes That Affect Competition: 

Mergers in the 1990s contributed to increases in market concentration 
in the downstream (refining and marketing) segment of the U.S. 
petroleum industry, while the upstream segment experienced little 

Overall, the refining market experienced increasing levels of market 
concentration (based on refinery capacity) in all five PADDs during the 
1990s, especially during the latter part of the decade, but the levels 
as well as the changes of concentration varied geographically.

In PADD I--the East Coast--the HHI for the refining market increased 
from 1136 in 1990 to 1819 in 2000, an increase of 683 (see fig. 2). 
Consequently, this market went from moderately concentrated to highly 
concentrated. Compared to other U.S. PADDs, a greater share of the 
gasoline consumed in PADD I comes from other supply sources--mostly 
from PADD III and imports--than within the PADD. Consequently, some 
industry officials and experts believe that the competitive impact of 
increased refiner concentration within the PADD could be 
mitigated.[Footnote 6]

Figure 2: Refining Market Concentration for PADD I Based on Crude Oil 
Distillation Capacity (1990-2000): 

[See PDF for image]

Note: Data for 1996 and 1998 were unavailable.

[End of figure]

For PADD II (the Midwest), the refinery market concentration increased 
from 699 to 980 --an increase of 281--between 1990 and 2000. However, 
as figure 3 shows, this PADD's refining market remained unconcentrated 
at the end of the decade. According to EIA's data, as of 2001, the 
quantity of gasoline refined in PADD II was slightly less than the 
quantity consumed within the PADD.

Figure 3: Refining Market Concentration for PADD II Based on Crude Oil 
Distillation Capacity (1990-2000): 

[See PDF for image]

Note: Data for 1996 and 1998 were unavailable.

[End of figure]

The refining market in PADD III (the Gulf Coast), like PADD II, was 
unconcentrated as of the end of 2000, although its HHI increased by 
170--from 534 in 1990 to 704 in 2000 (see fig. 4). According to EIA's 
data, much more gasoline is refined in PADD III than is consumed within 
the PADD, making PADD III the largest net exporter of gasoline to other 
parts of the United States.

Figure 4: Refining Market Concentration for PADD III Based on Crude Oil 
Distillation Capacity (1990-2000): 

[See PDF for image]

Note: Data for 1996 and 1998 were unavailable.

[End of figure]

The HHI for the refining market in PADD IV--the Rocky Mountain region-
-where gasoline production and consumption are almost balanced--
increased by 95 between 1990 and 2000. This increase changed the PADD's 
refining market from 1029 in 1990 to 1124 in 2000, within the moderate 
level of market concentration (see fig. 5).

Figure 5: Refining Market Concentration for PADD IV Based on Crude Oil 
Distillation Capacity (1990-2000): 

[See PDF for image]

Note: Data for 1996 and 1998 were unavailable.

[End of figure]

The refining market's HHI for PADD V--the West Coast--increased from 
937 to 1267, an increase of 330, between 1990 and 2000 and changed the 
West Coast refining market, which produces most of the gasoline it 
consumes, from unconcentrated to moderately concentrated by the end of 
the decade (see fig. 6).[Footnote 7]

Figure 6: Refining Market Concentration for PADD V Based on Crude Oil 
Distillation Capacity (1990-2000): 

[See PDF for image]

Note: Data for 1996 and 1998 were unavailable.

[End of figure]

We estimated a high and statistically significant degree of correlation 
between merger activity and the HHIs for refining in PADDs I, II, and V 
for 1991 through 2000. Specifically, the corresponding correlation 
numbers are 91 percent for PADD V (West Coast), 93 percent for PADD II 
(Midwest), and 80 percent for PADD I (East Coast). While mergers were 
positively correlated with refining HHIs in PADDs III and IV--the Gulf 
Coast and the Rocky Mountains--the estimated correlations were not 
statistically significant.

In wholesale gasoline markets, market concentration increased broadly 
throughout the United States between 1994 and 2002. Specifically, we 
found that 46 states and the District of Columbia had moderately or 
highly concentrated markets by 2002, compared to 27 in 1994.

