This is the accessible text file for GAO report number GAO-03-529T 
entitled 'Environmental Protection: Recommendations for Improving the 
Underground Storage Tank Program' which was released on March 05, 2003.

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Before the Subcommittee on Environment and Hazardous Materials, 

Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives:

United States General Accounting Office:


For Release on Delivery Expected at 1:00 p.m., EST Wednesday, March 5, 



Recommendations for Improving the Underground Storage Tank Program:

Statement of John Stephenson, Director, Natural Resources and 




Highlights of GAO-03-529T, a report to the Subcommittee on Environment 

and Hazardous Materials, House Committee on Energy and Commerce.


Recommendations for Improving the Underground Storage Tank Program.

Why GAO Did This Study:

Nationwide, underground storage tanks (UST) containing petroleum and 

other hazardous substances are leaking, thereby contaminating the soil 

and water, and posing health risks.  The Environmental Protection 

Agency (EPA), which implements the UST program with the states, 

required tank owners to install leak detection and prevention equipment 

by the end of 1993 and 1998 respectively.  The Congress asked GAO to 

determine to what extent (1) tanks comply with the requirements, (2) 

EPA and the states are inspecting tanks and enforcing requirements, (3) 

upgraded tanks still leak, and (4) EPA and states are cleaning up these 

leaks. In response, GAO conducted a survey of all states in 2000 and 

issued a report on its findings in May 2001.  This testimony is based 

on that report, as well as updated information on program performance 

since that time.

What GAO FOund:

GAO estimated in its May 2001 report that 89 percent of the 693,107 

tanks subject to UST rules had the leak prevention and detection 

equipment installed, but that more than 200,000 tanks were not being 

operated and maintained properly, increasing the chance of leaks. 

States responding to our survey also reported that because of such 

problems, even tanks with the new equipment continued to leak.  EPA 

and the states attributed these problems primarily to poorly trained 

staff.  While EPA is working with states to identify additional 

training options, in December 2002, EPA reported that at least 19 to 

26 percent of tanks still have problems. EPA and states do not know how 

many upgraded tanks still leak because they do not physically inspect 

all tanks.  EPA recommends that tanks be inspected once every 3 years, 

but more than half of the states do not do this.  In addition, more 

than half of the states lack the authority to prohibit fuel deliveries 

to problem tanks—one of the most effective ways to enforce compliance. 

States said they did not have the funds, staff, or authority to inspect 

more tanks or more strongly enforce compliance. As of September 2002, 

EPA and states still had to ensure completion of cleanups for about 

leaks, and initiation of cleanups at about another 43,278. States also 

face potentially large, but unknown, future workloads in addressing 

leaks from abandoned and unidentified tanks. Some states said that 

their current program costs exceed available funds, so states may seek 

additional federal support to help address this future workload.

Compliance with Federal Operations and Maintenance Requirements Varies

Among States:

[See PDF for Image]

[End of Figure]

What GAO Recommends:

To address the problem of leaking tanks, GAO suggests that the Congress 


* Providing states more funds from the UST trust fund so that they can

improve their training, inspections, and enforcement efforts;

* Requiring EPA and the states to inspect tanks at least every 3 years; 


* Providing EPA and the states additional enforcement authorities.

To view the full testimony, click on the link above.

For more information, contact John Stephenson at (202) 512-3841.

Mr. Chairman and Members of the Subcommittee:

I am here today to discuss our work on the nationwide problem of 

leaking underground storage tanks (UST) and the recommendations that we 

made to address this problem in our May 2001 report on the 

Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) tank program.[Footnote 1] As 

you know, studies show that tanks leaking petroleum products and other 

hazardous substances contaminate the soil or water supplies and can 

pose health risks, such as nausea and kidney damage, as well as a 

costly cleanup burden. Since our original report, we have continued to 

examine and update EPA program data and responses to our 

recommendations, along with other information. This examination shows 

that while the agency has taken a number of corrective actions, the 

problems that we identified in May 2001 persist and have yet to be 

comprehensively resolved.

In 1984, the Congress created the UST program to protect the public 

from potential leaks from the more than 2 million operating tanks 

located across the nation, mostly at gas stations. Under the program, 

EPA required tank owners to install new leak detection equipment by the 

end of 1993 and new spill-, overfill-, and corrosion-prevention 

equipment by the end of 1998. If these conditions were not met, owners 

had to close or remove their tanks.

