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Environmental Protection Agency

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Open Recommendations (72 total)

Justice40: Additional Efforts Needed to Improve Tribal Applicants' Access to Federal Programs Under Environmental Justice Initiative

2 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Environmental Protection Agency The Administrator of EPA should ensure that program offices consult with federally recognized Tribes and conduct outreach to eligible Indigenous communities to ensure meaningful involvement when determining benefits for Justice40 covered programs in accordance with EOP guidance and determine how to incorporate the input into future Justice40 implementation efforts. (Recommendation 7)
In written comments reproduced in our report, EPA stated that it anticipates taking steps in the coming months to implement our recommendations on improving tribal applicants' access to Justice40 covered programs. We will update the status of this recommendation when we receive additional information from the agency.
Environmental Protection Agency The Administrator of EPA should ensure that the program offices of EPA Justice40 covered programs document previously identified statutory and regulatory barriers to access for tribal applicants informing their implementation of the Justice40 Initiative. As a part of this process, the agency should—with input from Tribes—identify any additional changes necessary to address remaining statutory and regulatory barriers, recommending legislative changes where the agency determines appropriate. The agency should make a summary of the results of this process publicly available. (Recommendation 1)
In written comments reproduced in our report, EPA stated that it anticipates taking steps in the coming months to implement our recommendations on improving tribal applicants' access to Justice40 covered programs. We will update the status of this recommendation when we receive additional information from the agency.

Justice40: Additional Efforts Needed to Improve Tribal Applicants' Access to Federal Programs Under Environmental Justice Initiative

1 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Environmental Protection Agency The Administrator of EPA should ensure that program offices implementing Justice40 covered programs maintain records of related consultations with Tribes and consider—with tribal input—publicly sharing a high-level summary of consultation results, as appropriate, to improve tribal applicants' access to information about tribal input on federal programs and decrease the burden on Tribes and eligible Indigenous communities. (Recommendation 4)
In written comments reproduced in our report, EPA stated that it anticipates taking steps in the coming months to implement our recommendations on improving tribal applicants' access to Justice40 covered programs. We will update the status of this recommendation when we receive additional information from the agency.

Sexual Harassment: Actions Needed to Improve Prevention Training for Federal Civilian Employees

1 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Environmental Protection Agency The Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency should develop and implement a plan to evaluate the agency's required sexual harassment prevention training to identify needed improvements. The evaluation plan should include an assessment of training content and implementation to determine whether revisions are needed to better align with management practices to enhance the effectiveness of sexual harassment prevention training. (Recommendation 3)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.

Artificial Intelligence: Agencies Have Begun Implementation but Need to Complete Key Requirements

2 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Environmental Protection Agency The Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency should ensure that the agency updates its AI use case inventory to include all the required information, at minimum, and takes steps to ensure that the data in the inventory aligns with provided instructions. (Recommendation 30)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
Environmental Protection Agency The Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency should ensure that the agency fully completes and approves its plan to either achieve consistency with EO 13960 section 5 for each AI application or retires AI applications found to be developed or used in a manner that is not consistent with the order. (Recommendation 29)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.

Cybersecurity: Federal Agencies Made Progress, but Need to Fully Implement Incident Response Requirements

1 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Environmental Protection Agency The Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency should ensure that the agency fully implements all event logging requirements as directed by OMB guidance. (Recommendation 15)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.

Puget Sound: Further Actions Could Improve Efforts to Address Impaired Water Quality That Threatens Salmon

1 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Environmental Protection Agency The Administrator of EPA should work with the Washington State Department of Ecology to develop a plan documenting the actions the agencies will take to meet the required submission and approval deadlines for the state's impaired waters lists. (Recommendation 1)
EPA agreed with this recommendation. To begin addressing the recommendation, EPA met with Ecology in November 2023 to discuss opportunities for streamlining the development of Washington State's impaired waters lists and EPA's review of the lists. In May 2024, EPA plans to hold a facilitated event with Ecology to (1) identify inefficiencies in the processes for developing Washington State's impaired waters lists, and (2) to develop key actions for both agencies to take to meet the deadlines for the lists. According to EPA officials, key actions from the May 2024 event will be documented in the next Performance Partnership Agreement between EPA and Ecology, which is expected to be completed in July 2025. GAO will continue to monitor the actions EPA takes in response to this recommendation.

Air Pollution: EPA Needs to Develop a Business Case for Replacing Legacy Air Quality Data Systems

2 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Environmental Protection Agency The Assistant Administrator of EPA's Office of Air and Radiation should consider documenting an operational analysis for AQS and AirNow. (Recommendation 2)
EPA agreed with this recommendation. As of March 2024, EPA officials said that EPA had completed a requirements analysis for developing a new system with input from users of both AQS and AirNow, which could help inform an operational analysis. We will continue to monitor EPA's progress on the implementation of this recommendation.
Environmental Protection Agency The Assistant Administrator of EPA's Office of Air and Radiation should develop and document a business case for a new IT system for air quality data based on considerations for how such a system could address the challenges currently posed by AQS and AirNow. The business case should consider an analysis of alternatives, if appropriate. (Recommendation 3)
EPA agreed with this recommendation. As of March 2024, EPA officials said that the agency plans to work on developing a business case and that it has procured a license to work with a consulting company with relevant expertise. We will continue to monitor EPA's progress on the implementation of this recommendation.