Evidence from various sources indicates that, in addition to increasing 
market concentration, mergers also contributed to changes in other 
aspects of market structure in the U.S. petroleum industry that affect 
competition--specifically, vertical integration and barriers to entry. 
However, we could not quantify the extent of these changes because of a 
lack of relevant data.

Vertical integration can conceptually have both pro-and anticompetitive 
effects. Based on anecdotal evidence and economic analyses by some 
industry experts, we determined that a number of mergers that have 
occurred since the 1990s have led to greater vertical integration in 
the U.S. petroleum industry, especially in the refining and marketing 
segment. For example, we identified eight mergers that occurred between 
1995 and 2001 that might have enhanced the degree of vertical 
integration, particularly in the downstream segment.

Concerning barriers to entry, our interviews with petroleum industry 
officials and experts provide evidence that mergers had some impact on 
the U.S. petroleum industry. Barriers to entry could have implications 
for market competition because companies that operate in concentrated 
industries with high barriers to entry are more likely to possess 
market power. Industry officials pointed out that large capital 
requirements and environmental regulations constitute barriers for 
potential new entrants into the U.S. refining business. For example, 
the officials indicated that a typical refinery could cost billions of 
dollars to build and that it may be difficult to obtain the necessary 
permits from the relevant state or local authorities.

U.S. Gasoline Marketing Has Changed in Two Major Ways: 

According to some petroleum industry officials that we interviewed, 
gasoline marketing in the United States has changed in two major ways 
since the 1990s. First, the availability of unbranded gasoline has 
decreased, partly due to mergers. Officials noted that unbranded 
gasoline is generally priced lower than branded. They generally 
attributed the decreased availability of unbranded gasoline to one or 
more of the following factors: 

* There are now fewer independent refiners, who typically supply mostly 
unbranded gasoline. These refiners have been acquired by branded 
companies, have grown large enough to be considered a brand, or have 
simply closed down.

* Partially or fully vertically integrated oil companies have sold or 
mothballed some refineries. As a result, some of these companies now 
have only enough refinery capacity to supply their own branded needs, 
with little or no excess to sell as unbranded.

* Major branded refiners are managing their inventory more efficiently, 
ensuring that they produce only enough gasoline to meet their current 
branded needs. We could not quantify the extent of the decrease in the 
unbranded gasoline supply because the data required for such analyses 
do not exist.

The second change identified by these officials is that refiners now 
prefer dealing with large distributors and retailers because they 
present a lower credit risk and because it is more efficient to sell a 
larger volume through fewer entities. Refiners manifest this preference 
by setting minimum volume requirements for gasoline purchases. These 
requirements have motivated further consolidation in the distributor 
and retail sectors, including the rise of hypermarkets.

Mergers and Increased Market Concentration Generally Led to Higher U.S. 
Wholesale Gasoline Prices: 

Our econometric modeling shows that the mergers we examined mostly led 
to higher wholesale gasoline prices in the second half of the 1990s. 
The majority of the eight specific mergers we examined--Ultramar 
Diamond Shamrock (UDS)-Total, Tosco-Unocal, Marathon-Ashland, Shell-
Texaco I (Equilon), Shell-Texaco II (Motiva), BP-Amoco, Exxon-Mobil, 
and Marathon Ashland Petroleum (MAP)-UDS--resulted in higher prices of 
wholesale gasoline in the cities where the merging companies supplied 
gasoline before they merged. The effects of some of the mergers were 
inconclusive, especially for boutique fuels sold in the East Coast and 
Gulf Coast regions and in California.

* For the seven mergers that we modeled for conventional gasoline, five 
led to increased prices, especially the MAP-UDS and Exxon-Mobil 
mergers, where the increases generally exceeded 2 cents per gallon, on 

* For the four mergers that we modeled for reformulated gasoline, two-
-Exxon-Mobil and Marathon-Ashland--led to increased prices of about 1 
cent per gallon, on average. In contrast, the Shell-Texaco II (Motiva) 
merger led to price decreases of less than one-half cent per gallon, on 
average, for branded gasoline only.