EPA has authorized 32 states to implement the program with agency 

oversight and monitoring, while 16 states operate their own program 

under their own laws with limited EPA oversight. To help states 

implement their programs, EPA provides all states funding (about 

$187,000 per state). In addition, EPA retains direct authority over a 

small number of tanks primarily located on Indian tribal lands. In 

1986, Congress created a trust fund to help EPA and the states cover 

tank cleanup costs that owners and operators could not afford or were 

reluctant to pay. The fund is replenished partly through a $.001/gallon 

tax on gasoline and other fuels. At the end of fiscal year 2002, the 

fund had a balance of about $1.9 billion.

Because the states are primarily implementing the provisions of the 

program, we conducted a survey of all 50 states and the District of 

Columbia in the fall of 2000 to determine the extent to which tanks 

comply with program requirements, how EPA and the states inspect tanks 

and enforce requirements, and whether upgraded tanks still leak. We 

based the findings of our report, which we are discussing today, 

primarily on the survey and our visits to three EPA regions with the 

largest number of tanks to monitor. In addition, since the release of 

our report, we have updated our findings and reviewed states’ progress 

in cleaning up tank releases. In summary, we found that:

* About 89 percent of tanks that states monitor had the required leak 

prevention and detection equipment installed, according to our 

estimates at the time of our 2002 survey. EPA data at the time 

indicated that about 

70 percent of the tanks its regions managed on tribal lands had the 

required equipment, although not all regions could even attest to the 

location of all tanks on these lands to ensure they had been updated. 

Furthermore, we estimated that almost 30 percent of the tanks--more 

than 200,000--were not being operated and maintained properly, thus 

increasing the chance of leaks and posing health risks. For example, 15 

states reported that leak detection equipment was frequently turned off 

or improperly maintained. For these and other reasons, states reported 

that leaks persisted even in the tanks with the required equipment 

installed. In December 2002, EPA reported that 19 to 26 percent of the 

nation’s underground storage tanks still have operational problems, 

although agency program managers think these numbers are understated 

because of inconsistent reporting from the states. EPA is working with 

the states to develop an accurate baseline of all tanks that are not in 

compliance. Both EPA and the states attribute operational and 

maintenance problems primarily to poorly trained staff. We recommended 

that EPA regions work with each of the states in their jurisdiction to 

determine specific training needs and ways to meet them. In response, 

EPA has been working with states and contractors to develop less costly 

training opportunities, such as Internet-based training. We also 

suggested that the Congress consider increasing the amount of funds it 

appropriates for states from the trust fund and allow them to spend a 

limited portion on training.

* While EPA and the states have evidence that tanks continue to leak, 

they cannot determine the full extent of the problem because some of 

them do not physically inspect all tanks. In fact, at the time of our 

survey, over half of the states were not inspecting all of their tanks 

frequently enough to meet the minimum rate recommended by EPA --at 

least once every 

3 years, and only one of the three regions that we visited met this 

rate. In addition, 27 states lacked the authority to prohibit fuel 

deliveries to stations with problem tanks--one of the most effective 

tools for ensuring compliance with program requirements--and relied 

instead on issuing citations and fines to violators. States said they 

did not have the available funding, staff, or authority to conduct more 

inspections or more strongly enforce tank compliance. We recommended 

that EPA negotiate inspection goals with each state. While EPA has not 

yet set such inspection goals, it has been working with states to use 

third-party inspectors and other options to increase their inspection 

coverage. We also suggested that the Congress may want to (1) consider 

increasing the amount of funds it appropriates from the trust fund and 

allow states to spend a limited portion on inspections and enforcement, 

(2) authorize EPA to require physical inspections of all tanks on a 

periodic basis, (3) authorize EPA to prohibit fuel deliveries to non-

compliant tanks, and (4) require states to adopt this enforcement 


* States still face a considerable workload in ensuring that 

contamination from leaking tanks, including those that leak MTBE, is 

cleaned up, and that funding is available to address these cleanups. As 

of September 30, 2002, states and EPA regions had to ensure the 

completion of ongoing cleanups for about 99,427 leaks and initiation of 

cleanups for another 43,278. States also face a potentially large, but 

unknown, future workload in addressing releases from both abandoned 

tanks that have not been identified and inactive tanks that have been 

identified but not removed. In addition, in a June 2002 Vermont 

Department of Environmental Conservation survey of state funding 

programs,[Footnote 2] nine states reported that they did not have 

adequate funding to cover their current cleanup program costs. 

Therefore, in the future, some states may need to seek additional 

federal support when they turn their attention to addressing the many 

unidentified abandoned tanks nationwide that have no financially viable 

owners or operators to pay for cleanup, as well as increasing and 

costly cleanup of methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE).

