This is the accessible text file for GAO report number GAO-14-263R entitled 'Private Health Insurance: The Range of Base Premiums for Individuals Age 19 and 64 in the Individual Market by State in January 2013' which was released on February 4, 2014. This text file was formatted by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) to be accessible to users with visual impairments, as part of a longer term project to improve GAO products' accessibility. Every attempt has been made to maintain the structural and data integrity of the original printed product. Accessibility features, such as text descriptions of tables, consecutively numbered footnotes placed at the end of the file, and the text of agency comment letters, are provided but may not exactly duplicate the presentation or format of the printed version. The portable document format (PDF) file is an exact electronic replica of the printed version. We welcome your feedback. Please E-mail your comments regarding the contents or accessibility features of this document to This is a work of the U.S. government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States. It may be reproduced and distributed in its entirety without further permission from GAO. Because this work may contain copyrighted images or other material, permission from the copyright holder may be necessary if you wish to reproduce this material separately. GAO-14-263R: GAO: United States Government Accountability Office: 441 G St. N.W. Washington, DC 20548: January 31, 2014 The Honorable Orrin G. Hatch: Ranking Membe:r Committee on Finance: United States Senate: Subject: Private Health Insurance: The Range of Base Premiums for Individuals Age 19 and 64 in the Individual Market by State in January 2013 Dear Senator Hatch: Millions of Americans obtain health coverage by purchasing private health insurance,[Footnote 1] including over 11 million individuals who purchased individual market plans in 2011.[Footnote 2] These Americans may be purchasing individual health insurance for a variety of reasons, including being self-employed or a small business owner, or because their own employer does not offer insurance. In 2013, in most states, under applicable law, individual health insurance market premium rates could have varied on the basis of age, gender, health status, and other factors. In addition, states could have varied in their specific requirements for what insurers could consider in underwriting--the process of assessing the health status of the insurance applicant and setting the premium according to the health risk of that individual.[Footnote 3] Historically, with certain exceptions, when individuals purchasing coverage in the individual market went through the underwriting process, their coverage could have been denied, offered at a higher-than-average premium, or offered with a rider that excluded coverage of a preexisting condition.[Footnote 4] The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) included a number of provisions that changed private health insurance requirements, and these changes could affect the cost of individual market health insurance premiums. For example, under PPACA, insurers may not deny coverage to individuals based on preexisting conditions or use gender or health status to set premium rates, and they are restricted in the amount they can vary premiums based on age and tobacco use.[Footnote 5] PPACA also included an individual mandate that requires most individuals to have health insurance coverage or pay a tax penalty.[Footnote 6] These PPACA provisions were not required to be met until 2014. As a result, beginning in January 2014, the way insurers calculate base premiums may change.[Footnote 7] The Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) within the Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS) Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) maintains an online portal—-the Plan Finder—-that displays insurers' premiums to assist consumers in comparing health insurance coverage options in the individual market.[Footnote 8] In January 2013, the data displayed on the Plan Finder portal included insurers' base premiums prior to underwriting. These premium amounts were not subject to the PPACA provisions that took effect in 2014. They represented the lowest premium amounts that would have been available to different categories of individuals at that time, and were subject to an underwriting process that could have resulted in higher premiums depending on an individual's health status, for example the presence of a preexisting condition. In July 2013, we reported the range of base premiums for private health insurance coverage options for different categories of individuals in each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia as they were displayed for individuals on the Plan Finder in January of 2013.[Footnote 9] You asked us to expand our analysis to include ranges of base premiums for additional categories of individuals that would represent individuals whose premiums would be among the lowest and highest based on age. In the enclosures to this letter, we are reporting the range of base premiums that were displayed for young adults (age 19) and older adults not yet eligible for Medicare (age 64). For both age categories, we are reporting the range of base premiums that were displayed for 19-year-old and 64-year-old nonsmoking and smoking individuals in each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia on the Plan Finder in the month of January 2013. To examine the range of base premiums that was displayed on the Plan Finder, we analyzed data maintained by CCIIO. The data included insurers' base premiums for health plans that were publically available to consumers through the Plan Finder in the month of January 2013.[Footnote 10] Because insurers may have established different rates for individuals for a variety of factors, the data represent base premium amounts prior to underwriting, rather than the actual premium amount an individual may have been charged. Actual premium amounts could have been higher than the base rates, as they would have been determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other factors, and some individuals could have been denied coverage, for example because of pre-existing conditions. [Footnote 11] The base premium amounts and supporting plan information were self-reported by each insurance company, and each company was required to comply with a data validation and attestation process. However, our analysis may not reflect the entire universe of insurers' base premiums because roughly 20 percent of all insurance companies did not submit data. In addition, our analysis may include plans with little or no enrollment because enrollment data were not available at the plan level.[Footnote 12] We calculated an annual premium based on monthly amounts submitted by insurers. We developed base premium ranges for each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia for different categories of consumers. Our state-wide premium ranges do not represent the range of base premiums that would have been displayed for all individuals in the state, because individuals search the Plan Finder on the basis of their zip codes and insurers may have offered some plans only in specific regions of a state. We also developed premium ranges for an urban and a rural zip code in four select states-—Illinois, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Texas-—to illustrate how base premiums can vary within randomly selected urban and rural locations. Although we selected zip codes within each state randomly, states were selected on the basis of geographic location and included one state from each of the four census regions. [Footnote 13] To assess the reliability of these data for the purpose of our study, we: reviewed the requirements for the data validation and attestation process; reviewed documentation on the database that houses the information submitted to CCIIO, including the user manual and the business rules that govern how rates are rendered to consumers through the Plan Finder; and interviewed key CCIIO officials responsible for overseeing the submission and maintenance of the data. We determined that the 2013 data were sufficiently reliable for our purposes. We conducted our work from November 2013 to January 2014 in accordance with all sections of GAO's Quality Assurance Framework that are relevant to our objectives. The framework requires that we plan and perform the engagement to obtain sufficient and appropriate evidence to meet our stated objectives and to discuss any limitations in our work. We believe that the information and data obtained, and the analysis conducted, provide a reasonable basis for any findings and conclusions. The range of base premiums for 19- and 64-year-old individuals in the individual market that was displayed on the Plan Finder as of January 2013 in each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia is reported in enclosure I. Enclosure II shows the range of base premiums for the same categories of individuals for urban and rural zip codes in four states. Agency Comments: The Department of Health and Human Services reviewed a draft of this report and provided technical comments, which we incorporated as appropriate. As arranged with your office, unless you publicly announce its contents earlier, we plan no further distribution of this report until 30 days after its issue date. Atthattime we will send copies of this report to the Secretary of Health and Human Services and other interested parties. In addition, the report will be available at no charge on GAO's website at [hyperlink,]. If you or your staff have any questions about this information, please contact me at (202) 512-7114 or Contact points for our Offices of Congressional Relations and Public Affairs may be found on the last page of this report. Major contributors to this report were Gerardine Brennan, Assistant Director; Todd D. Anderson; George Bogart; Erin Henderson; and Laurie Pachter. Sincerely yours, Signed by: John E. Dicken: Director, Health Care: Enclosures - 2: Footnotes: [1] Private health insurance includes individual and group market plans. Participants in the individual market purchase health insurance coverage directly from an insurance carrier. Group market participants generally obtain health insurance coverage through a group health plan, usually offered by an employer. [2] Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, The 80/20 Rule: How Insurers Spend Your Health Insurance Premiums (Baltimore, Md.: February 15, 2013). [3] Bernadette Fernandez, Congressional Research Service, Drivers of Premium Increases and Review of Health Insurance Rates (Washington, D.C.: January 20, 2012). [4] A preexisting condition is a health condition that exists before someone applies for or enrolls in new health insurance coverage. [5] See the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), Pub. L. No. 111-148, § 1201, 124 Stat. 119, 154 (2010) (codified at 42 U.S.C. § 300gg(a)(1)(A)). [6] Pub. L. No. 111-148, §§ 1501, 10106, 124 Stat. 242, 907, as amended by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, Pub. L. No. 111-152, §§ 1002, 1004, 124 Stat. 1029, 1032, 1034 (codified as amended at 26 U.S.C. § 5000A). [7] In addition, beginning January 1, 2014, premium tax credits and cost-sharing subsidies became available under PPACA for qualified individuals. Premium tax credits may be used to reduce monthly premiums, and cost-sharing subsidies decrease out-of-pocket expenses such as deductibles and copays. [8] This online portal was established pursuant to a requirement in PPACA, Pub. L. No. 111–148, §§ 1103(a), 10102(b), 124 Stat. 119, 146, 892 (codified at 42 U.S.C. § 18003). The Plan Finder can be found at [hyperlink,] (accessed December 23, 2013). [9] See GAO, Private Health Insurance: The Range of Base Premiums in the Individual Market by State in January 2013, GAO-13-712R (Washington, D.C.: July 23, 2013). We reported the range of premiums for six categories of individuals, including 30-year-old nonsmoking and smoking males and females, a family of four, and a 55-year-old couple. [10] Insurance companies may offer multiple health insurance products in each state, and multiple health plans may be available for each product. For example, the same product may have plans with different cost sharing features. In addition, insurance companies can vary premiums on the basis of county or zip code, and each variation represents a different health plan in the Plan Finder. Therefore, in some states there can be a high number of plans available statewide. [11] For example, GAO previously reported that, based on national data from the firstquarter of 2010, on average, 19 percent of applicants forindividual insurance coverage were denied coverage. See GAO, Private Health Insurance: Data on Application and Coverage Denials, [hyperlink,] (Washington, D.C.: March 16, 2011). [12] data included enrollment information at the product level. However, multiple plans may be associated with a single product; therefore, plan-level enrollment data were not available. [13] Urban and rural classifications were based on the Rural-Urban Commuting Area (RUCA) codes developed by the Department of Agriculture's Economic Research Service, which are based on patterns of urbanization, population density, and daily commuting patterns. [End of section] Enclosure I: Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in Each State, for Selected Consumers: Table 1: In Alabama, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19: 512 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $719; Plan with median premium: $1,226; Plan with maximum premium: $2,683. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $16,000; Plan with median premium: $9,500; Plan with maximum premium: $6,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 512 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $780; Plan with median premium: $1,516; Plan with maximum premium: $3,318. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $3,250; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $9,500; Plan with maximum premium: $6,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 512 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $780; Plan with median premium: $1,532; Plan with maximum premium: $3,331. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $3,250; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $6,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 512 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $780; Plan with median premium: $1,840; Plan with maximum premium: $4,036. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $3,250; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $6,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 2: In Alabama, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64: 512 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,340; Plan with median premium: $6,273; Plan with maximum premium: $14,752. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $3,250; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $6,500; Plan with maximum premium: $6,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 512 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,340; Plan with median premium: $9,322; Plan with maximum premium: $21,942. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $3,250; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $6,500; Plan with maximum premium: $6,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 512 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,340; Plan with median premium: $5,508; Plan with maximum premium: $12,853. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $3,250; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $6,500; Plan with maximum premium: $6,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 512 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,340; Plan with median premium: $8,099; Plan with maximum premium: $18,930. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $3,250; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $6,500; Plan with maximum premium: $6,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 3: In Alaska, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19: 178 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $911; Plan with median premium: $1,635; Plan with maximum premium: $4,128. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $1,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $5,150; Plan with maximum premium: $4,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 0%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 178 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,048; Plan with median premium: $1,872; Plan with maximum premium: $4,128. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $7,000; Plan with maximum premium: $4,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 0%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 178 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $969; Plan with median premium: $1,734; Plan with maximum premium: $4,128. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $7,000; Plan with maximum premium: $4,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 0%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 178 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,114; Plan with median premium: $1,995; Plan with maximum premium: $4,128. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $7,000; Plan with maximum premium: $4,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 0%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 4: In Alaska, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64: 178 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $5,062; Plan with median premium: $8,667; Plan with maximum premium: $19,908. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $7,000; Plan with maximum premium: $4,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 0%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 178 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $5,822; Plan with median premium: $9,967; Plan with maximum premium: $22,908. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $7,000; Plan with maximum premium: $4,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 0%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 178 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $4,849; Plan with median premium: $8,312; Plan with maximum premium: $17,640. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $7,000; Plan with maximum premium: $4,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 0%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 178 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $5,576; Plan with median premium: $9,559; Plan with maximum premium: $20,328. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $7,000; Plan with maximum premium: $4,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 0%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 5: In Arizona, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19: 736 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $384; Plan with median premium: $892; Plan with maximum premium: $6,643. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,900. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $5,900. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 736 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $422; Plan with median premium: $1,069; Plan with maximum premium: $7,612. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,900. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $8,000; Plan with maximum premium: $5,900. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 736 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $516; Plan with median premium: $1,142; Plan with maximum premium: $8,364. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $7,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $10,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 30%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 736 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $567; Plan with median premium: $1,341; Plan with maximum premium: $10,378. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,900. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $5,900. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 6: In Arizona, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64: 736 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,896; Plan with median premium: $4,534; Plan with maximum premium: $27,511. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,900. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $6,500; Plan with maximum premium: $5,900. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 736 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,568; Plan with median premium: $6,442; Plan with maximum premium: $30,927. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $5,200. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $3,000; Plan with median premium: $9,500; Plan with maximum premium: $7,200. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 736 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,716; Plan with median premium: $3,982; Plan with maximum premium: $27,870. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,900. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $6,500; Plan with maximum premium: $5,900. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 736 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,136; Plan with median premium: $5,644; Plan with maximum premium: $36,381. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,900. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $3,000; Plan with median premium: $5,500; Plan with maximum premium: $5,900. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 7: In Arkansas, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19: 386 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $301; Plan with median premium: $769; Plan with maximum premium: $1,952. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $25,000; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $25,000; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $4,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 0%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 386 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $301; Plan with median premium: $938; Plan with maximum premium: $2,050. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $25,000; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $25,000; Plan with median premium: $13,000; Plan with maximum premium: $4,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 0%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 386 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $479; Plan with median premium: $971; Plan with maximum premium: $2,458. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $25,000; Plan with median premium: $7,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $25,000; Plan with median premium: $12,000; Plan with maximum premium: $4,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 0%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 386 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $479; Plan with median premium: $1,161; Plan with maximum premium: $2,581. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $25,000; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $25,000; Plan with median premium: $13,000; Plan with maximum premium: $4,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 0%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 8: In Arkansas, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64: 386 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,923; Plan with median premium: $3,893; Plan with maximum premium: $9,150. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $25,000; Plan with median premium: $7,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $25,000; Plan with median premium: $10,500; Plan with maximum premium: $4,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 0%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 386 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,923; Plan with median premium: $5,749; Plan with maximum premium: $12,353. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $25,000; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $25,000; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $4,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 0%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 386 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,811; Plan with median premium: $3,434; Plan with maximum premium: $8,816. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $25,000; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $25,000; Plan with median premium: $13,000; Plan with maximum premium: $4,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 0%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 386 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,811; Plan with median premium: $5,016; Plan with maximum premium: $11,902. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $25,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $25,000; Plan with median premium: $9,000; Plan with maximum premium: $4,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 0%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 9: In California, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19: 617 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $672; Plan with median premium: $1,704; Plan with maximum premium: $11,664. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $6,500; Plan with median premium: $1,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $9,500; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 617 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $672; Plan with median premium: $1,920; Plan with maximum premium: $11,664. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $6,500; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $9,500; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 617 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $672; Plan with median premium: $1,704; Plan with maximum premium: $11,664. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $6,500; Plan with median premium: $1,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $9,500; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 617 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $672; Plan with median premium: $1,920; Plan with maximum premium: $11,664. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $6,500; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $9,500; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Legend: N/A=Not applicable (value was not reported by the insurer) Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 10: In California, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64: 617 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $3,096; Plan with median premium: $6,988; Plan with maximum premium: $26,928. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $6,500; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $9,500; Plan with median premium: $7,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 617 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $3,096; Plan with median premium: $7,584; Plan with maximum premium: $26,928. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $6,500; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $9,500; Plan with median premium: $7,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 617 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $3,096; Plan with median premium: $6,988; Plan with maximum premium: $26,928. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $6,500; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $9,500; Plan with median premium: $7,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 617 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $3,096; Plan with median premium: $7,584; Plan with maximum premium: $26,928. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $6,500; Plan with median premium: $2,750; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $9,500; Plan with median premium: $7,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 11: In Colorado, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19: 2,571 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $581; Plan with median premium: $1,930; Plan with maximum premium: $9,908. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $3,750; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 2,571 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $684; Plan with median premium: $2,241; Plan with maximum premium: $10,898. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,250; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $3,250; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 2,571 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $581; Plan with median premium: $1,930; Plan with maximum premium: $9,908. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $3,750; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 2,571 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,250; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,250; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $3,250; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 12: In Colorado, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64: 2,571 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,111; Plan with median premium: $7,145; Plan with maximum premium: $24,739. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: N/A; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $11,000; Plan with median premium: N/A; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 2,571 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $3,276; Plan with median premium: $9,396; Plan with maximum premium: $39,583. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,250; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $3,250; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 2,571 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,111; Plan with median premium: $7,145; Plan with maximum premium: $24,739. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 2,571 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $3,276; Plan with median premium: $9,396; Plan with maximum premium: $39,583. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,250; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $3,250; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Legend: N/A=Not applicable (value was not reported by the insurer) Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 13: In Connecticut, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19: 470 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $876; Plan with median premium: $1,662; Plan with maximum premium: $3,800. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $1,000; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $12,500; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 470 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $876; Plan with median premium: $1,965; Plan with maximum premium: $4,750. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $12,500; Plan with median premium: $6,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 50%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 470 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $972; Plan with median premium: $1,879; Plan with maximum premium: $5,094. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $12,500; Plan with median premium: $7,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 470 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $972; Plan with median premium: $2,227; Plan with maximum premium: $6,368. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $1,500; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $12,500; Plan with median premium: $5,150; Plan with maximum premium: $3,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 14: In Connecticut, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64: 470 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $3,672; Plan with median premium: $8,482; Plan with maximum premium: $16,820. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $12,500; Plan with median premium: $4,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 470 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $3,672; Plan with median premium: $9,755; Plan with maximum premium: $21,025. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $12,500; Plan with median premium: $4,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 470 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,676; Plan with median premium: $7,844; Plan with maximum premium: $16,122. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $12,500; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 470 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,676; Plan with median premium: $9,356; Plan with maximum premium: $19,605. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $12,500; Plan with median premium: $4,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 15: In Delaware, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19: 123 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $550; Plan with median premium: $1,176; Plan with maximum premium: $2,180. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $3,000; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $6,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 123 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $660; Plan with median premium: $1,401; Plan with maximum premium: $2,696. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $7,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $3,000; Plan with median premium: $10,500; Plan with maximum premium: $6,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 123 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $565; Plan with median premium: $1,338; Plan with maximum premium: $2,706. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $3,000; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: $6,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 123 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $678; Plan with median premium: $1,596; Plan with maximum premium: $3,279. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $7,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $3,000; Plan with median premium: $12,000; Plan with maximum premium: $6,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 16: In Delaware, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64: 123 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $3,536; Plan with median premium: $6,420; Plan with maximum premium: $13,952. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,400; Plan with maximum premium: $1,250. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $3,000; Plan with median premium: $4,400; Plan with maximum premium: $600. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 30%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 123 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $5,304; Plan with median premium: $9,385; Plan with maximum premium: $20,928. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,250. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $3,000; Plan with median premium: $6,500; Plan with maximum premium: $600. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 30%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 123 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,637; Plan with median premium: $5,164; Plan with maximum premium: $10,442. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $3,000; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $6,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 123 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $3,956; Plan with median premium: $7,591; Plan with maximum premium: $15,379. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $3,000; Plan with median premium: $9,500; Plan with maximum premium: $6,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 17: In District of Columbia, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19: 309 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $614; Plan with median premium: $1,617; Plan with maximum premium: $12,056. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,850; Plan with maximum premium: $100. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $4,850; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 10%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 309 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $961; Plan with median premium: $1,957; Plan with maximum premium: $12,056. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $100. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $4,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 10%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 309 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $614; Plan with median premium: $1,653; Plan with maximum premium: $12,056. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $100. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $7,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 10%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 309 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $961; Plan with median premium: $2,020; Plan with maximum premium: $12,056. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $1,500; Plan with maximum premium: $100. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 10%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 18: In District of Columbia, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64: 309 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,842; Plan with median premium: $7,715; Plan with maximum premium: $36,120. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,850; Plan with maximum premium: $100. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $4,850; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 10%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 309 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,883; Plan with median premium: $8,872; Plan with maximum premium: $36,120. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $100. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $4,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 10%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 309 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,842; Plan with median premium: $7,428; Plan with maximum premium: $36,120. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $100. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $4,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 10%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 309 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,883; Plan with median premium: $8,542; Plan with maximum premium: $36,120. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $100. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $4,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 10%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 19: In Florida, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19: 7,669 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $540; Plan with median premium: $1,248; Plan with maximum premium: $6,141. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $2,500; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $15,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 7,669 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $564; Plan with median premium: $1,512; Plan with maximum premium: $7,063. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $2,500; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $7,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 7,669 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $588; Plan with median premium: $1,812; Plan with maximum premium: $6,580. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $2,500; Plan with median premium: $500; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 7,669 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $612; Plan with median premium: $2,128; Plan with maximum premium: $7,524. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $2,500; Plan with median premium: $1,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 20: In Florida, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64: 7,669 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,280; Plan with median premium: $5,496; Plan with maximum premium: $32,688. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $250; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $20,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 10%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 7,669 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,568; Plan with median premium: $6,768; Plan with maximum premium: $37,591. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $12,500; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 7,669 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,800; Plan with median premium: $5,916; Plan with maximum premium: $31,352. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $12,500; Plan with median premium: $15,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 664; 7,669 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,800; Plan with median premium: $7,104; Plan with maximum premium: $36,054. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $12,500; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 21: In Georgia, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19: 4,209 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $363; Plan with median premium: $1,145; Plan with maximum premium: $7,866. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $9,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: 40%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 4,196 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $422; Plan with median premium: $1,317; Plan with maximum premium: $8,351. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $7,500; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 15%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 4,209 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $383; Plan with median premium: $1,327; Plan with maximum premium: $8,960. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $7,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 4,196 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $450; Plan with median premium: $1,533; Plan with maximum premium: $9,853. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 22: In Georgia, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64: 4,209 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,481; Plan with median premium: $5,168; Plan with maximum premium: $22,832. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 4,196 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,615; Plan with median premium: $7,717; Plan with maximum premium: $31,964. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $7,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 4,209 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,635; Plan with median premium: $4,943; Plan with maximum premium: $20,529. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 4,196 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,196; Plan with median premium: $7,397; Plan with maximum premium: $30,748. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $12,500; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Plan with minimum Plan with median Plan with maximum Consumer type premium premium premium Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 23: In Hawaii, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19: 37 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $570; Plan with median premium: $3,540; Plan with maximum premium: $4,938. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $2,500; Plan with median premium: N/A; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $3,500; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: N/A; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 37 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $570; Plan with median premium: $3,540; Plan with maximum premium: $4,938. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $2,500; Plan with median premium: N/A; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $3,500; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: N/A%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 37 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $570; Plan with median premium: $3,643; Plan with maximum premium: $4,938. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $2,500; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $3,500; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 10%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 37 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $570; Plan with median premium: $3,643; Plan with maximum premium: $4,938. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $2,500; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $3,500; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 10%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Plan with minimum Plan with median Plan with maximum Consumer type premium premium premium Legend: N/A=Not applicable (value was not reported by the insurer) Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 24: In Hawaii, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64: 36 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,428; Plan with median premium: $11,729; Plan with maximum premium: $17,279. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $2,500; Plan with median premium: N/A; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $3,500; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: N/A; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 36 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,428; Plan with median premium: $11,729; Plan with maximum premium: $17,279. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $2,500; Plan with median premium: N/A; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $3,500; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: N/A; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 36 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,428; Plan with median premium: $1,602; Plan with maximum premium: $17,279. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $2,500; Plan with median premium: $300; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $3,500; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 36 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,428; Plan with median premium: $11,602; Plan with maximum premium: $17,279. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $2,500; Plan with median premium: $300; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $3,500; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Legend: N/A=Not applicable (value was not reported by the insurer) Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 25: In Idaho, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19: 245 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $552; Plan with median premium: $1,320; Plan with maximum premium: $3,901. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $1,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $2,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 245 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $613; Plan with median premium: $1,524; Plan with maximum premium: $4,590. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $2,000; Plan with median premium: $13,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 50%; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 245 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $660; Plan with median premium: $1,416; Plan with maximum premium: $3,692. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $12,500; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 245 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $718; Plan with median premium: $1,603; Plan with maximum premium: $4,344. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $4,000; Plan with median premium: $13,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 50%; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of tble] Table 26: In Idaho, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64: 245 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,694; Plan with median premium: $5,916; Plan with maximum premium: $14,632. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $2,000; Plan with median premium: $12,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 50%; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 245 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,992; Plan with median premium: $8,136; Plan with maximum premium: $25,822. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $2,000; Plan with median premium: $8,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 245 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,451; Plan with median premium: $5,772; Plan with maximum premium: $15,552. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $2,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 0%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 245 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,723; Plan with median premium: $8,023; Plan with maximum premium: $27,446. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $2,000; Plan with median premium: $17,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 27: In Illinois, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19: 1,854 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $485; Plan with median premium: $1,170; Plan with maximum premium: $4,091. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $16,000; Plan with median premium: $8,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 1,854 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $535; Plan with median premium: $1,377; Plan with maximum premium: $5,114. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $22,500; Plan with median premium: $5,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 1,854 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $646; Plan with median premium: $1,614; Plan with maximum premium: $14,184. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $16,000; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 1,854 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $684; Plan with median premium: $1,859; Plan with maximum premium: $17,430. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $22,500; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 28: In Illinois, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64: 1,854 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,478; Plan with median premium: $5,916; Plan with maximum premium: $21,212. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $16,000; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 1,854 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,690; Plan with median premium: $7,464; Plan with maximum premium: $26,515. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $22,500; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 1,854 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,052; Plan with median premium: $5,313; Plan with maximum premium: $23,733. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $22,500; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 1,854 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,052; Plan with median premium: $6,564; Plan with maximum premium: $29,667. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $500; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $22,500; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 29: In Indiana, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19: 2,278 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $476; Plan with median premium: $1,474; Plan with maximum premium: $4,290. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: $1,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: $5,150; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 2,278 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $619; Plan with median premium: $1,768; Plan with maximum premium: $4,841. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: $7,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 2,278 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $587; Plan with median premium: $1,775; Plan with maximum premium: $7,515. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: $1,500; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 2,278 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $763; Plan with median premium: $2,204; Plan with maximum premium: $8,393. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 50%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Legend: N/A=Not applicable (value was not reported by the insurer) Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 30: In Indiana, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64: 2,278 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,666; Plan with median premium: $6,628; Plan with maximum premium: $17,082. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 2,278 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $3,465; Plan with median premium: $8,195; Plan with maximum premium: $20,237. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: N/A; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: N/A; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 2,278 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,108; Plan with median premium: $6,488; Plan with maximum premium: $16,384. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: $7,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 2,278 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,740; Plan with median premium: $7,987; Plan with maximum premium: $19,002. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: $4,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Legend: N/A=Not applicable (value was not reported by the insurer) Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 31: In Iowa, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19: 1,404 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $272; Plan with median premium: $1,174; Plan with maximum premium: $2,575. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $4,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 1,404 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $368; Plan with median premium: $1,357; Plan with maximum premium: $2,961. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $1,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $4,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 1,404 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $306; Plan with median premium: $1,251; Plan with maximum premium: $2,743. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $4,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 1,404 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $413; Plan with median premium: $1,455; Plan with maximum premium: $3,154. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $2,600; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,600; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 32: In Iowa, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64: 1,404 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,412; Plan with median premium: $6,253; Plan with maximum premium: $13,706. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $4,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 1,404 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,907; Plan with median premium: $7,280; Plan with maximum premium: $15,762. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $1,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $4,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 1,404 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,277; Plan with median premium: $5,985; Plan with maximum premium: $13,145. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $1,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $4,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 1,404 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,724; Plan with median premium: $6,897; Plan with maximum premium: $15,117. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $4,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 33: In Kansas, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19: 1,727 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $289; Plan with median premium: $1,343; Plan with maximum premium: $9,684. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $1,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $11,000; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 1,727 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $289; Plan with median premium: $1,573; Plan with maximum premium: $9,684. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $11,000; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 1,727 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $387; Plan with median premium: $1,466; Plan with maximum premium: $10,416. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,850; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $4,850; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 1,727 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $456; Plan with median premium: $1,732; Plan with maximum premium: $10,416. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,850; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $5,350; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 50%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 34: In Kansas, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64: 1,727 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,453; Plan with median premium: $6,374; Plan with maximum premium: $17,939. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $6,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 1,727 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,666; Plan with median premium: $8,411; Plan with maximum premium: $24,172. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $11,000; Plan with median premium: $7,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 1,727 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,382; Plan with median premium: $6,137; Plan with maximum premium: $17,206. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $15,000; Plan with median premium: $6,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 1,727 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,448; Plan with median premium: $8,066; Plan with maximum premium: $21,271. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $11,000; Plan with median premium: $3,250; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 50%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 35: In Kentucky, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19: 2,222 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $395; Plan with median premium: $1,167; Plan with maximum premium: $3,189. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: N/A; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: N/A; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 50%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 2,222 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $464; Plan with median premium: $1,542; Plan with maximum premium: $4,295. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $500; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 50%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 2,222 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $417; Plan with median premium: $1,420; Plan with maximum premium: $6,342. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 2,222 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $490; Plan with median premium: $1,889; Plan with maximum premium: $6,988. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Legend: N/A=Not applicable (value was not reported by the insurer) Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 36: In Kentucky, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64: 2,222 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,619; Plan with median premium: $4,294; Plan with maximum premium: $11,553. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $1,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $4,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 2,222 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,276; Plan with median premium: $6,455; Plan with maximum premium: $17,329. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: N/A; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $12,500; Plan with median premium: N/A; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 2,222 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,784; Plan with median premium: $4,361; Plan with maximum premium: $10,641. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 2,222 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,418; Plan with median premium: $6,642; Plan with maximum premium: $15,670. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $12,500; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 37: In Louisiana, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19: 1,931 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $332; Plan with median premium: $1,329; Plan with maximum premium: $3,913. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $7,500; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $1,000; Plan with median premium: $7,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 1,931 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $365; Plan with median premium: $1,541; Plan with maximum premium: $4,304. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $1,000; Plan with median premium: $12,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 1,931 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $468; Plan with median premium: $1,528; Plan with maximum premium: $7,383. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $500; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $1,000; Plan with median premium: $1,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 1,931 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $515; Plan with median premium: $1,793; Plan with maximum premium: $7,737. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $1,000; Plan with median premium: $7,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 38: In Louisiana, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64: 1,931 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,689; Plan with median premium: $5,961; Plan with maximum premium: $17,928. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $1,000; Plan with median premium: $8,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 50%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 1,931 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,067; Plan with median premium: $9,554; Plan with maximum premium: $25,894. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,250. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $1,000; Plan with median premium: $8,500; Plan with maximum premium: $600. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 50%; Plan with maximum premium: 30%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 1,931 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,446; Plan with median premium: $5,791; Plan with maximum premium: $15,510. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $1,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 1,931 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,773; Plan with median premium: $9,305; Plan with maximum premium: $21,333. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $1,000; Plan with median premium: $8,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 50%; Plan with maximum premium: 0%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 39: In Maine, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19: 11 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,287; Plan with median premium: $9,286; Plan with maximum premium: $20,582. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $12,000; Plan with median premium: N/A; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $14,000; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 11 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,287; Plan with median premium: $9,286; Plan with maximum premium: $20,582. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $12,000; Plan with median premium: N/A; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $14,000; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 11 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,287; Plan with median premium: $12,000; Plan with maximum premium: $20,582. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $12,000; Plan with median premium: N/A; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $14,000; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 11 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,287; Plan with median premium: $9,286; Plan with maximum premium: $20,582. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $12,000; Plan with median premium: N/A; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $14,000; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Legend: N/A=Not applicable (value was not reported by the insurer) Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 40: In Maine, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64: 11 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $3,860; Plan with median premium: $13,929; Plan with maximum premium: $29,124. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $12,000; Plan with median premium: N/A; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $14,000; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 11 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $3,860; Plan with median premium: $13,929; Plan with maximum premium: $29,124. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $12,000; Plan with median premium: N/A; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $14,000; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 11 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $3,860; Plan with median premium: $13,929; Plan with maximum premium: $29,124. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $12,000; Plan with median premium: N/A; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $14,000; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 11 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $3,860; Plan with median premium: $13,929; Plan with maximum premium: $29,124. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $12,000; Plan with median premium: N/A; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $14,000; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Legend: N/A=Not applicable (value was not reported by the insurer) Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 41: In Maryland, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19: 55 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $636; Plan with median premium: $1,680; Plan with maximum premium: $5,208. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $100. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $6,050; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 10%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 55 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $636; Plan with median premium: $1,680; Plan with maximum premium: $5,208. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $100. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $6,050; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 10%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 55 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $648; Plan with median premium: $2,160; Plan with maximum premium: $5,208. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $100. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 10%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 55 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $648; Plan with median premium: $2,160; Plan with maximum premium: $5,208. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $100. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 10%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 42: In Maryland, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64: 55 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,908; Plan with median premium: $6,624; Plan with maximum premium: $17,556. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,700; Plan with maximum premium: $100. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,200; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0%; Plan with maximum premium: 10%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 55 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,908; Plan with median premium: $6,624; Plan with maximum premium: $17,556. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,700; Plan with maximum premium: $100. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,200; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0%; Plan with maximum premium: 10%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 55 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,908; Plan with median premium: $6,060; Plan with maximum premium: $17,556. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $100. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $100. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 10%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 55 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,908; Plan with median premium: $6,060; Plan with maximum premium: $17,556. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $100. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 43: In Massachusetts, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19: 128 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,032; Plan with median premium: $3,022; Plan with maximum premium: $5,069. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $2,000; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: No Maximum. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 128 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,032; Plan with median premium: $3,022; Plan with maximum premium: $5,069. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $2,000; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: No Maximum. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 128 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,032; Plan with median premium: $3,022; Plan with maximum premium: $5,069. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $2,000; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: No Maximum. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 128 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,032; Plan with median premium: $3,022; Plan with maximum premium: $5,069. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $2,000; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: No Maximum. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Legend: N/A=Not applicable (value was not reported by the insurer) Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 44: In Massachusetts, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64: 96 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $5,128; Plan with median premium: $6,877; Plan with maximum premium: $10,138. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $2,000; Plan with median premium: $1,500; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 96 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $5,128; Plan with median premium: $6,877; Plan with maximum premium: $10,138. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $2,000; Plan with median premium: $1,500; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 96 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $5,128; Plan with median premium: $6,877; Plan with maximum premium: $10,138. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $2,000; Plan with median premium: $1,500; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 96 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $5,128; Plan with median premium: $6,877; Plan with maximum premium: $10,138. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $2,000; Plan with median premium: $1,500; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Legend: N/A=Not applicable (value was not reported by the insurer) Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 45: In Michigan, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19: 722 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $436; Plan with median premium: $907; Plan with maximum premium: $6,006. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $6,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 722 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $436; Plan with median premium: $907; Plan with maximum premium: $6,006. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $6,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 722 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $504; Plan with median premium: $1,074; Plan with maximum premium: $6,006. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $12,000; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 722 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $504; Plan with median premium: $1,237; Plan with maximum premium: $6,006. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $7,500; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $12,000; Plan with median premium: $10,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Legend: N/A=Not applicable (value was not reported by the insurer) Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 46: In Michigan, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64: 734 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,088; Plan with median premium: $4,390; Plan with maximum premium: $13,356. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $12,000; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $4,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 734 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,088; Plan with median premium: $5,765; Plan with maximum premium: $16,663. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $12,000; Plan with median premium: $13,000; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 734 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,980; Plan with median premium: $3,885; Plan with maximum premium: $13,356. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $12,500; Plan with median premium: $9,500; Plan with maximum premium: $4,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 734 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,980; Plan with median premium: $5,113; Plan with maximum premium: $15,374. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $12,500; Plan with median premium: $13,000; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 47: In Minnesota, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19: 1,098 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $632; Plan with median premium: $1,438; Plan with maximum premium: $6,926. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $15,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $150. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $7,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,650. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 50%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 1,098 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $832; Plan with median premium: $1,903; Plan with maximum premium: $9,235. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $12,600; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $150. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $13,600; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,650. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 1,098 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $; Plan with median premium: $; Plan with maximum premium: $. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $; Plan with median premium: $; Plan with maximum premium: $. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $; Plan with median premium: $; Plan with maximum premium: $. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 50%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 1,098 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $832; Plan with median premium: $1,903; Plan with maximum premium: $9,235. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $12,600; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $150. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $13,600; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,650. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 48: In Minnesota, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64: 1,098 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,851; Plan with median premium: $4,182; Plan with maximum premium: $20,289. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $15,000; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $150. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,650. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 1,098 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,422; Plan with median premium: $5,580; Plan with maximum premium: $27,052. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $12,600; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $150. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $13,600; Plan with median premium: $12,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,650. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 50%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 1,098 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,851; Plan with median premium: $4,182; Plan with maximum premium: $20,289. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $15,000; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $150. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,650. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 1,098 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,422; Plan with median premium: $5,580; Plan with maximum premium: $27,052. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $12,600; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $150. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $13,600; Plan with median premium: $12,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,650. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 50%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 49: In Mississippi, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19: 578 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $607; Plan with median premium: $1,394; Plan with maximum premium: $5,593. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 578 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $665; Plan with median premium: $1,624; Plan with maximum premium: $6,149. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $8,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 578 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $747; Plan with median premium: $1,674; Plan with maximum premium: $7,381. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $6,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 578 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $818; Plan with median premium: $1,954; Plan with maximum premium: $8,117. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $8,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 50: In Mississippi, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64: 578 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,396; Plan with median premium: $6,377; Plan with maximum premium: $18,382. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $12,500; Plan with median premium: $8,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 578 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $3,817; Plan with median premium: $9,809; Plan with maximum premium: $29,394. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $12,500; Plan with median premium: $7,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 578 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,460; Plan with median premium: $5,968; Plan with maximum premium: $17,485. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $12,500; Plan with median premium: $7,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 578 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $3,919; Plan with median premium: $8,974; Plan with maximum premium: $27,959. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $12,500; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 51: In Missouri, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19: 1,547 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $293; Plan with median premium: $1,310; Plan with maximum premium: $3,512. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $11,000; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $6,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 30%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 1,547 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $293; Plan with median premium: $1,590; Plan with maximum premium: $4,039. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $11,000; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $6,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 30%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 1,547 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $536; Plan with median premium: $1,637; Plan with maximum premium: $6,048. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 10%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 1,547 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $572; Plan with median premium: $1,954; Plan with maximum premium: $7,320. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $1,500; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $11,000; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 10%. Legend: N/A=Not applicable (value was not reported by the insurer) Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 52: In Missouri, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64: 1,547 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,673; Plan with median premium: $5,909; Plan with maximum premium: $19,503. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $11,000; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $6,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 30%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 1,547 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,673; Plan with median premium: $7,186; Plan with maximum premium: $22,429. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $500; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $11,000; Plan with median premium: $5,500; Plan with maximum premium: $6,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 30%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 1,547 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,438; Plan with median premium: $5,709; Plan with maximum premium: $18,681. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $11,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $6,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 30%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 1,547 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,438; Plan with median premium: $6,942; Plan with maximum premium: $21,483. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $1,500; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $11,000; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $6,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 10%; Plan with maximum premium: 30%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 53: In Montana, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19: 716 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $696; Plan with median premium: $1,284; Plan with maximum premium: $3,686. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $15,000; Plan with median premium: $8,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: 50%; Plan with maximum premium: 0%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 176 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $696; Plan with median premium: $1,508; Plan with maximum premium: $4,337. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $8,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $15,000; Plan with median premium: $8,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 176 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $696; Plan with median premium: $1,284; Plan with maximum premium: $3,686. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $15,000; Plan with median premium: $8,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: 50%; Plan with maximum premium: 0%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 176 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $696; Plan with median premium: $1,508; Plan with maximum premium: $4,337. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $15,000; Plan with median premium: $8,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 54: In Montana, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 46: 176 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,382; Plan with median premium: $4,194; Plan with maximum premium: $11,920. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $8,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 50%; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 176 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,592; Plan with median premium: $7,193; Plan with maximum premium: $21,036. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $15,000; Plan with median premium: $7,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: 50%; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 176 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,382; Plan with median premium: $4,194; Plan with maximum premium: $11,920. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $8,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 50%; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 176 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,592; Plan with median premium: $7,193; Plan with maximum premium: $21,036. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $15,000; Plan with median premium: $7,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: 50%; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 55: In Nebraska, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19: 1,071 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $288; Plan with median premium: $1,507; Plan with maximum premium: $3,449. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $1,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $4,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 1,071 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $361; Plan with median premium: $1,780; Plan with maximum premium: $3,967. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 1,071 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $323; Plan with median premium: $1,684; Plan with maximum premium: $4,028. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $1,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $4,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: v%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 1,071 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $404; Plan with median premium: $2,001; Plan with maximum premium: $5,086. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 56: In Nebraska, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64: 1,071 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,635; Plan with median premium: $7,939; Plan with maximum premium: $18,361. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $1,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $4,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 1,071 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,044; Plan with median premium: $9,474; Plan with maximum premium: $21,115. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 1,071 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,585; Plan with median premium: $7,643; Plan with maximum premium: $17,610. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $1,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $4,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 1,071 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,982; Plan with median premium: $9,029; Plan with maximum premium: $20,252. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 57: In Nevada, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19: 209 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $318; Plan with median premium: $1,219; Plan with maximum premium: $7,124. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $2,000; Plan with median premium: $1,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $4,000; Plan with median premium: $1,500; Plan with maximum premium: $4,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 30%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 209 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $382; Plan with median premium: $1,452; Plan with maximum premium: $9,622. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $2,000; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $4,000; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $4,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 30%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 209 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $408; Plan with median premium: $1,539; Plan with maximum premium: $10,763. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $2,000; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $4,000; Plan with median premium: $8,000; Plan with maximum premium: $4,00. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 30%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 209 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $490; Plan with median premium: $1,777; Plan with maximum premium: $v. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $2,000; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $4,000; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $4,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 30%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 58: In Nevada, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64: 209 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,484; Plan with median premium: $6,399; Plan with maximum premium: $27,065. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $3,000; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $7,000; Plan with median premium: $600; Plan with maximum premium: $4,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 30%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 209 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $3,392; Plan with median premium: $8,076; Plan with maximum premium: $36,540. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $2,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $4,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $4,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 30%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 209 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,096; Plan with median premium: $5,237; Plan with maximum premium: $24,461. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $3,000; Plan with median premium: $0; Plan with maximum premium: $4,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 30%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 209 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $2,652; Plan with median premium: $6,634; Plan with maximum premium: $33,020. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $3,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $0; Plan with maximum premium: $4,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 59: In New Hampshire, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19: 136 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $833; Plan with median premium: $1,870; Plan with maximum premium: $14,915. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $7,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 136 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,225; Plan with median premium: $2,751; Plan with maximum premium: $22,372. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $7,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 136 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $833; Plan with median premium: $1,870; Plan with maximum premium: $14,915. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $7,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 136 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $1,225; Plan with median premium: $2,751; Plan with maximum premium: $22,372. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $7,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 60: In New Hampshire, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64: 136 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $3,285; Plan with median premium: $7,193; Plan with maximum premium: $23,718. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 136 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $4,831; Plan with median premium: $10,617; Plan with maximum premium: $35,577. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 136 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $3,285; Plan with median premium: $7,193; Plan with maximum premium: $23,718. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 136 plans available; Premium amount: Plan with minimum premium: $4,831; Plan with median premium: $10,617; Plan with maximum premium: $35,577. Annual deductible: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance: Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 61: In New Jersey, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19; 65 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,776; Plan with median premium: $17,556; Plan with maximum premium: $43,284. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 40%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 65 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,776; Plan with median premium: $17,556; Plan with maximum premium: $43,284. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 40%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 65 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,992; Plan with median premium: $17,556; Plan with maximum premium: $43,284. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 40%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 65 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,992; Plan with median premium: $17,556; Plan with maximum premium: $43,284. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 40%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Legend: N/A=Not applicable (value was not reported by the insurer): Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 62: In New Jersey, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64; 65 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $5,304; Plan with median premium: $17,556; Plan with maximum premium: $43,284. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 40%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 65 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $5,304; Plan with median premium: $17,556; Plan with maximum premium: $43,284. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 40%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 65 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $5,040; Plan with median premium: $17,556; Plan with maximum premium: $43,284. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 40%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 65 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $5,040; Plan with median premium: $17,556; Plan with maximum premium: $43,284. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 40%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Legend: N/A=Not applicable (value was not reported by the insurer): Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 63: In New Mexico, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19; 828 plans available; Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $410; Plan with median premium: $1,301; Plan with maximum premium: $2,852. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $4,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 828 plans available; Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $456; Plan with median premium: $1,462; Plan with maximum premium: $3,280. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 15%; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 828 plans available; Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $430; Plan with median premium: $1,301; Plan with maximum premium: $2,852. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $4,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 828 plans available; Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $467; Plan with median premium: $1,496; Plan with maximum premium: $3,280. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $4,500; Plan with median premium: $4,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 64: In New Mexico, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64; 828 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,136; Plan with median premium: $3,934; Plan with maximum premium: $8,680. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 15%; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 828 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,238; Plan with median premium: $4,481; Plan with maximum premium: $9,982. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $3,000; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 15%; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 828 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,132; Plan with median premium: $3,934; Plan with maximum premium: $8,680. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: 3,500; Plan with maximum premium: 1,500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 15%; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 828 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,238; Plan with median premium: $4,461; Plan with maximum premium: $9,982. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $1,200; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $3,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 65: In New York, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19; 120 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,986; Plan with median premium: $5,750; Plan with maximum premium: $24,324. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: No Maximum; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: No Maximum; Plan with median premium: No Maximum; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 120 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,986; Plan with median premium: $5,750; Plan with maximum premium: $24,324. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: No Maximum; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: No Maximum; Plan with median premium: No Maximum; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 120 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,986; Plan with median premium: $5,750; Plan with maximum premium: $24,324. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: No Maximum; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: No Maximum; Plan with median premium: No Maximum; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 120 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,986; Plan with median premium: $5,750; Plan with maximum premium: $24,324. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: No Maximum; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: No Maximum; Plan with median premium: No Maximum; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Legend: N/A=Not applicable (value was not reported by the insurer): Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 66: In New York, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64; 120 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,986; Plan with median premium: $5,750; Plan with maximum premium: $24,324. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: No Maximum; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: No Maximum; Plan with median premium: No Maximum; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 120 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,986; Plan with median premium: $5,750; Plan with maximum premium: $24,324. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: No Maximum; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: No Maximum; Plan with median premium: No Maximum; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 120 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,986; Plan with median premium: $5,750; Plan with maximum premium: $24,324. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $N/A; Plan with median premium: No Maximum; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: No Maximum; Plan with median premium: No Maximum; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 120 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,986; Plan with median premium: $5,750; Plan with maximum premium: $24,324. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: No Maximum; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: No Maximum; Plan with median premium: No Maximum; Plan with maximum premium: N/A. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Legend: N/A=Not applicable (value was not reported by the insurer): Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 67: In North Carolina, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19; 2,062 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $505; Plan with median premium: $1,368; Plan with maximum premium: $6,618. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $1,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 2,062 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $595; Plan with median premium: $1,617; Plan with maximum premium: $7,431. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $7,000; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 50%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 2,062 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $537; Plan with median premium: $1,495; Plan with maximum premium: $7,585. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,850; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $5,350; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 50%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 2,062 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $632; Plan with median premium: $1,767; Plan with maximum premium: $9,919. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,600; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 68: In North Carolina, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64; 2,062 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $2,043; Plan with median premium: $6,263; Plan with maximum premium: $27,707. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $5,500; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 2,062 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $3,024; Plan with median premium: $8,746; Plan with maximum premium: $37,283. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $12,500; Plan with median premium: $11,000; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 50%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 2,062 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $2,112; Plan with median premium: $6,159; Plan with maximum premium: $27,787. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $12,500; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 2,062 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $2,112; Plan with median premium: $8,700; Plan with maximum premium: $36,659. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $1,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $12,500; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 69: In North Dakota, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19; 250 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $490; Plan with median premium: $1,233; Plan with maximum premium: $3,271. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $2,850; Plan with maximum premium: $250. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,350; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 50%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 250 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $490; Plan with median premium: $1,342; Plan with maximum premium: $3,271. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $250. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $11,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 250 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $490; Plan with median premium: $1,233; Plan with maximum premium: $3,271. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $2,850; Plan with maximum premium: $250. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,350; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 50%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 250 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $490; Plan with median premium: $1,342; Plan with maximum premium: $3,271. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $250. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $11,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 70: In North Dakota, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64; 248 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $2,064; Plan with median premium: $4,329; Plan with maximum premium: $8,745. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $3,650; Plan with maximum premium: $250. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,650; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 248 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $2,064; Plan with median premium: $6,430; Plan with maximum premium: $13,562. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $12,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 248 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $2,064; Plan with median premium: $4,329; Plan with maximum premium: $8,745. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $3,650; Plan with maximum premium: $250. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,650; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 248 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $2,064; Plan with median premium: $6,430; Plan with maximum premium: $13,562. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $12,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 71: In Ohio, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19; 2,440 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $444; Plan with median premium: $1,368; Plan with maximum premium: $6,872. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: N/A; Plan with maximum premium: $750. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: N/A; Plan with maximum premium: $3,750. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 2,440 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $444; Plan with median premium: $1,646; Plan with maximum premium: $6,872. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $750. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,750. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 2,440 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $552; Plan with median premium: $1,609; Plan with maximum premium: $8,044. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $750. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,750. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 2,440 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $552; Plan with median premium: $1,973; Plan with maximum premium: $8,044. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $2,600; Plan with maximum premium: $750. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $2,600; Plan with maximum premium: $3,750. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Legend: N/A = Not applicable (value was not reported by the insurer): Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 72: In Ohio, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64; 2,440 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $2,207; Plan with median premium: $6,364; Plan with maximum premium: $30,759. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: $1,500; Plan with maximum premium: $750. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: $4,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,750. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 2,440 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $2,268; Plan with median premium: $7,860; Plan with maximum premium: $30,759. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $750. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $4,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,750. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 2,440 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $2,148; Plan with median premium: $6,264; Plan with maximum premium: $28,919. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $500; Plan with maximum premium: $750. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,750. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 2,440 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $2,148; Plan with median premium: $7,650; Plan with maximum premium: $28,919. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $500; Plan with maximum premium: $750. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,750. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 50%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Legend: N/A=Not applicable (value was not reported by the insurer): Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 73: In Oklahoma, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19; 1,101 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $504; Plan with median premium: $1,528; Plan with maximum premium: $4,584. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: No Maximum; Plan with median premium: $4,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 1,087 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $600; Plan with median premium: $1,800; Plan with maximum premium: $5,191. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: No Maximum; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 1,101 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $612; Plan with median premium: $1,718; Plan with maximum premium: $8,760. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $1,000; Plan with maximum premium: $200. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: No Maximum; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 1,087 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $732; Plan with median premium: $2,033; Plan with maximum premium: $10,404. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $200. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: No Maximum; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 74: In Oklahoma, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64; 1,101 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $3,060; Plan with median premium: $7,959; Plan with maximum premium: $19,812. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,600; Plan with maximum premium: $200. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: No Maximum; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 1,087 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $3,636; Plan with median premium: $9,559; Plan with maximum premium: $23,544. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,600; Plan with maximum premium: $200. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: No Maximum; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 1,101 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $2,616; Plan with median premium: $7,624; Plan with maximum premium: $17,098. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,600; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: No Maximum; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 1,087 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $2,868; Plan with median premium: $9,104; Plan with maximum premium: $21,561. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $1,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $12,500; Plan with median premium: $4,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 75: In Oregon, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19; 725 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $432; Plan with median premium: $1,325; Plan with maximum premium: $2,832. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $11,000; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 131 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $432; Plan with median premium: $1,140; Plan with maximum premium: $2,832. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $7,500; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 725 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $432; Plan with median premium: $1,325; Plan with maximum premium: $2,832. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $11,000; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 131 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $432; Plan with median premium: $1,140; Plan with maximum premium: $2,832. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $7,500; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 76: In Oregon, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64; 725 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,956; Plan with median premium: $4,928; Plan with maximum premium: $11,964. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $15,000; Plan with median premium: $6,250; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: 50%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 131 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,956; Plan with median premium: $5,472; Plan with maximum premium: $11,964. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $15,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 725 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,956; Plan with median premium: $4,928; Plan with maximum premium: $11,964. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $15,000; Plan with median premium: $6,250; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: 50%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 31 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,956; Plan with median premium: $5,472; Plan with maximum premium: $11,964. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $15,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 77: In Pennsylvania, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19; 2,128 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $535; Plan with median premium: $1,512; Plan with maximum premium: $9,105. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $5,500. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 2,114 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $535; Plan with median premium: $1,726; Plan with maximum premium: $9,105. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $5,500. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 2,128 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $597; Plan with median premium: $1,746; Plan with maximum premium: $9,105. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,050; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $5,500. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 2,114 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $597; Plan with median premium: $1,896; Plan with maximum premium: $9,105. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,050; Plan with median premium: No Maximum; Plan with maximum premium: $5,500. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 78: In Pennsylvania, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64; 2,128 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,761; Plan with median premium: $7,763; Plan with maximum premium: $29,045. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $0; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $0; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 15%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 2,114 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,761; Plan with median premium: $8,711; Plan with maximum premium: $29,045. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $0; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $0; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 15%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 2,128 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,761; Plan with median premium: $7,280; Plan with maximum premium: $27,075. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $0; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $0; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 15%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 2,114 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,761; Plan with median premium: $8,293; Plan with maximum premium: $27,075. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $0; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $0; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 15%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 79: In Rhode Island, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19; 6 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,151; Plan with median premium: $1,853; Plan with maximum premium: $2,350. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $2,500; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $7,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 6 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $3,023; Plan with median premium: $4,866; Plan with maximum premium: $6,172. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $2,500; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $7,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 6 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,609; Plan with median premium: $2,591; Plan with maximum premium: $3,286. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $2,500; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $7,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 6 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $3,023; Plan with median premium: $4,866; Plan with maximum premium: $6,172. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $2,500; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $7,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 80: In Rhode Island, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64; 6 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $3,725; Plan with median premium: $5,996; Plan with maximum premium: $7,605. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $2,500; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $7,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 6 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $4,535; Plan with median premium: $7,300; Plan with maximum premium: $9,258. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $2,500; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $7,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 6 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $3,725; Plan with median premium: $5,996; Plan with maximum premium: $7,605. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $2,500; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $7,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 6 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $4,535; Plan with median premium: $7,300; Plan with maximum premium: $9,258. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $2,500; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $7,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 81: In South Carolina, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19; 1,103 plans available, Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $546; Plan with median premium: $1,584; Plan with maximum premium: $4,782. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $3,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 1,103 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $546; Plan with median premium: $1,728; Plan with maximum premium: $5,425. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $3,000; Plan with median premium: $12,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 1,103 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $674; Plan with median premium: $1,905; Plan with maximum premium: $5,800. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $3,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 1,103 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $674; Plan with median premium: $2,063; Plan with maximum premium: $7,331. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $3,000; Plan with median premium: $7,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 82: In South Carolina, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64; 1,103 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $2,338; Plan with median premium: $8,556; Plan with maximum premium: $22,471. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $250; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 1,103 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $2,338; Plan with median premium: $10,714; Plan with maximum premium: $25,841. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $250; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $1,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 1,103 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $2,376; Plan with median premium: $7,699; Plan with maximum premium: $21,552. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $12,500; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 1,103 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $2,376; Plan with median premium: $9,667; Plan with maximum premium: $24,784. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $12,500; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 93: In South Dakota, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19; 626 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $316; Plan with median premium: $1,946; Plan with maximum premium: $4,044. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $11,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 626 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $380; Plan with median premium: $2,290; Plan with maximum premium: $4,651. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $11,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 626 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $355; Plan with median premium: $2,148; Plan with maximum premium: $6,511. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $4,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 10%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 626 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $426; Plan with median premium: $2,471; Plan with maximum premium: $7,162. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $4,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 10%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 84: In South Dakota, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64; 626 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,507; Plan with median premium: $9,144; Plan with maximum premium: $20,224. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $4,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: $20%; Plan with maximum premium: $20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 626 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,808; Plan with median premium: $11,734; Plan with maximum premium: $23,258. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $1,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $4,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 626 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,507; Plan with median premium: $9,144; Plan with maximum premium: $20,224. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $4,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 626 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,808; Plan with median premium: $11,922; Plan with maximum premium: $24,007. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $7,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $15,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 40%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 85: In Tennessee, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19; 1,161 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $469; Plan with median premium: $1,505; Plan with maximum premium: $4,790. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $1,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,500; Plan with median premium: $6,500; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 1,161 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $587; Plan with median premium: $1,750; Plan with maximum premium: $5,389. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $1,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,500; Plan with median premium: $1,500; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 1,161 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $599; Plan with median premium: $1,735; Plan with maximum premium: $5,512. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,500; Plan with median premium: $7,500; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 1,161 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $749; Plan with median premium: $2,012; Plan with maximum premium: $7,236. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,500; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 86: In Tennessee, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64; 1,161 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,869; Plan with median premium: $7,320; Plan with maximum premium: $21,304. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,500; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 1,161 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $2,804; Plan with median premium: $9,259; Plan with maximum premium: $26,610. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,500; Plan with median premium: $4,500; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 1,161 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,752; Plan with median premium: $6,924; Plan with maximum premium: $20,433. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $1,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,500; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 1,161 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $2,629; Plan with median premium: $8,866; Plan with maximum premium: $26,324. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $1,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,500; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 87: In Texas, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19; $5,422 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $363; Plan with median premium: $1,203; Plan with maximum premium: $4,790. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $11,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 5,422 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $427; Plan with median premium: $1,439; Plan with maximum premium: $5,266. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $9,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 5,422 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $387; Plan with median premium: $1,433; Plan with maximum premium: $6,625. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $9,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 5,422 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $456; Plan with median premium: $1,693; Plan with maximum premium: $7,285. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $7,500; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $13,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 88: In Texas, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64; 5,422 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,464; Plan with median premium: $5,624; Plan with maximum premium: $24,372. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $250. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $7,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 15%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 5,422 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $2,584; Plan with median premium: $8,653; Plan with maximum premium: $30,456. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $250. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $11,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 15%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 5,422 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,616; Plan with median premium: $5,288; Plan with maximum premium: $20,508. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $250. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 15%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 5,422 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $2,760; Plan with median premium: $8,052; Plan with maximum premium: $25,644. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $250. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $12,500; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 15%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 89: In Utah, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19; 524 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $359; Plan with median premium: $1,140; Plan with maximum premium: $3,383. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,200. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $7,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,600. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: $35%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 524 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $359; Plan with median premium: $1,203; Plan with maximum premium: $3,383. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,200. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $7,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,600. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 35%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 524 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $359; Plan with median premium: $1,174; Plan with maximum premium: $4,398. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,200. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,600. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 35%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 524 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $359; Plan with median premium: $1,232; Plan with maximum premium: $4,398. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,200. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,600. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 35%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 90: In Utah, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64; 524 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,529; Plan with median premium: $4,700; Plan with maximum premium: $16,746. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,200. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $7,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,600. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 35%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 524 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,529; Plan with median premium: $5,223; Plan with maximum premium: $16,746. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,200. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,600. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 35%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 524 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,529; Plan with median premium: $4,745; Plan with maximum premium: $12,686. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,200. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $7,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,600. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 35%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 524 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,529; Plan with median premium: $5,223; Plan with maximum premium: $16,073. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $5,500. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 35%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 91: In Vermont, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19; 5 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $657; Plan with median premium: $2,462; Plan with maximum premium: $3,462. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $100,000; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: No Maximum; Plan with median premium: No Maximum; Plan with maximum premium: No Maximum. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 30%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 5 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $657; Plan with median premium: $2,462; Plan with maximum premium: $3,462. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $100,000; Plan with median premium: 10,000; Plan with maximum premium: 3,500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: No Maximum; Plan with median premium: No Maximum; Plan with maximum premium: No Maximum. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 30%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 5 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $657; Plan with median premium: $2,462; Plan with maximum premium: $3,462. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $100,000; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: No Maximum; Plan with median premium: No Maximum; Plan with maximum premium: No Maximum. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 30%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 5 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $657; Plan with median premium: $2,462; Plan with maximum premium: $3,462. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $100,000; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: No Maximum; Plan with median premium: No Maximum; Plan with maximum premium: No Maximum. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 30%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 92: In Vermont, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64; 5 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $985; Plan with median premium: $3,693; Plan with maximum premium: $5,193. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $100,000; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: No Maximum; Plan with median premium: No Maximum; Plan with maximum premium: No Maximum. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 30%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 5 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $985; Plan with median premium: $3,693; Plan with maximum premium: $5,193. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $100,000; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: No Maximum; Plan with median premium: No Maximum; Plan with maximum premium: No Maximum. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 30%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 5 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $985; Plan with median premium: $3,693; Plan with maximum premium: $5,193. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $100,000; Plan with median premium: 10,000; Plan with maximum premium: 3,500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: No Maximum; Plan with median premium: No Maximum; Plan with maximum premium: No Maximum. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 30%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 5 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $985; Plan with median premium: $3,693; Plan with maximum premium: $5,193. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $100,000; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: No Maximum; Plan with median premium: No Maximum; Plan with maximum premium: No Maximum. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 30%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 93: In Virginia, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19; 711 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $396; Plan with median premium: $1,234; Plan with maximum premium: $11,580. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $750; Plan with maximum premium: $750. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $11,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 711 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $492; Plan with median premium: $1,416; Plan with maximum premium: $11,580. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $750. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $11,000; Plan with median premium: $7,000; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 711 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $456; Plan with median premium: $1,465; Plan with maximum premium: $11,580. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $750. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $11,000; Plan with median premium: $7,000; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 711 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $576; Plan with median premium: $1,760; Plan with maximum premium: $11,580. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $750. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $11,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 94: In Virginia, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64; 711 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,608; Plan with median premium: $6,240; Plan with maximum premium: $48,372. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $100. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $11,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 10%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $2,004; Plan with median premium: $8,052; Plan with maximum premium: $48,372. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $100. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $11,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 10%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 711 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,248; Plan with median premium: $4,979; Plan with maximum premium: $48,372. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $100. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $11,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 10%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 711 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,560; Plan with median premium: $6,381; Plan with maximum premium: $48,372. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $5,200; Plan with maximum premium: $100. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $11,000; Plan with median premium: $5,200; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 10%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 95: In Washington, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19; 69 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $936; Plan with median premium: $1,488; Plan with maximum premium: $3,900. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,800. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $8,500; Plan with maximum premium: $8,300. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 25%; Plan with maximum premium: 35%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 69 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,080; Plan with median premium: $1,776; Plan with maximum premium: $4,524. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,800. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $8,000; Plan with maximum premium: $8,300. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 40%; Plan with maximum premium: 35%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 69 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $936; Plan with median premium: $1,488; Plan with maximum premium: $3,900. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,800. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $8,500; Plan with maximum premium: $8,300. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 25%; Plan with maximum premium: 35%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 69 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,080; Plan with median premium: $1,776; Plan with maximum premium: $4,524. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,800. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $8,000; Plan with maximum premium: $8,300. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 40%; Plan with maximum premium: 35%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 96: In Washington, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64; 69 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $3,444; Plan with median premium: $5,484; Plan with maximum premium: $13,416. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,800. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $7,500; Plan with maximum premium: $8,300. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 35%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 69 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $3,960; Plan with median premium: $6,420; Plan with maximum premium: $15,588. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,800. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $8,300. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 35%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 69 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $3,444; Plan with median premium: $5,484; Plan with maximum premium: $13,416. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,800. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $7,500; Plan with maximum premium: $8,300. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 30%; Plan with maximum premium: 35%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 69 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $3,960; Plan with median premium: $6,420; Plan with maximum premium: $15,588. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,800. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $8,300. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 35%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 97: In West Virginia, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19; 1,766 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $511; Plan with median premium: $1,369; Plan with maximum premium: $5,796. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 1,766 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $601; Plan with median premium: $1,575; Plan with maximum premium: $5,960. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 1,766 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $541; Plan with median premium: $1,430; Plan with maximum premium: $5,963. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,850; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $4,850; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 1,766 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $636; Plan with median premium: $1,646; Plan with maximum premium: $6,144. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $5,500; Plan with maximum premium: $5,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 50%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 98: In West Virginia, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64; 1,766 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $2,086; Plan with median premium: $6,474; Plan with maximum premium: $16,958. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $1,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 1,766 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $3,682; Plan with median premium: $8,800; Plan with maximum premium: $19,502. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $4,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: $20%; Plan with maximum premium: $20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 1,766 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $2,299; Plan with median premium: $6,135; Plan with maximum premium: $16,265. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 1,766 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $4,057; Plan with median premium: $8,478; Plan with maximum premium: $19,994. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $9,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,850. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 50%; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 99: In Wisconsin, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19; 18,151 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $415; Plan with median premium: $1,193; Plan with maximum premium: $3,763. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 18,151 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $490; Plan with median premium: $1,602; Plan with maximum premium: $5,310. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $3,500; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $4,500; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 18,151 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $436; Plan with median premium: $1,470; Plan with maximum premium: $4,956. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 18,151 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $557; Plan with median premium: $1,949; Plan with maximum premium: $6,996. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $3,500; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $4,500; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,500. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 100: In Wisconsin, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64; 18,259 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $2,059; Plan with median premium: $5,972; Plan with maximum premium: $17,827. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $20,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 18,259 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $2,676; Plan with median premium: $10,704; Plan with maximum premium: $20,502. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $20,000; Plan with median premium: $5,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 18,259 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,639; Plan with median premium: $4,895; Plan with maximum premium: $17,098. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $20,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 18,259 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $2,131; Plan with median premium: $8,765; Plan with maximum premium: $20,125. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $20,000; Plan with median premium: $5,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 50%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 101: In Wyoming, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19; 528 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $915; Plan with median premium: $1,809; Plan with maximum premium: $3,487. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $20,000; Plan with median premium: $2,600; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $20,000; Plan with median premium: $2,600; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; 528 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,114; Plan with median premium: $2,080; Plan with maximum premium: $4,010. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $2,600; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $10,500; Plan with median premium: $2,600; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 30%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 528 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $967; Plan with median premium: $1,955; Plan with maximum premium: $3,714. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $1,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $3,000; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 528 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $1,160; Plan with median premium: $2,248; Plan with maximum premium: $4,272. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $1,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $3,000; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 20%; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 102: In Wyoming, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan Finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64; 528 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $4,006; Plan with median premium: $9,812; Plan with maximum premium: $19,030. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $20,000; Plan with median premium: $500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $20,000; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 528 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $4,998; Plan with median premium: $11,553; Plan with maximum premium: $28,545. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $20,000; Plan with median premium: $2,600; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $20,000; Plan with median premium: $2,600; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; 528 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $3,642; Plan with median premium: $9,338; Plan with maximum premium: $17,801. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $20,000; Plan with median premium: $1,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $20,000; Plan with median premium: $4,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 528 plans available. Premium amount (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $4,540; Plan with median premium: $10,768; Plan with maximum premium: $20,471. Annual deductible (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $20,000; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-pocket maximum (dollars); Plan with minimum premium: $20,000; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 20%; Plan with maximum premium: 20%. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. The number of plans available state-wide may not reflect the total number of plans available to all individuals in the state, as insurers may offer some plans only in specific regions of a state. A single insurer may offer several plans within a state, and these plans may vary in the base premium or in the plan details, such as network and cost-sharing options. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] [End of section] Enclosure II: Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting for Urban and Rural Zip Codes for Selected States and Consumer Categories: Table 103: In Illinois, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market in One Urban and One Rural Zip Code for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19; Premium Amount (dollars): Urban Zip 60610 Chicago, IL: 194 plans available; Plan with minimum premium: $628; Plan with median premium: $1,441; Plan with maximum premium: $4,091; Rural Zip 60945 Iroquois, IL: 434 plans available; Plan with minimum premium: $564; Plan with median premium: $1,296; Plan with maximum premium: $3,030. Annual deductible (dollars): Urban Zip 60610 Chicago, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $0; Rural Zip 60945 Iroquois, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: $0. Out-of-Pocket maximum (dollars): Urban Zip 60610 Chicago, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $16,000; Plan with median premium: $1,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000; Rural Zip 60945 Iroquois, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $22,500; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Coinsurance (percent): Urban Zip 60610 Chicago, IL: Plan with minimum premium: 30; Plan with median premium: 20; Plan with maximum premium: 0; Rural Zip 60945 Iroquois, IL: Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Single male, smoker, age 19; Premium Amount (dollars): Urban Zip 60610 Chicago, IL: 194 plans available; Plan with minimum premium: $770; Plan with median premium: $1,801; Plan with maximum premium: $5,114; Rural Zip 60945 Iroquois, IL: 434 plans available; Plan with minimum premium: $564; Plan with median premium: $1,430; Plan with maximum premium: $3,788. Annual deductible (dollars): Urban Zip 60610 Chicago, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $0; Rural Zip 60945 Iroquois, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $1,250; Plan with maximum premium: $0. Out-of-Pocket maximum (dollars); Urban Zip 60610 Chicago, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $16,000; Plan with median premium: $1,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000; Rural Zip 60945 Iroquois, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $22,500; Plan with median premium: $4,250; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Coinsurance (percent); Urban Zip 60610 Chicago, IL: Plan with minimum premium: 30; Plan with median premium: 20; Plan with maximum premium: 0; Rural Zip 60945 Iroquois, IL: Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 20; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; Premium Amount (dollars): Urban Zip 60610 Chicago, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $836; Plan with median premium: $2,227; Plan with maximum premium: $13,944; Rural Zip 60945 Iroquois, IL: 434 plans available; Plan with minimum premium: $663; Plan with median premium: $1,920; Plan with maximum premium: $14,184. Annual deductible (dollars); Urban Zip 60610 Chicago, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $500; Plan with maximum premium: $0; Rural Zip 60945 Iroquois, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $0. Out-of-Pocket maximum (dollars); Urban Zip 60610 Chicago, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $16,000; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000; Rural Zip 60945 Iroquois, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $3,000; Plan with median premium: N/A; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Urban Zip 60610 Chicago, IL: Plan with minimum premium: 30; Plan with median premium: 20; Plan with maximum premium: 0; Rural Zip 60945 Iroquois, IL: Plan with minimum premium: 20; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; Premium Amount (dollars): Urban Zip 60610 Chicago, IL: 194 plans available; Plan with minimum premium: $994; Plan with median premium: $2,783; Plan with maximum premium: $17,430; Rural Zip 60945 Iroquois, IL: 434 plans available; Plan with minimum premium: $720; Plan with median premium: $2,031; Plan with maximum premium: $14,184. Annual deductible (dollars); Urban Zip 60610 Chicago, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $500; Plan with maximum premium: $0; Rural Zip 60945 Iroquois, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $250; Plan with maximum premium: $0. Out-of-Pocket maximum (dollars); Urban Zip 60610 Chicago, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $16,000; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000; Rural Zip 60945 Iroquois, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $22,500; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Urban Zip 60610 Chicago, IL: Plan with minimum premium: 30; Plan with median premium: 20; Plan with maximum premium: 0; Rural Zip 60945 Iroquois, IL: Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 20; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Legend: N/A=Not applicable (value was not reported by the insurer): Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. Urban and rural classifications were based on the Rural-Urban Commuting Area (RUCA) codes developed by the Department of Agriculture's Economic Research Service which are based on patterns of urbanization, population density, and daily commuting patterns. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 104: In Illinois, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market in One Urban and One Rural Zip Code for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64; 194 plans available; Urban Zip 60610 Chicago, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $3,210; Plan with median premium: $7,471; Plan with maximum premium: $21,212; Rural Zip 60945 Iroquois, IL: 434 plans available; Plan with minimum premium: $2,832; Plan with median premium: $6,516; Plan with maximum premium: $15,711. Annual deductible (dollars); Urban Zip 60610 Chicago, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $0; Rural Zip 60945 Iroquois, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $1,250; Plan with maximum premium: $0. Out-of-Pocket maximum (dollars); Urban Zip 60610 Chicago, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $16,000; Plan with median premium: $1,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000; Rural Zip 60945 Iroquois, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $22,500; Plan with median premium: $4,250; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Coinsurance (percent); Urban Zip 60610 Chicago, IL: Plan with minimum premium: 30; Plan with median premium: 20; Plan with maximum premium: 0; Rural Zip 60945 Iroquois, IL: Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; Premium Amount (dollars); Urban Zip 60610 Chicago, IL: 194 plans available; Plan with minimum premium: $4,739; Plan with median premium: $9,652; Plan with maximum premium: $26,515; Rural Zip 60945 Iroquois, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $2,832; Plan with median premium: $7,247; Plan with maximum premium: $19,639. Annual deductible (dollars); Urban Zip 60610 Chicago, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $1,000; Plan with maximum premium: $0; Rural Zip 60945 Iroquois, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $1,750; Plan with maximum premium: $0. Out-of-Pocket maximum (dollars); Urban Zip 60610 Chicago, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $16,000; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000; Rural Zip 60945 Iroquois, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $22,500; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Coinsurance (percent); Urban Zip 60610 Chicago, IL: Plan with minimum premium: 30; Plan with median premium: 20; Plan with maximum premium: 0; Rural Zip 60945 Iroquois, IL: Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 20; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; Urban Zip 60610 Chicago, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $2,884; Plan with median premium: $6,910; Plan with maximum premium: $23,733; Rural Zip 60945 Iroquois, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $2,160; Plan with median premium: $5,697; Plan with maximum premium: 17,579. Annual deductible (dollars); Urban Zip 60610 Chicago, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $0; Rural Zip 60945 Iroquois, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $1,250; Plan with maximum premium: $0. Out-of-Pocket maximum (dollars); Urban Zip 60610 Chicago, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $16,000; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000; Rural Zip 60945 Iroquois, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $22,500; Plan with median premium: $4,250; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Coinsurance (percent); Urban Zip 60610 Chicago, IL: Plan with minimum premium: 30; Plan with median premium: 20; Plan with maximum premium: 0; Rural Zip 60945 Iroquois, IL: Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; Urban Zip 60610 Chicago, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $4,015; Plan with median premium: $8,941; Plan with maximum premium: $29,667; Rural Zip 60945 Iroquois, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $2,160; Plan with median premium: $6,289; Plan with maximum premium: $21,974. Annual deductible (dollars); Urban Zip 60610 Chicago, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $0; Rural Zip 60945 Iroquois, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $500; Plan with maximum premium: $0. Out-of-Pocket maximum (dollars); Urban Zip 60610 Chicago, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $3,000; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000; Rural Zip 60945 Iroquois, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $22,500; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Coinsurance (percent); Urban Zip 60610 Chicago, IL: Plan with minimum premium: 20; Plan with median premium: 30; Plan with maximum premium: 0; Rural Zip 60945 Iroquois, IL: Plan with minimum premium: $0; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 0. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. Urban and rural classifications were based on the Rural-Urban Commuting Area (RUCA) codes developed by the Department of Agriculture's Economic Research Service which are based on patterns of urbanization, population density, and daily commuting patterns. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 105: In Nevada, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market in One Urban and One Rural Zip Code for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19; Premium Amount (dollars); Urban Zip 89002 Henderson, NV: 122 plans available; Plan with minimum premium: $318; Plan with median premium: $1,055; Plan with maximum premium: $5,410; Rural Zip 89444 Wellington, NV: 90 plans available; Plan with minimum premium: $456; Plan with median premium: $1,168; Plan with maximum premium: $5,895. Annual deductible (dollars); Urban Zip 89002 Henderson, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $2,000; Plan with median premium: $500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500; Rural Zip 89444 Wellington, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Out-of-Pocket maximum (dollars); Urban Zip 89002 Henderson, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $4,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $4,500; Rural Zip 89444 Wellington, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $3,000; Plan with median premium: $7,000; Plan with maximum premium: $4,500. Coinsurance (percent); Urban Zip 89002 Henderson, NV: Plan with minimum premium: 50; Plan with median premium: ; Plan with maximum premium: 30; Rural Zip 89444 Wellington, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $20; Plan with median premium: 20; Plan with maximum premium: 30. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; Premium Amount (dollars); Urban Zip 89002 Henderson, NV: 113 plans available; Plan with minimum premium: $382; Plan with median premium: $1,266; Plan with maximum premium: $7,307; Rural Zip 89444 Wellington, NV: 82 plans available; Plan with minimum premium: $549; Plan with median premium: 1,346; Plan with maximum premium: $7,962. Annual deductible (dollars); Urban Zip 89002 Henderson, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $2,000; Plan with median premium: $500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500; Rural Zip 89444 Wellington, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Out-of-Pocket maximum (dollars); Urban Zip 89002 Henderson, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $4,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $4,500; Rural Zip 89444 Wellington, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $3,000; Plan with median premium: $0; Plan with maximum premium: $4,500. Coinsurance (percent); Urban Zip 89002 Henderson, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $50; Plan with median premium: $0; Plan with maximum premium: $30; Rural Zip 89444 Wellington, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $20; Plan with median premium: $0; Plan with maximum premium: $30. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; 122 plans available; Premium Amount (dollars); Urban Zip 89002 Henderson, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $408; Plan with median premium: $1,234; Plan with maximum premium: $8,181; Rural Zip 89444 Wellington, NV: 90 plans available; Plan with minimum premium: $471; Plan with median premium: $1,306; Plan with maximum premium: $8,922. Annual deductible (dollars); Urban Zip 89002 Henderson, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $2,000; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500; Rural Zip 89444 Wellington, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Out-of-Pocket maximum (dollars); Urban Zip 89002 Henderson, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $4,000; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $4,500; Rural Zip 89444 Wellington, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $3,000; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $4,500. Coinsurance (percent); Urban Zip 89002 Henderson, NV: Plan with minimum premium: 50; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 30; Rural Zip 89444 Wellington, NV: Plan with minimum premium: 20; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 30. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; 113 plans available; Premium Amount (dollars); Urban Zip 89002 Henderson, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $490; Plan with median premium: $1,459; Plan with maximum premium: $11,049; Rural Zip 89444 Wellington, NV: 82 plans available; Plan with minimum premium: $568; Plan with median premium: $1,479; Plan with maximum premium: $12,050. Annual deductible (dollars); Urban Zip 89002 Henderson, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $2,000; Plan with median premium: N/A; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500; Rural Zip 89444 Wellington, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: 2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Out-of-Pocket maximum (dollars); Urban Zip 89002 Henderson, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $4,000; Plan with median premium: $0; Plan with maximum premium: $4,500; Rural Zip 89444 Wellington, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $3,000; Plan with median premium: $0; Plan with maximum premium: $4,500. Coinsurance (percent); Urban Zip 89002 Henderson, NV: Plan with minimum premium: 50; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 30; Rural Zip 89444 Wellington, NV: Plan with minimum premium: 20; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: $30. Legend: N/A=Not applicable (value was not reported by the insurer): Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. Urban and rural classifications were based on the Rural-Urban Commuting Area (RUCA) codes developed by the Department of Agriculture's Economic Research Service which are based on patterns of urbanization, population density, and daily commuting patterns. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 106: In Nevada, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market in One Urban and One Rural Zip Code for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64; 122 plans available; Premium Amount (dollars); Urban Zip 89002 Henderson, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $2,484; Plan with median premium: $,373; Plan with maximum premium: $0,592; Rural Zip 89444 Wellington, NV: 90 plans available; Plan with minimum premium: $2,816; Plan with median premium: $6,415; Plan with maximum premium: $21,946. Annual deductible (dollars); Urban Zip 89002 Henderson, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $3,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500; Rural Zip 89444 Wellington, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Out-of-Pocket maximum (dollars); Urban Zip 89002 Henderson, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $7,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $4,500; Rural Zip 89444 Wellington, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $3,000; Plan with median premium: $0; Plan with maximum premium: $4,500. Coinsurance (percent); Urban Zip 89002 Henderson, NV: Plan with minimum premium: 30; Plan with median premium: 30; Plan with maximum premium: 30; Rural Zip 89444 Wellington, NV: Plan with minimum premium: 20; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 30. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; 113 plans available; Premium Amount (dollars); Urban Zip 89002 Henderson, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $3,392; Plan with median premium: $8,230; Plan with maximum premium: $27,801; Rural Zip 89444 Wellington, NV: 82 plans available; Plan with minimum premium: $4,239; Plan with median premium: $8,701; Plan with maximum premium: $29,629. Annual deductible (dollars); Urban Zip 89002 Henderson, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $2,000; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500; Rural Zip 89444 Wellington, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Out-of-Pocket maximum (dollars); Urban Zip 89002 Henderson, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $4,000; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $4,500; Rural Zip 89444 Wellington, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $3,000; Plan with median premium: $4,500; Plan with maximum premium: $4,500. Coinsurance (percent); Urban Zip 89002 Henderson, NV: Plan with minimum premium: 50; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 30; Rural Zip 89444 Wellington, NV: Plan with minimum premium: 20; Plan with median premium: 20; Plan with maximum premium: 30. Rural Zip 89444 Wellington, NV: Plan with minimum premium: 20; Plan with median premium: 20; Plan with maximum premium: 30. Premium Amount (dollars); Urban Zip 89002 Henderson, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $2,096; Plan with median premium: $4,797; Plan with maximum premium: $18,666; Rural Zip 89444 Wellington, NV: 90 plans available; Plan with minimum premium: $2,096; Plan with median premium: $4,720; Plan with maximum premium: $19,971. Annual deductible (dollars); Urban Zip 89002 Henderson, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500; Rural Zip 89444 Wellington, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Out-of-Pocket maximum (dollars); Urban Zip 89002 Henderson, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $3,000; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $4,500; Rural Zip 89444 Wellington, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $3,000; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $4,500. Coinsurance (percent); Urban Zip 89002 Henderson, NV: Plan with minimum premium: 20; Plan with median premium: 20; Plan with maximum premium: 30; Rural Zip 89444 Wellington, NV: Plan with minimum premium: 20; Plan with median premium: 20; Plan with maximum premium: 30. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; 113 plans available; Premium Amount (dollars); Urban Zip 89002 Henderson, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $2,696; Plan with median premium: $6,541; Plan with maximum premium: $25,197; Rural Zip 89444 Wellington, NV: 82 plans available; Plan with minimum premium: $3,155 Plan with median premium: $6,417; Plan with maximum premium: $26,959. Annual deductible (dollars); Urban Zip 89002 Henderson, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $2,000; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500; Rural Zip 89444 Wellington, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Out-of-Pocket maximum (dollars); Urban Zip 89002 Henderson, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $4,000; Plan with median premium: $4,000; Plan with maximum premium: $4,500; Rural Zip 89444 Wellington, NV: Plan with minimum premium: $3,000; Plan with median premium: $7,000; Plan with maximum premium: $4,500. Coinsurance (percent); Urban Zip 89002 Henderson, NV: Plan with minimum premium: 50; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 30; Rural Zip 89444 Wellington, NV: Plan with minimum premium: 20; Plan with median premium: 20; Plan with maximum premium: 30. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. Urban and rural classifications were based on the Rural-Urban Commuting Area (RUCA) codes developed by the Department of Agriculture's Economic Research Service which are based on patterns of urbanization, population density, and daily commuting patterns. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 107: In Pennsylvania, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market in One Urban and One Rural Zip Code for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19; 86 plans available; Premium Amount (dollars); Urban Zip 15028 Coulters, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $557; Plan with median premium: $1,306; Plan with maximum premium: $9,105; Rural Zip 17212 Big Cove Ta, PA: 96 plans available; Plan with minimum premium: $535; Plan with median premium: $1,409; Plan with maximum premium: $9,081. Annual deductible (dollars); Urban Zip 15028 Coulters, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500; Rural Zip 17212 Big Cove Ta, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-Pocket maximum (dollars); Urban Zip 15028 Coulters, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $5,500; Rural Zip 17212 Big Cove Ta, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Urban Zip 15028 Coulters, PA: Plan with minimum premium: 15; Plan with median premium: 10; Plan with maximum premium: 20; Rural Zip 17212 Big Cove Ta, PA: Plan with minimum premium: 20; Plan with median premium: 20; Plan with maximum premium: 20. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; Premium Amount (dollars); Urban Zip 15028 Coulters, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $641; Plan with median premium: $1,481; Plan with maximum premium: $9,105; Rural Zip 17212 Big Cove Ta, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $535; Plan with median premium: $1,608; Plan with maximum premium: $9,081. Annual deductible (dollars); Urban Zip 15028 Coulters, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500; Rural Zip 17212 Big Cove Ta, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $1,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-Pocket maximum (dollars); Urban Zip 15028 Coulters, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $4,500; Plan with maximum premium: $5,500; Rural Zip 17212 Big Cove Ta, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Urban Zip 15028 Coulters, PA: Plan with minimum premium: 15; Plan with median premium: $20; Plan with maximum premium: $20; Rural Zip 17212 Big Cove Ta, PA: Plan with minimum premium: 20; Plan with median premium: 30; Plan with maximum premium: 20. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; Premium Amount (dollars); Urban Zip 15028 Coulters, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $688; Plan with median premium: $1,441; Plan with maximum premium: $9,105; Rural Zip 17212 Big Cove Ta, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $769; Plan with median premium: $1,662; Plan with maximum premium: $9,081. Annual deductible (dollars); Urban Zip 15028 Coulters, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $1,200; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500; Rural Zip 17212 Big Cove Ta, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $1,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-Pocket maximum (dollars); Urban Zip 15028 Coulters, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,200; Plan with maximum premium: $5,500; Rural Zip 17212 Big Cove Ta, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,250; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Urban Zip 15028 Coulters, PA: Plan with minimum premium: 15; Plan with median premium: 10; Plan with maximum premium: 20; Rural Zip 17212 Big Cove Ta, PA: Plan with minimum premium: 20; Plan with median premium: 15; Plan with maximum premium: 20. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; Premium Amount (dollars); Urban Zip 15028 Coulters, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $691; Plan with median premium: $1,652; Plan with maximum premium: $9,105; Rural Zip 17212 Big Cove Ta, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $769; Plan with median premium: $1,821; Plan with maximum premium: $9,081. Annual deductible (dollars); Urban Zip 15028 Coulters, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $2,600; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500; Rural Zip 17212 Big Cove Ta, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $0; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000. Out-of-Pocket maximum (dollars); Urban Zip 15028 Coulters, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $1,050; Plan with median premium: $2,600; Plan with maximum premium: $5,500; Rural Zip 17212 Big Cove Ta, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $0; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Urban Zip 15028 Coulters, PA: Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20; Rural Zip 17212 Big Cove Ta, PA: Plan with minimum premium: 20; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. Urban and rural classifications were based on the Rural-Urban Commuting Area (RUCA) codes developed by the Department of Agriculture's Economic Research Service which are based on patterns of urbanization, population density, and daily commuting patterns. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 108: In Pennsylvania, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market in One Urban and One Rural Zip Code for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64; 86 plans available; [Empty]; Premium Amount (dollars); Urban Zip 15028 Coulters, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $2,140; Plan with median premium: $6,783; Plan with maximum premium: $18,859; Rural Zip 17212 Big Cove Ta, PA: 96 plans available; Plan with minimum premium: $1,821; Plan with median premium: $6,707; Plan with maximum premium: $29,045. Annual deductible (dollars); Urban Zip 15028 Coulters, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $0; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000; Rural Zip 17212 Big Cove Ta, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $0; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-Pocket maximum (dollars); Urban Zip 15028 Coulters, PA: Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: $4,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000; Rural Zip 17212 Big Cove Ta, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $0; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Coinsurance (percent); Urban Zip 15028 Coulters, PA: Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 20; Plan with maximum premium: 20; Rural Zip 17212 Big Cove Ta, PA: Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 20; Plan with maximum premium: 15. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; Premium Amount (dollars); Urban Zip 15028 Coulters, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $2,140; Plan with median premium: $7,467; Plan with maximum premium: $21,688; Rural Zip 17212 Big Cove Ta, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $1,821; Plan with median premium: $7,210; Plan with maximum premium: $29,045. Annual deductible (dollars); Urban Zip 15028 Coulters, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $0; Plan with median premium: $1,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000; Rural Zip 17212 Big Cove Ta, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $0; Plan with median premium: $2,500; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-Pocket maximum (dollars); Urban Zip 15028 Coulters, PA: Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000; Rural Zip 17212 Big Cove Ta, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $0; Plan with median premium: $6,000; PA: Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Coinsurance (percent); Urban Zip 15028 Coulters, PA: Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 20; Plan with maximum premium: 20; Rural Zip 17212 Big Cove Ta, PA: Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 20; Plan with maximum premium: 15. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; Premium Amount (dollars); Urban Zip 15028 Coulters, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $2,140; Plan with median premium: $5,930; Plan with maximum premium: $18,155; Rural Zip 17212 Big Cove Ta, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $1,821; Plan with median premium: $6,005; Plan with maximum premium: $27,075. Annual deductible (dollars); Urban Zip 15028 Coulters, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $0; Plan with median premium: $500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000; Rural Zip 17212 Big Cove Ta, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $0; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-Pocket maximum (dollars); Urban Zip 15028 Coulters, PA: Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: $1,750; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000; Rural Zip 17212 Big Cove Ta, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $0; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Coinsurance (percent); Urban Zip 15028 Coulters, PA: Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 10; Plan with maximum premium: 20; Rural Zip 17212 Big Cove Ta, PA: Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 10; Plan with maximum premium: 15. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; Premium Amount (dollars); Urban Zip 15028 Coulters, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $2,140; Plan with median premium: $6,408; Plan with maximum premium: $20,879; Rural Zip 17212 Big Cove Ta, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $1,821; Plan with median premium: $6,591; Plan with maximum premium: $27,075. Annual deductible (dollars); Urban Zip 15028 Coulters, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $0; Plan with median premium: $1,500; Plan with maximum premium: $1,000; Rural Zip 17212 Big Cove Ta, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $0; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-Pocket maximum (dollars); Urban Zip 15028 Coulters, PA: Plan with minimum premium: N/A; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $2,000; Rural Zip 17212 Big Cove Ta, PA: Plan with minimum premium: $0; Plan with median premium: $10,000; Plan with maximum premium: $1,500. Coinsurance (percent); Urban Zip 15028 Coulters, PA: Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 30; Plan with maximum premium: 20; Rural Zip 17212 Big Cove Ta, PA: Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 15. Legend: N/A=Not applicable (value was not reported by the insurer): Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. Urban and rural classifications were based on the Rural-Urban Commuting Area (RUCA) codes developed by the Department of Agriculture's Economic Research Service which are based on patterns of urbanization, population density, and daily commuting patterns. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 109: In Texas, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market in One Urban and One Rural Zip Code for Individuals, Age 19, Displayed on the Plan finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 19; Premium Amount (dollars); Urban Zip 75248 Dallas, TX: 228 plans available; Plan with minimum premium: $566; Plan with median premium: $1,285; Plan with maximum premium: $3,957; Rural Zip 79506 Blackwell, TX: 229 plans available; Plan with minimum premium: $624; Plan with median premium: $1,255; Plan with maximum premium: $3,403. Annual deductible (dollars); Urban Zip 75248 Dallas, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $2,000; Plan with maximum premium: $500; Rural Zip 79506 Blackwell, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $7,500; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-Pocket maximum (dollars); Urban Zip 75248 Dallas, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $7,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000; Rural Zip 79506 Blackwell, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $3,000; Plan with median premium: $7,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Urban Zip 75248 Dallas, TX: Plan with minimum premium: 50; Plan with median premium: 50; Plan with maximum premium: 20; Rural Zip 79506 Blackwell, TX: Plan with minimum premium: 25; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 19; Premium Amount (dollars); Urban Zip 75248 Dallas, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $666; Plan with median premium: $1,518; Plan with maximum premium: $4,350; Rural Zip 79506 Blackwell, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $728; Plan with median premium: $1,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,756. Annual deductible (dollars); Urban Zip 75248 Dallas, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $500; Rural Zip 79506 Blackwell, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $250. Out-of-Pocket maximum (dollars); Urban Zip 75248 Dallas, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000; Rural Zip 79506 Blackwell, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $5,000; Plan with median premium: $3,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Urban Zip 75248 Dallas, TX: Plan with minimum premium: 50; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 20; Rural Zip 79506 Blackwell, TX: Plan with minimum premium: 0; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 15. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 19; Premium Amount (dollars); Urban Zip 75248 Dallas, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $605; Plan with median premium: $1,532; Plan with maximum premium: $5,465; Rural Zip 79506 Blackwell, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $697; Plan with median premium: $1,512; Plan with maximum premium: $4,704. Annual deductible (dollars); Urban Zip 75248 Dallas, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $500; Rural Zip 79506 Blackwell, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $1,500; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-Pocket maximum (dollars); Urban Zip 75248 Dallas, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $11,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000; ; Rural Zip 79506 Blackwell, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Urban Zip 75248 Dallas, TX: Plan with minimum premium: 50; Plan with median premium: 30; Plan with maximum premium: 20; Rural Zip 79506 Blackwell, TX: Plan with minimum premium: 50; Plan with median premium: 30; Plan with maximum premium: 20. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 19; Premium Amount (dollars); Urban Zip 75248 Dallas, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $711; Plan with median premium: $1,817; Plan with maximum premium: $6,008; Rural Zip 79506 Blackwell, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $820; Plan with median premium: $1,806; Plan with maximum premium: $5,172. Annual deductible (dollars); Urban Zip 75248 Dallas, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $500; Rural Zip 79506 Blackwell, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $500. Out-of-Pocket maximum (dollars); Urban Zip 75248 Dallas, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000; Rural Zip 79506 Blackwell, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Urban Zip 75248 Dallas, TX: Plan with minimum premium: 50; Plan with median premium: 30; Plan with maximum premium: 20; Rural Zip 79506 Blackwell, TX: Plan with minimum premium: 50; Plan with median premium: 0; Rural Plan with maximum premium: 20. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. Urban and rural classifications were based on the Rural-Urban Commuting Area (RUCA) codes developed by the Department of Agriculture's Economic Research Service which are based on patterns of urbanization, population density, and daily commuting patterns. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] Table 110: In Texas, the Range of Annual Base Premiums Prior to Underwriting in the Individual (Nongroup) Market in One Urban and One Rural Zip Code for Individuals, Age 64, Displayed on the Plan finder in January 2013: Consumer type: Single male, nonsmoker, age 64; Premium Amount (dollars); Urban Zip 75248 Dallas, TX: 229 plans available; Plan with minimum premium: $2,284; Plan with median premium: $6,206; Plan with maximum premium: $21,972; Rural Zip 79506 Blackwell, TX: 229 plans available; Plan with minimum premium: $2,632; Plan with median premium: $6,115; Plan with maximum premium: $19,368. Annual deductible (dollars); Urban Zip 75248 Dallas, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $250; Rural Zip 79506 Blackwell, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $1,500; Plan with maximum premium: $250. Out-of-Pocket maximum (dollars); Urban Zip 75248 Dallas, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000; Rural Zip 79506 Blackwell, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $6,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Urban Zip 75248 Dallas, TX: Plan with minimum premium: 50; Plan with median premium: 20; Plan with maximum premium: 15; Rural Zip 79506 Blackwell, TX: Plan with minimum premium: 50; Plan with median premium: 30; Plan with maximum premium: 15. Consumer type: Single male, smoker, age 64; Premium Amount (dollars); Urban Zip 75248 Dallas, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $4,030; Plan with median premium: $9,120; Plan with maximum premium: $27,468; Rural Zip 79506 Blackwell, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $4,225; Plan with median premium: $9,124; Plan with maximum premium: $24,216. Annual deductible (dollars); Urban Zip 75248 Dallas, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $250; Rural Zip 79506 Blackwell, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $250. Out-of-Pocket maximum (dollars); Urban Zip 75248 Dallas, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000; Rural Zip 79506 Blackwell, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $9,500; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Urban Zip 75248 Dallas, TX: Plan with minimum premium: 50; Plan with median premium: 20; Plan with maximum premium: 15; Rural Zip 79506 Blackwell, TX: Plan with minimum premium: 30; Plan with median premium: 30; Rural Plan with maximum premium: 15. Consumer type: Single female, nonsmoker, age 64; Premium Amount (dollars); Urban Zip 75248 Dallas, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $2,521; Plan with median premium: $5,648; Plan with maximum premium: $18,492; Rural Zip 79506 Blackwell, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $2,612; Plan with median premium: $5,648; Plan with maximum premium: $16,296. Annual deductible (dollars); Urban Zip 75248 Dallas, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $250; Rural Zip 79506 Blackwell, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $5,000; Plan with maximum premium: $250. Out-of-Pocket maximum (dollars); Urban Zip 75248 Dallas, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $17,500; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000; Rural Zip 79506 Blackwell, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Urban Zip 75248 Dallas, TX: Plan with minimum premium: 50; Plan with median premium: 30; Plan with maximum premium: 15; Rural Zip 79506 Blackwell, TX: Plan with minimum premium: 30; Plan with median premium: 30; Plan with maximum premium: 15. Consumer type: Single female, smoker, age 64; Premium Amount (dollars); Urban Zip 75248 Dallas, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $3,624; Plan with median premium: $8,458; Plan with maximum premium: $23,124; Rural Zip 79506 Blackwell, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $4,161; Plan with median premium: $8,192; Plan with maximum premium: $20,376. Annual deductible (dollars); Urban Zip 75248 Dallas, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $3,500; Plan with maximum premium: $250; Rural Zip 79506 Blackwell, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $7,500; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $250. Out-of-Pocket maximum (dollars); Urban Zip 75248 Dallas, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $12,500; Plan with median premium: $7,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000; Rural Zip 79506 Blackwell, TX: Plan with minimum premium: $10,000; Plan with median premium: $6,000; Plan with maximum premium: $3,000. Coinsurance (percent); Urban Zip 75248 Dallas, TX: Plan with minimum premium: 30; Plan with median premium: 50; TX: Plan with maximum premium: 15; Rural Zip 79506 Blackwell, TX: Plan with minimum premium: 30; Plan with median premium: 0; Plan with maximum premium: 15. Source: GAO analysis of Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) data. Notes: Because insurers can impose different premiums on individuals on the basis of a variety of factors, the data represent the base premium amount, rather than the actual premium amount an individual would be charged. Actual premiums could be higher because they would be determined after more complete underwriting for health conditions and other individual factors. Urban and rural classifications were based on the Rural-Urban Commuting Area (RUCA) codes developed by the Department of Agriculture's Economic Research Service which are based on patterns of urbanization, population density, and daily commuting patterns. Data reflect available information for all plans for which data were displayed on as of January 2013 and may include plans with little or no enrollment. [End of table] [End of section]