* For the two mergers--Tosco-Unocal and Shell-Texaco I (Equilon)--that 
we modeled for gasoline used in California, known as California Air 
Resources Board (CARB) gasoline, only the Tosco-Unocal merger led to 
price increases. The increases were for branded gasoline only and 
exceeded 6 cents per gallon, on average.

For market concentration, which captures the cumulative effects of 
mergers as well as other competitive factors, our econometric analysis 
shows that increased market concentration resulted in higher wholesale 
gasoline prices.

* Prices for conventional (non-boutique) gasoline, the dominant type of 
gasoline sold nationwide from 1994 through 2000, increased by less than 
one-half cent per gallon, on average, for branded and unbranded 
gasoline. The increases were larger in the West than in the East--the 
increases were between one-half cent and one cent per gallon in the 
West, and about one-quarter cent in the East (for branded gasoline 
only), on average.

* Price increases for boutique fuels sold in some parts of the East 
Coast and Gulf Coast regions and in California were larger compared to 
the increases for conventional gasoline. The wholesale prices increased 
by an average of about 1 cent per gallon for boutique fuel sold in the 
East Coast and Gulf Coast regions between 1995 and 2000, and by an 
average of over 7 cents per gallon in California between 1996 and 2000.

Our analysis shows that wholesale gasoline prices were also affected by 
other factors included in the econometric models, including gasoline 
inventories relative to demand, supply disruptions in some parts of the 
Midwest and the West Coast, and refinery capacity utilization rates. 
For refinery capacity utilization rates, we found that prices were 
higher by about an average of one-tenth to two-tenths of 1 cent per 
gallon when utilization rates increased by 1 percent. We found that 
prices were higher because higher refinery capacity utilization rates 
leave little room for error in predicting short-run demand. During the 
period of our study, refinery capacity utilization rates at the 
national level averaged about 94 percent per week.

Mr. Chairman, this concludes my prepared statement. I would be happy to 
respond to any questions that you or other Members of the Subcommittee 
may have.

GAO Contacts and Staff Acknowledgments: 

For further information about this testimony, please contact me at 
(202) 512-3841. Key contributors to this testimony included Godwin 
Agbara, John A. Karikari, and Cynthia Norris.


[1] See U.S. General Accounting Office, Energy Markets: Effects of 
Mergers and Market Concentration in the U.S. Petroleum Industry, 
GAO-04-96 (Washington, D.C., May 17, 2004). Additional related GAO 
studies include U.S. Ethanol Market: MTBE Ban in California, 
GAO-02-440R (Washington, D.C., Feb. 27, 2002); Alternative Motor Fuels 
and Vehicles: Impact on the Transportation Sector, GAO-01-957T 
(Washington, D.C., July 10, 2001); Motor Fuels: California Gasoline 
Price Behavior, GAO/RCED-96-121 (Washington, D.C., Apr. 28, 2000); 
International Energy Agency: How the Agency Prepares Its World Market 
Statistics, GAO/RCED-99-142 (Washington, D.C., May 7, 1999); and Energy 
Security: Evaluating U.S. Vulnerability to Oil Supply Disruptions and 
Options for Mitigating Their Effects, GAO/RCED-97-6 (Washington, D.C., 
Dec. 12, 1996).

[2] We refer to all of these transactions as mergers.

[3] Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice have defined 
market power for a seller as the ability profitably to maintain prices 
above competitive levels for a significant period of time.

[4] Dr. Borenstein is E.T. Grether Professor of Business Administration 
and Public Policy at the Haas School of Business, University of 
California, Berkeley. He is also the Director of the University of 
California Energy Institute.

[5] HHI is calculated by summing the squares of the market shares of 
all the firms within a given market.

[6] However, if the same PADD I refiners are also mostly responsible 
for importing gasoline into the PADD, it could have implications for 
the PADD's wholesale gasoline market concentration. In addition, the 
extent to which these companies control vital infrastructure, such as 
terminals and pipelines, within the region could impact competitive 

[7] Some industry officials and experts believe that the California 
refining market, which is a part of PADD V, is more concentrated than 
the PADD as a whole because a unique (CARB) gasoline consumed in the 
state and the production of the gasoline is dominated by a few large 

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