Most Tanks Have Been Upgraded, but Many Are Not Properly Operated and 


Based on state responses to our survey, we estimated that nearly 

617,000, or about 89 percent of the approximately 693,000 regulated 

tanks states manage, had been upgraded with the federally required 

equipment by the end of fiscal year 2000. In comparison, EPA data at 

that time showed that about 70 percent of the total number of tanks its 

regions regulate on tribal lands had been upgraded, but the accuracy of 

this data varied among the regions. For example, one region reported 

that it had no information on the actual location of some of the 300 

tanks it was supposed to regulate and therefore could not verify 

whether these tanks had been upgraded.

Even though most tanks have been upgraded, we estimated from our survey 

data that more than 200,000 of them, or about 29 percent, were not 

being properly operated and maintained, increasing the risk of leaks. 

EPA’s most current program data from the end of fiscal year 2002 show 

that these conditions have not changed significantly; tank compliance 

rates range from an estimated 19 to 26 percent. However, program 

managers estimate these rates are too high because some states have not 

inspected all tanks or reported their data in a consistent manner. The 

extent of operational and maintenance problems we identified at the 

time of our survey varied across the states, as figure 1 illustrates.

Figure 1: Compliance With Federal Equipment Requirements Varies Among 

States (total active tanks per state):

[See PDF for image]

[End of figure]

Note: EPA implements the federal tank program in Idaho and enforces 

certain requirements in New York because these states lack some or all 

of the necessary laws.

Some upgraded tanks also continue to leak, in part because of 

operational and maintenance problems. For example, in fiscal year 2000, 

EPA and the states confirmed a total of more than 14,500 leaks or 

releases from regulated tanks, with some portion coming from upgraded 

tanks. EPA’s most recent data show that the agency and states have been 

able to reduce the rate of new leaks by more than 50 percent over the 

past 3 years.

The states reported a variety of operational and maintenance problems, 

such as operators turning off leak detection equipment. The states also 

reported that the majority of problems occurred at tanks owned by 

small, independent businesses; non-retail and commercial companies, 

such as cab companies; and local governments. The states attributed 

these problems to a lack of training for tank owners, installers, 

operators, removers, and inspectors. These smaller businesses and local 

government operations may find it more difficult to afford adequate 

training, especially given the high turnover rates among tank staff, or 

may give training a lower priority. Almost all of the states reported a 

need for additional resources to keep their own inspectors and program 

staff trained, and 41 states requested additional technical assistance 

from the federal government to provide such training.

EPA has provided states with a number of training sessions and helpful 

tools, such as operation and maintenance checklists and guidelines. 

According to program managers, the agency recognizes that many states, 

because of their tight budgets, are looking for cost-effective ways of 

providing training, such as Internet-based training. To expand on these 

efforts, we recommended that EPA regions work with their states to 

identify training gaps and develop strategies to fill these gaps. In 

addition, we suggested that the Congress consider increasing the amount 

of funds it provides from the trust fund and authorizing states to 

spend a limited portion on training.

Most States Do Not Meet EPA’s Recommendation to Inspect All Tanks Every 

3 Years or Have the Enforcement Tools Needed to Identify and Correct 


According to EPA’s program managers, only physical inspections can 

confirm whether tanks have been upgraded and are being properly 

operated and maintained. However, at the time of our survey, only 19 

states physically inspected all of their tanks at least once every 3 

years--the minimum that EPA considers necessary for effective tank 

monitoring. Another 10 states inspected all tanks, but less frequently. 

The remaining 22 states did not inspect all tanks, but instead 

generally targeted inspections to potentially problematic tanks, such 

as those close to drinking water sources. In addition, one of the three 

EPA regions that we visited did not inspect tanks located on tribal 

land at this rate. According to EPA program managers, limited resources 

have prevented states from increasing their inspection activities. 

Officials in 40 states said that they would support a federal mandate 

requiring states to periodically inspect all tanks, in part because 

they expect that such a mandate would provide them needed leverage to 

obtain the requisite inspection staff and funding from their 

legislatures. Figure 2 illustrates the inspection practices states 

reported to us in our survey.

Figure 2: Frequency of Inspections Varies Among States (total active 

tanks per state):

[See PDF for image]

[End of figure]

Note: EPA implements the federal tank program in Idaho and enforces 

certain requirements in New York because these states lack some or all 

of the necessary laws.

While EPA has not established any required rate of inspections, it has 

been encouraging states to consider other ways to increase their rate 

of inspections, for example by using third-party inspectors, and a few 

have been able to do so. However, to obtain more consistent coverage 

nationwide, we suggested that the Congress establish a federal 

requirement for the physical inspections of all tanks on a periodic 

basis, and provide states authority to spend trust fund appropriations 

on inspection activities as a means to help states address any staff or 

resource limitations.

In addition to more frequent inspections, a number of states said that 

they needed additional enforcement tools to correct problem tanks. As 

figure 3 illustrates, at the time of our survey, 27 states reported 

that they did not have the authority to prohibit suppliers from 

delivering fuel to stations with problem tanks, one of the most 

effective tools to ensure compliance. According to EPA program 

managers, this number has not changed.

Figure 3: Many States Lack Authority to Prohibit Fuel Deliveries to 

Problem Tanks (total active tanks per state):

[See PDF for image]

[End of figure]

Note: EPA implements the federal tank program in Idaho and enforces 

certain requirements in New York because these states lack some or all 

of the necessary laws.

EPA believes, and we agree, that the law governing the tank program 

does not give the agency clear authority to regulate fuel suppliers and 

therefore prohibit their deliveries. As a result, we suggested that the 

Congress consider (1) authorizing EPA to prohibit delivery of fuel to 

tanks that do not comply with federal requirements, (2) establishing a 

federal requirement that states have similar authority, and (3) 

authorizing states to spend limited portions of their trust fund 

appropriations on enforcement activities.

States Have Made Progress in Cleaning Up Leaks but Still Face a 

Potentially Large Workload; Some May Need Federal Funds to Help Address 


At the end of fiscal year 2002, EPA and states had completed cleanups 

of about 67 percent (284,602) of the 427,307 known releases at tank 

sites. Because states typically set priorities for their cleanups by 

first addressing those releases that pose the most risks, states may 

have already begun to clean up some of the worst releases to date. 

However, states still have to ensure that ongoing cleanups are 

completed for another 23 percent (99,427) and that cleanups are 

initiated at a backlog of 43,278 sites. EPA has also established a 

national goal of completing 18,000 to 23,000 cleanups each year through 

2007. However, in addition to their known workload, states may likely 

face a potentially large but unknown future cleanup workload for 

several reasons: (1) as many as 200,000 tanks may be unregistered or 

abandoned and not assessed for leaks, according to an EPA 

estimate;[Footnote 3] (2) tens of thousands of empty and inactive tanks 

have not been permanently closed or had leaks identified; and (3) some 

states are reopening completed cleanups in locations where MTBE was 

subsequently detected.

This increasing workload poses financial challenges for some states. In 

the June 2002 Vermont survey of state funding programs, nine states 

said they did not have adequate funding to cover their current program 

costs, let alone unanticipated future costs. For example, while tank 

owners and operators have the financial responsibility for cleaning up 

contamination from their tanks, there are no financially viable parties 

responsible for the abandoned tanks that states have not yet addressed. 

In addition, MTBE is being detected nationwide and its cleanup is 

costly. States reported that it could cost more to test for MTBE 

because additional steps are needed to ensure the contamination is not 

migrating farther than other contaminants, and MTBE can cause longer 

plumes of contamination, adding time and costs to cleanups. If there 

are no financially viable parties responsible for these cleanups, 

states may have to assume more of these costs.

In closing, the states and EPA are taking steps to address the tank 

problems that we have identified, but they still cannot ensure that all 

regulated tanks have the required equipment to prevent health risks 

from fuel leaks, spills, and overfills or that tanks are safely 

operated and maintained. Many states do not inspect all of their tanks 

to make sure that they do not leak, nor can they prohibit fuel from 

being delivered to problem tanks. Finally, a number of states do not 

have adequate funds for their programs now, and more of them may face 

financial challenges in the future as they address leaks from abandoned 

tanks and leaks that contain MTBE. We have suggested a number of ways 

that both EPA and the Congress could help correct these problems and 

better ensure the safety of public health.

Mr. Chairman, this concludes my statement. I would be pleased to 

respond to any question you or Members of the Subcommittee may have.

Contact and Acknowledgments:

For further information, please contact John Stephenson at (202) 512-

3841. Individuals making key contributions to this testimony were Rich 

Johnson, Eileen Larence, Gerald Laudermilk, and Jonathan McMurray.


[1] U.S. General Accounting Office, Environmental Protection: Improved 

Inspections and Enforcement Would Better Ensure the Safety of 

Underground Storage Tanks, GAO-01-464 (Washington, D.C.: May 4, 2001).

[2] Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation, A Summary of 

State Fund Survey Results (June 2002). The Department conducts this 

survey annually.

[3] Report to Congress on Compliance Plan for the Underground Storage 

Tank Program, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA 510-R-00-001, 

June 2000).